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  1. #5326
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    Yes it's called "cold-blooded," what in some legal contexts is known as "first-degree murder"
    Also "fatigue" lol.
    The climate-activist murderers are tiiiiired.
    am i missing something or are they applauding his cool calm and collectedness while killing someone
    What's this?

    A 77-year-old American lawyer
    Oh I see. He went from 'high functioning' to 'low functioning' as it were.

    Rightoids love 'psychopaths' but hate 'sociopaths.' Not clinical using the descriptions below:

    "Emotions? And trauma? And working class? Ew."

    "You're a pathetic psychopath"

    Well sociopath for my current purposes actually Batman. You're the psychopath.

    I mean there's a notable class difference since sociopathic behaviour is common in working class environments and people tend to have anger issues too and also struggle with impulsivity etc. Like (me lol, technically, but my anxiety issues really mediate that a lot irl,) but also more classic example of the criminal type would be another guy from my town Charles Bronson like just can't not react even when it's in his own best interests not to. So basically the reason he's been in prison so long is just his behaviour in prison.

    First arrested as a petty criminal, he was convicted and sentenced in 1974 to seven years' imprisonment for armed robbery. Further sentences were imposed because of attacks on prisoners and guards. Upon his release in 1987, he began a bare-knuckle boxing career in the East End of London. His promoter thought he needed a more suitable name and suggested he change it to Charles Bronson, after the American actor. He was returned to prison in 1988 on conviction concerning another robbery. He is a violent prisoner, and has taken numerous hostages in the course of confrontations with guards, resulting in sentences of life imprisonment. He has been held at times in each of England's three special psychiatric hospitals.

    Bronson has been featured in books, interviews, and studies of prison reform and treatment. He has said: "I'm a nice guy, but sometimes I lose all my senses and become nasty. That doesn't make me evil, just confused."[7] He was the subject of the 2008 film Bronson starring Tom Hardy, a biopic based loosely on his life.
    The description is somewhat similar to ADHD as well:

    ADHD is associated with poverty, lower family income and social class. In adults, it is more frequent in the unemployed and in people with disabilities.

    I'm working the term rightoid into my vocab for internet idiots. You could say I'm fatigued.

    My dad rants about environmental protestors from time to time. They make him really angry to the point of expressing violent urges. I don't think he'd do anything, but it shows where a lot of older guy's heads are at.

    Hypocrite. We all remember how you leftists applauded when Shinzo Abe, Louis XVI, and little Alexei Nikolaevich were murdered for far less.
    Ayo aren't you the human pet dude
    Oh yeah I had people comment about him on some of my videos. Had to look him up lol because I didn't understand the reference.

    Cybersmith, also known as Human Pet Guy, is an internet personality and Lolcow primarily known for his views on "human pets." Cybersmith first went viral for a 2017 Tumblr post in which he defended his hat against accusations of it being a fedora and then segued into a hypothetical proposing that having a forcibly disabled "human pet" would not infringe on other people's liberties. Cybersmith's presence on X led to several users unknowingly sharing his selfies and learning about his internet history, gaining him renewed significance in August 2023.
    Also, I have no idea who two of those people are honestly and certainly didn't applaud when Shinzo Abe was killed.

    Oh man:

    The were not "climate activists" the right only calls them that bc they are fighting against a mining contract but thats an oversimplification. They are more than anything a teacher union fighting against the goverment
    Nice, a way better conversation... so why are they blocking a highway and not, like, city hall, or the house of any person in charge of the atrocity being committed against them? Why must this old man be unlawfully detained for an unspecified amount of time against his will?
    [BEEP] next time traffic has me unlawfully detained, like that time I was detained on a highway for 4 hours against my will, I should shoot my way out.
    Road rage is a thing I guess.

    I think first degree murder is bad
    it's so sad how now this has become a controversial take i'm so sick
    Not just now people used to be more polite before social media but being fine with the murder of members of your outgroup is the norm for Humans unfortunately.
    The impulse is pure
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    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  2. #5327
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    stan twitter and qanon are two sides of the same coin if you think about it
    Lol they do that kind of thing a lot from what I've seen where they insist she's a closeted lesbian or bisexual. I think there's a term 'gaylor' (that account is also suggesting she's not straight.)

    There's a 1000+ page thread about her on a certain forum too lol. Her fans are so intense.

    She's attractive but she seems like the straightest musician ever (and also very cisgender.) But I'm not a hardcore fan. I've only listened to a handful of her songs, so not 'picking up all the hints.' Lol.

    Honestly if anything the Paris Hilton thing made more sense (relatively speaking,) they should go back to that. Not that it's necessarily the same people mostly but yeah lol.

    * I wonder if Paris ended up being an influence on Gaylor. An example of what not to do. Though funnily enough for all her slips, it's still a small minority who actually know Paris is a lesbian, or at least prefers lesbianism.
    No actually it's still insane lol. And if anyone came out as bi they'd just be accused of attention seeking and people would complain about them only having relationships with men.

    this is clearly a troll and I don't understand how everyone's falling for it 😭
    It might be because it's a bit 'much' (also they seem to be doing the thing they were yelling at people about again and again,) but it isn't clear to people because there's tons of people legitimately doing this kind of thing. I've stumbled on this many a time.

    I don't care when people engage in wishful thinking or notice certain things. Some people become delusional about it though.

    Also as someone pointed out qanon are Trump stans technically so yeah. It's probably more accurate to say stan twitter is the other side of the coin to transvestigators though.
    The impulse is pure
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    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  3. #5328
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    I think evolution presupposes consciousness as fundamental. I don't think it's possible, even in principle for consciousness to evolve. Survival of a species requires that they be conscious of pain, consciously experience fear, etc. Consciousness has to already be present. In makes no sense to say that consciousness evolved at the same time that species evolved.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  4. #5329
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    I got my first HPV vaccine when I was like 17 or 18 in sixth form was probably one of the first groups to do that if not the first because they'd only just introduced it I believe. Over time they reduced it to like 14 year olds and yeah might be even younger now. Probably wasn't as effective for that cohort (better than nothing though,) but I hadn't had sex at that age anyway which helps in my own case. Definitely glad I didn't have to pay 400 pounds to get it privately.

    It's a good vaccine to get though because potentially within the next 100 years or so it could potentially almost eradicate cervical cancer since almost all cervical cancers are caused by that one virus. Also:

    HPV vaccination is recommended at 9–14 years. Recent studies from the United Kingdom, one of the first countries to introduce it, show that HPV vaccination reduced pre-cancerous lesions and cervical cancer by almost 90% among the first cohorts who received the vaccine. Sweden predicts that cervical cancer could be eliminated in that country 5 years from now, meaning they would see less than 4 new cases per 100 000 women each year.
    So yeah cool.

    Hmm I can see why she makes the content she does and yeah growing up with conspiracy theories does sound like a disturbing and unstable childhood to have because if you actually believe them a lot of them are really fucked up. I'm also imagining it with my personality + anxiety issues and it would have been really bad.

    It's interesting too that she's from the UK and her dad was also an avid conspiracy theorist. Not surprising that she says he grew up on an estate though as it does tend to correlate with poverty. Weirdly I never came across any conspiracy theorists irl and didn't even really hear about any in the UK until covid. At that point of course I found out one of the guys who was spreading the 5g conspiracy was a pastor from Luton.

    A recording spread around the world at the end of March, purportedly featuring a former Vodafone executive claiming to let the public in on a secret that the coronavirus pandemic is cover for a global plot to install 5G mobile phone masts, track the world's population through vaccines, and then destroy human society as we know it.

    In reality, the Guardian can reveal, the voice on the tape making the baseless claims is an evangelical pastor from Luton who recently tried to convince Zimbabweans to use cryptocurrency in their economy.
    Before then I was familiar with the concept from US media/games/TV and such and obviously heard about the 9/11 ones online after that happened as a teenager and overtime picked up knowledge of some others but I never believed them or knew anyone who talked about that.

    Oh wait I might have thought of something but weird but it was like a local thing lol. So even then it was kind of weird and not like one of those big ones that gets circulated around. Basically... And this isn't a complete conspiracy lol but there are conspiratorial elements to this.

    I remember as a kid my brother - and this is a very vague memory now - talking about how some like shadowy stuff involving our town but not really any details and then his best friend as a kid's dad was apparently a freemason. He didn't seem to get on with him and later changed his name. Dunno that he was really in his life much.

    So I didn't really learn about most of this until recent when looking into this rave collective from Luton who were around back in the 90s but there was apparently an ongoing feud between this rave collective and the freemasons in town who supposedly owned most of the nightclubs in town and there was competition between them because the rave collective felt that the freemasons were mad that they were stealing their clientele by putting on these raves lol. There was also a judge who stepped down due to the ongoing animosity between them and the freemasons in town lol!

    Bedfordshire County Council voted unanimously in 1995 to support of a public inquiry into the alleged police harassment of Exodus, to be chaired by Michael Mansfield. The inquiry was then stalled by the Home Office.[2][5] MixMag profiled the collective in 1996, writing: "Exodus is more than just a free party sound system ? it's a housing co-op, a city farm, a ray of light in the concrete no-man's land of Luton. They've survived four police operations against them and are currently battling a murder charge, an arson attack and a tractor assault on their rave lorry. This isn't just about dancing, it's about an alternative way of life".[6][7] The murder charge was later dropped. In an uncommon sequence of events, the trial was first brought forward six months and then the presiding judge (Maurice Drake) agreed to step aside since he was a Freemason and the Exodus collective had for years come into conflict with masons.[8][9]
    Obviously there are a bunch of conspiracies involving the freemasons being a kind of illuminati ish cabal. But I haven't really heard anything about that per se.

    I found some info before while searching but can't dig it up easily now. You can also find comments on old Yahoo news groups like this argument I just found but the formatting is annoying especially on some posts so not copying all of it:

    Just got our local 'free rag' , and well overpriced too!!
    The so called Luton and Dunstable Herald and Post
    Saw this article in it (scanned, cut and pasted):-
    Row over hospice donation

    LUTON'S Pasque Hospice and next door neighbours the Exodus Collective
    have clashed over the acceptance of sponsorship cash from local

    Peaceful demonstrators voiced their objection to the hospice, in Great
    Bramingham Lane, Streatley, taking money from the controversial

    Pasque Hospice director of fundraising Carol Bagni said: It was very
    embarrassing for us when 20 demonstrators appeared out of nowhere as
    we were holding a ceremony to thank the Freemasons for their latest
    donation of new boards."

    The morning after the demonstration a new ?2,500 sign was found to be
    vandalised, costing ?400 damage.

    Carol confronted Exodus spokesman Glenn Jenkins. She said: "I asked
    Glenn straight out whether anyone from the collective had vandalised
    our new sign. He was Insistent they had not."

    Demonstrators were protesting against the involvement of the
    Freemasons in sponsorship of the hospice, including getting the
    organisation's name included on the new sign.

    Carol said: "Exodus Were asking me to cherry pick the organisations
    that are allowed to donate to the hospice but I cannot do that."
    During the past five years the Freemasons have donated ?112,000 to the
    hospice and last Thursday handed over further cheques valued at
    This is a childrens Hospice!!
    The Exodus Collective is a gang of scum who hold illegal raves on
    private land at whim. Actively support illeggal drug taking. Squat in
    private properties etc.
    Glen Jenkins is a well known convicted criminal with several
    convictions under his belt.
    Owing to the incompetancy of the Bedfordshire Police to deal with them
    they now apear to be well above the law.

    In the article WE get to be called controversial - sheesh
    >In the article WE get to be called controversial - sheesh
    Face the facts. People everywhere, slowly but surely, are waking up to
    the true nature of Freemasonry.
    Someone posted the article I thought it might be the one from the local newspaper but it's actually from some music magazine I think which I found a link to:

    It's long so only quoted parts of it. Also lol at that opening paragraph:

    What happens when a group of people challenge the clandestine power of
    the Freemasons in public? Peter Panatone investigates the Exodus
    Collective's run-in with the Freemasons of Bedfordshire.

    As a Freemason judge, Lord Justice Millet was not pleased. Following a
    recommendation from the Home Affairs Select Committee last year, all
    Masonic members of the criminal justice system will have to come out of
    the closet. As one of the few prominent Masons already revealed, it's
    Millet's name you'll often see quoted in newspapers, defending
    the "civil liberties"of his fellow clandestines.

    "You can't choose which judge will try your case, so what's the
    point,"he argued in February this year.1 However, as members of the
    Luton-based Exodus Collective are all to well aware, his assertion was
    an audacious mislead of we, the jury.

    Is it possible that Millet spoke unaware that his fellow judicial
    Mason, Sir Maurice Drake, stood down from a murder trial in 1996, when
    the defendant's legal team argued that Drake's Masonic membership might
    lead to bias in his decision making? Not only was this thought to be
    the first time a judge has stood down over Masonic affiliations - a
    fact that could not have escaped the attention of Lord Justice Millet -
    but Sir Maurice Drake also happens to sit with Millet on the Mason's
    own Commission of Appeals Court. Drake, like Millet, is one of the few
    high-profile Masons whose membership has been revealed publicly.

    The murder trial in question involved Paul Taylor, a prominent member
    of Luton's Exodus Collective. As Squall readers may recall, Taylor was
    involved in an incident outside a Luton public house on a cold winter's
    night in 1996. After an aggressively drunken man was asked to leave the
    pub, a small scrap ensued outside the premises which Paul Taylor
    stepped in to break up. The man continued his threatening behaviour and
    was chased down the road with Taylor then returning to the pub. When
    the man was later found dead inside a council compound in a local park,
    he was deemed to have died from hypothermia, exacerbated by alcohol
    consumption and blood loss caused by an injury incurred whilst climbing
    into the compound. When Taylor heard about the discovery of the man's
    body, he went to the local police to tell them about the incident
    outside the pub. He was subsequently arrested and charged with murder.

    Regular Squall readers will be aware that this was just one of many
    extraordinary charges brought against members of the Exodus
    Collective.2 Many of these incidents were included in a Channel Four
    documentary broadcast in 1996, which investigated a network of
    interlocking political and business interests implicated in attacks on
    the Collective.3 One of the malevolent interlocking interests making
    regular appearances throughout this incredible saga is that of

    The Exodus Collective were once told by a friendly policeman that the
    well-attended free raves they organise take serious chunks of profit
    out of Luton's pubs and night-clubs.4 There are an estimated 5,000
    people in the pubs and clubs of Luton on weekends5, unless, that is,
    Exodus are holding one of their free raves which regularly attract in
    excess of 3,000 people. Exodus became aware that business interests in
    Luton would not be keen on the commercial challenge presented by the
    Collective's aspiration to operate a low-price entertainment venue. One
    such interest is Whitbread Plc, which have their headquarters in Luton
    and own many of the pubs in the town. Samuel Whitbread is Lord
    Lieutenant of Bedfordshire and chairman of the committee which selects
    justices of the peace for the region. He is also a masonically
    associated Knight of St John and shares an office in Luton with the
    Crown Prosecution Service.

    Indeed, persistent efforts to get their proposal for a community centre
    considered by the council were constantly frustrated, despite support
    from the local community, academics and some councillors. "It seemed to
    me that Exodus on this occasion, and not for the first time, were being
    treated less fairly than a good many other applicants,"said Cllr David
    Franks, the leader of the Lib-Dem group, after a Luton Planning
    Committee meeting in 1995.3 The Labour leader of Luton Borough Council,
    Cllr Roy Davis, had proved particularly obstructive to the Exodus
    Collective throughout the years. He was majorly responsible for seeking
    injunctions against the parties organised by Exodus, the result of
    which was the deployment of riot police from five different
    constabularies, who made concerted efforts to stop Exodus' raves on
    four separate occasions. As chairman of the General Purposes Committee,
    he also rubber stamped council authorisation for the police to
    prosecute three members of the Exodus Collective under the
    Entertainments (Increased Penalties) Act 1990.


    One of the especially malicious incidents involving Freemasonry was the
    attempt by Dunstable Police and one councillor in particular to revoke
    the pub licence held by Betty Jenkins, mother of Exodus members Glenn,
    Richard and Elaine Jenkins.

    Mrs Jenkins had taken over management of the Globe Public House in
    1994. Not long after her arrival, a local resident, Charles Anderson,
    began making extravagant complaints about noise emanating from the pub.
    Although Anderson remained the sole complainant, Mrs Jenkins sought to
    allay his concerns by spending ?3,000 on installing double glazing in
    the pub and sealing up the door nearest to where Anderson lived.
    However, Anderson's complaints continued, with references to the music
    in the pub as "jungle drums"and to the clientele as "low-life trash".


    The nature of Freemasonic manipulation and retribution lies, like many
    a devil, obscured in convoluted detail; the currency of operation being
    the clever mastery of mundane procedures. Sometimes referred to as "the
    mafia of mediocrity", Freemasonry's clandestine and often malicious
    deployment of clever manipulation is highly corrosive to any notion of
    democracy and public accountability.

    Starting up in 1992, as a group of friends with four speakers, no money
    and a desire to dance together, the Exodus Collective has evolved into
    a force for social justice that has rattled the hornets' nest in
    Bedfordshire. As the only known organisation in the country which is
    publicly and audaciously challenging Freemasons in both their locality
    and in the national media, the saga of the Exodus Collective is
    providing a unique insight into the sting of Freemasonry.
    That era was a very interesting time in culture and music culture. You don't tend to get interesting subcultures irl anymore or at least they're hidden. Everything is online now.

    Censorship and brute force are the weapons of the totalitarian state;
    Use of finance to shape or to restrict ventures and a clandestine
    masonic judiciary are the weapons of the mason states.

    Can you say:

    "Freemasons pervert justice; Freemasons lie; Freemasons bear false
    witness; Freemasons pervert and corrupt the fabric of society for their
    own clandestine ends" ?

    No? We, the British public can.
    > On 30 Nov 2000 17:01:47 -0800, (Jim Bennie) wrote:
    > >Keith, did the story quote any Masonic "officials"? What did
    > >he/they say?
    > >
    > >Jim Bennie, IPM No. 44, Vancouver BC
    > I posted the story in it's entirety, just scanned OCR'd copied from
    > Word into Agent and sent.. So No.
    Thanks, Keith. I wonder if the reporter chose not to ask any
    Masonic officials for reaction or made a conscious decision not
    to seek it.

    Gee, and we're in bed with BREWERY interests?! Gee, now there's a
    new one.

    Jim Bennie, IPM No. 44, Vancouver BC Canada

    > Gee, and we're in bed with BREWERY interests?! Gee, now there's a
    > > new one.
    > The Exodus Collective were once told by a friendly policeman that the
    > well-attended free raves they organise take serious chunks of profit
    > out of Luton's pubs and night-clubs.
    Hi, X-guy. Thanks for the explanation, at least your side of it.
    Interesting. I was once told by police and municipal officials their
    objections to raves have to do with use of alcohol by underage people,
    kids doing (and selling) ecstacy and other illegal drugs, disobeying
    zoning regulations, and pimps hanging around looking for girls to lure
    into prostitution. Not all raves attract that element - but some
    organisers couldn't be bothered or see no need to stop illegal
    activities at their events.. then blame anybody but themselves for
    the police busting them.

    The people who go to raves here are generally too young to get into
    a pub. Obviously, no chunks of pub profits are a factor, let alone
    serious ones.

    > Exodus became aware that business interests in
    > Luton would not be keen on the commercial challenge presented by the
    > Collective's aspiration to operate a low-price entertainment venue.
    Low-price? I thought it was free. You guys making money on this?

    > One such interest is Whitbread Plc, which have their headquarters in Luton
    > and own many of the pubs in the town. Samuel Whitbread is Lord
    > Lieutenant of Bedfordshire and chairman of the committee which selects
    > justices of the peace for the region. He is also a masonically
    > associated Knight of St John and shares an office in Luton with the
    > Crown Prosecution Service.
    So THIS is the Masonic influence? A guy who isn't even a Mason.. he's
    in some "masonically associated" group I've never even heard of.. and
    some people who "may" be Masons, and a guy who worked for a Mason at
    one time. That's your proof there's some evil secret band of Masons
    conspiring together? Pretty weak. But, you gotta blame someone, right?
    Why not the Masons? Everyone blames them these days. It's a case of
    repeating the same tired nonsense (Masons always work together to
    influence things in secret) and innuendo (a bunch of guys I'm upset
    with may have something to do with the Masons, so that means Masons
    are conspiring against me) over and over and someone gullible person's
    bound to swallow it.
    > Face the facts. People everywhere, slowly but surely, are waking up to
    >the true nature of Freemasonry.
    They certainly are, and not nearly quickly enough. The faster
    people "wake up to the true nature of Freemasonry," the faster and
    stronger our Fraternity will grow.

    Thank you for the encouraging words, Nicky.
    > Gee, and we're in bed with BREWERY interests?! Gee, now there's a
    > new one.

    The Exodus Collective were once told by a friendly policeman that the
    well-attended free raves they organise take serious chunks of profit

    out of Luton's pubs and night-clubs. There are an estimated 5,000
    people in the pubs and clubs of Luton on weekends, unless, that is,

    Exodus are holding one of their free raves which regularly attract in

    excess of 3,000 people. Exodus became aware that business interests in

    Luton would not be keen on the commercial challenge presented by the

    Collective's aspiration to operate a low-price entertainment venue. One such interest is Whitbread Plc, which have their headquarters in Luton and own many of the pubs in the town. Samuel Whitbread is Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire and chairman of the committee which selects justices of the peace for the region. He is also a masonically associated Knight of St John and shares an office in Luton with the Crown Prosecution Service.

    Indeed, persistent efforts to get their proposal for a community centre
    > Censorship and brute force are the weapons of the totalitarian state;
    > Use of finance to shape or to restrict ventures and a clandestine
    > masonic judiciary are the weapons of the mason states.
    > Can you say:
    > "Freemasons pervert justice; Freemasons lie; Freemasons bear false
    > witness; Freemasons pervert and corrupt the fabric of society for
    > own clandestine ends" ?
    > No? We, the British public can.
    What makes you think you speak for the British public, other than that
    section of it which inhabits our asylums?
    Lol someone then said this:

    Have you nothing better to do with your life?
    It's actually very entertaining to me 23+ years later.

    From your writings, it is obvious that the Exodus Collective was not formed as an anti-Masonic organization but rather as a venture that ran into opposition from governmental representatives some of which were/are Masons. Were they also Anglicans? Catholics? All male? What is the basest common thread of your alleged persecutors' associations?
    I agree with you, and as people "wake up to Freemasonary" our membership
    We do appreciate your support.
    I guess this is more of a local story that happened and also has urban-legend components with conspiratorial elements from some people. But I feel like there probably were things like that that I just don't remember properly and didn't hear about and also weird spiritual/magic/witch stuff with this girl my brother knew in primary school but he was being secretive and my memory is really vague.

    She mentions she doesn't know what the safe version of conspiracies are especially the fun ones like cryptids etc I think it would just be some kind of collaborative fiction project or larping really. Like you acknowledge it's fake but you're playing. Because that's what it is partly (or that's what the element that appeals to her is.) It's like playing as an adult. Also stuff like what Tumblr did when they invented that fake mafia movie goncharov together as a meme. It scratches a similar itch. There are religions and spiritual beliefs too, but that has issues too if you're teaching those things as fact.

    Obviously that's not the whole appeal of conspiracies or end result of them. They're often a way to take back control, create a feeling of self importance (people who invent conspiracies or are leaders like Alex Jones tend to be narcissists or have narcissistic traits alongside other psychological traits,) or an attempt to try to explain the chaos etc and many of them are directly tied to power as well like all of the Jewish conspiracies. The reason they often feature Jewish people is because they're disproportionately successful and people assume that means there's a conspiratorial explanation for why that is. So there's envy wrapped up in that too.

    But the cryptid stuff is very different to that and I think it's more like a game. Humans don't spend much time hunting now either in reality but those instincts are still there so there's also that and now that the whole world (at least the land, not so much the ocean,) has been mapped out there isn't much room for exploration either which people enjoy so they have to start inventing things.

    Also actually on that note yeah the reason it's different thinking about it is I don't think cryptozoology counts as a conspiracy theory that's basically just pseudoscience and folklore which overlaps with conspiracies but conspiracies have to involve some group that's colluding for some goal. The mere alleged existence of cryptids isn't that really that unless there's some group that's keeping them hidden for a reason and working towards some agenda. The Area 51/alien one would count I guess because it's part folklore + fictional species but also involves the US government. Some of the other things mentioned on that chart were also just pseudoscientific scams more than conspiracies.
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  5. #5330
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    I got deep into conspiracy theories for a couple of years. I watched so many youtube videos/documentaries on 9/11. I was also on the forum Although, I never got into the crazier ones, like shape shifting reptilians, etc. It's easy to get sucked into conspiracy theories because you're part of the "in the know" and everybody else is just a sheep. It makes you feel special, I think. It seems the CT crowd nowadays are the Qanon types. Back then it was mostly 9/11 conspiracy theories that I read about. I got out of it once I read up on philosophy/logic. And I also just started to not care. So what if these conspiracy theories are true. There is nothing I can do to stop it. lol.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

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    I got deep into conspiracy theories for a couple of years. I watched so many youtube videos/documentaries on 9/11. I was also on the forum Although, I never got into the crazier ones, like shape shifting reptilians, etc. It's easy to get sucked into conspiracy theories because you're part of the "in the know" and everybody else is just a sheep. It makes you feel special, I think. It seems the CT crowd nowadays are the Qanon types. Back then it was mostly 9/11 conspiracy theories that I read about. I got out of it once I read up on philosophy/logic. And I also just started to not care. So what if these conspiracy theories are true. There is nothing I can do to stop it. lol.
    I think I just started discovering them too late to really get into most of them and then never looked into most of them beyond superficial awareness. Also I think conspiracy theorists were often treated as a joke in the media when I was growing up so that probably influenced me too. I became a bit more sceptical in general after the age of about 11 too which is when I started hearing most of them and had access to the internet at home.

    As a kid I believed stuff like Santa though (not sure if I believed that though or if I just wanted to, there were lots of stuff I really wanted to be true and kind of played around with but didn't believe on a deep level sadly. I think it would have been more fun if I did,) and I vaguely believed in God and was a Christian. I sort of gradually grew out of these beliefs. By the time I did start hearing about conspiracies most of them were either too insane for me to believe like the reptilian thing, or heavily conservative leaning and often anti LGBT+, racist, antisemitic etc or otherwise went against my general values, so they didn't appeal for that reason. A large number of ideas I came across especially as an adult were also tied to moral panics stuff like 'they're turning the frogs gay,' fear about Satanic cults etc (too much of an edgelord to care and kids at my school had been calling me a satanist or devil worshipper based on my clothing style for years anyway.) The transvestigator thing where all Hollywood actors are trans seems insane/obviously false + just don't care if they were so not emotionally compelling + I'm non-binary. Then others like the 9/11 ones just never really grabbed my attention and I didn't investigate that much, but I just assumed they were probably fake or like you say it didn't really matter.

    I find some of them interesting though in a kind of folklore or aesthetic sense like the alien stuff, some of it gets pretty creative, but I don't believe that stuff either. That's also why I find cults and new age religions etc interesting. I generally like when people come up with weird ideas and traditions but not so much the dangerous, suicidal and fearmongering elements.

    I think when it comes to weird beliefs I just prefer to come up with my own zany interpretations and build those from various sources instead of following someone else's strict set of beliefs lol. But I don't even believe those 100% either. More like adopting a particular lens. I think reading fanfiction as a young teenager onwards actually helped me to at least partly seperate things this way too because you're reinterpreting the source material or viewing certain images of people in certain ways and attributing your own ideas and headcanons, but it's usually emphasised that this is fiction and not related to cannon. So it can kind of teach you to adopt multiple viewpoints simultaneously and consider things from multiple points of view. But I see less separation these days with some stan accounts they really do become delusional unfortunately.

    I can see how it would make people feel special and like they know more than others which could boost self esteem yeah.
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    Was watching this video yesterday:

    At one point she brings up how she has to remove all the spiders lol which is something I like doing.

    "Because my recommended list are now loads of ways to submit to your husband, do wives have to be submissive? That's like 50% of my recommended list right now. The other 50% is how to be a good submissive according to the BDSM community. I just think it's great that those two go hand in hand. Maybe the two communities can influence each other in some kind of fun way."
    Oh it's happening. And not just those two communities. Classically Abby is now part of Strange Aeon's satirical fanfic universe:

    The original videos I guess:

    The way they frame these videos often is kind of odd. They're giving instructions on how to be submissive, feminine etc which is unusual. I feel like it's harder being dominant and masculine honestly there are more rigid restrictions on what counts. Then again to conservatives everything counts as dominant and masculine if you're afab unless you're trans and they're trying to make you feel bad. They also tend to insist you have to be this way and because they frame it in that way, I can't not see it as being akin to forced feminisation porn lol. It has the same vibe often.

    Sort of related I guess. I hear/read conservative men online talk about things like BDSM and argue it exists because women are innately submissive but it's not politically correct for them to be submissive to their husbands now. 'If we bring back forcing women to be submissive and feminine, it will get rid of bdsm.' And they're really missing the entire point. The reason why liberal people are OK with BDSM submission is because it gives a safe context for doing it and it's supposed to be a choice. Not something you are obligated to do 24/7 (unless you're into that.) It's not treated as something all women are supposed to do. Conservatives demand submission which isn't natural.

    Most of my sexual fantasies and the things I enjoy are either voyeuristic or involve me imagining myself in a dominant role. I don't like the idea of being dominant sexually I just find submissive and masochistic people hot (often guys atm but I go through phases.) But if I imagine myself too much it just kind of disgusts me a lot of the time, so I mostly like thinking about doing things to other people. But I'm somewhat of a switch (in terms of things that turn me on, I don't have sex obviously,) but it's so incredibly gross to imagine submitting to someone who expects and demands it and has an entire belief system about how 'you're biologically wired to do this' disgusting.

    That's probably why I'm more into femdom than maledom stuff as well these days especially lesbian stuff, because it's not the traditional norm/expectation and most women aren't sexually dominant and don't expect people to submit to them. I don't know though that might just mostly be because I liked that one woman's voice a lot lol. I wasn't exactly picky and liked many things about her various audios from multiple povs.

    I feel like femininity is really important for me to be into things sexually though. Butch women don't really interest me. I'm kind of turned off by masculinity in general past a certain point. Like I like masculine body language I guess and androgynous people but they have to have long hair. I dunno it's weirdly complicated (and there are very rarely exceptions but not since I was 20 and even then uncommon,) but I'm definitely not into most butch women or masculine guys. Like this one audio I ended up listening to for some reason with a woman who I felt was quite masculine and in a very masculine and even male-adj role that turned me off a lot. I think... Maybe I listened to it because sometimes I like stuff that involves sexuality conversion both with men and women. Straight > bisexual and there was something at the beginning that wasn't that but was sort of very adj to it. Like the scenario was this woman was in a club and some creepy guys were trying to hit on her so this woman who owns the club pretends to be her girlfriend and scares them off. But then in the next part she basically date rapes her and even though it was an audio file I got a very masculine vibe from her, wasn't that into her voice I guess, also the scenario where she doesn't really care about her and kept emphasising that and how it was casual (casual date rape lol,) also didn't work for me because a big kink for me is like jealousy/possessiveness things like that. Basically none of it worked and especially the fact that she was so masculine coded. So that revealed a lot but I already kind of knew that before based on my visual preferences I guess. But you know this is all very tangential. Also in general if there's anything that makes me uncomfortable I get turned off and lose any interest or if I'm not in the right mood I guess. I like guys with high pitched voices a lot too at least atm and certain other things. A bunch of specific kinks as well.

    But yeah my point is I guess that conservative ideology is really gross. And even though it's not wise to form judgments based on this video + Aella's online hobbyist research lol. I keep thinking about this:

    And how 24/7 power dynamics are in the auth right quadrant. Honestly my personal feelings about that is just this:

    Not even me. And I clearly have time for a lot of bullshit.

    Actually most of my kinks current and former aren't even here like mind control, transformation themes, corruption, sexuality conversion, feminisation, intelligence reduction (sometimes been into that.) I am somewhat transcending political kinks lol. I like pegging, but mostly because I don't have a dick and various other things mentioned in the other squares - mostly lib left. I like monsters/aliens etc not even as a kink per se though I've had sexual fantasies moreso in the past, but I like reading romance stories with speculative themes as well.

    Lol actually everything you can imagine like robots, AI, vampires, aliens, ghosts, elves, fairies, plant-human hybrid elves, demons (usually sex/incubus type demons,) I actually weirdly invented a plot line very similar to like Khorne vs Slaanesh but in romance daydream form years before I learnt those characters existed which was odd to say the least (so the khorne-like war + violence demon was blackmailing this other character to break up with this other demon character by threatening to kill the other demon who was like some sex demon/incubus who was very promiscuous/has a high sex drive because that's another theme in my fantasies some non-human very promiscuous character or who has a high sex drive at least under certain circumstances, sometimes involves cheating to create angst/drama in the storyline. So the other character had to figure that out. Sounds like my current politics which makes sense because most politics are just your personal stories often sexual + romantic fantasies that you had at one point and have now projected onto the world,) daedra from Elder Scrolls, there was a brief period where I had sexual fantasies about people being turned into super mutants from Fallout 3, also read fanfics about Yautja like the predator aliens, I was briefly fixated with the cenobites from Hellraiser but I never read fanfics or had sexual fantasies about them was just really fascinated with them, humanoid dragons, cat guys, mermen, half elf/half orc characters having sex with elves (corruption themes.) night elves and blood elves, Etc.

    Also I stumbled on this video recently that I didn't end up watching but I perused the comment section and the video was titled:

    Did Rome Have a Transgender Emperor? The Truth About Elagabalus
    So the comments were largely about that and how the trans community treats these figures as aspirational despite how terrible they were and 'they're not even trans because the concept didn't exist' and 'these descriptions about them that do exist were just insults and propaganda.'

    But the reason people bring these people up is because they expressed sentiments that were similar to being trans even if they didn't call it that and people now have to argue for the fact that they existed before the modern era because conservatives keep putting that pressure on us. So when he paid people to make him a [BEEP] that's obviously an equivalent to being trans. Also there's a lot of masculine leaders who were terrible but we don't have options lol. Because people like this are very rare in the first place and you often only hear about high profile figures from the past.

    I saw someone somewhere.. Probably in the same comment section bring up that 'trans people always identify with villains.' And then brought up Slaanesh and how people treat them as a trans icon or whatever. But first of all most people don't and have not interest in that character. I do. The hero archetype is always masculine, female bisexual characters are almost always villains, queer-coded characters and androgynous characters are almost always villains historically especially if they're men. So I tend to relate to those characters more. There was a period in Hollywood where they had to be because of the Hay's code.

    So if you want to find a character in Western media at least who is someone you can identify with it's usually going to be someone who's a villain or an anti-villain more typically. Speaking personally I also have a lot of traits that are considered antisocial and or villainous to some degree. And not that any of these characters are ideal and there's lots of parts I don't relate to, but there are elements I can relate to as well. Same with Loki in the MCU. Slaanesh is associated with artists and creativity etc as well so that's cool. He's not just a crazy, sadistic, chaotic sex pest. But I also like Tzeentch conceptually from 40k lol and apparently a bunch of trans people do from comments I read online so *shrugs.*

    Also they mentioned something that was almost certainly a bullshit story about how Elagabalus killed a bunch of people by smothering them with rose petals - there's a famous painting based on it too - which someone compared to what the trans community does metaphorically. Oh my God. But honestly if you have to kill someone that's a cool and creative way of doing it. I always thought so since I heard about that. And again they're all ignoring how terrible most leaders who are masculine and cisgender have been throughout history.

    And yes many of these accounts might be fake and insults when it comes to historical figures but you would never be skeptical about someone who isn't described as being androgynous or trans etc. Again obviously the concept didn't exist then but similar psychological phenomenon did.
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    I'm reading comments on that video I watched before again about the male and female gaze since there are new ones.

    I think the topic of gay men vs women sexualizing men is really interesting. As a gay man who's also sort of jaded about my own masculinity, I find that in gay male circles, there's much more definitive appreciation of male bodies. It's a little "I like this," a little "I want to be this." I find when women are involved in gay male circles, our interests really do align pretty cleanly. We talk the same way about the same men when they feel safe to express the same thing as us - that's what I've learned in conversation, anyways. I think that's part of why straight or bisexual women engrain themselves in circles of gay men, it's an easier and safer place to talk about your sexuality and attraction to men. You get to have the same conversations you've been robbed of by a society that shames you for thinking it.

    I don't fully agree that gay men seek stark masculinity? I know "no fats no fems" is a big thing but I think the muscle crowd is just loud, not necessarily the actual sweeping opinion. I think we just... like men. Muscular men just happen to be overrepresented in media, so they're the ones who get hit with our eyes the most. That's how I see that, anyways.

    Regardless of that, I find that there's a lot more security in our attraction. We like men, we know we like men. We sort of broke through the shame you get hit with for being gay already. When you see straight women - absent a gay friend group as stated before - try to define what the female gaze is, it's confused, as you pointed out around 40:00. It feels like we're still, forcibly, looking for an idea of what it means. It seems to change daily, it's almost like an experiment we haven't yet figured out yet. Like as you pointed out many times - it's almost as if it has to be a "counterpoint" to the male gaze, as if the male gaze is something to be desired.
    I think it's a stereotype and it's also like a vocal majority I think especially in the US. There's a lot of research showing different things though and just anecdotally and in different cultures from what I've noticed.

    I've always figured part of that perception of change is because female sexuality is more fluid. Though that's also just a general rule and can easily find exceptions online. I think an issue with discussing female sexuality is when people limit the definition to just romantic attraction and romance stuff. I've seen researchers do this too when they cite Twilight as somehow being equivalent to porn. And is Pride and Prejudice and the hand grazing scene female gaze? I guess? and sure you can find that on Tumblr and whatever the 'yearning' thing is but you can also find posts about women wanting to 'destroy men's prostates' and other very aggressive stuff and the kind of things that get posted on instagram about women wanting people to choke and spit on them though granted those people tend to be female. Sometimes women who are cosplaying very convincingly as male characters too.

    I'm not entirely sure women who are drawn to gay male circles are necessarily the norm either. If that's a big part of their social circle I mean there's research on that too about personality traits etc.

    Fetishes I feel are like cheat codes. I think of them as something that can cause sexual arousal without having to do the hard work of constructing a narrative of trust overcoming shame, which is what I personally believe sexual arousal is all about.
    Yeah that's actually a really relatable way of looking at it.

    Often the most conventionally attractive actors with rippling pectorals, no facial or body hair, and huge square cut jaws just make me feel like I'm looking at a Ken doll. Even within the context of the films/TV shows they're in, which often include romantic/sexual context somewhere alone the line, I'm bored. You give that same guy a distinct character and style, and suddenly I'm more interested. A good example of this is that most women shrugged at Henry Cavill in Superman, but were foaming at the mouth over him in The Witcher. Most of the gay men I know were drooling over Superman, and continued drooling over The Witcher.
    I agree about the Ken doll thing that's a perfect description but I also don't find Henry Cavill attractive regardless. I think he's just too physically masculine for me. The long hair helps but it helps such a tiny amount considering his facial structure plus physique. If anything I was probably more into the superman character/storyline from what I remember and not for physical reasons because as I say I don't find Henry Cavill physically attractive but because I found his relationship with Lois interesting and I thought it was interesting that he Spoiler: had a kid and so that inspired me to read fanfiction I think, but I didn't get super into it fandom wise.

    Oh [BEEP] nevermind it wasn't even fucking Henry Cavill in the film I'm thinking of lol. This goes to show how irrelevant he was. Yeah no I'm thinking of Superman Returns which stars Brandon Routh which I saw at the cinema with my friend when I was a teenager. I remember my friend being really annoyed because Spoiler: Lois was with some other guy and she either ended up cheating or emotionally cheating I guess with superman. I don't remember the plot well now. She was getting really annoyed about it sitting next to me haha.

    I kind of like Clark Kent archetypally because he has glasses and is socially awkward (or maybe he's not and that's just how I imagine him based on memory, not really into that universe,) much more than superman and the contrast between the two is appealing. Superman would be really boring if he was just superman and I imagine this relates to my general transformation fetish that I've always had as well. But it's a kind of really muted/dull level of interest compared to people I actually find attractive where I often stare at images or videos of them for hours. But I also haven't watched The Witcher so can't really comment on that role much just seen images, gifs etc floating around online. I tried playing the first game many years ago but didn't finish it. I also haven't seen Man of Steel or any Superman films with Henry Cavill in.

    I think that this has something to do with gay men being much more concerned with youth and conventional attractiveness in men than women are. Many gay men I know treated turning 30 like their death day or are preparing for it, and have strong negative reactions to their body straying from masculine attractiveness norms. I don't quite know how to word this, and maybe I'm talking out of my ass, but my sense of it is that there's a desire in gay men to gain proximity to conventional male attractiveness through sexual consumption, sexual approval, and/or sexually projecting on someone without much of a presented identity. Possibly because you can identify more strongly with your sexual partners/objects of sexual attraction due to sharing a gender? I don't think most straight women share this desire, because we're not men. I don't know a single woman who cares that much about a man she's with keeping up that kind of appearance, and women frequently prefer men who are older than them.
    Women are also insecure about getting old and shamed for it a lot so I'm not sure there's much difference there lol...

    I tend to have the preferences that are described as 'female gaze' but that's also how I want to look myself and then sometimes I guess the attraction is more muted and aesthetic like with these guys:

    Other times my attraction can fluctuate over the years so I could be really into them at one point, but I still kind of want to be like them even when the attraction is milder or gone? I dunno it's weird. It doesn't happen with everyone I'm attracted to either. But it's the same concept as with gay men who want to look like the guys they find attractive or are confused about whether they want to be them/fuck them which is common for [BEEP] people in general but my sexuality differs from like the stereotype of what gay men are into which makes sense because I'm non-binary and somewhere between asexual and bisexual.

    I disagree with the idea that straight women only find "feminine" men attractive - I mean sure, there are plenty of women who love pretty boys like Timothee Chalamet and Harry Styles, but there are also PLENTY who love masculine men like Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Jason Momoa, Idris Elba etc?
    Obviously everyone has different tastes, but I do know a lot of straight women(not just gay men lol 😝 ) who are very much attracted to masculinity and masculine men - just my two cents 👌
    Why are these the only 'less masculine' guys on the planet anyone knows lol? Western guys anyway. (No really among conservatives complaining about 'feminine men' and people giving examples the same two guys over and over this is becoming a crisis.) It feels like there is a tragic shortage but still. I decided to go back to the 70s lol. And Paul Dano I guess (kinda,) and older attractions that aren't new. And honestly this is a good year. I can go years without finding any new famous guys attractive (even a little.)

    I could also try leaving my house more and meeting people etc but you know. I wasn't looking for this gif I was looking for that Captain America gif but:

    Oh no is she attractive?

    Her brother on the show is too kinda but really just because of his energy actually that's true for her too. This is what happens when you rarely leave the house. I'm sure I'll feel differently later though. I mean her character does have a bunch of development over the seasons lol but she was written initially to be quite vapid and narcissistic.

    I mean I saw one sort of attractive looking guy at that concert I went to in the queue. It's going to be hopeless in my town generally I think.

    Also they're just hilarious tbh 'you're wearing a wedding dress. To my wedding.'

    It's definitely true that Henry Cavill has lots of fangirls, but I don't think there are any muscular male popstars who have legions upon legions of fangirls the way The Beatles or BTS did/do.
    Yes I used to know a woman at uni who liked Thor a lot. It's just that the women who are into androgynous or less masculine guys are way more into them and often obsessively.

    Honestly this discussion (not limited to this video,) is all kind of weird. It's like people are purposefully trying to exaggerate the differences as some kind of game, often based on conjecture, limited anecdotal evidence and/or a feeling. Whatever social bubble they're stuck in etc. Which makes sense in an identity sense I suppose for most people.

    And it's funny because I get the underlying thing that is making people fixate is not knowing 'what women want.' Again... And trying to come up with a cohesive answer for straight men (see: right wing men/incels,) because they often disagree with the conclusions they come to. The sense that there has to be one singular answer to that when really there isn't for most people.

    I would love to see a discussion of ace folks (men and women) and also bi culture. Bi people like both. So what is their sexuality? What are your thoughts?

    I think the reason it is strange to see men performing sexuality is that patriarchy has dictated men the 'privilege' to not 'have to' do this. From a mainstream perspective if a man goes out of his way to perform sexuality he must be poor or desperate (relegated to the socioeconomic status of women essentially, heralded for centuries as a great shame). I believe men have been sold a trap where their 'sexiness' is synonymous with 'the state' (being a provider, security, rich etc) and in exchange, they must serve the state. If they try to perform sexiness in another way (than mimicking the attributes of the state) they are accused of weakness by the brainwashed masses. For women (for most of modern history) their security is tied to the man and their sexual identity is tied to inspiring the man. Men sell their souls to the state, feel castrated and then wonder why women are not attracted to them. In history, women have had no choice but to sell their souls to men for any power and their sexuality was designed to please them. If a woman sells her soul to the state instead she is considered to have taken on the man's role. I think a lot of the male gaze is men living out their sexual fantasies through watching women (and possession of them/proximity to them) because they fear embodying a more dynamic sexual energy themselves.
    This is a really interesting analysis.

    I've only used Grindr in Los Angeles and NYC (before and after transitioning), and the objectification on Grindr seems part and parcel of the hyper-competitive, dog-eat-dog, work-hustle social milieu. Basically Grindr in Los Angeles and NYC is LinkedIn but for sex, with all the depravity that entails.

    If you're not in as much of a psychotically hypercapitalist environment--say, in a conservative state or country where gay identity has not been fully commercialized--I can imagine the interactions you'd have on Grindr would be quite different.

    Anyway one of my earliest experience with Grindr was the company offering be a job, because I gave them a bunch of free QA, and I went to the same school as the founders. I didn't take the job.
    Probably true, cities are insane and have unique cultures and sexual dynamics.
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    This is something lol. It's like Harry Potter fused with The Matrix:

    Also everyone has this kind of uncanny video game quality. Feel like AI is better that way.

    As a Berliner I can confidently say that I crossed paths with every one of these characters at least once in my life
    I'm disappointed I didn't have this experience when I went. Or well I might have done and just forgot lol it's been a really long time. Not enough dark techno, aggrotech etc. Wasn't there for music though.

    Like those vibes. Love that.

    You know it is Berlin when it looks like a 90s dark fantasy movie set in the middle ages
    That does seem about right.

    This feels like if Harry Potter was 80's cold war era Matrix movie in Germany.
    Exactly lol.

    I went to a Starbucks there at one point and they had way bigger portions of cheesecake than they do here in the UK from what I noticed. I haven't been in a Starbucks here in years though I was comparing it to all the Starbucks in Nottingham at one point while wandering around.

    This very much captures the essence of this loud, depressing, anachronistic hellscape, but there is still a tad to much Balenciaga in it. Nobody has excessive face piercings. Nobody is wearing a Lacoste polo shirt with the collar folded up and tinted Ray-Bans. Nobody is combining rainbow-colored palm tree hair with a a neon-yellow fur coat. We need more. So much more.
    Was it really supposed to be that realistic instead of a surreal nightmare lol?
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    The comments on this are interesting lol. I haven't watched the video yet. I think these terms are useful in political contexts because of how people are treated and certain other contexts medically etc. But I don't think they should be used to gatekeep people from certain spaces and even if there are trends where a lot of people are trans masc and trans femme and follow predictable cultural forms there's also lots of overlapping stuff.

    this also reminds me of the "men" vs "non-men" terminology a lot of baby queers use. it's exhausting trying to break the sex and gender binary based language yet have people repackage it in a more "progressive" manner.
    lesbianism doesn't inherently exclude men. some people's personal lesbian attraction might, and that's totally okay! but i think saying "lesbians cannot be interested to men ever, you must be a non-man who is attracted to non-men" is? Not good. which is what a lot of people within online [BEEP] spaces are doing. it ignores the intricacies of gender, the way it can be so complex, as well as different people's experiences and relationships. some people--some lesbians cannot be sorted into a binary of "man" or "non-man". some lesbians are genderfluid, some lesbians are multigender, some lesbians maybe fall between being butch and a trans man. some lesbians are trans men who feel most at home calling themself a lesbian and feel their attraction is sapphic, some lesbians are just men. and on that note, it's totally okay to be attracted to men as a lesbian as well, because gender and sexuality are complicated and weird and there aren't terms and conditions you have to agree to to call yourself a lesbian or a gay man or really any other sexuality. if you feel it fits, if you feel happiest labelling yourself as that, then i say go for it. people's identities are their own and they do not undermine anybody else's. people are not saying lesbians Must Be Attracted To Men Or They'll Die By Our Sword; they're saying it's a possibility, and we should try to make room for these people and embrace each other and our differences rather than continue to stoke this infighting.
    It's not universal though right so I feel like there has to be a way to distinguish non-binary and vaguely bisexual people from people who want some kind of strict binary for themselves and feel they have no way to vocalise that. It's leading to a lot of the in fighting in the LGBT+ community. I guess sapphic could be a useful term.

    But isn't lesbianism the only sexuality that excludes men? Why not just use the term sapphic if that's more specific? I'm honestly still learning more about terminology and why something would be problematic or not. I consider myself lesbian and have struggled with the mental gymnastics of being attracted to cis gender men who are femme boys because I am attracted more so to their presentation but draw a hard line at letting myself be attracted to trans men as to not undermine their gender no matter their expression.
    It's difficult if you identify as both a man and a woman because that doesn't fit into the way people organise stuff. Of course lesbians can be attracted to people who look like women as well sometimes which is a weird space to be in when you're bigender. Like I'd probably just reject a lesbian woman if they were attracted to me. I guess? (Assuming I found her attractive in this hypothetical which let's be honest given how many people I find attractive seems unlikely lol.) If I was a binary trans guy I'd feel this was straight forward but as I'm bigender it's like 'well I'm sort of a woman...' I think the bolded is an incredibly weird double standard yet I understand where it comes from as someone who finds myself fantasising about cis guys sometimes as being non-binary or 'sort of but not entirely women.' But I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that with a trans guy and I haven't really come across any trans guys I was that attracted to (and maybe that's even part of it because they're so separated in my mind.) It's fucked up though. I mean from a distance it's not as bad but definitely not good if you're in a relationship with someone...

    I'm doing the meme again:

    woke: trans men are men

    broke: trans men are women

    bespoke: (̶s̶o̶m̶e̶)̶ ̶c̶i̶s̶ ̶m̶e̶n̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶n̶-̶b̶i̶n̶a̶r̶y̶

    I'm a trans man dating a cis man and we still consider our relationship deeply sapphic ❤
    I feel like this has to be discussed though lol. Like why are so many people doing this? What is it representing emotionally etc? Is it the idea that gay male relationships can't be emotionally fulfilling and are just casual and fun? I see the reverse thing too which Contrapoints was talking about in her male gaze video where it's like lesbians envying gay men which is linked to this sort of stereotyping:

    Then they read slash fanfiction and m/m erotica. Straight women watch lesbian porn. She mentioned 'this is probably something for therapy' (the fact that she envies gay men because she thinks they have more fun,) mm I think it needs to be discussed culturally too though. It's not even a new thing lol Camille Paglia has been like this forever:

    Gay men may seek sex without emotion; lesbians often end up in emotion without sex. - Camille Paglia

    When I meet gay men anywhere in the world, there is a spontaneity and a spirit of fun and mischief that lesbians seem incapable of. - Camille Paglia

    I have found few lesbians with whom I can discourse for more than five minutes without hitting some tiresome barrier of resentment or ideology. ? Again and again over the decades, as I did my time, in frustrated boredom, in lesbian bars, trying with spectacular lack of success to make friends or just converse, I would end up gabbing for hours with some stray gay man. He might have dropped out of school at fourteen, but he had opinions, tastes, energy, wit. Is there something innately different about the gay male brain? - Camille Paglia

    It's so sad.

    Gay activism has been naive in its belligerent confidence that homophobia will eventually disappear with proper education of the benighted. Reeducation of fractious young boys on the scale required would mean fascist obliteration of all individual freedoms. Furthermore, no truly masculine father would ever welcome an feminine or artistic son at the start, since the son's lack of virility not only threatens but liquidates that father's identity, dissolving husband into wife. Later there may be public rituals of acceptance, but the damage will already have been done. Gay men are aliens, cursed and gifted, the shamans of our time. - Camille Paglia

    She has so many hot takes.

    It's difficult for me because I'm bigender anyway. So my entire identity is mixed up. I've been the person reading m/m stuff almost exclusively, and also idealising sapphic relationships. Also some kind of t4t straight thing on occasion over the years.

    Every lesbian I've met always seems angry every gay guy HAPPY.
    Yup, i envy gay guys. But as Jamie Lannister said ''you dont get to choose who you love'' So i am stuck with girls...
    I don't think men and lesbian women are angry because of women predominantly. There are difficult things like all the stuff Camille Paglia describes, but I think they're angry because they're less feminine psychologically on average and because of competition with men as well. You hear stupid stuff men say constantly and it just bugs you. Not limited to lesbian women. In fact the angriest people are probably non-conforming straight women.

    I mean he kind of covers this in another bit lol:

    The ending of this is hilarious lol.

    I don't think two straight men in a relationship would be as happy as the gay guy he's talking about. And the gay guy he's talking about isn't always that happy either in fact gay men have higher rates of depression and anxiety. Just more bubbly (and not all gay men have that personality type.)

    Bisexuals have an even worse time but there are other reasons for that.

    Its one of the cruelest ironies in life that Straight Men and Lesbians aren't able to be with each other and be happy.
    This is a bizarre response to this video lol especially considering a bunch of the comments.

    Same with gays and women. Never fails to amaze me how girls are with me vs. straight guys. Night and f'n day.

    We're all star crossed.
    😂😂 nah lesbians cheat tried it been there regret it 😂
    This would make for a great futuristic thriller where gay guys and feminists/ straight men and lesbians become hetero couples, it makes perfect sense as an evolutionary process.
    Why feminists lol? Lesbian and feminist aren't mutually exclusive either.

    I always thought, women might mature faster than dudes in grade school but that's about as far as they progress. Ever notice in a workplace when your coworkers tell you "it's like highschool here" they're referring to female coworkers 95% of the time

    the good news though is this is mainly an American/england problem. If you travel abroad elsewhere you'll find many women still hold traditional values and will be more than happy to settle down with one man and respect his role as the man of the house. I strongly urge the brothers to travel abroad and find a real woman before it's too late
    This comment section 🤢🤢🤢
    This comment section is a complete cluster [BEEP] and I've seen some in my time.

    Women are generally that way, even traditional "value", the only issue is that western women are the extreme
    Western women are very feminine. Everyone says they're masculine but then personality research disagrees. A never ending series of paradoxes.

    See your problem is trying to see problems in your relationship as competitions to be won or lost. Share your emotions and feelings and just try to understand eachother
    F that. Men should NEVER share their emotions with their woman regardless of how many times they ask or say they won't judge him for it. Women look to their man for security, if he shares his feelings, that security can be compromised.

    There is too great a risk for her to lose respect, love, and attraction for him. Best for men to either to keep to themselves or share it with other men (where trust has been affirmed).
    yeah I get that, but as you said, western society women are more extreme in their toxic feminism beliefs. There are still countries where women are raised to respect men as their protector provider and head of the household. Will there still be some drama? Yeah I'm sure, but it sounds like there's a better chance of being able to healthily work through it
    This is why lesbians can't date you well that and your body type. It seems like some lesbians (well they id that way,) have success dating guys who previously id'd as gay men and are feminine.

    This guy is responding to everyone lol:

    Travel abroad my brother. There are many places out of country that prove that women can still be wonderful
    That guy didn't even say what country he was from...

    The difference is I actually like women
    Well that?s why lesbians are better with women, they are also women-
    you'd think, right? nah they just beat each other instead lol
    ^ tons of comments like this.

    I remember a time when an actual cool lesbian was probably the BEST wingman I've ever had. It was probably the best form of equality ever done 😁
    I suspect, but can't QUITE prove from personal experience, that bisexual women are the best wingwomen.
    I?ll be honest, throughout my time in the "gay circle" so to speak, I've only actively talked to 2 lesbians, and I don't wanna generalise either but they were nasty :/. Like mean spirited, rude, and just generally not fun people to be around. I didn?t even bother to talk about their relationship status 'cause I'd rather not talk with either of them at all (those two I mean, not lesbians in general lol). I can just go by statistics and likely probabilities but in a lesbian setting, so if women in straight relationships are more likely to divorce the partner, I can see it the same for lesbians too, and even worse since they're both women I reckon. But as always in everything, it?s not so black and white, maybe I was just unlucky meeting these two?..
    Femboys will make it possible. For a future.
    Remind me to always stay single
    Oh well it's 'wholesome' I guess. Nobody's happy.

    And just like that, nobody?s having sex any more - but why?
    If you still have to ask, you're not paying attention.

    While there are a bunch of factors at play, from social media to a decrease in alcohol use, one hypothesis can be worrying

    [something about violent porn]
    Nobody is Having Sex Because They're a Bunch of Shut-In Nerds
    It ain't complicated, folks.
    Thank you. But also learning what other people think adds to that.

    Tbf I think there's a small minority having more sex than ever and then an ever expanding group of people who aren't having sex or relationships. It's interesting because it's historically novel for women to be forgoing sex, relationships and kids at this rate (especially the part where most women aren't reproducing.) Not so much for men though.

    I feel like I'm living the life I would have lived 100+ years ago. Minus technology. Though there's some possibility that I would have ended up in an asylum.

    Like either I'd end up in an asylum, dead, a convent.

    Like Emily Dickinson. Crossed with Rachilde. The worst of both worlds and worse than both of them. Since I haven't done the one thing [BEEP] outcasts are supposed to do to be successful - publish some book that becomes incredibly controversial.

    And I guess there's some Virginia Woolf too right because she rambled more I think than the other two (though Rachilde did write that text on why she's not a feminist etc, and tbh I haven't looked into Emily Dickinson that closely):

    Coleridge perhaps meant this when he said that a great mind is androgynous. It is when this fusion takes place that the mind is fully fertilized and uses all its faculties. Perhaps a mind that is purely masculine cannot create, any more than a mind that is purely feminine, I thought. But it would he well to test what one meant by man-womanly, and conversely by woman-manly, by pausing and looking at a book or two.
    It does sound familiar but nobody back then did this as much as me or anyone alive today with the internet lol.

    We just have YouTube channels now lol. I have several thousand subscribers which is probably more fans than most people have ever had throughout Human history. Very weird to think about... At the same time you have to consider this relatively speaking.

    I don't want to win though. I just want to reach metanoia? No I don't I mean eudaimonia.

    Which is why I'm a transhumanist because I think time solves a lot of issues, and technology can too. But most people don't live long enough to really make things work. Especially when they're moving at a really slow pace.

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  11. #5336
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    I'm scrolling through the Steven Wilson tag on tumblr. I check it infrequently tbh but basically nobody posts in it over time. 'posts in it' do you post in a tag on tumblr? That's probably not right but oh well.

    Yeah their psychedelic music is really great.

    That's fair since I discovered him in 2013~ when someone posted photos of him on tumblr and he reminded me of a crush I had irl a couple of years before but they really should also listen to the music cause it's great.

    #submitter person if youre reading this DONT listen to his music. it will make it 10 times worse
    I dunno I feel like it only lasted a couple of years for me. I mean he still looks attractive especially in older gifs and images but it's not that intense or anything. I like his music a lot though.

    (and yet this post yeah OK. Still though.)

    Someone on Tumblr has made a doll of Steven Wilson called Stevie. I wonder what Steven would think about this lol.

    It all started last November after I posted some photos of him on my Instagram. Some prog people appeared in comments confused what the f is this and why is it in their feed; one of them pointed out that the doll looks like JKR and boy oh boy I took this as an insult.
    JKR? As in JK Rowling lol? The doll doesn't look anything like her tbh. Oh wait I see this is the upgraded version because of their comments lol. Dunno what version they saw.

    Also you can't post stuff like this on the normie site. Rookie mistake.

    #ooak #barbie #custom doll #doll repaint #steven wilson #porcupine tree #blackfield #still not sorry
    Oh is it actually a modified barbie too? That makes me like it more lol because of the interesting juxtaposition. Like imagining a universe where that's real. As a kid I probably would have liked a 'Stevie' doll more than Ken dolls...

    I'm not going to lie to you. There's a part of me that wants to use advanced future AI to create a sequel to the Barbie film (which I never watched in the first place still to this day,) starring Stevie. (edit: I mean the doll lol not Steven Wilson. Like an animated film with the doll.)

    It could have dance numbers like:

    ^ this is actually more Vangelis/Blade Runner ish in parts then Staircase from Harmony Codex.

    'Brian's been amusing his friends by chewing on some plastic flash bulbs.'

    I think I want this film even more than I wanted that Being John Malkovich Joker-like weird Barbie Film with Crywank's Barbie song on the soundtrack that I invented before. It's important that I write these things down so someone in some other universe will get to experience it. That's definitely how the universe works.

    Going to tell my kids...

    .... that this was the Barbie film:


    I actually didn't notice myself when I was initially watching it lol but someone commented:

    Tbf I dunno if they're actually Barbies, they're dolls but can't really tell.

    Also that's such a great song.

    Some digital painting of 'not Steven':

    I would say it's not Steven? Or not the same Steven. Several posts ago I told about the fantasy novel with the necromancer and chimera. So that's the necromancer. The drawing isn't finished yet, some details are missing such as earring, hair texture etc., but I'm too tired now.
    Lol it looks a lot like him if you know what Steven Wilson looks like but I get it I do this kind of thing too. Often just in my head.

    Also he was really hot during this era actually...


    And this era:

    I think maybe they should have made some gifs lol instead of all the still images. Also I want to know what live video this is from/where.

    That crop top again. Damn it Tumblr. Also lol they tagged it

    #the crop top
    Yes 'the'

    Oh my God I've never even seen this era before:

    Like he was 19 or something. Cause it's 1986.

    Teenage Steven's guitar face kills me. I think the only sane explanation is that he's doing an impression of the o-faces from a porno he had watched the previous evening.

    (Also, thank [...] he would have been 18 or 19 in this bit of footage, and I don?t have to feel skeevy about watching it.)
    I feel like he's trying to imitate like 70s musicians but taking it a lot further lol.

    He looks like a music teacher lol
    I wish lol. My music teachers did not look like that. And I assume he probably would have been a better teacher too. Actually I don't wish I feel like finding your teacher really hot in high school or in general would be a massive pain.

    The first two photos were part of the cover image of some real person fanfic posted on tumblr. I try so hard not to read this stuff out of principle and people just be posting links to it (well at least it's a link I guess lol.) I don't care that they write it though really (like some people hate the people who do, but I get it,) but it's so hard these days to not read RPF (due to the lack of attractive fictional characters in media.) Really had to force myself not to read any Geddy/Alex (from Rush,) fanfiction.

    Like most fan fiction, the RPF genre includes stories of every kind, from innocuous to sadistic to pornographic. The genre can be considered postmodern. Many fan fiction writers consider writing real person fan fiction unethical and the genre is considered somewhat separate from media-based fan fiction, both within fandom communities and academic disciplines like fan studies.[5]
    I kind of miss when I was 13 and didn't give a [BEEP] about the ethics of using real people for porn/romance fiction I'm not gonna lie.

    Real person fiction has a long history. William Shakespeare's history plays are sometimes considered early examples of RPF,
    Oh well if Shakespeare did it. Actually I don't really care about non-pornographic stuff anyway or stuff that's obviously satire.

    However, some of the earliest known published cases of RPF come from 1977, when fanzines of the band Led Zeppelin began to print some of the fan fiction being written.
    Yeah I can imagine.

    There's like an entire fanart series of just genderbent Steven Wilson and some other prog musicians/members of his live band someone is posting with obvious feminisation themes and very sexualised lol... I mean in some of the images it's not just that they've drawn him as a woman there's other things going on lol:

    'The woman in green... she looks so strong and powerful. I have to learn to act like this.'

    'You should try high heels darling.'

    'I don't think that someone's power correlates with the height of her... Or his heels. I want new vinyl'

    [presents some top that's made of vinyl very clever. I see what you did there.]


    Also that account keeps giving him a female name etc. And yes the way they drew him makes him look really cute + hot.

    Why do I even try. I cannot be on this website if I'm serious about this. 🤣

    Oh yeah I forgot he (well people assumed it was him, someone did lol,) posted this on twitter a couple of years ago:

    It's funny too because when I first saw it I was scrolling on twitter like 'oh she's hot who is-' Oh it's just Steven or someone else in Porcupine Tree genderswapping themselves that tracks.

    Lol this is where straight guys are like "oh no it's a guy and you tricked me into thinking you're hot." or "Wtf lol this is so funny." Yes.... 'Funny.' I'm not bookmarking that in a folder called cute at all. "Yeah don't care. Hot either way."

    Not a flattering clip lol but sometimes I feel like there's that kind of gap.

    It's ironic though because I genderswap musicians in my mind but never did that with him. OK sorry Steven you have potential too. Especially in this person's fanart.....

    This time it's definitely not my fault! xDDD
    Fair lol. I think it's cause he was messing around with similar aesthetics for his album/single covers for The Future Bites around the time:

    A lot of people really hated that album art lol. They thought it was boring. Think a lot of his recent solo album art is quite minimalist in style but I don't dislike it. I liked those covers because of the various gradations of like his face merged with other people thought it was interesting but you'd have to consider them all to get that:

    I like the Harmony Codex cover as well.

    OMG it's the same Aviv's studio/shed and lmao OF COURSE he'll gonna ship them, they're literally fem!Blackfield xD
    For those who are not familiar with the Black Mirror series, these are main characters of the episode San Junipero (right from the poster on his wall):
    I haven't watched that show but also are they though lol?

    She has glasses lol that's about it. The glasses are important though. And I'm definitely going to think about and never actually get around to watching that show + episode.

    No. it?s not a sad goth girl, it?s Aviv in 1994 : D

    Yeah I don't like this song tbh, but he looks cool.

    I haven't listened to as much of Blackfield either but I like some of their songs:

    But I prefer Porcupine Tree and his solo work.

    Lol Steven is insane he has so many musical projects he's involved with/been involved with - Porcupine Tree, his solo work, Blackfield, No-Man, Storm Corrosion. Like he never stops.

    This is like me but with Steven Wilson lol:

    'I am so normal about this'
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  12. #5337
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    I ended up reading this guy's review of To The Bone since it was linked on wikipedia:

    Short version: I really don?t like this album. It?s a poorly written, poorly arranged, disjointed collection of substandard songs. It's not prog but that?s not why I don?t like it. For a very long explanation, read on.
    He really didn't like it lol. So I guessed (correctly) that he probably didn't like The Future Bites either since it's another pop record and he dislikes his falsetto. So he definitely wouldn't like King Ghost.

    Also when did SW think he had a good falsetto? Dude, no. It's not there.
    So I was curious what he'd think about The Harmony Codex because I thought he'd like that more and turns out I was right lol:

    I hated the last two solo albums that Steven Wilson released. Not because of whatever genre he wanted to do. Rather, it was just that they weren't up to standards in the song department. Wilson is a great songwriter and had always written great pop hooks, regardless of if the song was actually "prog." The reason that the last Porcupine Tree album worked for me was not just the style but the songs were strong. The album included styles that PT hadn't tried. It worked.

    So now Wilson is back with another solo album. Yes I was VERY apprehensive. "The Harmony Codex" is a bit like a jigsaw puzzle. Stylewise it has some prog, some pop and some electronica. But what it has that the last 2 albums didn't? Really good songs. Granted the album does jump around song to song when it comes to genres but it just kept me on my toes. I kept waiting for a song to bore me and the only time that almost happened was near the end with "Actual Brutal Facts" which isn't terrible but just not on par with the rest of the album.

    Also clicked on some account that was asking someone about the babygirlifcation of Steven Wilson and other things.

    i guess its funny how being weird will get you places. if i wasnt creepy and obsessive i wouldnt have met neiges friends LOL
    Hmm wait that's that guy in that band right? Yeah Alcest. I like this song:

    Yeah I've seen this sort of happen with fans of other musicians where they end up getting noticed by the musician/band, but I don't think I'd want to be recognised lol that's so awkward.

    Lol they just have a series of tumblr posts about this:

    very weird meeting not one but two friends of neige in one night and hearing them talk about steph like it almost felt illegal to listen to them
    my friend: you really have to meet neige! ill introduce you!!

    me: *sweats* nno
    meeting friends of neige and talking to them about neige genuinely feels so fucking wrong i have so much shame. i didnt even bring the topic of neige up but its still so. i feel like a stalker (i mean i probably am to some degree but) neige doesnt deserve this
    i will try to be a bit more normal so its less creepy
    This has been a very Berlin day online for some reason (though I guess technically it's a new day now):

    im in berlin. i dont like berlin. and im nervous about tonight. will let you guys know if i throw up

    actually ive made up my mind, im joining the war on gaylors on the side of gaylors because being invasive about a celebrities identity is fun and everyone should try it
    i dont make fun of gaylors because im worse
    This is ultimately the issue:

    Perhaps it would help to think about how she won't [BEEP] you anyway.

    Simps getting angry about their donation to their favourite titty streamer funding her vacation with the bf, but make it gay.

    #it's like watching a car accident
    I've seen a few people over the years bummed out and what not about their fav artist being gay meaning they don't have a chance, Taylor Momson comes to mind, but it's really wild that it doesn't seem to work the other way around so much.

    Closest I can thing was Elvira finally coming out of the closet and a bunch of people following her on social media, telling me they've accepted her word for it.

    These people also have to remember that it's not like they had a shot with them to begin with.
    Taylor Momsen is gay?

    This month, Momsen told Disorder magazine that she's "not gay but just bored of men" before adding that her best friend is her vibrator.
    So no.

    Also yeah exactly. You have to seperate your imagination and desires from reality at least a little. It's really the bare minimum lol.

    #The straightest white woman is gay?
    I've been saying.

    #i for one think this would be a hilarious lawsuit
    Well there is that lol.

    lol so a serial killing train...

    Lol omg. I forgot this dream I had in 2021:

    was playing some horror game that isn't real but wanted to see the ending although it wasn't clear what ending I'd get because it changes based on gameplay (it's always some secret room,) skipped right to the end somehow and ended up with a pretty creepy room and it was on a train I think at this point? Sort of unclear and there was this secret room that had a bunch of blood stains and bones etc and I think some old photos maybe on a wall and there was a bed with someone else sleeping on it so I got out of there so as not to wake them up (the energy I got was that I was some kind of criminal/killer in this scenario not a potential victim but if I revealed that I wasn't the same person at this point or that the scene bothered me that would be bad.)

    A few different things happened after this that had nothing to do with this 'game' but I can't remember now. Maybe at one point there were some packages that were mixed up or something.

    This parts really vague and wish I could remember it because a bunch of things happened I think. I think Trump popped up at some point.

    Then later in the dream there was some pool and I was supposed to be going to another pool but it was about to close and a bunch of things kept getting in the way. At one point I was stuck on some ferris wheel thing and these two girls kept dropping their toys and I had to chuck them back to them.

    Then my mum kept asking me to get her something from the creepy train room but I was trying to explain I didn't want to go back there at one point 'you won't even watch horror films (she won't irl lol,) I don't want to go back to the room because it's always changing when you unlock that so unpredictable.
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  13. #5338
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    Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, seek help not affirmation.

    #TransAwarenessWeek #TransFatigue #TransWomenAreConMen

    [some dumb image]
    Even if you believed this is true you know the entire medical establishment in the US where you live disagrees with you so they couldn't even if they wanted to. Posting this is the most redundant thing imaginable and ultimately only to insult trans people.

    His bio:

    Just another "reply guy" here to make fun of stuff, argue with liberals and fill the void that a life of unfulfilled dreams has left where my soul once was.
    I love it when bigots are self aware.

    The truth is most of the people doing this (not all, but most,) are middle aged divorced men who hate their life. Like Glinner. Sometimes their behaviour led to the divorce (like Glinner,) but often they're already divorced and/or hate their life. Lots of middle aged men hate their life. Lots of people online hate their life but their methods for coping vary. The anti trans crowd on twitter is predominantly the middle aged men who hate their life. Even fascists have something they think is better to do (complain about immigration, ethnic minority groups, and 'the eradication of the white race' etc.)

    Oh I know the women who engage in this will dress this up as some kind of fight for women but most women are pro-trans, women are more likely than men to be pro-trans, and there's like 10 of you. For real. You're there so the middle aged men have a purpose (their purpose is white knighting for you.)

    "Help I'm being oppressed by 0.4-0.5% of the population. In the US 40% of them attempt suicide, and 30% of them live in poverty. 1 in 10 are evicted from their home because of their gender identity, 1 in 5 have been discriminated against when finding a home. 1 in 3 employers in the UK admit that they wouldn't hire someone if they found out they were trans."

    It's sad.
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  14. #5339
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    #what the hell? #at this point you need to listen to actual LGBT musicians #seventeenth letter of the alphabet
    I think Gaylor's should listen to Amanda Palmer and The Dresden Dolls. She has great music and is openly bisexual. They'll cancel her in about 2 minutes for x,y z other things but it's OK she has multiple tracks that could serve as responses to that already:

    I don't think they're actually fans of Taylor Swift's work. They're pissed about her not delivering their parasocial sexual fantasy because in their mind she's not offering them anything else like good music etc. This isn't to insult Taylor Swift's work I think it's OK, I'm not really a fan, but that's not really the point. The point is that if you like someone's music you're not going to try and sue them for not being gay lol or hate them in general because they're 'queerbaiting' which is an insane concept when applied to real people lol.

    Look there's even a very gay music video:

    'She's not a hot femme straight easy-to-digest popstar. Why would I listen to her music?'

    Oh dear. You all suck.
    The impulse is pure
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  15. #5340
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Also clicked on some account that was asking someone about the babygirlifcation of Steven Wilson and other things.
    So this is a gen Z thing, and I can intuit what this means but still decided to google it and some of the headlines in news articles are hilarious:

    The babygirlification of Ghost in COD is threatening the incels
    This is definitely a contender for top 10 news headlines. So far off the top of my head:

    1. The [BEEP] Nazi: Sex Toy-Selling White Supremacist Unmasked

    2. UK builders go WOKE: Study finds three quarters of tradesmen discuss their feelings with colleagues while two thirds shun the fried breakfasts and nearly half say they are history buffs

    3: The babygirlification of Ghost in COD is threatening the incels

    I think there was something else but I've forgotten.

    Video game franchise "Call of Duty"'s newest installment "Modern Warfare II" was released on Oct. 27, and its revamped visuals and characters have been received positively across the board. However, one unprecedented event has occurred: TikTok?s girly pop communities have gotten ahold of "Call of Duty"'s edgelord Ghost, and all the chronically-online dudebros who rely on Ghost to live out their superhero fantasies are losing their minds.

    Reminds me of this:

    I liked playing Reaper because he's an edgelord actually (I haven't played Overwatch in many years. Might have been 5-6 years,) but I find it funny.

    If you overreact they're going to do it even more... Because it's fun. Like people who don't even have the sexual preference that encourages people to do this will start doing it for the memes because it's getting a reaction out of you. So if you care reacting is a bad idea.

    I invented this btw (no but lol.) Back in 2010 I photoshopped photos of tyranids pink and glittery and posted them on Facebook to mess with my ex (we were still in a relationship then,) because he liked tyranids from Warhammer 40k and owned a bunch (amusingly this was before I knew about Slaanesh and his love of pink.) I also did this with images of Chuck Norris for the lols. And photoshopped my brother with like bright orange hair and makeup and turned him into a custom painting in The Sims 2. So like when your Sims are painting they paint images and you can add custom images so they start painting those. Then I made him watch.

    Ghost is, in its simplest terms, being babygirlified to the highest degree. Many predominantly female communities seem to be drawn to Ghost's faceless and masked concept, low-toned voice, and general physique, deeming him their "babygirl" to express their fondness for him. From headcanoning him, kicking his legs, and blushing at a compliment to wearing cat ears, Ghost's menacing persona is being accepted as a cute little quirk to the girlies. In response, much of COD?s male fanbase is accusing this mostly-female demographic of babygirlifiers of sexualizing him.
    Except, what exactly are they deeming as sexualization? The edits of Ghost walking to phonk music and the art of him blushing? In an ironic twist, Ghost's babygirlification and subsequent outrage is a perfect segway into addressing the hypocrisy within the overwhelmingly male gaming community. Sure, Ghost might be sexualized to some extent like being drawn in a maid costume, but it's nowhere near--and nowhere as graphically uncomfortable--as the sexualization and objectification of any female character on screen. It's about time we acknowledge and scrutinize the oversexualization of female characters in video games, and why it's a problem to both male and female gamers alike.
    So dumb nothing described or that image is sexualised. I'll use Loki as an example since I have many bookmarked fanart images:

    This is sexualised:

    This is just cute/funny shit:

    The rest of the article doesn't interest me as it predictably descends into a Jack Thompson-esque rant about the sexualisation of female video game characters + mods while attempting to shroud the puritan values it's pushing behind 'left wing social values' and conflation with workplace harassment of female game developers at Activision Blizzard.

    The gaming industry has always been male dominated, creating a space where blatant disrespect and sexism against the female minority is expected and encouraged.

    The trend continues today. This is most evident in cases like Activision Blizzard, a game maker that was sued in 2021 for workplace harassment fostered by a "frat boy" environment. The case is made more bizarre by the fact that Activision Blizzard is the game maker for the "Call of Duty" franchise. It?s no surprise then that gaming has a "by men for men" attitude in the creation process. There has been a withstanding stereotypical view of female characters: they?re big breasted, sexy, and alluring.

    These long-standing standards of industry can help put into context the hypersexualization of female characters that began during the earliest forms of gaming.
    Great question. Recently, the problems of hypersexualization come less from the actual games, but from the majority male players consuming the media. Rule 34--a term used to state that if a piece of content exists on the internet, there's a pornographic rendition of it--has come into worrying effect. Gamers are now predisposed to technology that can make their imaginations come true, which makes it easier for any video game character to sexualize any character to the point where the content is just porn.

    Some of the most popular modifications for games like 2019 "Jedi: Fallen Order," are making female character Merrin completely nude. Others are replacing loading scenes with 3D-rendered sex scenes focused on--you guessed it--Merrin, and other female characters. They're even changing the main male protagonist into a female version and making her naked.
    Oh no!

    Who cares? It's a video game character. And btw some of the people changing the male character into a woman could well be women. They certainly do that king of thing enough on tumblr. Often with male musicians. Who are real people!

    You're now homophobic, congrats you lost the game.

    Unlike most left wing people I'm not young or retarded enough to fall for that lol.

    The sexual objectification of fictional female characters directly influences women in real life; it bleeds into societal views of the objectification of women, and these very views of sexual objectification are then internalized. This internalization is referred to as self-objectification.

    Self-objectification has been seen even in women who consider the media's sexualization of women to be harmless or flattering. Research shows self-objectification often leads to mental health problems such as depression, disordered eating, shame, anxiety, and reduced productivity. The hypersexualization and objectification of female characters is negatively impacting people in real life, yet the problem is still invalidated by the male majority. The fact that Ghost being babygirlified is an issue while most, if not all, video game female characters are uncomfortably sexualized is a testament to this fact.

    It bothers me that they cut it off there. Should really listen to it with Retrogenesis:

    The sexual objectification of women isn't just affecting women, it's affecting men, too--especially adolescents. Men are taught at a young age to be hypermasculine, rejecting any notion of femininity, which plays into deeply internalized sexism, misogyny, and homophobia. This prevents men from expressing or feeling any emotion that is considered weak; men internalize any moment of vulnerability and weakness as shame. These masculine ideals are exacerbated by teaching young boys that women are objects to be dominated. Consequently, this belief absolves men of responsibility for their actions, and protects men from the supposed weakness that comes from rejection in relation to a woman.
    That's just intrasexual male competition. They're in competition with other men to be the least attractive 'masculine' men imaginable (it's going very well,) because they don't understand what women want and/or they don't care and their dad's shamed them for being feminine when they were growing up (see: Andrew Tate talking about his childhood.)

    Quick tangent based on some tweets I stumbled on again on twitter a couple of days ago discussing this one photo of a bunch of women some overweight, some not:

    Quote bronze Age Pervert
    "The women in the good parts of any Spanish or French or Italian city and almost the whole of Japan and east azia are just porn prostitute fantasies made up by incels" --t. Amerikwan femael

    My mentions are full of men who think these three women are obese and lamenting the decline of society.

    Way to tell advertise to us all that you?ve never seen a naked woman in real life and watch a lot of porn.

    Women also do not find it attractive when men have this body fat percentage (far left, far right)| it is really annoying how they all pretend they also don't have standards.
    I found this discussion before really bizarre because I thought the centre woman and the one on the right were actually the most attractive of all those comparison images people were talking about and I also like the far right slim body type on men.... To say either of those women is obese is also batshit insane to a degree I didn't expect even from the internet. Especially far right. And I consider myself incredibly picky in idiosyncratic ways.

    BAP's definition of what makes an attractive man which he spams constantly on twitter doesn't do anything for me lol. I guess I agree with him that beards aren't really attractive but I'm not into the 'muscular young guys at gym' genre of posts. His psyop just isn't working on me, but at least everyone assumes he's gay for his effort.

    Have you not read the book? The video is obviously a bit trolly but the stuff being referred to is there, I don't believe BAPs gay, but I would unironically recommend it to gay men
    I mean he is bisexual I'd assume and also autistic (diagnosed I think, will have an impact on his sexuality) has a number of kinks (that makes it hard to know if he is bisexual in some kind of literal sexological sense. He's attracted to male statues,) struggles with intimacy. Impression I got reading his manifesto and a bunch of tweets. I actually related to one tweet he mentioned where he said that he'd just come up with weird stories to tell his partner while having sex (not the exact stories he came up with, just what he was doing.):

    During the too-biological and otherwise vile matter-of-fact act of copulation, in order to induce a haze over myself, in accordance with some French or Vajrayana practices, I keep up a stream of speech; gril I am with now likes this. Especially enticing are fantasies about smell of burning buildings coming in through window, fantasies about seeing riots burning down museums, libraries, ravishment of grils on top of the ashes, images of breaking her boyfriend's spine etc.
    Seems dissociative and if I can relate to it that's generally a bad sign lol.

    women are getting fatter and fatter everywhere, all your effort has been for nothing
    Do you think some women do it out of spite? I have to imagine that's happening now to some degree considering how so many men behave on social media. I don't think they should because I like women (in general,) and it has a negative effect on their life - health, sexual options etc. However I really like the idea of these guys never being able to have sex because every woman is unattractive to them. Perhaps there are better ways to get revenge though. Like becoming conventionally attractive and rejecting them.

    OK tangent over. The bolded part is important.

    Most men want to be objectified, just not in ways that women actually do online. They want to be objectified in a 'masculine way.' And they want women to want them for their body not a feminised bisexual fantasy or 'please choke me.' It bothers them that women don't find them physically attractive. Some straight men (I assume physically masculine,) I've seen online admit to going onto gay dating sites so they can be objectified by gay men, but then it can't go anywhere and this annoys gay men.

    The average man doesn't really want to have very violent sex. Women are more likely to have rape fantasies and in general when people do online surveys have more fantasies about violent sex acts. But a lot of men prefer to be in the 'I'll choke/kill you' role than being feminised and emasculated by women on tumblr. This horrifies men, especially men like Bronze Age Pervert lol.

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Do I have any libtarded-looking femael followers or admirers who would like to star in Frog Pr0n? Ripped Handsome Thursday frogs ravishing leftist and hippie and "office-strong"-type grils? Extreme political dirty talking? Wat think
    Quote some Acolyte of BAP
    I think this would work well, make it "reality-like" casting-couch setting, but she mad and talking about college courses, Foucault, Sontag, etc. Buck Breaking, but with AWFLs.
    So if you don't know what that is AWFL stands for affluent white female liberal (and it's supposed to sound like awful yes very clever *slow clap*) and buck breaking is:

    Buck Breaking refers to the act of sexually abusing Black slaves publically and in front of other slaves, in order to assert dominance, punish them and ultimately emasculate Black men. This is sometimes painted to be a closeted gay slave owner's way of acting out their repressed sexual urges, which were largely criminal at the time. There is debate as to whether or not Buck Breaking existed and how popular it was, with little historical evidence surrounding it. In 2021, a documentary by Tariq Nasheed featuring Judge Joe Brown titled Buck Breaking covering the history of the practice was released, claiming the practice still exists in some form today. The term became popular on 4chan's /tv/ and /pol/ boards following the film's release, particularly in mocking and ironic posts against Nasheed for spreading Buck Breaking as legitimate, and posts claiming Nasheed is interested in buck breaking as a fetish.
    Review about that documentary here:

    On November 25th, 2018, director Tariq Nasheed, best known for his documentary Hidden Colors, posted to Twitter[9] describing buck breaking, writing, "In slavery, there was a tactic called Buck Breaking where slave owners would sexually violate African males to break them down psychologically. The new Buck Breaking tactic is where white supremacists use their negro flunkies to shame Black men into having sex with transexuals" (shown below). Three years later he would release a documentary on the subject.
    The guy who made the documentary is basically a transphobic + homophobic + misogynistic conspiracy theorist and black nationalist (so like white nationalists if they were black since they are also all those things):

    Nasheed is known for his use of the term "bed wench" and the related term "Negro bed wench mentality".[7][22] He uses the term to refer to black women who date interracially. He revived and popularized use of this term, which historically was used to disparage black women who were raped by their masters during slavery. Ebony Magazine described Nasheed's conception of the term "bed wench" as a put-down of successful black women who challenge the institutions of black patriarchy.[23][24] Nasheed also uses the term "buck breaking" to refer to the sexual abuse of Black men, particularly in the context of slavery, via a documentary of the same name, which MEL Magazine described as containing "uncooked nonsense" and being largely inaccurate.[25]
    Racial nationalism is mostly a mate guarding thing remember.

    According to Refinery29, Nasheed "is notorious for his misogynistic, queerphobic, xenophobic and often ahistorical commentary on Blackness in America."[26] Stephen Kearse of The New York Times refers to Nasheed as a "conspiracy buff".[27]
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Nasheed was highly vocal about his distrust of the COVID-19 vaccine. He opined that, "they are using yet another Black, non-FBA doctor to do the #CovidVaccine experiment on today...Notice no one has given a SCIENTIFIC reason as to why we are only seeing Black people injected with this new vaccine" and that the "white powers in control" completely ignored requests for "reparations, decent employment, decent education, decent housing, no police killings."[28][29]
    And to the surprise of no one at all he also has some PUA history:

    In 1991, Nasheed moved to Los Angeles, where he began his career as a rapper and later as a dating expert under the "K-Flex" persona, before transitioning into documentary filmmaking.[7] Many of his dating books give instructions on how to be a pickup artist.[8]
    Can't find it now but when confronted by conservative men on 'ew why?' Because they don't find liberal women attractive Bronze Age Pervert responded with something along the lines of 'it's not meant to be hot it's psychological warfare' and has at some point (maybe in that response) pointed out that 'the left uses porn as psychological/political warfare so the right wing should too.'

    Unfortunately porn already consists of these kinds of men and this kind of thing and nobody from that group is interested. You know what they want BAP.

    OK well that's just me. But since that's what BAP seems to be doing as well lol. Tbf very few people who don't share his preferences are falling for it at this point lol. Liberals hate him because he promotes violent and aggressive masculinity/warrior fascist-adj ideology. Conservatives hate him because he tweets things like this:

    This whole account is a Twatter dark hole for what the "religious e-Christian antiracist VIRTUE" coalition is about.

    "She" (?) is also promoting and interacting with/boosting interracial porn accounts under the pretext of opposing--which all the "radfems" do
    In response to a woman posting images of herself wearing feminine + conservative clothing:

    She should just do porn. What's the point of this? That would be more honest.
    Quote some conservative woman
    My Uber driver asked me if I was on my way to an Amsterdam Dance Event party.

    I told him: "Let's just say: not quite."

    You should go to fancy parties and fashion week and such, you'd be far more valuable as an outrageous party thot than this porn act you're doing to farm attention from online imbeciles

    The back and forth/infighting between these two groups is incredibly entertaining to me I'm not gonna lie:

    Profanities are the first thing that comes to mind when a Jew sees a white woman attending Catholic mass.
    But they really should take Bateman's advice:

    BAP isn't Jewish (he's Patrick Bateman,) and it's an insult to Jewish people to say he is lol.

    He doesn't like anything women do that generates attention online so his solution to that is to post tons of photos of young white guys with muscles that will mostly appeal to gay men. Why won't you learn from playgirls mistake?

    Quote someone asking a question on r/ask women
    Why do you think Playgirl magazine (female version of Playboy) failed?
    I can't speak for other women, but I've never had any desire to look at naked dudes. Especially with no context.
    Because a lot of women aren't inherently turned on by seeing naked men
    Honestly the guys were hot but seeing a limp dick laying across a leg does nothing for me.
    Never saw the allure of photos of naked, flaccid men...alone. I'm sure I'm not the only one
    I feel that. Men are attractive and all but seeing Magic Mike type dudes does absolutely nothing for me.
    In my experience women are more variable in men in terms of what they find physically attractive, and the magazine only ever featured one type (typical movie star male power fantasy dudes). There were probably other problems, including marketing and the stigmas associated with women buying things like that, but the men pictured probably only appealed to 5-10% of women to begin with.
    Because pretty much all magazines are dying. Also, the fact that they were so homophobic that they refused to acknowledge that a significant part of their audience weren't straight women.
    Dicks are ugly
    Half the comments are also boring stuff like this:

    Most women dont objectify men nearly as much as men objectify women
    I think that being simply visually stimulated by naked people isn't something that women do as much -- whether that's innate or not, I don't know. It's certainly less socially acceptable. And (so far as I know) Playgirl never had the caliber of articles that Playboy did -- a lot of good sci fi got published there, and a lot of seriously good writers wrote for Playboy. It was legit to say "I read it for the articles," even if no one believed you. Playboy was, in many ways, the nicest, most "romantic" of the girly mags. Playgirl was alone, and so seemed ... weird.

    Most straight women hate being objectified because they're not that autogynephilic and/or exhibitionstic (even if they like the idea of sexualising themselves they don't want to do it in the presence of others, that would mean losing control,) and they don't have much of a sex drive in general. They're not all that attracted to anyone.

    So it's gross/creepy.

    Thus, in contrast to heterosexual participants, bisexual women showed greater activity towards male (relative to female) erotic pictures in affect-related brain areas. In this way, it seems that it would be overly simplistic to say that bisexual women are similar to heterosexual women, but with the addition of gynephilic interest. Rather, bisexual women seem to have greater responses to both male and female erotic stimuli, depending on the brain area being considered. Patterns of greater overall responsiveness are consistent with suggestions that bisexual women may be distinguished by having overall greater degrees of sexual motivation relative to heterosexual women20,21.
    They're not attracted to women (or men,) so they don't want to see sexulised women (except when they secretly watch lesbian porn.) Plus if they acknowledged they were sexually attracted to women they'd be just like the men they hate.

    So that's gross/creepy.

    Being promiscuous or signalling that (by 'self objectifying') is bad because sex = power and control. Men don't really respect promiscuous women (I don't think women respect promiscuous men either actually, mostly because of the personality type of many of these guys, but we're not ready for that conversation yet.) Because they assume they will cheat, having sex with men is seen as degrading and corrupting so the less men you have sex with the better in most people's minds (lesbian women often feel this way too,) some people hate competition, paternity fears, and men struggle with the madonna/whore complex, so you're treated like [BEEP] if you do that by both men and women so no wonder your mental health is shit.

    And that's gross/creepy.

    Being feminine is also often seen as bad (but not as much as being sexual + feminine,) because that's seen as weak/submissive and maybe not their personal preference in the first place. Same way straight men feel about it.

    Gross/creepy again.

    You're not that different. Most people don't want to be feminine or have sex with men - they have internalised the idea that being feminine and having sex with men ruins you. But if you have to have sex with men it's better to be masculine and a top, being a masculine bottom is better than being a feminine bottom but still bad. I haven't concluded whether it's better to be a feminine top or a masculine bottom yet - that seems contested. Being a female top is good in female circles 'peg the patriarchy' but bad if you're actually trying to have a relationship with a man (most straight men are tops.) You can't be attracted to androgynous or young looking guys even if they're not underage because that's pedophilia (regardless of gender but gay men get more [BEEP] because of homophobia.) Being attracted to young women is seen as good among men but bad among women especially older women who don't want to date young guys and prefer older guys, and gen z women stuck in an online purity cycle/playing some kind of weird clout game where the worst sin imaginable is a 26 year old dating a 19 year old - think of the power imbalance. Don't worry though they're progressive 25 year old women dating 23 year old men is also bad. If the 23 year old is in a band. The fact he's in a band and she's hot is unrelated lol. If you're an older woman dating a younger woman you're a lesbian predator, but men are expected to be attracted to younger women and shamed for dating older women but women will admire you for doing that (unless they find you attractive and the older woman is hotter than them,) otherwise only men will look down on you (in the same way they would if you date an overweight woman.) Paradoxically being masculine if you're afab is viewed as bad:

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Also, grils in Brazil, Europe and Japan have higher counts. They also happen to be more feminine and sweeter. These things are not related. The pathologies of kwan wom*n are not caused by, nor are the cause of, promiscuity...
    Correct, chasity is different than a feminine persona. A woman can be a virgin and have the typical unfeminine Anglo woman personality(who are the most unfeminine women in the world) or be a massive [BEEP] with attractive feminine personality. Eastern Euro is filled with the later
    Stop trying to demoralize the young men of your host nation you ungrateful zionist.
    How would you know? Don't you only sleep with dudes?

    liberals are fairly misandric and dislike masculinity, and then this viewpoint exists:

    We get it: you guys have got some obscure, nasty sexual peccadilloes. That's not really the problem. The problem is that you're fascist pigs and you won't leave us alone. The problem is that you're nazis. Some people are gay because they're born that way, some became gay after an illicit rendezvous in their youth and some are gay because they really, really hate the female of the species

    Gay men who adore women and want to be like them are fine. Gay nazis who hate women are pure scum. Get your [I'm just going to have to remove this part] [BEEP] out of here. Nobody cares about your dumb racial theories. Stop trying to convince young straight guys that girls are wicked and grooming them with your creepy Graeco-Roman pederasty.
    So you can't win. (Wouldn't say that reddit post was entirely wrong about some of the famous 'masculine' gay men they were criticising.)

    This set of ridiculously strict rules is part of the reason nobody has sex or relationships anymore.

    Neither straight men nor straight women really like how the other views them (on average,) and sexualises them (on average.)

    These facts explain the reason so many male gamers are angry at female gamers babygirlifying Ghost: the feeling of their masculinity, directly tied to their favorite hypermasculine character of Ghost, being transformed into something many perceive as feminine by women is a terrifyingly vulnerable moment that threatens their carefully fabricated masculinity. The fact that many female gamers are shipping Ghost with another male character, Soap, adds onto this. Not only is their masculinity being threatened, but even the mere idea of their favorite cool, masculine characters being madly in love with each other is driving them wild. Internalized misogyny and homophobia is strikingly apparent in their backlash.
    Luckily I'm non-binary so I don't have to care lol. But also there's stuff I don't really care for and that's just my personal taste. It's very difficult (more difficult for some people than others,) but you have to find someone compatible with you (if you want a relationship,) and ignore the noise. Otherwise you just become authoritarian.

    As time progresses, however, there are increasingly diverse casts of characters that display different types of qualities regardless of gender. Take Kratos, from the "God of War" series, originally a buff, rage-filled, Greek deity-killing Spartan, now displaying sadness, grief, loss, tenderness, and love for his deceased family and son--all of these seemingly nonmasculine qualities. Or "Horizon Zero Dawn," where Aloy displays perseverance, strength, physical competence, and complex character development without running around a post-apocalyptic world with heels and thigh-high skirts accentuating her figure.

    It?s well past time for this slow tide of non-stereotypical depictions of characters to become the new trend in gaming. Maybe kids in the future will grow up with more positive depictions of different people, and be assured people are all uniquely great in their own right, without using sexiness or stoicism to prove it.
    Yeah OK. If you want that then you have to let straight men have their fantasy too. Even when they're being hypocrites.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

Made with <3
Anxiety Space is not a replacement for a fully qualified doctor.