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  1. #5461
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    It's pretty funny that Ron and Tammy 2 from Parks and Rec are married irl also Mac and Dee on It's Always Sunny (I only found this one out today,) and Charlie and the waitress.

    "I'm not going to marry you if that's where this is headed."

    "Dee I would rather get shot in the face."

    Their actors have been married since 2008 lol.

    This clip makes me laugh because this is like half the guys posting on incel twitter at any point in time. It's the exact same energy:

    Painful when you realize the real reason Charlie always failed was because she thought she wasn't good enough. You can blame the gang partially, but this scene shows she never had any self-esteem, and Charlie didn?t have a chance in hell with that.
    Ridiculous comment. She wasn?t with him because Charlie is a creepy invasive stalker, who would be attracted to that?
    Disagree. Many aspects of so-called "stalking" establish positive traits like determination, drive, resourcefulness, and devotion. If women weren't poisoned psychologically by the mass media they could see that.
    lol so if I followed you around you'd be flattered instead of calling the cops? C'mon dude
    I definitely wouldn't call the police just because someone was following me.

    That being said, nobody has ever paid any attention at all to me, so I can't rightly say what I would do otherwise in that situation.
    Oh dear.

    In the comments section of the video too?

    r/niceguys leaking everywhere.

    *morbid curiosity about that subreddit which tbh I actually never go on but I know exists*

    [some messages with graphic violent rape threats because this woman didn't come over after he 'texted her nicely to come over']

    Show the police. Show his boss. Show his colleagues. Show his family. Show his friends. Show his community.

    Men don't get to be disgusting and make rape threats in privacy while the rest of their world keeps on thinking they're a good person. Mask off for me? Mask off for all.
    She tried to report him to the police. Instead of doing anything to him, they tried to shame her in front of her parents by saying it?s her fault for not blocking him.
    She doesn't say which country she lives in, but it sounded like this kind of thing is commonplace.
    The full quote about what happened when she contacted the police: "I?ve called the police multiple times. In my country though, the police isn?t exactly cooperative. Rather than reporting it as a threat, they threat us how the legal process will make it worse for us. The police once came over to my house, and morally policed me in front of my parents - the police shamed me for not blocking his texts. They even said I should not have given my number to him in the first place, and left without noting the complaint. They do this because it leads to extra work for them, and sexual harassment is so rampant here that they don?t have time for threats."
    Not surprised, Indian men are like this the authorities of course would say she should have done this.
    My ex was from India and he specifically never wanted to take me there because men would stare at me all the time
    as an indian woman, i already knew this, indian men have no chill theyre either really sweet and nice or absolute demons from the darkest pits of hell and the police does nothing, if anyone has her id please send it to me i think i can help her, these threats arent empty its very common here and im scared for her
    As an indian woman, im not surprised at all. Its why i will never date an indian man
    This is like the only thing at this point I hear about Indian men online from everyone even Indian women with is troubling. This person didn't know they were from India still brought up India:

    Holy shit. This is horrific because now I'm wondering if this girl lives in some country like India where the men will act on their threats, so her showing his boss/coworkers/family might make the situation even more dangerous for her. These types dont think twice before throwing acid into a woman's face simply over something like her rejecting their advances. The police wont do anything until a crime is committed against her and then its too late.
    That's atrocious, I keep forgetting that police doesn't help against sexual harrassment/threats against women.
    OP says she lives in an Indian city so unfortunately makes sense
    Depends on the country the UK is pretty extreme about it to the point where I'm paranoid posting certain things (especially on social media,) because it's hard to know where the line is.

    Here's some examples of what I mean:

    Azhar Ahmed: sentenced to 240 hours of community service and a ?300 ($400) fine after posting on Facebook after six British soldiers were killed in Afghanistan. Ahmed wrote: "People gassin about the deaths of soldiers! What about the innocent familys who have been brutally killed.. [...] Your enemy's were the Taliban not innocent harmless familys. All soldiers should DIE & go to HELL!"
    Isabella Sorley: sentenced to 12 weeks in jail for tweeting at feminist writer Caroline Criado-Perez and Labour MP Stella Creasy, who were campaigning for the UK's next ?10 banknote to feature a woman. Sorley told the women: "kill yourself before I do; rape is the last of your worries; I've just got out of prison and would happily do more time to see you berried." She later told BuzzFeed News she was drunk while sending the messages and said: "If you're putting someone's life in danger or making them feel scared, that?s different to free speech."

    This is the big, huge, overwhelming problem with Section 127: its wording is incredibly ambiguous, and it?s hard to say when and how it should be applied. The simplest explanation is that successful convictions hinge on differentiating between what is merely an "offensive" message and what is "grossly offensive," but that just begs the question: how do you tell the difference?
    *Googling* found this thread on r/India:

    The reputation of Indian men globally is absolutely terrible, and mostly justifiably so

    What happened with the Korean streamer is nothing surprising to people who have lived here for any extended period of time. It won?t make much of a difference to our reputation globally, because it is already horrendous.

    I recently traveled to a western country and everything came into sharp focus for me due to a few conversations. Every local I talked to, man and woman, said that they would love to visit India sometime, but they have safety concerns when it came to their girlfriends or female family members.

    An Indian guy who is a close friend said that Indian men seem to have these weird expectation that women here are going to throw themselves at them. I asked him how that is possible after the Nibhaya and Hathras type cases. He said he still encounters this expectation.

    This got confirmed when my male friends asked me about my trip. I encountered only 3 questions from them

    Kitni goriyan patai? (How many white women did you [BEEP]?)

    Clubbing kari? (Did you go clubbing?)

    Parties ka scene kya hai wahan? (What?s the partying scene there?)

    This country is not known to be a huge party destination like Ibiza, and I had gone there for some official work. I also did a bunch of things I enjoyed, that were not partying related.

    None of that mattered to them. The main question of the 3 above was, how many white women I fucked. That is the one thing all of them are obsessed with. All these guys are not teenagers, and are "well educated".

    What?s the expectation here? Am I some fucking movie star or rockstar that I land and my fanclub/groupies are waiting for me?

    Or, the more likely expectation, that white women are "loose"? Because that is what it seems to be. What these idiots don't seem to get is, that even if the women there are relatively more open to dating, they are not gonna get with their loser asses. Our reputation is in the toilet, and with this mentality of obsession with getting laid, it?s never going to improve.

    Now a common rebuttal I get is that there are other countries and cultures where there are similar problems and they get a free pass because they are caucasian. Well it doesn?t matter that they do get a free pass, we can complain about that double standard when we fix our shit.
    What was really eye-opening for me was when I was talking to a female Nepali colleague in the United States. I asked if she had ever been to India and she said " oh, I've always wanted to visit, but I'm really worried about getting molested or raped while there, especially since I travel alone."

    Imagine, this is the impression our neighbors have of us.
    If she's Nepali, she has reason to be worried. Indian men tend to have a terrible attitude towards Nepali or North Eastern looking women.
    Don't blame it on Unkills only.

    Even in cosmopolitan college campus. indian boys are called porno fuckboys. They want a relationship, they expect cultural compromises and then these mama boys will marry as parents wish.

    As far as my experience with foreigners crowd; the Indian boys are living breathing icons of madonna [BEEP] complex.
    Issue with the extreme aggressive/violent response about it for sure.

    When I went clubbing with my boyfriend and dancing some Indian guy kept leering at me and tried to take pictured of men. Then asked "If he could get in front" we told him no and he fucked off somewhere my boyfriend remarked he wished he found the guy and forced him to delete whatever was in his camera. Thankfully it was dark as hell in there. Another Indian guy tried to stop me and pay me 25 dollars to dance with him. I told him to [BEEP] off. I'm a black female recent grad BTW so they do this to all pretty girls and it's disturbing.
    OP what you are talking about is very common. Back in 2013 when i moved to Delhi for work, I was astonished that my co-workers who were in their mid twenties, in reputed jobs and obviously well educated obsessively talked about scoring chicks in the most filthy language like it's the only aim in their lives. When travelling by metro during the peak hours there would always be some creepy men touching inappropriately. And talking about the staring problem, they'll stare at every female passing by giving those lecherous looks.
    I am Indian and still this is what I fear most about living in India.. getting molested or raped
    This is exactly the issue. Western movies and ESPECIALLY porn make it look like Western women are all willing to throw their legs open for anyone, but this is obviously not even remotely the case. Women in the West are more or less like women everywhere else, with maybe a small percentage behaving highly promiscuously. I have a single male relative back in India who can't get married in India because, tbh, he's kind of an unambitious, slovenly guy.

    He's convinced he can get a girlfriend/friends-with-benefits/wife in the West, and it's for these very reasons.
    He watches James Bond movies and then expects women to the kinds of half assed, amorous advanced he sees on screen. I've told him that Western women are discerning like women everywhere, and it's not as easy as he thinks, but he doesn't want to believe me.

    My wife has had a lot of issues with Indian men. If she wears non-revealing but basic Western clothes when visiting India, she will be harassed and cat called by men. When she was flying home from a trip to India, a man sitting next to her fondled her breasts on a plane (which she pointed out to security, resulting in his prompt detention and--- get this--- humiliation in front of his wife and children. Yes, a married guy traveling with his family fondled her in a public place).

    I think you have perverted men all over the world, but the problem is that India's dose of perverted men are exposed to Western media and are lead to believe that Western women in some way actually desire this treatment, thus they are less likely to exercise restraint. A pervy guy in the west is still going to want to act like pervy men in India, but know that either the women will stand up for themselves, or male bystanders will kick the crap out of them for brazen acts of sexual assault. To be clear, I know tons of Indian men who are feminists and are way, way less naive than these guys, but all it takes in 1 in 20 men behaving this way to make the lives of women really onerous.
    Oh lol Western guys think the same in reverse but they're looking for someone submissive, feminine and demure who won't divorce them if they get married.

    "Western movies" are not a monolith. I'd say Bollywood movies are much more damaging with their suggestive dances and focus on romance (versus strong female character in modern Western cinema).

    Watching Madhuri Dixit sing "dhak dhak karne laga" as a teenage boy probably did more damage than most other movies.
    It's mostly the sexual repression. Once that goes away, other problems will automatically get less severe.

    Simply because then these men starting seeing women as normal humans, rather than these dreamed up "enigmatic pure sexual" creatures. Familiarity breeds humaneness. When something stops being taboo, it's easier to educate the masses about it. But anything sex-related is a taboo in majority of India except for some of the urban areas in major cities.
    Lots have come to the conclusion that the problem is the repression. I wonder.

    The reasons are actually quite simple.

    We learn through movies etc., that in the west women date freely from a young age, they have sex without shame permission fear, they enjoy sex, they know what they want sexually in their partners, they date multiple people before they marry, they divorce if the marriage doesn?t work out.

    We also see they aren?t prudish in their dressing sense, they aren?t afraid to show their skin.

    What do we conclude?

    We conclude that the women there are ?loose?, they will have sex with anyone and everyone, they don?t have morals, they won?t mind being touched without consent.

    Now, add to that

    3. We are sexually suppressed. Don?t know how to speak to women, how to be friends with women, never had intimate relations before marriage, partners probably don?t even enjoy sex because we don?t know anything about female pleasure, if the women actually enjoy themselves we have our doubts as to why. 4. Watch too much porn.

    We now have the recipe for all the [BEEP] women deal with on a daily basis: inappropriate touching, molestation, cat calling, staring, killing, raping, abuse, slut shaming, etc.,
    It's funny I actually think white people are very repressed. But in a different way I guess. See my previous post about sexually dominant women being seen as evil and bad. Being sexually dominant and sadistic is also seen as bad culturally in general but especially for women, but paradoxically desired. A lot of surveys etc reveal there being more submissive men than dominant women probably similar for masochists vs sadists. A lot of women have a lot of shame and guilt about their sexuality and are scared to express attraction or desire etc. A minority of women will have sex with large numbers of men but in a kind of formulaic way that doesn't necessarily correspond to their own preferences and some percentage of them regret it later. It's also again shamed especially with the extreme edge cases like this:

    You know they've assumed it's 300 guys but she keeps saying people and so did the interviewer. So they might not have all been guys. Yeah I thought so I found an article talking about her:

    Annie sleeps with both men and woman and shared with UNILAD whom she prefers sleeping with.
    Firstly because that correlates in research (don't shoot the messenger,) and secondly because I don't know how you'd sleep with 300 people to 'discover yourself' and not sleep with some women at some point. Unless you can't attract attractive women but she's conventionally attractive so I think she could.

    Lol I just quoted that and left it on a cliffhanger:

    "I think they both offer different things," she told us.

    "I think women know a way around a woman?s body a lot better for obvious reasons, but there?s something about sleeping with a man that?s intense and passionate.

    "So basically, they both have their pros and cons, I don?t think I could pick one over the other."
    That's very diplomatic. I wonder if she had sex with any trans people. It's not mentioned here. Also apparently she lost her job because they found out she had an onlyfans account.

    She added that some of the men she sleeps with attempt to cuddle her, but she's 'not about that'.
    LOL. That phrasing just sounds funny.

    Absolute proof that unattractive women have it way easier than attractive men
    She does look more attractive than unattractive men I think and women get way more unattractive looking than her too.

    She's talking about stuff like this on her instagram lol:

    "I just had a pregnancy scare the other day and it was so scary."
    "I have a date coming over but I'm nervous because he's not my usual type he's like 5'10" I'm 5'11" and I don't usually go for shorter guys but he was giving off some serious BDE so I'm kind of like what's one cm [she means inches lol] and he's taking me to one of the fanciest restaurants in Melbourne."
    She's obviously talking about a bunch of stuff publicly to troll people and knows how it comes across. It also increases traffic to her onlyfans etc. Like Andrew Tate tweeting about her and saying 'haram' (which a joke in itself yeah,) earnt her like 50k supposedly. It doesn't bother me because I don't care about this but it's pretty effective at pissing a lot of people off and getting engagement, guys especially. She's getting a lot of hate comments. She's not the hottest woman I've ever seen by any means but there are many guys calling her unattractive who have photos of themselves as their profile photos and look worse than she does which is funny. They don't even realise.

    Also pretty sure she's exaggerating numbers since she says she's seeing a lot of the same people many times I think it was more like 300 times rather than 300 people, but again I don't really care lol.

    "I just let my best friend rail me with a fake weiner and by fake I mean strap on and we filmed it it was really hot."
    Eh I'd watch that if it was free maybe while I'm here. Not paying though. I didn't even pay for that guy's patreon who was making audio porn with the really cute voice lol. It was tempting though he has more submissive + pegging audios that are paywalled... If it was 2 pounds I might have considered but it was like 8 pounds or something I think to get access to that and it's sort of pointless because I think he mentioned not wanting people to download his audios and if I like anything I'm going to want to go back to it and I'm not subscribing forever you know. I'm not a fan of subscription stuff in general (like for any media or anything really,) but it definitely makes sense economically and also people like to delete stuff later (although you can never really do that.) But I respect that. It is one advantage to erotica I guess. People delete stuff less often ime. I still go back to some stuff I discovered when I was 18~ from time to time.

    Anyways it's the way they treat Indian women anecdotally (even women of Indian descent who live in the West sometimes,) which is what I notice. I don't know many white women who have issues with Indian guys.

    Also this made me lol posted on the girlsaskguys website. Not even comparing Indian guys to white guys just white women I'm guessing because according to some article I just read some white women on tiktok were talking about Indian guys but then again so were a bunch of white guys on that site:

    Why do Indian guys have a bad reputation as thirsty and creepy these days, but white women don't?

    Hello people!!!

    It's way more common to see white girls say things like "show BBC, give me mixed race child" than see Indian guys say the anedoctal "show bobs and vagene."

    I have yet to see Indian guys act thirsty and creepy and make videos asking women to "show bobs and vagene," whereas TikTok and Twitter are filled with creepy videos of white girls like these.

    The Indian guys I know in real life don't behave like the white girls I know. They got an undeserved bad rep for sure.
    The same reason a lot of men online don't care about female teachers having sex with underaged male students I guess.

    Oh, I had plenty of Indian guys send me weird messages and even one harassed me when I used social media. I have some great online friends who happen to be Indian guys though. Not all of them are creeps, and some are good, but it's not wrong to call out those bobs and vegana type. The ones you know probable live in the U. S. and work professional jobs. So, of course they're decent, the Indian upper classes are very classy/well mannered and educated.
    The indian dude akashi from Andrew shuktex podcast. Says he hates when indians dudes go after white woman.
    Apparently y'all thirsty with no game. There's a video of like 60 indians dudes rush a white woman.

    Woman can be thirsty all they want their woman.
    You see.

    Uh you get incredibly mixed messages. Which might be part of the reason everyone's crazy here.

    I don't know, most Indian people that I have met in person are humble and respectful.
    If I'm being honest. White women are the worst kind
    Many are saying this but as someone who has never done much sexual stuff due to dysphoria and 75 different hangups and other issues, I think that's kind of based for women to do if they actually enjoy it.

    some right wing guy on 4chan probably: 'based used to mean something'

    Well I'm happy to help put a stop to that.

    I'd say the same about men only I've read too much weird PUA shit, hypocritical double standards, conservative attitudes about women, and so on from that crowd online. Plus I have a thing about people breaking gender stereotypes and if men are supposed to be whores they should maybe be virgins instead. That's kind of hot.

    Remember that priest from Fleabag too? A white woman wrote that script and sexualised Jesus.

    It's the conspiracy to turn you all into homogenous androgynous blobs for my sexual amusement. That's why I have to feminise the guys before they become hypersexual or at the same time. Otherwise you have to be Spock or something.

    I'm non-binary but I have to do my bit for 'white women are the worst kind (tm)' it's in the social contract. And also fun.

    Notice all you example are fat white women? there's your answer.
    White women look better.
    Well this has been a thread.
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    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  2. #5462
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    Lol my friend messaged me like:

    Have you watched New Girl

    The sitcom

    I like her hair
    It's funny because she has one of the best hair styles. Though I am not specifically attracted to her. Did I talk to him about fringes before? I don't remember. (I realise I post about guys with long hair here constantly but I don't actually do this in general as often.) I did like long dark hair with fringes a bunch at one point including (especially,) on guys. Though really I like most long hair styles on guys. Was into this and similar hair styles:

    He doesn't have a fringe here but you can imagine he does (I mean he kind of did maybe during that era but still not really):

    There was also the phase with this one woman who posted among other stuff softcore porn where she had black hair with a fringe, and then like these black heels and she was hot but I only really found her hot in that outfit with her makeup + hair during that shoot. Not going to post those photos here, plus I think she deleted a bunch of her online profiles at some point.

    Atm I'm more into people who remind me of the 70s in someway especially with long wavy-ish hair and glasses (mostly because of Geddy Lee obviously, although the glasses thing in general goes way back, but I've posted loads of images of him and Ethel Cain before... I don't think I've posted that fringe photo above here before though.) But also pseudo 70s stuff like this:

    This is amazing because it's like the least attractive persona with the most attractive hair and glasses:

    Oh I forgot:

    His hairstyle here in the above gif has weirdly come into fashion again I think, but only among women.

    I remember when I first found those gifs several months back. I found the video they were from and it's only really short. I was so bummed. But he was so hot and skinny. Memories. Anyway my feelings are less intense now because I sort of fixated on him for a few months heavily and I'm not a teengaer anymore and I've seen most of the photos and gifs etc of him at this point that are in circulation. He's still the hottest person though indefinitely. Until I find someone my brain finds hotter again. I wish it did that more often. I like the chemical reaction.

    So because I'm weird I'm now trying to look through a chat backlog to see if that came up before so I did a search for hair and LOL:

    oh do you still sit on chairs with your feet up

    i remember you doing that
    I'm doing it right now. I sit weirdly in chairs. For some weird reason I also later learnt that's actually a bisexual stereotype.

    Oh man I knew this must have come up we've actually had several hair conversations over the past few years and he also brought her up specifically a few years ago.

    I think Zooey Deschanel looked better with a fringe

    (I am watching something that she was in)
    Quote me
    yeah fringes look good
    And I remembered that she doesn't wear her hair with a fringe anymore

    I like a girl with a fringe
    This is just what we do apparently.

    Why am I posting this here?

    "See I'm not that weird. The one person I talk to outside of family these days also sometimes talks about hair!"
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
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    Everybody got mixed feelings
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    Everybody got to deviate
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  3. #5463
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    Just saw an article with a title like:

    Prog-rock legends reunite on stage at Portsmouth Guildhall
    And was like u fucking what? But then realised it's because of Geddy's book tour so they're not actually playing music lol.

    In a way I'm almost glad because there's no way I would have been able to get tickets if they did realistically. They're just too popular I think they'd sell out super fast. I also figure they wouldn't reunite as Rush as Neil died but it would be cool if they played some music.

    If I had a time machine probably the first, second, third etc thing I'd do is check out Rush concerts during the peak of their career lol and then the following 50+ things I'd do is go to music concerts like for The Cure, Sisters of Mercy, Black Sabbath etc. Most of what I'd be doing would be checking out bands during the peak of their career and going to music concerts. There is this interesting building that used to be this cool arcade Segaworld that is now a mosque in London and I'd like to go back and see that because I'm 99% sure I didn't go in there at the time.

    I was reading a thread on reddit too about whether rock was dead lol. It's really more that I just don't stumble on new music that really draws me in now. It was happening in the early 2010s still in fact I discovered one of my favourite musicians during that time period. Now there's some interesting stuff but I'm less enthusiastic about most of what I stumble on, and also feel like I discover new stuff less. But that happens with age. It seems very hard to find it just randomly wandering around the internet now. There was a point where I discovered rock bands I hadn't listened to all the time on forums etc (various subgenres,) and also pop rock was more popular in the 2000s obviously and there were some mainstream rock bands who became super famous like Green Day and so on.

    One comment that kind of irritated me was someone saying that rock had splintered off into a bunch of new subgenres and was still around - yes that's true but then they started talking about a bunch of metal genres lol. I mean I like a bunch of metal. Especially gothic and alt metal. But it's not rock:

    I feel that the subject or whatever is or isn't on the radio is asinine. Rock's branched off into a billion little subgenres and they're thriving in their little ecosystems if you care enough to look. Doom and sludge, technical death metal and progressive metal and djent, power metal, hardcore and noisy stuff, we're kinda getting great new records all the time.
    How the [BEEP] is technical death metal and stuff like djent rock (or anything he listed,) lol? I like this but this isn't rock:

    I like this but it isn't rock:

    But I do recommend walking around Kings Cross St Pancras while listening to it. Or probably lots of places. It gives everything a more epic vibe.

    My Dying Bride and gothic metal is closer to rock I feel. I mean when you get into more melodic genres of metal it heads into that direction.

    These are just heavy genres of music.

    There are a couple of newer rock bands people bring up a bunch that I still need to check out. Probably a bunch of smaller bands around too but metal and it's various subgenres are still reasonably popular, there's a big following but rock has mostly faded comparably. I think everyone hit a wall in terms of experimenting with rock so it's mostly died.

    At this point I think it's mostly just:

    A few bands trying to recreate psychedelic classic rock (still need to look into most of these bands people rec a lot more like The Heavy Heavy's and King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard the latter seem to make metal music too anyway and the first couple of songs I tried to listen to were metal, and there are others I've forgotten the name of, so not commenting on that yet extensively.) This band who I think kind of started the reboot of that in a semi-mainstream sense is pretty good:

    This tracks sounds more like Hole I guess:

    And then there's this prog rock band I stumbled on using Tumblr in 2016 or so who created one album and vanished lol:

    This song is amazing and I should probably listen to more of this band formed in 2010 at some point because I've only listened to a couple of songs:

    I think a lot of metal bands could probably make decent rock music if they wanted to. Katatonia did a good job with heavy rock music as I said before and they started off making death-doom music.

    Also Eluveitie have some cool folk rock sounding songs in the 2000s but with occasional screaming vocals. This track actually had a metal version before as well:

    And that song (the final rock version I mean,) is how I got into their metal music lol.

    In the mid 2010s there were a bunch of smaller bands doing the 90s alt rock thing again this band actually worked with Veruca Salt who were a 90s alt rock band on one track (not this one):

    There's some other pop rock stuff in the UK and US like


    Meg Myers:

    Wolf Alice:

    Some of this is OK (varying degrees of OK,) but I'm not that into it. You'll notice a pattern with the vocalists. I stumbled on a lot of this using YT over the years, so it seems to favour female vocalist suggestions.

    There's a few bands/musicians trying to recreate pop punk (I think that moment's over and the Machine Gun Kelly 'emo girl' type thing is really not my thing. I hate that song more and more every time I stumble on it lol.)

    There's a mixture of stuff that isn't really rock but some kind of interesting alternative electronic creepy stuff that borrows the aesthetics and seems to be tied to the explosion of genres like witch house and various electronic genres of the 2000s and inspired by that kind of Crystal Castles type stuff and hip hop etc and early 2000s pop music like this:

    ^ they also have a pop punk type track that I heard and was 'eh' about. A lot of stuff now is obviously trying to exploit nostalgia as well.

    I actually like some of this stuff more than shitty attempts to reinvent pop punk and also stuff like Wolf Alice since it's at least experimenting a bit more. But most of it's incredibly far removed. Some of it even more removed than metal probably. And some of it probably takes more from metal than rock as well. Zheani is obviously more influenced by metal and nu-metal type stuff than rock for example. I can see the influence of like 80s synth rock on this track below I guess. It's 5 degrees removed from goth rock as well (I feel like that sentence will give someone an aneurism haha because of how much goth is policed but what I mean is if you go back through every music genre that inspired this track over the past three decades eventually you will go back to 80s goth rock and post punk I think):

    Something like this Zheani > witch house + vaguely 80s sounds > cocteau twins + The Human League or something > post punk

    Folksy and country stuff:

    A Finnish country band that is mostly popular for their covers lol:

    Ethel Cain is influenced by art pop a bit I think like Florence and the Machine, folk, other US music blues rock type stuff I've not listened to, and Christian music. You get this kind of music that's a bit like a art pop/folk/doom metal inspired fusion thing with very slow paced hushed vocals sometimes:

    You can hear the obvious Chelsea Wolfe influence on this Ethel Cain track:

    Entirely unrelated but I was just reading her wikipedia page and I still think it's funny that it says she's bisexual when afaik this is purely based on some article saying this once (it's the only source):

    In an interview with STUDIO 01, Cain mentioned that at the beginning of her musical career, people often compared her music and character aesthetic to Lana Del Rey, an artist whose aesthetic is more so about the glitz, glamor and opulence of America. In contrast, Cain's ballads consist of stories of the "broken American dream." Her lyricism depicts the existence of being a bisexual, transgender woman raised within a southern church, and Cain takes part in the reclamation of Southern Americana, from which [BEEP] people have often been ostracized from.
    I don't know that she's ever referred to herself as bisexual but she did say she likes making out with girls and is kind of fluid I guess. And does it depict that though? (bisexuality specifically I mean.) Not in a literal sense (the character on her debut album is straight, all her romantic songs afaik are about men,) but I guess bisexuals are very not OK too so why not. Actually this music video is very [BEEP] too:

    And I'm (still) pretending the other character is non-binary.

    The Lana Del Rey influence is obvious in the song Crush especially. But you know Lana herself sounds a lot like Hope Sandoval anyway:

    And of course Drab Majesty are pretty decent and they tap into the whole liminal thing which is nice on an aesthetic level musically like it sounds like the feeling of driving at night and with their older videos. Halsey also managed this with her debut album Badlands and there's overlapping influences there I think with tumblr aesthetics etc. And in general there have been some new interesting goth rock bands over the past decade but sometimes disappear after an album or three.

    Halsey working with Nine Inch Nails was also very cool. It was the most exciting thing in mainstream pop music probably to happen in the past decade. Besides that time Janelle Monae worked with Prince.

    And then you get into the whole synthwave thing obviously but not linking all that it's only getting further removed.

    I'm really reaching with some of this and also went even more off topic with Halsey's tracks like Ghost because of the liminal thing haha, but she is an alternative pop electronic musician who was inspired by rock music and it occasionally shows barely on tracks like Nightmare, Control, and Gasoline:

    Trying not to mix in people who started in the 90s and 2000s too. Honestly even within the 'this isn't technically rock music but some of it's electro rock and some of it seems vaguely inspired and electronic' alternative music realm 2000s stuff and people who started in the 90s were often better imo. Like IAMX. Not a big fan of his new album but The Unified Field which came out in 2013 was great with some great tracks, and a bunch of great tracks from Metanoia (2015,) and the Everything is Burning EP (2016.) Then I kind of lost track of what was going on and there were a bunch of I think non-album releases I didn't pay much attention to, and then didn't like the new album when I briefly gave it a try and didn't go back to it (one of the singles was OK.) But some decent albums from the last decade. But that's not what I'm doing in this post lol. Trying to talk about musicians who either started in the 2010s or close to and he was making trip hop music back in the 90s.. And did the whole 'make music with Japanese musicians during part of career' thing. Very much of a former era.

    Obviously some older bands and musicians are making music still (sometimes not rock music,) that's fine in some cases because they're making good music still just not rock and all if this is like looking back over a decade.

    You can grab pretty much any 70s or 80s rock band and compare them to most new stuff (not all but most,) from new musicians post 2010 and it will be better. I'm not even saying this out of nostalgia as I didn't listen to the vast majority of that music as a teenager. There were some bands I did like The Cure, but even bands and songs I've discovered in my 20s or in the last 3-5 years from that era are better.

    I don't think they have to be Rush because I'm not that picky. I'm not the person who listens to this track and is like 'Cliff Burton wasn't Geddy Lee' (and yeah that was a complaint I read about him haha.) But I want something else I guess I dunno.

    I think part of the problem (besides me being older,) is most music now is solo and people don't have friends in general and don't work with other people often. A lot of pop music is made by the same handful of producers who have pretty much just engineered the perfect way to appeal to the largest group of people possible to get the most money. Then discovering other stuff is difficult and it's not necessarily good or great. A lot of music isn't terrible either it's just not great.

    Also the thing I said before about people not really using a variety of instruments.. Because sometimes certain instruments stand out like with the track Omnos I posted earlier that's how I discovered hurdy-gurdies which are really cool. Not limited to rock either:


    Music box:


    This is a really great track but there are a few things going on here but flute mostly:


    This is a really cool instrument:

    But I have a thing about water + glass instruments. I always liked how in The Cure song Cold they had that kind of crystal/icicle sound effect sound. I don't know how they specifically did that. On other tracks they have some cool wind chimes on Plain Song:

    I like stuff that's fantastical and atmospheric though.

    I've discovered at least one band/musician I love in every decade of my life that are still making new music that I like(d,) even if they're not a newer band/musician, but I feel like I might not this decade. I might not even find a song like that. I don't think I even discovered Drab Majesty this decade lol. I'm pretty sure I discovered them in like 2018-2019 in my late 20s initially lol, and they're my favourite so far and still if I'm thinking of like top tier music (according to personal preference/emotional reaction,) it's still not there but maybe I'm too old.

    This doesn't matter though maybe when my brain is like this.

    "Just saw an article with a title like:

    Prog-rock legends reunite on stage at Portsmouth Guildhall
    And was like u fucking what? But then realised it's because of Geddy's book tour so they're not actually playing music lol.

    In a way I'm almost glad because there's no way I would have been able to get tickets if they did realistically they're just too popular I think they'd sell out super fast. I also figure they wouldn't reunite as Rush as Neil died but it would be cool if they played some music.

    If I had a time machine probably the first, second, third etc thing I'd do is check out Rush concerts during the peak of their career lol and then the following 50+ things I'd do is go to music concerts like for The Cure, Sisters of Mercy, Black Sabbath etc. Most of what I'd be doing would be checking out bands during the peak of their career and going to music concerts. There is this interesting building that used to be this cool arcade Segaworld that is now a mosque in London and I'd like to go back and see that because I'm 99% sure I didn't go in there at the time.

    I was reading a thread on reddit too about whether rock was dead lol. It's really more that I just don't stumble on new music that really draws me in now. It was happening in the early 2010s still in fact I discovered one of my favourite musicians during that time period. Now there's some interesting stuff but I'm less enthusiastic about most of what I stumble on, and also feel like I discover new stuff less. But that happens with age. It seems very hard to find it just randomly wandering around the internet now. There was a point where I discovered rock bands I hadn't listened to all the time on forums etc (various subgenres,) and also pop rock was more popular in the 2000s obviously and there were some mainstream rock bands who became super famous like Green Day and so on.

    One comment that kind of irritated me was someone saying that rock had splintered off into a bunch of new subgenres and was still around - yes that's true but then they started talking about a bunch of metal genres lol. I mean I like a bunch of metal. Especially gothic and alt metal. But it's not rock:

    I feel that the subject or whatever is or isn?t on the radio is asinine. Rock?s branched off into a billion little subgenres and they?re thriving in their little ecosystems if you care enough to look. Doom and sludge, technical death metal and progressive metal and djent, power metal, hardcore and noisy stuff, we?re kinda getting great new records all the time.
    How the [BEEP] is technical death metal and stuff like djent rock lol? I like this but this isn't rock:

    I like this but it isn't rock:

    But I do recommend walking around Kings Cross St Pancras while listening to it. Or probably lots of places. It gives everything a more epic vibe.

    My Dying Bride and gothic metal is closer to rock I feel. I mean when you get into more melodic genres of metal it heads into that direction.

    These are just heavy genres of music.

    There are a couple of newer rock bands people bring up a bunch that I still need to check out. Probably a bunch of smaller bands around too but metal and it's various subgenres are still reasonably popular, there's a big following but rock has mostly faded comparably. I think everyone hit a wall in terms of experimenting with rock so it's mostly died.

    At this point I think it's mostly just:

    A few bands trying to recreate psychedelic classic rock (still need to look into most of these bands people rec a lot more like The Heavy Heavy's and King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard the latter seem to make metal music too anyway and the first couple of songs I tried to listen to were metal, and there are others I've forgotten the name of, so not commenting on that yet extensively.) This band who I think kind of started the reboot of that in a semi-mainstream sense is pretty good:

    This tracks sounds more like Hole I guess:

    And then there's this prog rock band I stumbled on using Tumblr in 2016 or so who created one album and vanished lol:

    This song is amazing and I should probably listen to more of this band formed in 2010 at some point because I've only listened to a couple of songs:

    I think a lot of metal bands could probably make decent rock music if they wanted to. Katatonia did a good job with heavy rock music as I said before and they started off making death-doom music.

    Also Eluveitie have some cool folk rock sounding songs in the 2000s but with occasional screaming vocals. This track actually had a metal version before as well:

    And that song (the final rock version I mean,) is how I got into their metal music lol.

    In the mid 2010s there were a bunch of smaller bands doing the 90s alt rock thing again this band actually worked with Veruca Salt who were a 90s alt rock band on one track (not this one):

    There's some other pop rock stuff in the UK and US like


    Meg Myers:

    Wolf Alice:

    Some of this is OK (varying degrees of OK,) but I'm not that into it. You'll notice a pattern with the vocalists. I stumbled on a lot of this using YT over the years, so it seems to favour female vocalist suggestions.

    There's a few bands/musicians trying to recreate pop punk (I think that moment's over and the Machine Gun Kelly 'emo girl' type thing is really not my thing. I hate that song more and more every time I stumble on it lol.)

    There's a mixture of stuff that isn't really rock but some kind of interesting alternative electronic creepy stuff that borrows the aesthetics and seems to be tied to the explosion of genres like witch house and various electronic genres of the 2000s and inspired by that kind of Crystal Castles type stuff and hip hop etc and early 2000s pop music like this:

    ^ they also have a pop punk type track that I heard and was 'eh' about. A lot of stuff now is obviously trying to exploit nostalgia as well.

    I actually like some of this stuff more than shitty attempts to reinvent pop punk and also stuff like Wolf Alice since it's at least experimenting a bit more. But most of it's incredibly far removed. Some of it even more removed than metal probably. And some of it probably takes more from metal than rock as well. Zheani is obviously more influenced by metal and nu-metal type stuff than rock for example. I can see the influence of like 80s synth rock on this track below I guess. It's 5 degrees removed from goth rock as well (I feel like that sentence will give someone an aneurism haha because of how much goth is policed but what I mean is if you go back through every music genre that inspired this track over the past three decades eventually you will go back to 80s goth rock and post punk I think):

    Something like this Zheani > witch house + vaguely 80s sounds > cocteau twins + The Human League or something > post punk

    Folksy and country stuff:

    A Finnish country band that is mostly popular for their covers lol:

    Ethel Cain is influenced by art pop a bit I think like Florence and the Machine, folk, other US music blues rock type stuff I've not listened to, and Christian music. You get this kind of music that's a bit like a art pop/folk/doom metal inspired fusion thing with very slow paced hushed vocals sometimes:

    You can hear the obvious Chelsea Wolfe influence on this Ethel Cain track:

    Entirely unrelated but I was just reading her wikipedia page and I still think it's funny that it says she's bisexual when afaik this is purely based on some article saying this once (it's the only source):

    In an interview with STUDIO 01, Cain mentioned that at the beginning of her musical career, people often compared her music and character aesthetic to Lana Del Rey, an artist whose aesthetic is more so about the glitz, glamor and opulence of America. In contrast, Cain's ballads consist of stories of the "broken American dream." Her lyricism depicts the existence of being a bisexual, transgender woman raised within a southern church, and Cain takes part in the reclamation of Southern Americana, from which [BEEP] people have often been ostracized from.
    I don't know that she's ever referred to herself as bisexual but she did say she likes making out with girls and is kind of fluid I guess. And does it depict that though? (bisexuality specifically I mean.) Not in a literal sense (the character on her debut album is straight, all her romantic songs afaik are about men,) but I guess bisexuals are very not OK too so why not. Actually this music video is very [BEEP] too:

    And I'm (still) pretending the other character is non-binary.

    The Lana Del Rey influence is obvious in the song Crush especially. But you know Lana herself sounds a lot like Hope Sandoval anyway:

    And of course Drab Majesty are pretty decent and they tap into the whole liminal thing which is nice on an aesthetic level musically like it sounds like the feeling of driving at night and with their older videos. Halsey also managed this with her debut album Badlands and there's overlapping influences there I think with tumblr aesthetics etc. And in general there have been some new interesting goth rock bands over the past decade but sometimes disappear after an album or three.

    Halsey working with Nine Inch Nails was also very cool. It was the most exciting thing in mainstream pop music probably to happen in the past decade. Besides that time Janelle Monae worked with Prince.

    And then you get into the whole synthwave thing obviously but not linking all that it's only getting further removed.

    I'm really reaching with some of this and also went even more off topic with Halsey's tracks like Ghost because of the liminal thing haha, but she is an alternative pop electronic musician who was inspired by rock music and it occasionally shows barely on tracks like Nightmare, Control, and Gasoline:

    Obviously some older bands and musicians are making music still (sometimes not rock music,) that's fine in some cases because they're making good music still just not rock and all if this is like looking back over a decade.

    You can grab pretty much any 70s or 80s rock band and compare them to most new stuff (not all but most,) from new musicians post 2010 and it will be better. I'm not even saying this out of nostalgia as I didn't listen to the vast majority of that music as a teenager. There were some bands I did like The Cure, but even bands and songs I've discovered in my 20s or in the last 3-5 years from that era are better.

    I don't think they have to be Rush because I'm not that picky. I'm not the person who listens to this track and is like 'Cliff Burton wasn't Geddy Lee' (and yeah that was a complaint I read about him haha.) But I want something else I guess I dunno.

    I think part of the problem (besides me being older,) is most music now is solo and people don't have friends in general and don't work with other people often. A lot of pop music is made by the same handful of producers who have pretty much just engineered the perfect way to appeal to the largest group of people possible to get the most money. Then discovering other stuff is difficult and it's not necessarily good or great. A lot of music isn't terrible either it's just not great.

    Also the thing I said before about people not really using a variety of instruments.. Because sometimes certain instruments stand out like with the track Omnos I posted earlier that's how I discovered hurdy-gurdies which are really cool. Not limited to rock either:


    Music box:


    This is a really great track but there are a few things going on here but flute mostly:


    This is a really cool instrument:

    But I have a thing about water + glass instruments. I always liked how in The Cure song Cold they had that kind of crystal/icicle sound effect sound. I don't know how they specifically did that. On other tracks they have some cool wind chimes on Plain Song:

    I like stuff that's fantastical and atmospheric though.

    I've discovered at least one band/musician I love in every decade of my life that are still making new music that I like(d,) even if they're not a newer band/musician, but I feel like I might not this decade. I might not even find a song like that. I don't think I even discovered Drab Majesty this decade lol. I'm pretty sure I discovered them in like 2018-2019 in my late 20s initially lol, and they're my favourite so far and still if I'm thinking of like top tier music (according to personal preference/emotional reaction,) it's still not there but maybe I'm too old.

    This doesn't matter though maybe when my brain is like this.

    "And I forget just why I taste
    Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
    I found it hard, it's hard to find
    Oh well, whatever, never mind."
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  4. #5464
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    People have been talking on off over the past couple of months about some tech job fair in the US designed for women and non-binary people where supposedly men were sneaking in to steal jobs though I'm not sure how you could prove that.

    There's some discussion about this below:

    What I find disgusting is that those people think that such conferences are perfectly fine, but if someone would do the same thing just for men he would be called sexist. Also, what I find interesting is that somehow there are no such events created just for men in women dominated areas. I always hear about "women in tech" conferences or "women in business". It's never "men in education" or "men in nursing programs"...
    ok, so where is the "men in nursing" and “men in education"? Two careers heavily dominated by women, so men should get an advantage right? If I remember right, STEM is about 20-25% female. We should really be pushing welders, mechanics, garbage and sewer workers before bc they hardly make up 2% of these jobs
    Apparently women make up 12% of auto mechanics in the US (where these commenters are mostly from.) I'm not going to look up every job but I figured he just grabbed that 2% number out of nowhere lol.

    Also makes me think of this lol:

    People are always bringing stuff up like this as some kind of 'thing they don't technically believe but we'll just point out the hypocrisy' but this would actually probably be a good idea for both groups as there are lots of lower status gender skewed jobs that are probably easier to do and better paid than being a failed *insert fancy degree subject* student, but it's sort of hopeless and this kind of gender war [BEEP] is just masking a bigger issue.

    There are increasingly less working class jobs now or 'unskilled jobs' and the jobs that do exist are increasingly cognitively demanding and more complicated. Not everyone can do those jobs which is going to be an ongoing issue as time goes on. Part of the reason so many women turn to things like onlyfans now or other forms of social media content creation is because they don't have training in the kind of jobs working class guys do (which are increasingly non existent anyway,) and don't have training and/or ability to do high skilled jobs.

    More and more jobs are just going to be automated as time goes on. If the jobs replacing them are too high skilled and too cognitively demanding most people are going to be out of work.

    And I say this with complete neutrality there are people like this wandering around and it's not that rare:

    Some of these I can't answer some seem really basic to me like how many moons does Earth have but he answers 30, someone else answers 2 someone else answered 4, then someone gets 7 + 7 + 7 wrong and one person couldn't tell the time looking at image of a clock (you could argue that's because people of a certain age have only ever been surrounded by digital clocks I guess,) and some seem intuitive like which countries was the Mexican-American war fought between it's in the title even though I don't know anything about it and her answer is 'French revolutions.' He asks another person what the third month of the year is but because the question is phrased 'what is the third month in each yeah' which is a little awkward phrasing which I think stumped them even more and they just answer 'isn't that a leap year or some [BEEP]?' So February (not March,) has an extra day during leap years but that has no relevance to the question. So it's also just the answers that people come up with and their process which is revealing.

    There's another thing too that you'll sometimes see happen on social media that happens at the end of this video where she doesn't realise he's asking her to imagine a hypothetical. So he keeps saying 'if you were born 10 years ago you would be 10' and she keeps saying no because she's 20. Some people can't process hypotheticals and you'll people get into arguments online like this where they don't realise that they're being asked to do that. Sometimes this is also an issue with comprehension too because of the attention span thing online or they misread or if it's a political + cultural or sensitive argument then they may be purposefully choosing not to understand you to win something which is again a different thing, but sometimes it's the inability to imagine hypotheticals thing. A lot of people take that and a lot of other stuff for granted because they project how they think onto everyone.

    It's also really annoying me that in a bunch of these videos the YouTuber just says 'yes' when they get it wrong or gives them a different incorrect answer. Like it's really bugging me lol. I low-key want to scream at them m for that.

    And hey at least some of them are socially skilled my severe anxiety limits me a ton and I'm also mentally slow.

    Many people can't figure out how a microwave functions etc.

    A lot of these videos will be random trivia stuff so people will think 'well this isn't representative' but things have gotten worse over time like a significant number of people in the UK don't finish school with basic maths or English skills now. Some people can't really read.

    And people need something to do.

    I can't say I really have any maths ability whatsoever at this point besides very basic stuff. I had to retake an exam on hexadecimal division at one point or something like that 4+ times in sixth form. I had to pass a bunch of tests using binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I passed a bunch of those tests the first time but there was one I got really stuck on for some reason. In the end everyone had passed so I was just re-taking this exam in my teacher's office.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  5. #5465
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    No Gina and Jake would be terrible they're basically siblings. Gina and Rosa is an OK ship maybe for a casual relationship but otherwise not really. Rosa and the vulture is another situation where they'd have a one night stand but it wouldn't work. Holt and Gordon would kind of work on paper I guess but that was mostly just played off for comedy. Amy and Melvin make sense at least (actually the actors are married irl lol.)

    Maybe Amy and Rosa could be in a poly relationship with Jake where Rosa and Jake are just friends because Rosa and Jake don't make sense as a couple. I like Jake and Amy as a couple and Rosa and Amy had some cute moments. Also I dunno it just kind of works as a poly relationship:

    But I didn't really feel like Rosa had chemistry with the female character they hooked her up with in the end whose name I can't even remember (Jocelyn,) which wasn't helped by the fact they had hardly any screen time and it mostly seemed to be written to be off screen except a couple of episodes. Also on that note the one couple this video probably needs is Alicia and Rosa.

    This was funny too:

    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  6. #5466
    Doseone's Avatar Metacognizant
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    Evolution really got us fucked up. lol.

    edit: I listened to like 10 songs of a playlist of current hits just out of curiosity and no thanks. Actually, Nicki Minaj can rap, but I didn't like the beat.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  7. #5467
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    There's definitely some football game going on here now I can hear it lol. So I assume it's a premier league one. Yeah they're playing Newcastle. That's so weird hah. I wondered about going down near the stadium during a game (imagine the road gets closed off though,) obviously wouldn't be able to see anything but just like because it's a thing now. Bit of a walk though from where I live. I'm not gonna go now lol. I'm going to write this incredibly pointless post.

    Also my browser crashed and I thought I lost this entire post which should exist anyway like the biggest waste of time ever. But I'd compulsively copied it to my clipboard while writing.

    It depends on the person, so this is a pretty individual question. Speaking for myself and my experiences with my female friends, it is an automatic deal-breaker. Depending on the woman, it's an offense that can easily end a date. In my circles, the men that fare the best are political independents, moderates, and Libertarians. I think a lot of conservative men realize this, because frequently what they've been putting in profiles is 'Moderate' or 'Apolitical'.

    For me, conservatism hearkens back to a particular form of Americanism that rejects people like myself, my family, and my friends. My grandparents are also Reagan Republicans that only vote Democrat because they're black - and we don't discuss politics in the household. While someone who extremely far to the left makes me distrustful of them (I dated a Socialist man, and while some of the way that he'd discuss politics with me was stupid hot and guaranteed him sex - he also walked with me during the Dobbs v. Jackson protests - he never wanted to do anything 'pricier' because he hated rich people with a passion), I have a visceral disgust towards conservatism. It's unfortunate, though, because the men who have often treated me best in the short term on dates have been conservatives (they've been gentlemen and do things like open doors, walk on the outside of the sidewalk, see to my immediate well-being in a space), but they have also said some extremely repugnant things as well that have basically canceled out the nice things that they've done for me personally.
    Lol I met one person who did that at uni. It was so confusing because I had no idea that was even a thing and to this day he's the only person I've met who did that. Maybe it's a class thing since he was slightly higher up the class ladder. He had to explain to me what he was trying to do because I kept walking near the road so he got exasperated (he also commented later about me paying for myself.) I have no idea what his political beliefs were because back then nobody discussed them. He had a weird mishmash of conservative and liberal preferences on a personal level I guess. Like he obviously liked being kind of traditional but was also metrosexual and I once saved him from a spider which he then announced to Facebook which isn't the most traditional thing in the world on the other hand he said I was boring to shop with and kept nagging me to wear dresses + made other comments like that.

    I liked that he cooked for me one time but the rest of that stuff was unnecessary. I'm not really a fan of benevolent sexism in general on principle (it can also be irritatingly infantilising,) but I think most women are according to research and so yeah at least in the US I think that translates to being conservative. I've seen some tweets recently where women talk about how conservatives in public treat them better. Then Aella chimed in with (paraphrasing) 'this is often true but to be fair I think it's different when your lifestyle doesn't fit their values.' And then people of course responded to essentially call her a whore. Lol.

    I don't know why she keeps trying to fit into the circles she does and she's even mentioned how pretty much nobody there is value aligned with her now as she enjoys sex a lot, is very promiscuous and I think still does some form of sex work and most of them are trying hard to demonise that. She left a very religious upbringing to start doing cam work then worked as an escort/prostitute later I think, now I think she just does onlyfans type stuff alongside being essentially some kind of freelance sexology researcher but still has loads of sex. She tweeted about having sex with a bunch of guys at once last year or something and twitter became outraged/disgusted.

    I started reading her twitter cause I wanted to find that tweet but got distracted.

    Men are werewolves
    As an escort, I'd have dinner with an intelligent, perceptive man - ceo or something - and I'd think, no way he's a werewolf. When we end up in bed, he'll remain himself, conscious, alert.
    But no; they transformed every time into an unrecognizable sex creature.
    It was really startling for me. I thought I'd get some kind of continuity between the man and the wolf. I thought at least some men wouldn't have wolves at all. I've had sex with a lot of women, and they don't become wolves! But the men became different, felt different.
    It was as if their soul left their body, like the perception and intelligence vanished, and they went from a competent suited wallstreet king to a sweaty, slightly pink body hungrily groping you, eyes half lidded, breathing heavy "baby you like that?" directly in your ear.
    It's insane. And don't get me wrong - I did enjoy some werewolves - but all of them transform, and the transformations are more startling in men who have to present as a nonsexual to the public. The ones that act as though they've never thought of sex - those are radical shifts.
    Being an escort has given me the werewolf eye - every politician, philanthropist, celebrity looking sane and in control, they're just a few short steps away from tit-induced mania. Inside all of them is a flushed man hammering away at a [BEEP] like an autistic kid building legos.
    Comedian masturbates in front of coworker? Philanthropist pursues aid? Politician cheats on wife? These aren't abnormal, they are par for the course; little, slightly-more-visible blips in the giant undercurrent of men's repressed sexuality, only newsworthy cause we're in denial.
    I think my first ex was mostly a creature. He wasn't really a conscientious person and was never very controlled in general. My dream kind of told me that before we got together but this was before I realised that my dream sexuality was divorced from my real one I guess lol (I mean I enjoy kissing in dreams a lot more mostly too.) Ultimately this of course didn't work for me at all. My second ex was the complete opposite. I think before we even got together he wrote on Facebook that he couldn't understand why people liked sex but he was a virgin anyway. Then when were were together he never tried to initiate anything besides I think one kiss which he did in a very controlled kind of way and was probably the closest I ever came to enjoying a kiss irl. But I never really wanted to initiate stuff either so we didn't do anything besides kiss a few times. I did initiate stuff with my first ex but by my second relationship I just wasn't in a very experimental mindstate and aside from the one time I engaged in sadism with my first ex I don't remember getting any enjoyment out of the stuff I did with him (and even that was amusing and not arousing as far as I remember.)

    I'm more interested int he fact that you didn't notice any similar transformation in women.
    From what I've heard, at least some women definitely *seem* to have a similar "horny animal" mode.
    I'd like to know more about that too. It's a lot harder to unlock I assume (impossible in some cases. Also maybe you have to be a kpop star lol.) She doesn't really talk about women much either. Her advice is never based on her experiences with women curiously and always on how to attract someone like herself.

    Like, a sex being. Out of their mind horny. Often can manifest in fingering a lot or getting validation from making you orgasm. But definitely not the same person you had dinner with.
    I think she tried to give advice to guys about this too based on herself again. Most of those articles were behind a paywall though so couldn't read them. Yeah like this:

    And so in a sense I'm describing a guide to get a woman (vaguely similar to me) to become a sex body.

    Unfortunately this is not a guide for men themselves to become sex bodies in the same way, I'm sorry. This is a pretty heteronormative guide, and it centers on vaguely active-male, receptive-female styles of interaction, where the advice for both sides is not symmetric. If you?re a subby guy really looking for a lady to take control and like it, this probably won?t be the guide for you.
    I don't think I can recall her talking about what role she took on with women either. It's odd to have that perspective and then never seem to reference or compare it or anything.

    I don't know! I think maybe what I"m trying to get at is that everyone becomes wolves during sex, but it only feels like the 'successful business people' start out as humans. It's less weird when someone feels plausibly sexual to start out with.
    I really do understand why some people think she's autistic.

    Not sayin' you're wrong -- you have way more experience than I do, certainly.

    But your post kind of feels like: "you know who's awful? the OUTGROUP" and I feel like I was hoping for a take that was more compassionate or nuanced?
    I meant to be visceral, not divisive. I've tweeted a clarifying thing.
    That's really interesting because I felt turned off reading it (also coincidentally I was never into werewolves,) but assumed she meant it positively or neutrally. She has a very different sexuality + personal boundaries to me and I also assumed she liked having that control.

    this whole thread smacks of you trying to take the power back from those moments where you felt dehumanized
    I very often did not feel dehumanized from men werewolfing, ty for asking
    This is making some men really unhappy.

    Despite my affinity for wolves, I consider myself on the vampire side of this spectrum.

    I agree with wondering how she sets up the label of wolf, and compared to what.

    "Men are dogs" is a common dehumanizing term...

    I have always set it up between a vampire and a werewolf.
    What's with women making broad sweeping comments about the sexual behavior of all men, based on the few they've slept with?

    At best, you observed something that men who pay for sex have in common.
    I'm actually trying to find anything she might have written about women now lol. It's not going well. It's top secret info apparently. 👨*🔬

    it's tragic men dont get sexually aroused by the things women like to wear. i wish mens boners would get proportionally harder the more sparkly, gown-y, princessey an outfit is on a woman. i wanna walk into a room dripping in pink jewels and have that be what makes men love me
    Oh I actually like glittery/sparkly green stuff a lot but mostly on men.

    instead no, the outfits that earn boners are literally $10 leggings, a visible thong, and a too-small tee u cut off right underneath your boobs with scissors. doesn't matter the color of the tee, the print, the cut, all that matters is it's small and you're not wearing a bra
    Yeah I like that and crop tops on guys. Thongs aren't appealing to me though I like short shorts and miniskirts with no underwear.

    men are uncivilized trash. We could be living in the alternate universe where im writing beautiful artistic clothes off on my taxes but no, my wardrobe is full of itchy transparent [BEEP] from shein because of you.
    It's like she's not even psychically reading my posts that I just post here. My opinions don't matter though.

    (guys to clarify i do not literally think men are uncivilized trash, i was using funny hyperbole language to bemoan my lack of princess dresses. everyone is incentivized by genes built in an ancestral state and i have compassion for this)
    You're conflating arousal w/ love. They may well *love* you more in the sparkly dress, and want to pair bond w/ you?an actual lasting relationship. Think ?She?s special.? But sexual arousal is opportunistic and fleeting, prompted largely by sexual availability. Think ?She?s DTF.?
    That's how it works for me. Sparkly clothing is more romantic. It's so funny when this happens but they're men. Uh...

    Well sort of.

    I miss discovering Faceapp's gender swap filter and then realising female Loki was hot and wasting 4 hours and photoshopping this (and the full body version of this I made later lol.) It was some of the best sex I never had. Just like when I discovered AI Dungeon. And when I wrote that erotic stuff several months ago.

    Honestly kind of better than porn even though I didn't [redacted] probably the control. And the feminisation fetish thing...

    I also miss discovering him:

    I hate my brain. But back to searching to try and find anecdotes...


    The princess stuff is just awful. A lot of fashion is pretty opaque.. but if you dress like a cool musician that can be a way to combine femininity, complex clothes, and sexiness
    I do like musicians but- Oh I forgot:


    why do women love it so much when men don't? some sort of competition with other women? or an unintended hijacking of a drive that started elsewhere?

    in other species, looking fancy is generally for attracting the opposite sex, no?
    When most female Humans are young girls I've been informed that they often try to give makeovers to various boys they know (often ones they're related to,) but I never had this urge until I was a teenager. Maybe because this didn't happen at the appropriate time the instinct became sexualised at some point instead. Jordan Peterson seems to think that's why some people like crossdressing sexually too (well sometimes anyway.) He thinks it's some reemergence of repressed childhood play. And so instead here I apparently am. But what if everyone else is just repressed? And they keep wearing the clothing they want guys to wear like autogynephilia without even realising. Because a lot of female sexuality is a bit like that. Lol nuclear takes that would get me cancelled in 2 seconds if I had a following and posted this.

    No you don't understand the male Humans were supposed to be pretty like birds all along the femboys were right *gets dragged off to asylum*

    Eh it's not at all important if they have long hair and facial features I like and are skinny. Plus I actually think F1nnster looks more attractive in masculine clothing and glasses and suit jackets (with nothing else on,) cause I'm not really into a lot of his femme e-girl aesthetic choices or fake breasts it's unnecessary. I find lots of different clothing attractive. That's just a fun story.

    Meanwhile, most men would happy to get any overt signal that any women were attracted to anything about them.
    Fucking hell. Back to searching to try and find anecdotes...

    Anecdotally this is true. The 80+ partner counts guys I know have mostly just banged slutty women. All my slutty women friends and I have big overlap in the guys we bang. I made friends with a slutty lady last month and she's already slept with 2 of my exes and 3 I'm dating
    But I don't care about men right now Aella. Stop talking about men lol.

    over the years ive known multiple women, some of them literally successful, sexy OF girls with thousands of horny fans, who are undersexed because their boyfriends lost sexual interest in them. it's a tragic problem cause like, men can't just willpower their penises hard
    Are you just now coming to the realization that men actually crave more than vapid OF success? Like maybe men are actually interested in more than boobs in the long run?
    Every other tweet lol. The dynamic.

    Aella says a thing

    conservative guys: Men aren't just whores Aella!

    It's kind of funny because it inverts the usual dynamic but I'm still looking for a thing. I'm trying a different approach and searching for bisexual and it is not working for me.

    Interestingly, cis, gay males, and transwomen reported the lowest rates of pedophilia (transwomen at lower rates than cis men!). Bisexual and nonbinary males reported the highest rates.
    Whereas transmen had the highest rates compared to enby females.
    Aella you're killing me.

    bro idk what's happening to sexuality, feels like my sex drive is through the roof and my orientation has switched to really straight. i used to have sex with lots of women, more than you, but now somehow the chad meme is sexy? is this a thing that just happens to people?
    And you tragically never talk about it and have terrible taste in men. Ugh.

    today i was trying to figure out why all of twitter wasn't hornyposting all the time. do people just have alts and go hornypost in the horny shadowlands? why do we not have way more businesses built to get people more efficiently laid with people they enjoy? must do more science!
    Yep I post here lol.

    Did they make her sign an NDA?

    oh man i'll have to tell all the women i've had sex with
    sometimes im like 'maybe i should stop criticizing trads cause a separated-from-degeneracy life produced me and id love for there to be more of me'

    yeah u pious right-wingers, keep ur children isolated, raised in a sexually repressive world with traditional values where men are men and women are housewives. id love to enlarge the pipeline straight to sex work
    I don't think Onlyfans is introducing more promiscuity - I think it (and stuff like WAP) are symptoms of changing cultural tides in regards to *seduction*, not actual sex. The difference may be hard to spot but I think it's extremely important.


    female sexual signalling - the scope of what is acceptable female seduction display is widening a lot - look at Onlyfans and WAP. It's very explicit, borderline pornographic, female-empowerment messaging. But I think this is *not* transferring to sex as much as people think! 2/

    Our cultural messaging isn't emphasizing sexual messaging, it's emphasizing sexual *power*, and culturally, women's sexual power is held *without* having sex with men.
    Case study: Bella Thorne.
    Bella is the most recent famous Onlyfans girl and a great example of 3/

    what people (or more importantly, young women) think of as sexual power and *how* to be acceptable on Onlyfans.
    Bella posts very tantalizing photos, obscured art nudes, high-flash short-skirt shots, but *not* actual pornography. Her message is "Come close, but don't touch." 4/

    And this is the same with WAP - the singers of the song are both in long term relationships, one of them married. Iirc Cardi B has joked about not actually having sex with many people, despite the song. The lyrics are explicit but the women themselves *are not*. 5/

    The fascinating thing about Onlyfans isn't that girls are sluttier (young women are having *less* sex!), it's that the line between seduction and sex is getting much more visible in the narrowing space. To me, the lack of bleed over is the important and worrying thing here. 6
    I don't interpret WAP as sexual or trying to seduce but some kind of aggressive attack on men. Which was perhaps not the intent but that's just what I got from it. Probably didn't help that I also watched the music video for Thot [BEEP] around the same time where that definitely was the message. I think the best thing about it though was how much Ben Shapiro freaked out and then someone made a cover with his voice that I kind of like more than the original honestly.

    i'm not saying this is rational, but i count oral sex as sex with other women, but not as sex with men.
    the opening scene in the book i've mostly failed to write is the time i was drunkenly taking a guy home from a bar and jumped out of the uber at a stoplight to give the homeless people lsd, which is how they then became my primary friend group. I'd never do any of that now!
    That's amazing. She has so many crazy stories.

    why are warm, humid nights so nostalgic? every time the weather's like this I am yeeted straight into my adventurous early 20's, feel like i wanna climb into strangers vans or have lesbian sex on top of a church belltower again
    Oh my God this took such a long time but it was sort of worth it. Also why am I alive?

    I think I figured it out I should have been searching for lesbian this entire time.

    the boyfriend of this poly situation had his own room downstairs and had a giant... idk what you call it. canister? safe? full of guns. that house was the ppl who taught me to shoot. i got romantically involved with the husband and used to babysit their kid.

    and also my first lesbian sex was with his wife lol. on their living room floor right after we'd finished watching a short film adaptation of Harrison Bergeron

    i was 19 and EXTREMELY sheltered, they were ... 31 i think. it could have been weird but in hindsight it was a great experience for me. i also ended up banging their 42 year old friend a few months later.
    im startin to think liberal ppl support women's ability to be sexually promiscuous, but only as long as they aren't openly proud about it
    No I'm actively mining your tweets for anecdotes to fill the void actually.

    They are still going to experience an erection in response to my naked body, and I anticipate would be totally down for sex if I indicated that I maybe wanted it - which is something I *don't* assume about lesbian woman at all. They also experience people treating them as male,

    all the time - they probably don't get catcalled, and feel safer walking down streets late at night. This means they practically have a different experience in life than cis women do, which reinforces them inhabiting a 'male' category in my mind.

    and again: this is all entirely independent of their feelings or reasons for not transitioning or how much they want to inhabit a cis woman's experience. That all is valid and often very sad and I feel empathy for them - but my experience of them as male is also valid.
    I don't think that's an experience all lesbians have... I've never been catcalled either and most people don't think of me as a lesbian (and I'm not.)

    She started talking about why she processes trans women who appear male and id as lesbians as male using a specific anecdote of someone who approached her once, then just started talking about how she doesn't think lesbians would react to her like a cis guy but are somehow still male in her mind. I assume only butch ones but she doesn't specify. Tbf I don't think she views herself as female entirely either from what she's said but someone who was is randomly occupying a hot woman's body lol...

    i kinda feel like a gremlinesque neckbeard who found himself in a hot woman's body and is now running around cackling as he gets poor suckers to masturbate to him.
    the faceapp boy version of me is hot, if I could press a button and transition perfectly I might, though I'd lose the novelty factor of having the mismatched brain (androgynous?)/body(feminine) combo. nobody is surprised when boys tweet moral philosophy polls
    I don't really understand this; i often refer to myself as having a more masculine brain, or sometimes ppl refer to me as a neckbeard in a hot woman's body, and this feels mostly fine to me? i wasn't aware this feels bad for others

    Most of my followers are male, and this is true for trans and nonbinary people; most people who report 'nonbinary' or 'trans' on my surveys were born male. Whatever selection effect is bringing all the boys to my yard is also working for people who are male but not boys
    Sure but like, whatever ends up making twitter male also works on enby afabs
    I'm afab and non-binary lol...

    hmm. I think when i 'don't process people as enby', i'm imagining like... being in a group of ppl, and there's a female enby there, and i think a part of me is tracking sexual interest/competition in the group? and i view female enby as 'competition' in some very subtle way?

    or if they're a male enby then i process them as 'more likely to try to have sex with me', or something. Like some part of me is running a constant 'monitor the sexual landscape' thing and enbies get put into that by their birth gender. Do you not have this thing?
    I know who is likely to want to have sex with me based on my body but I don't really have the competition thing, it's annoying when people rope me into female competition actually. Feels uncomfortable. I assume straight women will do this and if I know people are doing this it makes it harder to sexualise them I think? I think it's easier to sexualise lesbians because I assume they're not doing that but that probably makes no sense lol it's just something I've noticed over the past few years and still trying to figure out. I think the competition thing gets in the way though which is something Contrapoints talked about before. Also an issue with trans women too potentially when they talk about afab people kind of makes me sad a bit too. Also maybe why I prefer men and specifically the kind of men I prefer until they start talking about competition stuff again (and then I just mess with their gender sometimes as well.) At some point I'm going to have to research this more though cause it seems interesting psychologically. Also comphet and all that stuff. Like when women talk about wanting male attention but they're not even attracted to them. I remember years ago I kind of envied the attention certain guys would get independent of desiring sexual activity with anyone in particular like it was more about some kind of validation then wanting certain sexual opportunities. But this is kind of an alien thought to me at the moment like I'm not sure why I had that thought at the time and kind of cringe actually not going into all that haha.

    I care more about competition with men sometimes it seems? I think I was dissociated from that for a really long time mostly because I'm very feminine - some wouldn't agree depending on who I'm being compared to but mostly (and obviously afab,) so it manifested in weird unconscious ways that became more conscious after I came out as non-binary to myself but even now it's kind of a weird psychological mess. As my gender identity isn't that clear in the first place neither is any of that stuff. Probably more like a game too. I want to win against this kind of archetypal sort of guy but it doesn't feel like sexual competition most of the time and I honestly think that's how a lot of cis women feel at this point as well so there's no clear distinction there. It's still not something I think I've ever thought irl while around people. If I admire how some guy looks and want to look like him (which only happens with random famous people or whatever,) that never feels like competition either like there's no envy. It's weird (cause I'm attracted to guys?) I see people use the term gender envy but I wouldn't even say that describes my feelings per se. But this also doesn't happen that often these days. I don't think I'm competing with men like other cis men are though I think it's incredibly complicated and there are many more complicated points and of course I've had periods where I feel really bad about not having a dick to the point of crying about it before lol but I don't want to keep thinking about this it's making my head hurt and I was just looking for lesbian anecdotes.

    confession: i lurk in christian-only communities online and when someone posts about doubting their faith or being in pain over what their faith requires them to do, i PM them sympathy and affirm their doubts
    oh you've seen my lesbian pornos? What did you think?
    Well I looked up some images a lot of them were kind of silly with silly expressions lol. I don't think it will work now (even if I looked up actual serious stuff in video,) because of the competition thing and because I switched gender identity multiple times in the process of creating this post and she seems really straight even though she's bisexual-ish (which I know is ironic I'm not 100% gynephilic or even close lol and she's had sex with more women than you or something. Everyone who could hypothetically read this post.)

    I might look up some sapphic audios I guess later since I'm obviously in that mood. Or not. I have to do other things too. I'm all over the place lol. It's because I'm on my period and very stressed about Christmas I think. I'm always insane though but yeah.

    i kinda view the ideal world as one where everyone is having a lot of sex with each other, but women have this lizardbrain-installed gate that makes sure she can't enjoy having casual sex that much. I hope in the glorious transhumanist future we figure out how to fix this!
    The impulse is pure
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    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  8. #5468
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Hetero women: are you sexually turned on (not only "attracted" but actually aroused) by images of men you consider very good looking?
    Not to sway the results but in general I'm a no. I used to think it meant I wasn't straight, but I'm not attracted to women either. I just can't be turned on by a photo! I feel like it can't just be me.
    I wonder what they mean. I'm aroused by images of men I'm very attracted to but not always or all the time also I might not be attracted purely based on them being good looking but their appearance definitely has to factor in. But there are probably lots of guys I'm attracted to that I'm not aroused by. Like irl I had a crush on them I didn't get aroused really. Also then there are other guys who I sort of acknowledge are attractive but I'm not really attracted to.

    This is vague though I feel like what she's looking for is 'are you aroused by random male pictures that are supposed to be attractive.' But there are many interpretations. Taken literally it would be kind of an extreme lack of visual arousal I guess.

    Literally just saw part of an old interview with Jon Hamm and almost passed out 😩
    I'm jealous! Right now it's even worse than usual because I'm breastfeeding, so I'm unable to experience any sexual attraction like? all
    I wonder if it normally works for them in video or not. That seems asexual if not?

    No. But I occasionally have been by pictures of women, even though I'm straight (would never want to have sex with or date a woman). What's going on here?
    I think that's very common that's why so many straight women watch lesbian porn. When you start finding men arousing then you'll be bisexual or something.


    I'm bi and with a man, but have only ever really been turned on by images of women. I find out-of-context 'sexy' images of men to be kind of funny above all else
    This exactly
    I feel like they're all answering this based on random photos of men. I need someone to distinguish between guys they find attractive and random photos of men on the internet.


    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    No you don't understand the male Humans were supposed to be pretty like birds all along the femboys were right *gets dragged off to asylum*
    *intensifies* lol

    Should I take this to mean my followers are mostly men? Why do so many men follow me lmao
    Well I'm not straight and I'm non-binary so didn't vote, and just clicked the see results option but I don't follow them either lol just stumbled on their account.. This happens with anyone asking these sorts of questions though somehow it's always predominantly not women following them.

    There was actually a Playboy for women, except they noticed after a while that only gay men were buying it...
    I wouldn't over-exaggerate it though having looked into it 52% of people buying it are still women.

    At some point it must have been about 70%

    The magazine was mainly marketed to heterosexual women. Despite this, in 2003, Playgirl's then-editor-in-chief Michele Zipp admitted the magazine also attracted much gay readership. "It's 'Entertainment for Women' because there's no other magazine out there that caters to women in the way we do," she said. But she went on adding: "We love our gay readers as well, and the gay readership [of the magazine] is about 30%."[23] In the same year, Mark Graff, President of Trans Digital Media, the brand management firm for Playgirl TV, stated that a large percentage of Playgirl's readership are gay men.[24]
    Also women are still reading and watching yaoi manga and anime...

    I think most women are not visually aroused in general as a matter of how our brains work. I'm a corrupted lil freak tho and can't relate to this experience. Visual things always aroused me.
    No I don't think so the ever accumulating evidence suggests that women are capable of this and even default to this with women but most men aren't physically arousing or something like that. We have to make men visually arousing again (tm) and also probably make women gay men or something sexually speaking. This is the most important project of all time.

    For heterosexual women viewing erotic pictures, activity was greater for female relative to male stimuli bilaterally in lateral occipital cortices, likely indicative of visual attention49,50, as well as in right-lateralized fusiform cortex, potentially suggesting face or body processing51,52. In no brain areas did heterosexual women have significantly greater activation for male relative to female erotic pictures. Rather, they seemed to have a somewhat gynephilic pattern of visual attention, consistent with results from eye-tracking and looking-time studies in which heterosexual women attended to erotic characteristics of female pictures53,54.
    You just don't understand. *Moves arms around intensely.* I love that arm thing he does in this video lol.

    Yeah I actually decided to make a gif lol....

    Women as likely to be turned on by sexual images as men ? study

    Previously studies based on self-reporting have suggested men are more aroused by images than women, and it has been proposed that these differences could be down to the way the brain processes the stimuli ? but studies have returned different results.

    Now, looking at the whole body of research, Noori and his colleagues say they have found little sign of functional differences. For both biological sexes, a change in activity was seen in the same brain regions including the amygdala, insula and striatum when sexual images were shown.

    "A lot of these regions are associated also with emotional information processing and part of it is also connected to the reward processing circuitry," said Noori.

    However, activity was more widespread in the case of explicit pictures than video, and there were some small differences in the regions activated linked to sexual orientation.
    What's more, there could be other, social, reasons that one sex might be more likely to seek out pornography, or to report doing so. "Female sexuality has quite a lot of stigma around it," said Noori, suggesting it may not be that women do not like pornography or are not as visual as men.

    "Maybe the main reason is that for the woman there are secondary inhibitory effects that keep them away from expressing what they really feel," he said. "At least at this moment, our study indicates that men and women are not that much different."
    We compared heterosexual and bisexual women's subjective and ventral striatum responses to erotic pictures and videos, and observed only one significant difference: for video stimuli, bisexual women had significantly more female-preferring subjective responses than did heterosexual women (p = 0.026).
    For heterosexual women viewing erotic videos, activity was greater for female relative to male stimuli in bilateral superior temporal cortices likely indicating an auditory confound deriving from more extensive and substantial vocalizations being present in female erotic videos46. Activity was greater for male relative to female videos in posterior occipital cortex, likely indicating enhanced visual attention70. Further clusters (greater for male compared with female videos) in the inferolateral postcentral gyrus and parietal somatosensory association areas may have indicated awareness of bodily sensations, possibly related to sexual imagery71,72.
    For bisexual women viewing erotic videos, activations were greater for female (relative to male) stimuli in superior temporal cortices, likely indicating the same auditory-related activity present in heterosexual women. Bisexual women?s brain activity was greater for male (relative to female) erotic videos in occipital cortex, likely indicating visual attention49,51. Male-biased activations in somatosensory cortices may have indicated processing of bodily sensations73, and further activations in bilateral superior parietal lobules, premotor and supplementary motor cortices, and right supramarginal gyrus may have indicated mental imagery or possibly mirroring with the actors shown in the videos74?78.
    This is still mysterious I hope they figure it out one day:

    Similar to the findings for erotic pictures, bisexual women were unique in the degree to which male videos produced activations in brain areas associated with more abstract (and possibly complex) processing79,80. Again, the significance of this pattern remains unclear.
    Comparing activation to female versus male erotic pictures, heterosexual women exhibited relatively greater activity for female pictures in occipital (i.e., visual) and occipitotemporal cortices, with no brain areas showing significantly greater activation for male pictures (Fig. 3; Table 2). Bisexual women also showed greater activity in visual cortices for female relative to male pictures, but they showed greater activity for male pictures in other areas including supramarginal and angular gyri, as well as the posterior cingulate. Homosexual women exhibited significant activations for female compared with male pictures in visual cortex, parietal lobes, and parahippocampal cortex, but with no brain areas showing significantly greater activation for male pictures.

    What does this mean?

    I'm like one year away from becoming some weird super villain. Technically I already sort of am lol. Without the super part I guess.

    It's just lazy mostly:

    The funny thing is men have been led to assume women are into things they are not b/c of movies

    ?which are overwhelmingly written by men

    It's fun to see 'men writing women badly'on Reddit of whatever

    But we consume that by stealth all day! Entourage had 5 seasons!
    Manosphere guys come out with the most elaborate pseudoscientific takes I swear to God:

    women care about a man's future, men care about a womans past.

    Not to mention that women have a physical indicator of virginity meaning it matters, men don't meaning it doesn't matter.

    You could also argue neuro chemistry and in brain scans you can see the oxytocin receptor upregulation of a non virgin women, men bond off vasopressin not oxytocin and it works differently, oxytocin is a one a done deal, with out a constant influx of vassopressin it stops working, what that means is if women sleep around they can't every bond to a man again, men just need a week off to clear the vasopressin

    Men are also designed to impregnate as many women as possible, women designed to save their eggs for the best man.

    You could just say you're an idiot who doesn't understand biology and basic human nature.
    Has nothing to do with this it depends on attachment styles that come from childhood + genetics. That's why you get people with avoidant attachment styles who have never had sex.

    This is the most toxic response I've heard all day. A man who impregnates as many women as possible will quickly find all his offspring take up too many resources and, out of necessity, abandons them. His children grow without a father and are poorer, smaller, and poorly adapted for success. The trick for humans isn't to have children. It's to have grandchildren.
    Unfortunately it's not the most toxic response I've heard all day as I've used twitter today and stumbled into a whole bunch of extreme racist takes.
    The impulse is pure
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    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  9. #5469
    Doseone's Avatar Metacognizant
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    Yay! I don't have to go to any Christmas gatherings. =D
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  10. #5470
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    I feel like social media is a factor. For reference, I'm pretty progressive and yet I still get lots of conservative/right wing stuff in my feed. I also occasionally get Andrew tate type stuff. I feel as though it's not a coincidence that I happen to be a 17 year old male because I'm for sure not interested in conservative content/ Andrew Tate.

    Either that or my feed is broken.
    Mid-20s guy here and it's the same, was not like that prior to algorithmic recommendations. I'd consider myself extremely progressive and I've noticed that if I ever engage with a single piece of content that is favorable of hard work, determination, or other traditionally positive masculine traits you will immediately be recommended a bunch of more extreme stuff. The pipelines are very real.
    Same. Because I watch a lot of jiu jitsu and MMA content theres no way to get out of the alt right pipeline.
    That's kind of bleak lol. A lot of people are attempting to explain this change by talking about guys like this kind of thing:

    It makes sense for a lot of young men, due to a lot of liberal and/or left-leaning figures not having good connections with young men when talking about male struggles. They always say 'it's the patriarchy'. Yes, I believe that it is patriarchal but at the same time just brushing it off as the overall issue for male problems is what gets a lot of young men frustrated and lean toward someone like Andrew Tate or another Red-Pill YouTuber.
    and that accounts for some of it, but I think the main driver for this split is actually teen girls and young adult women becoming more liberal over the past several years.

    These graphs are poorly designed, that's my thought. The boys starts at 10 as the origin while the girls start at 0, overplaying the change in male idealogy and underplaying the change in female ideality relative to each other. The change in male idealogy also appears contradictory of Gallup surveys so we certainly should be seeking out more information on this before we come to a conclusion.

    Im class of 19

    Girls always tend to be more liberal. They tend to rely on feelings more for things. Guys are brought up to not show their feelings. The English teachers i knew were crazy liberal lol, cried in class when trump got elected like Hillary was gonna be any better. They are all corrupt pawns to corporations.

    I leaned right in highschool senior year as well as some of my friends did. My friend group was mostly mexican in a rich city in California. The videos and the dumb [BEEP] that was spread around show the left in a pretty bad light back then. My friends went to turning point USA meetings a bit for a little while, i didnt care tho and they stopped eventually as well.

    Id say we were all actually probably in the middle or leaned right but with the left if u dont agree ur racist. Or sexist because apparently guys cant have opinions on girls reproductive systems for some reason. I think abortions a good thing to have available but just because im a guy doesn't mean i dont get an opinion lol. What since im not a murderer i cant have an opinion on murder? Dumb argument.

    The left do a [BEEP] job of making young guys want to vote for them. None of the guys i knew watched the news. At least in high school. Its quite obvious most main networks are biased against the right tho.

    I stopped caring tho and hate both sides now. Ben seems to be further right then before tho just off the random clips on here. I think he mostly cares about views and money tbh I doubt any of the ppl in the spotlight really care anymore. The far right and the far lefts views will never change and dumb ppl will always have the dumbest takes possible.

    The left pretend to care about u while helping the rich to make themselves rich. The right pretend to be deeply religious to benefit themselves. Im talking about the actual ppl in government not citizens.
    Most conservative political commentators are very emotional men who have issues with rage, anger, neuroticism etc. It comes across very obviously when they're speaking but they mostly lack self awareness. I think the only one of them I've seen acknowledge that they're emotional and neurotic is Jordan Peterson.

    Also his school sounds kind of insane. I was in secondary school in the 2000s and aside from one substitute teacher who took over a science class and ranted about environmentalism the entire lesson, and a maths teacher who went on a homophobic rant nothing political came up at all that I can recall during my entire education here in the UK and those subjects aren't inherently political either (unlike someone crying in class over an election,) they've just become politicised.

    I don't like Hillary at all personally, but it's hard to argue Trump was better considering the overall impact he had on the US culture, politics, social media, French people online who felt the need to pledge allegiance to him, the weird global cult he developed etc. On the upside he didn't start any new wars but he continued violent action in many countries and escalated the ongoing aggression between groups in the US.

    Neither party is going to do anything about the escalating economic inequality and probably won't ever solve the various complicated foreign relations issues. The US healthcare system has a lot of issues. There are lots of problems that nobody is going to fix there basically especially since if there's a problem with some system or structural thing then nobody will change it because it requires taking risks which people prefer to avoid and coming up with a replacement and selling people on that isn't easy. Just like here.

    I think the strong reactionary current she describes here is a side effect of aging populations and their increasing risk aversion and lack of creativity (there's obviously a lot of things going on at the same time always but that's one of the many things):

    Gen Z boys are realizing that they won't get the same kind of patriarchy their dads and grandads did. Instead of thinking, "Man, it sucks how everyones ancestors made [BEEP] like this. Oh well, time to try and move forward and come up with new solutions-" its "Fucking feminism destroyed the west. Now I can't live the same kind of life my grandpa lived with a stay at home wife and 5 kids."

    Gen Z girls are realizing that despite the efforts of our ancestors that conservatives are still fighting tooth and nail to "put us back in out place." Especially with Roe v. Wade getting overturned and conservatives calling for no-fault divorce to become illegal. Why should girls be more conservative when it's only taking things away from them? Many dont have the cognitive dissonance or the lack of education to be conservatives. It just doesn't benefit women the same way...
    This is uncharted territory for most of us. This level of a gulf (evidently) hasn't existed for quite some time. I believe that this disconnect is brought about by the way that political leaders are responding (and not responding) to gendered issues. And it's looking very bad for social cohesion. It also explains a lot of the sentiments expressed online about how social isolation is leading to a toxic dating culture. If men and women can't talk to each other, then they will increasingly silo themselves off and refuse to budge on important issues.
    The overall gender ratio for all ages has reversed over time I think. Women used to be more conservative and men more liberal, but I think the gap has also increased a lot compared to any point before. It's assumed too that this increase in conservative women happens after women have children because they become more risk averse. That's not happening in the same way now with millenials due to a lower birth rate among other things. Right wing people are not amused lol.

    What happens to all the women who don't figure it out in time? Will a third or more of millenial women remain childless?

    You think their politics are insufferable now, imagine the perverse incentives of a voting block that has no family left, no children, and is angry about it.
    They need to stop saying things like this I always say because when they make certain people seem like terrifying monsters that are bothering them plenty of people have nothing better to do.

    I know I find this amusing sometimes with certain things. That's why I'm emasculating the West after all. Speaking of that:

    Things women should not tweet about:
    - how to be trad, especially whilst unmarried, childless & half naked on the internet
    - bitcoin
    - politics
    - men's mental health
    - the matrix

    Things women should tweet about:
    - baking
    - cats
    - art
    - how they cry a lot
    - babies
    - religion
    Replace women with men and I agree. We need more guys to talk about baking, cats and art. Also music. It's funny because the stuff they don't want right wing women to tweet about is mostly what they tweet about. Because most feminine women aren't right wing especially economically.

    Also actually don't do that I noticed a bunch of the far right alternate between terrible fascist posts and tweets full of emojis with photos of their cats and eating chocolate bars on rainy days aesthetic posting etc and I think we should start monopolising cuteness as a powerful force in the universe. You have to pay us to get access to be allowed to use cuteness to manipulate women. Charging Jordan Peterson everytime he cries. Otherwise you should continue to post only about bodybuilding, crypto and war (depending on what subgroup of the right you are.)

    It's raining outside

    I drank my coffee and ate a small piece of chocolate while reading a book

    Life's good 🍂☕
    Gn frens

    Wish you all a cozy weekend ahead
    Cosy posing as a manly masculine man man? illegal.

    Teddy bear in videos that you randomly talk to?


    Anime avatars? You can keep them they're basically sinister now no matter who has them, and I got turned off anime by the ubiquity of the art style online.

    I'm shitposting but I'm also making a prediction at some point it will be seen as 'cultural appropriation' for men to do anything cute/feminine unless they pledge themselves to the left wing/blue tribe. It will be pretty easy to sell this as a form of social control since most right wingers have an allergy to men being cute or feminine anyway. Then it creates a kind of 'don't tell me what to do/why do they want to monopolise cuteness? Is it important?' side effect and right wingers start wearing dresses in protest. LOL. I love/hate Humans.

    Anyway I figure by the time I'm 50 something we'll all be living in virtual reality or something. Either that or we've wiped ourselves out as a species or my country is in some war torn state. We'll all have other concerns by then basically.

    If the future is female, I will jump out of a window.

    I'm still hoping and praying alpha males will put an end to this nonsense.
    I think you can presuppose from this data that, if accurate, gender distinctions among politically active people are going to widen as time goes on. This is going to make cross-gender discussions about hot-button social topics increasingly tense. The high schoolers polled here, and others experiencing this phenomenon, are going to enter adulthood needing to bridge wider gaps when seeking heterosexual relationships. If they are poorly socialized, then they will find this challenging.


    You can expect more friend groups to consist entirely of men or entirely of women.

    You can expect occupational fields that are currently majority-female to foster more progressive working environments the future, and the opposite for majority-male fields.

    You can reasonably expect that more men will demand babies from their female partners, and that, simultaneously, more women will demand a childfree life. The latter will be especially likely to occur if women on average feel insecure about their futures.

    I think you can also expect those in the minority faction (i.e., conservative women, & progressive men) to really play up the fact that they are in that minority faction. In response, these people can expect derision from the majority factions.

    You may also see some social traits and habits from the majority group in one gender spill into the minority group. For example, if conservative men are traditionally masculine, then you may expect more liberal men to place importance on these traits too. They will probably do this in order to fit in.

    All of this will make it more difficult to be gender nonconforming.

    These are all hypotheses. But the list goes on. I think you get the idea.
    A lot of this has already been happening but I actually think liberal men play up femininity rather than masculinity because masculinity is associated with the political right so it's considered somewhat outgroup. Not 100% because the left has figures like Hasan and the right has Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson but the far right and alt-right especially focuses on masculinity and body building and things like that.

    Maybe I'm just misreading what they were saying though. The way it works is men are attracted to the right (moreso the alt right,) because they have this image of being masculine (neurotic conservative commentators aside,) but people aren't going to act more masculine than they are in order to fit in with conservatives if they're liberal.

    The people who play up their masculinity or femininity on one side or the other are often tokenising themselves for attention and money. Sort of like when you get black and trans conservatives or femboy Nazis it becomes part of their brand. A lot of it is trolling as well.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  11. #5471
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Oh god it's another one of those right wing upper middle class white English people this time with the 'look I'm not a straight male add on (like Louise Perry and Mary Harrington especially the latter if you read her posts it's like 'I used to be some feminist and lived on a lesbian commune or something like that but then my grandma told me to stop living that way and get married so now I have to complain about trans people and men who play video games'):

    Murray is most well known known for his criticism of immigration and Islam. His books include Neoconservatism: Why We Need It (2005), The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam (2017), The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity (2019) and The War on the West (2022).

    Murray is gay,[106] while stating that homosexuality "is an unstable component on which to base an individual identity and a hideously unstable way to try and base any form of group identity".[107][better source needed] In his book The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity, Murray asserts that homophobia has mostly been vanquished.[108][43]

    Murray has said that it is a lie that a man can become a woman.[109] In September 2020, during an appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast, Murray compared accepting trans people to "late-empire sign of things falling apart".[110] He has stated that he thinks there is no such thing as non-binary gender.[111]

    In September 2019, Murray said in an interview that women are held to a different standard than men when it comes to sexual behaviour, citing instances involving Drew Barrymore, Jane Fonda, and Mayim Bialik behaving sexually towards men without backlash from the media.[6]
    I mean they exist in the US too. Candace Owens is from Connecticut. It often ties back into English cultural issues though that's why she grew up in New England and married an upper middle class white English guy.

    I'm so glad we're collectively destroying their culture.

    Just want to point some things out quickly. Because gay guys like this actively work to dismiss and facilitate the erasure of other groups while claiming there are no or few issues for LGBT+ people and various groups don't even exist. It's difficult to get data due to a lack of research but it's really easy to see the problem just looking at different Anglosphere countries:

    What we do have from research is that this is a group with a greater than average burden of mental health issues. Bisexuals have a higher risk of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicidality and substance use compared both to the general population, and to lesbian or gay individuals.

    There was little difference between the poverty rates of cisgender women (7.9% ) and cisgender men (8.2% ) in 2020. However, transgender men (12.9% ) and women (12.0% ), were more likely to experience poverty than their cisgender counterparts. More than one in five (20.6% ) non-binary people lived in poverty, more than twice the national rate.

    Previous research has found that LGBTQ+ adults in the United States, on average, fare worse economically than their straight and cisgender counterparts. According to a 2019 Williams Institute analysis of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data, about one in five LGBTQ+ adults in the United States (22% ) live in poverty, compared to an estimated 16% of their straight and cisgender counterparts. In particular, the poverty rates of transgender adults (29% ) and cisgender bisexual women (29% ) in the U.S. tower over those of other groups. Furthermore, Black (40% ) and Latine (45% ) transgender adults are more likely to live in poverty than transgender people of any other race. Poverty was measured by comparing household income and size, to thresholds employed by the Census Bureau, who each year identifies family size-specific income thresholds, below which, a family is considered to be living in poverty. Those living in poverty are those who have a household income below the threshold for a family of that size in a given year and reflect a household income insufficient to support that family and its basic necessities and resources.

    Economists and management scholars have been crunching the numbers on this question for over 20 years, and until very recently, nearly all the studies have found an identical result: if you compare the earnings of two men with similar education profiles, years of experience, skills, and job responsibilities, gay men consistently earns less than straight men (between 5% and 10% less). The stability of this finding has been remarkable: it has been replicated across numerous datasets in several different countries (e.g., Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and time periods. It seemingly did not budge.

    Until now. In a recent paper, a PhD student and I analyzed data from a major federal survey in the United States that had not previously been used in this literature – presumably because it only recently began to ask about sexual orientation – and found that the gay male earnings penalty had disappeared. And not only had it disappeared, it had turned into a 10% premium, meaning that gay men in recent years earned substantially more than straight men with similar education, experience, and job profiles. We went back through the published literature to see if we were making new or strange measurement or specification choices. We were not. We double- and triple-checked the dataset for other patterns that would indicate some fundamental error or data problem. We found none. We subjected the gay male earnings premium to a host of extra tests to see if we could make the result go away. We could not.

    In the end, we don’t have a great way to explain why the gay male earnings penalty disappeared and turned into a premium. But the finding does suggest several avenues for future study.
    So some research now shows that gay men earn more than straight men who used to earn the most. I believe I saw another study which seemed related to this but I can't find that quote + webpage now annoyingly this might be talking about a similar thing:

    "Across analyses, I reveal two demographic facts," said Joel Mittleman, assistant professor of sociology at Notre Dame, whose study is forthcoming from the American Sociological Review. "First, women’s rising academic advantages are largely confined to straight women. Although lesbian women historically outpaced straight women, in contemporary cohorts, lesbian and bisexual women face significant academic disadvantages. Second, boys’ well-documented underperformance obscures one group with remarkably high levels of school success: gay boys."
    So you get these kind of upper middle class over educated straight women and gay men - especially in England - just kind of throwing their privilege around. They're joined by white straight guys doing the same. And you can't point this out firstly because of status and aesthetics - basically if you're not Contrapoints I wouldn't even try they're going to turn you into a meme. Then secondly none of the other groups exist (to varying degrees.) Which is very convenient. Bisexuals and trans people aren't even real and lesbians are less real than gay men. Lesbians are real when they want to use lesbians as a weapon against trans women and otherwise no lol. In spite of the research on differences in personality, neurological stuff etc. All of that we will ignore that too I suppose.

    Well at least straight men exist I guess so they might be OK:

    "Bisexuals and other non-monosexual people make up about half of the LGBTQ community, and grouping them together with gay and lesbian respondents obscures key differences in their experiences," said Shabab Ahmed Mirza, a research assistant for the LGBT Research and Communications Project at CAP and the report’s author, in a press release. "Considering the data separately can help foster a better understanding of their unique needs and improve our ability to develop policies and programs that effectively serve the community."

    According to the study, which surveyed 1,864 adults of all sexual orientations (including transgender women and men) in January 2017 about economics, the rates of poverty in the bisexual community far exceed those of gay men, lesbians, and heterosexuals. For bisexual men, the data was stark: 24 percent of bi men reported a household income below the federal poverty line, compared to 12 percent of gay men and just 6 percent of straight men. Among women, lesbians were the least likely to report poverty, followed by straight women at 14 percent and bi women at 21 percent.

    Mize draws particular attention to the bisexual wage gap, because it is a bit harder to explain -- without factoring in stereotyping and discrimination. He partially attributes the wage gap for gay men to "different rates of marriage and childrearing" and the "preferential treatment" afforded to married men and fathers. Lesbians make more than their straight counterparts, according to the study, due to their lower rates of motherhood. However, these reasons do not fully explain the pay inequality that bisexual Americans experience.

    "One thing that has driven an increase in social acceptance of gay men and lesbian women is an increase in perceptions that they are sexual orientations someone is born with, or have no choice in. However, because bisexual men and women are romantically interested in both men and women, individuals view them as having some degree of choice to their sexual orientation. Perceptions of choice are important, because people are more likely to discriminate against a person if they believe that person has a degree of choice to their disadvantaged status," Mize added.

    Among the stereotypes that bisexual men and women face, according to Mize, are that they are "immature or dishonest about their sexual orientation." This, Mize said, can "culminate into general perceptions that bisexual men and women are less competent and capable."
    And you know what's funny? I wouldn't have resorted to this. Wouldn't have spent any time researching this as [BEEP] as my life is - very much a stereotype. If you just didn't keep saying [BEEP] about non-binary and trans people and basically making a culture where it's impossible for us to exist. But you all did. Constantly online. Just after I'd come out in any capacity. So yeah.

    Why is Hollywood and comic book stuff full of bisexual and gender non-conforming villains? This story was even self aware:

    Enjoy our 'spiteful mutant' revolution I guess.

    What was that?

    "public life is now dense with people desperate to man the barricades long after the revolution is over. Either because they mistake the barricades for home, or because they have no other home to go to. In each case a demonstration of virtue demands an overstating of the problem, which then causes an amplification of the problem."
    In any case, the narrative Murray has to deliver is seriously awry. "The revolution is over", he announces, speaking of the struggle for women's and minority rights, which is unlikely to ring very true in rape crisis centres or the Black Lives Matter movement. All the major battles for equality are now behind us, he claims, which those living on the south side of Chicago seem not to have acknowledged. There are also football crowds who appear obtusely unaware that racism is on the wane. In any case, we are told, identity politics is plagued with internal conflicts. Gay men and gay women have very little time for each other, while "queers" (as opposed to more conventional gay people) are wreckers intent on tearing down the social order, and most or even all heterosexuals are genuinely unnerved by gay people. In fact, they will always find them "strange and potentially threatening". Perhaps Murray has never heard of Madonna.
    "The revolution is over?"

    For you perhaps.

    "I am still not getting what I want." The way she sings that line would be the perfect reaction clip lol but alas:

    There was a lot worse stuff to come out of this trial I'm not quoting it all. But uh:

    Boy Y has selective mutism and autism spectrum disorder, while Girl X reportedly has ADHD and exhibits some traits of autism, the court heard. "Jurors were told these diagnoses could affect the way the children spoke or reacted to questioning," the Guardian reports.
    I too was diagnosed with selective mutism as a kid. This is not an excuse and certainly isn't remotely relevant or a risk factor in fact on it's own I think it decreases risk since it increases inhibition irl so why are they bringing it up?

    On that note can you just not kill someone? It's the bare minimum.

    Once at the park, Ghey, Girl X, and Boy Y were observed walking to a secluded section of the park. The three teens struck multiple witnesses as an odd grouping, with Ghey stylishly but inadequately dressed for the cold afternoon while Girl X and Boy Y wore Goth-style clothing.
    Again... Why is this happening? What even was the style. Were they dressed like this?

    Or was it more some kind of dark e-girl/boy vibe? You mean alternative clothing I guess? Stop using the word goth for everything. I think that word/culture has been through enough.

    They don't bring up what people are wearing if it's not alternative and then they always refer to it as 'goth.' Even when the people involved have 0 connection to the original subculture or the music. This is not representative of the subculture. Actually the opposite.

    Yeah I've found as a nonbinary person leaning into Goth and the fashion aspect of it has actually helped me a fair bit as it's given me new ways to express myself and I can approach things like say wearing 'typically feminine' clothing in a goth way which feels way more comfortable than doing so from a mainstream fashion way as it feels less like 'I'm a woman wearing a dress' it's more 'I'm a goth wearing a dress in a goth way'
    ADHD gives me mood swings and leads to some anger issues and yet I'm still not killing people. I have no idea why they consider it relevant
    It isn't relevant. You can tell from the messages that this was very pre-meditated and they're psychopaths.

    I think this is basically the default reaction of young boys. I don’t know that this is any different from gays in the 50's so to speak. It just takes time, man. I know that’s hard to hear right now, but next generation will be better. And that’s been the case for 50 years now

    I'm old, so the 50's will always be 50 years ago to me. Can it, zoomers and ne'er-do-wells
    I can't believe that it will anymore because their problem has always been predominantly with gender nonconformity not homosexual behaviour in men who are perceived to be masculine and in that sense very little if anything has changed for thousands of fucking years. Why was the response to the AIDS crisis to create a aesthetic of masculine homosexuality? And why have bisexual people had chaotic lives full of mental illness documented historically since at least the time of Byron?

    For starters, Byron intentionally reverses the traditional stories that portray Don Juan as an adult male who travels around seducing women. The Don Juan in Byron's tale plays a traditionally feminine role by being passive while all sorts of women try to conquer him sexually.
    I am so changeable, being everything by turns and nothing long - such a strange melange of good and evil - Lord Byron

    "Mad, bad, and dangerous to know"

    He sounds like someone who understood his position in the culture.

    Later historians suggest Elagabalus showed a disregard for Roman religious traditions and sexual taboos. He replaced the traditional head of the Roman pantheon, Jupiter, with the deity Elagabal, of whom he had been high priest. He forced leading members of Rome's government to participate in religious rites celebrating this deity, presiding over them in person. He married four women, including a Vestal Virgin, in addition to lavishing favours on male courtiers thought to have been his lovers.[5][6] He was also reported to have prostituted himself.[7] His behavior estranged the Praetorian Guard, the Senate and the common people alike. Amidst growing opposition, at just 18 years of age he was assassinated and replaced by his cousin Severus Alexander in March 222. The assassination plot against Elagabalus was devised by Julia Maesa and carried out by disaffected members of the Praetorian Guard.
    Dio says Elagabalus delighted in being called Hierocles's mistress, wife, and queen.[83] The emperor reportedly wore makeup and wigs, preferred to be called a lady and not a lord, and supposedly offered vast sums to any physician who could provide him with a [BEEP] by means of incision.[83][84] Some writers suggest that Elagabalus may have identified as female or been transgender, and may have sought sex reassignment surgery.[85][86][83][87][88] Some historians treat these accounts with caution, as sources for Elagabalus' life were often antagonistic towards him.[89]
    People think this is outrageous but in reality if you gave a teenager that much power now they'd probably do something equivalent if they're not too socially anxious.

    Speaking of Elagabalus and bisexuality:

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Don't be fooled by propagandists: the modern homo has nothing to do with ancient "predatory bisexuality" or with the pederastic rites found in many societies. On one hand such people as the modern queen have always existed but on the other, there are many specimens now who become this, who would not have before.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    I wanted to expose the grim shadow of a movement that is hidden behind events of our time and from before. This is a great power that acts like a ghost. It hides in its own darkness and it has been absorbed by the lands and the peoples so that you can't really see it anymore. There is just an eldritch quality embedded in things and on some faces. The same was said of Hades. Some said he would feel a great shame when some other god drew back the veil on the underworld so all the vile things that are there could be seen. Is this Hades of our time capable of shame? I heard also of such things being under the sea, the disgusting and frightful things revealed when the sea recedes before a great storm. I will draw back the curtain on this Iron Prison and show you where it is you really live…
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Vivid and instructive is the matter of the gay underworld, which no longer really exists in our time. But in the 1950's and a little before then, when the system of global tyranny was being firmly erected, it should not be a surprise from everything that has been said, that the gay underworld was the "negative" of the new world order, its sieve and pressure valve. The gay underworld was part of “the remainder.” The phenomenon of "homosexuality" in the modern world reaches up to the most profound of political and social problem: it was always the ghost world, the underworld left over that the engineers of our time couldn’t manage or account for in the erection of the Leviathan.

    This underworld included far more than the gays of that time, of course: that’s the point. But the gays formed a kind of "bulk population" that allowed an easy bridge between this world and ours. They made it far more permeable to others as well: if you had girlfriend, maybe artsy girlfriend, she had ghey friend; you could go with them to lounge of this half-world, and there would be there…maybe two social contacts removed…there would…one of them. But now that this world has disappeared, you have no easy way of even knowing where to start.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    The space of night that gays created for themselves, in which such types could at least feel they had new opportunity to expand and act, was nuked in the 1980's with AIDS first of all, and then at the same time with the "gay rights" and "gay identity" movement, through which they came "into the open," and became the worst and most merciless enforcers of the global slave state. But enough about them: you must understand! I use this as illustrative and true example of what happens to all higher types in our time. The vast majority don’t become gay, but the plight of the gay is the most simple and therefore instructive example of this.
    Notice how he also emphasises the 1980s as being some kind of turning point which is not a coincidence.

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    As sad as the story of many of the modern gays is, the story of the modern transsexual is the same in all ways, but worse. This explains also why so many traps are obsessed with Hegel. They know in their blood--but they misunderstand themselves and forget who broke them. The story of the modern transsexual is the story of our collective future.
    He criticises homosexual people for misunderstanding their core struggle as being a sexual one (which if you read is an idea he's mostly taken from Camille Paglia lol who is another lost [BEEP] person he quotes her several times in his book,) though it feels more like again the nebulous trans feminine group he's really focussed on and who he projects onto a lot. So he argues that they've framed it as a sexual thing instead of I guess wanting to be some kind of pirate warrior in contrast to 'the matriarchy' yet I don't even think he knows what he's looking for.

    It seems he just feels trapped by a smothering mother figure which is exactly the feeling a lot of women historically and now have about their fathers. My dad is overprotective so in my family it's my dad and when explaining his urge to do that once he compared himself to his mum. I've always gotten the impression that my dad felt trapped by various things and did things like getting married and having kids because other's wanted him to. He didn't like his job but never quit/changed, wanted to move to a few different places I think but couldn't/didn't. I think this in part influenced my own avoidance and my brother's avoidance of various things. But we're also very risk averse and so live impoverished lives.

    Which of course is why I like reading Aella's tweets from time to time. Especially because of her background and how repressive that would have been. But she did it - and at an important age. She broke free. No you see I actually am reading playboy for the articles (I stumbled on this like a month ago or something lol):

    These are the Jones sisters, ranging up to seven years apart in age and, at various times, more than 5,000 miles away from one another. (The family's last name has been changed for this story.) As children, though, they were together constantly, homeschooled by their mother as their father preached the word of God. They were forbidden from talking to nonbelievers, were made to dress modestly and were rarely exposed to pop culture.

    For most of their childhood they stayed in line. But as they got older, they began to push boundaries. Even as their parents tried to rein them in, the sisters traveled away from home, dressed how they wanted and explored ideas outside of Christianity. And then they did perhaps the last thing their parents expected, and perhaps the primary thing they were trying to prevent: One by one, they registered for accounts on, an adults-only webcam site through which thousands of people across the world broadcast amateur content from their homes. (In a late-breaking twist, Aella quit camming just before press time, after five years and hundreds of thousands of dollars earned. She’s now focused on two start-ups: a vendor of remote-controlled bondage devices, and a pay-to-play dating site.)

    Each sister struggled with the contradictions between camming and Christianity, but the more they pursued the former, the more they learned about themselves and the world outside the church. The path they've carved is twisting and bumpy and sometimes hazardous. Had Aella, the oldest, not borne the brunt of her parents' religiosity, the sisters might never have traveled that path at all. But bear it she did, until it became intolerable, and that’s when the Joneses’ values were exposed to the lawless wilds of the internet. Not one family member would come out of it unchanged.
    My brother reads her tweets too or is at least aware of her because this came up randomly in some conversation or other. It's so weird when we end up following the same people lol. I know he was doing research on sexological related stuff too. It's the same personality thing and BAP has it too. He's repressed.

    Reminds me of this Adam Curtis documentary "There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads; He Must Be Destroyed.":

    This is the full documentary:

    "We Now Identify as Radical Lesbian Nuns -- Committed to Toppling The Patriarchy."

    I wonder if the person who clipped this thinks this is a good or bad thing. The fun thing is it's impossible to know. The description doesn't help btw just quotes The Matrix mostly.

    Oh know I'm talking about THE MATRIX.

    Things women should not tweet about:
    - how to be trad, especially whilst unmarried, childless & half naked on the internet
    - bitcoin
    - politics
    - men's mental health
    - the matrix

    Things women should tweet about:
    - baking
    - cats
    - art
    - how they cry a lot
    - babies
    - religion
    Lol. I'm non-binary so I can't talk about anything on this list (assuming men aren't supposed to talk about the stuff 'women should tweet about' though that's not guaranteed with those guys. They certainly don't stfu about religion lol.)

    The Matrix is a film created by two trans women. One of them Lilly Wachowski is in a relationship with a trans guy and the other Lana Wachowski is married to a dominatrix who used to be married to Buck Angel. I have to bring this up now and again to highlight how funny it is that conservatives and transphobes have adopted this metaphor. Also I don't like Buck Angel.

    It sort of reminds me of what they did to Don Juan. Don't give him weird looks. It's very important. We should all be talking about things that are relevant to my special interests. And he was supposed to be bisexual too but the studio executives shut that idea down:

    OK well embedding that doesn't work. So here's a quote:

    David Rossi: Exactly. So how does our unsub go from loser of the year to Don Juan?
    Spencer Reid: Actually, as Byron interpreted him, Don Juan was an ironic reversal of sex roles. And when- [noticing Hotch's stare] Ehm, t- that's about it.

    I'm so lazy I didn't write that out I just copied and pasted it from some tumblr account called spencerreidquotes that seems to post Spencer Reid scenes in text with some photos lol. Also:

    Dr. Spencer Reid : [about William's correspondence with his accomplice] One side of the discourse made a reference to the Devil's Strip.

    Detective Linden : What the hell's that?

    Dr. Spencer Reid : Uh, it's a small patch of grass that separates the sidewalk from the street. Now, that term is only used in central Ohio. William lived in Atlanta for twenty years, but he grew up in Columbus. The other guy uses words like "turnpike" and "filling the gas tank", both specific regionalisms for Florida.
    I don't know if this is accurate (many procedural shows will come out with random nonsense at times especially about tech stuff. I think this is higher quality than some but can't guarantee.) But this is interesting actually if they call a road verge that because after having to rely on that to avoid getting run over last summer (had to jump up and down onto it while walking along various roads trying to get somewhere without a footpath) this has a whole new significance to me.

    Curiously I think this fear is especially common in the millennial generation of which BAP is a part. I think me and my brother are extreme for our generation but I think all millennials have this fear to some extent or other and it's influenced our transient, experience centred lifestyles.

    It's that feeling that I see a lot from people historically who are often behaviourally bisexual but even when they're not also usually bipolar and they have issues with gender roles:

    Quote Sylvia Plath
    "I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life. And I am horribly limited."
    Quote Sylvia Plath
    "I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with [BEEP] names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet."
    Quote Sylvia Plath
    If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days.
    Quote Sylvia Plath
    Being born a woman is my awful tragedy. From the moment I was conceived I was doomed to sprout breasts and ovaries rather than penis and scrotum; to have my whole circle of action, thought and feeling rigidly circumscribed by my inescapable feminity. Yes, my consuming desire to mingle with road crews, sailors and soldiers, bar room regulars--to be a part of a scene, anonymous, listening, recording--all is spoiled by the fact that I am a girl, a female always in danger of assault and battery. My consuming interest in men and their lives is often misconstrued as a desire to seduce them, or as an invitation to intimacy. Yet, God, I want to talk to everybody I can as deeply as I can. I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night...
    Wait did Virginia Woolf write Sylvia Plath's suicide? That's a little creepy. Then again she could have been talking about Sappho. Or any number of people. Female poets often have mental health issues.

    Quote Virginia Woolf
    Be that as it may, I could not help thinking, as I looked at the works of Shakespeare on the shelf, that the bishop was right at least in this; it would have been impossible, completely and entirely, for any woman to have written the plays of Shakespeare in the age of Shakespeare. Let me imagine, since facts are so hard to come by, what would have happened had Shakespeare had a wonderfully gifted sister, called Judith, let us say.

    Shakespeare himself went, very probably,--his mother was an heiress—to the grammar school, where he may have learnt Latin--Ovid, Virgil and Horace—and the elements of grammar and logic. He was, it is well known, a wild boy who poached rabbits, perhaps shot a deer, and had, rather sooner than he should have done, to marry a woman in the neighbourhood, who bore him a child rather quicker than was right.

    That escapade sent him to seek his fortune in London. He had, it seemed, a taste for the theatre; he began by holding horses at the stage door. Very soon he got work in the theatre, became a successful actor, and lived at the hub of the universe, meeting everybody, knowing everybody, practising his art on the boards, exercising his wits in the streets, and even getting access to the palace of the queen.

    Meanwhile his extraordinarily gifted sister, let us suppose, remained at home. She was as adventurous, as imaginative, as agog to see the world as he was. But she was not sent to school. She had no chance of learning grammar and logic, let alone of reading Horace and Virgil. She picked up a book now and then, one of her brother's perhaps, and read a few pages. But then her parents came in and told her to mend the stockings or mind the stew and not moon about with books and papers. They would have spoken sharply but kindly, for they were substantial people who knew the conditions of life for a woman and loved their daughter--indeed, more likely than not she was the apple of her father's eye.

    Perhaps she scribbled some pages up in an apple loft on the sly but was careful to hide them or set fire to them. Soon, however, before she was out of her teens, she was to be betrothed to the son of a neighbouring wool-stapler. She cried out that marriage was hateful to her, and for that she was severely beaten by her father. Then he ceased to scold her. He
    begged her instead not to hurt him, not to shame him in this matter of her marriage. He would give her a chain of beads or a fine petticoat, he said; and there were tears in his eyes. How could she disobey him? How could she break his heart?

    The force of her own gift alone drove her to it. She made up a small parcel of her belongings, let herself down by a rope one summer's night and took the road to London. She was not seventeen. The birds that sang in the hedge were not more musical than she was. She had the quickest fancy, a gift like her brother's, for the tune of words. Like him, she had a taste for the theatre. She stood at the stage door; she wanted to act, she said. Men laughed in her face. The manager--a fat, looselipped man--guffawed. He bellowed something about poodles dancing and women acting--no woman, he said, could possibly be an actress. He hinted--you can imagine what. She could get no training in her craft. Could she even seek her dinner in a tavern or roam the streets at midnight? Yet her genius was for fiction and lusted to feed abundantly upon the lives of men and women and the study of their ways.

    At last--for she was very young, oddly like Shakespeare the poet in her face, with the same grey eyes and rounded brows--at last Nick Greene the actor-manager took pity on her; she found herself with child by that gentleman and so--who shall measure the heat and violence of the poet's heart when caught and tangled in a woman's body?--killed herself one winter's night and lies buried at some cross-roads where the omnibuses now stop outside the Elephant and Castle.
    In his book The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness Controversy, published in 1995, psychiatrist Arnold M. Ludwig reports that of the eminent poets he'd looked at, roughly 20 percent had committed suicide, versus 5 percent for all other artistic professions.
    In one study, 1,629 writers were analyzed for signs of mental illness. Female poets were found to be significantly more likely to experience mental illness than female fiction writers or male writers of any type.
    During their relationship, both women saw the peak of their literary careers, with the titular protagonist of Woolf's acclaimed Orlando: A Biography being inspired by Sackville-West. The pair remained lovers for a decade and stayed close friends for the rest of Woolf's life.[369][370] Woolf had said to Sackville-West she disliked masculinity.[371]

    [Virginia Woolf] dislikes the possessiveness and love of domination in men. In fact she dislikes the quality of masculinity ; says that women stimulate her imagination, by their grace & their art of life – Vita Sackville-West's diary, dated 26 September 1928
    I sort of feel that there is more information available than ever and people share more than ever, but they feel more isolated than ever, and we're going to learn less from it and make no progress culturally speaking whatsoever.

    Also BAP basically treats the female sex as a homogenous blob - with limited exceptions here and there that he refers to as 'spiritual lesbians' - which is great and historically why we've all been erased. That and the fact that I post all my inconsequential thoughts onto this mostly dead internet forum which nobody will ever read.

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Saddam Hussein was like this: he was a transsexual in his soul. Not all women, but there are cases where a certain turn in spirit frees their intellect from the confusions of their drives and the chaos of their hormones, and yet they don’t lose that rootedness in nature that is usually harder for men to achieve. This is why the Greeks and many other ancient peoples knew that women are more likely to be Oracles and to know the future and also the intentions of others (they "know" the future from innate sensation of the intentions and the blood of others). Cassandra was such a prophetess, and even the great seer Tiresias was said to have turned into a woman for a while. Many shamans practice transvestism among various peoples--fools interpret this as "gay rights," not seeing the cultic understanding of femininity. The Pythia was a woman, and the ancient Germans always consulted women before great decisions, because they could provide a different and more direct view of things. The modern lords of lies have alienated women from this by promoting the hyper-conscious, talky, neurotic-obsessive persona among urban slave women. That is a parody of the worst kind of men. Oracles in nature are already rare enough, and how many have been lost to us because they were misled by the snakes who seduced her into thinking she should ape the snappy, chatty self-consciousness of the midget homosexual and "comedian" They know how powerless we are without knowledge of the future; they keep this for themselves.
    That's what you get for treating us like a homogenous blob. I still think 'Saddam Hussein was like this: he was a transsexual in his soul.' Is one of the funniest lines ever written though tbh.

    The amount of focus that has been given to 'traps' and LGBT+ people in this book is weird. It's been noted by other people with various conclusions drawn obviously many times (including for niche comedy videos lol,) but it's weird. And I know conservatives love to fixate on that but the way it's written is weird. Like from a point of identification instead of just 'those creepy evil queers we have to remove.'

    I've certainly noticed some things:

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    When I post images of godlike men like Pietro Boselli, many are in awe and drawn to emulate. I have inspired many to develop their bodies and physical and spiritual power.

    I have nothing to say to the frivolous people who have found themselves, maybe bewildered, in positions of influence in media or government, or to the many superfluous who follow them. In the next hundred years and even before, barbaric piratical brotherhoods will wipe away this corrupt civilization, as they did at the end of the Bronze Age.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    During the too-biological and otherwise vile matter-of-fact act of copulation, in order to induce a haze over myself, in accordance with some French or Vajrayana practices, I keep up a stream of speech; gril I am with now likes this. Especially enticing are fantasies about smell of burning buildings coming in through window, fantasies about seeing riots burning down museums, libraries, ravishment of grils on top of the ashes, images of breaking her boyfriend's spine etc.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    I always loved the statues of the kouroi. I can safely say that upon viewing such statue by myself for three hours (someone let me in to look alone in museum), I was able to ejaculate without touching myself. But I had no dirty or untoward thoughts the entire time. This experience made me wonder…if it is possible to ejaculate without touching yourself, is it possible also to will yourself to death just the same, without doing anything?
    He seems to be doing well too.

    Lol Merry Christmas I guess.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  12. #5472
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post

    On that note can you just not kill someone? It's the bare minimum.

    Once at the park, Ghey, Girl X, and Boy Y were observed walking to a secluded section of the park. The three teens struck multiple witnesses as an odd grouping, with Ghey stylishly but inadequately dressed for the cold afternoon while Girl X and Boy Y wore Goth-style clothing.
    I have been reading more about this case because apparently that is what I do instead of going to bed on Christmas. So before I get into that I guess:

    It sounds like they attempted to kill her before the stabbing incident by getting her to overdose. It's really upsetting because they argued people would assume she'd killed herself if they did. But they failed in this attempt as many people who genuinely try to kill themselves do but her mum who found her just figured she was sick since after she threw up she started to recover her mum almost called an ambulance but then changed her mind. And if she had and it was investigated they might have figured out that someone was trying to poison her. But they didn't which is really depressing.

    I found a twitter thread and this doesn't actually surprise me. Especially as he kept saying transphobic things and misgendering her and the girl didn't and killers like this usually have a sexual motive anyway. Seems like an autistic psychopath to me but she's only diagnosed with ADHD. Probably a sexual sadist too.

    God, I went into a rabbit hole reading this and it's very depressing. It actually seems to me by all accounts a little similar to the Slenderman stabbings: a case of autistic psychosis gone horribly, horribly unhinged.
    While explicit transphobia is definitively a key motive for Boy Y, it seems to me that Girl X had an erotic fascination with Brianna. Not that fetishization isnt commonplace in transphobia, but her obsession reads qualitatively different (I'm sad to say, all too autistic).
    The point about female fetishism in the original tweet stands, I think; but despite appearences I feel like it's different from Dahmer's violently possessive, starved "yearning". Her messages distinctly spell out positive excitement as the defining affect here.
    Please let this be a cautionary tale to autists: please, I'm seriously begging you, DO NOT let murdering/torturing/serial killers be your special interest, at least until your brain is a bit more developed
    ^ I don't know if you can control the interest but it's a problem for sure.

    Another factor I'm noticing in the transcript is class: unless the transcriptionists are bungling it, the way they speak hints variously of educational deficits usually attributable to class, though I could be wrong.
    Reading Girl X's messages in the court transcripts now makes me think we should reconsider that "no female Jeffrey Dahmer" take
    I will actually explode if anyone ever says it again she's not even the first in the UK in the past decade. Another one - Johanna Dennehy - dressed up one of her victims in a dress while leaving his body in a ditch.

    Later that day she murdered her landlord and lover Kevin Lee, 48

    His body -- dressed in a black sequin dress -- was found the following day with stab wounds in the neck and chest.
    And this along with all of the sexst assumptions that are overstated or plain incorrect has been a huge pet peeve of mine. And seeing the way former British female killers have been reframed to downplay the sexual motive too. Stop.

    Also I know this is a thing because although I personally don't have violent fantasies or a desire to kill anyone I am quite paraphilic and somewhat sadistic sexually and have autistic traits and I have a thing about glittery green stuff, glasses, long hair, other fetishistic interests (I mean there are preferences that aren't really fetish level with a lot of clothing stuff. I think the things I listed stand out more for me.) I know being into androgyny is common for afab people with paraphilic tendencies and certain personality types and also there is an association with fetishes and paraphilia and autism - it's pointed out more in men:

    Individuals with ASD seem to have more hypersexual and paraphilic fantasies and behaviors than general-population studies suggest. However, this inconsistency is mainly driven by the observations for male participants with ASD.
    But it's not just men. Literally just:

    Only one person in this documentary on objectum sexuality was diagnosed with autism (of course the more masculine woman lol,) but I think they mention it is more common in autistic people and you can tell that the other woman focussed on (there's three but the Swedish woman was barely included,) is not neurotypical. Now for some reason she hasn't been diagnosed with autism and 'we're not supposed to diagnose people' and it's 'not politically correct' and 'women don't have autism' but like come on if it's not autism she's behaving in a very similar way and there are women who are diagnosed now who seem better at masking than her (like the woman in the next video after this) but it is possible that she was socialised in an unconventional way due to neglect leading to a very similar outcome I guess:

    I watched this video recently she was recently diagnosed with autism at one point in the video she randomly brings up that she has fetish interests and that she thinks it's associated with autism. Obviously was on her mind:

    The anecdotal evidence for female fetishism is everywhere online like the whole thing where Tumblr is full of people who sexualise men as though they're women and then you've got the serial killer fetishists I think there's less of the hardcore types on that website now as there were in the past though they exist on different websites etc - and the groups overlap I assume. Even if nobody can be bothered to do the research and put everything together. There are still sexologists denying women have fetishes or paraphilias: "yes but female sexuality is fluid and not life-long," OK well it's still having a real impact. I just remembered the [BEEP] saleswoman Nazi she had a deviantart account? Or was it just livejournal where she posted Nazi gore porn. She started some kind of online terror cell. I think there's a connection more often than people want to acknowledge. I mean I've said over and over there's an overlap between politics and sexuality too. Like I don't want to be Freud but a lot of stuff is about sex.

    I don't want to overstate it - most people aren't psychopaths even if they have fetishes and conservatives go absolutely crazy about this and it's 2 women I can think of in the UK in a decade (I mean there are other killers I mean with a fairly transparent (to me anyway,) sexual motive.) But yeah the double standard based on sex annoys me. Just because something is less common (maybe,) doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    This is honestly why that part of Contrapoints video on the male gaze kind of irked me. Because she was downplaying the sexual aspect too and talking about female violence in a desexualised way. No those women who are like Jeffrey Dahmer are out there - potentially killing people like you actually.

    One thing I'd like to see explored in research is if the increase in violent female crime that some people have suggested (but even that isn't well substantiated,) correlates with the decrease in lesbian and bisexual women's academic success over time that I mentioned in my previous post. We know that younger [BEEP] women (especially bisexual people in general,) commit more crimes including violent crimes than straight women according to one research paper on youth delinquency:

    Sexual Orientation and Involvement in Nonviolent and Violent Delinquent Behaviors: Findings From the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health
    This study examined the association between sexual orientation and nonviolent and violent delinquency across the life course. We analyzed self-reported nonviolent and violent delinquency in a sample of heterosexual males (N = 5220-7023) and females (N = 5984-7875), bisexuals (N = 34-73), gay males (N = 145-189), and lesbians (N = 115-150) from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health). The analyses revealed, in general, that bisexuals were the most delinquent of the sexual orientation categories for both males and females. Additional analyses revealed that heterosexual males reported significantly higher levels of both violent and nonviolent delinquency than gay males, whereas lesbians reported more involvement in nonviolent delinquency and, to a lesser extent, violent delinquency relative to heterosexual females. Analyses also revealed that lesbians reported significantly more delinquent behavior, particularly for nonviolent delinquency, than gay males. Future research should explore the mechanisms that account for these observed patterns and how they can be used to more fully understand the etiology of delinquency.
    and we also know that trans men in prison have a similar rate of violent crime to cis men:

    But we don't know how hrt effects things - conservatives assume the violent crime rate and any violent crimes that trans men commit is purely down to hrt like afab people just get hulk rage but I don't think that's the whole story.

    I wish we had more research on bisexual people, trans men, non-binary afab people, and other GNC groups of people especially afab but we simply don't because 'we don't exist' among the general disinterest in doing research on the female sex in general.

    Deanna Heer KC, prosecuting, told the court Girl X was intrigued by Brianna months before her death.

    Text messages between her and Y on 15 December 2022 said she was "obsessed over someone" called Brianna, adding: "But I don’t have feelings for them."

    After discussing the fact that Brianna was transgender, Boy Y refused to acknowledge Brianna as a female, referring to her as "it" throughout the messages.

    After messaging back and forth for some time, the pair agreed X did not love Brianna but was instead "fascinated" by her.
    I can't remember how old they were but when I was about 13 I became obsessed with some older girl in my school who I never talked to. She had a Green Day hoody (I was very into Green Day,) so that was partly why she also had glasses which is interesting to note. It was very weird because it wasn't obviously romantic but every time since whenever I've had a similar kind of fixation it's always been romantic + often sexual as well. I've spoken about this before I ended up talking about her with my dad at one point at the time and I remember him finding it weird. I know around that age there was a girl in my class who was obsessed with these two older girls too and followed them around and some people found that odd. So it's not super rare.

    But she denies it later so she obviously knew it was weird and probably hasn't figured out a lot of things about her sexuality etc yet.

    She said her co-accused had "similar interests", and she would share the "dark fantasies" with him as he "seemed to like that sort of stuff".

    Girl X denied being "obsessed" with Brianna but said she found her "different" and "interesting".

    In Snapchat messages between her and Boy Y, he had referred to Brianna as an "it" because he "doesn't agree with people who were trans or gay", she told the court, but she denied holding anti-transgender views herself.
    You can't exactly trust what they're saying though:

    A girl accused of the murder of Brianna Ghey had repeatedly "lied" and "stolen" her co-defendant's version of what happened, a court has heard.

    The 16-year-old, who was transgender, was stabbed in a Cheshire park in February.

    Two teenagers, referred to only as boy Y and girl X for legal reasons, both deny murder and blame each other.

    Both say they walked away when Brianna was stabbed and turned around to see the other killing the teenager.

    Deanna Heer KC, prosecuting, told the jury the accused had a fascination with violence, torture and murder and had planned the killing for weeks, and both were "in it together from first to last",

    Richard Littler KC, representing boy Y, suggested the socially awkward youth, diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and selective mutism, was controlled and manipulated by girl X.

    Mr Littler said the difference between the two teenagers, who were 15 at the time of the attack, was "frankly remarkable".

    "One unable to speak, the other ready and willing to confidently lie and lie again, with the odd laugh", he said.

    Girl X's account of walking away to stretch her legs was "ridiculous" and her story was "a carbon copy" of what her co-accused had said, Mr Littler said.
    I don't trust her because I grew up with a girl who had psychopathic traits, and I don't trust him or his defence because his messages show he's clearly going along with it and is transphobic.

    Also you know the part where they killed someone and are psychopaths.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  13. #5473
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    God, I went into a rabbit hole reading this and it's very depressing. It actually seems to me by all accounts a little similar to the Slenderman stabbings: a case of autistic psychosis
    gone horribly, horribly unhinged.
    While explicit transphobia is definitively a key motive for Boy Y, it seems to me that Girl X had an erotic fascination with Brianna. Not that fetishization isnt commonplace in transphobia, but her obsession reads qualitatively different (I'm sad to say, all too autistic).
    The point about female fetishism in the original tweet stands, I think; but despite appearences I feel like it's different from Dahmer's violently possessive, starved "yearning". Her messages distinctly spell out positive excitement as the defining affect here.
    Please let this be a cautionary tale to autists: please, I'm seriously begging you, DO NOT let murdering/torturing/serial killers be your special interest, at least until your brain is a bit more developed
    I have had four hours sleep tops and I have to visit a bunch of family. But before I do.

    To me it really didn't read that much different than the usual story of transmisogynists being attracted to trans people. Me being attracted to her doesn't mean she is attractive, after all she's disgusting so she must have put some kind of spell on me

    Like, very basic cognitive dissonance. Trans people aren't attractive. This person who is trans, is attractive. If I desire coherency, I must eliminate either of these factors.
    I think cis men feel that way because they're told they shouldn't be attracted to trans women and it threatens their masculinity the ones who kill trans women are part of a kind of honour culture and they get enraged when they realise someone is trans I don't know how they don't know in most cases so I think they engage in some kind of delusion (until their friends find out and they act like they were tricked,) or are just really fucking dumb or sometimes they just have forms of sex where it never comes up. She seemed to have specific fantasies about killing people and knew she was trans beforehand. I also don't think a cis woman would feel that way exactly because I think... I just don't really see that exact attitude very often. But it might exist in some terfs theoretically I guess. Most of the time there isn't that kind of sexual orientation + masculinity puritism in people who are socialised as cis women (plus most cis women are sexually fluid and femininity is based on gender role behaviour and physical attractiveness to men not attraction to women which is why some feminine lesbian women care if men find them attractive even when they're not attracted to them.) I use socialised in a very loose sense in this case. Not very socialised clearly...

    Did you read the transcripts? I know what you mean, it's just not the picture I'm getting from Girl X's messages and testimony. I do think her being trans is relevant still, but I dont think it's in the mode of disgust. You could say, it's more like exoticization but then

    then again that's the argument that Boy Y makes in the service of transphobia to convince her that she's not really attracted to Brianna 🤷*♀️
    No, how do people even get hold of the whole thing? I'm still waiting to find out if the trans guy who shot up a school in the US was even on hrt since everyone just assumed.

    But without reading it in full I'd assume he was jealous (he was obviously trying to impress her with the knives and she probably kept talking about her obsession with Brianna,) plus this is what people do when women are attracted to women in general. Ironically since he's misgendering her. It's also possible that he misgendered her to dehumanise her since it helps people to justify killing. That's why I think they recommend people in a hostage situation talk about themselves as humans and their families etc.

    And if it's really like the Slenderman stabbings and based on the quotes I've read then she's probably obsessed with serial killers so wants to emulate or impress them.

    Next time if you could not turn into some version of irl Raoule de de Venerande and just, I don't know, write erotica/fiction instead that would be great.

    When I read about Dahmer in detail and some of the details of what he was doing I wondered if he was around now whether something like mindcontrol erotica or something would have prevented him from what he was doing but it probably wouldn't because here we are. He seemed to have more awareness that what he did was wrong, and also drunk alcohol to lower his inhibitions and he obviously had some kind of psychotic delusion about himself to some degree because of the whole weird shrine thing and the stuff he was watching. Both of the people involved in this crime seem to have somewhat different personalities based on what I've read but I don't know all the details.

    Another thing with Dahmer is that even at the age of 4 he became fascinated with bones and bleaching bones after seeing his dad remove animal bones from under the house and then he started taking animals apart to basically see how they worked I think. I don't know whether you can avoid this sort of situation by limiting what your kids are exposed to a lot more. I mean I wonder what would have happened if I became obsessed with something like that instead of you know the sea + mermaids and transformation + mindcontrol stuff in fiction. Why do some things do this and some don't for different people? Also there are things that really bothered me in childhood but didn't create any kind of fascination/fetish side effect. But it's probably largely random. That's why I feel like 'DO NOT let murdering/torturing/serial killers be your special interest,' might not work.

    But I don't think the mass appeal of true crime content was necessarily a great idea at the same time. My mum watches those documentaries a lot now and they seem to be on TV at all hours of the day meaning younger children will be more exposed to them. But on the other hand I played Tomb Raider as a kid and there were really terrible sound effects when Lara died like all her bones breaking. I imagine someone else might develop a fetish based on that but it didn't have that effect on me. Who knows how it works.
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  14. #5474
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    I visited my grandma with my mum and brother and ran into one of my aunts for the first time in years. Probably since 2016 at my grandad's funeral. She was hugging me a lot and my brother a bit and then made my cousins who were with her and her partner hug us. Like she insisted. They seemed awkward and embarrassed by that lol.

    One of them is in high school now and the other recently graduated uni. Last time I saw them he was in high school I think and my younger cousin was still a young kid. I mostly noticed they are very skinny now lol (well maybe he was when in high school too but didn't notice,) but then most of my family are really slim my brother is pretty slim but it's more noticeable with their build I'm very short so.

    My mum was like 'they're not a kid' because she kept hugging me and she said she hadn't seen us since we were kids so had to make up for lost time but she has seen me a few times as an adult lol. It was kinda nice seeing her but we left soon after which is kind of good because I didn't want to get involved in awkward conversations. I kind of like the idea of being closer to some people since I was as a kid but I don't like getting trapped into awkward situations where I don't want to say no or feel obligated to socialise etc. #justschizoidthings

    After we left my mum launched into a story she always tells about how my aunt was hit by a car as a kid and so she's a bit overwhelming but I mean it's nice and she's more bubbly than most of my mum's family so I think it's good in a way.

    I guess what I noticed is she kinda acts like a teenager around my grandma my mum and other aunt were always more adult. When I was growing up she was the same way and having kids didn't really change that but I put that down to a generational thing because she's gen x and considerably younger than my mum who is a boomer lol. Millenials are even more like that... It kind of bothers me on a personal level because I don't like being/feeling infantilised but yeah.

    My mum said her personality changed though and her head was injured then but I dunno since I've only known her after then. She also apparently never held down a steady job but most of my mum's family seem to have issues with that and mental health etc like one of her brother's struggled with anxiety clearly and avoidance I've rarely seen him over the years even as a kid for this reason I think. My dad was talking about that several months ago and said he felt that my mum never really understood that. I think my dad has more sympathy for that brother but he also has criticised my aunt before when we were younger probably because she's less anxious.

    Me and my brother just pointed out that my mum is technically the weird one lol like she doesn't realise how similar we are to the dysfunctional people in her family and doesn't seem to pick up on that. She's much more successful and functional than most of her siblings from what I've gathered and the only one with an undergraduate degree. Now me and one of my cousins (that aunt's oldest kid have graduated though.)

    One of her other brother's also seemed to have some issues (he died a few years ago,) though still worked occasionally but that brother seemed less anxious and seemed to have issues paying people back money etc and also doing other crazy things.

    Her older sister seems to have some anxiety issues from what my mum has said but she seemed more capable to me growing up but I don't know if she had a normal job either. She did a bunch of things including being involved in leadership roles though when I was a kid but that was I think volunteering stuff though maybe it was paid I dunno.

    Anyway only part way through the day and already dealing with lots of social dysphoria related stuff from my mum and my brother but just suppressing that as always.

    Edit: I forgot to mention in this post but my mum also said that she has issues with 'sharing stuff online' and gets into trouble with that. She didn't expand on that much really but she meant Facebook and I guess she just shares everything basically. I don't imagine she has much of a filter either.

    That's why I just post all my thoughts here. I stopped using Facebook entirely in 2014.
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  15. #5475
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    Why do the vocals sound like a different pitch and nobody's noticed?

    Oh I see it's sped up. No one has commented on that OK. it also cuts off one of my favourite parts of the track.

    I love that shaky chilled breath ate the beginning. It amplifies the chills I get from the atmosphere of this song.

    Unlike most people I like high pitched vocals (like early Rush. Geddy's voice during that time seems to annoy a lot of people,) but I don't like what they did to that track, speeding it up kind of ruins it imo.

    I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's a guitar, pic scraping up the strings. Yes its badass. Same sounds he makes on guitar for the "solo" near the first fake end of the song. It's like just a scraping solo of the pic against the strings creating different tones. That's my favorite part of the song
    I just assumed it was a recording of breathing but that would be cool. I can tell the stuff at 3:16 is from a guitar but the breathing part sounds different to me.

    That little shaky breath in Be quiet and drive>>>>>>
    Like I just wanna shove that sound chino makes in the beginning inside of me and nurture it there till I die omg

    Edit: typo
    Do y'all not hear y'all self? Y'all sound so weird lmao
    They're just typing like someone from Tumblr on Reddit. And so are you for that matter. 'y'all.' Maybe that's more of a female twitter thing though. It sounds like the obnoxious subset of tumblr that left tumblr and went to twitter so all the world's most annoying people could be on one website.

    pregnant with chino breath 😇

    tbh I didn't know it was a breath until like two weeks ago and it's only made me like the song even more 🫣😭
    Well that's what I'm trying to figure out. I assumed it was breathing.

    That shaky gasp beath in the beginning drives me crazy... I only wish he'd do it in my ear... 🫦💦 am I right ladies?
    Surprisingly no he's not my type at all I just like it musically/emotionally.

    Well I see he has many fangirls lol.

    Damn...I always thought that was a guitar but perhaps I was wrong
    I'm still so confused. How did they create the sound!? It sounds exactly like someone breathing.
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