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  1. #271
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    Diet coke for me.

  2. #272
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    Pure coca cola for me.

    None of that diet stuff, coke zero, flavoured stuff. Just plain old, normal coca cola.

  3. #273
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    Diet Coke. Most of the time I drink lemon water though.

    As for our president having extramarital affairs, yep, it does matter to me. If the leader of the free world has no integrity, no values and is morally bankrupt, yeah, that's a big deal to me.

    Lessee....millions of children are looking up to him, he is supposed to be a role model like it or not. What do we have with our fearless leader now....racism, check. Sexual predator, check. Bully, check. Plus he's just an embarrassment and a fucking idiot. He can't remember his own wife's name ffs, he called her Melonie, in a tweet to welcome her home from the hospital not long ago. He talks like he has a 3rd grade education. He even tweets like he has a third grade education....which is worse because you know he had time to sit down and really think about what he was going to say.

    I expect more out of the leader of the free world than I would, say, my boss, or anyone's boss for that matter. I expect a little more and I'm amazed at the people that follow him. Wow, guess it doesn't take much to impress lol.
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  4. #274
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    If the president fulfills the basic duties of the office without being morally reprehensible, what he or she does in the bedroom is pretty much immaterial.

    We currently have a president who sometimes fails his basic duties, is repeatedly publicly morally reprehensible, yet is supported because some groups of people have an agenda they believe he will accomplish. Regardless of my beliefs, that is not okay. Maybe his election is a symptom of other people and myself being upset by the DC status quo, maybe it will somehow lead to some version of "draining the swamp." I try to hold my local, city, state, and federal representatives to the same standard I do of most people I personally interact with. He is no different.

    Unpopular opinion though: My favorite musical artist is Beck. He has some tracks I don't enjoy, but I can't deny his extreme talent and I would say at least that much for The Beatles or Kanye West or whatever current artist is on repeat on the radio today.

  5. #275
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    I think hes doing a good job, in spite of the biased media.

  6. #276
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    The presidential affairs question kind of made me think of something else (although this is a stretch, me there really isn't much difference here if you follow my train of thought).

    So, should Rosanne's show have been cancelled? I mean, after all, if she tweets or makes racist comments about everyone else on the planet who doesn't look like her, who cares right? As long as she does her job, right? (/ sarcasm)
    You're going to lose people in your life, and realize that no matter how much time you spent with them or how often you told them you loved them, it will never seem like it was enough.

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  7. #277
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    Jamie, I would disagree. Can you elaborate?

  8. #278
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    Quote InvisibleGuy View Post
    The presidential affairs question kind of made me think of something else (although this is a stretch, me there really isn't much difference here if you follow my train of thought).

    So, should Rosanne's show have been cancelled? I mean, after all, if she tweets or makes racist comments about everyone else on the planet who doesn't look like her, who cares right? As long as she does her job, right? (/ sarcasm)
    I'd be amazed if anyone touches this one with a ten foot pole lol.

    Pretty hard for me to see how anyone can justify one without justifying the other, unless you just cherry pick what's ok and what's not. Pretty hard to justify that both are ok, unless you think that both cheating on your spouse is ok as long as you do your job, and racism is ok as long as you do your job. There are ridiculous ways to justify things, and then there are really ridiculous ways to justify things. That's pretty far out there.

    Maybe as long as I do my job it's ok to steal from my employer lmao.
    You're going to lose people in your life, and realize that no matter how much time you spent with them or how often you told them you loved them, it will never seem like it was enough.

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  9. #279
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    Quote InvisibleGuy View Post
    Diet Coke. Most of the time I drink lemon water though.

    As for our president having extramarital affairs, yep, it does matter to me. If the leader of the free world has no integrity, no values and is morally bankrupt, yeah, that's a big deal to me.

    Lessee....millions of children are looking up to him, he is supposed to be a role model like it or not. What do we have with our fearless leader now....racism, check. Sexual predator, check. Bully, check. Plus he's just an embarrassment and a fucking idiot. He can't remember his own wife's name ffs, he called her Melonie, in a tweet to welcome her home from the hospital not long ago. He talks like he has a 3rd grade education. He even tweets like he has a third grade education....which is worse because you know he had time to sit down and really think about what he was going to say.

    I expect more out of the leader of the free world than I would, say, my boss, or anyone's boss for that matter. I expect a little more and I'm amazed at the people that follow him. Wow, guess it doesn't take much to impress lol.
    LOL its your fault if you teach your children to look up to the president. He isnt there to be a role model to children, he is there to act in the best interest of our country....and sometimes that may mean doing “bad” things..... regardless of what he does in the bedroom!

  10. #280
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    Quote CloudMaker View Post
    LOL its your fault if you teach your children to look up to the president. He isn?t there to be a role model to children, he is there to act in the best interest of our country....and sometimes that may mean doing “bad” things..... regardless of what he does in the bedroom!
    That just might, imo, be the single most ridiculous, illogical post I've ever read on this site Cloudmaker. It makes no sense. You don't have to teach your children to look up to the president lmao.

    Children in elementary school write letters to the president all the time (well, they used to, until Trump was elected). Classes take trips to Washington DC and tour the white house all the time.

    How many children do you have Cloud?

    I have three, and I've talked to quite a few parents who are really concerned about the example he's setting. My kids are teenagers, they can make up their minds for themselves about him in a heartbeat, and they have, they all think he's a raving fucking lunatic lol. Kids much younger than mine also think he's an embarrassment, thank god they see him for who he is lol.

    But yeah, he is supposed to be setting an example, and in the past normally presidents are kind of idolized and looked up to. Trump would be a huge, huge exception though.

    ETA: Still amazed at how easy it is for some to justify being morally bankrupt. Wow. It must be easy to go through life and just....rationalize whatever you do, with whatever excuse comes to mind. I guess....that way of thinking is easier for some? Idk. Seems like you'd run into a lot of problems justifying...whatever....with whatever reason pops into your head lol. Cheating is OK cos your the POTUS? Seriously? No. No. No. Cheating is never OK lmao. That is borderline sociopathic behavior.
    You're going to lose people in your life, and realize that no matter how much time you spent with them or how often you told them you loved them, it will never seem like it was enough.

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  11. #281
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    Quote InvisibleGuy View Post
    I'd be amazed if anyone touches this one with a ten foot pole lol.

    Pretty hard for me to see how anyone can justify one without justifying the other, unless you just cherry pick what's ok and what's not. Pretty hard to justify that both are ok, unless you think that both cheating on your spouse is ok as long as you do your job, and racism is ok as long as you do your job. There are ridiculous ways to justify things, and then there are really ridiculous ways to justify things. That's pretty far out there.

    Maybe as long as I do my job it's ok to steal from my employer lmao.
    I am unsure what you're getting at. I didn't mean to say anything Trump has said or done is justified. I meant if a person fulfills the basic requirements of his or her job, what he or she decides to do in private doesn't matter, as long as it stays a private matter. Trump says and does things in public I disagree with and feel are terrible, some of which can be considered contradictory to his Oath of Office.

    Abraham Lincoln suspended constitutional rights of those who objected to the Civil War and they were imprisoned. He is still considered a good president. Ronald Reagan repeatedly raised taxes and performed his official duties according to what his personal psychic said, and it seems he is currently a hero of those who oppose that. George Bush vomited on the prime minister of Japan during an official dinner, I have nothing against him. Clinton certainly received some form of oral sex in the Oval Office from what I understand, and even he managed to do some good things in office. George W. Bush oversaw the declaration and execution of the War on Terror, yet I believe he did what he did in office believing it was the right thing. Obama continued and escalated the War on Terror and promised to close Guantanamo Bay's Camp X-Ray (which still exists), facilitated the bailout of companies that were the proximate causes of the Great Recession, I believe he was an alright president despite that.

    So, Jamie, why is Trump a good president despite the biased media?

  12. #282
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    ^ I was responding to Jamie's post Kevin lol. I don't think I even read yours tbh.

    But I'll just add.....being a role model and being idolized is not a requirement for office, I don't think anyone said that.

    If you want to be POTUS and be a racist, and a sexual predator, and threaten to rip children from their parents, and be morally bankrupt and get into "yes I did, no you didn't, yes I did, no you didn't" back and forth childish fights, and pay off six figures to try to keep a porn star hushed about your past....not much is gonna stop you I guess. Apparently not.

    If you want to idolize someone like that, or even just think all those things are just "OK" that is both laughable and very, very sad at the same time. Mind = blown.
    You're going to lose people in your life, and realize that no matter how much time you spent with them or how often you told them you loved them, it will never seem like it was enough.

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  13. #283
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    OK, IG. Didn't know what you meant.

    CloudMaker, what has Trump done as president to justify your support of him? Honest question.

  14. #284
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    Quote kevinjoseph View Post
    OK, IG. Didn't know what you meant.

    CloudMaker, what has Trump done as president to justify your support of him? Honest question.
    He has increased funding for our great military, deported criminal illegal immigrants, and best of all cut taxes. I could ask for nothing more in a President IMO

  15. #285
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    Quote sunrise View Post
    Speaking of biased media and Roseanne Barr, I didn't know Roseanne was such a conspiracy loon, with her tweets about George Soros and Valerie Jarrett. One problem with media bias is that people are just reading material that only caters to their political leanings. People seem to have difficulty discerning the difference between commentary and journalism. Or maybe at this point, people don't even care. A simple Google search would have informed Roseanne the facts about both Soros and Jarrett.

    My problem with Trump's private life is that evangelicals were quick to pivot and perform amazing mental gymnastics to continue their support of him. Despite his infidelities, his shady business dealings, lack of charity, compulsive lying, etc. There doesn't appear to be a line in the sand that he can't cross.
    I agree. His extremely horrible actions and speech are forgiven by a subset of US citizens. He continues to disappoint on that end, yet certain people think he is a great president. As far as I know, you could replace him with any politician and they'd do better than he has. These same people attacked the character of not only President Obama but his family, because Obama did things they disagreed with. As far as I know, Obama never publicly stated he likes to grab females by their genitalia when he finds them attractive, mocked people with disabilities, basically his every action contradicts peoples' hopes for him. But maybe he will do one or two things they approve of, so the ends justify the means. No, I believe as a nation we can and should do better.

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