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  1. #4006
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    The meme thing where people stick Mareux's cover of Perfect Girl on clips of Patrick Bateman is so random and specific. I guess people are doing it with the joker too. Also using Mr Kitty tracks. So a edgelord thing basically. Then they slow down and speed up the tracks.

    I guess it comes from those two tiktok reaction videos the one where he's slowly moving backwards and the one with the suitcases.

    Then got suggested a video titled 'Why Men Love American Psycho' by Moon, which I didn't watch all the way through so I'm not posting it here because I can't be bothered to check if there's any graphic imagery shown during since there are in some parts of the film. I think the gist based on parts I listened to and comments was postmodernism = boring, this film lets people blow off steam or something.

    This video explores the message of American Psycho on modernity and post modernism through Patrick Batemans struggle in the film called American Psycho. [...] This is why American Psycho sigma male compilations are so popular.


    Comments on the video:

    the irony of American Psycho's hypermasculinity and themes of the dichotomy between the shadow/persona or the id/ego, is that it was written by two women, Guinevere Turner and Mary Harron, the latter also directing as well as lobbying hard to get the film made and get Christian Bale in as Patrick. Its a brilliant film, honestly.

    @Rihand Parde They likely did that to humiliate men.
    Instead, men got inspired.

    @Rihand Parde I don't think you "get" American Psycho

    The author has said that while he doesn't think it ever should've been made into a movie, he has commended Harron and Turner for emphasizing the satire. i think this channel and its viewers have made clear how people, men specifically, still aren't taking away the "right" messages

    Article quote:

    Directed by Mary Harron with lesbian icon Guinevere Turner, American Psycho is about homosexuality not as a predatory menace but as a constant background to and contrast against the hyper-masculinity and gay panic of possible serial killer, definite asshole Patrick Bateman.

    Patrick?s obsession with perfect skin, workout routines and the fashion of well-tailored suits and eggshell-accented business cards ? easily applicable to the stereotypical gay ?diva? ? have lead some to speculate that his brutal, misogynistic fantasies are manifestations of his own repressed desires.
    Hilarious how everyone has different opinions on what it means and they can't let it be, because it makes people uncomfortable on some level.

    When producers heard she wanted to make a movie about Valerie Solanas, the radical feminist who shot Warhol, they were disturbed.
    "I very much think it's a feminist film. It's a satire about how men compete with each other and how in this hyper-real universe we created, women are even less important than your tan or your suit or where you summer and to me, [...] It?s funny to me because so many women have not seen the film because they assume it?s a horrible slasher movie and that always hurts my feelings.
    I'll be honest. Sometimes I wish 'edgy' women would stop feeling the need to do this. I mean maybe it's important to them and not just rationalisation or defence based on guilt. You shouldn't have to justify exploring things you find interesting because they go against norms. You also don't have to appeal to people who don't like it anymore then the creators of the new Barbie film should listen to the people who are having a breakdown over Ryan Gosling being a blond himbo Ken (I saw this hilarious tweet from one guy saying that his character was the reason the West was going to collapse. I always thought Ken was boring but he's made him more interesting and a good Halloween costume idea.) Just channel your inner Louise Belcher. Why are there no clips on YT from the recent spider episode.

    "It's just, your fun sometimes involves things that terrify me?"

    "What's your point? Look, if I'm too cool and exciting for people, then forget 'em. They can just be boring and do their boring stuff."

    "Oh. Hey there, spider. You're... in my room. On my loft bed. But you know what? You're kind of unconventionally cute. You would tell me if you were super venomous, right? Yeah, you look like you would."

    "Louise, sweetie, we're gonna have to get the spider out of there somehow. It might be nice or it might not be nice, but we got to do it. I'm sorry, baby."

    "It's not fair. Everyone thinks Phoebe is this scary spider. And, yeah, maybe she's a little dangerous, but not much. She's just trying to live her life. But that doesn't make her weird or bad. Does it? I mean, does it?"

    "Are we still talking about Phoebe?"

    "You know all that so-called dangerous stuff? That's a part of who you are. But don't let anyone make you feel like it's all you are. You're also thoughtful and kind and imaginative. Part of the big, crazy mix that makes Louise Louise."

    I can't believe people idolize this man. It's a good movie because of what it depicts, not because Patrick should be relatable

    I think if you tell people certain feelings are off limits and simple then they won't approach it from a complicated Human viewpoint where parts of them relate to parts of the character, but instead treat it as simple themselves and just do the opposite of what you tell them not to do and get defensive over their identification. I don't just think, I know this is how it works that's why I shitpost about Satan all the time lol. I wrote this part of this post before the Louise Belcher part, but yeah her character is often exploring that.

    ?But ultimately, I think I was too afraid to talk about how much American Psycho was about me.​?
    You mentioned your millennial boyfriend. Do millennials actually read books?
    No, not really. Well, maybe they read books, but I don?t know that they write books. I?ve been waiting for the great millennial novel, and it hasn?t happened. Which kind of suggests something to me. I mean, they?ve been around for over a decade, and they?ve already all hit their 30s. I have a feeling it?s because they don?t read ? my boyfriend will only read very occasionally, maybe one or two books a year, but I feel that it isn?t really a thing for him, unlike it is for me
    He's not wrong. I don't read. Millennials are just 'video essays' lol and fanfiction. (Yeah generalisation. Also the formatting got messed up when I pasted it so there's loads of question marks now instead of apostrophes.)

    I know these kind of arguments always existed but I really only ever became exposed to them because of the internet. I first watched American Psycho when I was at uni with some people I was hanging out with at the time, and the only comments people had were 'this is such a great movie' and 'I love the infamous Jared Leto scene because I don't like Jared Leto.' and that second comment was from a woman. The Jared Leto hate was a bit much (and this was long before Suicide Squad.) 50 seconds to Mars are a 5.5/6 out of 10 band. Adequate. It's no Hip to Be Squared but she liked Avenged Sevenfold. Another adequate band. But the point is 'that's valid.' Also it's 30 seconds not 50, but I'm keeping that. We get further away the more Elon Musk tweets.

    (that's not one of the videos I'm talking about because most of them have blood in lol. It's just an unofficial music video)

    The CEO (OFFENSIVE) by Brandon Rogers on YouTube is kind of like if American Psycho was written by an unhinged Tina Fey. But you know, it was written by Brandon Rogers. "Donovan meet me on my island at 5 o'clock. Pack my battle axe and my poetry and be prepared to abandon your religion."

  2. #4007
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    BREAKING: Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong rips the ?stupid? Supreme Court for overturning of Roe v. Wade, announces that he?s renouncing his U.S. citizenship and moving to London because America is ?a miserable f*cking excuse for a country.?
    Oh you don't want to move here man (probably just said it for the fans lol.) Though their music was like a coping mechanism for me for a while, when I wanted to leave secondary school so badly I also wanted to leave the country (and I'm still not happy with the weather or politics here,) so it's ironic and come full circle. Also the first and best gig I went to was seeing them in Milton Keynes lol (2005.) It was hard readjusting to regular [BEEP] life after that concert.

    It's kinda weird all these American musicians are doing festivals etc in the UK right now so they're all here while they rant about the US haha.


  3. #4008
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    Bit extreme, going for the nuclear renounce citizenship option.

    Wonder if he actually has another one, or if his plan is to go stateless. Idiot devision to go stateless. Most countries won't let you renounce to become stateless. America does, I think. Is a former American idiot in Slovakia, who is stateless and proud. Can only think, he has well and truly fucked himself. Can't leave Slovakia. Can't even get a visa to visit his family in the US. Could get Slovak citizenship at this point. Lived there long enough. But apparently prefers being stateless. Idiot.

    Always think, whenever I see the "I want to leave x country and go here" - on what visa.

  4. #4009
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    ^it might be easier for him than the average person since he's a famous musician. I think in some places you can get artist visas. But yeah I don't know whether he meant literally or just going to move. Either way he might not go through with it but I can understand the frustration and desire.

  5. #4010
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    ^it might be easier for him than the average person since he's a famous musician. I think in some places you can get artist visas. But yeah I don't know whether he meant literally or just going to move. Either way he might not go through with it but I can understand the frustration and desire.
    Yeah, theres a lot of people going to the whole "I must leave" thing at the moment. Happens whenever there is a big event like this - and I'm always like, put some thought into it. Emigrating will be expensive, it is difficult, lot more than you think, will take years, and there is no guarantee that several years down the road, that it won't end in you being told to return home when your visa expires. Don't decide based on the heat of the moment. Unless you have a second citizenship to where you want to go, in which case, moot point, can just get up and go.

    Boris is a [BEEP] and I've considered it, but - problems anywhere you go. Several of our neighbours on the verge of - or have already elected - far right morons, thinking that is the solution to it all. Good chance they will be gone next time round, way things are going for them.

    I don't know man, other sites, I'm just getting tired of having to explain that it's not a valid reason to claim asylum in another country, what, you really think that is comparable to someone from Ukraine? At the point where I am tempted to say "try it". 45 Americans have tried to do just that. Claim asylum in the UK. And unsurprisingly, all 45 claims were rejected.

  6. #4011
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    UK wanting a smokeless society and raising the legal age you can buy cigarettes at by one year each year.

    Looking forward to being 60 and seeing a bunch of 50 year olds hanging around the corner shop asking if I can go in and buy some for them.

    "I'm 45 and I forgot my forged ID showing I'm 60+"

  7. #4012
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    UK wanting a smokeless society and raising the legal age you can buy cigarettes at by one year each year.

    Looking forward to being 60 and seeing a bunch of 50 year olds hanging around the corner shop asking if I can go in and buy some for them.

    "I'm 45 and I forgot my forged ID showing I'm 60+"
    Nice one
    The best book I read about trauma since '97 is Pete Walker's Complex PTSD: From Surviving To Thriving

  8. #4013
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    UK wanting a smokeless society and raising the legal age you can buy cigarettes at by one year each year.

    Looking forward to being 60 and seeing a bunch of 50 year olds hanging around the corner shop asking if I can go in and buy some for them.

    "I'm 45 and I forgot my forged ID showing I'm 60+"

  9. #4014
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    The repairs continue! More charging on my credit card.

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    Lol I was on twitter reading through some thread about certain qualification types (pre-undergraduate,) some kind of class based debate and I stumbled on this response by someone posting about her sons and how they took a certain qualification and then went onto university and then later went onto get jobs in a certain industry. Before I read that I was also thinking about how I did a similar type of qualification and went onto university to study a similar topic to one of her sons. Then it clicked when I read her surname (and her full name tbh becuase I'm pretty sure I remember her commenting on his facebook,) that I used to hang out with and live with one of her sons lmfao. Nah twitter + the UK is officially too small. I've stumbled on people I knew back from uni on forums too... And someone who was co-workers with someone I knew from uni and had on facebook.

    I very nearly commented and I'm glad I didn't :') the only reason I didn't is because my life is a disaster so not really a great defence of the topic being addressed there.

    Asking every English person if they've met the queen seems strange but there are disturbing levels of 6 degrees of separation online even for a relative hermit. Tbf this is probably more about bubbles. I've also stumbled on people from SAS on YouTube and other social media platforms several times.
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  11. #4016
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    There's a better version of DALL.E called DALL.E 2 that some people have access to now with some amazing results but I'm still on the wait list I think *checks* yep. Not sure if this was created with it or the basic version (Not my prompt @xkcd on twitter.) I like the unsettling surreal dream vibe to the stuff it creates like the text is all wrong in various ways:

    Some people are posting their stuff here:

    some here as well that are cool:

    She hasn't shared most of the prompts but one of them was "venus of willendorf, by Zdzisław Beksiński"

    Lol it really doesn't get text which is great:

    "political cartoon depicting triangles as losers"
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  12. #4017
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    I don't know how I missed this but I just learnt Anne Rice died in December last year. How did I not read about that anywhere!? Did I hear about it and just block it out or something? I really feel like someone I would follow on twitter or YouTube or something would definitely have mentioned it. I'm subscribed to several goths too lol. It's so weird that I almost have dejavu like did I hear about this and forget? I don't know lol (genuinely. I've written a few posts about her probably in the last year so.) I swear I even looked up her twitter account semi-recently and didn't notice!? She just lives eternally in my mind haha.

    I read a bunch of her books as a teenager and I found some of her writing hard to get through but I'm not much of a reader (besides fanfiction, I read more back then though,) but I really loved the way she described New Orleans and that started my interest in that place. I read a couple of her Vampire Chronicles novels but I think The Witching Hour book was probably my favourite book from her that I read (it's the one that I think had the most impact on me/my interests/sexual stuff etc, and that my thoughts go back to the most,) though I doubt I could get through it again now (just cause it's quite long.) Also I read it when I was 13 I think so LOL (where are the parents? Well actually my mum bought it for me in a bookstore I think when I picked it up, doubt she knew what it was about. Oh well I was reading worse online.) There's lots of parts of it, and the series in general, that people would find problematic. I'm sure at the time she published it too, because nothing changes though different reasons would be given now I think.

    I liked that she included a male witch (Julien.) I also found the Taltos characters interesting. I still think about it from time to time. Think they're working on a TV series or something.

    I think she's one of those authors that (some) feminists tend to frame through a misogynistic lens, which is unfortunate. (edit: I mean they tend to interpret similar writers as being misogynistic or at least their work as being misogynistic.) This is someone's impression I just found (spoilers):

    Yet even in death, Julien was too strong to fade away into the annals of Mayfair history as a name on a family tree because his spirit returned to haunt the mansion and to eventually detail his autobiography to a few listeners. Denied what should have rightfully belonged to him because he was male, everything Julien came to love in life was taken from him because of the demon Lasher. But perhaps Julien’s greatest demon of all was the fact that he had been born a man.

    I wonder if this gender role reversal was Anne Rice’s way of trying to show men what it’s like to be a woman by putting a man in the damning role women are stuck in. I enjoy Rice’s work immensely – the woman is gifted - but she has always impressed upon me through her writing that she felt as if she was rather worthless and incapable because of her female gender, that she didn't like being a woman and would prefer to be a man. Maybe Julien Mayfair was her way of rebelling, of lashing out (pun intended - is it coincidence that the demon's name was Lasher?) and giving back what she was given. Or I could be wrong. It was only my impression. Either way, I find myself either loving her characters passionately or hating them with equal passion. And I adored Julien Mayfair.

    This isn't unusual (and this isn't as critical as many people are, the writer of that blog actually likes the character lol.) I think people have the same thought about a lot of 'related genres.' (pg-13ing this post as much as possible lol.) Obviously a lot of her work wasn't explicitly homosexual and The Witching Hour is like 90% heterosexual with the exception of that small part, but it sort of falls into a similar overlapping niche (I know that people have complained about Billy Martin's work and vampire novel series and said he has internalised misogyny, of course he gets extra crap for being a trans man. I haven't read his work though so,) I'm also aware of the whole 'het is ew trope' (is it really a trope when it's more of a feeling a lot of readers have/had.) There are like university papers on this like 'DISEMPOWERING THE WITCH: A PATRIARCHAL PORTRAIT OF THE WITCH IN ANNE RICE’S THE LIVES OF THE MAYFAIR WITCHES' (I copied and pasted the all caps title lol,) and I don't think that was really her intent but I think both characters are kind of commenting on gender in some way.

    Julien Mayfair: “And you?” I asked. “Are you male or female, or simply a neuter thing?”
    Lasher: “Don’t you know?” it asked.
    Julien Mayfair: “I wouldn’t ask if I did,” I answered.
    Lasher: “Male!” it said. “Male, male, male, male!”

    From the paper lol:

    As seen in the introduction, the witch was first reclaimed by feminists during the 1960s as a symbol of femininity and power. Even though she still is a powerful figure among feminists, I reached the conclusion that she cannot be a feminist icon: she is a patriarchal construction and, therefore, she will always carry misogynist connotations. As seen within the trilogy, the witches presented are powerful yet they are at the mercy of the evil spirit, Lasher, who represents patriarchy itself.
    Rude of you. Also yes that is an aspect of this story doesn't reflect on witches in general lol. (The author of that paper is also trying to argue a relationship between two characters was romanticised but I felt it was pretty clearly unhealthy. They also seemed to have weird moralistic expectations of the gothic horror genre lol.) I don't think I'd say Lilith was a patriarchal figure even though she was written by men, and didn't get to win. "The Antichrist film was good actually." Lol. Let me have my edgy boys and gothic women in peace plz gen z and some millennials. And Lars von Trier.*

    (yeah cause if it's not this it's often patronising kinda preachy video essays using a progressive ideological lens on why Patrick Bateman is bad or why trickster edgelord characters in general are bad. I understand what Alan Moore was trying to do and that nobody was supposed to like Rorschach. But I already wrote that post about Patrick Bateman. I do like how Loki is ignored because his fanbase is mostly female but technically is also problematic by their standards lol. They're trying very hard to reform him though. Also you know that clip of Elliot Alderson where he's ranting 'f society' but it's all in his head? (Zombie,) He reminds me of Patrick Bateman. Lisbeth Bateman lol.)

    *edit: Also of course a lot of people thought the film Antichrist was also misogynistic. The Guardian concluded it was more just an expression of the director's fear of female sexuality like this song by a non-binary musician, (or theoretically male gothic fiction writers in general) I haven't watched the film, I just read the plot outline. Seems like you could view it as a criticism of people embracing the abyss, or since one character is writing a thesis on gynocidal beliefs and misogyny and then well... You know the graphic horror film spoilers, someone who is scared of her own shadow (personality.)

    I missed this due to skim-reading but it's kind of amazingly poetic lol:

    The books that comprise The Lives of the Mayfair Witches were the first gothic stories I read, aged 14. What I read left me with a strong impression, and throughout my teenage years I regarded Rice’s trilogy as groundbreaking. However, after four years of a university education and an awakening to feminism, I could not but see the trilogy in a different light, which is why I offer here a feminist critique of Rice’s novels.

    Not really though. 2 (several) wolves and all that. I need to feed the 'other Ron' wolf more. Also being honest groundbreaking seems excessive praise in the other direction lol. Also the main difference is that I studied a game development degree so #notallgamers. The paper actually sounds like a parody in parts. She makes a note of how she dislikes 50 shades of grey because it's abusive but then again that's what a lot of people think. I haven't watched/read that at all.

    Also my room right now is an inferno (I'm just editing this in now so I don't make another post today.) Windows says 37 degrees c sunny no not sunny inferno. I dunno it's OK though. I'm writing these crazy posts but I do that often anyway. I stuck my hand out the window briefly and it did indeed start to slightly toast.

    Given the upload date this feels like a video that was filmed in the halcyon era just (second perhaps,) before everyone went insane and nobody could escape conservatism online anymore, courtesy of social media.

    Anyway RIP.
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  13. #4018
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    lol this video is hilarious. (It's missing a lot though, doesn't even get into Tolkien or anime fandoms. Obviously it's also only covering fictional characters. Though there's the wider group that would extend to livejournal, deviantart and pre-internet, and Tumblr is more niche and only took off after about 2010.)

    'you can put him in a terrarium and handfeed him lettuce like a turtle.'

    ̶L̶o̶k̶i̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶w̶a̶i̶f̶u̶ ̶o̶b̶v̶i̶o̶u̶s̶l̶y̶

    Patrick Bateman has evidently transcended edgy boy twitter meme culture as well. That's not very surprising though, and he feels like a repressed gay guy what with the bathroom scene and apparent use of women merely as props, so tumblr(tm) would be all over that on top of the general broken villain thing. Personally I was never really into him even though this is somehow my 3rd post referencing him and that movie this month. It's just one of my favourite films because I have to return some video tapes, but I get it. There was a brief period where I read more messed up fanfics in my early 20s tbh. Lately the most messed up thing I read (and not very lately now, it's been possibly a couple of years,) is just an AM/Ted fanfic from I have no mouth and I must scream where AM the AI had a human male form. I shouldn't go into details about that fanfic here lol..

    I personally thought Metaton was more attractive than Sans in fanart, didn't really get Sans. Mordred from Steven King's The Dark Tower could fit in here but was never very popular. I once read a Mordred/Loki fanfic on AO3 lol. It was pretty good but like a lot of stuff that's occurred to me lately, it was a rare pairing so there was I think just one fanfic. Sometimes there's none, sometimes there's a couple of pages worth of fanfics. I'm too idiosyncratic these days.

    Also yeah Villanelle would be and is a 'Tumblr sexy women.' Most problematic characters would be. I could prob make this list for her lol. Shego.

    So true about the Supernatural guys too lol. They're very basic and don't fit in, but fantasy/supernatural fandoms are big on tumblr etc, so still became a thing.

    Edit: Actually this video is funnier to me now (basically talking about (male) edgelords, and edgelord characters, though he as most do now ties this tendency/identification heavily to fascism and far right politics, which I think is a mistake based on my lived experiences but oh well,) it's funnier cause so much discourse is just. 'Weird outcast white people what are you doing? I am confused.' also reminds me of this research on 'dark empathy' and morbid curiosity

    There was a study published last year that identified a subgroup of people who score high in both the Dark Triad (narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) and in empathy. The researchers called this group the Dark Empaths.

    I read their paper closely and was intrigued. These dark empaths sounded quite a lot like horror fans and morbidly curious people. So, I reached out to the authors and suggested we collaborate.
    We are still writing up the study, but we found that dark empaths were more likely to score high in morbid curiosity. We also found that dark tetrads were high in morbid curiosity. This wasn’t too surprising since the main factor influencing morbid curiosity is probably the dark traits rather than the empathy. But this does suggest something important—that empathy is relatively unrelated to being a morbidly curious person, and many morbidly curious people score high in empathy.
    So, despite scoring high on the overall scale of psychopathy, morbidly curious people and horror fans actually score lower than average in coldheartedness. They are, if anything, a bit more compassionate.
    This is what creepy people like myself tell ourselves to feel better :') I had no hope. My favourite character when I was 7 was Beetlejuice. Tumblr didn't even exist then and I didn't get the internet at home till I was 11 lol. I did also like Qui Gon Jinn around the same time though so perfectly balanced as all things should be or something.

    I haven't watched this next video yet but seriously why do we have all the same interests basically it's weird lol:

    Wonder if that goes into that one Californian church that was mentioned in the Adam Curtis documentary There is a Policeman Inside All of Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed. That was amazing, and the church was later bought by Katy Perry just to add to the weird lore.
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  14. #4019
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    In other ransom thoughts, hearing that Jeremy Kyle is making a return on TalkTV.

    Was pulled off of ITV after the death of Steve Dymond, who killed himself after failing a lie detector test. ITV paid out to end the contract, and pulled all shows off of air and off of ITV Hub, deleted all its clips on YouTube, cant purchase the show to strean inquest into the death it is still ongoing, Kyle refusing to show up to that, short of a legal summons, probably won't.

    How they got away with claiming that the lie detector test was "99% accurate" when the upper estimates are 90%, if we're being optimistic. Some say 50%, so, May as well flip a coin to see if they're lying. Even at 90, for every 9 people it correctly IDs as lying about cheating, you're running the lives of 1 unnecessarily, quite likely, a lot more than that, actual liklihood of accuracy is less than 70%. Can't use those tests in a court because there is no trust regarding accuracy. And was occasions on that show where they'd do a test, guests would come back years later, same questions asked and the lie detector came out differently. Fiance has said that had she known the actual accuracy, that had they been told it was a lot less than the 99% claimed, unlikely they would have gone on to resolve the matter there and then.

    Which was why Steve Dymond killed himself. Lie detector that said he was lying about not cheating on his partner. He was kicked out, relationship ended.

    Entertaining as the show was, was concerns for years. A judge previously calling it Human bear bating, riling up guests so they'd fight on stage, handing out huge amounts of free alcohol, if you were to smartly dressed they'd take you aside to chav you up, ignoring the mental health history before they went ahead with filming. Guy in question even came off the antidepressants so he could do the lie detector. However much more will come out in this legal inquest.

    What is a miracle, is that there was no other deaths in the 15 or so years that show was on air. Ruin peoples lives with a lie detector test that isn't accurate, have Jeremy insult you on TV, then air it on mainstream TV, send the guests home in a taxi and leave them with little aftercare. Of course, you can say that you should know full well what Jeremy Kyle was like as a TV show before you went on. Which you should have done, to be fair, though people still went on.

    Disaster waiting to happen, that show.

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