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  1. #5431
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    My friend just informed me that someone has uploaded the full Oppenheimer movie to twitter and it's still there (it's been several hours now.) It's actually a repost of someone else's tweet which has been up since 5am.

    Also I saw part of this documentary earlier while visiting my dad and it seems like an interesting job:

    though possibly dangerous for the birds.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  2. #5432
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Right wing guys on twitter on a regular basis:

    "I like feminine women not tomboys. Also we should bring back regular tomboys like this image not this image which is gay."

    And then it's all like hyper feminine presenting women with really long hair and feminine clothing + makeup and probably have feminine personalities and act feminine but they just have different levels of muscle tone lol.

    None of these women are tomboys.

    My biggest problem with the tomboy debate is that people could mean either girls with a slightly boyish personality or super-muscle girls and anything in between, without anyone being able to tell which type is being referred to
    You will never gaslight people into thinking finding women attractive is gay
    I mean. Not to be that guuuuuuyyy…but do lesbians count in this?
    Funny because I was going to make that joke to the guy who was posting photos like tomboys (very cute,) muscle mummies (very gay)

    Actually tomboys are very gay.

    Don't think she uses that label (basically nobody does now anyway,) and is also genderqueer but I needed this for effect.

    Talking to sandwiches:

    It sorta does, but people added on being fit as a requirement for being a tomboy, and then that became being buff, and then the muscles fetishists took off with that.
    It's actually because people mostly stopped self id'ing as that label because if you're a cis straight woman and call yourself that you'll probably be accused of being 'not like the other girls' these days. So it pretty much just became whatever/whoever straight guys wanted to apply the label to at any moment in time - generally some anime character.

    If they're gay for men, wouldn't the inverse mean that tomboys are straight for women?
    Some 'straight' women are attracted to butch women. Of course that's not the demographic being discussed most of the time.

    It's always gay if people find me attractive btw no matter what your gender/sexuality is. Luckily they mostly don't hahahaha.

    I will end your bloodline with my bare hands
    is that a promise
    This interaction is also gay. I decide what is and isn't gay.

    "Is anything not gay?"

    Cuck fetish stuff and raceplay. Very heterosexual.

    #pagan vs. #christian virtues.

    Which one would you prefer?

    I don't appreciate them making me pick Christianity. But Jesus was the og twink.

    "I'm not an atheist like I'm a big fan of Jesus Christ. There's nobody more thin and vulnerable than Jesus Christ. And he's bleeding too that's very clever of them."
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  3. #5433
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    People keep posting video clips of women 'bragging' about how they're childless and the things they can do with their spare time. They often take this as an attack on themselves. Recently shoeonhead decided to post a video of a guy doing this instead because I guess even she noticed that people mostly do this with videos of women for obvious reasons:

    i see a lot of tiktoks like this made by women posted here lately, but least we forget the ✨childfree✨ antinatalist man
    The guy didn't actually say anything about being antinatalist though.

    He said that he gets to play video games all day with his partner because they don't have kids, and mentioned smoking weed. He calls children hellspawn and sounds annoyed I would say but he's trying to cover it up with apathy. Like Daria.

    Many people responding to this ignored the fact that he had a partner or called him gay:

    '"my partner and I" " 🚩'
    ?????? Wow so sus in the year 2023 someone might be gay lmfao, and the left are supposed to be the triggered snowflakes
    Exactly.... But I strongly doubt he is. I've come across many guys like this who are straight.

    Lots of people pointed out how pathetic his life is, how he's going to die alone, his physical phenotype 'he's a bug man.' general fascist discourse:

    The people that think this way are the same people that have anxiety about completely ordinary things like "talking on the phone"
    No kids but
    -still fat
    -still unhappy
    -still wears glasses
    It's propaganda, these types of childless videos always have the people trying to sell you on the idea of not having kids, it's straight up propaganda
    They're always white too for some reason
    That's not why these random people are making videos like this, and they also don't have to do anything because your contempt for others makes a lot of people want to avoid being part of your group all on its own.

    Under different circumstances I wouldn't have minded having kids. I'm not someone who hates kids or the idea of having kids but this culture is completely wrong for someone like me and I'm also waiting on technology that can't exist yet, so it's not on the cards.

    if you get up at 6am and spend your first 12 HOURS playing video games, i do not want you in the gene pool
    Not sure if there's a more insufferable personality type than the antinatalist man. Almost all the pros they list about not having kids has something to do with consumption lol
    Again he didn't say he's antinatalist.

    May be he was raised by a single mom or a feminist
    Crazy to brag online about what a lazy POS you are
    I like the idea that never having kids just gives your free time to consume more media. Ok.
    men who don't want kids or support abortion only feel that way bc they want to avoid responsibility and be promiscuous
    So this next quote is funny because it's written by shoeonheads husband (who is a conservative,) and he says this but he married shoeonhead and I don't mean that as an insult to shoeonhead I find her funny and watch her videos but she has ADHD, has on/off dyed her hair, is infantalised by everyone, is bisexual, dated a trans guy in high school who at least in one point in her life she described as her best friend, people tell her she sounds like a 12 year old boy, she didn't get a bunch of piercings and tattoos by her own admission out of fear but still wanted to, started off making YouTube videos during gamergate and still makes YouTube videos for a living now...:

    These people really act like they cracked some code. Like they really "figured it out" while everyone else is a sucker.

    In reality, they're mentally and emotionally 14 years old. They have a 14 year old's tolerance for stress and responsibility. It's sad and pathetic.
    Congrats, you married the female version of this man because she's funny and don't care either because she's female or you have no self awareness.

    Shoe re-created this quote below in a video recently but replaced autism with bipolar disorder and switched the genders, and I didn't realise what she was quoting because I hadn't seen it before but someone posted it on her twitter and she responded to it saying she was glad someone noticed what she was quoting or something like that. But it's funny because in the actual quote he specifically tells people to avoid dating women who larp online as traditional women over 'rockabilly chicks' though she generally wants to live that way herself (but she's an alt girl so... but I've explained that before besides her humour this is the major conflict in her persona which attracts such a diverse audience. There are 3 things - her humour, that she empathises with men or appears to, and the conflict in her persona):

    In her latest video intro she compared herself to many people including a kind of knock off variant of Aubrey Plaza which I don't see (she's too bubbly imo and her general humour, vibe and attitudes are just different,) and various e-girls but definitely genderswapped MoistCr1TiKaL is accurate physically speaking lol. So there again you get the conflict between like 'I'm an e-girl/quirky but also a trad wife.'

    Anyway he married her and her persona is a very successful strategy of attracting certain men, especially conservative men, acting kind of neotenic too and not insulting them helps. Of course it doesn't hurt that she's physically attractive and that's always going to come first but the rest can work well too. Grimes has a similar persona which predates e-girls really and obviously a lot of this comes from anime and historically she's not been OK with this (but I'm sure she wouldn't say this now):

    i dont want to be infantilized because i refuse to be sexualized

    i dont want to be molested at shows or on the street by people who perceive me as an object that exists for their personal satisfaction

    i dont want to live in a world where im gonna have to start employing body guards because this kind of behavior is so commonplace and accepted and I'm pissed that when I express concern over my own safety it?s often ignored until people see firsthand what happens and then they apologize for not taking me seriously after the fact

    I'm tired of men who aren't professional or even accomplished musicians continually offering to ?help me out? (without being asked), as if i did this by accident and i?m gonna flounder without them. or as if the fact that I?m a woman makes me incapable of using technology. I have never seen this kind of thing happen to any of my male peers

    I'm tired of the weird insistence that i need a band or i need to work with outside producers (and I'm eternally grateful to the people who don't do this)

    im tired of being considered vapid for liking pop music or caring about fashion as if these things inherently lack substance or as if the things i enjoy somehow make me a lesser person

    im tired of being congratulated for being thin because i can more easily fit into sample sizes from the runway

    im tired of people i love betraying me so they can get credit or money

    I'm sad that it?s uncool or offensive to talk about environmental or human rights issues

    I'm tired of creeps on message boards discussing whether or not they'd "fuck" me

    I'm tired of people harassing my dancers and treating them like they aren't human beings

    I'm sad that my desire to be treated as an equal and as a human being is interpreted as hatred of men, rather than a request to be included and respected (I have four brothers and many male best friends and a dad and i promise i do not hate men at all, nor do i believe that all men are sexist or that all men behave in the ways described above)

    im tired of being referred to as 'cute,' as a 'waif' etc., even when the author, fan, friend, family member etc. is being positive."
    And it all seems to come out subconsciously in her music and album concepts no matter what she says about 'liking patriarchy' etc in interviews. And now she's in some custody battle with Elon Musk.

    Elon specifically said he felt like she was a simulation made specifically for him. So in response I guess she decided to create a lesbian AI album:

    On an Instagram post of her with pink hair and fang-like teeth, a fan asked the musician what the "vibez" would be like on her next record. Grimes answered them at length, saying: "it's a space opera about CLAIRE DE LUNE ? an artificial courtesan who was implanted in a simulation that is a memory of the AI creation story on earth from the brain of the engineer who invented AI because he wants to re live his life but see if his perfect dream girl could teach him to love and thereby he would preserve humanity this time rather than let them fade into obscurity ? overcome by the machines.

    "As she slowly realizes she is essentially a dancing puppet for the male gaze tho, their relationship grows complex. Simultaneously ? "NO ONE" (the most powerful super intelligence in the future where the simulation is being rendered from) realizes there's a massive hyper-realistic sim running and sends in her troll AI puppets to wreak havoc."
    She continued to explain that a "lead AI demon" called Dark Matter then "enters basically as the "black swan" to claire de lune". However, the two entities "fall into a lesbian romance due to the fact that they are the only two fully Ai beings in this universe."

    According to Grimes, there's more to the narrative after that but that is "where the first part of the story stops".
    "Personally, I don't think 'manic pixie dream girl' is an insult," Grimes says, reflecting on her experience with internet criticism. "I exactly identify with all of those terms. I understand it's supposed to be a critique of certain things, but then I challenge that critique.' Her forthcoming album, Book 1, explores similar archetypes and alludes to several famous female figures--including Athena, Calypso, Persephone, Marie Antoinette, and Anne Boleyn, to name a few. "There's this weird dismissal of them," she says. "These are some of the most interesting characters in history to me, and they're so demeaned."

    So that works just like this works:

    Not whatever justpearlythings is doing but she knows that really. (You're not a hyper feminine tradwife, you're a tomboy - one of the 75,000 definitions of the word obviously - who works out and plays volleyball so this isn't going to work for you.) They need something to 'convert.'

    There's a lot of guys on social media who have a fantasy of a tomboy girlfriend which is not the same thing but tangential because they think if they get close to her they can convert her to femininity and submissiveness essentially. But just for them. I think they're mostly deluded if they think that's possible. It's also important that they can do that because if they can't convert her, then they lose their mancard.

    Shoe's been accused of changing her opinions for boyfriends for as long as she's been online from a variety of people with different political views. It obviously annoys her, though she's also joked about it a few times in tweets. I also think she romanticizes the idea of people with opposite political views coming together.

    this is so wholesome i love boyfriend/girlfriend appreciation posts. i'm so happy you guys found each other. like a really bizarre romeo and juliet story.
    You mean, their families hate each other & every one dies, violently, in the end?
    I'm not saying everyone is doing this consciously. Sometimes people have conflicting personality traits or desires etc they have to manage too.

    Paul Elam:

    Nope. Women should work. They should not have the choice to be a parasite.

    homemaking and caring for children is work, a lot of work. and very important work.
    Some guy with Christian and a US flag in bio:

    You've become full tradcon and many of us are here for it 😂
    this has been my opinion for 10+ years and isnt tradcon. were not getting anywhere close to one income again in late stage neoliberal capitalist hellworld. seeing "redpill" "christian" guys tell women they need to girlboss & cubiclemaxx is just funny.
    Oh I know. I?m just giving you a hard time - you?re one of the people I respect on this site because you actually think through opinions instead of just restating the same ideological bullshit.

    Never watched your YouTube though - which maybe helps make me evaluate you more objectively.

    Also now that I?ve got your attention for like two seconds: I?m gonna reiterate- BECOME CATHOLIC, SHOE!!!! 🇻🇦
    She gets lots of comments like this:

    Come over to the conservative side @shoe0nhead you're too hot and too smart to be a liberal. 🤷*♂️
    So I don't know why most straight people would bother (with trying to form relationships,) and of course they don't. Gen Z especially. But it's an arms race basically:

    In evolutionary biology, an evolutionary arms race is an ongoing struggle between competing sets of co-evolving genes, phenotypic and behavioral traits that develop escalating adaptations and counter-adaptations against each other, resembling the geopolitical concept of an arms race. These are often described as examples of positive feedback.[1] The co-evolving gene sets may be in different species, as in an evolutionary arms race between a predator species and its prey (Vermeij, 1987), or a parasite and its host. Alternatively, the arms race may be between members of the same species, as in the manipulation/sales resistance model of communication (Dawkins & Krebs, 1979) or as in runaway evolution or Red Queen effects. One example of an evolutionary arms race is in sexual conflict between the sexes, often described with the term Fisherian runaway. Thierry Lode[2] emphasized the role of such antagonistic interactions in evolution leading to character displacements and antagonistic coevolution.
    But I kind of get it. That's why I find Abby Shapiro sort of attractive even though I disagree with her about most things. It doesn't really work on conservative guys because they have short hair. Closest thing is probably that one guy who seems to be some kind of right wing libertarian kooky guy into occultism, plants and cats with long hair but he has facial hair which doesn't work for me and his face isn't really attractive to me, he looked better with makeup (and no facial hair,) that one time he did that, and he's incredibly obnoxious on twitter. Also seemed to be a Trump fan for no discernibly good reason... He's skinny though and has long hair and glasses (also the plants, cat, and occult interest.) Curtis Yarvin is a better example since he sometimes likes to refer to himself as being part of some kind of liberal artsy ingroup (also has insane politics,) doesn't id as conservative I think but is ultimately right wing and vaguely helping them so easier to fit into some kind of corruption narrative right? (It can be fetish/fantasy material sure but I don't think this is a healthy basis for a relationship and the way people on social media approach this and comment on that kind of thing makes this clearer. So I'm skeptical of people romanticising this.) But again not super attractive just had long hair. Think he's cut it now anyway. He's also a programmer and that describes 50% of guys I've had relationships with (small sample size,) and other people thought he was feminine and commented on that a bunch which intrigued me. Obviously it intrigued that nerdy progressive 'BDSM writer' woman who he was engaged to briefly before they broke up as well (all her housemates disliked him.) They had a kid before breaking up as well making the whole situation messier. I think he has a superiority complex based on things he's said and his writing. I don't think relationships like this work out in most cases honestly...

    Sensory exploitation by males is one mechanism that involves males attempting to overcome female reluctance. It can result in chase-away selection, which then leads to a co-evolutionary arms race. There are also other mechanisms involved in sexual conflict such as traumatic insemination, forced copulation, penis fencing, love darts and others.

    Female resistance traditionally includes reducing negative effects to mechanisms implemented by males, but outside the norm may include sexual cannibalism, increased fitness in females on offspring and increased aggression to males.

    Back to the guy who plays video games that everyone hates:

    Like you're forgoing continuing your entire genetic bloodline? okay. What are we gonna do since we're not fulfilling our only true purpose as a living reproducing creature? Start a business? Nah. Master a new hobby? No. Travel? No. Soyface over funko pops and Steam sales? Eh, [BEEP] it!
    This is stupid because I mostly see people post these videos about women (as shoeonhead said,) and they're talking about how they're travelling, they've built a microhome they're living in, they're learning new recipes, They're Taylor Swift, (often they're not even making videos to brag about how they're childless or whatever people think but people criticise them anyway,) Like Gavin McInnes content. I wanted to find a particular video I watched a while ago but I now realise he has several videos just complaining about childless women lol.

    Looks like the video I wanted to find is gone because the YouTube channel that reuploaded it was closed lol. I posted about it before though so this is my description + quotes:

    Just found this video lol and he's complaining about a woman who lives in a van travelling around Europe etc haha. She found a partner while on the road I think and she's talking about how she worried that they were kind of merged together now and she clearly desired more independence. Again you can see she has an avoidant attachment style lol.


    woman in video: 'I kind of lost myself in this relationship'
    Gavin McInnes: 'yeah that's called love you stupid [BEEP]'
    other guy behind the camera talking to Gavin: 'And by the way he glommed onto your lifestyle'
    Gavin: 'your stupid lifestyle'
    other guy: 'Yeah'
    Gavin: 'living in a van? Fucking dangerous.'
    Woman in video: unfortunately it took me moving to Europe and abandoning everything I had in the US to realise that I need to rekindle my independence a little bit.

    Then they both go on to say that the guy shouldn't have let her break up with him and just been like 'no, we're not breaking up.' and 'take charge stop being such a [BEEP] men.'

    God he's so punchable. And the comments section is a mess too of course. Lots of really bitter men convinced that 'if it was chad or Tyrone she wouldn't have broken up' 'she just wants to have tons of casual sex' and so on. They're just projecting lol because that's what they want.

    Oh and that advice seems to assume the woman is doing it to get some kind of declaration of love/commitment which is what people with anxious attachment styles or borderline personality disorder do, but not avoidants. Stupid.

    The basic method is to build trust and create safety. Interpersonal safety is the primary need of virtually every person I have ever met who suffers from schizoid personality disorder. Yes, they want other things, such as love, respect, and feeling understood, but their priority is feeling safe with the other person.
    There was some weird guy on twitter who just kept complaining about women who lived in microhomes specifically. Which was so weirdly specific. Gavin was actually quoting one of these people lol in the video. 'These rootless women.' I think it worries guys like that because it's going so off script. I ended up getting blocked by the guy on twitter lol.

    But yeah no matter what you do with your life you will get exactly the same treatment from the same people. At the end of the day people don't care what you're doing they're annoyed that you're not reproducing.

    Do you see a lot of TikTOKs made by Pronatalistic Ladies AND Men? Or those don't exist?
    Of course you do. People constantly brag and try to convince other people to live their lifestyle online.

    I don't actually mind Estee Williams who many people bring up because afaik she doesn't insist that people should live like her, as many others and many people in her audience do.

    Though I didn't watch this video really before posting it. I thought the tinkeywinkey image was hilarious tbh so clicked on it. But yeah I guess Estee Williams is more inconsistent in her messaging (I've never really bothered to watch her content since I know it's not for me and she didn't seem to be trying to get attention from people like me or trying to piss us off either. Like Abby Shapiro's videos were pretty much suggested seemingly purposefully to women and [BEEP] people who disagree with her and she paid for ads instead of growing her audience organically. So for a long while the average person who watched Abby's videos and commented on them was someone like this:

    I?m a lesbian. I'm getting really sick of Abby Shapiro - _ -
    I?m a gay male and I can confirm that the best way to get a conservative woman?s attention is to be a gay guy. Like goddamned moths to a porch light. 🙄
    Kind of fucked up but it seemed like YouTube specifically suggested her videos to people who would be most annoyed by them.

    It was all just negative comments, shitposting, people headcannoning her as a lesbian. Half the audience probably came from tumblr as well....

    My issue is more to do with the people who aggressively argue these points as some kind of clear fight though and express clear contempt. Also I still haven't finished the tinkywinky tradwife video but the part I've watched towards the beginning is funny because of the emphasis on how she's used language as a defence for their argument. That's a fairly unique angle for YouTube and most people aren't that detail oriented. I think it's very hard for people to not try to push their own lifestyle on others. If the internet is anything to go by. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt but really most people are doing this usually in a very obvious way but sometimes more covertly.

    I think the worst response to that guy who didn't want kids so he could play video games was the guy who basically said 'Lol you can still do this stuff with kids, I just go watch Avengers and give my kid an ipad.' So they're both doing their own thing with screens.

    Oh and you're the better person somehow? You certainly did reproduce genetically.

    They all have the same fanfiction fantasy as well:

    honestly bro seems like the perfect stereotypical reddit consoomer type. The kinda guy to let his wife be fucked by Chad while he goes on the r/funkopops subreddit to talk about the new soylent or some bs like that
    I think the call is coming from inside the house:

    Why conservative men are more likely to fantasize about sharing their wives
    A lot of people also expressed confusion about why he felt the need to make this tiktok and was rubbing their faces in it. I think people on twitter have to keep in mind more often that the people like this (especially women who do this,) are doing this because all they see on social media are people who disagree with their choices shitting on them constantly.

    Also from a thread talking about Hillary Duff:

    i swear Hillary Duff is the only former child star who didn?t become fucked up.

    got married, had children, wrote children?s books, became a fashion designer and a muscle mommy. a rare living, breathing woman W
    She got more attractive the older she's gotten, too.

    Apparently not all girls hit the wall at 18 years old like the black pillers want you to believe.
    She got married and had kids. That totally changes the math on the wall. That's how women avoid it.
    The"math on the wall" is telling me you're a sexless incel
    I have a girlfriend and you have no business to know anything about our sex life.

    Maybe if you weren't so bitter, you'd see that my comment was positive towards women and the fact that they can avoid "the wall". They don't have to rely on their sexual value their entire lives.
    She didn't respond to this guy again, so I did.

    As I said to him this isn't positive because society constantly criticises women who do not get married or have kids. Has done so for at least hundreds of years. Used to burn some of them:

    They're not criticising women who fulfil that kind of Madonna archetype, unless they're the rare kind of guy who is so bitter they just hate literally all women. Now and then you'll find someone so misogynistic they post about how they like the idea of punching pregnant women in the stomach but that's rare. Most people criticise women who are queer, lesbians, childless, refuse sex entirely, single, and promiscuous. As these all go against the female gender role and the expectations (it's closer to demands really,) society has for genetic female people in society.

    Which is why it's actually quite insulting for a bunch of high status people who often have kids and/or are married to co-opt this symbol. I don't care about 'cultural appropriation' per se. But you know you're not actually witches right? You know Edward Dutton isn't writing about you right?

    JK Rowling isn't a witch she's a queen being attacked by peasants.

    I guess that's unpleasant, and sometimes royalty are brutally overthrown as in the French revolution, but it's not the same archetype.

    Jordan Peterson does not like France and has misguided overly positive views about England:

    I'm a witch (but I'm grandiose about it so I prefer witch-king actually.) 'Incels' and r9k type guys are witches or wizards I guess if they're over 30 according to the meme haha. I wonder if they realise:

    The 30-Year-Old Virgin Wizard is an Internet legend stating that a person can be endowed with magical powers and become a "wizard" if they reach the age of 30 without engaging in sexual intercourse.
    Childless women are witches. Women who have lots of casual sex are witches. Sex workers are witches. Trans people are witches. Non-binary people are witches. People who use they/them pronouns and dye their hair... These are the witches (tm):

    Spiteful Mutants: Evolution, Sexuality, Religion, and Politics in the 21st Century

    Every zombie movie has a terrifying underlying message. The enemy isn't supernatural or an alien from another planet. "The enemy is . . . us!" The "undead" -- mutated humans, grotesque versions of their previous selves -- are destroying everything in their path and bringing about the downfall of civilization. Even worse, they are contagious, gradually absorbing the few survivors left into the hoard.

    In Spiteful Mutants, evolutionary psychologist Edward Dutton argues that we are experiencing a "zombie apocalypse" of our own. The critical threat to civilization is not so much enemies abroad as it is nihilistic and self-destructive tendencies within our own populations. Dutton examines such salient social phenomena through a Darwinian lens: from BLM to QAnon; from those seeking sexual transformation to the Incels who don't have sex at all; from atheists to those with a religious zeal for "social justice." All these phenomena can best be understood as genetic results of the Industrial Revolution.

    Human evolution is an ongoing process. The question of who we, as a species, will become is a matter of who is being selected for in a particular ecology. Before industrialization, child mortality was the crucible of evolution: those who were physically and mentally sick -- that is, who possessed high levels of genetic mutation -- rarely survived into adulthood. The Industrial Revolution, and resultant medical advances, brought about the collapse of child mortality, allowing the explosive growth of people who are highly mutated in body and mind, and who would not have otherwise survived. These mutants, walking among us, are "spiteful" in the sense that they actively affect the functioning of the group. They generate polarization and chaos, depravity and dysphoria, and even the gradual collapse of fertility. A new specter is haunting the industrialized world, the specter of Spiteful Mutants, a menace of our own making.
    Witches, Feminism, and the Fall of the West

    The archetype of the "witch" is burnt deep into the European psyche, recurring again and again in folklore and fairytales. But is she merely the stuff of fantasy? Roald Dahl warned that witches don't always don black hats and ride on broom sticks. They "dress in ordinary clothes, and look very much like ordinary women. . . . That is why they are so hard to catch."

    In Witches, Feminism and the Fall of the West, Edward Dutton examines the history of witches and witch-hunting in light of evolutionary psychology. Throughout the centuries, witches were ostracized across Europe and often condemned and executed for sorcery and harming children. They generally adhered to a type: witches were low-status, anti-social, and childless, and their very presence was viewed as poisonous to the community. Dutton demonstrates that witches did, in their way, represent a maladaptive mentality and behavior, which undermined Europe's patriarchal system. When times got tough-that is, when Europe got poorer or colder-the witches were persecuted with a vengeance.

    Today, the evolutionary situation has been turned on its head. The intense selection pressures of the past have been overcome by the Industrial Revolution and its technological marvels. Modern witches survive and thrive in the postmodern West, still possessed by the motivations and dispositions of their sisters of yore. "Sorcery" (nihilism and self-hatred) is no longer taboo but has become a high-status ideology. Roald Dahl was all-too correct. Witches do exist, and they mean to do us harm.
    You can't just claim you're a feminist and insist you're a witch. That goes for reactionary feminists, JK Rowling and any similar figures who often make up the English upper class. I'm not a feminist, I don't id as one but I'm still lumped into this anyway. Whether I like it or not. I dress like one I guess:

    And this is what this guy sounds like btw while he tries to claim we're high status:

    I didn't watch the whole video but I know he goes into aposematism theory which is funny because he's calling himself and people like him predators haha:

    Aposematism is the advertising by an animal to potential predators that it is not worth attacking or eating. This unprofitability may consist of any defenses which make the prey difficult to kill and eat, such as toxicity, venom, foul taste or smell, sharp spines, or aggressive nature.
    So it is working.

    Having said that when I dyed my hair unnatural colours I got a lot of compliments from people. Very few people expressed dislike for it irl. Multiple guys I knew asked me to dye their hair for them. It was a great ice breaker. Basically everything Destiny (the streamer,) talked about when he dyed his hair blue lol. But you know filter bubbles + people don't say what they think irl. Also this was in the early 2010s just before everyone went insane on social media.

    Beware the stealth hair-dyer who dyes their hair the exact same colour as is naturally is. You'll never see them coming.
    Many of us (trans, creative, mentally ill, low status, antisocial, gender non-conforming etc) don't dye our hair unnatural colours now:

    They're always very far behind the times but that's what makes them conservative. Edit: Actually it's important not to move the overton window Edward Dutton is far right and anyone agreeing with his writing and rhetoric is also.

    While I've never dyed my hair, I do think there are some more benign reasons for dying your hair unnatural colors than just mental illness. Flowers and male birds use bright uncommon colors to attract bees or female birds. So, some people may dye their hair unnatural colors because they think it looks attractive. This may be more common among people who are more r-oriented than K-oriented. Also, there is the influence of anime. In anime, characters have a wide variety of hair colors, and this is probably because apart from hair color and a few other differences, the art style makes characters look a lot like each other. Female anime characters tend to be very pretty, and as more and more women watch it, they may be inspired to adopt the hair colors of their favorite anime characters, which is akin to adopting the fashions of beautiful models. It can also be a sign of a more creative person who gets bored with the ordinary and likes to try new things. So, while mental illness may play in a role in why some people dye their hair, I do not think it is a one-size-fits-all explanation for why people dye their hair unnatural colors.
    So the r-oriented and k-oriented thing is presumably referencing this theory:

    Which is used to talk about different species. That's not a coincidence.

    Traits that are thought to be characteristic of K-selection include large body size, long life expectancy, and the production of fewer offspring, which often require extensive parental care until they mature. Organisms whose life history is subject to K-selection are often referred to as K-strategists or K-selected.[11] Organisms with K-selected traits include large organisms such as elephants, humans, and whales, but also smaller long-lived organisms such as Arctic terns,[12] parrots and eagles.
    People don't normally talk about that now they talk about life history theory:

    Research has also indicated that humans may pursue different reproductive strategies.[39][40][41] In investigating life history frameworks for explaining reproductive strategy development, empirical studies have identified issues with a psychometric approach, but tentatively supported predicted links between early stress, accelerated puberty, insecure attachment, unrestricted sociosexuality and relationship dissatisfaction.[42]
    The further you deviate from the Western conservative ideal, the more dehumanised you will become. You're a zombie, you're a mutant, you're a vampire, you're a demon, you're an alien, you're animalistic etc. Women in general are also sometimes described as less Human by some right wing writers. So then you have to wrestle with that as part of your identity (because identity is negotiated with others,) which imo increases mental health issues.

    Not mutually exclusive either. (The mentally ill vs creative vs watches anime etc.) Many creative people are also mentally ill (and/or watch anime.) Mostly they have bipolar disorder though specifically (you'll notice that a lot anecdotally if you look):

    A 2017 study explored whether mood disorders cause creativity, creativity causes mood disorders, or an unknown variable causes creativity and mood disorders.3
    Taylor CL. Creativity and mood disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 2017;12(6):174569161769965. doi:10.1177/1745691617699653

    The researchers found that bipolar disorder, which is characterized by periods of mania and depression, was most often associated with creativity.

    In contrast, creativity was not associated with persistent depressive disorder (PDD), also known as dysthymia or low-grade depression.
    Although major depression and bipolar disorder are associated with creativity, evidence does not indicate that having a mood disorder enhances an individual?s artistic ability.

    Rather, the high-pressure and hectic lifestyles of many artists may lead to depressive symptoms, as tight deadlines, high expectations, fierce criticism, and intense travel are common for such individuals.
    Links between creativity and mental health have been extensively discussed and studied by psychologists and other researchers for centuries. Parallels can be drawn to connect creativity to major mental disorders including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, OCD and ADHD. For example, studies[3][4] have demonstrated correlations between creative occupations and people living with mental illness. There are cases that support the idea that mental illness can aid in creativity, but it is also generally agreed that mental illness does not have to be present for creativity to exist.
    There have been many studies on the correlation between mood and creativity with very different results. Some studies seem to show a correlation between positive mood (affect) and heightened creativity.[23] Other studies show that negative moods seem to be correlated with heightened creativity. One such research paper concludes, "Negative moods signal that the status quo is problematic and that additional effort needs to be exerted to come up with new and useful ideas."[24] The debate is not binary, with some studies saying that both positive and negative emotions play a role in creativity.[25][26] Additionally, the connection between mood and creativity is rarely direct; rather, being in certain moods forces or fosters people into certain actions that make them more creative at the moment. For instance, negative emotions have been shown to increase the amount a person will reflect and ruminate, which then can cause a person to be more creative.[27]
    The study found that unsociable individuals were more likely to be highly creative. To the authors' knowledge, these results offer 'the first evidence of a potential benefit' of unsociability.
    It's actually very detrimental imo, and always better to not be mentally ill and neurotic or unfocused/easily distracted if you want to create anything.

    Antisocial Schizotypy Is Linked to Malevolent Creativity

    The personality trait of schizotypy has received considerable attention in creativity research; however, to date, literature has exclusively focused on its relationship with benevolent creative ideation. The present study investigated how different subdimensions of schizotypy were related to malevolent creativity, where original ideas are generated to harm others intentionally. N = 104 participants completed a novel performance test for malevolent creativity and reported the frequency of engaging in malevolent creativity in daily life. Schizotypy was assessed with a multidimensional inventory (sO-LIFE). The sO-LIFE subdimension of Impulsive Non-conformity positively correlated with individuals? performance on the malevolent creativity test as well as with their typical malevolent creativity behavior, confirming our expectations that individuals high in impulsive antisocial schizotypy demonstrate a greater capacity and willingness to use creativity toward malicious goals. Results also indicated a weak contribution of Unusual Experiences to malevolent creativity performance, yet correlations were only significant at the trend level. Unexpectedly, Cognitive Disorganization was positively correlated with malevolent creativity behavior in daily life. This pattern of relationships shows that individual differences in schizotypal personality traits are also related to darker sides of creativity, which may inform future investigations embedded into the rich framework linking creativity and psychopathology.
    I'm a bit like this I would say. Well, I don't really want to harm people exactly I just like these comments I got on YouTube (and also seeing people react in similar ways to other people, and also other stuff I've posted that didn't involve creativity on my part at all but scared people) uh I get a combination of comments like this though:

    You never fail at creativity 😊
    OMG, that is so cursed
    Really clever and creative! Loved the worldbuilding, that maze felt like a mix between Pixar and a horror movie.
    I only found you a few months ago and have been playing catch up with your work and loving everything! You are the most independent, creative and entertaining channel I've seen yet! Your work is awesome! Thank you for sharing!
    ^ I said this before but any comment like this confuses me a lot because I'm not. I'm not 'just' saying that either like really I'm objectively not lol. I think anything I create with this medium though I will never view that way. Even though it has often been fun (when I can actually focus etc.) You're constantly bombarded with the idea that you should be creating the sistine chapel on your own so it's like 'oh well.' And it's not even music etc. Lowbrow basically.

    These vids are so nostalgic and cozy in a weird way!
    I'm going to have nightmares from this
    Oh nightmare fuel
    that look like my fever dream xD btw, i love ur channel <3
    The wedding, and the whole video in general was a fantastic, scary fever dream. ��
    [redacted] is so unsettling and terrifying. This whole scene gave me an experience or a sense of a very vivid dream while having a high fever. I still cannot really understand what is real anymore. I think I'm a bit broken...
    I honestly love how unique your towns are. Not because of the [redacted] aspect (even though that's a plus lmao) but the way the families are set up, their houses, their relationships and backstories... It really reminds me of the chaos kid-me would create.
    Oh, please, make another video about that. I'm sure this is gonna haunt my dreams but I just can't look away. This is majestic. Like a car crash
    fell asleep watching your videos last night (specifically the [redacted]) and ended up having very strange dreams because of it. thank you!
    ^ I like this one because I often don't remember my dreams now but I like when I have weird/surreal ones so it's cool to be able to do that and a few other people commented something similar at one point.

    Also some comments about making people feel better who are struggling with things mentally etc. I like making people feel better but also like it when people have 'wtf' type reactions. I don't actually consume conventional horror because I don't read/watch things generally anymore (fiction I mean, watch lots of YouTube videos obviously lol,) though I used to more when I was younger and also like I always spent a lot of time reading fanfiction and still do sometimes (also might read about them sometimes though) which is maybe ironic I dunno though stuff I create is also rarely conventional horror anyway. Like some of my videos have been compared to people whose work I know of because I know they're popular but I have next to no exposure to them and haven't watched anything they've made lol....

    But so do I spend as much time creating stuff as I do obsessing over people who hate people like me online? No. No I do not. Not even a tiny fraction of that time at this point. I have this story I want to finish with my video series and I'm not working on it....

    Also I'm not very creative so it's not something I can just do all the time on tap etc. I also used to create more things - paint etc but always low quality. I'm like 3/10 creatively.

    But realistically most creative people fail that's why it's described as high risk/reward. I think the way culture treats people like this is very shit. They want what the most successful people create but treat everyone terribly and with total contempt until/if they succeed.

    In general, creativity isn't strongly linked to conscientiousness. This makes intuitive sense because creative people rely more on spontaneity, which isn't exactly one of conscientiousness's strongest points.
    Sometimes even then if they're very conservative. Conservatives don't like art as a rule.

    I sometimes wonder if all people who just sit around doing drugs and playing games etc (if that's all they do,) are just creative people who gave up entirely. They can't do anything else though because of their personality type. Probably not but still there's obviously nothing else for them to really do now with their personality in this environment. That's why they're doing that. I dunno maybe:

    A study of nearly 500 12-year-olds found that the more kids played video games, the more creative they were in tasks such as drawing pictures and writing stories. In contrast, use of cell phones, the Internet and computers (other than for video games) was unrelated to creativity, the study found.
    I know there was some survey on gamers and gender that found that non-binary people tended to play creative games more often. So that's a thing as well. This was an old survey but this webpage seems newer so I guess they carried out more surveys and found the same kind of thing:

    They have lumped trans and non-binary together which isn't ideal and also potentially they just included binary trans people with male and female so that's also not clear.

    For this analysis, to provide a more specific and consistent sample for interpretation, we analyzed only gamers in the US. Altogether, we had a sample of 13,595 trans and non-binary gamers, collected between June 2015 and January 2023. Among these respondents, the vast majority (92% ) identified using a term under the non-binary umbrella (e.g., gender fluid, genderqueer, nb, demiboy/girl, androgyne, neutrois) and the remaining identified specifically as transgender (e.g., MTF, transfemale) or a combination of the two (e.g., "non-binary trans feminine").
    1) The Prevalence of Trans and Non-Binary Gamers Has Grown from 1% to 5% in the Past 7 Years
    Trans and non-binary gamers have a distinct motivation profile. They are most driven by Fantasy (being someone else, somewhere else) and Design (self-expression, customization), and they tend to be much less interested in Power (leveling up, unlocking skill trees), Strategy (thinking/planning ahead), Challenge (high difficulty, practice, mastery), and Competition (PvP, arena, leaderboards).

    Overall, trans and non-binary gamers have a profile that clearly leans towards the Immersion and Creativity motivations.
    Well you're being attacked by real people might as well [BEEP] off and do things in a virtual world. I'm sure a lot of the people who play The Sims (any game,) and Minecraft are like this. There seems to be lots of non-conforming and [BEEP] people floating around.

    4) Trans and Non-Binary Gamer Motivations Aren?t A Linear Mixture of Male & Female Motivations
    Given that male and female gender norms are the dominant social norms, one reasonable hypothesis would have been that trans and non-binary gaming motivations could be modeled as some linear mathematical mixture of known male and female gaming motivations--not necessarily the average, but lying somewhere between the two profiles. It turns out this is not the case.

    Male gamers tend to be most motivated by Competition, Excitement, and Challenge. Female gamers tend to be most motivated by Completion, Fantasy, and Design. Trans and non-binary gamers have a motivation profile more similar to that of female gamers, but trans and non-binary gamers don't over-index on Completion and they are more interested in Discovery. In short, the motivation profile of trans and non-binary gamers isn't a linear mixture of male and female motivations, but is a distinct profile.
    This is actually something I spend a lot of time doing whenever playing any game lol. Also trying to figure out ways to test the limits of the game and what you can do. But I'm also interested in the other stuff. If I'm playing a competitive game I want to win.

    Also uh:

    5) Popular Games Among Trans and Non-Binary Gamers

    6) Unpopular Games Among Trans and Non-Binary Gamers

    I liked playing WoW though lol. Like if I was listing my favourite games that I've ever played it would be one of them lol. Obviously the extreme kind of 'devote your entire life to this and join a guild' sort of aspect wasn't what appealed to me though and is intimidating. (Also I have social anxiety disorder so that's hugely limiting.) And I haven't heard of most of the games on the list of most liked games. So that's funny.

    Actually I haven't heard of any of those games really. I can work out what some of the games are about genre wise but I'm not really familiar with any of them. The name deltarune sounds vaguely familiar and that's about it. I think it's because they're probably indie games or newer and popular with younger people and I've not been paying much attention to most games for several years now. Like I used to check steam and use steam to play games more but haven't in years. But also it's funny because they're like 'they're creative and also their favourite game is obey me! One master to rule them all.' I don't know anything about that game but it just sounds funny. Conservatives would love this. Arthoe wojak is trying to control you. Someone should tell them. It's actually just a dating sim.

    The game opens with the main character hearing a voice calling to them in their dreams, asking for their help because they're held prisoner. When they awake, they found themself in a courtroom-like space, where they are introduced to Lord Diavolo, the next-in-line Demon King of the Devildom, the land of demons.
    OK this just sounds like Doug Dimmerdome:

    This is the only thing I remember from this show that I didn't really watch as a kid.

    He tells them that they were one of two humans chosen for an exchange program to foster a better understanding between demons, humans, and angels. He then introduces them to the head of Student Council at the demon's academy they'll be attending, Lucifer, who informs them that they will be living in the Devildom for a year as an exchange student at RAD. He appoints his brother Mammon as their guardian, and they move into the dorm where Lucifer and his six brothers live. From there, the protagonist must make pacts with each brother, a bond where they're able to command the demons to do as they say, in order to discover the secrets of the seven highest-ranked demons of the Devildom.
    That's so stereotypical as a game non-binary people would play lol. Oh my God.

    No conservatives should really read these results.

    I'm dying.

    But it's kind of sad because what it's sort of doing is recreating the role that is now entirely redundant in Western culture that non-binary people sometimes have/had. Obviously people didn't and don't use that label in many places because that's a new label but the same kind of people and beliefs that existed in those cultures. Also afab people rarely were included due to the pressure to reproduce. When there are other roles they were generally expected to be ascetic and forgo sex altogether - starting before puberty generally and then perform certain masculine roles but they didn't have a distinct role most of the time. If they later had sex with men that's stigmatised too. This has been described as a method of control.

    In pre-Islamic Bugis culture, bissu were seen as intermediaries between the people and the gods, according to Indonesian anthropologist professor Halilintar Lathief. The bissu are closely associated with the female yet androgynous moon goddess, as her spiritual offspring.[12] Up until the 1940s, the bissu were still central to keeping ancient palace rites alive, including coronations of kings and queens.[7] Historically, bissu have played an important role in other ceremonies as well, particularly in weddings and childbirth events.

    Within the bissu category, there are also several subcategories with differing roles, as described in poems such as La Galigo. One consists of those directly descended from the gods and tightly connected to the courts and nobles. The second consists of landowning bissu who are absent from spiritual roles. The last category consists of bissu whose main roles are in facilitating religious rites.[12]
    Bugis society has a cultural belief that all five genders must coexist harmoniously;[5] but by 2019 the numbers of bissu had declined dramatically, after years of increasing persecution and the tradition of revering bissu as traditional community priests. Bissu have mostly survived by participating in weddings as maids of honour and working as farmers as well as performing their cultural roles as priests. Hardline Islamic groups, police and politicians have all played their part in Indonesia's increased harassment and discrimination of nonheterosexuals.

    So there's some notes about this:

    As I note at the beginning of this entry, I'm a bit uncertain about the viewpoint of this article. That's one of the reasons why I placed it at the end of the series on Indian topics, after several by authors working within their own cultural context. In general, I try to be careful about using sources for non-western cultures because of the colonial legacy even when western academics are studying gender and sexuality from a positive point of view. In practice, this has often meant that the Project has included embarrassingly little material from outside Europe, the Mediterranean, and Euro-American cultures. I try to keep my eyes open for promising sources to counter that imbalance but not at the expense of the quality of the contents. This one was a bit on the edge for me, though I'm a little more comfortable with it after reviewing Thadani's work.
    [Note: I have some reservations about this article because it feels very much like a western outsider using primarily western/translated sources to try to say big-picture things about gender and sexuality in South Asia. There is a fair amount of speculative language ("such women could have...") and conflation of historic evidence from wildly disparate times and places whose primary common theme is "not part of western Christian culture." Take it for what it's worth.]
    When looking for parallel or equivalent female (or AFAB) roles, one encounters the strong pressure on women to marry and the negative social implications of refusing or failing to do so. But there are remnants of established roles for non-married women in some isolated traditional societies, such as the sadhins among the Gaddhi people in the Himalayan foothills. The root of the word means "a holy person" but unlike the masculine sadhu it doesn?t identify someone with religious obligations but rather a "sworn celibate woman." Such women renounce marriage but continue to live with their families, retain female names, and are referred to with feminine language. They may socialize as women but may also on occasion socialize as men. The renunciation must occur at puberty, in contrast to other female ascetics who may change their status later in life after marriage or widowhood. A sadhu who later changes her mind and has sex with men is stigmatized.
    The sadhins don't meet the three-part framework for a "third gender" established above as they take on male economic roles (rather than a specialized separate economic position), do not perform ritual functions, and are not associated with same-sex activity.
    A different context is associated with a group of "transvestite" men and women in southern India associated with devotion to the goddess Yellamma who change gender presentation in terms of clothing and are considered to have changed sex (rather than being a distinct and separate gender category), and are known respectively as jagappa (for those AMAB) and jagamma (for those AFAB). Membership in this group is considered to be divinely mandated and is signaled by a set of conventional physical symptoms. On accepting membership, a jagamma will typically change to wearing male garments, but they do not typically adopt male names, use male pronouns, or take on male professions. Both jagammas and jagappas participate in public ritual functions associated with membership.
    Early legendary material from India includes divinely mediated change of sex, in contexts where the change is motivated by misogynist or heteronormative imperatives. A queen who had given birth to seven daughters and no sons was told her next child must be a son. The resulting daughter, Amba, was raised as a boy. When she married, her true sex was discovered but she was able to become physically male by exchanging sex with a supernatural creature. In various stories, a princess is disguised as a prince and changes sex (by entering a body of water) in order to marry another woman. [Note: if I were reaching widely across cultures and time periods for thematic connections, I might note the motif of the bath in the context of magical sex-change in the story of Yde and Olive.]
    Yeah there's some weird overlap with underworld and water themes and also that one paper I read where trans women often identify with mermaids... But that was trans women. I also wanted to be a mermaid as a kid though lol. I was always trying to run into the sea too but I don't remember that time as I was very young.

    In this study, feminine-identified transgender children repeatedly drew themselves as mermaids in self-portraits and highlighted the importance of other mermaid related play throughout their drawings and narratives. Even very young transgirls insisted that their drawings of mermaids represented the joy of being able to be their true selves, affirmations of femininity and nascent trans pride.
    Lol this blog is called 'performing Humanity' of course it is:


    This return to the sea and its symbolic relationship is also demonstrative of the knowledge possessed by sirens. Lao states, "It is of the marine element, and thus prophetic and secret [?] sirens call to man, urging him to abandon what he is fear of the sirens is the fear of upsetting the established equilibrium, of transforming, of being replaced" (21). Lilith and Tiamat were said to possess similar knowledge: the kind that wreaks fear in the hearts of men. Lao describes said marine knowledge as ambivalent: water can be both a blessing and a curse. She says, "All the vital processes take place in aqueous substance [?] in Greek mythology, rivers are the passage to the underworld" (20). Consequently, any woman tied to water or marine instinct should be feared for possessing the capability to dispense both death and immortality.
    Before and during the Renaissance, the mermaid existed as a sort of anti-woman. For authors such as Poliziana, Milton, and Calderon de la Barca, the mermaid's knowledge or beauty led men from their paths to righteousness. The Catholic Church accepted this imagery, using the mermaid in masonry and carving for nearly 600 years. To Catholic priests, she was the temptress standing, or swimming, between a man and God (Philpotts 50). Michelangelo's, The Fall of Man and his Expulsion from Paradise, further perpetuates this fear of the sexualized, learned woman. The figure seducing Adam and Eve at the Tree of Knowledge is a woman with a serpentine tail, reminiscent of the mermaid in shape and substance.

    Sanskrit religious and medical texts provide ambiguous and confusing hints at possible third-gender roles for women. The confusion is increased when western translations of the works impose ill-fitting categories on them via vocabulary choice. References to a tritiya prakriti (third nature) "one with neither masculine or feminine nature" have been interpreted as applying only to AMAB people who may take on female clothing or may undergo castration, but other interpretations suggest it includes cross-gender roles for both sexes. As the term appears in the context of sexual texts (the Kama Sutra), the term may be concerned specifically with roles associated with sexual activity. Within this context, the female term purushupini for a "third nature" may be connected with terms discussing "virile behavior in women" or women who take a "masculine role" in sex (e.g., penetration of either male and female partners). But much of the ambiguity comes from the focus in the text on male sexual activity and appropriate sexual partners for men, thus the possible implications of female same-sex relations are not explored.
    The sexual role of svairini (who can take on a penetrative role) is problematic in translated works, which generally try to shoehorn it into meaning "lesbian" Contextual examples seem to imply a meaning more like "a woman who operates sexually outside the normative female role." For example the svairini is listed as a type of prostitute (or, at least, a type of woman with whom it's permitted to engage in certain sex acts). But elsewhere it's noted "Svairini are independent women who frequent their own kind or others." (But does the "own kind/others" distinction mean "other svairini / non-svairini women" or "women/men"?) In another passage, "The svairini is one who refuses a husband and has relations in her own home or in other houses," which could imply simple marriage resistance while rejecting celibacy. And elsewhere the svairini is specifically described as engaging in sex with women, but specifically in a penetrative role. So is the svairini a gender role or a sexual one?
    It sounds like the stereotype of a bisexual woman or afab non-binary person in modern Western culture. Or as that other guy would say about people with dyed hair. 'This may be more common among people who are more r-oriented than K-oriented.' LOL. Which is the evo-psych way of calling you a whore.

    But there is enough evidence to support an understanding of a variety of "separate gender" roles for AFAB people in the past, some with religious functions, some with economic basis, and some associated with specific sexual interests. The degree to which these roles were self-chosen may have varied. While the concept of a "third nature" was viewed, in some circumstances, as an inherent trait, there is no clear unifying single model, nor do the Indian examples clearly align with "third gender" roles in other traditional societies worldwide. The Indian subcontinent was settled by successive waves of invasion or migration across a long period and the disparate "third gender" roles may represent the remnants of many different traditions (and tend to be geographically localized). Even before the effects of colonialism, cultural influences that resulted in the decline of Buddhism and those associated with the Muslim invasions altered the nature and understanding of third-gender roles.

    Compared to simultaneous bisexuality, successive bisexuality assumes a very different significance. Those who have both sexes successively are mediators and essentially "shamans," or seers. The most significant example in this regard remains *Tiresias*.27 As a seer, he establishes a relation between the world of the gods and that of mankind. Because he retains his mind in Hades, he remains alive among the dead. Because he lives for seven generations, he establishes a link between youth and old age. The fact that he is first a man, then a woman, before becoming a man once again, allows him to establish a relation between the world of men and that of women. It is as though a being that transcends the oppositions around which actual reality is articulated had to symbolise that transcendence in the most important opposition for human beings: the opposition between man and woman. Nevertheless, a third version of the myth of Tiresias, which ends with his transformation into a mouse, adds the transgression of a new opposition: the one between human and animal. In addition, it introduces us to a bestiary of bisexuality and divination, which includes animals that all maintain an obvious relation with bisexuality.

    In some versions of the Ramayana, when Rama leaves Ayodhya for his 14-year exile, a crowd of his subjects follow him into the forest because of their devotion to him. Soon Rama notices this, and gathers them to tell them not to mourn, and that all the "men and women" of his kingdom should return to their places in Ayodhya. Rama then leaves and has adventures for 14 years. When he returns to Ayodhya, he finds that the hijras, being neither men nor women, have not moved from the place where he gave his speech. Impressed with their devotion, Rama grants hijras the boon to confer blessings on people during auspicious inaugural occasions like childbirth and weddings. This boon is the origin of badhai in which hijras sing, dance, and give blessings.
    School is another dangerous place, full of bullying, blackmailing, and abuse. Many young hijra can't survive in this kind of environment and so they drop out of school and run away from home.9 For example, one participant in a study said, "I could not continue my education because the boys at school ridiculed me and called me names since my body language, movement and gestures were somehow different and students were able to recognize the difference."10 The only place left to go is a home that is specifically made for hijras to live in, run by a mentor called a guru. These places let hijras be free to be themselves; they can wear makeup and feminine clothes freely. However, they also are required to make money, and although they perform at events such as weddings and births, that is primarily done through sex work with a bit of begging as well. Sex work leaves them at high risk for both abuse and HIV/AIDS, but other jobs are mostly unavailable due to stigma, lack of education, and abuse from coworkers.11
    There's stuff that I read but can't find now before that goes more into the role thing and compares with modern day genderqueer people, and maybe other [BEEP] people too.

    Also I'm really surprised that Call of Duty (any game in that series I guess,) isn't on that list or even number one. Because I've never had much interest in playing that game, the fanbase is very.... Yeah. Infamous actually. And it's stereotypically the most masculine male game I would say. So that's interesting.

    I'm not playing games as much these days as when I was younger but I like ps1 platformers that I grew up with and played a lot, Tekken arcade games (cause I like playing it in arcades as well lol because I'm too lazy to set up my ps3 and play the last Tekken game I bought, my brain and ability to focus at home is so broken by the internet that I have to leave the house to watch films at the cinema and play some games in arcades... That was their plan all along it's how you get exercise) other arcade games, The Sims games, I still 'play' Runescape regularly, Elder Scrolls games - I like fantasy, rpgs, Final Fantasy VII, Fallout 3 (I'm not going to exhaustively list every game I've enjoyed lol.) I used to like Pokemon games a lot as a kid. I like GTA too but I've only played 4. GTA appeals to me though because it's a sandbox game and there's a lot of things you can do in the game. The more linear a game is the less into it I generally am. I also like weird indie games sometimes like Binding of Isaac and The Stanley Parable.

    But I id as non-binary and male and female so. I'm not even sure if that was an option in the survey lol. Like multiple choice.

    I don't think I'm creative because I'm often distracted from that and because I've had minimal success and I'm unmotivated and I also don't think I come up with very original ideas either. And sometimes it's just something I've stumbled on as a complete accident (in fact the most success I've had came from a complete accident that I developed over time,) I also work better with an audience probably because I don't self motivate well - I'm quite narcissistic and the feedback also helps inspire me (but paradoxically attention freaks me out so that's not a great combination,) but then most creative people fail or fail in their lifetime while they're alive, so measuring that is kind of difficult anyway.

    He's sensible so avoids social media entirely.

    I'll take being lazy over extremely conscientious, conservative men. Their solution to everything is ultimately 'kill inferior people.' Mostly [BEEP] women as it turns out.

    While they pretend they don't get off on the idea of being cucked.

    And maybe if you want to destroy us you deserve to be destroyed.

    Speaking of the UK:

    Among women who turned 45 last year almost one in five 18% were without children, a big rise compared with the 13% of their mothers' generation who did not become a parent. The number of women having only one child has also risen sharply in that age group, from 13% among their mothers' generation to 17% last year.
    The proportion of women who reached 30 years without a child has changed substantially over time (Figure 2), with half (50.1% ) of the latest cohort to reach 30-years-old (born in 1990) having no children. The lowest level of childlessness (17.9% ) by age 30 years was for those born in 1941.

    Holy water cannot help you now
    Thousand armies couldn't keep me out
    I don't want your money
    I don't want your crown
    See, I've come to burn your kingdom down

    Hmm speaking of Florence Welch:

    Welch has been open about her struggles with anxiety and depression, as well as with alcohol. Many of her songs reflect these issues.[92] In 2019, she discussed her panic attacks in an interview with Sinead Burke. She explained, "My hands go tingly, my lips go tingly. I sort of think that it's very serious and I'm about to die and I have to lie on the floor and breathe...I know I'm having a panic attack, really. But I also really want someone to take me to hospital."[93]
    In Florence and the Machine's 2018 single "Hunger", she opened up for the first time about an eating disorder she had as a teenager. She has also spoken of being a highly imaginative and fearful child. "I learned ways to manage that terror?drink, drugs, controlling food..."[18]

    She has multiple learning disorders too:

    Despite an early love of reading and literature, she was diagnosed with dyslexia, owing to problems with spelling, alongside dyspraxia, a developmental coordination disorder that does not affect her reading ability, but caused issues with organization.[20][21] Music and books gave her a reprieve from what she felt made her different from others. "I used reading as a form of escape. I was shy and sensitive, and so reading gave me a safe space."[22]

    We argue in the kitchen about whether to have children
    And about the world ending, and the scale of my ambition
    And how much is art really worth
    The very thing you're best at is the thing that hurts the most

    I need my golden crown of sorrow
    My bloody sword to swing
    My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology
    I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king
    I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king

    But a woman is a changeling, always shifting shape
    Just when you think you have it figured out
    Something new begins to take
    What strange claws are these scratching at my skin?
    I never knew my killer would be coming from within
    I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king
    I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king

    And I was never as good
    As I always thought I was
    But I knew how to dress it up
    I was never satisfied, it never let me go
    Just dragged me by my hair
    And back on with the show

    Lol the juxtaposition here kind of cracks me up though cause the Americans are like:

    'Lol you're a loser 'consoomer' from reddit with glasses.'


    'I like to play video games so I'm not having kids.'

    And then English people are like:

    'I'm going to burn down your kingdom.' (Me not Florence, though she wrote the lyrics.)


    'You are genetic mutants who should have died during the Industrial revolution. Things were better when we burnt you to death.'

    Actually you know it basically is this scene now that I think about it:


    "Your birth rate was to die."

    Because he was small and weak and abandoned by the frost giants.

    So dramatic.

    Edit: Lol I meant birth right not birth rate but that's a great Freudian slip because that too is dying.

    No obviously it's not that simple or one sided, but it's funny. Everytime I see an extreme psychopath culture warring they are typically from my country.

    I feel like British people especially English people are very inexpressive but have this intense hatred and rage underneath, especially upper middle class English people. And Americans are expressive but it's hard for them to reach the same level/vibe most of the time. I might just find British people creepier/worse though because I'm British so it's more personal (I don't think so though because most of the internet thinks British people are the worst atm.) Sometimes when Americans have a similar vibe or something I'll find out they're part English... Creepy.

    She was also British I guess not Enya Boudica:

    Boudica's husband Prasutagus, with whom she had two daughters, ruled as a nominally independent ally of Rome. He left his kingdom jointly to his daughters and to the Roman emperor in his will. When he died, his will was ignored, and the kingdom was annexed and his property taken. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, Boudica was flogged and her daughters raped.[1] The historian Cassius Dio wrote that previous imperial donations to influential Britons were confiscated and the Roman financier and philosopher Seneca called in the loans he had forced on the reluctant Britons.

    In 60/61, Boudica led the Iceni and other British tribes in revolt. They destroyed Camulodunum (modern Colchester), earlier the capital of the Trinovantes, but at that time a colonia for discharged Roman soldiers. Upon hearing of the revolt, the Roman governor Gaius Suetonius Paulinus hurried from the island of Mona (modern Anglesey) to Londinium, the 20-year-old commercial settlement that was the rebels' next target. Unable to defend the settlement, he evacuated and abandoned it. Boudica's army defeated a detachment of the Legio IX Hispana, and burnt both Londinium and Verulamium. In all, an estimated 70,000?80,000 Romans and Britons were killed by Boudica's followers. Suetonius, meanwhile, regrouped his forces, possibly in the West Midlands, and despite being heavily outnumbered, he decisively defeated the Britons. Boudica died, by suicide or illness, shortly afterwards. The crisis of 60/61 caused Nero to consider withdrawing all his imperial forces from Britain, but Suetonius's victory over Boudica confirmed Roman control of the province.
    Her army didn't win and so we're still buthurt about that probably. Unconsciously I mean. I didn't know who Boudicca was before googling the Enya song and I didn't hear the Enya song until I watched an episode of Criminal Minds in I think late 2021? And I only started watching Criminal Minds because I saw a clip with Spencer Reid and wanted to read fanfiction about the character so I thought I should watch every episode first but drifted around season 9 or so (it's an insanely long series.) So basically what I'm saying is genius twinks lead to violence.

    Someone's actually investigating this. That's great:

    Why British are full of repressed rage?

    Is it because you repress it? I?ve never seen anyone going from lovely and polite to raging in a matter of seconds as much as a Brit. Could you explain why? Are you always raging and disguise this with politeness?

    Sometimes they live in Birmingham though. That's a different thing:

    I think this contributes:

    This isn't so much a thing that Brits are full of repressed rage, more that our angry people are encouraged by social pressure to hide it more. I don't think we are any angrier than anywhere else, we just have a veneer on top so you can't see as easily who is an angry person and who isn't.
    Yeah this is really annoying though actually and Americans did kind of adopt this psychopathic rhetorical style to some extent:

    Much of the fun of any intra-British argument is being the last to lose one's temper. That way you get to smile a supercilious smile and say something along the lines of 'my word, you do seem rather angry', or 'perhaps you should calm down - your blood pressure will thank you'. The next move is to step back from punching range.
    Well they tried to, but people like Ben Shapiro can't pull it off at all.
    The impulse is pure
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    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
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    Everybody got to deviate
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  4. #5434
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    My headphone cable is broken and I need to get a new one I think (and maybe new headphones again since the wireless feature also broke a month or so before that...) But because of that if the cable is in certain positions sometimes it sounds like water pouring like some kind of fountain or tap while listening to music. Weird.

    I don't really like that the older I get the longer the hair I find attractive, and everyone else is moving in the opposite direction. That's very sensible of them in terms of not attracting crazy people but still. (I mean I've always preferred long hair but it went from being a preference to like 'every guy I'm into has long hair now huh?')

    Actually this isn't really a thing in general. Guys have had mostly short or short-ish hair outside maybe the metal subculture for decades. Also it's mostly just cause guys usually eventually cut their hair when they hit a certain age (but that age varies,) or get into a relationship etc.

    I was thinking about this cause for some reason I saw this video thumbnail in smaller form and thought he had much longer hair because I just imagined that or something lol (it seems obvious now that he doesn't):

    Like during this era:

    There aren't many good quality photos/videos etc of when he had hair like that so I got excited. Also I think at some point he had his hair longer than this can't remember.

    Not that that shoulder length hairstyle isn't attractive too, but I'm in my 'super long hair is hot' era it seems. Also he cut his hair way shorter recently for the first time ever which is fine.

    I've been growing my hair out which seems like some weird compulsion because it's somewhat ego dystonic at this stage in my life, and it's also annoying and I don't really want it this long. It's harder to manage and then there's the fact that I've had mild trichotillomania since I was about 11. Even putting that aside when you have long hair it still just gets everywhere no matter what. I randomly decided to see if I could get it to waist length though then cut it as some challenge. Not sure I've ever had it that long. But also I think that might take forever to grow (atm it's about the same length his hair is in that photo actually I think but possibly a bit shorter I think? Hard to say with the angle,) so kind of annoying.

    So I get why someone wouldn't want to have long hair. I'm just being the hair I want to see in the world I guess.

    Then I started googling stuff and stumbled on some thread on the student room forum (which is like some university forum with a mostly UK user base) where some guy was asking whether this girl he liked was less attracted to him after getting a buzz cut because her reaction to him changed. He didn't know whether she was actually attracted in the first place though. This was one of the comments which interested me:

    I've experienced girls having incredibly negative reactions to me getting very short haircuts before. People who previously thought I was very attractive were absolutely horrified.
    It's probably an amplified effect because my hair, when it's a little longer, gets a lot of attention. If you're the sort of person that people see and think "Wow, I like his hair", a haircut will obviously make a big difference, but otherwise it probably isn't a big deal.
    I wonder if they actually expressed that they were horrified or if he assumed or? I would think most people wouldn't express that to someone irl even if that's how they felt.

    Then I just stumbled on some even weirder stuff:

    I (F24) think the guy I started seeing (M27) has been cutting my hair in my sleep
    I'm fairly new to dating as this is my first time single in about 7 years. I met this guy on a dating app a few months ago and we have been talking back and forth for a few months consistently without meeting until recently because he is admittingly very shy and insecure. I didn't mind not meeting considering I have an avoidant attachment style and really like having my personal time/space. We finally met a few weeks ago and nothing seemed wrong in fact we talked for hours. It wasn't until last week that I started to notice some weird behaviors.


    He ended up staying over the next day and I noticed the clingy behavior get worse (for example getting annoyed if I pulled away from him to readjust my body while cuddling.
    Oh no this takes me back.

    I'm not copying this whole thread it was a long post.

    I tried to tell myself that I was crazy and trying to find a way out of a relationship before it began due to my avoidant attachment so I continued to contact him cautiously and decided to hang out with him again last night. I've been really busy with a promotion at work recently so I've been especially tired lately and fell asleep while he was over. I told myself that everything was fine and it was all in my head until later today I was looking in the mirror and noticed on the other side of my head another lock of hair cut an uneven length from the rest of my hair. Now I'm pretty much sure he's been cutting chunks of my hair off while I sleep without me knowing and I'm not sure what to do.
    Someone told her to change the locks on her door after breaking up with him and the other comments are like this:

    I think he's already started the process of changing her locks.
    My God the puns in this post are hair-larious.
    Definitely a hairy situation. Especially after combing through the evidence.
    OP, don't brush this off!
    Seems like he was conditioning her.
    Maybe the police will comb through their arrest records for his criminal history.
    They'll probably end up splitting hairs over the investigation
    They're working hard to get to the root of the issue.
    Why is reddit like this lol?
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  5. #5435
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    Consciousness being the ultimate reality makes sense of the universe being infinite (and finite) just as "space" appears in a dream, space can be infinite within consciousness. In fact, it makes sense of everything. I think it's weird that when people talk about the universe, they're referring to space, time and matter. No on talks about consciousness, when it's the thing that's most directly available to us.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  6. #5436
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    So someone posted a video of a guy I guess from the 1950s asking out a woman in a diner - though the woman doesn't have the right aesthetic for then so they didn't really pull it off and then it cuts to like nightmare music/lighting with a guy scrolling through women on a dating app on his phone.

    Nothing stopping you from still doing this btw
    I don't wanna be that guy, but it takes two.

    What's stopping most isn't the confidence. It's the physical location. You don't find random pretty women at diners anymore. Or at work. Or at church.

    Most are at home or never born...
    You don't find people that pretty in many places because most people are average looking and also if you live in the US overweight. But you can find plenty of women in public still especially in cities.

    Lol, bunch of excuses sadly
    From someone who is now well on the road to marriage, it took me 3 years, several young adult groups, ~5 large events, ~30 smaller events, having a larger confidence than all of my male peers, and going to random public places in order for me to physically find a reasonable woman
    That sounds like a skill issue
    I wouldn't say it's a skill issue since it sounds like he's saying he doesn't find most women attractive. Common for people to not really find people attractive enough to date these days.

    Last time I tried to approach a woman to dance, her overweight friend intercepted me and yelled at me to go the hell away
    i mean, the fact you have to specify a weight characteristics for a situation that doesnt benefit from said info means they def dodged a bullet
    Well he has an cartoon avatar, most of his tweets are just anime memes/videos and his bio is this:

    I came here to laugh at you. Advocate for return to aggressiveness in the military, common sense, and shitposting.
    Another tweet:

    W*men reject you, then ensure no other woman in a 50 mile radius will ever consider dating you
    Probably something else going on there.

    A lot of the other responses are conservative viewpoints, people complaining about Only Fans and elevating the influence of that on women (it's essentially irrelevant to this issue,) and then there's some antisemitic conspiracy image someone uploaded that needs some more pixels (somewhat blurry.) For some reason the text of the meme is all about Germany but the guy posting it is from the US...

    Quoting part of the text:

    Similar to the policies currently underway in all white countries, aren't they? Emasculate the males to prevent violent resistance, and then propagandize the females to breed with males of other races, a very simple plan to destroy a race you've conquered without having to risk your own lives with violence.
    OK lol.

    Actually so. Earlier I was browsing a bunch of subreddits like amitheasshole and eventually stumbled on a thread where someone was asking why people confuse neoteny and femininity which is an interesting question but not related (maybe I'll make a pointless post about that later,) in the comments of that thread people were randomly discussing Asian beauty standards (Asian people often prioritise neoteny more they were saying even when it comes to men,) and then some guy came along complaining about Western propaganda making Asian guys out to be unattractive:

    No other options lol. If there were tons of white guys in Asia, the girls would 100% go for them no questions asked asian women from Asia would rather go for a 1/10 short fat balding white guy than a 10/10 tall jacked Asian guy. Its unfortunate how much western propaganda has gone
    The majority of asian women would move given the chance. If there were an Asian guy and a white guy, both can speak Chinese, both grew up in China, both were cultural the same, both make the same money and have the same job, 10/10 of asian women would choose white guys. Again, the western propaganda is unfortunate
    That would have to be quite the white guy fetish. I'd almost be impressed.

    Meanwhile in South Korea lol:

    There have been a number of car accidents involving Korean idols being followed by sasaeng fans. In 2011, two members of the band Super Junior were caught in a six-car collision after being chased by eight fan vehicles in Singapore. The band members, Leeteuk and Heechul, were unharmed, but Heechul later tweeted that he still suffered after-effects from the accident and was often afraid to drive.[25][26] In 2013, Seungri, formerly of the band Big Bang, suffered minor injuries in a car accident in Shanghai involving a sasaeng fan.[27] In 2015, Chanyeol of the band Exo wrote on Weibo that he was constantly followed by 20 fan vehicles during a visit to Shanghai.[28] In 2016, Jackson of Got7 sustained minor injuries in an accident on the way to an airport in China that involved a fan closely following his car.[29]
    I've got to be honest as attractive as the '1/10 overweight balding white guy' sounds on paper, I'm not sure if he can compete with kpop idols when it comes to those women.

    So I was thinking while reading that there's a tendency for music videos from popular South Korean and Japanese bands to just have a bunch of white women in even though there are basically none living in those countries. Like the more popular they are globally the more I notice maybe some of them are Eurasian but look white:

    Just off the top of my head. Lol someone has apparently made a compilation video for kpop videos with white women in and these were some of the comments:

    Where the hell is black girl's
    Theres a whole [BEEP] channel for that. And multiple videos for it.
    There's a hanful of white girls and black girls in k-pop videos. But what about us latinas?! Are there any latina/native american looking models in k-pop MVs I'm not aware of??
    You don't need validation from korean men anyway smh 🤦🏻*♀️
    Also I looked through that channel and most of their videos are about white women and Kpop idols and then one video about black women and kpop idols.

    It's weird but on the other hand white and black Western guys doing this are more obnoxious and worse:

    This week, hosts for Dzien Dobry TVN, a Polish morning television show produced an entire segment proving why members of BTS shouldn't have topped TC Candler's "100 Most Handsome Faces" list for 2019 (the band's youngest member, Jeon Jungkook, came in at #1).

    "He's not very masculine," one of the hosts remarked. "More like a little boy than a man." The segment went on to interview people on the streets of Poland to support their thesis of anti-Asian sentiments with some questioning the sex of the members. Prompted on social media on why such a segment was produced, its host, Anna Kalczyńska-Maciejowska said this: "Jungkook wears lipstick, wears huge earrings and is experimenting with the look that I don't find masculine."
    Would any BTS member marry a white girl (if you know Korean and I know the chances are tiny but still)?
    Some black guy on quora (stumbled on this while looking up other stuff for this post lol tbh I mostly expected white guys and seen white guys doing this kind of thing but yeah he's black):

    Most of the Korean boy band members come off as Extremely homosexual in their looks and mannerisms, so I doubt they'd like you in said way. Not only that, its no secret Korea is very racist when it comes to dating non Koreans, which is strange since many all but worship white ethnic features and whites in general.
    There isn't much of a conspiracy here really. People from every group do this. The combination with white women will happen more often not because there's some conspiracy to bring down white people but because conventionally attractive white women are unfortunately seen as trophies and makes men seem higher status. Also sometimes (in the case of Asian music videos,) they're trying to appeal to that audience because they want to appeal to a global audience. Doesn't really effect irl dating patterns much though it's just a media thing.

    White people make up the majority in Western countries so they're usually represented in Western films, TV shows and advertising with interracial relationships which they want to do to increase diversity but one person is still usually white because they don't want to alienate the majority audience by not including someone they can identify with. This results in a disproportionate number of interracial relationships that are white + someone of a different race.

    Certain combinations are also common like black men + white women and Asian woman + white guy, because they're relatively more popular while still being rare overall. Also there's some weird attempt to insist Asian guys aren't attractive which seems more dumb/butthurt every year. This overlaps with the general thing where straight men hate stuff that actually appeals to young women - boyish/neotenous/androgynous musicians. Because they don't fit the type and because they think women should be attracted to more masculine guys. They were equally enraged about Justin Bieber.


    Koreans then, with their dewy complexions, their juicy red lips, their smokey eyes, and piercings, challenge Western ideals of men altogether. For them, power comes in the form of a white man who is gruff, rough, hyper-masculine. For a more fluid form of masculinity to exist has confounded some, enraged others. Coming to terms with Asian male sexuality threatens white male power, a concept that white people rarely have to experience. This place of discomfort ? feeling eclipsed of power ? instills fear.
    The entire movement was a deliberate campaign of Asian male erasure, one that was created to completely castrate Asian men of sexuality and desire. Sparked by white men?s fear that they were losing their white women to "foreign" powers, Yellow Peril was successful at minimizing Asian male existence. To this day, Asian Americans still feel the effects of emasculation, leading to psychological impacts that include thoughts of suicide, low self-esteem or self-worth. A recent study found Asian men to be the "least desirable" demographic in America by both straight and gay communities, in what?s now known as "sexual discrimination."
    I don't actually think the Western beauty standards according to young women actually differ much from East Asian standards it's just that straight people ignore what each other finds attractive on purpose and does their own thing. I don't think white women are generally deluded about what men find attractive (they know they don't on average like dyed hair, tattoos and overweight women,) but I think some white guys have actually convinced themselves that young women are all into hypermasculinity because that's the aesthetic they like...

    These things are competing with each other though like on the one hand men feel bad when they're not represented by very masculine guys as described and when those guys aren't dominant in the culture and media and I think that's probably also the case in East Asia often - especially in China obviously where they ban kpop and websites where women feminise men, danmei comics etc. But since that's something women and especially young women find attractive there's a constant conflict.

    I find it hilarious that I actually found some conservative guy on twitter who was like 'we have to bring back boy bands to the West to stop this anime/kpop worship.'

    Yeah you should probably do something. I dunno what but at this point I'm watching videos from the 1970s and early 1980s out here:

    Kpop isn't a solution because I don't like most of the music lol. I have very high standards. It's the same with this it's OK but no and he looks half dead/really apathetic and suicidal not even my weird green glitter fetish that this video seems to be bizarrely catering to can save this:

    "If you were dead do you think she'd even care?"

    We killed manic pixie dream boys ._. they're just shallow husks now. Dead inside.

    I miss this whole era in music. It had a different energy. I really think it's because people weren't so depressed. This is the remnants of our societal peak in the 90s. It took a while to fizzle out but it's gone now
    I wouldn't say there was some societal peak in the 90s because people have been complaining about a variety of things for so long and there were numerous issues and grunge music:

    Though I still like Nirvana lol probably because I grew up with it. And at least it's angrier. And I prefer rock music.

    But yeah people were less mentally ill and the music in the 2000s was more mixed in energy. There was still stuff like this but it was weirdly still more energetic and then there was also happier/brighter stuff especially in the late 2000s. Lots of people sound like they're trying to be the worst possible version of Deftones where they've stripped everything appealing about Deftones music away and fused the results with electronic music and hip hop. And the electronic music is sometimes happier/bouncier/lighter to contrast but it still doesn't quite work imo (+ sometimes it's not and then you don't even get that.)

    And TikTok has basically demonstrated that 90%+ of women are complete morons.
    I guess if you're retarded and assume it's representational.

    Almost word for word, that's how I asked out my now wife in the middle of the day in the streets of Melbourne, Australia 🦸*♂️ (after being a prolific online dater with more than 150 first dates in two years). Ditched the apps Feb 2018, met Anna in September 2018. Women absolutely love and appreciate this gentleman.
    Good god.

    I don't see what problem is, who actually wants to leave their room?
    Sleep in the pod and eat the bugs pleeb
    Says the guy whose twitter is full of tweets about crypto shit.

    The older women can all bang horny 20-year-olds and they do. Older guys who date online pay for the dates and then the women call the young horny dudes who screw everything with a hole including other guys. if you hear older guy I get dates online is a simp paying for the meals.
    I wasn't invited to that party lol.

    The fact he doesn't want to cuddle all the time is the reason she wants to

    If he fully reciprocated and wanted to cuddle as much, she'd perceive him as lower value and get the ick

    He has a stable high-affection relationship right now. He just has to not [BEEP] it up for 60 years
    This isn't a healthy dynamic. I've been in and avoided similar situations with similar people (or well one guy was like this on the first date so then I avoided a relationship then he went insane,) because it's what happens when you have an avoidant attachment style generally you attract people with an anxious preoccupied attachment style for some reason. You always feel like the other person is smothering you and you have really strong personal boundaries. Then again I also was ambivalent about guys when I got into relationships with them. It's possible that if I found someone I was more compatible with and attracted to and comfortable with I wouldn't feel that way.

    They should talk about it but they're not, in his case that makes sense because he's obviously avoidant. Probably could cuddle while watching TV too but somehow I doubt he wants to and that's why they don't do the obvious.

    Wonder why it's always gendered this way. I feel like you're leaving out t̶h̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶n̶-̶b̶i̶n̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶ and the women who are travelling Europe alone in a van and uh let me quote the thing again:

    Just found this video lol and he's complaining about a woman who lives in a van travelling around Europe etc haha. She found a partner while on the road I think and she's talking about how she worried that they were kind of merged together now and she clearly desired more independence. Again you can see she has an avoidant attachment style lol.


    woman in video: 'I kind of lost myself in this relationship'
    Gavin McInnes: 'yeah that's called love you stupid [BEEP]'
    other guy behind the camera talking to Gavin: 'And by the way he glommed onto your lifestyle'
    Gavin: 'your stupid lifestyle'
    other guy: 'Yeah'
    Gavin: 'living in a van? Fucking dangerous.'
    Woman in video: unfortunately it took me moving to Europe and abandoning everything I had in the US to realise that I need to rekindle my independence a little bit.

    Then they both go on to say that the guy shouldn't have let her break up with him and just been like 'no, we're not breaking up.' and 'take charge stop being such a [BEEP] men.'

    God he's so punchable. And the comments section is a mess too of course. Lots of really bitter men convinced that 'if it was chad or Tyrone she wouldn't have broken up' 'she just wants to have tons of casual sex' and so on. They're just projecting lol because that's what they want.

    Oh and that advice seems to assume the woman is doing it to get some kind of declaration of love/commitment which is what people with anxious attachment styles or borderline personality disorder do, but not avoidants. Stupid.

    The basic method is to build trust and create safety. Interpersonal safety is the primary need of virtually every person I have ever met who suffers from schizoid personality disorder. Yes, they want other things, such as love, respect, and feeling understood, but their priority is feeling safe with the other person.
    I'm sure that kind of thing must appeal to avoidants... I was very into that starting around 2014 but never actually did it because I don't do things or commit to decisions mostly. There's also the economic factor which is appealing where you can potentially build something cheaper in some cases (though lots of microhomes end up being more expensive than their worth.) The control/independence factor is obvious though.

    I don't really endorse this (I mean there's a reason it's not considered a healthy 'secure' attachment style,) but I feel like I've been like this from a young age like that encounter as a kid with another boy where he requested I do something for him and I felt disgusted and lost interest after previously initiating whatever it was I was doing... Probably because of genetics and my parents fucked up dynamic.

    It's also bad because you can't trust yourself. Most people get lonely and bored at some point because they're Human especially if they're not on the extreme end of schizoid PD (even then it just manifests differently.) But then you don't know how you're going to react/feel about your partner even if you have a crush on them from a distance or while you're not together.

    OK but this is hilarious:

    Cuddling is ridiculous. You overheat within like 2 minutes. And then you can't move or adjust or anything. Plus it's an invasion of your space. Women don't want to even generate their own body heat they want to take men's body heat.
    Fair point.
    how in the fucking christ is that a fair point
    The impulse is pure
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  7. #5437
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    Having no trust circle to vet your dates is going to be absolutely terrible and lead to a lot more abuse
    Yeah for some people it can be hard enough irl but this is going to become a more widespread and frequent problem with online dating because a lot of people are filtered out irl in ways they're not online when you're meeting total strangers almost all the time.

    Oh great apparently Alex Jones is back on twitter. For unclear reasons since I remember Elon saying he didn't want him back on because of the Sandyhook thing years ago.

    .@elonmusk, @Cobratate, & I are on team humanity.
    What a joke.

    Tate won?t have a second of my time.
    You and Elon still have my hope.
    You are a woman nobody cares what u think
    If people said things like this irl they really would get punched a lot more often.

    its ok , we respect the dude . most men do . and you need men to change things , no offence
    Citation needed.

    Are you serious , Andrew is the best look to have he has the young men in millions ...future soldiers .
    Andrew the general and King of Wudang.
    lmfao. Pls tell me you're joking?
    This is my least favourite cult.

    Shut up woman when he was cancelled tate stood beside him where was you
    Guys like this are really lucky that [redacted]

    Learn proper grammar, I almost got an aneurysm. Also, thank you for proving the point. You Tate supporters always see women as less than.
    Women are less than let's be honest men are stronger faster smarter you are less than it's the truth.
    Someone else. Benevolent sexism is still annoying:

    That is true in many ways, but this means men have a responsibility to protect women, whereas Tate has made a career off predating upon both women and men. Of course he's a horrible person, and he's expressed no regrets for his actions. Let's not idolize him
    In other words, regardless of whether the candidate's behavioral style is dominant or communal, participants perceive a highly competent white woman as more "pushy" and "ruthless" than her Asian and male counterparts. These results also do not differ by race and gender of the subject.
    fcks wrong with you. don't attack all women you dipsht
    I love women but we must be honest.
    [B]Catherine II[a] (born Princess Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst; 2 May 1729 ? 17 November 1796), most commonly known as Catherine the Great,[c] was the reigning empress of Russia from 1762 to 1796. She came to power after overthrowing her husband, Peter III. Under her long reign, inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment, Russia experienced a renaissance of culture and sciences, which led to the founding of many new cities, universities, and theatres, along with large-scale immigration from the rest of Europe and the recognition of Russia as one of the great powers of Europe.
    This would be him.

    This is retarded.
    True lol.

    This is exactly how the beast rises.

    As an advocate for humanity against totalitarianism.

    The same way the occult sees Lucifer as the liberator from ?God?s tyranny? in the garden.

    Everything playing out is occult initiation of humanity.

    Down the rabbit hole into the awakening
    What is Tate's number in gematria?
    Andrew Tate = 666 (English Gematria)

    Wtf is happening lol?

    people associate dumb ideas with women not because women are dumber than men, but because hot dumb women have a vector for widely disseminating dumb ideas via their sexual access to high status men, but hot dumb men can't do this
    I don't actually because I'm reading the dumbest takes men have constantly online. I think it's because women often adopt new cultural ideas first and experiment with them.

    I don't believe in astrology myself but it's no more stupid than Christianity which people have more respect for due to the numbers who follow that religion.

    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
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    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  8. #5438
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    I think it's funny how people suddenly care about atrocities in the world just because it's in the media, like fucked up [BEEP] hasn't been happening all over the world since forever. It's an illusion of caring in my opinion. It's selective caring.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  9. #5439
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    I'm so glad paranoid men with psychopathic traits are getting this much attention online and have millions of followers.

    I'm starting to almost care about football lately which I don't like. Most football games are incredibly boring to watch because they're overly defensive but I watched one with Tottenham vs Newcastle recently (only because my dad was watching it lol,) which was pretty good because they actually scored. Also Luton are in the premier league for the first time ever technically I think which is sort of cool.

    It feels wrong though as a nerdy artsy person (my favourite sport is obviously fighting with people fight online and destroying Western civilisation.) I'm going to get cooties obviously and burn up and die (like a vampire lol.)

    Actually well football is the most popular sport in the UK and associated with masculinity it has a particular image (I mean I guess it's not as masculine as rugby if you're ranking stuff, but it's still seen as masculine in the UK.) So it cracks me up that it's seen as 'gay' elsewhere like in the US (I've seen people discussing this before.) I always forget. It's a non contact sport and there's also a lot of theatre tbf:

    I like it when people do this as well:

    Would British women be impressed by my masculinity if I play football in front of them, a highly tough and manly sport? Would that be a turn on because that would make me more masculine than British men?
    No I wouldn't try to appeal to that stereotype. The stereotypical American guy is too rugged and unsophisticated for most British women I would say.


    We would stand in awe at your virile prowess, especially if…

    You play the UK way; without armour, on a freezing hillside in February, without stopping every five minutes for a rest
    This is the most British thing I've ever read:

    Football? Yes. They love football players. Strikers and midfielders seem to be the most popular. Most British men play or have some interest in football though.

    Of course the big tanky lads played rugby.

    You're that lad who got ironed out by a teenage girl in an Ipswich chippy though. So you will never be masculine by anyone’s standards.
    I spent some time in Ipswich when I was 16-18~ because my friend at the time moved there so I would stay with her for a few days during holidays/weekends etc sometimes (think I stayed with hew for new years one year but we didn't do anything lol I think she drunk alcopops. I didn't because I was basically like Tina from Bob's Burgers as a teenager including the fanfiction,) but I don't really remember the town much now. I mostly remember going to Felixstowe (which in my memory has dark ps1 game lighting,) and then buying a bunch of cheap Yugioh cards in a tin from a market stall which ended up being fake. I don't care so much though because sometimes fake stuff is funny. More so bootleg games though.

    That’s the one with the really tight pants, right? You’d go down great on Canal St, in Manchester. The ladies there would love you.
    The thing is he's using this as an insult but is also just true. Like cisgender gay men are mostly into cheesy masculinity like that so it might work. Although anecdotally with British gay guys not so much. There's no polite way to say this but I think it depends on their class background and education level a bit (probably personality too.) This is just what I've noticed though (and it's not an absolute thing,) no one's going to do research on that kind of thing lol.

    We need 4chan to answer this question for him:

    Also my friend sent me this video on twitter where some people were urban exploring and they found a booby trap in an abandoned house which prob would have killed them if they didn't notice the wire. It is a bit like playing Tomb Raider irl haha:

    That's not the tweet but it's the same incident. Actually they weren't urban explorers looking into it now they were real estate investors.

    I'd prefer Owlman over that:

    This video is so low quality. I think there were other owlman videos and I might have even stumbled on his YouTube channel many years ago now but can't find that now.

    Oh wait yeah there was a film:

    I don't know the chronology though like what inspired what? The first guy in the prank video is obviously Scottish too and the setting for the film is in Scotland. It also reminds me of some of Steven Wilson's music videos for Insurgentes and Grace for Drowning with the costumes especially the bird one obviously in Harmony Korine:

    Q: What inspired you to create the Owlman prank videos?

    A: It all started with our film 'Lord of Tears', which was how we first unleashed the Owlman on the world. People seemed to really love the character (in as much as one can love an ancient, malevolent deity bent on destroying mankind!) and we felt there was a hunger to see more of him beyond the film. We knew that he had great potential to freak people out, and so we decided to set the Owlman loose on the unsuspecting public and see what happened! We were blown away by the response to the pranks – we've had celebrity endorsements, reaction videos, even people getting tattoos of the Owlman. We've continued making more and more outrageous pranks to entertain and terrify our subscribers.

    Hex Studios is an indie production company, so we're always thinking of ways that we can spread the word about what we do, without the multi-million marketing budgets that big studios have, and the Owlman pranks have turned out to be a fun, and very effective way of doing that.
    Oh yeah that makes a lot more sense. I couldn't really remember tbh because it's been ages since I last watched any of those videos. I used to be really into abandoned hospitals and things like that. But the only abandoned hospital I walked around was recently abandoned and so not that interesting. I've seen some really cool images online with like kids drawings with text like 'they took my brain' etc and lots more old objects around. Also abandoned power plants and thinks like that are really cool. Also, I feel like this is where stories of cryptids sometimes come from lol.

    There's a bunch of these pranks not just in abandoned places it's even scarier if you're in the middle of nowhere though lol.

    At least it's a bit more effort and creative with the costumes than a lot of pranks now which are just stupid stuff but at the same time when tons of people are doing things like this it gets annoying and people have stuff to do and you're getting in the way. I guess if it happens to you once in a blue moon it's an interesting story to tell though.

    I'd also be worried about the possibility - if you're doing this in some shopping centre or something - that you give someone a heart attack or something because it's a possibility. Especially with people who are very unfit or elderly. It's happened to older people when people break into their house:

    An elderly man suffered a massive heart attack and died after discovering two intruders fleeing his home.
    John O'Donoghue (62) returned to his house in Toomaline, Co Limerick, shortly before 2pm and discovered burglars who had spent "many hours" ransacking the dwelling.

    The shock of the incident induced heart failure and he fell to the ground in front of his traumatised sister.

    The siblings, who were said to be "inseparable", had lived together in their modest home for a number of years.

    The sister is a retired nurse and she immediately tried to revive her brother.

    But he remained unresponsive and died just yards from his front door.
    Washington burglar jailed over death of man, 71, who suffered heart attack during break-in

    A woman has been handed a 20-year jail sentence over the death of a pensioner who had a heart attack after she broke into his home.

    Sarah Daniel burgled the home of 71-year-old William 'Billy' Jackson, who died after going into cardiac arrest.

    The 71-year-old man was described as gentle and generous by his grieving family in a statement after she was jailed following a hearing at Newcastle Crown Court on Wednesday 9 November.

    The court heard how Daniel had entered his home on 24 September 2021 while her partner Leanne English waited outside. Another defendant, who was later cleared of any wrongdoing relating to the death, was also present at the scene.

    The pathologist who carried out the postmortem examination on Mr Jackson, who had advanced heart disease, diabetes and mobility issues, said he would not have died at that exact moment if not for the stress caused by the burglary.
    An "extremely distressing" 999 call made by a pensioner who died from a heart attack after she was burgled has been released as her family appeal for help to bring those responsible to justice.

    Maureen Whale, 77, was at home in Bells Hill, Barnet, at around 6pm on December 4 when two men broke into her home and stole her handbag.

    She collapsed while on the phone to a 999 operator and was taken to hospital in a critical condition. The former air stewardess died the following day.
    I know someone whose house was burgled and then not long after maybe several months or something her car was stolen. Unfortunately if you're successfully robbed once people will keep coming back. Not sure that was the situation here though they just abandoned the car after driving it around a bit. There are lots of criminals in Luton so you know.

    House next door growing up was robbed a lot but nobody managed to break into ours someone did try once at the back about a decade ago but my mum was at the bottom of the garden so she scared him away. Then put up barbed wire etc. Not a dodgy area of the town imo though the area not that far is more.

    When I was living in this one house while at uni (midlands not Luton,) someone just came in the back garden and stole one of my housemates bikes. I remember someone else on Facebook talking about how some creepy guy was just staring in their window at one point or something. I've heard many insane stories lol. Someone who lived in the less high quality halls further away from campus had their shower set on fire. A shower. It malfunctioned obviously.

    I was going to say I encountered more weird/dodgy situations there which in some ways is true because there'd be like drunk people walking around during the day and other eccentrics but I was also leaving the house way more often then and living in the centre of the city.

    Still in the past decade my brother has intercepted some guy stealing a bunch of stuff from a shop when he left the house, my dad got beaten up, the other burglary stuff I mentioned happened, there was this really dodgy looking guy who seemed to be on something behaving erratically while walking at night, and I overheard someone getting stabbed to death. Off the top of my head some other weird things have happened too I guess but not on that level.

    Lol what happens to him at the beginning hasn't happened to me that I can recall:

    Luton isn't a city btw it's a town. I'm not going to lie like everyone who lives here plays this up at some point or another but he's being so dramatic. It makes me feel tougher than him. Also I actually went to that cinema that's been abandoned for most of my life as a kid. I bet it looks cool inside well I think I did stumble on some images actually.

    People don't often approach me like this or my brother when I'm with him. Could be some racial/class assumption. Also if I'm alone I'm on a mission. Not hovering around. Also though there's a camera or someone's filming him, and he has some weird transatlantic accent so I can see why someone would take that opportunity. If they think he's not from there and is being recorded etc then they might assume he has money.

    It used to happen more when I dyed my hair like I say (I mean people would compliment my hair etc not ask for stuff really,) but yeah it doesn't happen often in fact I was in Brighton with my mum last summer and these women were approaching various people asking for the location of fish and chip shops or something like that and my mum pointed out that they didn't talk to us lol (though we were eating stuff from one.) I dunno I don't think we have welcoming body language. But later they came back or maybe some different people can't remember and asked.

    That being said drunk people will still talk to me sometimes. And when I used to live in the midlands homeless people would ask for money. One time someone got annoyed and was like 'I wont bother asking because you guys never give me anything.' He recognised me and my boyfriend at the time lol. I gave this one guy some money who said his sleeping bag was stolen during the night, he was friendly and that was probably a bs story but whatever lol.

    It's also not true that everything shuts at 6pm everywhere in the UK or even in Luton but the shops do there.

    He's such a dick lol.

    He actually sounds like my dad like he just starts going on about how Sikhs are 'the good ones' and that they work as doctors and lawyers etc (more successful economically, probably less criminal behaviour too.) YOU DON'T THOUGH DO YOU TRISTAN? Lol. You made your money off of cam girls and Human trafficking and whatever else that at the very least skirts legality. (My dad was never a doctor or lawyer or something fancy either lol. I'll be vague but his job would be described as working class.)

    Commenting on people's physical appearance 'how many hot girls do you see?' (Of course women in the UK don't dress up most of the time and since the weather is often [BEEP] that factors in too. Bonus side effect is being invisible to guys like Tristan.) He's overly negative in general.

    I just want to shake him like 'Wake up. You are a ex pimp Tristan. Your personal relationships involve you manipulating virgin women into sleeping with you by pretending you wanted a long term relationship.' The only reason he has any popularity or positive attention is because he and his brother are wealthy. And our world is so fucked and corrupt that's all a lot of people care about.

    I used to like the name Tristan and I shared this with my friend at some point who said he hated the name because he knew someone with that name who was a dickhead from his home town. Mostly I just liked it because of this Patrick Wolf song called Tristan and there was someone online who made stories using the Sims where one of the characters was called Tristan and he was inspired aesthetically by someone in the band The Cure (Simon Gallup I think he and another character were based off members of The Cure when they were younger,) and they were both also inspired by the myth of Tristan and Isolde but yeah.

    I see his point now lol.

    Also this dumb Romanian guy he's with "Why would you stay if there's not more of your own people?" This guy is half black, his dad is American and he and his brother spent a significant portion of their early childhood in Chicago and somewhere in Indiana. He and his brother don't even have a typical accent for a white person in Luton really or in East England generally (though there are so many accents everywhere it doesn't really matter.)

    Basically no one in Luton is completely English if you go back three generations in their family they will have some combination of Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Eastern and central European, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, and a variety of African and Caribbean heritage. Also a bunch of Chinese people around. My mum even had a Japanese co-worker for a while she's still in contact with her but she moved back to Japan around covid time to take care of her parents. The further back you go, the more this is true. My mum's family are from a mixture of Irish and Scottish if you go back several generations, my dad is like 1/4 Welsh because one of his grandparents was Welsh and his mum was from Danzig (no longer exists, geographically in Poland.)

    One good thing about living in Luton is the diversity of food places. My friend started talking about some great Korean food he had at work, though I've never eaten Korean food before so I started looking that up and found several Korean restaurants/takeaways even though I've never come across any Korean people in the UK (that I know of personally only Malaysian, Chinese and Japanese.) If I think up a country like Nigeria, Indonesia. I can find some place selling that food (often there will be restaurants that do a combination like Thai + Malaysia + Indonesian or something like that.) And it's not even a major city (friend lives in Edinburgh,) it's a large sized town.

    Obviously it isn't working well often because everyone who moves to Luton is working class or lower middle class, even some kind of ambiguous underclass, and poorly educated generally and looked down on by society (and that seems to have become more true over time. Not so much in my own family education wise but education doesn't matter if you're less successful in other ways.) But in Luton there is no identity. Not a new thing there have been waves of immigration to that town for several generations.

    The Tate brothers don't have one either which probably explains partly why they're so fucked up. Mixed race people are more mentally ill on average than monoracial people after all. Same with bisexual people and non-binary people seem to have issues not sure about mental health issues but there's a Finnish study showing they're more likely to be bullied and bully others. Suggested such people are more likely to hang out in antisocial groups:

    Further, being bullied is commonly associated with perpetrating bullying (Cook et al., 2010; Shetgiri et al., 2012; Chan and Wong, 2015b). Those victimized themselves may reactively bully others or perpetrating bullying may be a way of defending oneself. On the other hand, aggressors often socialize in antisocial groups where delinquency occurs, thus elevating the likelihood of being victimized themselves (Jennings et al., 2012). Perpetrating bullying may therefore arise from having been victimized or vice versa.

    Thus, when studying the role of gender identity in being bullied among adolescents, perpetrating bullying needs to be controlled for. Additionally, possible participation as a bully is an important problem in itself. To the best of our knowledge, the research so far has not explored bullying perpetrated among gender minority youth (McKay et al., 2019). However, Dank et al. (2014) found that transgender youth reported some of the highest perpetration rates of sexual harassment perpetration. As bullying among adolescents often has a sexual and heterosexist nature (Ashbaughm and Cornell, 2008; Toomey et al., 2012), similar associations might be expected with bullying perpetration. Elevated rates of bullying perpetration have also been found among sexual minority populations in some studies (Berlan et al., 2010; Eisenberg et al., 2015), who appear similar to transgender youth when it comes to being bullied.
    Having a minority identity is hard, and having a mixed one is also difficult because then you're sort of excluded from most groups in subtle and explicit ways. I don't think there's much research that goes into the differences of mixed race people because often they get lumped into monoracial minority groups yet when they've looked they have found higher rates of mental illness.

    As the mixed population grows in size, it will likely continue to serve as projections for people to sort through America’s complex race relations. But what about the experiences of those who are actually multiracial? Studies illustrate a group of people who struggle with questions of identity and where to fit in, often feeling external pressures to "choose" a side. There’s evidence that mixed-race people have higher rates of mental health issues and substance abuse, too.

    The findings suggested that multiracial youth experience more exploration and less affirmation than African Americans, but more than Caucasians. In addition, multiracial youth were found to have higher levels of mental health issues than their monoracial minority and majority peers. Specifically, multiracial youth had higher levels of depressive symptoms than their African American and Caucasian counterparts. Multiracial and Caucasian youth had similar levels of anxiety but these levels were significantly higher than African Americans. School diversity did not influence mental health outcomes for multiracial youth. These findings provide insight into the experiences of multiracial youth and underscore the importance of further investigating factors that contribute to their mental health outcomes.

    The results support the hypothesis that multiracial Hispanic adolescents have more behavioral health problems than monoracial Hispanic adolescents. The second hypothesis--that multiracial Hispanic adolescents are more similar to multiracial non-Hispanic adolescents--was also supported. The implications of these findings for the classification of Hispanic adolescents in terms of ethnicity and race in relation to health behaviors are discussed.
    Something similar happens with bisexual people being excluded from sexuality research, and non-binary people are rarely studied. When they look at bisexual people (still relatively more research than non-binary people,) they often find worse outcomes across a variety of things like mental health, poverty, involvement in bullying, other antisocial behaviour, substance abuse etc. Likewise that one study suggests non-binary people are more likely to bully and be bullied than binary trans people.

    Then you have the association between mental health issues, substance abuse and creativity. This is less about creativity though (I actually think it's quite detrimental though some people seem to have been inspired by drugs,) and more about behaviours which are prerequisites for creative behaviour I think. Plus you're living on the fringes of society often.

    You're talking about diverse groups of people with nothing directly in common except for the fact that their identity is in one way or another mixed and they are in one sense or another looked down on and excluded.

    I'm going to post this as a counterpoint though the woman still has a criminal history which I think gets brought up he interviews interesting people from Luton while dressed up as Deadpool and collects money for charity etc I haven't watched most of his videos though but I watched a bunch of that one. She works for some BBC thing or something:

    You don't identify with the town most of the time because that would be identity suicide. You leave the town and people express sympathy or are like 'that's that infamous town.' My friend informs me when podcasts say stuff about Luton now and then. The media likes to talk about it a bunch... So of course there's no identity there. It's a diverse town so especially when you get past a certain age it becomes harder to relate to people who aren't part of your bubble (this is also the problem with the internet.) Does he try to provide a balanced perspective? No he doesn't. In a sense that's a very Lutonian thing to do though.

    He's trying to make the case that Luton is failed but not only that that England has failed which is a bit ridiculous. Unlike he and his brother who moved for mostly legal reasons lol, most British people aren't flooding into Romania quite the other way around. No offence to Romania - I've never been there - but some perspective is required.

    He eventually in the video goes on to show Luton Hoo which is a manor house and a lot of films have been filmed there - which is cool. I tried to get there multiple times over the summer and failed because actually if you're trying to walk there it's really hard. Not sure if you can even get in the building most of the time lol and it is a hotel now as mentioned.

    So he drives up to that location to show an example of a 'nice place' but not everything that isn't a mansion where the upper class live/lived is something you should look down on with contempt and see as a failure. This is a counterproductive way of thinking.

    Also obviously when he goes there instead of talking about anything positive - and there's a bunch of interesting stuff in the area even without considering that a bunch of films have been partly filmed there. Lots of birds an abandoned little building where owls live now, countryside, etc. Though I tried to walk around a bunch of that with my brother (just like Andrew and Tristan since he showed up lol,) and got told to move on by residents while sitting down lol. It's really not clear where you can and can't go - some parts are open to the public and there's a cafe. They were polite about asking us to leave though (this wasn't the hotel area either where they are it was another part of the estate.)

    But yeah he just goes on about how some guy killed himself there and then Andrew Tate arrives and they keep repeating that England is a failed society and they were asked to leave and the police were supposedly involved or something. LOL. And again I really understand this mentality. I often think like this, it becomes habitual. I think a lot of people do who grow up in places like this. Very cynical and bitter. Sociopathic.

    He doesn't mention anything like:

    Steve Dillon (22 March 1962 – 22 October 2016) was a British comic book artist, best known for his work with writer Garth Ennis on Hellblazer, Preacher and The Punisher.

    Dillon was born in London in 1962 and raised in Luton, Bedfordshire.[1][2][3] He was the oldest of three siblings, a sister younger by three years, Julie, and a brother younger by nine years who is cartoonist/costume designer Glyn Dillon.[4]

    While attending Icknield High School, Dillon first realised his potential as a serious comic book artist during the production of a school comic book called Ultimate Sci Fi Adventures with school friends Neil Bailey & Paul Mahon in 1975. His first strip in this comic was "The Space Vampire". This was followed by the Escape from the Planet of the Apes series.
    Exodus Collective was a community collective and sound system formed in 1992, in the Marsh Farm area of Luton, England. It organised free parties and became involved in housing, social exclusion, and community projects, founded upon the principle of DIY culture. The group squatted buildings and repeatedly came into conflict with Bedfordshire Police, which by 1995 had resulted in Bedfordshire County Council voting for a public inquiry into alleged police harassment. The license of a pub owned by the mother of people in the collective was revoked, a decision which was later overturned by a judicial review.

    The collective occupied a disused farm and turned it into a community project which they later bought. The fortnightly raves in venues across Bedfordshire attracted up to 10,000 people and, especially during the Marsh Farm riots of 1995, served to defuse tensions locally. By 2000, the collective was holding licensed raves in agreement with landowners. The collective disbanded in 2000, later reforming under the name Leviticus. Some former members were then involved in the Marsh Farm Outreach community group, which successfully campaigned to build a local community centre.
    One of the early punk and post-punk bands:

    UK Decay are an English post-punk band based in Luton.

    In early episodes of the sitcom Only Fools and Horses, the character Rodney Trotter (played by Nicholas Lyndhurst) is occasionally seen wearing a UK Decay T-shirt.

    Jay-Z Surprises Staff After Turning Up For Recording Session At Luton Studio

    "A member of staff got a phone call from one of his people on Friday afternoon and she thought it was someone having a laugh," she admitted. "She only realised when they mentioned his label Def Jam records.

    "Apparently this was the only studio in the area that was accessible and had all the equipment he needed."
    ^ I don't care for most of his music but it's still pretty significant.

    Also the most important thing of all (which I only recently noticed because of wikipedia lol):

    Written and recorded during the period of Jan 2010 - June 2011.
    Produced and mixed at No-Man's Land, Hemel Hempstead, Koolworld, Luton & Angel Studio, Islington.

    I don't know that he recorded any of this specific song from that album at that studio lol but still.

    Why don't you talk about these people Tristan? Is it because they did interesting things and didn't purely become career criminals who only care about wealth? Like you btw.

    Tbf I don't think this band I stumbled on recently existed probably when that video was filmed or at least aren't that famous lol even now:

    There was this other interesting music place owned by this eccentric guy with a weird car... You could record stuff there too but it was turned into housing unfortunately.

    I didn't go to this because I forgot and also not super into the idea of conventions these days + social anxiety, but there's also some 'comicon' thing that ran for the first time this year. And actually looks like that Deadpool guy went there too which makes sense lol.

    The only benefit to Alex Jones and Elon Musk associating with the Tate brothers is it will make more people realise they too hit a lot of psychopathic check boxes since some people's detection abilities are so poor they only notice when it's someone like Andrew and his brother. That's not the right reason to start being suspicious of them but whatever.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
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    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  10. #5440
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    Lots of people are freaking out about the women who have been going onto twitch which is a 13+ site to essentially make sexual streams but while skirting nudity rules. Apparently in response to this twitch have said that they will allow artistic nudity.

    If they stuck to that that in a literal sense that would be fine (but they won't of course and stuff like hentai will probably become common,) but the issue here which led to this problem in the first place is that a lot of the moderation process is automated so you get people whose streams have been shut down for nonsense reasons, or just incorrectly assuming the person's gender with toplessness or something like that. Which is why I'm not really in favour of banning female toplessness in general and think we maybe have to become less neurotic as a culture.

    But yeah I don't know about twitch but on a lot of websites like this including YouTube they hire underpaid people in developing countries to moderate their website + use automation. It's all kind of a hellish capitalist nightmare and then people wonder how this happens. Unless the law steps in these companies will just going to continue cost cutting this way and the moderation decisions will be poor.

    I'm struck by the specific sexuality neuroticism though which makes people hyperfocus on this, when twitter is apparently 13+ and people are being exposed to genocidal rhetoric on the daily. Obviously some people complain about both but some people don't... Some people themselves are the problem and would probably have no issue sharing their fucked up views with their kids.....

    Hot take: Twitch isn't and has never been a safe space for underage people

    Everyone fixates on boob streamers but the reality is many Twitch streams cover topics and have conversations that would be wildly inappropriate for minors to be involved in

    New Twitch changes are a W
    I'm sure there is.

    The assumption that people who watch gaming streams are always kids is also iffy. Perhaps they are on twitch but I make gaming videos on YouTube and 13-17 year olds only make up 1% of my lifetime audience (last month they made up 0.9% it will fluctuate but always very low.) 55.1% are 18-24, 40.6% are 25-34, 2.7% are 35-44 and then smaller percentages after that. I mostly play older games so I think it attracts more nostalgia gamers and then people who want to watch weird stuff.

    I'm sure most of them are on tiktok uh watching Elsa twerking or whatever she said (lol twerking Among Us I remembered wrong.):

    But everyone involved in that tiktok fight (on either side,) I can almost guarantee is aged 18-30 as well.

    You leave school/go to uni and then you have no restrictions from your parents and everything goes to shit. Something like that. Half the millennials in the tiktoks were aged 27-28 lol. Barely millennials and still well into adulthood. So in other words it's people arguing with their younger/older siblings.
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    Lol I was like done with this post (which is about various random crap anyway that's not important. Stream of consciousness etc) and then like I don't even care anymore besides the last part of this post. This happens a lot but I guess I'll post the whole thing.


    I've always been a supporter of feminism and woman's rights but at the same time I find it very hard to cum and respect at the same time. This is true for anything I might be respecting, not just women, like if there was a photo of Jesus on the nightstand.
    Do not say "baby its not happening just give it up" when I am clearly not completely flaccid, there is noticeable rigidity, that's gaslighting
    why are they like this??
    She's projecting and not enjoying the sex. They should try roleplay. I don't think most women are into vanilla sex without some storyline because it's harder for them to get turned on by men. They might end up in a relationship with some guy they're into romantically but not really sexually.

    I honestly don't get this. They've just taken a random screenshot from one of hbomberguys videos and then the other looks like some random instagram pic or something maybe. If anything if I didn't know who they were the guy on the right ('The Golden One,') works out a lot so he's a bigger threat if he happens to be a psycho. I've seen his videos though years ago and I remember them mostly being comically ridiculous while having politics I completely disagreed with. Like there was some teddy bear in the background he kept referring to as teddy and then he got into some debate with Contrapoints which she removed because it was when she was pre-transition. He responded to her video and called her a priestess of Slaanesh or something. It was very funny but his response video has also been taken down now I'm assuming because she asked or he removed a bunch of older videos and didn't want references to her on his channel or something.

    I'm too lazy to look up the videos I watched years ago with teddy in, and this is the first one that comes up if I google teddy with his name.

    It's possible he's autistic too. He's into a bunch of nerdy stuff so he has the same personality most left wing people have except he works out a lot more and has opposing ideological beliefs.

    Hbomberguy is the other guy and I've probably watched one of his videos at some point or parts of a few, but I'm not that interested in his content. This was funny (which I think is the video that thumbnail is from):

    But tbf anything with Ben Shapiro in is automatically amusing most of the time. He's ridiculous.

    This circle is very larpy so even this guy's response on twitter is larping:

    It seems my mentions are full of very mad m*rxists

    I didn't notice it until now because I was too busy falling asleep in the warm embrace of my fair maiden and my cat at my feet 😊

    I pity their ressentiment!
    He mentions his cat for the same reason The Golden One has teddy. And he's posted photos of his cat and also that blushing smiley emoji.

    He has feminine tweets that sound like something a woman would write on instagram:

    It's raining outside

    I drank my coffee and ate a small piece of chocolate while reading a book

    Life's good 🍂☕
    Gn frens

    Wish you all a cozy weekend ahead
    interspersed with tweets and retweets like this:

    I am the champion of the Gods;

    I am a Demigod in the making.
    Ireland, we are at war.
    Disregard any losers saying that it's lost already.

    The fight has barely started and WE will WIN
    What can be learned from the situation in Israel?

    That multiculturalism leads to conflict.

    Therefore, European countries must initiate a large-scale repatriation process.
    I don't think that's a viable solution no.

    My ideology is solely based on physiognomy and I only vote for a guy if he could beat me up in a fight or not.

    The rest is only gay bullshit
    I try only to poast about training and wholesome stuff but sometimes it's hard to see what's happening to our countries and not say a word.

    We need to deport them all

    And I mean, ALL, no expectations
    Porn must be banned and who doesn't agree with me is either a degenerate cuck or a fatherless wh*re

    I'm tired of people who defend this
    Why ban porn? It would not solve anything. What I suggest is to ban making porn in our countries, but allow using porn websites.
    Why not? It is not that most men can have sex on a daily, unfortunately.
    If a guy can't have access to a healthy sexual relationship he should start using his energy to accomplish other more important things in life

    Eventually he will attract an high valuable girl without even thinking about it too much.

    Porn would put a halt to it, so, NO PORN
    What are you talking about? Most men can't have a healthy sexual relationship today. Porn doesn't have anything to do with that.
    66% of young men are single and with no sex.
    Keep blaming on men.
    Then someone else came along at this point with a cat avatar like:

    I see what you're saying. Porn isn't beneficial to a society but most libfem intelligentsia just uses it as a scapegoat to shift blame for the problems they themselves created. Again, two wrongs don't make a right 👍🏻
    So the other guy (who has called himself Zeus lol,) responded with:

    Yes, is shifts the blame. Watching porn once in a while it's fine.
    And then cat avatar responded with:

    Porn and being a libtard is a longitudinal relationship. Porn turns men into libtards accepting of immigration, homosexuality and trannyism. If you don't have a girl, you don't need porn to relief yourself, it even happens naturally. I done nofap for 4 or 5 years, works great 👍🏻
    Then again following this Zeus told them they're delusional and they just said 'yes.'


    Don't try to manipulate me with your cute things.

    This is why I can't trust people/have relationships lol. I can see what they're trying to do. I guess it doesn't matter though if they're not a transphobic/homophobic fascist dickhead. But I'd prefer if they didn't just do what I wanted and were naturally feminine or cute. And I have had someone online do some weird combination of on the one hand trying to appeal to me and copy my interests etc (they even told me that after reading my posts they got into certain thing sexually lol,) while at the same time sending sexually aggressive messages with no prior communication and not taking no for an answer...

    I could also leave my house I guess though lol. Irl dating/relationship experiments didn't go that well either though. But at least I should run into a guy like that less often in certain spaces. Maybe lol.

    The Golden One:

    Does anyone have a good take on why so many of us like trains?

    Perhaps it is the late 19th century spirit of optimism and progress that is still present.

    What say you?
    😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒


    Haha, I was awaiting the autism comment, 'tis true 😁
    I am not impressed. He posts photos of cats too.

    You are all ruining my system. That isn't really a system but just shitposting based on things/guys I noticed I've found attractive lol. Or they would be if I wasn't turned off by huge muscles.

    I said before though you can't trust this because predators mimic the cute guys and I meant that more in a sexual/romantic context but it also applies to people who have something to sell politically that they know won't appeal to feminine people.

    Also I guess... You maybe can't have the cute stuff without various negatives often. They're kind of autistic and nerdy often so they like animals etc but they also have a superiority complex and act like a 6 year old playing war games politically a lot of the time. Because they're immature. And that's assuming it's not 100% on purpose like you know wiktionary would suggest:

    After gaining popularity online as part of DoggoLingo-style slang, fren later came to prominence on sites such as 4chan and the subreddit /r/frenworld as a dog whistle used by far-right white nationalists and fascists to refer to each other. This use is associated with the Apu Apustaja variation of the meme Pepe the Frog. It has been reinterpreted in this context as standing for "far-right ethno-nationalist" (a backronym).
    DoggoLingo[note 1] is an Internet language that is created from word conversion, meme lexicon, and onomatopoeia. Emerging in the 2010s,[1] DoggoLingo is implied to be a dog's own idiom, and is presented as what humans have long believed goes on in the canine brain. Elyse Graham, assistant professor at Stony Brook University, describes DoggoLingo as "upbeat, joyful, and clueless in a relentlessly friendly way".[2]
    Obviously not everyone who uses 'fren' is far right he is though.

    Also I'm evil myself but I draw the line at people who are evil and far-right 😂

    the one who doesn't look like he's trying his hardest to sell me something. the guy on the right is putting too much effort into how he's presenting himself to me with his background and prop choice.
    The real Nazi's are here and they have some notes:

    Nice angle that completely hides Follin's inbred face. Aslo roided up physique to compensate for inadequacy in other areas. If you're doing phisiognomy or measuring who is more dysgenic the answer is quite easy. Hbomberguy is just an average celt, Follin is an abomination.
    I trust whoever backs up their claims with facts. If you're basing your opinions off of whoever is the most handsome and has the biggest muscles then just go ahead and pickup the latest issue of Playgirl magazine already.
    My philosophy is simple

    I would like to see them smash

    I'd say that's my philosophy too but I don't want to see that actually. (Sometimes I do not with these two.)

    This is much cooler:

    Challenged by a friend last week on why I?d never done a Christmas song, I protested it wasn't really me, and besides I didn't think I had it in me to write suitably Christmassy lyrics. "No problem", he said, "we'll get ChatGPT to do it for you!", upon which he instructed the AI to generate Christmas lyrics in the style of Steven Wilson. Which it proceeded to do so. By the yard, in fact, I was shocked at how instantaneous and easy it was to guide it ("don't actually mention Christmas" we said to it, "make it feel more lonely" ... etc)

    I'm still not entirely sure what I think about AI, the knee-jerk reaction is to consider it a threat to a musician like me, but it's clearly not going away, so this is my experiment to try embracing it and using it as a tool in the creative process. And of course also to have some fun doing something I would never normally have thought about doing, the archetypal seasonal song. December Skies is the result, swiftly recorded last weekend and written in collaboration with an Artificial Intelligence version of myself. I wonder what people will make of it. I wonder what I make of it.

    In keeping with the artificial intelligence theme, the visualiser for December Skies has also been generated using a purpose built AI system created by Miles Skarin. The video is based on imagery drawn from some of my previous videos then placed into 2D and 3D backdrops.

    Music by Steven Wilson, guitar solo and backing vocals by Randy McStine.

    December Skies (lyrics by ChatGPT).

    In the hush of a long winter's dream
    Through a window the candlelight gleams
    Veiled in whispers the stillness of night
    On a canvas of stars in the sky

    All the world sleeps on in silence
    Wrapped in a blanket of snow
    But when the morning awakens
    The beauty of life starts to flow

    December skies will carry me home

    In the forest where moonlight it shines
    The grip of the frost on the pines
    Then the air weaves the warmth of a song
    Still the heartbeat of winter goes on
    I love your approach and attitude to Life and many things
    I also think it's interesting that he was sort of against ipods back in the day and talks regularly about how much better quality vinyl is soundwise (which I believe is true but I've not looked into that extensively and I'm not at all someone who obsesses over sound quality while listening to music past a point,) but he has a less extreme reaction to AI use. I think it's interesting because I feel like he's tried to be more open in recent years creatively etc. Like he does a lot of things which are clearly going to annoy some subsets of his audience from time to time (who mostly like prog and metal music,) like making pop + electronic music and covering Taylor Swift songs.

    Steven Wilson 2009: Breaking iPods
    Steven Wilson 2023: Using AI
    Was thinking that yeah haha but as someone pointed out it's not degrading the sound quality.

    I think The Harmony Codex is really great though, like it really makes the experimentation over the past several years worthwhile (although I liked a bunch of tracks on his previous two albums I know a bunch of people didn't like one or both of those albums. But I feel like it would be hard to dislike this one assuming you like any of his work at all.)

    Also I don't like Christmas music but this is pretty good. It also kind of reminds me of Runescape music a little lol:

    Jagex don't often create seasonal quests for RS3 anymore (which kind of bums me out they still do that more regularly in old school and I should probably switch to playing that at some point. I did start an account a year or so ago, it's just I've put so much effort into RS3 over the past two decades of my life...) but when they do they're really good like the Violet is Blue quest and the sequel Violet is Blue Too.

    It's really more the... What instrument is that? At 1:12 in the Steven Wilson video (not the Runescape videos.) That part sounds more video game-y and is reminding me of Runescape music and there are probably several non seasonal tracks like that as well.

    1:09 - When that cheesy synth melodica came in, I just laaaaughed because of how not-SW it is. 🤣
    Yeaaaah. That's what it is lol.

    I feel like people would take that as an insult because it's video game music but actually a lot of Runescape's music is really good like this:

    It really added to the quest too. I once had a dream where I woke up hearing this music as well randomly lol.

    And this:

    And this:

    And this:

    No I'm joking that's a fan song about cabbages that should have gotten popular but only has 1k views.

    And other stuff.

    this was peak runescape. i can't come back to this game after what they've done to it. i miss this funny game. i miss what it was. i miss how it made me feel. it has lost everything it meant to be. RIP guthix
    Well you can play old school. Also I get that these things are depressing but the point of an MMO is that the world can evolve over time if you don't bother doing anything with that you're kind of squandering the potential. That being said some writing decisions in mmos are just bad/poor characterisation and then there's the whole microtransaction hell thing in RS3 and other issues. To me the writing still usually has the same sense of humour though (it's like Terry Pratchett a bit,) so I think that's fine.

    and even the cheesy/cutesy music is still memorable imo and lots of it has a really nostalgic feel which is nice (but that probably only works if you played the game at some point.) Not as good as WoW's soundtrack though but still good. Also this isn't what the old school music sounded like though lol they've updated a bunch of tracks over the years.

    This is one of my favourite tracks:

    You can set up a playlist of music inside Runescape lol but you're limited to a certain amount of tracks and I have the Village one in that.

    Literally just finished listening to Raider II before clicking on this, so it feels like ChatGPT could've gone a little darker. ; )
    Oh yeah. Darker or more sad lol.

    It's not Christmassy but The Raven that Refused to Sing video is wintery:

    It's very sad and hard to listen to sometimes. Also often on YouTube music videos the top comments will always be stories about how someone has lost someone or someone close to them was killed etc. Those comments get upvoted a lot. This happens on lots of music videos I notice particularly older ones that inspire nostalgia but also on this one because of the subject matter:

    When I first heard this song, I forbid myself to listen to it, I wasn't ready yet.

    I lost my sister in 2010, and I pictured myself in this song, each line feels so perfect, so personal, damn.

    Gladly I can hear this again without crying.
    Lost mine too.

    We are still alive though. For now.
    I can understand, i lost my bigger sister too cause of cancer at 24 years of age when i was 22 , she was my soulmate,we always enjoyed being with eachothers company by growing together and sharing every bit of life story. I still cry and miss her so bad. M 27 now , its been long years.
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    "I became obsessed with looking at 70s magazines."

    Yeah the 70s thing really jumps out at you lol. Shockingly (considering the 70s thing,) I didn't find his channel by being suggested it by YouTube but my friend talked about his videos a bunch of times.

    I like the weird surreal randomness of a bunch of them though:

    I don't know if that was the point though based on that interview but that's what amuses me.

    He's like the British version of Marc Rebillet and I vibe with it a lot
    There was another American who is a lot more similar to him someone suggested a while back in some YT comments but can't remember who that was. The only clip of that guy's I've seen is though and I can kind of see it I guess in a way:

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    Pretty accurate.

    Daria's new band sounds alright
    I assume it's not her but reminds me of the vocalist in iwrestledabearonce

    Metalcore is not my favourite genre but I liked some of the clean vocals:

    Krysta Cameron. Also I prefer her screaming to the vocalist in Day's Spent I think and yeah it's not her. I hadn't listened or watched that video in many years but yeah they just have a very similar aesthetic or did.

    I think the music in Days Spent is better though, than that song anyway. I listened to a few of their other songs years ago (iwrestledabearonce I mean,) but don't really remember the others and not that many.

    No, thats clearly Tina Belcher
    Darias glasses are round actually. There's loads of people with that look though lol. Like if you're white, have long dark hair and wear glasses.

    When you think about it Daria was probably the first Western vtuber.

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    From the sounds of it TOOL haven't played Lateralus on their last few tours which is insane to me because it's such a good song. I assumed they probably would because it seemed like a classic to me. I looked at their setlist too for the last London gig and I feel like some tracks are missing there because it doesn't seem like a lot of songs for the time frame but could be wrong. They didn't play Schism either or any personal favourites really. Apparently they played Lateralus a lot in the past though so maybe got bored which I kind of get.

    I just kind of fucked up I guess by not noticing if they were playing in the UK in the mid 2010s when I was going to concerts as well. Sounds like the last time they played Lateralus live was 2014 and used to play it at every concert which makes sense. Schism was last played in 2020 so maybe not inconceivable they'd play it again I dunno.

    This tour so far looks better set listwise since they're playing The Grudge and 46 & 2, but still missing a bunch of songs I wanted to hear live. They might change the setlist too though on the next leg of the tour. And they've been playing Pneuma the last couple of tours which I do like as well.

    I never saw them in the past so I'm not really sure what to do at this point about this current tour. I'm hearing mixed things about the sound at some venues and I don't like huge concerts in general (I mean I enjoyed the Green Day concert I went to a lot which had 60k odd people outside I think, but that's really only because I was a 14 year old superfan a the time, and obviously I would have much preferred getting far closer to the stage. Especially as they bring people from the crowd on stage to play haha or they used to, then I could have just collapsed from anxiety in that scenario.) Add to that they might not play my favourite songs and seats range from close to 500 pounds to 100 pounds. Don't really want to sit really high up and far from the stage either. Some people are saying the sound is better up there and some people saying it's worse at the venue I was looking at.

    This is also very ambiguous:

    "[W]e think that at that size there are only a certain amount of people that can actually enjoy that show,” Jones said. "It’s not about you anymore. Seeing the Rolling Stones… you’re all the way back in the stadium and you’re basically watching a jumbotron, you know? I’m not into it; we’d rather do two nights in a smaller place than one night in a huge place."

    Aside from stadiums, he said Tool were comfortable with "whatever they throw us" when it came to venues. "Sometimes we do play some smaller places," he added. "A few nights ago in Oslo, we played this rectangular room; usually you’d be at the far end of the rectangle, but we were in the middle of the rectangle. It was very strange but really cool."
    Wondering about if that's a possibility in the UK at any point before they break up. Possibly not. I saw Deftones at a medium sized concert though and also A Perfect Circle.

    Another thing is someone is claiming their VIP ticket says farewell tour on it but they're the only person I've seen mention this, didn't post a photo, and no one else is talking about it and doesn't seem to think it is. So not sure what to do.

    I think it would have been pretty cool to go to one of the Canada gigs where Alex Lifeson was playing. I mean I'm never going to see Rush live short of a time machine being invented lol so that would be the closest I'd probably be able to get. That won't be happening during the European leg of the tour though just because he lives in Canada anyway.

    All in all it doesn't seem to be worth 500 pounds and not even sure about 100 being so far from the stage + possible sound issues, but I'd love to hear a bunch of those songs I want to hear live would prob regret not going, but it's not in my control.

    At this point I'm just going to wait and check back now and then to see if any good tickets become available at cheaper or not too insane prices. Some of the seats on the side further up seem to have decent views in the middle blocks not super high up ones. I'm hearing very mixed things about the sound quality though. Some of these venues aren't so great either and one wasn't designed for music.

    My friend lol:

    You never know they might announce a tour date at your local pub in January
    I wish something insane like that would happen with a band I like. Then again super small concerts freak me out anxiety wise as well. Cause those are the ones where people sometimes talk with the crowd after and before lol.

    Speaking of Green Day bringing people on stage to play it also happened in reverse. Coolest thing ever and it happened in London:

    Green Day cover bands are going to get way more people turning up now I imagine lol. There are so many tribute bands in the UK now though. While queuing for a concert in October I was handed a flyer and most of the bands on the back were tribute bands for goth bands and I think Nine Inch Nails.
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    Lol I can see what they did here xD (and I've probably said this before I don't know lol.)

    And August and Everything After is also one of my favourite albums but they actually have a song with lyrics about counting crows:

    Casting shadows on the winter sky as you stood there counting crows

    Can see why they didn't go for that song I guess because of the lyrics lol and that album has a lot of bittersweet music which would be a bit weird for that episode's tone lol and Mr Jones is the liveliest track.

    It uses that old nursery rhyme too:

    One for sorrow, two for joy,
    Three for girls, and four for boys,
    Five for silver, six for gold,
    Seven for a secret, never to be told

    Patrick Wolf uses that in Magpie as well:

    I like how a group of crows is called a murder too that's interesting and I wonder how that came about (guess I'll google that eventually.) the song title obviously references that too.

    Not sure what my favourite song on that album is it's really hard to choose. I love the opening to Omaha:

    I've never been to the US but I can imagine walking around various streets and stuff lol.

    I love the chorus of this track at 2:22:

    Round Here was definitely my favourite song as a kid though.

    One of the best albums ever. Every song is amazing. Way up there with the icons of modern music. No need to skip a track.Very few artists can achieve this ❤
    It's the Concertina...
    No the lyricism and other things are impressive but that really adds a lot/is amazing.
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