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  1. #4021
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    Still thinking about this discourse but deleted previous posts for being too long. Hard to not post non-essays (tl;dr non-binary trans masc person seemingly well known in trans twitter though I never followed them works for Lockheed martin, kiwi farms doxxed them so everyone now knows,) Think these quotes basically sum up my feelings though about the general purpose of 'tenderqueer' (which predates this discourse):

    Watching ppl project "uwu smol bean" onto trans men b/c of transphobia and then castigate them for being an evil "tenderqueer" they've made up in their minds is a hell of a drug.
    "tenderqueers are so annoying" is certainly true but it also seems to maybe be becoming a new fascist recruitment strategy
    Just saw a thread suggesting that tenderqueers are the new fifth column and must be resisted at every turn to fight fascism. Who is the TRUE ENEMY Rowan, do we all have to do Philip K Dick meds to find out?
    ?Defense contractor tenderqueer is no bean dad? I scream in confusion as the black-hooded man throws the switch to the electric chair. It is 1901 in the San Quentin penitentiary and the lightning grants my dying moments with a vision of the terrible future electricity will bring
    Found these tweets too from someone because this surprisingly breached obnoxious Western [BEEP] twitter (Think they maybe live in Jamaica or Nigeria. Leaning towards Jamaica but they have both flags in bio):

    At this point I'm blocking anyone who uses the term "tenderqueer" as an insult at my discretion. I'm done being nice on this app. Some of you leftists are getting blocked into oblivion the same as the right-wingers. You are annoying and liars on top of it. BLOCKED.
    Haven't been this mad in a long time. The literary "community" is garbage. I'm officially over it. Done.
    "Oh well I don't work for a weapons company therefore I'm good and righteous." Ok but you work for a company that poisons our waterways and gives my people cancer so now what Chad? Now fucking what?
    Wasn't even planning on saying anything. Nobody needs my 2 cents all the time. But then some clowns who have probably never even left their small town North American hamlets dragged the ~Global South~ into it and I am not having it.
    I don't even care anymore. If you are not from the Global South you need to think very long and hard about how you use us in arguments. Because a lot of you are using us as cudgels and I am sick of it.
    In conclusion: own being an asshole. Don't you DARE hide behind me.
    There are a lot of people who are just amused by the juxtaposition (God is dead - Nietzsche (tm) etc.) Which is the same reason they/them tanks were a meme.

    It doesn’t matter if a prominent twitter tenderqueer working for a major weapons manufacturer is “wrong” or “right.” What matters is that it’s funny
    You know there are people who get paid to basically read social media discourse, and then quote a bunch of tweets in an article (I'm doing something very wrong here. But then I couldn't 'schizopost' as much and that's no fun.) Maybe there will be a brief intro and some general comments but it's 80% twitter quotes that they've dug up and included? You're not just the product in terms of your data lol. I think sometimes they ask permission but often probably not.
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  2. #4022
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    I can tweet something that has nothing to do with LGBT+ topics, I have no references to being LGBT+ in my bio or avatar (purposefully lacking any tribal signifiers to [BEEP] with tribal people,) none of the people retweeting/liking are following, but still half of them will be trans and non-binary people with he/they and she/they pronouns and flags in their bio and such.

    Haha tbf it was something that made reference to Tom Hiddleston so I guess tumblr diaspora found the tweet.

    This happens with everyone btw but people think it's a social contagion when it's trans people lol. They used to with homosexual people too.

    One day I realized that entirely by accident I was fulfilling all the Jewish stereotypes.

    I’m nerdy, over-educated, good with words, good with money, weird sense of humor, don’t get outside much, I like deli sandwiches. And I’m a psychiatrist, which is about the most stereotypically Jewish profession short of maybe stand-up comedian or rabbi.

    I’m not very religious. And I don’t go to synagogue. But that’s stereotypically Jewish too!

    I bring this up because it would be a mistake to think “Well, a Jewish person is by definition someone who is born of a Jewish mother. Or I guess it sort of also means someone who follows the Mosaic Law and goes to synagogue. But I don’t care about Scott’s mother, and I know he doesn’t go to synagogue, so I can’t gain any useful information from knowing Scott is Jewish.”

    The defining factors of Judaism – Torah-reading, synagogue-following, mother-having – are the tip of a giant iceberg. Jews sometimes identify as a “tribe”, and even if you don’t attend synagogue, you’re still a member of that tribe and people can still (in a statistical way) infer things about you by knowing your Jewish identity – like how likely they are to be psychiatrists.

    The last section raised a question – if people rarely select their friends and associates and customers explicitly for politics, how do we end up with such intense political segregation?

    Well, in the same way “going to synagogue” is merely the iceberg-tip of a Jewish tribe with many distinguishing characteristics, so “voting Republican” or “identifying as conservative” or “believing in creationism” is the iceberg-tip of a conservative tribe with many distinguishing characteristics.

    A disproportionate number of my friends are Jewish, because I meet them at psychiatry conferences or something – we self-segregate not based on explicit religion but on implicit tribal characteristics. So in the same way, political tribes self-segregate to an impressive extent – a 1/10^45 extent, I will never tire of hammering in – based on their implicit tribal characteristics.
    (this next part is a bit dated now written in 2014 and these things move along somewhat and break down into subtribes, but the general pattern still exists.)

    The people who are actually into this sort of thing sketch out a bunch of speculative tribes and subtribes, but to make it easier, let me stick with two and a half.

    The Red Tribe is most classically typified by conservative political beliefs, strong evangelical religious beliefs, creationism, opposing gay marriage, owning guns, eating steak, drinking Coca-Cola, driving SUVs, watching lots of TV, enjoying American football, getting conspicuously upset about terrorists and commies, marrying early, divorcing early, shouting “USA IS NUMBER ONE!!!”, and listening to country music.

    The Blue Tribe is most classically typified by liberal political beliefs, vague agnosticism, supporting gay rights, thinking guns are barbaric, eating arugula, drinking fancy bottled water, driving Priuses, reading lots of books, being highly educated, mocking American football, feeling vaguely like they should like soccer but never really being able to get into it, getting conspicuously upset about sexists and bigots, marrying later, constantly pointing out how much more civilized European countries are than America, and listening to “everything except country”.

    (There is a partly-formed attempt to spin off a Grey Tribe typified by libertarian political beliefs, Dawkins-style atheism, vague annoyance that the question of gay rights even comes up, eating paleo, drinking Soylent, calling in rides on Uber, reading lots of blogs, calling American football “sportsball”, getting conspicuously upset about the War on Drugs and the NSA, and listening to filk – but for our current purposes this is a distraction and they can safely be considered part of the Blue Tribe most of the time)

    I think these “tribes” will turn out to be even stronger categories than politics. Harvard might skew 80-20 in terms of Democrats vs. Republicans, 90-10 in terms of liberals vs. conservatives, but maybe 99-1 in terms of Blues vs. Reds.
    Tbf I follow about 40% of the stereotypes of trans masc people(I dunno less probably I haven't put thought into these percentages. I like spiders, frogs, Loki and reptiles but not into mullets or bow ties, no real interest in rats, prefer vampires to werewolves etc,) and 60% of [BEEP] transfemme stereotypes (computery/video game stuff.) Multiple people I went to uni with came out as a transfemme as a result (and none vice versa. My brother had the same social experience with it all being one way similar people different environments/towns.) [BEEP] women in general probably too because it loops around anyway and YT thinks I'm a lesbian because I watched some Dan Howell (the connection here can't be explained,) videos and Strange Aeons. Horseshoe theory of gender/sexuality.

    I very understand this song:

    See how far I can push it and see if it still happens lol (and yeah the Tom Hiddleston tweet involved something sports related too lol):

    That guy in the audience is so uncomfortable. YouTube suggested this video to me and his opening joke is 'lol turtlenecks I look like a lesbian'

    Yeah I have a fucking turtle neck jumper too it's black though obviously. Where did that even come from as a stereotype lol?

    Steve Jobs killed them tbh but doing my part to resurrect the dead.
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  3. #4023
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    In other news YouTube's AI has generated me a playlist called art rock that is literally just Porcupine Tree/Steven Wilson and IAMX songs lol. I made a similar playlist myself but didn't put any of their music in it lol I put theirs in other playlists. My playlist was called 'Art rock, art pop, baroque pop, chamber pop' though and it's like Lana Del Rey, Florence and The Machine, BANKS, Tori Amos, Alt-J, Aurora, Lorde, Owen Pallett, Patrick Wolf, Marina, Halsey, Lykke Li, Meg Myers, Janelle Mon?e, Kate Bush, one track by Mike Oldfield which is really prog rock apparently but has a folksy/airy vibe I take that vibe seriously there's even a goth rock/ethereal wave track in there lol, so probably could put some Steven Wilson in. I have a psychedelic rock playlist too for if it goes more in that direction. OK actually there is actually an IAMX cover in there though. I could probably put Song of Imaginary Being's in that playlist by IAMX as well. Not going to.

    Also Anna von Hausswolff who you know is like Kate Bush and Chelsea Wolfe fused together. You know that kind of post-doom-post-rock-pop guitar/sounds thing. 'How is that not Kate Bush?' Starts at about 4:40 into the track.

    After Catholic protesters prevented Swedish musician Anna von Hausswolff from performing in a church
    Well. The vibes were too powerful. Before you know it you've got this:

    and then the doom just gets doomier and it's the sound that a video game makes when it crashes reminding us all of such tragedy (no keep listening):

    Mikael ?kerfeldt also worked with Steven Wilson in/on? a project called Storm Corrosion lol the rabbit holes are everywhere. Then before you know it you're just listening to death metal:

    This is the story of how you get from Halsey to Children of Bodom lol. Tbf I think there's probably a shorter journey via Nine Inch Nails who she worked with on her recent album and we have to further and go to like Britney Spears but yeah. 7 degrees of metal. We can get there even faster if we use Lana Del Rey lol:

    and faster still with Britney Spears lmao

    This actually makes perfect sense because people like juxtapositions (except when they really don't.)
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  4. #4024
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    Energy bills skyrocketing here whilst Big Oil suppliers on (Shell, BP, Centrica) report record profits (73% higher than pre-pandemic) and pay out huge dividends.

    So the terrifying. 50% of population will be in fuel poverty come October. Just as winter starts up. Not small numbers. In more deprived areas, that number is higher. 60% in one part of England, 71% in Northern Ireland. These are also the regions that will be the coldest. What happens next, is what worries me. Numbers like that, those are people who were comfortably paying it pre-increase. Could very well be seeing civil unrest come December, if they don't get a grip on it. And it woild be nice if our dear "I want to be the next prime minister" would figure out that this is the issue they need to deal with, not whether or not we should start the university year in January or September or should SFE provide loans to study BA English Literature, who gives a monkeys.

    Also, could the Bank of England please just bugger off with the "Don't get a pay-rise" advice.

  5. #4025
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    This has a lot of potential. Love Aubrey Plaza and Gina Gershon as well.

    Also speaking of Aubrey I saw this clip recently and thought that's amazing and I knew I'd heard his voice somewhere before but I couldn't remember where. Then I did lol it's one of the funniest scenes in Parks and Rec tbh (and that was before I knew who the actor was lol):

    'The harmony of overwhelming and collective murder'

    'The trees here are in misery, the birds are in misery, I don't think they sing they just screech in pain.'

    These videos seem to be taken from the same thing but they're slightly different for some reason.

    'After 47 years living here, I decided to move to Orlando, to be closer to Disney World'
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  6. #4026
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    Energy bills skyrocketing here whilst Big Oil suppliers on (Shell, BP, Centrica) report record profits (73% higher than pre-pandemic) and pay out huge dividends.

    So the terrifying. 50% of population will be in fuel poverty come October. Just as winter starts up. Not small numbers. In more deprived areas, that number is higher. 60% in one part of England, 71% in Northern Ireland. These are also the regions that will be the coldest. What happens next, is what worries me. Numbers like that, those are people who were comfortably paying it pre-increase. Could very well be seeing civil unrest come December, if they don't get a grip on it. And it woild be nice if our dear "I want to be the next prime minister" would figure out that this is the issue they need to deal with, not whether or not we should start the university year in January or September or should SFE provide loans to study BA English Literature, who gives a monkeys.

    Also, could the Bank of England please just bugger off with the "Don't get a pay-rise" advice.
    I sign under this 100%. The time of easy distraction politics is coming to an end. There's just no way to make it look like the immigrants are putting up the food prices or trans people increasing energy costs. It's just horrible how so many people will die before anything changes.

  7. #4027
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    Quote rabidfoxes View Post
    I sign under this 100%. The time of easy distraction politics is coming to an end. There's just no way to make it look like the immigrants are putting up the food prices or trans people increasing energy costs. It's just horrible how so many people will die before anything changes.
    Right? Who gives a [BEEP] about who does or doesn't have a cervix. Energy bills are about to go above ?4k, people are going to freeze to death, deal with that.

    (My pre-price-rise fix ends next March and I'm dreading it, looks like a jump from ?70 to ?200+.)

  8. #4028
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    I found one of the best things ever recently which might make up for all the negatives of social media. A few people have transcribed and played the music written on an exposed butt in a Hieronymus Bosch painting. This is the best version I found:

    okay, but a nice little thing I've noticed is that the very first chord that's being played is constructed of an E and a B sounds. It creates the Devil's Tritone, which was banned from compositions in Medieval times for sounding too sinister and evil.
    I just love the symbolism and crazy attention to detail in Bosch's paintings.
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  9. #4029
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    lol and it's the I-V-vi-IV progression at the end :'):

    Yes I found the channel by searching for that:

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  10. #4030
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    I miss my ex. But he stopped loving me or wanting me a year before we even broke up. What do?

    [BEEP] new guys (or chicks)? Bury myself in travel and/or work? Descend further into substances? Try for all of the above?

  11. #4031
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    I never thought I'd say this but I am looking forward to tomorrow's thunder storm.

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    Quote Otherside View Post
    I never thought I'd say this but I am looking forward to tomorrow's thunder storm.
    Met office promised rain today, it didn't bloody rain.

  13. #4033
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    Right? Who gives a [BEEP] about who does or doesn't have a cervix. Energy bills are about to go above ?4k, people are going to freeze to death, deal with that.

    (My pre-price-rise fix ends next March and I'm dreading it, looks like a jump from ?70 to ?200+.)
    I'm not even on a fix, my partner comes up with wild projections for the winter of 300-500 quid per month. Last year I managed to turn our heating down a degree or two by using a portable water bottle, this year I'm seeing if I can get used to cooler showers. But this is not going to help much unless the government steps in and sorts this mess out. I'm already seeing people consider not heating at all in winter...

  14. #4034
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    Yeah, I feel for anyone who is not fixed. The price rises are absolutely terrifying levels now, I've seen people get DD raises to ?500. Heard of people on prepay who are only able to have electric once a week. Lot of people self-disconnecting who won't have the choice of having it on.

    Intervention is needed. They are all in the same party, they can all sit down, and figure out how to deal with this one. Perhaps consider the labour or libdem plans, freeze the cap and fund it through windfalling price-gouging centrica, BP and shell.

    I think there are a few people that don't realize cold kills, always have some winter deaths but they will be horrifying numbers this year. Not to mention the other health problems that come from living in the cold, the mould caused by it, burst water pipes when those freeze up.

    FYI - If you see that's no more than 95% above current, fix is the advice right now, though not many around, are all existing customer deals rather than new, still hellish prices, just possibly less hellish.

  15. #4035
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    The best book I read about trauma since '97 is Pete Walker's Complex PTSD: From Surviving To Thriving

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