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  1. #4576
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    This is too much stress for too long

    I can't do it

  2. #4577
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    Quote Andrew Tate
    Females don't have independent thought. They don't come up with anything. They're just empty vessels, waiting for someone to install the programming.
    Andrew Tate forgets we can all listen to his rap music (which is very poor quality.) And then we can all listen to Ashnikko.

    You should get fuckboy tattoo'd (I think this everytime I read something dumb he's said lol.)

    This used to irritate me a bit because obviously she's leaning into toxic masculinity but it works very well in this exclusive situation.

    You hate me cause you hate yourself.

    Oh did you make a lot of money pimping out women because you're not hot enough to sell sex yourself either? You talk a lot of [BEEP] for someone who has less than 0 to offer Humanity. At best you're a muse for someone like Ashnikko. (And not even literally, but Andrew Tate's are ideologically dime a dozen.)

    Also to be clear he preaches that women should be feminine but he's raising his daughter like Myra Hindley.

    My daughter got in trouble at nursery for hitting a little boy in the face with a toy car when he tried to hug her.


    Did she KO him?
    She better have or no dinner tonight.
    Hindley's father had served with the Parachute Regiment and was stationed in North Africa, Cyprus and Italy during the Second World War.[20] He had been known as a hard man while in the army and he expected his daughter to be equally tough; he taught her to fight and insisted that she stick up for herself. When Hindley was aged about eight, a local boy scratched her cheeks, drawing blood. She burst into tears and ran to her father, who threatened to "leather" her if she did not retaliate; Hindley found the boy and knocked him down with a series of punches. As she wrote later, "At eight years old I'd scored my first victory".[21] Malcolm MacCulloch, professor of forensic psychiatry at Cardiff University, has written that Hindley's "relationship with her father brutalised her ... She was not only used to violence in the home but rewarded for it outside. When this happens at a young age, it can distort a person's reaction to such situations for life."[22]
    Watch this space in 20+ years.

    edit: He's complaining a lot about 'The Matrix (tm,)' but he should probably be aware that he's technically getting off lightly in the modern era.

    Social media summary: Planned killing of antisocial individuals occurs only in humans, and helps to explain why we have prosocial tendencies.
    Unlike other vertebrates, humans (Homo sapiens) have long been considered to be more cooperative and prosocial than expected from theories of kin selection or mutualism. [...] I call such evolved propensities 'groupishness', characterised as a tendency to cooperate and be prosocial in ways that appear to transcend genetic self-interest. Groupishness in humans includes spontaneously helping unrelated group members, having a social conscience, accepting and enforcing a moral code, conforming to group norms, sharing resources, and being concerned about fairness and reputation. In this paper I suggest that the evolution of human groupishness was strongly influenced by a unique human ability, targeted conspiratorial killing.
    Evidence that the most recent evolutionary phase of human self-domestication started with H. sapiens, whereas earlier Pleistocene Homo species showed no signs of a self-domestication syndrome, suggests that the period shortly before 300,000 years ago marked the beginnings of intensified selection against reactive aggression. Subsequent acceleration of gracilisation trends from archaic to modern H. sapiens suggests that self-domestication has continued to the present at an increasing rate. A critical question therefore is: what happened before 300,000 years ago that would explain why reactive aggression was selected against much more strongly than previously?

    Based on Boehm's execution hypothesis, the answer might seem to be that this was the first time that human ancestors developed an ability to safely kill alpha males. While I will argue that this answer is correct, it is also inadequate because other species are also known to kill adults in their own group. The problem is particularly severe for chimpanzees because, according to Boehm (Reference Boehm2018 ), chimpanzees have a human-like capacity to remove a disliked despotic male by killing him. Boehm reported that in chimpanzees and humans 'bullies are singled out for lethal attacks' [by coalitions] (Boehm, Reference Boehm2018, p. 693). Therefore, 'It is very likely that our chimpanzee-like ape ancestors ganged up on disliked individuals to temporarily or permanently eliminate them from the group' (Boehm, Reference Boehm, Muller, Wrangham and Pilbeam2017, p. 763).

    Those claims might be taken to suggest that there is no important difference between the propensities of chimpanzees and humans to kill an alpha male. Yet domineering behaviour is an invariable feature of alpha male chimpanzees, so it has not been reduced in that species as it has in humans. This suggested to Boehm (Reference Boehm, Muller, Wrangham and Pilbeam2017, p. 769) that there is a feature of human coalitions that makes them into 'a special, social selection force'. The critical question can therefore be reformulated: do differences in the nature of within-group killing of adults explain why, by 300,000 years ago, reactive aggression was selected against in humans but not in chimpanzees?
    Andrew Tate: 'Please stop Human-ing and ignore my constant signalling of my antisocial traits. I'm a popular influencer with a wide reach due to modern technology/social media and you're supposed to just ignore that and like me.'

    Also just noticed this:


    13. "Dying Star" (featuring Ethel Cain)
    I am intrigued.

    (It's also crazy that their debut album is coming out this year like I've been listening to their music for several years now on YouTube and had no idea they hadn't released an album yet.)

    This was 5 years ago lol:

    Also 2 million subscribers now. I got there early #hipster
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  3. #4578
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    Maybe I'm the wrong one.
    Being atheist is hard. Life is hard and it's why people turned to religion in the first place... to believe any of this is for anything.

    I stopped believing when I was like 18-19 but maybe I should try again

  4. #4579
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    Why is history repeating itself? Again and again and again

    That one moment was amazing and all but it's not a situation I want to ever be in again

  5. #4580
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    I fucking hate this
    I need another blackout period where I didn't follow this godforsaken game

    I don't need any more factors ruining my life, I'm done like dinner

  6. #4581
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    Slaying the dragon is a once in a lifetime kind of event.

    Living through it a second time will actually kill me. I have a blood pressure of 150/100. I might die tonight

  7. #4582
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    They slayed the dragon

  8. #4583
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    Have some smile

  9. #4584
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    So I've been reading that fanfic author's Spencer Reid/Langley (from X-files etc,) fanfic lately and it's OK but not as good as I'd want and the way they write certain scenes are kind of vague making it hard to picture stuff a bit, and that's frustrating. It's a shame these are the only fics with this pairing that exist (I think, well someone else also wrote a one chapter fanfic inspired by theirs as well and I think they mentioned some kind of discord server lol in the author's notes I dunno.) Cause it was an interesting idea.

    Also noticed with their later fics they include another character and they obviously get into some kind of poly relationship based on the tags but I don't know who that character is and not really interested in that. I like reading poly fanfics and sometimes ship poly ships too but only if I already know the characters and think they have chemistry.

    It's cool that they made Langley bottom a few times though, wasn't expecting that but that's what I wanted.


    Why am I posting this. Oh well.

    It's not worse than what I apparently posted before going to sleep I guess. 'Here's a study showing that in the past Andrew Tate might have been killed for his hypervisible antisocial behaviour instead of just being arrested/harassed by the media and people online' 😂 Wow. But I don't like him.

    The creepy discordant music is pretty interesting... Not super into the vocals (like they're fine but nothing that stands out in their own right,) but it's interesting with the music and the lyrics. In some ways it's like a basic r&b track but then there's the sinister vibe overlaying that and some psychedelic parts and the chorus works well. Yeah interesting.

    There's a longer version with more psychedelic music but the music video has like ripping hearts out and stuff so not sure I can post it here lol.
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  10. #4585
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    I probably (definitely,) need to stop psychoanalysing everything I do. Not even in an insecure/post-mortem sense most of the time more like I'm examining myself under a microscope scientifically the same way I do everything. But anyway it's interesting... Posting gifs of attractive people on tumblr and then there's this one person who I noticed before who kept posting this person and I found their tags amusing before (I don't think that's quite the emotion or there are multiple, maybe like 面白い, dunno,) and also they kind of helped my own fantasising.

    #I wanna braid his hair and hold his little waist
    #I wanna hold him in my lap and kiss him
    Like 'oh yeah that's a cute idea' (plus I already had a weird thing about the idea of chair sex from years ago lol...)

    So I just noticed they stumbled on the gifs I posted and reblogged them with a bunch of tags.

    #oh my god#beautiful princess baby angel#I want to cuddle him and give him forehead kisses
    I've thought about this sort of thing before. It is quite interesting. Like where does the urge to talk about/share stuff about attractive people come from? And also this 2 steps removed sexual thing. But it's also platonic like just enjoying that your post got a reaction (and the good thing about tumblr is you can kind of read responses without it feeling like a direct interaction because of the way tags work when you're reblogging stuff.)

    I think the motivation to share stuff isn't just that though for me personally. It's also just that I like sharing and talking about anything I'm really interested in (even with myself in pseudo-journal form,) and that includes people I find attractive lol.

    Uh it's definitely something I could see being an issue irl. I've annoyed people by repeatedly talking about stuff/people before in the past. (I'm a bit more suppressed irl though than online. Plus there's the social anxiety.) Also the girl I mentioned in another post who I became obsessed with before when I was 13 who I didn't talk to (she talked to my brother at one point. He knew lots of people and was infamous in school as being weird or something? I don't think this bothered him though and he actively played into this image. But to the point I was often known as his sibling and strangers would express sympathy for me that we were related which was always really fucking weird to me lol as we'd always been close it's like someone I knew at uni who introduced himself to me by saying 'you seem like the most normal person here' he didn't keep that opinion later 😂 but I digress so yeah can't remember how they knew each other, and also she knew someone else I hung out with from some music thing so was talking to her while we were in the library.) I ended up talking about her on one occasion at home. Can't really remember what I said now or anything, but I remember my dad found it weird.

    Perhaps a more interesting interaction actually happened on twitter lol. I've posted some images of femme Loki before, and then one of my mutuals responded a few times

    she's just like me fr 😍
    i love when you post genderbent Loki cause i kinda look like that and get gender euphoria 😂
    But here's a more explicit example of this since what I'm talking about is fairly mild/pg-13/cutesy stuff and I don't often connect with people closely unlike below:

    There was this fanfic I was reading a while ago (18+) where the author was talking to someone in their comment section who reads their work. I can't remember now exactly what was said but I think they said something like they thought of this person while writing the fic and they hoped they'd enjoy it. It's interesting cause you're sort of creating stuff that turns other people on. Sometimes like in this case purposefully. Not for money either lol because it's all free. I guess that's why academics have kind of viewed a lot of online fandom porn stuff through a pseudo-queer lens. (I mean the person who reblogged the stuff I posted on tumblr uses they/them pronouns as well lol actually...)

    Oh and then there's the even more obvious thing where people just role play as characters or other people they find attractive with each other online. I never really got into that but I remember people posting requests etc back on livejournal in the day.

    This paper I think maybe touches on the surreal virtualised aspect of this sort of thing but is specifically talking about fujoshi stuff (so m/m romance and I think Japanese fandoms too,) but I think this applies to most fandom stuff as well where there's a community/collaborative thing. I feel like there was something else I was reading that went into this that wasn't this too but I dunno:

    Fujoshi: Fantasy Play and Transgressive Intimacy among "Rotten Girls" in Contemporary Japan. Author: Patrick W. Galbraith

    Fans produce works not only for personal pleasure but also to share them, facilitate interaction, and bridge a shared imaginary.
    One of the most recognizable features of the pursuit of moe is the transformation of objects into objects of desire. Otaku turn animals, machines, and even men of historical significance into beautiful young girls to trigger moe (Galbraith 2009). Similarly, fujoshi can rearticulate anything into a beautiful boy who can then be placed with other beautiful boys in yaoi relationships. Moe characters can be based on a written description or drawn image, a physical person, or even anthropomorphized animals, plants, and objects.
    😀 lol yes been there.

    In a more specific example from the field, Hachi, Megumi, and Tomo were walking home from a comic market. Inspired by the doujinshi they had seen, they started debating whether or not a submissive bottom acting in a self-destructive way out of love for a top might be moe. Tomo was at first skeptical. Hachi impulsively decided to use her surroundings as an illustration of the coupling: "Is this road moe? See, it's virgin, freshly paved, but is doing its best with the cars on top. What if he was trying so hard to please his lover?" Megumi chimed in, The road is a loser submissive in love with one particular car, the top, who is an insensitive pleasure seeker. In order to win his love, the road agreed to be his sex slave and is now being broken in by the top?s clients." Tomo seemed convinced---by the creativity if not the concept---and joined Megumi and Hachi in laughter and a chorus of "moe, moe, moe." The fantasy effectively reenchanted their world, adding a layer of potential to the mundane (the very ground under their feet!) and making the familiar other and exciting.
    Yeah that's reminding me of this lol (as you go down the list you get more anthropomorphisations of objects and the penguins etc):

    Fujoshi are devoted to exposing and exploring transgressive intimacy in their fiction and art, and among themselves. Some of my informants, even those with boyfriends, described themselves as lesbians.9 My informants generally imposed temporal and spatial limits on their contact--they often "do not want to know" one another, as one informant frankly told me, outside of their shared experiences as fujoshi, which tends to focus discussions and interactions on yaoi.

    footnote: While there certainly are lesbian fujoshi, and while not wanting to deny my informants their sexual agency, I should point out that it seemed to me that they were using the term "lesbian" not to indicate a sexual orientation but rather to mean "deeply intimate with members of the same sex." This sort of intimacy, or special friendship, at girls' schools is not historically unique (Pflugfelder 2005).
    Intimacy among fujoshi is characterized by playful surface interaction. At the most basic level, when the interaction occurs online, it is a construct between the user physically sitting in front of the computer and the other imagined beyond the screen (a flat viewing surface mediating interactions with a fujoshi partner who is not deeply engaged, talking about supposedly "meaningless" fantasy). Philosopher Azuma Hiroki uses the metaphor of the screen to describe the nature of late-stage capitalism as "hyperflatness" (Azuma 2009, 102). Drawing on Jean-Francois Lyotard and Jean Baudrillard, Azuma theorizes that the grand narrative has broken down, leaving only fragmentary moments of sensual pleasure obsessively reproduced in a flat world without meaning, since meaning was generated by the grand narrative. This goes a long way toward explaining fan fiction and art, but it fails to explain the sociality and intimacy of sharing these moments of pleasure or sensual intensity
    Lol imagine fitting Baudrillard, 'late stage capitalism' and French philosophy into this.

    This other paper goes more into Western stuff and Tumblr a bit (Tumblr does make collaboration easier that's how you get weird memes like that fake Scorsese Mafia movie):

    Interacting on Tumblr is certainly a primary mode of discourse in fandom. When users reblog a Tumblr post, they can add to the original post, and their addition appears beneath it. This format often lends itself to communal writing and brainstorming.
    Because Tumblr acts as a space in which writers and readers bounce ideas off of each other, brainstorm headcanons, and build off of each other?s short fictions, certain ideas will originate in Tumblr discussion that become very influential in fic. On AO3 a popular tag is "based on a Tumblr post." Writers may be more specific by providing a link to the specific post that they are referencing, or they may choose to not to.
    Fanfiction is a space in which women create a complex online world with other women: discussing fan theories and interpretations, creating art and fiction for one another as gifts or
    based on one another's prompts, commenting on work with praise and encouragement, and forming friendships by connecting on one another's blogs. And yet for many women this is a secret life. Characteristic of Rich's lesbian continuum is that women live a "double-life:" on one hand performing a prescribed role of womanhood within relationships with men and socially in a larger male-dominated society, and on the other developing a rich inner life of connection with other women (659). Fanfiction is largely denigrated as one of the most shameful fannish efforts. For this reason, many women are not eager to share in their everyday lives that they read or write fanfiction. What follows is a creation of an open secret among women in an online space.
    This is unrelated but interesting:

    There is one person who regularly comments on my fic. He's a military guy in his fifties or sixties. And I was like 'Oh?okay. Interesting.' So I started easing in lesbian, bisexual, and then trans characters, thinking people who had no exposure to that are going to get to learn He wrote me this really long comment thanking me. He said one of his grandchildren's friends is trans and he's trying to understand it. Now he's trying to get the kid's parents to read it so they could understand. I thought, 'I'm helping this kid that I don't even know.' I felt so justified in everything I was doing.
    So in that sense I guess it really does/can function as cultural detournement even among demographics you wouldn't expect to consume fanfiction etc.

    Reminds me of this recent Kanye article. I know this is partly because of his personality type + mental health issues. But it is kind of sad/insane lol that all it took for him to change his mind was watching 21 Jump Street. But I see similar stuff happen with other people too..:

    Kanye West has changed his tune on Jewish people just a few months removed from his anti-Semitic rants across several platforms. Apparently, all it took was watching 21 Jump Street starring Jonah Hill.

    "Watching Jonah Hill in 21 Jump street made me like Jewish people again," the 45-year-old wrote in an Instagram caption accompanying the 2012 film's poster on Saturday (March 25). "No one should take anger against one or two individuals and transform that into hatred towards millions of innocent people."
    The impulse is pure
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  11. #4586
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    The controversial opinion on plane travel(apparently).

    - The point to me standing up and rushing to the queue to board is because I don't want to check my bag in. The last time I checked my bag in, it didn't return with me from Florida. Yes, British Airways eventually did get it back to me a week later. Also, it takes a stupid amount of time for bags to make there way to baggage reclaim.
    - Yes, I could "sit comfortably" and wait to be the last one off the plane. After which I get to stand not so comfortably at Passport Control, behind about a hundred people, none of whom appear to be able to use the egates. Or God forbid, actually having to deal with a human to get through, at which point, spend several hours because you end up behind a bunch of people who border force have decided are suspicious and so are being interrogated at great length about the purpose of there visit to the UK and having to show receipts. And no, it's not rude to stand up on planes in the UK, I don't do this in countries where it is. But that's why I do it here.
    - And for its worth, Ryanair, German Ryanair telling us its not Ryanair, and Hungarian Ryanair in denial aren't comfy, it's like sitting on balsa wood for four hours with no leg room and in front of a hen do who've spent the entire flight drinking whiskey.

  12. #4587
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    I don't get why this is stressful

    Yesterday, yes.

    But this... is another chance to exorcise the third demon

  13. #4588
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    I... just saw history being made again

    I'm going to remember this weekend for a while

    Please don't let this come only once every 2 decades

  14. #4589
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    Something that just occurred to me is there are some trans people on twitter (and other sites,) who will complain that non-binary people fetishise them. Mostly trans women complaining. I think I've seen trans guys do this too but seems less common. Also they mostly complain about afab non-binary people (use the term 'theyfab' a bunch to avoid ambiguity about genetic sex lol.) Also talk about how 'theyfabs' are chasers etc.

    Subreddits with /tttt/ people (4chan board,) complain a lot about afab non-binary people (think they coined the term theyfab in the first place,) I think that's because those subreddits are sort of transmed and trans women there envy non-binary afab people for feminine traits (weirdly more than cis women ????) They don't like trans women who transition young either so I suppose it's a similar thing.

    [T***** saying that being called a t***** isn't as hurtful as being told that they have bad teeth.] I didn't know who she was and legit thought that she was a theyfab because that they looked AFAB. I hate youngshits.

    Not even 'I thought she was a cis woman' lmfao no. 'Thought she was theyfab'

    I see theyfab people.

    The only honorary theyfab is Grimes. I lol hard at how more than any other celebrity she's been externally invented by the audience and media but tbf she's played into it a bunch. I think she said she's 'female-ish' once and that she doesn't care about pronouns. She also used to complain a lot about being infantilised.

    No he doesn't. The parent of his kids, Grimes, is non-binary, and goes by they/them.
    and i also think it's weird af that "grimes" is non-binary but the girl behind grimes (claire boucher) is cis like wtf even is that
    i can't believe grimes, a non-binary person is willing to put up with a transphobic boyfriend and just throw her identity out the window bc he's a billionaire
    Important to note that Elon's ex, Grimes, is non-binary & started dating [redacted] after they split, and Elon's trans daughter disowned him and he openly doesn't give a shit
    Grimes is also non-binary iirc
    They're still doing this lol. It's still happening on twitter every week at least. She's never come out as being non-binary.

    not to mention the mother, Grimes, is also non-binary
    Oh yes at one point she mentioned that she doesn't really like the word mother/mum etc, and that one of her kids just instinctively calls her by her first name. Dunno if she still feels that way but that makes this tweet more ironic because no she hasn't said she's non-binary. Yes she does seem to have social dysphoria.

    1. Somebody do research before tweeting this repeatedly.
    2. You have to imagine at this point (especially as she's worked with non-binary people like Ashnikko and Dorian Electra,) that there's a reason she hasn't come out as non-binary.

    Lol I just noticed that a transfemme person said Grimes is non-binary in response to a tweet I actually posted defending her because people were saying she makes music for cis women who steal trans women's style 🤣 'and she's non-binary so why are people implying she's not.' I have notifications turned off for people I don't follow so didn't even notice at the time just saw while looking up tweets. Honestly I think it's hopeless at this point that's why I say she's an honorary ţ̸̥̳̺͍̠̖͎̰͒͠ḩ̸͕̻͓̱̺̤̺͖̠͉̪̎̽̈́̆̒́͑͑̍̀̀͜e̵͂̈́͌̄̀̀ ̏̈́̎ ̙̼̺̯̩̑̍̊̕̚͜͠y̶̨̟͈͎̪̹͑͂̔͘͜f̷̡̰̠̔̈́̂̍͆̋͗̌̾́͌̇̄a̶͛ ̉́̅͂ ̨̣͎͎̳̃͜b̴̞͖̺̠͈̱͒̈̋̌̔̐̓́͊̆͛̚

    (imo some trans women stole her aesthetic - if anything - as she was famously doing it first, and also they just have mutual influences like anime.)

    I think she deleted this because it wasn't just Elon and Grimes involved but someone who explicitly didn't want to talk about their personal life. Also I think Elon's breakdown is mostly because one of his kid's came out as trans but still. I'm bad so it's funny. I think their relationship was always open and not exactly committed and monogamous, and they're still friends. Plus they have kids together. She publicly called him out online once and funnily enough what he said then isn't as bad as what he's done/said since. He's leant into the reactionary thing increasingly hard.

    I do almost feel bad for this trans guy below though (except he's misgendering non-binary people, casually insulting the trans woman's appearance and other 4chan shit,) because I can picture these people and most progressives and LGBT+ people hate men lol (but with a lot of these posts there's a possibility they're making [BEEP] up):

    Paraphrasing in quotes because too much insulting 4chan speak (and this post in general has too much LGBT speak but whatever lol):

    Going to uni for computer science at some garbage school.

    OK for my safety i will ask my uni accomodation to put me with other trans people

    [2 non-binary people and one trans woman who doesn't pass]

    ok whatever they're probably fine people.

    Week later

    basically living with 3 women

    they are friends with a bunch of women, always random she/theys and lesbians over

    all of them are men haters

    they joke i'm a discord mod/incel/whatever

    i'm so alienated from them because i'm just a little man
    Lol at uni I just lived with 5 guys at one point. In my first year I lived with a few guys and women mixed flat. Didn't think about that much but I knew I didn't want to live in an all female flat all female spaces freak me out a bit. There was a guy I never saw in the flat I lived in because he was even more avoidant/shy than me I think, and then he moved out eventually and someone asked me about that and I had to admit I'd never actually met the guy. Definitely had some crappy experiences at times in my first year but that will happen in shared uni accommodation. I was only questioning in uni though and I'd think you'd have to worry more if you're on hrt as it will draw more negative attention.

    Don't get me started on the blackhole that is 4chan and it's spin off communities though lol. Oh that's several essays in itself.

    Back to the point if I look on twitter I'll predictably only find tweets about people complaining about the complaining lmfao but this has been something I've stumbled on many times without looking. It's also unclear considering everything if they're talking about someone 'chasing theyfabs' or a 'theyfab who is a chaser.' Because people confuse trans women and afab non-binary people a lot.

    where are all these "theyfab chasers" again? oh you just run into them all the time? next time can u give them my number 🙂

    people in melb complain about them all the time and im just like. i have encountered maybe one person like that and they weren't even weird they just clearly had a thing for trans women
    I think by melb they must mean Melbourne? (That's was google tells me otherwise no idea.) I'm not really going to dispute this fact... It's certainly not everyone but a bunch of us have certain sexual preferences. edit: also I am really weird lol.

    None of the above is what interests me though.

    I was thinking I see a similar complaint a lot about bisexual women too. There's this weird thing on social media where people will often complain that bisexual women fetishise lesbians. This is actually even more common than the non-binary complaint.

    yeah rt something and the thing that tweet was commenting on had some very biphobic comments in the thread and one mentioned how bi women "fetishise the concept of a wlw relationship" or something stupid like that. like okay. last time i women ARE wlw
    I do imo, but I'm somewhat not a bisexual woman. I fetishise almost everything. I'm literally just the joker now 'I'm tired of pretending it's not hot/romantic.' lesbians, long hair, glasses, edit: I forgot geeks but I forgot a lot of things this isn't an exhaustive list, trans women, androgynous guys, women wearing short skirts with no underwear, dark green as a colour, this outfit especially the top it's green, it's translucent, it's shimmery. So many boxes ticked. I think currently I'm kind of fetishising the 70s. An entire decade. My abilities cannot be underestimated.

    Does she know....

    Some kind of witch... (positive.) She uploaded this days after this occured to me hahaha. I think she probably just knows about Ethel Cain lol plus it fit the theme of the video so a coincidence.

    Oh wait I forgot about this lol. Deleted a lot of good tweets lol.

    If you're only into feminine women but date masculine men all the time you're probably fetishising lesbians
    Edit: honestly this tweet is just hilarious. It's funnier than some comedy.

    Meaningless twitter discourse that seems to exist for the sake of it. I know what they're talking about though they don't like it when women are attracted to male gaze stuff in media. Oh well. Who isn't at some point? Fearing contamination. I think... To be fair this particular argument comes from the fear of being predatory so they want to distance their sexuality from men.

    What gaze is Taylor Swift? asking for a friend.

    I'm also going to need a rock album now:

    Tbf some lesbians complain that almost everyone is fetishising them. Bisexual women, straight women, trans women, cis men. But I do feel like in a lot of ways people view non-binary afab people similarly to bisexual women. Sort of like how they view trans women in a similar way to how cis lesbians used to be viewed (as predators,) only bisexual women are still largely viewed the same way as they've always been (attention seeking narcissists who will end up with a guy in the end and are fetishsising lesbians note there's a difference between the complaints about fetishisation I think and the mass fearmongering that cis lesbians and trans women get. The fetishisation complaint is mostly intracommunity not a moral panic from outsiders so I'm making a distinction there,) and there has been more progress in the way cis lesbians are viewed compared to in the 80s/90s. I also think this lack of social progress/stability in the bisexual community (what community? Exactly,) is part of why so many (men and women,) are mentally ill, stuck in abusive relationships, on drugs etc compared to homosexual people.

    And yeah amab non-binary people are often ignored and erased in a similar way to bisexual men and they're seen as trans women or cis men (also similar to cis men being viewed as gay or straight but not bisexual.) So they then get discriminated against in similar ways and usually seen as a predator if they're not closeted and especially if they don't pass and aren't perceived as an feminine gay guy.

    And I watch you write
    You're still saying nothing
    Nothing at all

    Two modern minds won't say they what they want to~

    This song is so good. (And always relevant lol.)

    Current A E S T H E T I C goals is 80s revival and white face masks (again,) but fetishising 70s lol.

    r/voidpunk lol. Nobody on that subreddit has posted about this band I looked before because between their weird Human statue thing and the fact they have a song called 'Noise of the Void' it seemed like a natural fit.

    Fashwave/statue pfp twitter wishes they could.

    Are you a Grimes n̶o̶n̶-̶b̶i̶n̶a̶r̶y̶ theyfab or a Drab Majesty n̶o̶n̶-̶b̶i̶n̶a̶r̶y̶ theyfab? The two genders. Men and women? No don't be silly. Those aren't genders. Thinking about it this is actually a combination of both of those aesthetics somehow lmfao:

    you've trained my brain to see the moustache even when it's not there.
    Yeah what it's like an optical illusion.

    Their comments section is of course a mess thought it was interesting that that guy in his 50s brought up bisexuals since they do as I pointed out get similar shit.

    Dorian made me be okay with the fact I?m non-binary and im going to the event this Wednesday and im ready to scream this song
    They misgender them so I'm replacing pronouns:

    they're a woman
    Why are you even here when it's apparent you hold disdain for Dorian's self-expression? Whatever you believe, this is one of the most exciting directions in pop music.
    I just dont believe in this gender fluid [BEEP] but as far as aesthetic goes I like their stuff. Yes it's possible to be freaky like this and not believe you are half male. In the end all of their artistic stuff has been directed by one thing; their unique female brain
    I'm sure this neuroscientist examined Dorian's brain. (here's an uncomfortable truth a lot of trans and homosexual people have androgynous brains before hrt. After hrt even more do because of side effects, along with autistic people. Potentially other groups. I've looked into this a bit but could do more research.) Where to even begin though. Your constant emphasis on genetic sex or genitals is irrelevant and counterproductive here. A lot of artists are inspired by androgyny even if they don't identify as non-binary and also motivated by breaking down and blending categories/boundaries. What a fucking stupid thing to even post on a music video lol. Everything else is fine but god forbid you call yourself a man or half man 'You went too far. You can't cross this line' lol. A bold strategy.

    One doesn't have to believe in gender non-binary expression for it to exist. I am a mid-50s Southern cis man, and I don't necessarily understand being non-binary, but that's because it's not my experience. I'm not bisexual, either, but I understand there are many who identify as such. Is it our place to question how one feels? The cost to me in respecting another's identity is nil.
    This response to the 'they're a woman' guy cracked me up:

    ok liberal
    Very hard to get into their music. Always hit and miss for me. Sometimes I have to listen a while. Got to respect how they made basic pumpkin spice girl (tm) a sinister transgressive thing:

    Quote contrapoints posting on tumblr
    I know you're all very busing inventing the genders, but I posted a new video uwu

    It's true actually. I personally invented trans people on my tumblr in 2016. That includes all trans people before 2016 too. I trans'd them too using my time device.

    To stop shitposting for a moment though I don't know when I first learnt about trans people but it definitely wasn't on tumblr and to say trans people were invented on tumblr when people have been medically transitioning for like a hundred years or over a hundred years possibly is really dumb. I didn't even learn about the label non-binary on tumblr I think it was either YouTube (QueerAsCat maybe,) or the AVEN forum.

    Public Universal Friend was born in 1752.

    After suffering a severe illness in 1776, the Friend claimed to have died and been reanimated as a genderless evangelist named the Public Universal Friend, and afterward shunned both birth name and gendered pronouns.
    Right wingers online love to keep yelling 1776.

    Footage of the January 6 Capitol insurrection revealed hundreds of references to 1776 in signs and in speeches, on t-shirts and hats and stickers. '1776' was chanted in the Capitol halls by leading figures within the so-called alt-right, including some who had also participated in the racist riot in Charlottesville, Virginia, and by those who believed themselves participants in the dawn of the next American revolution. The Proud Boys, too, cite this date; they sell their merch through a store called 1776.
    That's how great their power level is from beyond the grave. No lol think it has something to do with the declaration of independence.

    Somehow I've never seen this music video before. I really liked the Weird Al Yankovich parody + video as a teenager. I've heard the original song just never saw the video:

    Unironically I guess. People having knife fights and getting stabbed to death near my back garden. And the shopping centre. And local colleges/uni. It's not that bad here and I consider myself lucky (so I don't want to do what I'm doing here,) but I have known/currently know many people who have been in prison, or beaten up by strangers, or mugged/robbed sometimes multiple times. Multiple male family members have been in the armed forces. I was part of some government program called Aim Higher when I was in school lol so you can get an idea. This has since been scrapped. I was the second person in my extended family to go to uni following my mum who went just before I did as an older student so she could get a teaching degree and earn more money at work. I failed at life completely but I did graduate from a low ranked university so it's something (it's nothing.) I get annoyed by the implication that every non-binary or trans person is from an upper middle class background. Then this is used as some kind of argument (when some statistics show a third of trans people are living in poverty.) The illuminati or something. 'Oh I see you like these things aesthetically and adopt these artsy aesthetics. And you have a high IQ (which somehow started at 94 when I was 11 and then switched to 119 make it make sense,) and so you are upper class. If you just grew up in hell. *Some dumb quote about hard times creating strong men.*' Have you considered that actually some people grew up in hell and couldn't hack it and decided 'nah. I'll do my own thing.'

    There's a lot of stupid ideas floating around about where certain 'ideas' started.

    Leslie Feinberg (September 1, 1949 ? November 15, 2014) was an American butch lesbian, transgender activist, communist,[1] and author.[2][3][4][5] Feinberg authored Stone Butch Blues in 1993.[6][7][8] Her writing, notably Stone Butch Blues and her pioneering non-fiction book Transgender Warriors (1996), laid the groundwork for much of the terminology and awareness around gender studies and was instrumental in bringing these issues to a more mainstream audience.[3][4][9][10]
    Feinberg was born in Kansas City, Missouri and raised in Buffalo, New York in a working-class, Jewish family. At fourteen years old, she began work at a display sign shop at a local department store. Feinberg eventually dropped out of Bennett High School, though she officially received a diploma. Feinberg began frequenting gay bars in Buffalo and primarily worked in low-wage and temporary jobs, including washing dishes, cleaning cargo ships, working as an ASL interpreter, inputting medical data, and working at a PVC pipe factory and a book bindery.[11][12]
    You know while venting.
    The impulse is pure
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    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
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  15. #4590
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post

    Social media summary: Planned killing of antisocial individuals occurs only in humans, and helps to explain why we have prosocial tendencies.
    Unlike other vertebrates, humans (Homo sapiens) have long been considered to be more cooperative and prosocial than expected from theories of kin selection or mutualism. [...] I call such evolved propensities 'groupishness', characterised as a tendency to cooperate and be prosocial in ways that appear to transcend genetic self-interest. Groupishness in humans includes spontaneously helping unrelated group members, having a social conscience, accepting and enforcing a moral code, conforming to group norms, sharing resources, and being concerned about fairness and reputation. In this paper I suggest that the evolution of human groupishness was strongly influenced by a unique human ability, targeted conspiratorial killing.
    Evidence that the most recent evolutionary phase of human self-domestication started with H. sapiens, whereas earlier Pleistocene Homo species showed no signs of a self-domestication syndrome, suggests that the period shortly before 300,000 years ago marked the beginnings of intensified selection against reactive aggression. Subsequent acceleration of gracilisation trends from archaic to modern H. sapiens suggests that self-domestication has continued to the present at an increasing rate. A critical question therefore is: what happened before 300,000 years ago that would explain why reactive aggression was selected against much more strongly than previously?

    Based on Boehm's execution hypothesis, the answer might seem to be that this was the first time that human ancestors developed an ability to safely kill alpha males. While I will argue that this answer is correct, it is also inadequate because other species are also known to kill adults in their own group. The problem is particularly severe for chimpanzees because, according to Boehm (Reference Boehm2018 ), chimpanzees have a human-like capacity to remove a disliked despotic male by killing him. Boehm reported that in chimpanzees and humans 'bullies are singled out for lethal attacks' [by coalitions] (Boehm, Reference Boehm2018, p. 693). Therefore, 'It is very likely that our chimpanzee-like ape ancestors ganged up on disliked individuals to temporarily or permanently eliminate them from the group' (Boehm, Reference Boehm, Muller, Wrangham and Pilbeam2017, p. 763).

    Those claims might be taken to suggest that there is no important difference between the propensities of chimpanzees and humans to kill an alpha male. Yet domineering behaviour is an invariable feature of alpha male chimpanzees, so it has not been reduced in that species as it has in humans. This suggested to Boehm (Reference Boehm, Muller, Wrangham and Pilbeam2017, p. 769) that there is a feature of human coalitions that makes them into 'a special, social selection force'. The critical question can therefore be reformulated: do differences in the nature of within-group killing of adults explain why, by 300,000 years ago, reactive aggression was selected against in humans but not in chimpanzees?
    Second, chimpanzee within-group killings maintain the alpha-male role, whereas human within-group killings eliminate it. Chimpanzee attacks are typically led by individuals who are defending their alpha status or attempting to acquire it. Other members of a coalition conform to a 'winner-support' strategy (Nishida et al., Reference Nishida, Hosaka, Nakamura and Hamai1995). In humans living in small-scale, acephalous societies, in contrast, executions are levelling mechanisms: they are used to stop anyone from behaving despotically.

    Actually thinking about this again just spitballing really but another reason why this may not have occurred so much in chimpanzees is because (I assume) female chimpanzees don't work to eliminate or 'fix' alpha males but Human females seem to have unique tactics they use to do this. So then you get groups of guys who work together to eliminate them but you also get women who do the same.

    Obviously there's the widespread hatred of guys like Andrew Tate mostly from women but there are also cases where hold up-

    A fighter loyal to Taylor in 1990. "Witch Doctor" spiritual advisers told gunmen that wigs gave them special protection.
    Few things exemplify the chaos of Liberia more than the sight of doped-up, AK-47-wielding 15-year-olds roaming the streets decked out in fright wigs and tattered wedding gowns.
    Right OK.

    According to the soldiers themselves, cross-dressing is a military mind game, a tactic that instills fear in their rivals.
    Depressingly this is accurate. Ben Shapiro and horror fiction writers alike are having a meltdown. And JK Rowling of course.

    It also makes the soldiers feel more invincible. This belief is founded on a regional superstition which holds that soldiers can "confuse the enemy?s bullets" by assuming two identities simultaneously.
    The cross-dressing "dual identity" isn't just a source of battlefield bravado, though. Cross-dressing has deep historical roots in West African rites-of-passage rituals involving "medicine men" who would recommend wearing masks, talismans, and bush attire as a means of obtaining mystical powers. Rebels dressed in gowns and wigs and adorned with bones, leaves, and other "forest culture" trappings are practicing a modern variation on this technique of using symbolic "clothing" to access sources of power far stronger than their own.
    It's true but in a very narrow field. I successfully 'predicted' Vol'jin becoming warchief of the Horde and Pandarens a playable race. You know. In Azeroth. And arguably Jordan Peterson lol. 2/3 of these predictions occured while I had hair dyed unnatural colours lol. IT'S A SIGN.

    A soldier dressed in women's clothes or Halloween masks, or shower caps, etc. on the battlefield is essentially asserting that he's in a volatile in-between state. The message it sends to other soldiers is, "Don't mess with me, I'm dangerous."
    Anyway not what I was looking for lol. This:

    In 2003 during the Second Liberian Civil War, Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace forced a meeting with President Charles Taylor and extracted a promise from him to attend peace talks in Ghana[6] to negotiate with the rebels from Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy and Movement for Democracy in Liberia. A delegation of Liberian women went to Ghana to continue to apply pressure on the warring factions during the peace process.[7]

    Two hundred women surrounded the room, dressed in white, dominating the conversation. Any time the negotiators tried to leave, the women threatened to take off all of their clothes. Enclosed in the room with the women, the men would try to jump out of the windows to escape their talk. But the women persisted, staging a sit in outside of the Presidential Palace. They blocked all the doors and windows and prevented anyone from leaving the peace talks without a resolution.

    The women of Liberia became a political force against violence and against their government. Their actions brought about an agreement during the stalled peace talks. As a result, the women were able to achieve peace in Liberia after a 14-year civil war and later helped bring to power the country's first female head of state, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.[7] When President Ellen Sirleaf first came into office, she made women's rights one of her priorities. Her administration focused on the condition of women in Liberia and their needs.[8]

    Tangentially related. Twitter is now some guy from Dubai trying to sell 'I can help you get rich if you pay me' content bragging about how he's slept with 572 women by the age of 23 while standing in front of a sports car and flexing his muscles to advertise 'services,' and then promptly deleting the tweet after shoeonhead retweets him and insults his dick.

    And I feel like this kind of sums up twitter in general fairly well yeah.
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
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    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
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