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  1. #1
    Otherside's Avatar
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    So why exactly should I keep fighting?

    I've wondered this a lot lately. When I really think about it, I've had anxiety most of my life. Pretty much for as long back as I can remember, perphaps. I'm still young. I've heard people say I have my whole life ahead of me or that there is "still time". I'm not posting this in the anxiety bit because perphaps Iwill one day be able to have some sort of confidence. I don't have an illness that is the result of me being a teenager, and by all accounts, I'm going to be on medication for the rest of my life, and I hate it. I hate my meds. And I hate the fact that I have to be reliant on some sort of medication in order to keep control of my mood swings, which doesn't really do much.

    Fighting it? Well...where the heck did that land me? In hospital. They said a routine would help me. So I did. I tried to get one. I ended up stressed as fuck, the mood swings getting worse, and overdosing on my meds. So now I'm scared as [BEEP] to get any sort of "routine". I DON'T want to end up in hospital again. And I'm sick of it. I'm sick of people telling me that that is simply what I have to do to stay in control. And I'm almost sick of fighting. Because honestly? Sometimes it just feels so good to just give in to the mood swings. And just easier to not do anything, really.

  2. #2
    Antidote's Avatar Rude & Shouty
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    Because we're alive by default, and if you don't take care of yourself you will end up suffering more.

  3. #3
    kc1895's Avatar KFC Hipster
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    Why is it so wrong to have mood swings that you have to "fight" in order to have control over them? It seems like a lot of people are defining what their normal is for everybody, as it includes the majority of the people. There is nothing wrong in your ability to feel rage, violence, depression, and misery because it is part of your experience. What is wrong is that you take those emotions seriously and claim them to be how you are as a person . I hope you will keep trying for the right meds to help you.

    I only take meds because it helps me feel better. I've been taking SSRI's for 10 years and I'm living a very healthy life. I used to feel upset that I had to take it for the rest of my life and become dependent, and I've even went off of it for a while. Then I realized that its not so bad at all, I don't even think about it when I take it. It becomes a task like brushing your teeth.

    While your outside circumstances might not get easier, your ability to cope with it does.

  4. #4
    nemmm3's Avatar
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    Quote kc1895 View Post
    Why is it so wrong to have mood swings that you have to "fight" in order to have control over them? It seems like a lot of people are defining what their normal is for everybody, as it includes the majority of the people. There is nothing wrong in your ability to feel rage, violence, depression, and misery because it is part of your experience. What is wrong is that you take those emotions seriously and claim them to be how you are as a person . I hope you will keep trying for the right meds to help you.

    I only take meds because it helps me feel better. I've been taking SSRI's for 10 years and I'm living a very healthy life. I used to feel upset that I had to take it for the rest of my life and become dependent, and I've even went off of it for a while. Then I realized that its not so bad at all, I don't even think about it when I take it. It becomes a task like brushing your teeth.

    While your outside circumstances might not get easier, your ability to cope with it does.
    I agree!

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