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  1. #4201
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    We Democrats better get ready to fight and win in 2024, because I?m not living under a white Christian nationalist regime. Can I get an amen?
    You?d rather a pagan nation that practices child sacrifice, ritual androgyny, satanic BDSM cross dressing transgender White House aids? with aids? lol allegedly
    Well that wasn't a sentence lol.

    If you lose the AIDS and child sacrifice then yes. Obviously.

    This post is also inspired by someone saying that Andrew Tate is helping women too but not feminists because he 'doesn't support their satanic propaganda' but I thought they're unfortunately rarely spreading 'Satanic propaganda'

    It's interesting how AI is always getting tripped up when creating hands. I've seen this a few times now.

    I kinda don't want AI art to ever get good at fingers?
    Yeah the mistakes kind of Humanise it a bit and give everything an interesting surreal quality.

    guys, genuine question: what in the world is this rococo basilisk? �� Sorry if it's a DUMB question but like i wanna know what It is!
    Lol they don't want to know.
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  2. #4202
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    I'm messing around with dream AI now but it's not great with faces most of the time. (I didn't generate the images in the previous post btw.) So cool though. Just spent hours generating different stuff lol. Kind of addictive.

    ^ I censored this even though it just had barbie doll anatomy lol.

    I like what it did with her hand here:

    generating stuff based on gothic sci-fi dragon glamrock armour (or some combination of that) created some cool stuff too:

    I kind of like it when it messes certain things up though in a way that's vaguely creepy and surreal like eyes etc because it's like the 'AI's personality' comes through.
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  3. #4203
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    This exchange between a butch lesbian rad fem and a few other terfs really amused me because a lot of terfs really don't get butch lesbians/GNC women so they keep doing stuff like this and not getting that it's the wrong thing to say. Their complete incompetence and refusal to understand how to communicate with GNC women is amazing. (I see them do it all the time, often out of a fear of encouraging male identity, and cringe eternally because if anything this will make them dysphoric.) So for context they were all commenting on this tiktok screenshot someone posted which had a title like 'things I dislike about being a strongly masculine lesbian' and then the comments had a lot of trans guys saying they related or other people suggesting they might be trans.

    She is not even vaguely masculine. She is a pretty girl.

    Even if she was masculine, she is not a trans man. ��

    I can't believe how square, retrograde, uptight and conformist these gender ideologues are about how people can express themselves. Dress and look how you want.
    She is masculine and there's nothing wrong with being a masculine woman. If someone said this about me I'd throw up tbh.
    There's nothing at all wrong with being a masculine woman.
    This does not mean she is a man.
    But for what it's worth I think this particular person is quite feminine and delicate looking, which is also fine.
    People can look however they want.
    She doesnt think she's a man, and delicate looking? Never open your mouth again.
    In that picture, she doesn't look at all masculine imo
    As if you have any place to talk about what is and isn't masculine lol, either ur straight up blind or lying, and for what? Just to have the satisfaction of emasculating a butch lesbian? lol
    I know what looks masculine, I'm attracted to men !
    I used to work with a butch lesbian, so I know what one of them looks like. She never claimed to be a man either. She was quite happy being a woman and female
    In what way is she "strongly masculine"??
    Does she seriously think she looks 'strongly masculine' in that photo?

    Things are worse than I thought.
    And I dont even see anything masculine about this person; much less "strongly masculine"
    That?s a femine looking girl, just with short hair. ��*♂️
    Girliest looking masc lesbain I've ever seen. Shit, in my gym clothes I look more masc than her. And then people are telling her she's trans wtf? This is a problem.
    I wouldn't even call her masculine. Why, bc her hair is short? These cultists are regressive homophobes.
    She called herself masculine lol.

    I have to be honest....I don't think she looks very masculine.

    But hey....what do I know. We live in a world of metrosexual men.
    Tony here is trying.

    I don't recognise anything here as 'strongly masculine'. She has a beautiful soft face, fluffy hair and a big jumper. I see no masculine trait. Is she trying to show a trachea as an Adam's apple? What an odd angle to take a photo.
    They're all doubling down and don't get it lol.

    It's mostly women doing it too. But actually I suppose that's not weird because they just project. Everything you think you're supposed to say to women to make them feel better is completely useless here. Just throw out your rulebook entirely.

    Particularly with young butch/androgynous women.

    You really think this comment would prevent this girl transitioning? If anything it puts fuel to the fire.
    Thank [BEEP] finally there's a(nother) brain in the bunch lol. They retweeted the other lesbian who also said this lol:

    Weirdo GC's and Conservatives in the comments saying "she's not masculine at all, she's so pretty" holy [BEEP] if people said that [BEEP] about me I'd leave the Internet forever.
    Also they're all commenting on a screenshot of a tiktok clip with the comments and I don't know if some of them went over to tiktok to watch the tiktok. I didn't but a bunch of them are also writing 'reassuring' things about her appearance and saying she's attractive when that wasn't mentioned at least in the title... OK someone actually posted the tiktok video on twitter and at one point she says 'my feminine facial features especially my lashes.' and 'my voice is so feminine and high pitched I hate it' in the list of things that bother her. And they're all here lol. 'But you're so feminine' good luck with that approach. Like the 70k comments you see everywhere. 'I was a tomboy as a child and then I grew up to be a feminine woman. Good job I wasn't tRaNsEd.'
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  4. #4204
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    So, I had a date today - second date actually, we had lunch. He was probably the nicest and cutest guy I've met so far doing this dating thing since my breakup two years ago.

  5. #4205
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    I'm glad Julie took a moment away from talking about how all men should be locked up in camps and straight women should have sex with lesbians for political reasons to write this. Lol.

    I'd guess that would make her '[BEEP] Hitler.' (You know while we're being dramatic.) Kind of fits with the terf protestor here who decided to quote Hitler/Mein Kampf of all people too lol.
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  6. #4206
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    "You're not drafting in the first round anymore." -Bill Burr on dating in our 30s. I can't stop laughing at this quote the longer I'm doing online dating as a 30yo myself. Jesus, Burr is too on point with his observations.

  7. #4207
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    I spoke to a guy online yesterday, and our convo is still giving me anxiety. Like we all got problems but this dude rattled off right away how he lost his life savings in a bad investment, he just quit his job and looking to leave his profession, has never moved out from his parents' house at the age of 37, and his father is starting chemo next month. Then said he's looking for a partner to tackle life's challenges with and asked if I am open to having kids.

    None of these life events are unusual separately or even together, nor asking such questions. But there is a time and place to disclose, and I feel like this dude is in midst of a mental breakdown.

    He quickly surmised that I wasn't interested anymore and asked if I'd still like to be friends. Helllllllll no. UNMATCH.

  8. #4208
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    My friend confessed to me and it's ruined our relationship. It wasn't the kind of relationship where we talk about feelings anyway.

  9. #4209
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    I think this must be the most idiosyncratic/unique political twitter account I've come across. Assuming they're not trolling or a bot of course. Almost everyone you come across on twitter has very rigid predictable sets of beliefs about everything. I'd say 99% of people. Which all else aside is very boring so I'm intrigued by outliers, but they're hard to find. This person isn't unique though so I've come across her views before, it's just unusual in the West.

    70% of their retweets are pro-trans stuff and the rest is just talking about their conservatism lol.

    Woman who codes, over 50. Conservative Party Member. Sons need fathers and Conservatives need gender to explain that. GCs are not Conservatives. She/her.
    The most idiosyncratic people I stumble across online politically speaking are consistently programmers. She's also from Scotland which might be related. Disagree that GC's aren't conservatives lol given their ideological roots in trad con/Catholicism.

    Gender is a social institution and thus should be defended by Conservatives.

    Gender is that which allows little boys to understand that one day they will grow up to look something like their father; and girls their mother. Thus gender is a good thing.
    I see politics in terms of individuals and institutions. This feminist sees it as a class war between male and female.

    Class war is the hallmark of a Marxist. She has swapped in men for bourgeoisie and women for proletariat.
    So far so normal right? Then...

    Quote someone else responding to her
    I'm twitter friends with conservative women who are as adamantly opposed to transideology as I am.
    Stop lying.

    Why do you want men with an incongruence between their physical bodies and internal sense of self included in women's sex class?
    FFS, Conservatives do not buy into the concept of class; be it socio-economic class with bourgeoisie vs proletariat or biological class as per radical feminism with men vs women.

    Conservatives think in terms of social institutions like the Monarchy, Marriage, the Rule of Law.
    I think Caroline you are some sort of TERF and not a Conservative. You are probs a Marxist radfem who is being an entryist so you can wage your culture war inside our ranks. You are a fake Conservative. A real Tory would value tax cuts over this inverted pyramid of piffle.
    But it's not just that she got annoyed with the constant distraction and decided to devote more time to it. She's very obviously spent a lot of time thinking and reading/tweeting about sexology:

    [redacted paper titled Effeminate Gay Bottoms in the West: Narratives of Pussyboys and Boiwives on Tumblr]

    "the media insistence in the US, UK, and elsewhere, that gay male effeminacy be decoupled from an emphasis on sexual receptivity and/or sexual submissiveness is not only frustrated by contrary evidence but also ignorant of the fact that many gay sex role bottoms in Europe and North America are in fact typically more gender nonconforming as both children and adults than tops. While this can cause considerable anxiety in LGBTQ media in the West, in other parts of the world the connection between effeminacy and sexual receptivity among a subsection of male androphiles is less likely to be controversial."
    (I haven't read all of this this paper but I'm wondering if it ignores that part of the reason that these things are decoupled is because of the straight guys who want to be topped by a trans woman and will allow sufficiently effeminate gay men too. Oh we're ignoring the elephant in the room OK. Actually I often thought that group would be better off seeking out trans masc and non-binary people since a bunch of people who are quite feminine and haven't medically transitioned do prefer to top at a higher rate than most women cis or trans or cis gay men. That paper also seems to argue that these things are often congruent in cis gay men so the demand for decoupling them is not necessarily productive but I find it very annoying that it's assumed that I'm a bottom just because I'm genetically female and I don't find these things to be so congruent with feminine afab trans people anecdotally so we should swap norms lol.)

    She also has some tweets about AGP etc too, but I'm not going to go into that because too many thoughts lol and I disagree with her takes on it (they're not the usual takes obviously, but I still disagree with her theory.) She seems to think AGP people are actually just bisexual and she has a heteronormative lens so assumes that this group would be more androphilic 'en femme' but that doesn't track in every case. I mean I've actually had many AGP sex dreams myself where I'm completely alone since the focus is you know, on the feminine/female clothing. And I have no preference in regards to AAP stuff (not that she brought up AAP as nobody ever does, and most of her tweets are about trans women and cis gay men as is the norm.) I guess I am going into it a bit lol.

    The association of femininity with straightness in women is intuitive for many people but not all. Like I watched this video (I've mentioned this in other posts but such interesting/relevant dynamics I guess lol,) where there's a genderfluid lesbian who is feminine presenting giving their butch lesbian partner a feminine makeover and the butch woman kind of puts on a homophobic straight girl persona when en femme despite her girlfriend hitting on her and obviously being into her still lol. I get that it's kind of a joke but I feel like that would be so disappointing lol. I'm projecting my feelings onto the genderfluid person though. Why would you bother giving a makeover to someone if not because it's a turn on lol? Everyone has this kink right? Right? �� No but yeah.

    It isn't camouflaging their sex; it is openly signaling their gender identity.

    Lesbians have butch and femmes. Oddly, femmes are AWOL from the gays.

    I suspect the gay male identity is shaped by male violence. Cishet thugs veto any gay male gender non-conformance by violence.
    I don't disagree with that part. Though another reason for the difference is that butch and femme lesbians often date each other and it was historically a way to talk about a certain relationship dynamic. Even though some feminine lesbians criticise butch women and/or aren't attracted to them that relationship dynamic is still fairly common. Masculine gay men don't date feminine men as often.

    I've often thought Elon's face to be quite femininely structured. This is proof.

    , you ought to be able to bag a rich husband looking this good.

    [retweeted image of feminised Elon Musk using faceapp]
    She's one shitpost about Grimes turning him into a catgirl and faceapp upload of The Riddler or Loki away from being a conservative AI variant of myself. music track (mostly) unrelated I just rediscovered it recently. Well a few years too late for that too.

    Also what that isn't proof faceapp fucks with people's faces a lot lol (well sometimes it doesn't have to do much but othertimes they look like essentially different people.)

    I thought her support would extend only to the very gender conforming (in the gender they transition to,) early onset subset of trans people and not so much to people who are gender non-conforming in their transitioned to gender (feminine trans guys, masculine trans women,) non-binary people, trans lesbians etc. Via general homophobia (cause I've seen that before, not a unique model,) some stuff she said fit that:

    This is her take on [BEEP] theory:

    No it isn't is gay ideology and feminist ideology taken to its logical conclusion. Here are the fundamentals: (i) a woman is someone who has sex with a man; (ii) a man is someone who has sex with a woman. You have departed from this, the [BEEP] Theorists are a greater departure.
    A woman is someone who has sex with a man. A man is someone who has sex with a woman. HTH.
    That?s the most bizarre definition I?ve ever heard. I?m not a woman, then?
    Some lesbians are very butch, see photo. There is something of the man about the one on the right. But that's ok, they're and you're 100% human it is just you are partly man and partly female, i.e. you are intersex. I am Christian Conservative and this came to me during prayer.
    It's a similar theory on gender as the Scottish chaser (of trans women,) I've argued with before (not on twitter,) who I think lives in Thailand. But he was more into manosphere type stuff as well which she probably isn't. This model is more common outside the West but unusual here. But some stuff she's tweeted doesn't match that entirely (the other guy seemed more irritated by people not matching their appearance to their sexuality because he's an essentialist. Also noting that it's sometimes a deliberate form of rebellion/protest/performance. Yes and what?)

    Hey, I was raised a Catholic, so I have a question for you. How does God the Father and God the Son work if there are no theological genders? Also, how is God the Holy Spirit not non-binary? Is it theological sex and not theological gender? Do Gods have gametes?
    You wrote "Gender-non-conforming behaviour is something to be celebrated..." So should schoolchildren be free to switch between boys and girls uniforms day to day? They should. If you agree what have you done to bring this about? Nothing!
    Taken to it's obnoxious conclusions/end state (as the chaser guy I mentioned does,) it's as annoying as the fascist Jack Donovan: 'Donovan has been described as gay, though he does not use the label for himself and has criticized gay culture as effeminate.  He has described himself as an "androphile", a term he uses to describe romance and sex between masculine men.  In his 2006 book Androphilia: A Manifesto, he wrote, "I am not gay because the word gay connotes so much more than same-sex desire... The word gay describes a whole cultural and political movement that promotes anti-male feminism, victim mentality, and leftist politics." He removed the book from print in 2017, and has said he has "transcended both that identity and that sexuality".

    Also tbh this model is the strawman argument people usually throw at [BEEP] theorists who don't believe in this model lol.

    She also has a tweet talking about running in the next election locally as a pro LGBT+ conservative but I dunno if she's serious lol..
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  10. #4210
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    Nothing like listening to ambient music at 3AM.

  11. #4211
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    I start off my morning with a half-hearted goal to not drink, and by midday, I already need a glass of wine. I think being employed fulltime is a contributor to my health problems. I don't know what to do with this information. Should I take a sabbatical, would I just return to old habits when I rejoin the workforce eventually?

  12. #4212
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    Oh Doja Cat is kind of hot? I never really paid attention to her lol. I just seem to remember a bunch of people tweeting about her because she's problematic or something. I think it's more her music videos though. I mean I'm pretty tired right now so I'll probably change my mind later. I like that she trolls the people who think she's a satanic/reptilian etc lol. Yeah I'm very late.

    ^ part of this track is really reminding me of something else but I can't quite think what. Oh right yeah Azealia Banks. I see someone had similar thoughts.

    Oh Ashnikko co-wrote that track? That actually makes a lot of sense lol.

    ^ Also of course Grimes is in this video lol.

    Oh she covered Celebrity Skin cool:
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  13. #4213
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    Damn that dude with the ex-trans (I dunno can't remember the specifics,) ex partner who liked feminisation is still on his shit. (I found him through re-posted screenshots of his fujoshi discourse tweets which makes this funnier tbh.)

    No but I want to be snarky. I can't turn it off now.

    As far as gay people being mentally ill: The ex who helped brainwash me was boy-crazy and a fetishist for gay men, among other bizarre, dissociative sexual fetishes. She was also groomed at a young age, probably younger than me. She convinced herself she was a lesbian, and now lives with a woman who I am 99% sure she is marrying primarily because this woman is so fat that she reminds her of the blueberry scene from Willy Wonka, a beloved fetish genre of hers from back in the day. Is this the case for every homosexual? No. But it does make one think.
    Does it?

    How it started: couldn't handle the they/them pussy

    how it's going:

    lol but-

    Which leads us, finally, to the subject of this section’s heading. The first “eunuch” caste of the American ruling class was not the transsexuals, but the homosexuals. Indeed, support for their cause was as inorganic as the support for trans, though it took longer to take hold. Homosexuals are similar to eunuchs in function because they are functionally sterile; though they may be physically capable of conceiving a child, it basically doesn’t happen.
    The eunuch is a tool for maintaining power, his emergence alone is not a sign of decline. It is unsurprising that after the emergence of eunuch castes, empires begin declining, but only because eunuchs often arrive at the heights of empire. Once that height has been reached, decline is inevitable, but not owing to the eunuch specifically.
    Yeah OK. none of this is particularly relevant for transhumanists. We already have artificial wombs, they just need improving. Also it basically does happen especially with lesbians lol. Silly Sue.

    Trans, however, is the biggest winner from this milieu. It is the perfect mixture of every identity-based special interest group today, and it is the most aggressive. It combines everything needed to succeed as a political venture in this environment and is highly attractive to the most personality disordered, the shrewdest narcissists and sociopaths alive, individuals which are absolutely necessary for brute-forcing a winning coalition.
    I (don't) try. #wokeuplikethis

    Most of these eunuchs, just like most of the eunuchs created in epochs prior to this one, are too unstable and insane to actually belong to the ruling class’s court. Many of these poor degenerates are on the frontlines, antifascist blackshirts brutalizing wayward liberals who are too conservative, who cling too strongly to the liberalism of the pre-digital era, who refuse to unflinchingly accept the new order. These pitiful wrecks are often drug addicts, prostitutes, lumpenproletariat criminal scum who are “to the Left” of the Democrats, and who continually push them further.
    I couldn't make myself seem this edgy if I tried. Also lol. Everytime someone uses the word scum I just think of that.

    It is true though. I've killed hundreds of Sims for my own and other's entertainment.

    Yes, there are trans people who are nihilistic and terroristic in outlook. They are wild, rabid animals kept on a long leash. This is the petit bourgeois-lumpenprole alliance in action.
    You have actual military figures (drone operators and tech engineers especially) who are openly trans, relatively high-functioning, and anti-nationalistic despite their work for the government. They raise the rainbow or pastel standard, not the American one.
    Yeah it's almost like there's a great cross section of everyone imaginable among various minority groups from the top to the bottom.

    Then you have the low-functioning ones, the ones who can't keep it together enough even to play video games for a living. The ones selling hole for weed and Adderall. Maybe they went to college too (not unlikely) but they couldn't do anything with it.
    Oi I'm making an attempt. The audacity of this bitch. I love that the low status trash work of now when you nope/fail out of society is making video game content it's just so how did we get here? I tell you. Groomed by my playstation (Chuck Tingle, 2023) My brother also made video game content for a time. She never did what they told her to oooh

    This would be the perfect video(it's the low res alien photo that really makes it,) if they hadn't cut out 'but they don't wear these shoes where I'm from.':

    'Walk a mile in my comfy training shoes' it doesn't work. I don't want him to walk in my shoes either firstly they probably wouldn't fit him and hygiene but also he can't do this in my shoes.

    These people link with the petit bourgeois trannies, they retain university links, set up NGOs in the hinterlands of rural college towns, and sit as a node in a color revolution network waiting to be activated by signals from social media handlers.
    This whole like concept (everyone is surrounded by trans people in uni and it's a whole thing.) I had a journalist I stupidly let interview me once try to question me about that too. It just wasn't a thing when I was at uni here in the UK. I don't know if my uni even had a LGBT+ society. I studied a game dev degree so of course after leaving uni several people came out as trans women/transfemme (stereotypes,) but not while I was there (also I've never in my life met a trans guy or non-binary person lol,) and I didn't have contact with any of them at that point my best friend just keeps telling me lol. He's not trans and doesn't understand any of this. The only trans person I met at uni who was out at the time was a trans woman who I worked on a project with. We didn't really talk and she didn't really talk in general. She added me on facebook but I left facebook in like 2014.

    It sounds more centralized than it is, and yet it is more centralized than they realize. This activist vanguard of tr00ns, either the criminal class itself or academic professionals paid to join them in some sort of perverse ethnographic study, are highly motivated radicals.
    I'm actually a highly unmotivated radical. Unlike The Sigma Female. Who is actually cisgender but knows how to work a crowd. I see she recently responded to Nick the infamous 'Alpha male' about his pronoun bio tweet. Also just noticed this response to that tweet from someone else:

    This is coming from someone who had “Alpha Male” on theirs. You are no better than they are, and anyone who feels the need to tell people that they are an alpha male are so far removed from that a female-to-male transgender person would be a closer fit for that title.
    I'm moving up in the world guys. #sigmagrindset. "Um you're non-binary" Silence. Nick is a too obvious troll though lol.

    I've said it before a long time ago, and will perhaps write a Substack on it, but you cannot get rid of this problem without severe pushback. It will look like a genocide because you will need to lock up thousands of disfigured people sharing the same faith.
    They WILL kill people in the process. They will take hostages, they will commit arson, they will shoot up civilians, they will plant bombs. They already do some of these things over non-trans-related issues. They have a similarly armed and paranoid coalition behind them.
    You mean people will act in self defence you weird fascist lol? Imagine that.

    A lot of domestic terrorists in or associated with the BLM movement are trans and use the chaotic race riots of that network to attempt to birth utopian communes. "Trans" is sacred, so even if they aren't armed, they are probably friends with some criminal or another who is.
    Damn dude that's crazy.

    and news to me and I'm from Luton. We love birthing political extremists. It's our favourite pass time.

    This guy: "I'm a non leftist Marxist" "lumpenproletariat criminal scrum" he also keeps using this 4chan neo-slur for trans people which is very funny because speaking of Luton I realised there's a street named after that slur by complete coincidence not sure the etymology of their use of it. It's in this area with a lot of dark/goth aesthetic street names lol. I forget them now though. Newish housing.

    I don't like R&B really but I dig how dark this is.

    Anyway back to the extremis- no lol.

    I fully agree. I have had disordered eating in the past but at no time was my gender dysphoria worse than when I suffered years-long psychosis. I was semi-hallucinating severe acts of violence happening around me. Unsurprising that it led to crippling paranoia about my body.
    I mean you don't sound too far from that right now.

    He has 2k followers and I'm doing this for my own entertainment but he's followed by a British account who he describes as a good friend and who has 20k followers and who all the terfs love to trot out because he's another detransistioner. That other account is followed by JK Rowling among many others. He transitioned well into adulthood and from what I remember infantilises adults essentially, tried to sue the NHS too. The happiest detransistioner I've come across is someone who took responsibility for their decision (An American of course.)

    A bunch of detransistioners (not all) are very unstable in terms of their identity. Like another I'm thinking of detransistioned, became gender critical, then joined an ex-gay Christian group (during this time they id'd as a lesbian,) then supposedly identified as non-binary then a trans guy again and ex-terf all that since 2019 that is. Don't suppose the pandemic helped with that kind of thing. This isn't really surprising considering the culture and how being a lesbian and trans is demonised and ridiculed endlessly alongside the general atomisation of Western culture but yeah. I see a lot of people complain about how 'everyone needs validation now for everything' and if you have no social support/community that's going to be the case because Humans are social animals.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  14. #4214
    Forum Addiction:

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    Apr 2013
    British Columbia
    405 Post(s)
    My ability to recover from drinking despite being in my 30s is a double-edged sword. If I was punished with hangover effects, I might avoid the drinking... but I barely feel anything after a few hours.

  15. #4215
    Forum Addiction:

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    Apr 2013
    British Columbia
    405 Post(s)
    We gotta do what matters. What do you remember from 1 year ago, 2 years ago, 3 years ago? 10 years ago?

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