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  1. #5341
    Forum Addiction:

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    I'm conflicted on what I feel about sobriety. Why do we stigmatize chemically assisted happiness?

  2. #5342
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
    Forum Addiction:

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    Only the male intellect, clouded by the sexual impulse, could call the undersized, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged sex the fair sex; for in this impulse is to be found its whole beauty. The female sex could be more aptly called the unaesthetic.
    Men are wagyu beef. Women are McDonald's. Unfortunately hunger will make fools of us
    So you're saying if men were less thirsty you'd want to eat them?

    if it weren't for the female form, society and art would not exist.
    all the dudes would have stayed hunter gatherers and done nothing all day.
    dudes don't do things to impress other dudes, they do them to impress women.
    I think a lot of men are trying to impress other men. That's the only explanation for most of the political right online lol.

    I'd disagree there.

    Bodybuilding is based around impressing dudes😂😂😂

    Then I stumbled on this guy's tweets who I'm going to call 'dandere guy' but is somewhat right wing cis straight version of myself which is... Not great:

    We need more of whatever this is (dandere nobility that stand against the normal-one havers) instead of "tomboy gf that say bro"

    Had to look this one up even though I'm relatively knowledgeable about weeb vocab.

    A "Dandere" is a character who is shy, quiet, timid and asocial. They are afraid to talk, fearing that what they say will get them in trouble.

    Dandere characters will normally be quiet and silent, possibly to the point of coming across as emotionless at times. However, they will suddenly become talkative and sweet when alone with the right person if they are comfortable enough to pour their heart out, revealing that they're actually just shy.

    Gloomy dandere Shut-ins establishing dominance over the normie peasant masses with the rare moment when they "come out of their cave"
    How to make a [name] anime girl
    -Give them severe social anxiety
    -Finished, you've done it


    -Give them glasses as well (very important!)
    You're looking for someone with a mental health disorder and glasses. Well I get the glasses thing I guess. They are cute. Nerds are nice in theory/fantasy but can be quite egotistical irl and assholes ime. People with social anxiety can also be pretty terrible. incel/femcel types are pretty terrible online too (some overlap with socially anxious.) I'm pretty terrible online too and also a socially anxious shut in.

    He's in some kind of ongoing online fued with another segment of anime twitter - the tomboy gf crowd:

    The tomboy stuff is almost as bad as futa in a certain sense. I will never defend it nor entertain it. These niBBas really say stuff like "I want a woman that's as androgynous and boyish as possible and perhaps like a stereotype of a teenage boy but I'm not gay!!!1!"

    I have argued that many of the anime archetypes that are popular with a certain kind of male (Childhood friend, meido, yandere, etc) are devised in such a way as to avoid social anxiety around approaching women. The tomboy thing is part of this trend.

    They're seen as being less feminine than the average female their age and are thus more relatable to the male in question since they share certain ephemeral and surface level hobbies and tastes. Thus some of the anxiety is (supposedly) eliminated.

    I admit I'm also guilty of this mindset, although it's with dandere/jimiko/shut-in anime girls because they seem more relatable and thus the approach anxiety is reduced. (They are also depicted as lower status and thus are more attainable in the eyes of the viewer).
    Meganekko Dandere Nerd characters > le ebin quirky tomboys that like sports
    So true! The dandere meganekko is the most desirable female archetype in all of anime.
    It seems like the superiority of the dandere meganekko has struck a nerve with the tomboy crowd. When one is over the target, they receive the most flak. I have struck the nerve.

    Why I like tomboys: A thread

    Would be intellectuals harbor a certain delusion about tomboys. They frequently claim things like "You just want a guy with boobs" "it's one step removed from futa" "they're androgynous" and other nonsensical [...]
    LOL that image is mostly true though:

    This is the ward against the people who are one step removed from doing "based femboy" posting.

    Well besides all the parts that aren't (like the weird skin tone thing,) but they're not going to change for you. There are also lots of athletic women and fit women who have large muscles who aren't tomboys it's not really the same thing though there is overlap. I mean it probably was close to being the same thing 30 odd years ago (or further back in time,) but irl tomboy isn't even a thing in real life really? I mean I've had people accuse me of being a lesbian, trying to make me more feminine by giving me a makeover, ask me why I'm acting like a man, suggest I should wear more dresses and that I'm not fun to shop with and none of those people ever used the word tomboy. You had a lot of skateboarders in my generation I guess. Some of the most athletic girls in my school were also usually the most feminine with like one exception I think. So no effort required if you want a muscular feminine woman. Well lots of effort required but not in the sense they think lol.

    He was responding to this thread:

    Put differently, tomboys present certain qualities that are traditionally more masculine as opposed to feminine. The uneducated stop the analysis here and conclude that those attracted to tomboys must be some level of gay to hold such a preference. But I urge you to go deeper.
    Consider why men prefer chaste women. There isn't much accomplishment in conquering a castle with no walls. Similarly, no man would brag about getting it on with some random hussy. As the saying goes, "every man wants a good girl who is bad only for him."

    Now replace "good girl" with tomboy and "bad" with "feminine". Do you now understand? The inherent beauty of the tomboy is that she takes chastity to a new level. Forget not showing the world what's in between her legs or on her chest, she hides her whole sense of femininity.

    It's not lost though, it's saved. Saved for that one special person who she trusts enough to show her feminine side. Everyone else will only know her as a tomboy, but you will know her as woman. In my opinion, this is the pinnacle of intimacy. And I just think that's neat.
    Dang, either my memory is shot or I somehow missed all of this. Couldn't have said it any better myself, but I'll just say what I normally say.

    The end goal is to see the Tomboy put on the sundress, and then the wedding dress.
    Oh dear. I don't think tomboys like guys who use words like conquering when talking about relationships. Many are bisexual (if not lesbians,) and want you to be more feminine than you are (if not lesbians.) 'Dandere guy' is right about you guys. You're doomed. He's lost too though because I don't think it's occurred to him that his fantasy socially anxious girlfriend with glasses is just 'the real tomboy.' She plays video games, becomes a shut in, and rarely if ever dates. Has definitely read slash fanfiction or yaoi at some point.

    It's OK I guess, nobody gets what they want anyway. At least you'll never be as delusional as gaylors. Except when you are.

    Speaking of yaoi:

    Yuri 🤝 Yaoi

    Being horrid trash
    I'm not surprised he doesn't like yaoi yet he wants this nerdy shut in girl who likes watching anime. So I'm sorry but there's like a 90% chance she watches yaoi if she's into anime. Especially if she's a young adult. Then again I'm pretty sure he's just attracted to anime characters now lol. It's unclear though:



    "I-I'm sorry Kirlo, I lied. I wasn't actually an outgoing stacey that watched the office and spent all day on tiktok and netflix... The truth is I'm a pasty nerd that watches anime and only goes outside to buy manga at the bookstore... I'm sorry for lying..."
    Oh wait I found a tweet where he basically answers that with a tier list lol:

    My tierlist of humans and near-humans:

    Human Women > Robot Women = Kanmusu > Elf Women > Garbage > Uma Musume > Vampire Women > Ghost Women > Monstergirls > Tsunderes
    That's not good then. Unless it's about those types in anime.

    Why is it that every shojo-related anime or manga is either romance or horror? I really don't get it. I find shojo content not to my taste besides the horror stuff I guess.
    Is someone forcing you at gunpoint to watch this?

    He's now ranting about lesbian trans women essentially lol (I mean there were more tweets clarifying that with photos but I cba quoting them all):

    The fact that women of their fantasies don't exist in any form (if there is a woman who claims to be interested in the finer aspects of 40k lore, TES Modding, obscure ecchi manga, they're grifting off of dummies) results in some of them trying to be their own "dream girl". Sad
    I'm non-binary but I'm guessing the finer aspects of 40k lore isn't photoshopping ex's tyranid photos pink and then 11ish years later 'Slaanesh is kinda based tho and the political struggle in the West is clearly between Slaanesh and Khorne,' and TES modding isn't 'I tried to make dragon pets once but sort of gave up.' I mean I got dragon followers that were small but it kept killing me. There were some other brief attempts too with Skyrim and Oblivion. I had more entertaining modding adventures with The Sims 2.

    Of course, it must be said that these people don't exist in a vacuum. It is magnitudes harder for people to "touch grass in the real world" today than it was even just fifteen years ago. Much of the advice given to the at-risk is little more than social signalling
    Says the guy that doesn't realise that the real world equivalent of any woman he's into is absolutely into slash fanfiction or some form of male homoerotica at least. Probably why he hates it so much lol. I've never come across someone online who is female and essentially never leaves the house and has social anxiety etc, who doesn't read and/or write male homoerotica tbh and/or create art like that.

    He kept using this word 'jimiko' so I started searching for that lol:

    I'm getting too many followers, I need to Jimiko post more so some of you leave before I make you unfollow me.

    -You WILL watch anime
    -You WILL NOT have a normal one
    -You WILL NOT go gym
    -You WILL performatively express your disdain for sports
    -You WILL hate the Office, Breaking Bad, Stranger Things and Tiger King
    -You WILL NOT get laser eye surgery (please, maybe idk)

    assuming female
    So funny. I bet there's someone with a kink for this. Like 'forced nerd' there's got to be, (I mean debimbofication is pretty close I guess, very niche,) and he'd hate that because it's too sexual.

    Someone from right wing anime gf twitter (we're fucked as a species,) posted some stuff he responded to lol:

    Tomo-Chan is the most anti-transgender piece of media of 2023.

    Tomo is a female with many masculine traits like being physically strong, athletic, and tough.

    However, the idea of being trans never even enters her mind. She knows she?s a girl and only wants to be seen as that

    It is also, however, not feminist either. It?s made clear that Tomo is an extraordinary exception among females (every other female is a girly-girl). Despite this, Tomo still has a girly spirit and wants to have a boyfriend. She doesn?t seek to be a "strong independent girlboss"
    His response to that lol:

    The real crime is watching seasonal anime about "based tomboys".

    This is the same guy that gets paroxysm spasms when there's fanservice in anime
    Um what's wrong with watching seasonal tomboy anime
    We need seasonal nerdy meganekko anime instead
    They're all (including dandere guy,) like the 'they're stealing our butches' lesbian terf crowd lol.

    All of the character tropes around "tomboy gf" or "muscle mommy gf" are either from people who are a bit fruity or are people that dislike the perception of liking "blandness" of normal women in media that are at least somewhat feminine presenting so go to wacky le tomboy
    It also amuses me that I'm pretty close to his ideal - long hair atm, slim, petite, round face, neotenic, glasses, shut in, socially anxious. Used to read manga + watch anime as a teen but don't now. But I'm non-binary, enjoy homoerotica, sexuality and gender identity completely incompatible with him, would probably dress more alternatively if I could be bothered and have done so in the past (he has issues with goths because he sees it as 'adj to drug culture') And of course he would prefer someone much younger. Also I don't mind The Office. Some of the other shows he dislikes I watched a season or an episode of but then drifted away. I do that with a lot of shows especially these days.

    Guess who else looks like his dream girl?

    It's like how the guys like this are either hot musicians or Jeffrey Dahmer. Tbf I might date genderswapped Riddler.

    I'd say 'don't say I didn't warn you' but I'm posting this response on a mostly dead internet forum in keeping with my shut in status. Sometimes I actually respond to people on twitter but often cba. It also won't help him and right wing anime twitter generally seem like they're in a very sad place.


    What is the lonely femcel jimiko bodycount
    In my experience? Honestly minimal. If she's like that, she's basically only ever "been intimate" with exact boyfriends, so probably like 2-4, and she treats "relations" carefully so it isn't some stupid "competition", just an aspect of being close to someone
    Quote coffee shop guy
    A femcel just tried to cold approach me at this coffeeshop.

    She didn't have Game. I now understand 'the ick'.
    Quote dandere guy
    What as she like (asking for a friend of a friend)
    Quote coffee shop guy
    I called her 'femcel' humorously, I promise. She was normal. Something of a (very light, slight hair frizz) quadroon. Dressed kind of formally (was that deliberate?). Evidently very anxious, struck up a conversation a couple times but seemed panicky.
    Quote dandere guy
    "She was normal"

    My day is ruined. I thought she would be a NEET-core gloomy-maxxed Jimiko. But she's just normal.

    West has fallen and so on.
    I mean the femcel thing is just a meme and not true lol, same with there being a variety of men with that look. I mean there's also Paul Dano he only plays serial killers in movies when he looks like a femcel or otherwise has glasses:

    anti-glasses propaganda obviously.

    But will prob help snap those guys out of excessive idealisation. Until they start fantasising about 'yandere glasses girlfriend' which is another type on twitter for the straight hybristophiles. He's halfway there anyway:

    We need a twilight struggle game, but between a rightist alliance of incel states like South Korea, Iran and Red America and femcel alliance of blue america, the UK and Scandivia. Game ends by convincing the other side to have sex (nuclear war ensues)
    Someone else:

    We need an answer to the FQ (Fujoshi Question)

    Either they put down the yaoi, start showering, and go out with me, or they get put into camps and executed. Sorry fujos, I don't make the rules (I do and I take great pleasure in enforcing them)
    That's fine they're going to round you up, forcibly feminise you, and force you to make out with other men.

    Nevermind he's way ahead of me:

    let's be real i was definitely a fujoshi in a past life
    This is very funny:

    there is a fujoshi conspiracy against me

    i will not elaborate on their motives, but know that it certainly exists and i am fully aware of their plans.
    I wasn't plotting anything until this very moment. Also though I don't id as fujoshi. I just read slash fanfiction for most of my teen years most of this was Western (well I still do just less often like was reading Langley/Spencer Reid fanfiction this year lol,) fujoshi are into yaoi, but I did watch one yaoi series and read some manga and manhwa stuff and fanfiction and doujinshi based on anime and Japanese video games, so sort of mixed. But not really into the actual yaoi anime really. This distinction doesn't apply in other's minds though much so I reclaim it when it's funny/appropriate much like how I'm not an emo but I'm an emo.

    I feel like we should have our own Western terms if anything. I haven't watched any anime since 2016 probably, and even then it was uncommon. Mostly watched it as a teen.

    Back to Dandere guy:

    I would more or less be fine with fujoshi types if not for the yaoi stuff. I don't really get yaoi or yuri, but all the strange arguments fujo types use to explain their love of yaoi make no sense and are filtered through a prog lens.

    Supposedly they like yaoi because it presents an "equal" relationship between two men and that heterosexual relationships are depicted as "oppressive" in fiction, yet they could clearly make het romances and choose not to (despite fujos generally being straight)
    What exactly do you think fujoshi means? It's someone who liked yaoi.

    I'd agree about the part where it's always framed by prog/feminist lenses though, it's annoying and lots of people who consume this want a dick to have sex with, are trans, are voyeuristic and just enjoy seeing guys get fucked, multiple combinations of all of these, and other explanations.

    He's right about this too:

    Some have predicted a kind of "reactionary feminism" arise among certain centrist and right wing women of the type seen at the unherd peanut gallery, but I think it's DOA as it basically formalized the whole system of "equality when wanted, special treatment when wanted"

    Assuming that political polarization among young people proceeds at the pace it's occurring (absent r4ce of course), one could expect the reactionary feminists to be bereft of virtually any base from which to pull, since the young right will be 90%+ male.
    Oh another insane circle of twitter unlocked via 'dandere' guys tweets the 'white women should date Asian guys because white guys suck but also I'm right wing' group:

    What did asian people do to deserve being targets of fetishistic retribution by both spurned gender war-obsessed men AND women from across the west.

    A fate I wouldn't foist upon even my worst enemy to subject them to this kind of mania
    im about to trigger everyone here but i think more white women should get with east asian men - chinese, korean, Japanese. high IQ, far less violent, very productive, good earners. there's a decent % of white men who absolutely hate white women. they don't deserve your loyality

    white women are the most thoroughly f*cked under globalization. male sexual frustration is weaponized by the right and racial strife is weaponized by the left, they need protection and safety where they can get it
    east asian and white women don't have sex just reproduce asexually like green algae

    our birthrates are bad fam
    It's 'funny' how there's some combination of this for many races and gender like white women threaten this with Asian guys (but for some reason white guys only care about black guys,) black guys threaten this with white women, white guys threaten this with Asian women, black women threaten this with white guys. Other combinations I either haven't noticed or cba to think of right now.

    Then I stumbled on that weird AGP trans woman again in one of this circles responses lol. She's yelling at people about IQ. Just very unhinged/narcissistic/psychopathic/the worst person. Has evidently been in 'the nuthouse' (as she called it,) at least once. Where she noticed there were a few other trans people and insulted all of them apparently dated a trans guy who went off testosterone and who broke up with her after a couple of weeks (can't imagine why lol.) She misgendered him too. Now she's saying people with an IQ below 120 aren't important. Admitted to being a sadist though as well and just needlessly cruel towards men, always bragging, frames other trans women similar to her as being rapists etc but not her somehow? But also masochistic I think. Probably has a fetish for getting yelled at too. Definitely has a personality disorder of some kind, possibly a mood disorder too. Basically contradict themselves a bunch too.

    No amount of charity from high IQ people to low IQ people can give them our divine spark. It simply cannot be transferred in this way. The only options are to extinguish it in ourselves to avoid shaming them, or to grow into the Promethean mantle and embrace superiority.
    I am on a mission from God. Get on board or get out of my way.
    Took mushrooms and became a fascist apocalyptic prophet. Went from major depression my whole life to feeling great almost all the time. Truth is the ultimate antidepressant.
    My target demo lol: high IQ insane bisexual women.
    Thanks 🥰 Nah I mean I don't have much trouble. And I am so much happier in myself, which I think attracts people. I've been with guys too, though that usually works less well. I always attracted bisexual mentally ill women, I still do, and I love it 🤣
    Of course you do. Though tbf they've contradicted themselves a bunch they say it's mostly straight women and straight men who are into them and that it's mostly straight women and straight men who are into trans women generally lol ok.... (No that's not the case.) Even though when they've mentioned dating people it was 'a lesbian who broke up with them because of racism' and some 'ftm they misgendered in the 'nut house.'

    Let's purge some dead weight:

    Submissive straight men are the worst humans. Either take estrogen and be hot as a submissive person, or man up. Don't be a hairy shapeless tube and expect to have your body desired the way women's bodies are desired. Disgusting phenotype.
    Men who want to explore their feminine side are 🤮🤮🤮 unless they're gay. I get so many of these and it is revolting. Either be a real man, be a cute and fun gay, or lean into the AGP and actually make it look good. But, like, a shapeless hairy whining soft tube man is the least sexy imaginable physical object.
    I am an AGP with meta-attraction. Dominating a guy interacts with neither part of my sexuality.
    Friendly reminder that AGP are almost certainly massively more likely to be rapists than even normal males (thread)
    I enjoy hurting people I find ugly, and I thought the tweet would get some engagement, which it has.
    I had a lesbian break up with me for the same thing. The dick was not a dealbreaker, but racism was 😂 2023 is fun.
    *dudelet sitting at his computer researching T supplements and optimizing his gorilla mindset*

    *me sitting on the couch with his gf complimenting her nail polish and listening to her problems, knowing her soul in a way you are architecturally incapable of*
    Fully 20% of the population of the psych hospital I was just in were trans-identifying, me being the only one remotely passing or even trying. The FtM seem nice, just damaged. I like them (because I like women). The MtF?
    (they previously said 10% so who knows.

    Going through a kinda analogous journey with myself. I wish nonbinary wasn't fake and gay b/c I wanna say some tumblr stuff about my gender.
    I am extremely heterosexual, that's my mood atm.
    My route to being far right is a desire to keep women safe from dangerous barbaric predators, so the "I hate women" part of the online right is not going to be a good fit for me. It seems like it would be exhausting and unproductive to hash this out with you.
    Still the most masculine and male identified person on the planet (even if you pretend to like someone's nail polish and 'nonbinary is fake and gay.' And 'trans men are women.') Huge turn off btw:

    I am such a gentleman I felt like I owed it to my future wife to experience a bit of what women go through. Peak masculinity, when you think about it.
    The evidence (insane sex drive and urge to conquer/father nations etc) indicates my hormones are insufficiently inverted. So I should get them checked. But? I am already on max dose of everything. And physically I seem feminized. I can only conclude the sheer power of my soul overcomes all material constraints.
    The worst part is a lot of guys were still simping for her! Get some self respect not even a lot, just a smidge. The bar is on the floor.

    You gave some pretty prescriptive statements about how men should act / behave in the world and how it pertains to your attraction to them. Was that just wishful thinking that it?d enable it, or could you not find anyone to meet those needs?
    Yeah pretty much. You are honestly the least nutty trans person I have ever encountered. Most are just super high anxiety pink pill incels or old creepy men with blatant AGP.
    Are you off your meds?

    You seem like a giant cunt.
    That is the scientific term I believe.

    Other tweets I stumbled on from insane twitter people:

    "I hate my family, my ethnic group, and my culture, but I love humanity" is the most evil, cruel, sadistic sentiment I can imagine. Not even human.
    Lol OK.

    Sounds like a sequel to Mein Kampf.

    This social media website is simply an asylum for political extremists now without doctors.

    Another psychopath:

    Edward Dutton is Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at Asbiro University. Born in London in 1980, Dutton read Theology at Durham University, before completing a PhD in Religious Studies at Aberdeen University in 2006. He is based in Oulu in northern Finland. His books include Making Sense of Race (2020), Witches, Feminism, and the Fall of the West (2021), Islam: An Evolutionary Perspective (2021), among many others.
    I knew he was too evil to be American. I always said Hollywood wasn't wrong about a certain subgroup of upper middle class white English educated evil people.

    America doesn't fail completely but this genre of elitist dickhead is a smaller percentage of their overall large percentage of people living there. Most of this sphere in the relevant circles are either 2nd/3rd generation immigrant from England, or they moved there from England, Canada, South Africa, some other area of Europe sometimes. Evo-psych guys, tech guys. They're not all equally terrible but usually absorb elements.

    What is the deal with Evolutionary Psychology?

    I like the idea, but I cant find much on it that doesn't seem obviously politically motivated. I just want to get closer to the truth goddamnit! On one hand, we have right-wing personalities making it look bad because they're trying to use it to justify and push their shitty agendas. On the other, it seems that most people who are sympathetic to EP are working in Cognitive Science, Moral Psychology and Evolutionary Biology, while most of its critics are working in Philosophy of Science (especially Philosophy of Biology) and Philosophy of Mind. So there already seems to be a big division in the kinds of approaches being employed, and I?m worried that these divisions in knowledge are already implicitly political in first place (kind of like how analytics and conties don't usually get on well because they have entirely different methods).

    Anyway, what we end up with is a whole bunch of pop-science books by people like Haidt, Pinker, Dawkins, (Dennett?) and Saad -- with Saad and Pinker, in one way or another, being associated with the alt-right movement.

    It seems like EP, at heart, is a political tool that seeks to legitimise some disturbing political assumptions. But then I wonder if this apparent fact has led to a kind of overreaction to anything related to EP, and so it's dismissed at face value. There appears to be some wholesome discussion once you delve deeper. For example, according to SEP article on EP, many philosophers critical of it are "unabashedly enthusiastic about efforts to apply evolutionary theory to human psychology." And instead of being sceptical of the project more generally, the disagreement surrounds the nature of adaption and the extent to which the mind is modular, and so on. Everything points to evolutionary psychology being new on block, and so there?s understandably a lot of ongoing debate that might take some time to settle.

    Are there any good articles that further diagnose the issues raised above? Do you think Evolutionary Psychology is total sophistry, or are there good kinds of EP and bad kinds? Can you get behind any of the researchers in the area?
    What is the deal with evolutionary psychologists. No they're not all bad probably but tons of them are really fascistic. Most of it is just-so stories so I like to use it to argue completely different points from what many of them do (and you can.) But this makes it a generally not very hard science imo. But then psychology in general isn't.

    Just a quick reminder of the relevance of my book 'How to Judge People By What They Look Like' and importance of the concept of the spiteful mutant.
    You look exactly how I expected you to (like a spiteful mutant.)

    Why do mutant Finns find it so upsetting when I make the empirically undeniable assertion that I've been awarded a number of honorary professorships? Moreover, I've never, ever said I'm a full professor at Oulu University.

    Quote some Finnish woman
    Had a peek at Edward Dutton's YouTube channel. Not only he lies about being a professor and affiliated with the university of Oulu, he also lies about the history of my home town and harasses people on the streets with deranged racist propaganda.
    I don't want you back here but perhaps you should [BEEP] the [BEEP] off out of their country.

    Join me and Robyn Riley at The Jolly Heretic at 7pm UK time (2pm NY) where we will explore why based women embrace the patriarchy and wash their heels in the purple tears of mutant feminists.
    Looks like you have a huge issue regarding women because most women will never agree with you. Regardless of their opinions on feminism or any other topic.

    I discovered today that if a mutant (leftist) female argues with you her typically emotional manner, you should just say, 'No eggs.' Or, I suppose, 'not many descendants' if they have had a child.
    I discovered the French revolution. Wonder how that happened?

    How will your ideological group reproduce with no women?

    Church of England, RIP. All institutions of power fall to the mutants eventually.
    And yet you think yourself superior.

    I have had a lot of flack from religious people since yesterday's tweet. So, let me ask this. Does God desire spiteful mutants to be born?
    Nasty, vicious, virtue-signalling, mutant, likely childless, traitor to Suomi. If it was okay in 2003, it's okay now.
    Get out of their country.

    I understood she's the daughter of an alcoholic and was raised, partly, in a care home. She's also physically unattractive compared to the other Spice Girls, short, and anti-Finnish. So, I would say, yes, she is a spiteful mutant.
    Truly in no position to be talking about other people's physical appearance.

    Someone asked him this:

    Can anything be done to mold a spiteful mutant away from being a spiteful mutant? Or is that like getting a duck to not be a duck?
    I'm sure calling people spiteful mutants will help. Something about honey vs vinegar.

    Prof. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic on Odysee
    Why Are Antifa Mutants Calling Ordinary Oxford Residents 'Fascists'?
    I'm calling you a fascist. Follow your leader.

    I can understand why you need to hide behind them. Someone might come along and punch you in the face:

    Prob why he left the UK too.

    What is Prince Harry's IQ and Why is it So Low?
    Edward Croft Dutton (1980?) is a far-right eccentric English Youtuber grifter,[note 1] QAnon conspiracy theorist,[note 2] anti-vegan, and transphobe who writes articles for the white nationalist site VDARE and The Unz Review plus is a regular speaker on Mark Collett's white supremacist podcast Patriotic Weekly Review.[3][4][5][6] He is a disgraced academic and pseudointellectual who was investigated by the University of Oulu and found guilty of scientific misconduct due to plagiarism.[7] He is pretentious and claims to be a Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at Asbiro University despite this being questionable at best. Critics label him a fraud.[8]
    Bad news about what this says about your IQ. Another awkward fact about his rhetoric (or some of it,) is that in a study a while ago they did actually examine the IQ of trans people:

    (homosexual meaning natal sex so like non-homosexual would be a trans woman attracted to women, trans men attracted to men.)

    All groups are above average some significantly above average. Hence that obnoxious trans woman I guess further up in this post. Because IQ doesn't seem to impact being an asshole. That's assuming she's even had an IQ test lol.

    I kind of went sociopath there. Not proud of it. Don't really approve of violence. What a fucking [BEEP] though.

    I'll police other people's borders for them from these guys like this get in the sea lol.

    Please don't lock me up for angry posting I don't intend to physically harm anyone etc etc. .....

    Like this is recent thing he decided to post:

    Who are these people whose photos you've taken and can they sue?

    Not in the West no. I mean the deputy vice chancellor of Oxford University is a leftist, lesbian woman priest who campaigns for LGBT equality within the Church of England. So, Oxford is dead as well.
    Lol wow the inferior criminals (tm) have infiltrated academia. This is reminding me of Jordan Peterson when he talked about how genderfluid people with dyed hair are 'creative' after mentioning that 'people like this used to be criminals' hate that this is the only upload of this that exists and there's no smaller clips anymore also don't think this has the whole bit:

    Edward Dutton is using genocidal and dehumanising language against politically left wing people, people with dyed hair, mentally ill people (even though he's a candidate for APSD,) people he thinks are physically unattractive and/or overweight (despite not being a model himself,) LGBT+ people, 'sexual deviants,' short people - seems to have an issue there too, certain races etc...

    Tbh I prob shouldn't care. X-men are cool and this guy had to run away from the UK. Also he had an article on wikipedia but it seems to have been deleted over the past couple of years because he was not deemed notable enough. But Wikipedia has really strict requirements for that. There are many famous and influential people who don't meet it's requirements.
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  3. #5343
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    Quote Heelsbythebridge View Post
    I'm conflicted on what I feel about sobriety. Why do we stigmatize chemically assisted happiness?
    I don't care what chemicals people choose to take, but for me personally, it's because it's a fleeting joy. It's temporary and will never give lasting satisfaction. There are also hangovers, addiction/tolerance, withdrawals, etc. Maybe in the future, we will find some sort of happiness pill that causes pure euphoria with no tolerance issues/negative effects. I found a supplement/drug that made me feel amazing/took away all anxiety, but it was massively addicting/tolerance built up fast, and I was hospitalized during withdrawals.

    Random thought:
    I keep having this reoccurring theme in my dreams that I'm writing a book for a school assignment.
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  4. #5344
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    It's funny to think there are people out there who would experience Tumblr the way I view twitter. Due to being different + finding feminine people, LGBT+ people and creative people really annoying and their outgroup. Like with rare exceptions it's a really pleasant site for me and much more difficult to stumble on really annoying [BEEP] imo.

    Twitter is just: 'I fucked up again and decided to get some dopamine or whatever from a virtual train wreck/warzone. Oh look there's a bunch of people who want to kill me. I regret everything and miss the 2000s internet.' *returns sometime in the future.*
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    Well putting aside the far-right/gynocidal right wing for a moment Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens seem to be having a very public twitter argument instead of I dunno discussing employment related stuff off twitter lol?

    Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

    No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.

    You cannot serve both God and money.
    Candace, if you feel that taking money from The Daily Wire somehow comes between you and God, by all means quit.
    You have been acting unprofessional and emotionally unhinged for weeks now. And we have all had to sit back and allow it and have all tried to exercise exceeding understanding for your raw emotion.

    But you cross a certain line when you come for scripture and read yourself into it.

    I will not tolerate it.
    Candace he's been acting emotionally unhinged for years (at least) and so have you. Lol.

    Mike Cernovich has joined in:

    He's become indistinguishable from a far left wing identity politics woke psycho. He?s working the soft cancel culture angle now. "I didn?t fire Candace, she quit!" But he should also look up what a constructive termination is.
    I assume this has something to do with Israel-Hamas war. (Or started that way.) You're all insane imo actually Cernovich.

    ive seen radfems less misandrist than this lmao

    if you're NOT with someone you enjoy being around... what are you doing???

    men are capable of love, connection, companionship.. perhaps i?m wrong & i have been misled by my positive experience.

    fellas, do you feel love?

    She's very obviously not been OK for a long time. I think this is just her repressed fears that men are incapable of love and that she'll never find that which motivate her pickme behaviour on social media. From what I know her personal life hasn't been great either and that's the same for a lot of people really unfortunately.

    I think they need to face the fact that women who watch Marvel films relate to Loki and Bucky more than a lot of the female characters (at least from what I see online,) and consider the implications and reasons for that. Also the constant creation of these films a lot of people just cba watching most of them. I never watched the Captain Marvel film either. The new Loki TV show is out now. I like Loki as a character, and I watched the first season and it was fine but I haven't bothered to watch the second season so far because I cba watching most things these days. I guess I'll probably watch it eventually maybe. WandaVision was a pretty decent TV show but most of these films and shows etc are like fast food really.

    I mean my favourite Marvel characters these days are (in no order) Deadpool, Loki, Wanda, Doctor Strange, and Spiderman. I found the ending of the last Spiderman film frustrating though lol. I feel like this might describe some of my issues with that decision but prob not the framing with the title, but I haven't watched this review in ages so also maybe it doesn't lol:

    I'm too lazy to write out my thoughts since I did back when I watched it. Spoiler: I mean they asked him to remind them of who he was and he was just like 'nah guess I'll break that promise because I think they're better off without me and I know best. And he'd already made a decision without involving them earlier in the film which they criticised him about for not including them. Then he didn't learn from that made the same mistake again lol. Frustrating. Also I like the dynamic of their group and it's something that appeals to me in those films.

    I also liked the first season of Jessica Jones a lot (and that was pretty good + dark for a Marvel show which is cool to see,) but I don't think I watched the second season. Lol do this a lot. I watched some of Daredevil too but drifted away but it's been so long I don't remember how many seasons that was. I watched at least one season of Daredevil and I was enjoying that, then I got up to watching half way through the season where The Punisher was introduced (season 2 I guess,) and then drifted away again.

    I guess this is an old article since the website is apparently shutting down but yeah it was always a terrible website:

    Men can get breast cancer.... It's not funny.

    I find it really annoying when conservatives and most of the liberal media infantilise women and claim they're non violent etc, so I have some sympathy for writing an article like this but not with the tone they've gone with. But the tone is also a direct result of the constant infantilising of women and over protectiveness. It's not a good way of dealing with predators (Humans.)

    On the other hand lol:

    The archetype of the "witch" is burnt deep into the European psyche, recurring again and again in folklore and fairytales. But is she merely the stuff of fantasy? Roald Dahl warned that witches don't always don black hats and ride on broom sticks. They "dress in ordinary clothes, and look very much like ordinary women.... That is why they are so hard to catch."

    In Witches, Feminism and the Fall of the West, Edward Dutton examines the history of witches and witch-hunting in light of evolutionary psychology. Throughout the centuries, witches were ostracized across Europe and often condemned and executed for sorcery and harming children. They generally adhered to a type: witches were low-status, anti-social, and childless, and their very presence was viewed as poisonous to the community. Dutton demonstrates that witches did, in their way, represent a maladaptive mentality and behavior, which undermined Europe's patriarchal system. When times got tough-that is, when Europe got poorer or colder-the witches were persecuted with a vengeance.

    Today, the evolutionary situation has been turned on its head. The intense selection pressures of the past have been overcome by the Industrial Revolution and its technological marvels. Modern witches survive and thrive in the postmodern West, still possessed by the motivations and dispositions of their sisters of yore. "Sorcery" (nihilism and self-hatred) is no longer taboo but has become a high-status ideology. Roald Dahl was all-too correct. Witches do exist, and they mean to do us harm.
    But this has always been the issue with women there's a very black/white view. Source of all evil or angel that can do no wrong.
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    How do you account for the 65% that aren't obese?

    Eating crap is a choice.
    It's not that simple there has to be some genetic element or some other factor. I often eat crap (though I guess not insanely large portions of crap which might be important too.) Most days I eat 2 chocolate bars, and just don't seem to put on much weight. Same with my brother and he's probably even worse.

    Two chocolate bars a day 'reduce risks of heart disease and stroke'
    ... Weird.

    i know a bunch of people (not all young) who live off of processed snacks drugs and alcohol and are thin

    none of them drive much and they all have very physical existences

    feels like that's the most significant factor, though i'm sure it's not the only one
    I don't exercise much other than dancing in my room or whatever, not good at creating routines like that, but I also don't drive so when I do go out I walk places and use public transport if I'm traveling to another town/city. Now and then go on massive long walks for many hours. Walked for 10 miles one day in September. But I don't do that kind of thing enough that it would contribute significantly + I do this less during the winter as well. You have to walk consistently for that to make a difference.

    I mean I have basically no will power in general that's why I end up scrolling through twitter lol. Speaking of:

    If you're a girl, your father definitely imagined having sex with you as you went through puberty, probably numerous times, and you?re delusional if you think otherwise.
    OK thanks for that twitter rando.

    You're capping so hard if you say you've never felt jealous when you saw how boys look at her lmaoo.
    Getting even worse. Now you definitely no he's not talking about intrusive thoughts or something.

    Something surreal about incest guy from Pakistan using 'capping' too. Maybe a troll.

    "capping"? So you're like 13 yourself. Got it.
    That's what I thought. Most likely a teenage boy.

    Hes definitely right tbh
    but most ppl wont be honest abt it out of shame and peer pressure

    or they will pretend its some obscur brown thing

    but even the white german guy Donald Trump said
    "if ivanka wasnt my daughter, i would be dating her" on live TV
    Thinking about mvrdering my father rn
    This is obviously the main driver behind the daughterguy phenomenon. Men want their daughters to have careers because they'd be jealous of her husband
    I hope these guys agreeing are young and Western. Western people aren't really reproducing these days and increasingly less every generation. But I think the birth rate is decreasing in a lot of places.

    Men like watching a lot of incest porn I don't think that combination is the most common but dunno I've not spent extensive time investigating I just know based on stats and certain survey results that genre is more popular for men. Parent/child is definitely the most gross combination imo. I don't even like the 'mummy/daddy' for non relatives trend in D/s stuff these days. Unfortunately it's hard to find audios that are like fem dom or just have pegging without the use of the word mummy now and if I look up m/m stuff often they use the word daddy too. And I know some people like it because they want this kind of 'gentle domination' thing but I really wish the people who weren't into ageplay and incest specifically could have come up with something else to use as a general trend, or just if there were more alternatives.

    I don't think it's the same thing when it's other people's families though really in fiction psychologically. Like as a teenager I read a story I liked with two creepy twins having sex with this other teen boy and I liked that. But I've never been attracted to members of my family and that just feels gross to me and I also feel like parent/child relationships are objectively bad and the worst form of incest in terms of personal development of the child.

    They're talking about Trump as well.

    Donald Trump is a nymphomanical stunted war chieftain. Basically if you put him back before Germany was unified in sure he'd be running Europes greatest Lolita Express
    Maybe he's very unfuckable. If I was dating again I'd be looking for a guy who is more neurologically feminised (or seems that way,) and who ideally didn't have narcissistic personality disorder.

    Some woman also had some boy who looks like 8 or something take photos of her in her underwear and you can see him in the mirror. I dunno if she's his parent, sibling, other relation, kidnapper etc but that's obviously inappropriate too. The kid is also in his underwear. Posting this on social media where the intent is obviously to get sexual attention........

    At least the kid looks white
    White tribalists have a problem.
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    If God knew he was going to create this universe and his knowledge is infallible, all other universes are impossible. If all other universes are impossible, we have no free will.

    Or maybe, God created all possible universes.
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  8. #5348
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Hes definitely right tbh
    but most ppl wont be honest abt it out of shame and peer pressure

    or they will pretend its some obscur brown thing

    but even the white german guy Donald Trump said
    "if ivanka wasnt my daughter, i would be dating her" on live TV
    Looking through that guy who was agreeing with him's tweets.

    Egirls say w/ confidence theyr dads are alright

    but im pretty sure most of them would have a heart attack or nightmares for yrs if they read their dads browser history by accident

    Somebody tell me im lying
    I'm sure that works both ways in most cases tbh.

    Stats just came out.. most OF subscribes are married husbands lol...

    Let that sink in
    I think they're quite bitter lol. Like their cynical psychopathic style trolling seems bitter Edit: Realised later they're an incel it all falls into place.

    Women with "criminal" ex are a genre of their own

    Imagine finding out that ur woman/wife/"girl"friend has a "criminal" ex,

    You will never be able to be seen as a equal man to her ex w Wild Vigor

    no matter how nice and how many gifts u were , she likely hates u

    Incels (as in the actual ideological/online subculture,) whole thing is like:

    1. All women are obligate hybristophiles

    2. Hyper masculine + Psychopathic men are ideal (this is also why they ignore all the other types of men women like because they don't want to be those men and it's harder to be those men and they probably can't be those men.)

    3. Poor me I'm a nice guy I'm not a psychopath (spoiler: Surprise you are a psychopath! You're just not successful.)

    U the Only guy with some followers talking about the exes problem
    thats the worst thing the western laws and lifestyle did
    I don't hate whites tbh, but this why I always say them becoming a minority is awesome, (imagine even imams are saying exes are ok 🙂 )
    i dont think its race inherently tbh.. it came from specific cultures (which were white)

    its mainly through the influence of a few culture.. france is one of them, then america

    then it spread outward

    but even traitors who agreed are dangerous

    the entire world is enemy now
    Imagine just posting this nonsense where everyone can see lol.

    In my country majority are against but small groups financed by whites push this stuff and usually succeed, it's whites, the only people who are liberal by nature, even their conservative are liberal by our standards, no Indian or Chinese is pushing gay sex or exes
    It's anglos ni***, in some european country honor killings were legal before the mass democratization under the american empire after ww2
    Honour killings are criminal.

    i wouldnt say only anglos,

    french ppl also have adopted it on mass

    in general whites do seem to have 'absorbed' women rights more than any other race [alongside japs too]

    an underrated topic is how a huge number of feminicide that wignats criticize other races for..

    is a lot from "breakups" and how many men cannot and will not accept the idea of "Breakup" and just leaving ur wife or woman after u claimed her

    Whites and japs in comparison are less into feminicide and open to breakups

    but it did originate from a few cultures but spread then
    You make white and/or Western women sound very based. That's cool.

    When I rejected a guy when I was in uni and later started dating someone else he was friends with he got really emotional about it and wandered off drunk, threatened to kill himself and stab him. But he was like this skinny nerd and didn't really mean it seriously even then, like he didn't have a weapon on him or anything. It wasn't a serious threat. Also he was very drunk. Whether it's culture or genetics that's pretty cool. But still a WIP obviously.

    It's cuz Europe it's the 2nd most important province of the american empire,many predicted that the 21th century will be an asian century,with America leaving europe to focus on China,yet america is absolutely unwilling to even lose a pheriperical province like Ukraine in europe
    but even migrants do not accept the idea of breakups as much

    if u follow wignat page a lot, a lot of them criticize non-white men for retaliation over breakups

    There's a few theories abt how and why things ended up this way
    Many will point out that europe has gone through massive changes in middle ages

    Used to have high homicide rates, but laws massacred a lot of these criminal types

    so we might have been seeing result of progressive breeding here
    Wignats are mostly an online movement and have no real power tbh, they are like that because they are libs but only for whites. I've talked with many of em and they are not even RW, they all want extensive welfare etc.. just only for whites
    but many things they say are true statistically

    the issue is they don't realize why these things exist in life

    Such as; femicide rates in different races

    They don't seem to understand why it exists
    I can't tell if they think the reduction in honor killings in certain cultures are good or bad honestly but if they think it's good then I feel sorry for them. Seems like they think it's bad though it was just a long back and forth so it got confusing later on. I mean they basically said it's bad to start with and these guys seem like huge assholes/psychopaths. I think most people get it too I mean there's not much to get it's exactly as he said lol. Those guys are very possessive, can't handle rejection without resorting to murder and have honour cultures so they feel shame if they're not seen as perfectly masculine and in control and other boring stuff.

    The theory about murdering criminals reducing the rate of guys like that is one I've heard applied to Human 'self domestication' in general like in terms of evolution. People have attached that to theories about neotenisation of Humans and that whole topic gets very controversial as you can imagine:

    The Dutch anatomist Louis Bolk (1926) [16] postulated that adult humans would resemble juvenile apes, and that the retention of juvenile characteristics of the ancestral species into adulthood of the descendant, referred to as "foetalisation" or "neoteny", could be associated with the process of domestication. For example, the zoologist Max Hilzheimer (1926/1927) argued that "the recent European should be considered the most progressively domesticated form whereas Neanderthals were much less juvenilised" (author's translation) due to the more pronounced retention of juvenile traits in anatomically modern humans compared to Neanderthals (at that time, it was not known that Neanderthals were not ancestral to anatomically modern humans) [17]. The parallel drawn between domestication and neoteny is interesting in light of the currently resurrected debate about human self-domestication (see below).
    I'm curious if there are sexual selection effects too though since I'm interested in sexology. People will look at online dating site data to examine racial preferences and see which races of people people of certain races + gender prefer when it comes to responding to messages. Which isn't great to generalise too much because it's very niche, not everyone uses those sites. But even then it's data on people's racial preferences not other preferences like personality, body type, masculinity etc which I am curious about and also globally not just by race but by culture. I think there is some research showing a difference in preference for masculine faces depending on whether you live in a city or more rural location and things like that. But yeah that kind of research is always very controversial.

    Also this:

    Masculinity preferences have been shown to vary cross-culturally, with masculinity preferred more in countries with lower standards of health than in countries with high standards of health (DeBruine et al., 2010, Penton-Voak et al., 2004, Scott et al., 2008 ), though this effect may in fact reflect different levels of income inequality, with more masculine features preferred in more unequal countries (Brooks et al., 2010). Potentially, masculinity may be associated with the ability to obtain and defend resources when male?male competition is high (Puts, 2010; as is the case in cultures with high resource inequality), though health standards predict masculinity preference better than do measures of violence within the United States when income inequality is controlled (DeBruine et al., 2011).
    I don't think it reflects levels of income inequality if this effect has been shown in the US and UK, since they're both very unequal countries. Huge gap between rich and poor. I think it's leading to a large amount of the current instability actually.

    Another thing to consider though is a lot of stuff gets turned into kinks in Western culture at least in the modern era and a less permissive culture can't do that as easily (though a lot of people are sort of in the same internet culture now.) I doesn't work 100% that's why there's a lot of crazy political stuff that maps onto all that stuff though that's also just a side effect of social media being hell and the various negative feedback loops. People often like jealousy themes in a sexual/romantic context in fiction. But they're annoyed by it irl if it's excessive. It's a taboo to some degree I think. So it's less likely to get to the level where you think it's OK to kill someone. Also if your culture is more poly relatively speaking and less monogamous then you don't feel as much shame because well everyone's in that situation. Very few people are monogamously married. Polygynous cultures don't count for this as that specific combination where one guy has a ton of wifes doesn't conflict with honour culture + shame.

    This is another side of twitter that is very bad. I know that the people on twitter aren't the norm for my culture so it stands to reason that they might not be the norm for other cultures or at least not universal obviously some cultures have huge issues. Yet that's how people are treating them when they see certain viewpoints as though they are essentially universal. It's only very recently that I've stumbled on so many non Western twitter pages (there were a few I stumbled on before of course Eastern European, sometimes Chinese I think, Japanese and Korean but like it happens more now.) Probably true for many people and Elon did that purposefully because I remember him talking about that before.

    And almost everyone on twitter generalises their pov to everyone from whatever group they belong to as well.

    Also I realised in some other tweets that guy admitting to being an incel so that group has a high rate of psychopathic traits anyway. He's also spending a bunch of time talking about how East Asian men are struggling (but he's South Asian,) and then a bunch of weird stuff about being more risk averse and basically not 'mate guarding' or being obnoxious about Asian women dating other races. Or just in general not complaining as much vocally which I mean he's probably selling East Asian guys to some femcel right now lol. Not doing a great job for his own race though since everyone stereotypes a ton on twitter.

    East Asian men are fetishised a lot by white women relative to other (non-white) races of men during this current time period. On the other hand the kind of non-Asian women who want to date Asian guys are probably not in their social bubbles very often because Asian people are more economically successful and my model of the kind of person who fetishises Asian guys is that they're not lol. Also it's not a great prospect for Asian guys I guess but it's not much better for East Asian women dating white guys really. Especially the ones who go abroad specifically for that purpose. Lol there's a white woman responding to his tweets. She seems salty about it lol:

    Attractive asian males aren't suffering they?re like the most sought after right now
    They're also quite picky and will usually only date within their own race
    Makes sense

    White men love asian women and asian women love white men

    Asian men aren't as likely to settle for non-asian women though (white is the second option)
    On online dating sites apparently they respond the most to Latina women. Can't generalise from that much though. And that must be predominantly in the US where there's a significant enough percentage of women from South American descent. Those sites also find that non-black women are least likely to respond to black men even though there's some kind of myth people keep perpetuating about black men being really sexually successful. It's weird but online dating sites probably aren't entirely representative anyway and not everyone uses them.

    Damn I'd take them but they wouldn't take me 🥱
    I can't tell if she's complaining or doing the thing I mentioned where everyone on twitter is projecting constantly:

    Women don't even want chad anymore they want pretty asian boy. Nothing is sacred.
    She seems to have an issue with Asian women and attractive women generally, but I think she's a femcel lol so that tracks.

    Lol it's this quote again basically:

    What did asian people do to deserve being targets of fetishistic retribution by both spurned gender war-obsessed men AND women from across the west.

    A fate I wouldn't foist upon even my worst enemy to subject them to this kind of mania
    Only white people though black people on twitter are doing this with white people.

    nah, women's preferences are dysgenic so they shoudln't have a say in who they marry...
    And men's preferences aren't..? Sorry but this would only affect low status families (negatively). Everyone else would be marrying whoever they want. A man with a beautiful daughter isn't offering her to you. Lol
    men will literally date anyone our standards are significantly lower so it doesn't matter as much
    Wow this guy is thick. "No standards are better than some" what? Anyway it doesn't matter as much now since people don't necessarily reproduce with the people they have sex with. Some people even end up using sperm/egg donors.

    Also I guess it's a matter of opinion lol because I wouldn't want to live under the repressive laws and cultural rules in Middle Eastern countries. I don't feel great about being non-binary in the UK as it is.

    We should only let pretty boys breed so we can have himbos running everything and they'll be too dumb to start wars and stuff ✨
    Prettyboys can be assholes too and I don't think selecting for low intelligence is the way to do this either, but the underlying point about avoiding war is legit. It's become a bigger and bigger issue over time in terms of weapon development so have to counteract that in other ways. Unfortunately it's a global problem.

    there's a big chance pretty boys are actually dumber than average unironically since they have smaller skulls and skull size is positively correlated with intelligence
    There's an even bigger chance all of you are very dumb to a dangerous degree just reading your tweets lol. And you're also not getting laid apparently. The system works sometimes!

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    Found this conversation in some YouTube comments really funny though:

    what is your definition of femininity? I am a woman and have lived my life surrounded by a society that tries to tell me what femininity is. I'm supposed to be needy, emotional, sexy, helpless? all which supposedly increases the males desire to protect and provide for me. Sigh?.. just look and read all the magazines and movies and ads. They are quite amusing now at my age. They certainly were not when I was growing up wondering why I was so different
    you don't have to act All-Masculine. Be comfortable in your own skin. Being "strong" should be left in the workplace, not in interpersonal relationships. Being "independent" means you are self-sustaining, that you?re able to do whatever should you live alone. By being Feminine, quit taking the role of the man which you don't need to be doing.
    Lol this is the funniest response she could have given to him:

    thank you for your concern about me. Perhaps you should read up on an INTJ personality before assuming about me. I do appreciate your concern though
    Also almost everyone online wants to be an INTJ or gets INTJ in that test. Either that or INTP and INFP. I don't really put much stock into it because I know it's been criticised because people don't often get the same result upon re-testing (though personally I always got either INFP or INTP when I took it except when I once time got INFJ I think? But I took it many times in my 20s the first time I had to at uni lol. And yeah mostly got INFP and INTP.) But yeah INTJ is basically the edgy cold badass one I think so that's why everyone wants that one.

    Somehow, men conflate maturity with masculinity. That's not being a man. That's being an adult.
    I was just thinking that. A lot of the complaints I hear these days aren't even about 'masculinity.' It's about men acting in immature ways.

    How are they feminine? Do they enjoy knitting? Enjoy caring for other people? Love animals?

    Masculinity is also pledging allegiance to something, to someone, etc. Women don't pledge allegiance (meaning not unconditionally commit their full self to someone or some idea or some concept)
    What about feminism? You guys keep complaining about it.

    Then read some stuff on twitter:

    listen, it doesn't matter if you can open that jar by yourself, just give it to him. men need to feel like they have a purpose or else they die.
    it doesnt matter if you can make yourself food just let us do it. we need to feel like we are nurturing something or else we die.
    If I started dating again I would have to be open about my gender identity (easier to do that online, don't have to have awkward conversation they can see it in profile before we even start dating. That does limit options though because dating sites are an absolute nightmare.) So that would hopefully keep me from getting into this situation as it would scare off most men, but I absolutely hate the thought of someone listening to like advice for women and assuming this stuff because I am not traditional and I hate cooking honestly. I only do it because I have to. I also need to open my own jars because otherwise I'd feel pathetic.

    "Listen, it doesn't matter if you can clean the house faster yourself; just let her do it. Women need to feel like they are working hard for you, or she will never feel she's good enough."
    I hate cleaning too honestly lol. I'm not really a neat or conscientious person in general have to force myself unfortunately.

    I just like removing spiders. It's the only thing I did for a guy where it stuck in my head.

    Someone basically asked what the female version of the opening jar thing was so there were various responses including this:

    Don't allow males to make babies or breastfeed.
    I'd prefer it if they did since I don't like the idea of doing either of those things and most people I've been attracted to (beyond more fleeting attraction,) have been cis guys or trans women.

    This is why I don't make a good woman haha.

    In our modern society if Women started acting like men nothing would change, but if it was the other way around the world would collapse
    I'm genetically female. I identify as both genders. I won't reproduce naturally because I don't want to fulfil the female reproductive role and don't really like the idea of being a mother because it's a very gendered role. In a different culture I'd probably want a kid if artificial wombs existed (or if someone else carried the child. And you know if I wasn't crazy.) If every woman started acting like me Humanity would die out... You mean if they start acting masculine in a more generic way and already plenty of people complain about that.

    The idea that the world will collapse if some men are feminine or act like women is also dumb.

    Lol Society is getting interesting...:

    There was a photo too but not necessary to post lol.

    It's interesting to me because it's idiosyncratic but I'm also wondering if it's somewhat the worst of both world's in terms of the weird ideological and cultural things going on here lol. And then... It also seems like a kind of [BEEP] you to men lol. Maybe the ultimate [BEEP] you. Because some desperate guy will go along with this, but she's like signalling the kind of things men generally want in a long term not short term partner and she's not offering them that. Haha. The more I think about it this is actually very clever. Even though maybe not intentional (but it's twitter which is full of psychopathic sadists I mean that's how people behave on that website, some more creative than others.)

    I'm almost impressed

    I dunno if that timestamp will work 1:33 where he says 'I'm impressed.' I need a smaller clip of that for reaction purposes.

    I actually hate the body count thing because what do they want to know specifically? Like I've had two relationships but one was sexless and we just kissed. The other I gave him handjobs and then we made out topless above the waist a few times. I wasn't super into that but was experimenting at the time. I also kissed a third guy once, and then some guy kissed me without my consent at a party one time which I shouldn't have to count. I think if someone asked me that I'd just ignore them/not date them though probably. Especially if they used the words 'body count.' It just suggests bad things to me ideologically or that they might be traditional in other ways and want to date a cisgender woman while being a hypocrite about their own past because I don't think even conservatives really use that sort of language? It's giving Andrew Tate vibes (who is of course a massive hypocritical fuckboy.) But like I say if I meet people on dating sites in that hypothetical I assume it will be less of an issue cause those kind of people are going to either not try or if they do try under some ridiculous notion that they can convert me to what they want (hilarious.) That's really on them and not my problem.

    I was suggested this video (that's where I found the comments actually):

    Then was suggested this.

    Haven't watched either of them yet lol got distracted with comments. Pretty sure I'm going to be like 'I don't like any of this.' Lol. Usually the case.

    Oh he's talking about the obesity epidemic in the second video. I think you can point out issues with that. I see people doing that or pointing out it's a problem (I mean I saw someone doing that earlier,) just don't be a dick about it. Also it's not useful because it doesn't address the underlying issues. Merely complaining because some famous person happens to be overweight like Lizzo is not useful, might even be counterproductive because people just respond by doubling down and then it becomes an identity (this happens with other things too.) When a lot of people are overweight obviously some portion of them will be famous. Also even if you can't on say twitter where everyone's insane anyway don't talk about it there/who cares.

    Then he starts saying stuff that's obvious and that women know like that most men don't want relationships with women who have had a lot of sexual relationships. The thing is they just don't care.

    A bunch of the rest of the video is very heterosexual but also kind of vague so not really useful for me.

    He's gone back to talking about obese pop stars lol.

    "Some women will post a photo of an obese pop star and then post a picture of a Hollywood actor on steroids and that's what they think they should expect. The body type that they should expect"

    This can't be many women. I don't think I've seen this online. Like a lot of women I come across online aren't really into actors who are ripped. I just don't think this is for most women it seems to be a power fantasy for men.

    I see guys confused about this point all the time for some reason.

    Yeah so a large chunk of this video was really just about not letting yourself get fat lol. A bit about social media stuff and how people call everyone narcissists etc now which is true. I dunno other points weren't that well defined. I don't think he really wanted to talk about this lol. Seemed like he made the video because his audience were commenting on his other video like 'why don't you have a video for women' because he made the one about men.

    Watching the first video about 'the problem with modern men.' So yeah I agree that Andrew Tate isn't masculine. People like that self define as masculine though and there aren't many actually masculine people around especially in my generation and younger so that's defined as 'masculine' now.

    He then says he thinks that men doing the opposite and being everything not masculine which he defines as 'woke' is bad which I don't think it is unless you're only doing it to win approval. I don't think there's anything wrong with being a feminine man for example and most guys I personally find attractive are androgynous to some degree because most creative guys are so obviously I feel that way lol. But yeah he's really vague about what he means by that. Just in the end says don't be a wimp. I would need specific examples. I also think it's probably important beyond just 'that's hot.' (though there are some conflicting results):

    It was hypothesized that more creative students would evaluate themselves high both on femininity and masculinity scale (androgynous gender-role type), while less creative students would tend to ascribe to themselves their own gender characteristic only (stereotypic gender-role type). Results indicate that the more creative group scored significantly higher than the other group on the femininity scale only. However, it appears that there are important differences within the creative group. Women of that group are relatively more masculine and men more feminine than the participants from less creative group. One explanation may be that creativity in fine arts is mainly stimulated by female traits. Possibly, traits connected with masculinity stimulate in women the independence and strength necessary in creative work, while female attributes such as sensitivity and delicacy are developed in artistically creative men's personality. Theoretical and practical implications of these and other results are discussed.

    What about creativity? Freud speculated when writing about Leonardo da Vinci that creative people possess greater cross-sex identification than others. McKinnon (1962) found that creative men and women have attitudes and interests considered typical for the opposite sex.

    The famous creativity researcher Ellis Paul Torrance published a paper in 1963 showing that creative boys possess more feminine characteristics than their peers, and creative girls are perceived as more masculine than other girls. Torrance said "creativity, by its very nature, requires both sensitivity and independence."

    Helson (1967) found that the more creative the female mathematician, the more she displayed a combination of the following traits: "individualism, originality, concentration, artistry, complexity, courage, emotion, fascination, and self-orientation." Clearly a mix of both traditionally "masculine" and traditionally "feminine" traits.

    Abraham Maslow remarked how creative people tend to often display a healthy balance of what appear to be opposites: selfishness-unselfishness, thinking-feeling, work-play, and maturity-childishness (also see "After the Show: The Many Faces of the Creative Performer"). In reality, these so-called opposites, like stereotypically masculine and feminine traits, can be viewed as two points on a single dimension and can be experienced in the same person at different stages of the creative process.

    In 1980, Weinstein and Bobko found that above an IQ of about 115, IQ was no longer correlated with creativity as measured by a test of the ability to form remote associations and a measure of the ability to generate associative uses. What was related to creativity? Androgyny.

    The authors suggest a reason for this association:

    In being androgynous, especially in a sex-stereotyped society, a person would need to be open to experience, flexible, accepting of apparent opposites, unconcerned about social norms, and self-reliant-- exactly those traits identified with creative persons."
    They also acknowledge that "androgyny and creativity are not necessarily linked in a direct, causal way. Rather they are two concepts embedded in a network of personality variables and environmental histories."

    In 1981, Harrington and Anderson found that participants defined as masculine or androgynous scored higher on a measure of creative self-concept and the ability to come up with alternate uses for an object (when instructed to "be creative") than those conventionally defined as "feminine" or "unclassifiable" (low in both masculinity and femininity).
    More recently, Jonsson and Carlsson (2001) found that participants high in both feminity and masculinity (androgynous) and low on both scales (undifferentiated) scored higher on a measure of creativity than stereotypically female and stereotypically male participants. Interestingly, and similar to the Harrington and Anderson study, they found that men alone accounted for this interaction. In other words, increased masculinity in creative women was weaker than increased femininity in men.
    From that study:

    Interestingly, a significant three-way interaction including sex showed that men alone accounted for the two-way interaction. However, a finding resembling this has been noticed before. In a review of the literature on the subject of androgyny and creativity Kogan *1974) concludes that increased masculinity in creative women is clearly weaker than increased femininity in creative men
    If you limit this to musicians (and why would I but I guess I am cause more focussed on that,) that's not really surprising. I can think of some androgynous women who are obviously creative and in that field but rarer than androgynous men maybe even moreso now.

    Oh they actually cover music in the other article I was reading:

    Interestingly, when Hittner and Daniels controlled for creative theatre achievement, the researchers didn't find an association between androgyny and creative music achievement. This suggests to me that a crucial factor that determines the androgyny/music link is the extent to which the musical performance is theatrical. It would be interesting to see whether androgyny is as related to cello and flute performance as it is to rock star performance.
    I think it is mostly rock stars and alternative musicians yeah.

    The proposal by earlier studies *Carter, 1985; Hargreaves et al., 1981) that the benefits of the combination of feminine and masculine traits only was to be found in androgynous individuals, i.e., high on both M and F scales, and not in undifferentiated subjects, i.e., low on both M and F scales, was not supported in this study.
    ^ This was different from some previous studies.

    However, undifferentiated subjects have been reported to have lower self-esteem than androgynous ones *Spence et al., 1975; Bem, 1977). Hence, it may be possible to view undifferentiated persons as androgynous with low self esteem; having the benefits of androgyny with regard to creativity, i.e., according to Bem (1974) to be both expressive and instrumental, both yielding and assertive in demanding situations. But, owing to their lower self-esteem, not expressing their sex-role characteristics as pronounced as androgynous individuals.
    That makes a lot of sense to me honestly on a personal note. Like I've taken that test before and can't remember what result I got but I think it might have been that? I don't know I feel very seen. And I feel like I'm mildly creative. Now and then I do creative things (moreso in the past,) my mum is quite creative and somewhat androgynous (think it's kind of genetic, my brother isn't really but had some moments as a kid I guess, and also kind of eccentric and somewhat creative,) and people have sometimes commented on my YouTube videos saying they're creative (like specifically using that word, I wouldn't say so in some like greater sense but I'm comparing myself to others in terms of quality and medium,) but I kind of fail at masculinity and femininity and so don't feel as good about myself. Not only for that reason lol but yeah. I don't hate myself or anything but I mean I was writing parts of this post like because people want certain traits in a relationship and I'm just lazy and blah. I'm not into housework at all but I also can't do DIY. I also have no muscles, don't wear feminine clothing or makeup. I can remember a lot of dumb facts about gender and sexuality and read research papers now and then. It's not even my career it's a huge procrastination thing. Like obsessing over music. And talking about people I find hot. And you know neurotically spiral about things and talk to myself. Sometimes I'm semi productive and make YouTube videos, not as often as I should be. #winning clearly. So yeah I wouldn't imagine someone in such a situation would feel good about themselves.

    I'll take the test again and probably get a different result lol. (I mean I won't take the test again prob because I cba.) I have a huge complex about creativity though which is why I write about it a lot (obviously other stuff too this is just one of them.) I somehow internalised the idea that it's the only point to existence for me. That's healthy. I dunno where that idea came from but well I have a couple of theories one is that I think my mum gave me more attention if I was drawing like she'd comment positively on some, or sometimes wanted to help out because it interested her but then if I wasn't very motivated about school art projects that was the only time I remember her really putting pressure on me since she was almost too laid back as a parent because her own mum pressured her into doing lots of things she didn't want to do like getting a job as a teenager and playing the violin etc. I have a fairly difficult and complicated relationship with my dad I guess (it's easier now we're not living together,) but it was easier to bond over music since he used to listen to a lot as a kid and then when I started learning guitar he was interested in that.

    The second thing is sometimes my teachers were pretty critical of my work and that made me feel bad (even in uni lol in fact I got this scathing report at one point in my 2nd year of uni about my drawing I think.) I don't think I'm actually good at drawing at all really and shouldn't really have studied what I did at uni (drawing wasn't really central but I wasn't good at that either, better than at drawing but still not great and didn't leave enough time often either because I'm poor at planning and just projects were too ambitious often. Just numerous problems.) I just wanted to study that but wasn't that great at it. At this point I dunno whether studying games programming would have been better or not that might have been too difficult for me I dunno (I did reasonably well at my software development course but that was pre-uni and the programming stuff was fine but I'm not good at maths and I assume the learning curve would have increased a lot. I started teaching myself how to do things with c# in unity and following some tutorials after uni but drifted away from it. I struggle to self motivate myself to learn stuff and do better when I'm in a classroom environment I think. I also have a lot of ADHD like traits and this is why.) When I was a young kid one of my earliest memories in school is being yelled at for drawing instead of writing something I was supposed to be writing and later on at my mum's school (where she worked,) I just started playing the piano but didn't know what I was doing and the music teacher yelled at me that if I was going to play I should learn how to play and that's so incredibly ironic but I suppose she wasn't being paid for that lol. So there's a bunch of stuff like that haha.

    Norlander, Erixon, and Archer (2000) found that an androgynous group scored higher on a measure of creativity, creative attitude, optimism, and graffiti/scrawling than the stereotypic, midmost, and undifferentiated types. Interestingly, the androgynous group didn't score higher in creativity compared to the "retrotypic" group (men and women displaying anti-stereotypic behaviors). The researchers raise the intriguing suggestion that retrotypic men and women might "possess similar penchants to their androgynic counterparts to cross the boundaries of traditional gender-roles, thereby accumulating experiential material with elevated flexibility and creativity as a consequence."
    I'm not sure what this is saying and what the difference is between retrotypic and androgynous maybe like masculine and feminine people who are non-conforming in different ways? Probably. I'd expect that to be associated with creativity too. Cause it's basically just being able to think outside the box I suppose or there's the Jungian theory where you're playing with archetypes. I've come across people who seem quite masculine who are creative like Alan Moore but then he's sort of spiritual and eccentric in a various ways (he's an occultist 'wizard' who thinks writing is magic, and used to be in a poly relationship with two women etc.)

    So then (going back to video) he says that guys should live an active and not passive lifestyle but well you should do a certain amount of exercise because it's healthy but I don't know that this is based on sex/gender or whatever since I think most people feel better if they're more active or do a certain amount of physical activity (more than modern life.) I dunno it's about balance though I guess and plus some people have to work a 'passive' job as a lot of jobs are now office jobs etc. It's not just about exercise either necessarily like I think it helps psychologically to be in nature (so leaving the house.) And that again isn't a sex/gender thing.

    Then he talked about how men have often given up on women and are 'addicted to pornography' and that they have an attitude of it not being worth it. I can't really disagree with this though. I mean I tried dating a bit, it didn't really work. It seems it would be very difficult for me to find someone I'm compatible with sexually and romantically and very unlikely that I'd find someone who was OK with me and on top of that I feel like, even years ago I felt this, that I can't start trying to pursue relationships or even friendships until I get something resembling regular employment, earning a certain amount of money.

    He then says guys have decided it's not worth trying to acquire wealth and buying your own house uh I think people are trying to some degree economically but it's just unrealistic becuase houses are just too expensive now. At least in the UK. My friend has had a decent job at a triple A game studio for a decade and he still doesn't own a house. I think he will be able to afford one at some point but still he's 32. My parents were able to buy one in their 20s while being much less economically successful.

    Lol he says to like go out in nature, eat well, read books etc. Then says "it's not complicated" no of course. It's not a knowledge problem for most people lol. It's a result of untreated mental health and personality issues etc. I seem to share a lot of issues with my brother too so probably genetic + upbringing.

    Men want to be men, and modern women want to be "men". Who is left to be and value the feminine? There is a reason we call our home "mother" earth.
    Well not all men want to be masculine but the economic system in the US and UK, and probably other countries also requires people to be masculine to some degree eg: you can't have a stay at home mum with the current economic system.

    Oh no, I'd say it feels more like the other way around! Maybe that?s because I'm from the U.K. though. I've always been a bit more tomboy eg. horsey, outdoorsy, I don?t mind fishing and also technology but as it's not seen as girly/feminine I've always felt a bit left out, especially by (most) of my peers or colleagues and guys may like that if you were just a friend but not necessarily as gf/wife material!
    Yeah I've had people criticise my lack of femininity at times or discourage me from becoming masculine in some way, but not often. I've never had anyone criticise me for being feminine as far as I can remember. Well I've been told online that I'm not a real man/not masculine enough but that's in response to people finding out I'm non-binary lol it switches how people insult you (Nobody believes in gender identity until they want to insult you.) But when people assume I'm a woman that doesn't happen. I hear it happens in like some work fields and academia but I've just never been in any of those environments.
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    She is undoubtedly underrated in a big way but that's what adds to her allure in my opinion anyway 😉
    This is such an insane thing to say about Kate Bush lol. I mean maybe she wasn't as big as Madonna in North America and you're probably 15, but she's still one of the most famous and successful musicians of all time and a lot of musicians cite her as an influence, especially female musicians.
    You know I said this before but actually I stumbled on a forum post I created about Kate Bush in 2017 with a poll. Of the people who commented I think like half of them hadn't heard of her, one person had heard her music from a CD their uncle had played and only liked Wuthering Heights, and almost all the other posts were just about Running Up That Hill and that was before she blew up again for that song lol. But way back in the 2000s Placebo covered it and I actually heard that before her music too so for a long time that was the only song by her I'd heard and I liked their cover a lot:

    Then in the poll which was about favourite songs. 2 people voted Hounds of Love, 6 people Running Up That Hill, 1 for Babooshka, 1 for Wuthering Heights, 1 for This Woman's Work, 1 for Sat in Your Lap, 3 for Breathing, and 1 for 'other track.' Some of the votes may have been troll responses too. (There were a bunch of other songs no one voted for mentioned as well.)

    So yeah I guess kinda in some circles.
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    16-year-old Nebraska girl charged with murder in stabbing death of newborn
    I'm not saying I agree with her actions (or some of the language used in this reddit post, it was posted on twitter which is how I found the story,) but I did say I knew this would happen before (think I posted about that before here,) if they banned abortion in these religious states because I know the history of infanticide (including death by neglect,) especially in Ireland, and also it's a common type of behaviour in female mammals. If you combine that with religious communities close to the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder (though Nebraska is not a particularly high poverty state from my brief research,) then fucked up things are happening semi-often.

    Can only speculate but abortion is illegal without parental consent at her age in that state.

    "Across mammals, females are more likely to commit infanticide when conditions are harsh and when having offspring is particularly costly to females", says Huchard. "The potential triggers and likely benefits of infanticide however appear to differ according to the specific circumstances."
    Infanticide has specific characteristics that distinguish it from other murders. While women commit very little violent crime, virtually all killings of newborns are committed by mothers. The methods employed are also distinct. A remarkable proportion of infant murders, from ancient Greece to the present day, involve abandoning the infant in an exposed place to die alone. This practice was often differentiated from infanticide, given that the infant might just survive. Commenting on infant exposure in History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne (1869), William Lecky says: 'It was practised on a gigantic scale with absolute impunity, noticed by writers with the most frigid indifference, and, at least in the case of destitute parents, considered a very venial offence.'
    Actual rates of child murder did not significantly decline in Europe until the popularisation of condoms in the late 19th century eliminated much of the necessity. That is: we stopped killing our babies only when we started having fewer of them.
    It is curious that so harrowing and ubiquitous a crime has left so little mark on history. Perhaps because infanticide was mostly women's business, specifically poor women's business, very few first-person accounts survive. But then there exist very few contemporary accounts of any kind.
    There are reasons to believe that infanticide could make a larger comeback. Recent years have seen increasing efforts, particularly in the United States, to make abortion illegal while restricting access to birth control. Religious groups are pushing this agenda worldwide, with success in Africa, where birth control has been stigmatised as a form of genocide. The backers of these policies believe them to be pro-baby; as the group Human Life International puts it, they're protecting 'the traditionally life-loving African culture'. The real results, however can be seen in a country such as Senegal, where access to birth control is limited, and all forms of abortion are illegal and where almost one in five incarcerated women are in prison for infanticide.
    DUBLIN/TUAM, Ireland (Reuters) - Thousands of infants died in Irish homes for unmarried mothers and their offspring mostly run by the Catholic Church from the 1920s to the 1990s, an inquiry found on Tuesday, an "appalling" mortality rate that reflected brutal living conditions.

    The report, which covered 18 so-called Mother and Baby Homes where over decades young pregnant women were hidden from society, is the latest in a series of government-commissioned papers that have laid bare some of the Catholic Church's worst abuses.

    Around 9,000 children died in all, Tuesday?s report found - a mortality rate of 15%. The proportion of children who died before their first birthday in one home, Bessborough, in County Cork, was as high as 75% in 1943.

    Infants were taken from mothers and sent overseas to be adopted. Children were vaccinated without consent.

    Anonymous testimony from residents compared the institutions to prisons where they were verbally abused by nuns as "sinners" and "spawn of Satan." Women suffered through traumatic labours without any pain relief.

    One recalled "women screaming, a woman who had lost her mind, and a room with small white coffins".

    The head of the Irish Catholic Church unreservedly apologised to survivors and praised their determination to bring to light "a dark chapter in the life of Church and society."
    I know Ethel Cain isn't Catholic (she's expressed this quite firmly since people assumed and she's Southern Baptist lol,) but I think the core of her music (atm anyway,) is essentially the hellish darkness of Christianity itself and Southern poverty. (Also statistically speaking that teen girl wasn't catholic either.) I mean I get that Preacher's Daughter is also a concept album about a woman killed by a psychopathic cannibal, but other than that.

    CH: A relationship with the church and Christianity is there throughout your work. There's also a lot of witchy and Satanic references - what is your relationship with all of these?

    I definitely love the spookiness of it all, but for me, the real spook factor isn't so much with Satan or the witchiness, it's very much in God. I know some of it at face value looks very culty - the candles, and all that. But for me, the true terror comes in God. When you grow up in the church everyone tells you that you have to fear God. Before you love him you have to fear him. Satan to me has never been that scary, he's just the devil. God has all power, he is all-powerful. He is the overarching and looming face in the darkness. That's very much what God felt like to me growing up, the person who's always watching and you can never get away from. And that to me was terrifying. That's where I'm at. I think Satan and all that is kind of a cheap facade - if you want the real scary [BEEP] you gotta go with God.

    And it makes me think of all of this.

    I'm just a child but I'm not above violence
    My mama raised me better than that
    When the preacher talks, that man demands his silence
    And daddy said, "Shoot first, then run and don't look back"

    I've killed before and I'll kill again
    Take the noose off, wrap it tight around my hand
    They say heaven hath no fury like a woman scorned
    And baby, hell don't scare me, I've been times before

    Jesus can always reject his father
    But he cannot escape his mother's blood
    He'll scream and try to wash it off of his fingers
    But he'll never escape what he's made up of

    The fate's already fucked me sideways
    Swinging by my neck from the family tree
    He'll laugh and say, "You know I raised you bеtter than this"
    Then leavе me hanging so they all can laugh at me

    God loves you, but not enough to save you
    So, baby girl, good luck taking care of yourself

    I'm still praying for that house in Nebraska
    By the highway, out on the edge of town
    Dancing with the windows open
    I can't let go when something's broken
    It's all I know and it's all I want now

    This isn't the best way to end this post lol but then maybe it is. This comment chain on American Teenager amused me (I mean it's not the first time I've read it before):

    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
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    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  12. #5352
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    Lol I didn't hear about this at the time but this is so funny. Millenials are so scary. Still.

    We are the first generation who (statistically,) didn't get more conservative with age for several obvious reasons, and that's really rustling a lot of jimmies.

    Children still don't get 'trans surgery.' But never mind that.


    "There are lots of reasons we’re not unique as a country for that. It is across the western world. The things that government can do is improve childcare, and above all housing, because there’s a massive link between how late people eventually settle down and the ability to have kids."

    In Europe, Viktor Orb?n, Hungary’s populist hard-right leader, has led a push to drive up birthrates. Last month he held the fifth Budapest Demographic Summit with people including a conservative Canadian psychologist, Jordan Peterson; Italy’s right-wing prime minister, Giorgia Meloni; and Serbia’s president, Aleksandar Vučić, to discuss how to encourage Europeans to have more children.
    Better mental health treatment, cheaper housing, complete cultural and economic overhaul so people don't feel that they have to have a job or be at a certain point in their career before having kids, artificial wombs, better fertility treatment, better dating culture, destroy twitter, stop insulting women who don't have children (it turns it into an identity like with obesity, now they're not just not having children they're also not doing it to spite you,) stop saying creepy things about trans masc people and trying to control female bodies, Stop with the white nationalist rhetoric about 'white babies,' the way they write about white afab people like Elliot Page and Taylor Swift is creepy as fuck. Stop spreading doomerist conspiracy theories that make people want to kill themselves etc. I don't imagine any of these things will change so good luck lol.

    This isn't inspiring so don't do this:

    Robert Jenrick has called for British families to have more children to help fund and look after an ageing population, after criticising Boris Johnson's government for encouraging low-skilled workers to come to the UK.

    The immigration minister said the government needed to "encourage more families to have children" as he suggested there should be further cuts in the number of care visas issued to migrant workers.
    Almost anything would be better than that. Even "We need more people to cure the problem of aging." You need to be way more delusionally optimistic and creative to encourage people to have kids in hell.

    As a millenial you're not going to get most millenials to 'accept responsibility' it's just not going to happen. You've done your best, but you're not going to get any more. You're talking about a generation of people who can't even manage themselves. The next generation is probably worse. You can yell at people about how they're mutants, how they're psychopaths, narcissists, selfish etc, none of that's going to work. It will only push us further away. If you want their babies (and honestly it sounds like many of you don't genetically speaking,) you're going to have to meet them where they're at.

    Lol where gen z is at:

    Not really but very funny. She solved 'finding the ideal partner' problem I guess. 'Aint got time for that nonsense/dating sites. Didn't find ideal partner by 22 like top 2% do who stay married their whole life. Let's skip to the end.' Oh yeah I noticed. Most of the best people are taken by their early 20s and then they stay with their first or second partner for most if not their entire life. There are still some interesting characters around later though. I have a different narrative for this person every day haha but no there's multiple ways to view/interpret this. That's the fun part.

    What she's not telling the white nationalists this advert is for is that in her 30s she's going to find a lesbian woman to settle down with and adopt her kids. But I'm not sure if she knows this herself yet. That's just a common part of this strategy. Or Steven Wilson (he got married in 2019 to a woman with two kids,) but Tumblr decided he's a cute lesb- no I have to stop shitposting. I think a lot of people would judge him for that because they're not his biological children, which is sad.

    I'm waiting for someone to write a problematic sapphic romance story where someone falls in love with their surrogate. And there's a woman who is like an academic or something who decided to have a kid alone. It was a contemporary shower thought I had. Oh I should write it and stop being lazy? Yeah that's a nice idea. And during national novel writing month. I think that story would trigger a lot of people which is also good. Conservatives because it's not a traditional family structure, radfems because it involves surrogacy which is exploitation, the manosphere because it's a 'feminist story' and 'anti male'. Anyone who has issues with lesbians etc.

    On top of all that it's not just a Western problem the same thing is occurring in other places at a slower rate (or in the case of Japan at a faster rate.) So you have to factor that in. You also have to factor in the possibility that population density may be contributing to it which is not an easy problem to fix as it involves people moving. Then, even if people move, it might be that the internet and social media is causing the same psychological effect that merely living in a densely populated area does because suddenly you're 'living' (in a manner of speaking) with tons of people and reading tons of opinions all the time.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  13. #5353
    Doseone's Avatar Metacognizant
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    I really don't want to deal with people on Thanksgiving. When I was living with my ex in another state, we were both away from family, so family gatherings didn't happen often. My cousin, who I haven't seen since I was maybe 16, is coming, too. We used to be really close when we were kids, but drifted apart. It's going to awkward because I'm 34 with no social skills. lol. I just want it to be over.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  14. #5354
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    There are reasons to believe that infanticide could make a larger comeback. Recent years have seen increasing efforts, particularly in the United States, to make abortion illegal while restricting access to birth control. Religious groups are pushing this agenda worldwide, with success in Africa, where birth control has been stigmatised as a form of genocide. The backers of these policies believe them to be pro-baby; as the group Human Life International puts it, they're protecting 'the traditionally life-loving African culture'. The real results, however can be seen in a country such as Senegal, where access to birth control is limited, and all forms of abortion are illegal and where almost one in five incarcerated women are in prison for infanticide.
    It would be terrible to live somewhere where you can't get an abortion if you're raped or just in general really. It's not just a personal issue either it's a community issue.

    To use an extreme case the serial killers Rose and Fred West had 5 children together (plus more from other relationships + Rose had some kids with her clients since she worked as a prostitute. They killed one of their daughters and Rose also killed her step daughter who was Fred's daughter from another relationship.)

    So one of their kids Barry died at age 40 in 2021 of a drug overdose after battling mental health issues for most of his life. He also had chronic pain issues. He'd had several overdoses before then and had attempted suicide in 2015. Part of the Opioid crisis obviously.

    One of their daughters Mae talked about how an uncle would rape her when she was 5 (because multiple family members are like this) and was forced to watch porn with her dad:

    She also revealed how her mum stood by as her uncle raped her as a five-year-old -- with her dad believing it was his parental duty to "break in" his daughters.
    Fred West talked about his own family and fucked up background:

    In June 1961,[16] Fred's 13-year-old sister, Kitty, told her mother that Fred had been raping her since the previous December, and had impregnated her. Fred was arrested, and freely admitted to police he had been molesting young girls since his early teens and asked, "Doesn't everybody do it?"[17]
    He claimed this but it's disputed (psychopaths also lie a lot, so it's hard to know without further corroboration):

    Fred later claimed that he had been sexually abused by his mother at age 12, that he had engaged in acts of bestiality in his early teens, and that his belief that incest was normal stemmed from his father's incest with Fred's sisters.[10] Fred's youngest brother, Doug, dismissed these claims as fantasy.[11]
    Not good:

    Though disgusted by her son's actions, Fred's mother had been prepared to testify in his defence. Immediately prior to her scheduled testimony, Kitty changed her mind and refused to testify[18] and the case collapsed.[19]
    At age 17, Fred suffered a fractured skull, a broken arm, and a broken leg in a motorcycle accident. He was unconscious for seven days and walked with braces for several months;[14] because of this incident, he developed an extreme fear of hospitals and became prone to fits of rage. Two years later, Fred suffered a further head injury when a girl he groped on a fire escape outside the Ledbury Youth Club punched him, sending him falling two floors.[15]
    I want to know more about her tbh. It's really hard to know if the head trauma contributes to violence or if people who have that propensity are just more likely to experience head trauma at some point. Like that famous boxer- oh no that's someone else who was arrested on suspicion of killing his wife. Wow. OK like that famous wrestler and the murder suicide where he killed himself, his wife, and his son. Chris Benoit.

    Other tests conducted on Benoit's brain tissue revealed severe chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), and damage to all four lobes of the brain and brain stem. Bailes and his colleagues concluded that repeated concussions can lead to dementia, which can contribute to severe behavioral problems. Benoit's father said that brain damage may have been the leading cause of the double murder-suicide.[38] A statement released by WWE described this as "speculative".[39]
    Anyway there's some correlation between psychopathy and head trauma but that's in childhood mostly I think?

    Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychopathic Traits in Justice-Involved Adult Women

    Results provided evidence of measurement invariance, and more women with TBI, compared to those without, met criteria for psychopathy. Younger age of TBI and TBI severity predicted interpersonal-affective psychopathic features.

    Psychopathic behaviour may be due to a traumatic blow to the head, especially in childhood, scientists have found.

    Damage to a specific part of the forebrain can produce severe impairments in social and moral decision-making, causing remarkable changes in the person's personality. While the intellect might not be affected, the damage can change an industrious person into an irresponsible drifter.

    New research has shown that the effects are even more pronounced if the damage occurs when the person is very young, before they have had a chance to learn what is considered appropriate behaviour, according to a report published today in Nature Neuroscience.

    One of the most celebrated cases of this behavioural change after injury was that of Phineas Gage, a railroad worker whose prefrontal cortex was damaged when an iron bar was driven through his skull as a result of a dynamiting accident in 1848.

    Gage recovered from his head injuries with no apparent change to his intellect. His personality was profoundly changed, however, and he was transformed from a good worker to a layabout.

    Studies of such patients since have shown that they still possess factual knowledge about social and moral standards even though they appear unable to apply this knowledge in their own lives. Things are even worse for these patients if the damage occurs at a young age, before behavioural norms are learned. Dr Antonio Damasio and colleagues at the University of Iowa described two subjects who experienced injuries before the age of 16 months to a brain area known as the orbito frontal cortex.

    Both children made excellent recoveries but as they grew older they began to display behavioural problems even more severe than those of patients injured as adults. They chronically stole, lied, verbally and physically abused others and as adults they were poor parents, lacked remorse and failed to make plans for the future.

    The researchers said there were no obvious environmental explanations as both had come from stable middle-class families and had well-adjusted siblings. They also said the two subjects were very like psychopaths in that they showed deficiencies in moral reasoning in tests. They seemed unable to learn about accepted standards, let alone apply them.

    The researchers pointed out the preliminary nature of their data and that patients with this type of damage are rare. They hope, however, that their work may lead to insights into the origins of moral and social behaviour and possible biological causes of psychopathy.
    Rose seemed like a typical sociopath so probably had no ability to control violent impulses while angry:

    Rose once scored Mae's chest with a kitchen knife after a disagreement.
    She also killed one of her step daughters while Fred was in prison.

    Rose used to tie Charmaine up and whip her, so it's believed she killed the girl in a fit of rage.
    Her dad was a violent sociopath as well (diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia as well):

    Rose grew up into a moody teenager, prone to daydreaming and performing poorly at school. After her parents separated she initially lived with her mother and attended Cleeve School for six months,[6] then moved in with her father in Bishop's Cleeve, near Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Rose's father, who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, was prone to extreme violence and repeatedly sexually abused Rose and her oldest sister Patricia.[7][8]

    At the onset of puberty, Rose, reportedly fascinated by her developing body, would deliberately parade naked or semi-naked around the house in the presence of her younger brother, Graham (born 1957). On numerous occasions, at the age of 13, she would also creep into nine-year-old Graham's bed at nightfall and molest him and her youngest brother Gordon.[9][10]
    Mae told how her half-sister Anna Marie was raped by Fred as an eight-year-old -- with Rose a participant in the assault.
    There was another daughter Rose had with one of her clients who Fred ignored. She seemed to believe the reason for this was that she wasn't Fred's biological child so he didn't see her as 'property':

    Tara was Rose's daughter, fathered to one of her clients.

    Tara has said that unlike her siblings, she escaped abuse.

    She says that her mother 'spoilt' her due to guilt about her parentage.

    She said: "I realise now that Dad was only interested in his natural daughters. He thought they were his property. Because I wasn't his daughter he left me alone."
    I'm getting the impression that Rose wanted to abuse any of the kids who were Fred's. I think on some level she hated him (she obviously transferred that hatred to Stephen later while in prison,) I don't know if she's been diagnosed with BPD but she kind of has traits, but she's also a sexual sadist but not exclusively into incest she was as a kid though. Fred also wanted to abuse his own kids because of his incest interest + sense of ownership. This also tracks with sex differences in sexual fetishes men are more into incest themes in porn than women.

    But the power of female selection amuses me sometimes. She's a complete sociopath and sexual sadist but still knows on a deep level that Fred is trash and has to be destroyed. Not always the case though but that's interesting to me. Or just as likely she was jealous of them because Fred gave them attention but I still think she had issues with him that she transferred to Stephen.

    Fred also killed his first wife I believe.

    Although it seems likely he had a thing for incest specifically. There are also implications for the honour culture mentality and incels I was quoting before in post yesterday (One of these guys I found agreeing with the guy from India who was insisting that all men want to [BEEP] their teenage daughters so that alone says a lot):

    Women with "criminal" ex are a genre of their own

    Imagine finding out that ur woman/wife/"girl"friend has a "criminal" ex,

    You will never be able to be seen as a equal man to her ex w Wild Vigor

    no matter how nice and how many gifts u were , she likely hates u

    Quote me
    Incels (as in the actual ideological/online subculture,) whole thing is like:

    1. All women are obligate hybristophiles

    2. Hyper masculine + Psychopathic men are ideal (this is also why they ignore all the other types of men women like because they don't want to be those men and it's harder to be those men and they probably can't be those men.)

    3. Poor me I'm a nice guy I'm not a psychopath (spoiler: Surprise you are a psychopath! You're just not successful.)
    U the Only guy with some followers talking about the exes problem
    thats the worst thing the western laws and lifestyle did
    I don't hate whites tbh, but this why I always say them becoming a minority is awesome, (imagine even imams are saying exes are ok 🙂 )
    i dont think its race inherently tbh.. it came from specific cultures (which were white)

    its mainly through the influence of a few culture.. france is one of them, then america

    then it spread outward

    but even traitors who agreed are dangerous

    the entire world is enemy now
    In my country majority are against but small groups financed by whites push this stuff and usually succeed, it's whites, the only people who are liberal by nature, even their conservative are liberal by our standards, no Indian or Chinese is pushing gay sex or exes
    ^ uh if that's even true their days are numbered because there are 'subcultures' in China where women write books about homosexual men (danmei,) and the nisu subculture where they feminise them which is part of the same instinct. They're trying really hard to repress it by going after kpop etc lol, banning websites and locking female authors up in prison for 10+ years. Plus China isn't as far removed from South Korea and Japan as it wants to be. Genetically, historically etc.

    When FiFi, a 21-year-old female college student, first joined a fandom at a younger age, she had a difficult time understanding why male idols were written as women in some works of fanfiction, she told The China Project. "Perhaps that's because back then I had a very fixed understanding of gender. I thought these fans were a bit crazy," she said.

    Her mindset changed when she became a fan of Zheng Yinlong 郑云龙, a Chinese singer who shot to fame after appearing in the 2018 HunanTV reality show Super Vocal. FiFi cites two main reasons why she became Zheng's nisu fan.

    "First, he possesses feminine traits that sometimes are more obvious than his masculine traits. Second, his fans are really good at discovering these feminine traits and creating works based on them," she said.
    They won't win in the long term because afab people are really good at being culturally invisible lol. They'll focus predominantly on amab people and lose. There's a quote and I re-read it recently but I don't remember who said it or the exact wording now so can't search for it. It's something like 'men will be what women want them to be so if you want men to be a certain way you have to teach women.' I'm pretty sure a guy said this and it seems very patronising to men mostly actually. (Not to mention from my pov men are just trying to be attractive and admired by other men most of the time and that's why women don't find them appealing or attractive most of the time.) Edit: Oh right it's a Rousseau quote:

    I am far from thinking that this ascendancy of women is a harm in itself. It is a gift bestowed upon them by nature for the happiness of the human race: better directed, it might produce as much good as today it does harm. We are not sufficiently aware of what advantages would arise from giving a better education to that half of the human race that governs the other. Men will always be what is pleasing to women: if then you want them to become great and virtuous, teach women what greatness of soul and virtue is. The reflections this subject provokes, and which Plato made in bygone times, greatly deserve to be better developed by a pen worthy of following such a master and of defending a cause so great
    It works for the gender war with psychopath guys though lol.

    Na na na. Put on the dress rightoid.

    Oh I discovered a barely viewed song on YouTube that's pretty good. Vocally too it's not bad and most of those songs the YouTube algo throws at me are really bad vocally:

    Giving it a like. It has 1 like now lol. I love that YouTube has decided I should be shown every very unfamous musician lately. It's not even the artist's channel though so they won't notice it's one of those weird 'topic' channels that I think are themselves generated by machines.... I wanted to know if anyone had clipped shoeonhead saying 'put on the dress rightoid' but they haven't lol.

    That song isn't doing anything original, it's very 2000s but still fine.

    It's anglos ni***, in some european country honor killings were legal before the mass democratization under the american empire after ww2
    That's so based of me being from England. Sadly I'll never reach this level of based:

    If you unironically use drift phonk to act cool, you?re not.
    Typical Tate L
    Its so sad cuz I like phonk music too but now it's been corrupted by "ToP g" and "SiGmA MaLeS" It's just good dance music
    Oh is that the genre of the music? I've been wondering what the track was in that sound clip for ages. Can't find the track with just that info still though lol.

    Chopped and screwed was really popular in the 2010s.

    i wouldnt say only anglos,

    french ppl also have adopted it on mass

    in general whites do seem to have 'absorbed' women rights more than any other race [alongside japs too]

    an underrated topic is how a huge number of feminicide that wignats criticize other races for..

    is a lot from "breakups" and how many men cannot and will not accept the idea of "Breakup" and just leaving ur wife or woman after u claimed her

    Whites and japs in comparison are less into feminicide and open to breakups

    but it did originate from a few cultures but spread then
    but even migrants do not accept the idea of breakups as much

    if u follow wignat page a lot, a lot of them criticize non-white men for retaliation over breakups

    There's a few theories abt how and why things ended up this way

    Many will point out that europe has gone through massive changes in middle ages

    Used to have high homicide rates, but laws massacred a lot of these criminal types

    so we might have been seeing result of progressive breeding here
    They have this same personality type.

    Stephen is another son:

    Stephen West

    West was jailed for nine months in 2004 for having underage sex with a 14 year old girl. However, in 2016, the builder insisted that he had "worked hard to turn his life around,"
    The sex was apparently consensual, and conducted while Stephen was working as a builder.

    The relationship was discovered after the child became pregnant and Stephen took her to a clinic for an abortion.
    The son of House of Horrors killer Rose West has told how his warped mum once begged a judge to jail him for life.

    The mass murderer branded *troubled Stephen "a danger to everyone" in a letter sent to his trial on underage sex charges.

    But he reveals Judge Michael Mott screwed up the note in disgust.

    In an explosive book uncovering secrets of the Cromwell Street murders 25 years on from his parents' arrest, Stephen, 45, tells how his twisted mother has carried out a vendetta against him from behind bars ? because he reminds her of his evil dad Fred.
    Candid but eerie is his admission that he sometimes doubts himself. "I've sat down and thought, Jesus Christ, what if it entered my mind one day to hurt someone? I know I'm so much like my dad in his nature. Not his bad nature, mind, but certain things. Sometimes I say something and it's like he said it. Then I get worried."

    In the book, Mae recounts incidents where Stephen beat his wife. The couple had been together only three months when Fred West was arrested, and the relationship has been volatile at times.

    Mae is no longer with the father of her baby. She says: "I don't really trust anyone any more. A lot of men won't ever want to know me now, and there are others who just want to go out with you so they can say they've been with Mae West."
    "When I say something like, 'Oh, my mum taught me that', I can see people thinking - 'God, what else did she teach you?' "She is also curiously oblivious to the awful black humour which overlays so much of what she says. "He was a brilliant dad, really," she says at one point. "Well, apart from he wouldn't leave you alone. But you could have a good old laugh with him. You would never think he was a murderer." Of Rose she says: "She's more like a normal mum, now. Which is a shame, because she's locked up." It's such a pity, she says, that her mother's five grandchildren will all grow up with their gran in prison inside, because Rose liked children so much.

    Dark styles of humor, such as irony, satire, sarcasm, and cynicism. These are generally negative styles of humor that are mostly based on mockery and ridicule and are correlated with poor mental well-being and tenuous relationships.
    Stephen claims in the book that his childhood "hasn't left any scars", but he is a more obviously troubled character. Strangely dandy for nine in the morning, and rather proudly nursing a hangover, at times he gives the impression of relishing his macabre notoriety. Girls, apparently, have been calling Mae to tell them how much they fancy him, which pleases him.
    ^ he is not passing the vibe check.

    But his anger is evident, and sits oddly alongside the echoes of psychospeak which stray into conversation. "I have got a short temper. Partly, that's due to the very intense pressure I've been placed under," he explains. "And partly it's just because, well, I've got a short temper," he finishes up. Like Mae, his deadpan delivery can be horribly, unintentionally funny.
    Thankfully this applies:

    Regression toward the mean simply means that, following an extreme random event, the next random event is likely to be less extreme.
    The concept of regression comes from genetics and was popularized by Sir Francis Galton during the late 19th century with the publication of Regression towards mediocrity in hereditary stature.[8] Galton observed that extreme characteristics (e.g., height) in parents are not passed on completely to their offspring. Rather, the characteristics in the offspring regress toward a mediocre point (a point which has since been identified as the mean). By measuring the heights of hundreds of people, he was able to quantify regression to the mean, and estimate the size of the effect. Galton wrote that, "the average regression of the offspring is a constant fraction of their respective mid-parental deviations". This means that the difference between a child and its parents for some characteristic is proportional to its parents' deviation from typical people in the population. If its parents are each two inches taller than the averages for men and women, then, on average, the offspring will be shorter than its parents by some factor (which, today, we would call one minus the regression coefficient) times two inches. For height, Galton estimated this coefficient to be about 2/3: the height of an individual will measure around a midpoint that is two thirds of the parents' deviation from the population average.
    But this is still potentially an issue and not just in the first generation. You have two psychopathic people who have reproduced. Quite a lot. So many kids.

    Many years ago I used to watch the show 19 Kids and Counting sometimes because it's fascinating to see lifestyles that are very different. This is probably one of the only reality TV shows I've actually watched. Not even hate watching basically like when I watched Sex and the City it's far removed from my life as a nerdy liberal celibate [BEEP] person in the UK (though in some ways not as far removed as I would want.) Forgot about it for a long time, then learnt that the oldest son was arrested for molesting his younger sisters and some other girls.

    On May 21, 2015, a police report from 2006 was revealed to the public by In Touch Weekly magazine, stating sexual molestation allegations against the Duggars' eldest son, Josh Duggar. The report states that, in 2002?2003, Josh ? then 14 to 15 years old ? fondled five girls, including four of his sisters, by touching their breasts and genital regions on multiple occasions while they were asleep and on a few occasions while they were awake.[69][70][71] These events occurred prior to the beginning of the TLC series. The case was never fully investigated, and the statute of limitations had by then expired.[69] On May 22, 2015, TLC removed all reruns of the show that were previously set to air from its current airing schedule, with the statement: "We are deeply saddened and troubled by this heartbreaking situation and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time."[72][73][74]
    He didn't deny it:

    Josh, along with his wife and his parents, responded to the revelations. Josh apologized, stating he had "acted inexcusably" and resigned from his position at the Family Research Council. Anna stated that she knew about Josh's actions two years before she married him and believed that the counseling he received after the incidents "changed his life". The Duggars described this time as a dark period in their lives and said it caused their family "to seek God like never before". They were featured in an interview with Megyn Kelly on Fox News Channel's The Kelly File on June 3, 2015, where they answered questions regarding the scandal.[81][82][83][84]
    Bit naive.

    And he can't control himself at all:

    On April 29, 2021, six years after the show's cancellation, Josh was arrested for possession of child pornography[85][86] and later convicted.[87] See Josh Duggar's 2021 arrest, trial, and conviction.
    Who knows what else was going on there because I haven't investigated that much, I'm sure there's a lot of stuff that hasn't come out.

    In January 2023, Jinger Duggar Vuolo, the sixth child of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar who appeared on both "19 Kids and Counting" and its spinoff "Counting On", would criticize her family's "cult-like" religious beliefs, telling People Magazine things like "Fear was a huge part of my childhood," "I thought I had to wear only skirts and dresses to please God. Music with drums, places I went or the wrong friendships could all bring harm" and that "the teaching I grew up under was harmful, it was damaging, and there are lasting effects.[67] Vuolo also provided more criticism of the Duggar family in her book Becoming Free Indeed: My Story of Disentangling Faith From Fear.[68]

    This is annoying because it's not the same thing:

    Why do many deem sexual repression as unhealthy when self control or repression for the sake of something worthy is certainly of value?
    Sometimes there's this weird kind of incredibly inappropriate intrusiveness coupled with incredibly strict rules:

    I sympathized w the guy myself on the same grounds. I've seen repression cause mental illness, improper sexual conduct, attempted suicide due to homosexual feelings, teenage pregnancy and motherhood bc of lack of education about contraceptives.. and more. I know of hardly anyone in my fundamentalist circle of kids I grew up with who doesn't have horrible issues to this day.

    I am the eldest daughter of fundamentalist baptist missionaries. my parents have changed much over the years but they raised us Westboro style without the overt hatred. a lot of beatings as a kid.

    I was a hands down the pants kid before puberty and was shamed constantly, lectured about how wrong it is to touch my privates, asked to even show my mother how I touch myself... around age 6... I declined! I was sexually abused around the age of 6 by an also repressed older cousin. constantly told I was nasty, dirty, etc. for touching myself.

    it should have been a red flag I was being sexually abused. at the very least someone should have intervened and asked me questions even if some of that behavior is normal for children.

    the shaming did nothing but make me hide it more and feel deeply deeply guilty.


    when I did have sex around age 24, niether of us knew what we were doing - typical for virgins - and felt so guilty after that the guy pushed me away and considered me a temptress, blamed me for the sex for a period of time.

    I all but ran away around age 25-26 to California to quickly marry a man I didn't love who worked in the porn industry just to get away from it all.

    my sister came out as gay a few years ago, around age 25 for her, 35 for me. she was scared to death to tell me bc our mother told her I would hate her for it. [...]

    my other sister also has a son, literally ran away from home at age 16 and came back around age 19 with condition that she immediately marry her boyfriend and receive pastoral counseling. no surprise that marriage failed quickly. the guy she is with now is domineering and abusive, but she attends church and is raising her son baptist.
    Now it's interesting because if we go back to Fred West's upbringing you'll notice that his mother was overprotective (he claims she had sex with him,) and his dad was a huge disciplinarian:

    Frederick Walter Stephen West was born on 29 September 1941,[1] at Bickerton Cottage, Much Marcle, Herefordshire,[2] the first surviving child of Walter Stephen West (1914?1992) and Daisy Hannah Hill (1922?1968 ).[3] Fred was from a poor family of farm workers, close-knit and mutually protective; his father was a disciplinarian and his mother overprotective.[4]

    In 1946 the family moved to Moorcourt Cottage, a semi-detached building adjacent to Moorcourt Farm, on the outskirts of Much Marcle, where Fred's father worked as a milking herdsman and harvest hand. The cottage had no electricity and was heated by a log fire.[5] By 1951 Fred's mother had given birth to eight children, six of whom survived; Fred was always his mother's favourite.[6] He was seen as a mother's boy and relied mostly on his siblings for companionship.
    He was a teenager who molested his 5-year-old sister, as well as three other sisters and a family friend. I feel like that's more than simple curiosity.
    I agree completely but I wonder about how repressive upbringings might create those sorts of ppl or if they better hide their nature and make them much more dangerous. Or they cover for them and give them more power over their victims. I don't absolve him at all but I wonder how ppl become like that. And what role religion plays in it.
    my belief is that religion plays a big role in some people's sexual distinction. others who knows?

    I made a post below about religions impact on my family's sexual dysfunction. I was molested by a repressed individual but I also think (I didn't say this in my post) it was 37% religion and the rest his own fucked up nature. I was grateful when he died because I saw the way he was looking at my sister and knew she was next. he died the next week and I was relieved.
    Yeah, the whole thing sounded like pedophilia to me, not repression.
    Oh no he's def a pedophile.

    I think sexuality is partly genetic and partly social. I also think that the propensity to be a fetishistic person is genetic (seems to be in my family,) and tied to certain personality types and also autism spectrum disorder, but not necessarily the same fetishises will be shared. When you encourage this kind of puritan environment I'm sure it fucks up people's socialisation even more imo. It also makes you miss the people who just love an arcade machine. (Also makes me feel better about my own peculiar proclivities lol.)

    Anyway if someone wants to abort their rapist's child or really any kid, you should let them. There's usually a good reason for it.

    Uh too much staring into the abyss again. I like to mostly watch sitcoms these days.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  15. #5355
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    Of all the things I bad on the 2013 bingo card, Gen Z on tiktok deciding that "Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda did no wrong", because they tend the top 25% of a Letter to America was not on there.

    Oh, they just glossed over the remaining 75% where he calls for Shariah Law in the west, kill all your gays and lock your women away in the house.

    Also, it's comical how the worst offenders of this are female and have a pride flag of some sort in there bio. Like, do you believe that Shariah law comes draped in a rainbow flag? Because there are plenty of examples of countries under shariah law, and they are not good places for women or LGBT.

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