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  1. #5416
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Now and then I just look at memes like this and think about how if we survive as a species and if the education system survives (hopefully not in it's current form at least,) one day someone's going to be looking at stuff like this in some kind of history class.

    There's something about that wojak that really cracks me up. (I think it's called 'art hoe' wojak originally? I dunno) It has this kind of like cute-evil vibe. I've seen it in like those Ukraine war memes with the they/them army stuff as well lol a while back.

    Also this was posted on reddit and there were lots of comments about 'Emily's' I guess that's one of those names like Chad, Stacy and Karen etc but I've never heard anyone use this anywhere else yet there are several comments about it:

    People were more intuitive in the past and it was an obvious and available construct for metaphor. The organization scheme has been used throughout cultures, religions, and languages.

    The idea of some celestial "first mover" that seeded the universe clearly brings up masculine characteristics unless you're intentionally dense (a common malady today). Thus you get "He", "Father" or "Le Dieu".

    The entity being seeded and incubating life naturally lends itself to "Mother Earth" or "La Terre".

    In Asia Yin is a symbol of earth, femaleness, darkness, passivity, and absorption.

    Yang is conceived of as heaven, maleness, light, activity, and penetration. Based asians got it.

    Brain damaged Emilies trained to see offense in everything scream that this is some hateful patriarchal plot crafted to oppress women. When in reality if you talked to any of these people it probably just...made sense (something in rare supply today).

    Young wordcels like to use computer terminology which is more gender neutral. But even there you could see how Le Bootloader and La Desktop as metaphor feel pretty natural.
    UCC is basically an Emily support group for 50 year old lesbians
    God identifies as male and anyone stating otherwise is misgendering him.

    Use this against Emily's
    Based and Emily hack pilled
    Imagine believing in a supreme creator of the universe, but also being arrogant enough to tell it how to properly call itself, sasuga Emily sama.
    Wtf is an Emily? First of all great name love that name. Emily The Strange. This song:

    Great. Very goth.

    Secondly. I'm guessing some kind of progressive woman, 4chan and adj communities already have slurs for afab non-binary people - theyfab (though that's spread further now,) but that's more in-community like /tttt/ then outside.

    I don't like Christianity so I wouldn't be trying to do that myself 'nah you can keep him lol' (there was the Jesus/Satan fanfiction era and I also think my personal headcannon of Satan is more cool, but putting these things aside,) but taking over other domains is ironically a very Ishtar/Inanna thing to do. And she was an androgynous sky goddess lol which makes that comment about the Sky/Earth dichotomy even funnier. She failed in trying to take over her sister Ereshkigal's realm in the underworld though. Many such cases. That's a difficult one. Someone should definitely make a video game about this. There is some overlap between Lucifer's story and Inanna and Persephone and then also Aphrodite.

    Also when they make this a video game they should make it part of The God of War series. Not because I feel that's in any way necessary and I personally think it should be a new game series. But I think they should do this just to piss off all the obnoxious gamers that freak out massively like this:

    Everytime something happens regarding character's gender, race etc. Or even just having a pronoun option during a character creation screen.

    Oh no I'm not 'woke' on principle. I'm 'woke' because their overreaction is hilarious and irritating.

    That being said he's only doing it because it gets him tons of views. It's unlikely that he's this mad all the time - and even if he is he's recording himself for views + money. This is a template that started far before him like this guy and his brother from way back in 2009:

    Obviously most of these people need therapy. You can tell the guy above is mentally ill. I think a lot of the people who end up in these videos are autistic or have ADHD or BPD. Then some also struggle with addictions but I think video game addictions are secondary to other mental health issues and ADHD most of the time because it's not a chemical addiction so it's not a real addiction in the classic sense.

    Coppercab was always angry in their videos and nobody knew if they were acting or not:

    Ginger guys actually get tons of [BEEP] though in real life so that's more understandable than freaking out over a video game at least.

    Apparently I wasn't up to date on some lore and coppercab came out as a trans woman (which people took seriously,) then went off hrt because of heart problems (which would be fine except see everything that follows,) and later seems to be some kind of gym bro who threatened Gavin Mcinnes though honestly that's somewhat understandable too since Gavin McInnes is a huge [BEEP] who likes to get into fights himself.

    I get Oly London vibes from coppercab but a bit less politically involved. I don't know if they still id as trans or not I can't find info. Also obviously they have a history in gaming content incl. Runescape. And claims to be in a relationship with their half-sister:

    On February 14, 2020, Michael revealed on Twitter that he and his half-sister Aubrey are in a relationship, claiming they hardly grew up together as Aubrey was raised by her mother and stepfather in Kansas while Michael grew up in Georgia.
    Did you catch the fight between Gavin McInnes and Coppercab?

    It's rare to watch a fight where I want both sides to lose
    I come across so many fights like that honestly.

    Alex Jones of course started to do this. He's always freaking out:

    At a certain point people started to politicise this as with everything and it became a bigger issue. The weird thing about Alex Jones is he acts like this all the time as a rhetorical strategy and is popular with right wing figures, but when feminists or trans people act the same way it's considered cringe.

    Obviously Alex Jones is still niche but he's managed to accrue a pretty large audience for his political agenda, gets on Joe Rogan.. A lot of people take him seriously even if most don't and his ideas also spread further than those who are devoted fans. When trans people or feminists do this kind of thing on camera it gets considered bad optics and that's among ingroup people. Though it's understandable how people get pissed off now and then.

    I'm reading [BEEP] face. Classic.

    What she's saying in this clip isn't even unreasonable really like if you remove the ideological language what she's basically saying is prison rape is bad, joking about prison rape belittles the issue culturally, and she doesn't want men to have to pay alimony but it was set up because women earn less because they prioritise domestic duties historically over professional goals + earning potential.

    I think there are some other factors too like women being more agreeable on average so they don't tend to negotiate as high salaries and it's also possible that if they did they'd be judged for displaying those personality traits more. In research white women in the US (yes specifically white women,) are judged as ruthless and have a penalty for displaying signs of dominance even when they have high competence which must additionally disincentivise that behaviour for a lot of white women.

    On the other hand I think I've heard that women in their 20s earn more than men in their 20s. I think it should only really apply in situations where a woman has below a certain amount of money to live off, like if they end up in poverty because they were a housewife. Some people have attempted to calculate how much housewives should earn though based on how much people doing similar jobs earn and it's quite a bit. Some figures I've seen are like:

    $120,900 (62,590 pounds)

    There is obviously a huge issue with basically devaluing every traditional female role economically. I suppose the right wing counter argument would be something like 'well women shouldn't be getting divorced, and this is only an issue if you get divorced.'

    But yeah she's just yelling everything and really angry so people don't listen (because she's not Alex Jones.) Though of course Alex Jones rambling about dark matter but not really talking about dark matter at all in the physics sense but something entirely different, pedophilic vampire demon aliens and so on... Isn't more reasonable. Honestly he started talking about gravity and dark matter but in a way that made no sense. It was the most insane thing I'd ever listened to in terms of like a ratio of how highly he's regarded (like why is he on this podcast,) vs the insanity and accuracy of what he is saying. Not sure I can find that hilarious Joe Rogan interview clip now... This is one clip with some insane stuff either way:

    And I say this as someone who probably understands him better than most as my thought patterns have many schizoid and archetypal tendencies.

    Most of what he's saying is insane the only accurate points are like 'people are demoralised now and often don't want kids' everything else he says is just insane. And yet the comments are mostly agreeing with him and saying things like 'he's 70% correct.' Nope!

    I'm searching this subreddit to try and figure the Emily thing out.

    For the last time Emily, an upside cross is not "satanic" no matter what you think.
    We have found the male version of Emily - I present to you: Emilio
    Anyone have a wojak for Emily?

    Me when Emily says school is dumb and we should get rid of maths class

    [then he's put a dot in the far right authoritarian section of the political compass meme]
    Well it is dumb.

    I think it's basically just a progressive person or something because this is the political compass subreddit.

    Math is hard guys. Therefore racist and a tool of white imperialism.

    That last one is currently being debated seriously on my campus
    I don't think it is but I can understand how people get to this conclusion when twitter is full of retarded rationalists and rationalist-adj people turning shaperotater and wordcel into some kind of culture war battle. That includes Jordan Peterson who jumped on that (I stumbled on this again in that article I was reading yesterday lol):

    It's funny because he's a 'wordcel.' Based on the definition. Someone pointed that out elsewhere lol.

    Like it's insane but not as insane as people think when you consider the hell that is social media where everyone especially teenagers spend most of their time. It's also a proxy war for the greater gender war.

    I mean it's still very insane but it's an insanity that was 100% caused by... As this is the political compass subreddit where only 4 squares exist - yellow lib right wing ephebophilia square men.

    Here's the thing when you demonise every feminine trait and skill in society and devalue those subjects and roles economically in a culture where everyone is competing economically. Feminine people disregard them and/or work on destroying your [BEEP] instead. It's much more fun. And you don't disagree since you all want to die in a war anyway.

    Also a big section of the culture war 'began' in the US humanities (not the race part obviously that's a working class thing,) so I think that should be taken seriously and not treated as coincidence.

    In a long essay about the origins of the terms, the prolific Twitter shitposter roon claimed to have invented the term wordcel on in October of 2021 while engaging in a discourse battle online.

    "To the best of my knowledge, I coined the word in the heat of battle with another prodigious schizoposter (Mr. @Logo_Daedalus, whom I feel no animosity towards), and he became a kind of ur-example archetypal figure in the wordcel sphere,? roon said in their essay. "A deep yet largely unintelligible expert in the humanities, history and philosophy, his verbal abstractions have led him quite far from the base reality we share. While some of these types will become presidents, poets, priests, the vast majority will live and die producing little value, chasing down rhetorical dead-ends, with their scholarship forgotten. This is the central tragedy of the wordcel."

    The shape rotator, too, is a common archetype of the online world. This is a person who can do their taxes in a breezy afternoon but struggles to make eye contact during dinner. 'They may be very good at details and bad at seeing the bigger picture,' roon wrote. 'The demarcation isn?t just between STEM and humanities?you will absolutely find wordcels in the STEM domain' rather, it's about modes of thinking. It's about realism, thing-orientation over people-orientation, and investigative grounding in the tangible world.'
    Back to reddit for a second:

    Of course, this is what they say (sort of). What they actually think is presumably "hmm women are typically not represented in groups that require high mathematical acumen. That means that they must be being excluded. What's that? the nerds would happily hire a woman? Well then, the math itself must be oppressive. Didn't those guys that wear dresses from the desert invent a bunch of math? I bet that?s woke, let's teach that instead"

    This then devolved from wanting to replace 'western math' with legitimate mathematics from different places and cultures that all works together because it's FUCKING MATH and it's all taught, obviously, to wanting to teach non-mathematical (non-scientific) principles as valid alternatives used to understand the nature of the universe. This is how we got to the video of those morons in a US college claiming that shamans in Africa can call down lightning and science can't explain it. Spoiler; Shaman can't learn Thunderbolt. It didn't happen.

    TLDR; libleft bad, math good, wall of text, [BEEP] Arts majors
    Actually the nerds are often highly competitive assholes if you spend quite a bit of time with them - and I have irl and online - you'll notice. So if you were going to get stuck on some idea like this that would have made more sense then 'maths itself is imperialist.' No the people are assholes. The people are always assholes. Not all of them but like a bunch and I think that realisation is probably off putting to a lot of people who have a stereotype of certain groups being 'not like jocks (tm.)' I'm pretty sure this is why BAP hates nerds. And he even has a degree from MIT in mathematics lol. Then again given the ambiguity of the term it's never clear who he means and I don't think he means the nerds that these - mostly women - dislike. I think he just means any 'soft' guys who are into nerdy subcultural interests (which are varied and technically many would fall under the definition of 'wordcel' since in order to create fiction like Tolkien or other fantasy universes you have to have high verbal intelligence obviously. So that's a bit ironic.)

    Part of the reason no one's having sex now is that nerds in uni used to have sex with weird artsy girls who read a lot and dyed their hair but now those girls 'Emily' if you will hate nerds and want to destroy them lol.

    Quick, how many cubes can you rotate in your brain? If you're struggling to even form the image of a cube in your mind, let alone rotate it, then I'm sorry to say that you're not a shape rotator. You are, in fact, probably a wordcel. If you have no idea what wordcel and shape rotators are, I will explain it to you, and I'm sorry your curiosity has brought you to this article.

    At its base, the dichotomy is simple. Wordcels are people who are good with words. Shape rotators are people who are good with math and abstract thought. Use of the terms has skyrocketed online in the past few months, and especially in the last few days.

    The term shape rotator has been floating around online for a few years now. The term wordcel has been around less than a year. You're hearing about them now thanks to a venture capitalist and a Washington Post reporter.

    On Feb. 2, Netscape co-founder turned venture capitalist Marc Andreessen tweeted what was, to most, incomprehensible gibberish.
    Venture capitalist. That makes sense. And I was right! Yellow square lol.

    Washington Post technology and culture columnist Taylor Lorenz screencapped Andreessen's tweet and shared it with her followers. This set off a chain reaction that elevated the terms "wordcel" and "shape rotator" into the mainstream, elevating an extremely online dichotomy into a confusing and terrible new front in our horrifying culture wars.

    Much of America's culture war can be cynically flattened and viewed through the lens of these two words; "woke" wordcels live in the land of philosophy and books and liberal colleges, clinging to ideals espoused in their precious books, tweeting about Wordle, while shape rotators are out here coding, building businesses, doing engineering, etc. etc.
    I'm annoyed that they're still trying to pretend this isn't a gender war when we see can see what's happening:

    I think there's some taboo on admitting this but admitting it is the first step.

    My degree was in games art, though I wasn't good at that subject and my sixth form tutor assumed I would study computer science but I didn't because I'm retarded. I was probably better at programming which I studied before then but I'm not good at maths and had a bad maths teacher for years (I learnt more in the few months in sixth form when I re-took GCSE maths then I did in high school, but ultimately it's still not my thing.) Now I mostly kill people and do other weird things in video games for YouTube... I don't know where that fits in but I don't think it does lol.

    Some of us are bad at everything! I do think I'm more of a wordcel though overall.

    Nick Land had something to say about the coming revenge of the nerds political thing back in 2014 (deleted that site now):

    Increasingly, there are only two basic human types populating this planet. There are autistic nerds, who alone are capable of participating effectively in the advanced technological processes that characterize the emerging economy, and there is everybody else. For everybody else, this situation is uncomfortable. The nerds are steadily finding ways to do all the things ordinary and sub-ordinary people do, more efficiently and economically, by programming machines. Only the nerds have any understanding of how this works, and -- until generalized machine intelligences arrive to keep them company -- only they will.

    The masses only know three things:
    (a) They want the cool stuff the nerds are creating
    (b) They don?t have anything much to offer in exchange for it
    (c) They aren?t remotely happy about that

    Politics across the spectrum is being pulled apart by the socio-economic fission. From Neo-Marxists to Neoreactionaries, there is a reasonably lucid understanding that nerd competence is the only economic resource that matters much anymore, while the swelling grievance of preponderant obsolescing humanity is an irresistible pander-magnet. What to do? Win over the nerds, and run the world (from the machinic back-end)? Or demagogue the masses, and ride its tsunami of resentment to political power? Either defend the nerds against the masses, or help the masses to put the nerds in their place. That?s the dilemma. Empty ?third-way? chatter can be expected, as always, but the real agenda will be Boolean, and insultingly easy to decode.

    Look and it's unmistakable, everywhere. The asymmetry is especially notable.

    For the autistic nerds, the social relations that matter are those among themselves -- the productive networks which are their model for final-phase human culture in general -- along with the ever more intricate connections they enter into with technological machines. From pretty much everybody else -- whether psycho-sadistic girls, or extractive mobs and tyrannical politicians -- they expect nothing except social torture, parasitism, and bullying, mixed up with some menial services that the machines of tomorrow will do better. Their tendency is to find a way to flee.

    For the rest of humanity, exposed ever more clearly as a kind of needy detritus, bullying is all that's left. If they can't find a way to pocket the nerds? lunch-money, they won't be getting anything to eat. From this perspective, an escaping nerd is far more of an intolerable aggression than a policeman?s boot in the teeth. There's only one popular politics at the end of the road, and that's cage the nerds. Find a formulation for this which sounds both convincing and kinda-sorta reasonable, and the red carpet to power is rolled out before your feet.

    Which is it going to be? Starve the masses or enslave the nerds? There's no way this doesn't get incredibly ugly.

    From the Outside in perspective, the fast track to realism on all this is to stop pretending that anybody other than nerds has anything much to offer the future. (Completely devoid of autistic nerd competences ourselves, the detachment from which we speak is impeccable.) This harsh-realist short-cut eliminates all the time-wasting on ?special? things non-nerds can do ? which somehow always end up being closely related to the task of governance (and that, as we have seen, reduces ultimately to intimidating nerds). ?OK, you?re not a nerd, but you?re special.? We?ve all heard that before.

    Even without being an autistic nerd, one can be gifted with some modest measure of intelligence ? enough in any case to realize: "History's shaping itself into some nightmarish nerd-revenge narrative." It doesn't even take an artificial super-intelligence to understand why that should be.
    It's worth noting that Nick Land is also a horror fiction writer lol and it often shows. I really liked the piece he wrote for his old blog about the mermaids. The girl was scared of mermaids and had mermaid paintings all over her walls and part of the fear was in wanting to be a mermaid and the ambiguity with being part Human and part fish. So great symbolically and applies to many people now with various things (reminds me of Jordan Peterson too with how he has communist paintings all over his walls,) but no can't get sidetracked.;Culture_Wars'

    This paper is longform commentary and analysis of Angela Nagle's recent work Kill All Normies Online culture wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the alt-right. It explores the work's relevance to 'Extreme Masculinties', and places it within the context of the contemporary poltiical situation. The work's main thesis on the aesthetic and libidinal forms and characteristics of the 'Alt-Right' are heavily interrogated and placed within the historical context of previous 'crises' in masculinity. This analysis proceeds to further explore the existence of this contemporary crisis through the broader spectrum of identity politics, and its problematic ideological conflicts and consequences.
    I'm not sure it's a 'crisis of masculinity' research paper I just found. I think some people are just assholes.

    Nerds can be cute if they're not really egotistical. You know like everyone. Lol. I like musicians because they usually have positive nerd qualities with positive artistic qualities. And long hair. I mean musicians are usually creative and can be good at lyrics although in practice they're often not and I think that's because people who are good at making music are also usually good at maths. So they're not 'wordcels' but usually they find someone who is to write their lyrics or someone who can do both. Like Neil Peart wrote the lyrics for Rush because Geddy and Alex weren't interested in doing that but he's also a good drummer.

    I guess Steven Wilson is pretty good at writing lyrics because I assume he wrote most of the later ones and they are good - interesting fictional concepts etc - but the early ones that were more fantastical and read like freewriting (you know my post before, I don't know why everyone's freewriting ends up similar it's freaky. I used to do that too so I know,) he didn't write those. I think. Unless he's lying because he's embarrassed by them which is a possibility but no I think he probably didn't.

    I've been sidetracked though.

    Emily is a living ignition weapon that was made by dissolving a person who could be dissolved and made into a ignition weapon. Emily is essentially a data bank that collects and stores information by answering and asking questions. Rachel use Emily to manipulate fate by feeding Emily information. You know that thing Zahard spent several tens of thousands of years learning how to do but just barely scratching the surface. Rachel does that using Emily but better in literally every way.
    I don't... Think this is the answer I'm looking for.

    OK I think this term is almost exclusive to the political compass reddit, hasn't made it onto twitter at least. And it seems to be someone left wing essentially but beyond that hard to say.

    Emily's commentary on interracial relationships.

    [Some meme I can't be bothered to reupload since reddit is annoying and won't let you easily get image links]

    [Essentially the meme is like the 'emily' character reacting to three people describe their racial preferences in partners and she's annoyed at a a guy who rejected a girl because he was dating someone else and she said it's because she's black, she reacts positively to a woman who says she only dates black guys and then reacts negatively to a guy saying he's into everyone because it's 'objectifying women' So basically this is a strawperson who doesn't exist. Or an insane person that barely exists.]
    "stop objectifying women!"

    thinks porn is empowering

    Peak orange double think.
    Nah its more like their two different schools of thought that can't agree with each other. There are sex positive and sex negative fememisits. Usually, it's not one person. But emily is an amalgamation of opposing social ideas.
    OK maybe that's the point I dunno.

    Jesus, that's a lot of straw.
    I mean the whole Emily meme thing is just to [BEEP] on what they think people on the left side agree on, when in reality it's like a few thousand people on Twitter. A lot of people on Reddit and Twitter seek out content to be outraged by to make them feel better because of their moral higher ground or something.

    Listen here lefty, the whole reason the Emily meme and orange sub quadrant exist is because the rest of us decided it was in fact unfair to lump you and libleft in with the crazies.

    What more could you possibly ask for?
    Man this is dumb. So much of everything is like this now lol. The Human brain is so easily high-jacked. But if it wasn't entertaining people wouldn't be doing this.

    I've not seen this person though. Or at least there's an implication that these ideas are contradictory but they aren't. The people who are hardcore against men sexualising anyone might also be anti-racist and have the opinion that people are bad for having racial preferences because they're discriminatory.

    This isn't politically correct but whatever:

    Personally I don't care if people have preferences. Though I think if someone is interested in expanding their preferences they could try consuming different media because that sort of worked for me? Though not really. I think I was always sort of into Asian guys and guys with similar physical traits like some Hispanic and Native American guys or some guys who are 'racially ambiguous' from childhood/early teen years because I remember certain films etc... Just wasn't paying attention to them as much since I live in the West where most guys in media are still white. During periods where I was consuming more Asian media I was more into Asian + Eurasian guys.

    It's much more difficult/nearly impossible for me to find black guys attractive (there are a few I thought were sort of cute in my life but even then not intense attraction,) and that probably is partly because of the particular guys I've known and their attitudes + negative stereotypes in the media etc + the association with hyper masculinity as someone who's not into that. Which is why I'm quite sympathetic to left wing black guys I see complaining about that stereotype on YouTube etc. Even though that contradicts the general hysteria about male feminisation from men in general:

    But it works the other way around too the guys who fit that masculine edgy stereotype appeal to women who like hypermasculinity and edgy criminal vibes. But overall I think since it also encourages this kind of edgy criminal stereotype in order to appeal to those women, which is bad for black people because it perpetuates the persona... I don't think it's a plus even though insecure white guys think it is.

    You can compare the kind of image black guys had in the past vs in the 90s and later (though it's probably starting to get better again I dunno,) and it's quite different:

    Such a good song though:

    You can see some guys had a more flamboyant image in the 80s regardless of what the song lyrics were about (also Michael Jackson but probably not the best example at this point lol....)

    And there are retarded guys on social media who say things like this:

    You notice this in music too. You got Chris Brown with "These hoes ain't loyal", Kanye with "Golddigger", Wash with "Can't trust thots", and the whole genre of [gangsta] rap. Meanwhile white dudes are only writing sappy love songs begging for attention or talking in very blue pill ways.
    As I said before first of all white guys have metal and various non sexual/romantic genres of music and genres that don't appeal to women as much and secondly it's incredibly limiting for black guys to only have that one image in music.

    All I can say is as someone who is attracted to guys it turned me off big time.

    Oh and I don't think people's image and their music etc has to be attractive to me I'm not video game guy those mentailities are dumb. I also can't really criticise people for leaning into some kind of edgy stereotype since I've always leaned into the kind of edgy-goth-bisexualish-alternative-non-binary-demon-witch-white femme persona (even before anyone was out as non-binary.) And I also think it's probably fun for some people, and makes them feel empowered. Also not everything everyone does is to be attractive to other people. I get that too. You know nobody finds it attractive but you're compelled to be that way anyway - we've all been there. But if that's the conversation and you expect me to be attracted than I'm going to give you some pointers at least lol. I also think some people are becoming a bit deluded because of porn etc on what is and isn't attractive which is bad if they're doing things not because they want to but because they think it's attractive and then it's not even attractive.

    I also don't expect everyone to be into everyone. It does suck when no one's attracted to you though and sometimes it's for shitty reasons and they actually are racist or transphobic etc like when they're physically attracted to you but then decide they don't like you because you use pronouns and they spend all their time complaining about trans people obviously these things are connected but I don't care because it's mutual. I wouldn't want to date someone like that as we would be incompatible obviously.

    But in general I don't think that's a moral thing because I don't think people have infinite control over their own preferences. There are some things they can do, but it's probably limited. I still probably prefer white people overall.

    With most things I think it's pointless to go after individuals you have to change the incentive structure.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  2. #5417
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    It turns out that the social media internet may uniquely undermine the way our brains work but not in the way you think. The myth of the filter bubble. You've probably heard about online filter bubbles - algorithms give you exactly what you want, or what they think you want. You only see opinions that agree with yours.
    Oh no I stopped thinking the filter bubble/echo chamber thing was the big issue politically a long time ago if I ever did at all. It was obvious to me that in real life especially in adulthood there are greater selection filters and there were greater selection filters on forums as well on the early internet. Not to mention I mostly see opinions I disagree with online. So how could that be the biggest issue?

    I do think it's possible to form a skewed understanding of minority groups and people unlike you if you're in a bubble. It's possible to overgeneralise certain things and project things about yourself onto other people too. Like Contrapoints and a lot of people think that woman = Tumblr (you can tell because of the 'female gaze' thing where it's predominantly reduced to Tumblr's type and the deviantart type, and then there's a small amount of tiktok stuff which again is different thrown in too.) It's not the crux of why people are so angry and think a civil war is going to break out though.

    This is why Elon Musk confuses me. On the one hand isn't he supposed to be intelligent, on the other how does he not realise by bringing everyone back to twitter it's going to make this problem worse? They were supposed to leave and make their own websites.

    Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    I dunno...

    Another thing is people self censor more irl than they do online.

    But yeah that's why I think AI should be used to do that again online. Not everyone wants to communicate in an IM chat sense like Discord but forums are dead so... Tumblr is better at filtering people. But that's because Tumblr itself was created to be in-between social media and blogging:

    In spite of that I think it was pretty bad for some people back in the day, but when I started using that site more actively in 2016 it was already post-peak (I had accounts before then but wasn't really active.) Then I disappeared mostly from Tumblr for a few years, now use it occasionally again. At this point I think a lot of the angry stuff that was on Tumblr has moved to twitter and it's also very easy to avoid most ingroup arguments on the site too. I would never suggest conservative people use it though it would just drive them insane.

    Actually I should be more clear. Tumblr isn't better at filtering people for the most part - people are better at filtering themselves before going to Tumblr because of the reputation + the site doesn't function quite the same as other social media sites it seems algorithmically speaking. It's vaguely like a blogging site but more image based comparatively.

    I think the funniest thing about tumblr is that the original creator is tumblr's 'type.' Selection bubbles are funny.

    Also I have multiple twitter accounts if I click who I'm following on my gaming account (as opposed to the 'for you filter' which is less good.) I get posts like.. This isn't someone I'm following - this was retweeted by someone I'm following:

    A man on hinge said 'talk nerdy to me', so I sent this?

    Obviously he was looking for someone to send him maths equations. #wordcel. I'm genuinely curious about what he actually meant by that and was looking for though lol.

    This is probably the most off topic thing I get if I look through my following feed and it still makes a lot of sense to me as being something that would appear on a timeline for someone like me. Also this is much funnier than what other women post. Other off topic stuff I get is like female pop star news that I don't care about especially when I'm scrolling through Sims stuff it's not what I'm looking for. But that's not anger inducing for me, it's just mildly irritating because it's not what I'm looking for.

    But the 'for you' filter will be less successful in this sense potentially because it will be based on accounts that are popular + accounts that you might have looked up while logged into that account if they're also popular and also other connected stuff that might be less than ideal or anger inducing. So for example I get shoeonhead suggested to me if I look now on my gaming account. And she's like technically in my filter bubble approximately but much less. So she likes trad wife aesthetics but she also likes all the alt-girl stuff to some extent she's like someone who could have ended up on Tumblr but instead went to 4chan and certain male typical websites and absorbed some of those cultural norms alongside alt girl stuff. So she's ambiguous which is why she has such large appeal and following. But she also tweets and responds to a lot of stuff that's outside of my filter bubble entirely because she's a political commentator who talks to a lot of right wing figures and her husband is conservative. Some people who like her are people I can't stand lol. And same for other people who are following her in the opposite direction. So through accounts like this it opens you up to like anger inducing stuff because you'll find the accounts you disagree with more and start reading them.

    There's also stuff in my for you timeline that I know I haven't clicked on before but is still there like an account called 'delusional takes' which is an account that a couple of people on my following list follow those accounts definitely don't post about some of the stuff they follow on their account (because they're not political accounts lol,) like one person I'm following is pretty big figure in this community and follows shoeonhead and I know a lot of people would dislike shoeonhead among progressives.

    Also the delusional takes twitter page is clearly something designed to piss certain people off.

    The stuff being posted there is like a mixture of sort of MRA takes that don't really annoy me but would annoy a lot of people. Stuff like posts about women doing/saying bad stuff, or Billie Eilish's comments about male bodies - I'm not pissed off by it but I also don't endorse their behaviour or necessarily agree with their opinions like encouraging cheating or saying nobody insults male bodies. They also post absurd inclusive type tweets like someone saying 'zoophobes are bigoted nazis' which I again don't care about it doesn't make me angry but I know it would annoy a lot of right wing or right wing-adj or centrist people certain subgroups of people. I think saying they're nazis is silly because it's a very specific ideology but I've said my opinions on this before it's logically inconsistent to get mad about zoophiles in a world with mass animal slaughter and consumption. I also don't get angry at zoophobes though because I'm not a zoophile so it's not personal for me. I just think it's a logically inconsistent viewpoint most of the time. Some comment by Megan Rapinoe (I don't know who she is,) about religion that I don't understand and cba trying to figure out. So it's a lot of stuff that women have said publicly.

    A lot of women will be annoyed by this because they're posting bad stuff about women, but also a lot of men because they're posting bad stuff about women lol. So they dislike it for different reasons but it's going to piss them all off regardless.

    They also post some of the absurd takes that some left wing people might come out with like this:

    I also think a lot of people posting this stuff are probably trolling.

    So with anything like this you have the people who are annoyed (to varying degrees,) because they're posting stuff in a one sided way often that is clearly designed to push a larger agenda in a tribalistic sense and even if they agree with some posts they don't agree with 'what they're clearly doing there.' You also get the people who 'fucking hate people like that' and are furious that anyone is posting the opinion. You also get the people who are pissed off because it's personal for them and they're part of the group being described so will be even more bothered.

    If you have a twitter account for cultural discourse a lot of stuff you're suggested will be outside your filter bubble. And since Elon Musk took over this has extended even more so there used to be a lot more ingroup fighting now I'm seeing like white nationalist tweets regularly when I'm on the site. All kinds of [BEEP] lol. It has to be fairly personal before I'll generally get very pissed off though - even that depends on my mood. I find a lot of stuff interesting to read even if it annoys me or I disagree with it. There's also the very obvious game aspect to it all. Which is why it's 'addictive.' When I browse white nationalist accounts or popular tweets about race. I frequently see raceplay fetish accounts that are all about black guys cucking white guys with white women engaging them and they know what they're doing lol. Likewise:

    It's very destructive but it can be quite fun.

    "Weddings are more about the bride"
    I feel like it should be about both though if you're going to have a wedding in the first place. He also says he'd get married in some guy's trailer which is funny because he's saying this as like an example of a non-fancy place, but I actually like that aesthetic a lot and microhomes etc.

    He looks good in a suit though, but he thinks he looks bad. 11:27 especially but he's also wearing glasses so I'm biased lol. Oh just noticed that video is disabled for playback on other sites. OK like this:

    I mean if he doesn't want to wear a suit that's fine but I think he looks good.

    Could do what IAMX did for a while and wear a suit jacket with fishnets lol.

    I'm trying to find an example... Woah how did that post I made with a quote from 2016 get 143 reblogs/likes I never noticed lol. Scrolling... Oh OK so I misremembered the outfit he's actually just wearing tight black leggings or something:

    He was wearing that combination in this video though which is a bit uh sexual and chaotic:

    The messiness takes away from the sexual element for me but I think a lot of this stuff is actually niche kinks.

    I knew this hair was going to come back into fashion right about now:

    He invented this:

    No he didn't. But he was hot. They're all following Geddy's hair history (they're not but I see a lot of different people with one of his aesthetics at different points in time mostly glasses + hair and it's funny) I can't decide between that hair and this one:

    Also this hair I guess is kind of different:

    Other unrelated images:

    Long hair. 🥰

    I am so easily distracted it's actually insane.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  3. #5418
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    They should say WoW instead of Warcraft really. I knew that they were talking about WoW before even watching the video but Warcraft is technically a separate series of RTS games.

    Also I haven't watched this video yet and it's long... So:

    I played WoW casually from 2009-2012 and I didn't encounter many issues. I think only one person insulted me in all that time lol? Just doing dungeons etc with random strangers, some pvp stuff, and now and then playing with some people I knew irl, but I never took part in any raids and I very much got the sense that if you wanted to play it seriously it would become like a full time job. Like I know there were guilds that basically required the equivalent of a CV to join lol.

    It was never super addictive for me even though I obviously have a personality type that lends itself to obsession. But it was a lot of fun and sometimes I miss it but I now feel like it would be difficult to get back into it since there have been so many expansions etc. It feels overwhelming thinking about playing it because there's just so much stuff. You know? This wasn't really a feeling I had back in 2009 though. In 2009 I had wanted to play it for years but wasn't able to as a teenager due to the subscription situation (my parents wouldn't have agreed to that,) but then I started uni and was 18 so was like 'I'm going to do it.'

    Also it has a great soundtrack (one of the best soundtracks of any game imo,) so I sometimes listen to those music tracks now and then.

    This is one of my favourite tracks:

    But the Eversong Woods music is the most nostalgic because my first character/main was a blood elf (warlock) lol:

    I also loosely keep up with the lore now and then. They've made some more dramatic permanent changes compared to other mmos:


    Many other tracks I won't post lol.

    Also yeah being a casual player I never really developed a hardcore bias for one side over the other to the point of developing some kind of weird animosity lol (some people do but it's probably mostly role playing.) There are certain races I like more than others on both sides - Night Elves, Blood Elves (so elves lol,) Trolls (Night Elves* are descended from Trolls actually lol,) Tauren (I like the nature focussed races yes,) and Forsaken (edgy scientists.) Worgen are kind of cool too I guess because of the gothic vibes (I mean that in the classic sense not the 80s music subculture,) but I don't like them as much.

    *Well technically all Elves must be since all elves are related but people highlight Night Elves because they're part of the opposite faction I guess. Blood elves taunt Night Elves about that I think in game because they don't get on.

    I made a joke group on social media about Pandarens being a race before they did that and then stopped playing before the Mists of Pandaria pack was released lol.... I guess I probably would have liked them too mostly because I like pandas but it is silly that they made them a playable race. Definitely leaning into comic fantasy vibes.

    I also wanted Vol'jin to become Warchief of the Horde but also left before that happened, and earlier this year someone responded to some old [BEEP] comment from a decade+ ago that I made about that on a YouTube video lol. Like 'oh boy do I got news' yeah I know bummer. I get a bunch of comments now and then on really old comments now which is funny/weird. Also weird to stumble on some video and see some comment that I made a decade+ ago and forgot about. I think on occasion I don't agree with myself which is more amusing. (YouTube now highlights the comments at the top if you're logged into that account.)

    I liked the Cenarion Circle + Cenarion Expedition a lot because it had like Night Elves and Tauren druids working together. Also the druid class later expanded to other races too:

    The Cenarion Circle (or simply the Circle)[2] is a harmonious order that guides and keeps watch over the world's druids and their practices.[3] The organization mostly consists of druids, with members of the tauren, jungle troll, night elf, and worgen races. It is named after Cenarius.
    Upon the reopening of the Dark Portal to Outland, the Cenarion Circle dispatched an exploratory force, known as the Cenarion Expedition, to explore the uncharted world. Much like the Circle, it is a coalition of night elf and tauren forces. The Expedition maintains its primary base at Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh; it has also made its presence known on Hellfire Peninsula, in Terokkar Forest, and in the Blade's Edge Mountains. Cenarion Refuge is located immediately west of Thornfang Hill.
    Um this is what I mean when I say some people take the tribal thing very seriously (but again I think a lot of it is roleplaying but they post like this online lol):

    Remove the Horde from the Cenarion Circle

    Under Alliance leadership, the Cenarion Circle has proven incompetent time and time again. Alliance lead Druidism is a joke.

    : x : Safeguard the Dream
    : x : Keep Ysera Alive
    : x : Regrow the Southern Barrens
    : x : Heal the Blasted Lands
    : x : Allowed a Corrupted Teldrassil to exist
    : x : : x :Keep Cenarius Alive

    Time and time again the Cenarion Circle has failed at it’s duties. We have also learned that Cenarius is a false teacher and that Malfurion is not the first druid, simply the first to be labeled as “druid” by Cenarius but Druidic magic and shape shifting has existed since time immemorial. The Horde no longer desires to follow the false teachings of Cenarius and wish to start their own Druidic faction (of which will consist of the same Druids but without the Alliance and you will once again start at Neutral and need to grind to exalted if you want the mount).
    The Horde no longer desires to follow the false teachings of Cenarius and wish to start their own Druidic faction (of which will consist of the same Druids but without the Alliance and you will once again start at Neutral and need to grind to exalted if you want the mount).
    Speak for yourself. If history were to repeat itself, the leader of the sect of Horde Druids would go insane and become a raid boss a few expansions later, forcing the Horde and Alliance to work together to defeat them only to put another leader in power that’ll die to deus ex machina poison that was never seen before and is never seen after the death, only to replace that leader with another nut job.

    The Horde cannot be trusted for anything, Blizzard has seen fit to write that over the past four expansions and eight years. The only reason the Horde even still exists is because Blizzard has to write the Alliance in such a backwards way to make it believable that the Horde is a threat at all (which is laughable). Considering the fact we are also the faction that accepts the Forsaken, who willfully and happily blight the world and kill the land, it doesn’t exactly lead to Druidism.

    While I do hate Malfurion, and consider him to be one of the most poorly written characters still alive, he’s still more trustworthy than the inevitable Hamuul going evil storyline that Blizzard would shoehorn into this Horde Druid faction.
    It's pretty funny. It's also not the best example though, more an example of the roleplayish way people post. I'm not going to go around looking for examples right now just found that while googling things just now.

    Zangarmarsh was really cool (a lot of my artwork for a while had a similar glowy aesthetic it's also similar to The Shivering Isles Oblivion expansion a bit at night):

    Sporelings are a mostly peaceful race of diminutive mushroom-men native to Outland,[1] formerly Draenor. Their capital, Sporeggar, is located in the western bogs of Zangarmarsh.

    While fearful of travelers (especially those significantly larger than them), the sporelings are quick to welcome anyone to help them. They are beset by many enemies, including the fungal giants, spore walkers, marsh beasts and more recently the naga, leading them to ask for aid from passing adventurers.
    I like mushrooms. Runescape has Zygomites. I also like the mooshrooms in Minecraft even though I don't play lol. They have sporelings in that game too I think (mushroom people.)

    But that also reminds me of an area of Runescape Mazcab with the Goebies. It's very different geographically and everything and Goebies aren't mushroom people, but from what I remember there was a similar vibe.

    I still play Runescape but that's because it's really easy to play it casually. Most of the time I'm not even playing honestly at this point just playing some random seasonal events, occasionally playing quests, doing stuff to get certain cosmetic overrides, getting gp so I can eventually get a party hat, and doing other stuff to get enough gp to keep my membership without having to pay real world money.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  4. #5419
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Actually the nerds are often highly competitive assholes if you spend quite a bit of time with them - and I have irl and online - you'll notice. So if you were going to get stuck on some idea like this that would have made more sense then 'maths itself is imperialist.' No the people are assholes. The people are always assholes. Not all of them but like a bunch and I think that realisation is probably off putting to a lot of people who have a stereotype of certain groups being 'not like jocks (tm.)' I'm pretty sure this is why BAP hates nerds. And he even has a degree from MIT in mathematics lol. Then again given the ambiguity of the term it's never clear who he means and I don't think he means the nerds that these - mostly women - dislike. I think he just means any 'soft' guys who are into nerdy subcultural interests (which are varied and technically many would fall under the definition of 'wordcel' since in order to create fiction like Tolkien or other fantasy universes you have to have high verbal intelligence obviously. So that's a bit ironic.)

    Part of the reason no one's having sex now is that nerds in uni used to have sex with weird artsy girls who read a lot and dyed their hair but now those girls 'Emily' if you will hate nerds and want to destroy them lol.
    Also the feelings mutual on a lot of the internet (found this linked on the political compass reddit lol):

    Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Ruined a Whole Generation of Women [Music Video]
    The reason the generation was "ruined" was because people didn?t realize Scott and Ramona are both terrible people. This isn?t even by accident. They?re both just bad people who deserve each other. Thats why the series is entertaining.
    No, it's a cope. He ended up with Knives in the comic. Why did they change the movie so he ended up with Ramona? For the same reason this song keeps getting taken down. Millennial and now Zoomer girls get furiously TRIGGERED when confronted with the idea that the manic BPD pixie that they modelled their lives on is actually a huge piece of sh*t.
    I don't think any millennial women based themselves on that character. The Scott Pilgrim movie just wasn't great in general and women have been criticising the manic pixie archetype for a long time. Plus I'm a younger millennial and was 19 when that film came out. A lot of the stuff in this video is clearly gen z internet stuff. Millennial women dyed their hair because of pop punk musicians and deviantart + myspace photos. The scene, mall goth and emo subcultures etc.

    I'll never find it funny that a character meant to be horrible ends up as an inspiration

    Is like the Patrick Bateman for tumblr girls
    Actually Patrick Bateman is also the Patrick Bateman for Tumblr girls these days.

    True, find it weird why so many feel offended by a song not directed towards them. Unless that many girls are like the one in the song, if so, we are doomed.
    Cope I guess.

    Girls will call you an incel for not liking these women.
    Well incel is an ideology. I'd assume the people responding to this video positively are mostly right wing and like trad virgin women whether or not they are virgins themselves is mostly unrelated (in fact guys who are sociosexually unrestricted and like having casual sex are also often like this according to research.) It is however a mistake to assume that everyone who dyes their hair and has mental health issues and likes going to concerts etc has tons of sex, most don't I'd bet. I know I didn't. Also some of the video makes it obvious that whoever created it is bitter since there's a meme part way through with a shy/introverted guy and shy/introverted girl showing the ghy girl saying 'man up fag,' 'loser' 'fucking creepy' etc. Which... Is a purely gen z online phenomenon of the past several years. (Well I guess lots of people join in now, but gen z sadly don't know the beforetimes.) No one really hated each other that much before 2014~ of course the shy + introverted girl only got positive comments in the meme which does not reflect reality at all ime. But regardless I guess that also goes out the window if she has sex with someone who isn't you at any point, or rejects you etc lol. Or if you feel like harassing them while they're shopping for manga and so on. (Someone in the comments section of this video mentions that I quoted it later in this post lol.)

    I think I would be more insulted if (well first of all about half of it doesn't apply to me lol I used to dye my hair but stopped doing that in like 2015,) but also if the music was good but it's pretty meh even by the standards of a genre that is fairly low effort and peaked in the 90s/early 2000s (and I used to like it, and still listen for nostalgia purposes but it's very dead or at least what I liked about it is.) Now, this would be fine if the song was just made by some random person for memes or whatever like one of those 4chan songs:

    Actually that's sort of an insult to 4chan songs.

    This is hilarious honestly I mean why is Tumblr Santa? And 4chan is Oogie Boogie. OK you wanted to do a musical thing and liked the song but this is so random.

    But it seems to be someone that takes himself seriously to the point of writing a song about Anthony Fantano for attention. The genre of music seems to be 'incelcore' (because we have to stick core on the end of everything now lol,) so assuming they labelled themselves that it would make sense for people to assume listeners were incels? But they probably didn't label themselves that.

    This is typical for this time period but sounds kind of sad moreso for this genre of music than others:

    Sound-wise, Negative XP?s music primarily consists of noisy, garage rock-inspired punk songs, with lyrics consisting of themes of unrequited love, rejection, depression, suicide, self loathing, and anger. The band consists of only Shooter himself, who programs the drums, plays both guitar and bass, and provides vocals.
    Remember when bands existed... And uh he's not doing anything that Say Anything didn't do with slightly better music in 2004?

    Not entirely the same but close enough.

    LOL I found some comments on reddit and someone brought that up too:

    I can see the appeal of songs like this but it's not really a great song. He's not even making an intelligent deconstruction of these types of people, he's just calling them retarded and listing a bunch of things that they all do but there's no real substance to his attack. Compare this to a song like Say Anything's Admit It where he lays out in painstaking detail all the way that the person he's criticizing is a brainless, pretentious, hypocrite. There is actually something being said in this song not only about the person he's criticizing but also about the trends he brings up. There's actual substance. In this Negative XP track he just brings up the trends as if they're all inherently bad just because they're trends. And whenever he gets more specific he doesn't really say much of anything at all. Like wow, she has "dumb views on politics and smokes out of a dirty bong"...real biting commentary there.
    edit: After writing the rest of this post I was like 'is the singer of Say Anything mentally ill and bisexual though?'


    Bemis said as a teen that he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder,[35] which he gave as the reason he has self-medicated with drugs, primarily marijuana.[36][37] He experienced a manic episode while making the album ...Is a Real Boy.[38]

    Bemis has what he calls a "new age, metaphysical view" about religion, and considers himself "a Jew who is also a Christian".[39] He came out as bisexual in 2018.[40]
    I'm not that familiar with this band but maybe I read that before and mostly forgot. Also the aggressive woahs.

    Later on in the lengthy letter, he fully defined his identity, writing: "I?m a queer, Jewish, Christian sceptic pseudo-anarchist with a belief in metaphysics and the application of 'magical' stuff.

    "Woof," he added humorously.

    "I choose not to detail my exact experiments with my queerness or gayness or grayness or even asexuality, my semi-female spirit or any of the things I am proud of," explained Bemis.

    "I do know that all of them were enough to let me know I could identify with non-traditional sexuality, but not to a large extent, and remain sort of quaveringly Plain Jane, somewhere floating on a sliding scale."
    My first record, ?IS A REAL BOY, was written as a character. I mean that literally. We wrote a story. We planned
    on making it a musical.

    After that, people thought that character WAS me. In actual reality, therewas no Molly, nor any "rough sex". There was very little drug use comparably speaking. I was mostly a virgin until I was in college and pretty much a sad sack and an innocent. Many people took the actual fictional characterreferred to in the liner notes of that record to BEme rather than a representation of what I kind of am unable to be. Many people have never watched Seinfeld and don?t get that kind of thing. Many people don?t understand what bipolar disorder is and isn?t. I do. I've spent a long time clarifying this to people. That?s okay. I chose to make that record and I don?t regret a damn thing in my life. Every record written after ?Is A Real boy was achingly sincere and vaguely, obviously allegorical (as you may have guessed I?m harmless on many levels and I?m a pacifist Gump). The exaggerated emo-guy character disappeared after IARB. I can go on about that record more (please, fuck, don?t make me), but instead I?ll let you know that I am closing the book on writing as that character in music, ever again. But?. I wasn?t ready until last year.
    I have always been bi-ish or [BEEP] or a straight guy who can also like boys. I always talked or joked about it with my friends and found it to be blatantly clear I was. I was bullied for it and called a "fag" (without irony). This is, sadly, common. I?m not special. I even went so far as to tell people I was also attracted to guys repeatedly. They chalked it up to my bipolar shit, which was hurtful. They also minimized it because I found true love early in life, and saw that as a negation of my sexuality, or at least a minimization of my right to even identify as bisexual or queer. Because I don?t want to hook up with guys. But I also didn?t hook up with a lot of girls. Iwanted to fall in love with a woman, so I did.

    I've always been somewhat of a monogamist and my [BEEP] experiences were limited and remain mostly emotional ones. I don?t feel threatened or scared because I grew up with some amount of privilege in that regard, coming from a supportive, liberal family. So I'm not minimizing how hard that can be for other people. I get that I have it easy.

    I'm head over heels in love with Sherri, who is physical perfection and pure at heart. We aren?t unfaithful. We have been through hell and come out swinging. At 10 years, I have pretty much been with her since I was a little kid (and as a spiritualist, I believe she was with me my whole life and appeared in other guises throughout it). We believe in soulmates. We believe in esoteric big ideas about destiny and even the afterlife. Yes, it?s a Johnny and June-esque situation, though we firmly believe in creating our own stories instead of living in someone else's, as beautiful as theirs may have been.

    Before we get back to "gay", some people need to understand my spirituality (because society sucks ass). I?m sorry if my Christian [BEEP] confused or confuses people (I?m also kind of NOT sorry at all) but basically I connect with anything I identify with, especially as a born Jew. Jews are taught to think freely. So I went with whatever I wanted instead of what I was told to. Being a punk as well, being okay with religion but not its negative implications or orthadoxy is also super-punk to me, especially since I believe in gay soulmates, a woman?s right to choose, civil rights and everything left-like under the sun.

    I believe in anything good. Sometimes I even consider myself a pseudo-aetheist. There is a false god and then God. My God doesn?t have to be believed in to exist in the way I identify with it. It?s all good if it has justice and love and inclusiveness at its heart. So yeah, I?m a queer, Jewish, Christian skeptic pseudo-anarchistwith a belief in metaphysics and the application of ?magical? stuff. Woof.

    So why should you care? Because this all applies to OLIVER APPROPRIATE.

    Years of being "that guy" led to exhaustion with explaining myself to everyone. So I chose to write a full length about a self-loathing, slightly homophobic misogynist; essentially my opposite as a semi-actually-kinda-gay neurotic moralist who has been married to the female love of my life for ten years.

    Why, some may ask? Doest Bemis protest too much? No. Let me try to explain.

    My goal, after much reading on the psychology of sociopaths, was to find empathy for someone I would normally loathe, and in the case of this new (but actually IARB-born) character, a true product of the subliminal Millennial Fixation withwealth, power, denial, and the need to posess. I am a Millenial too, but, I?m a good one. I?ve been called a "hipster" and admitted I share characteristics with all that stuff. But I never related to a lot of things my generation is known for.

    I started writing this record and then realized I wasn?t singing things that were true about myself anymore. I was writing things about the people I was reading about in books. So I read more and started to write untrue things on purpose. Fiction. I read a lot about Columbine. I read some of American Psycho again and tried to pay attention harder and laugh a bit with it instead of being vaguely annoyed with the writer. I read and read and read about psychopaths, sociopaths and mean people. People threatened by women. People threatened by gay people. People threatened by themselves and their parents and the world.

    I wish I was mentally ill and [BEEP] and millenial in a way where I ended up in a 10 year relationship with someone I'm compatible with. Maybe in the next version of hell.

    What many will fail to see is that though linked to my mood disorder, this was NOT a bipolar "manic" episode in that I was I was on a lot of medication, I was not smoking pot (though I did in the wake of this for one hot minute and it was terrible and went out the window very quickly). I was getting enough sleep to not develop really delusional thoughts. Instead they were hyper-real, and disturbing. It was a straight mid-life crisis in the form of exploring evil and dissociating with it.
    Somewhat relatable.

    I guess this was the last album:


    On our "last" Say Anything record, Karl plays both myself and himself. I play the"bad guy".

    See, falling in love with boys has always been a weird pastime for me. And most sane, nice people can do it happily, whether it's platonically or romantically. Oliver (in the loosest sense one can imagine and creatively speaking) showed me what it's like to fear being true to yourself, and know that this is something that is obviously painful and horrible for many people. Because Oliver is a portrait of denial, whereas I?m the pinnacle of whatever-the-opposite-of-denial is (like, I need to get over my problems and shut the [BEEP] up rather than not
    even knowing what they are). Oliver simply didn't have supportive enough parents for his wiring. My parents were crazy and awesome. I love them despite our typical family shtick. I got over my daddy issues in my twenties while Oliver never did.

    Though the meaning and interpretation of every Say Anything song is subjective, the album, in order, chronicles two days in 14 short songs. I think it's our shortest record and the songs aren't long and rambling. It just IS.

    OLIVER is the lead character of the Say Anything myth and the foil to "imaginary Karl", who is also kind of "real Max". I sing in his voice. He is the [BEEP] son of Columbine. He's also a thinly veiled critique of new age masculinity. Oliver is the singer of a burnt-out emo/indie punk band past their peak. He has cheated on every woman he's had a serious relationship with. He parties too much to the point of hurting himself and others. A man who kisses boys at beer-soaked coke parties as some kind of ironic joke instead of because he actually allows himself to find them attractive in an emotional sense.

    The listener and I follow Oliver over the course of two days. The first song kicks it off with Oliver waking up on a hungover Sunday in his filthy Bushwick apartment and follows him to a contrived dive bar where he meets the first boy he allows himself to fall in love with, again played by Karl, who expresses his role through vocal counterparts and his drumming. Oliver, despite having a girlfriend he doesn't really care about, ends up sleeping with Story Karl, which drives him nuts because he won't truly accept that he could love a boy not as a joke or an expression of contrived "experimentation" Oliver just rejects Karl and treats him like another conquest.

    After being fired the next day from his vague and boring job in marketing, he feels empty and thinks "maybe this boy is the answer" and regrets his decision. He seeks out Karl, who he assumes will just love him back. Karl rejects him and tells him he's actually sort of into another guy. In a fit of rage, Oliver kills Karl, absconds to a San Francisco and drowns himself, tied to his lover's corpse and a gigantic stone.

    The album ends with Oliver's ascension after death and his acceptance of what he's done to himself, Karl, and the world. I would like to think he is reborn and goes somewhere better and since I believe in the power of story, I believe this to be (fictionally) true, since I did write the damn thing.

    ?.I know. I know. Silly and intense as usual. And creepy
    Oh I see.

    What a heartwarming story again. Just like The Little Mermaid, Monsieur Venus, and well my writing/daydreams have been at least slightly less fatalistic (might not be the word I'm looking for, I'm tired,) but still angsty and dramatic... I bet Virginia Woolf was too. You know if I even attempted to read her writing besides that one essay lol.

    Also this is actually quite long and about various albums of theirs I'm not familiar with since I've only heard that song.

    I feel like the shooter guy is telling on himself though:

    Only pedophiles in denial
    Think she's anything worth while
    A lot of guys are attracted to neoteny and then get outraged and disgusted by their own sexuality. The video is criticising Leonardo Dicaprio for dumping women when they reach 25 yet dating sites show that men of all ages' ideal age for women is 22 (and that's probably not it for a lot of guys, that's just the politically correct youngest age they're willing to pursue lol.)

    Always bothered me looking neotenic since it wasn't my ideal body type and coming across younger since it was never my ideal self image even in my teen years it bugged me when people assumed I was years younger. I wasn't trying to appear young either.

    It's sad to think she's someone's daughter
    Like a lamb to the slaughter
    But honestly I'd still hit if I could
    But he's also an Asian guy and so similar stereotypes applied to neotenous people will be applied to him. Not to mention the school shooter persona which is a teenage thing. Difficult to know when people are being ironic and not.

    This is pretty much just 'alternative' music now though tbf. Some guy makes a song like this, some non-binary pansexual person dating a woman makes a song like this:

    You hate me 'cause you hate yourself
    You're the maggots in my meat (pee-yew, you smell)
    Your sad life is never getting better
    Butt crack krakens on my pirate treasure
    I'm a wet pussy, crybaby, real bed-wetter
    But I'll [BEEP] an incel up, wear him like a sweater
    I'm a nice lady with a nice smile
    And I'm so cute
    And I'm so cute
    I don't mind her music though it's far from my favourite.

    We have of course queercore (I mean that's been a thing for decades but I guess is marginally more popular now. I don't really like most of what I've listened to musically that much but this song is pretty good):

    But yeah the gender war is pretty mainstream. That's the only reason his musical project got attention. It's almost impossible nowadays there's an endless sea of music. The concept of writing angry music about women and not being able to navigate your madonna/whore complex is not new either. (In fact the latter is millenia of years old.)

    Neither is complaining about things women and feminine people like new. Back in the 2000s emos were getting beaten up by punks in Mexico for being 'gay,' accused of being a suicide cult and so on. Slightly later on straight guys became violently enraged by Justin Bieber because girls liked him. Same with Twilight it was despised mostly because girls like the books when that became popular. Now people complain about e-girls and femboys and k-pop instead. Also Taylor Swift and Barbie. None of this stuff is amazing imo but the mass hatred of everything (as someone who has lived through multiple cycles of this,) is very transparently inspired by a hatred of femininity that you can't control for your own purposes.

    The illusion of women's independence is making a generation of lonely men. Take away all the subsidies and make-work jobs and you'll see just how unemployable women are.
    ^ someone responded to this with question marks but I'm not confused. He's just saying that he hopes he can create a cultural scenario where enough women don't have jobs that they desperately settle for guys like him so they don't starve to death.

    This is why I'm pro sex robots.

    I'm so confused is the problematic thing Ramona has dyed hair?? I don't know what's wrong in the show
    Lol. Not exactly. I don't think it's really about Ramona. Given all of the connections including the ones that led me to this video. I think they're just trying to articulate their disgust for the latest incarnation of Lilith, or Satan if you prefer, or Inanna even. Possibly even Eve - she ate that apple after all because Lilith/Satan gave it to her, and they're not amused. Symbolically (sometimes,) speaking obviously.

    I mean they told me this was a religious war and far be it from me to not join in a role playing fantasy game. It's a lot cheaper than WoW.

    From around the age of 11-26~ I was mostly ignoring Christianity despite people occasionally accusing me of being a devil worshipper for how I dressed but then amidst all the increasing weird Christian mythology that was seeping in everywhere + progressive Christians - not to mention the conspiracy theorists and the anti-LGBT+ people who had become more vocal online - I started to pay slightly more attention but in a mostly superficial way.

    Probably around 2018 or so I discovered that in some older paintings the serpent in Eden was sometimes painted as a woman (I think with red hair in at least one.) Like part serpent too. And supposedly some people had written about the serpent as being Lilith corrupting Eve to get revenge.

    I think sometimes people think of the serpent as Satan, though I don't think this is explicitly stated. I think perhaps it's supposed to be some kind of servant working on behalf of Satan.
    But many people interpret it as Satan and I have a vague memory of when I was somewhere between 9 and 11 watching this play based on the scene where Eve eats the apple or maybe a bunch of bible stuff actually because like I say my memory is vague. I feel like there was some flamboyant guy who was supposed to represent Satan with long hair. But it's possible my mind just fabricated/embellished parts of the memory later.

    So in around 2018 after finding that out I also discovered that there are stories about Lilith being rejected from Eden for wanting to be on top sexually. And then I created a narrative which is probably not original (I think Nyx who wrote the crazy gender acceleration blackpaper thing came up with something sort of similar as well so I may have stolen this partly from her can't remember the timeline,) of Lilith seducing Eve and then they have a threesome which makes Yahweh mad. But I do think a lot of people have created fanon interpretations where she seduces Eve going back quite a way. Also stories about Lilith killing babies and pregnant woman etc which are used as a warning.

    For 4,000 years Lilith has wandered the earth, figuring in the mythic imaginations of writers, artists and poets. Her dark origins lie in Babylonian demonology, where amulets and incantations were used to counter the sinister powers of this winged spirit who preyed on pregnant women and infants. Lilith next migrated to the world of the ancient Hittites, Egyptians, Israelites and Greeks. She makes a solitary appearance in the Bible, as a wilderness demon shunned by the prophet Isaiah. In the Middle Ages she reappears in Jewish sources as the dreadful first wife of Adam.

    In the Renaissance, Michelangelo portrayed Lilith as a half-woman, half-serpent, coiled around the Tree of Knowledge. Later, her beauty would captivate the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti. "Her enchanted hair," he wrote, "was the first gold."1 Irish novelist James Joyce cast her as the "patron of abortions."
    Also besides some brief mention Lilith isn't really mentioned or fleshed out in the actual bible a lot of her character came from later apocryphal writings and art work as mentioned above and is mostly fanon in the first place. The Ramona song mentions 'Jezebel,' who is a vaguely similar character that Christians like to bring up when they don't like a woman:

    According to the biblical narrative, Jezebel, along with her husband, instituted the worship of Baal and Asherah on a national scale. In addition, she violently purged the prophets of Yahweh from Israel, damaging the reputation of the Omride dynasty.[5][6][7][8] For these offences, Jezebel was thrown from a window to her death. Her corpse was trampled by Jehu's horse and then eaten by stray dogs, just as the prophet Elijah had prophesied.(2 Kings 9:33–37)

    Later, in the Book of Revelation, Jezebel is symbolically associated with false prophets.[9]
    Through the centuries, the name Jezebel came to be associated with false prophets. By the early 20th century, it was also associated with fallen or abandoned women.[34] In Christian lore, a comparison to Jezebel suggested that a person was a pagan or an apostate masquerading as a servant of God. By manipulation and seduction, she misled the saints of God into sins of idolatry and sexual immorality.[35] In particular, Christians associated Jezebel with promiscuity.
    Being a virgin doesn't make you a loser bro. Stop thinking that. I'm 25 and I?m still a virgin as well. Women might look down on us but we had no choice. We were rejected, abused, and too afraid to start a relationship with a woman meanwhile, they are the ones getting ran through and complaining on social media. We were expecting intimacy and genuine connections but we were lied to. Just focus and improve on yourself and find some hobbies. There's more to life than women. All women seem to bring is a reminder of your suffering anyways.
    So happy he wrote this comment in the comment section of this song.

    "But honestly, I'd still hit if I could" speaks to my soul and I'm disgusted with myself

    Edit: never again, it's not worth it boys
    Truth is, men will hit just about anything that moves as long as there's no strings attached.
    As I said so many guys hate their sexuality.

    The fact that you want to bang somebody doesn't mean that you want to be in relationships with them, and as somebody who dated those kinds of women,sex is awesome,being around them not so much.
    I feel like guys who say these things deserve to be stuck in sexless marriages.

    I can't believe it's gotten even worse!!

    It was so fucking sad seeing my sister fall down this route, and I couldn't do anything because any time I tried to talk to her she'd scoff and leave. I'm insanely lucky I've got a cool girlfriend, one of very few based women left in the Western hemisphere.
    At a certain point, if you hate every woman around you, maybe you just hate women. I'm lucky I guess because I don't hate my brother or vice versa and we've always gotten on because we're fairly similar. I mean there are many differences too but enough similarities that there aren't major issues ever.

    I still talk often to my last ex boyfriend lol. I don't have any women in my life now who are around my own age or younger but I don't have any strong negative feelings about them as a group. Men tend to annoy me more often than women online I think probably because I'm more feminine, but I disagree with a lot of both groups on a range of topics I find.

    Wahmen do this a lot. I called out a group of them when I was in a Barnes and Noble in Utah. There was a group of three girls in the manga section. They looked like your typical basic b girls. Two of them were wearing anime T-shirts; one was Naruto the other was Death Note. So I asked them what their favorite manga was and they couldn't answer me. Then I asked the girl in the Naruto shirt who her favorite character in Naruto was. She looked like she was going to say something but then shut down at the last second. So I asked them why they were pretending to be into anime/manga when they couldn't even name any of the characters in the shows and they looked at each other and got out of the store super quick. So basically they didn't care about manga and they were looking to impress guys (probably from their high school/college IDK their exact age). It's just hilarious when girls pretend to be into something and think guys are so stupid we'll just take it at face value (well except some very sad men do just that).
    This entire social interaction seems super healthy and they definitely weren't scared by his erratic psycho behaviour at all /s

    Even if he's right this is such a weird reaction.

    "There are girls hanging out in the manga section trying to find a boyfriend. I hate them."

    OK, well the good news is they now know guys into anime and manga are crazy and undateable. (Surprising they didn't learn that from the internet lol.) They won't make that mistake again.

    This guy sounds incredibly obnoxious:

    I love when they walk around wearing bands like Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Metallica, the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, as if they listen to them when you know full well they listen to the same horrendous rap and pop noise and call it "music". As my father was born in the sixties, I took a similar taste. I also despise kids my age; I have always related more to older people. I feel like I was born in the wrong generation. I loathe generation z: they are even more intolerable than millennials. Society keeps degenerating.

    Are you suggesting that I focus on the positives rather than the negatives? I suppose so. I wish that what was popular was right. I miss the days when playing outside with friends, listening to your parents, being at church, and having morals were still things. I might have not experienced the good old days, but that does not mean I do not yearn for them once more.

    Do you want to know something even worse? There are girls at my school who walk around as furries or get offended when do not use "him/him" yet they dress up in pink dresses and makeup.
    Living on a college campus is like making a cameo inside this music video. Every chick looks and dresses like this now they're all clones lmao.
    Not really
    It's hyperbole.
    Men. We cant group girls into one category but see and recognize the red flags and avoid them to ensure a happy and healthy life. For example if she was born on her birthday HUGE red flag.
    Sounds about right.

    every single girl i had meet was the same
    Gen z women are literally, i mean literally NPC's from a video game, a factory somewhere is making them.
    I think the reason I hated my ex girlfriend Sarah so much wasn?t ever because she was a wannabe ramona flowers, only played the worst pop music disguised as emo, loved casual, or refused to acknowledge she drank too much by having rules about when she could drink and binging when she could. i loved her very much, flaws and all; I thought that maybe she missed me and the love her and I had. I hate Sarah because she's controlling in so many ways, believed kindness was a waste of time, uses her own feelings to justify her disregard of others feelings, and worst of all she never would've contacted me if she knew that I am asexual now. to this day I?m convinced she brought me to her home from a 2 1/2 hour drive because she believed she'd at least get something me. sadly, I still love her antisocial ass, but lord knows she doesn?t think of me
    It's all like this but most of the guys commenting are pretending they're OK and superior.

    Also I get the feeling because so many of these guys are complaining about every woman (and trans person of course,) they know that it's something like this video lol:

    women stop, stop, stop thinking that you need your woman to align with you completely. Cause you know who's going to align with you completely? A man. A man with aspergers
    It's OK you can stay single your whole life if it doesn't work out with your current girlfriend. I don't even mean that sarcastically. Most of us are now lol. Maybe try to be less bitter and judgy about it though. Just because you're not compatible with most women and their interests doesn't make them objectively bad as a group.

    Are there any young women who don't hate men in the younger generation (Gen Z/Millennial)?

    Pretty much every day I'm reading some horrible eugenics-like takes about men by women. I know it might be a loud minority but I don't see anything to the contrary or to refute those sorts of things. Are there any women in the younger generations out there who don't hate men? im sorry if this seems controversial but its my experience.
    Nah that's just social media working as it was designed lol.

    There's a bunch of statistics that I think are useful (but also sort of got bored so this is just parts of the puzzle):

    Most think harmful and abusive online behaviour is unacceptable, but acceptability is higher among men, frequent internet users, and younger generations
    Younger people tend to be more likely to find harmful online behaviour acceptable than older generations. For example, 10% of Gen Z and Millennials find sending someone unrequested, sexually explicit images acceptable, compared to 6% of Gen X and 3% of Baby Boomers.
    One in five people in Australia think women who say they were abused often make up or exaggerate claims of abuse or rape ? the highest of any western nation included in the survey, with three in 10 men holding this view.
    Significantly above the global average (9% ), 14% believe that it?s a woman's obligation to have sex with her boyfriend or husband, even if she doesn?t feel like it. 22% of Australian men agreed with this. Of the 30 countries in this study, only men in one other country, Malaysia, were as likely to as Australian men to hold this opinion.
    Yikes. They speak/post in English online.

    In line with the global average (35% ), Australians believe that the best way for women to deal with online abuse is to just ignore it.
    Guess they can't:

    Women also seem to be more impacted by online abuse, as among those who have viewed comments or images online which suggest men are superior to women or that women cause many of the problems facing men are more likely to report that they have stopped saying what they think online (32% vs 26% of men), experienced lower self-esteem or self-confidence (26% vs 18% of men), and experienced panic attacks, anxiety or stress (18% vs 13% of men) as a result of online abuse.
    Three in ten (29% ) Australians believe it is mainly men's fault that online abuse is a problem today, with men more likely to think this than women (34% and 23%, respectively).

    As Gen Zers have grown up, they've heard about disaster after disaster, whether that's a global pandemic or yet another mass shooting. The traumatic ways of the world over the past several years have been inescapable for these "digital natives" -- 54% of whom spend at least four hours a day on social media. Any time they open an app, they're opening themselves up to words, pictures, and videos about the horrors going on in the world.
    Regarding the stats, it's clear that Gen Z is struggling. A 2022 survey of Gen Z young adults (ages 19 through 24) found that 42% are diagnosed with a mental health condition. Of these people, 26% were diagnosed during the COVID-19 pandemic, which worsened mental health for many people of all ages. The four most common diagnoses among the survey respondents were anxiety, depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and post-traumatic stress disorder. Sadly, one in four respondents said they had more bad than good days within a one-month period.
    Unfortunately, these numbers have been increasing as the years go on. For the same survey, during the 2011 school year, when millennials were in high school, 28% of the respondents reported feeling persistently sad or hopeless, as opposed to the present-day Gen Zers at 42% ?? that's a 14% increase.
    Some high schoolers are at higher risk than others, including people in the following groups:

    LGBTQIA+ students
    Female students
    BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, people of color) students
    Gen Z is the most racially and ethnically diverse generation in U.S. history, with 48% of Gen Z being nonwhite, according to Pew Research Center.
    Gen Z adults who identify as LGBTQ has increased from 10.5% in 2017 to 20.8% in 2021.

    Millennials, ages 26 to 41, identifying as LGBTQ increased from 5.8% in 2012 to 10.5% in 2021.

    The number of traditionalists (those born before 1946), baby boomers and Generation X adults who identify as LGBTQ has held relatively steady.

    Gen Z women are roughly 3 times more likely than men to identify as LGBTQ and Millennial women are about two times as likely than men to identify as such, according to Gallup.

    Between the lines: 57% of LGBTQ Americans identify as bisexual, the most common identification among adults surveyed.
    Bisexual women were 64% more likely to report an eating problem and 37% more likely to have deliberately self-harmed than lesbians. They were also 26% more likely to have felt depressed and 20% more likely to have suffered from anxiety in the previous year than lesbians.
    What we do have from research is that this is a group with a greater than average burden of mental health issues. Bisexuals have a higher risk of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicidality and substance use compared both to the general population, and to lesbian or gay individuals.
    Multiracial young adults at higher risk of mental illness compared to their monoracial counterparts, according to US university research
    There's something going on with mixed identities I think. But also I also notice that in most media villains are more likely to be bisexual and all three female batman villains are bisexual.

    "Bisexual folks experience stigma not only from heterosexual communities, but also from -- even though they?re named in it -- the L.G.B.T.Q. community,? said Jessica N. Fish, a researcher at the University of Maryland School of Public Health who studies L.G.B.T.Q. well-being. "The stereotypes of confusion, that it?s a phase, that they're promiscuous, those perpetuate on both sides. That can be really influential on someone's mental health."
    The thing is when they do research they do tend to find that bisexual women on average are less sociosexually restricted compared to other women - not compared to men, but this is especially demonised for women. As you can see from... This entire post. And guess what demographic makes up the bulk of the dyed hair crowd? Can you guess? I bet you can't.

    A 2017 review of 52 studies, for instance, found that when compared with heterosexual people, bisexual people had higher rates of depression and anxiety, and higher or equivalent rates of those conditions when compared with those who identified as gay. A 2019 research brief from the Trevor Project, a national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to L.G.B.T.Q. people under 25, concluded something similar among America's youth: Bisexual high school students reported more feelings of sadness and hopelessness and more thoughts of suicide than those who identified as heterosexual or gay.

    There's also some evidence that bisexual people fared worse than their heterosexual and gay counterparts during the pandemic, including greater stress, loneliness, psychological distress and fatigue; and poorer mental and physical health than those identifying as straight or gay.
    Researchers say there's evidence Gen Z's mental health struggles are different

    Compared with older generations today, the Gallup-WFF study said members of Gen Z are much more likely to report experiencing negative emotions such as stress, anxiety and loneliness.

    Researchers also said they found "evidence that Gen Z's self-reported mental health struggles are distinct from those of previous generations at the same age." Asked to describe their current mental health or well-being, only 15% of members of Gen Z aged 18-26 said it was excellent.

    That's a steep drop compared to a decade ago, the study found, when 52% of millennials in that same age range said their mental health was excellent. And in 2004, 55% of people aged 18-26 (including both millennials and Gen X respondents) reported excellent mental health.
    So from 2004 to a decade ago there was a 3% decrease and then from a decade ago to now there was a 37% decrease.

    Yikes again.

    40% of Gen Z students said they worried a lot or some about gun violence at their school
    Why was there such a significant decrease? Researchers noted that overall declines in mental health over the past decade may be partially responsible. According to the study, both millennials and members of Gen X "report far lower mental health ratings" today than they did a decade ago.
    More than three quarters of members of Gen Z agree they have a great future ahead of them, according to the study.

    "There is quite an enduring optimism in the face of mental health struggles for this generation," the study says.
    That's good I guess.

    Barring a giant polling error, the 2020 election will witness the largest gender gap in partisan preference since women gained the franchise. As CNN's Harry Enten observed earlier this month, Biden's average lead among women in recent interview polls is about 25 points; no nominee of either party has ever led by that much among women in a final preelection survey, not even in the landslide years of 1964 and 1984. And yet, in those same surveys, Trump leads among men by three points. In 2016, the gender gap in voting preference was 20 points; if current polls hold steady, it will be 28.
    ^ they've made this article all about Trump but along a similar timeline the same gender polarisation voting thing happened in the UK. Probably other countries too.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  5. #5420
    Doseone's Avatar Metacognizant
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    This is one of the craziest scenes:

    :edit Yes, I was determined to post that video.

    Also, I had a mini glitch in the matrix. I randomly said swoosh to my cat while petting his head, which made me think of Sploosh from the book/movie Holes. Then like 5 minutes later, I found an album with a song called Sploosh.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  6. #5421
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    The Horde no longer desires to follow the false teachings of Cenarius and wish to start their own Druidic faction (of which will consist of the same Druids but without the Alliance and you will once again start at Neutral and need to grind to exalted if you want the mount).
    Speak for yourself. If history were to repeat itself, the leader of the sect of Horde Druids would go insane and become a raid boss a few expansions later, forcing the Horde and Alliance to work together to defeat them only to put another leader in power that?ll die to deus ex machina poison that was never seen before and is never seen after the death, only to replace that leader with another nut job.

    The Horde cannot be trusted for anything, Blizzard has seen fit to write that over the past four expansions and eight years. The only reason the Horde even still exists is because Blizzard has to write the Alliance in such a backwards way to make it believable that the Horde is a threat at all (which is laughable). Considering the fact we are also the faction that accepts the Forsaken, who willfully and happily blight the world and kill the land, it doesn?t exactly lead to Druidism.

    While I do hate Malfurion, and consider him to be one of the most poorly written characters still alive, he?s still more trustworthy than the inevitable Hamuul going evil storyline that Blizzard would shoehorn into this Horde Druid faction.
    I didn't comment on this in my previous post but LOL that's exactly what would happen.

    Blizzard obviously low-key views the Horde as the 'bad guys.'

    Sylvanas obviously had to do a bunch of insane self motivated stuff because it's fantasy + her personality type/backstory + her aesthetic. So that wasn't surprising (not because that was good writing, but because Blizzard are mostly cliche,) but doing this repeatedly kind of gets old.

    I'm reading WoW posts now.

    Because they are hacks.

    Because they also happen to be majorly Horde fans.

    Those who aint Horde fans are fans of a VERY specific Alliance characters aka Jaina and Anduin.

    And neither wants to write for the night elves or invent new narratives.
    I dunno why they wouldn't, one of the most interesting characters is/was? a Night Elf (Illidan.) The gnomes and dwarves on the other hand bore me.

    For whatever reason I like gnomes more in Runescape though the concept is very similar (they're gnomes, and they invent stuff like the gnome glider) I think they're more interesting. They have an empire + their own language and live in trees. (I guess more similar to garden gnomes.) They're also good at cooking. I think they're somewhat closer to elves because of the tree stuff and pointed ears but more quirky. Some overlap with hobbits too.

    Runescape also have elves that have a language that's based on Welsh.

    Runescape also have dwarves who live underground and are mostly involved in smithing.

    I guess gnomes and dwarves in WoW are too similar. Dwarves are engineers, gnomes are inventors. They're both small and humanoid and they both live in cold mountainous regions + underground. I know gnomes are supposed to live underground too in lore but still. Then they introduced goblins in WoW who are also small and inventors...

    Theorycrafting: Replace the gnomes with another race?

    I don't hate gnomes but. it makes no sense that they are a playable race... for these reasons:

    1: I know this is fantasy... but physiologically it does not give them the body to be a warrior, rogue, or hunter (any animal would always see it as prey)I have more examples but I don't need to say them, by common sense you will realize

    2: The only classes that could become are magic, and not all, they are more beings of technology

    3: They are not aesthetically pleasing to use...... It is a matter of taste but they cannot deny that few people play it

    4: they are not in Warcraf 3

    In short, my suggestion is that they are just like a technological race that only serves as support in the adventure with their gadgets
    I think they should have gotten more creative maybe with the gameplay. Size doesn't really matter for magic but for melee stuff they should have mecha or power armor or something actually....

    Some Gnomes melee should be in mechanized suits

    Imagine if you will if gnomes get revamped this way.

    Gnome warrior. Large mech suit like Mekkatorque.

    Gnome rouge could have the option of a smaller machinr or as ism since being small is handy.

    Gnome monk should be less bulk than mekkatorque suit and thinner.

    Gnome death knight might have a bulky death machine with skull and frost effect coming from it.

    The rest is rangeso they wouldnt need a mech suit.

    I think that would make a lot more sense. Goblins dont get the same treatment cause they are as big as dwarves.
    How is this not a thing already? They're literally a race that's primary trait is being inventors.... I don't understand.

    But the only reason to make a Gnome Warrior is the ridiculous charm of it. It shouldn?t be possible, and that's why it's great!
    No... They don't even seem as whimsical as Runescape gnomes and since they're playable they just stand out as being too silly in a jarring way imo. At least have the option.

    It doesn't have to make sense because it's a fantasy game, but at the same time what's the point of making them inventors if it doesn't give you some kind of advantage?

    Looks like they have some playable race called mechagnomes that was introduced after I stopped playing:

    The mechagnomes are one of the playable Alliance allied races in World of Warcraft, introduced in Battle for Azeroth. A pioneer group of gnomes that settled Mechagon Island in search of titan technology, they began to enhance their mortal bodies with steel and robotics. They have since reconnected with their cousins from Gnomeregan, and alongside their prince, are led by King Gelbin Mekkatorque.
    And there's some mount, but still seems like this isn't an option really?

    I think the transhumanist (transgnomeist =P) cyborg idea was a good direction to take them in to make them more unique though.

    Seriously. Does Blizzard just hate anything not Human/Orcs?
    I feel like they're 'the main characters' but I prefer other races.

    Does Horde have any "cute" or "pretty" character models?

    My SO really wants to play WoW Classic but I'm in a Horde guild and the Horde races aren't really clicking with her. She says that the Undead freak her out, Orcs are ugly, and the Tauren are cows. So she wants to play Alliance as a human female priest. Do I have to play Alliance or is there at least ONE decent Horde character model that might be able to win her to the Horde? This is pretty important, so I greatly appreciate your help!
    Lol 'the Taurens are cows.' Blood elves are pretty though?

    Oh nevermind I'm dumb they said WoW classic. Yeah I'd just go with a female troll then or mess around with the forsaken female model a bunch since you can make less creepy looking characters.

    Tbh the female models of every race are 'prettier' Orcs are still Orcs though.

    Playing with GF > Sweaty edgelords

    See you on the Alliance bruh
    I guess she's not an edgelord because the undead freak her out lol.

    No, all of horde is ugly as sin. This is by design, so all the women play alliance and the manly men of the Horde can enjoy their ultra masculine space undisturbed by female weaklings.
    Blood elves are actually the prettiest race though in retail WoW anyway so you get both extremes. The Horde is the only faction that's had a female leader too mostly because the Alliance seems to function like a monarchy so far. I assume they're going to nix that pattern eventually though.

    Talking about gnomes:

    In vanilla they were kind of an afterthought to give Alliance the same amount of races as the Horde had, and at one point they were considered to be left out together with the undeads.
    That really shows imo. I also would say in vanilla that the Forsaken seemed like the most tacked on Horde race. Their motivations are also often ambiguous and less clear especially after getting rid of Arthas. Now that Sylvanas has gone it probably makes even less sense.

    But I do like the Forsaken a lot. They have an interesting backstory and the creepy mad scientist/alchemist vibes. Undercity is also cool stylistically. I based one of my projects loosely on the apothecarium in Undercity + concept art of that haha but I didn't go with a handpainted/cartoonish style for most of it but some stuff like the books and tables kind of were, also the wall texture. I think due to a lack of skill + time so it's like a mix of that style with some attempt at realism and also the torture chamber in the back that you can't see so well here (there's blood stains and bones etc.) Cause I was also playing Skyrim a lot at that time too lol so it kind of seeped in (and it's also inspired by Frankenstein's laboratory obviously)

    [removing pictures and stuff]
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  7. #5422
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    Someone posted a video of a guy doing something which I guess is supposed to be masculine and a ton of the comments are like:

    Why are there no fat, blue haired lesbians with pronoun pins in this video?
    Are there any feminists there doing that?
    Not a feminist in sight.
    No soy milk or pronouns there
    You are not going to find any liberal feminazis communists soy-lattes influencers p*$$|€$ working in the oilfield.
    Rent free lol. Also they're all posting basically the same thing.

    Real women watching this and just dropping eggs...
    And just because they're all insufferable - I found a guy who seems to find him hot responding.

    But I guess I cba responding to them.

    You matter but not enough to bother communicate with. It means the same either way.

    That was my dad. Never dropped the cigarette ash. Tough as nails. Punched so hard he broke both his arms (not in same fight). Back when men were men. RIP. His legacy lives on
    This sort of thing isn't masculine because you're complaining and threatened. That's why people with psychopathic and feminine personalities like to 'play' with you.

    If you pay attention you'll notice that men who are just masculine but don't make a huge deal about it or male femininity or emasculation or criticise other men for being less masculine or complain about Barbie movies etc mostly get ignored. Perhaps that's the issue though really you feel ignored.

    Oh wait never mind that account was a woman. I get so used to guys saying this stuff that I forget conservative women exist.

    Is it normal for my wife to want to feminize me?
    As a youngster I always been attracted to other beautiful long haired girls. I couldn't understand why boys aren't pretty anymore when they get older and have short hair. When I was 12, I saw what they now call shemale porn, I had my answer.

    Growing up there wasn't anything close to my dreams and fantasy. There wasn't any femboys or traps. Any guy that was feminine acting looked like a boy and had short hair. I was considered a snob or a lesbian. The lesbian thing didn’t happen too often because my calf length blonde hair. I would say that I was saving myself for marriage. Then I was considered a religous nut. All through school I turned down all advances from any boy and could only secretly admire other long haired girls and fantasize they had a penis. Until my senior year in high school.

    I went to a church halloween party where at one point I was standing near a small group of girls when I overheard a girl say,”you look so hot dressed as a girl”. To my suprise when I turned around, I couldn’t tell who said it or who it was said to. It took a while till one asked where he got his outfit from. She was one I wouldn’t have picked first. I was looking for an opportunity to talk to him. When it looked like he was leaving I approached and started a conversation. I complimented on how convincing he looked and looked like Brooke and he said Shields. But with slightly shorter hair. He’s been told that even when in boys clothes. He went to Jr. High the next town over. But then his ride was there and had to go. I wrote my number down on a flyer almost begging him to call because I wanted to talk more. I was so flustered I didn’t properly introduce myself or ask him his name. It seemed like forever, finally called like a week later. I was almost ready to cut class and drive over to his school and see if I could find him. When I answered the phone I finally figured out who was calling, I felt like the room was spinning, butterflies in my stomach and that I might float away. We talked for hours before my parents kicked me of the phone.

    After about a year of dating and through various circumstances he was allowed to move in with me. He agreed to wanting to begin his transition mtf. Details are repeatedly posted on my other answers. She began her transition just before 17. After about 16 months the results were amazing. It want I always dreamed and fantasized about growing up. I enjoyed encouraging and helping her become a beautiful looking woman with an incedible Rapunzel like main. To see her become so happy and beautiful inside too. Together 35 years, married for 24.
    Femboys still usually have short hair actually. It's annoying that I have a thing about hair length because I feel like that's the thing most guys don't change when messing around with gender expression these days and I don't care about other stuff like clothing etc as much. In fact there's lots of feminine stuff I'm not that into like the maid dress thing and stuff inspired by teen anime aesthetics.

    The rest of this answer is suspicious because she keeps using male pronouns and also says 'he agreed to transition mtf' after moving in with her like it was her idea, but I dunno. Maybe some of it's true.

    The other answers here are weird, but I’m assuming you mean she wants you to be domicile, help around the house, less into hanging out with your friends and more into whatever she likes to watch and talk about?

    Yes it’s normal.. and yes.. it is the beginning of getting de-spined.. if you let it be. It’s quite common for women to try and mold you into who they think they want you to be, only to lose interest in you and end up with a guy that’s like who you were before they got their hands on you.

    It’s the catch 22 but ask any women type of guy want to get F*d by and who the type of guy they want to live with.. and the overlap is usually limited. “Chasing bad boys and being bored with husbands” a thing. Pick up any woman’s romance novel and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

    As such... Accept that divorce might happen, and if it takes your money just get some more. Or, if it’s taking to much get a second citizenship and then renounce the one your married on… or just stop using it and go missing. You don’t need to tell anyone you’re getting a second citizenship.

    And, accept that you got about 20 more years on your body clock relative to your wife. You don’t have a “be a parent by 35 or thier might be health issues” and there is no such thing as a paternal instinct driving you to settle down. This is purely societal pressure and cultural brainwashing. If your wife is getting along with you as you are cool. If she starts asking you/ pressuring you to change don’t. She can leave if she doesn’t like you anymore. And you should tell her to leave if she’s becoming less pleasant generally.

    Pursue your passions and enjoy your life. Cherish your friends.. (who have no inherent interest in changing you.)

    LOL. That killed me.

    I'm strongly leaning towards this being fake her posts really do read as fake.

    Looking at her other answers...

    Wife to my beautiful non op mtf wife
    I transitioned to be with my soulmate, would you?
    My boyfriend transitioned mtf for me.

    Maybe they're OK with male pronouns + her calling him her boyfriend I dunno.

    This woman has her full identity here. Like her full name and her job, where she works (the exact location of where she works.) Quora is crazy. Not the first time I've seen this.

    She must know right?

    And there's so much fetish posting on that site. LOL it reminds me of the shoe video where she's like:

    "Boomers are so relentlessly horny online. Like unapologetically horny. Like they'll post the most depraved [BEEP] just out in the open with like their full name and like a picture of them and their family in their facebook profile photo. 0 Shame. Like they almost have my respect."

    My husband has hair fetish. He buys hair videos online from a site called RealRapunzels. Should I feel bad or get jealous? Is that cheating? (He doesn't know I'm aware of it)

    As a women that loves long hair, my mtf wife agreed to never ever be allowed to cut her hair ever again when she began hrt. Even though it has grown to an incredible beyond floor length, she enjoys the beauty and the attention it brings her from us like minded women. And to also to literally show her true deep everlasting love for me and satisfying all my desires.
    OK this is definitely a fetish thing + the story has to be fake.

    Also this one person has responded to most of her posts:

    What causes some women to be attracted to 'feminine' men?

    I'm a teen girl, I think I'm bisexual. I know for certain I'm attracted to girls but unsure if I'm attracted to boys. I'm very confused. Can someone help?
    My answer was a very feminine looking boy that I encouraged and pursuaded to transition mtf to become the beautiful Rapunzel shemale goddess she is today. Shemale was the only definition available back in those days who is now my wife.
    No such thing as a shemale this crazy person is a mentally ill person that he convinced another man into mutilating himself! DISGUSTING!
    When does a trans girl know she has fully developed into a trans woman?
    When other women discovered my mtf lesbian wife was born male, they wanted proof
    I don't know the energy in their responses are cracking me up too.

    Just cause I find dramatic reactions to stuff like this (and other stuff also,) amusing and so I can see why someone might be doing this if they had no moral compass and didn't think about the further ramifications (conservative violence.)

    I have a crush on a boy that looks like a girl, sounds like a girl, acts like a girl, and dresses like a girl. He is very obviously gay. What do I do?
    Just because it walks like a duck, quaks like a duck or flies like a duck; doesn't necessarily make it a duck
    Who's picture is that? Tell please please tell
    Well I cba signing up on a new account that isn't being followed by people I used to know irl, but that's Andy Biersack when he was much younger lol and he never sounded or acted like a girl he just looked like a girl. He's actually a pretty poor example.

    He basically looked like this lesbian singer (because she has masculine mannerisms):

    This guy looks similar but was questioning if he was bisexual or gay when I was a teenager (I had a crush on him lol) I think he didn't label his sexuality for a long time and then might have come out as gay later he's married to a guy though:

    Did everyone look like this from 2005-2010~ yes. Yes they did. No I wish lol.

    Not really a great example either since I always knew he was at least bisexual. But his music also messed around with gender roles a lot, and was more introspective and inspired by Virginia Woolf and Kate Bush.

    And that's a fairly good way of 'guessing' someone's sexuality btw regardless of sex. Not perfect especially for women, but better than going by physical appearance.

    Also I re-read that question in the tune of this song lol:

    Speaking of this method doesn't work on young Avril or well it does, but it won't for most people because skill issue. Basically this advice is useless lol.

    It's really only useful if you're not going to ask the person out or something and instead endlessly turn this over in your head, might give you a bit more insight. But that is what they're going to do for at least another several months and that's why they're posting on quora so.

    Wait I didn't notice why are there so many drummers lol? What is happening?

    I don't want to be one of the 100,000+ annoying people who are like 'bring back the old Avril boo' but I am picturing what like an older Avril who acted/sounded similar would have been like but wasn't quite so teen-ageish and it sucks because she's definitely hot and guys basically never have that hair.

    I don't really find her attractive femme I think or as attractive. She is pretty hot in this video though:

    Also the inbetween aesthetic:

    ^ And also when she's wearing the dark wig and looks annoyed.

    And some other points.

    I read somewhere that she wanted to get surgery at one point to 'fix her teeth' but her teeth were attractive cause I like long incisors.

    OK this post is just about Avril now and all the famous people I've ever found attractive to any degree (well two of them I never found Andy or the lead singer of Fit for Rivals attractive.) I'm really annoyed because tbh I wasn't even into her I think when I was a teenager and actually listening to her music lmfao. But I've been very into that hairstyle lately. And now this feels weird (cause she was legal but only just.) [BEEP] off brain.

    Oh I remembered I need to see this happen:

    Avril Lavigne Says She Would Want Kristen Stewart to Play Her in a Movie: 'She's Dope'
    But it's never going to happen now that I've said that and probably wasn't anyway.

    Just cause I don't find Kristen Stewart attractive but Avril kind of looks like her (well one of the character's she's playing does,) in her Nobody's Home music video (well it's more that she looks like Kristen Stewart when Kristen Stewart was playing Joan Jett,) and I want to see if that makes me attracted to Kristen Stewart.

    For science you know.

    Also the idea of Kristen Stewart just playing every female musician in a biopic is funny to me.

    I saw clips of this and I feel like Aubrey's character is just more hot here:

    I'm not always attracted to her either. People shipped their character's together obviously. Kind of feel bad for the other actress/character (whose name I'm sure I've heard but have forgotten,) cause that was never gonna work for most of the target audience. Without even watching it I could have said people were going to ship them. It doesn't matter what happens in that movie lol. They will work around it.

    I never actually watched this film lol:

    I just remember Ben Shapiro freaking out about it.

    I watched this review of the film around the time it came out:

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    Wow it's still 2004 lol. Also I love the title of this video because it's like Andrew Tate is his own political ideology which is true. A cult I guess. 'Andrew Tate and the conservatives.' Sounds like a band name lol.

    Oh Tristan shut up you used to play COD before you stopped playing because you do everything your brother tells you to do.

    I've not played most of the games but my favourite thing about GTA games was driving motorbikes into walls to go flying, and running people over. Those stick in my mind as beloved pass times. When I got bored lol.

    Oh wait I also forgot I know someone who worked on the game lol. I always forget. That's so insane like it used to just be a game series. Then again maybe he didn't. I'll find out at some point I guess. (edit: yes he did. He's been very stressed so I'm not surprised.) Apparently the trailer broke some kind of YouTube record. This is the only time I've clicked on a video and seen it on trending lol. Never watch anything on YouTube trending.

    The 90-second trailer, which also broke a Guinness World Record for most viewed video game reveal on YouTube in 24 hours, has more than 123 million views as of Thursday and is still YouTube's No. 1 trending video after being published Monday.
    Really cool.

    He said it's weird that he can talk about it now lol. I would find that very difficult I have to say. You have to sign NDA's of course.

    "Oh my God I forgot what my friend/only remaining social contact that I knew from my past life (not literally not quite that insane yet,) does."

    I mean I didn't it just didn't click lol. Oh yeah and so it'd make sense... I share too much stuff here and that nobody needs to know.

    Also there are so many life Sim games in development now. It's just so insane that for ages The Sims had a totally monopoly and then all at once tons of people realised the potential and all started working on one. There's Life By You, Paralives (though I don't know what's happening with that,) some other project I forgot the name of that I vaguely remember hearing about.

    Also Inzoi looks cool and it's interesting to see a non Western lifesim:

    The visuals are pretty good and looks like there's a lot of objects in buy mode. Also looks like you can go to work with your zois? I think they're calling them in this game lol, as in Life By You. Wondering what jobs are available though. The motives confuse me a bit one is just a thumbs up lol wonder what that's about. Wondering if the in game children are going to be be creepy lol. There's a level of realism that seems to be close to uncanny valley. I'm also wondering about if there will be other worlds besides this one.

    But yeah it looks very cool but apparently it's only been in development for a year which is kind of insane. Hoping they're not insanely overworking people but game dev studios aren't great for not doing that in general and it's also South Korea with the kpop industry.

    Someone actually managed to get an early copy of this for playtesting and I'm envious lol. Not one of the bigger channels either surprisingly medium sized. Also they got a new PC as well to play it!? SHE GOT TO KEEP THE PC. THEY BOUGHT HER A PC. So she could play the game.

    Oh my God.

    That's insane. That's great though. I'm wondering how she got this offer/why since it doesn't seem like any big channels did they're all like 17-100k~ channels. Yeah it looks like there are a few channels they all show their face etc. It's curious that they went with the subscriber range they did and not the bigger channels but I'm guessing there's some reason for it. Maybe they figured they'd be busy or something.

    It shouldn't really lol the quality and style of my channel and editing is probably not what they're going for lol. There's a lot of stuff on my channel that's uh probably not what they're going for too. Just insane content. Also I'm not mad about it that reaction meme thing just makes me lol.

    I've been building my own PC(s? Ship of Theseus, technically no part is original now,) for years though and there's always issues of some kind annoyingly and also in the past two builds I've skimped a bit on RAM really. I don't supposed it ever helps to have 223435543534 tabs open most of the time. But yeah I'm going to need a new build again at some point to play some of these new games. So that would have been amazing.

    EA are definitely going to have to up their game these games are releasing with weather in the base game lol. I mean EA doesn't have to though unfortunately since people will buy stuff regardless and The Sims 4 despite being limited in many ways still earns them more than other titles ever did.
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    "I have far more in common with the average millennial than the youngest gen z who is currently 11 years old, duel screening twirking among us animations and pregnant Elsa Spiderman videos."

    I can tell her approximate age from the glasses and other details though lol. I'd guess 24 at the youngest to about 27. So she said she's not 27 yet I'm thinking 24.

    Do 11 year olds still count as gen z? I figured they might be gen alpha now but maybe not. They're right things are moving too quickly for such large windows to make sense, not that the labels in general are really great or mean anything beyond marketing related stuff and I had dialup internet in my home until 2009 lol.

    Well I can safely say I've never duel screened that. Also duel screen to me is like two desktop monitors not what they're probably doing involving some combinations of handhelds. So there's that.

    Tiktok is weird man. Remembering the time I stumbled on some twitter thread where people were showing a bunch of tiktok videos that were like some weird thing where people were filming themselves falling into water and I don't even remember the details now just that it was really weird and involved emojis.

    "This person is 27"

    Does that count? Hmm if they were born in the very last year I guess so. Someone invented 'zillenial' though and so I'm gatekeeping them out lol. /s

    "As a 28 year old toddler."

    Ah I'm getting the impression this is all "zillenials" lol. Makes sense since it's tiktok.

    People also post absolutely whatever on that site for better or worse. It's probably ultimately a good thing because it will just disensitise people who tend to overreact eventually. Hopefully. Probably not lol.

    It?s so weird being a millennial (27)and growing up with my gen z siblings (25, 18 ) and seeing all this discourse between the generations. We have the same humor for the most part but have never felt the need to rip into each other the way people on social media seem to be doing. I genuinely believe there?s a lot more in common between the two than there are differences. But maybe it?s like what my dad said about my mom and I, ?you two are so alike that you butt heads?.
    It's really not useful at all if you're on the border or something. Like when you're somehow supposed to be in a different generation from your sibling who was raised in the same way as you because you're like a year and a half apart in age anyway lol... I don't even remember the period when my brother wasn't born lol. I think my earliest memories are from like 1995.

    "Not every millennial is having a breakdown at Harry Potter world."

    Lol I did actually have a breakdown after watching the first Fantastic Beasts film in the cinema in 2016 which was also the last Harry Potter film I watched at the cinema. I don't entirely know why though and it seems dumb now anyway. My brother said he thought I was going to have a panic attack after suggesting we leave the shopping centre. I wasn't though (since I've had some since then which were pretty different.) I dunno I just like got really weird emotionally but my memory also isn't great so can't really remember now either in detail.

    I dunno maybe I was just psychically predicting the future with JK Rowling haha.

    If I was experiencing something like that the last thing I'd want is for that to be filmed and for it end up on the internet.

    So the hot comedian is the guy on the left? And he cut his hair and got plastic surgery?

    Oh no I see the guy with long hair is the YouTuber.

    I really don't care about the topic of this video but I do appreciate the Lucifer 'The Fallen Angel' painting in the background. And also obviously the hair.

    I'm so thankful my lesbianism has left me immune to the pretty boy effect. I've never heard Matt Rife tell one truly funny "joke" so I never jumped onto the bandwagon even as I was being slapped in the face with video after video of handsome squidward.
    Don't worry you don't have to be a lesbian to be immune to that flavour of guy. My favourite flavour of guy is probably lemon or raspberry. Strawberries are cute but not that great a flavour. I like sharp tasting stuff. Now I want to eat a cheesecake or my lemon scented shower gel that smells like lemon cheesecake or something like that. And it's all my fault. Well mostly my fault and also the company that makes the shower gel. I appreciate that they're trying to encourage cannibalism but at what cost?

    Well, lesbians and sapphics can find pretty boys pretty but it'd be weird to be attracted to them.
    Huge difference between being attracted to someone, and finding someone attractive.

    Though I have seen lots of lesbians find it ok to thirst over fictional men? like girl 😭
    unrelated sorry
    Why would it be weird for sapphics? Doesn't sapphic include bisexuals etc?

    There are feminine men and non afab people. If a lesbian was attracted to a cis guy that looks feminine i don't see how it changes their sexuality. Some are totally uninterested in men. Fictional men are a different story, my last hope in men.
    I dunno if this has to happen every time someone brings up the word lesbian lol. I guess so.

    So lesbian and sapphic aren't synonyms and presumably lesbian should exclude attraction to men but sapphic wouldn't necessarily:

    Sapphic is an umbrella term that includes lesbian, bisexual, and pansexual trans femmes, mascs, nonbinary folks, and cis women. Yet unlike these sexualities, "sapphic" strives to conjure an experience more akin to an intention toward attraction -- one oriented less to any specific gender identity and more to the fullness of a potential lovers' humanity.
    The word "sapphic" is often confused for "lesbian" or thought to be the same thing. They historically were equivalent, but because they have accumulated multiple definitions, their meanings are ambiguous without specifying which definitions are used.[1]
    No one really uses the word "sapphic" anymore. I understand why ? it has an air of exoticization about it, and its roots, which seem at first glance so straightforward, are pretty twisted when you trace them back. The best-known legend about Sappho has her pining so hard for a man she throws herself off a cliff, which tangles the common modern connotation of "sapphic" to mean "lesbian" and not more broadly women's attraction to other women.
    Most identified as women (79.5% ) and/or gender(s) that do not fit the binary (39.4% ). Four people (3.6% ) identified as men.
    Most identified as [BEEP] (53.6% ), followed by lesbian (44.6% ), bisexual (39.3% ), gay (16.1% ) pansexual (13.4% ), and straight (1.8% ). Additionally, 13.4% of respondents identified as asexual, demisexual, and/or demi-romantic.
    Most were under 39 years old (83.1% ), split evenly between twentysomethings and thirtysomethings (plus one person under 20). 10.7% were in their 40s, and 6.3% were over 50.
    Something like that I guess.

    Not even going to get into 'if he's feminine they're still a lesbian.' So much of social media discourse is the 'femboy question' lol. You know I think someone created a label. Though gynesexual means something different in clinical research I think:

    Gynesexual is a sexual orientation where a person is attracted to women, females, and/or femininity.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] There are other prefixes that are sometimes used instead of gyne- to express the same range of attraction, such as gyno-,[8] and woma-. It describes a person's attractions without specifying their own gender.[1]
    Still a subset of bisexuality though.

    I love how quickly females switch up and say he's not all that, realistically Matt rice has officially gotten his good fanbase instead of females who objectify him and like him cause he's hot, he's funny and has a dedicated fanbase only small minded offended people hate
    I'm sure he has lots of female fans but I always find guys who look like that unattractive. He's not the first I've seen with that look also I've never heard of this guy. I only clicked on this video because I saw a guy with long hair.

    But yeah I'm not really into facial hair, or this guy's personality/vibe. The comedian I also don't find offensive or funny based on the 10 minutes of this video I watched.

    I don't know that I'll be seeking out further content from either of them so I guess I'll just wait for YouTube to suggest me some video by someone else who is 23~ years old and/or has glasses. Seems to be a pattern.

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  10. #5425
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    Lol his video analytics for The Dangerous Myths of Black Men's Sexuality which is a video I've watched a few times has 0% audience with a user-specified gender but I've watched it a bunch of times and have a user specified gender. Lies. Obviously needs more people to increase the percentage but in literal terms it's not 0 lol.

    Also yeah I'm white so not a black man or woman.

    "I can guarantee you one of the top comments you're gonna see in this comment section is what the [BEEP] is a divestor? Nobody knows about these women except y'all."

    Unfortunately I do know. If there's some fucked up thing online I've generally stumbled on it because I'm very online lol. I've read some fucked up things on twitter from most groups of people at this point and that includes some very fucked up comments from women connected to that group like some of them are obviously psychopaths.. But also because I'm curious about all the delusional racial dating takes and racial tribalism when it comes to dating. Especially the weird amount of sexual insecurity some white guys have.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  11. #5426
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    "Today the core consumers of interracial porn tend to be white men and black men's sexuality and penises if the internet is any indication are always on white men's minds."
    It does seem that way online doesn't it? Straight incel/incel-adj/red pill guys mostly.

    But that is not to say that this same paraphilia and fetishisation doesn't happen with white women because it definitely does. They are raised in the same racist environment as their male counterparts. I've spoken before about being groped in public by white women I did not know or followed around public venues and I know that I'm not alone in that experience.
    All that said at the same time we have to be honest about how some black men respond to this fetishisation positively. If you go to that black men's sexuality video I made you'll see plenty of black men arguing in the comments that the myth of black men's sexual prowess is a positive stereotype that should for some reason be embraced and that's because to some black men the validation and affection of white women or really just any non-black women is proof that they matter, that they are valued. And it feels like far too many black men who date out make it their entire personality and cannot go five minutes without telling the world how much better white women or Latina women are to black women and this is probably the most prominent point of conflict of interracial relationships for black people.
    I think the stereotype/persona is really gross it's origin in like racist colonial thinking is really gross. It's just gross and as a (? somewhat feminine anyway) white non-binary person I also don't like being treated as an object black and white guys compete over. This is one of many reasons I don't like masculine guys.

    I think this fantasy has some kind of emasculating thing about it too which I personally don't like. Not just for the white guy but also for the 'object' in the fantasy. So if I put myself into that position it's not satisfying or comfortable. I don't think everyone would be bothered by that though. But I think it's still kind of disregarding the preferences and desires of the woman or whoever is in that scenario. The straight male idea of what is an attractive man is projected onto the feminine person whether they agree or not and usually this is some hyper masculine guy and their masculinity is exaggerated further in a way the person might not even find attractive and then they're an object being fought over during a form of competition that is usually (but not always,) between men. It's all about men and their masculinity.

    So that's one side of it/view.

    Another side of it is some feminine people actually like this, they like being fought over and things like that, it makes them feel special.

    I don't mind the possessive thing at least in fantasy - I think it would be very annoying and controlling in most real life situations - but even in fantasy it's on an individual mutual level most of the time. Like I like when characters get jealous in stories I'm reading regardless of the genders of the characters and even both characters when it's straight fiction. Because I like monogamy. I don't like the kind of one sided 'I'm masculine and own you, in fact not only do I own you I own this entire race of women.' And it always seems to go along with a bunch of other sexist and homophobic beliefs as well every single time. Never came across a white nationalist who wasn't also a huge fucking sexist and very homophobic and insecure about their own masculinity.

    And maybe monogamy is a microcosmic version of the same problem I'm sure a lot of people have made this case. It's not even exclusive to monogamy though because if you have a committed poly relationship where people still experience jealousy and agree not to date outside of that group it's the same thing with slightly more people. And casual sex doesn't interest me. But I think I've kind of veered off topic here because you can have a mutual monogamous relationship without hierarchical baggage.

    Then I don't like real life race play or racial competition because I think it's quite toxic and I'm not keen on hyper masculine personas as I've said like an excessive fixation on the body over the mind I guess. But if there's some kind of role reversal situation then I could find that appealing from multiple points of view I'm sure. I mean I like femdom so it's not a reach.

    Or if it's fantasy races I'm sure I could see the appeal somewhat. I like fiction with elves and Humans or blood elves and night elves. I went through a phase of reading stories about Altmer and Bretons. I like the kind of enemies hooking up dynamic or people from two opposing factions and things like that because it makes the story more dramatic I guess. And I suppose there's some kind of symbolic optimism there or something. Like the same mentality that leads people to create things like that subreddit called 'gatekeeping yuri.' where they just turn competition into some friendly exchange or even sexualise it. And I do tend to instinctively sexualise rivals a lot I've always done that mostly with men but even sometimes female on female competition like with Sylvia Plath poetry. Even without knowing that's what it was. Hilarious.

    Oh also I'm really into corruption as a kink and people converting from one side of some fight or war to the other which I'm sure has overlaps. Usually the focus is either on gender like that one audio file with the guy who was a masculine soldier and then turned into a sissy sex slave for the opposing side by a woman and the implication there was like that one side of the war created pro-masculine propaganda, the other side did the opposite or weaponised the opposite I guess. (The gender culture war in fetish form.) This doesn't work as a complete reversal because there's the constant reference to other guys who are going to use them sexually. Oh women are going to use them sexually too but still so are people with dicks. It's hard to get away from dicks I think for a lot of people.

    And then you know when I was a teenager I was coming up with way more abstract fantasies of like male plant elf characters who live in the forest capturing Human men to 'convert them' and there was a kind of war between technology and Human culture and the natural forest culture. You know something that Jordan Peterson would go on a never ending rant about especially after he realised that in at least one story I wrote with a similar character they were intersex (because sometimes I wrote them to be more androgynous than at other times physiologically and also in terms of attitude they were always somewhat androgynous though,) 'You're mind is being controlled by a sex goddess.'

    He goes into this at least a bit in this video (he does in a bunch but I remember it coming up in this one too lol):


    I say this all the time now but especially in the above video I need him to chill a bit though because he just exudes bad vibes and negative energy.

    Waiting for him to bring up Lilith or something. In 5 years maybe. Because he talks about all the pieces separately. He just doesn't kind of string them together and perhaps that's a tactical decision I don't know. Either way it's not new lol.

    Inanna would make way more sense honestly but he's quite set on Christianity.



    He should borrow some lines from Herzog. Herzog has the best energy though. It's so funny.

    I love him.

    So that's another side of it.

    Then there's a third side below:

    I can see why a lot of black men enjoy that hypermasculine/hypersexual persona though because it comes with some appeal for some women (not as many as people seem to think, but there's a subset who like that persona.) And it gives them a unique way to stand out in dating/sex and compete with other men since they tend to be socioeconomically disadvantaged etc.

    I also get it because the idea of 'cucking' or winning some kind of competition against masculine white guys is fun. Like I've entertained similar power fantasies - mostly in the abstract - but regarding gender expression not race (obviously, I'm white.)

    Also in Warhammer 40k (why is it always fantasy lol,) there's some kind of weird thing with Slaanesh, Isha and Nurgle:

    Isha is the Aeldari goddess of the harvest, fertility, nature, life, healing and growth and the divine mother of the Aeldari species in Aeldari Mythology. She is the mate of Kurnous, the god of the hunt.
    The Fall of the Aeldari in the early 30th Millennium was signalled by the birth-scream of Slaanesh, a tsunami of emotion and psychic power that heralded the Prince of Pleasure's arrival in the Realm of Chaos even as it shaped a new dominion within that dimension to serve as its home, the Dark Prince's Realm. The psychic implosion caused by Slaanesh's birth swallowed hundreds of worlds at the heart of the Aeldari Empire in what is now the Imperium of Man's Segmentum Obscurus.

    The blast killed billions of Aeldari in a single instant and devoured a great section of the galaxy in the process. Such was its ferocity that it overwhelmed the barrier between the material and the immaterial, forming the massive, permanent Warp rift later named by Humanity as the "Eye of Terror." Rampant and hungry, Slaanesh devoured the minds and souls of the Aeldari, absorbing them into its essence. Across the galaxy, that ancient species was almost wiped out.
    from the moment Slaanesh started existing, then it had always existed.
    So the warp is weird as hell. Slaanesh has always existed in the warp, even if they had a birth at a certain point.
    This is actually how most ideas work because nothing is really new.

    What fell purpose Slaanesh had in keeping Isha alive, none amongst the Aeldari now know, but the Prince of Pleasure was ultimately denied its spoils: for some reason, Nurgle, the Plague Lord, waged war against Slaanesh to "rescue" the Aeldari goddess. Why Grandfather Nurgle intervened is unclear, although some Aeldari savants believe that one of the oldest of the major Chaos Gods wanted to give the youngest amongst them a good lesson about his proper place in the order of things.

    What is known is that Nurgle's daemonic forces proved victorious and he took the Aeldari goddess back to his domain in the Realm of Chaos. A goddess of rejuvenation and a god of decay seemed an odd pairing, but Nurgle came to adore his new companion like no other being in the universe.

    However, he shows his love in the only way a Chaos God knows how. Nurgle keeps Isha imprisoned in a rusted cage within his personal manse in the corner of his Plague Gardens. It is there that he keeps the cauldron where he mixes the elements that create all of his plagues and pestilences. Nurgle tests all of his new, virulent creations upon the body of his "companion."

    As the goddess of healing and the spiritual embodiment of health and growth, Isha can cure herself of these afflictions, but the Plague Lord gains an idea of their potency by watching how much power the Aeldari goddess must expend to cure herself. If he is pleased with how hard Isha must struggle to conquer the disease, Nurgle releases the new creation upon some unsuspecting world, but if not, he starts over, working at his cauldron until he has something new to give to his companion.

    Isha accepts her lot stoically and fights back against the Plague God's evil in the same way she once fought against Khaine, whispering the cures to these new diseases into the universe so that mortals might know them and resist the hideous designs of Grandfather Nurgle.
    So it reads like a hero story only Isha is trapped and imprisoned by Nurgle not really saved. So there is no hero.

    IKnowI'mNotAHero - The Virus and the Antidote

    I know I'm not a hero
    I know I'm not a hero
    I know I'm not a hero
    I know I'm not a prince in shining white
    Steppin' off a horse to make you mine
    Yeah, I know I'm not a hero
    I know I'm not a hero
    (But I'll save you tonight)

    There wasn't enough music in this post? Lol. It fits what I was talking about. Viruses, and antidotes and cages lol. I like how they sampled The Smashing Pumpkins song too:

    And I liked the idea of her being corrupted by Slaanesh. Obviously. But no one else likes this idea because to this day there are 0 fanfics, or anything anywhere about this. Lol. There aren't even 'dozens of us' it's just me.

    Ashnikko as I pointed out before also seems to be a bit uh fixated on stealing people's girlfriends in their lyrics too lol and we don't know who she's talking to technically but... We kind of do. I mean. They're genderfluid and a lot of their lyrics in their earlier work are aggressive messages to men so it's strongly implied imo lol:

    Me and your girlfriend playin' dress up in my house
    I gave your girlfriend cunnilingus on my couch

    Tell me what you need
    Tell it to my manager, he'll tell you pay a fee
    Ooh, I [BEEP] it up, I can't wait for you to see
    You said your girlfriend wanna marry you
    But now she's here with me

    I'ma blow up on 'em
    Blow up on 'em
    Blow a kiss to your girl

    I'm a 38 cis male metalhead. And I Fucking Love Ashnikko and Her Music! I am worried she is going to steal my wife.
    Does it work as well if you're femme and afab? No. No it does not lol. Even being femme on its own is a disadvantage but now you don't even have a dick. That's an extreme subversion of stereotypes. You're basically an alien lol. But that's not going to stop people thinking in these ways.

    Straight male who loves all things "masculine" and major death metal fan. Ashnikko still my most listened to on Spotify Wrapped
    It's technically a form of masculinity as much as it's also the opposite.

    31 year old cis male, also a metalhead, also love Ashnikko's music.
    Lol why does she have so many metal fans is it cause of that video?

    (Besides metal heads often commenting everywhere online when they listen to music that isn't metal I guess.)

    No one is actually threatened by this though because we live in a phallocentric culture and it's probably innate anyway the phallocentrism. Except that weird guy the bisexual woman on reddit was dating who kept trying to get her to hook up with random femme women he knew who weren't her type, and then apparently expressed constant fears about her running off with a butch woman or something like that. Because they're masculine. And Ross from Friends.

    That's also why the racial aspect is always going to be bigger. It's more threatening to hegemony. Sexually but also territorially speaking. And as much as some right wing people complain homonationalism (in a literal sense not in the sense that wikipedia describes,) is not a thing exactly so - they're trying to make it a thing narratively speaking and that's very funny:

    but we have no land lol. Unless you count that one Australian island and anyway there's too much infighting among LGBT people for that to make sense. You are giving people (myself included,) ideas though and you should stop because I'll turn anything into a game. Especially when you've given yourself the name Sargon of Akkad which is the most ironic thing ever. Because he worshipped Inanna. But I've gone into this before.

    Also Ashnikko's girlfriend is like a soft butch bisexual woman. So is she running off with some straight guy's girlfriend? Probably not. At least for now. She's not Kristen Stewart. (I don't mean because she steals guy's partners but because she's been in relationships with bisexual or sexually fluid femme women sometimes like Stella Maxwell so they have overlapping dating pools. She cheated on Robert Patterson with another guy but I don't think she's dated any women in relationships with men afaik.)

    I don't think straight guys have to challenge this mentality though because they can find women who are OK with this competition or who even find it sexually appealing as they write some kind of essay in a 1980s newspaper about how much they love war cause they get to kill and 'steal each other's women' or something. Divorce their socially appropriate wife with the graduate degrees and marry a Vietnamese woman who works in a bar. This is actually one of the less radical stories about war, a lot of guys in some armies just rape women en masse instead (well that happened where my nan lived after the war. 'After the war' yeah lol.) And the various modern day equivalent manifestos and internet posts. And they're not attracted to men at all so they don't have to negotiate and they often won't. If you're attracted to guys this becomes a problem so then you either have to avoid other masculine guys like this or not date men lol. And some bisexual women do choose not to date men because there are certain gender dynamics they dislike, not because they're not attracted to men.

    This is another variant of a similar sort of thing probably more common in Europe? And I like it even less:

    "It's their unconscious wish for brutal male domination."

    And he somehow manages to deliver this line with the sulkiest teenage boy voice you could imagine.

    Jordan Peterson never recovered from the stereotype that Canadians are nice.

    Then in response the other guy is like "I like that, it's fun." I'm going to come back to "It's fun."

    From Jordan Peterson's subreddit:

    Why Western Women Are Converting to Islam
    As expected, women seek strong masculine authoritarian figures irregardless of what your usual blue-haired woke feminist wants to babbler about, or the betaboys jumping in to White Knight them in hopes for a little smooch as a reward say. The West has become meek and helpless.

    The solution is simple.

    Bring Back to Holy Crusades. Bring Back masculinity to Christianity instead of these grotesque bishops bending the knee to the transexuals. Our Youth needs templars, not pastors that cuck down to globalism.

    Can't you just pretend to be a bunny boy that lives in the forest?

    After taking a wrong turn in the woods, a Huntress finds herself accidentally ensnared in her own trap. Fortunately a friendly forest dwelling bunny boy stumbles upon her in her precarious position. What will it take for her to convince him to help her out?
    And then record yourself moaning?

    "Shut up. Of course my tail would be up in the air. It's just that the angle's a bit awkward so. Hey what do you think you're doing? Sitting up? You're in no shape to move at that angle. I- what's the big idea? You think just because you're some big, bad huntress you can just pin down any bunny boy you happen to get a little flustered?"

    No, I guess you'd already be doing that if you could. Never mind then.

    It's just not very creative.

    Apparently Ted Kaczynski died last June and I didn't even hear about that lol. I'm dedicating this forest bunny porn I didn't create to you Ted.

    For a period of several weeks in 1966, Kaczynski experienced intense sexual fantasies of being female and decided to undergo gender transition. He arranged to meet with a psychiatrist but changed his mind in the waiting room and discussed other things instead, without disclosing his original reason for making the appointment. Afterwards, enraged, he considered killing the psychiatrist and other people whom he hated. Kaczynski described this episode as a "major turning point" in his life.[32][33] He recalled: "I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do. And I felt humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope."[34]
    As to the question, I would say islam is 'better' than modern 'first-world' nations when it comes to how it handles the issue. It gives women a level of authority that is commensurate with the level of responsibility that they must take on board, which is exactly as it should be.

    Now, a case can be made that they take it too far and that's fine. I'm not saying the are the ideal, but islam does it better than the gynocentric clusterfuck that modern 'first-world' nations operate under. It is absolute [BEEP] and even islam's take is far superior. [BEEP] gynocentrism.
    Move there then.

    Also western women are way more sex object npcs compared to islamic women, who don't feel the need to dress like whores, have a high body count, which simply means they derive their worth from something else. Typically islamic women have their power focused elsewhere than men. Doesn't mean they have less power. A nagging wife of a powerful man can achieve just as much as a nagging wife of a powerful man, with clown make up on.

    You could even argue that the illusion of female competence in business and other areas we have created in "the west" is robbing women of their only true power and competence and giving them fake make believe power instead.

    You can't fire women from being the providers of babies. If you do that there will be dire consequences, as we are witnessing now.

    Will there be dire consequences if we stop pretending that women are the same as men? Very much doubt it.
    Women can never have real power. They will never dominate men physically or intellectually. All female power is GIVEN. The real power women have is birthing babys. This is what has made them number one priority in society since the dawn of time.

    Not saying Im a fan of Islam btw, just trying to explain their position.

    In Islam there is great value placed on family, opposite of west.

    So you could argue that women are more powerful players in islam compared to sex objects and gibs receivers in the west.

    This only makes sense if you accept that women haven't really achieved much meaningful (materialistically speaking) and are basically forced into work, even higher paying jobs they could never get without male assistence.

    So how can power that is given be real power? Real power doesn't need to be given by others because they are sorry for you.
    Then you have nothing to worry about. Right?

    Only choosing not to have kids is also a form of power I guess, because you seem very upset about the 'dire consequences.'

    Do you actually just straight up believe that women are inferior humans who aren't capable of doing anything but give birth?
    Yes that is what he believes. We should invent artificial wombs to see what they do next. Cause if this was a video game I'd say I'm tired of this level and want to progress.

    So as someone who can see this from multiple sides it is disgusting. Masculine competition is pretty disgusting in this kind of context. Ultimately it's destructive.

    But I'm just saying that because I'm misandric and evil:

    So to a possessed feminist ideologue, white men are seen as dangerous apex predators, and as such are to be emasculated (because the cost of them being predators is seen as too high). That very 'evil queen' not being able to be kept in check is exactly what 1920s anti-suffragists warned about. The parallels to at least some of their posters is quite interesting. Great video.
    They don't acknowledge that it's also fun though or sexually arousing. I'm not sure if that's because there's some kind of taboo (I mean there is a taboo obviously but yeah lol,) but that seems like a massive oversight if you want to theorise about this topic.

    Just found this Onion article:

    Jordan Peterson Rants About Emasculated Scarecrows Covered In Birds

    TORONTO--Waxing poetic about shifting gender roles in contemporary society, professor and broadcaster Jordan Peterson took to his podcast Monday to rant about the state of "emasculated" scarecrows who have become covered in birds. "The ongoing war on masculinity has spread beyond our cities to more rural areas, where wimpy, pathetic, emasculated scarecrows--once pillars of intimidation and might--allow themselves to be shamelessly covered in ineffectual birds," the host of The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast said in a 42-minute segment addressing the "outbreak of ostentatious weakness among North American men" after seeing a photograph online of several crows perched atop a scarecrow in the middle of a field. "Tell me, where have the alpha-scarecrows of ancient Rome gone, those who would never let a crow so much as set a talon upon them without putting those foul subordinate creatures in their place? Woke society has castrated this once-great protector and rendered him useless and soft, complete with long, feminine hair and a docile, expressionless face. The cultural Marxists have stripped male scarecrows of their inalienable rights as a dominant male entity to lead and be served, and I, for one, am sickened." At press time, a red-faced and teary-eyed Peterson revealed that his former colleagues at the University of Toronto had stripped him of his tenure status when he refused to let them cover him with crows.
    That's hilarious.

    I found this video yesterday too lol (really cool sunglasses actually) and it's not the best video I've seen on this topic (or thorough, pretty short,) but there is one point I want to quote.

    Even who we're attracted to. When I made my video about Drake I had this epiphany. These men a lot of times they don't even care about really being that misogynistic to the women. It's a symptom of them trying to impress other men. I wonder how many of these men even think about like if they're attracted to the type of women they're attracted to because they actually are or because being with certain women shows that you have a type of status. Being with the most desireable types of women shows that you that man. Everything is about being that man.
    Also when they talk about their mum and their suspicions that if she was young now maybe she wouldn't have gotten married and would have preferred that based on how much her mum complains about her dad it's funny because we're a similar age and for me it was my dad who ended up in that situation. He also specifically told me not to get married on at least one occasion. My parents got married pretty young (21 I think.) But I've spoken about all that before lol.

    This is from the comment section:

    I feel like literally everything is pessimistic now. Hetero-pessimism, Afro-pessimism, Climate-pessimism, Political-pessimism, etc. Literally nobody has any hope for the future, nobody believes that anything can get better. Everyone is just bitter and depressed.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

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    ^ this is what I spent time doing btw instead of making cupcakes which I have to make. Which makes the whole thing more hilarious.

    "Get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich"

    I can't. I have undiagnosed ADHD. We'll have to fight to the death instead.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

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    So a few days ago I stumbled on a thread about male romance novels that I just remembered. I found it while trying and failing to find romance stories about guys who are Humanoid bunnies. Yes after stumbling on the bunny guy porn. Though even before stumbling on that I'd considered bunny guys a few times. There were some things like that I think but it was all homoerotic which didn't really surprise me because as a teenager I remember reading some free fiction story posted online about some vampire guy who had a harem and his favourite was a bunny guy (don't really remember any other details now,) but I was curious about something like that but straight (not a harem story I mean something with Humanoid bunnies.) Instead Google was like 'would you like to read about romance novels for straight guys on reddit?'

    No... But [BEEP] it nothing I want ever exists anyway. (And then I kind of fell asleep or something and haven't looked again. I did find animeesque fanart but I'm also over anime.)

    Romance stories made for a male audience

    I've long been a fan of the "mushy stuff" but have never been able to find romance books meant for male readers, does anyone know of any? It can be as chaste or risque as you want.
    There's anime (which isn't written,) and manga which is targeted at guys.

    Western stuff is always like Blade Runner 2049 lol. Robot/AI stuff. Very centred around loneliness.

    The responses were even more interesting lol.

    I'm a male and Wuthering Heights is my all time favorite novel.
    Great book, has romantic elements, but it's not a "romance" per the genre requirement of a HEA. It's also about dysfunction and how abuse gets perpetuated through generations, so probably not what OP is looking for.
    Norwegian Wood
    I bought that for kindle and started reading that once. Let's see... No it doesn't remember how far into it I got now. I don't either cause it's been probably 8+ years.

    The Rosie Project
    Seconding The Rosie Project for a straight-up romance book with a male perspective.
    I haven't heard of that.

    Don Tillman is an Australian genetics professor who has spent his days organising his life with the expectation that it will reduce inefficiency, improve himself as a person, and make him an all around happier person. He does not fit in well with others, which has kept Don from dating and having a satisfying romantic life. This is something that confounds him, as he believes that his IQ, physical health, finances, and social status should otherwise make him an appealing mate.

    After spending time with his best friend and womanising colleague Gene and his wife Claudia, Don comes up with the idea of the "Wife Project", a questionnaire that would help find the perfect mate. This turns out to be something more easily done in theory, as his questionnaire fails to produce a satisfactory woman and alienates many potential candidates.
    This is something I would have thought was cute before encountering the worst possible version of this guy online a bunch. He (gender neutral really,) spends a lot of time tweeting about IQ on twitter, wokeness, complaining about trans people, pronatalism, shaming people for not having kids, posting stuff like this:

    Meet the 'elite' couples breeding to save mankind
    I didn't read the article, and am sure the headline was intentionally provoking ("meet the 'elite' couples breeding to save mankind"), but I was successfully swayed by that title and moved to max-level cringe

    Couldn't click to read after that
    The article is paywalled anyway lmfao.

    and he thinks he's superior to everyone. That's not one person, there are many.

    Started looking that up and found a reddit thread discussing it where lots of people didn't like it:

    The Rosie Project is the worst book I've ever read.
    The main character is like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory but on steroids. He's a super genius, who's also apparently good looking, a young professor at a very prestigious university, in incredible physical shape and he even knows martial arts like Jason Bourne.

    The story is that he's actually got some kind of mental issue, like an extreme case of autism or aspergers (the author's words, not mine), that makes him unable to understand social cues or engage romantically with women. He doesn't come off as quirky or cute like Sheldon Cooper or Steve Urkel. He's a total psychopath and just downright mean.

    For example, there's a scene where he is somehow giving a lecture to an auditorium of college students and researchers and during the question and answer portion he calls on a woman in the back by saying, "Yes you, the large fat woman! What's your question?" The author tries to write it as a funny scene as if he's just socially awkward but in reality it's brutally cruel.
    I don't even think I'd describe that as cruel it's more like... Unbelievable in that setting.

    All the female characters he meets are immediately head over heals horny for him for some reason. They're also all described as "stunning, beautiful etc". I can't recall anything being memorable about the female character's thoughts or minds.
    So, anyway the main character, in a quest to find a female breeding partner, makes a checklist of 200 questions for each women to complete so he can determine a perfect match for himself. It's absurd.

    My girlfriend and I tried, really tried to get through this book and we quit 3/4ths of the way through. The main character is just unbelievable, irredeemable and boring. The author has no idea what asbergers really looks like.

    Now, whyyyy did I suggest this book to my gf and why did I try reading it? I'll tell you but you won't believe me -- I had a chance run in with Bill Gates several years ago. Just a short conversation, the kind you'd have in an elevator. I asked him if he was reading any good books at the time and he said, "oh yeah, Melinda and I read The Rosie Project, it was really good. Check it out." I said I would and that was the one and only conversation I ever had with him
    That's a weird anecdote...

    It really sounds to me like the author is writing the main character as he sees himself, and the constant attention of "stunning, beautiful women" is something he feels he either deserves or that is what women he meets feel about him.

    Never read the book, so please take this with a grain of salt. I'm basing it solely off of your description.
    Yeah I'd assume that's the point. Then again it might not be because the point might be nerdy James Bond or something. I don't know, I haven't read it either.

    The only thing I didn't like about the post is the "he's not cute like Sheldon"

    In what world does Sheldon come across as remotely cute?
    In a world where there are 4 male characters and 2 of them are Leonard and Howard I guess.

    I haven't watched that show in a really long time and only watched a few seasons of it. From what I remember it wasn't that well written and the jokes weren't great. I feel like Community was a better show about geek culture. I used to ship him with Penny though and a lot of people did back in the late 2000s just because Leonard was just that annoying and I think they had more chemistry, but I also found Spock attractive in the Star Trek reboot films in the early 2010s so you know.

    This is what I mean when I say I would have been into this book a long time ago lol.

    Going back to that other thread..

    Remains of the day by Kazuo Ishiguro seems to fit your description.

    I havent read a lot of romance novels but this one i really enjoyed.
    I haven't heard of that either but several people disagreed it's romance lol.

    I did not interpret this as a romance at all, but I can see how it could be perceived that way, I suppose? It definitely gives 0 of the "mushy" feelings though.
    Exactly, it's literally the opposite of a romance novel.
    No Country for Old Men - Cormac McCarthy
    Art of War

    I feel bad for the OP. There were some other serious suggestions though and then one guy who said that he didn't like romance but noticed with irritation that a lot of 80s and 90s fantasy books have romantic elements.

    Anything by Murakami. He touches on male loneliness and romantic relationships in almost all his novels.
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    I haven't finished watching this video but if his argument is going to be 'polyamory is the reason Africa is fucked' I think that's really stupid and simplifying the issues those countries have which are manifold. Besides that at one point curious about China etc and the claims people were making about men not finding partners leading to violence I remember looking into whether gender imbalance with less women had even contributed to a greater degree of violent behaviour and it doesn't seem to... The opposite perhaps:

    Violent crimes (murders, rapes, and assaults) are substantially higher in countries with a relative scarcity of men according to research using INTERPOL data [Barber, 2000a]. This is a paradox given that males are more criminally violent and likely reflects increased direct mating competition.
    "This is a paradox"

    Everything is yeah because most people aren't really good at problem solving or even figuring out what the problem is in many contexts. That might be worrying.

    So there are other factors at play besides 'when men can't get a girlfriend they go crazy.' But tbh some of those factors involve potential conclusions that are even more controversial so I can see why you might want to argue that's the main problem lol.

    Another thing that is annoying is that there isn't one kind of poly relationship so you can't really lump them all together. When you get a lot of people who are incapable of monogamy it might be that a lot of them have a personality type that lends itself to short term mating, not committing, having poor impulse control, sexist beliefs about women, sexual aggression etc. But the mating strategy is secondary to the personality type:

    An unrestricted sociosexual orientation (the endorsement of casual sex) has been found to correlate with undesirable behaviors and personality characteristics more so in men than in women. Using a community sample of men and women, we investigated the correlations between sociosexuality and behaviors, motives, attitudes, and fantasies related to sexual aggression. Participants (n = 168; ages 21-45) completed self-report measures of sociosexual orientation, sexual conservatism, rape myth acceptance, adversarial sexual beliefs, attitudes toward women, sexual behaviors, and perpetration of sexual aggression. Participants also wrote five brief stories that were scored for power and affiliation-intimacy motives and two sexual fantasies that were coded for the theme of dominance. For both men and women, an unrestricted sociosexual orientation was correlated with behavioral items indicating earlier life experiences with sex, a greater number of lifetime sex partners, and more frequent sexual activity. For men, an unrestricted sociosexual orientation was linked with higher levels of rape myth acceptance and adversarial sexual beliefs; more conservative attitudes toward women; higher levels of power motivation and lower levels of affiliation-intimacy motivation; and past use of sexual aggression. For women, an unrestricted sociosexual orientation was associated with sexual fantasies of dominance and lower levels of sexual conservatism.

    There are sizable gender differences in aggressive behavior, with men displaying a much higher propensity for violence than women. Evolutionary theories suggest that men's more violent nature derives in part from their historically greater need to compete over access to potential mates. The current research investigates this link between mating and male violence and provides rigorous experimental evidence that mating motives cause men to behave violently toward other men. In these studies, men and women were primed with a mating motive and then performed a noise-blast aggression task. Being primed with mating led men, but not women, to deliver more painful blasts of white noise to a same-sex partner (but not an opposite-sex partner). This effect was particularly pronounced among men with an unrestricted sociosexual orientation, for whom competition over access to new mates is an especially relevant concern. Findings also suggest that mating-induced male violence is motivated by a desire to assert one's dominance over other men: when men were given feedback that they had won a competition with their partner (and thus had achieved dominance through nonaggressive means), the effect of the mating prime on aggression was eliminated. These findings provide insight into the motivational roots of male aggression and illustrate the value of testing theories from evolutionary biology with rigorous experimental methods.
    I think the problems in Africa are more of a compound issue. As you said its by far the most ethnically diverse place on Earth, it's also the most geographically and religiously diverse. Africa's natural state (prior to colonization) is that of thousands of self governing villages, interspersed by larger (more expansionistic) kingdoms and the occasional empire. With the exception of the latter, the vast majority of these states were mono-ethnic.

    Then you have Europeans come in, and with minimal knowledge of the African interior, they start drawing lines. By 1913, if you're an African nation, you've either been absorbed into a larger colony or divided amongst 2 or 3 of them. Meanwhile, In the 60's, decolonization starts, the European's leave, they take most of the educated population of the colonies with them, but left behind their religion, way of doing things and the shitty borders they jotted on the back of a napkin. As these states tried to figure out how to fill the vacuum left by the Europeans, old tensions came back to the surface, but this time they were mixed with cold war munitions and politics.

    My point is that Africa was already fucked, what we're seeing is African nations and people playing the cards they were delt to re-establish equilibrium and a define a new status quo. Hordes of sexually frustrated young men and the instability that creates are usually something stable countries (like China) can manage and deal with. But in regions that are already unstable (most of sub-Saharan Africa), it just serves as more fuel for the existing fire.
    Oh my god thank you. The reductive comments from Western guys who are probably annoyed they can't find a partner and 'surely this is the root of all evil in the world' were driving me insane.

    You know how gen z are having less sex, are lonelier, and are doing less drugs than previous generations?

    Just give them video games/computery stuff I guess:

    Usually, Lofstrom explained, criminal activity increases in the teenage years, peaks in the late teens or early 20s, then continually decreases. But researchers found that beginning to change with younger Millennials born in the early 1990s and continuing through Gen Z, which started in 1997.

    The year 2008 was the first time in decades that 25-year-olds committed more violent crimes than 18-year-olds. When those early ?90s children reached 25, they were still committing fewer violent crimes than past generations, or the cohort just five years older, Lofstrom said.
    Computery stuff:

    Obviously 4chan created... Their own version of this:

    Clearly they just need to get a digital wife.

    The amount of effort that went into this is terrifying
    Maybe that's why.

    The voices are really close to the original lol whoever did this must be good at voice acting.

    Tbh I actually do think that the internet has absorbed a lot of antisocial behaviour for better and worse.

    Lol that's not the only factor. (Though it is one of the biggest changes that happened specifically in the 90s. Like my entire generation grew up playing games from a young age.) A lot of people claim this is related to lower testosterone levels but honestly the relationship between testosterone and violence seems complicated in the first place.

    That's the funny thing a lot of Western guys online seem to prefer the idea of violent war to Western society. So when they argue that 'monogamy is better because less violence' first of all it isn't obvious that has the biggest (if any,) correlation and secondly they don't really seem to enjoy that environment anyway. It's almost like the people arguing this don't care about violence and want a relationship but know that women care about violence!

    Though they're certainly not moving to more violent countries or joining in any of the wars currently happening globally irl.

    Why aren't they moving?

    The video unsurprisingly finds a way to make claims about people with dyed hair being narcissists with BPD who pretend to be humble or something, and that one news story that triggered all guys like this with that one overweight woman who had several boyfriends. It's like a single story they circulate endlessly.

    This is not as annoying as the frustratingly inaccurate claims without any evidence within the first 4+ minutes of the video though. But I'll have to finish watching this later.

    Also lol:

    Whenever I see someone say "Monogamy is selfish! Monogamy is oppressive!", I cringe internally. It's literally double-think levels of wrong.
    It's certainly selfish - also sexist to imply that men would remain dominant within a western polyamorous societal shift? I didn't even wanna say this but - yes, monogamy as well as polygamy are both oppressive in opposite directions while polyamory is natural and the least oppressive organization of romantic relationships.
    in practice polyamory is just polygamy again, unless its like a tumblr cult or smth, but even then there are too few of people like that to make polyamory balanced.
    Tumblr cult.

    I'm going to make myself a tumblr cult about bunny guys. I'm not that into that though.

    There is a reason why monogamy exists. There are preferences and there are let's say societal pressures to maintain certain system. But even in so called primitive tribes, monogamy exist. And using word "patriarchy" seriously makes you a joke. Rising of single mothers is thanks to policies made by politicians on behalf of weak (as in morality and mind) people. In "patriarchy, women are protected of their own whims and stupidity. Matriarchal societies can't exist because it would be conquered from outside forces who would be either patriarchical or "antifeminist".
    "Polyamorous" society can't exist seriously and it only work for small number of people or mainly as cult.
    Not sure it has to be one or the other. I think framing it at one or the other is also kind of weird unless you think men or women are redundant in certain cultures. How is it a patriarchy if it stops functioning when women refuse to do anything? Or vice versa?

    Vigdis disagrees. "Things went back to normal the next day, but with the knowledge that women are as well as men the pillars of society," she says. "So many companies and institutions came to a halt and it showed the force and necessity of women - it completely changed the way of thinking."
    Kids literally base their opinions about this sort of thing on whatever is the norm around them lol:

    When Ronald Reagan became the US President, one small boy in Iceland was outraged. "He can't be a president - he's a man!" he exclaimed to his mother when he saw the news on the television.

    It was November 1980, and Vigdis Finnbogadottir, a divorced single mother, had won Iceland's presidency that summer. The boy didn't know it, but Vigdis (all Icelanders go by their first name) was Europe's first female president, and the first woman in the world to be democratically elected as a head of state.
    There was a documentary related to this in the UK which was controversial they also gave it an edgy title I think originally. (I don't think this is the original title but could be wrong.) Dunno if this is the whole thing or if it was in parts:

    Cults are more fun/creative though I think. Can have some positive effects at creating filter bubbles for certain kinds of people. Downside is you get very negative things happening as well obviously and many are tyrannical. They're also basically new cultures though so there's a high failure rate I think. When they reach a certain level of popularity or survive for a certain amount of time, people no longer consider them to be cults.

    America has a weird relationship with cults where they're terrified of small cults (or organizations they think are cults) but completely normalized massive cults that hurt many more people (eg: LDS Church, Jehovah?s Witnesses, the Amish, Scientology, most Megachurches)
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    they don't know about the genuinely psychopathic German education system that decides wether or not you’re going to college at age 10
    me, a very smart german man: what if we locked all of the poorest-performing and most misbehaving pupils in the same building, separated from all the prospective college students, during all of their puberty, and give them the "shit student" degree. this will be good for them.
    I blame Heidegger for this. I don’t think he had anything to do with it but I love blaming Heidegger for things.
    Like grammar schools? We used to have a similar system here. Still do in some areas of the country I think. Also they still give kids at age 11/12 some kind of test that's equivalent to an IQ test to decide which kids go into the gifted and talented program and then some of them later had access to other qualifications etc.

    Yeah I thought so:

    Usually the students that attend a gymnasium school in Germany are the most academically strong students upon leaving primary school. The gymnasium school helps to prepare students to enter a university, and is the most rigorous and prestigious level of secondary education in Germany. Gymnasia are thus meant for the more academically-minded students, who are sifted out at about the age of 10–13, a system similar to the eleven plus exam formerly used to select grammar school entrants in the United Kingdom. Those students who are not qualified to enter gymnasia attend one of the three other types of German secondary schools: Realschule, Hauptschule, or Gesamtschule.
    I learned about this during german GCSEs and the whole concept made me lose my mind. what the [BEEP] is hauptschule and gymnasium? that just sounds like a new way to discriminate on the basis of class.
    I mean it sounds like what we had in the UK lol but I'll have to look into it more.

    Even during GCSE's now it's impossible to earn higher grades in some exams unless you qualify for higher grade boundaries. That was definitely a thing with maths. I might be remembering wrong but I think it was impossible to essentially get a passing grade if you only qualified for the foundation exam for a while so the highest grade you could get was a D (which made the whole thing seem pointless since sixth form colleges and jobs usually require a C grade,) but they got rid of those grade boundaries the year after I took them so there were only two instead of three and then you could get a C as the highest grade in foundation. Honestly I never really understood why there were so many grades below C there's basically no use lol they're all failing grades at that point.

    I think they were called foundation, intermediate and higher when I took them (then later they only had foundation and higher,) technically I took the intermediate one twice but I still only got a C grade the second time a few months later lol. If I'd waited till the following summer I wouldn't have been able to take that exam though I think, so I thought I might as well try. I must have been one of the last students to take it lol.

    And I think this sort of thing probably happened in a few other subjects too... Maybe science and English but maybe not. My memory is poor so I don't remember.

    Actually I think it's good for the "very smart" students to have things in common with the lower performing students. Creating that kind of divide is bad for kids and leads to them having weird superiority complexes.
    That kind of school system would have sucked for me a lot because I scored like 94 on that equivalent to IQ test at the time, and one of my only close friends who I mostly hung out with outside school was in the gifted and talented program at my school and she was really good at maths and science mostly, but we were in the same English class and started hanging out because she asked me to teach her to play guitar (which didn't really happen lol, we sort of formed a band that went nowhere, and we sometimes played together also with this other guy.) But we kept hanging out in general a lot. I didn't really have much in common with most students in my secondary school.

    I also went to university lol so [BEEP] you but I was studying a pretty unconventional subject. Also this isn't good really I didn't do anything with my degree, graduated with the lowest grade, and picked the wrong subject to study lol. They also transparently really wanted kids from 'my background (tm)' to go and tried to convince us during secondary school using very misleading figures for potential earnings lol, among other things (was some government program.) But I already knew I wanted to go to university because I'd pretty much decided that was a normal part of life (even though at that point nobody in my immediate or extended family had gone to university, so I'm not entirely sure where that idea came from.) I don't know why but when I was like 6/7 maybe I remember having a conversation about the different education levels and how you're supposed to progress with a friend I think. Such a fun kid sometimes.

    Anyway after that I failed at life spectacularly so the balance was restored.

    That's actually an argument in favor of the system. If merely being in the presence of the "underperformers" is harmful, then one ought to separate them from the gifted ones so as not interfere with their development.
    The same could be said about people with anime profile pics.

    Yeah it’s a lot more reasonable than the continental systems. A lot can be said of British education but structurally speaking I do think it’s one of the better-designed systems.
    I can't agree. Or well it might be that everywhere else is such hell that it's somehow better than the alternatives but it's still very dated and unfit for modern society, functions kind of like a prison, and there are numerous other issues.

    Honestly the level of education you get in a Hauptschule is absolutely laughable and embarrassing. You'd have to play catch up for years while already coming in severely knowledgeable handicapped. Hauptschule was a fucking nightmare and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy lol
    One thing that was very obvious to me in my school was that the lower maths classes had worse teachers. The teacher I ended up with for 4 years (because I started off in the bottom set initially then went up to the next set the following year and stayed in that class for the rest of my time at school,) just wasn't a good teacher and she also kind of expected everyone to fail I think and at one point suggested we must be bad at science which I wasn't so again [BEEP] you. Also she was homophobic (which did come up during class when she started ranting about gay people especially gay men being unnatural.)

    this is basically a caste system my dude lmfao
    No, this has nothing to do with race or social classes.
    It has quite a lot to do with both tbh.
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