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  1. #4366
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    If my 12yo self knew what my life would be now, she would have wished I'd killed myself.

    It's interesting how much humans are willing to tolerate in order to live.

  2. #4367
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    Beer is disgusting

    Gimme wine

  3. #4368
    Doseone's Avatar Metacognizant
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    It's amazing how the mind works. During dreaming I can create entire songs that don't exist, and they're good! I don't have the ability to write music in real life.

    Also Incubus is one of the most underrated bands talent-wise.

  4. #4369
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    Man, this is the best rabbit hole I've fallen into in years. I WISH I experienced this drama live. (KARMA please no bite me)

  5. #4370
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    I'm feeling unbearable stress right now

  6. #4371
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    Western Canada is dreamy to me.

    Hazy like a summer during grade school... why haven't I felt it since I came back?

    I don't belong here, do I? But this is home, so what do I do?

  7. #4372
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    If I had wheels, I'd be a wagon

  8. #4373
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Everytime someone like Matt Walsh complains about femboys or men in dresses a bunch of people will post photos of men in dresses or photos of themselves in dresses. At some point he (I think it was him, but it could have been some other conservative they all blur together) posted something about trans women in relationships (I forget what,) and a bunch of trans women posted photos of themselves making out with each other. Now we have this guy who has clearly been making some notes and wants to see women post photos of themselves in yoga pants:

    So disgusting when I see women dressed like prostitutes in the gym. You don't have to wear spandex and yoga pants, there's plenty other clothing.

    I shouldn't have to feel like I'm in a strip club when I'm just trying to work on my health. It's annoying.
    His quote retweets are once again full of women posting photos of themselves doing what he hates.

    I'm still onto you all. Even the ones who don't realise they want to see people doing it, because they enjoy being angry.

    edit lol:

    As a bisexual woman i have never ever felt weird around women because they are wearing tighter/less clothes at the gym. This is 100% a cis man's problem and he shouldn't be allowed at the gym at all.
    Wonder why I've literally never seen bi/lesbian women getting pressed about this. Aren't men meant to be LESS sensitive and fragile?
    I actually addressed this in my new song. Click here to hear my response:
    So you addressed why [BEEP] women are less thirsty/desperate? I doubt it somehow. I wish though. That would be entertaining. Seems to be an overly autotuned poor quality piece too where the lyrics are about people hating him for being a Christian lol. 'Demons in Hollywood' whatever. I don't mind that if the music is decent but his track is really dull. Let's also look at the lyrics.

    Don't judge by appearance
    Always judge by the fruit's

    Was the point that your music is less good then a bisexual artist who makes music about Christianity Ethel Cain?

    I like the full version but I really like the distorted into in the above track. I think she should have merged the two.

    'I'm right because I've attracted harpies.'

    No they can smell your weakness. You use morality to excuse your inability to control your sexual response to the female form. It drives you insane enough to form entire religions and philosophies to control female sexuality so you don't have to control yourself. You can't handle testosterone. You teach people how you want to be treated and you made it clear that you abhor weakness in others. This goes against the original point of Christianity as noted by some far right writers historically and Nietzsche probably think he touched on that Christianity is a slave morality. (Edit: I believe the original point of Satan was that he was supposed to be a neutral figure designed to test people too. But you all missed the point and turned him into a cartoonish villain of hedonism which is not necessarily the case. and in older mythologies with different morals there were similar figures who punished guys like you like literally. The similarity to what is happening now culturally is uncanny.) You're displaying weakness which is hypocritical that means people in your outgroup have to destroy you. Thank social media for encouraging sadism coupled with the 'we destroyed you with facts and logic' crowd for setting the tone I guess.

    I always thought men in conservative cultures were really weak because they can't handle women wearing anything. I've often been more attracted to fictional guys who seem borderline asexual like Spock hah.

    Of course the women and teen girls in conservative cultures often pander to their weakness. Except when they don't and get killed along with the men who don't agree with those weak men. They rape women, they complain about homosexuality but rape men. Make it make sense. In debased environments men often rape men as a sign of dominance too.

    You can't cater to the demands of men like this because if you do you won't be able to tell who is sexually weak. Oh and their cultures are the worst.

    It's worth noting that many men struggle maintaining vows of chastity themselves, a minority of conservative men are genuinely sociosexually restricted, but most are hypocritical fuckboys like Roosh V and Andrew Tate. Someone should tell him paternity tests exist. Oh they do but he still doesn't like it because it's 'Haram' and 'read the bible and the Qaran' hahaha. Besides most fuckboys are deadbeat dads anyways.

    What's that wikipedia?

    Unrestricted men tend to have greater rape myth acceptance, past sexual aggression and more conservative attitudes about women than restricted men.

    I actually have a lot in common with Andrew Tate. We're both 'chasers' and we're both from Luton. I was trying to find the original clip (he keeps referring to himself as amazing and really clever because he's a narcissist lol,) but I couldn't find it it's included in this video and oh my God it's this guy I love him he's hilarious (and a complete idiot obviously.) In another video years ago he brought up Sailor Moon as an example of something without 'gay propaganda' and there's a lesbian relationship in the original Japanese cartoon. They made them cousins because the US prefers incest.

    "You may catch him not with a woman you may catch him wearing your underwear."

    Ideally my dude. Well maybe not mine. feminine/pretty female underwear is obviously hotter than male underwear.

    It's just terrible people as far as the eye can see. Honestly it's always sunny is a documentary.

    You all want to think masculinity is being as far right as possible no? Then listen to Evola as I take his words completely out of context for my purposes:

    "men instead of being in control of sex are controlled by it and wander about like drunkards"
    "It should not be expected of women that they return to what they really are," he writes, "when men themselves retain only the semblance of true virility." The threat, he believed, was existential. If left unaddressed, he wrote in Revolt Against the Modern World, "the spiritual emasculation of the materialistic modern man" all but "tacitly restored the primacy of the woman as hetaera" a courtesan in the ancient Greece, represented in the character of Circe, who in the Odyssey turns men into pigs "ruling over men enslaved by their senses and at her service."
    Actually Evola, in The Sims 2 Circe is married to Loki. Loki is some kind of mad scientist and Circe is, I guess, a sadistic doctor and they live in a house with open archways instead of doors in a small desert town with their adopted test subject - Nervous Subject who they conduct experiments on and torture after they adopted him when his mother was unable to care for him properly. It's strongly implied that his mother killed several people and buried them in her back garden in order to gain the Grim Reaper's sexual attention. Nervous Subject is her child with the Grim Reaper. Nervous's only friend is a scientist Pascal Curious who lives with his two brother's (they appear to be loosely inspired by The Lone Gunmen from the X-files universe,) and is, at the start of the game, pregnant with an alien baby due to being abducted by aliens. 😐

    I miss when teen games had stories like this, vs the babyfication of The Sims 4 with it's almost complete lack of storyline. People usually ship Nervous and Pascal together though it's not cannon. Nervous is a family Sim but generally won't reciprocate attraction easily because he's neutral to men and dislikes women probably implied to stem from trauma. I note that the conservatives were silent about all of this. There was no abortion or explicit homosexuality in this storyline so it was all fine.

    Can you imagine if I had the power to resurrect Evola and subject him to hours worth of Sims Lore discussion? Like this but worse.

    I was molded, in part, by this I imagine:

    I'd also make him watch this video repeatedly:

    Lol. Monologue about Steven Wilson's back catalogue. (Though I'm too lazy to re-write these quotes presently.)

    "Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

    [muffled complaints from Evola]

    In '87, Huey released this; Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the band itself. Hey, Paul!"
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  9. #4374
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    2017-2018 were the best years EVER

    I experienced things i never thought I ever would in this lifetime

    Is that enough?

    Never to be happy again? If it already happened once?

  10. #4375
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    I don't really get this channel. I thought maybe they were just reuploading interviews and talks etc from elsewhere due to the inconsistency in people present and venues etc, but I guess someone involved in the process allows them to 'host' stuff? I mean I just clicked on this video because it's Alan Moore lol. Some interesting quotes here:

    Quote Alan Moore
    "The places where we live to some degree they write us. That we are dependent on all of the influences of the place and time that we emerge in and grow up in. At the same time we write the places where we live. I'd say Northampton certainly since it collapsed into a financial blackhole in 2018 but certainly Northampton and probably most other places at the present moment would seem to be particularly disenchanted. That there is no meaning in anything, there is no joy, there is no enchantment at all in our newspaper headlines in the streets that we walk. So one of the duties of literature seems to me and of art in general is a reenchantment to lend meaning to these forgotten spaces, these forgotten people. To make them kind of flair with life again. That is art's job. Or at least part of it."
    Quote Alan Moore
    "If you can attach narratives to places. Then, you are kind of overwriting the reality. Because when we think about Victorian London we're not actually thinking about Victorian London are we? We're thinking about Dickens. It's sort of because Dickens managed to overwrite the reality of his day in a way that gave it meaning but was recognisably accurate to the reader's of the time where they thought yeah this is our world."
    Quote Alan Moore
    "When Margaret Thatcher bravely degraded the country from 1979/1980 on she first had to degrade the idea of the country. There was lots of ways in which we thought of ourselves before the Thatcher years that at the end of them not it was something different. Unions meant something different by the end of the Thatcher years and all sorts of things. The landscape of our thinking had greatly deteriorated and that was matched in the deterioration of the physical world. Because if the idea of something doesn't matter then the thing itself doesn't really matter that much does it?"
    Quote Robin Ince
    "I was just thinking this is probably a very literal version of it. The change in some place like Leicester when they found that perhaps in that carpark there was Richard the III. And suddenly it doesn't just change that bit of the carpark. I mean I really noticed it, it might have been psychosomatic but I've played there many times and wandered around the streets and there was this sense had a horse ridden through there, was a king standing over there. Who were the people crawling through suddenly there were more ghosts there. [...] Suddenly the stories have reignited this is not just a hopeless place and over there is the Marks and Spencers, and the Lidl's and all of those things it is a place that is the magic of a story in the bricks again."
    Quote Alan Moore
    "We need more ghosts. I don't know what all the exorcists are thinking. [...] I mean like one of the things with Richard the III turning under a carpark in Leicester was who knows what's under all the other carparks. It no only does a lot for Leicester it does a lot for carparks doesn't it? I'm all for that. I've had a soft spot for carparks since I once went on a walk with some other occult minded types and we were looking at all of Aleister Crowley's addresses in London which has recently been the subject of an amazing book by I think Phil Baker. [...] Nearly every bus shelter that Aleister Crowley ever loited in is still there whereas if you were to do similar walk looking for places associated with say Austin Osman Spare it's all sorts of Aldi carparks so yeah. These forgotten little stretches of our urban wasteland who knows what might be buried under there."
    I think so that's why I liked Patrick Wolf's music a lot as a teenager but I can't get the same thing out of it that now that I did back then (also he's released new music for the first time in like a decade recently I think and I've not checked it out yet.) Not for a specific location either just the UK. I feel like Ethel Cain does that for people who grew up in a Southern Baptist culture in the US. (That's why I compared them before lol not because they are otherwise all that musically or aesthetically similar.) I can't think of anyone in the UK really like that now that I'm aware of in music but location is often more central to writing novels than songs tbh, and I'm not discovering new UK acts that much these days (plus most people are based online now, and other factors.)
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  11. #4376
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    I feel ok when I'm drunk or asleep, but I can't be drunk or asleep ALL the time. I need to be sober at least 10 or so hours of the day and those are some soul crushing hours.

  12. #4377
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    I don't want to try anymore but there isn't an easy way out. Puritanical society. Barbiturates are illegal, firearms are illegal. What are we supposed to do?

  13. #4378
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    So, return to the office is back in the news, as always, so, I am just going to say it.

    I don't want to return to the office full time. I don't care about your opinion on last night's episode of Happy Valley. I am here to work, so that I can buy food and pay the bills. Yes, I'm probably antisocial. I find the office loud and irritating at times. Its absolutley bloody freezing in the morning and I don't enjoy the commute in the cold and wet, nor do I enjoy the rail journey and I never will. I don't get the argument that I'm "ruining local economoes" by not returning, because I'm not spending money at Pret or on rail ticket, and instead, at smaller local businesses for coffee, groceries and lunch. Which are booming because people are now here during the day.

    I will do my joh, which with the odd exception, I do just fine from work and nobody has any complaints that I am not doing it. And yes, I'd happily leave and take a pay cut at another job thay allowed me to remain remote or hybrid.

  14. #4379
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    I feel a bit better today than I did last week, on the same amount of sleep. I guess that last glass of wine has an effect.

  15. #4380
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    I need an exit button on life. There's nowhere safe to turn besides substances and sleep and even those aren't a guarantee

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