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  1. #4081
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    I wish forums had a soft delete option so you could delete your post, but then undelete it or edit it instead later if you change your mind. I remember SAS blog section had something like that (although you couldn't undo the soft delete, so it was more just a way for you to still see the post and I guess mods but not other people. Still annoying to mods though.)

    Wondering if Contrapoints changed her profile thing to 'Dark Natalie' because of Jordan Peterson's comments. Probably not lol I think it's because of her last tweet about being more abusive to bigots because of the moderation changes on twitter, but it's funny because he thinks edgelords are demons. Speaking of edgelords twitter needs to stop trying to make them more attractive:

    I can't believe there isn't a spray bottle emoji. It's just the hair (long hair/fringe,) tbh. Someone made this their avatar because they said they looked like a female Paul Dano.

    The funny thing is our culture is so bankrupt that now batman is acknowledged as an edgelord too. And everyone is shit. Lol. The Riddler 'reddit edgelord aesthetic.' Why do we all look like that though? Round face and glasses. Yeah I know, it's the stereotypical phenotype of a white nerd. I'm actually not his definition of a stereotypical edgelord though just have traits. I still haven't watched this film so will be curious how much 'Batman as edgelord' is narrative and how much is just because he's being played by Robert Pattinson. I know they've been building to this for some time due to how dark DC movies are (as a selling point to separate them from Marvel imo, though they have higher highs and lower lows.) Plus Batman is anyway aesthetically. I mean it's noir. But the 90s films and some earlier TV/cartoons were way less heavy and cheesy. But yeah a big part of it is also 'lol skinny white British guy slightly evil vibe because of that, also played vampire love interest in Twilight. All tumblr-adj love interests are at least mildly edgelord and outcasts of society.'

    Tumblr is actually very cute though when it tries to manipulate you to turn off adblocker:

    Tumblr is currently trying to jokingly put people off using the site or something. Ryan Reynolds joined the site? I dunno I'm only hearing bits and pieces and not bothering to look into it properly lol. I like him though (from what I know about him you know.) His portrayal of Deadpool is fun. Neil Gaiman is one of the few famous people not home grown on the site they'll tolerate I think. Similar but worse stuff happens on 4chan I suppose. Insular/hazing rituals. A lot of people are moving to Mastodon too you know since Elon Musk took over twitter. It doesn't mean much to me because I never thought twitter had anything special it was trash, is trash, will continue to be trash. It's useful for getting quick mass opinions on current events.

    "Never argue with these idiots, they drag you down to their level and they beat you with ignorance" (yes I know it's a loosely paraphrased Mark Twain quote, but this fits better since he quit most social media and his music is more industrial/hellish,) lol it's true I was already on that level of hell though. "Am I through? I haven't even started. I can't see the point in the sense you were born with."

    Oh just noticed that Perfect Girl cover song has an official music video now that was released 6 months ago. Didn't notice before while searching for the song. *pretentious voice* I like how they fucked with the object/subject dichotomy I guess. I guess. They have a burlesque kind of performer (lesbian adj) and then a bunch of what looks like leather daddies from the gay subculture. That's not the point probably + looking at the credits because Violet Chachki is also a genderfluid drag queen, probably not into women at all, but I can project what I want on the character. There are arguments going on in the comments because Violet is genderfluid, and because some straight cis guys are upset after realising she's not a cis woman. The music has a wide audience/appeal because it was attached to a bunch of Patrick Bateman memes at one point. They're ruining my fantasy with their insistence on their existence and tedious sexual concerns. 'I expected x to be y and now I think I've been lied to and feel mad.' And it's funny but despite the ambiguity with the mirrors I consider every character in this to be mostly singing to a third person anyway. Not about themselves (and there are a few mouthing along to the lyrics not just her.)

    Emilie Autumn is asexual (well I read that once, just found this quote: 'I once went to a New Orleans psychic to ask about my sexuality.' The impression I'm getting now is she's kind of ambivalently asexual/bisexual which is honestly relatable. Anyway she's not a lesbian basically,) and I'm sure this is considered queetbaiting (googled this and yep lol.) She's problematic and I don't agree with everything she says. I'm problematic and I don't agree with everything I say.

    edit: lol just remembered this (it doesn't really apply here, but this is tons of discourse all the time online.):

    'casual reminder that being a lesbian fetishises lesbians.'

    It's probably because of her performances (or maybe Poison Ivy I dunno,) but I have an automatic connection in my mind between femme wlw and burlesque type aesthetics. A bit like 'the nun thing.' You know. (I mean after I realised she wasn't a guy and I'm only the person on the planet who thought that I'm sure - I switched to that headcannon. I think other people read some parts of the film that way, I haven't watched it. I never get around to watching anything the attention span issues are real.) I think there are some lesbian burlesque groups though. It's not just me I've seen people bring this up on twitter. Also this. There are several weird media tropes though you know like [BEEP] vampires (men and women.) Nobody needed this repetitive justification. 'The video is mildly interesting.' is all that's needed.

    I didn't get into most of her music I did really like this song though. and this was pretty good and around that time I became pretty interested in electric violins lol. The studio recording is very good. A bit later Lindsey Stirling popularised the instrument more too. Also this isn't how I discovered her but she was in The Devil's Carnival film. I think someone I used to watch on YouTube was in that film too lol as some kind of clown character (Miss Hannah Minx/Hannah Jinx she disappeared. She used to make Japanese related videos. There's actually some video compilation/collab thing set up by a third party about Japanese words that I'm in. The video got popular at one point because she's in it lol. That was probably the first YouTube video I was ever in? When I was 18ish.) Anyway I watched the first one/2012 film (I got it on blueray and think I funded a kickstarter or something,) but not anything past that. It was OK but I was more into Repo. Repo is terribly cheesy tbh but I like the goth vibes and Graverobber/Terrance Zdunich's songs are great and I still go back to them and Anthony Stewart Head's work in the film. He was in a stage version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show too I think. The cast of Repo is a interesting mishmash lol.

    Edit: Oh yeah I completely forgot there was this professional busker in the UK too Ed Alleyne-Johnson. (I think he's been in bands and stuff lol but that's how I discovered his music.) I loved his violin. Purple amazing. I feel like I remember it or a similar one being for sale once. (I probably imagined this part wishful thinking lol.) I can't play the violin though. I wanted to take lessons as a child but there wasn't an option so I just took cello lessons for a short while before dropping out. This post is now about violins.

    edit: whenever I infodump about music now I'm just going to be thinking of that American Psycho scene :') It was one of my favourite films before it became a meme but I didn't really make the connection. It was even in the comments of that video:

    You like Mareux? Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Predestiny Ep came out in '20, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of exquisite professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Mr. Kitty, but I think Mareux has a far more bitter, cynical sense of vibe. In '21, Mareux released this; The Perfect Girl, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "The Perfect Girl". A track so ethereal, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the captivation of love and the mystery of attraction. It's also a personal statement about the band itself.
    Mr Kitty is pretty good. I don't know if I'd want to go see him live. He was the support act for IAMX on parts of their US tour (IAMX's new aesthetic looks like this album cover lol. Everyone is doing this though (eg: Drab Majesty,) now as I mentioned. Also I think this was his biggest song. Mostly because of this fan video that got 84 million views.) but didn't come to the UK. They rarely have support acts and never on any of the European tours I've noticed (seen them live 3 times I think,) takes them a really long time to get on stage. At least at the last show I remember a Sisters of Mercy song playing while waiting at one point.
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  2. #4082
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    It's weird how beliefs can change over time. I went from being an ardent defender of libertarian free will to being a theological determinist. There is a position called doxastic voluntarism which says that we choose our beliefs, which I think is incoherent. You're either convinced by an argument or you're not. I believe that our beliefs were determined at the moment of the big bang. And I think that beliefs play a major role in action. If beliefs (and wants) are outside of our control then so are our actions.

  3. #4083
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    Most children who believe that they are transgender are just going through a “phase”, the NHS has said, as it warns that doctors should not encourage them to change their names and pronouns.
    NHS England says that the interim Cass Report has advised that even social transition, such as changing a young person’s name and pronouns or the way that they dress, is not a “neutral act” that could have “significant effects” in terms of “psychological functioning”.
    I can't describe how much I hate this country (and I don't mean every person in it obviously I meant the establishment.) Like when I was 12 I wanted to move to Finland and I was always wanting to leave really, mostly due to issues with bullying in school/desire to escape. But now it's just so much more personal/deeper. Listening to politicians debate your existence in parliament and there's this kind of I don't know vibe. Like this upper middle class English vibe. People with game of Thrones names too like 'baroness Nicholson of winterbourne' wtf is that? Sometimes it just feels surreal. There's even this transphobic American who kept posting positively about the English monarchy on twitter, brags about IQ and is some kind of evo-psych professor, and then admitted to being like 75% English ethnically. I mean there are other kinds of transphobes in America but this is definitely a type (and you can be culturally so even when born/raised in America!) Richard Dawkins is a similar person. A puritanical sex-negative, homophobic, transphobic, stuffy, posh elitist hellscape.

    There's no reason a futurology sub should be full of reactionaries but that thread seemed to be and even someone denying they're a conservative because... 'I'm a fascist' lol.

    The battle for both is just getting started, in earnest, in North America. The UK is far ahead of us.
    I think that is because we have the NHS.
    This is actually the best argument against a nationalised health service I've ever seen. 'When your government are conservative assholes, they'll limit your options RE medically transitioning.' (I don't believe that's the primary reason though I think the culture here is generally hysterical towards things like this. Some areas of the US are equally hysterical and people face similar barriers, but some are far more open minded and have informed consent etc.)

    As Zinnia Jones pointed out, they will need to engage in huge government overreach in order to stop all 'possibly vulnerable to transitioning' children and teenagers from engaging in any behaviour that could be a potential 'warning sign.'

    Page 11/12 Social Transition, NHS appear to think “social transition should only be considered where the approach is necessary for the alleviation, blah blah, basically they think that they will decide when and how a child socially transitions. Good luck with that!
    Exactly really. But I don't think they'll be content with that so they'll attempt to introduce legislation like they did with section 28. Of course in spite of that I learnt about all kinds of things and homosexuality was definitely brought up by kids during section 28 when I was in school. Later I had a homophobic teacher who ranted about how homosexuality was unnatural and I didn't agree since I have the internet and I'm probably just not that flavour of dickhead. Teachers 0 peer interactions/personality traits/internet/media 1.

    Meanwhile in Denver Catholic schools (not creepy as [BEEP] at all):

    It's also worth noting that due to current stereotypes and gender roles being stricter for males they've decided that pretty much all non-conforming behaviour from males is automatically 'making an identity statement' which they think is bad, whereas genetic females who prefer wearing jeans and sports are fine. Evidently merely being socially anxious, depressed, or other wise exhibiting mental health symptoms is an 'identity statement' for genetic females though lmfao. (ableist incoherence.) Along with having any [BEEP] friends.

    At least we have school uniforms here.
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  4. #4084
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    Great another Republican governor in my state (not that it is surprising, but still).

  5. #4085
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    Using a safety pin as a button but I think this one is just too bent/inefficient now to work without opening. I decided to wear this pair of trousers that are probably like 16 years old. They're this old gothy pair with zips all over them because I got sick of wearing jeans and haven't been clothes shopping in years except some tops I bought at concerts and online in 2016 (it's still years either way lol actually. I bought a Dresden Dolls hoody or an Amanda Palmer hoody - I'm so observant. It was a Dresden Dolls concert though. I liked the art noveau style - on Halloween 2018 and that was probably the last time. But yeah an actual shopping trip not for a decade probably.) I could find a belt I guess.

    I need to go to a new concert soon so I can buy some new t-shirts lol.

    From the massive hypocrites who brought you 'groomers(tm)':

    I had such a gender conforming average childhood lol. (Well until about age 11 and decided I didn't want to start wearing makeup etc but that seems like a decent age where you can stop arguing Freudian [BEEP] and the culture around me irl was still normative.) Don't underestimate the power of a subversive mind. I can even use masculine heterosexual men as a starting point for my fantasies.

    I don't really care btw I'm sure they're going to see worse things on TV etc. It's 'aesthetically tacky' is my primary thought. It also perpetuates the dynamic shown in the tweet below though ironically:

    If you want your son to be great with women (and you want to approach this from within such a capitalist framework,) have them work in some kind of host club that appeals to women when they're adults. It's not really big in the west they have them in Japan. (for another comparison point Japan has two heterosexual valentines days one for women and one for men.) Of course you can't just stroll in and get a job either. I do love the point in this video where they bring up that a lot of the women who come to host clubs do similar work. So like they get their money from men by doing what they want, then go to these clubs and spend it by getting a bunch of men to do what they want. :') Also I just noticed that guy has a video where he goes to a yaoi cafe. Have to hand it to him this is a great idea for YT content lol. Low supply/high demand I think. I remember some genderfluid YouTuber made a video talking about this a really long time ago but you're not allowed to record in most of these places also it costs a lot more if you're a guy and you go there. Also he's (the English guy) wearing a suit (which I've noticed is the stereotype,) in that video but everyone else is just wearing a hoody lol. I don't think they're seriously working.

    It's just such a paradoxical idea. The corny 'alpha' thing isn't to impress women (in general.) Men (in general) hate what actually impresses women that's why so many hate the female gaze in media and think 'it's gay.' There's a hyper capitalist/metrosexual element to it too (like Patrick Bateman and Christian Grey most of these guys lack sexuality or are ambivalent so people think they're kind of gay or asexual. Sherlock Holmes is another, and then the vulnerable androgynous boy band image. If you can incorporate the two that's probably ideal or something.) The 'alpha' thing is to intimidate and impress other men for competition purposes. Women have their own versions of these competitions of course. Going to hooters doesn't seem like a great way to learn to either intimidate other men or to be sexually successful as a heterosexual. That's the underlying implication here btw. Monkey brains of course. It's not actually about politics. Republican is short hand to these people for 'sexually successful heterosexual rugged masculine intimidating man.' I'm 99% sure this is just a signalling thing to try and piss off women. They see pissing off women as being integral to being a boy - not man boy - because that's how gender relations work for people approximately under the age of about 9 and especially from 5-7ish. There's a secondary 'let's piss off the LGBT+ community' thing going on as well of course, and that's how I found the tweets (via Contrapoints,) lol but yeah.

    Also obviously it's funny because he didn't say sons he just said 'gen z' does bringing daughters to Hooters make them vote Republican? As much as there's no logic to any of this that seems like it would quite possibly do the opposite for several reasons.

    edit: And yeah (ironically because all the tropes I mentioned in my post a couple of days ago, well not vampires but close,) that guy retweeted a news story about an event for college students with a topless nun burlesque performer that was like 'wtf is going on at Dartmouth' (oh I'm sorry the tweet was 'what the heck' no cursing here, only family friendly entertainment) hmmmmmmm. The culture war is giving weird sequel to Weimar Republic again. I'm going to guess his/their aesthetic issue with this is somewhere between these two videos:

    also timestamp

    and tbh this covers the drag aspect (there is some overlap between burlesque and drag as with Violet Chachki. I would say heteronormative culture is more accepting of the former though, but that depends on the ability to fit it in like glam rock also fits into heteronormative culture.)

    College event for adults. This was the exact title: 'Topless ‘nun’ performs sexualized burlesque at Dartmouth drag show.' The answer is there somewhere ("they're women who are angry at us, women who don't want to have sex with us, men who do want to have sex with us under ideal circumstances, men who aren't masculine, and a whole variety of people who confuse us in terms of which of these four categories they could be placed in.") Also how are we going to decide who has won this game? I don't think anyone knows lol. Just going to keep doing this for another thousand years OK.

    And the breasts should be emphasised/highlighted/a focal point but never actually naked (that's another line culturally.) This works globally btw lol it pisses Islamists off just the same and conservative women. I saw someone freaking out about a clip where some Iranian women were protesting topless 'They've exported the neo-liberal degeneracy.' (it's also quite possible the clip was from some other event as that often happens online.) They don't realise it's a global tactic. Some women were doing that in protests in the Ivory Coast against Laurent Gbagbo. I think they were also framing it as an African curse against him (we don't use this explanation in the West obviously but it's still taboo.) Also during the second Liberian civil war some women threatened to get naked.

    Agitated with the lack of progress and the poor commitment toward the negotiations, the women stormed the building where the negotiations were taking place, blocking the entrance to the meeting room with their bodies and declaring that “no one will come out of this place until a peace agreement is signed” When the guards came to remove them, Gbowee threatened to strip naked, fully aware that in Africa it is a curse for a woman to deliberately bare herself. Faced with the dilemma of allowing the women to continue holding the negotiators hostage or having them strip naked due to their forced removal, the guards opted for the former.
    edit: After all that they weren't entirely topless it sounds like, since wearing pasties (and there's some weird rule where the nipples are the bad part.) They're just annoyed by the aesthetics/pronouns lol. Lol (one joke):

    R2-D2 is a Pro-Trump Alpha Male and C-3PO is a beta male Biden voter.

    Think about it. It makes sense.
    How dare you taint our most sacred of couples. Creepio and Far2. But he is correct that Creepio is the best character so he wouldn't vote for Trump or Biden. He has a greater agenda. The singularity engine and the tree world! He has a message for Han Solo over here too
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  6. #4086
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    My laptop charger broke, so I'm using my phone for internet stuff, which I hate doing.

  7. #4087
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    Considering buying six nations tickets for the mother, since she really seems to like Rugby and she's not the easiest person to shop for when it comes to Christmas gifts.

    But oh my god, they're so expensive. At least the ones I can see for the England Vs Scotland match at Twickenham, about ?90 per ticket minimum. The matches at Murrayfield in Edinburgh aren't showing a price but I'm going to suspect that those will also be expensive.

    The tickets for Scotland vs France at Stade De France in Paris seem a lot cheaper at 25Euro, and it's not far or expensive from here on the Chunnel trains or a plane, but after the absolute hellshow that was the Champions League match (French Gendarmerie tear gassing a whole load of fans without provocation, nearly killing people in a crush and then blaming that on the fans, not to mention the fact that Stade De France is in Saint-Denis which is kinda infamous for being a pretty unsafe area, hence the fans also got mugged by the French gangs on the way out).

    Not really sure I want to send my mother to the Saint-Denis for the game after all of that.

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    I miss you and I hope you're OK. I also feel like I shouldn't feel that way and that my emotions are creepy. I think I'm right even if it's just from time to time, and that it would be better to have other social distractions (I never used to miss people as much, or get as emotionally invested as I did later on when I was younger and more socially active.) I think it's probably just not good to have a stronger emotional reaction to/about someone than they probably do with you? But I don't really feel connected to most people either. It's reminding me of something I read about schizoid personality disorder. I guess I'm also thinking about that because I've been feeling trapped/wanting to escape again often this month because of certain future potential obligations. It is difficult being part of a family.

    Guntrip11 suggests that the early childhood experiences of schizoids often are marked by alternating experiences of intrusion and abandonment. The legacy for the child is that his life force threatens mother, which is equivalent to the child experiencing that his life threatens his life. The child copes with this situation by splitting the self; the person is left with a deep and painful intimacy-hunger, dread, and isolation16. Furthermore, schizoid people believe that their feelings of love destroy the other and/or lead to their own destruction7,17,18. The author suggests that as a consequence this ambiguity the person could conclude that the less painful solution is being alone in order to avoid painful social interactional ambivalence.
    I'm also pretty sure I have undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder though (I do have most of the symptoms/traits really,) which can be very similar. The other day I just broke down due to a change of plans which is very autistic. Due to my worsening mental health over the past several years I'm less able to cope with what used to make me uncomfortable so the emotional reaction/expression is stronger. (but also if it's something I have to do that I wasn't super keen on in the first place it's worse because I wanted to get it out of the way.) I actually get this now (no my external reaction wasn't that extreme lol but inside):

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  9. #4089
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    I'm thinking about how an entire industry is built around the fact that our fingernails grow. People are millionaires because of it.

    And my charger hasn't even shipped yet.

  10. #4090
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    Watching the Twitter-Musk saga unfold is wild and oddly amusing, my LinkedIn is having a good laugh at the whole thing.

    1 - So the blue tick saga. Which went about as well as expected. Bunch of people impersonated companies. By all accounts, companies pissed off at the lack of oversight and the plummeting stock value have decided to cease the add money. Twitter will also probably be sued. I do feel the legal team could have informed him of this fact, but by all accounts, they were sacked.

    2 - Then the sacking of senior engineers, or mass sacking. I'm baffled by this one. Sure - noone is replaceable. But you're letting a whole heap of seniors who know how things work go all at once? Well, this will end well...

    3 - And that's exactly what happened. Declaring the issue to be "microservices", we decided we'd turn them off. Just so happened, that we turned off the microservices that allows for 2-factor authentication. Again, the engineers could have told them this was what that microservice did, and why 2FA is used. But by all accounts, they are no longer Twitter employees.

    4 - Despite the complains about performance problems, the entire team responsible for monitoring performance was sacked.

    5 - Supposedly Musk is a total tech genius, though he now seems to be asking random people on twitter to tell him how chrome works.

    5 - Paranoid that the engineers still there will sabotage twitter, Musk has decided to make it impossible to merge in code to Prod without VP approval. I mean, sure, you don't want just anyone doing it, noone is saying letting the summer intern do it freely. Morale is apparently low. I would suspect that those who have managed to avoid being fired, will currently be dusting off there CVs. There's probably enough starry eyed devs enticed by the prospect of working at Big Tech to replace them, how long they stay though. And at the same time, there will be a whole heap of talented people who now have twitter on the mental, do not apply list. And we'll, you've just sacked a whole heap of senior people who know how the codebase works.

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    @Otherside I too am amused by the whole Twitter debacle. I especially found it funny when he said that comedy was now legal on Twitter then started banning people for comedy a few days later. Lol.

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    @Doseone LOL, I know right?

    I am undecided about whether he is an idiot, or whether he trying to tank Twitter om purpose.

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    So it turns out that it wasn't my charger that was the problem, but the power jack. I watched a YouTube video on how to fix it, but it seems too complicated for me to pull it off. It requires soldering and everything. The guy that did the video charges $100 to fix it. So I'd have to figure out how to package/ship it (I've never shipped my own package). Sigh. Why does stuff have to break?

  14. #4094
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    So, with Qatar getting the world Cup...why did Qatar get the world Cup?

    I mean, we all suspect the actual reason Fifa awarded the world Cup, the US seems to think that it was awarded to Qatar for that reason as well. Though apparently if we mention that we're simply being predjudiced against Qatar, it couldn't possibly be brib...

    But what exactly about Qatar made them think "wow! Qatar!" if the B word wasn't involved.

    - It has absolutely no long standing tradition of football.
    - It's a tiny nation, not much room. When it made its bid, it did not have much in the way of footbal infrastructure, or hotels for people to stay at.
    - Of course, it has built these things, though not enough hotels, given the number of people who appear to be staying in the UAE instead (or just across the border in Saudi, even, though why TF...), and flying to Qatar for the day for the games. What has been built has been done using migrant labour from the global south, under a system called "kafala". It isn't described as modern slavery for nothing. Abuses of this system are fairly well documented.
    - 60kish workers have died building these things, officially from cardiac arrest, more likely - exhaustion or heat stroke.
    - The actual temperature of Qatar, meaning that it could not be held in the summer. To put the temperatures into perspective - Qatar recently installed aircon outside.
    - It's very questionable human rights history. This is a Conservative Muslim state. Supposedly, protections are in place for unmarried couples to share hotel rooms, or for LGBT fans. We'll see. I'm fully expecting there to be one or two cases where the embassy is having to intervene, and so far, it seems there will quite a few performative displays of protests from Western football teams. At least, the England manager has made it clear he won't stop the English team from doing just that.
    - Alcohol isn't quite banned, though it is expensive, and you need to have a "liqueur license." Football fans drink. Particularly those coming from Europe. Supposedly, they were going to allow this to happen. Though they have backtracked with not long to go, unless you have bought a hospitality package, and only Bud Zero will be available. Budweiser, the company providing the beer, is no doubt, pissed.
    - The alternative venue, which looked set to win before the money changed hands, was the US. Which happens to have a lot of land, hotels, football stadium, temperatures that will allow you to play outside, allows you to drink beer and no kafala.

    That said, any fan and government boycotts will sadly, only last as long as the European football teams not entering the final stages.

  15. #4095
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    I replaced another pointless post with this post but that new Strange Aeons video was entertaining until I stopped watching it because I was distracted. And Contrapoints is on tumblr now publicly so she can 1. get cancelled there and 2. people don't have to do this screenshot thing lol (it's funny that if I open this link now it shows a hashtag below the image like #whencontrapointsmakesagoodtweetsheinstantlyfuckin gdeletesit lmao ... will this be deleted lol probably not it only involves him lol well and the other social media personalities ...This is also broadly true. Rats/frogs/reptiles and whatever too. But the most important thing about tumblr really atm when I bother to use the site is cryptid desertwave which barely exists and desertwave. Think it's somewhat easier to find in The Sims community esp Sims 2. Feel like this paragraph re-creates the energy of the previous post in fewer words.

    From Contrapoints tumblr post lol (I find Jordan Peterson a lot more entertaining than Musk honestly. It was the villain monologue when he got banned from twitter - well not even his account got locked because he didn't want to apologise to Elliot Page lol - that really solidified that for me.)

    I am pretty sadistic. But only about a certain flavour of men who try to [BEEP] with my ingroup so to speak. He's going all in on this demon thing hahaha. I was being a demon aesthetically before Jordan Peterson will make it cool btw.

    How is he not larping though? Well not really live action but virtual live action lol:

    Also I skimmed through that study and though I don't doubt his conclusion to some extent, it doesn't seem like it's really illustrating his point at all about anonymous accounts and people posting 'lol' 'bro' 'bruh' on twitter. It's mostly discussing instagram and facebook:

    This choice of photo speaks for itself:

    But no being locked out of his twitter account was actually the best thing for him because he can't handle the response he gets to his bigotry etc. He's not an automaton like say Ben Shapiro. If you can't handle people just responding with 'bro' 'bruh' and such it's not really going to work (because it's shocking that he doesn't mention much worse tweets/interactions which most people will have in the debates he gets into.) Ironically an anonymous account that gets way less attention would suit him well.

    edit: I have to agree with Jack. With this anonymous crusade he's also pissed off right wingers and others who generally like him who like anonymity lol. He's also pissing off a lot of upperclass racists (the 'HBD' types who are specifically obsessed with IQ and general elitism, some centuries old painting of some guy as an avatar often lol,) but I don't think they ever saw eye to eye since he hasn't crossed that bridge yet in spite of all the others.

    Jordan Peterson wouldn't stop shittalking us if we stopped being anonymous but didn't change what we post about etc. It's not about anonymity. It's about not wanting anyone to hear what we have to say. He has stopped being a sort of gateway to us because he goes out of his way... to prevent anyone from being exposed to us and becoming converts. Rather than a sympathetic gateway, he's a hostile figure now to poach supporters away from.

    Yet again bleeding followers bcs of no reason whatsoever. Back to 450 ig.
    Your tweets are all overtly racist and/or antisemetic. I'm struggling to get how you've currently got 500.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

Made with <3
Anxiety Space is not a replacement for a fully qualified doctor.