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  1. #4336
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    I've been struggling since I was born.

    It's okay. This will be okay.

    Liver disease or a stroke will take me soon anyway

  2. #4337
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    Blow my mind, Saskatchewan.

    Please don't be like Portland or San Francisco

    Make me believe in living again

  3. #4338
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    Vancouver, you'll always be the love of my life. I will love you forever, till the end of time, no where else could ever be home. I'm living because I want to be happy with you again... one day. It can't end like this.

    Goddamn have you made it hard.

    I don't want to leave. I love this place so much. But ill keep going till the day we can be okay again. That day isn't now. But one day

    5 years 10 years maybe 30 i want to be okay with you again. When I know you'll be okay.

  4. #4339
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    It's also unclear whether Humber now that her role in Terrorgram has been exposed could or would be prosecuted. In the landmark Supreme Court ruling Brandenberg vs. Ohio, the court ruled that advocacy of violence could be punished only 'where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.'

    Other countri's laws make it easier to prosecute someone like Humber. Recently in the U.K., 19-year-old white supremacist Daniel Harris was sentenced to 11 years in prison for making videos that influenced both the Buffalo shooter and the man who fatally shot five people at an LGBTQ bar in Colorado Springs this past November. Among the videos Harris produced was one which promoted the 'total extermination of sub-humans once and for all.'
    The US has freedom of speech so I doubt she could be prosecuted. We don't in the UK so people are frequently arrested especially if they have reasonably large social media followings they won't necessarily go to prison though the police will talk to them. I forget his name but some YouTuber here was fined 800 pounds (the formatting on this forum not allowing the pound sign for some reason and turning it into a question mark is making me feel attacked lol,) for teaching his girlfriend's dog to do a nazi salute. Some guy went to prison for saying he was happy someone got stabbed. Someone else was put in prison in connection with the story about the same stabbing and making an offensive comment. Several other incidents of people being sentenced for aggressive/violent language doesn't have to be a direct threat can be vague and one off. The law is applied very inconsistently so it creates a chilling effect (by design I think. I know I never feel safe in recent years because of how vague it is.) There's also a lot of laws about protest. I'm actually strongly in disagreement with most of the cases I've read about here leading to arrest/prosecution but it would make it very easy for her to be arrested here. She would be long gone already lol.

    One of the people in this video has a North American accent, not sure how long they've been here but it must be very confusing:

    Also why I think Jordan Peterson is a bit delusional (well among many reasons lol.) You say something aggressive while pissed off/having a bad day could theoretically be imprisoned here. Most cases seem to be on mainstream social networks (like twitter.) And there are countries with far less freedom of speech of course anonymity is essential.
    The impulse is pure
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  5. #4340
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    I can tell that news story about the fascist psychopath hybristophile/autohybristophile is going to be my thing for a while lol. But like even if you're not focussed on these dynamics holy [BEEP] what a story/headline lol. She was fucking selling dildos.

    But no the weirdness isn't what interests me. As usual it's the gender dynamics. Society really doesn't know what to do with antisocial women.

    It takes up until you have someone like Johanna Dennehy before anyone acknowledges female psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder. The media and people who knew her referred to her as a man-woman though because they still couldn't process the idea. Most end up in prison only because they worked with a man. They often rape women and there's very little conversation about that. They're mostly seen as the people who 'find victims for the psychopath men in their lives' Rose West raped and killed women.. Like she killed a woman while Fred was in prison even. In my estimation most of them aim to be like the men in their lives and are a bit voyeuristic (sadistic women tend towards voyeurism because people don't take female violence/rape etc seriously. It's not even rated as the same crime in my country so a lot of sadistic women prefer to live vicariously through men.) Ghislaine Maxwell is similar too and I feel like things have improved marginally so you get a little more people like 'oh yeah Ghislaine Maxwell was fucked' especially given Epstein is already dead, and the victims were of a younger generation and speaking out about what happened in detail - they didn't die. (Most of the prolific ones are British for whatever reason. I think it expresses itself differently based on culture. Sort of like everyone's a political spree killer now and not doing the serial killer thing as much.)

    Now the second element of this case - and this is the part society struggles with the most - is the paraphilic element.

    Society and even many sexologists like to ignore that paraphilia or fetishes exist in women due to sexism and bias. I think it's perfectly appropriate to claim that someone has a paraphilia if they've gotten to the point where they're encouraging and creating Nazi propaganda/documentaries in service to it. Otherwise what is the point of the category? You'd say it was paraphilia if it was a guy (unless they're a right winger like Matt Walsh and then one half will acknowledge it's sexually motivated, and the other half will think it's normal sexuality right? 😏 ) So I'm glad that this was all brought up in the huffpost article as unusual as it is to go into all that (the internet makes it easier to get that info these days too.)

    So I've spoken multiple times about this post on the gender critical subreddit I found where a pretty weird terf was going around online talking to trans men and I guess other afab trans people (genderfluid etc,) while pretending to be one. Even on the subreddit other people thought that was creepy eg this comment:

    This reads as a predator's notes, not a scientific observation. And it's content I would NOT like to see here. You're actually admitting to stalking and gaslighting mentally ill women. Bring on the downvotes, but this is not normal behavior and only serves to demonize us all.
    and then creating their own form of categorisation of three different types (but I found these largely mapped the stereotypes that people go with in society anyway and they haven't invented any terms they use they've been used by both hobbyist sexologists and 4chan's lgbt board for ages.) That whole subreddit was locked a while ago but people who document these things still have some quotes available (they're lacking a lot of the details mentioned in the og post especially in the second category) also this is very online but that goes without saying:

    Very on point from the person on tumblr:

    How is it that their response to two of these three 'typologies' is 'be a condescending asshole instead of being kind, engaging in good faith, and asking them questions in an effort to learn? and the third is 'FLEE''
    I'm not going to post all the text screenshots but this is the classic stereotype that terfs bring up all the time where they emphasise victimhood and gender non-conformity/being a rape victim etc:

    I want to focus on this next part though 'they're psychopaths so they fail to socialise as female fully' this is a group of people who claim nobody can be trans and everyone genetically female is 100% a woman, socialisation is based on sex etc. Until they encounter a predatory female person. The implications of that for society/culture and how it processes/socialises non-conforming people is insane.

    And I did see this in the way people talked about Johanna Dennehy. So I realised at a certain point female psychopathy is seen as being 'man like' and she didn't identify as trans or anything this is a cis woman.

    It was pointed out by this person that you shouldn't approach people like this because they will laugh at you and essentially not agree to be manipulated. Terf's desire is to manipulate/gaslight people into re-identifying as women/not identifying as trans. So it's all a bit that meme with spiderman pointing:

    And they really do see female as a political category in a struggle against the patriarchy so they want to recruit among the genetic female population. But also with it being a online subculture they will also just attract people who are predators and probably get off on the idea of 'conversion therapy.' So there's that motivation too. I've also attracted a terf troll online before who was really bothered by me I think because I always pointed out their new accounts because I was good at spotting them (and because I wasn't anti-porn/sex work and pro trans. Obviously I'm non-binary so duh.) They've stalked me on/off for years and at one point lost the plot completely and signed up tons of accounts to tell me to kill myself etc and go do porn etc. Tip of the iceberg though lol they had so many 'personalities' over the years. I'm not the only person who had this experience though even cis people who are gender critical have been harassed by some of these psychos and spoken about that.

    But predator [BEEP] aside, this is how people view non-conforming women and trans people (if they appear genetically female.) I see people draw from the first two stereotypes all the time (the long lost butch lesbian/tomboy who was probably traumatised/raped' stereotype and the schizotypal narcissist otherkin androgynous bi/homosexual in transitioned gender stereotype. Their descriptions btw I remember the original post too.) That's 100% how we're viewed by society. Except I'd say the third group (predators/psychopaths,) are completely ignored by society (and most of these people are cis women,) like that group society can't process at all.

    Someone on reddit quoted a bit more but still not everything. It has a very Madonna/whore feel to it too. (if not for that middle category it would literally fall into a pure vs evil dichotomy):

    Sexuality: Either homosexual ('straight' for them) or so obliterated by trauma so as to be completely non-existent ('asexual'). If not asexual, then either masochists/submissive, or 'vanilla' (not perverted).

    Sexuality: Straight (or 'uwu gay boys'). Some of them identify as bisexual, but it?s hard to determine if it?s genuine bisexuality or attraction to manly men and she/her 'femboys'. Fetish-wise, into a lot of weird stuff. Furries, tentacles, latex, transformation, this sort of thing, often as a switch (both the doer and the target of the act). Sometimes come across as pedophilic, due to inappropriate conduct around children, sharing NSFW information with them etc. This, however, usually comes from the 'sex positive' ideology, rather than genuine pedophilia (this is more of a 'predatory' thing).

    'Goals': Feminine bottom gay boy, handsome-but-still-pretty top yaoi boy with a hairless body of a Greek god, or a sparkling hermaphroditic alien who is adored by everyone.

    Sexuality: Orientation wise, all over the scale, mostly in the middle. Usually call themselves bisexual or 'pansexual', very often 'aromantic' (incapable of feeling love). Sadist/dominant, with fetishes like rape, impregnation (with them in the male role), mutilation, cannibalism etc. Often pedos or into bestiality. Two huge elements in this type's sexuality are what I'd call autohybristophilia ? attraction to the image of oneself as a male killer/rapist and corruption fetish the fantasy of destroying someone, body and mind, and 'remaking' them - they enjoy the thrill of exposing children to fetishes or 'cracking eggs'.

    'Goals': The potential to hurt outweights aesthetics. Typically the 'ideal body' has huge muscles and a big penis, but it might be very ugly or even nonhuman. Worth mentioning, this is not the same as a revenge fantasy some women (including self-hating TIFs) indulge in. That is 'I don't have power, but if I could hurt the people who hurt me, I'd have power at least over that situation', this is 'I like hurting people, and if I had power, I'd hurt them even more/without consequences'
    'A sparkling hermaphroditic alien adored by everyone.'

    And what about it [BEEP]? Honestly I identify with some elements of the 2nd and 3rd category. Nothing that extreme but I like corruption themes and some other stuff in fiction a little. I also like that 'impregnation' is somehow up there along extreme sadism lmfao. Says a lot about them.

    Their threshold for 'evil' was fairly low because it included an erotic horror fiction writer (Poppy Z Brite/Billy Martin.) Though they did say they felt he belonged in the second and third category overlapping.

    People don't know what to do with antisocial men, and fail to address that problem but the way we talk about antisocial behaviour and gender means that men are often portrayed as predators and potential antisocial personalities. So you have a lot of figures who will talk about that either to encourage it or discourage the behaviour like say Jordan Peterson. There's nobody talking to antisocial women. It's considered an anomaly so nobody cares.

    There's also another thing where if you're reasonably masculine acting but present in a feminine way people will read you as a psychopath etc you see this most notably with masculine trans women especially considering they overlap in people's minds with the man category. But why do people think they're more evil/predatory than men? (Because they do in modern society at least and a lot of art/media has been centred on that belief,) They're not viewed purely as men.

    If you look at someone like Aubrey Plaza she plays into this stereotype a lot (and she's also an actress so they have the additional thing of being typecast and her first major role was written for her so doubly so,) but she's also quite non-conforming kind of acts a bit neurodivergent and people perceive her as being androgynous inspite of her presentation (you can generally tell when a woman is androgynous, famous and conventionally attractive based on how many gay men and bicurious women want to [BEEP] them or have some minor level of desire):

    'Normally when people say they write a part for me it's like I'm a murderer, or I'm a serial killer, I'm like a devil or. Like literally. But in this show I'm just a lawyer. Just a normal person.'

    My own experience has been that some people read me as masculine like I've been asked 'why are you acting like a guy' before but not very often because I'm not very masculine. I'm also very socially anxious which both reduces the masculinity but also makes me seem weird in a different way. And I dressed kind of alternatively so because of that combination people would often joke that I'm going to kill/destroy everyone because all these categories of people can be typecast as being evil. So I do shitpost about being an evil demon and [BEEP] because I grew up being told I was a devil worshipper it's important to note though that this did bother me originally. So I think people often lean into this character as a coping mechanism. And there's additional motivation besides embracing the negative [BEEP] people say which is that you can use it as self defence to some extent, and note the British person (ofherbsandalters) with colourful hair in this video is actually a genderfluid trans guy as well:

    Unrelated but Strange Aeons (presenter,) conflates alternative culture of the 2000s with 90s alt culture at points in this video. Like Evanescence and Amy Lee were 2000s thing. That was my era lol. There was an overlap anyway though.

    'All the way through high school I had been picked on. Every fucking day it was complete misery it was bloody awful but when I started dressing goth the bullies actually backed off. Now I don't know if part of that was me having more self confidence and obviously not giving a [BEEP] but I do think Columbine also had something to do with this too.'

    'I remember threatening kids at school that I was going to curse them and stuff you know the kind of cringy thing when you're a teenager and you're bullied and suddenly the culture of the time you're in has given you this dark power. It's the only way you can think to fight back is to try and creep people out.'

    This is why I'm against the education system though because it creates an environment very similar to the prison system (especially in working class areas,) and encourages sociopathy as a survival mechanism and it discourages self defence while failing to deal with psychopaths/bullies institutionally which leads people to develop a complex about feeling weak right. Which is the worst thing you can be in Western culture. Everyone has to be a boss bitch.

    Although I dressed alternatively when younger and some of these comments I got were based on me being read as goth/emo a lot of the time when people joked about me becoming a serial killer etc I wasn't like heavily goth. I didn't wear makeup in general, and I often wore weird colourful clothing actually and that's not the stereotype for that. We also had a school uniform at school and I was still getting comments about being like a creepy horror movie character and Wednesday Addams. So I believe it was more because of my personality.

    People think of Aubrey Plaza as being 'goth' because of how goth people are stereotyped but she never dresses that way. Like at best when she was young (circa that time she was in the WoW commercial, and Scott Pilgrim,) she fit the nerd girl archetype:

    And I think the juxtaposition between two categories in her case feminine but not bubbly in personality and a little socially awkward especially when she was younger kind of created this effect.

    This is also why she's described as being a transmisogynist because she took it to the nth degree in interviews in the past:

    I'm not hating on her btw I'm actually a big fan but lots of people are problematic myself included. She was trending on twitter recently because some incel guy tweeted something about her 'hitting the wall' then privated his account after the massive pile on haha which is why she's on my mind. There was another amusing tweet:

    We joke about dudes picking characters to be literally me fr fr but its really remarkable how you can look at a lot of women and just think ?oh shes just trying to be Aubrey Plaza.?
    She wasn't even famous when people started comparing me to that archetype. I'm actually much more expressive and a different kind of vibe + more socially anxious so a lot of people think I'm 'cute' but a lot of people also put me into that category, but people are basic. Part of the reason I don't like socialising with people is that you have to fit into one of the categories they push onto you and then you're expected to stay in that place and never change and they comment on every change and they think it's inauthentic when really a lot of people 'contain multitudes.' And I usually feel like I'm performing actually. And I hate the 'cute/neotenous/anxious' archetype in particular.

    But yes people find this entertaining on some level like a kind of 'appropriate level of scared/amused/horny' when someone reads as being a cis woman (whether they are or not,) they really don't when they read as being a trans woman (whether they are or not.)

    The belittling/infantalisation of female predators is the most dangerous outcome of this cultural norm but I find it fucking annoying in general obviously. It makes it difficult to understand yourself when sexology just hasn't bothered to research people like you because they only research people they're scared of. There's so many reasons it's fucking annoying and there's a warning about this in Greek mythology lol about not taking female people seriously. Like in my other weird post:

    I don't know though I don't think in general society is nuanced enough to be able to have a conversation and differentiate between 'weird person with weird sexual interests and/or personality traits but not a predator' 'and psychopathic sexual sadists.' For any group of people.

    But there's a whole video about that here too:

    This is interesting actually because I was never attracted to Marilyn Manson although I liked his aesthetic and a bunch of his music (mostly from his first three albums,) And I've been attracted to musicians with a similar aesthetic, and even physical features (this song is very cringe for me now lol, I mean the skinny guitarist Billy Martin who actually isn't the feature of most of their videos so why am I linking,) so on paper it should have worked but in reality didn't lol. A couple of these guys are kind of hot too but I never developed a parasocial crush on them as individuals. One example prob would have sufficed. You get the idea though. skinny alternative guys with long hair.

    Anyway that's not to say I had some kind of subconscious insight it's quite possible I've been attracted to many problematic people too you never know with famous people. Also though for a brief period my bully was attracted to him and Snape (from Harry Potter) actually a bit before him. During a period where I wasn't attracted to anyone really there was this period where she'd force me to act out the potion scene from Harry Potter with her over and over. And again this is so ironic considering JK Rowling's position on trans people and everything now (yes I have been personally victimised by Harry Potter,) but then I was a big fan of Harry Potter as a kid in spite of this period. Later on she became more attracted to masculine black men. Very clearly the stereotype too.

    edit: Not making a new post and I guess it fits in here somewhere if you squint, but it's hilarious because of the editing with their faces at the end:

    Also lol wtf is happening. I just heard that Ashnikko's debut album is coming out soon. Debut? I've been following their music for years on YouTube and I assumed they'd released an album already. I guess not.
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  6. #4341
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    The usual moment of hope in the mornings, lasting all of maybe 2 minutes, before I descend into suicidal despair the rest of the day.

    This will be the rest of my existence. 5 years or 50 years or however long my natural life ends up being. And I keep choosing to wake up, so I'm saying yes to this. Is that not batshit?

  7. #4342
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    Alan Moore pointed out the coincidences in his own writing (just like me fr,) this isn't what he was getting at but he also seems to be 'psychic.' He didn't really like Harry Potter and ended up writing something that seemed to express that in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume III: Century. But details of this story end up being quite ironic now (Spoilers.)

    The Hogwarts Massacre was a terrible event caused by the young Antichrist, after discovering the truth about his nature and the exploits of his youth, as well as the real identity of the dark wizard he faced, awakening all his magical power in a frenzy of violence. In the course of the carnage, the crazed boy destroyed practically the entire school of magic and witchcraft, killing many teachers and also students who had been his friends, as well as the magical creatures that lived there.

    The antichrist's fury was so intense that even the inhabitants of the wizarding village of Hogsmeade, as well as all the families who were on the secret railway platform that gave access to the school. After this vortex of hatred, there was nothing left of that magical world but destroyed ruins and mutilated skeletons.
    Orlando was born in Thebes of 1260 BC as Bio, daughter of the blind seer Tiresias, once cursed to transform into a woman for seven years. Tiresias had passed his gift of prophecy to his older daughter Manto, who would go on to be an Oracle of Delphi, while Bio inherited his omnisexuality that manifested itself at the age of ten when she transformed into a boy. Out of shame, Tiresias sold his son to pirate slavers bound for Egypt, where he became a favourite of Ramesses II.

    Nine years later, having aged beyond the pharaoh's tastes, Orlando joined an expedition bound for the horn of Africa, where as soon as they docked, he transformed back into a woman. Fearing what might become of her among her crewmates, she fled into the jungle and wandered for weeks, eventually stumbling into the city of Kor in Uganda, where she found a mystical pool of lapid, liquid flame in which she bathed and emerged an Immortal.
    (they lived for thousands of years so just skipping to the end):

    After being discharged from the military, Orlando returns to London and quickly, and unexpectedly, turns female. She frees Mina from Coote's mental institute. The two of them track down Oliver Haddo's Antichrist, a crazed Harry Potter, and engage him in combat. Alan Quatermain joins Mina and Orlando in fighting the Antichrist, but is killed by the Antichrist. Orlando uses Excalibur to send a signal to the Blazing World that they have found the Antichrist. God, in the form of Mary Poppins, then comes down from the sky and turns the Antichrist into a chalk drawing, then summons a rainstorm to wash away the chalk, preventing the Apocalypse.

    Orlando is last seen with Mina and an aging Emma Peel burying Allan's remains in Africa.
    =D This was written years before JK Rowling started her 'trans quest.'

    I'm sorry this is just hilarious to me now. Contrast with the genderfluid character Loki causing Ragnarok cause well he did in the original Norse myth.

    As always I have to know how he'd feel:

    I'm actually more interested in JP than JK Rowling, as I've mentioned before I predicted his coming as a teenager and in my early 20s (2013) (75% shitpost lol,) and he's more like the anti-me than JK.

    On the over side of the food court there was a guy, dressed in the most convincing costume she had ever seen. She guessed he was supposed to be some kind of Humanoid Dragon. His skin had been covered in realistic looking iridescent pale gold scales that shimmered green/gold in the harsh light of the food court it was a wonderful contrast against his long, vivid red hair. His nose has lizard like ridges and protruding from his back were a sizable pair of wings, folded closed against his body, no doubt for convenience. He was dressed in what looked like armour; sleeveless and black leather.

    "Damn that is a badass costume." Kit said softly
    Spoilers that wasn't a costume. I wrote 'over' instead of other lol.... Wow. This was Nanowrimo so tbf I was trying to bang out as many words as possible because I was aiming for 50k in a single month. I managed about 38k and then tried to remove all contractions to increase the word count lol...

    There was still a few hours to go before the concert started, so Tora proposed that they go to The Lost Dragon pub. It was nearer to the abandoned theatre so they were all in agreement.
    I really was just shoving 'aesthetically cool' stuff into this lol. 'Well I like concerts and dragons and abandoned theatres'

    "In order to use magic, those with the capacity of it need a certain amount of mana. It flows into people via their dreams. Depending on the individual they can either retain a very small amount or quite a lot."

    "Like a fantasy role playing game? Are you serious? Is this a windup?" Alex asked. "I have to admit they might have gone further than anyone else ever."
    This is painfully British tbh.
    The impulse is pure
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  8. #4343
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    I'm scared you'll die before we find it.

    Our friend waited till the very end and died before it happened.

    I really need to see you there. I'd die with a smile.

  9. #4344
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    A suicide pill. That's what I need.

    I think I'm a pretty hardy person but we all have a limit don't we???

  10. #4345
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    Why does the Taliban just sound like they're satirising themselves? I'm still not convinced this account is real. Nah it can't be they are supposedly on twitter though.

    The sale and purchase of Bladee music is prohibited in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. This individual is a homosexual gangster. We do not listen to such music. We prefer masculine music.

    This is also how I discovered this musician and also after further Googling they do look quite cute in this pic (and more feminine than the images they chose ironically):

    Oh no his music (well this track) sounds like mumble rap 100 gecs

    Why did people born in 1993-94 do this?

    What I wanted lol:

    What I got:

    Hey you lil' piss baby, you think you're so fucking cool?
    You think you're so fucking tough?
    You talk a lotta big game for someone with such a small truck
    Aw, look at those arms
    Your arms look so fucking cute
    They look like lil' cigarettes
    I bet I could smoke you
    I could roast you
    And then you'd love it and you'd text me "I love you" and then I'd fucking ghost you
    I watched the greatest minds of my generation.

    'Oh look at the gen z with their weird music.'


    'Wait you're saying the musicians are 2-3 years younger than me because most music is made by people 10+ years older than the audience. This is younger millennials?'

    But no it's funny. (Also tbf that 100 gecs track came out 3 years ago anyway.) Also homosexual gangster killed me.
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  11. #4346
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    Oh I'm all alone

  12. #4347
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    Do men dislike being called a "good boy"? I find myself thinking or saying this sometimes. I used to say it to my ex and he hated it, always squawked that he wasn't a dog.

  13. #4348
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    I've had 7-8 good years over my lifetime so far. That's like 25%. That's pretty good right? If I die by 35, that's still more than 20%.

  14. #4349
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    I don't want to work anymore. I just want to sit alone and be depressed without the pressures to maintain basic survival.

  15. #4350
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    I love it here, I'd love to be an Ottawan. Torontonian. Calgarian. Edmontonian. Reginian. Vancouverite. Montrealer. Winnipegger. Etc.

    I'd love to be wanted by any of you. I love you all so much.

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