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  1. #5311
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    I can tell everyone in the audience here either came from tumblr and/or or strange aeon's audience lol..... This is like the tumblr equivalent of the instagram comments that seem to be trying to outdo each other for most absurd violent thing they'd let someone do to them.

    his little smirk. he looks like a cute macaroni. he is perfect in every sense of the word.
    Little spaghetti man
    This is literally just a quote from a Strange Aeons video lol:

    i want to put him in a terrarium and hand feed him lettuce like a turtle
    He?s so polite and awkward I want to eat him like a mantis 😭😭
    He acts like a ladybug would act
    I wonder who started this? It's amusing but I feel like I'm on drugs reading that. Or it's some kind of weird dream. I hope someone doesn't start chucking skyscrapers at me again.

    he's the type of guy that just exist like no other explanation

    I've never seen this show (any version,) and you could convince me this is a joke and not real and just based on how dramatic American documentaries are compared to British ones because that's something I noticed at one point maybe a decade ago. The American version also looks like it's the trailer for some film.

    The second one literally looks like a parody of the first
    Is it not honestly? It seems like it is.


    My YouTube suggestions are pretty random right now. I know why I was suggested this but still.

    I think I've been there twice? I never saw any of Birmingham either time really. Once I went on a trip to go to Cadbury World I think with school but I don't think it's actually in Birmingham. Then in 2011 I stayed in a hotel in Birmingham after a concert. The hotel was fine. The concert was Evanescence and I liked their first two albums but it wasn't that great a concert plus I wasn't in a great position in the crowd. Got there a bit late, sizeable queue. Not an issue at most concerts I go to actually. That's the only time I've run into people I know at a concert though (before they walked past me in the queue lol, and then ran into them after the concert,) so that was weird lol (and they then asked if I wanted a lift back but I already paid for a hotel so that was bad timing. Couldn't get a train back I think due to timing. We technically hung out a lot during that period of my life but I wasn't that close to them they were housemates of someone on my uni course. So it would have been awkward sitting in a car with them for like an hour.) Also didn't see any of Birmingham that time really. Oh wait no technically the last time I was in Birmingham was when I was getting a coach back from Manchester last June lol. Got stuck waiting for a bit a the coach station at about 3am~ because the driver's replacement was off sick. There were aggressive seagull noises. Once again didn't see any of Birmingham and then we drove through several towns and cities where people from my past are from which was weird. (But not that weird I guess because I've known people from a bunch of places.) While listening to this song a lot on repeat:

    And also this:

    And some other Rush and Porcupine Tree songs but especially those.

    I've probably switched trains in Birmingham at some point too. I don't always go to Birmingham but when I do I don't.

    Edit: It's also funny that I stayed in a hotel in Birmingham when I was living in the East Midlands, but while living in the South didn't stay in a hotel when travelling to Manchester lol. It probably wasn't more expensive though at the time. Hotel was about 30 pounds I think, and I had a railcard back then too.
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  2. #5312
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    Reading bisexual posts (and/or posts about bisexuality,) on reddit today. Was giving the twitter straights too much attention lately.

    Trying to understand why biphobia is wrong

    So I'm a fem gold star gay (not transphobic, would totally date a trans man) and I know I have views that are considered biphobic, I don't deny it because words have meanings but I don't feel wrong knowing it?? I understand excluding bi men from your attraction is harmful when it comes to dating but outside of that? what does it effect? I don't feel bad for rejecting bi guys when sought out just like how I wouldn't feel bad for rejecting someone masc (i like fem men) because it's just a preference in dating. Really trying to understand here because I genuinely can't understand why it's so wrong

    Im friends with ALOT of bi women btw. Like wayy more than every other lgbt+ demographic
    "Why is it bad to be biphobic to men? Some of my best friends are bi women."


    He did a thing.

    He asked that on the wrong sub I don't have to check the comments to know people are going to be calling him bisexual because he said he'd date a trans guy. But I did AND THE FIRST COMMENT:

    I'm a fem gold star gay (not transphobic, would totally date a trans man)
    Male on female relationships are gay now?
    Think prob most of the guys on the gaybros subs actually prefer straight and bi men because they see them as more masculine. I've seen posts like that a lot not just on that sub though actually I ran into that yesterday lol in the comments of a Contrapoints video I watched:

    yes it's problematic to be masc for masc or whatever, but have you thought about only dating bi men? they're masculine and if someone says it's problematic, you can call them biphobic.
    cus all bi men are gender conforming or some shit... no. not even all straight men are like LOOK at mgk. someone just look at him. for me.
    Wait who's mgk? Oh no do you mean Machine Gun Kelly? He's very masculine, I don't get all the people who say otherwise. This was terrible (it gets worse every time I've ever listened to it somehow lol. Initially I was like 'nah' now I'm like 'I hate you and also get off my lawn.'):


    "And what's with 'she only dates girls with a big dick? I think you missed the point. Emo girls may have liked big ones, but they wanted to see you suck it Mr Machine Gun."

    It's true.

    As someone who never self identified as an emo or liked the label but was called emo and goth by other students in my secondary school and listened to My Chemical Romance, Alkaline Trio, AFI, Billy Talent etc (and lots of other bands and musicians that weren't emo at all,) this is racist against my people now.

    Edit: Actually thinking about it now that emo video and related discussion fits in with the 'female gaze' and 'genderfluid gaze' discussion. Jennifer's body has weird significance to me in my life lol not the film itself but just because there are many memories involving this. But I don't really think of it as being part of the same era even though the film technically came out right at the end of 2009 (so it was during that decade,) because I was at uni when it came out so it feels very different to like most of this music which was coming out when I was 13-15 or so.

    But yeah I initially watched it at the cinema and this was I think the day after I went on my first date with a guy which I didn't realise was a date, then realised it was a date, and then we kissed and then I let him know over Facebook when I got home that I wasn't interested and he had a meltdown over it (I shouldn't have kissed him but I wasn't really in the same emotional space as him like to me I was sort of experimenting and he'd developed a very one sided crush on me in an incredibly short space of time. I'm sure we'd known each other no longer than a month.) Then I went to the cinema with this other guy I knew to watch Jennifer's Body. I think he was into me too and from what I remember had basically said to this third guy that the guy I went on a date with was an emotional mess and he was going to try and 'show him how it's done' or something lol. He was also into basically everyone, and did express that he was attracted to me at some point but I always made it clear I wasn't interested in him and he wasn't my type at all tbh. The third guy who told me that was also sort of into me but not really, and we went on some kind of dates. I think a lot of guys just didn't have many options at the time and he was kind of bored and wanted a relationship. I've posted about that third guy a lot too lol. I was sort of into him but it would have never worked. This was a really weird time for me because I went from being unattractive to 99% of guys in my hometown to being one of few options they had just by moving geographical location. So it was very confusing. Same feeling as being in some kind of isekai anime.

    Then a few years later I was watching Jennifer's Body on TV and my dad walked into the room during the scene where Needy and Jennifer are making out and he was like 'ewww.' I think he might be less homophobic now, at least about men. My brother was talking about his friend who is gay and also how they were walking in public and ran into two guys having sex recently and my dad didn't really react much to that. But he has made homophobic comments about men before not even that long ago I think. He uses like old English slurs which is weird because he's the only person irl I've heard use them lol. Most homophobic comments I hear are Americans online, on TV etc.

    Oh no I don't have any past experiences w bi men at all, I've never dated or fucked one I'm just simply turned off when I found out a guys been with women. And it kinda sucks cus bi men tend to go after fem gays usually rather than more masc leaning, and a lot of fem gays WILL NOTTT fw other fems
    It's interesting because I more often hear the reverse occasionally from straight women because it's seen as emasculating. I'm bespoke though (the meme,) so I tend to think bisexual men are actually hyper masculine on average (relative to gay and straight men,) because of some research I read about digit ratios or something, and that's the turn off if anything.

    Research suggests that having a longer ring finger compared to index finger reflects greater exposure to male hormones during an individual's time in their mother's womb. There are differences between and within sexes in finger lengths associated with relatively more masculine versus feminine development.
    Saw off your ring finger.

    Well I tried to be reasonable.

    Yes a male on female relationship can be gay. Every time you log on Grindr to go be the hoe you are remember that the only reason why your able to do that today is BECAUSE of what trans people did for our community. Transphobes should all burn
    I dunno man that's a bit excessive. I know trans guys love femme guys historically but you can tone it down a bit. (No I know he's talking about trans women and stonewall but it's funny.)

    So not wanting to date a trans man is transphobic?
    I hope you overdose on all the poppers and meth you do.
    These subreddits are always insane.

    Gay men are the straight twitter women of reddit. Actually they might be a large chunk of the straight twitter women too thinking about it because I was mostly thinking about stan culture lol. But there are the femcels too.

    Some of these people are prob trolls though.

    ...What the [BEEP] is a "fem gold star gay"? Is it a rarity classification on a gatcha game? Are you bellow the SSR 5 platinum star gays!?
    Using it unironically is making me consider he might be trolling... Also almost everything else he posted lol.

    Sorry, I don't do either.
    Yes its transphobic, it's up to you to unlearn your "preference"
    What about how you're not dating bisexual men though?

    So your calling people transphobic for not wanting to sleep with trans men. But your not misogynistic for not wanting to [BEEP] a bi guy cause he's been inside a woman?
    I need to know if being trans cancels out the bi thing or not. It's not mutually exclusive and I actually think a lot of trans guys are bisexual to some degree or have been.

    What a rollercoaster.

    Post by a woman:

    Ohhhhhh I've definitely experienced the biphobia.

    Only girls interested in dating me were also bi. Lesbians would never go for me.

    And a dude I used to date believed it was totally acceptable for me to date women while we were together because he didn't see them as a threat. He thought there was no way I could fall in love with and leave him for a woman so long as his manliness and mighty penis were an option?? I took advantage of his ignorance and went with girls, sure, but I didn't realize until after I left him how fucked up and misogynistic that thought process was.
    I mean it's great if you want to have sex with women but I don't think I'd respect someone like that and would probably leave them for a woman so they learn.

    He was definitely ignorant, but he was also very misogynistic. He was racist, abusive, a huge Milo Yiannopoulos fan, didn't believe trans people were valid, he was a rapist, physically and mentally abusive, he cheated on me constantly, and was a compulsive liar, gaslighter, and manipulator.
    OK so definitely should have left him for a woman then. Also I think some guys just mentally check out because they assume bisexual people aren't monogamous or something. This is pretty insane statistically especially the bolded:

    The lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner is extremely high in the lesbian, gay and bisexual community with lesbian women (43.8% ), gay men (26% ), bisexual women (61.1% ), and bisexual men (37.3% ) reporting experiencing this violence, compared to heterosexual women (35% ) and heterosexual men (29% ).

    Among women who experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking in the context of an intimate relationship, the majority of bisexual and heterosexual women (89.5% and 98.7%, respectively) reported only male perpetrators while self-identified lesbians (67.4% ) reported having only female perpetrators
    I tried to establish an open relationship after catching him cheating for the millionth time and he refused. It was never about cheating or not cheating, it was about control and perceived threats.
    Yeah should have left after the first time. Really should have left after finding out he liked Milo lol. The best time to leave was straight away lol.
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  3. #5313
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    I decided to not renew my PlayStation plus subscription. They upped the price, plus I'm not really playing online anyway. I find video games to be boring now that I view everything as determined.
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  4. #5314
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post

    That guy the lead singer is kissing at 40:28 is actually kind of cute. At least in that clip:

    Probably brought this up before though since I've watched this video before lol. I'm aware these guys became really famous at some point and were in Eurovision I just never bothered to look into them lol. I'm oblivious to like 60% of new pop culture until at least a year or two has passed.

    Yeah I dunno kinda. Sometimes he looks cute to me but mostly not. Looks cute here:

    In that video it's mostly his outfit and hair of course. The drummer with the really long hair is kind of cute too. I mean they're all kind of attractive but subjectively.

    Think he should lean into this energy more. Really just power of good photography though lol:

    Green lol *adds to collection* no lol:

    ^ that's a really hot outfit she's wearing.

    Drummer kind of looks like Atsushi Sakurai from Buck Tick.

    I remember someone I follow on twitter had their twitter banner set as the photo of the lead singer with his leg/boot sticking up lol:

    Glasses lol.

    Bisexual Victoria de Angelis Said She Prefers Girls Now
    Yeah I see why there's a lot of hype around this band lol.

    Maneskin: "When you get famous, people just want to know who you're f**king"
    You don't say?

    I'm not that into any of them though. I miss being a teenager chemically speaking it was so much easier to find people really attractive. I think it's also that they're obviously trying you know lol?

    Lol reminds me of this:

    "Me I like to have to work to find someone attractive makes me feel like I earned it."

    Life with an estrogen dominant hormone system.

    Also it's hard to outdo him atm:

    He was just so hot and cute. A dangerous combination.

    They did this too a tiny bit but it's subtle enough where I'm not sure if they knew it was attractive yet or not back then. They probably did though I mean it was the 70s and it's not like it started being attractive then so perceptive people would know:

    Yes I paid way too much attention/watched this video so many times to notice this:


    This gif.

    OK well /objectification

    Wait. I'm sure I did this comparison before I'm getting deja vu but Italians:

    OK now I'm done. /objectification.
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  5. #5315
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    I had an argument for how it's impossible to act, but I forgot it. I think it may have been that you can't be aware of something while also acting. Either you're aware as in the witness, or you're moving without awareness. It may not be a sound argument, but it made sense at the time.
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  6. #5316
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    What if I had no filter? A post. I'm repeating myself but also going further. Will probably delete later.

    an inability to tolerate emotional expectations of others, apparent indifference when praised or criticized, a degree of asexuality, and idiosyncratic moral or political beliefs
    Not to be that guy.

    All the time...

    Individuals with SzPD have long been noted to have an increased rate of unconventional sexual tendencies, though if present, these are rarely acted upon. [...] People with SzPD are often able to pursue any fantasies with content on the Internet while remaining completely unengaged with the outside world.
    Shhh. (I don't think I'm schizoid lol even though someone once diagnosed me as that over the internet. I'm too narcissistic. Just have some traits.)

    ...But part of the reason we (I) have to oppose militarism and ideological fascism is because it seems like the Human equivalent of chimpanzee culture but maybe even worse. Chimpanzee females don't select partners they mate with everyone and the dominant males scare off all the other males. The dominant males aren't necessarily the most violent and aggressive but in Humans that is often the case (or they're willing to use others that way.) It doesn't matter if this is true or not because this idea exists in the collective consciousness:


    1. Removes female choice

    And this is bad because that means less attractive guys overall according to my own preferences which are really important! Whose gifs will I stare at on my computer screen!? Also they're already rare.


    What's that? "The rampant attempt at feminising men/Tumblr is scaring them?" No, no. If I just remove all of the annoying patriarchal guys men will finally be allowed to be hot and I won't have to listen to the annoying guys anymore. It's all part of the plan. Solanas was 30% right *Struggles around in straight jacket.* Do you think if I get sent to a real asylum (they don't call them that lol,) Paul Dano's Riddler will be there? Maybe I can fix him (make him worse)/get him to grow out his hair? I still haven't watched that movie though so this is still only based on images from his other work I haven't watched, YouTube clips, that one image of genderswapped Riddler etc:

    Definitely going to make him worse.

    Oh I should have known Tumblr started this:

    Gonna delete FaceApp if I go too far.

    Gender swapped Battinson looks similar to Michelle Pfeiffer in the 80s surprisingly?
    Actually you didn't go far enough. The original poster deactivated their account. I'm not surprised after the femcel meme thing blew up on other websites lol.

    They just turn into obnoxious/neurotic/paranoid, pro violence/gender roles/military people with short hair. Like in my nightmare(s.) Or worse Andrew Tate. No I don't think so Andrew. How am I supposed to satify my bisexual urges? You haven't thought of my bisexual urges you bitch:

    (this is a joke. Also it's not even a joke lol because I only posted this because I wanted to highlight what voice I imagined while writing that last sentence. But I do have a collection of guys wearing green + glittery green outfits and glittery green eye makeup photos + art I made. But it's not a real collection it's just a mental note in my head. Andrew Tate is tragically unsuitable for this collection.)

    We have to start fight clubs so they can get it out of their system in a controlled system as prophesised by famous gay author of edgelord book Bret Easton Ellis no wait the other one Chuck Paluniak. I can't spell his name. Palahniuk.

    Although Abby Shapiro is much more attractive than Ben because of legs and her general facial structure. Well I feel like she has long legs. My imagination filled them in for me:

    and more importantly understands the importance of glasses:

    She's literally talking about going to Target with her partner for fun what in the gay activity is happening here
    Why is Abigail Shapiro attractive like it's just rude, you can't be that gorgeous with that shitty of a personality and belief system... closeted lesbian vibes ✨
    ...Ben would probably have some potential if not for his terrible political beliefs and overall cynical vibes (and a few other things.) He should watch some of his sister's videos. No that's too weird even for me. Incest vibes.

    So I had a dream last night that Ben Shapiro died in a hiking accident and his wife was Abby Shapiro
    Oh dear Tumblr appears to have already gone there as I search for one super specific image again. I should have known. It is the internet. And also Tumblr.

    #just the wording alone is insane person activities
    Abby does not approve of femboys. Which makes the fact that she accidentally creates softcore forced feminisation porn for men (and bystanders who like seeing guys feminised,) and softcore nerdy lesbian porn for women much funnier. Unless it's not accidental.


    Because that would be genius.

    His 'less political' producers who 'dragged him to Barbie' know:

    It turns out I wasn't done in my previous post. But surely now.

    Some YouTube comment I just read:

    Here's a bit on mate selection:

    There is a building where women can go in and select a husband. The rules are that you are allowed to go in and select a husband and leave, go up floors but you are not allowed to go back down floors.
    A woman goes in and finds the men on the first floor have jobs. She decides to see what the second floor has. She goes up and finds the men on the second floor have jobs and are quite handsome. She goes to the third floor, there the men have jobs, are handsome and love kids. Things are getting better so she proceeds to the 4th floor. The men there have high income jobs, are very handsome, love kids and are quite the romantic. Well, golly! I have to see what the 5th floor has, she says and heads on up. The fifth floor is empty with only a sign that reads ?there are no men here, this floor proves that women are never satisfied, please take the lift to the ground floor and exit the building.?

    Across the road is a building where men can go and select a wife. Same rules apply. First floor has women who are quite pretty. Second floor has women who are quite pretty and love sex. Floors three, four and five have never been visited.
    Lesson of the story. Men should not waste any time on women. If a women don't give you clear choosing signals don't bother approaching her.
    I feel sad that your generation has a gender war
    That's a natural and logical response to what you just posted lol so why would you feel sad? I don't imagine the gender war is entirely new anyway unfortunately. Social media just made it easier for people to engage in certain behaviours.

    More things in the collective consciousness:

    A third type of male was first described in 2006; this is a permanent female mimic, the first such reported for a bird. About 1% of males are small, intermediate in size between males and females, and do not grow the elaborate breeding plumage of the territorial and satellite males, although they have much larger internal testes than the ruffed males.[11] Although the males of most lekking bird species have relatively small testes for their size, male ruffs have the most disproportionately large testes of any bird.[38]

    Females often seem to prefer mating with faeders to copulation with the more common males, and those males also copulate with faeders (and vice versa) relatively more often than with females. The homosexual copulations may attract females to the lek, like the presence of satellite males.[41]
    I wonder why this preference evolved?

    This is very disappointing:

    The faeders are sometimes mounted by independent or satellite males, but are as often "on top" in homosexual mountings as the ruffed males, suggesting that their true identity is known by the other males. Females never mount males.[11]
    Although it would also be impossible without tools. Brb I got you bro no lol. Oh wait I forgot:

    Both male and female birds have a cloaca or avian vent. This is an opening just below the tail which lets sperm, eggs, faeces and urine out. And in the case of the female, lets sperm in. Inside the body, males have testicles, and females have just one ovary.
    It's for the best we all know what happened with the ducks:

    How the battle of the sexes left the duck with an awkwardly long, corkscrew-shaped penis
    Ducks' bizarre genitalia is a result of a sexual arms race. Forced mating is common among ducks, so while males' long, flexible penises increase their chances of successfully fertilising a female, the females' anticlockwise vaginas give them a level of control.
    Should probably focus on saving them first.

    Yes this is more or less my experience of tumblr too lol:

    mutual 1: I want to turn that man's prostate into silly putty

    mutual 2: here's smth i doodled during science class lol

    mutual 3: pls remember that you personally can drink milk and still be a lactose intolerance ally!! anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know their history :]

    mutual 4: fucking a robot girl in the [BEEP] call that backend programming

    mutual 5: holy [BEEP] I need him so fucking bad holy [BEEP] holyyy [BEEP] oh my god

    mutual 6: anyone get kind of horny putting the ignition key in the's so intimate....turning him on....
    No this just happened to me while washing up a cup. Also a few other weird things turned me on before. I don't drive though lol.

    mutual 7: so lets talk about where scrimblo's arc is realistically going- I know a lot of people are trying to argue that he's being manipulated but this ignores the fact that there is clearly unresolved conflict between him and bleebus about their moralities

    mutual 8: happy propeller penis thursday

    mutual 9: "scrimblo and bleebus need to discuss their morality" god forbid a pathetic boywife does some torture 🙄🙄


    mutual 11: guys we're not getting a new album

    mutual 12: please stop sending me death threats

    mutual 13: why is my whole dash talking about this band I don't even listen to.....

    mutual 14: hey boy nice knife wound can i put my tongue in it

    mutual 15: i'm going to fall into lake michigan
    Strange Aeons reblogged that lol.

    Every time I?m confronted with an Abby Shapiro pic, i am overcome by such a cascade of conflicting feelings I want to cancel all my plans for the rest of the day and lay in a sensory deprivation chamber until i forget how to perceive
    I love this website because I can no longer tell if this is a good or bad thing.

    last night i dreamt that it was revealed that ben shapiro was actually gay and this was revealed because someone discovered (by tapping his phone) that he had phone calls with Kate Bush everynight where they talked about being gay?!?!?
    As they should.

    Oh wait how did I not link the most obvious song:

    Maybe I should start a cult. Everyone's doing it. When you think about it bonobos are sort of a cult of chimpanzees.

    Edit: Also when you think about it trees are nature's vending machines. That's a shower thought I had while actually in the shower. Also other plants I guess but I was thinking about how chill trees are again. Like they're tall and have relaxed vibes and they create their own food from the sun, water and carbon dioxide (air,) like magic. It's just a shame they can't move.

    I think I'm done now.
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  7. #5317
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    She is undoubtedly underrated in a big way but that's what adds to her allure in my opinion anyway 😉
    This is such an insane thing to say about Kate Bush lol. I mean maybe she wasn't as big as Madonna in North America and you're probably 15, but she's still one of the most famous and successful musicians of all time and a lot of musicians cite her as an influence, especially female musicians.

    In 2014:

    Tickets for Kate Bush's first live shows in 35 years have sold out in less than 15 minutes. Tickets for the 22 dates at London's Hammersmith Apollo went on sale at 09:30 GMT on Friday morning. The star said she was "completely overwhelmed by the response". "Thank you so much to everyone," she added.
    ^ tbf she only toured once before this in 1979. Crashed multiple websites lol.

    In 1978, at the age of 19, she topped the UK Singles Chart for four weeks with her debut single "Wuthering Heights", becoming the first female artist to achieve a UK number one with a self-written song.[1]
    Never for Ever entered the UK Albums Chart on (week-ending) 20 September 1980 at No. 1. It remained there for one week, staying in the top 75 for a total of 23 weeks.[24] The album became Bush's first record to reach the top position on the UK Albums Chart, also making her the first female British solo artist to achieve that status.[25]
    Bush began writing songs at 11. She was signed to EMI Records after Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour helped produce a demo tape. Her debut album, The Kick Inside, was released in 1978. Bush slowly gained artistic independence in album production and has produced all her studio albums since The Dreaming (1982). She took a hiatus between her seventh and eighth albums, The Red Shoes (1993) and Aerial (2005).
    Bush's eclectic musical style, unconventional lyrics, performances and literary themes have influenced a diverse range of artists. She has received 13 Brit Awards nominations, winning for Best British Female Artist in 1987, and has been nominated for three Grammy Awards.[3][4] In 2002, Bush was recognised with an Ivor Novello Award for Outstanding Contribution to British Music. She was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2013 New Year Honours for services to music.[5][6] She also became a Fellow of The Ivors Academy in the UK in 2020.[7] That year, Rolling Stone ranked Hounds of Love at number 68 on their list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.[8] In 2021, "Running Up That Hill" was also listed at number 60 in Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.[9] In 2023, she was ranked at number 60 on Rolling Stone's list of the 200 Greatest Singers of All Time.[10] Bush was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2023.[11]

    Lol the comments on this video:

    I was 18, lying on the bed in my first own apartment, a pair of sennheisers on, and put hounds of love on. Never been much of a fan for vocal pop, but this album changed me, it changed everything. Many artists have rave reviews and hardcore fans, so what can i write to make you understand that this is the real thing? This is the real thing. There arent many albums like that. They transcend genre and time. Take a listen, with some good headphones.
    I was so close to attaining transcendence. The spirit of the music suffused throughout my body, unifying my soul with the experience. I was on the cusp of being able to see the world differently, to feel it differently, to understand my being - to understand being. But I was using Brand X, Sennheiser's foul competitor. Kids, don't make the same terrible mistake I did.
    Frankly we have regressed not progressed over the last 50 years. Where is the current Kate Bush? No where to be found. She is one of a kind and modern artists in almost every area are not what they used to be
    i think if you're going to use a trend rider like taylor swift as an example, that points more in the camilla cabello or selena gomez direction.
    OK look it's not great but if you're going to argue this point with Selena Gomez et al as though that's all that exists that's simply not fair and shows you haven't even attempted to find newer music like this since the 80s.

    Consider Steven Wilson, Tori Amos, PJ Harvey, Imogen Heap, Amanda Palmer, of course, Grimes is pretty interesting, TOOL, Nine Inch Nails, Ethel Cain, Patrick Wolf, IAMX, Florence and The Machine, Aurora, Sia, Sigrid. Even Lady Gaga is better than most give her credit for if you look outside of her bigger mainstream tracks. There's so many others lol.

    Please stop sleeping on Amanda Palmer:

    The demo is also great:

    ^ The last minute of this song? Still 10/10.

    Actually just getting around to listening to/watching this now lol. Pretty good and oh no you did not invent chain mail hair? That is amazing. I love chain mail lol.

    The demo is also great:

    Cheating because this was partly written many centuries ago but obviously Hieronymus Bosch Butt Music:


    Another Kate Bush of our time:

    Listen to metal, post-rock, folk rock, folktronica, 90s electronic artists, movie and video game soundtracks, trip hop groups from the 90s, Canadian, Nordic and British musicians, and gay and bisexual musicians. Go to tumblr. Thanks.

    Lizzo was saving pop music sort of but I think she's cancelled. Same for Janelle Monae (well I liked her OK Computer album. But haven't really checked out her newer stuff.)

    Then after all that. Yes it's still underrated, there's not enough, it can be very hard to find, it's not mainstream enough. Why is all the mainstream music hip hop. Etc.

    sorry, but i feel like this is an unfair comparison. gaga is an eccentric and unique artist as well who clearly prioritizes shameless self expression.
    Yes in a sense she's the real underrated artist because when people think of Gaga they think this:

    And not:

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    I was watching this video while playing a game and kind of half-tuned out then suddenly there was a woman who is dressed up as a concrete beam for halloween lol at 11:40 into it. Was hoping to find that clip on it's own but can't.

    "For halloween I am a prestressed, post-tensioned, prefabricated steel reinforced concrete beam."

    One of the best Halloween costume ideas I've come across.

    Well it's from tiktok but can't embed that:

    Lol she has a follow up tiktok:

    "POV: you are my compound lab microscope and degree in biology watching me make a video on concrete"

    it's too late. the infection has set in. you're an honorary engineer now.
    But yeah everyone was assuming she was an engineer.

    Screams Engineer
    Civil engineering students unite
    She?s and engineer
    My husband is crying at this please tell me you're a civil engineer
    👍 got to be a structural engineer
    My structural engineer husband saw this as I was watching it on my fyp and he laughed, which is a big deal for an engineer. 😏
    Absolutely! Are you the daughter of an Ironworker
    Daughter, granddaughter, great granddaughter, and great great granddaughter of engineers and architects!
    And then half the comments are of course 9/11 jokes:

    What do you do if it's autumn of 2001 and there's a 757 directly on course for you?
    Bad news I'm jet fuel this year.
    and they say hyperfixation is dead

    I also like that their bio is just:

    I like birds
    Also going back to the original video I envy her childhood lol where she talks about sneaking into ruins and roleplaying fantasy stuff with her dad and brothers. That sounds fun.
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    ^ to be clear she didn't blur their faces a news article reporting on this did. I looked around for a blurred image because the one I stumbled on on Tumblr was the original photo she uploaded.

    There have always been plenty of people on YouTube recording themselves travelling around Japan with seemingly no issue. Also people posting photography from Japan on various websites. Maybe try not taking pictures of people on public transport and then posting them on your social media account without their consent with some weird judgmental comment?

    Contrary to popular belief, taking street photos is legal in Japan -- as long as it isn't derogatory to subjects.

    Not clear.

    There are known issues with sexual harassment and people taking photos of others on trains in Japan so they take that very seriously but the laws are biased in favour of protecting women. There was a woman in the photo you posted so...

    Most cases you hear about involve trains because again sexual harassment 'Chikan' became a big issue on trains in Japan. Guys would sell groping videos etc as well. If you're travelling there you should really know things like this...

    Chikan (痴漢, チカン, or ちかん) is a Japanese term referring to sexual harassment or other obscene acts conducted against the victim's will, or a person who commits such an act.[1] The term is frequently used to describe men[2] who take advantage of the crowded conditions on the public transit systems to grope women, although men can be victims of chikan as well.[3] While the term is not defined in the Japanese legal system, vernacular use describes acts that violate several laws. The neologism referring to the corresponding female chikan is chijo.
    Basically you picked a dumb thing to do in the worst possible environment to do it in.

    Also people are generally more considerate in Japan so as a general rule you shouldn't assume that you can be as antisocial as it's possible to be in the US in Japan. Taking a picture of some random people on a train to make some snarky comment about them on twitter is an incredibly weird and exclusively contemporary thing to do anywhere in the world. Real life isn't the internet and your camera isn't a screenshot button.
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  10. #5320
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    "Liminal spaces are a refuge to people for whom nostalgia has lost its sweetness. If going home is lonely to you, the liminal is a refuge. Its comforting. I feel like a renter in this world, home is always an improvised situation, and sometimes liminal art makes me feel that thats an exciting way to live. Im not stuck in some delusion of the past. All my longings are in front of me and I think thats beautiful."

    -Contrapoints "Tangent: Liminal Spaces"

    #contrapoints #liminal spaces #the last line got me #its almost aspirational? idk #theres another observation in the video that struck me but its somewhere in the middle and harder to find lol #i cant link to the vid bc its a patreon exclusive
    Yeah I get that. That's part of why I was drawn to vanlife and microhome videos years ago. And I guess with everything that's happened in my life I also don't like feeling trapped at all.

    Some straight women are into male bodies, but have been socialized to deny it publicly because blah blah patriarchy blah.
    there are plenty of spaces where they can engage in their desire (such as their own bedroom), and there are plenty of men that encourage this desire (if it exists)

    why do women have an array of sexual clothes and accessories, but men have none?

    its because women are the object of desire, while men are not
    You have it back to front. Men don't even try unless they're part of some quirky subculture or famous musicians or something. Men could be more attractive than they are but they don't try physically. Nowadays a lot don't try in general. I don't really blame them but that doesn't mean women don't have preferences regarding male aesthetics.

    seems like a bunch of excuses tbh

    why can't you admit that women are not as attracted to men as men are to women, and even when they are, the desire is not as strong?

    or is it because of the abundance women have when it comes to men, leading them to treat each individual man as worthless and replecable?

    but it seems that they simply are not as into the male body, since male lingerie is not a thing, or any sexual clothes or toys for men

    seems like women dont see men as objects of desire
    I think women are more attracted to men than men are to women on average it's just that they're attracted to far fewer men. I think that's actually why. You get guys who are really desperate but very few guys get really obsessed because their attraction is diffused into way more women instead of focussed. The oneitis waifu thing is pretty niche for men. Where as most women have very few men they're incredibly attracted to and so just go insane. Sometimes really insane. And since they're not used to it they also don't really know how to cope with it especially when younger. I can tell he's doing some weird cope thing here but you'd have to be really oblivious not to notice.

    In some cultures it gets worse than others. Look up sasaengs some time... From what I've seen a single woman, even famous, will maybe have a handful of stalkers simultaneously and at lower levels of fame/physical attractiveness probably just one or two, but it's not uncommon for kpop idols to have 1000s and they sometimes work together, mob them, get into their houses often etc. Possibly kpop idols need better security or something. They're kind of the top of the totem poll right now so they get the most insane [BEEP] I've read about in recent years. Was probably similar with The Beatles. It's often musicians who get this kind of thing too. Actors get relatively less attention from what I've noticed (I mean they still get a lot, just not peak attention.) I think it's because on top of everything else music is attractive in itself to women according to research.

    Like really:

    According to the estimates of celebrity managers in the Korean media, popular Korean celebrities may have "between 500 and 1,000 sasaeng fans", and be actively followed by about 100 sasaeng fans every day.[2]
    That's insane man. No wonder a bunch of them kill themselves.

    Sasaengs have developed various methods for obtaining information about idols, and have formed a sasaeng network to share information and form groups to accomplish tasks. It has been noted that sasaeng fans old enough to work will try to get jobs in industries bringing them closer either to their idols or to information concerning them. Target employers may include airline companies, phone companies, and credit card companies.[15] In 2017, Brave Entertainment, home of solo artist Samuel, dismissed two staff members for sasaeng fan activity that included following other artists and communicating personal information about Samuel.[16]
    There have been a number of car accidents involving Korean idols being followed by sasaeng fans. In 2011, two members of the band Super Junior were caught in a six-car collision after being chased by eight fan vehicles in Singapore. The band members, Leeteuk and Heechul, were unharmed, but Heechul later tweeted that he still suffered after-effects from the accident and was often afraid to drive.[25][26] In 2013, Seungri, formerly of the band Big Bang, suffered minor injuries in a car accident in Shanghai involving a sasaeng fan.[27] In 2015, Chanyeol of the band Exo wrote on Weibo that he was constantly followed by 20 fan vehicles during a visit to Shanghai.[28] In 2016, Jackson of Got7 sustained minor injuries in an accident on the way to an airport in China that involved a fan closely following his car.[29]
    Like imagine being chased by 8 or 20!? Vehicles at once.

    In November 2009, a fan of boy group 2PM member Ok Taecyeon posted writing in blood, later reported to be menstrual blood, as proof of her adulation. This obsessive behavior toward the celebrity led to criticism of her actions, including from other 2PM fans.[35]

    In December 2009, an obsessive fan of MBLAQ's Lee Joon (real name Lee Chang-sun) wrote and posted a message written in blood on social media. The message read, "Don't forget me, Lee chang-sun. I only have you. I love you". She cited the 2PM blood-writing incident as impetus and motive for her act, writing in her caption, "What was that Ok Taecyeon fan's blood writing. Period blood is so gross. I'll show what blood writing is."[36]

    In January 2010, an obsessive fan of the group Wonder Girls cut her wrist and used her own blood to write, "Come back, Wonder Girls". She posted the picture of her face half-covered by her hand, showing the blood-writing and the scar on her wrist.[37]
    And she's not joking and that's the issue with not having higher testosterone levels. It's so much harder to find people attractive generally you have to really work at it. It probably helps if you have some fetishes and they're OK with that. Might explain in part why some research shows women are more into BDSM etc than men. Also cosplay... Lol that weird guardian article I was reading:

    Tim Dowling: my wife has an unwholesome attraction to the actor Paul Dano
    Napoleon invades Moscow, driving the aristocracy from their homes. Pierre is arrested. He dodges a firing squad, but ends up languishing in prison. "I have strange feelings for him," my wife says, meaning the actor Paul Dano.

    "Maternal feelings?" I say.

    "No," she says. "They're not healthy feelings. I can't explain"

    "I'm not asking you to explain," I say.

    Napoleon retreats from Moscow. Pierre is rescued. My wife shares her complicated feelings for Paul Dano with a friend, by text. War And Peace ends in a way that my wife, due to her temporary inability to separate actor from character, finds unsatisfactory. "She's annoying," my wife says.

    "They were destined to be together," I say. "It's in the book."

    "Hmm," my wife says.

    My wife is still going on about her unwholesome attraction to the actor Paul Dano while I?m brushing my teeth. "I don?t know what it is about him," she says, from the bedroom.

    "I think it might be a good idea if you stopped talking about it for a while," I say, in the diffident voice of the actor Paul Dano.

    A brief silence follows. "Do that again," she says.

    "Do what?" I say, in the voice of Paul Dano. ?I?m not really aware that I'm?"

    "Oh my God," she says. "You sound just like him. How are you doing that?"

    I don't really know how I'm doing it. It could be that Paul Dano and I share a naturally hesitant manner of speaking, or it could be that we have similar accents because, as I will later discover, we both come from the same part of Connecticut. To be honest, the impersonation doesn't sound that convincing to me. I turn off the bathroom light and sit down on the edge of the bed.


    "More please."

    "More of this, do you mean?" I say, in the actor Paul Dano's voice.

    "Oh my God!" my wife says.

    "Can we stop now?" I say, in my voice. "It's starting to make me uncomfortable."

    "Just until I fall asleep," she says.

    "You could watch a bit of the towel-folding lady on your phone," I say.

    "It's not the same," she says.

    "I'm afraid that you and I can never be together," I say, in the voice of actor Paul Dano.

    "I think you'll find we can," my wife says.
    He realised he's a Paul Dano. She might not even know she did/does that. I feel bad for straight guys lol. But I guess straight guys do that too sometimes like when they're really into Asian women etc.

    Tbh though that article is kind of funny too. Just the way it's written:

    My wife is still going on about her unwholesome attraction to the actor Paul Dano while I?m brushing my teeth. "I don?t know what it is about him," she says, from the bedroom.
    I'm just imagining her talking about him on/off for hours. 😂 It's like me but I'm not as obnoxious as I am here irl.

    I dunno though I had an obsessive crush on a guy online based on a photo I saw of him that was worse than any of my parasocial famous crushes (I mean with them there's an obvious 'this will definitely never happen thing' but in this case it wasn't the same level of impossible so it was bad,) like actually painful and had a negative effect on my mental health where I'd just cry about it for a while and he wasn't famous. I still remember like I was on the way back from a concert on a train and I was looking and saw he posted some photos and was like instantly obsessed. That particular incident was so weird and very dumb but it's not rational. So sometimes it's just mostly random and based on appearance obviously. Then I had to awkwardly confess my attraction to him eventually because I could see no other way. I mean I didn't have to do it in an awkward way but I did it in a cringe awkward way. Then later I asked to add him on skype, which eventually over a period of years helped me to get over it. My life was too messy for dating anyway. I've had other crushes where I think about people near constantly too who aren't famous. It can be like a form of OCD almost. Not sure it would translate into a working sexual + romantic relationship though because I'm a bit fucked in that regard for several reasons. It didn't work in the past either.

    Also when I was initially into Steven Wilson years ago (when I was more attracted, still very into his music obviously,) he reminded me of someone I had a crush on irl before him who did not reciprocate so. Sort of the complete reverse of everything I said in a way lol. Now I don't meet/talk to anyone new so that can't happen.

    it seems that women do not find the male body "erotic" as men find the female body, they do not care much about seeing it or doing something to it
    This is kind of really annoying because it's factually wrong but I know he's just saying this because obviously nobody has ever been attracted to him so pragmatically it's accurate for his own personal world. But like it bugs me because it's factually wrong lol.

    And sexual clothes for men absolutely do exist. A lot of the time the way in which 'sexy' is coded male is different to how it's coded female. But it absolutely exists.
    there are no explicitly "slutty" or sexy clothes - sure some clothes are more attractive than others, but there simply is no equivalent of a miniskirt, a tight dress, or any of the plethora of clothes women have that shows off their bodies in a purely sexual light
    no clothes will make an average dude "sexy", while Chris Evans (or any male model) will look sexy in most clothes
    I have so many clothing fetishes and also hair/body type is important. The incorrectness. It hurts lol.

    there really is no bodypart that is erotic on the male body, everything about men is desexualized

    Most of the rest of his comments are just kind of moving the goalposts from his initial point because he can't win the argument he started with. But obviously nobody finds him that attractive. Not really interested in disputing that point.

    I never had a partner, or have been involved in anything sexual or romantic to any capacity. I am part of the men that are undesirable.
    You don't say.

    I as an average dude have no chance of ever reaching the standards required to be sexually desirable, and even those men that do, are less desirable than an average woman. It's depressing
    Again no not necessarily.

    not the most common thing amongst women judging by the lack of appriciation I see everywhere
    You should hang out on tumblr.

    not quite, women do feel arousal, and in fact more strongly/intensly than men in many cases, but that desire is not aimed at men, aka men are (almost) never the objects of desire for women, women desire the man's desire
    I think that's just something women who have never been attracted to men say.

    they are turned on not by the male, but by a scenario where she is the main character, and the object of desire
    Now you're just describing autogynephilia. But it makes sense because if you don't find a guy attractive leaning into other sexual interests could help.

    isn't it? I have never seen a woman express desire for anything less than an exceedingly good looking male, for bodies less than super (or even unnaturally) fit, the threshold women have is supremely high, and even tiny things throw it all off
    Tumblr is right there. You won't like all the comments women write though. In fact the rare stray probably straight guy on the platform often expresses discomfort when eg: women talk about wanting to like [BEEP] guys in bands they like in the [BEEP] because it's disrespectful.

    Also tiktok apparently. I don't use it but I watched a video earlier where someone pointed out some trend that apparently happened there a year ago where women were talking about how they wanted a really skinny guy and then something about ribs but not sure if exaggeration or if tiktok randomly developed a anorexia fetish in guys (which is a thing that exists of course mostly among men.) Because someone was questioning why a straight guy would have anorexia. Though I don't think that disorder is that simple as just being about beauty standards. If you talk about things you find attractive, and especially if it's narrow, it won't be appreciated. So women actually care less now and are doing that more but they're certainly not incentivised to. Actually no one is really but women are more likely to care about social judgement I think.

    I mean you would generally hate it. There's always a [BEEP] ton of comments like this these days:

    #he is sooo woman
    #that IS my beautiful wife 🥺🥺
    If men aren't attractive I suppose attractive men must be women. It tracks.

    I posted something actually a while back can look through responses...

    #god he is so pretty
    #so pretty
    #thank you op
    Looking at other stuff... (Mostly about Geddy Lee and Paul Dano. There are many other men but I'm not browsing tags I'm not interested in while I engage in this nonsense.)

    #the open flowy shirt. the long hair. be still my heart
    #god he is so beautiful
    #a ten car pileup just happened in my brain when i laid eyes upon this image
    OK but just try not to make it happen irl.


    I mean the joke was just right there.

    Then someone posted a picture of a woman in a miniskirt using a laptop saying 'Geddy writing basslines' and someone else responded saying 'I have to draw this' and then they did. I don't really know where that fits in honestly. It wasn't great quality but I appreciated the attempt because it's a hot concept. (I've seen this before.)

    #insane image in my head of him wearing it
    In response to other photos:

    #god I love the 70s/80s era of men wearing booty shorts
    #Geddy is so pretty
    "But women are only attracted to guys who look like athletes and clothing doesn't matter and they don't want to do anything to them."

    Oh no. It's so much worse than that. Well worse for you. Well not you since you're undesirable. Lucky you!

    What?s the first one he wears the shirt in? I?m blushing
    Paul Dano had no business being so hot in Cowboys & Aliens
    #he's such a hot mess and a loser why does he have to be so hot

    #he looks crusty and I would still hop on that d-

    Paul Dano is very divisive though:

    I'm convinced ugly men have a secret society and are funding the propaganda online about paul dano and jack harlow being hot? they're swaying the gurlies who are ALREADY weak and sage ugly men irl. like the whole point of celebs/famous ppl is for them to be sexy. we lost the plot entirely
    I actually got bullied so hard this morning for thinking Paul Dano is hot. Literally everyone @ my table was ganging up on me send help
    paul dano is a software engineer at a failing company and he is in a loveless marriage with a very hot older woman who is cheating on him
    Very specific... But getting off track.

    I dont even think paul dano is uglyhot anymore. i think he's just hot. this is a new experience for me

    #like sometimes hes just like. hot. like regular person hot
    #but he is absolutely hotter as a woman
    "paul dano looks like just Some Guy" yeah & i like men. a lot. i have not succumbed to the chronically online "ew can't believe i like guys" brain rot. i love dudes who look normal or average or common. if someone who looked like paul got the courage to flirt w me id flirt back. men do not have to conform to some ungodly standard of physical beauty for me to be attracted to them.

    also paul dano is hot as [BEEP] & has nice hands & a nice voice & soft features & you aren't special bc you spend seven hours a day posting about how much half the population viscerally disgusts you.
    OK guys I was looking for simping examples right now, you've filled these tags with discourse about whether someone is or isn't hot lol.

    hes an OUTCAST he's a FREAK he's a a LOSER! and im gonna get him pregnant!!
    OK well we're back to that. At some point I thought that guy said women don't fantasise about doing stuff to men so I've been looking for examples of that but now I can't see where he said that so maybe I imagined it. I'm sure this is exactly what he wanted....

    #when i get my hands on that twink?.
    #those pants jesus chris
    #still wanna put this pic up my wall;;;;;
    But that wouldn't make any sense they're not athletes and why would you want to look at them semicolon?

    #op please give me the link to this video
    I mean you don't need to look at a video. You can just walk around with a blindfold on and guys will be just as attractive.

    Just look at him?.
    Why would you do that?

    OK. I have to stop.

    I've been awake for like. Such a long amount of time.
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    I'm not looking forward to Thanksgiving. A lot of family is going to be here and I'm going to just be sitting around being silent/awkward. I hate holidays.
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Some kind of discussion event about it last April:

    Should London be bigger? A big discussion event

    Complaints that London is too big are a regular feature of contemporary hostility to the capital city. But should London be even bigger? That is to say, should the territory defined as Greater London since 1965 be enlarged and brought under the control of the Greater London Authority and its Mayor?
    My friend sent me this twitter post about what Camden council are doing:

    Why is Camden Council destroying tents belonging to Homeless people?

    Will Camden be putting them up in temporary accommodation? I'm guessing not.
    As I said:

    What if you solved the problems with the area you already control first and then we'll see?
    Background info:

    There is a much wider range of poverty rates across local authorities within London, Yorkshire and Humberside, the North West and the West Midlands. The local authorities with both the highest and lowest poverty rates are in London, with Tower Hamlets at 51% and City of London at 10%. In Yorkshire and Humberside, Bradford has the highest child poverty rate at 40% while Harrogate has the lowest at 17%. In the West Midlands Birmingham has the highest poverty rate at 42% while Warwick has a 19% poverty rate.
    Research carried out by Loughborough University and published by provides further insight into the geography of poverty by estimating the proportion of children who are in poverty after housing costs by local authority. Four local authorities in London have the highest child poverty rates: Tower Hamlets (51% ), Newham (49% ), Barking and Dagenham (46% ) and Hackney (45% ). These are followed by Luton, just north of London in the East of England, at 45%.
    'Oh we'll just remove people's homes that will fix the eyesore/rampant inequality issue/mental health crisis that we're doing [BEEP] all about.'
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    Didn't he once pretend to be Charlie while roleplaying having sex with the waitress lol? Yeah lol:

    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  14. #5324
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    My friend sent me this twitter post about what Camden council are doing:

    Why is Camden Council destroying tents belonging to Homeless people?

    Will Camden be putting them up in temporary accommodation? I'm guessing not.
    Seeing a bunch of London tweets. Some guy was breaking the window of a gambling shop with some crutches and these were the responses:

    London - Invader not happy with Corals
    This confused me because I couldn't really make out the guy's features but assuming it's a race comment.

    Care in the Community is second only to mass immigration in terms of UK government policies of the last 50 years.

    Moving them out of asylums not only meant we have to endure their presence but, worse still, it meant they could breed.
    If they only put as much effort into actually Working for a living......
    I wonder who they is. I don't think they were using it in the singular sense so basically the way normies frame entire classes of people.

    Seems to be managing without crutches,maybe look into his benefits
    Assuming random stranger is on benefits.


    What makes you think he?s Israeli?
    It's not exactly ethical to run a gambling establishment because you're relying on money from addicts. A grey area since nothing is done to try and limit that impact. Now you can do it, but I'm not going to die on the hill defending the business lol.

    They're #1 outgroup is Muslims. It sucks being LGBT+ but glad I'm not a progressive Muslim. Would be a lot to cope with.

    Essen, Germany - Last night. Thousands of Jihadis demand a caliphate in Germany, waving ISIS flags.

    See how quickly "Free Pale" blended with "We demand a 1slamic caliphate in Europe"🧐

    Protesting anything is a fundamental cornerstone of democracy.
    Jihadis do not believe in democracy, Callum. Its haram.
    Neither do Nazis or Communist or Islamists or Zionists or any of the many fanatical cults let them peaceful protest though say I .
    None of the other ones you listed strive to take over every single non-Muslim sovereign nation in the entire world with extreme violence. And we don't have Nazi courts, we have sharia courts and hundreds of mosques. Islam is the biggest threat to western democracy.
    Europe needs a Pinochet, UK too.
    The world needs less human excrement like you
    Learn how to bow to your Islamic masters
    You're a scared little b****
    Well, they're not wrong there. They are scared. Have been for a long time. They don't think they can control islamists ultimately. It's mostly white guys because they tend to be focussed on nationalism and national borders etc.

    The perception of white women is interesting.

    In other words, regardless of whether the candidate's behavioral style is dominant or communal, participants perceive a highly competent white woman as more "pushy" and "ruthless" than her Asian and male counterparts. These results also do not differ by race and gender of the subject.
    One ironic freedom is that acting dominant, a behavior that violates gender stereotypes and often triggers backlash reactions against white women, less often rises to the level of being noticed and punished. It is less likely to get coded as a gender norm violation (Ridgeway and Kricheli-Katz 2013). This is in part because the success of women of color is less threatening to existing status hierarchies.
    Social dominance theorists have long argued that discrimination is greater against out-group men than women because men pose a larger threat to the existing status hierarchy (Sidanius and Pratto 1999). Rudman et al. (2012) showed that backlash is not simply a negative reaction to counter-stereotypical behavior but is a negative reaction to behavior challenging prescriptive stereotypes that function to maintain men?s relative advantages. Thus, even when nonwhite women?s dominance behavior is visible, it may not elicit a backlash reaction because it does less to threaten the status hierarchy.


    I'm fascinated by this contrast haha. OK most of this is from the US. I'd like to see research on the UK perception too.

    Because gender relations are hierarchical, displaying appropriate femininity means conforming to norms that prescribe lower status and deferential behavioral interchange patterns (Berger et al. 1977; Ridgeway 2011). Violating these behavioral norms leads to the dominance penalty that research has documented for white women (Rudman et al. 2012). Likewise, because race relations are also hierarchical and black men are seen as prototypical of their race, research has shown that black men face a dominance penalty and have been shown to be more accepted as managers and leaders when they possess less traditionally masculine attributes, such as being gay (Pedulla 2014) or baby-faced (Livingston and Pearce 2009). But nonwhite women occupy dually subordinate race and gender identities. As Ridgeway and Kricheli-Katz (2013) put it, they are "doubly off-diagonal." Therefore, their dominance behavior may not be perceived as norm-violating in the same way as it is for white women and black men.
    I'd imagine that Islamic men are seen as more dominant and ruthless in Europe than black men in the US are. I just get that sense that they're seen as even more of a threat and provoke an even greater intense negative reaction from white (mostly working class,) men. I'd be surprised if white women were viewed in the same way here by people here, but I can tell Americans online are disturbed by upper middle class white English women.

    Either way we tend to just adopt everything from their politics unfortunately. And oh there are absolutely aggressive women here of the type:

    The people who report her to the police who she seems to think are women (and probably white,) are also willing to use state force against her which is not a small thing. Oh she's not just talking to this group though she's actually talking to people predominantly on her own side lol like people who criticise her for aligning with neo nazis etc because they find that concerning.

    And then you get these rightoid men who are like "we have to protect women and treat them as victims to push our ideological agenda and encourage them to sign up. White women shouldn't act like victims with us they're only victims of Islamist men and trans women." They'll use white female victimhood when it benefits their agenda.

    Thing is though most far right women are psychopaths who have their own weird agenda and are into violence etc. I think a lot of women are relatively apolitical according to surveys.

    "This new season of Game of Thrones/Batman is very entertaining."

    Still can't get over that random guy who just showed up in armour.

    The whole war wasn't at that protest only some groups. I mean it's Ohio and this is a mostly a war between white people in the US. In the UK rightoids team up with Muslims to take us (LGBT+ people,) on hahaha.

    Public stunned as Katie Hopkins joins forces with leaders of Birmingham anti-LGBT school protests

    Controversial social commentator Katie Hopkins has joined forces with leaders of the Birmingham school protests against LGBT education equality, in a move which has angered many of their supporters.

    In a tweet posted earlier today, anti-Islam activist Hopkins shared a photo of her in the home of Shakeel Afsar and alongside Amir Ahmed, who have both voraciously led protests challenging LGBT equality education at Anderton Park Primary School in the city.
    Writer and broadcaster Hopkins, who once stated "Islam disgusts me" but defended her views as "entirely rational", thanked Afsar for inviting her into his home for "Eid celebrations" and to ?discuss the issues with LGBT teaching at Anderton Park Primary School".

    It appears the 44-year-old media personality ? who in 2017 was reported to the Metropolitan police for a tweet in which she called for a "final solution" as part of a longer anti-Muslim tirade ? was in the Sparkhill and Balsall Heath area to report on the recent protest ban, as she earlier tweeted a photo of herself standing outside the school.
    I guess the hardcore white nationalist crowd wouldn't be willing to go there.

    Speaking of 'the type' lol.

    Katie Olivia Hopkins was born on 13 February 1975,[16] in Barnstaple, England.[17] Her father was an electrical engineer for the local Electricity Board, and her mother was a bank teller. She has an older sister. She was brought up in Bideford,[18][19] attended a private convent school from age three to 16, played sports and learned to play the piano and violin. As a child she believed she was "going to be the colonel of the forces. I loved the military. I loved the discipline, the rigour, the big shouty men."[20]
    She completed her military training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, but had an epileptic seizure during the final passing-out ceremony, and as a result was unable to take up her commission.[21] Hopkins said she kept her epilepsy secret while attending Sandhurst, as this would have prevented her from being commissioned.[22] Instead, she joined a business consultancy and moved to Manhattan, New York City, before returning to the UK in 2005.[20] In September 2006 she joined the Met Office as a global brand consultant.[23]

    Katie Hopkins: 'I definitely identify with that murderer thing, where you click off'
    I tell Hopkins I've been thinking about her use of the word "interesting" to describe the deafening response to her migrant column. "You wrote, 'Show me bodies in the water, I don?t care,'" I say. "But lots of people do care about migrants dying on their way to trying to find a better life. Was there a moment when you felt empathy for the people who died?"

    She thinks. "Not so much," she replies. Her tone of voice doesn't sound callous; it's more like she's searching around - making a proper stab at it - and noting her absence of empathy with curiosity. "Sometimes, when the pictures are of very small children, you think, 'Oh, God,'" she adds. "But that's more anger at a parent for putting the child on the boat."

    "Have you ever wondered if you might lie on the autism spectrum?" I ask.

    "One of my daughters is diagnosed as being on the spectrum," she replies. "It's an awesome thing, to live with a child who can memorise a times table in two minutes. They don't get things emotionally. Like, when I fell off my bike, and I was lying on the floor, she was asking what was for tea. But they do connect brilliantly with facts and details. I consider it a kind of gift, because you can see the world differently."
    "Impulsivity?" I ask.

    "I think I am," she says. "It's impulse stuff that usually gets me into trouble. I speak what I think when I think it. At 17 I went to Australia for a year." (She travelled there on a grant provided by the Bideford Bridge Rotary Club. They called it an "ambassadorship".) "I stole people?s husbands. I suppose you could argue that isn?t a very thoughtful approach to life, is it?"

    "Wow," I find myself thinking. "She's saying yes to almost everything." But Early Behaviour Problems is a very telling one to have said no to. According to the experts, real psychopaths almost always start behaving abhorrently from around the age of 10.
    "I'm just your dancing monkey now, aren't I?" she says. We laugh. I notice that I?m finding her more charming than I?d anticipated. Hopkins is funny and frequently complimentary, which might be manipulative but might just be niceness. (She tells me her friends enjoy my writing, and that she likes it when I get cross about something; we share our angry feelings about Twitter.) I think she might be flirting with me, although I'm on shaky ground here because I am not good on flirty cues and may be misreading things horribly. But she is fluttering her eyes the way she did towards Alan Sugar in The Apprentice ("Watching her dip her head and gaze adoringly at Sugar was agonising," wrote Hannah Pool in the Guardian at the time. "Not since Diana have we seen eyelash-fluttering on such a ridiculous scale.") I find this a little awkward but not agonising. Hopkins is easy company.
    She's only been married twice. As she says, she stole both husbands. She met her first, Damian McKinney, in late 2000. She'd just been thrown out the army because of her epilepsy (she didn?t tell them about her condition in her application form, but the truth emerged as she completed her training at Sandhurst), so she joined his business consultancy and moved to Manhattan to set up their US office, which was where they had their affair. She had two children with him, "then he left with the secretary and never came back".

    A flash of annoyance crosses her face. "I rang her to ask if I could have him back, because it made more sense for my children that we were a couple and they had a mum and dad. She said, on the whole, she thought no, she wouldn?t let me have him back." Hopkins shakes her head and laughs.
    "No, it's therapeutic, bizarrely," she says. "I'm getting to talk about things I don't usually talk about."

    "So another big psychopath thing is 'predators and prey'," I say. "Psychopaths see the world in terms of predators and prey, and think it would be foolish not to exploit weaknesses in others."

    "Yeah, definitely, definitely," she says. "I'd say business teaches you this. But life teaches you this, too. I do see that predator-prey thing. I know I'm stronger than most people I know."

    "Why do you think that is?" I ask.

    "The army," she says, "and then being rejected from the army because of my epilepsy. These are the things that make the person. You get married and then your partner goes off into the distance, never to come back. Bang! You do The Apprentice. You think you're going to come out looking like a relatively smart kid, but you come out the biggest [BEEP] in Britain. Bang! Your job fires you because of a security breach by the media. Oh, God! Bang! Every time you get banged back down it makes you tougher. It's just a relentless tidal wave. I think even Twitter does it to me on a daily basis. You're called so many things. It makes you stronger and more powerful. I don?t know what could knock me now."
    I once interviewed a prison psychiatrist, James Gilligan, who told me that every murderer he treated was harbouring a central secret - which was that they felt humiliated. "I have yet to see a serious act of violence that was not provoked by the experience of feeling shamed or humiliated, disrespected and ridiculed," he said. His conclusion: "All violence is an attempt to replace shame with self-esteem."

    I turn the lights down, throw the towel in
    And feel pretty much nothing
    I think that's the kind of pain that worries me and
    I like to think that I'm growing up and that I'm learning
    But I have no idea what's underneath

    And the foundations I laid down are too light for my skin
    And he said he wants to take me abroad
    But I can barely fly with my own wings and
    Love really confuses me like how much are you supposed to give?
    (That's all I had)

    I dream in colour
    Hate the summer
    I act tougher than I really am
    I'm a [BEEP] up
    Told my mother
    I don't love her when she's all that I have

    And I'm 21 but feel like I'm getting on
    The child in me has been and gone
    Isn't that sad?

    I dream in colour
    Hate the summer
    Please don't tell me this is all that I am
    It's all that I am
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  15. #5325
    Doseone's Avatar Metacognizant
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    It's 3AM here. That reminds of the time I bought a 3:00 AM hat just to scare people, as it's witching hour. lol. I was listening to Satanic music as well. Then I got freaked out and threw it away. lol.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

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