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    10 May 2023 Publisher?s Note: readers are alerted that concerns have been raised regarding methodology as described in this article. The publisher is currently investigating this matter and a further response will follow the conclusion of this investigation.

    16 May 2023 Publisher's Note: the Supplementary Information has been removed due to a lack of documented consent by study participants.

    So Bailey (one of the researchers who worked on this,) is complaining about this. While this explanation is suspect (assuming the consent in question is the consent of the parents,) I have very little sympathy for him because I know he's biased and has lied a bunch and he's choosing to pursue this line of research now, after mostly ignoring genetically female trans people for decades, and still hasn't created any equivalent papers to those for genetic males. Now he's doing research without involving any of us and just focussing on parents of teenagers. Contributing to our ongoing suppression.

    Sexology is one of the most misogynistic and sexist fields of research there is imo. Maybe because I'm hyperfocussing on one segment of the field. It's just insane though. If you read further into this post you will see why.

    So I've been very frustrated obviously about this and a while back in like late 2022 I was invited to some new server. I left the others all ages ago in 2020 because they attract people who are in depressing situations and toxic people in some instances and just bad vibes, and rationalists are all into IQ and race research and [BEEP] like that it's a whole lot. But I'm lurking again now. Mostly to see where these sexologists are at. I dunno if I'm going to go back to chatting in these spaces (at one point I was participating every day basically lol,) maybe if I can find some balance (I don't do balance lol.) It's not like what I'm doing now is healthy either but I was feeling more uncomfortable back then.

    I'm too lazy to label all the quotes:

    I don't think I'm being uncharitable because BPD = AAP is a bizarre theory that they refuse to even attempt to justify, so guessing seems appropriate and this seems like a logical guess

    but just because I'm not uncharitable doesn't mean I'm not wrong
    Oh boy this is not a good start.

    When I diagnose a*p, gender progressivism, etc, i do so at an individual level, eg: asking people about their sexual fantasies.

    Blanchardian researchers can't do this because they don't ask large numbers of people lots of questions and also they would dismiss all the answers they get as lies anyway.

    for a while Ive been kind of confused about this stuff because theres some vague allusion to an ideological conflict in how female sexuality works but its not clear what exactly it is. like on one extreme you get bizarre stuff like conservatives saying that the female orgasm doesn't exist
    It's really weird that some people assume it doesn't exist. I mean any form of orgasm not specific forms since some people break that down further. I've had hundreds maybe a thousand+? of 'female orgasms.' I gave them all to myself but it's a thing.

    Just how though.

    OK so not quoting a bunch of stuff too much there.

    Blanchardians don't believe female sexual desire is real. they also cant tell the difference between feminists and aaps because they dont ask feminists about their sexuality and dont meet AAPs to notice whether they are feminist. blanchardians believe that feminism is the same as bpd because blanchardian's keep gaslighting feminists. so blanchardians reason, aap = ftms = feminism = bpd
    A lot of feminism annoys me and even I wouldn't say it's BPD. Wtf? I've missed a lot.

    I only know brief bits and pieces I've picked up on twitter etc of what's happened here. I think a lot of this thing I'm reading now is a justification from this guy that he's not BPD either because someone implied that or he's considering his present behaviour/reaction caused by the behaviour of Blanchardian researchers etc and it's also made him reflect on feminist's reaction to conservatives and the methods employed by conservatives in general towards women and feminists. He says that he feels over time that in his interactions with Blanchardian's he's exhibited more behaviour that he thinks is similar to BPD whereas in the past his brother and other's described him as the opposite of that personality type.

    my explanation would be that blanchardians are absolutely terrible and bpd-adj behavior is a natural and strategically appropriate way to deal with their particular brand of terribleness.

    ive come to wonder if conservatives often employ this kind of terribleness towards feminists/women/their daughters. it's basically a sort of, refusal to discuss problems or clarify things or engage with critique, plus trying to present as the other personal being unreasonable.
    Well I would say if you're part of an oppressed group you're going to have this experience at some point where you come face to face with that oppression.

    Separately it also seems like someone is arguing that AAP (a sexuality where you are aroused by the idea of becoming/being a man but there's a bit more to it than that,) is BPD and that's what I'm trying to figure out now because that appears to be a batshit claim to make. Ftr this person isn't genetically female or AAP he's on hrt I think and is AGP and hasn't socially transitioned. So this wouldn't apply to him personally but some also do try to pin various mental disorders on AGP people as some kind of argument also.

    Is the claim that Blanchardians read and understand [x]'s AAP data and conclude it is really BPD? Or that you describe AAPlike symptoms and they chalk them up to BPD? Or do they identify some group which might not perfectly overlap with your notion of AAP and call that BPD? Or something else? [...]

    My understanding is that Bailey doesn't believe in AAP, and has the "autohomoerotic" label for AAPlike traits. So I'm confused about what are the sorts of things that you would describe as AAP, that "Blanchardians" (Bailey? Lawrence? Who?) would not already be describing with a label other than BPD.
    Well the fundamental issue is that they don't clarify and they don't engage, they just throw vague stuff out there
    I don't know where the person who asked me got it from
    But it definitely seems like a thing they believe, hsu confirmed it too: [link]
    He can't actually be in this server can he lol? (Not Bailey some other researcher.) I dunno can't confirm.

    Cantor once said that they were BPD rather than persistent sexual interests in the male sense
    Oh my god this entire subject area/field is a whole [BEEP] nightmare. Also it seems like there aren't many people in this field in the first place. Also I used to talk to someone who saw him as a therapist lol. I think he diagnosed her with BPD if I'm remembering right she was a trans woman.

    Even if a sexual interest is transient where the [BEEP] is the BPD connection coming from?

    I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist here.

    But between this and the weird tendency for obvious female sociopaths who have killed multiple people and have clear violent sexual fetishes being diagnosed with BPD even when they're also diagnosed with ASPD. Which I thought was weird at the time:

    In November 2013, Dennehy pleaded guilty to all three murders and two further attempted murders.[13][14] Her sister Maria was unsurprised by the guilty plea and said, "I think she did that to control the situation. She likes people to know she's the boss."[15] Dennehy was held on remand at HM Prison Bronzefield.[16] Assessing psychiatrists later diagnosed Dennehy with psychopathic, anti-social and borderline personality disorders.[17]

    On 28 February 2014, at the Old Bailey, Dennehy was sentenced to life imprisonment. The trial judge, Mr Justice Spencer, ordered that she should never be released due to the premeditation of each murder. Spencer said further that Dennehy was sadomasochistic, and lacked the normal range of human emotions.[18] Dennehy was the third woman in the UK to be given a whole life tariff, after Myra Hindley and Rosemary West.[19]
    I think it's been removed from this article? But I know there was some reference to her writing violent sexual pornographic fantasies while in prison. There's a footnote link referencing her paraphilia.

    Not to mention the overlap between ASD (autism spectrum,) and BPD in diagnoses. I've met numerous guys I would describe (have described) as having these traits without diagnoses. But the way it's often being used is insane and sexist.

    If I understand some of their views correctly, they are skeptical that a natal female's self-reported paraphilic sexual attraction is reflecting the same as a natal male's self-reported paraphilic sexual attraction. As in, for natal females, they reflect sociocultural factors (they were with a male partner with that sexual interest) or personality factors (what [x] just wrote) rather than genuine preferential sexual interest

    Also I'm pretty sure they do believe female paraphilias at least occur RARELY, since Bailey and Blanchard wrote that "Gender dysphoria is not one thing" article for 4thwavenow where they talked about "autohomoerotic gender dysphoria" in natal females, which would be the result of a paraphilic interest by their standards.
    Think he's talking about several people here when he says they.

    This is quite a bit different than saying a specific sexual interest is just BPD, or that perhaps unconventional sexual interests in general are BPD.

    Also I think regardless of whether a sexual preference comes about socially or not if someone then wants to choose to continue having this sexuality or to say transition they should have the right to do that and other people shouldn't be trying to control them. Also though a lot of personality is genetic and honestly doesn't seem very mutable.

    I think Blanchard believes it and Bailey remains skeptical
    this should predict a strong correlation between AAP and personality, but I don't think such a correlation has been observed anywhere
    (I suspect they get this result from rounding BPD off to gender progressivism, and rounding AAP off to gender progressivism? idk; at least I don't know of any other way they could have come up with this result)
    Applying that to sex, I'd notice that male sexuality seems harder to stamp out than the female version. You could have an ultra repressive regime and there'd still be a park where gay men find each other. Lesbians would not resort to cruising for other lesbians in a park in a sufficiently repressive regime
    Mm no because that's behaviour not sexuality. Female people are obviously less likely to act on their sexuality but that doesn't mean their sexuality isn't there psychologically.

    For the record, I do think that female paraphilias exist, and when they exist, they are especially likely to be found in lesbian women
    (I would expect them to be more likely in bisexual women and equally likely in lesbian and straight women...)
    I would also expect them to be more likely in bi women than lesbian or straight women
    I'd think so potentially. Bisexual women are less sociosexually restricted etc.

    Getting off point though... I need like a source for this BPD statement because it so insane.

    Reverse causality? Ie, trans AFABs picking up odd sexual tastes from social contagion?

    That seems... Testable.

    But also it seems like a pretty odd claim, given that it's kind of unclear whether anyones picks up sexual tastes from social contact

    I guess if anyone would, it would be non-binary AFABs (who, in this hypothetical model, are all enby b/c of social contaigion)
    Kevin hsu says that that is their theory
    It's not something the women in my almost-qualitative AAP survey reported, so I suspect they just made it up
    This I've heard from them before (that most of female sexuality is social contagion essentially.) Maybe he's just rounding it all off to BPD. (I'm still looking.)

    There's this implication that my sexuality is some kind of frivolous superficial thing that can be adjusted to suit other's needs and I'm going to need society to know that if they forced me into some form of conversion therapy I would respond violently. And they would ultimately have to kill me.

    I know this is the end game for conservative society at least when you get past a certain point.

    OK so I believe I've found his position through his twitter account and it looks like he's doing what other people do where they blame gender dysphoria on various disorders but he has brought up BPD a few times. Obviously a lot of people blame it on autism and he's brought that up too. He doesn't seem to have brought up AAP on his twitter maybe he did somewhere else cause like I say they reduce dysphoria to a contagion and then when someone brings up AAP or AHE they tend to incorporate that into their contagion theory. So more things are viruses.

    What did I fucking say though?

    At the end of the day you don't want an autism diagnoses though even if you are autistic because 1. they can't help you and 2. sooner or later someone will use it as an excuse to inhibit your freedom. Well you're fucked either way because you might have 'traits' this study isn't pushing that position but most journalists who write about this topic, and people with blogs, do and in general they'll grasp at whatever they can. "We also know that that 48% of all referees to the Tavistock, have autistic traits, with 35% of them displaying moderate to severe traits." Etc.
    Fandom is very very gender progressive, right?
    I speculate that they use presence of gender progressivism as a proxy for social contagion
    So they wouldn't be convinced unless you could find a community of gender conservative AAPs (or gender conservative female paraphiles)
    It would seem so yeah.

    No one responded to this but the bolded seems interesting:

    So I've gradually gained the impression that a lot of the bizarre Blanchardian views originate from their contact with gender conservatives, either because the blanchardians are themselves gender conservative on those areas, or because the blanchardians are gender progressive and have asspulled some buzarre responses to the gender conservatives, or because the blanchardians have to adopt those views to be taken seriously by gender conservatives

    What is the primary and most personal conflict that gender conservatives might have about female sexuality, which might explain the strong blanchardian insistence on bizarre female sexuality views?
    It must surely be "my daughter is dating someone I don't approve of"!

    This probably also connects to all sorts of other things like social contagion constantly being brought up in that context, e.g. I think a stereotypical case of this is a teen girl who is dating some rebellious anticonservative guy
    Personal opinion but Bailey seems to act like an edgelord.
    A lot of his twitter comments are straight up douchey.
    Was never paying that much attention to his twitter but Blanchard definitely often has been an edgelord on twitter.

    Ftr I think a few of the original rad fems - the ones who weren't just transphobic conservatives or other sexually conservative women were diagnosed with schizophrenia not BPD (Solanas and Firestone off the top of my head.) Technically Solanas never identified as a feminist though they just adopted her. The Scum Manifesto is really insane but it's also kind of a mirror of the far right/fascism. I can't prove this but I also think she had some kind of forced feminisation/female supremacy fetish too the features of her manifesto also came up in a play she wrote and were more explicitly sexual there. I haven't read Shulamith Firestone's work really (she actually was part of the feminist movement.) I'd probably disagree with a lot because I do with most feminists but she did at least at one point mention that artificial wombs were important and I agree with that. Not aware of anyone besides those two being diagnosed with anything and I think they are the most interesting haha.
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  2. #4667
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    They were selling shirts for kids with the phrase "Satan respects pronouns," silk-screened across the front.

    Just so we know what we're dealing with, here.
    If that bothers you then you're not at all prepared for what you're dealing with.

    I was just going to quote that one crossdressing Jesus/Satan fanfiction but this is actually more entertaining. Though I've definitely gone into this or parts of this before.

    You've framed the debate as a religious/spiritual one and then if you believe the theory some neoreactionary people have come up with - and there's absolutely no reason to except that it's very entertaining in this situation and the right seems to have adopted rhetoric that clearly stems from their theory such as 'woke is a religion' - you've decided to fight this war with the same kind of people who wrote the bible in the first place.

    It is the role of the capitalists to protect the liberty of the individual, it is the role of the nationalists to secure the existence of the nation within which these individuals reside, and it is the role of the religious tradition to orient the people of this nation towards a superordinate metaphysical aim. These three forces acting in tandem with appropriately principled approaches to each other are what it will take to restore Western civilisation or at least to build a successor.
    from this video:

    Neoreactionaries seem to believe the church is effectively in a state of rebellion and that modern progressivism is a successor to Christianity. 'The Cathedral' as Yarvin likes to call it. But that the church should be revived. The YouTuber I'm quoting above at least seems to have also noticed there were the three estates of the realm (clergy, nobility and commoners,) and then have mapped this onto other things like the judicial, executive and legislative branches of the US government. And they claim this organisation of roles/political groups is based on I dunno people's personalities/ways of thinking.

    Here's the thing though. The clergy was always made up heavily of let's say LGBT+ people so I have a descriptive label I can use, though this is of course a recent Western construction. Eg:

    The Public Universal Friend[a] (born Jemima Wilkinson; November 29, 1752 - July 1, 1819) was an American preacher born in Cumberland, Rhode Island, to Quaker parents. After suffering a severe illness in 1776, the Friend claimed to have died and been reanimated as a genderless evangelist named the Public Universal Friend, and afterward shunned both birth name and gendered pronouns. In androgynous clothes, the Friend preached throughout the northeastern United States, attracting many followers who became the Society of Universal Friends.[5]

    The Friend's theology was broadly similar to that of most Quakers. The Friend stressed free will, opposed slavery, and supported sexual abstinence. The most committed members of the Society of Universal Friends were a group of unmarried women who took leading roles in their households and community. In the 1790s, members of the Society acquired land in Western New York where they formed the town of Jerusalem near Penn Yan, New York. The Society of Universal Friends ceased to exist by the 1860s. Many writers have portrayed the Friend as a woman, and either a manipulative fraudster, or a pioneer for women's rights; others have viewed the Friend as transgender or non-binary and a figure in trans history.
    This isn't a coincidence in most cultures LGBT+ people have been heavily involved in the spirituality of the group so some examples:

    In pre-Islamic Bugis culture, bissu were seen as intermediaries between the people and the gods, according to Indonesian anthropologist professor Halilintar Lathief. The bissu are closely associated with the female yet androgynous moon goddess, as her spiritual offspring.[12] Up until the 1940s, the bissu were still central to keeping ancient palace rites alive, including coronations of kings and queens.[7] Historically, bissu have played an important role in other ceremonies as well, particularly in weddings and childbirth events.
    ^ Something along these lines is relatively common in many pre-Abrahamic religions. Like Inanna/Ishtar.

    As the atmosphere became increasingly hostile to nonheterosexuals, fewer people were willing to take on the role of bissu.[7] With the rise of Suharto's New Order administration, the bissu were further marginalized as deviant and un-Islamic elements of Indonesian society.[13] The bissu were also targeted during the New Order era because of their purported association with the Communist Party of Indonesia.[8][17] This persecution included the banning of bissu practices, the destruction of spiritually significant objects, the forced assimilation of bissu to male roles, and the execution of many bissu individuals.
    Not sure why that association keeps happening but it's interesting. In America they insisted 'race mixing was communism' during past bigot/reactionary protests as well lol.

    The neoreaction theory that most of the Western clergy is now pretty much synonymous with communism or something like that seems related also.

    For one to be considered bissu, all aspects of gender must be combined to form a whole. It is believed that you are born with the propensity to become a bissu, revealed in a baby whose genitalia are ambiguous. These ambiguous genitalia need not be visible; a normative male who becomes a bissu is believed to be female on the inside. This combination of sexes enables a 'meta-gender' identity to emerge. However, ambiguous genitalia alone do not confer the state of being a bissu.[11] The person must also learn the language, songs and incantations, and have a gift for bestowing blessings in order to become bissu. To be considered a "true" bissu, an individual needs to undergo initiation rituals and mentorship from another bissu, but this practice is waning due to the decreasing amount of people taking the role.[12] They are expected to remain celibate and wear conservative clothes.[7] In practice, many bissu do partake in sexual activities (especially with oroan?) but this is not widely acknowledged and public recognition is seen as delegitimizing to the bissu's spiritual power.[13]
    Editor's Note: In the Indian subcontinent, e.g., the Hijras are believed by many to have extraordinary powers, through which they can bless individuals or curse them. This gives Hijras an extraordinary space in the social order, and accepted Indians still welcome Hijras to look for their gifts on significant events, eg- new baby, marriage, etc.
    If you look at Western Academia and philosophy you find a similar thing. Lots of LGBT+ people. It's mostly butch women, non-binary afab people and androgynous lesbians who sort of identify as trans (Camille Paglia,) though. I think because of the West's allergy to femininity more masculine afab people have sort of filled in various roles. Not that there are no transfemmes etc in academia but it's less common and amab non-binary people are also rarer here. There have been a bunch of gay male philosophers too though.

    I think this paper was written in 2001? It's a bit kooky but I'm not that serious with this post and I dislike organised religion. I just think it's a fun way to respond to Christians who have the audacity hahaha.

    ABSTRACT: The lives and experiences of 30 North Americans who experience themselves as neither man nor woman but "more like a third gender" were explored using in-depth interviews and qualitative content analysis based on grounded theory. Parallels suggested by third-gendered roles of non-Western cultures include a significant number (93% ) reporting experiences of transcendent spiritual events or unusual abilities, inclination to work as artists and/or healers, and performance of mediating and leadership roles. Different forms of Western variant gender, as well as distinctions between sex, gender, and sexual orientation, are delineated along with a variety of non-Western established third-gender roles.
    Any number of the traits that seem to arise in conjunction with an intermediate gender identity-gravitating toward work as an artist, healer, or mediator; life-changing illnesses or accidents; and spontaneous experience with realities beyond bounded space and time-would mark a person in a non-Western culture as blessed (or cursed) to follow a shamanic-type path. But while such abilities and functions of non-Western third-gender roles could be said to be culturally prescribed and expected, it can hardly be claimed that any movement of third-gendered Americans toward the same types of roles is based on the social construction of the position, as there is no third gender recognized in the United States.

    Not only is there no recognition in the United States of the existence of gender intermediacy, there is no system of apprenticeship or training to guide related special abilities into particular roles. The participants in this study have simply, in many cases, stumbled into the closest approximations that Western society offers to use their innate gifts.
    I think the fandom of various female pop artists often attract androgynous and feminine gay men, sometimes other gay men quite a lot. Trans women sometimes. It's similar to the priestesses of goddesses in other cultures.

    She seems to subconsciously know that:

    I think people got tired of suppressing themselves and their sexuality though. It's often a requirement.

    This is a comment on the neoreactionary video:

    This is exactly why Spencer and his "coup" on Sargon was fundamentally a short sighted, narcissistic miscalculation, if not an outright a calculated self-pwn.
    The right thing to do was let Sargon carry the pepe memes and the kekistani flags untill the normies ears fall off, not trying to reclaim it.
    You mean when 4chan resurrected the Egyptian chaos/darkness frog God kek?

    Kek is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness (kkw sm3w[1]) in the ancient Egyptian Ogdoad cosmogony of Hermopolis.

    The Ogdoad consisted of four pairs of deities, four male gods paired with their female counterparts. Kek's female counterpart was Kauket.[2][3][4] Kek and Kauket in some aspects also represent night and day, and were called "raiser up of the light" and the "raiser up of the night", respectively.[5]

    The name is written as kk or kkwy with a variant of the sky hieroglyph in ligature with the staff (N2) associated with the word for "darkness" kkw.[6]
    That wasn't very clever. For you.

    Frankly I think they should sue Jordan Peterson for ruining their meme hahaha (I couldn't have done a better job if I tried):

    'he was between categories. Sort of like a transsexual btw'

    Man he became so boring after he converted to Christianity. This is why we're moving on lol.

    Anyway the frog council will decide your fate - some Tumblr meme that's too big to embed.

    Honestly the Human brain really didn't evolve to process a society this size + level of complexity. Now it's basically global. It's a miracle anything ever works at all.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  3. #4668
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    The reason that I think people believe what I say is that I'm very pessimistic. Most times when you listen to someone who's a motivational speaker, let's say. You know it fills you with a temporary optimism, but you go home and and and the wiser part of you knows that mostly it's the painting over of rotten wood with a fresh coat of paint.
    That's not a good thing. They should be deciding that based on the validity of what you're saying not emotional and neurotic bias. Also honestly I don't think that's what neurotic people need to hear because they already are stuck in that negative headspace.

    Oh god and then this goes on for a while in this tone of voice:

    And I tell my audiences very clearly that their life is going to be difficult and sometimes difficult beyond imagining and tolerance. And that is definitely in your future if it isn't in your present, and for many people it's in their present. And that that can be unbearable. Enough to turn you against life itself. To corrupt you, to drive you to nihilism, to drive you to suicide and worse to drive you to thoughts of vengefulness.
    But then despite that I tell people we're remarkable creatures. We're capable of taking up the burden of that suffering and facing the reality of that malevolence voluntarily we can actually do that.
    No I don't get this from you. Even putting aside that you devote a considerable amount of time pushing gender roles for everyone which doesn't work for me, and demonising trans people. I don't get that message. You've only gotten more depressing to listen to. Maybe some people get that message I dunno.

    That weird right wing YouTuber who talked about how the left killed Jordan Peterson and now they have to take on Andrew Tate that I brought up before. (So let's just pretend this is accurate and he has lost influence I don't know that that's true but I do get the impression his audience has aged.) I don't think the left (tm) did that at all. I don't think we really have that power and especially with young people if you critique someone or moralise about them they're just going to appeal to teenagers + edgelords even more. Jordan Peterson kind of fucked himself by:

    1. Converting to Christianity where as before he was obviously very influenced by it but claimed to be atheist since then he became boring which is the worst thing you can be if trying to appeal to young people.

    2. He's just very neurotic honestly which he can't help but the way he expresses it also doesn't involve a lot of anger which young people especially boys tend to find more appealing. He seems kind of broken and sad often. I know Gabor Mate said that he had a lot of anger in his earlier content and that really stood out to him it didn't really to me, but I think now and then I kind of see it yeah but mostly that's not how he expresses himself it's like sad and broken and he's not really badass in anyway like the kind of character that appeals to young guys (or young me haha,) is like Rorschach or Patrick Bateman etc.

    Me at 19: Oh he's short and weird and aggressive. Is this a role model?

    Alan Moore:

    But I have people come up to me in the street saying, "I am Rorschach! That is my story!' And I'll be thinking: 'Yeah, great, can you just keep away from me, never come anywhere near me again as long as I live'?"

    And he now looks with dismay on the way the superhero genre in which he once worked has eaten the culture. "Hundreds of thousands of adults [are] lining up to see characters and situations that had been created to entertain the 12-year-old boys - and it was always boys - of 50 years ago. I didn?t really think that superheroes were adult fare. I think that this was a misunderstanding born of what happened in the 1980s - to which I must put my hand up to a considerable share of the blame, though it was not intentional ? when things like Watchmen were first appearing. There were an awful lot of headlines saying 'Comics Have Grown Up'. I tend to think that, no, comics hadn?t grown up. There were a few titles that were more adult than people were used to. But the majority of comics titles were pretty much the same as they?d ever been. It wasn?t comics growing up. I think it was more comics meeting the emotional age of the audience coming the other way."
    I also looked up to Green Day a lot as a teenager obviously. I'm queer/non-binary/trans so. They don't have that now really do they? Like the more aggressive/optimistic vibe.

    ^ telling people not to crowdsurf half way through a song lol.

    Helped me a little at the time for a short while despite the insane amount of bullying etc.

    Hmm. I don't know not paying close attention. Lots of musicians overdosing or committing suicide younger than ever (early 20s instead of late 20s or midlife.) The vibes are very apathetic and lacking in energy I spoke about this for years lol (and I kind of like his music but still it was notable):

    Her as well (I'm too old I think and grew up on music that's too energetic to like this kind of thing):

    But it's been several years since then now so.

    I don't think people can help being neurotic though I am as well. I like Kurt Cobain a lot but you know he had that personality too in the 90s and the vibes came across musically and it's inspired a lot of modern music too (and I actually do really like Nirvana) even then though it's still more aggressive but you can see the seeds and prob with post-punk too:

    And why is this important? Well actually young people often orient themselves around music/music subcultures. So you know most youth cultures have been based on music until the last decade I guess. And it could be useful.

    I'm just talking about white people too because honestly I think Andrew Tate appeals more to people who are racial minorities too like Sneako for instance. I dunno though.

    3. The whole anonymous troll demon thing where he alienated 4chan and every edgy person in his fanbase and a bunch of other people too cause it wasn't clear who he was even talking about exactly lol. It was kind of funny but yeah a lot of people got pissed off:

    ^ whoever that is is so angry and hurt actually lol. Because he was probably important to them. And that's what I'm saying.

    I mean he kind of had too because he pushes the idea of being a responsible adult. It's not what most people want to hear so in that sense of course Andrew Tate was more appealing than him to young people. He's like 'work out, I'm batman, follow me and I'll turn you into batman, women are stupid. All your anger is valid.' Etc. I don't feel like being generous about his message lol but yeah some of that's actually how he thinks/has said things like that.

    Trying to work around this huge technological innovation/shift (the internet + even moreso social media. Because tbh I don't think most of the significant shifts in mental health issues statistically really happened until more modern social media and apps like tinder took off starting in the late 2000s.)

    But you know a lot of young people are fucking stupid. And old people. And Humans in general. So whatever.
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  4. #4669
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    sexual harassment has evolved

    10 years ago it was anonymous troll #7494720 telling you to "tits or gtfo"

    now it's Jeff he/him politely asking if you're interested in ever doing OnlyFans
    Shoe seems to think the second statement is worse than the first but personally I don't think so. People post a lot of different stuff to Only Fans so although you could assume they're asking for nudes it's vague. If someone brings up a specific body part I get grossed out. Like the guy who was like 'I want to suck your dick' that still made me uncomfortable and I don't even have a dick but bringing up female parts would be worse for me. Also the first quote is used in a purposefully dismissive way whereas the second is just a question. The first implies that that's the only thing that matters the second doesn't necessarily.

    But Shoe dislikes it because she believes it's the normalisation of porn. Except I don't really see Only Fans as porn it's more like a parasocial therapy thing with nudity as far as I know, and so it can be a lot more unhealthy than porn but also less sexual. I'm sure people post porn there too but I have no interest in the site so I don't even know lol. Feels like you have to be subscribed to really know. Also I don't actually care. Because I don't look down on people who do that. Though I wouldn't want to personally. I'm the opposite of an exhibitionist really.

    It's going to be replaced with AI in about 1-2 years and so it's pointless really to get too invested in discourse on the topic.

    Oh no the responses to this tweet lol.

    🧵50 Shades of Ideology: Unraveling the unconscious feminist desire to be dominated.
    From push to prod, provoke to nag, feminism--particularly 3rd-wave feminism--embodies the crystallized, ideological, and political representation of the female penchant for stirring the pot with their male counterparts.
    This is an unconscious cry for domination, a subtle rebellion born from the disillusionment, depression, and discontentment that plague women in their so-called "liberated" reality.
    This is probably trolling + projection (cause' by posting this aren't you trying to prod/provoke women?) However I'm always procrastinating so... I think it's a mistake to assume that feminists especially rad fems feel this way. A lot of them are sexually traumatised or very sociosexually restricted so the more you do this kind of thing the more disgusted and misandric they'll become. Also the exceptions are more likely to be into sexually dominating men like Solanas, or pederasts (?) like Germaine Greer.

    I guess a lot of libfems are sexually submissive though but it comes with a lot of caveats. They don't necessarily mean that except they later make it clear that's on their mind lol.

    We've very quickly moved from 'feminist' (which is always vaguely defined tbf by so many people,) to woman here:

    Unbeknownst to her, the modern Western woman harbors a subconscious desire for domination because it's in her nature as a woman. It's why "Fifty Shades of Grey," a book delving into the realm of dominance, reigns supreme as one of the highest-selling literary phenomena in history
    I never had any interest in reading this book honestly but at one point I started reading about it online given how it somehow became this huge cultural thing and found some interesting stuff about his very traumatic backstory and also this one female villain. More interesting tbh than whatever BDSM sexual dynamic the two main characters supposedly have. Spoilers I guess:

    Christian was born in the city of Detroit. His biological mother, Ella, was addicted to drugs and worked as a prostitute. Her pimp was extremely abusive to both her and Christian, often beating Cristian with a belt, hitting and kicking him, or putting out his cigarettes on his skin, leaving terrible scars and burn marks. When he was four years old, his mother overdosed and died; he was alone with her corpse for four days before they were discovered by police.

    Christian continues to have nightmares of his childhood even well into adulthood, and often calls his biological mother "the crack whore." Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey was the emergency room doctor on staff when the traumatized Christian was brought to the hospital by the police. She and her husband, Carrick Grey, adopted Christian into their family, but while they were waiting for the adoption paperwork to go through, he lived with a foster family for several months, which included a ten year old Jack Hyde.
    Elena Lincoln (Kim Basinger) is the villainess from the novel, Fifty Shades Darker, as well as the 2017 film under the same title. Her backstory reveals that she is a friend of Dr. Grace Trevelyan-Grey, the adoptive mother of Christian Grey. However, when Christian was only 15, Elena engaged in an affair with him, while introducing him into the BDSM experience.

    Elena is introduced as Christian's business partner, which (given her past with him) alarms Ana. Elena later confronted Ana at a gathering, and warns her to break up with Christian, claiming that he would never be the man Ana wanted him to be and would never be satisfied with a "vanilla" relationship. Ana disregarded Elena's "warning", reminding Elena of what she had done to Christian and demanding her to stay out of their lives.
    He continued to practice BDSM, acting as a Dominant and a Sadist. Many of his submissives were selected for him by Elena,
    As an adolescent, Christian had violent mood swings that often got him into fights, and he secretly drank and was addicted to alcohol. He hated all of the therapists that he was forced to meet with, because none of them were helping him. When he was fifteen years old, he took a landscaping job for his mother's friend Elena Lincoln.

    Elena seduced him, and he ended up losing his virginity to her. She introduced him to the BDSM lifestyle, which he credits with teaching him how to control his emotions and channel his anger into positive outlets. She acted as a Domme to Christian for six years, until Elena's then-husband found out, and beat her to the point that she was hospitalized.
    Now I haven't read the novels but it seems dominance is vaguely pathologised in the novels moreso for females (unless there are other female dommes contrasting with this villain character,) but also kind of for him. It's like an aberration that came from his abuse.

    I've also noticed it's fairly common to write some kind of traumatic backstory for male protagonists. But this is something that comes more from fandom culture and so no surprises this work started off as Twilight fanfiction. It dates back at least to Spock/Kirk Star Trek fanzines where hurt/comfort as a genre originated.

    This is the political analysis:

    A very simple reason lies in our social culture, where males are not supposed to show feelings, and homosexual relationships are frowned upon as unnatural and perverted. So, when is it acceptable to show emotions? Well, when someone is hurt, it is unkind to be unfeeling, so then real emotions can be shown, possibly pent-up ones saved from other times. I agree that most h/c stories are a bit overdone.
    This is a sexual analysis:

    In my opinion, H/C, after all, is just socially acceptable S&M. [17]
    I've heard so much stick being given to people because they enjoy S&M, and yet no-one utters a mutter if someone says that a story was great because "Doyle suffered so beautifully", or because Doyle (it's usually Doyle, poor little flower) was so badly hurt and then rescued/nurtured by Bodie. This absolutely flummoxes me.
    Back to twitter thread:

    This is also why the feminist finds herself aligning with Islam, seeking the very strength and dominance that she has chased out of her male counterpart in the west.
    Oh man I've heard this so many times. They have this huge racial inferiority complex and it's still really dumb. Most women are never going to go along with Islam they support Muslims because they're a minority group in the West and they don't discriminate between minority groups. At the point it personally affects them it's going to be going the same way as Christianity in the West lol.

    And again this hypermasculine tyrannical ideal you all have is mostly your fantasy. They project it onto black guys too.

    What I hear when I read things like this (Michel Houellebecq - Atomised. No I haven't read this book. I'm also cutting out parts of the quote and modifying some bits cause it's really racist):

    It probably sounds strange now but in the seventies no-one really cared how big their dick was. When I was a teenager I had every conceivable hang-up about my body except that. I don't know who started it; [BEEP] people probably. Although you find it in a lot of American cop shows but there's no mention of it in Sartre. Whatever, in the showers at the gym I realized I had a really small dick. I measured it when I got home--it was five inches, maybe five and a half or six if you measured right to the base. I'd found something new to worry about, something I couldn't do anything about; it was a basic and permanent handicap. It was around then that I started hating black people.

    There weren't many of them in the school--most of them went to the technical high school, Lycee Pierre-de-Coubertin, where the eminent Defrance did his philosophical striptease and propounded his pro-youth ass-kissing. I only had one black person in my class, a big, stocky guy who called himself Ben. He always wore a baseball cap and Nikes; I was convinced he had a huge dick. All the girls threw themselves at this [redacted] and here I was trying to teach them about Mallarme--what the [BEEP] was the point? This is the way Western civilization would end, I thought bitterly, people worshiping in front of big dicks.

    This black guy was going out with the girl I would have chosen myself blonde, very pretty, with a childlike face and small firm tits. They were always holding hands in class. I always kept the windows closed while they were working -- the girls would get hot and take off their jumpers, their tee shirts stuck to their breasts; hidden behind my desk, I'd [redacted.]
    Why don't you take a seat over there supreme gentleman.
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    The internet: Taylor Swift is cancelled something about boyfriend. (I don't care.)

    Me: Huh I guess Taylor Swift really has a thing for English guys lol.

    This guy is English, last guy was English, I remember she dated Tom Hiddleston briefly at one point. And also I think Harry Styles lol.

    ...If I wait a really long time and we're all immortal (no lol not even then.)
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    Canada's favourite daughter is getting married!! To her beautiful teammate. Sapphic love > everything

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    It's so much worse than that. It's their entire identity and their entire life.

    Normal people are out there learning trades and having conversations about all sorts of things, but these guys entire focus is on being gay.

    I've seen very smart and productive people just fall off the face of the earth, look them up and they're all confused about gender all the time.
    I looked and most of his recent tweets are about LGBT+ people too lol. So that's a bit hypocritical.

    But again people do this when they feel suppressed and alienated. If you can't integrate it into your life and it's never been treated as 'a normal thing' it becomes an issue. I live in a place that's intolerant of trans and non-binary people so I know I can't be open about that. I'm not out to most of my family even. I can't trust therapists either in my country. And depending on your personality, you end up with a lot of internalised hatred/disgust etc too (I see this a lot, and personally experience that,) and then you never feel comfortable with anyone which is the case for me.

    You go through life blind, always knowing something is very wrong. None of your sexual relationships work. Nobody explains to you why this is. So you basically have to become an amateur sexologist and historian to figure yourself out.

    'Sexual disturbances' are also particularly bad because Humans are animals even though they like to pretend they're not so that's a huge part of most people's existence whether people want it to be or not. Also in all fairness Western society kind of removed all the things that [BEEP] people used to do to attempt to live ascetically or to have something else to focus on. In combination with a thousand+ years of 'let's pretend you don't exist at all, and this is fine (tm).' So... What did you expect really.

    You don't think this is going to cause serious psychological/sexual issues for some people? Quote from a YouTuber (they rarely talk about these topics actually.)

    I don't really have a sexual fantasy. Or I sort of discovered one actually... Recently. But it's quite hard to explain because it doesn't involve sexual intercourse it involves me being a dude. Because I identify as a dude. And one of my biggest roadblocks there is I cannot find anything sexy if the protagonist in my story is female. If I'm trying to feel feelings from a female perspective there is nothing sexy about that to me at all. So in all imaginings I have to be a dude. So uh, that's not really like a thing I can serve up.


    Also there's the rather awkward fact that when it comes to sexual desire and the people I'm attracted to my type hasn't aged with me. Because my type is pretty, skinny, kind of androgynous boys who are not much taller than me ideally. I don't mind if they're a bit tall but ideally about my height which is 5'6". So about 5'6"-5'9" skinny, pretty, androgynous boys. You are rolling in those when you're in your late teens to early 20s when you're 34 good fucking luck. Good fucking luck even finding anyone who's skinny enough for me to find them attractive. Let alone like has hair, fairly androgynous, fairly pretty, doesn't exist in the age range I'm in now really. So yes basically destined for eternal singleness.
    The YouTuber I'm quoting is a genderqueer guy I think. He's never forced people to use his preferred pronouns (uses he/they) and in fact more than any trans person I'm aware of in the public eye bends over backwards for cis people. Yet still gets [BEEP] in his comment section and it seems on reddit from people who feel like non-binary and trans people are forcing them at gunpoint to use certain language:

    My concern stems from witnessing that people are being forced to use pronouns that don't align with neither the person's sex nor what they're presenting as, essentially forced to perceive someone in a way they genuinely don't, without being allowed to question this ideology at all, at least not without receiving personal attacks and vilification for even questioning. That is, if they manage to not get banned in the first place. Ultimately, forced speech is forced thought and I think that that's immoral especially if people aren't even allowed to question what they are being forced to think.

    I first discovered Dorian from the old video on Eugenia. At the time I was not aware that Dorian identified as trans(?). I was confused when people in the comments were using he/him pronouns and attacking anyone who uses she/her. Then I saw someone write that Dorian identifies as a guy which frankly was shocking to me considering that Dorian doesn't present as a male, especially during the time I first discovered Dorian's channel they were wearing very feminine clothing that reveal their cleavage and from what I know about trans identified females, they have what they refer to as "gender dysphoria" and don't seem to be the type who would proudly show off their cleavage (although I think everyone should accept and embrace their bodies even if they have gender dysphoria but we'll get to that in a minute).
    What I don't understand, is how an adult human female (Dorian frequently refers to themselves as female and isn't in denial of this fact) is a man and why others should be forced to perceive them as such.
    For starters, what is a man?
    A miserable little pile of secrets.

    See if we just had something like this for women there'd be less of a debate haha.

    They wrote an essay on reddit almost as long as this insanely long post haha. Ultimately it becomes clear they don't actually accept any trans people and think that anyone with gender dysphoria should learn to accept their own birth sex.

    While Dorian may not be attempting to force others to use she/her pronouns, fans certainly are. Any time someone uses "she" they are met with language police who start keyboard fights if the user refuses to use "he" or "they".
    Oh [BEEP] off. If it's such a problem go watch cis people's YouTube videos instead.

    But you can't say that. You have to be tolerant and polite. Everything is always your fault. You're always unreasonable. And it's never enough evidently.

    I know they have lots of people following from lolcow related websites too. Pretty much nothing has changed since the era where we had freak shows.

    Speaking personally I have 5k subscribers on YouTube and make content that has nothing to do with trans or non-binary people (or LGBT+ topics though I do have lesbian, bisexual and gay characters in some videos. But I'm not doing respectability politics because [BEEP] these cunts especially right now. So I plan to include the topic as feels natural.) Within a community that is very LGBT+ positive and progressive (by coincidence, and I notice a bunch of people subscribed to me also follow trans and LGBT+ YouTubers,) and still have received an anonymous hate comment about being non-binary because I have pronouns in my YouTube bio lol. But I spoke about this before and there is some possibility the comment was from an insane stalker I attracted elsewhere (also a huge transphobe and radfem.) But it just proves to me that no matter what you do even while never bringing it up in video content and never showing your face. The merest expression like they/them pronouns will drive some people insane.

    So yeah I think constantly about how I can't exist. It's on my mind a lot.

    Focussing on such examples because the twitter poster specifically brought up gender and of course we're less integrated and I am non-binary with this sort of sexuality. I don't present as femininely as Dorian and I also have different comfort levels with body parts and other stuff, but we have a similar etiological background I think (it makes for a pretty frustrating existence though I'm not quite as limited as that):

    Some female transhomosexuals become very restricted in their partner choice, seeking androgynous blend of male + female characteristics. This is not the same as having a wide range of sexual responsivity across the male-female continuum. Some of these subjects sought out only very effeminate homosexual men, transvestites, and transexuals, and one eventually became so specialised, she was on the lookout for only Klinefelter males. On the other hand, some subjects varied in their responsivity across the sex of their partners, but only if they were homosexual.

    Despite some increases in the social acceptance of non-binary, the literature highlights difficulties regarding visibility (Taylor, Zalewska, Gates, & Millon, 2018 ). This is evident at the level of individual subjectivity, for example 76% of non-binary people in the 2018 UK survey avoided expressing their gender identity due to fear of negative reactions (Government Equalities Office, 2018 ). The issue of invisibility is also pertinent to policy making and practice settings. For instance, where health monitoring systems use gender binary categories, NBGQ people are rendered invisible (see Jaspal, Nambiar, Delpech, & Tariq, 2018 ).
    That's a pretty insanely high percentage. So that leaves the internet presumably for where people live and where he's probably noticed this. He's American but I doubt the difference will be huge. The internet isn't a supportive environment either for the most part. This is the internet:

    JP doesn't realise that's going to happen regardless because you are non-binary. You don't get to choose how you feel. You're always going to be uncomfortable to some degree imo. Anyway my current direction is cyberpunk Anna Wintour Roman statue. The devil wears cyberdog. Only in my head though as I'm far too lazy these days.

    prompthunt: greek marble statue riding a skateboard in ancient greece with other greek statues in the ...
    Lol (not my prompt. Just came up when googling cyberpunk Anna Wintour Roman statue.) The vision though.

    Slight tangent but there's a lot of cultural stuff in trans and non-binary communities too that I don't relate to like this (these are all comments on a YouTube video I just stumbled on):

    I feel compelled to comment. I ran a Women and Non Binary event at a comic store. The desire was to remove the often intimidating factor of men in these spaces and to encourage community. We had a wide variety of turnout from people on the gender spectrum, including me! There is value in these spaces.
    Right! Enbies need spaces away from men too!
    I'm not intimidated by cis men. I'd feel weird in a space specifically designed to exclude them and I've been in spaces that were majority cis men many times. Excluding cis men from nerdy spaces is also pretty weird because they've always made up the majority of people in those spaces lol. Also I hate the term 'enby/enbies' because it sounds cutesy.

    Also, personally I do gravitate towards Women and Nonbinary People Things because in my head that means 'NO MEN' and sorry boys but that is always a huuuge plus.
    I'm bigender so why would I want to be in that kind of environment lol? Another troubling aspect of this whole thing is how a lot of people specify cis men. So you let trans men in? Not even just non-binary people. So it's just a weird group that discriminates against cis men then lol?

    I am part of a kind of women and non-binary community, although it's women, trans and non-binary people. We definitely consider and welcome amab's, we didn't disregard them in the slightest and we're very happy for them to join... Providing they aren't cis men, because excluding them is what it's actually about.
    in German leftist circles the term "flinta" has emerged which stands for the words for women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender (idk the history of why lesbians get their own letter). So that's basically anyone except cis men. Many peolpe use this term for spaces and events. It reeeeeally depends on the group itself though how inclusive they actually are and if a space is actually free for all flinta or if it gets gatekept from people that are read as male. I'm an afab enby person that mostly gets read as male and I wouldn't feel comfortable going to a flinta space where I don't know the organizers are actually inclusive of all trans people.
    And another reason I'm not thrilled by this is I get blamed for the end result of this mentality lol. Personally I fucking hate this (I want to be sympathetic because on some level I get that at least for binary men and women they experience a great divide between each other and want separate spaces/cultures etc. It's a bit harder to tolerate in spaces that are LGBT+ because 'how can I even get away from this weird 'Heteropessimist'/heteronormative culture thing that's happening then?') And I get blamed for it lol as a afab non-binary person.

    There are a lot of spaces that exclude amab people apparently because they're so toxic towards cis men that anyone who resembles a cis man in terms of appearance and/or body language etc is discriminated against and so people are always annoyed by this trend and start ranting about 'theyfabs' and such. Meanwhile you can't have a conversation about the blatant misandry in society within the trans community because half of them have convinced themselves misandry doesn't exist, and/or that there are 0 overlaps between the experiences of trans women or even trans femmes in general and cis men. They seem to think it's an insult to suggest there is or that it's invalidating in some way (that's the impression I get from many people.) They also have to invent ridiculous words to get around using the term misandry when talking about discrimination trans men experience like transandrophobia. Yet, a number of people actively hate and fear men and that absolutely influences the way some trans people are treated (of both sexes too.) Someone I follow basically said I was stupid for suggesting that misandry and a dislike/distrust of men might contribute to how trans women are treated lol (I even made clear that I didn't think it was the only factor just that it was one.) But it's very obvious to me that this does have an impact. A lot of feminists don't distinguish between cis men and hegemonic masculinity.

    This is also more or less the gender model proposed by this annoying chaser guy who I argued with a bunch years ago. He has a blog + YouTube channel. Writes predominantly about trans women because he likes to defend straight trans women he finds attractive while insulting others, but has written some negative [BEEP] about trans men etc before too. Basically a lot of cultures divide people into 'men' and 'not men.' Typically 'not-men' is used to refer to genetic males who do not fit into the cis male role of being masculine and able to physically fight. But by dividing up gender in this way you invisibalise transmasculine people who aren't stealth and living as cis men. Which I think goes someway to explain why trans men have been less visible throughout history. The other factor is that femininity is fetishised more than masculinity and gets more attention obviously and trans women and feminine men are more likely to be demonised in various cultures especially if they're less feminine/passing.

    It precisely describes a culture wherein 'men'; is a group made up exclusively of males, that is rigidly internally policed in terms of behaviours, and 'not-men' is everyone else, including women. In basic terms, if you don?t make the cut as a member of the 'men' group, you get put in the 'not-men' group. And being homosexual absolutely, in these cultures, disbars you from the 'men' group.

    These groups, 'men' and 'not-men' are analogous to the hunter or 'away' group and the domestic or 'home' group respectively. This is the basis of human society; it is a system that exposes men to the greatest risk but protects mothers and children as much as possible. It has been massively successful.

    Membership of the 'men' or 'away' group is conditional on passing certain tests, rituals etc and behaving in certain ways. Membership of the 'home' or 'not-men' group is not conditional on anything at all and people in it have considerable freedom of expression.
    So a lot of the LGBT+ community agrees with this division. Clearly. Only they police it themselves lol.

    And in a broader sense this relates to an older argument about butch/femme culture and the feminist movement and such:

    For example, in many lesbian-feminist communities younger lesbians were ambivalent about femme/butch culture, viewing it as a pre-feminist anachronism that constituted an ill-advised alliance with patriarchy. Some Radicalesbians called butch/femme "male-identified role-playing among lesbians." One viewed butch women as lacking enlightened community and progressive political consciousness. She described them to sociologist Barbara Ponse as "rural women, farm women, country women who had no contact with any kind of gay community [and] really thought they must be like men." (Ponse, 252) Because this view conceived of femme/butch roles as irredeemably against feminist struggle, one woman who later identified as butch recalled to Ponse that it was "very hard" to identify as both butch and feminist "back in those days."

    Historian Marc Stein has conjectured that this lesbian-feminist disapproval was both racialized and classed, because at this time, both white working-class lesbian culture and African American lesbian culture generally continued to be organized around butch/femme roles. (M. Stein, 350) Indeed, although lesbian feminists often used language aiming to speak for all women, only a few African American women and a few women over 40 participated in Radicalesbians. (M. Stein, 344) In one mainly white and middle-class Midwestern lesbian feminist community, those who lived in trailers, worked on farms, and were not college educated possessed an acute awareness that they were on the community's margins. (Krieger, 217, 219)

    Lesbian-feminist disapproval of femme/butch culture was philosophically based on radical feminist assertions that all aspects of everyday life are highly politicized sites of potential resistance to patriarchy. (Taylor & Whittier, 358 ) However, to some, these expectations of lifestyle and of personal appearance became rules demarcating who most merited authentic membership in the community on the basis of her adherence to a proper kind of feminist politics. This ideal feminist politics frequently saw itself as devoted to the negotiation of new definitions of gender, such as by moving one?s appearance and demeanor toward androgyny.
    Leslie Feinberg wrote about that a bit in Stone Butch Blues:

    They drove us out, made us feel ashamed of how we looked. They said we were male chauvinist pigs, the enemy. It was women's hearts they broke. We were not hard to send away, we went quietly.

    The plants closed. Something we never could have imagined.

    That?s when I began passing as a man. Strange to be exiled from your own sex to borders that will never be home. You were banished too, to another land with your own sex, and yet forcibly apart from the women you loved as much as you tried to love yourself.
    Are you in a lesbian bar looking out of the corner of your eye for the butchest woman in the room? Do the women there talk about Democratic politics and seminars and co-ops? Are you with women who only bleed monthly on their cycles?

    Or are you married in another blue-collar town, lying with an unemployed auto worker who is much more like me than they are, listening for the even breathing of your sleeping children? Do you bind his emotional wounds the way you tried to heal mine?
    Similar kind of thing. I think at this point it's less common based on identity alone and moreso how your perceived in comparison to cis men:

    Most found pressures to conform to gender norms in the LGBT communities more disturbing than any from the mainstream. This pressure takes such forms as gay men being told not to behave in a "queeny" or "limp-wristed manner, and lesbians being told not to be so "butch" or "male-identified," and facing threats of exclusion if they should disclose their self-identifications as "not entirely women" in settings such as lesbian organizations. On the other hand, many participants also experienced pressure within transgender groups to "go all the way," with the assumption that their not crossing genders completely was a sign of indecisiveness or lack of courage to complete the process, rather than the legitimate expression of an intermediate identity.
    Despite the lack of cultural context and having to carve out a sense of themselves without role models or mirroring--often in the face of abuse and denigration, and frequently while continuing to experience considerable pressures to conform to cultural and sub-cultural norms-as adults, the participants in this study led full, vibrant lives. Even without mentoring and guidance, they exhibit many of the characteristics and signifiers of vocation associated with established third-gender roles in non-Western cultures.
    [BEEP] knows how the 'participants in this study' pulled that off lol. But this was 22 years ago.

    Some people are at a point where they don't fit in with the vast majority of people anywhere. Which is obviously going to drive people insane.

    But pretty much most LGBT+ people will have some negative experience with people. I've experienced being infantilised excessively and people commenting on my height and one person bullying me for that which is common for certain racial and sexual/gender minority groups (including white trans men.) Other things as well. This often overlaps between groups too. I've experienced homophobic harassment despite not being a lesbian, this lesbian YouTuber has experienced being harassed and chucked out of bathrooms where people assumed she's a man (transphobic) gets brought up at some point in this video:

    This hasn't been a big issue for me personally though. The kind of 'walking around blind while always knowing something is wrong' thing has been more my issue. Till I was about 12 section 28 made it very difficult if not impossible for LGBT+ support groups to be set up, or for teachers to talk about LGBT+ people it had a lot of effects culturally in the UK. I ultimately knew homosexual people existed in primary school. I didn't know other groups of people existed until later.

    TV and film was kind of mixed bag too. Trans and non-binary people were barely mentioned and usually just trans women being treated as a joke or that one film I never watched/didn't know about anyway about Brandon Teena's murder.

    There are two characters in Sailor Moon who are in a sapphic relationship, who as recently as the 90s had to be re-written as cousins because America and perhaps the West in general (but we only get American dubs/edits,) couldn't handle that.

    Spencer Reid was supposed to be bisexual in the 2000s but the network nixed that idea:

    During October 2012, series creator Jeff Davis tweeted that Reid was originally envisioned to be bisexual, but the network shut the idea down by the fourth episode when Reid develops a crush on his colleague, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau.[35]
    Willow in Buffy was obviously bisexual (like the most bisexual character lol,) but due to the general intolerance of the time, Joss Whedon couldn't do that:

    Buffy creator says Willow couldn't be bisexual when the show was on air

    "There are you things you can?t do, thanks to [the society at the time]," he explained.

    "It [was] like, "OK, you can?t make Willow bi, you can't say this is a phase, because that's what people do to deny their existence. So, if I did it now, I'd be like yes she can be bi. Because some people are! But back then it was like, no we?re not ready for that."
    I think this has improved a lot with bisexual characters like Rosa's storyline in Brooklyn 99. I didn't really ship her with Jocelyn though. They didn't have much screen time together before the show finished and I didn't really feel any chemistry there when they had scenes together. In fairness I ship together couples that make 0 sense all the time or are just outright enemies like April and Ann on Parks and Rec lol, so my opinion here is basically meaningless lol.

    Anyway though I kind of resent this because straight and cisgender people aren't OK either. In fact Jordan Peterson has built most of his career out of the idea that '[straight, cis] Men aren't OK'

    So you can do this, but others can't?

    Personally when I was questioning, and then allowed myself to accept that (2015~) it became a huge cultural and political debate which wasn't good for me. Though parts of that time were less intense (since I'd been questioning since about 2010-2011~) I remember joining an LGBT forum where at least one moderator didn't believe non-binary people existed. Any other forum I was on involved a lot of debate over this topic. I think if you don't have a way to exist it becomes a way to express yourself or feel real? Humans don't really do very well when they feel alienated from communities. Case in point (though the schizophrenia didn't help her, and then isolation also induces schizophrenia-like behaviour):

    "Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex."

    Ronell believed that Solanas was threatened by the hyper-feminine women of the Factory that Warhol liked and felt lonely because of the rejection she felt due to her own butch androgyny. She believed Solanas was ahead of her time, living in a period before feminist and lesbian activists such as the Guerrilla Girls and the Lesbian Avengers.[66]
    and obviously there's a huge ongoing political battle too which isn't easy to avoid.

    I'll probably never be OK for the same reason a bunch of fictional villains seem to have this arc like Sephiroth and Loki where they have to learn about themselves as adults and they go crazy (which might be subconsciously pointing at a cultural issue, and oh hey Loki is genderfluid too,) but I haven't literally burnt down a village or tried to enslave the people of Earth so I'm not doing too bad. Hopefully in the future people can be 'OK' though if Western society improves.

    I think Marvel's Loki is a very relatable character in spite of how bad he is as literal representation (at least in the MCU,) because he incorporates a lot of different [BEEP] experiences like (all of this will be spoilery)

    when he finds out he's a frost giant in the first film and is like 'So I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night?'

    A monster is that which cannot be placed in any of the taxonomic schemes devised by the human mind to understand and to order nature. It exceeds the very basis of classification, language itself: it is an excess of signification, a strange byproduct or leftover of the process of making meaning. It is an imaginary being who comes to life in language and, once having done so, cannot be eliminated from language.

    So he has to deal with that and also his envy of Thor who is very classically masculine is I think relatable to a lot of people. I don't think it's that he wants to be Thor either he just wants his status. He says at one point 'there are no men like me' in response to an elderly man saying 'not to men like you' and you can obviously interpret that as a statement about him being an alien. He's not Human and he's currently on Earth. But I think it's more because he sees himself as a monster and completely alone. 'You could never have a frost giant sitting on the throne of Asgard.' He wasn't raised with frost giants and was actually abandoned by them for being too small. But at the same time he never fit in with Asgardians or his brother/dad. There's actually a scene talking about that that was deleted but is pretty important lol:

    Where Thor talks with his mum about Loki and asks her if she regrets sharing her talents with him. And she says no and that he and his father cast long shadows.

    There are many different lenses you can use to view this stuff though. It's also been pointed out that there are biblical parallels to Satan and Jesus in Thor which I can see.

    And then in the more recent Loki TV show of course there's Sylvie who I personally am confused by because she seems to be the enchantress (Sylvie Lushton) and I still figure that plot twist will happen at some point. They kind of fused two characters together... Why is she blond etc? Not that this is the first time they randomly decided to make Hela Thor and Loki's sister just so they could include her in the current MCU lineup and that really didn't work because they kept her original appearance and now Thor looks like the adopted one lol (why do they look the same?) But anyway he's like trying to explain to himself basically (alternative universe self) what he had to learn through the series of several MCU films. But she's not going to listen obviously.

    I'm not super keen on the show really. A lot of the plot elements feel kind of rushed and eh. But 'eh' is the issue with a lot of the MCU it is in general like the film equivalent of fast food. But I think in general the appeal of the MCU and comic book films is that it replaces polytheism. This example is very blatant since some of these characters are very loosely based on Norse Gods but all of them really are just new Gods. And that imo is why it's not dying as quickly as other stuff. But yeah Hollywood is also risk averse and there's a dearth of good writers and *insert whatever other explanation you may have here* but no I think that they're filling in that cultural void is a part of it.

    I think some people have claimed it's tied to the 'Hero generations' mentality. Which is some kooky theory 'The Strauss?Howe generational theory' that comes from a book called the Fourth Turning about generational patterns that seems kind of like pseudoscience but entertaining pseudoscience like the MBTI or astrology (I'm not personally into astrology but yeah. Obviously many people find it entertaining.) And I just noticed this channel also has a bunch of MBTI videos HAHAHA so you know.

    Think this is the full 'episode' that's from:

    Also I just went to the wikipedia page for the theory and noticed someone described it using the word kooky it's true though!
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    Latvia won their first IIHF medal in epic fashion against the United States. Love historic moments like this.

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    I just realised I bought coach tickets for the wrong month. Luckily I noticed at the last minute and was able to change them that was really close.
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    I really don't know how 'kink' got in there lol. They don't have people who are paid to make sure NY Times tweets don't do this?

    The original Little Mermaid story (not Disney) is really dark/messed up lol. I read that as a kid. Along with the story about the little girl selling matches who starved to death and started hallucinating before the end or something. So many happy stories. Actually I remembered that wrong she froze to death:

    On a freezing New Year's Eve, a poor young girl, shivering and barefoot, tries to sell matches in the street. Afraid to go home because her father would beat her for failing to sell any matches, she huddles in the alley between two houses and lights matches, one by one, to warm herself. However, the girl is ignored by passersby as no one buys from her, leaving her to suffer alone in the cold weather.

    In the flame of the matches, she sees a series of comforting visions: the warm iron stove, the lovely roasted goose, the great glorious Christmas tree. Each vision disappears as its match burns out. In the sky she sees a shooting star, which her late grandmother had told her means someone is on their way to Heaven. In the flame of the next match she sees her late grandmother, the only person that ever treated her with love and kindness. To keep the vision of her grandmother alive as long as possible, the girl lights the entire bundle of matches.

    When the matches are gone, the girl freezes to death, and her grandmother carries her soul to Heaven. The next morning, passers-by find the girl's body with a smile on her face, and express pity. They do not know about the wonderful visions she had seen or how happy she is with her grandmother in Heaven.[2]
    I read a gay merman romance story as a teenager I enjoyed. I don't really remember it well now but I think there was this merman who was locked up in this place maybe as some kind of entertainment for some rich guy and then there was another servant who got into a relationship with him and had to save him? Something vaguely like that? I don't remember enough to find it now probably but kind of want something like that again. It was on I think (I was not but shh. Also inspite of it being a fanfiction site I never read fanfiction there only original fiction lol. I read fanfiction on livejournal and and FanDomination.Net before that site closed down.) I bet if I found it now I'd find the writing to be terrible and it'd probably be too 'young' or something.

    Also read some Loki merman fanfics at one point.

    That being said though you just don't get concepts like that in Hollywood now for some reason. Do we really need a liveaction Little Mermaid reboot? And an endless stream of Disney reboots etc? I didn't even watch the Mulan one and that was my favourite Disney cartoon as a kid. I vote gay servant/merman romance film. But I know it's one of those things where it would have been way better in the 80s because that's the best decade for weird dark pretty fantasy films.

    I mean LoTR was impressive too. I don't like the aesthetics of Rings of Power at all from what I've seen in images but still haven't watched it. I don't think everything has to be realistic and you completely miss the point of what elves are supposed to represent visually when you do whatever the [BEEP] they did.

    I just like Art Nouveau really haha. It's always the common thread.

    Need this film honestly:

    Hellboy II was aesthetic too. Guillermo Del Toro should direct this film obviously.

    Also people have been talking about this Little Mermaid reboot for so long I thought it came out like a year ago lol but apparently it was released earlier this month.
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    I'm in my early 30s and a lot of people I know around my age have at least 1 dead parent by now. Why am I the one who is stuck with parents who will probably live till they are like 90+?

    It's been such a relief to hear news of each death in my family

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    There's been a bunch of people doing really dumb or even sociopathic things on tiktok for views and generally acting like they're the main character in a video game or something and very emotionally detached. One person just live recorded someone's murder in Vancouver. Initially he thought they were just fighting supposedly but going over to livestream a fight for content is also messed up. This guy was just being stabbed to death in front of his 2(?) year old daughter by a guy who he'd asked to stop vaping in front of her (which was already insane enough,) and then this guy from tiktok decided to stand around recording it. Supposedly he was smiling but I have not watched it, only heard about it second hand and then read an article.
    Main character syndrome is it, tiktok does seem to reward this behaviour. Seem to need to do more and more extreme things to stand out, these days. Some people don't seem to be able to

    The guy in question ended up with an asbo and released, had an interview with Piers Morgan where he said there'd be no consequences and he could do what he wants as he's an adult now (and like, ffs, I actually had to agree with Piers Morgan during the whole thing), then gets re-arrested on a train-jacking charge and is now in actual prison on remand because his mother is fed up with him and refuses to have him home.

    He's one of these people who's never had any consequences so he's escalated and escalated. Tresspass is a civil matter, I'd wager this new "prank" has broken quite a few serious rail byelaws. Mind you, tiktok is big in prison, so he'll be able to continue there.

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    It was fairly dark inside the shop. As they wandered around they noticed rows of comic books, old vhs tapes and dvds alongside shelves full of crystals, candles and occult books. Packs of alien and spacecraft stickers. A display case of dragon and fairy figurines.

    On one wall there was a green man plaque and several sun and moon wall hangings. Neon cacti and UFO wall lights lit up. There was a support pillar with fake ivy leaves and colourful fairy lights twined around it but several plastic alien masks had been taped to it as well.

    The whole shop appeared to be a blend of nerdy alien fanatic and new age spiritualism.

    The shop assistant didn't seem to notice them. They were leaning over the counter intensely reading some book. Long brown hair which had a slight wave to it shrouded half their face. Most of the rest was covered by a round, oversized pair of anachronistic glasses. It seemed like they might have time travelled here with some early VHS tapes.

    As they approached the counter they suddenly jolted upright.
    Does this even make sense I dunno? This is literally just: 'I had a dream that I feel was interesting in parts but I can't remember now sadly because I was woken up by sudden shouting about the town being on the news which I assumed was bad (tm) but it wasn't, then instantly decided to freewrite about a shop that I think it would be cool to visit with a guyish person who resembles my current symbolic/archetype crush. But that was 80% of all I ever wrote so.

    I need something to stumble on and cringe at 10 years from now though. I can't just keep cringing at stuff I wrote mostly from 2007-2013. Oh I'm cringing already haha. Moreso I need to read something that feels almost like it was written by someone else because so much time has passed and tells me something about future me or something. Because I noticed that in my old writing.

    It's a bit confusing with the pronouns because I haven't come up with character names and hate coming up with those so haven't bothered while writing this. Also the shop assistant is closer to being a guy but I wanted it to be ambiguous initially and you can't do that with non-neutral pronouns.

    Lol I just remembered that post on reddit I found the other day too with the 4chan screenshot:

    Why is it always [trans guys] who believe in/pretend the strange, bullshit fake alt things like DID, otherkin, growing angel wings, plural, magic, ouija boards, fairies etc? Don't get me wrong, a metric fuckton of my fellow [trans women?] do it too, but it's like 65% [trans guys] who do this type of fake mystical protagonist shit, if not higher. Why?
    [BEEP] you haha. I just like the aesthetics though tbh. My brother is always joking about this (I don't care though it's kinda true.) The other day I was walking with him and this person (didn't see their face,) walked past with really long hair and an umbrella they were just kind of swinging around (honestly at one point I thought they were close to hitting a car,) and had kind of boho-hobo looking clothing, so I commented on their hair or something and my brother was like 'yes it's one of your people' the audacity of this bitch. Then we walked past a house with a stained glass window on the front door that said 'the greys' so I was like 'lol like the aliens they should have like aliens on the stained glass' and he was like 'yeah I noticed that too.' because he's also weird. I went to Glastonbury (the town,) once with my family. He was very entertained and commenting about me being a hippy a lot. But I'm actually not chill enough to be like that lol. Not to mention wrong generation for that specific label.

    Also the first response to that question was:

    because we are cooler than you
    ahahahaha. (No.)

    lol just stumbled on someone with a subreddit flair in another thread there that's like 'DM me for free tarot readings' the only person I've ever personally spoken to irl who read tarot cards though was the cis gay guy I mentioned who I used to hang out with actually while we played yugioh at this place where people played yugioh, magic the gathering, warhammer, table top battle games etc, so it's all connected in my head probably because of this. I've also never met anyone ftm or afab non-binary etc irl though.

    That lesbian couple I linked a video from yesterday? Whenever. The YouTube channel actually belongs to the butch woman in that video (Sybil) but her partner (Ally might be spelling that wrong) pops up in lots of videos [the more feminine person] and they're genderfluid and they do tarot readings for money too online lol.

    This one genderfluid trans guy I follow on YouTube from the UK is very like that in terms of interests/personality too. But I think they actually believe that (it's not just an interest/aesthetic thing,) and they also have a history of drug abuse etc. They've had visions of ghosts etc. Obviously the paper I linked before talks about this with third gender people too and 'spiritual experiences.'

    Some examples:

    By the time I was 4, I knew that I was very different. . . . I was just very conscious of the fact that I came in with a whole host of memories of-I don't know if they are other lives or not, but I just know that at 2 1/2or 3 . . . I just had all of these experiences of seeing other beings and hearing voices and doing other things that at first I didn't know that everyone didn't do. . . . By the time I was 4, I knew that I had a whole reality that I could not talk about with my parents.
    ^ this actually seems kind of weird/troubling. I wonder how their parents gave them that impression. young kids especially often have 'past life memories' borderline psychotic experiences, imaginary friends etc. It's reasonably common for kids as kids are more imaginative. So I wonder why they felt they couldn't talk about it.

    It was the first Jewish service that I had ever been to, and I had a transcendental experience. I mean, I could speak Hebrew, I sang Hebrew songs, the woman next to me didn't believe that I had never sung Hebrew before. I sung one we didn't have the words to. I felt like I met God in that group. . . . [That is] a dramatic one, but it happens a lot.
    More comments:

    It's just nature. And autism.
    So (unironically because 4chan throw that word around constantly,) my brother's best friend is diagnosed autistic. And when we were younger I remember he used to collect crystals and was kind of into that stuff. The last time I saw him in 2018 entirely unprompted (I know I talk about this constantly here but I never talk about these topics irl,) he started to talk about how he'd felt suppressed back in high school because he wanted to express interest in feminine things more. Also a story about how he was forced to write with his right hand growing up (because he's left handed.) I don't remember all the details of the conversation now I think fashion came up at one point. I did write about it somewhere else but can't find a post talking about it now. I think it's pretty common for autistic people to have some issues with gender roles or identity, but that's already been established by research obviously. I actually think interest in fantastical stuff is more common on the 'schizotypy spectrum' though.

    And I think this is just a very common coping mechanism. I mean if you listen to Kurt Cobain he talked a lot about how a lot of his friends were girls and he struggled to fit in with guys. He also hated a lot of the sexist elements of masculine culture. He was very progressive for his time like many talking points and things he brought up are stuff that was mostly absent in the culture in the 90s (well at least in the UK there was the whole 'lad culture' thing right?) but are way more popular now like 'teach men not to rape.' etc. Seemed to have a fixation with seahorses and pregnancy later on. His only male friend at one point when he was young was a gay guy his mum forced him to stop hanging out with. And as a child he used to daydream that he was an alien that had been adopted by Humans and would one day figure out his actual reason for being here:

    'I knew that there were thousands of other alien babies dropped out and they're all over the place and I've met quite a few of them. It's just something that I always liked to toy with in my mind it was really fun to pretend that you know? There was some special reason for me to be here and I feel really homesick all the time and so did the other aliens [...] eventually one day we'll find out what we're supposed to do.'

    This all got built into the lyrics/album art too:

    'When I was an alien'

    'Never met a wise man
    If so, it's a woman'

    He had a lot of anger. There's this one comic called Mr Moustache that he created and it's great because the way he drew the characters really conveys his feelings about hegemonic masculinity. Intense hatred and disgust and anger.

    "There are thousands of green minds, young gullible 15-year-old boys out there just starting to fall into the grain of what they?ve been told of what a man is supposed to be and there are plenty of tools to use. The most effective tool is entertainment."

    So yes Jordan Peterson would have a field day with this if he was someone he'd paid attention to since he committed suicide and abused drugs - opiates as well! - too. I think that started with prescription opioids as many cases do (I've never once seen him bring him up.) But I also don't think he'd really get it. Or would be able to engage it with fully for the same reason he can't engage with trans people or non-binary people. Though he might do a better job than if he was dealing with a trans person he'd get that completely wrong. And no I'm not saying he was trans I know a lot of people say that they headcannon him as a repressed trans woman. I actually think how he thought is closer to trans guys. If anything.

    And I was thinking about this the other day because a lot of neurotic people will say things like this and use it as a metaphor. Most who are not psychotic don't really believe it but I was thinking about how neurotic and schizotypal people are possibly locked in a negative feedback loop made worse by the internet where schizotypal people don't understand metaphor as well (because studies show that they don't, they take things literally more often,) and actually believe it for real and form conspiracies about this like all trans people and the elites are aliens. Because I know I've said I feel like an alien etc before or identified with them, but not meant it literally.

    I started thinking about this because I stumbled on a YouTube comment on a Jordan Peterson video that was written in a way where I felt the person was schizophrenic (don't have a quote to hand but it was that vaguely word salad kind of thing you know it when you see it. It's not just that what they're saying was weird but that they've loosely lost the grasp of how to write sentences that make sense etc,) and they were ranting about trans women in a transphobic way talking about how they're replacing women and so on, but eventually they concluded with saying that trans women are aliens travelling through time or something weird like that. And I've forgotten now but I think they implied there was some ultimate purpose to this that would eventually be revealed. So they seemed schizophrenic and also engaging in conspiracy theory. However it seems that in general looking into it a bit more conspiracy theorists are in many ways not like schizophrenic people and the nature of their beliefs are different too. (I mean I already knew many figureheads had narcissistic traits from research, but I more meant like the average person who believes that stuff.) Like most people who are schizophrenic will have delusions of persecution that are specific to them as individuals whereas conspiracy theorists tend to believe their beliefs effect everyone as a way to make sense of a chaotic environment.

    But in general I think the whole 'they're replacing us' thing is very common with alien conspiracies as well. So I can see why some people have blended the two. Where they view a portion of people as hybrids or just aliens who have blended in with Humans for some reason but ultimately usually for negative reasons because they're trying to take over. They also often talk about homosexual people and trans people as being vampiric (that's where the contagion aspect comes in.) These thought patterns are obviously quite common and deeply ingrained in Human consciousnesses I think. As a way to explain outsiders I suppose.

    This comment makes a decent point honestly:

    To try and gain power and understanding through indirect means in a world that is primarily dominated by the direct and physical.

    Also when I was looking for the other post on reddit that I read recently I stumbled on this while looking. (I always fall down some weird rabbit hole even if I'm just looking for some specific for a moment):

    Anons discuss their deranged FtM dom t4t fantasies
    [insert screenshot of 4chan fantasies I can't post here.]

    Why are so many of you like this?

    I'm actually worse.

    So i do have a chance with women
    Of course bestie, I think your overestimating the amount of self respect most people here have lol
    It's hard to find FtMs who're like this. A lot of them have the aesthetic and mannerisms of a pre-war gentlemen but none of the period appropriate sexism or jingoism. They're squeamish about being misogynistic even just as a part of a fantasy. I've dated several that were like that, it's cute but also frustrating.
    pre-war gentleman. Fucking dead.

    It's just the worst place but also fucking hilarious.

    Also this comment chain lmfao:

    cis lesbians are huge into masc cis women but not masc tgirls.

    don?t ask me why 'cause I?m into men, idk the psychodynamics of it, I just know that it?s a law of the cosmos
    Yeah cis women absolutely love it in general, very rarely are they into girly girl types
    Since when do cisbians not like femmes??
    Since the beginning of time
    i have lived as a butch lesbian for half of my life, i know wtf i'm talking about
    active on Jordan Peterson, Cringetopia, truscum, and transmedical
    Oh you're one of those ppl lol why am I even taking this conversation seriously lol
    I don't agree with everything that JBP says but following his advice as a young man has made me very successful with attracting trad women
    I think the only trad woman I've found at all attractive is Abby Shapiro but I'm not really attracted to her it's the fact that she's doesn't understand optics (or she does and that's the point,) and so accidentally comes across like some kind of repressed [BEEP] woman (and I have a fetish about that clearly, but it's mostly repressed trans women. But I also watched Matilda as a child and so that broke my brain a bit too.) while simultaneously glasses:

    What are you doing?

    but nevermind. (I posted about this before but prob deleted most of those posts.)

    I think Matilda is to Cottagecore what The Secret History is to Dark Academia. Also have you noticed that Matilda uses magical power/super brains to try to save a hyper feminine person from a hyper masculine person? Yeah. There's another essay. Why is Return to Oz secretly just a film about a girl in a mental asylum who closely misses out on electroshock therapy and then tries to run away with this other girl during a storm who drowns and she starts hallucinating that she's saving a princess and the princess was disguised as and raised as a boy in the books? Also Jack Skellington is randomly there with a pumpkinhead. And it's all really [BEEP] coded. Like no I didn't get any of that as a child from it I just liked it because I was a weird kid and I also liked Beetlejuice back then. I didn't even know about the books, but wtf I've actually forgotten most of the film now lol. But yeah there is that.

    [... the debate goes on a while separately from the initial discussion]

    Trad women don't [BEEP] ftms btw
    I'll change that
    Fun. Anyway:

    Butch lesbians are also mostly attracted to other butch lesbians.

    Also I have been in many lesbian dating apps etc most of them are butch or trying to be butch or the weirdo green haired types, I don't see a lot of "feminine" girls which was what I mostly was attracted to, it was so depressing lmao.
    Absolutely not lol. You're getting them confused with a subset of 'AAP' lesbians who present in a masculine way and basically want a gay male relationship but afab. The reverse exists with some trans women and some femboys too. I'm basically some weird amalgamation of the two which I've decided is the worst sexuality to have as it seems to always lead to borderline asexuality via excessive pickiness which is boring (for me.) I haven't come across another person vaguely similar to me who doesn't either id as asexual or greysexual or just sees themselves as doomed because of pickyness etc.

    I didn't really try green hair properly besides like a few times I through it partly into the mix with multiple colours, and I regret that now so maybe one day. Before I die you know.

    Putting 'weirdo green hair type [not lesbian]' on my gravestone. (I mean you don't get to pick and I probably won't have a gravestone in the first place but you know hypothetically.) Then: 1520 - 20XX just to [BEEP] with people. I'm guessing you're not allowed to do that lol.

    There's a lot of conversations about ftm people there that are just this that are part of the greater debate about masculinity in men tbh (the parallel is obvious):

    Someone posted a screenshot where someone on twitter was giving advice to guys about women's preferences and saying

    the fact that cis straight guys are still so insitent that they have to be muscle hunks to get girls when frankly most women i know want a little elf prince, a depressed middle aged father, or a line cook, is so funny
    and there's a whole twitter conversation there in the screenshot so someone else responded 'oh yes I'm going to take advice from a guy who looks like this *posts picture*' and they're ftm I guess but pass as a woman. Bunch of comments and someone says something like 'first step to understand women is to look like them' and the person on the subreddit posted this in response to their screenshot:

    It gives me so much second hand cringe how fembrained so many [slang for trans guy] are, like when some [trans guy] tries lecturing cis men about how their approach to being a man is wrong. Their foid socialization shows through so hard and they're not even aware of it, they have been told to be feminine their whole lives and instead of rejecting it and pursuing masculinity they indulge in femininity and think it's the right way. Most men don't even think or care about what women think while [trans guys]' first instinct is to think of how women would feel about it.
    I reject the idea they're not aware of it. Very rarely is someone unaware of it they just don't care. They decided dominating manhood and rebuilding it in their image is more important than conforming to the norms of it essentially. It's hard not to do that because you don't want to be weak and that's a way to circumvent that. Temporarily embarrassed masculine men like Ben Shapiro do something similar where they get outraged by men in dresses etc. Chauvinism and policing other's expression is usually a sign of insecurity and/or frustration about something.

    female to hon
    hon is a non-passing trans woman essentially.

    [slang for trans guy] worldwide need to boss up already. Stop fucking twinkhon soyboymoding and START ACTING LIKE A MAN. FEMALE SOCIALISATION HAS TAINTED YOU WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP
    The way people write on 4chan and in similar spaces is very interesting/entertaining to me. Like there are specific performative and subcultural things they do like this angry all caps rant thing that's happening here that trails into nothing. I also think the tendency to not capitalise 'i' started on tumblr and is almost a kind of virtual upspeak, symbolic of self erasure and uncertainty, but seems to have spread to be more common now and some of it's probably just lazy typing or something to do with phones.

    this thread is fucking wild. like if he just took off the eyeshadow (on the bottom eyelid???????? wtf???) he'd just look like a kinda nerdy, doughy cis guy with nice hair

    it's more effort than most cis guys put into their hair to be fair but like. the [BEEP] are yall screaming about "FEMBRAINED GO TO THE JIM" for lmfao
    They def don't pass but I don't know if they're on hrt or not. Definitely nerdy.

    Bro looks gay as [BEEP] the only women who want him are fujos
    And fujos are commonly lesbians
    Some fujo has had a crush on me for a year but she's mainly dated [trans guys] and cis men so I dunno. She's probably a repping gayden. I thought most of them were straight women?
    That's the ahe kind, the non ahe ones are d****. It's possible she'll [transition] considering she seems to be a chaser.
    We're everywhere haha.

    Just the way people write in these spaces is insane lol. I'm lazy and not changing most of the slang I just changed the trans guy one because I don't know how they did it but they picked the worst sounding word ever lol.

    This is kinda meta useful to cissoid moids tho. Since this motherfucker is so gigafembrained he's right about what women prefer. Incel tip is listen to what women find attractive and emulate. This only works for cissies tho
    Exactly. And most of the time the twinky elf boys and dad bods women are into are still muscular and go to the gym, women just don't understand what going to the gym looks like if it?s not an outright hunk of meat gymbro lol
    I really wonder if this is true (no really because it's hard to gauge how common certain preferences are in general.) Feminism decided this kind of preference was the norm 'female gaze' at some point but I'm not entirely convinced. Like maybe but also maybe not. Very masculine guys usually have a lot of success too just with a different audience so you know. It's probably a bubble that's very visible online and it works well for feminism (well some parts of it,) because it's destroying men + masculinity. Same reason they adopted Solanas. But this is a convenient (for them,) coincidence. Edit: Speaking of 'fujos' Actually I believe the motivation is generally closer to the one outlined in this paper about Mori Mari here though it's a bit Freudian.

    Mori Mari wrote that she always felt that her father was too good for this earth. There was something in his goodness that made him vulnerable, and she felt it her duty to protect him. In 1960 she wrote, "Once a nightmare disturbed me and woke me in a cold sweat; it was about some men approaching my father working at his desk and attacking him from behind."⁴⁴
    Yaoi is just one genre that Feminism likes to pick at. And it has a very mixed relationship to it where it often critiques it but sometimes likes to claim it at the same time. So I'd say it sits in an ambiguous position.

    Also to be clear they are attempting to guilt people into converting to a cisgender sexuality via feminist political ideology but people don't care about this when it effects trans people and even less when it effects people who don't ID as trans but have this sexuality. So I'm still salty about that:

    From Sato's perspective, yaoi was not only an unfair co-optation of gay sexuality by women but also a rejection of female (not to mention "feminist") subjectivity. As a sexual fantasy, it was both politically regressive and self-defeating.
    Those in Takamatsu's camp, on the other hand, sought to salvage a space for their own fantasies outside political exigencies. They saw yaoi as a space of refuge from a misogynist culture in which women were made to be always the objects and never the subjects of desire. While they generally recognized that yaoi might constitute a form of violence against gay men, they insisted that to proscribe it as a rejection of womanhood or feminist subjectivity was to militate an equally repressive vision of female sexuality as one that must always culminate in heterosexual sex and sexual fantasies. In essence, then, they were arguing that the gay critique of yaoi was itself a form of heterosexism.

    But this did nothing to convince those in the debate who identified most strongly as feminists. The translator and writer Kurihara Chiyo narrated her own conversion from a "fag hag" into a feminist in an article published in her co-edited compendium to gay literature. After her conversion, Kurihara wrote,

    The whole reason behind my taking refuge in gay novels became clear and at that instant I realized I was a woman and that was OK. I realized that what I had to do was find a way to live and love as the woman that I am. And from then on the gay novels I loved so much and the interest I had in gays just vanished like a lie exposed to the truth. It literally just burned itself out. I understood that fans of "aesthetic" novels were unable to grasp their own psychology. I realized that once you accept your own femininity you will lose interest in "aesthetic" novels."⁹
    That sounds terrible (or hot but in this case just terrible,) never do that. (Also wtf are aesthetic novels lol? Is that what the kids are calling it these days. This paper is actually quite old I think.)

    Although she does not specify exactly how she went about it, Kurihara insists in a later article published in Choisir that she achieved this conversion through her own proactive efforts: "I wrote that as soon as I realized my interest in gays was a form of escapism my interest in gay novels burned itself out. But it didn?t just disappear on its own. I incinerated it with the flame-thrower of reason, because I could not permit myself to indulge in something so embarrassing. I cannot accept contradictions in myself."?⁰
    Sound familiar haha? DESTROYED BY FACTS AND LOGIC. Something like that lol. Also how dare you use my favourite weapon.

    Blanchard et al. (1987a) found one heterosexual case in a consecutive series of 72 female gender dysphorics who presented for assessment at the gender identity clinic of a university teaching hospital. This was a single, university-educated woman in her early 30s who complained that she subjectively felt herself to be male and requested surgical sex reassignment. She was erotically attracted to homosexual males, particularly (in her words) "gentler, nonmacho gay men," in relation to whom she felt herself more masculine. She expressed romantic fantasies of being a man in a homosexual relationship with another male whom she could protect and care for, and there were less obviously erotic fantasies of protecting a homosexual male friend from being assaulted or ridiculed in public.
    Tumblr is into these types and tumblr is overly neurodivergent and queer. Shoeonhead is only into dad bods to the point where Sneako was like 'this [BEEP] is gay' she's not into feminine or 'twink guys' though at all (I think she also prefers tomboys and butch women when it comes to women, and once dated a trans guy before he came out in high school but she's deleted videos talking about that now because she changed her mind about a bunch of stuff in the videos.) She actually associated guys who work out a lot with being twinks it seems lol (it seems like she's implying something when she says '6 pack twink.' Specifically using the word twink.)

    And she has ADHD and is bisexual and has spent a lot of time when she was younger on 4chan and in male online spaces (it really shows especially in her older videos lol.)

    I feel like a lot of these examples and preferences people throw around are mostly preferred by women who are [BEEP] or neurodivergent in some way. I bet all the women that feminine trans guy knows are neurodivergent or [BEEP] too so you never get out of that bubble.

    Imo (as I've said before,) neurodivergence in the first place being constructed - in part - to pathologise androgynous neurotypes because why is the overlap so strong there?

    Having said that. I've reached the point where essentially I don't pay much attention to any women who aren't bisexual/lesbian/queer/etc, or neurodivergent in some way like anxiety disorders, BPD, ADHD, autism etc. Everyone or close to everyone I follow online, most women I knew at university and just everyone for the majority of my adult life frankly (and not just the women either lots of guys.) Do women who are both neurotypical and straight even exist anymore? LOL they do but yeah.

    It's very much this (and she's also bisexual):

    At a certain point it's like 'this is basically everyone so?' It feels like that esp online, but no.

    "Little elf prince" actually just a chad that's more muscular than the average male but no beard and has long hair. Women like to pretend they have variety in what they're attracted to but it's just different flavors of masculine tall chads

    Before I transitioned I was a skinny effeminate guy and I had no problem finding women attracted to me. I spent very little time single because every time a relationship ended, some girl I knew would ask me out within a month or two.

    It actually got to the point that I started to feel bad because I wondered if any of my female friends were real friends or if they were just patiently waiting for me to be single again.

    I was 110 pounds, had long hair, and wore some not-overly-feminine women's clothing. Pretty much the opposite of a masculine tall Chad.

    Yeah, a lot of women are into muscular masculine dudes, but not all of them.
    You were basically already a woman, and you attracted closeted d****
    Actually only one of them turned out to be a lesbian, the rest were all bi and most are with men now.
    What I'm fucking saying though lol.

    That?s during your teenage years. Once women turn 20, they crave masculine guys. Realistically the women you dated were most likely lesbians.
    I mean they were all bi. Most of them are with men now though. Some of them still with feminine guys.

    This was true into my 20s as well, not just teens. It happened until I transitioned.
    The people who are into me now are into women, not feminine men. Current partner is a lesbian.

    Obviously there's some overlap but now at least they know they want a woman.
    And what happened after? 😐
    I've spent most of my time after transitioning in one relationship.

    But before that I'd say it was even easier. People flirt with/hit on me often. I was on dating apps and got so many matches I couldn't possibly talk to them all, both with gay/bi women and straight/bi men, despite clearly stating in my profile that I'm trans and have a dick.

    Definitely did get chasery types. Not all of them but often enough I had to be very wary of it. Learned very fast that it's not just men, there are a looot of bi women who are really into non-op trannies and got weird about it.

    Um, I also pass quite well and people think I'm pretty so that probably helps a lot? From what I've seen dating is very different for those less lucky.
    Contrapoints said something similar then only started having issues after transitioning (any at all not many issues imo lol.) Much to consider.

    Yeah but it's also very hard to find guys who fit the bill they're talking about at least where I'm from because a lot of those features, appearance or personality require some degree of female socialization that guys lack. I don't think they're lying about liking more caring charismatic lanky skinny elf guys but it's not like there's a million walking around.
    Thanks for defining the problem. /the end lol.
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  14. #4679
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    I just like Art Nouveau really haha. It's always the common thread.
    This track is like if someone made art noveau into a music form combined with like hints of Bladerunner/cyberpunk themes. It sounds like that.

    It's just so good. I don't think Steven Wilson wrote most of the lyrics on those early albums despite making most of the music. On later albums he writes most of the lyrics. But they are quite interesting too on several tracks. I like Nine Cats and Linton Samuel Dawson a lot but also this is interesting:

    You must listen very carefully to what I have to say.
    There isn't much time, because You Know Who
    Has consumed all the instruments.

    For many eons now I have been trapped on this planet.
    He is keeping me here against my will, and sometimes
    When I press my ear up very close to the concrete
    I can hear his daughters sobbing with laughter.
    Either I am blind, or I have been in darkness
    Ever since the sun exploded fourteen centuries ago.

    A few hours ago, He Who Keeps Me Here visited me saying,
    "God, why do the millions worship you instead of I?"
    Am I not more powerful, more forgiving and truly compassionate?"

    A black liquid was seeping uncontrollably from my mouth
    And all I could do was babble incomprehensibly
    About a dream I had many moons ago.
    In it, a clock ticked constantly, maddening my senses.

    That was all, but it lasted for many days
    Until each tick seemed like fragments of glass piercing my scales.
    He Who Keeps Me Here tells me that one day I will return to earth,
    And then I will seek my revenge.
    Just found this interview:

    Porcupine Tree's music utilized lyrics written by Alan Duffy, who had posted an ad in a weekly music paper in the early 1980s. At first his lyrics were used for Steven's high-school band Karma, when Steven was just 14 and Duffy was 26. Duffy's lyrics touched on the following topics: a magical island where people can fly, a fish that pops its head above water and witnesses Armageddon, Merlin the magician casting spells for Marilyn Monroe, and that time when a toad gave sixteen kangaroos a lesson in water ballet. His words would be brought back by Steven to be used in material featured on On The Sunday of Life, Yellow Hedgerow Dreamscape, Up The Downstair and Staircase Infinities.
    SW: "Actually, all of Alan's lyrics for the Porcupine Tree date from the period 1983-85, long before I started recording Porcupine Tree music. We wrote the songs for an entirely different project that never came to much... I was very young - about 16 years old. Then in the late 80s when I started recording Porcupine Tree music, I had little confidence in my own lyrics so I went back to Alan's and found they fitted very well. In one or two instances ('Jupiter Island' and 'Nine Cats' spring to mind) I even used the original music that I had written for the words many years earlier.
    SW: "Alan was very much into the whimsical, surrealist children's literature of Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear... It's one of the bedrocks of psychedelic music. If you listen to 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' or any of Syd Barrett's stuff, those influences are in there. Alan wrote lyrics in that style? I started writing songs with those lyrics because I wasn't really interested in being a lyric writer or a singer. I haven't seen him since the mid-80's, but I assume he still gets the publishing royalties!"
    This is great too and a bit like The Cure I think:

    Most people's primary complaint with Porcupine Tree and Steven Wilson's various solo projects is that you can always kind of 'guess the influences' rather than it feeling truly original. I don't most of the time though (because there's a lot of older music I just haven't listened to,) but I do always pick up on The Cure lol:

    (very obviously inspired by A Forest.)

    I don't care though. It's still great. Also I need to watch the film this unofficial music video is from some time it's like some indie early 1990s cyberpunk film that looks really visually interesting but I've never gotten around to it. Oh yeah it's called Hardware I found it by searching 'film british sci-fi robots 1990' Haha that's all I remembered. I had that scavenger character (the character in the above video,) as an avatar for a while.


    This gif I have no idea what's happening here but it has everything. A blow torch. A doll. Red hair. It's perfect. (This makes more sense if you're in my brain. One thing I'll explain but prob have before is I have a extreme bipolar reaction to fire where I've always loved flamethrowers in video games, Spyro the Dragon where you get to flame things, that dragon suit from the 90s playstation game Medievil, flaming crossbows, these like dragon gloves I invented for one story that shoot fire, any weapons that use fire, but I also have an ongoing phobia of fire especially gas appliances and it took me a while to feel comfortable using matches - well into adulthood and I'm probably not again because I don't use them regularly so would have to readjust. It's quite funny actually. Also sounds like the origin story of a super villain I realise.)

    This is from a completely different album but I always really liked this:

    I see people constantly talk about how prog rock has predominantly male fans and some kind of masculine image ('Oh my god you are so fucking annoying.' I know. I know. But I still see this conversation a lot lol,) and thinking about that now I find that very odd because to me it sounds very feminine in a way? Musically. Oh loads of his music and the genre in general isn't as well and you know you have songs about cars:

    Song about a train (haha that's really not the point of this song but it makes me laugh)

    Not going to post a bunch of examples thematically and sonically a lot isn't like that.

    But a lot of this stuff kinda does have an Alice in Wonderland fantasy/mystical kind of vibe. Moreso where it overlaps with psychedelic music. I think that's because I listen(ed) to a lot of baroque pop/chamber pop/art pop though which is an obvious successor to it though. Something like this:

    Snow White is stitching up your circuit boards
    Synapse slipping through the hidden doors
    Snow White's stitching up the circuit board
    =D I discovered this song later I believe (oh yeah must have been it came out when I was 18 lol,) but when I was in my mid teens I had a random fixation with circuit boards and the way they looked and putting them everywhere online and comparing them to cities etc. I think at one point I found a small circuit board lying around somewhere and I wanted to turn it into some kind of necklace but never did. So I had a graphic design project for school when I was somewhere between 14-16 which was all about that for a fictional band like fictional album artwork and state sets etc. I also discovered this Bjork video where she's talking about a TV later that reminded me of that lol.

    I also had a kind of fixation like this with transmission towers/electricity pylons. That initially dated back to childhood possibly because we were shown all these videos warning kids to not play on them or they'd get electrocuted and die. A few years ago I was also taking a bunch of photos of them etc because I was thinking about that again. I like how they look like giant kind of robot/dystopian/cyberpunk structures. I posted some online and talked about that a bit but someone else misunderstood my fixation and got pretty excited because they obviously couldn't find many people to talk about the topic with. They started asking me about other objects too like fans I think haha. But for me with pylons it wasn't that deep. It's more symbolic and aesthetic they sent me this video about how they are made and I didn't care much.

    This isn't sexual at all for me but it reminded me of a documentary I watched about objectophiles. I wonder if they just had that more intense + sexually:

    At least one woman in this documentary was diagnosed autistic (they all seem to have 'traits.')

    Back to the music though.

    By the 2000s it was predominantly women and androgynous homosexual/bisexual men making the closest thing to that kind of music (I think he was inspired mostly by Kate Bush though):

    And you were my husband
    My wife, my heroin
    Now this is our final December

    But he has a lot of masculine themed music too. Esp on The Bachelor album. But even like 'Tristan' etc.

    Pretty underrated actually. No you know very underrated outside of certain circles.

    Now you have Aurora:

    And yeah the fanbase of these musicians is more often women too. So it's a bit confusing but oh well. I think it's some kind of marketing thing.

    I mean it's not rock though. It's moved in a more folktronica/synthpop direction.

    And I guess that gets at what Steven Wilson was saying in that interview that rock is boring now and kind of dead and like Foo Fighters (think he brought them up,) and I like a bunch of Foo Fighters songs and rock music in general and honestly a wide range of music, but I get what he means in that rock is no longer the centre of experimentation or imagination in that way.

    Also this is great I think:

    edit: I keep fucking around with this pen and accidentally chucking it around my room and losing it and then I have to find it again.
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    Researching phones is kind of driving me insane. I hate this kind of thing. I think I'm going to have to accept that modern phones are no better at recording concerts/live audio than my old Samsung wb500 camera from the early 2010s.

    I always thought the hipster thing was aesthetically really boring personally. I guess that kind of became a thing when I was in my early 20s. There were several definitions too. Obviously the kind of aesthetic/style was a thing where I think facial hair became more popular, man buns and wearing glasses when you don't need them? Drinking starbucks while writing on a laptop or something like that. But also just the use of the word to describe someone who likes finding new music/art/'stuff' then dropping it as it gets popular. I guess I'll watch the video though lol.

    The glasses thing was kind of funny because I got my first pair in 2010 (when the hipster thing was probably a big deal,) and I'd been putting it off for a while. In the end I forced myself to go get my eyes checked and buy a pair because I'd reached the point where I was borrowing my friends glasses to see if I could see the lecture screen properly and it did improve my vision and he was like 'you really need to get your eyes checked' lol. But I only wear them while out of the house now because it's only a problem for stuff that's a bit further away. Though everything is less focussed than it could be if it's not fairly close to me. It's like switching to HD mode. Also apparently I shouldn't drive without wearing them but I don't have a car/drive anyway.

    Actually that guy was a bit of a hipster though. He was quite pretentious/snobbish. I think at one point he described my style at the time as 'rainbow punk' or something like that. I don't think he was particularly a fan lol but that sounds pretty cool.

    As someone from Portland, I’m a little sad you didn’t mention us because I believe we have been dubbed the "Hipster Capital of the World" by most people. No one I know has ever tried to be "hipster", it’s just a lot of the things that are ingrained in our culture were also adopted by the hipster movement.

    And they went and made a whole show about it.
    Portlandia? I dunno if there are any hipster characters. It's mostly just various different alternatives groups. There's like a feminist cafe and that goth couple. I've seen clips from it lol.

    This was funny

    'shame on everybody. Involved.'

    As a bisexual man the hipster phenomenon was the bane of my middle school existence and almost made me swear off dating entirely
    Why specifically relevant that you’re bi?
    Going to assume he's not a fan of facial hair. Otherwise I have no idea why that was relevant. But certain people and groups do just tend to do that on videos where they don't think they're the main demographic fan. Metal heads do this all the time when they listen to a genre that isn't metral I always see comments lol.
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