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  1. #4651
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    We've reached the point where Christian white nationalist anti Jewish, anti-lgbt twitter accounts (yes all of that in recent tweets how much bigotry are you collecting here? It's not Pokemon,) are reminiscing about the 70s.

    Ew. you stole my 2023 thing bitch.

    But also things are really progressing. the 50s are almost out. (I mean not really, the tradwives are still around, but yeah now there are different shades of racist annoying people.)

    They steal everything too without adding anything. They stole the vaporwave + synthwave thing 'fashwave.' God damn get some creativity fash.

    Do you know who helped popularise the aesthetic + microgenre?

    Under various aliases, Langley played a role in the creation of the modern electronic genre vaporwave between 2010 and 2013.[9][10] Her projects, Macintosh Plus and New Dreams Ltd., are considered as the primary artists in the vaporwave genre.[11][12]
    Langley now resides in Portland, Oregon.[2] She is a trans woman.[13]
    Also Tumblr obviously.


    Elon Musk: Working from home is morally wrong.

    Also Elon Musk: has kids with independent music artist who def mostly works from home. Is billionaire.

    OK. Bye.

    'the laptop class is living in La la land'

    First of all: not a class. Some people are underpaid/living below the poverty line while working from home, others are multi-millionaires.



    He's got to be trolling. He's just pissed because nobody's breeding so he can't force your non existent kids to work for him in some Mars factory.

    Edit: Actually what he's doing is attempting to pit people against each other as it distracts from him but yeah. He is also a huge troll.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  2. #4652
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    "To any parents who have a child who would have a transgender surgery done on them they need to be shot in the back of the head. They need to be convicted in trial and immediately shot in the back of the head. And then we can string them up above a bridge. So the public can see the consequences of that kind of wickedness. So there should be no excuse to not put these people to death. No excuse whatsoever. [...] and let me tell you there are very few people out there in the world today that are actually fighting the spiritual fight. I want you to go ahead and find me another preacher in Spokane that preached the message where they said that these child molestors, that these child butchers, that these f*****s, all the LGBTQ people. People who desire strange flesh. That they should all be put to death in a public execution by the government. Find me the preacher that says that. I wanna see him."
    The Christians are being Christ like again. I too remember the part in the bible where Jesus was like 'lynch the LGBTQ F****** and make an example of them.' His name is Jason Graber apparently (found the full video after googling 45 minutes into this. It's actually even crazier he starts ranting about how it might be a good thing if some cities were burnt down and the federal government should invade Washington):

    edit: it's private now that was quick. Was the original upload they were obviously getting too much heat over the past several hours.

    'Little Johnny at 6 years old he shouldn't know the difference between men and women. He should just know mum is mum and dad is dad. And I don't hit my little sister and I wrestle with my big brother that's all kids should know.' meh me and my brother would play fight a bunch and actually fight on a couple of occasions (not that that was OK lol. But there's also little to no difference in physical strength among prepubescent children. One time I kicked him in the back and another time he hit me with a bamboo cane. I only remember that specific example because it hurt lol. Oh yeah and he chucked like a tiny toy table at me once and it was the same week we had pictures taken at school so I had this like cut under my eye. Actually when I kicked him in the back that's the angriest I've ever seen my dad get. He was like 'you could have damaged his kidneys.' My brother was kind of crazy though until about age 11 one time he actually chucked a brick at a girl or something. We both became huge nerds lol.) Though I'm older than him by a year and a half and most people thought we were twin girls when we were really young anyway.

    'Men with men and women with women. That's what it's talking about people who have an unnatural lust. The bible says it's unnatural. The bible makes it clear that they are to be put to death. And I'm sick of these Christians that fail to advocate for that and they make all kinds of excuses for why the bible doesn't really say what the bible actually says and is clear about.
    It doesn't really say much about specifics at all and definitely never says anything about women with women because most people throughout history haven't been able to wrap their heads around that. They only really get threatened by butch women stealing their girlfriends in some cultures. And the 'they're stealing all our wombs' thing obviously.

    One of the excuses is that they need to get saved though they need to turn to Christ and get saved. Well they can't. They've already made their choice and the bible is clear.
    When the devil is your daddy. what are you gonna do about that? There's nothing you can do about that. You become a son of belial and you can become a f***** too.
    Lol. That word has been ruined forever. Also 'even worse than being a devil child you could be gay.' Oh no.

    That's what the federal government should be doing in Washington. [...] The federal government needs to protect people's rights. And the rights of children and the rights of parents are about to be violated in a horrible way in this state. The federal government should be showing up with tanks, planes, and bombs and say 'hand over the sons of Belial. Give us the sons of Belial we can put them to death and put away wickedness.' [...] Every single church should be thundering this forth that that is what should happen to those wicked, disgusting people.
    Oh the irony hahaha.

    There should be no excuse not to put these people to death. No excuses whatsoever.
    They can't feel empathy anymore. They're past feeling. They don't feel affection. These people have the moral compass of a chimp.
    You may be projecting a bit haha.

    Otherwise we're going to lose the spiritual battle.
    Have you considered playing video games instead?

    I don't know what we're going to do about the sodomite problem in Washington. It may never be taken care of until Jesus comes but you know what when Jesus comes it will be taken care of. God is going to have them slain. [...] even if we never have physical justice which I doubt we'll ever have [..] God will have justice upon their souls. These people are going to burn in the lowest hell for all eternity and I'm going to say amen.
    Well that's rude. Also I hope Jesus appreciates all the Jesus/Satan fanfiction. I'll have to make sure to ask him about that before burning in hell forever. They're just so cute together. #foeyay.

    I joke but I don't think there's a more fucked up abusive thing you can do then try to convince people they're going to burn in hell forever. Also this religion makes no sense (for so many reasons but why would Satan torture people forever according to the rules of a God he hates/resents and punish people who supposedly are helping him? Is he being forced? The plot holes. If it wasn't for the tragic love story between Jesus and Satan I'd give this a 0/10)

    Looks like he has a history of saying people should be shot and beheaded. He previously said teachers should be beheaded for teaching kids about LGBTQ+ people. He just reminds me of my dad when he gets mad about groups he doesn't like and just starts ranting aggressively, only my dad does it in his living room and not in front of a bunch of mindless followers.

    Also kids don't have surgery. They go on puberty blockers sometimes, and then later hrt. I think in some rare cases in the US people who are age 16~ get top surgery (so a mastectomy not genital surgery,) but that's very rare. You also need consent from all legal guardians + multiple mental health professionals. I also don't think there's generally a need for that if you're not going through female puberty in the first place. Otherwise can wait till 18. I do think it's misleading and hypocritical to claim this age group are kids though because these are people who can usually consent to sex, get pregnant, play risky high school sports like American football, and if they're 17 their parents can give permission for them to die in a war.

    Also going to start referring to myself as 'person who desires strange flesh.'

    Imagine living in Washington. Sorry I couldn't hear you over the sound of

    Who even are you?:

    (Of course he's basically the opposite of the girl in this scene ironically lol)

    This is basically almost entirely unrelated (Billie Joe is bisexual? lol. They're from Northern California.) just funny and I just found it. I like this performance too:

    Wonder if that inspired the title of this later song lol:


    omg I almost forgot.

    Langley was born in Washington state on August 19, 1992.[2]
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  3. #4653
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    Oh darn it, I've overeaten again

  4. #4654
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    Edit: I'm focussing on afab (genetic female) transitioners in this post because the current moral panic around trans kids is based on the idea that the number has dramatically increased and this is only really true significantly in afab teenagers. If they come out as teenagers they're late onset though Jordan Peterson seems confused about this based on things I've heard him say in other videos but they would be late onset. His claim that early onset amab (genetic male) kids usually grow up gay - so they're attracted to men - if they don't transition and/or grow out of dysphoria is accurate if they're early onset so they come out in early childhood, but the number of trans kids in this group has not increased significantly over time so this is essentially irrelevant. For early onset afab kids his claim isn't true at all though. Most females in research who 'desist' are attracted to men later on so they're not gay, and the detransistioner he's talking to in the discussion/therapy session/whatever that is is also female and I'm fairly sure also late onset (though really she doesn't fit either type/profile well based on things I've heard her say in the video,) so this is irrelevant info for her. Whether or not everyone who doesn't transition is happier is also debatable. Transphobes would assume that by default, but that's open for debate.)

    Went through this big time 10-17 years old. Everyday i felt like a freak.
    Eventually built 2 persons within myself and locked the "her" away from the world.

    Numbed it with drugs and booze. Now 7 years sober and 31 years old..i have had waves of dysphoria come and go over the years, less intense though. Iv rejected the lgbtq community because i did not want to accept that i might actually fit in, i have alot of internalizes transphobia i now know i need to deal with, and start dealing with the girl iv locked away for years.

    J.P is a great person and clinician, iv had the ability to see both sides of these points of veiw.
    There has to be an alternative to taking HRT right ???
    No he really isn't a great person and he's contributing to people being stuck in this state due to his complete lack of understanding about gender identity and general intolerance. He acts like 'if you just leave kids alone they'll be fine after puberty and maybe 80% grow up gay.' First of all he's only talking about early onset trans kids who come out in early childhood and make up an extreme minority of trans people and the number in this group has not significantly increased! The increase has been mostly in late onset teenagers especially afab/genetically female teenagers. They often confuse their parents by from their pov randomly announcing they are trans out of the blue when they were gender conforming and often feminine children. (Mildly tomboyish at the most.)

    Instead of addressing that he discusses the early onset group and people will assume this refers to anyone under 18. Also I know the interview this is from and I really doubt the person he was talking to was early onset herself. She's not non-conforming enough imo even now she's detransitioned but also she talks about how before puberty she was looking forward to growing breasts etc and then when she started puberty she had a small chest and this distressed her. She compared herself to girls with hourglass figures and felt bad she didn't measure up to that (whereas if you listen to other people with early onset dysphoria who grow out of it later on they'll talk about how they never wanted to grow breasts and thankfully never did and things like that. Also most trans people regardless of type feel similarly and often want to look more androgynous or masculine/feminine than they do. In fact most cis lesbians wouldn't relate to this either even if they never felt dysphoric. Research shows that the beauty standards among lesbians favour looking more androgynous and they also care less than straight women about body image so that's something else you have to bear in mind when considering this topic. As an anecdotal example Strange Aeons is a reasonably feminine lesbian though she doesn't id as femme she made that kind of clear lol, she dates butch women preferentially and she's still talked about how when she was a teenager she wanted to look like that male character from Code Geass - Lelouch right. I'm sure there are exceptions there are some incredibly feminine lesbian women like Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, but I think the person JP was talking to is probably also straight but that's largely irrelevant.) Absolutely no early onset people feel that way though (because they are the most masculine and male identified if afab hence why their dysphoria starts in early childhood,) though they usually assume they will grow up to be men until they learn otherwise actually.

    edit: From what I remember from one study among early onset kids it showed that the girls who were straight grew out of their dysphoria because they had to compete for boys. That was often brought up in interviews I remember reading at some point. I'm going back over this chat discussion because I don't think I ever ended up bookmarking that study. It varies depending on location and treatment plan.

    I think in the Netherlands, most of the gynephiles persist, while in Zucker's sample, something like 3/4 gynephiles desist
    among AMABs, the desisters are either sexual orientation; persisters are androphilic most of the time though
    among AFABs, persistence is almost perfectly correlated with sexual orientation
    at least in the dutch clinic
    I can't believe you're performing factor analysis to figure out the exact category borders for obscure fetishes and you still think this shouldn't be your official field

    Why can't I find this one study...

    so many of Zucker's desisters are straight
    why is everyone using desisters to rant about gay conversion stuff?
    also, apparently Zucker doesn't define desistance in the stupid way that some other people do?
    Omfg the sci-hub link is expired... Because the chat is from 2018. Nobody has written the title of this in the chat.

    I mean, really the problem is that everyone else goes with the "most childhood GID cases end up cis gay" and that's not really what e.g. zucker found

    (╯O□O)╯︵ ┻━┻


    OK looking at a blog post... A response to someone.

    "Despite the differences in country, culture, decade, and follow-up length and method, all the studies have come to a remarkably similar conclusion: Only very few trans- kids still want to transition by the time they are adults. Instead, they generally turn out to be regular gay or lesbian folks."

    However, while this is an accurate summary of the results in males, it is not an accurate summary of the results in females. Out of the 11 studies he cited, 7 studies dealt with males only, 1 study had only a single female participant, and only 3 studies had multiple female participants. Among the desisters, the studies with females got the following results:

    Gender-disordered children: does inpatient treatment help?, R J Kosky 1987:
    1 unknown sexual orientation.

    Psychosexual outcome of gender-dysphoric children, M S C Wallien & P T Cohen-Kettenis 2008:
    3 heterosexual

    A follow-up study of girls with gender identity disorder, K Drummond, S Bradley, M Peterson-Badali & K Zucker:
    16 heterosexual, 4 homosexual, and 2 bisexual

    Factors associated with desistence and persistence of childhood gender dysphoria: a quantitative follow-up study, T Steensma, J McGuire, B Kreukels, A Beekman, P Cohen-Kettenis, 20131:
    9-12 heterosexual, 1-3 bisexual

    Thus, looking over the studies that Cantor cited, there were 41 female desisters, of which 28-31 appear to be heterosexual, 3-5 appear to be bisexual, and 2 appear to be lesbian. This does not seem to match the idea that they generally turn out to be regular lesbian folks; rather they seem to generally turn out to be heterosexual.


    Overall, persistence among natal females appears to be near-perfectly correlated with sexual orientation. What to make of this correlation is unclear, but certainly it seems to make [name's] characterization inaccurate.
    So his claim appears erroneous for early onset dysphoria in the first place unless there's some specific paper he's citing that doesn't reflect this trend, which is even more annoying. He's not a stupid person obviously which means he's likely doing this on purpose too. I think I read a comment earlier that suggested whatever he's citing was thrown out due to having too broad a definition of dysphoria or something like that too but can't clarify.

    Oh I'm so mad. Thinking about this Contrapoints tweet:

    You know who's being silenced? People who are silent.

    Honestly is there any louder group of people in the national discourse than the people who are supposedly canceled

    All the time I think about how nobody's challenging various people or pointing out various things. At least not people who are remotely high profile and getting seen visibly and the one person I used to talk to who had contact with people behind the scenes pretty much fell out with his contacts because they were all on that political trans skeptic train.

    When I've tried to bring up my issues with their theories and methods, they have generally been unresponsive, and when I've tried to appeal to higher-level principles such as honesty, they've instead excluded me from conversation. This has made me mad at them, especially because it's hard to prove to others that they are dishonest, since much of the dishonesty has happened in private conversations, and since most people who criticize them are highly politically motivated.
    Jordan Peterson really doesn't know what he's talking about and it's quite bad because people think of him as an expert. Not that it matters I guess, since most people are motivated by emotional response and personally knowing trans people and things like that not data.

    I do forget that some conservative people (and others,) are a bit slow though due to a lack of exposure. Like they don't see the difference between different subgroups of female masculinity (trans or cis) So they can't see the difference between someone like these kids (who are tomboys):

    or her:

    (hence why she gets comments now like 'you've been replaced with a clone' even though she was never really butch. Kristen Stewart also confuses people. I think that's why she said she'd like her to play her in a biopic lol, but since they're about the same age that wouldn't really work.)

    vs her:

    I am trying to use examples who are relatively feminine presenting cause otherwise there's the confusion that comes with hair length etc. But because of that these examples are also more androgynous. Not just aesthetically but like in an identity sense:

    "I'd call Shane androgynous," said Moennig, lighting up an American Spirit that a waiter will eventually ask her to extinguish (it seems last week fire marshals descended upon the famously fume-friendly Chateau). "I wouldn't call her butch at all. I don't think she has butch qualities, and she doesn't look butch. I think that's an easy label to make because she's not as feminine as the other girls. I'd call her androgynous because she is. And I'm androgynous."

    ^ This is kind of awkward watching it the whole way through now actually as she was probably closeted at the time and a lot of the questions are really personal.

    Can't realistically post tons of examples here lol. Oh my god who the [BEEP] cares I know. Couldn't find an example of a long haired butch woman off the top of my head just found this comedian but without long hair lol:

    They conflate a bunch of stuff together and also assume anyone mildly tomboyish will transition now which isn't the case.

    It's not really the case that 'they're transing the lesbians' either. Way more complicated. Most of the afab teenagers (late onset to be clear,) are attracted to men... Some are bisexual/pansexual and a smaller percentage might be exclusively attracted to women, but some will also date women before transitioning because they don't like the idea of being in a straight relationship and because it's seen as more masculine to date women Just like some cis gay teenagers claim to be bisexual but then just accept they're gay later on. There are also many people who conclude they are asexual due to dysphoria surrounding sex/inability to have a fulfilling sex life etc. I also think having an estrogen dominant hormone system makes you slightly more fluid than you would otherwise be. But I dunno I just see that with some people who transition the other way where they were exclusively into cis men and then become somewhat attracted to women, trans men, feminine cis men when they were previously only into really masc guys or something like that. Gigi changed her sexuality label like 3-4 times as well lol. But the opposite also happens with trans women where they start dating guys post transition. there are various different social pressures as well depending on your sexuality before transition + the environment you're in + how you look/are perceived before transition. I imagine very feminine trans women don't even have the option to date women before transition cause everyone will assume and push them towards dating men anyway. Kat Blaque has spoken about that. Now people assume she's bisexual which annoys her lol since she is exclusively attracted to men. (I see why it happens though as she's read as afab non-binary if people think she's trans which gets coded as bisexual and something like 20% of black cis women are bisexual or lesbian and on top of that she dyes her hair unnatural colours.)

    I mean this doctor has actually treated tons of trans people and noticed this:

    I mean are there other verifiable physical things you've found in afab people who are non binary or trans? You mentioned several things in your lecture that pertained to trans women like this. Genetic conditions etc.
    Oh, there are tons of them. Like every disorder that causes hirsutism or masculinization. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, PCOS, certain enzyme deficiencies, all kinds of shit. Pretty much anything that causes them to pop an elevated value on one of the various androgen labs I order.

    It's important to order those labs at the specific time as well. They need to be collected about 10 to 14 days after the last day of menstrual bleeding. You want to catch them when they're at a synthesis peak. When LH and FSH are highest and the ovaries are cranking out all they can. That's when you can see if they spike into the abnormal androgen ranges.

    I mean, we all kind of subconsciously know this right? How many pre-HRT FTMs do you see that look like fucking Barbie? Almost zero. The overwhelming majority of them fall into two categories. What I call "pixie" type transgender men, who are about 4'10 to 5'3 and never really weigh more than 125 lb. They show up with short cropped hair and sort of have the look of an effeminate teenage boy. They often look younger than their stated age. They are usually attracted more to women with some degree of bisexual leaning, and after starting HRT, they generally become gay trans men. I often state that they were gay before and they are gay after. They rarely have abnormal androgens.

    The other subset tends to be the stocky masc trans man. They come in like "Helga", a very muscular or thick bodied and masculine-looking person right at baseline. They often have a hairy upper lip or some degree of hirsutism and acne. They look like they have been on testosterone for a while already. They are usually attracted exclusively to women and previously identified as masculine presenting lesbians. They transition and tend to stay attracted only to women.

    Not everybody falls in these two categories, but I'd say that this catches about 80% of my patients.

    It is very interesting to me that if somebody is masculinized before starting HRT, their sexuality tends to stay the same. But if they look feminine and not masculinize before HRT, they flip in their gender of attraction.

    Except pansexuals, they just get more pansexual.
    I can personally attest to a patient that got angry at me for suggesting that this could happen. They told me dudes were disgusting and that they would only be interested in women ever. How dare I suggest otherwise. I said I would see them back in 3 months

    6 weeks later they showed up for an appointment that I was surprised they had scheduled to tell me that they had had sex with five dudes since I last saw them and that they needed to go on prep.They gave me a profuse apology and told me that they couldn't believe it happened to them too.

    So while I have certainly heard that, I have seen the opposite. I cannot tell you the amount of transgender men that have been exclusively with women that after testosterone initiation there was a major shift in their attractions.

    I like to say that they were gay before and they're still gay!
    lol (tinkerbell? It just gets worse and worse 😂 ):

    Actually, when describing the situation to someone early in transition who is concerned about experiencing a sexual orientation change, yes. I do. I will describe the tinkerbell phenotype vs the amazonian phenotype and how I've seen this differential play out in 1,000 people over 8 years of doing this.

    giving people examples of things that they know so that they can understand and comprehend what you're talking about helps them understand. It helps them make informed consent decisions about themselves and their HRT and their life. Using examples that are a bit silly puts people at ease, and helps them understand difficult concepts while making very important decisions. If you think a transgender person made it to my doorstep without life beating them up so much that they would be offended by such a phrase, you're surely mistaken. These are people who have been through hell already. They are not so made of tissue paper that a humorous exaggerated example of a body type or facial structure causes them any harm. I don't think you give transgender people enough respect for how tough they have to be just to live in this world.
    But I wouldn't be calling you an adult man,Tinkerbell.

    I would be describing to someone who has not started testosterone yet but who intends to do so that if they have this physical phenotype, they are more likely to experience a major change in their sexual orientation. I used the term because it's easy to understand. But if you would like to provide me with another example of a sharp featured, small, petite human being that is generally well liked to use in place of Tinkerbell, I welcome it.

    It's not like some transgender man with a beard on t for 5 years walks in and because he's 5'1 I call him Tinkerbell. That's not what I mean.

    I'm talking about someone who has recently identified as a lesbian and now is identifying as a straight transgender man that hey, if you fit this phenotype, I seen these people experience major sexual orientation changes more than if you fit this other phenotype.

    I can't remember the last time I had a transgender man in my clinic who was pre-testosterone but looked like they could cause death by snu-snu on day zero but who later experienced an orientation flip.

    I don't know why this is a thing, but I've definitely seen the pattern and other people have seen it as well.
    The Tinkerbell thing definitely isn't okay in any context. I'm a nonbinary guy who practically considers myself "man lite" but even I nearly decided not to contribute because of your terminology. Not cool.
    Meanwhile on 4chan:

    i suffer psychologically it feels like everyone had lost their fucking minds treating me like a vulnerable short girl, it feels like im not aware of some kind of an inside joke that everybody gets except me. i don't even care about how my body looks. i just want to be threatening and scary as fuck. and no, being a "dommy mommy" isn't enough. i want to be fucking creepy and uncomfortable, i want the power that comes with being a man, i want to see genuine fear in somebody's eyes, and not like the part of the roleplay. i just genuinely want to be a walking toxic masculinity type. i just want to violently [redacted] i'm so tired of being weak and put down automatically by everyone just because i was born in this body. im not rebelling or anything i don't want any revenge or some crazy feminist shit. it's just so fucking sad realizing that i would never be something that i really am deep inside. i just want to be dominant in every way possible. i wish i had a cock so fucking badly too. i really like to take advantage of people. i always want to be in charge. i will never be fully happy because of this.
    Feel like I need a video of this with like slow moving text (though it's not long enough for that. Just keep increasing the font size till it works lol) and this voice:

    Of course the opposite sexuality thing happens too. Like that person who was obviously sadistic and went on testosterone and started having violent sexual fantasies about women. Eventually went off testosterone. Before and after that point I think they considered themselves asexual and they concluded it was just testosterone doing that but I don't 100% buy that. I think it's just really easy to avoid parts of your sexuality you dislike when you're not on testosterone. That's why they sometimes chemically castrate convicted sexual offenders after all.

    Also this study found the opposite but it doesn't seem like a lot of his patients in general were identifying as androphilic pre-transition:

    FtM that had initially been sexually oriented towards males ( = androphilic), were significantly more likely to report on a change in sexual orientation than gynephilic, analloerotic or bisexual FtM (p  =  0.012).
    By collecting quantitative and qualitative data in a large sample of transsexual persons, we demonstrate that self-reported change in sexual orientation is a common phenomenon in transsexual persons. Transition was not directly involved in this change, since a significant number of participants reported a change in sexual orientation prior to first psychological counseling and prior to initiation of cross-sex hormone treatment. The participants provided diverse individual explanation models, revealing that personal history, social environment as well as autoerotic feelings may impact on a change in sexual orientation.
    Many complicated factors involved.

    For years there was a weird imbalance among late onset trans people where it was mostly genetic males coming out and transitioning despite the sex ratio being more balanced in the early onset group. There were a very small number of trans guys who transitioned to live as gay men and they tended to have the same sexual preference of being attracted to androgynous men and trans women for whatever reason in the clinical research (kind of similar to me, and there's still a bunch of people around like this, though I have not medically transitioned and I'm mostly closeted too. I'm 32 and this is more common the older you get. Many will say 'why is it just teenagers? Why isn't there a trend of older people?' Well you just ignore us. We're incredibly invisible and personally I have a lot of social anxiety.) This has since shifted so there's more people coming out and medically transitioning but nobody curiously cared about the sex imbalance before when the end result suited their desired outcome.

    But now it's all 'they're stealing our precious wombs for the white race, and our butch lesbian women, and transing Virginia Woolf.'

    I just want to resurrect her to see people freak out about her saying this:

    I mean, what is a woman? I assure you, I do not know. I do not believe that you know. I do not believe that anybody can know until she has expressed herself in all the arts and professions open to human skill.
    Terfs really love her but if she (or anyone,) were to say something like this today they'd explode.

    edit: Exactly really this has not been properly addressed:

    To support the hypothesis of ROGD, studies would have to reject the null hypothesis. This null hypothesis -- that so-called ROGD is a typical presentation of late-onset gender dysphoria among youth with unsupportive parents -- is much more plausible given the currently available data. Littman's study fails altogether to demonstrate the existence of a new clinical population. For the most part, the hypothesis of ROGD has been predicated on the belief that late-onset gender dysphoria was inapplicable, a belief that is grounded in the mistaken assumption that late-onset gender dysphoria is nearly exclusive to children assigned male at birth.

    The study also found that the percentage of teens openly identifying as transgender or gender diverse (TGD) did not increase between 2017 and 2019. Additionally, contrary to past research with smaller samples, teens assigned female at birth were not overrepresented among TGD adolescents in the U.S. It is the largest study to date to examine the controversial hypothesis that more adolescents who were assigned female at birth have identified as TGD because of 'social contagion.' The study adds important new knowledge to the evolving field of transgender health care and ongoing public debate of legislative measures regulating access to gender-affirming health care.

    "The hypothesis that transgender and gender diverse youth assigned female at birth identify as transgender due to social contagion does not hold up to scrutiny and should not be used to argue against the provision of gender-affirming medical care for adolescents," said study senior author Dr. Alex S. Keuroghlian, who directs the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center at The Fenway Institute and the Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Gender Identity Program.

    I still think these claims are sexism. They were literally like 'we've neglected you in research since the very beginning due to a lack of interest/paternalistic viewpoint of female sexuality, dismissed every example of your sexuality when it comes up in academic papers etc or historical figures as some kind of feminist expression see also this paper for a recent example on a Chinese sexual subculture where there are multiple anecdotes of people adopting the male pov/wanting dicks etc, we'll dismiss any evidence outside the West by claiming it's feminism too or as a result of exposure to Western culture (like some guy I showed this study to who didn't believe late onset or the associated sexuality was a thing in genetic females, lots of examples in Japan too etc. When I showed him a paper about Thailand that there were a lot more androgynous trans masc people and various labels they use over there that differ from here who modelled themselves on kpop stars, weren't super masc, and some anecdotes about people dating/pursuing men which was also indicative, he dismissed this too in a similar manner,) and now we're just going to insist while simply surveying a bunch of transphobic parents on a biased website that this is just hysteria! But just in case we also lowkey think if you were hypothetically to have some sexuality.. That's still hysteria/social contagion too!' (yes I've seen this opinion from a minority who even bother to address the association in the first place. It's like a flow chart where everything has to end in social contagion/hysteria because they want to control you/convert you.)

    Wow. [BEEP] you.
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    every System of a Down song is like--

    i'm the mushroom man, i'm the mushroom man. oh ho! oh! oh! In June 2003, Amnesty International published reports of human rights abuses by the U.S. military and its coalition partners at detention centers and prisons in Iraq.[26] These inclu-
    LOL kinda true. More so if you consider entire albums.

    So you listened to Sugar
    You're all wrong it's clearly Prison Song
    Definitely lol.
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    I never send my friend music because he basically only listens to Muse and Queen oh yeah and also likes this one Marina and the Diamonds track (which I also like also a bunch of Muse songs and some Queen tracks but I'm not picky with music lol,) but I was like this song is just so good though (I first listened to it like a month or more ago but was like listening to it while cooking and then was like this is really good. So I randomly felt like linking this.) Anyway he was like

    Wtf it's 20 minutes long
    Do you ever listen to normal length tracks?
    I'm listening now
    Two and half minutes of intro

    probably the last time I linked him something may have been a Porcupine Tree track or something ages ago so that might be why lol. But actually most tracks I listen to are relatively short.

    Hate the vocals
    The audacity.

    Actually so many people say that lol. They seem to be an acquired taste but I really like them. I linked him a couple of other tracks and he wasn't a fan either. Besides sort of liking the intro to A Farewell to Kings but then didn't like the cool part later somehow. I actually told him to maybe skip that part lol.

    I?m just not that into music xD


    He thought this was a bit better lol so guess more into the 80s sounding stuff I like a bunch of tracks but I prefer their proggier 70s music:

    Still said he wouldn't listen to it again though lol.

    Also watching this now:

    'We talk about weed like the entire time' Lol.

    Oh my God I'm dying. These comments (on another YouTube video I was watching with him):

    He has the cutest talking voice! But it completely changes when he sings!😍
    he kinda sounds like Gee.....(im assuming you know who Gee is based off of your name but just in case Gee is Gerard Way)
    Y'know Helena is a real name
    It's a super common name too. Wth lol. Their name was just Helena Karlstrom like just someone's name and they assumed it was a reference to this:

    Yes My Chemical Romance are just that important.
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    The responses to this are largely "this is fake and never happens, but if it's real it's good patenting and more should be like this"
    Based mother and father kick out son after he comes out as trans.

    All these people are ghouls and should be cancel cultured severely
    The account I QT'd is a hate account btw, block so you never see it again. Elon agrees with these people so why bother reporting
    This world is a nightmare.


    No but seriously it's terrible.

    Yesterday I stumbled on someone insulting a trans guy's photos because their photos went viral the person insulting him compared him to lesbians saying something like 'they don't chop up their body and at least they can get laid' almost every single response to that tweet was then just some guy insulting lesbians and calling them ugly 'what did you see the lesbians in porn?' etc, except for one tweet which said that the guy insulting the trans guy should be castrated. I don't think anyone responding was trans and I don't think the people insulting lesbian women even cared about the topic (I looked through their bios + account to get an idea,) they'd just stumbled on the tweet and wanted to insult lesbians. I have very low expectations for twitter because it's the worst social media site imo besides possibly 4chan and even then it's prob tied, but I was wondering what kind of algorithmic nightmare just allows that to happen. Even by twitter standards the uniformity and sheer numbers of these comments was insane. Even most right wing transphobes are performatively larping as caring about homosexuals now lol so this was something else.

    And the entire site is a [BEEP] show now constantly. Again it's always been awful but since January this year there are just a sea of white nationalist accounts with 10s of thousands - 100s of thousands of followers spouting off racist and anti semitic crap constantly.

    This is heart breaking, Even if it turned out this particular one was not real and no reason to think its fake, this definitely happened to others.
    I know multiple people who have been told essentially this by their parents
    Best case scenario for most people is like your dad saying 'I won't chuck you out but I'd prefer it if you're not gay. Also don't let gay people trick you into being gay because that sometimes can happen.' Which is what mine told me when I was a teenager. Trans and non-binary people wasn't even something he was aware of or thinking about back then. I don't think he'd be OK with that now though but I think he'd stay in denial about it as long as possible if I came out. Or he'd go completely batshit either/or. It's hard to say and I often imagine things being bad and they somehow end up even worse. I think he thinks I'm asexual now? He watched a soap opera years ago I dunno. I think my mum just wouldn't get it and ignore the matter unless I medically transitioned. But again it's hard to say. She's not homophobic but a lot of people are transphobic and I dunno her opinions about that. My dad is homophobic in the purest emotional sense where I was once watching Jennifer's Body on the TV during the scene where the two female characters make out on the bed and he just came in the room then and was like 'ew gross.' (This must have been during the short window where I'd moved back in after uni, and before he moved out after he went to prison, tbh surprised it was on TV then because it usually takes forever and I watched that at the cinema when it came out in like 2009? Yes 2009. It's been so long omg. That was prob like the day after.. No this is already off topic lol a lot was happening in late 2009 for me lol,) and he's used slurs for gay men in the past. He's not against gay marriage or being gay legally though.

    Also randomly had 9 notifications on tumblr which is very unusual. It's only showing 4 things though so not sure why there were 9 notifications. 3 of those I'm pretty sure are just random bot accounts following lol. (You can tell because of the avatars and completely empty accounts. Also it's not instagram so if someone has a professional quality photo of themselves and they're conventionally attractive + gender conforming + the photo isn't stylised at all there's a 99% change that's a bot. The other 1% is Ryan Reynolds. 1 of the approx. 3 famous tumblr posters. It's not really 1% either it's more like 0.0000 something or other but yeah lol.)
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  8. #4658
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    I never send my friend music because he basically only listens to Muse and Queen oh yeah and also likes this one Marina and the Diamonds track (which I also like also a bunch of Muse songs and some Queen tracks but I'm not picky with music lol,) but I was like this song is just so good though (I first listened to it like a month or more ago but was like listening to it while cooking and then was like this is really good. So I randomly felt like linking this.) Anyway he was like
    Very important I know but this is the Marina and the Diamonds track I was talking about btw. Because he likes low pitched female vocals (in fairness I guess Rush - esp early Rush - is the polar opposite of that haha.) I also like her voice a lot here (and the song would otherwise be quite boring for me I think,) but yeah he's so picky. It's like me with finding men attractive.


    (unrelated to above)

    ...Wait what? He talked to Aella lol (haven't watched this video yet)

    Right wingers really want to be autistic so that at least should drift over time in that direction.

    Another thing is a lot of mental illnesses correlate with each other so you're more likely to have several of them at the same time. And there are a whole bunch that are very similar to each other in a lot of ways. Also sociopathy isn't technically a mental health disorder antisocial personality disorder is and this chart is missing most of the personality disorders for some reason. Autism and ADHD aren't mental health disorders either lol.

    Anxiety disorders might not be reported often by people with ASPD but they are comorbid especially social phobia (it's not so weird aggression can be one response to anxiety.) ADHD is also comorbid with ASPD and substance abuse disorder is comorbid with both. Conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder are common in young people with ADHD who then often go on to develop ASPD (they don't like to diagnose ASPD in children except in extreme cases.)

    The association between lifetime anxiety disorders, conduct disorder (CD), and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) among adults in the community was explored. Data were drawn from the National Comorbidity Survey (n=5,877), a representative community sample of adults aged 15-54 in the 48 contiguous US states. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to determine the association between anxiety disorders, CD and ASPD, and between the co-occurrence of anxiety disorders and ASPD in the likelihood of comorbid substance use and affective disorders, suicidal ideation (SI) and suicide attempt (SA). Out of the 3.3% of adults with ASPD, over half (54.33% ) had a comorbid anxiety disorder (lifetime). Similarly, 42.31% of adults with a history of CD (9.4% ) who did not meet criteria for ASPD had a lifetime anxiety disorder. Social phobia [OR=1.65 (1.01, 2.7)] and post-traumatic stress disorder [OR=2.28 (1.3, 4.0)] were associated with significantly increased odds of ASPD, after adjusting for differences in sociodemographic characteristics and other psychiatric comorbidity. Major depression was no longer significantly associated with ASPD after adjusting for anxiety disorders. The comorbidity of anxiety disorders and ASPD was associated with significantly higher odds of major depression, substance use disorders, and SI and SA compared with odds among those without both disorders. These data provide initial evidence of an association between PTSD and social phobia and an increased likelihood of ASPD among adults in the community, after adjustment for comorbid affective and substance use disorders. Adults with ASPD and comorbid anxiety had significantly higher levels of comorbid major depression, alcohol dependence, and substance dependence and substantially higher rates of lifetime suicidal ideation and suicide attempts compared to adults with ASPD or anxiety disorders alone or with neither disorder. Future studies are needed to replicate this finding using longitudinal data and to investigate the possible mechanisms of the observed links between anxiety disorders and ASPD.
    There was a study on Finnish adolescents who were trans or non-binary and they found that young trans people were more likely to have been bullied but also to bully others and non-binary people were more likely than trans people to have been bullied and to bully others (which reflects hierarchical positions in society where non-binary people are less integrated than binary trans people, but both are less integrated than cis people):

    Adolescents involvement in bullying is common (Kaltiala-Heino and Fr?jd, 2011; Lessne et al., 2016), and whether this is as a victim or as a perpetrator, it has well documented negative associations with health and educational trajectories (Chan and Wong, 2015a). Being bullied has been associated, for example, with depression and suicidal ideation (Liang et al., 2007; Kaltiala-Heino and Fr?jd, 2011; Heikkil et al., 2013) and school truancy and impaired academic performance (Wormington et al., 2016). Being a bully has likewise been associated with depression (Klomek et al., 2008; Kaltiala-Heino et al., 2009; Kaltiala-Heino and Fr?jd, 2011) and suicidal ideation (Kaltiala-Heino et al., 1999; Heikkil' et al., 2013), but also with delinquency and substance abuse (Liang et al., 2007).
    They had some association with 'delinquent groups' which encourage such behaviour, and it's similar with certain racial minorities imo.

    Further, being bullied is commonly associated with perpetrating bullying (Cook et al., 2010; Shetgiri et al., 2012; Chan and Wong, 2015b). Those victimized themselves may reactively bully others or perpetrating bullying may be a way of defending oneself. On the other hand, aggressors often socialize in antisocial groups where delinquency occurs, thus elevating the likelihood of being victimized themselves (Jennings et al., 2012). Perpetrating bullying may therefore arise from having been victimized or vice versa.
    In the case of trans and non-binary people they are more likely to have anxiety disorders so it tracks that way too. Racial minorities are less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than white people, though. What I take from all of this is that the lower in status you are the more 'mental health symptoms/disorders' you will have I'm sure. It's easier to be more relaxed and less sociopathic in certain environments and also to compensate for certain things, and to get away with various things.

    If you do a survey online everyone will be more mentally ill because the kind of person who spends a lot of time online, in political discussions, and/or taking surveys like this online is more likely to be mentally ill. Aella gets ridiculously high rates of mental health disorders, ADHD etc, in women in her sexology surveys from what I've noticed.

    The far right is made up online of larpers who are edgelords who obviously would like people to think they have ASPD and want to shock people, and who do have more symptoms of that disorder at the same time, (trolls have more ASPD/'dark triad' traits.) Like you can stumble on someone on twitter who is like a Nazi trans woman who is claiming to be a pedophile and so yeah. Just being as edgy as possible with everything that might piss someone off. (They overplay their hand though because 'how could someone possibly be all these things at the same time?' However it works well on twitter of course, because people want to justify bigotry or push some other agenda and don't care about legitimacy at all while doing that 9/10 so it's the perfect environment if you just want an emotional reaction from people.)

    Just a ton of issues yeah lol.

    The compass is also fairly trash as a measure of politics.

    But back to Green Day 😂 (an interview from a decade ago. 5 decades in 5 hours):

    'I like every succeeding album more than the one before'

    Hmm I stopped listening mostly after American Idiot which was definitely their most commercially successful and ambitious album imo and I liked that one though it got a lot of criticism at the time because they attracted a more mainstream audience. I have listened to a small handful of later songs and didn't think much of those. They were OK but yeah. I think Insomniac also stood out to me as having some interesting tracks in hindsight and also the heaviest I think.

    This one especially quite interesting:

    I loved singing to this like this line 'before it might have made some sense, but now it's all fucked up!'

    Some great bass on some tracks.

    'I must insist on being a pessimist'

    And their best album cover by far lol.

    I like Warning a bunch but I don't think it's better than Nimrod (the previous album.) It's hard to rate some of the early ones though because I like a bunch of tracks from all of them. Warning also has some of my favourite Green Day songs lol like this:

    And again Nimrod has a few interesting tracks where they went outside their comfort zone slightly. This track uses the harmonica:

    This was written for Kerplunk apparently (and it kind of shows):

    I doubt I'd think 21st Century Breakdown is better than American Idiot though even if I listened to it in it's entirety. American Idiot was this huge pop-punk rock opera.

    Nope press x to doubt lol.

    Their first album didn't really work for me. I never go back to that and can't think of a single song I like from it so that's my least favourite. There are a few songs I like on Kerplunk (second album though.)

    Especially this one because again bass (maybe their best bassline):

    This is actually me with music, gender and sexology (including talking to myself):

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    Bill Maher brought up this song as being his favourite:

    Yeah it's lighter. Feels like Green Day's Black Parade era (though that's ironic because Black Parade was MCR's most commercially successful record and was also their American Idiot era.) Black Parade has more edge/anger than the above song though even then.

    Despite not being my favourite MCR album (prefer the first two, though I do think this album is probably technically better just more of a personal relationship with the first two.) I can't deny it was incredibly culturally important and also as a kind of milestone. Because I think it marks the last time the media and others freaked out about young people in an indirect way (and also with associated music. As has been pointed out by many people social media really changed the way music worked for people subculturally. I guess there's kind of hyperpop now though?):

    Why no child is safe from the sinister cult of emo - The Daily Mail, 2008.

    And hoards of Mexican teens beating up emos etc (similar things in other parts of the world.) They often used emo as a proxy for gay and trans (if you listen to the reasons given for most of the people who were beating people up it was essentially 'these guys are GNC',) and that evaporated for gen z they're just going straight after trans + non-binary people now and like 'these are the new emos' 😏 'Go back to being emo etc' Nope (except in a nostalgia/historical sense,) that label was forced on me and you never liked us anyway.

    Also almost everyone preferred the first three albums like one or more of them. Their fourth album was a bit of a departure and I'd sort of lost interest by that point due to age. I heard one of their songs while drinking at a uni house party (yes I will blame it on the alcohol but actually if it was the same party - and it might not be same house though - I did get very wasted much later on,) and was like wondering who it was so I asked this girl who lived at the house 'is that Pink?' and I have no idea how I thought it was Pink and this girl was like 'no it's MCR...' And that blew my mind. Still though how the [BEEP] did I think it was Pink? 😂 'Yo Pink's new album is lit.' I don't remember the song either probably Na, Na, Na:

    I suppose there is this song right? So maybe it's not such a leap.

    It's a really good song though I like it a lot. But yeah anyway so as I said basically nobody would say this album was their favourite so I love that Strange Aeons said that (I get why though like she's considerably younger so I think she must have been 12? When that album came out where as I was 13 when I got into their music and it was just after their second album had been released.)

    Last Night on Earth is an OK song, piano is decent, but I'm not really into it. I have to be in a certain mood I think to enjoy that kind of thing in general, but also depends on the band/musician.
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    ^ I don't watch his show because his audience is honestly a much older demographic so the last time I was aware of him was when he was complaining about Twitch streamers lol. I don't watch streamers my brother does a lot, he's always been very into that. I'd guess it goes back to him watching me play games when we were kids (since he brought that up once.) I would never really watch him play and didn't like watching as much because I prefer playing (still do.) I do make video game content on YouTube though.

    And uh now this lol:

    And perhaps this circles back around to how Billie Joe talked about leaving the US and now seems to be hanging out in London bars. I like Bill Burr though. Like before and now.

    Like he has a point there and also here:

    As a CHILD when I first saw Titanic I laughed SO HARD when the guy bounced off the propellor in Titanic... and my father gave me the most HORRIFIED look as little 7-year-old me was giggling like a devil at the way some dude died. xD
    I never laughed at anything in Titanic but I remember in class when I was 13-14 or so we watched a film of Macbeth and I laughed when:

    Spoiler: His head got chopped off

    I dunno why was just an automatic reaction. Maybe it just looked ridiculous because I don't normally find [BEEP] like that funny.

    It's just terminal dad brain/old man yells at cloud brain though really. They've taken it to the nth degree. But for Elon Musk a lot of his rhetoric is also motivated by his desire to have workers to complete his various projects present and future. He wants workers for Mars and doesn't like that people aren't breeding. Honestly a lot of what he's complained about on twitter boils down to that. And he's a bit of a troll.

    Also it does ruin comedy like the discussion ruins comedy. It frames the comedy in a certain way (which is absolutely not the point of comedy,) before you've heard whatever the joke is. Like Bill Maher bringing up his joke ruins it somewhat. It's also like with Dave Chappelle the initial joke he had about the LGBT+ community that everyone reacted to. I didn't think it was very clever or a great joke (on a scale from that terrible Rosanne what is a woman joke to the best comedian ever it was closer to Rosanne but better,) and he didn't seem to know much about what he was joking about and it helps to have some knowledge like when writing in general. But I also didn't care. It didn't offend me at all. So I actually think I defended him at the time but then he started to make his entire career about it and clearly wanted to push a political message and then did an entire stand up thing that was basically just talking about that one topic and like Hasan says not very funny. Like a lecture/TED talk. Referring to himself as 'team terf' at one point OK? I mean start telling jokes that are funny at some point and then we'll see.

    I think the height of this was some comedian from the UK I'd never even heard of complaining about this in some media article that got shared around and it's like 'who even are you?' (I'm now being introduced to a comedian through them complaining about cancel culture instead of any of their work. Or even anyone complaining about them.) So at that point it's obviously just people who don't have much of career, probably aren't that talented in the first place and now they have this thing to complain about and blame for their lack of success. No it's the woke people not the fact that I'm a [BEEP] comedian. Lol.

    A large part of this is being overly connected parasocially with your audience. That is actually a real problem of the modern era. I don't think it's a problem for comedians who work irl though or one they can't avoid. It's very much an issue to consider if you have a YouTube channel and part of your job is being parasocially available to your own audience. You should limit that as much as possible and don't talk about personal stuff too much. Never vlog. Ever. Just don't do it. Avoid the entire genre. Unless it's like making travel content or something where you never discuss or have your partners and relationships on camera and you just do very superficial stuff as removed from yourself as possible. Always make the focus of your content something outside yourself as much as possible. Don't make any drama content. Even then I've seen people get shit. It's going to happen. It's not even a political thing, it's just if you're famous people will envy you and try to tear you apart this is obvious. Otherwise it's pretty normal for some people to dislike you and have criticisms.

    Oh and there are definitely progressive comedians who are terrible. I've seen clips but I don't generally seek them out so there's probably a lot of that.

    And the whole media thing around this like 'I'm an edgy intellectual with my problematic opinions' is so tedious and the people who go along with these talking heads too. If you can find a bunch of really famous people saying the same things you believe your opinion on that topic is clearly not unusual or even outside of the overton window. If the white nationalists and anti-semitic people want to complain that they can't say what they think. I'd give them that they can't lol at least outside twitter - or if you live in America at a drag queen event protest evidently where you can find them at least vaguely referencing Jewish conspiracy theories and Weimar Germany and whatever. Waving nazi flags around etc - but the liberals? Or Elon Musk lol go away.

    But also because [BEEP] people in particular or the 'alphabet mafia' are brought up a lot in this context because it's the current thing (they really need to stop making everyone they disagree with sound cool btw - social justice warrior, alphabet mafia, possessed by demons you got to do better,) most [BEEP] people don't care about you. You're just a comedian. They care about their fucking family member's opinions, the people they know irl, the people they argue with online and have some online social interaction with who say transphobic [BEEP] cause that happens (like they care about random online nobody's before you,) politicians - people who are making all these bills. The politicians discussing my existence in parliament - that's fucking trippy like imagine that lmfao:

    I see so much stupid American [BEEP] too that it's always worse and also weirder when I hear stuff from the UK or people from the UK online cause it's actually my country and will have an impact so it's much more serious and I don't know what it is but they all seem worse too (and I think maybe it's not just me because Jordan Peterson praises the UK somewhat for being more transphobic so I'm probably onto something with it actually being objectively worse than some areas of North America outside the insane southern states of course.) It feels more real too. America is like a giant fake show like does America even exist? (Obviously it does but you know what I mean.) It's like when I hear Americans in london it's like 'oh my god this is trippy' and I don't have that with other accents but it's because they always sound a little different from the media I'm constantly exposed to when they're in real life.

    Isn't this guy (Michael Knowles) just a bisexual actor? And he's silly. When he talks he doesn't seem to express emotions at all. Does he care about anything? One wonders:

    Ben Shapiro is basically a cis-trans man. I mean. And perhaps he is trans. I don't know and it would be a great way to be stealth I suppose.

    No wonder so many Americans are just like stuck on all these conspiracy theories that are basically like a form of dissociation where everyone's fake. I get that.

    Who else? The people who are out there like aggressively protesting [BEEP] on the daily and getting funded to do so and getting tons of media attention (I care but even then intermittently and a lot of people prob don't care as well.) Preachers across America who are yelling about how all [BEEP] people should be killed - and tbf I actually find that entertaining when it's in religious form until it comes knocking on my door. Because it's just so larpy to me honestly but no they are actually quite serious in their hatred. But it's surreal you know. They just express it in the weirdest ways....

    And personally Jordan Peterson. I've made many posts about him because he lies a lot like in my post yesterday. And also he's kind of like the anti-me and it's not a dislike of him mostly. I don't actually dislike/hate him but I am annoyed by the lying. I actually find it quite fascinating that we have kind of mirrored thought patterns it's like batman and joker or something. And on that Batman note he likes to talk about how nature is female as I brought up before and I'm like gender swapping Poison Ivy so the character is male or intersex Poison Ivy (so the gender varies in degree never quite making it to fully genetic female status,) and they're sometimes kind of king of the forest with long red hair and greenish skin and they're at war with civilisation and technology and mankind and then capturing Human guys who wander into the forest and having somewhat coercive sex with them using plants as well as part of the experience and converting them to forsake Humanity and things like that. Like it's just a sexual fantasy but actually very symbolic. Completely queering his entire theseis/Western canon 10+ years before I even knew he existed (and that's without going into all the chaos/dragon stuff that's also been a thing,) and he'd probably yell about post modernism deconstructing Western civilisation if he heard that but it feels quite instinctive to me. Also I do think he's more boring now since he joined The Daily Wire. He doesn't talk about any of that stuff even anymore. Now I just have to stumble on crazy Christian preachers but that's more formulaic/predictable too.

    And I don't like Andrew Tate at all. While listing the famous people I personally have issues with. I ignored him for an insanely long time but it's less him that annoys me actually and more the impact I've seen him have on boys. He's obviously a narcissist though and I do think lots of people want to destroy him. So his perception on that more than others is probably accurate (despite his corny Matrix thing,) but I also don't think that we can allow narcissists to go unchecked influencing tons of people without any pushback and he is very influential so. I do think people should critique him if they feel like it.

    Speaking of annoying people I was just watching this compilation video of tiktoks and is that Abigail Shrier lol (timestamp from this video) she sounds like she's doing the opening of Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides lol.

    Checkout these young teenagers who suddenly decide they're transgender. They immediately cut off their families. They very often drop out of school. They very often start tattooing themselves and using drugs and they are creating a world for themselves that is so 'healthy,' so built around sexuality. They lose all their hobbies, their only hobby is being transgender.

    In looking at young people involved in the occult do you see any particular type of dress? I have personally observed people wearing black fingernails, having their hair painted black. Wearing black t-shirts. Sometimes they will tattoo themselves.

    It happens when you're in an environment that completely suppresses you while simultaneously constantly demonising you. And also when people write creepy books with cover photos of a girl with her womb cut out Abigail:

    This is actually a special interest for me and even I have other interests/hobbies lol. Music and video games. JP connects the two as well:

    There isn't a clip of the whole thing on YouTube now without commentary but the larger context clipped out is that he's talking about genderfluid people lol. I posted this before anyway.

    Honestly wish I was as creative as he makes out. I think it's very important for humanity but I'm minimally creative really. I'd say 3/10. And I say this as someone who very much is the meme lol. Dyed my hair unnatural colours for years. To the point where 2 guys I know asked me to dye their hair. That was before I came out lol. Which is funny because it's like I preemptively/instinctively was like 'nope avoiding the stereotype' but it's actually just that it was a lot of work. I have very dark hair naturally so also had to bleach it regularly, and the hair dye would never last long before fading, and I lost interest. Now and then I get the desire to dye it again like I wanted to dye parts of it green a while ago but it is again a lot of effort.

    Also I still can't get over the part where Jordan Peterson is so allergic to the word that he says (while talking about various glam rockers) 'they weren't exactly androgynous that's not the correct word. It's more that they manifested a higher order integration of the masculine and feminine' and I know why he's allergic to the word (he has to 'control' certain concepts and create boundaries to keep it safe from they/them, well and to keep himself safe imo because he recognises that he's not that masculine himself, but he doesn't have to worry because yes of course you're a man otherwise you wouldn't be defending that so hard to the point you force other people into the binary,) but it's hilarious that he agreed Prince is an example when he put this into his fucking lyrics haha:

    I'm not a woman
    I'm not a man
    I am something that you'll never understand

    And he didn't get away with it like Mick Jagger (another example he used) either (probably because of his race and height):

    The crowd began booing and shouting racist and homophobic epithets. Prince tried to adapt, injecting more rock into the performance. But before long, trash, food, and bottles were being hurled onto the stage. The artist remembers looking out at the audience and zeroing in on one man near the front with "hatred all over his face."

    After submitting to the abuse for several songs, Prince had had enough. Mick Jagger and others tried to persuade the artist to give it another try and he reluctantly came back for one more show, but again was met with intense hostility. This time he flew back to Minneapolis and refused to open for the Stones again.
    God it's just the same thing over and over and over and over every generation too actually. And it seems to be one of many things that is fucked about Western society. It started with Christianity imo. It tried to suppress androgyny and didn't build it into the culture in the way that other cultures have done (that's why many have multiple genders,) and so this fight continues on but I do think it's almost over socially (which is why it's so loud now.) And with improved technology it definitely will be. Like at the point where the cost to medically transitioning is greatly reduced or nullified entirely no one will care. Like changing an avatar online. And since more people have moved online and live virtually sex also holds less importance now. (Sex as in the physical but also sex as in the act lol both.) Which of course conservatives hate.
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    Kid who broke into someone's house for tiktok views doing the round. Mind you, less breaking in and more just walking in.

    To be honest, think it's amazing he just got told to leave. Pick the wrong house, you will get attacked for doing that. Mind you, I imagine that's why he picked a house in Zone 1-3. Might not have been the correct assumption. Lot of the oligarchs in zone 1. Do not think walking into one of those homes would have been wise.

    Amazing seeing people defend this guy. He walked into someone's house, for tiktok views. Thought that this "prank" was a wonderful thing to do for tiktok views. However many other "tiktok pranks" he has done, he has had not consequences from. Stealing someone's dog, stalking a hat from an orthodox Jewish person, and there has been no consequences, so it has escalated to this. Should be an easy one for the police, pretty much handed them the evidence on a silver platter. We will see if they do anything.

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    There's been a bunch of people doing really dumb or even sociopathic things on tiktok for views and generally acting like they're the main character in a video game or something and very emotionally detached. One person just live recorded someone's murder in Vancouver. Initially he thought they were just fighting supposedly but going over to livestream a fight for content is also messed up. This guy was just being stabbed to death in front of his 2(?) year old daughter by a guy who he'd asked to stop vaping in front of her (which was already insane enough,) and then this guy from tiktok decided to stand around recording it. Supposedly he was smiling but I have not watched it, only heard about it second hand and then read an article.
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  14. #4664
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    Why do you all look like this?

    [collage someone has collected of female shooters/killers etc with long brown hair and glasses]
    femcel phenotype
    i want genderbend riddle to choke me
    I have dark blonde and curly hair, it's over, not even close to based schizo lainpilled femcel
    'Lainpilled' though. 😂

    It has a great opening track. Obviously I had to post this.

    That's the full track:

    Aesthetic goals. The Western femcel/criminal look is the equivalent of the Japanese leftist terrorist who executes her own comrades before ending up in a hostage situation with the police and eventually sentenced to death/orchestrating the mass murder of civilians at an airport in Tel Aviv and watching your possible boyfriend flee to the Philippines.
    Even Nagata's own wiki article basically calls her a femcel.
    Could transition have saved him
    Hiroyuki would be the kind of guy who is a dorky pharmacist who wears military surplus jackets with strange patches on them and when you buy from him he always makes you have a smoke while he asks you if you've listened to the latest episode of whatever the Japanese equivalent of Chapo Trap House/Cum Town etc. is.
    What does this even mean? They collected all female murderers who had glasses?
    Not all of them are murderers, upper left just took Pelosis laptop on 1/6
    They're all just criminals with glasses, meant to attract the hybristophile
    most female criminals look like that I guess, and most trans women have to do crimes to survive

    Lol how does 4tran do this? Like first of all wtf the long brown hair and glasses thing is my current fetish. Find the most basic [BEEP] and turn it into a hybristophilia thing again. 😂 For some reason they're claiming long brown hair and glasses is a trans woman thing too lol. I haven't seen this. (Besides Ethel Cain but even then she's changed her look lately.) All the people in the original collage are cis women I think.

    But I guess they're not wrong about the femcel thing since I also have glasses and long brown hair if I don't cut it and I never have sex. No bangs/fringe though. My features are too soft to be my own type (not sure that's it cause I did find that riddler pic kinda attractive before, probably just don't find myself attractive,) and most of my incel status is just because I'm insanely picky. Which isn't the same. I get lonely and bored but the loneliness is very muted and occasional. I do miss specific people though. It's not really this constant existential excruciating pain/nightmare that incels seem to feel about being single. I think I'm too schizoid for that level of pain. My lifestyle would absolutely drive most people to extreme depression.

    white people all look the same
    Mostly true though. There are 10 face templates or something. It's like The Sims. (One of the early games.) But also at least two of the photos are Asian women lol....

    Well I'll be back in 1-2 months when I get bored again as it's the only place with transfemmes posting about afab non-binary people (and I'm a narcissist) and trans men (besides like 3 trans women on twitter that post that stuff barely ever,) in a way that isn't mostly forced feminisation/detrans fetish stuff. Except when it's worse. And I'll continue to ignore all the insulting 'theyfab' posts... Lol.

    If theyfabs aren't really trans then why does this one have male autism? Checkmate Joe LIEberal
    1. not a real post. Clearly some weird fanfic/larp

    2. "male autism"

    3. 'Wtf is my life' I was just thinking that while reading this sub hahahaha.

    This sub has really gone downhill

    Downhill from where? We're already in hell.

    Why is it that so many theyfabs want detransitioned AMAB/twinkhon asthetics? Is it really peak asthetic?
    It's because they're copioid ftms and they want to look AMAB and twinkhons are both visibly amab but also androgynous enough that they can convince themselves it's plausible for them when they can't imagine passing as a cis man.
    Yes most afab nbs want to look amab, but no it's not cope because very cis masculine aesthetics/body types are unappealing to most non-binary people (regardless of sex,) and this is the peak aesthetic (for now) obviously:

    (How many times am I going to post this band? Yes.)

    It's androgynous but I don't think that's the look they're talking about because the music video is more masculine than that. (I think, can't keep track.) There are also a bunch of trans guys even that want to look like femboys (I really don't,) and we've reinvented 'twink' to mean any straight hetero/bisexual-coded skinny/slim-fit guy that a lot of afab people relate to/aspires to be/wants to [BEEP] like Loki, or maybe Timothee Chalamet (so young Tom Hiddleston 2.0. Guess he brought this on himself by being in that one film,) not necessarily a very feminine homosexual guy that a cishet man might consider having sex with (apart from the part where some of them apparently wanted to have sex with contrapoints during her crossdressing era and she never seemed like a very feminine homosexual guy but most cishet people can't tell the difference anyway so what am I doing,) so I really don't know where the boundaries for these terms are anymore. 'Hon' masculinises 'twink' more in my brain though so you end up with 'conventionally attractive [BEEP] trans women aesthetic' moreso than pre-trans straight trans woman living as a homosexual man, but I dunno if they use it that way. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? I have to know though so I can figure out who might reject me categorically vs because I'm ugly and crazy. Which is a very important distinction.

    I just noticed this in the comment section for this music video someone saying this look was inspired by the film Dressed to Kill which I haven't seen. I thought it was more like Anna Wintour but cyberpunk biker. Back to the drawing board for #goals that aren't based on negative stereotype of trans women I guess. 😂 I don't think that actually was the inspiration though.

    I put in no effort and I look like a criminal. I put in effort (hypothetically) and I look like a criminal. Dye hair weird colours = criminal. Natural hair = criminal. Can't win LMFAO.

    well i'm a theyfab and i wish a was both amab and androgynous so i guess a twink/detrans is the best option
    is it really cope if i'd still be enby even if i was amab or passed?
    This is either peak enbycope or you're incredibly based
    I don't know why they can't wrap their heads around this lol. It's because they're all binary. (I still hate the term enby.)

    I feel like "twinkhon" could become / is becoming its own gender or sub-gender in certain spaces. I have no evidence of this and will not elaborate
    Gayden fujo [BEEP] if I had to guess. They just turned their fetisb onto mtfs instead of cis men
    Yaoi and it's consequences have been a disaster for the transgender community
    Looool it's funny because the aesthetic transcends that and is universal but everyone blames yaoi. Most of the comments are about fujoshi and it's so boring. I definitely picked it up from music more than anime. What do you think people were doing before the 90s? Oh that's right we don't have an organised/well documented history pre-2000ish so you have to piece it together like a 30k word dissertation someone put through a shredder and then scattered across the English countryside and most people cba.

    Rather than cross-dressing as a man, then, here Rachilde proposes to cross-dress as a stereotype of femininity. This outfit, which today might be described as the Shirley Temple look,
    While it appears that Rachilde did indeed have at least one lesbian relationship (see "1885: Marriage and the Woman Writer"), I have also argued that her cross-dressing was far more complex than simple male impersonation. Similarly, questions about her sexual expression will evade simple categorization, as this chapter will show.
    Rachilde formed friendships and alliances with gay men from her earliest years in Paris in the 1880s. As the "queen of decadence," she affiliated with decadent queens. She sheltered Verlaine in her apartment for a while in 1886, for example; she was received by the aging dandy Barbey d'Aurevilly; and Oscar Wilde frequented her salon in addition to being influenced by her work. She was also a lifelong friend of Jean Lorrain, who once described her as "delicieusement pederaste" ("Deux appreciations" 75).
    One of the earliest sources of rumor about Rachilde's adoption by the gay male community comes from Les Fellatores (1888 ) by "Dr. Luiz" (Paul Devaux). The author claims that Rachilde followed the success of Monsieur Venus by writing about "toutes les sensations du tribadisme" (204) and goes on to cite from an article by Rachilde on the front page of L'Etudiant (Saturday, December 4, 1886): "Decidement, dans une horreur de la femme, je me consacre a l'amour contre nature de tous les hommes braves" (205). Despite the fact that the author refers to Rachilde as "une tribade" (205) and that the newspaper L'Etudiant contains advertisements for 'brasseries a femmes' (206), Rachilde's declaration of nothing but horror for women (neither her first nor her last such comment) suggests that she resisted recognizing her own sexual attraction as being primarily directed toward women. In fact, her stated preference for "l'amour contre nature," along with the popularity of Monsieur Venus among men in the gay subculture, leads Dr. Luiz to describe her as a "femme-tapette" (205). Gay men's admiration for her only increases when they learn that "cette fausse femelle pratiquait leur vice" and that "la romanciere de Monsieur Venus avait vecu son livre"
    Something like that. Probably better than the average lifestyle now I guess in some ways where a lot of people just stay closeted online and have no meaningful irl relationships. She was also better integrated into a community (but she was also upper middle class.) Aside from the part where she was sentenced to two years in prison in Belgium so she could never go back there. Or if you live in China now where you get 10 years for writing danmei and they banned AO3 over there. I have a feeling Rachilde was probably still lonely and alienated underneath it all though. I don't imagine anyone understood her fully and they kept trying to get her to admit she was a lesbian. Lol, that's familiar to me. I don't care though (it doesn't horrify me at all,) it's mostly just annoying that I'm not. I think my life would make more narrative sense if I was and I might be more attracted to a group of people I could date too considering my borderline asexuality. But some of that is just intimacy issues as well.

    The perception though (which a couple of people had,) never had nothing to do with my actual sexual preferences which I never revealed to anyone irl besides I guess my friend since he once mentioned that on skype. It was so weird because I never really discuss my preferences/people I'm attracted to with him and have no idea where he got this idea from from. I mean we were in a relationship for several months in 2011 and at that point I discussed with him the possibility that I might be asexual or greysexual (because I was dating/having relationships with guys and it just wasn't working with any of them,) but otherwise didn't mention anything else. I do have a terrible memory though.

    I forgot how it started but I think he was talking about how someone else we went to uni with came out as a trans woman or non-binary. And then he was talking about a trans woman who he talked to on OKCupid once. So he added her on steam, and she was being weirdly aggressive (his words,) and trying to get him to tell her how cute she was and she lived in the US so he figured nothing could happen anyway so he unfriended her. Then he started talking about how he wasn't sure he wanted to date a trans woman anyway (because genital preferences.) So we started talking about people we find attractive, and at one point I brought up IAMX and he was like 'yeah that's prime [my name] material.'

    You certainly don't seem to be that into what I'll call manly men or womanly women.

    You like someone who is hard to pin down
    Actually tbh I'm also surprised when people in general remember/notice anything about me.

    I don't actually think much materially has changed besides the internet making it vaguely easier in some ways. Instead of just writing or making art work that might get discovered after you die (Henry Darger.) Visible historical [BEEP] people and cultures have always been upper middle class because most people who were lower class in general had their history erased. You hear about trans women who worked as prostitutes though sometimes and obviously a lot still do sex work.

    History is more important for [BEEP] people to orient themselves but also because it's expected to 'prove yourself' where as cishet culture is taken for granted as natural and Human. It's not working now either and the tweets quoted below kind of get at why a bit (but I also think it's a technological problem as well as I said before):

    This thread has been going around and I dislike it. I am going to try and engage it critically in a serious & cordial way. We begin by identifying "passing" as a psychological rather than sociological phenomenon, which is incorrect.
    In addition to non-binary people not "owing" you androgyny, I think there?s a conversation we're not having about "passing as non-binary" not being psychologically possible.
    Because "passing" is understood as a psychological rather than sociological phenomenon, it becomes an individualized problem: individuals must put in "work" to "understand" nonbinary people. On the contrary I think nonbinary cultures simply need power.

    You HAVE to put the work in to change how you psychologically understand a person, EVEN THOUGH your brain WILL be going ?but? but? th? but??. That takes actual work, and you ARE capable of doing it.
    By the next post we've changed our constraints. Passing as nonbinary is no longer "impossible," but simply something "most" nonbinary people are taken not to do. To me this elision indicates apathy toward those routinely clocked as not cis.

    Many NBi people ARE presenting in ways that express a mixed, neutral, genderfuck, androgynous or etc presentation and you just don?t register it because you?re conditioned to read everyone as cis.
    This elision sets the unfortunate tenor for the rest of the thread. Here, for instance, the very possibility of possessing a nonbinary set of sex characteristics feels foreclosed by the language of the thread. But that's what I have.

    Your brain is heavily conditioned to assign people a gender based on the sex characteristics you perceive and then assume any other incongruences are a cis person?s odd frivolities, if you even notice them at all. You're not capable of genuinely "reading someone as non-binary".
    Finally, the thread ends self-defeatingly, pointing out that nonbinary people do in fact "pass" as nonbinary once they disclose their identity to those who have put in the psychic "work" of correcting their "instincts."

    It's understandable that with no other info, your brain will draw instantaneous conclusions without your consent ? but you HAVE to be willing to let those go and work with the correct information you?re then given, rather than entrenching in your brain?s first impression.
    I feel there's a lot wrong with this thread. My main issue is this: by staging nonbinaryness as something only ever recognized after conversation, the closet becomes the primary scene of nonbinary confrontation. But as friends remind me, it is out of the closets, INTO THE STREETS
    Digitally [BEEP] people are finding enough online to survive but not to desire life (or, life offline). In my experience, the result is, mainly, a politics of resentment towards other [BEEP] people, who are either leading richer lives than you, or enabling your suffering.
    Lol the online trans community is so small (it doesn't necessarily seem that way to a lot of people because of the illusion of the internet and of course the media likes to give the impression that trans people are a larger group than they are as well as it suits the viral narrative,) I was looking up these tweets and found in one thread that repressed-person-on-hrt-who-wanted-to-live-as-a-trans-woman-but-wouldn't (need a better way of summarising that lol,) who I was in a discord chat with in one twitter thread.... (Not anything I'm quoting from.) What the fuck.

    It's also not working because I'm posting this here instead of ???
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  15. #4665
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Yes most afab nbs want to look amab, but no it's not cope because very cis masculine aesthetics/body types are unappealing to most non-binary people (regardless of sex,) and this is the peak aesthetic (for now) obviously:

    (How many times am I going to post this band? Yes.)

    It's androgynous but I don't think that's the look they're talking about because the music video is more masculine than that. (I think, can't keep track.) There are also a bunch of trans guys even that want to look like femboys (I really don't,) and we've reinvented 'twink' to mean any straight hetero/bisexual-coded skinny/slim-fit guy that a lot of afab people relate to/aspires to be/wants to [BEEP] like Loki, or maybe Timothee Chalamet (so young Tom Hiddleston 2.0. Guess he brought this on himself by being in that one film,) not necessarily a very feminine homosexual guy that a cishet man might consider having sex with (apart from the part where some of them apparently wanted to have sex with contrapoints during her crossdressing era and she never seemed like a very feminine homosexual guy but most cishet people can't tell the difference anyway so what am I doing,) so I really don't know where the boundaries for these terms are anymore. 'Hon' masculinises 'twink' more in my brain though so you end up with 'conventionally attractive [BEEP] trans women aesthetic' moreso than pre-trans straight trans woman living as a homosexual man, but I dunno if they use it that way. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? I have to know though so I can figure out who might reject me categorically vs because I'm ugly and crazy. Which is a very important distinction.

    I just noticed this in the comment section for this music video someone saying this look was inspired by the film Dressed to Kill which I haven't seen. I thought it was more like Anna Wintour but cyberpunk biker. Back to the drawing board for #goals that aren't based on negative stereotype of trans women I guess. 😂 I don't think that actually was the inspiration though.
    I need to find a new parasocial relationship to distract from young Geddy Lee because at some point he's going to die and that's going to be really depressing. I could go back to IAMX but eh he's in his bdsm dom era (kinda song lyrics anyway,) and I'm happy for him but I can't project my fantasies onto him so easily now. The IAMX thing sort of went on for several years with a few overlapping alternatives (and there are some others I could go back to as well, but it's nice to find new people,) and I can't really have that again for several years because as I say, so I have to find someone else to crush on.

    She looked hot in this video despite how ridiculous everything is and the fact she looked like she raided my 2005-2013 wardrobe (we're going to breeze past the implications of all of this, I can only unpack so much at one time,) but I don't know about in general:

    Kinda hot here:

    It's not the same though. She's not a cute nerd. She has that gen z soundcloud rapper vibe but doing hyperpop/pop-punk revival and she's a younger millennial (obviously cause gen z all have short hair. Not really but it is a bit like inverse 70s) omg I'm a chaser and I love your hair so why don't you fit into my niche fetishistic unreasonable boxes?

    I could probably stop looking at gifs at any point in time:

    There's also the really cute guy (I mean he has a name lol Burke Shelley,) who is bizarrely similar to Geddy Lee during that era and is already dead (problem solved) but he only looks really cute in this one video (and there's kind of a lack of images/videos etc in general):

    I actually don't think it matters now, it's going to bum me out either way. Nooooooo. Brain.

    I need help. 🤣 Like as though if I type those words it makes it better while I continue to do nothing and be weird.


    That's also basically more or less the subtext I got when skimreading Rachilde's book Monseiur Venus. 'It's impossible in reality.' Except part of the impossibility seemed to be connected to Raoule de Venerande not being a cis man as well in that text. I don't know if that was intentional though, because it's difficult to know how she related to the text given her ambiguous gender identity (it's possible she related to both characters,) and also I'd have to read it properly lol. It's very dark, and depressing, also sadistic, as it's a decadent novel.

    It's also just very intense and desperate, but that makes a lot of sense to me. Not to mention when she wrote this there were no other books with this dynamic afaik. (There still isn't much.) This is the only thing that's trans-adj I've (sort of) read actually. I basically just read fiction and fanfiction with cis characters except Loki fanfics.

    "I am a man in love with a man, not a woman!" she retorted, as her shadowed eyes turned away from the glittering gaze of the Antinous. [...] I wished for the impossible ... It is mine ... No, I mean to say it shall never be mine ...
    "So, will you keep him?" the baron enquired in a voice of the utmost neutrality.

    "Even if it ruins me! I want her to be as happy as the godchild of a king!"

    "Let us be clear about this! If I am the official confidant, let it be either he or she, lest I lose what little reason I have left."

    "Let it be she."
    I think everyone insisting she was a lesbian bothered her so much she wrote it into the text though lol....:

    "Sappho ...! Well now," he went on with an ironic wave of the hand, "I suspected as much. Continue, Monsieur de Venerande, continue my dear chap!"

    The corner of Raoule's mouth creased in contempt!

    "You are wrong, Monsieur de Raittolbe; to be Sapphic would be like everyone! My upbringing forbids me the crime of the boarding school girl or the prostitute's foibles. I fancy you place me above the level of vulgar amours. How can you imagine me capable of such weaknesses? You may speak freely ... I am in my own home."
    "Raoule," said the baron de Raittolbe effusively, "I am surely convinced that you are mad. But I hope to cure you. Tell me the rest, and let me understand how, without Sappho's example, you can be in love with some pretty girl or other?"

    Raoule's pale visage became fiery.
    "Raoule, you are not a man? You cannot be a man?"

    And a sob of lost illusions, for ever dead, rose from his loins to his throat.


    He thrust Raoule away with a clenched fist:

    "No! No! Keep on these clothes," he screamed, quite out of his senses.

    But once only had they played their parts sincerely, sinning against their love, which, to thrive, had to look the truth in the face while fighting it with its own strength.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

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