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  1. #4306
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    Lol I knew as soon as I read this tweet that he was talking about Poshi

    one of the things i like about our crazy moment in history is that there are cute e-girls who are well versed enough in the language of both intersectional post-modern leftism and the esoteric traditionalist fringe right to make fun of both at the same time
    personally i absolutely despise the fact i know what any of the words in this tweet beyond "like" and "history" mean
    Lol not only did I know all that, I also knew exactly who he was talking about.

    nothing but respect for autoandrophiles
    The beautiful thing about this YouTube comment is I've only just realised they're most likely talking about BAP and that makes a lot of sense and that's very gay male AAP in the vein of Donovan his personal life history/evolution seriously reads that way too lol, but it could just as easily apply to the YouTube uploader because she's also making edgy boy YouTube videos.

    Oh there was this too yeah:

    She's prob trying to be a female reincarnation of "Book Club".
    im not trying to be him. he's not handsome anymore
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  2. #4307
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    No sleeping tonight

    Cuz [BEEP] you if you think you ever thought it mattered

  3. #4308
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    Have you contributed to the world? The mothership?

    If you haven't, then go [BEEP] right off. Why are you even alive? Go fucking do something that matters or wait to die in 50 years or whatever.

  4. #4309
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    What the [BEEP] are you doing right now?

  5. #4310
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    Ong fucjwe are all worthless

  6. #4311
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    (She keeps making these videos and I completely relate lol because *gestures to posts*)

    Mm if you're afab non-binary/don't want to be seen as a woman in relationships don't meet people irl meet them online and be very open about yourself (unfortunately I doubt dating sites work for this purpose as that's based on category stereotypes again, it would have to be somewhere else where you can talk in a more organic but virtual way.) They'll learn to fetishise (lol my experience,) you as a trans guy/trans woman. I wouldn't say they'd see you as a cis guy (unless you're being stealth,) but you'll attract bicurious people and chasers that way, or at the very least guys who are like 'huh I'm going to have to change to appeal to their sexuality. I can't just approach them like I would a cis woman' instead of normie cis straight men. That's my experience. That's not necessarily pleasant either because you tend to be hypersexualised in a different way as a kind of 'novel' person. 'I want to suck your dick' well there's going to be a bit of a physiological issue there lol. But this oversexualisation will happen regardless if you present in certain ways (kind of femininely but alternatively,) or if you're openly bisexual cause those women also are seen as promiscuous and easy. So some form of that is probably unavoidable merely by bringing up that you're non-binary if you're conventionally attractive in a feminine way (they won't hear non-binary they'll hear 'bisexual woman category.')

    After I came out as non-binary guys mostly stopped trying to hit on me online and I was previously getting quite a bit of attention from certain guys. (There are other factors that play into that but yeah.) When I did post photos of myself that weren't androgynous I'd get comments from people saying 'I did not expect you to look this way at all.' When I'm looking like shy nerd girl stereotype or something. They usually expected me to be ugly/very non-conforming lol. This will probably lead to disappointment irl or when they see you etc eventually if they pictured something else (someone more androgynous,) then you have to get through that second hurdle.

    Anyway I'm not that interested in guys or dating or all the effort that would involve anymore. Even if I wasn't picky dating as a non-binary person is like playing 4d chess so (there are tons of cis straight people who cba even in this era.) It's probably better to pursue people who are looking for a certain relationship dynamic in the first place and to that end it's easier dating trans women/certain non-binary people. Maybe some cis women but ime they have higher requirements for butchness especially if they're straight-adj (or if they don't they want you to be a woman again.) Like there are some people with a certain sexuality who would look at a completely feminine trans woman and be like 'oh you're a guy because you have a dick/top me' and that's their entire sexual fantasy. And it's quite a bit more difficult to achieve that if you're afab because you don't have a dick but then not impossible.

    I guess you do have to be obnoxious about it though otherwise they will just look right through you. Another good way to filter people is by letting them know you don't bottom. It's sad but a large chunk of gender is just sex roles really and I've seen reddit posts where guys were fine with their partner coming out as non-binary until they suddenly started expressing a strong desire to top them, then they worried it was gay and had to process things more. So... Yeah... Lol... Still living in ancient Greece.

    edit: Lol yes see you can filter out that entire demo just by saying you're a top

    Im a trans man and sometimes I digitally self harm by going on Taimi and asking straight guys who message me why they’re messaging me if they’re straight and I’m a man. It’s always the same: “I’m actually bi/pan/omni I just don’t want people knowing” or “I just put that cuz I’m a strict top” or whatever. It’s sooo obvious they’re clinging to my feminine features and view me as a woman to some degree. I really can’t wait for T to put in work so I look masculine enough to turn off chasers lmao
    That's also why that guy on twitter posted that I think lol (edit: so I actually wrote trans guy here and forgot he wasn't a trans guy but is cis lol because it's the norm for trans guys who present the way he does and his reaction too. It's weird right because I don't relate to most cis guys to that extent we have very different lives/culture etc,) when people kept hitting on him as a woman. He's not stupid. But it's obvious though right. Ime though a lot of afab non-binary people want to take on a sexually submissive role and bottom during sex predominantly and so that idea is out of the question really. But you have to give them something I suppose, if you're not on hrt/physically androgynous.

    Or, evidently, start an OnlyFans.

    LOL just remembered Jordan Peterson. WhEn WoMeN CeAsE To Be WoMeN. He clipped that specific part of his talk and uploaded it separately too because he felt it was so important:

    I'm mostly counting on this thank you *takes notes* but no I have no desire to become an 'only fans android/machine-woman hybrid' how insulting to actual women who do online sex work though lol. Or not I mean I think that sounds cool haha. If you're trying to critique a behaviour you probably shouldn't make it sound like a badass Grimes music video or the gender black paper. It's just a thought. Nyx can't keep getting away with it lol.

    (What I think Nyx avoids discussing in order to maintain the Solanas femininity singularity nihilism vibe is that reproduction will just transform via artificial wombs. This is an intermediate time period. Like she acknowledges it briefly but her argument to maintain the theme is fairly weak. Also, whether she likes it or not womanhood is technologically defeminised symbolically in the same way manhood is demasculinised. That's clear in people's language. Especially patriarchal language. I mean listen to Jordan Peterson lol.)

    As Nick Land says of a paper by Tyler Cowen and Michelle Dawson in 'Imitation Games', They point out that Alan Turing, as a homosexual retrospectively diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, would have been thoroughly versed in the difficulties of 'passing' imitation games, long before the composition of his landmark 1950 essay on Computing Machinery and Intelligence.?6 The essay Turing wrote famously introduced the Turing test for AI, setting the standard for a perfect AI being one that can trick a human into believing it is itself a human. As Land points out in his post, it's important and interesting to consider that Turing didn't write the test as an insider, as a 'passing' human, but rather as an outsider, as a gay man. For [BEEP] people, passing is a reality, much like it is a reality for AI. Passing as human isn't a broad and inclusive category, anything but. For women there is already the notion of alienness or otherness that makes them out to be less than human in the eyes of patriarchal humanism, and likewise for [BEEP] people because they reject the futurity of humanism (the literal reproduction of the same). But for no one else, especially in the latter half of the 2010s, is passing a more pronounced facet of daily life than for the trans woman. So much so that 'passing' is literally the word for what many trans women aspire towards, to pass as a cis person. There are many reasons to have this desire, but the biggest one, the one that AI and trans women both share to a very literal degree is this: 'If an emerging AI lies to you, even just a little, it has to be terminated instantly.' (Land, 'Imitation Games')

    If a transitioning woman 'lies' to a cis person, even a little, she has to be terminated instantly and this is something that is codified in law, famously, as trans panic. For AI and trans women, passing equals survivability.
    In some cases, males instead opt for passive nihilism, a negative non-productive death drive. They tend towards celibacy, either voluntary celibacy or resentful involuntary celibacy where the decelerationist male desire for relevance in evolution is deferred onto State regulation (a girlfriend for every incel). Or perhaps they decide that 'real' women aren't needed anyways, that trans women are better than cis women, or that sexbots are better than 'real' women, or that other men are desirable to women altogether. In any of these cases, the masculine reproductive reterritorializing drive is caught by technocapital and symbolically castrated;
    Suppose rather that the Serpent was not Satan himself, but merely a common demon birthed by Lilith. An impersonator of Satan acting in Lilith's stead to tempt Eve. We could then look at the story of the Serpent and Eve as Lilith's lesbian seduction of Eve with the mediating artificial cthonic phallus (a dildo). From this, Eve was given the earthly knowledge of sexuality that awoke her from the empty and boring pleasures of Eden. Lilith of course was not to be tied down, and so Eve had to return to Adam and bide her time. And so Eve becomes the first follower of Lilith on the path of a radical separation with the masculine ruling principle of the universe and Divine universal ordering, towards the infinite cthonic upswelling. She wields the unholy pseudo-phallus or anti-phallus that does not produce the creative masculine seed that connects straight up through the Tree of Life back up to Kether, but rather only produces a sterile and destructive imitation. An Acephallus from which spurts only venom.
    ^ This is the part where she clunkily tries to ignore that the serpent is probably trans masc in this reading.

    The Acephallus is a rejection of the reproduction of God through heterosexual human reproduction. The Acephallus reproduces itself by reproducing the void, in a lesbian and also virus-like fashion. 'Let a thousand sexes bloom' but of all the mutations of the virus, woman is the strain that it begins and ends with. Woman, the occulted non-gender, the zero her time has come.
    (edit: and there's a whole seperate essay I could write here about how Jordan Peterson views these women as psychopathic and as less female as a result because this also happens with female spree/serial killers. There's a British female killer who was often written about and referred to as a man-woman. I also once stumbled on a post on the gender critical subreddit by someone who had - and I've mentioned this before too - categorised trans men and non-binary afab people they'd spoken to online into three groups and one of them they considered 'male socialised' and also psychopaths/sadists again. One of the people they placed in this group was the writer Billy Martin/Poppy Z Brite though they felt like they overlapped with the second category too which you know I'm not going into it lol. But yeah so. That's fantastic. Thanks for that culture.)

    I love how I'm one of the 'cuckold voyeurs' Jordan's talking about (though I hate cuck fetish stuff honestly.) But he has no advice for someone like me because I'm trans and not a cis guy haha ("well eh you just need to get pregnant and have a bunch of kids to remove the penis envy. I love psychoanalytics and I'm Freud 2.0") Yeah AI is more comfortable and hot in some ways. Oh god he's greatly overestimated (at least in my case,) the effort required though. Just using AI dungeon (when they were starting out and allowed explicit stuff without making an account,) which was clunky/full of errors was a turn on.

    Book 1 remains a work in progress, but the 15 songs Grimes has got so far represent her most audacious work yet, each song its own planet of sound?crisp California pop, club shakers, arena anthems, ethereal requiems, ?fairycore.? The album takes place in the distant future, at a stage of technological advancement when you can upload your consciousness into a robotic body and essentially live forever as a Cymek, in the parlance of science-fiction aficionados. (?I feel like Jeff Bezos is gonna be a Cymek,? says Grimes.) Her space opera?s antihero is a Cymek she calls ?the dark king,? the world?s greatest engineer, whom Grimes featured in the video for her recent single ?Player of Games.? By the time our story begins, he?s pushing 10,000.

    Grimes is still hammering out the plot, but one key thread is a kind of cyberpunk spin on Swan Lake. There?s a white swan (an exaggerated version of Grimes?the dark king?s dream girl, a simulated courtesan who grows weary of being a muse) and there?s a black swan (an A.I. menace who wreaks havoc in the simulation), except in Grimes?s feminist reboot, the swans ditch the Cymek, fall in love, and fight for each other instead. From there it gets kind of complicated. ?Despite all my rage / I am still just a doll in a cage,? she sings, paying homage to Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins, heroes of her wilding teens.

    ?We keep having this conversation where E?s like, ?Are you real? Or are we living in my memory, and you?re like a synthesized companion that was created to be my companion here?? ? If this sounds like he?s asking her if she?s a virtual pleasure bot, that?s not (entirely) what he means. Anyway, she says, she?s never felt entirely real herself: ?The degree to which I feel engineered to have been this, like, perfect companion is crazy.?

    Does she mean the perfect companion for him specifically?

    ?Yes. Even just studying astrophysics and neuroscience. And it?s really annoying because people think I?m an airhead who went to art school.? (She actually wanted to, but it was too expensive.)
    I think it's a shame that she kind of dropped working on this album because she didn't want her friends/family to experience backlash but I also think the part where she specifies she's prioritising her kids (one she gave birth to, and one she had through surrogacy,) is very ironic considering how much the story of the album mimics Nyx's paper.

    As time goes on I get more and more shocked that Jordan hasn't spoken to her (for some time now his theory has been rapidly colliding with transhumanist philosophy, and it's not like the people he talks to are generally that informed it's often just journalists who wrote some book as with Abigail Shrier and Louise Perry,) but I think it's because she wouldn't support his underlying message to the world which is fundamentally anti-technology. Also she went on Hasan's stream and that was weird but I don't think she probably would have any interest in talking to him lol which is fair.

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  7. #4312
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    I wrote this post yesterday or the day before but my previous post is too long and this is kind of like very tangentially related to a bunch of stuff including Grimes:

    Been reviewing psychoanalytic pathologies of transsexuality in 1970s clinical literature. My favorite theory so far is Bob Stoller's, who writes trans women learn a female gender identity because our mothers are repressed trans men who treated their child as a "feminized phallus"
    Lol in fairness I believe these theories come from the fact that these things notably run in families. Like a lot of gay and trans YouTubers have mentioned having other family members who are LGBT+ there are also certain traits like... Anne Rice wrote a bunch of books that gay men related to a lot, and had a lot of gay men in her social circle, she eventually had a son who ended up being gay and wrote this:

    ?I?ve always been very much a champion of gay rights, and art produced by gay people,? Rice said in the interview. ?People told me Interview with the Vampire was a gay allegory, and I was very honored by that. I think I have a gay sensibility and I feel like I?m gay, because I?ve always transcended gender, and I?ve always seen love as transcending gender?

    Rice added, ?I get teased a lot by my gay friends because we have a rapport on things we find exciting or interesting. It?s very hard for me to remember that I have a gender...?
    Also the other reason is that during this time period it was popular to blame the mother/women for everything regarding children. Curiously in the modern era more is blamed on the father (absent dads, she's crazy/promiscuous because she has daddy issues/dad wasn't around/dad was useless etc, he's violent because he didn't have a dad. I guess this is still sort of blaming the mum in a way but indirectly/more focussed on both.)

    Edit: Also the guys doing this were pretty fixated on incest and trans men (I mean trans men very loosely,) were usually described as being attracted to feminised males. I feel like that has to be connected somehow to their theory. I speak crazy lol.

    So I was googling that quote and stumbled on this metafilter post from 2013 that someone wrote:

    First of all, I identify as agender. My ideal body is blank and the fact (or thought) of having either set of genitals freaks me out. I also find the thought of pregnancy and childbirth utterly disgusting and the thought that my body is capable of it even more. I have always disliked my (clearly female) name and body, and for years, I thought that means I'm trans and want to be male. I am indeed more comfortable if people think I am (online, I present exclusively as male, to distance the "real me" from the mess of a body), but I do not want a male body. I want a body that has no breasts, no genitals, no reproductive system.
    I'm not a man trapped in a woman's body. I'm a person trapped in a child's body. I'm a transgender version of Anne Rice's Claudia.
    And while I don't relate to their feelings about physical dysphoria and wanting no genitals (I'd rather just be able to shapeshift tbh,) and I'm bigender not agender, I find this fascinating because a couple of years ago I was thinking about the character and found myself relating to them in some sense (I first read the book as a teenager though,) and have also always been perceived as young for my age. Though it's not as extreme as for them. I've never had someone at the door ask for my parents and I can get adult clothes but any trousers I buy will never fit length wise. As far back as age 25 I had someone question if I was a high school student and when I was 18 people thought I looked 12-14. What they're describing is relatable to me but more intense.

    They also talk about how they don't think they'd pass as a man if they transitioned anyway but as a teenage boy, which is something I've often thought about that would bother me a lot if I medically transitioned even though I'm already in this situation where I'm treated a certain way. But the only hrt side effect I've ever really wanted is to have a lower voice (you can't use it to change your bone structure or anything like that so yeah not talking about that,) particularly when I see detransistioners I kind of envy their voice. I don't really care about body hair and don't want to lose my head hair. I guess being stronger would be good too but that's not something I've really had a strong urge towards. I think if I started working out more it became more practically useful I'd consider it. (I guess the way I view it is it's pointless until you've reached the absolute limits of female strength. Like I'm avoiding a cheat code. 🤣 )

    Speaking of the low voice thing there's this detransitioner (great aesthetic, no notes there,) who has started making grifty videos to appeal to the 'oh my god crazy LGBT+ people' desires of conservatives and the like especially with the thumbnails/titles etc of their recent videos:

    And they're so transparently playing to the algorithm. If someone genuinely feels strongly about this that's one thing. But it's always so obnoxious how people do this (obviously Jeffree Star is doing this now too.) And all the conservatives/transphobes come along and lovebomb them and give them tons of attention because they'll accept anyone as a method of recruiting. And I agree with this guy who I disagree with - conservatives consider being less thirsty. It's embarrassing for you. (Funny that he brings up that transmaxxing dude who he banned on his telegram, it really is like one really prolific insane guy who everyone knows and he makes tons of accounts on certain social media sites. The media then tried to spin that as something much bigger than that. I was in a discord chat with him once years ago and I think he got banned there too even though there were basically no rules there. The fact that actual conservative news sites wrote about his trolling is a sign of how thirsty they are.)

    The main reason not to transition (in general,) is it puts you at risk for physical violence because people will assume you're transfeminine or at least not very masculine and men are at higher risk for violent crime in most contexts (in this sense all transphobic feminists completely miss the point hahaha. 'They're medically transitioning to avoid violence.' I mean sure some people might be misinformed about risk by feminists I guess. You are the ones contributing to that and to a lesser extent trad cons because as much as they complain about feminists they also have a over-protective mentality.)

    It's really interesting how Anne Rice managed to do this for so many people lol like I said, she has the gay male audience too. I also kind of related to her character Lasher (not all the fucked up rapey shit,) since he wanted to be perceived as male so aggressively but was stuck in spirit form. There's another more recent horror film Hereditary with a demon called Paimon who has like a family of witches who are trying to find a body for him, the girl's body doesn't work 'it has to be a male host.' Paimon was actually a demon king mentioned in a much earlier 17th century grimoire and a lot of online sources describe him as having an 'effeminate face,' or 'a woman's face,' but I can't find an original source for that to see the exact wording. Weird though.

    Reading the responses found this:

    This may not be much of a consolation, but the difficulty people have with identifying your age may have more to do with your gender than your height or body type. I have a tall female body with visible curves, and people tend to read me as about 7-12 years younger than I am; I'm pretty sure this is mostly to do with the fact that my dress, hairstyle etc read male. There are three channels, I think, by which this comes about:
    - Sometimes people read me as male, see that I have no beard, and therefore read me as a very young male
    - Sometimes people read me as female, see that I am not dressed 'sexily', and therefore read me as a very young female
    - Sometimes people cannot easily identify my gender, but are implicitly aware of the fact that human sex hormones tend to be cumulative in their impact and bodies closer to puberty have less marked secondary sex characteristics. People tend to process things like 'makeup' or 'trousers' as a secondary sex characteristic, and so they read my body as a very young body.
    Which is probably partly true my aunt once brought up the makeup thing specifically. 'They probably don't seem so young while wearing makeup' only I never do. I know a lot of non-binary people and trans men come across as younger than they are too. Some don't seem to care or embrace it. It's kind of gross how transphobes specifically infantilise trans men/non-binary people like they instinctively know it's one of the things that bothers us most. Like the conspiracy that trans women are pedos who are getting trans men to transition so they seem youthful forever. The things I have read lol. Though in truth it's often precisely the opposite pre-hrt trans men and non-binary people appear much younger and if you can grow a beard or whatever you'll seem older at least.

    I still think facial structure/height plays a role though as well and there's probably some kind of 'energy' layer above that.

    Happens to Grimes as well:

    There is a lot written about what you look like and wear, people calling you 'elfin' and 'Rainbow Brite' ? essentially treating you like a magical angel child rather than an adult woman.

    I think about that. I find it extremely obnoxious. My image seems to be so infantilized and I don't really know why. It belittles the music. Maybe it's because my voice is high-pitched. I look at my peers and I'm actually three or four years older than Azealia Banks or Sky Ferreira. I'm 24. I'm not a kid, but my image is very teenaged. Maybe it's my fault. I was very into K-Pop and J-Pop when I made 'Vanessa' and 'Oblivion.' Those videos are kind of cutesy. And when I made them, I didn't even think of that resonating with people. But I can see how it would. The sexual [stigma] is more dangerous than the cute thing. I see a lot of female artists who have a sexual image ? it's almost impossible for them to be taken seriously in a critical sense. And that's really scary. If you focus too much on development of the visual angle, it could be a detriment to what you're doing musically.
    'I don't want my words to be taken out of context. I don't want to be infantilised because I refuse to be sexualised.
    She seems to identify with elves though (also these quotes are from like a decade ago lol,) but yeah I get it you're aiming for Sephiroth not a manic pixie dream girl. They do the same thing with Aurora now as well.

    If you don't emote in a normal female way people usually read that as 'teenager' I think. Like even now as a 'mum' (which is a big part of how we define adult for women in our culture) she's not exactly playing that game:

    'I think having a baby was a big rebirth for me, like, artistically,? she said in the video, per People. 'Being a mother feels weird to say. For some reason I don't identify with that word. Which is also really weird because X, he says 'Claire,' but he doesn't say 'mama?' which is so...I'm like, 'How are you...?' Like, maybe he can sense my distaste for the word mother.'

    Grimes added, 'I don't even know why I have a distaste for [the word] because I respect' I just, I don't, I can't identify with it, weirdly.'
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  8. #4313
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    Please kill me. There's so many outs but I won't take any of them

  9. #4314
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    Some conservative gymbro type on twitter is having a meltdown about women living in their vans and travelling around haha. Calling it an epidemic. Because they're not settling down, having kids and such. This is pretty entertaining. I got into watching a bunch of those videos several years ago and microhome videos (so first of all he's incredibly late.) Pretty cool and a lot of people now will never be able to afford a house and enjoy the freedom. There's also some families living in refurbished buses etc.

    He's trying to police their behaviour/control them by referencing films and claiming they're at risk of violence etc (when they're not at more risk than men in the West from strangers,) and complaining about women being OK about living in freezing temperatures. There's definitely some toxic positivity going on but I don't even care because it's bothering him so much.

    'No you're supposed to need me. You're not supposed to be independent and self sufficient. Noooooo!'

    One of the videos he linked seems to include a lesbian couple and their friend which makes it even more amusing.

    Fair point but it's a total aesthetic failure. Vagabonding might be kool for your ronin or exiled princes, but not college educated women. They would live better lives as slaves or serfs than this.
    No see it's very aesthetic that's why it's appealing.

    Not a big deal at all. We have bigger problems than a few lesbians in a sprinter van, scissoring each other in the desert.
    Man I wish we had deserts here. I certainly wouldn't want to travel around the Middle East and it doesn't have the same 'alien/roswell/cactus' vibes...

    Like we said before, no cacti species are found in the Arabian Desert.
    What's even the point then? 😔

    Me in the Arabian desert.

    Costa Rica needs people who are enjoyable and attractive. You are dragging the place down and belong in deepest Ohio.
    Laika is right, Josh. It's Ohio for you now.

    150million progressives want to live in just 2 states.
    California and New York. Of course rent will be high there.

    I bet right now there is a huge house in a small town in Wyoming where the owner is just asking 400$ or something. And maybe even hire you at his fishing company.
    Well there's no where cheap in the UK really. I think the UK is the most expensive place to rent in Europe too. I'll move in next door to Jeffree Star in Wyoming and tell him about my they/them pronouns.
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  10. #4315
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    Lol there are people on twitter discovering Radiohead because someone responded to an Ice Spice clip with

    they should get another girly and form a trio like boygenius
    And then someone quote tweeted that with what might have been the most random response ever:

    Thom Yorke
    So then someone created a remix:

    And someone responded to that with:

    Imagine this is your first exposure to radiohead
    and it actually is for a bunch of people. 😂

    Each one of their albums has its own flavor of depression!
    The pink square in the original music video was kind of perfect for chroma key replacement lol.
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  11. #4316
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    Ugh fuck. Your 20s are going to be the best years of your life. I'm really glad I lived mine - really lived. Unlike my 30s.

  12. #4317
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    We need hope, any hope

  13. #4318
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    I just discovered The Weeknd. Beautiful

    I can't sleep till I feel your touch.

  14. #4319
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Some conservative gymbro type on twitter is having a meltdown about women living in their vans and travelling around haha. Calling it an epidemic. Because they're not settling down, having kids and such. This is pretty entertaining. I got into watching a bunch of those videos several years ago and microhome videos (so first of all he's incredibly late.) Pretty cool and a lot of people now will never be able to afford a house and enjoy the freedom. There's also some families living in refurbished buses etc.

    He's trying to police their behaviour/control them by referencing films and claiming they're at risk of violence etc (when they're not at more risk than men in the West from strangers,) and complaining about women being OK about living in freezing temperatures. There's definitely some toxic positivity going on but I don't even care because it's bothering him so much.

    'No you're supposed to need me. You're not supposed to be independent and self sufficient. Noooooo!'

    So far none of these responses are valid

    Lots of pronouns in bios

    Lots of #ANTIFA / #BLM in bios

    Virtually everyone is very unattractive

    Very weird!
    My enemies

    Are weak and


    All of them

    Ftr I don't have any of that stuff actually in my twitter bio lol or any photos of myself on twitter (it's true, it's just not in my bio. I mean I'm average looking though but otherwise fairly true.) But yes we do think you're stupid.

    Also had someone retweet my tweet who is a non essentialist feminist and although I've never identified with the label feminist and really don't care about it's image or 'what actually counts as feminism' and so on because of that. It's nice to see some people who do disagree with the excessive fearmongering narrative at least.

    I don't think women as a group need to hear this [BEEP] because women have higher levels of neuroticism at baseline and are more risk averse. Go fearmonger to men or something. These are the people jumping off cliffs into freezing cold water and such. (The ones who don't sit on twitter telling women to stop living in their car and being OK with cold temperatures living in said car.) I'm so glad he's offered to pay hundreds or more women's rent too. So people aren't forced to live in their car. No?

    I am genuinely offended by this as someone with a lifelong anxiety disorder and probably another now though the symptoms have fluctuated a lot lifetime wise. Why are you gaslighting people into believing the world is more dangerous than it is for a kink essentially? Like your gender norms are designed to help you fulfil your ideal relationship dynamic on a mass scale. It's not fun living with serious anxiety. The statistics don't reflect what you're saying. Consider stfu.

    You helped kill Sylvia Plath and I'm not even being dramatic lol. I definitely believed it contributed:

    Being born a woman is my awful tragedy. From the moment I was conceived I was doomed to sprout breasts and ovaries rather than penis and scrotum; to have my whole circle of action, thought and feeling rigidly circumscribed by my inescapable femininity. Yes, my consuming desire to mingle with road crews, sailors and soldiers, bar room regulars — to be part of a scene, anonymous, listening, recording — all is spoiled by the fact that I am a girl, a female always in danger of assault and battery. My consuming interest in men and their lives is often misconstrued as a desire to seduce them, or as an invitation to intimacy. Yet, God, I want to talk to everybody I can as deeply as I can. I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night…” (The Journals of Sylvia Plath, 77).
    Very proud of being 'weak and gay' imagine being a gymbro who thinks Western countries are dangerous for women. My nan grew up on a farm, she watched her friend die after being accidentally shot on the farm during a failed blood transfusion due to bad medical care, she was later also shot, she stabbed herself through the foot with a pitchfork and refused to go to the hospital when my dad was a kid, she lived through like mass rapes and war in central Europe. I have anxiety disorders to balance out the insanity I think lol. But this is objectively comical.

    "Just cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there."

    (Also obviously the way he writes like 'my enemies' is very larpy lol. This is prob part of his overall grift, but it's a prevalent mentality that is very annoying either way.)

    I'm really looking forward to the day when some right wing loser claims that living in vans is a social contagion among women (I suppose he already did by comparing it to an 'epidemic,') because any cultural shifts that genetic females start or are heavily involved in are always criticised and then equated to hysteria and/or a virus. Also all the interests of teen girls like Twilight etc must be heavily demonised. Meanwhile his weird red pillian gymbro sigma alpha thing grift is uh... Not at all a trend I'm sure by his estimation.
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  15. #4320
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    I think there might be a little vitriol towards trans and gender non-conforming people going around

    I think they initially assumed she's a cis man (they're a trans woman who uses any pronouns, and already on hrt so... Also in more recent videos seems to have short hair.) It's funny because when I first stumbled on their channel I thought she was a trans guy (or trans masc.) Everyone's a trans guy to me now lol no but this has only happened twice (and with very different people btw. But there are multiple trans masc/trans guy stereotypes.) There's a stand up comedy by a butch lesbian that's like that where she thinks all cis men she sees are butch lesbians. Since they used any pronouns and have a cartoon avatar on YT:

    Also how has [redacted] responded to this tweet saying it's bad? He spends all his time insulting AGP trans women especially older people and has said a lot of fucked up stuff himself. To me even. Slightly off topic but I just noticed that the irony lol.

    And it's crazy right because I just made a post that I deleted yesterday about Glinner reacting to someone who honestly presents very similarly to me (to the point where I have a different band t-shirt on right now because it's Deftones but it has the same fucking font and black/white colouring. It's a different band with the same aesthetic,) but just wears makeup and has different glasses/hair colour and of course has more masculine facial features that read as male. And he was calling this person a grotesque con job etc and it's like 'is this how low the bar is now?' It's a very low effort aesthetic like Kurt Cobain/nerds. I guess it's androgynous because as I mentioned in my deleted post for some reason there was a long running joke that Langley on The Lone Gunmen (I watched that for the first time a few months ago,) looked like a girl purely because he had long hair. So the person Glinner etc was complaining about used they/them pronouns so I guess that's enough to really bother these people now. There were also people commenting that their outfit wasn't feminine at all and basically that they weren't feminine enough as though they were aiming for extreme femininity in the first place? Make up your minds!

    The bar for androgyny freak outs is so fucking low. Maybe they get more mad because they think they're ingroup until they realise they're not? I don't know. I mean they're not more mad really it's just something I noticed in the past couple of days and then with Jeffree Star's grift. This is it basically this is the video explaining (it doesn't matter that he's a gay man because what they're looking for to be blunt is catty [BEEP] mean girl energy in someone amab with very feminine aesthetics):

    It's just a weird place to be at culturally. It's also weird because as I said I'm quite similar to a lot of these people in a bunch of ways but afab and I just roll out of bed like this more or less so I think the way they feel this is some threatening radical thing is nonsensical.

    The eating bug thing. That people have also been complaining about for a while (most conservatives again.) I just a video thumbnail lol. I don't think we'll be forced to eat bugs and for a long while they've had cicada ice-cream in Japan. And in general Japan really loves novelty food.. I find it kind of entertaining in an edgy/creepy way. Because it creeps people out and I'm a little sadistic (it's creeping them out now and that's why they've turned it into a huge thing.) But I also always try to save insects like I recently saved a fly from the shower and put it on some toilet paper to dry out on the window cill. I feel like this is my relationship with a lot of stuff.

    You know speaking of traps. Elon Musk posted a meme about 'mouse traps' so there's a lot of debate about whether that's transphobic and also a lot of his fans are coping:

    Don't worry. I think he is just warning people about how the corrupted furry culture IS a trap. Besides with his fondness for beautiful women and his oodles of kids, his sexality is wholesome enough. :-) Real women are better than anything we could imagine and he knows that. :-)
    They are indeed more interesting than him. Well only one.

    Hentai is important
    legit love hentai. have a fake twitter and insta just to look at nice illustrations beautiful naked blue hair girls. Illustations of things always better than real things
    He used to shitpost about how he was a catgirl when they were together lol.
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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    Everybody got mixed feelings
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