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  1. #3991
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    @Nyctophilia yeah, Smeagol is not much of a leader. But an interesting result all the same, like an inanimate object would be. Irregular! I've never played WoW but Rorschach is my favourite from the Watchmen. That episode in prison is cool but what I really liked about him was how he's so dysfunctional yet in the end he's the only one who still stands for something. Next to the rest of the Watchmen, Rorschach seemed almost sane.

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    South Sudan have sentend a sheep to three years imprisonment in jail after it headbutted someone to death.

    I thought the French topped the crazy after they ordered a cell tower be turned off because it was effecting a cows health. According to the farmer, anyway. Not as though anyone can ask the cow.

    But this tops it.

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    Even when you think it can't possibly get worse, it gets worse. Baseline becomes the distant dream.

  4. #3994
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    Contrapoints liked my tweet >.> that's so trippy. And it's on my terrible/evil shitpost account haha. (Actually I'm probably only doing that about 20% of the time. *)

    RIP potentially.

    Nah I'm sure it will be fine I don't have many followers (I don't really get the logic of when liked tweets from big accounts appear in followers timelines I know some do because this happens to my timeline,) but I have posted many cancellable things in the last couple of months (it could be worse actually and I'm still filtering myself but

    Oh my God the queen liked my tweet on this jubilee weekend. I don't use that word but I had to make the joke.

  5. #3995
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    a non-binary transfemme person I follow on twitter posted this:

    "Young girl with her friends just politely said she liked my dress. As we walk off, we hear her defensively argue “It wasn’t a sexual assault” to her mates.

    That sure was an interaction."

    Not long ago I saw someone else tweet about how puritanical some young people have gotten, though that wasn't news to me having seen how things have moved online at least. Weird to hear about it happening irl. I remember a stranger once complimented a top I was wearing and the idea of that being sexual assault is comical. I also grew up in what at the time was a very repressed environment (England is generally tbh.)

    Of course some people interpreted this tweet as them accusing the transfemme person of committing sexual assault by existing, and sad thing is I can see this going either way. On the one had catcalling discourse and/or homophobia, and on the other hand transphobia. So many reasons to accuse everyone of being a predator these days.

    It seems like a psychologically healthy culture where people trust each other lol. (Western culture.)

  6. #3996
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    Looks like it's going to be a quiet news week next week.

  7. #3997
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    So I wrote out this post yesterday or maybe the day before that I didn't end up posting here about some faceapp stuff someone posted on twitter where they used it on some images of Wanda/Scarlet Witch from the MCU and then in some) images she ended up looking like Tom Hiddleston, and in one I thought she looked weirdly like Black Widow (even though it was 'genderswapped') that's all kind of irrelevant now but I thought it was funny that it was the only female to male example I've seen of these that I found mildly attractive, but then people pointed out how she just looked like Tom Hiddleston anyway.

    I find very few people attractive anymore and almost all of them have similar features when I do. This is partly because I keep staring at the same faces, but it's hard when you have to consciously try and make yourself attracted to new people when your brain just isn't doing that anymore. It's effort and I don't like effort and it feels unfair that it should require effort and that my brain doesn't naturally do that. I'll just quote this part of my post that I didn't post so this post can be shorter:

    *boop* (very boopable nose.) I like how parts of the image are fuzzy and whispy in that way that happens when AI hasn't 100% known how to recreate it, like some of the effects from google Deep Dream:

    Initially it was invented to help scientists and engineers to see what a deep neural network is seeing when it is looking in a given image. Later the algorithm has become a new form of psychedelic and abstract art.
    (more subtle here though.) I think that might make the image hotter somehow. Feels like some weird end category of that r9k 4chan fetish iceberg tier list. Now imagining cosplay designed to look like it was AI generated lol. There's a stylistic similarity. I also noticed it in some of the results on that website thispersondoesn'texist or whatever it's called.
    Anyway weirdly today my friend linked me to the Dall-E site (was wondering where some of those images were popping up from.) You can type in anything and if there's not too much web traffic it will generate some images for you based on what you type, though it can take a while. Here's one I just tried:

    It's pretty cool how the last one merges with a tree and again I find the commonalities in how AI visualises things interesting. Very psychedelic.

  8. #3998
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    Rebel Wilson is celebrating Pride month by coming out and revealing her partner in an Instagram post on June 9. 'I thought I was searching for a Disney Prince? but maybe what I really needed all this time was a Disney Princess,' she wrote.
    Yeah but Aurora really has 0 competition from guys unless you stretch the definition of Disney to include Howl Jenkins, or Loki from Marvel Comics, and even then Loki is also a princess both by literally sometimes being a princess and also from the meme that's been recreated tons of times with Loki for some reason. Guess I'll post this one:

    But I'll give this one to the guys so they're not losing so badly. Otherwise it's just Aladdin and then a sea of characters who either aren't princes, or are 1 dimensional and interchangeable like Ken dolls. Technically Ken is supposed to be a doll you can do anything with, like Barbie. But

    And the harshness of the world, against all odds she worked 130 jobs
    But still thrilled mostly by the presence of heartthrobs

    "Perhaps an ever-changing icon reflecting female progress
    Perhaps a shallow feminism focused on individual success"

    actually Ken feels boring and you can't grow out his hair.

    "A figure once seen as pristine whilst preserved in a box
    Most barbies end up naked and limbless with their hair shaved off"

    A one dimensional character with endless multifacets
    Time is nearly up they must be pragmatic
    Conclusion: the most human thing about Barbie is the fact she's problematic

    Lol yes this is a song.

    You have failed your degree
    ?27,000 down the drain
    Ask yourself, "Was it worth it?
    What did you learn about Barbie?"

    That first question mark was a pound sign.

    Also that venue reminds me of this song/venue lol (catching up on Bob's Burgers but ended up re-watching some episodes trying to remember what the last season I watched was):

    Now the LED's work a little bit differently. Lol.

    Somehow the prince in Sleeping Beauty who's name and precise appearance I had forgotten is the least attractive and interesting character. He's losing on both metrics to Aurora and Maleficent respectively.

    Yeah the kid from Spirited Away (no not that one,) is also bishounen and turns into a dragon (OK river spirit but dragon,) and a vague memory of hearing about Miyazaki threatening Disney with a Katana leads me to believe Disney was involved (no that was Princess Mononoke + Harvey Weinstein I remembered wrong and is kind of a 'that happened' story) but he's not an adult and I am now. And yes the 'Dragons + androgynous male characters are good actually in the East but not in the West' thing is kind of weird. And 2000s kids and teenagers have inherited a weird Jordan Peterson cultural fusion nightmare haha. The 90s was a weird time in the West where dragons were good if they were small (Spyro, Mushu lol. Coincidence really but still funny.)

    Or Is this over-analysis of plastic?
    A fanatic franticly forge five thousand words

    Also I almost forgot timestamp of course. This is talking about the ending of Spirted Away btw. 'The disrespect' not big enough to get someone clipping their videos yet I don't think. One day someone should clip 'the disrespect' so I no longer have to timestamp it.

    Without trying at all somehow I've now referenced two non-binary people in this post. I think Crywank is one of the 5ish~ British non-binary people one of the others is me (OK over 25. Teenagers have to give the Daily Mail something to write about.) The Bob's Burgers Christmas rave was clearly gay. This post is very LGBT. That wasn't the point though (even though the start.) Jordan Peterson balances it out. Sleeping Beauty is his favourite even though it's a bisexual love triangle (problematic.)

    It's also hilarious that in the English dub Howl is voiced by Patrick Bateman + Batman. That actor has a name I think Patrick Batman right. He's got range. I mean the animators are doing most of the work here though. I think Patrick Bateman prepared him for the more divaesque elements of Howl's character tbf. My hair dye failed and now I have to return some video tapes. Yeah I forgot his name my brain is telling me Christopher Walken but I know it's not him lol because he's that American actor who has weirdly done theatre early on (and I feel like it shows somehow,) but he's not British. I guess because he's from NYC and older maybe. Yeah it's Christian Bale.

    Also who is Rebel Wilson? I'm not joking. I have no idea.

  9. #3999
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Contrapoints liked my tweet >.> that's so trippy. And it's on my terrible/evil shitpost account haha. (Actually I'm probably only doing that about 20% of the time. *)

    RIP potentially.

    Nah I'm sure it will be fine I don't have many followers (I don't really get the logic of when liked tweets from big accounts appear in followers timelines I know some do because this happens to my timeline,) but I have posted many cancellable things in the last couple of months (it could be worse actually and I'm still filtering myself but

    Oh my God the queen liked my tweet on this jubilee weekend. I don't use that word but I had to make the joke.
    Speaking of that (a week or something ago but whatever,) her new edgy shitpost arc is mildly entertaining and never before has it felt so much like larping.* His handle/username/whatever isn't helping matters at all how serious can Neanderthal Chandler Bong be?:

    *(it's a bit like this timestamp but for the gays vs straights (umbrella term,) or the Atheists vs Christians. (And Satanists.) Except they often feel that way for real so that's fun and tbf I don't get that humour either in that context, so point taken.)

    Oh and I do find it cute that Contrapoints followed this up by saying 'new postmodern neo-marxism just dropped' oh you sweet summer child. No the internet fascists have been using that one for years but these universes don't normally directly interact over the crowds of 'classical liberal'/'centrist' types playing defence.

    Also I don't think that second paragraph in the quote was supposed to end there with that but. I edited the post later, then deleted the edit part and think I deleted some other stuff. Oh well lol. It works better that way.

    In this essay I will.

    I also edited some other nonsense where I posted a bunch of tracks by non-binary people (some of that's still in the post above,) but edited out this cool track so it's a good track with the 80s vibes so it's coming back:

  10. #4000
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    Trying to herd the tiny insects and baby spiders who often inhabit my bath/shower is a tedious job. Especially when it's 3:45am~ and* the baby spider starts scrambling manically away from the toilet paper sheet I'm holding up for it to crawl onto. I am not trying to rob you, I'm trying to help you.

    That probably was a safe bet with 99.9% of Humans though. But it seems he crawled into a safe spot in the squidgy divider part underneath the plastic shower divider thing (I can't describe this in words lol.) So I guess evolution worked out this time. Sometimes you have to trust the baby spiders to do their thing. Tbf spiders do seem a bit more knowledgeable than some of the other creatures.

    *I've procrastinated doing anything useful for hours and also should have gone to bed hours ago if I want to wake up and go to the bank, and now my hair is soaking wet and will take hours to dry because I've put off cutting it for months.

  11. #4001
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    I feel like I was primed to find the person in that photo mildly attractive but he's darkside Kurt Cobain and I want my money back. (There is no money lol I'm not about to pay for a online news subscription.)

    (weird how that opens OK in edge but if I try to open it in Chrome I get a paywall. Hit monthly limit or something I guess.)

    Yeah it was my own stereotyping that did it so it's my own fault. He's cut his hair looking at his twitter profile. This is like the time I was reading about Curtis Yarvin on Tucker Carlson (well reading comments talking about that on twitter,) and saw all the conservatives talking about how feminine he is and how he sounds like a cheerleader* but in reverse. I did this to myself. Still blaming NYT. Psychic damage.

    *(very exaggerated claims of femininity tbh, but I think they probably noticed that one demographic of his audience that he shares with Nick Land lol.)

    'Have you tried not being a weird chaser/fetishist.'

    I have not brain no. Never.

    'I hope this is just someone complaining about whoever Jesse is. Oh no it's Jesse'

    You were supposed to be transfemme or a guy in a pacific north west American indie band but because you're a tech potato it's a 50/50 between trans woman or passionately against the wokes. Kind of like how femboys are either nazis or anarchists with no space in between. No not really statistical generalisation. This is also something where unless you pay close attention to what I'm talking about you have no fucking clue what I'm talking about lol but yeah.

    This huge San Francisco schism. (I dunno if he's from Cali/Silicon Valley. Some of them are in the UK. It's a mindset. It's a way of life. Lol no. They're all doing dmt wrong. No yeah he is based there lol.)

    He plays magic the gathering too I think. This is hurtful. You were the chosen one. Fucking Anakin ruining magic for all of us. This is why I'm team Creepio.

    Oh wait there's some wider story/discourse here and something about how he tweeted some advice thing about how to 'keep wokeness out of your corporation and then NYT wrote this hit piece and oh no elites are arguing' no. Boring. This is a story about

    Wait wrong story. This is a story about darkside Kurt Cobain. Also not just the article I didn't read stuff I saw he posted on twitter recently lol.

    In reverse lol:

    'I was in Paris recently with a new group of people. One of which was a sort of kooky interesting girl. Although in hindsight not that interesting. I always get fooled. I always think oh she seems fascinating. Is she Simon? Or does she just have short hair. Completely fascinated think oh I'll talk to her for the rest of my life, bored after 10 minutes. You should grow your hair and stop misleading people.'

    *long hair and glasses

    OK no wait I do have to comment on one part of the article now though lol:

    “You may need to regularly consider these crypto and libertarian values when making work decisions,” it said.


    Stop. You're killing me.

    (also doing the 'my ideology isn't an ideology' thing.)

    Am I sceptical yes because a lot of it is 'oh yeah people keep criticising our use of libertarian when we're not based in anarchy because we paradoxically aren't questioning the hierarchy of capitalism. We will keep capitalism because it's a God and we will do some weird cyberpunk 'formalism' 'patchwork' thing where CEO's are kings and countries are businesses so it's a tech-monarchy really, and then also invent our own money to compete.'

    I feel like libertarian + tech-ish + nerd spaces become particularly strong battlegrounds for the culture war. Perhaps it's the rigidity in thinking (it's also that radical groups opportunistically prey on outcasts. See: gamers.) There's this non-binary musician called Dorian Electra who prior to transition was very into libertarianism and had a song devoted to Friedrich Hayek. Many probably wouldn't know that but I stumbled on some video + an old interview. They have another song about transhumanism from a bit later/intermediate time which honestly looks a lot like what Contrapoints does aesthetically to the point where I have to wonder if that inspired Contrapoints lol. There were lots of people commenting who kind of mourn that since they used to appear gender conforming and conventionally attractive (to straight men,) and straight men get annoyed when they feel robbed of their tokens (it seems to hurt them even more when someone has all the non-conforming interests they want women to have. Similar happens in the lesbian community because of scarcity) Halsey moment:

    Do the people whisper 'bout you on the train like me?
    Saying that you shouldn't waste your pretty face like me?

    A disproportionate number of the bay area rationalist community are trans, as are programmers and video game devs elsewhere. Progressivism is also often completely obnoxious but yeah these ideologies and identities just tend to lead to conflict all the time. No I don't think it's anymore of a social contagion than gay men in theatre and fashion.

  12. #4002
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    Why is it that whenever I'm on holiday somewhere sunny - lets say, Florida - I feel energized and think it's great and I'm in paradise.

    And when it's the same temperature in the UK, I absolutely hate it, feel sluggish and drained and want the rain back and hate the fact that it's 30c out I want it to end.

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    It's often very humid in the UK when it gets hot which makes it feel worse, although I guess it would be in Florida too. I haven't really been anywhere that hot so I'm not sure what that's like. I usually prefer the heat even when it's really hot here to the winter. It gets too dark and cold.

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    The older I get the more it feels like life passes in chunks of 6 months. June is already ending. Soon it will be Christmas.

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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post

    It's often very humid in the UK when it gets hot which makes it feel worse, although I guess it would be in Florida too. I haven't really been anywhere that hot so I'm not sure what that's like. I usually prefer the heat even when it's really hot here to the winter. It gets too dark and cold.
    They have aircon though. So you don't feel like you are constantly boiling.

    Having been on Jersey this weekend though with the nice sunny weather but no aircon, I thought it was great. Now I'm back in the UK with the same no, I hate it.

    I think it has sometime to do with the "well I'm on holiday I can relax and not worry about anything" vibe, as opposed to the "I hate it I have to work in a flat temp 30c."

    Admittedly, worked in a cafe last week. Not sure I'm meant to do that but felt like I was sat in a sauna.

    On a side note, wonder if the Finns with home saunas ever do that.

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