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  1. #5536
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    Quote Ironman View Post
    Happy New Year, career!
    You are driving me crazy! L O L!!!

    I reach 20 years in August ROFL
    Long termer.

    Did you get anything? I apparently get to go to a restaurant at five where I am.

  2. #5537
    Doseone's Avatar Metacognizant
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    This is insane.

    100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. People don't realize how vast the cosmos is.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  3. #5538
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    Long termer.

    Did you get anything? I apparently get to go to a restaurant at five where I am.
    We used to get a lunch, but that was when everybody was in the same office.
    I know there is a gift program that I get points for. I have never redeemed it, but I got 3, 5, 10, and 15 points for a total of 33. I don't know about 20 - I actually just got an email about a new program today lol.

    I'll be luck if I make it to August based on how bad things are going here in the States.

  4. #5539
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    I was having an interesting dream I don't remember most of the details to now. There was some kind of large house or mansion or something like that I was in at one point some guy fell down a hole into this volcano like abyss and died and then later there was a wizard with octagonal glasses.

    Unfortunately I was woken up during the wizard part because the back of one of my earrings seemed to be stuck on my pyjamas which is the first time that's ever happened. Luckily I woke up before I did any damage to my ear lobe. That's the first time that's ever happened. You're not really supposed to sleep with earrings in obviously but since I wear studs I often do. Technically it's just been one earing for probably over a year now since I lost the back to the other one so I've just been wearing one until I can get around to buying a new pair of earrings. I've really wanted a set of sword stud earrings for some time but never actually got around to committing to buy a pair.

    The octagons glasses made me think of the Discworld series (because the number 8 is magical in that universe,) so I started searching to see if there were any wizards with glasses that were Octagonal in that universe but couldn't find anything after googling for a short time.

    Then stumbled on a funny Tumblr thread on some subreddit but I'm not going to talk about that first because all of this is kind of secondary to what I wanted to talk about.

    So I finished reading the Rosie project. I agree with my earlier assessment that it's not the best book I've ever read, but that review and a bunch of the comments in the reddit thread seem overly harsh. I also think it's hard to write an amazing romance book.

    The plot twist I thought would happen didn't end up happening which was good. It would have been too obvious imo. But it was intentional as I thought, and was suggested as the plot twist at one point towards the end, until the actual plot twist.

    Also lol 'the wife project' questionnaire was included at the end of the book lol so readers can take that =P

    Apparently Rosie's character was changed and started as a different character which doesn't entirely surprise me.

    But the underlying story has a longer pedigree. It began as a screenplay, developed during screenwriting studies at RMIT. Anne, my son Daniel and I workshopped the original plot during a walk in New Zealand. A work-up for the characters was published as The Klara Project: Phase 1 in The Envelope Please in 2007 and I completed the first draft of the screenplay, with a different plot and a nerdy Hungarian Klara instead of Rosie, in 2008, having taken some time to decide that it was a comedy rather than a drama.
    He also points out he struggles with inhabiting female characters. I don't think they're too bad and also not really the primary focus (another point against it being a 'romance book for men' as someone suggested.) I wouldn't really say the female character does much for him besides finding him fun to hang out with and connecting with him when he struggles with relationships in general.

    Something else that occured to me was that the negative review brought up that in the book every female character seems to be head over heels in love with him which is not true but if it was that's kind of a staple of some romance books that are very popular. Like Twilight lol everyone is obsessed with Bella. (I don't consider Twilight to be a great series though, and their relationship is also very unhealthy and codependent.) But even so it didn't read like that to me.

    There are still a bunch of cute moments though.

    I told him about the movies I had been watching, and their idealised representation of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. If Gene and Claudia had owned a rabbit, it would have been in serious danger from a disgruntled lover. Gene disagreed, not about the rabbit, but about the impact of his behaviour on his marriage.
    Also this is funny:

    I could no longer be equated with the Virgin Mary. I had been corrupted. I was like everyone else. My stone-casting credibility had been significantly compromised.
    The character Gene reminds me of this evo-psych professor who posts on twitter. There are some important differences in vibe but he is also in an open marriage, has been married before, is also in his 50s I think. The evo-psych professor from twitter is autistic though unlike Gene and is also kind of snobbish I think. One of those people who fixates on IQ. And he's transphobic and a 'pro-natalist.' But he has the same kind of worldview where genetics and evo-psych are everything.

    I don't like how the evo-psych professor from twitter (I'm going to keep calling him that because it amuses me,) picks and chooses progressive causes as they suit him (like supporting poly relationships because that suits him,) and otherwise tends to push a lot of neo-trad views. He uses evo-psych to do this as well and is constantly plugging his own books.

    The author said this book was mostly inspired by people he worked with in IT though. And I could also see that moreso about the main character though.

    So anyway yeah this is the tumblr post I found when searching about my dream which was actually posted on a reddit that curates Tumblr posts which is ironic really lol.

    People on Tumblr have such a funny and eccentric way of writing.

    The part about yellow being green that got seasick is a really great description for some shades of yellow actually.

    Speaking of mustard yellow (which they say is an exception from their dislike of yellow,) I remember having a personal issue with that shade as a teenager lol. I think it's the only shade/colour where I kind of decided it was bad (besides certain shades of pink. I don't mind hot/neon pink as much.) I forgot about that lol. I was very into neon green as a teenager. It's kind of weird to have colour obsessions and thoughts like this but I haven't really as much since I was a teenager although I am very into darker shades of green now I guess so sort of and that sort of started before. Also like green glittery makeup on other people.

    I'm not sure when that started. Either when I was watching this music video as a teenager (or maybe late childhood I dunno when I first watched this):

    Or this scene which I was very enchanted by as a kid:

    It was a lot more impressive visually and also emotionally evocative in my memory. I stumbled on it again a couple of years ago and it pops into my head now and then since like when thinking about colours.

    Not that it has no effect now but I guess sometimes things are better left as memories.

    Then obviously I had the plant people thing + liked Poison Ivy (not sure the green was that essential.) I was very into circuit boards (and they're usually green. I had a graphics design project in school where I created an aesthetic for a fictional band centred on circuit boards lol. I think I got a B or an A. I was much better at coursework than the exams... I always got really low scores on those exams.) Then when I was 20 I was into MCU Loki (and on/off since then) so yeah. Someone who designed this music video appears to be on the same wavelength lol:

    It's my mum's favourite colour though so I grew up around a lot of green stuff. Maybe that's related. She's also very into plants and gardening. People would constantly buy her frogs and frog related stuff too which she didn't like (although she has a phone case right now with a frog on it lol that she bought.) She likes frogs but she doesn't like how if she mentions something people will keep buying it over and over as gifts. The frogs kind of became like that. Tumblr and 4chan are obsessed with frogs too hmm.

    I don't mind yellow though. It's definitely never been a favourite colour in general though (any shade.) As a child my favourite colour after pink - which I don't think was personal or if it was I don't remember that period of my life well enough - it's just because I had pre-programmed 'girl preferences' I think (although saying that the mermaid thing seemed to have more personal significance,) but at about the age of 7 I made a formal decision that purple was going to be my new favourite colour while I think looking at a colouring pencil and I also decided that pink was bad (maybe I didn't have as strong feelings at that time though, that was more intense when I hit 11 and got more into alternative aesthetics,) and so I wanted my room redecorated because it was pink also because of the scary wallpaper and the pareidolia effect (so I somehow ended up with yellow wallpaper which was not my choice,)

    But although I do like certain shades of purple a lot and love the association with magic too - and once while I was at uni I had purple hair and a purple and black stripy jumper on so in a drawing class my very eccentric but incompetent teacher who left after that year used me as a prop for a discussion about the colour purple and it's symbolism. Oh man I wish I could remember some of the weird stuff he said over that year. People would quote it on facebook all the time he was crazy but he didn't teach us anything that useful and the following year the woman who had previously worked for Disney ? or had some impressive career background mentioned none of us had certain basic skills that we should have by that point - anyway although I like purple that decision was sort of made in the same way I picked a favourite stuffed animal as a kid. My brother had a favourite from when he was basically a baby that he always slept with and he had a very close relationship with him (if I wanted to get him out of my room I'd threaten to do something to him which was a bit mean - and these days I'd probably just start playing a Kate Bush song - but it worked, tbf I also kind of invented most of the lore of his bedroom and that stuffed toy which was the king of his bedroom and I also did a voice for the stuffed toy that sounded a bit like the professor character from Spyro and my brother just accepted all of that lore. So it was sort of my creation. I'm not saying I'm God but. No.) but I didn't have a favourite stuffed animal and sort of thought I was missing out. Like how I was kind of bummed that I never had an invisible friend (one of my aunts did.) That's the kind of thing you want as a kid but not as an adult lol. And you know I did like that bear, and also many other bears/stuffed animals over the years. But it was more of a formality than something that developed organically.

    Some of the comments on the reddit thread were about Discworld stuff which I guess is why it came up in a google search.

    The colour of magic on the Discworld, also referred to as the eighth colour. This fictional colour is strongly indicative of magic and can only be seen by wizards (who sometimes describe it as resembling a fluorescent greenish-yellow purple) and cats, who both possess "octagon cells" in addition to the normal cones and rods possessed by humans. (See tetrachromacy for the real-world equivalent.
    I always really liked that. It's exactly the kind of colour I think it would be. Also I guess in a way that's my favourite colour. Well if I imagine a kind of iridescent colour that's less garish and kind of turquoise/teal/neon-green/purple and even works in glittery dark green then that might be. Something like the aurora cape in Runescape maybe but slightly different shades. Obviously that's technically a bunch of colours but whatever.

    Another thing is I've been watching New Girl still and there was a scene with Jordan Catalano:

    'otherwise you're dating a wall'

    Actually she's dating a door.

    Reminded me of Simon Amstell's comedy stand up lol:

    They both highlight the fact he's dyslexic. I never actually watched that show but I guess it's a huge part of his character or something. Soon I will be able to make a playlist of comedy bits about Jordan Catalano.

    The show is slightly before my time. I mean I watched a bunch of stuff from the early-mid 90s growing up, and have always watched stuff from even further back in time. A lot of the films I watched as a kid were from the 80s. But yeah I get the impression that show was like a big cultural deal for older millennials/older gen x who were born in the early 80s or something and teenagers when it was airing... Oh I see there's basically a whole subgeneration for this show:

    Xennials are the micro-generation of people on the cusp of the Generation X and Millennial demographic cohorts.

    Other terms, such as the Star Wars Generation, the Oregon Trail Generation[21] and Generation Catalano[22] have been proposed. Doree Shafrir, writing for Slate magazine, chose "Generation Catalano" for its reference to the character Jordan Catalano, played by Jared Leto (born 1971), from the 1994-95 teen drama My So-Called Life. She defined "Generation Catalano" as those born from 1977 to 1981, the timeframe of Jimmy Carter's presidency.[22]
    That's hilarious. 'That program has left me damaged' indeed.

    but I was born in 1991 so doesn't have that significance for me. Also was cancelled after only one season apparently. Tbf even a lot of the shows that were like 'younger millennial teen shows' like The OC I didn't watch lol. I did like the opening theme.

    I've spoken about this before but yeah I really loved the theme song at the time and learnt to play it on the keyboard.

    A lot of the themes for 90s and early 2000s TV shows are very nostalgic to me now. Even somewhere I only watched them like a decade ago in the early 2010s but they came out in the early 2000s like Roswell still a nostalgic theme somehow. But it's Dido and she was kind of everywhere in my late childhood/teen years.

    I have no idea what the equivalent show for me was. There are a bunch of shows I really liked as a kid/early teens. A lot of them were either shows that started in the late 90s, or in the year 2000. But some were from the early-mid 90s too. I can't think of a defining teen TV show off the top of my head for when I was like an actual teenager. I was playing video games and listening to music I guess and hanging out with the one close friend I had (hanging out with other people sometimes too but that was rarely pleasant.)

    I did watch a bunch of sitcoms. Gilmore Girls is kind of nostalgic and definitely like 'a show that was big when I was a teenager' but I didn't watch it until the 2010s again when I watched the whole thing at one point. The town is very charming. That always stood out to me. Very cosy. I feel like there's something I'm forgetting though and I just can't remember.

    I mean there were a bunch of shows I'm aware of but just didn't watch in the 2000s like One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek, Freaks and Geeks (only lasted one season again.) Reading a list lol. Daria I guess. I did sort of watch parts of that show at the time I think but not really and didn't watch it all the way through until I was an adult. I liked the theme song. I also watched Buffy but I started watching that when I was like 9. I remember watching the final episode though when I was 12 and talking about it with a girl in maths class the next day. Almost a teen lol.

    This kind of aesthetic is kind of nostalgic too lol:

    Yeah didn't really watch any teen dramas as a teen.

    Skins was probably it I guess for the UK because it came out when I was in sixth form but I never watched it and I think I probably would have found it bleak like most UK TV and moreso now.

    Why are your TV shows so depressing
    I don't know. I'm not writing them you'll have to ask someone else.

    Hey New Yorker here. Why is it that every British show I watch just leaves me feeling depressed. I feel like there?s never an uplifting ending and the cinematography is so colorless compared to American TV. Also is everyday cloudy over there goddayum?!?!
    Although that's just the weather. And I hate it.

    Oh there is stuff I've liked over the years, especially when I was a kid. I liked Red Dwarf a lot back then. Some episodes of The Mighty Boosh were OK. There was some show with a wizard that had magician in the title that I barely remember now and liked back then. Tess of the d'Urbervilles the 2008 TV BBC? Adaptation - even though it's depressing. I think I watched a Jane Eyre show once. Sherlock was pretty good but I haven't watched all of it. Fleabag is great. Other stuff. My dad would always watch Eastenders and that is so depressing. Like move people. The murder rate where you live is statistically insane. But I know you can never leave these kind of places. Which makes it even more depressing.

    I've spent most of my life living in areas that aren't that great. I don't need an extreme form in fiction actually. I think many people who want that in fiction don't.

    Because they don't feel like fake, dishonest saccharine, manufactured [BEEP] designed to promote products like we see from America. That [BEEP] leaves us feeling numb and disinterested. It's offensive.

    British TV is generally down to earth, realistic, honest and relatable.
    Honestly don't agree with fiction depending on the genre. But it gets very uncomfortable when they create these documentaries that are like overly dramatic action films. They need to stop doing that in the US.

    I think there's a kind of cynical, cold, pessimistic, self defence mechanism that British people have. And you're trying to justify it. But that's just me speaking as a British person. Who had a teacher from Minnesota when I was 10.

    No not everyone obviously there are also British people like Terry Pratchett. Or there were. But if you pay attention or live here you know what I mean.

    I get going after the same archetype(s) of people and falling in love with concepts over and over again though. That standup is still one of the most relatable ones I've ever seen.
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  5. #5540
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    From the citation at the beginning of this article it is known that different women did participate in the great conquests. Again, the information concerning the nature of their participation is limited. Umm Haram does not appear to have done anything more substantial than sail on a boat; whether she actually participated in any campaigns is doubtful. From later times (approximately ninth through eleventh centuries) we know of a category of women known as the mutarajjulat, women who act or dress like men. These women were cursed by the Prophet Muhammad, who grouped them together with men who acted or dressed like women (probably effeminates or passive homosexuals).8 However, the grouping of these two categories together does not necessarily mean that the mutarajjulat were lesbians (because condemnations of lesbians used a different word), but more probably that these were women who participated in the world of men and dressed like men. Although there are few historical anecdotes about such women, there are a number of accounts in literary folk tales that indicate they fought in battles.9

    Muhammad described the musician as a mukhannath and threatened to banish him if he did not end his unacceptable career.
    What's this?

    Only lemongrab gets to decide what is and isn't unacceptable I think you'll find:


    Although they were subject to periodic persecution by the state, such measures were not based on any conclusions about their own sexual status-they were not assumed to be homosexual, although a few were-but on their activities as musicians and go-betweens, which were seen as corrupting the morals of society and especially of women. A particularly severe repression under the caliph Sulayman put an end to the mukhannathun's prominence in music and society, although not to their existence.

    I knew it!

    Studies of this first, classical period of Arabic music have often remarked on the fact that the sources regularly identify many male musicians, including some of the most prominent, as "effeminates," mukhannathiin.' Observing that our meager sources on pre-Islamic music refer almost exclusively to women, while the most celebrated musicians of the subsequent 'Abbaid period were men, Owen Wright has suggested that these mukhannarhiin represent "an intermediate, transitional stage in the transfer from a female-dominated to a male-dominated profession";2 and he has further speculated that their presumably dubious social status, like that of the slave-girls who, with them, dominated musical circles, contributed to an increasing hostility by the pious to entertainment music, which they associated with wine, sexual license, and the frivolous pursuits
    See this is why they fought in battles in folklore.

    You banned all the cute musicians and this was pre-internet and video games. They couldn't just make cute musicians in The Sims and then try to hook all their Sims up with them back then!


    According to the first, the caliph Sulayman was in camp in the desert one night, enjoying the company of a slave girl. He ordered her to assist him in his ablutions, but she failed to notice when he gestured to her to pour the water. Looking up, he saw that she was listening intently to a man's singing drifting in from the camp. He noted the voice, and the verses, and the next day brought up the subject of song with his companions, feigning a genuine interest in it. Their comments quickly led him to the identity of the previous night's singer, one Samir alAyli, whom he summoned and interrogated.
    music rouses women's passions and is thus a moral threat to society. The implication that the caliph was acting out of personal jealousy over his own slave girl is made explicit in Abii 1-Faraj's other preferred version
    According to one version in Hamza al-IsfahBni, this was done because "they had become many in Medina, and were ruining the women for the men
    Should have been cuter then.

    After arranging a marriage, according to Muscab, al-Dalal would convince the bride that her sexual excitement at the prospect of the wedding night was excessive and would only disgust her husband, and then he would offer to calm her down by having sexual intercourse with her first. He would then go to the groom, make the same point, and offer himself, passively, to cool him down as well. The outraged Sulayman, here again called "jealous," ghariir, but in a general sense, wrote to have all the mukhannathiin castrated, saying, "They are admitted to the women of Quraysh and corrupt them."148 Here, even with explicit testimony to al-Dalal's homosexual behavior, it is the morals of the women which are of concern.

    I've always said this is why it bothers them.

    I don't think they considered how cute they are (the cute musicians (tm) I mean.)

    This is why we have Tumblr now.

    Lol I remember [redacted] was saying everything should be taken over by 'based billionaires' except Tumblr which should be nuked from orbit and I responded saying Tumblr is a people not a place. But yeah the same kind of people were on livejournal and deviantart before then. I know because that was me and I wasn't active on Tumblr really until about 2016 and then became mostly inactive again around 2018 and then started paying attention to it more again a year or two ago.

    In the future when I become dictator of the world. You're all going to become cute musicians somehow.

    It's going to be like Mulan but better. Or at least cuter.

    I'll figure out the details later.

    Also in 'people who are going to cute camp to be reeducated':

    Second bit: Geddy Lee was not a heartthrob. As a frontman, Geddy - for all the great goodness he is worth - looked like a nerd with long hair. His voice is also an easy turn off for some, especially on the seventies albums. I wonder how many girls had Geddy pinned to their bedroom walls instead of Shaun Cassidy or John Schneider or even Tommy Shaw.
    Citation needed.

    He finally distracted me from this guy:

    Though tbf there were other circumstances too.

    20~+ people on Tumblr are shocked and appalled.

    He just hasn't been discovered yet (except by Tumblr. Nobody can hide from Tumblr.) Back in the 1970s Tumblr were mostly preoccupied with Spock though. (I think.) According to the lore ( that is):

    Fannish tradition holds that the word "slash" originated with Star Trek: The Original Series fan fiction, when Kirk/Spock was used as the label for a story where the relationship between Kirk and Spock was laced with sexual tension, whether it was acted on or not. This label allowed fans to differentiate those sexual relationship stories from the ones about Kirk and Spock?s friendship, which were sometimes labelled using "&". As fandoms gathered around new films and television series, the / mark became common as an indicator of a sexual relationship between same-sex characters.
    early objections to Kirk/Spock sexual stories in the 1970s--often by well-known fans. One fan recollects Bjo Trimble describing K/S slashers as a "bunch of twisted sickos".

    The history of femslash most likely dates to early Star Trek fandom around 1970, with two of the first known femslash fics being published at this time. Kismet, a Chapel/Uhura fic by Dani Morin was published the zine Obsc'zine.[2] And Then..., a story set on a Klingon ship featuring original characters, by C.M was published sometime between 1975 and 1977 in the zine Obsczine.
    Wtf is it about Star Trek?

    Personally I like reading Spock/Uhura fanfiction about once a decade though. I would ship Spock with McCoy before Kirk as well because it's a more fun dynamic. Like April Ludgate and Ann Perkins.

    I am a twisted sicko though.
    The impulse is pure
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  6. #5541
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    If music is objectively good or bad, somebody has the best music taste on Earth (me jk lol).

    I finally found some new songs to learn how to play. Cath... by Death Cab for Cutie and Keep it Healthy by Warpaint.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  7. #5542
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    The system can't be saved

    Perfect governance would just delay things 10 years

    We need to get this world crisis going, start the next age of conflict, And then we might still be young when peace comes

    Otherwise, you'll waste your life building sand castles at low tide
    Accelerationism is laziness pretending to be clever.
    I mostly agree with this. I also think it's someone bored and impulsive trying to pretend their desire for chaos is a virtue.

    I have to pretty much write off anyone who is openly longing/excited for world war 3 or total collapse. They are both ignorant of the reality of war, suicidal and genocidal. They don't have a personal project so they focus on total collapse.

    It's just l'appel du vide.

    Also the sheer number of people on that website whose solution to everything is just 'strip women of the right to vote' is absolutely disgusting. I disagree with most rightoid opinions and still don't think we should strip men of the right to vote (though most rightoids are men.) And not because voting has much of an impact but because the entire worldview of control and dominance that underlies that urge is disgusting.

    If I spend 5 seconds on twitter I find people who I want to punch in the face honestly.

    A problem with playing into the planned war (joining its deception of "inevitability") is that the West is not meant to survive the transformation.
    Ruling ashes is the Last Man's destructive impulse, since he is not great enough to rule over anything else.
    I mean what do they think is going to happen? Basically no women agree with them. Some who are pretending are just machivalean and looking for power and they'll dip when that no longer suits them. It would be like the Liberian civil war. If they're lucky.

    And how that peace will look like? Warlords? Christian Prince ordained by the holy spirit in a white aryan state?
    What's the end goal?
    Honest question, must've missed it, what's the end goal?
    You didn't miss it. There transparently isn't one.

    I don't think they realise how difficult it is to rebuild after a failed state either (like an actual failed state,) but I also don't think they even care.

    Totally agreed. It is coming. Everyone knows it is coming. I just hope it comes while I am still young enough to be an effective fighter.
    You are part of a doomsday cult. I bet you don't even work out. You are pathetic children lol and you wouldn't survive (but I think you know this too.)

    what of ur parents? gr parents? aunts, uncles? That now elderly neighbor woman that always made u cookies as a child
    They r too old - u just expect them to suffer & die?!
    how do you derive that message from what I posted? I want to fight on the behalf of these people not leave them to die to predation or deprivation.
    You don't even know what happens in war because you're American and because you're a child. There haven't been any wars in the US in anyone's living memory. Most Europeans like myself have family members who experienced the negative side effects of war.

    Working with ex-child soldiers of Charles Taylor's army, and the girls they have taken as wives, has convinced Nobel Peace laureate Leymah Gbowee that the abuse women suffer during conflict is a reflection of the interaction between men and women, boys and girls, during peace time.
    Anyone who understands war would struggle to not become misanthropic and maybe misandric too.

    Anthropologist David D. Gilmore coined a similar term--"viriphobia"--to show that misandry typically targets the virile male machismo, "the obnoxious manly pose", along with the oppressive male roles of patriarchy. Gilmore says that misandry is not the hatred of men as men; this kind of loathing is present only in misogyny which is the hatred of women as women.[5]
    Trying not to quote anything too graphic..

    During the years of engagement with these little boys, it became very clear how patriarchy as a system first influenced first their decision to join the rebellion. John (not his real name) told me he had joined the rebellion because his older brother joined, and that every time he came back from the war front, the community hailed him as a ?real man?, and he also at 12 wanted to prove that he was a real man. When we met at 19, he had lost an eye and had many physiological scars that would render him unfit to achieve his full life?s potentials.


    The fact that a lot of these little boys? future was altered because they needed to prove their maleness is something for us to think about. The second side to these narratives is that as they proved their maleness by joining the rebellion, they also had to prove their maleness by taking in a wife or two and bringing her to a state of total submission.
    They're just so fucking stupid. It's like they're 5 years old.

    This is a post from the same account lol:

    I don't get why Hoe-flation is a phenomenon...

    Men have internet porn now? Shouldn't functional demand for IRL women be lower than it's ever been? And passport bros are a thing now?

    Is it demographics? More old men chasing fewer young women? Hormonal birth control? Affirmative action for women? Chad Harems? The death of the brothel? Welfare?
    'why aren't women exactly what I want them to be. They're so much worse than their grandmothers.'

    As he sits around hoping for war haha.

    No war traditionally makes fertility rates spike. Massively redistributes power from old to young (who then breed), especially with any supply chain breakdown... Young survive deprivations and weeks of hunger, old don't.

    Highest birth rates in the world have been after wars.
    Difficult to have children when you dont have many females at the right age...
    And if that's not retarded enough the responses to that first tweet man. What the [BEEP] is this:

    The current system is built to fail. Right on time. Right on track.

    I guess the question is, what's the end goal of the tyrants?
    They were building Babylon 2.0 so the Elohim would return. They're afraid of humans especially with the guns now. They live 20,000+ years so they're very careful with their life. It was on the Georgia guidestone to cull 7 billion or so to manage things easier/ a sacrifice 2 them.
    Well shucks that's no good.
    The good news is it's failing just like last time. God loves us in his weird way, he saves us, but he puts us through hell first. Better times comin soon🥳
    God loves you, but not enough to save you
    So, baby girl, good luck taking care of yourself

    Your daily reminder that the US government will lose the civil war.

    Against whom? Against what ideology? What will the enemy have?

    Doesn't matter... I've seen 14-year-olds with string and black powder that'd win that fight.
    This is so delusional I just can't :')

    This is basically a declaration of war on America.

    Heterosexual, white, slim, able-bodied people, dancing.... beautifully... to classical music... without a drum beat or black women twerking?

    this is what 90 years of American foreign policy existed to destroy

    [responding to some video of people dancing in Belarus]
    Have you considered people have some personal responsibility and preferences? Some of it's just genetic too. Most of my family don't have to work out to stay slim. I have a bunch of relatives that are actually skinny not even slim. I saw some of them at Christmas.

    I'm a normal weight at the moment. There was a period where I was swimming a lot and my mum would just comment on my weight being low and I was underweight during some periods. But I've never had an eating disorder or anything.

    I read somewhere that people with schizoid personality disorder were smaller at birth and later but then people with avoidant PD are more likely to be overweight. Actually it seems stress can cause weight loss but also weight gain so guess it depends on the person.

    Conclusions: Higher-than-normal body weight is associated with paranoid, antisocial, and avoidant PDs for women, whereas overweight men have lower rates of paranoid PD and underweight women have higher odds of schizoid PD.
    In 2012, Theodore Millon and colleagues suggested that the link between being underweight and schizoid personality disorder may also indicate involvement of biological factors[3]. Premature birth, low birth weight and prenatal caloric malnutrition are risk factors for future diagnoses of mental health disorder which in turn may contribute to the development of schizoid personality disorder[4].
    I do sometimes put off eating for many hours because I get distracted. I can imagine this also happens to people with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. They don't think about their body much.


    Yes and its telling that the us is incapable of producing anything comparable.

    The Moon Landings were a propaganda victory too... said something about the society that did it
    It tells me that the US is a dynamic engine of cultural, scientific, and technological advancement, while Belarus considers boring dance parties to be an achievement.
    I can't think of anything that notable that Belarus has done or invented, no offence to the country. They have some OK post-punk bands and that's about all I can think of. Wikipedia lists one thing:

    They didn't pick the best country to compare. But the comparison was surface level and superficial in the first place lol. I don't want to insult Belarus though that's not really the point it's just are they really so exceptional because you saw some upper class people were dancing in a classic way that could be from the past and they're not overweight? Why do you view everything through that lens?

    I do think they should try to move if they can (since they hate US pop culture enough,) but I realise it's not that easy to move to other European countries unless you're quite successful.

    It's like this everywhere there - if it's on TV, it's how it is.

    And in the US, we're all Ross and Rachel
    The worst part is I can't tell if they're being sarcastic because everyone is so stupid. I highly doubt this is representative of most of the population. It's a group of upper class people dancing.

    Oh no, the psyop worked its magic on you
    Kind of sad. I think my favourite part was the person responding to this talking about how Anime reflected ideal European aesthetics and how the US is 'forcing LGBT+ content on Japan' as though anime isn't full of similar themes... The level of delusion. In the 90s there were examples of this and homosexuality that were censored in US dubs of Japanese shows. Like there were two women in a homosexual relationship in Sailor Moon who in the US version were made into cousins. There's a scene in a Pokemon episode where James grows breasts, and this was also cut in the US. That's off the top of my head but I'd bet there are lots more examples.

    Yaoi is reasonably popular among women, and there's a genre of manga + anime marketed at gay men in Japan called bara. The two genres overlap in places. Also yuri (with two women,) is popular among men. Tons of surreal porn.

    For the most part though in Japan anime and manga is often seen as weird and 'otaku' and Western people think it's a primary example of Japanese culture haha.

    I pretty much went off the aesthetic sometime several years ago because it was just everywhere and often used by the most annoying people. Though I do think some anime is pretty great. And for the record this is a better example of European art style imo:

    Linda Bergkvist.

    I actually feel bad for people who come to conclusions like this:

    This is also exactly why Japan has effectively won the Culture victory thank God. Example is Violet Evergarden - European aesthetics in anime manga are so exquisite it would be illegal in California hence why Leftists seethe at anime for its Beauty.
    and just ignore everything else that's getting posted constantly online every day...

    Linda Bergkvist being bullied out of art was such a travesty. Her work inspired me to pick up digital art 13 years ago and I'm still learning from it today. An amazing painter, pushed out for photobashing by people who were nowhere close to her in skill.
    I discovered her through the Sims 2 community because she made custom skin tones lol. Still think about her work from time to time.

    I think she posted some digital painting tutorials too? but maybe that was someone else? I followed some of them and it was kind of useful at the time but I'm really not that good at painting lol.

    I see it plenty with people being snooty about traditional vs digital in the greater mtg community, but who are these people shaming photobashing like photography isn't art as well? Does it just make people upset they might enjoy something not done exactly how the masters did it?

    I'm not familiar with the term "photobashing". Why was she shunned?
    Photobashing is a technique where artists merge & blend photographs or 3D assets together while painting and compositing them into one finished piece. This is used by concept artists to speed up their workflow and achieve a realistic style.
    ^ Very common with concept art as there isn't time to make everything from scratch obviously. I suspect she had some interest in game dev as she was making custom textures etc for The Sims 2.

    I like to have fun sometimes not create art, so I do things like that for personal use without taking it that seriously eg:

    Actually uses AI (faceapp genderswap filter,) collage of photos, digital painting, screenshot from film. Lol.

    There's a full body version as well but I don't want to post it.

    If I remember right then the problem was, that she didn't admit to use photos that got people fed up. I also don't know if she had the rights for the photos she used. But yeah, it's an industry standard now. Dunno if that is good outside of a production pipeline.
    She was bullied by pathetic assholes around 2006/07, and understandably chose to quit the online art community. I hope she is doing well today.
    Specifically one person who stalked her across every forum, even when the initial fuss had died down. I can't even remember his name now. I remember Linda's though.
    From the same people who will tolerate Andy Warhol lol because it's 'official art.' Or something.

    He did not own the promotional photograph that he used and he did not have permission to use it. The resulting work was transformative enough that a strong fair use argument could be made today, but Warhol's appropriation is undeniable.
    I dunno though maybe if he was online now people would have harassed and stalked him endlessly. I strongly doubt it though as there's a particular kind of viciousness where women online are concerned. I do think people hate Andy Warhol though and then he had to deal with being shot by Solanas lol. His life wasn't fun in many ways.

    I can see why Grimes was so defensive and tried to do most things herself. If you don't work 100% alone and with no collaborative elements then people attack you. Unless what you're doing falls more into entertainment. This is why Humanity never gets anywhere. But it's also part of why women are very defensive/aggressive about men offering to help them with work related stuff as there's a particular gendered dynamic to it.

    Quote Grimes
    I'm tired of men who aren't professional or even accomplished musicians continually offering to 'help me out' (without being asked), as if i did this by accident and i'm gonna flounder without them. or as if the fact that I'm a woman makes me incapable of using technology. I have never seen this kind of thing happen to any of my male peers

    I'm tired of the weird insistence that i need a band or i need to work with outside producers (and I'm eternally grateful to the people who don't do this)
    I believe her approach to life is very different now though partly because she has to cope with the position she ended up in and justify/rationalise it and also because she just has some dumb opinions on certain topics.

    But yeah I mean if you actually look into it basically every musician has worked with other people to varying extents but they still have. People will criticise modern pop musicians but then you look back at 70s bands and still find many of them worked with other producers etc. Also borrowing from other stuff in general is common. Sometimes you're not even borrowing from something but just come up with the same idea someone else had before by accident. At this point everything's been done and so many times that it all feels useless from the point of view of 'making something new.' I always think about this quote:

    In probably the next 18 months we will probably invent as many things as we have previously invented in the whole of Human history.
    I don't know if this is accurate but depending on your definition, and certainly within art, this has to be true. There are so many people creating things constantly and there are billions of Humans now.

    It's actually very overwhelming if you're expected to be completely original and stand out etc.

    I think this is also a good way of looking at it from that video:

    It's a way of talking without language. It's a way of speaking almost directly heart to heart, mind to mind. It's a way of combatting loneliness. That all of us can think we are isolated. Oh it's only me that thinks these things, it's only me who feels these things. It's only me who has ideas like that there must be something wrong with me.

    Then you see a piece of art and it makes you less alone. It makes you realise hey somebody else had that idea. Which I almost had but couldn't express that well. It's a thing that connects Human beings.
    He points out also that art should be confrontational and not reassuring and if it's not about upsetting you in some way or doesn't surprise you then it's just reassuring and reconfirming your prejudices.

    I think when so many people have entirely different values this is a difficult thing to manage because what's comforting to one person is completely unacceptable and disgusting and shocking to another. I think this is more true than ever lol in modern Western culture.

    I guess my view is that art isn't something that's just confrontational and it's certainly not something that's depressing and bleak for the sake of it. Like when you operate from a viewpoint like 'the more depressing this is the more creative it is.' Or like argue that dystopias are realistic and also that realism is better. Everything should be cynical. That kind of attitude. I feel like that's a viewpoint some people have and in some cases people who are actually pretty good at creating art ironically. And that's legit as a subjective opinion but I also feel like if you go so far in that direction the balance is kind of thrown out.

    This is probably just my own subjective opinion based but I feel like ideally you want to combine like beauty and hope with the unsettling and the horrific.

    That's part of why I like liminal spaces, uncanny stuff, things like that.

    But this argument isn't just an art thing you get weird stuff like this in fandom (I posted and deleted this yesterday but it does fit in,) I stumbled on these tweets while searching for a source for that quote about spock/kirk shippers being 'twisted sickos' haha:

    This is just the way of things
    we wander off and make things or explore things
    then when it's safe the women domesticate it
    the frustration you feel is nature's way of telling you to explore something new and dangerous
    Star Wars is theirs now. We had it when it was dangerous.
    Now it's time to add curtains and throw pillows. To make everything pretty and nice. To "retire" the slave Leia costume. To say Boba fetts ship isn't called the slave 1 anymore etc.
    That's their job. Let them have it. Everything we build is for them anyway.
    Remember Yodas words.
    Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.
    On the one hand it's so fucking annoying but on the other there's something comically ridiculous about a man arguing these things using Star Wars.

    You want to play this game... Initially before the first films release people assumed it wouldn't be a box office hit but then it was. Meaning anyone in the fandom was already watching something that was super popular:

    Few were confident in the film's box office prospects. It was released in a small number of theaters in the United States on May 25, 1977, and quickly became a surprise blockbuster hit, leading to it being expanded to a much wider release. The film opened to critical acclaim, particularly for its special effects. It grossed $410 million worldwide during its initial run, surpassing Jaws (1975) to become the highest-grossing film until the release of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982);
    It's not Blade Runner lol:

    Blade Runner initially underperformed in North American theaters and polarized critics; some praised its thematic complexity and visuals, while others critiqued its slow pacing and lack of action. The film's soundtrack, composed by Vangelis, was nominated in 1982 for a BAFTA and a Golden Globe as best original score. Blade Runner later became a cult film, and has since come to be regarded as one of the greatest science fiction films.
    It's not Hardware:

    I really like this fan made music video it's how I found out about that film. And I still haven't watched it. One day I actually have to watch it lol. It seems like Blade Runner (or really any cyberpunk thing,) crossed with a Crywank music video/song. The vibes.

    Hardware is a 1990 British cyberpunk science fiction horror film written and directed by Richard Stanley, in his feature directorial debut. It stars Dylan McDermott and Stacey Travis, and also features cameos from Carl McCoy, Iggy Pop and Lemmy. The film is about a self-repairing robot that goes on a rampage in a post-apocalyptic slum.

    Fleetway Comics successfully sued the filmmakers of Hardware for plagiarism, due to similarities between the screenplay and a short story entitled "SHOK!" that appeared in 1980 in the Judge Dredd Annual 1981, a spin-off publication of the popular British weekly anthology comic 2000 AD; credit was added to later releases of the film. Since its release, Hardware has become considered a cult film.
    It's not the comic company who sued them lol.

    Star Wars was never a cult film. It's Harry fucking potter for gen x.

    I will out-hipster you so hard. 'Oh you haven't even heard of Hardware?' I actually think Auralnauts Creepio is better than Star Wars too (just that character,) due to my personal aesthetic preferences:

    This song too:

    But no I don't hate Star Wars that would be dumb. Also I was a huge Harry Potter fan growing up, drifted away from it gradually during my 20s, also had some weird mental breakdown while watching the first Fantastic Beast film that started after the film finished while leaving the cinema. Good times. I can't fully articulate why at this point I don't remember. It was partly unrelated to the film but also partly triggered by it.

    I didn't really like the new Star Wars films as much (but I think they might be better than films like The Phantom Menace. But it's been too long for me to compare. I did really enjoy The Phantom Menace as a kid though it was the first Star Wars film I watched lol and the only one we had on vhs. I also liked Qui Gon Jinn's character for a while but I barely remember that time. It was probably before the Beetlejuice obsession and definitely before the Poison Ivy one.) Of course the newest trilogy films are disproportionately hated for dumb reasons too. There were definitely issues with direction and writing that have been spoken about. The environments and general artistic elements and effects were all brilliant. Immersive and like great in their own right. My issues were purely with the writing and certain decisions like that from what I remember. (I think there was a point where they kind of abandoned everything that happened in one film and it became pointless in the following film. But I've only seen the new trilogy films once and it's been a while so I've basically forgotten lol.)

    I liked Rogue One though. I really like what they did with that and the choice to focus on regular people.

    Hollywood became very risk averse some time ago. That's their biggest issue. You get endless reboots and sequels. The culture war stuff is just a distraction mostly I think.

    Does anyone else remember when she decided to get into mask design? She is so talented in so many ways.

    No rings a bell though, makes sense.

    It's because of stuff like this that I actually don't create art often especially painting because I feel like I have to do everything from scratch and if I make anything creative like what I'm doing on YouTube now with video games even if people enjoy it and think it's creative I feel bad. Like anything less than being a renaissance painter or Mozart is terrible and also it must all be done from scratch. Not that what I'm doing on YouTube is anywhere close but it's ironic because it put me off painting etc I think (at least in part.) Now I make stuff with video games lol.

    I painted this irl from a photograph at least a decade ago but I forget when exactly (but I changed a lot. The original photo person didn't have purple skin, colours are entirely different, weird Kandinsky + Jackson Pollock inspired stuff going on wasn't in the photo of course, her skin has stitches kind of like Corpse Bride, etc,) and it's not brilliant. I can't paint faces or people. I don't understand lighting or perspective. I got a D in A level art lol (this wasn't painted for that, this is just something I created as a personal thing):

    I have an obsession with x's and adding them to everything I make, or I did. Because I'm psychic and predicted the end times of twitter lol.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

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    I found some old music thread (but not that old like 11 years ago,) which is probably a joke because it's so dumb but since I discovered their music too late to see them live this is really lame lol:

    Quote OP
    Is Rush a gay band?

    bunch of queers at the show.
    No, they are bi.
    Quote OP
    Lots of lesbians
    Did he do a survey lol? Or was it like couples?

    I would be surprised if it wasn't mostly middle aged men as they are a prog rock band, but I can imagine everyone who wasn't and therefor stood out 'looks like a lesbian' because they're probably the same kind of people who post on Tumblr or actually do post on Tumblr.

    Two groups who openly hate each other in the same fandom. Pretty funny. Many such cases I guess.

    Not gay, def bi though like stated.
    Quote OP
    I'm about to leave. Glad the ticket only cost me $20
    not gay but bi. styx? gay.
    meanwhile I am a woman and love them both! yay
    Not if you grew up in the 70's or 80's
    They're not gay, they are just super nerds
    No, they're Canadian. People get the two confused a lot.
    It's like the Mean Girls musical song 'gay or European?'

    why would you leave a rush show? they f****** rock!
    That's what I'm saying.

    I like that half the thread has just decided they are a bisexual band though. I don't think any of the members came out as bisexual but it's like every emo band, and David Bowie (who was openly bisexual) I guess.

    It's also kind of random that they decided this based on 'lesbians at the show' not the band's image. Usually it's the other way around.

    I'm not sure at what point you become a 'gay band.' Styx apparently lol (never listened to them.)

    Well obviously these guys I guess:

    I don't think they're all gay, but some of them are and they are purposefully leaning into that 'masc gay' image.

    There aren't many bands I would describe as bisexual off the top of my head in the sense they were purposefully leaning into the image, and one or more members are bisexual, and it was also a big part of their music/lyrics. There's an aesthetic (which has changed subtly throughout the years,) that is described as bisexual but very rarely are those people bisexual or openly bisexual, and bisexuality is rarely or never part of their lyrics. I guess some musicians kiss on stage etc for fan service reasons. There's like one photoshoot where Rush debatably were doing something similar (or Alex and Geddy were,) but that's about it. Most of Rush's lyrics aren't even about romance or sex etc.

    There's t.A.T.u. where one of the members was bisexual and homophobic towards gay men, and they pretended to be lesbians and this wasn't their idea but their managers lol (from what I remember.) There was also a Japanese band called Adams where neither member was gay or bisexual afaik, but all the fans were female and then one of the members unfortunately died on stage in Poland:

    ADAMS describes itself as a "NEOSEXUAL" rock duo, incorporating the theme of Ultimate Love across the borders of gender into their lyrics,
    There were some interviews. I think a lot was lost in translation honestly. Like the repeated use of the word homosexuality. From the interviewers.

    Last year you released the album NEO SEXUAL. Can you tell us more about it? What does "NEO SEXUAL" mean?

    Shota: "NEO SEXUAL" is one more orientation. This is how things should be. This is ADAMS concept.
    Your band's concept is homosexuality. Do you want to promote homosexuality or do you just use it as a theme for your work?

    ADAM: Homosexuality is a very important concept for both of us, so we both create music, sharing love to each other.
    Shota: Our lyrics correspond with the feelings of the opposite sex and arouse empathy in our own sex. There are of course differences in music. You can also feel a mysterious deepness in our photos.

    Is homosexuality in Japan a problem, taboo or a common thing? Are gay people being discriminated in your county?

    Shota: Homosexual people are rare in Japan. They barely (announce) their coming out, though they are not really discriminated.
    But then most of those guys like during the emo era weren't openly bisexual or bisexual at all. Some came out later though. Actually bisexual people are twice as likely to stay closeted:

    It's no wonder bisexuals are twice as likely to stay in the closet compared to lesbian and gay people. Only 36 percent of bisexuals come out to their friends compared to 74 percent of their gay/lesbian counterparts, according to Stonewall, an LGBTQ+ rights charity.
    And there are also lots of labels.

    The lead singer of Green Day is bisexual, sometimes the band members kissed on stage back in the day (dunno if they still do,) and they have a song about coming out (but it's not specifically about coming out as bisexual.) Also songs about women, cross dressing. One song about a dominatrix lol.

    It's still not as blatant or central as with The Village People. Most of their songs are about politics and other topics.

    I don't think anyone wants their music to be defined that way either. And I get that because it's limiting but there's also this sense that you're not allowed which I want to poke at. Like I think of Amanda Palmer she's bisexual, her image is kind of androgynous in that kind of way (ironically I don't think this gets read as bisexual if you're a woman I think it gets read as feminist or lesbian lol but similar kind of vibes in men are read as bisexual now but sometimes gay still,) and she has songs that are relatable as a [BEEP] person but moreso as a non-binary person (just speaking personally like the song below. I don't think it was written that way intentionally, I think it's actually about her dad, and it's vague enough that it can be about several things at once. I also relate to the dad interpretation to be fair because I've struggled with the things I have in common with my dad and the negative comparisons people have made when comparing me to him over my life.) I don't think her romantic songs have clear gender in them most of the time (just thinking off the top of my head, haven't listened to all her music either.)

    Half underwater, I'm half my mother's daughter
    A fraction's left up to dispute
    The whole collection, half of the price they're asking
    In the halfway house of ill repute

    Half accidental, half painful instrumental
    I have a lot to think about
    You think they're joking? You have to go provoke him
    I guess it's high time you found out

    It's half biology and half corrective surgery gone wrong
    You'll notice something funny if you hang around here for too
    Long ago in some black hole before they had these pills to take it back
    I'm half Jill and half Jack

    Two halves are equal, a cross between two evils
    It's not an enviable lot
    But if you listen you'll learn to hear the difference
    Between the halves and the half knots

    When I let him, when I feel the stitches getting sicker
    I try to wash him out but like they say, 'The blood is thicker'
    I see my mother in my face but only when I travel
    I run as fast as I can run but Jack comes tumbling after

    The bolded line especially. I wonder what she was thinking about when she wrote that.

    Palmer is bisexual,[60] telling in 2007: "I'm bisexual, but it's not the sort of thing I spent a lot of time thinking about," Palmer said. "I've slept with girls; I've slept with guys, so I guess that's what they call it! I'm not anti trying to use language to simplify our lives."[61] Palmer has spoken out on feminist issues[62] and about her open relationships, stating in one interview that "I've never been comfortable in a monogamous relationship in my life. I feel like I was built for open relationships just because of the way I function. It's not a reactive decision like, 'Hey I'm on the road, you're on the road, let's just find other people.' It was a fundamental building block of our relationship. We both like things this way."[63]
    You're also not allowed to and the implications of that make me kind of resentful. You're supposed to be invisible because you don't exist. Especially in this day and age you stumble on posts about gender and sexuality from conservative people and heterosexual people all the time online. I've never watched the 'whatever podcast' but people often talk about clips from that or include them in videos and every one I've seen is like men and women arguing and the women are really stereotypically feminine and young and the guys all have the same manosphere ideological worldview. And this stuff all the time:

    Right wing men insisting women shouldn't have the right to vote on twitter. That's something I should stumble on once a year if that not almost everytime I end up on the website these days.... It's an opinion that was almost unheard in 2015 and entirely unheard of in 2005.

    There's a pattern (OK it's just 2 songs. 'The pattern' is just 2 songs lol,) where there are certain songs written by bisexual women which are really more about a friend I think where you want to save them or something from an unpleasant relationship or something like that while also somewhat insulting them. Which I just interpret as being sort of romantic. Like one written by Amanda Palmer:

    You're an unrescuable schizo
    Or else you're on the rag
    'Cause if you take him back
    I'm gonna lose my nerve
    He's gonna beat you like a pillow
    You schizos never learn
    And if you take him home
    You'll get what you deserve

    So don't cry Delilah
    You're still alive Delilah
    You need a ride Delilah?
    Let's see how fast this thing can go

    It's not exactly Delilah though you know lol?

    You see what I did there? (Oh dear the song title isn't actually Delilah but you get the idea.) I'm so annoying xD this whole post is annoying.

    And this song Vivica by Jack off Jill:

    I think my defence for interpreting this one as romantic is more solid actually.

    The apple falls far from the tree
    she's rotten and so beautiful
    I'd like to keep her here with me
    and tell her that she's beautiful
    She takes the pills to fall asleep
    and dreams that she's invisible
    Tormented dreams she stays awake
    recalls when she was capable...

    Women are very confusing. There's a straight woman on twitter I stumbled on the other day who is conservative and half her profile (recent tweets anyway,) was writing overly poetic stuff about women like Kate Moss and otherwise posting photos of women and complementing them.

    Kate Moss's face gives me angel vibes. But like haunted angel vibes.

    Like the 'broken clock' version of an angelic being. Like the face you'd see in a horror thriller where you die & see the bright white tunnel & feel the instant breeze of sublime comfort?.but then slowly find out it's actually menacing simulation from the Divine who secretly damned you to hell and you're finding out through the implicit existential torment.

    I think it's maybe the slight lazy eye giving her some of that haunted charm.

    One of my favorite faces of all time.

    No wonder Alexander McQueen was obsessed.
    So I read her tweet and thought 'is she gay or is it like Sylvia Plath?' She had no tweets about men like that though! It always makes me feel sad. I completely get where Contrapoints is coming from when she's confused by straight women because they don't express attraction to men often (Contrapoints has since 'discovered Tumblr' so to speak and 'the genderfluid gaze' which is mostly based on a book 'girls who like boys who like boys,' and it's annoying because the video where she talks about that manages to erase bisexuality - not the first time actually - and genderfluidity somehow and I only subscribed to her patreon because she listed a bunch of stuff that would be in that video and was curious lol. But yes I would say this is still niche and they're often bisexual. Do I think that book somehow encompases non-lesbian female sexuality entirely? No. Not anymore then that Germaine Greer book she criticises earlier in the video. And some of these people including in that book are trans men or non-binary.) Then the straight (?) woman on twitter said all these lesbians were attacking her and I looked and noticed she implied lesbians don't exist and then said it was because of the conspiracy theory where men are being feminised and that's why some become lesbian (yeah because the first thing you do when men aren't masculine enough is date people who are even more feminine like Stella Maxwell.) She was saying this in response to a tweet about Kristen Stewart who is openly bisexual! (She dated Stella Maxwell for a few years.)

    Most of the time people are only reading subtext into stuff, even when someone is openly bisexual. It's the same thing with Gaylors so I have some sympathy for them even though they take it to the point of being delusional sometimes and I'm sure she's straight.

    I get annoyed with 'you don't exist' except when this happens lol. And 'you're trying to get attention' when bisexuality in media and music is less focussed on except in a negative way and/or until very recently. Most of the time it's just other people claiming it's related because of some fandom. Also the general erasure. This is one reason I think bisexual and non-binary people are so mentally ill and fixate especially if you can't have sex and relationships for whatever reason.

    I know sexually fluid people struggle a lot too according to research and have even more issues. Well you're supposed to have a consistent sexuality over time, it's supposed to be very clear to you (that's difficult without testosterone and sometimes in other cases.) How are you supposed to have a stable identity if your sexuality isn't consistent over time? Sometimes people are more romantically attracted to one gender but still sexually into more than one causing difficulties, they're more into trans people (that's frowned on by some people having that preference,) they're more into one but still not exclusively etc.

    I think if there wasn't this huge backlash around the time I was trying to figure myself out, then maybe I wouldn't be so annoying now. On the other hand I kind of obsess about everything (not just this,) so that's probably just my personality type.

    Lol then I started watching this video and the part where she just starts rambling about the supernatural stuff and 'poetry.' Yeah:

    I'm reading fanfic surrounding a character that does turn into a werewolf and it's gay it's [BEEP] and so that's why I love it. I'm a [BEEP] woman and I like reading [BEEP] women and one of them happens to be a werewolf. Maybe I need to be put down. Oh my God but it's not because I'm into that. I like supernatural things. It's like reading something with a vampire. Oh my God and I read The Coldest Touch which is literally sapphic vampires. I'm no better, guys I'm no better. I'm going to be so honest. If I'm going to sit here and I'm gonna fault others I can't be a hypocrite about it I'm going to be honest. You put it in sapphic terms I'm into it. Although I'm not into the way it's written. I would never read something that was written like this. I will only read things that are written like poetry. Which is why I stick to my sapphic stuff. That's not true I would happily read some terrible romance. I just- shut up. I also need my brain to turn off sometimes it goes too fast.
    I'm more into cat and bunny hybrids (and male ones specifically well I also read some Loki fanfic too where he spent time as a cat as well, so that's like Genderfluid alien cat hybrid.. How many things?) but yeah haha. I used to be into vampires as a teenager too but not so much these days well I have listened to some stuff with female vampires more recently but as a teeanger I was more into male vampires. I like male and female fairies, nymphs etc. I started listening to something with someone who was playing a water nymph as a guy but their voice sounded female. I like most supernatural, sci-fi and fantasy themes (I shouldn't list them all lol elves, aliens, robots, witches, ghosts, mermen, demons sometimes, probably forgotten some.) Never liked werewolves though. I've read stuff with female werewolves in though as a teenager I think there were male werewolves in that too but there was also just a Human guy? It's been a long time so I don't remember the details. Oh this is one of the books I read lol:

    Elena Michaels is the world's only female werewolf. And she's tired of it. Tired of a life spent hiding and protecting, a life where her most important job is hunting down rogue werewolves. Tired of a world that not only accepts the worst in her her temper, her violence but requires it. Worst of all, she realizes she's growing content with that life, with being that person.

    So she left the Pack and returned to Toronto where she's trying to live as a human. When the Pack leader calls asking for her help fighting a sudden uprising, she only agrees because she owes him. Once this is over, she'll be squared with the Pack and free to live life as a human. Which is what she wants. Really.
    And I also read some gay male werewolf stuff. The gay stuff was clearly part of the omegaverse but before that label was used and I wasn't that into it. I've read a lot of stuff like this lol. Often free original fiction online, but sometimes bought books, lots of fanfiction too. Also came up with my own stuff in my head. But like werewolves don't specifically appeal is what I'm saying I guess. U̶n̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶c̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶b̶u̶n̶n̶y̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶s̶.̶

    Also there are lots of guys into catgirls so they can say what they want about white women (that dumb meme. I didn't watch her other video that she seems to be talking about so I dunno if that came up,) but what's going on there? Lol.

    Also I agree that example is kind of cheesy and cringe and the cover doesn't appeal to me personally.

    Also Stefan Molyneux's fake comment comes up in the video and I don't think she knows who he is lol and all the ridiculous stuff he's said which is probably for the best. He didn't just leave the comment because he wanted to boost his channel he specifically wants to spread his ideological worldview and he faked an approving female response to do that lol. I believe he defended this later by saying that some woman sent him the message and he posted it on her behalf...
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  10. #5545
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    I think having tumblr live on my dashboard really wouldnt annoy me so much if it wasnt so "hot women in your area coded"
    Yeah I've been wondering wtf this is but I'm not on the site all the time and mostly ignored it but finally was driven to search. It's like there's Tumblr and then there's a bunch of random people in thumbnails who look like they just stumbled in from instagram and onlyfans or something. Some guy in a business suit, a bunch of women with very polished filter photos, two random sporty guys standing outside their house. It's just kind of a weird mashup for Tumblr.

    Of course Strange has a video about it lol. Guess I'll watch it.

    Agreed, if the live feature was recommending people/tags that you followed or it was based on your past searches it wouldn't be so bad, but every time I use the app it looks like there's a sketchy banner ad to some webcam site across the top of my dashoard. It's pretty jarring.
    Exactly the vibes.

    Seeing all these "mainstream influencer" -ish accounts appear on tumblr, the weirdo place for weirdo people, is like watching Kim Kardashian walk into a furry convention and set up shop
    That would be funny at least. Like The Simple Life.

    nothing says tumblr user like an instinctive fear of beautiful women
    either because they're gay or because they're gay
    Hah I love that.

    Hearing all this honestly makes me feel like the biggest issue with Tumblr Live is just that it doesn't feel like it's actually tumblr and that's putting a lot of the normal user off. Like if it didn't feel like this weird MLM discount twitch then maybe the regular userbase would use it.
    The feature isn't inherently bad I think, in fact since twitch is mostly for gaming and YT is for everything having a livestream service that focuses on crafts, painting, weird hobby projects, and other unconventional interests, weird music subgenres etc (you know all the stuff that's on tumblr in photo/text form,) could be good. However the way it pops up on the homepage with the thumbnails that come up isn't fitting the vibe at all.

    It's very jarring for Tumblr users to go from Tumblr having very harshly policed nsfw content since 2018 to having this:
    [sexualised images of women]
    They're just thinking about the money and it's very fucking annoying. Like you banned all the artistic porn and regular porn that was easy to avoid and [BEEP] people posting photos of themselves that were nsfw and now this so you can make money?

    So if someone wanted to say.. Post a drawing of Loki jerking off or Loki having sex with someone that's banned but for some reason it's OK to have a live service where you just push a bunch of scantily clad women and feet pics etc?

    They've just decided to ignore their primary userbase in the hope they can attract people who won't use the site because it has cooties + 'it's woke (tm)' + it's not instagram.

    You are not allowed to search booty shorts on tumblr. Booty shorts. Type it into Tumblr and they say no no no how dare you you disgusting degenerate. Gerard Way would not be pleased with this.
    Or Knut Futa from The Sims 2 lol. Because it has the word futa in. Noticed that before.

    I love booty shorts though. I'm not impressed either.

    I mean if you want to shove softcore porn in my face I think that's a great idea throw in some hardcore stuff too if it's actually 'good' because finding content I like across the web is difficult. But nobody really knows how to cater to us or to me. That's why we write fanfiction etc I guess. (Fanfiction doesn't work as porn imo, especially at this point in my life I just read it for romance stuff and use other stuff as porn but it's kind of the equivalent of softcore imagery or whatever.) And there are limited themes I like in audioporn.

    I'm not seeing any skinny and/or nerdy guys with long hair and glasses. So far haven't seen any photos of anyone even crossdressing. Where are the 'twinks?' Where is the goth guy with long black hair and fishnets and heels surrounded by dicks getting fucked in the [BEEP] while looking at the camera? Nobody is dressed like a fairy/elf. Or this:

    You can't objectify men in the way you want but we're going to shove 10% topless photos of muscled bearded guys/baseball cap/gym bro (at least some gay guys will appreciate them,) and 90% photos of women that are really aimed at straight cis men let's be frank down your throat. Like every other website. Also add a banner you can't turn off. What is this the comment section of a whatever podcast YouTube video freaking out because 'the government wants to shut us down' that I stumbled on yesterday?

    It's too late and can't be stopped now [..] in the meantime have your fun on the 'hot muscular bad boy side' and never sign a contract where the other party is paid to break it.
    This is crazy because i've been getting so many misandrist tweets on my timeline on X for the last few days and knew something was going on. This makes perfect sense. The world is doomed
    No that's just how twitter works (I'm not going to ever call it x.)

    Great. Cheers. Exactly what people on Tumblr wanted.

    Lol there's literally a guy in a suit (not the one I saw before,) standing in front of a chandelier looking like some reject from Andrew Tate's circle. These thumbnails are so removed from the lifestyle of the audience and what Tumblr is doing in general.

    Who are these people? Like literally who are these people? There are some guys too they seem to fall into the same genre of person. Why are they here? You're trying to tell me that all 30 of the cis straight people on Tumblr decided to adopt Tumblr live?
    It is the sheer quantity for me. I mean 95%+ of the photos are like that. I've followed many accounts where people post photos of themselves from time to time and they're very different. Even the photos they're posting of other people are very different.

    There's a warning saying that nudity etc will mean lives get deleted but all of the photos are clearly designed to be sexual or signal status in a way that doesn't work for the audience but it's so transparently the intent of most of them that it's insulting to have that arbitrary rule at this point. (also there list of rules for lives that nobody is following anyway lol.)

    edit: The people she refers to as fuckboys and the Jeremies lol I can picture what she's talking about like those gen z guys who seem half dead and put in no effort with their content and are barely present on their own stream. Like the guy in this video XQC (again but honestly best/worst example of the type):

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  11. #5546
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    The disdain some "dissident right" figures have for actual religious conservatives in the heartland, a large voting bloc in our country, is a direct mirror of how those people would feel about them. The woman who had three kids in her twenties and takes them to an evangelical church every Sunday is totally foreign to the city dweller talking about Paglia while on ketamine. The difference is the heartland conservatives have no idea the dissident right even exists.
    The 'dissident right' are ex-libertarians (the city kind,) bored liberals and Red Scare podcast listeners playing 4d Chess.

    So anything Thiel funds - the whole 'Dimes Square' scene, Moldbug, BAP etc.

    They are the political equivalent of a man posting on r/rolereversal complaining about pegging and insisting that 'it's OK to be masculine.'

    Tucker Carlson is probably the only conservative who knows they exist. Even Curtis Yarvin ended up engaged for a while to some random progressive woman who used to write BDSM stuff after his wife died because they don't actually want to associate with red tribe people. They want to rule them they don't want to be friends with them.

    Because they're snobs that want the status hierarchy to be in their favor. They see themselves as the aristocracy of a falling empire.
    Pretty much.
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  12. #5547
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    I stumbled on a surprisingly positive post on twitter but it's still conservative. Most people I come across on twitter are culturally conservative now (to varying degrees but certainly including the most insane takes imaginable)

    Women have a net negative on society.
    Women make almost everything better.

    They turn houses into homes; and like beavers who instinctively build dams, they always have this drive to make any environment they're in more beautiful than it was upon their arrival; they make most settings far more light-hearted and pleasant, they add a fuzzy softness to even the most desolate atmospheres by their mere presence; further, they are also givers: they put others first all the time and go above and beyond to make sure those around them are taken care of, even if it?s at the expense of themselves; women are also vulnerable, and this nature of theirs gives men an inherent reason to drive for strength, to be excellent in everything they do, which benefits the lot of us, as women ignite consciousness in men, and if curated, will also serve as the driving force that leads men to their souls; and even putting all of that aside, women are the ones responsible for delivering the miracle of life, the single most beautiful keystroke in all the notes within the orchestra of the universe.

    So what is not to love about women? What is there in life that's more beautiful than women? Even animals will fawn over the beauty of a human woman. They are a gift, and redeem all in this life with their existence, as beauty is the great redeemer to our suffering in life, and perhaps nothing is more beautiful than a woman who's been taken care of. Women are a light in total darkness, a calm sea after an everlasting storm. Without women there is nothing worthwhile in life, and nothing to fight for.

    '99% of Humanity doesn't agree tho'

    (I'm God.)

    That's actually not true a lot of Human cultures agreed throughout history:

    The bishōnen is typically slender, with clear skin, stylish hair, and distinctly feminine facial features (such as high cheekbones), but simultaneously retains a male body. This androgynous appearance is akin to the depiction of angels in Western renaissance art, with similar social roots for this aesthetic.
    I just wanted to keep my excuse for linking this music video because the face masks are cool. Speaking of Imogen Heap though:

    I do need a citation for the part about animals fawning over women though, outside of Disney films ('Human woman' is redundant because there are no non Human women.)

    Aurora is much more attractive than prince Philip though.

    I love that I found this while looking for a hair gif:

    I love the way his hair moves in this gif:

    'Naturally short.'

    That question could be answered with 'music' too but I'd be here all day trying to remember every beautiful song.

    It's welcome to praise the good traits distinctive to men and women. This post is a bit mushy and over the top, but it's generally good. We need one for men as well, from someone.
    Conservative women typically write poetic posts about women, but not men, like the Kate Moss tweet from before. Unless I deleted the post where I quoted that who knows.

    A woman did respond to that tweet with something though:

    Men are resilient. They have the capacity to persevere indefatigably, regardless of what they experience on the way. When grounded in themselves and when they know who they are and what they care about, this force of capacity becomes immensely creative.
    ^ I didn't really like this as much as the original (I think because it requires more concentration,) but the the guy who posted the original did so that's good since he's the target audience:

    Beautiful, and very true. Never thought of it in that precise way but spot on.
    Then I realised she also wrote a bunch of other tweets below that one. Which makes sense because I thought that one was comparatively short.

    They can try a thousand ways to achieve a goal without deterrence. They can get kicked in the face, wipe out, and be back in the game in a couple of days. They learn and incorporate and almost always want to do better--whether motivated by themselves or others. They must achieve.

    Trouble of riding that kind of drive is keeping it balanced and directing it towards the right goals. This is where frameworks of male behavior are useful--what kind of goals are good? How do you reign yourself in, not go too far? How do you seek feedback & make space for others?

    For whom do you build? What do you fight for, and how do you know it's right? How do know when you should fight and how do you know when you should <something else>. From the outside, men seem to me to be deeply spiritual creatures. They need to be inspired. They need to believe.

    They need it so much that when it's hard to find it can create blockers and stress, of pent up energy that doesn't know how to flow. A man who doesn't know how to flow right is a man careening on a motorcycle. Can be dangerous because it is powerful.

    What I think is often missing for men is a sense of internal worth--the ability to answer these spiritual questions of *what to do it all for* from the inside. A woman can help here, as motivation and solace and much else. But men can also develop their own compass and values.

    Doing this is how men become protectors and stewards; the types of characters that are depicted as heroes in the old days. Men who know themselves are able to become pillars, balancing both strength and power, protecting and building and ending as need be.
    I like the stuff Tumblr writes about men, because it helps me to feel mushy about men. I tend to like the stuff people write about women too as it usually feels more poetic to me, and suggestive of some degree of attraction or powerful emotion, even when they're not attracted to women. Even when they're a woman and that woman is their rival:

    Quote Sylvia Plath, The Rival
    If the moon smiled, she would resemble you. You leave the same impression. Of something beautiful, but annihilating.
    The above kind of reads more like an advice essay, interchangable with something a hetrosexual man on substack might write. I suggest eating an edible and reading more Baudelaire poetry:

    (If I dig around I can find better stuff on tumblr etc, this just always springs to mind now and is easy to find. Also I have no idea why they went with that image his hair is completely covered, and also that isn't peak hair and also why the minecraft graphics lol? I guess those must be diamonds in Minecraft.)

    Hey love,
    I am a constant satellite
    of your blazing sun.
    My love,
    I obey your law of gravity.
    This is the fate you've carved on me...
    Your law of gravity...
    This is the fate you've carved on me...
    On me.

    I mean that actually wasn't the point or request at all though lol. Plus he said the original tweet was too mushy.

    It's welcome to praise the good traits distinctive to men and women.
    distinctive /dɪˈstɪŋ(k)tɪv/ adjective
    characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others. "juniper berries give gin its distinctive flavour"
    What trait is unique to men and women? I don't know.

    But again it doesn't matter what I think because I'm a monster but I found this quote too while trying to find the other quote below and I do also have a God complex now and then (especially when cool face masks are involved,) and support artificial wombs but they've technically already been invented and not by me:

    Although it is women's role to create life, Victor associates creation with masculinity. He cannot create life, but, according to his experience, it is only natural that he should want to. As Bette London writes in her essay "Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, and the Spectacle of Masculinity," Victor is coping with "the fantasy of masculine creation outside the body" (London).

    The Monster would thus be a woman, but a woman who would answer Freud's infamous question "What does a woman want?" with the ostensible reply: to be a male, with a female to love. In the failure of that project, the Monster is forced to play the role of the castrating Medusa woman.17 [...] "What is a monster?" A monster may also be that which eludes gender definition. In this sense, Frankenstein would be a more radical version of that considerable body of Romantic and "Decadent" literature -- such as Theophile Gautier's Mademoiselle de Maupin, Henri de Latouche's Fragoletta, Balzac's Sarrasine, Rachilde's Monsieur Venus -- that uses crossdressing and hermaphroditism to create situations of sexual ambiguity that call into question socially defined gender roles and transgress the law of castration that defines sexual difference.

    [...] Because a monster is that which calls into question all our cultural codes, including language itself, we can understand the persistent afterlife of Mary Shelley's creation, which shows us that, quite literally, once you have created a monster, whatever the ambiguities of the order of its existence, you can never get rid of it.
    I guess it's nice to be written about at all? But often female and male stuff applies to me as well.

    This essay is like: 'You know Frankenstein was (one of) the first transmasculine novel(s)?'


    Is this because I said this in a post I deleted yesterday? Like if we pretend linear time doesn't exist for a moment and also that I'm the centre of the universe (I was born in 1991 and that was published in 1993 so I'm sure we can use some variant of The Time Traveller's Wife logic to make this work. Also speaking of that book/movie I think that might be one of the most creative ideas for a romance plotline):

    Actually I like this one because it has masochistic references (nothing to do with serial killers.. I hope..):

    Waiting... to be born again

    Wanting... the saddest kind of pain
    Waiting for the day when I will crawl away

    Nothing is what I feel
    Waiting... for the drugs to make it real
    Waiting... for the day when I will crawl away

    Waiting... to be disciplined
    Aching... for your nails across my skin

    Waiting... for the day when I will crawl away
    But it's obviously pretty messed up. I was just like 'the bolded' and then ignored everything else.


    I don't think the album cover is helping because it makes me headcannon him as sort of a woman.

    Not in an insulting way, in a hot way, but it's still insulting I know.

    Also he had really long hair some time around 1996:

    Why am I like this?
    Also that is a good song musically as well.

    I like transandrogynous better than transmasculine. But it fits sometimes depending on how it's being used. Most language is clunky and doesn't work.

    I haven't read that book (this is basically a catch phrase at this point,) but either she was very prophetic or the people interpreting that book are projecting (though that quote is from something that was first published in.. 1993? But language was being altered even then. But they must be prophetic because few people are aware of the invisible group.. But then again they've read and cite Rachilde..) Probably a mix of both.

    I think she wrote it (partly) about her mother.

    She technically wrote the first science fiction book, someone pointed that out recently when people on twitter were trying to erase women from science fiction fandom as though that happened during Star Wars 5 years ago.

    Many would say that being a monster is just 'the female gaze' you know (well maybe not quite, it's on the monster spectrum you might say):

    I don't think we've decided yet.

    Putting on a dress that's so freaking brave of ya
    OMG obsessed with that cute behaviour
    Never had to stress it might lead to danger yeah
    You are the saviour, you are the saviour
    (He must be one of good ones)

    Do the right thing, admit that you're faking it
    Fucking little [BEEP] go fix your behaviour
    Yes we know best so fit to the labelling
    Fit to the labelling
    Fit to the labelling
    (We must be some of the good ones)

    It was painful to have to develop this questioning dialogue.

    I like how this song isn't about most of my interpretations but you can do so much with it and the lyrics haha. I don't think I've come across anything with more potential meanings than this song. It's really great in that sense.

    Also some woman responded to her tweet about men with this:

    It's funny; for all the complaints about how men are portrayed in media, it seems easier to find positive examples of masculinity than feminity. Who ever accused aragorn of toxic masculinity? Or kristoff.
    Jordan Peterson didn't like Kristoff or Frozen lol. He felt he was a 'nice guy' and then started rambling about how most Orangutan's have to resort to rape...

    He also keeps telling people to be monsters though while promoting traditional gender roles and being against trans people medically transitioning and changes to language, so he's very contradictory depending on your historical and cultural lens:

    This would be a really idiosyncratic conspiracy theory to develop haha.

    Why is Loki genderfluid?


    I feel like all caps here is too loud. I want something in between.


    Yes I think that might do.

    Actually a superpower is narcissistically reading whatever meaning you need from what people say regardless of what they intended.

    I learnt it from fanfiction. But I haven't perfected it yet.

    You call it post modernism I call it creative licence.
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  13. #5548
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    I think it's time to rewatch Twin Peaks: The Return. I haven't watched it since it came out. From what I remember, it was pretty confusing and made no sense most of the time.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  14. #5549
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    Unsurprisingly this was also tweeted by the guy who wrote the mushy tweet. It was part of his pinned tweet thread on Nietzsche. Millennials and gen z are two of the most overprotected generations in history. I know on a personal level I perceive protection as control and I think there are a lot of people like this. There's also a lot of women who have sexual fantasies involving female domination etc (and surveys connecting this to left wing political beliefs,) which is probably a subconscious extension of this.

    The other part of it is the will element. The 'we are virtuous' element disguises the tyrannical nature of the tarantula. In the same way as above, if they were truly what they said they were, they could simply inflict their will on the world as see fit. But because of the impotence, the moralization is needed to retain frame and leverage power through that means. Otherwise they are the constant victims of that which is strong and good (in an amoral way). Thus the "we are virtuous" is the perfect way for the impotent to retain their power and leverage of it.

    To me what he is saying is obvious
    Putting this under a spoiler tag just in case I don't think it's that graphic but I'm also not great at knowing because I read messed up stuff constantly (it's also impossible to avoid on social media,) it just discusses what one guy on reddit says he would do during the purge (it mentions a crime but it's not a graphic description or anything) + the dynamics of how civilisation keep people in check etc:

    Along the same lines, I'll bring up a harsh example of the latter point. I saw a Reddit screenshot on here recently where some man?s account that quibbled about leftism and his own virtues and all of that, made a comment on a AskReddit thread about what crimes one would commit during the purge. He replied quite openly that he would rape a woman.

    This might seem shocking to you but it shouldn?t. The only reason he doesn?t rape woman is quite literally because he is too weak to. His will is that of a tyrant but because he is too weak, he has to use moralization (as his entire account was revealed to be committed to doing) over "equality" and "virtue" as a way to even the playing for himself, so he can get closer to his various goals. Otherwise, he would never stand a chance.
    Now I know conservatives rape too, that isn?t the point. The point is that this is an example of how this stuff works in the real world. Before the modern morality, the world was governed by strength. There have been debates and discourse on this recently, but basically I?ve read that women often misunderstand how brutally savage men are/can be and what things would look like for them without the restraints that social rules and reinforcements within our civilization do for them. They find it appalling that without our civilization they would be raped and subjegated and it is only this concept this social structure that stands in the way of all that. They find men disgusting in response and want to use that as reason to stay away from men. I even read arguments after women made this discovery that they wanted men to be locked away (without considering who would lock them away lol), but anyway, they were getting so close but just kept missing it.

    Then he starts talking about women's reaction to male behaviour and essentially concludes 'they don't know what they want'

    What they don?t realize, is that they want the strong men, the men capable of over powering them of domineering everything, to be the ones that keep the other men in check. They want the noble aristocratic men to keep the weak men like the man in that Reddit thread in his place. The men capable of total destruction who instead use it to uphold civilization are the ones who keep this together for them, yet they are what are villainized in their minds.

    However, it is the arguments for "equality" and virtue" that actually (when they succeed) allow the Reddit would-be rapist type of man to have equal or even extended social/societal power and leverage over the men that actually created and maintained that which granted these women their social safety and protection in the first place.

    Yet ironically, to them equality and virtues sound nice, to they inadvertently relinquish the power to that which protects them to that which is most tyrannical to take and destroy from them, simply because the rhetoric is that powerful among their unsuspecting ears. It?s really quite vicious, malevolent stuff. But that?s what?s really going on here, and that?s what this quote says plus so much more in that one sentence.
    OK here's the thing. I can't speak for all women I identify as non-binary for a reason. Also people need different things depending on their personal experiences and trauma etc. These kind of generalisations are stupid for this reason.

    Still I think there are a lot of women who want power and control. They don't want someone else to protect them because that makes them feel weak. And some people don't even find traditionally masculine guys attractive which I think adds to the animosity. So imo this is what people are going to hear:

    "you don't know what you want, I know what you want. (Not off to a good start lol.) What you need is to be controlled. I won't respect you until I see you as a credible threat. I'm naive and unaware that female psychopaths even exist because like most conservative men I'm idealistic about women. Also you should make yourself attracted to traditionally masculine men."

    Sort of reaching with the last point I feel like it's the subtext of a lot of discourse though. This is the message that women are probably getting. And it's contributing in part to an increase in certain kinds of criminal activity committed by women. I don't think it's the only thing contributing because this seems to be happening globally across many different cultures.

    "I don't wanna be controlled by anybody. I don't want to be controlled by my lawyers, by the police, by anybody."[18]. - Joanna Dennehy, spree killer.

    edit: I guess my instincts aren't terrible. Could always be better though. 'I'm naive and unaware that female psychopaths even exist because like most conservative men I'm idealistic about women.':

    The information women value has never been something I understood. I've had elegant women tell me they love me, and have me travel to meet their family and stay in their childhood home, only to learn after a year of being together they still didn?t know how to spell my last name, despite knowing they expected it to be theirs one day too.

    I had a different women I was dating for 1.5 years whom told me she loved me, hear from me that a family member died that particular day, only to be met with a blank stare of disinterest, and a lack of a single follow-up question.

    Further than that I have had my car totaled in a highway accident on an evening I had plans with them. A woman I?d been with longer than any other took 3 months to realize that I no longer had that car and that an accident happened. However, even this when she learned of it, was quick to be accepted and deemed as a boring topic.

    The anecdotes continue endlessly.

    Many women also seem largely uninterested in the thoughts that occupy the minds of the men they?re with. The Roman Empire meme taught us that this too, is the rule, not the exception. One?s intellectual interests apparent as less worthy of conversation or ponder than perhaps any other topic there is.
    Hmmm. Have you thought of using a matchmaker? I cannot imagine that so many shallow and insincere women have found their way to you. Perhaps a third party matching would be a better way forward?
    I?ve dated absolutely incredible women. Besides generic critiques I have absolutely nothing bad to say about the women that I?ve been with and have been incredibly fortunate through and through.

    The above just happens to be the part of women as an abstract that seems to be a consistent theme/pattern of behavior that I happen to struggle with specifically, but this is not an attempt to put them down or be negative as a whole on the topic of women.
    'No you haven't Anakin.'

    Women are actually responsible for the choices they make.
    Ehh, not really. Any women misbehaving is because there are an absence of strong men around her. Even the most cutthroat corporate 'girlboss' will retreat into the most feminine and elegant states as a baseline if the men who raised her and surround her are strong.

    An epidemic of bad women is more a reflection on the status of the men than the women. If the women around you are not proper, it is because you, as a man, are not behaving with enough strength and courage.

    If that bothers you, get over it and fix yourself.
    Imagine being so fucking annoying that I actually end up agreeing with a Pearl Davis tweet over you. On twitter I'm often forced to decide which I hate worse hostile or benevolent sexism but I always go with the latter. Some incel tweeting a silly meme about 'monsters in your area' could be amusing if I'm in the right mood and is more the kind of [BEEP] that wears away at you gradually over time + it's black/white thinking and whiny. Where as 'women are just agents of men's will' Stepford wives logic is just viscerally horrifying and provokes a kind of 'kill it with fire' reaction that I guess other people have to spiders. But I don't mind spiders.

    It goes on and on but women are fucking ruthless man. And if you ever see how they behave when they get control over a man, they will destroy him for the sport of it.
    so you are capable of switching between the two.

    Oh he tweeted this four days ago lol:

    I despise women so much that I will only read their tweets in a male voice if I am to read them at all.

    As for truly anon accounts, I have to have the gender disclosed to me before I can determine my reaction to their posts. If I can?t figure it out I withhold judgement completely, keeping them in limbo.
    wtf is this guy on lol?

    Explains this:

    The 'I have conservative values/talk about trad gender roles but I don't really want to live that lifestyle' thing is also a red flag I've come to realise (this was his reaction to some drawing of a woman cooking with kids):

    Beautiful and what any sane person would want, but personally I struggle too much being in one place.

    Even now, it's super rare for me to stay over 2-3 weeks in a single city. And for when I'm at the table playing poker, I often take a walk every hour, for at least a couple minutes, but sometimes more. It cuts into my hourly, but I've just never been able to sit still.

    Curious how I'll mend that over time, but ultimately, it's just part of who I am. As desirous as this life looks, and as much as some part of me wants it, the idea of spending my days all like this could be excruciating. I suppose only time will tell though.
    Very repressed or something.

    Not hating women on here seems to be a very hot take. Perhaps I should reconsider my stance?
    This demonstrates how few women appreciate feminine virtue. I am called a simp while the masses criticize women for not being home-makers, for not being traditional, for being too masculine well how can you blame them? No one values femininity, often not even other women, let alone men.

    If you punish femininity, and don't praise its virtues, how can you ever expect it to exist in the first place?

    [some poll]
    OK but I recognise that account. The account they're responding to is in Aella's circle (she's retweeted them a few times because they post many polls.) Aella's followers are almost all men, this person's followers are probably almost all men. I honestly thought they were non-binary but I'm not sure and maybe getting them mixed up with someone else. It's on twitter which is an incredibly masculine website and even more so since Elon took it over. The rationalist community is mostly men etc. They're autistic. This is that account's bio:

    Fanfic, code, painting, goop about partners. Tumblr dual citizen, old school rationalist. Big blocker : (. Twitter is a query language, tag me in good polls
    Quite entertaining:

    I enjoy being female, have no sense of gender identity, and I plan to take T in my thirties or forties and put on a bunch of muscle and look as masculine as I can, because I think it'd be a shame to live my entire life WITHOUT taking advantage of hormone tech
    imaginary pregnant me: "hello child. I love you due to hormones and ideology, but definitely in a conditional way. I find unconditional love condescending, since treating you as a complex sapient being means being open to truly disliking your personality and choices -
    I'm actually kind of enjoying twitter being forced to consume Tumblr now that I'm searching through their tweets lol. They had a long thread about Snape and then at one point lesbian Snape obviously appears:

    (I also find this terror of sex & self-desexualization just as interesting and hot when he's a lesbian and convinced she's fundamentally unlike the women she's attracted to and they'll never like her back; this why my snape sideblog on tumblr is 'lesbianincelsnape')
    When ... Snape is a ... a ... lesbian.
    homely nerd girl who's in love with her ex bestfriend and is repressing her sexuality like crazy because she thinks she's too creepy and weird to ever be accepted by the people she's attracted to. then she kills her best friend on accident. this is an extremely fuckable concept
    They weren't joking about that name.

    I was actually never attracted to Snape possibly because my bully liked him for a brief period when we were about 10 and made me act out the scene in the potions classroom with her over and over again. Possibly one of my weirdest experiences with her. I can't remember the details now.

    : ( if I could find a social circle whose vibes wrt gender are halfway between my tumblr crowd and my twitter crowd, that would be great. I do fine in both places, but tumblr sometimes makes me go "hah! psychotic" and twitter sometimes makes me go "this is unpleasantly alien"
    I see content from both male and female posters that has a "women are made of highly valuable magic fairy dust" feel and it kind of disturbs me

    (I feel awkward about saying this; many of those posters are clearly nice people having fun)

    anyway one consequence of this is that I feel extra driven to be, like, a peepee poopoo poster. I want to be gross and unmagical
    Found some old reddit thread:

    Nietzsche thought the empowerment of women was a de-feminization of women. Do you agree?

    " dream here perhaps of equal rights, equal training, equal claims and obligations: that is a typical sign of shallow-mindedness, and a thinker who has proved himself shallow at this dangerous spot--shallow in instinct!-- may generally be regarded as suspicious..."

    Although it is hard to get away with this type of thinking in modern democracy, it is a interesting point. Personally, I am generally not attracted to powerful women, for whatever reason. Some say I am "insecure" but I find it sexy to be in power and am not apologetic about it--it follows in accordance with my instinctual inclinations to be in power; consider in 2004 when a poll asked who Americans liked more: Bush's wife or Kerry's wife. America voted in favor of Laura Bush even though they were about split in half about their husbands.

    It is okay to downvote, but here at r/philosophy we like to promote what is called critical thinking. Your thoughts are more valued than your knee-jerk response.
    I don't think male sexual preference should define what is and isn't feminine. I've never believed that and it's one of my biggest issues with culture. It leads to weird tangential thought patterns especially in trans women where you'll see people talk like 'I don't find men sexually attractive but I need to have sex with them to prove I'm a woman.' What? (It's not always that obvious to the people doing this that that's what they're doing either, which is why Contrapoints video on this was pretty useful.) There are even some cis lesbian women who weirdly give a [BEEP] what men find attractive lol posting online about that.

    If a woman finds a feminine man attractive does he then become masculine? No. If anything culturally speaking people probably view her as a lesbian.

    I don't feel like Slaanesh or Poison Ivy or Lilith, are defeminised because they're powerful. If anything even Satan seems kind of androgynous not entirely masculine though he seems to start from a masculine place... Loki as well. Loki from the MCU not mythology is clearly androgynous because nobody can agree on whether he's masculine or feminine and get into arguments about it. (lol.... But people do yeah.) Satan is seen as more masculine than feminine but there's still that androgynous component in how he's talked about/depicted sometimes. Probably more so because of other symbolic stuff that gets associated with him though.

    There would be no reason for Ben Shapiro to signal that he got dragged to the Barbie film and set fire to Barbie dolls if being a girlboss wasn't you know... a girlboss.

    I love this video so much. Not even in a hatewatch sense it's so funny and endearing. Waiting for the 50 minute review of the OTEP and The Birthday Massacre music videos:

    Then review this it ends the same way as TBM music video and some of the 'dolls' in the TBM video also have white face masks:

    Also the brainwashing plotline thing he's talking about in the Barbie movie is probably based on how conservative men talk about and view women like what I quoted before from that guy on twitter. I don't know to what extent what he's saying is accurate since many disagreed with his interpretation in various ways and I haven't watched the film but with the lens he's using of course the Barbies have to have complete control or live separately from the Kens to avoid being 'brainwashed.'

    Generally it depends on the specific details and balance of things. Evil and subversive power and magic are coded as feminine power because we don't like powerful women culturally or 'dark femininity.' Ishtar was appreciated more a long, long time ago. Also androgynous but discussed as a goddess.

    Soft power is seen as feminine too typically (cultural exports,) compared to hard power (military force, economic coercion.)

    It's only really some heterosexual men who view power and femininity as being mutually exclusive because they think 'I find this unattractive/bad' = unfeminine.

    There have existed cultures where women had all the power
    True, but very few. In other species it is slightly more common, like spiders. In our species there is an obvious majority.
    I don't think there have been any cultures where women had all the power.

    Nietzsche uses female pronouns when talking about 'tarantulas.'

    (Why do people do this now with pens just buy the ebook or something and highlight it there.)

    Not only that, it's de-feminizing if women feel they have to prove that they're as strong/good/smart/etc. as men by doing things that are traditionally male-oriented jobs. Note, I don't say just any male-dominated job, I say male-oriented jobs, as in jobs which are clearly better suited to men than women for physical and emotional reasons. For example, being a soldier is something that some women might be able to do, but that doesn't mean they should. Working on the back of a garbage truck is another job only men do (wonder why that is). Whatever job it is, you always see some ultra-feminist pushing to get it just so she can prove she can do what the boys do, which is actually completely detrimental to her cause because it just highlights the inferiority complex some women have.
    I don't think there's anything wrong with women wanting to be masculine. This isn't relevant to the thread topic though. There are forms of power which are obviously seen as feminine.

    I don't think feminists generally try to push women to work on garbage trucks. (We use term like dustbin, rubbish lorries lol.) It's really only high status jobs or jobs that relate to independence like being a soldier - suggests you can take care of yourself physically.

    I really don't see why some women have to make things such a competition all of the time. I mean, I know it's because they're insecure and uncomfortable with the traditional female role, but it's just a pity to see women trying so hard to do something just because, and thereby setting back the cause that feminism really is.
    I know. It almost reminds me of men. 😏

    Feminism started as a movement for masculine women. It adopted all kind of weird agendas since that time like a katamari ball:

    This video game is so insane lol.

    But feminism was never really about feminine women. Everyone just needs to move on from pretending that it was (this thread is 13 years old tbf lol.)

    Because it means so many things now a lot of people identify with the term and identification with it is probably increasing in gen z but hardcore activists tend to have certain personality types:

    The most interesting part of this study was definitely when they found that feminist activists scored higher than both typical females and males lol.

    The feminist movement purports to improve conditions for women, and yet only a minority of women in modern societies self-identify as feminists. This is known as the feminist paradox. It has been suggested that feminists exhibit both physiological and psychological characteristics associated with heightened masculinization, which may predispose women for heightened competitiveness, sex-atypical behaviors, and belief in the interchangeability of sex roles.
    Figure 2 details results for Directiveness, demonstrating again that the study sample scores higher than both typical females and typical males. Finally, we examined correlations between left and right hand digit ratios and Directiveness, as summarized in Table 3. The reliability of 2D:4D was computed from the inter-rater reliabilities for each finger, i.e., sqrt(0.990 ? 0.994) = 0.9920. The Directiveness instrument is unidimensional per the nature of the items, and the standardized Cronbach's alpha (0.8233, N = 24) was therefore taken as an estimate of its reliability (Schmitt, 1996). All correlations corrected for reliability were statistically significant (p < 0.05), as were all raw correlations but that between left hand 2D:4D and Directiveness.
    In summary, the feminist activist sample had a significantly smaller (i.e., masculinized) 2D:4D ratio than the general female samples. The size of this difference corresponds approximately to a 30% difference in prenatal testosterone/estradiol ratio, which was the index found to have the strongest association with 2D:4D (Lutchmaya et al., 2004). Directiveness self-ratings also exhibit a large and highly significant difference in the predicted direction. It is notable that the feminist activist sample 2D:4D was also more masculinized than those of the male comparison samples, except for the left hand in the aggregate sample (see Table 2).
    I actually don't think it's a great ideology especially now. I never identified as a feminist. There are a lot of holes/issues. I like postgenderism and transhumanism more. Some parts of feminism kind of overlap with that like cyberfeminism and maybe xenofeminism I dunno. I don't agree with anyone 100% though.

    So this is kind of pre-feminism but Mary Wollstonecraft wrote about related topics:

    Today Wollstonecraft is regarded as one of the founding feminist philosophers, and feminists often cite both her life and her works as important influences.
    One of Wollstonecraft's most scathing critiques in the Rights of Woman is of false and excessive sensibility, particularly in women. She argues that women who succumb to sensibility are "blown about by every momentary gust of feeling" and because they are "the prey of their senses" they cannot think rationally.[137] In fact, she claims, they do harm not only to themselves but to the entire civilisation: these are not women who can help refine a civilisation--a popular eighteenth-century idea--but women who will destroy it. Wollstonecraft does not argue that reason and feeling should act independently of each other; rather, she believes that they should inform each other.[138]
    Whatever manliness is, we will not find it by taking stock of features shared among existing men. 'Manly men are more hypothetical than tautological: in Wollstonecraft's estimation, the condition of manliness is something yet to be achieved on any widespread basis,' Abbey (2019, 12) explains. Men's failure to be manly arouses Wollstonecraft's ire for individual men and the social conditions that produce them: 'I presume that rational men will excuse me for endeavoring to persuade them to become more masculine and respectable' (Solomon & Berggren 1983, 271). This is why moral education is so important. Wollstonecraft believes that 'every being may become virtuous by the exercise of its own reason' (274), but this universal potential must be actively developed rather than stifled or perverted by a society's systems of education.
    Of course it's hypothetical. Masculinity is a purity cult.

    Many traditionalist critics would agree with Wollstonecraft that rationality, independence, and productivity are essential to man's true nature, from which we have disastrously diverged. Where they would disagree, and what makes her argument particularly fascinating, is the claim that these things are - cultural perversions aside - woman's true nature as well. Consider Rousseau, the main target of criticism in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. In contrast to Burke in her earlier essay, Wollstonecraft's critical relationship to Rousseau is more disappointed than antagonistic. The crux of their disagreement is not whether reason is masculine but what Wollstonecraft saw as Rousseau's intellectually inconsistent, anti-Enlightenment assumption that masculine rationality is available to some people (men) but not others (women), as though God had not endowed all of humanity with a capacity for reason. Wollstonecraft writes, 'it is a farce to call any being virtuous whose virtues do not result from the exercise of its own reason. This was Rousseau's opinion respecting men: I extend it to women, and confidently assert that they have been drawn out of their sphere by false refinement, and not by an endeavor to acquire masculine qualities (274?275). To be consistent, Rousseau should either champion or resist the progress of reason in both sexes, Wollstonecraft reasons, 'for if men eat of the tree of knowledge, women will come in for a taste; but only attain a knowledge of evil' (273).
    Wollstonecraft assures her readers that women's masculinity--masculinity as she advocates it--is not something to be feared but welcomed: "all those who view them with a philosophic eye must, I should think, wish with me that every day they should grow more and more masculine" (269.) Part of the problem, she allows, is that readers might misunderstand her. Wollstonecraft is not suggesting that women join in hunting, shooting, or gaming. She is not encouraging them to abandon their duties as wives and mothers. Indeed, she argues, by cultivating masculinity as she envisions it, women will thus be more capable wives and mothers than they are under conditions of sexual inequality (347).
    "The two sexes mutually corrupt and improve each other," Wollstonecraft writes. "This I believe to be an indisputable truth, extending it to every virtue" (Solomon and Berggren 1983, 337). Both men and women have work to do, personally and culturally, in changing our vicious tendencies. As Gal Gerson puts it, "inequality breeds irrationality at both ends" (2002, 801). The goal here is not for men and women to meet in the middle, as it were, with women developing traditionally masculine traits and men traditionally feminine ones. For Wollstonecraft, the goal is for both men and women to become more masculine in the sense of becoming more rational, independent, and physically and mentally stronger.
    I can see why Rachilde wasn't into it lol. This isn't why lol but it would make sense.

    The core dynamic of Rachilde's fiction is frequently gender reversal. Either at the outset or as an outcome of the story line there is a biologically female character who seems more culturally masculine and a biologically male character who seems more culturally feminine. There is variation in degree and manifestation, but it is important time and time again.[25][22][29]
    The end of this paragraph still cracks me up:

    In 1928 she published her brief monograph, Pourquoi je ne suis pas feministe ("Why I Am Not a Feminist"). In this book she discloses an upbringing in which her mother Gabrielle (Feyaud) Eymery assertively devalued her father, remained cold and distant, and insulted young Marguerite at every opportunity. At the same time her father Joseph Eymery was abusive and liberated to pursue his own sexual pleasures outside of marriage, something Gabrielle made clear was not appropriate for a proper lady. She also relayed the story of her mother's ancestral sins and the curse that was placed on her family because of them. Her rejection of feminism was for autobiographical reasons and an envy of freedom, founded in a distaste for both men and women. In the end, she preferred animals to both.[16][3][4]
    I think I've made it clear I'm not really a fan of masc4masc ideologies by now lol. I don't like it when gay men do it, I don't like it when masculine women do it. They always had a problem with feminine men and trans women and over time that morphed into an issue with feminine cis women as well. A lot of these women obviously often aren't that masculine themselves it's more of an ideal. Also the men you are pandering to are fucking annoying often and they're never going to respect you if you're afab (which a lot of you already know but you're still doing this.) They're just going to complain about you being a '[BEEP] at the Rush concert.' And then they're going to leave a concert because you're there. I know that post was 13 years ago and not at the peak of their career like the video below. But even so. They're music is really great.

    That's what they're going to do lol. That post might have been fake lol but it's a scenario that I can see happening.

    I feel like her daughter did more for feminism personally. Because (aside from inventing science fiction,) a lot of feminism now seems to be a very boring victim narrative and it doesn't have much 'vision' as such. (Tbf most things don't now.) The only exception in my personal opinion is when they decide to focus more on technology.

    In a sense, Firestone's text is a bridge between Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818 ) and Donna Haraway's A Cyborg Manifesto (1991): all three challenge the biological imperative of women's bodies, offering an alternate structure for life-giving. Shelley's Frankenstein provided its male protagonist the opportunity to birth a monster, while A Cyborg Manifesto not only championed new technologies, but also utilized the metaphor of the cyborg - a bionically enriched human being to rally feminists to move beyond the limitations inherent in traditional gender roles and normative thinking.
    But that's not really fair because I definitely haven't bothered to read anything she's written lol or Frankenstein (though it's not necessary to read that to get the influence.)

    Anyway needless to say at some point feminism became several different and contradictory things all at the same time so you have [BEEP] theorists who identify as feminists, and terfs who were influenced by catholicism and young people on social media posting about male tears and anyone who just thinks abortion should be legal, 'choice feminism,' for some insane reason Camille Paglia is called a feminist on wikipedia... Is Jordan Peterson a feminist too? Is it cause she's afab? Amazing. (Maybe she self identified that way at some point though.) Louise Perry and Mary Harrington do that for branding reasons too 'reactionary feminism.' 'They're afab and writing about their thoughts and about gender so it's feminism.' And so on. So it's just like all of politics now (an incoherent mess lol.) It's very fun.

    Society doesn't really know what to do with atypical women. Sometimes they create third gender roles etc. Or like whatever they were doing here:

    Vesta's acolytes vowed to serve her for at least thirty years, to study and practise her rites in service of the Roman State, and to maintain their chastity throughout. As well as their obligations on behalf of Rome, Vestals had extraordinary rights and privileges, some of which were granted to no others, male or female.

    The Vestals took it in turns to supervise Vesta's hearth so that at least one Vestal was stationed there at all times. Vestals who allowed the sacred fire to go out were punished with whipping. Vestals who lost their chastity were guilty of incestum, and were sentenced to living burial, a bloodless death that must seem voluntary. Their sexual partners, if known, were publicly beaten to death. These were very rare events; most vestals retired with a generous pension and universal respect. They were then free to marry, though few of them did. Some appear to have renewed their vows.
    Not easy.

    Aquilia Severa (3rd century), whom Emperor Elagabalus married amid considerable scandal.

    Later historians suggest Elagabalus showed a disregard for Roman religious traditions and sexual taboos. He replaced the traditional head of the Roman pantheon, Jupiter, with the deity Elagabal, of whom he had been high priest. He forced leading members of Rome's government to participate in religious rites celebrating this deity, presiding over them in person. He married four women, including a Vestal Virgin, in addition to lavishing favours on male courtiers thought to have been his lovers.[5][6] He was also reported to have prostituted himself.[7] His behavior estranged the Praetorian Guard, the Senate and the common people alike. Amidst growing opposition, at just 18 years of age he was assassinated and replaced by his cousin Severus Alexander in March 222. The assassination plot against Elagabalus was devised by Julia Maesa and carried out by disaffected members of the Praetorian Guard.
    Apart from the part where you get assassinated at 18 I feel like his life was probably more fun.

    ^ Camille Paglia's entire career is just that sentence I just wrote loolololol. Not quite but yeah.

    If you're afab you just work male jobs or some kind of made up ceremonial role that's nothing, have to stay celibate, in some cultures they ban all the androgynous musicians for 'distracting women.' Since gender and personality doesn't have hard categories conservatives like to force you into roles you might dislike or accuse people of corrupting other people. It's bleak.

    I say as I haven't tried dating since my early 20s (so I am celibate,) continue to procrastinate on making YouTube videos. Write stupid posts. Playing Runescape on/off so I can get gold to fund Runescape membership in game. Ouroboros. That's what 'failed men' do though right according to Louise Perry etc they play video games. Lol.

    It still doesn't appeal more. I don't like the weird sister cult vibes personally. Like I said I was never a feminist.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

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    I had a dream that I was almost choking on a drill bit. It was in my throat, but I managed to cough it out. Also, I'm pretty sure that I've proved that if consciousness is physical/caused by the physical, we should have access to all the private subjective experiences of what brains are/produce. It's hard to put into words, though. You have to intuit it.
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