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  1. #3976
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    Yeah I wasn't really following/watching that as usual but I heard about that and that is really weird lol. Wondering what changed there.

    Eurovision did give us 'sax guy' though.

  2. #3977
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    @Nyctophilia Lot of weirdness at EV.

    Norways song lyrics is pretty much "Give that a wolf a banana before it eats my grandmother."

    I don't think there is anything that can het worse than Israel's bizarre entry in 2000 though. The out of tune singing, odd choreography and the very bizarre lyrics once you translate them from Hebrew (it goes from smoking a cigarette, to floods in Australia, to "I want, I want a Cucumber!"), then we get to waving a Syrian flag for some reason.

    Actually it's every single Eurovision trope in one.

  3. #3978
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    Lol I haven't seen that one. The choreography is actually amazing like it's not completely random but what was the plan there lol? Somehow the clothing has Garbage/Spicegirls/90s vibes even though it's 2000 as well. Like this:

    (which is a bit ironic.)

    Yeah that Eurovision video is a masterpiece.

  4. #3979
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    @Nyctophilia Sometimes you look at a song and you wonder, "Did they select it to ensure they didn't win?". Becaude whilst it's a great boost for the country, it is also an expensive affair when they need to host it the next year (Having to wonder if it will actually be in Ukraine next year.)

    We did once contribute to the weirdness. I used to think this a fun song about airplanes as a kid. As an adult...oh my god the amount of innuendos in that.

    Is catchy though.

  5. #3980
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    Just took this personality test which compares you statistically to fictional characters and the closest match for me was Gollum. I'm fucking dying.

    Number 3 was Allison from The Breakfast club which does make sense because I actually did undergo that makeover scene she went through in high school only with a different outcome where I went right back to not wearing makeup again. Also got Ian Duncan from Community as 4 and had to check who that even was I kind of relate to Abed but it's that one corny British teacher haha. One of the other characters I got was British too actually.

    Ben Chang was 11. Also the Wicked witch of the west was 10...

    (I was going to post the episode where he was a drow in D&D and I'm late to this but apparently since he cosplayed the character while playing the role that's now considered blackface even though it was really obviously cosplay of a fictional fantasy race and was removed by Netflix. Also another character points out something addressing blackface which I forgot because really it's just drow cosplay. OK...... So no context?)

    Lol just here wanting to make a post about this personality test, mentioning how I too like edgy dark elves, and here we are.

    But back to the post.

    Moaning Myrtle, Jian-Yang from Silicon Valley. April Ludgate was 7th place and I do relate to her a bit actually.

    I'm not sure how all these characters are that similar though? Villainous and Nerdish I guess. I got Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham as 6 and Penguin is easily my least favourite Batman villain but I haven't watched Gotham. He looks emo I guess.

    Oh George Constanza is 8 and Bella Swan is 20. Norman Bates is 37. Have to get to 41 before you get 'cool characters' Like Marla Singer.

    Well then again.


    Loki is 253 (69% match.) I will take it. Much work to do though before I can become a failed genderfluid supper villain. (edit: lol supper villain I'm leaving that typo. Failing already.) Actually L from Death Note was a 70% match that's cool.

    Very unflattering results haha. I always said if there was a character who was actually like me I'd dislike them, some of these are OK though. I died at Gollum being number one though. Of course. Thanks.

    Test if anyone's interested:

  6. #3981
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    Actually this is probably the best clip with Chang though lol:

    Also lol:

    Destroying his car with protective goggles and a keyboard. :')

  7. #3982
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    It was a good series, but I wish they would have cut out the Subway and the Volkswagen promos.

    It was funny a few times, the affair with Subway was good - but just got to much at the end of it.

  8. #3983
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    @Otherside I didn't like the Norwegian song but I loved the first two lines. To me it felt like a song of wasted potential, they'd gone full comedy when they could have done something quirky but real. I voted for Netherlands this year.

    @Nyctophilia Gollum is a hilarious outcome (I hope you actually do find it funny). I did the same test and got Elisa Esposito from the Shape of Water, whom I know not at all. But I know Fox Mulder at #5 and Marianne from Portrait of a Lady on Fire at #6, both of which I'll take gladly.

  9. #3984
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    @rabidfoxes Yeah, I will admit I like the odd songs. Some of the lines in the Norway song were definitely out there though.

    I actually voted for Ukraine, felt they needed the win this year. Hopefully they will be able to hold it in Kyiv or Lviv next year.

    @Nyctophilia Huck from Scandal. No idea who that is.

    I know Elliot Anderson at #6, Doc Brown at #7 and Abed at #12.

  10. #3985
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    I wish I could wipe out my memory of anything that isn't just daily living skills.

  11. #3986
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    Nick Fuentes got caught watching trans and/or femboy um 18+ material. Only posting this because I called that ages ago. Tbf we all called that ages ago. Many such cases anyway. And he was always sus as someone with his age/vibe being so hardcore trad.

    Edit: tbf I've come across gender critical women on twitter who admit to collecting 'certain material' and saving it onto their phone to use as evidence against people, and to radicalise people against groups. Very sus and not sure if they're just smarter about this so they're like getting ahead of the narrative haha (not that those people were high profile figures.)

    Personal stuff is very political for me, so I tend to defend categories of people I find attractive or relatable more than those I don't lol. (I do compartmentalise a bit with stuff that turns me on not being romantically attracted or wanting a relationship with people etc, but not to the degree these guys do so that's interesting psychologically. I mean I've seen people online hit on trans women, while on the same day yelling at others for promoting trans rights. It's insane.) Alan Moore is like 'my one masculine guy friend' but parasocially hahaha. 'I'm not a bigot, some of my treasured Northampton comic book wizards are masculine.' He wore rainbow socks recently in an interview I still haven't watched though so I think he's moved over to being a bit too eccentric to count (for some time actually lol he is a wizard.) I'm not going to make myself like hegemonic masculine people lol. It just aint gonna be. Also I realise now that since I added relatable that disqualifies him. So back at square one anyway lol. I tolerate my (conservative,) dad that doesn't count either for many reasons.

    Um my analysis of North American political figures (Canadian and US,) who are conservative is that there are two significant categories (not going to say there are only two categories that's always pretty stupid but I want to focus on two.) There's the kind of working class masculine guys, some have served in the military etc (kinda Ron Swansonish.) Then there are the figures like Nick Fuentes, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson who are usually more cerebral and either younger or smaller with higher pitched voices and less masculine. Sometimes they admit that like Jordan Peterson but they seem to have something to prove, are sometimes defensive (like Ben Shapiro,) probably sensitive to seeing people get emasculated because they would have experienced that a lot. Probably sometimes from guys like the former group. (So a more conservative Tom because everyone will be reduced to Parks and Rec characters. Tom is more of a neolib though.*) Another category is Alex Jones he gets one for himself.

    I should delete this post lol. I don't know if there's a random thought thread for political thoughts somewhere I didn't want to make a thread for this.

    *Parks and Rec is bad as a political sitcom (it's one of my favourite comedies but that's not what I'm talking about here,) because of what they try to do with sitcoms create generalised archetypes to try and make different types of people interact and teach moral lessons - It's Always Sunny deconstructs/satirises it - it doesn't describe most of the right wing and doesn't go into left wing people at all. They'd be forced to if they wanted to make the show now I think.

    Speaking of. So many amazing clips I only watched the first couple of seasons though it's been going on sooooooo loooooong.

    I love how chaotic Charlie is

  12. #3987
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    I dunno, I do think I have a bad personality so it fits. It wasn't really what I was expecting though lol. I watched The Shape of Water a few years ago and it was pretty good.

    @Otherside yeah I've never seen Scandal so don't know that guy either. There's a lot of TV and even more films I haven't seen actually. (I don't watch many films unless I see them in the cinema really.)

  13. #3988
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    @Otherside fair enough, and their song was pretty good. I pay my tithe to their military already so I allowed myself to vote for the song I liked best : )
    @Nyctophilia ah, I thought of Golumn as an embodiment of otherness. Golumn is so far from his human beginnings he's almost a species of his own. But I guess everyone interprets in their own way: I'd rather look at him and think "I'm special" than "I'm a junkie with bad hair".

  14. #3989
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    I usually like characters like that even when they're villains which they usually are lol (Illidan from World of Warcraft as an example,) also like uncompromising characters with terrible personalities who I disagree with ideologically (was obsessed with Rorschach from The Watchmen for a brief period when I was 19 or so,) I think it was mostly the 'I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me' line from the film though.. (I do have 'this is not a good role model' taste in favourite characters often yeah lol.) But yeah it's the tone maybe with how he's written and comes across that makes me feel he's different.

    I guess I see him differently because he's less of an edgelord maybe. I don't dislike his character but seems unflattering to get that as number one personality comparison. Maybe because he comes across like he can't control himself and lives in complete dysfunction, and that reminds me of things I dislike about myself. I think it's also because he seems weak like from reddit someone was wondering why he had the ring so long but it just seemed to twist his mind:

    "The Ring enhances the abilities of the wearer. Smeagol was not powerful or charismatic or a leader, he was nasty and sneaksy - and the Ring accentuated those attributes."

    Not just psychologically weak which most characters I like struggle with (that's why they're mostly villains,) or physically weak which some are (compared to other people around them at least Loki gets beat up every 5 seconds,) but he has no talents (and I haven't read the books I tried when I was 11 but couldn't get through them so mostly talking about the films.)

    Also the ring wraiths got cool outfits. Feel like he missed out there.

    Though speaking of WoW (haven't played since 2012,) my main character was a blood elf warlock which in combo is like the addict race/class. They're all addicted to mana. Not my favourite race or class though (there are several I like for different conflicting reasons - trolls, Tauren, night elves, forsaken,) that was just what I started playing with since they were elves and part of the horde and newer at the time I was playing.

    I'll take him over Moaning Myrtle though tbh lol. Her two defining character traits are pervert and whining constantly. :') But I am a Ravenclaw so. If the magical personality hat fits I guess. ̶A̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶k̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶a̶c̶c̶u̶r̶a̶t̶e̶

  15. #3990
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    From the new Contrapoints video (I dunno whether or not to embed the video here because of 'themes' but it's easy to find on YouTube it's called The Hunger):

    "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Eve and Kai and Jaden and Kaiden and Lilith and Ashton and Skyler and.. Rainbow."

    Lol that one will go over most people's head but great. I also have multiple fictional characters called Aiden, Caiden and Kai and like the name Ash.

    Also all the Persephone username's I ran into online were either a trans woman or this one detransistioner. I had another username that was common with trans women too. It's because I like edgy female mythological figure usernames and so do a bunch of trans women I guess but also just where I hang out online I notice more often. I never used Lilith though.

    Also was a cinematically interesting video but felt a bit inconclusive (though I don't think we really have the answer there.) but I guess that's why it says to be continued.

    I think it was very relatable not because of the obvious avoiding demonetisation allegory (but it is a shame I'm too risk averse for that, not the obvious one she was eluding to but others..) but just in a literal sense because of my fixation with Satanic archetypes (Lilith, Satan, Samael, Sophia, Illidan, Loki etc,) and parasocial relationship with Loki lol.

    Also that repressed ex-lesbian and/or trans masc character is common and constantly given a platform these days. I often see conservatives expressing eagerness for all the afab people who are going to regret transitioning and create lawsuits.

    Also thought of music obviously.

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