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  1. #316
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    I ordered a load of cloth masks the other day. Seems likely now that when they do lift the lockdown a bit, that we'll be advised to wear masks. Seeing more and more people outside with them here.

  2. #317
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    @Otherside I see a lot of people in the UK are thinking they are not been told how many people are actually dying? As in they are hearing two different amounts from two different sources. Somebody on FB posted two reports. One had a low amount of deaths for that day. The second one was higher. People are wondering which firgure is the correst one. Masks will become mandatory. Wear one or stay at home.

    Attachment 4694

    Attachment 4695

    Notice one is in England and the other the UK. Higher of the two says England alone. In Ireland they upped the death count. Few deaths they assymed were natural causes turned out to be virus related. Only found out once they cut the person open after death. fair enough if it was just one person. But think the number for those sorts of deaths is about 50 or close on that. They simply say they missed them. One way of putting it. If they hadn't of missed them would they have survived? Big question they never answered.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #318
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    @Otherside I see a lot of people in the UK are thinking they are not been told how many people are actually dying? As in they are hearing two different amounts from two different sources. Somebody on FB posted two reports. One had a low amount of deaths for that day. The second one was higher. People are wondering which firgure is the correst one.
    Yeah, we're not being told the true number of people dying. It's considerably lower than what it is.

    The count we're being told is 27k at the moment. The Excess Deaths here though (The number of deaths above the average amount of deaths this time of year) is 44k. Not all of those would be covid, but they would include deaths from other things that would have been treated in healthcare that isn't dealing with covid.

    Problem with the media here is that it's very England-centric here. Partly, because the journalists are unable to comprehend half the time that things are different in other part of the UK to England. Lot of the time you can assume that when they say UK, they mean "England." Things which are just affecting England get marked with "UK". As an example - the other day there was an article saying "Boris to reopen schools in UK soon." He only has the power to reopen them in England. The Welsh Government spent that evening on twitter responding to all the news reports "The Welsh Government will decide this, not the UK government, they're not reopening." Scotland did the same the next morning. It's a bit frustrating when you don't live in England and you jsut want to know whats going on. Have the work out whether UK means entire UK, or just England.

    We've had reports like that here as well. Was a report saying that there was a few people who had covid, but no symptoms, suddenly have strokes. Bit scary.

  4. #319
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    Over here we always differ mainly between Scotland and the rest of the UK. Is an Irish thing. Our Celtic cousins.

    I am sure figures might go up more following a few deaths. Any trace of the virus and they know it was that. Too late for some. Horrible and frightening. Show no symptoms and just drop dead. Getting the virus is bloody bad enough as it is. With these deaths now it would / should frighten people. Make them think better of their actions.

    Mixed reaction about schools over here. Summer holidays starting soon as a rule for all schools. Any point sending them back now? See what things are like in September. Oddly they did say here that kids don't seem to be getting the virus. How true that is or not I have no idea. Are they basing it around those who already had the virus? Again no idea. Hence talk of schools opening began last week. Can't see it happening.

    From tomorrow old people can go out. Just avoid crowds. They have been in a while now. Some might simply stay indoors. Though I have seen many out over the past month or so. Even shopping. Was never a law or anything. Just asked to please stay in the house. Figures here differ by the day. Had 15 deaths one day. That was actually good. Had been 50 plus a day. Could go up again at any time. More that go out, more chance of it rising.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  5. #320
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    Maybe we'll have a celtic union one day or something, if Scotland manages to get out.

    We don't fully understand the virus or what it can do at the moment. A lot of it is guess work. We had the ventilator panic here early on. Then it turned out that ventilators weren't so crucial.

    They're releasing an app here thats supposed to help with the "track and trace" thing, trying to lift the lockdown that way. People download it, it records whos been near who. If someone you've been near gets diagnosed, with covid, you get put in quarantine. I think. Don't know if you get tested, but they're not actually testing enough. Whether or not enough people will download it or not though I don't know. Lot of people I've spoken to have said they won't because they don't trust it not to be tracking, or for the data to go anywhere else but the health service, or for the app to not just grab other data off your phone and send that off. Not sure I trust it to be honest.

  6. #321
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    I've been hearing about this App since day 1. Means everybody has to have it. You meet a person and it pairs with their phone and their App. Thus they trace everybody in advance. Get to a person who might not even know they have been exposed to the virus. Gets you well ahead of the virus. Which is what you have to be really. S. Korea used it.

    Lot of guessing games still. They learn as they go. Until they find an answer it will always be out there. Simple as that. Nothing to stop it.

    My own mother is asking about going back out. Has been a while for her. Tomorrow is the day she is allowed out. Some odd rules. Can go to the shops but not enter the shops. Why bother going at that rate? Simply really. Just avoid crowds. Shops will have a lot of people. I told her the post office is nearly always empty. If she wanted to do something. I will continue to shop. Just hate the post office. So tiny. Not good for my anxiety. Have done it since she went into lockdown mode. We shall play that one by ear.

    The Irish and Scottish together for a party? Is there enough booze in the world? Had amazing fun years ago on holiday in Spain. Irish and Scottish got together for two weeks. Staying in the same hotel. Non stop fun. Is what we both like to do.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  7. #322
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    Yeah. The app is a good idea in theory, unfortunatley though, there is a lot of issues regarding how they've done it, who made it (company involved with the Cambridge Analytica brexit/trump scandal). Load of companies are saying it's unsafe, unsecure. Including, ironically, the NHS, which won't list it as an official app because it didn't pass there safety tests. Same issues as the Australian version of the app. Quite a few people refusing to install that one there - including someone associated with WHO. Lot of the people I've heard critizing it are not massively into there privacy. They don't want information about where they're going and what they're doing going off to a private company that has already misbehaved with there data. I'm not so fussed about personalized ads and usually just click "allow" without thinking on the GDPR and cookies bollocks. If anything, its nice to see something personalized. Oddly, the one person I know who is downloading it is a privacy nut, to the point that he refuses to use a debit-card because "well the government will track my shopping habits." Should have used an app similar to what other countries are doing, where it doesn't send data off to a private company.

    My own mothers thankfully behaving, although she's not quite getting some parts of it. "Well, whos going to stop you if you don't do as the lockdown says and go sit on the beach?" The police, who are all through my town thanks to a bunch of second-homers and caravaners trying to flee England to come my part of Wales with it's very low number of cases. Englands handled it badly. Lot of the English can't see that though. Now the highest number of deaths in Europe, and had Boris on the TV the other day saying the whole world was looking at us as a success model. Don't think anyone anywhere is doing that. Half the news I've seen from outside of the UK is saying "UK is a shitshow. Tried to do Herd Immunity, now huge numbers of dead." Officially, 10% of the world death toll is British, and theres still people losing there lives.

    If anything, the successful countries are New Zealand, Singapore, Germany, Greece, Slovakia. Even Scotlands handling it fairly well - as much as it can do. I've lost track of the number of friends and family I have up there who have said "I usually can't stand the Scottish Government, but they've actually handled it really, really well."

  8. #323
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    I can’t believe how many people are ok with these tracking apps.

    All it takes is one overblown flu to get people to hand over their rights on a silver platter!!


  9. #324
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    The thing here is they are saying a second wave will hit if people are simply let go about things again. In other words it is still out there. You let everybody back out and what do you expect? None of them will catch it? That is were Ireland is at the minute. There was a protest this afternoon. Some idiots. Was planned for May day. But the police knew about and locked a park down it was meant to be held in. The police can read social media posts. Which is were they planned the whole thing. Cautious approach is been taken here. Because they think it will simply just start all over again.

    Countries who acted quickly to begin with have handled it well. Slower countries are the ones who messed up. We do get the death rate for the UK every evening too. One person I would not like in charge at a time like this is Boris. Never liked the man. He is an oaf. Many of the countries who done well all had female leaders. Does our gay one count? We nearly had a double here in Ireland. With Leo running the government, openly gay, the person going for the President was also openly gay and favourite to win till he botched it all up himself.

    As for the App? Loads won't buy into the idea. Simply as that. It worked well in S Korea. Bit like handing your phone over once you end up in hospital. So they can view the App data. But many won't believe that. Any other idea how to get ahead of a virus? Because that is the whole idea. Tracing. Hard to do without something like the App.

    Overblown flu? Was it yesterday you didn't want to have kids back in school because of the fear of infection @CloudMaker ? I think even you know this is not just the flu. Or is that just a term of phrase used, not meaning this pandemic? Or do you see this as an overblown flu?
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #325
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    I dont object to the idea behind the app, simply the way it's being implemented, who built it and who the data is going to. Most of Europe has a safer model.

    Boris is possibly the worst person to be in charge of this crisis. Theres nobody competent in government. He sacked them all to replace them with people who were loyal. Essentially, he got elected to "Get Brexit done" (by sitting on his backside doing nothing.) Now we have a pandemic that he cant solve by sitting on his backside doing nothing. Worse was this herd immunity idea. Keep the economy running. Idiotic experiment has killed tens of thousands.

    The countries that locked down first have got it under control are the ones now recovering. Even Sweden with its herd immunity policy has taken an economic hit.

    Best way to get an unbiased opinion on things is to look at foreign media reports on your country. Generally, they're fairly unbiased, don't have an opinion or any sort of "who to be PM/support which party" agenda. Doesnt matter so much to them.

    Irish media has said we are shite, the US media thinks weve done bad and a few have said Boris should go. Australia thinks we've done bad. Most of Europe thinks we're a basket case. Had a case a few weeks back where the Vietnamese are reporting how bad it is, to the point that two school kids spent there savings on PPE to send to the UK.

  11. #326
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    I shouldn't be laughing here. But the 2 school kids saving their money. That speaks for itself. If I am to be honest about Ireland, I would say we slow off the blocks to begin with. Sinn Fein were calling for a lockdown when a possible case was suspected. In other words ' don't wait around '. I would ask could you lock a country down with no confirmed cases? But when the first few hit nothing happened. That is when lockdown should have began. You know it is in your country at that stage. Leo talks openly about it all. No lies to the public. But the question is asked had he of acted sooner would lives have been saved? Yes he will come out on top after this. Sinn Fein simply wanted a lockdown straight away. Leo does not like them very much. Anything to form a government without Sinn Fein. He will get his wish with all this going on. He knows it too. Along with FF and the Greens.

    Boris was always the same. He has shown he has no idea what he is dealing with. By going and catching it to begin with. How bad it really was I question. Fastest recovery so far by anybody who was in the ICU. He is a person who needs somebody to tell him what to do. Bit like Trump. Never just let them speak. They always say the wrong things. But he has his handler behind the scenes. Who seems to do more than he does. Patrick Cummings? That his name?

    Honestly I avoid most of the news. It is all the same. You would get fed up listening to it. Even the adverts are about it. No getting away from it. Be good to have a big boat and just stock up and live on the sea.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #327
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Overblown flu? Was it yesterday you didn't want to have kids back in school because of the fear of infection @CloudMaker ? I think even you know this is not just the flu. Or is that just a term of phrase used, not meaning this pandemic? Or do you see this as an overblown flu?
    IDK how to feel TBH. It seems worse than the flu for old and weak people. But it still has less deaths than the yearly flu and we don’t destroy the global economy, get people to install tracker apps, and discuss microchip vaccines over it!

  13. #328
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    Here in Ireland it has now gone that there is no need to wear gloves. Wish they would make their minds up. Think this is happening because people are just dumping them on the streets. Others have not got a clue as to how to take gloves off. Then can remove one and then remove the other using their hand. Which kind of takes away from the purpose of wearing them. Did see the amazing picture of the bloke eating some kind of snack held in a hand with a glove on it. Fools. But now they are saying if we begin to open things again masks must be worn or you are not allowed enter these places. Plus they want to take your Temp and make sure you are OK before you get on a bus or a train. I think they are getting at testing everybody daily before they go near shops or on public transport. I don't see how they could manage that one. That is a lot of people. So many people on trains and buses only. Think it is 19 on a bus at the moment. But they only come along once every half hour at the moment too. Question was asked about who is going to do the checks? Who will do the counting of people and make sure they social distance on piblic transport? Sounds great in theory. Implementing it is another story. What they mean is a lot more buses and trains with a lot less people on them. All checked before they board. That would take time to do. Which would slow everything down anyway. It all sounds nice. But easier said than done.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  14. #329
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    There was a rumor going around that the tracking device could be put into the vaccine.

    I'd rather get The Corona than have a microchip put in my hand or forehead.

    It's bad enough we are being tracked with our cellular telephones.

  15. #330
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    In Ireland you can see the shops getting very slack with all the rules. Allowing people to get a lot closer than they were even 2 weeks ago. Then the chemist which is 1 person at a time not caring that there is more than 1 person in the chemist. Big sign reading ' one person only '. Queues in the shops this morning. Not outside the shop. They are letting everybody in now. All at once. This is their own doing. Saw 1 person less than a foot behind another person who was getting served. 2 weeks ago he would have been told to move back and wait till the other person was all packed up and gone. Newsagents as well. Only so many allowed in 2 weeks ago. Far more than that in there this morning. If this continues you might see more cases. It is just the shops getting slack on the rules.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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