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  1. #4501
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    Actually most of the art liberals make have destroyed real art. Thats why theyre broke and become activists. Most conservative art arent accepted by woke companies therefore many have left traditional art and some prefer selling them online and on etsy etc. LIBERAL ART IS TRASH
    Hmm 'liberals' make most of the art though 'good' and 'bad' throughout history. So of course liberal art is trash because basically all art is liberal art.


    Openness to experience correlates with creativity, as measured by tests of divergent thinking.[15] Openness has been linked to both artistic and scientific creativity as professional artists, musicians, and scientists have been found to score higher in openness compared to members of the general population.[16][17]
    Regarding conservatism, studies have found that cultural conservatism was related to low openness and all its facets, but economic conservatism was unrelated to total openness, and only weakly negatively related to the Aesthetics and values facets.[41] The strongest personality predictor of economic conservatism was low agreeableness (r= -.23). Economic conservatism is based more on ideology whereas cultural conservatism seems to be more psychological than ideological and may reflect a preference for simple, stable and familiar mores.[41] Some research indicates that within-person changes in levels of openness do not predict changes in conservatism.[42]
    I dunno that's a huge cope on his part lol. 'Conservatives' tend to have other strengths though like being more Conscientious. They're happier too. I mean not this guy apparently, but in general.

    Obviously a lot of creative people can't really function, never make any money etc. It's a high risk strategy.

    At least three aspects of openness are relevant to understanding personality disorders: cognitive distortions, lack of insight and impulsivity. Problems related to high openness that can cause issues with social or professional functioning are excessive fantasizing, peculiar thinking, diffuse identity, unstable goals and nonconformity with the demands of the society.[49]
    So you probably are generally better off being 'conservative' practically speaking but you also don't get any say in that (well unless you take psilocybin to become more open maybe, and I don't think that works the other way around.)

    This is pretty interesting actually:

    Openness is related to many aspects of sexuality. Men and women high in openness are more well-informed about sex, have wider sexual experience, stronger sex drives, and more liberal sexual attitudes.[34] In married couples, wives' but not husbands' level of openness is related to sexual satisfaction. This might be because open wives are more willing to explore a variety of new sexual experiences, leading to greater satisfaction for both spouses.[41] Compared to heterosexuals, people who are homosexual, asexual, or bisexual?particularly bisexuals?average higher in openness.[54]
    First, we showed that sexual minority persons averaged higher in openness than members of the heterosexual majority, a novel finding for asexual people, but also replicating findings for gays/lesbians and bisexuals (Lippa, 2005, 2008.) This difference is consistent with the notion that sexual minorities often have a different social reality from that of nonminorities, one which is unique and often marginalized relative to the heterosexual majority and which may foster high openness. For example, most sexual minorities, including asexual people, have likely faced significant discrimination in their lives (e.g., Kosciw, 2004; MacInnis & Hodson, 2012).
    (Also putting aside the cluster [BEEP] of ambiguity that is 'woke' I think this is the funniest definition I stumbled on so far. The Daily Mail obviously really lol):

    UK builders go WOKE: Study finds three quarters of tradesmen discuss their feelings with colleagues while two thirds shun the fried breakfasts and nearly half say they are history buffs
    This is definitely top 10 tweets of all time material:

    It's like he put a bunch of buzzwords into a dada poem generator.
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  2. #4502
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    Oh my god this debate (I didn't watch all of it but yeah)

    Also there's an insane part of this video where she (Kelly) just says 'A lot of black people enjoyed being slaves back when that was a thing.' After Naomi asked her if it was right that a couple of centuries ago it was normal to own slaves to argue against the ad populum fallacy. Why does she decide to die on that hill lol? She admits it's wrong but only because 'we're not in that time period anymore' lol....

    This video is insane.

    The entire section called transsexual biology (in timestamp labels about 15 minutes in) is really dumb. I don't know why she (the trans woman being debated Kelly Cadigan, I guess?,) keeps pushing back against her pointing out you're biologically intersex if on hrt. She seems to want to define it as having to do with chromosomes yet sex is defined by several characteristics including secondary sex characteristics, so changing them would make you biologically intersex.

    Also I don't know why she's on hrt if she thinks she's still biologically male. That would mean it's doing nothing lol. Also when transphobes and terfs say people were born as women/men it irks me because nobody is born a man/woman lol. Only adults can be men/women.

    Kelly Cadigan's vibe is also kind of uncomfortable. Trying to find a way to get at what I mean. At one point she comically points out that she can talk to anyone like she's saying she's approachable I guess.

    Naomi: "I talk to the intersex community quite a bit."

    Kelly: "You also have a huge platform so people might be scared to talk up to you."

    Naomi: "I mean your platform is 7 times my size so."

    Kelly: "Yeah but I can have a conversation with anybody, I'm super open."

    But her energy for me at least isn't making that come across lol. She's actually kind of being patronising at various points and clearly thinks very highly of herself.

    Then they start talking about a study with detransistioners and Naomi (the YouTuber) points out a bunch of people went on hrt to get certain effects they wanted and then went off but didn't regret it because they were non-binary.

    Quote Naomi
    "So one of the studies I believe was the English study that had a very weird and small sample. [...] What that study did which was really dishonest is that they conflated anybody who stopped taking hormones as a detransistioner and when I actually read the study what I found was that half or more than half of people they counted as detransistioners were non-binary and they only wanted to be on hormones for a couple of years because they wanted to obtain androgynous bodies and sex characteristics and that was actually their intended treatment path. [...] So counting them as like detransistioners or people who regretted their transition is pretty flawed in nature."
    Yeah like if I went on hrt I'd probably stay on for a year or 2 to get a lower voice and then go off to avoid losing my hair and because I don't really need the other effects.

    Quote Kelly
    "Why is that flawed in nature"
    Quote Naomi
    Because they don't regret transitioning, they only wanted to be on hormones for a couple of years.
    Quote Kelly
    So do you not think that proves that some kids jump into transition or even adults? Without realising that or taking the time to make sure and go to therapy because of the easy access to hrt
    How she got that from what was just said is beyond me lol. She's like not listening lol.

    Quote Naomi
    No they wanted this. They wanted to have androgynous bodies because they were non-binary. That was their desired outcome.
    Quote Kelly
    Quote Naomi
    What's wrong with that?
    Quote Kelly
    I just don't agree with it I dunno
    Well I don't really agree with bitchy mean girl wannabe transmed pick me straight trans women who are obsessed with fitting in honestly, because you don't pass the vibe check, but I'm not saying you shouldn't exist lol.

    Quote Naomi
    You just don't agree with somebody who wants to have like an androgynous non-binary body?
    Quote Kelly
    Do you really think that's mentally healthy? That somebody wants to be something inbetween male and female?
    Quote Naomi
    Yeah there are intersex people who live happy, healthy, perfectly dignified lives and love their intersex bodies for example.
    Quote Kelly
    Yeah but that's not OK though.
    Holy [BEEP] lol. And she's so dumb she doesn't seem to realise she is androgynous and biologically intersex because she's trans and on hrt. She'll never be genetically female lol. And how is it worse to be on hrt your whole life than to go on, get a lower voice (as an example) then go off again?

    A bit later:

    Quote Kelly
    But you know it's not normal, even we're not normal but at least we try to fit in the binary. Do you think that people like that are mentally sane.
    I think Naomi is non-binary too lol. She hasn't brought it up lol but it was on one of her other video thumbnails and someone just brought that up in chat. edit: yeah on profile as well. Uses she/they pronouns.

    We're not natural but at least we're attempting to fit into the binary to seem natural in society. These people... It feels like you're trying to disrupt society. Like you're trying to make everyone want to be genderless. Which frankly I think is a huge concern.
    Well first of all:

    [BEEP] society.

    Secondly What a bitch (I wish someone would clip this with her saying what a [BEEP] because it's the perfect reaction lol.)

    She then goes onto to ignorantly assume that the definition of trans she goes with is the original one which non-binary people are erasing when it just popped up sometime in the 20th century and people who have identified as both, neither or some kind of third gender have existed for a thousand+ years and still do in other cultures.

    Do you think I'm trans Kelly?
    If you're using she/they pronouns I don't think you're really trans
    lol OK. Tbh I actually don't care about whether people think I'm trans per se because that particular label is meaningless really. At least in a social context. Non-binary is more useful. Plus non-binary people are discriminated against medically, socially etc in a different way as you can see from *gestures post* so yeah.

    Oh my God so she asked her why she doesn't think she's trans and she pointed out she's on hrt and then Kelly started questioning her about why she hasn't gotten any surgery.

    Quote Kelly
    'Have you had any work done at all?'
    Quote Naomi
    I don't feel like I need surgery to be pretty
    Quote Kelly
    So you don't have gender dysphoria?
    Quote Naomi
    I do have dysphoria I just don't feel like I need surgery to be pretty
    Quote Kelly
    It's not about being pretty, it's to clear your dysphoria.
    Quote Naomi
    Well just taking hormones has cleared my dysphoria so.
    Quote Kelly
    I'm not trying to insult you

    I knew she was going to be a lot but I didn't realise how much.

    Quote Kelly
    I'm going out of my way to want to pass really badly is that not something you desire at all?
    Oh my God. I just what.

    Straight trans women pass really easily. They almost always have very feminine body language which does a lot. She seems to think if people aren't on hrt they'll never pass (a point she brought up before,) but cis homosexual people accidentally pass as the opposite sex all the time without hrt and without trying because again they have similar body language. It's like bragging and you don't have to even put in as much effort she needs to stfu lol.

    Oh my god no seriously they're literally acting out this debate. EXACTLY THE SAME.

    Timestamp here: they are saying the exact same things with the same reactions. I always liked her character more too haha. But I also build my own PC(s) and wore knee high socks when I was younger so.

    I know she knows she's acting this out she even brought up 'the mouthfeel' I don't know if Kelly does hahahaha. That's amazing.

    She then says she doesn't pass and that she looks like a trans woman but not a cis woman so Naomi presses her on why she thinks she doesn't and she avoids answering at first because she doesn't want to look like a bad person which is funny after all the non-binary comments lol that ship hasn't just sailed it's sunk, but eventually she brings up facial structure which definitely isn't it imo. That can be an issue for some people but she has very soft/round features it's just her body language. Again this doesn't occur to Kelly because she hasn't picked up on the fact that body language is very important to how people are gendered.

    That being said a lot of people aren't going to know and won't agree with each other if you look androgynous.

    edit: Might be the best part lol Kelly just says

    You're not a good debater you can only debate evidence that's scientific you can't have a talk about transgenderism in a common sense way. Is there a person in there or is there just a robot?
    Basically just makes her seem like she can't keep up.
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  3. #4503
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    It's the two most important weeks of 2023 coming up.

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    I feel like I've seen this before but I love how their logo is blatantly Emily The Strange and this hasn't been acknowledged anywhere in the wikipedia article hahaha:

    I have some of those comics from when I was a teenager (my dad bought me/got me them from somewhere maybe while working on some exhibition stand. He used to work setting up exhibitions stands and stuff like that so he'd get free stuff a lot. One time he gave me and my brother these large fake cadbury chocolate bars that were just wood planks inside a large chocolate bar wrapper lol) and I had a bunch of Sims 2 custom content like that etc, she was kind of everywhere at the time.

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  5. #4505
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    edit: also can't relate to women dominating at uni haha. I studied games art and most people I knew and hung out with were either studying games art or were programmers. So I was surrounded by men, though I did know a few women as well. I lived in a house with 5 guys at one point too. Also in sixth form I was studying two subjects one that was almost exclusively guys (software dev,) and then another which was almost exclusively women (fine art,) which was interesting lol and I went to this club for a while from 16-18 to play yugioh with people, and everyone there except my friend who moved away shortly after we started going was a guy.

    I don't entirely agree with this (shocking haha) I mean, I read erotica that's absolutely short term in focus and usually fetishistic and antisocial if I'm trying to get off (like mindcontrol stuff turning men gay/feminising them or other weird shit. Even my fantasies without reading other people's content have often been weird lol like the tree people phase as a teenager.) I've gone through periods where I did that a lot too. Masturbating everyday. Didn't ever really make me want to engage in casual sex or remove my interest in a romantic relationship. I think because at certain points in the past I just had a high sex drive (when I was a teenager,) and in general I do like orgasms. I don't associate orgasms as something I can have with a partner certainly not casually lol so these things are very seperated for me. Also I've always been very avoidant in my temperament though. So I like the idea of a long term relationship but I'm picky and spooked by people placing a lot of of emotional demands on me very quickly. Doesn't mean the idea of casual sex ever really appealed though. Oh my God a secret third thing again. #schizoid #AvPD

    I think a more significant 'issue' (is it an issue?) For specifically cisgender men is they don't consume romance as much and mostly they have no interest in it so there's no counterbalance in media at least but I think a lot of anime is fulfilling that actually so. I've seen this as a point others have brought up and it seems stereotypically correct but I don't know if I even agree with it (for younger generations anyway,) lol so yeah. Or this. But again that's probably indicative that they (where applicable,) don't really desire long term relationships in the first place so they're not drawn to fantasy representations of that.

    A lot of the culture also includes guys like Andrew Tate who promote a short term strategy and of course he is also narcissistic (comes across very clearly in clips I've seen lol,) and probably fairly antisocial in general. And this has far more of an impact than porn imo honestly.

    A lot of media and advice etc targeted at men pushes tips that are useful for casual sex/relationships too. And because guys who are more suitable for long term relationships are derided as 'beta' and looked down on, and a lot of men don't want to be that guy because it lowers their self esteem, they constantly chase after a desire to be a fuckboy. And it probably is more masculine. I mean if you look at the research even down to the physiological level.

    One really clear sign of this is the emphasis on going to the gym. Even on the left a lot of guys will critique the sexism of these guys but praise them for the advice to 'go to the gym.' I mean it's useful for fitness reasons and obviously this is also to compete with other men, but it's worth bearing in mind if you decide to go really crazy with building muscles:

    If attractive, sex-typical traits are preferred more in short-term mating contexts, then they should also be preferred more by people who are more oriented towards short-term relationships, that is, people higher in sociosexuality [41]. Some evidence supports this view. Higher-sociosexuality women prefer more masculine male faces [29], [42] and more muscular male bodies [42]. Higher-sociosexuality men exhibit stronger preferences for attractive female body-mass index and waist-hip ratio [43].

    Across three studies, when controlling for other characteristics (e.g., body fat), muscular men rate their bodies as sexier to women (partial rs =.49-.62) and report more lifetime sex partners (partial
    rs = .20-.27), short-term partners (partial rs = .25-.28 ), and more affairs with mated women (partial r = .28 ).

    A functional analysis supports this prediction. Men's traits are better designed for contest competition than for other sexual selection mechanisms; size, muscularity, strength, aggression, and the manufacture and use of weapons probably helped ancestral males win contests directly, and deep voices and facial hair signal dominance more effectively than they increase attractiveness. However, male monopolization of females was imperfect, and female mate choice, sperm competition, and sexual coercion also likely shaped men's traits. In contrast, male mate choice was probably central in women's mating competition because ancestral females could not constrain the choices of larger and more aggressive males through force, and attractive women could obtain greater male investment. Neotenous female features and body fat deposition on the breasts and hips appear to have been shaped by male mate choice.
    I just want to say I don't thank you for that. I don't have androgynous features or look like Tom Hiddleston in Only Lovers Left Alive, and you don't have this hair:

    'Um how will looking like that help you attract slightly androgynous looking straight/bi men or some [BEEP] women? Or...'

    Actually I think looking less neotenic would help with some people probably (and probably my last crush who was a woman, and the one before who was a guy I almost met up with but then we didn't and I didn't bring it up again cause my life was/is a disaster.) But I think back to like this one guy I thought was cute who was insecure about not looking more feminine than he was and already looked pretty androgynous and I think he was mostly into fairly neotenic and feminine women. He liked Asian women a lot and I'm not Asian but he did compliment one of my photos once where I looked very small and cute and had long black hair in the photo with a fringe you know like IAMX who is hot 'I'd [BEEP] me' but no! no I wouldn't. Not with those neotenic features. I'd [BEEP] my hair circa 2015(?) (Evidently. Edit: Also I think I had that hair style first lol and I checked and mine was thicker/wavier actually not really straight) And it's not aesthetic. How am I supposed to wear long coats when I'm 5'2" I ask you. I miss that t-shirt though it had a cool design. Basically like this I bought it in Brussels. The design is from a poster for a 19th century Parisian venue though lol.

    But yeah I doubt he would have been into me beyond the photo or in real life and he was definitely out of my league he like made music and was pretty cute. I don't remember what he looked like now though really he posted a photo with makeup at one point and had long hair. He was into the whole visual kei aesthetic. It actually reminds me of this couple on YouTube who record videos together as a cis/trans lesbian couple. They got together back when she was in a visual kei band or something?:

    They have a cute dynamic I go back to that channel now and again.

    edit: OK kind of cis:

    Danish [BEEP] couple out to educate and spread love! One is trans, one is cis (kinda), but we're both ready to entertain and have a good time with you guys! : )
    And apparently she's writing a m/m romance trilogy. And put non-binary in some tags on instagram. I don't check their instagram accounts lol. And I don't want to project but this feels slightly sad because I understand the compromise thing and knowing you can't achieve certain things she brings up in this video. Though she seems less dysphoric than me so I dunno. Edited this post 65 thousand times ��

    'Nature' what are you doing? Nature noooo.

    Actually this isn't nature it's demonic. None of these thoughts are in the bible.

    Yeah I can't not start shitposting at some point. It's a disease.

    To summarise although women prefer slightly toned bodies on average that are also reasonably lean ('athletic' I guess,) the preference for muscles especially big ones becomes more pronounced if they're looking for casual sex and they also tend to distrust men with large muscles romantically. They assume they will cheat etc. Also I think it just becomes increasingly unnecessary or even a turn off with a lot of women when you get past a certain point. Not that you should base how you look on that necessarily.

    So if you look at guys who have been married for a really long time now or in a committed relationship for a long time in the current era that's a fairly good way to know what kind of guys are successful in that area (because women initiate divorce 70% of the time.) Though you can't know how happy the relationship is so that's a thing but yeah. I don't go out of my way to observe that specific thing, but I have noticed two examples off the top of my head who are famous too because famous people are always getting divorced and remarried despite being famous and so often attractive (in theory right,) they usually have a lot of options.

    So one is actually Geddy Lee who is 69 and has been married to his wife since he was 23 (46 years,) and the other is Thom Yorke who was in a relationship for 23 years but then that relationship ended a year before his wife died of cancer, so I suspect that had something to do with it.

    Also this is very amusing again just found that while googling to check some things:

    How much of a factor did Geddy Lee's looks play in having mostly male audiences at Rush concerts?
    Several people on tumblr myself included really disagree with you I'm just saying. Well I don't really find him attractive at his current age more like he went from being really cute to being kind of cool. Vibes. Also technically I did get into them through their music first. There are other people who also don't have big female fanbases though where I got into the guy first lol. Looked like someone I used to have a crush on irl who is now non-binary and looks very different from back then (facially but also they used to have long hair when I was attracted to them.) I'm talking about Steven Wilson yeah lol. I think his fanbase does have more women these days though.

    I don't really get why some guys question/want there to be more women in certain fanbases. If you look at early My Chemical Romance concert footage it is mostly guys, later after more women got into the band most guys left. So, I don't think (most guys) actually want that really... Their music didn't change that much during the period where that happened. (It did change a bit more later but not during this period of time because this was like early first album vs 2nd album.) It was mostly just their image became more theatrical I think.

    I think this song was actually a tribute to Gerard and Mikey's grandma btw.

    'I wish more women were into x'

    Yeah it's all fun and games until they're writing fanfics about the lead singer and the bassist having sex with each other (I don't have a band in mind when saying this btw lol definitely don't try and guess MCR lololol they're brothers not that that would stop some people,) and then you start to get annoyed about how they sexualise the band because it's supposed to be a platonic spiritual thing untainted by the material or something and the band is doing fanservice and making out on stage etc (and even if they're not on purpose you'll notice things that they highlight online and start getting irritated, it is a little insulting that they cropped Neil out like yeah they're hot here and I get it lol, but rude) and then you're gonna whine about that. 'Why are you shipping Cloud/Sephiroth together he [spoilers.] You don't understand the source material. Nooooo' Haha.

    And before you know it you're creating a slur just to describe women who totally ruined your thing.

    Fujoshi are women who were viewed as "rotten" for freely indulging in sexuality and centering [BEEP] narratives amongst male characters; Fujoshi were seen as women ruining the sanctity of heterosexual men's interests (i.e., shipping characters from popular television shows dominated by cishet men (Shonen series) etc.) The term was eventually reclaimed and is now used by female fans of BL. Nowadays, ?Fujoshi is probably better translated as ?fermentation girl? and the reason it was termed as such has more to do with the fact that these women would 'ferment' and change the 'product to be consumed' (anime series), so that it would be unpalatable for the (cisgender heterosexual) male viewer? (Mizoguchi, 2022). Can be thought of similarly to fans of Slash Fiction, Fujoshi were coined as such by men for their "rotten" interests, i.e. [BEEP] relationships. It was the fact that women were interested in [BEEP] relationships and sexual topics that they were seen as abnormal and unfit for marriage by traditionalists.
    Someone said this is one of Rush's worst songs on reddit or maybe just worst song on 2112 and WTF? It's so good though.

    I actually like some of their heavier songs a lot (big surprise hah,) and need to find more haha. I think this live performance is heavier than the actual studio recording:


    Can you imagine if I was normal? What a concept.

    Was this whole post an excuse to go off on this tangent? No actually it wasn't. This is just going to be happening for a while. But anyway.

    When I was watching videos about Sneako before at some point I stumbled on a clip of him criticising someone for posting photos with a cat or something like that. I think but I did look again later while writing some other post and it's possible I just hallucinated that. But I think he did. And again you see you're criticised for doing stuff that signals you'd be a good fit for a long term relationship lol. 'Cute' stuff in other words.

    Anyway this is all fine if it's what people want to do though and I have no reason to assume that men are stupid lol. That's the thing with people like Jordan Peterson. I think it's infantilising to not trust people to figure out themselves what they actually want. Also Jordan Peterson always seems so miserable.

    I will say one thing I am incredibly picky and definitely not desperate enough to try and get a relationship (as he brings that up.) But then I think less so when I'm socialising with certain people. I've been rejected by lots of people I've been attracted to or in other cases a relationship just wasn't going to materialise due to it being online/long distance etc, or other factors and as I say I'm pretty avoidant and I think I need to fix other things before having a relationship anyway so I don't actively try to pursue that. So all those things feel like they have a bigger impact on me personally.

    I wasn't hugely into visual kei but liked/downloaded some tracks in my late teens/early 20s or so:

    Lol there's a comment from me a really long time ago on this video.

    I think The Gazette have some good tracks but they're only sometimes considered visual kei I think. DOGMA which is more recent had some interesting tracks too but I think it's mostly gothic/alternative metal.

    I also really like this Dir En Grey track but it's the same thing haha:

    Gothic metal, alternative metal, industrial metal
    but they loosely got considered visual kei early in their career I think or something.

    Also liked Girugamesh. Saw them live actually before they broke up. I think that was the concert where it was so packed they were lifting people out of the crowd and I thought 'hmm maybe I should since I don't know how much longer it's going to go on for' lol but then the concert was over the next song anyway and I'd become so dehydrated I drank like an entire pint of water in seconds. I don't know why that concert in particular was so insane lol.
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  6. #4506
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    I want to be happy. Why is that so hard?

  7. #4507
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    A pigeon landed outside my window and has been looking through my window for some time. I think this is the first time that's ever happened the ledge outside is thin. I mentioned this to my brother and he said the same thing happened to him earlier but it's a different pigeon and again doesn't normally happen. Clearly they are planning an attack.
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  8. #4508
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    Lol what? Strange transphobes are still going after that twitter user I mentioned before who is a cis lesbian woman. The one Glinner etc decided to misgender.

    It's performative femininity, he's dressing up like a sissy and he still is now with his Victorian cosplay dresses.
    Oh my days lol. There's a YouTuber who is a cis lesbian woman and very feminine. Kind of acts/presents like a 1940s film star. I know they'd think the same about her. She also got [BEEP] from feminists before when she was at uni apparently because of how she presents. Just really annoying people.

    Can we go earlier? Was I trans in 1995? 😂
    What did your brother look like then?
    I bet there's little difference between him and u
    I hope someone does this with me one day because when we were really young people just assumed we were twin girls and he was misgendered on a regular basis until he started puberty because he hated getting his haircut. So yeah, but not what you think haha.

    She was posting older photos from when she was a teen/kid etc and one looked kind of like Japanese street fashion. And yeah that sissy comment was about that photo which makes it a lot creepier actually. Also lots of people used to wear stripy socks like that back then. So to describe they have like pink and white stripy thigh high socks, pink sleeveless tank top kind of top, white skirt with pink flowers on, and pink legwarmers. I used to wear kind of similar stuff just in darker or neon colours usually instead of pastel shades. Like purple/black or red/black thigh high socks, black leg warmers, neon green fishnets etc. But I would usually (during this time,) wear like jeans with a skirt on top or a skirt and a blazer or something like that. Actually they have a photo like that too lol (blazer + skirt,) but it's pink again.

    It's performative femininity,
    To me all femininity is performative though (If I'm presenting that way I mean,) because it's not 'default' never felt like default. Even when I was 8 or so there were times where I'd put on a certain outfit and 'perform.' But I'm genetically female so guessing someone's sex based on that is not going work for you lol. They just go after anyone alternative who doesn't wear normie clothes at this point. I think most people they go after are neurodivergent in some way as well. This woman is autistic.

    They're also drawing lines on photos.

    They started talking to other people who posted their photos and they decided a trans woman was cis after writing down their observations about various body parts which I'm not going to quote but this line cracked me up:

    Violin is feminine coded as well
    Violin is feminine coded as well. 🤣

    From a different tweet:

    Both look like good female examples. Optimal thigh thickness and no obvious Adams apple. Feminine cheekbone placement and craniometric measurements.
    I want to say this account is a troll, they've posted a lot of weird [BEEP] in these responses (I haven't quoted the weirdest stuff.) I think they probably are a troll but they're barely different from the people who say stuff like this completely seriously. I think people saw what Glinner was doing and thought 'funny I will join in'

    Meanwhile on right wing twitter lol 'you have to be racist to be right wing.' (And this is coming from someone who considers himself to be right wing btw.)

    I'm not a BAP right-winger but please explain how one could possibly even be a right-winger without being racist?
    Does Catholic reactionary still counts as right-wing or left wing?
    Mix of left and right positions but if he doesn't even value his own ethnic group over others, I'd definitely put him more on the left.
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  9. #4509
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    "He doesn't even look gay. I have no idea why he was there representing the so-called LGBT+ community" - Posie Parker

    She said she bets they've never fought for gay rights in their life OK but you're 48. So please provide evidence of you fighting for that then. Did you protest section 28?

    Did you at any point throughout the 90s/early 2000s protest the law that means that teachers couldn't talk about homosexuality or be supportive towards homosexual students? All the kids knew what homosexuality was when I was young. I'm not a lesbian but I've spoken many times about how I was harassed by one girl.

    Did you do anything at all?

    Close to his entire school experience was under section 28:

    Wolf reflects that as a teenager, he was bullied at school in Wimbledon for his perceived eccentricity and effeminacy.[5] He stated: "Wimbledon is my trauma area".[27] At the time, he was unsure whether he was gay or bisexual. Mentors at school treated him with disdain when he came to them for support on the issue. The bullying problem was only rectified after his mother changed schools. Wolf comments, "With gay or bi people, I think education still wonders if it's a nature-versus-nurture thing. If you were black, they'd know they couldn't change you, and racist bullying would never be condoned, but if someone is quite feminine or knows they might be gay at 13, they think they can change you with a bit of rugby".[5]
    No because you probably agreed with it and want to continue this today. 'Leave our kids alone' [BEEP] you.

    Also: 😀 [BEEP] you.

    People don't generally get rights until it impacts the upper class.

    In 1954, the Wolfenden report began its investigation into whether or not homosexuality ought to remain an offence in British law, following the arrest and conviction of a number of high-profile men for homosexual offences, such as Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, Michael Pitt-Rivers, and Alan Turing; by the end of 1954, 1,069 men were in prison for such offences. The report, which was published in 1957, recommended that "homosexual behaviour between consenting adults in private should no longer be a criminal offence", and stated that "homosexuality cannot legitimately be regarded as a disease". Following a further decade of debate, homosexuality was decriminalised for those over the age of 21 in the Sexual Offences Act 1967;[5] however, discrimination against gay men, and gay people in general, continued in the following decades.


    And that voice. I've heard more mellifluous angle grinders.
    I think this is the best insult I've ever read lol.
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  10. #4510
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    OK I'm going to actually watch this but NO SHE'S WEARING GLASSES.


    I think because it's the 70s.

    If you don't know what furries are it's when school children dress up as animals cats and dogs during the school day. They meow and they bark.
    I don't think that's quite it my dude lol.

    I sometimes just randomly say moo. I've done this for years. Just kind of a random habit. My ex found it very funny when I once just said moo to a herd of cows without thinking as well. I think 'moo' is just kind of funny. This was long before Doja lol.

    Oh my God and she's a cat too:

    Very common. Very old Human behaviour. Not deep. See ancient Egypt. Conservatives lose it anyway.

    Actually I prefer dragon aesthetics though. I wrote a dragon elf character into a story at one point and invented a fictional fantasy race of dragon elves who live in this mountainous region. I also created these fictional dragon gloves that shoot fireballs for a different thing. Dragon scale (or scales in general) leggings/armour/gloves are cool too.
    The impulse is pure
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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    The greatest player in the world - in his prime.

    In the Stanley Cup playoffs.

    I fucking hate life but also we get to see this, and it makes our jaws drop and it's so amazing beyond words

    I just can't believe it. We get to see this.

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    I'd love nothing more than to be happy with you

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    Oh darling, the children are bonding

    I'm so thrilled

    They decided to continue living with us for the summer

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    I wish I were a man

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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    OK I'm going to actually watch this but NO SHE'S WEARING GLASSES.


    I think because it's the 70s.
    Hmm Anita Bryant spent a lot of her life hating men and was annoyed by her mum's submissiveness. That doesn't really surprise me.

    "I can relate to the homosexual... because I've had emotional scars in my own life. I really felt the rejection of my father, and that is one of the things that maybe lead someone going into homosexuality." - Anita Bryant.

    It seems to contribute to experiencing later domestic violence, bigotry and misandry moreso than homosexuality from what I've observed.

    And yeah JK Rowling did the same thing in her essay with trans men and afab non-binary people. I wrote something about her essay on gender actually the other day as it was related to another point in the post but then didn't post that post. So quoting that part:

    Although that is probably sometimes the case (I've come across dysphoric terfs before,) most of the time when they say they relate I just don't relate to most of what they're saying.

    A really great example of this is JK Rowling in her essay:

    So many thoughts about this.

    The writings of young trans men reveal a group of notably sensitive and clever people. The more of their accounts of gender dysphoria I?ve read, with their insightful descriptions of anxiety, dissociation, eating disorders, self-harm and self-hatred, the more I've wondered whether, if I'd been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge. I struggled with severe OCD as a teenager. If I'd found community and sympathy online that I couldn?t find in my immediate environment, I believe I could have been persuaded to turn myself into the son my father had openly said he?d have preferred.
    None of these things have anything to do with gender identity or dysphoria. You have OCD so you think you would have transitioned? And having a dad that would prefer you to be a boy is not an experience many trans people have, especially younger trans people who grew up post 90s.

    When I read about the theory of gender identity, I remember how mentally sexless I felt in youth. I remember Colette's description of herself as a 'mental hermaphrodite' and Simone de Beauvoir's words: 'It is perfectly natural for the future woman to feel indignant at the limitations posed upon her by her sex. The real question is not why she should reject them: the problem is rather to understand why she accepts them.'

    As I didn?t have a realistic possibility of becoming a man back in the 1980s, it had to be books and music that got me through both my mental health issues and the sexualised scrutiny and judgement that sets so many girls to war against their bodies in their teens. Fortunately for me, I found my own sense of otherness, and my ambivalence about being a woman, reflected in the work of female writers and musicians who reassured me that, in spite of everything a sexist world tries to throw at the female-bodied, it's fine not to feel pink, frilly and compliant inside your own head; it's OK to feel confused, dark, both sexual and non-sexual, unsure of what or who you are.
    I think it's really difficult being a guy and though I've never liked being short I think about how if I medically transitioned I'd have to live socially as a short guy, and I'd probably lose my hair (which I like,) I might face violence that I don't face now if people view me as a weak/effeminate man. That last thing is not something I worry about now at all really as someone who I'm sure appears female to everyone (JK Rowling brings this up a lot including in this essay. The worry about violence because of her female body. But I don't personally relate. She was in an abusive relationship in the past though.) I'd probably look really ugly if I transitioned and since I'm non-binary it's not worth it even though I often wish I had a lower voice. I just can't change my skeletal structure to be more androgynous in the way I want. Being able to shapeshift isn't possible. Then, I don't know how I could come out to my parents.

    The thought of coming out to my dad actually terrifies me. I get panic like feelings whenever the topic of trans people comes up in real life. Like my dad started talking about trans people a couple of days ago because he brought up Starmer and how he couldn't define the word woman which my dad thought was stupid and he said 'you are what you're born with if you decide to change that medically later OK' the two statements kind of contradicted but I dunno. So I know that my dad is reasonably accepting of binary transsexual women so long as they get bottom surgery, but thinks they're not women until they get surgery. I don't think he'll ever grasp that I'm non-binary and I feel like he wouldn't be accepting if it was his own kid anyway. He's ambivalent when it's abstract. If I medically transition, I'll be forced to come out. He's already questioned me before about not shaving my legs and asking me why or if there was some deeper reason a few years ago but I just made up some crap and really there's no particular reason I don't. I don't really consider that 'expressing gender' I dunno. At one point I expressed an interest in working out and he told me not to get too big. I'm too lazy to actually work out though.

    So I think about all that. I don't have any kind of irl social network with trans/non-binary people. My brother would support me I think though and he knows I'm non-binary.

    The most common reason for me to think about the frustrations of being female is honestly when I see transphobes and terfs infantalising trans men and afab non-binary people online, which led me to consider the broader way genetic female people are infantilised and how men are creepily considered men or masculine when they commit violence and we place everyone into a predator/prey dichotomy. I always find it annoying.

    I think there are a lot of social pressures women experience. I don't relate to most of them honestly. I've never worried about my weight or felt pressure to wear makeup. Even though a couple of people have commented on that (honestly very few people tbh, it seemed mostly socially acceptable where I grew up,) and at one point when I was a teenager I was forcibly given a makeover like a scene from a film lol, I don't internally feel that pressure. Said all this before but I also had a guy I was attracted to/sort of went on some dates with keep suggesting I wear dresses, said I was boring to shop with (he was kind of metrosexual,) and ask why I 'act like a man.' And even when I think about what happened to me I don't really care. These aren't traumatic memories, but I think it's bad in a political/cultural sense. Because someone else going through that might care and feel pressure to change. I do relate to the social pressures non-conforming women experience somewhat since I've lived through things like people reacting weirdly to me having body hair or my dad's comments which were more annoying and uncomfortable maybe, and I worry about the possibility of strangers commenting on my body hair if I'm wearing shorts or something. I don't want strangers coming up to me in public because of my social anxiety.

    I also relate to some cis bisexual men who are very non-conforming to the point of passing as female. I mean I spoke about the guy on twitter I straight up just assumed was a trans guy because stereotypes lol and the way he eventually responded to straight guys constantly thinking he was a woman and hitting on him. He had to announce he was a top lol and only interested in gay men, non-binary people and women responding.

    I sometimes worry that I need social evidence of being male for other people since society has a lot of restrictions firstly built around who is or isn't a 'real man' and I've also had people online demand to know how I'm a man (I mean it's interesting that he jumped to that conclusion as most people interpret non-binary to mean agender these days, but I think he was probably confused anyway lol,) but also people tend to be more accepting of trans people specifically if they fit stereotypes (even socially liberal people honestly who say things like 'men can wear dresses.' That goes out the window entirely if you're trans lol.) I don't worry about that with being female usually though there have been occasions online and also some trans feminists view certain non-binary people as essentially men and they feel a lot of envy because transphobic people don't let them into female spaces but will let some afab non-binary people who have medically transitioned and hell even binary trans men sometimes. In general, I think people both in the trans 'community' and outside tend to think of being non-binary in a similar way to bisexuality so it's like 'greedy' and 'you're really just one or the other but doing this to get some social advantage.' And they base which one you are on whether or not you've medically transitioned most of the time. One trans woman I came across seemed convinced that non-binary people should be neither gender and you can't 'go between both as it suits you.' That's cheating at gender or something lol. But in general, my femaleness is accepted because of my genetic sex.

    I find it difficult being a man in progressive spaces online because it's almost fashionable to engage in misandry and I don't agree 100% with the feminist framing of gender politics. So given that these are the most accepting spaces/people towards trans and non-binary people it's difficult. You are coerced in a way to downplay your male identity. There's lots of social incentives both in terms of dating and community to be female or to avoid being male. Even most non-binary people and trans men play into the social politics I'm describing and that's alienating.

    This discourse where people argue endlessly about this bums me out (I don't ID as a lesbian so that aspect I don't care about more 'am I invading [BEEP] women's spaces or not?' and 'is anyone allowed to be attracted to me categorically lol?'):

    genuine question are you allowed to be a lesbian and be attracted to someone who is Bigender?? i know you can be a lesbian and date nonbinary folks but the nuance of the discourse has evolved a lot in the past 10 years so we are kind of behind. /GenQ
    Not all bigender/multigender people are both a man and a woman, but many are and it's really gross to act like they can not be a lesbian (if they are comfortable with the label) because you think them being a man someone "infects" or changes them being a woman.
    bigendered are not women
    they are
    men and women at the same time which is impossible
    you can be fluid but not something and it's opposite at the same time? that's a fallacy
    Take it up with Slaanesh. One day I'll have role models that aren't chaos gods or figures bringing about the apocalypse. Or Satan.

    oh nd most people don't get this because they're transphobic as hell but this does mean that if you're a bigender person who's into women then u can be a lesbian and you're not invalidating your gender or 'invading womens spaces'
    We now have men claiming they are bigender - sometimes male sometimes female and that when they feel female they should be given access to women's spaces. What's really the difference between that and cross dressing?
    if someone is bigender, even under self-id they are not a woman. so they can't access women's spaces. i?m non-binary, assigned female at birth, and i don?t go into women?s spaces. legally i can, but i don?t. bc i'm not a woman, and don?t belong there.
    ??? surely the most common usage of bigender would be someone who is male and female.

    weird bigender things: simultaneously welcome in and invading women?s spaces ??????? is that how this works??
    There?s a lot of talk about how the phrase "women and nb people" is problematic but nobody mentions how weird it is to be bigender or genderfluid and not know if you?re allowed in these spaces or not
    i wish i wasnt bigender, im sick of getting kicked out of women-exclusive online spaces despite literally being a girl
    hearing stuff like this makes me legit angry. honestly you deserve to be in women-exclusive online spaces more than me seeing as how bigender generally means 100% woman (in addition to 100% man) whereas i'm 0% of both... who's doing this to you i'll drive over them w/a tractor.
    Lol a tractor.

    legit "spaces for non men" makes me feel so unwelcome. Like, we all *know* how they're gonna feel abt an amab NB
    Or a transmasc bigender enby like myself who?s on T and is both a boy and not a boy at the same time?why can?t we just have spaces for marginalized genders and leave it at that. Trying to exclude people based on their proximity to maleness only does harm.
    The lateral violence I've experienced by being trans and lesbian "incorrectly" as a bigender butch lesbian - the "men/non-men" binary, the questions as to why I'm on testosterone, the accusations of invading lesbian spaces - are not made more acceptable because [BEEP] people do it
    And there's a lot of men bad rhetoric in transfem spaces. Which hurts because I may be transfeminine, but I'm bigender I am, always have been, and always will be a man. As well as a woman and well many other genders but that's another post.
    ?What is Bigender?? Bigender is feeling both male and female (or more!)+

    "So if a lesbian/gay dates you is they a bi lesbian/gay?" No! Bi lesbians don?t exist! Bigender people aren?t men, they?re bigender, which falls under the NB label. Lesbians can be / like NBs.+
    The above two lines contradict...

    The pressures I do/don't experience have nothing to do with why I id as non-binary though. I internally see myself as being both male and female. I consider myself to be both and also kind of androgynous sometimes as well I guess. I don't experience that as some terrible thing done to me by society that I should never acknowledge because there's some moral reason to consider myself exclusively female. On the contrary, it would feel kind of painful to stop viewing myself that way in spite of everything. That is my preference. When I first started questioning my gender I felt the opposite pressure in fact to try and just be female because being non-binary is weird/cringe and there's still a lot of pressure to not be non-binary obviously. I also felt like there was a moral reason to consider myself female I think at certain points. Which is sort of what I get from terfs honestly. 'You should feel shame for identifying as non-binary because women are politically oppressed.' And this is one of many reasons why I find feminism annoying. The brainworms.

    If you find it to be something externally being inflicted on you, then you probably never would have been trans. There's a similar thing where people worry that they might be homosexual. It can be difficult to differentiate with ego-dystonic sexuality though I think, and I don't want to dismiss cases like that but yeah. Going back to this (and that's part of why I'm going on even though she said trans men, because she appears to be talking about non-binary people at certain points interchangeably because this has nothing to do with trans men):

    When I read about the theory of gender identity, I remember how mentally sexless I felt in youth. I remember Colette?s description of herself as a ?mental hermaphrodite?
    Either that or maybe you were forced by society to repress that you're non-binary or that you didn't have the option to transition and now feel envy? In which case I feel sorry for you. I dunno because I haven't read Colette. I only know of her vaguely because she has some association with Rachilde. Rachilde's friends kept calling them a lesbian and it annoyed them because they would insist they were a man. They expressed different things about their gender at different times though. Either way, I think people should do what feels right for them and what other people choose to do now should have no reflection on you or invalidate that you're female or your life choices.

    Well I seem to have magically downloaded the book. So let's read that section.

    I was secretly craving just then to be completely a woman. . . . I am alluding to a genuine mental hermaphroditism which burdens certain highly complex beings. . . . I happened to be making a particular effort at the time to rid myself of this ambiguity, along with all its flaws and privileges.
    - Colette
    Not really getting the point in connection with JK Rowling's stance. OK this quote is in a book written by someone else anyway. So I still need to find where she talked about this in the first place assuming that isn't the extent of it.. OK JK Rowling really should have put some sources in footnotes or something. I seriously can't find anything and not going to read all her books to figure it out lol.


    Ironically, radical feminists aren't even trans-exclusionary they include trans men in their feminism, because they were born women.
    This is annoying. And nobody is born a woman.
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