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    <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention -->
    @<u><a href="" target="_blank">Otherside</a></u>
    <!-- END TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention -->

    Yeah we'll never know who actually won since they find ways to discount votes and suppress opposition.

    The voters, mostly young and anti-Putin, waited in a long line to cast ballots at the Russian school in the Serbian capital Belgrade.

    "There is no election, we know who is going to win, we even know the result, he is going to draw himself over 80%," said Peter Nikitin, an anti-war activist. "There is no expectation, this government does not depend on how people vote."
    That guy was right. 87% lol... If he wanted to be convincing he should rig a lower majority.


    "Nevada has 125 females for every 100 females."
    - Shoe
    Bi vibes
    Lol I noticed that too. Guessing she meant males from the context. Though now I'm wondering if that was some kind of joke. Don't think so because she didn't draw any attention to that and just breezed past it which she never does with jokes, but someone could.

    Man tese days are basically girls
    See. It's boring and overdone though because conservatives never shut up about how men are girls. They do this more than me and Tumblr and it's clearly our kink...

    Is Area 51 included?
    So, the female population of Nevada is an unbounded infinite series?
    A recursive algorithm that never runs out of women!
    Unlock infinite females with this one weird trick!
    No wonder she still has nightmares about math homework.
    Date a woman that has a cool cat. That way even if she is a termagant you can still play with the cat.
    Think that's the first time I've heard someone use that in a sentence. Well based on how much right wing people online complain about women with cats being terrible, I suppose it works out. Except most men dislike cats.

    The video said 125 males to 100 females, but you say 125 females. Which one is it?
    Lol no it didn't. I remember hearing it when watching it before.

    I'm reading through other comments again now.

    That painting next to an engineering school bit is next-level psychological warfare. Logical/mathematical people are fascinated by creatives.
    I think my friend who is a programmer just low-key doesn't get that mindset lol. Not painting in public that's nothing the other stuff that often goes along with the personality type. He's not that uncreative himself though since he makes music now and then but doesn't listen to much and I'm not that creative not really black/white. We were in a relationship once though. So sort of I guess? That was more proximity though at the time because our courses had to work together on projects and shared the same computer space.

    I think there are a lot of very visible failure states as well that people find confusing/annoying/'why are you like this?' Especially visible online now.

    Like Jordan Peterson has (sadly) talked about this a lot:

    ^ that's just the full lecture of the clip below (most of the things I'm quoting are from these videos)

    Quote Jordan Peterson
    Here's a way of thinking about artistic and creative people from a biological perspective. So imagine that the world is basically an explored territory inside an unexplored territory. [..]Conservatives like to be in the middle of things that are known and they master that space and they're good at maintaining it. But the artists like to be right out on the edge and that's the edge between chaos and order and they like to expand the dimension of order out into the chaos. [...]

    You can see very concrete examples of this if you think about what creative people do in cities. They always do the same thing. So they're starving to death and this is partly why but they go in a city and they look at some ratty area that's sort of quasi-criminal and it's seen better days and they go there and they think. You know with a little work this could be cool and so they rush in there they build some galleries and show some art, and they civilise it a bit and then a coffee shop pops up and then the next thing you know the yuppies move in because they're sort of creative but also conservative so they're the next ones into the frontier and then the developers show up and they kick all the artists out but that's OK because then the artists go off and rejuvinate some other area and that's what artists do.
    Quote Jordan Peterson
    Open people are the ones who are interested in aesthetics so there are lots of people who are in some sense blind to beauty. It's actually one of the things that distinguishes strangely enough it distinguishes conservatives and liberals roughly speaking because liberal people tend to be high in openness they tend to be creative but they're low in trait conscientiousness so they're not very dutiful. They're not particuarly orderly, they're not particuarly industrious not compared to conservatives. Well it's partly because- this is one of the paradoxes. Conservatives are high in conscientiousness especially orderliness and they're low in openness and I think the reason for that in part is it's not that easy to be creative if you're too industrious or orderly because imagine you want to be a musician and you're 18-19 years old or worse 25 years old you know [crowd laughs] well the thing is it's an insane thing to do if you're someone who's dutiful and career oriented and practical because the probability that you're going to monetise your creativity is so low that it's futile to even attempt it in many situations and so if you're too concerned with convention and productivity then that's going to undercut your ability to manifest adherence to your creative vision which also takes you in all sorts of directions - none of which are necessarily practical.

    So one of the ways of thinking about creativity is that it's a gambling strategy and conservatives make low risk, low return but certain bets really whereas the more liberal types and the more creative types they make high risk high return bets and so almost all of them fail but those who suceed suceed dramatically and they also change the world.

    Although it's very foolish to be creative it's creative people who lead the vanguard forward into the unknown and transform the world so foolish as it is it's absolutely necessary.
    "It's actually very hard to orient yourself in life if you're very high in openness, very low in conscientiousness and very high in neuroticism because you question everything and you're not stable."

    Quote Jordan Peterson
    you can crush it [creativity.] We do that all the time and you're usually pretty happy about it too
    Quote Someone
    Give us an example of how to crush creativity so we don't do it.
    Quote Jordan Peterson
    Quit daydreaming. That's the same thing as saying quit being creative that's the same thing [...]

    Schools do that all the time. Stop daydreaming and pay attention to your work. Well what if my work is daydreaming? Then we're gonna punish you because you're going to be a good worker in a factory. Oh yeah those disappeared a hundred years ago I guess we haven't noticed yet oh well. Too bad for us and our children and our future for that matter because it's unbeliveably boneheaded but once a system gets established it tends to persist and that's how it is but it's pretty sad.
    Quote Jordan Peterson
    "And open people have to be creative. They have to be because otherwise they die, they don't have any vitality and so they're cursed with the necessity of putting a foot out into the unknown and making sense of it and they're also cursed with the necessity of trying to make a living while they're doing that which they can't because it's almost impossible to monetise creative action."
    Quote Jordan Peterson
    If you go off on tangents all the time there's some probability your idea is going to be exactly what is needed at the time and you're going to become hyper succesful as a consequence. But there's much more probability that even though some of your ideas might be highly valuable the probability that this is the right time and place for them is extraordinarily low.
    There's this clip from a 2001 film called the Believer which stars Ryan Gosling playing a self hating Jewish neo-Nazi basically that far right people like to post on twitter to say 'he's right.' I'm not going to post the clip but I noticed that some parts of his rant sound essentially like they're just describing not just creative people also 'nerds' but it largely overlaps with creative people. You can replace the group with any other group and it would be the same things they take issues with because the core bigotry is disliking this personality type and these traits I think:

    "The real [x group] is a wanderer, he's a nomad. [..] He can't hammer a nail or plow a field[...]. It's all mental. He takes the life of a people that's rooted in soil and he turns it into this cosmopolitan culture based on books and numbers and ideas and you know 'this is his strength.'"
    communism, infantile sexuality, and the atom bomb. In the mere 3 centuries it's taken these people to emerge from the ghettos of Europe. They've ripped us out of a world of order and reason. They've thrown us into a chaos of class warfare, irrational urges, relativity, into a world where the very existence of matter and meaning is in question. Why?
    The bolded parts are the most relevant I think.

    And this bothers them too:

    Being [x group] is essentially female. [...] But [x group] doesn't like to penetrate. He can't assert himself in that way so he resorts to these perversions. Oral sex is technically a perversion you know that right? So that's why when a woman's been with [x group] man she's ruined. She never wants to be with a normal partner again.
    So [x group]'s a better lover?
    "No he's not better that's not what I said. I said he gives pleasure. That's actually a weakness."
    I think it would be very difficult for someone who is very creative to have a relationship with someone who isn't. Impossible even really because the extremely uncreative group hates creative people (mostly out of fear I think but also like I say the various failure states that are typical bother them because it's not productive for the group,) and the former group often comes to resent the latter from what I've noticed (especially if they have narcissistic traits.) There is a class component to this as well though on top of this personality difference. Yeah that guy again but he's like the perfect example of this and even uses a lot of the language mentioned in the above film quotes:

    Huh. TIL if you prefer the next generation to be smart, classy, beautiful, and creative, you're GAY. 🙄 I mean, good god; this proposition shouldn't be remotely controversial. Who even wants the earth to be inherited by dumb, trashy, ugly, and unimaginative people!?
    Do NPCs Dream of Overseas?

    And the people I know are drawn from the crowd who frequent dance studios! If anything you'd expect them to skew quite a bit more cosmopolitan than average for the area, and indeed they do, but usually the only people I ever hear go to Europe are those who are from there, and might have families there too (blech). The more adventuresome types who travel internationally to somewhere they?re not from or don?t have family in (especially alone rather than going with somebody)?I can count them on one hand.
    God, the longer I live the more I feel I need to experience a world-class city. I research ways I might like to broaden my social horizons, and I find things like the Apollo Circle, which would be exactly the sort of thing I'd like to try?if I lived anywhere even remotely near New York, which I don't, so too bad for me. And so on and so forth, with all but the most limited of social or economic opportunities: a place like Los Angeles, New York, or London has a staggering abundance of them, along with the sort of attractive, intelligent, sophisticated, artsy, cosmopolitan people I like (and usually get along great with!); a place like Miami has some selection to choose from; but a lesser city, including the one nearest to me? One notch above a literal wasteland, really. It's not the sort of place for me, and having to spend my days in environs that all cater to those of more basic tastes makes me feel very lonely.
    My deathly fear when I have a family is that the local yokels will rub off on my children and they?ll turn out assimilated to their provincial ways, but spending most of the year traveling abroad and being in a cosmopolitan Beautiful Bubble of foreigners even at home basically eliminates that risk. The latter I?ve pretty much accomplished already, so bequeathing it to my children should be a cinch.
    You were supposed to be the chosen twink Anakin. Lol only because I'm too lazy to find accounts/people/things/websites that speak to me. 😩 I'm too mentally old. I miss when things were new to me. Remember Probably how I learnt about the singularity finding one of the creators (or someone related to it,) myspace page. Or maybe I didn't learn about that then but someone connected to it had a myspace page I think with some book about that.

    I remember spending hours and hours of time on, back in the 90's. I was only a kid. But I swear to gods, there was a strange chatroom that I'd occasionally end up in. The people were all talking in riddles and about "concept investment." But I can't find proof of it.
    Why is there no 'internet history' video about that website lol? Mysterious. Pretty much everything has some kind of video about it these days. There probably is one I'd just have to dig more.

    I do understand his frustration and tbf I live near London so I'll never know what it's like to be stuck in one of those states. When I was a teenager I was like 'I hate my hometown but it's the weekend so going on a train to Camden Town in London byeee' And you can just walk out into the countryside here too. Maybe if he ever leaves he'll have less contempt. A lot of my hatred came specificially from being forced to endure abuse everyday in school. Someone else I follow on YouTube talked about developing a similar mentality. You externalise the anger/vengence you can't express.

    But I think if someone unironically uses the word NPC that's a really good indicator that they have high levels of narcissism though. Because they're incapable of recognising that some people have different preferences and dehumanise the people who think differently.

    Also this might have been deleted in the forum roll back but I remember posting something about Winston from New Girl being a really weirdly written character who I thought kind of seemed like a ghost who is just living with the other characters because he was disconnected in this weird way but he kind of became my favourite character lol. Like his weird obsession with his cat and all the other wacky stuff and then he comes up with this elaborate thing to Spoiler: propose to his girlfriend including a cactus and I love cacti. I mean I just decided I love them a few years ago because I had this pair of cacti socks that I liked and I also like neon cacti lights and desert alien aesthetics. Also this is more her thing because her favourite plant is a cactus which is based. I guess Winston didn't come up with the cacti thing on his own.

    I can't find any clips from the episode where they make an EDM track on it'sown but that was great:

    Also I love that someone clipped just this part because Scmidt's delivery of this line is amazing:

    There's this as well:

    Boundaries of the mind refers to a postulated personality trait concerning the degree of separateness ("thickness") or connection ("thinness") between mental functions and processes. Thin boundaries have been linked with open-mindedness, sensitivity, vulnerability, creativity, and artistic ability.[1] It has been postulated that people with thin boundaries tend to confuse fantasy and reality and have a fluid sense of identity, leading them to merge or lose themselves in their relations with others.[2] People with thick boundaries are said to differentiate clearly between reality and fantasy and between self and other, and tend to prefer well-defined social structures.[3]

    The concept was developed by psychoanalyst Ernest Hartmann from his observations of the personality characteristics of frequent nightmare sufferers.[4] The construct has been particularly studied in relation to dream recall[5] and lucid dreaming.[6]
    When I was reading a paper about trans people from decades ago I found a simliar personality type described:

    Lothstein (1983, pp. 304-305) reported a case history collected by one of his colleagues. The patient was a 17-year-old female who viewed herself as a homosexual male. She expressed the wish to become a male ballet dancer and then to have "homosexual" relationships with other men. The patient recalled that her first wishes for surgical sex reassignment occurred after she encountered some homosexual erotic literature describing sex between males. The patient was averse to her female genitals [redacted sex preferences]
    Her evaluator described her as having empathic powers whereby "a person who ... is with one person ... becomes that person and then switches around and identifies with another person." On psychological testing she revealed a severe ego boundary disturbance; evidenced intense sexual preoccupation (and on the Rorschach reported many disembodied percepts of genitalia); viewed people as either damaged or menacing; engaged in magical thinking; revealed a pattern of sexual excitement which served as a kind of pseudo? integration of her fragmented and objectless world; evidenced defective gender-self images; and employed primitive defenses. Like the majority of her female transsexual counterparts, the patient was viewed as having a borderline personality. In other words, although she presented clinically with an entirely new dimension (that is, her perception of herself as a "male homosexual"), the underlying structural issues were still the same as those of other female transsexuals.
    I remembered this case suddenly again recently because of the 'narcissistic ballet science-fiction writer' from twitter lol. I thought with his fixation on female ballet dancers he sounded kind of similar.

    The part I found interesting is how they almost seem to describe it as some kind of package deal. Like specifically a 'male ballet dancer.' It's just worded weirdly like instead of 'I want to medically transition into a guy' and 'I want to be a ballet dancer' it's 'I want to be a male ballet dancer.' I don't know anything about ballet though because I took a tap and ballet class very briefly when I was like 6 and then dropped out. So maybe there are specific forms that are more male-typical or something.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  2. #5582
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    My head is congested again, but it's draining.
    That's what I get for being in the cold wind.

  3. #5583
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    I'm sure I've probably posted about most of this before but it's weird how so many musicians I really like have been influenced by and/or worked with Throbbing Gristle. Or if not them then some spin off project of Throbbing Gristle like Coil. I wouldn't say Throbbing Gristle's music is great although they have some interesting tracks and I really like the track Hamburger Lady and some of their music is probably the darkest/most messed up music I've come across like nothing else really is (besides possibly horror film soundtracks,) but it's definitely a very aquired taste.

    I was reading this wikipedia page again recently:

    Hildur Ingveldardottir Gudnadottir[a] (born 4 September 1982) is an Icelandic musician and composer. A classically trained cellist, she has played and recorded with the bands Pan Sonic, Throbbing Gristle, Mum, and Storsveit Nix Noltes, and has toured with Animal Collective and Sunn O))). She has received various accolades, including an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards, and a Primetime Emmy Award.
    As well as playing cello and halldorophone,[7] Hildur also sings and arranges choral music, once arranging a choir for performances by Throbbing Gristle in Austria and London.
    So I actually discovered them by listening to a Steven Wilson interview years ago. This isn't that interview I'm not digging around lol but he mentioned them again in a short recently:

    'we talk about one of my favourite albums of all time that Tim absolutely hates'

    'I didn't though I was just kind of indifferent to it'

    'that's even worse.'

    LOL it kind of is.

    I'm pretty sure Nine Inch Nails and other industrial bands were inspired by them too.

    From the magazine: ISSUE 88, October/November 2013

    Trent Reznor confirmed the obvious in a 2011 interview with NPR's Fresh Air, saying that Nine Inch Nails was "heavily influenced by Throbbing Gristle," the grubby pioneers of dystopia whose cacophonous spew helped spawn industrial music 35 years prior. We asked the group?s co-founder and former front-person, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, to tell us about the albums that inspired Throbbing Gristle to break the rules?the influences on the influencers, so to speak?and were surprised and delighted when s/he came back, not with grating noise records, but with a far-out bunch of psychedelica.
    It's not to suggest they don't have any interesting or great tracks because like personally I think this is fascinating (and scary) to listen to:

    It's also great (better really) live:

    I've spoken about this track too many times lol. It's just the first time I heard it I woke up the next day hearing this weird creepy 'train horn sound' (maybe it was in a dream I don't know.) I don't know what the sound is either but it sounds kind of like the sounds trains sometimes make from a distance. You hear these creepy sounds. It's very interesting. Also yeah their most messed up track is probably Slugbait. Lyrically it's so messed up I basically can't post it anywhere lol. I also love reading people's reactions tbh:

    I am a fan of industrial music. Throbbing Gristle is basically the creator of industrial so I decided to check them out. I listened to the first 2 songs. The second song, "Slug Bait - Live at ICA" completely scarred me because of the gruesome lyrical content. I'm really scared to listen to the rest of the album, of any of their discography. Should I be?
    You don't get called the "wreckers of civilization" for nothing.

    Maybe it's just me, but I don't find Throbbing Gristle to be all that scary because I know shock is part of their intention. "Slug Bait", "Hamburger Lady", "Zyklon B Zombie" get under people's skin but, it's like, yeah that's the point.

    I find Coil much more upsetting because they are actually the people that TG claim to be, every nightmare that parents have about rock music made into flesh. Psychic TV's Dreams Less Sweet is more viscerally upsetting than TG because it isn't trying quite as hard to be scary, it just is scary. "In The Nursery": Jesus Christ!
    Yeah The Nursery is still kind of a bit more transparent though lyrically (less so but like if you're familiar with the symbols):

    Boys become dogs in the nursery
    Girls become frogs in the nursery
    Boys turn into frogs in the nursery
    Girls turn into boys in the nursery
    I am watching you in the nursery
    [?] in the nursery
    Everything is clear in the nursery
    A darkness is here in the nursery
    I think that's the influence of Genesis.

    Also love how this song is just Tumblr + 4chan. 'Psychic TV' from 1983.

    I feel like with Throbbing Gristle it's very in your face and literal most of the time though. They are blatantly including in the lyrics upsetting themes etc. The music is also creepy and the whole thing is very experimental and rough around the edges. Coil is more polished I think and they took the creepy music without the clear lyrical intent (most of the time, often minimal lyrics) which creates this kind of alien creepy quality to a lot of their music like this:

    This track kind of disturbs me sonically:

    This has made me realise we don't have a cultural rating system for stuff that just sounds scary/creepy etc lol. As far as I know anyway. I mean you don't show kids horror films sure but like with music it's all about the lyrics for some reason - which half the time you don't even understand as a kid. I mean I don't care lol but yeah. Am I supposed to warn people? I mean I think I made it clear at this point.

    Also I guess my dad just decided to show me the Mr Creosote scene from Monty Python when I was a young kid because he thought it was funny and I found it really upsetting/disturbing. But being shown that by your dad is apparently quite a common experience. A lot of people describe throwing up or being very disgusted though and that wasn't my emotional reaction I was just disturbed lol and I haven't watched it since.

    Quentin Tarantino once said that this Monty Python sketch was the only time he'd ever been disturbed by a film scene
    Exactly. But the experience of going inside a giant Human body inside the millenium dome when I was 9 and the heart beating was actually the most disturbing moment of my childhood not that scene and it took weeks for me to recover lol.

    They sometimes have like these kind of nonsensical chants. There are lots of versions of this track:

    Then I swallow the one you bury
    Over and over playing on berry and bury as homonyms.

    I look into whatever I look into (it just confuses the issues)
    The desert fern in a pool, in a black pool of desert fern
    There's triple sons, there's triple sons, there's triple sons
    There's triple sons, there's triple sons, your triple sons
    It makes it hard to listen to but also I think more enjoyable.

    Despite what I say about Coil's lyrics I do actually think about this line a lot because online right wing discourse reminds me of this line a lot:

    Caught between weak and being strong.
    It seems these days the weaker ones survive.
    What an awful way to find out you're alive

    Another interesting thing is they would probably fall into Edward Dutton's category of 'evil genius.' Eg:

    It may happen that a highly creative person, by chance or design, deploys their creativity in such a way that it destroys their own field: a Picasso, a James Joyce, a Schoenberg men of genius whose work was highly influential and brilliant, but who left their subjects and the world a worse place than they found it: they were each, artistically, a dead-end. These are versions of the 'evil genius' - so named because of their effects, rather than necessarily their motivations.

    From the vantage point of creating something useful (to maintaining and developing civilization), beautiful or true, Pablo Picasso's (1881-1973) artistic philosophy involved rejecting the idea that art should create beauty and a road to transcendence. His purpose was to challenge the accepted way of doing art and so challenge all that was established, including that which is useful. In so-doing, his art created a sense of shock, confusion, and meaninglessness and contributed to anarchy.[34]
    It's a little difficult to wrap my head around the idea that there are still people who are threatened by Picasso. If that's how you feel about his work then how do you feel about [*sees quotes I include later in this post*] - 'Oh. Oh I see. Not good at all lol'

    Edit: Also I don't think anyone told the surrealists that Picasso destroyed visual art.

    Or the surrealists:

    Or the surrealists:

    I think that art station link is the source by Bespoke Cube. This is great because of the cacti obviously. I just found it now. They have other cacti images too! Most of their images have cacti. I wasn't even searching for cacti when I stumbled on this which makes it even better. Based and cacti pilled. Also some rubby ducky stuff. It's 3D computer art though which didn't exist in Picasso's time and is sort of a new art form if you want to be pedantic. Also the video game Kula World. Which is a really weird game I used to play on that demo disc as a kid.

    Or the surrealists:

    Or the surrealists:

    (I forgot what I'm doing these are the best sound effects ever. I once made a facebook group for this sound in... I dunno 2010 or something. I'm connecting it because in the beginning of Contrapoints patreon video on liminal spaces which I still haven't finished watching she included those sound effects. That's why I didn't finish watching the video I got distacted before.)

    I'm a big fan of the surrealists (tm) obviously.

    Also you don't like this Edward? =P *poke* *poke* *poke*

    In works that are a haemophobe's nightmare, New York-based artist Jordan Eagles has spent the last 15 years experimenting with the medium of animal blood, devising ways to preserve its extraordinary colour spectrum and textural richness. His self-invented technique uses resin and Plexiglas to encase the volatile organic material, preventing its decay. His works, which have been widely exhibited and feature in many permanent collections in the USA, vary from abstract panels to installations in which he bathes an entire room in projected 'blood light'.
    ^ I just remembered his work again I liked some of his blood on copper work. But also there's a really diverse range of art that people are still making.

    People are painting stuff constantly in a diverse range of styles more stuff then ever including old styles repeatedly if you want to go back. Just need to pay attention.

    Modern society has indeed become more and more 'evil' - which is to say (providing here a brief definition of evil) organized in pursuit of destruction of The Good in the traditional sense of the word - the Good being (roughly) the transcendental values of Truth, Beauty and Virtue, underpinned by a sense of unity and the eternal.
    Nope. And it's capitalised too. Don't like that.

    As for Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951), he shunned musical harmony and tradition in favour of a highly-structured but incomprehensible kind of music which most people find it actively-unpleasant to listen to ... a world in which nothing makes sense, there is no meaning, there is negativity, there is the Void.[36]
    So, these evil geniuses may or may not have had exceptionally wicked personalities, although all were somewhat unpleasant characters[37] ? but they did have a net-destructive effect on society. This effect was net-destructive because they advanced a compelling but destructive worldview; one which led to the suppression of, for example, the ability of people to perceive meaning and purpose in life, or active-encouragement of selfish, parasitic, or cruel behaviour.
    So it is not necessarily a compliment to call somebody creative or 'a creative' - really, it is simply a description of a personality type.

    According to Simonton, geniuses usually have a personality type characterized by moderately high Psychoticism; that is: a psychosis-/ dream-like mode of thinking; indifference to public opinion; moderately low Agreeableness/ Empathizing and moderately low Conscientiousness. This, according to Simonton, is usually combined with high Openness-Intellect (strongly associated with creativity), and high Neuroticism (in the case of artistic geniuses) and high Extraversion (in the case of scientific geniuses).
    And at this point I just start spiralling for a while, and this incorporates some of the ideas I wrote about in my previous post. I think this is actually very unpleasant so you might not want to read the rest of this post (if you're reading this post. I generally assume people aren't which is part of why I post these thoughts here lol,) until the part where I talk about... Until I go back to posting Coil music. I'm just kind of venting.

    Slight tangent here (the problem with quoting stuff is I always end up reading other stuff while looking up the quotes and then want to talk about that too. A huge problem...)

    This is one of his constructs. 'Head Girls' are supposed to be reasonably succesful in life but conforming and then he uses the term 'witches' for antisocial people who don't have kids and are low status but not genius and who undermine 'masculinity.' I think he makes a distinction between witches and 'evil geniuses' (edit: no not really. It's very confusing.) He doesn't seem to like either group though.

    He uses a lot of feminine language but I can tell from his twitter and some other quotes that he doesn't use it in a 100% gendered way like he'll call men 'head girls' sometimes though he seems to think most are women and men tend to extremes more.

    The 'Head Girl' is thus even more problematic in terms of genius. The stereotypical Head Girl is an all-rounder: performs extremely well in all school subjects and has a very high 'Grade Point Average' as it is termed in the USA. She is excellent at sports, Captaining all the major teams. She is also pretty, popular, sociable and well-behaved.

    But the Head Girl is not, cannot be, a creative genius. The genius is pretty much everything the Head Girl is not. He (or she) is lop-sided in his abilities - truly excellent at some things or maybe just one thing, he is either hopeless or bored by many others. He won't work hard for long periods at things he does not want to do. He will not gravitate to the prestige areas of life and cannot, or will not, do the networking necessary to get-on.
    The Head Girl is great to have around, everybody thinks she is wonderful. Meanwhile the creative genius is at best a person who divides opinion, strongly, in both directions - at worst often a signed-up member of the awkward squad.
    The proper social role of the highly able Endogenous personality is not as leader. Indeed, the Endogenous personality should be excluded from leadership as he will tend to lack the desire to cooperate with or care for the feelings of others. His role should be as an intuitive/ inspired 'adviser' of rulers.

    Adviser-of-rulers is a term which should be taken to include various types of prophet, shaman, genius, wizard, hermit, and holy fool - the Socrates of the early Platonic dialogues is an historical example, as is Diogenes, the Cynic, of Sinope (c.412-323 BC), who lived in a barrel and is supposed to have snubbed Alexander the Great (without being punished), or even the Fool character in Shakespeare plays.

    These are extremes; but the description of Endogenous personality and of an 'inner orientation' also applies to most historical examples of creative genius. The Endogenous personality - therefore - does not (as most men) seek primarily for social, sexual or economic success; instead the Endogenous personality wants to live by his inner imperatives.
    The way it is supposed-to-work, the 'deal', the 'social contract'; is that the Endogenous personality, by his non-social orientation, is working for the benefit of society as a whole; at the cost of his not competing in the usual status competitions within that society. His 'reward' is simply to be allowed, or - better - actively enabled, to have the minimal necessary sustenance, psychological support (principally being 'left alone' and not harassed or molested; but ideally sustained by his family, spouse, patron or the like) to be somehow provided-with the time and space and wherewithal to do his work and communicate the outcome. For the Endogenous personality, this is its own reward.

    In return, the Endogenous personality should not expect (although he might, by chance, get) social esteem, wealth, or sexual success. Often, he may need to be highly solitary, secluded, ascetic, perhaps celibate. He should not seek, and should try not to accept, leadership positions, or administrative responsibilities.
    Honestly this deal does sound very [BEEP] and apparently you couldn't get the 'leave them alone' part right anyway.

    This is the part about witches:

    We will see that feminists, like stereotypical Early Modern witches, tend to be [...] masculinized, as well as single and childless. Like witches, they damage group selection by feminizing politics (reducing ethnocentrism) and academia; they push out geniuses (who benefit the group), who are obsessed with truth, in favor of "Head Girls," who are more interested in social accord and empathy. As with witches, feminists promote abortion and damage the fertility of other women. Witches supposedly used spells to make others barren or otherwise childless. Feminists, on the other hand, promote "lies as truth," as part of the general leftist trend, to the extent of normalizing transgenderism. Indeed, we will note the points of commonality between some transsexuals and stereotypical witches.
    These new witches lived out in the open and were even celebrated. So many women were taken in by their spells: they behaved like men; they cared about careers more than children; they raised boys as girls. Even men listened to the witches. Our societies were feminized, though that didn't mean they became kinder and gentler. The persecuted became the persecutors, the judged became judges, the last came first. Everything was out of joint.
    It could be argued that some transsexuals have some of the traits that would cause one to be accused of witchcraft. Most obviously, they question the very fact of biological sex, a stance that implicitly undermines patriarchy. There is also evidence that transsexuals are high in mutational load. [... Descripton of all the ways he thinks we're evil along with correlating physical disorders]

    When I was an undergraduate at Durham University in the year 2000, I had to "live out" of my college in my second year, in a house in the city. A female friend, a History undergraduate, who was a practicing witch (Wiccan) and had a particular interest in the history of witchcraft, had a spare room in a house that she shared with two other witches. I took up her offer and briefly lived with three practicing witches, the other two of whom were a lesbian couple. My evangelical Christian friends, also female, insisted that I not sleep the night in my new house on Halloween, and they suggested that I move in with them, which, after three weeks, I sensibly did. Though my friends thought it was hilarious--"What are you going to do next, Ed? Move in with a group of midget wrestlers?!"--it was very interesting living with two lesbian witches, in a Victorian house decorated with pagan symbols. Oddly, the following year, the femme of this couple--a public school girl who was studying philosophy--shaved off her attractive, ginger locks and became increasingly androgynous. Approximately a decade later, we were put back in touch on Facebook, by a mutual friend, also a Wiccan. My former housemate--once a pretty, lively young girl--looked like a transman (female-to-male transsexual) and was using a man's name.
    He highlights that her hair was red not by coincidence. He has some thoughts about red heads too of course. Which he has vaguely shared on twitter.

    This anecdote clearly had a profound effect on him lol. I'm beginning to understand now why you'll sometimes see like some music or something that's very niche on say YouTube and people will have this mentality like 'we need to keep this for ourselves' in the comments. 'Never let this get famous.' I know there are multiple explanations for that behaviour like hoarding behaviour essentially. They could be treating it like a resource they're jealously guarding but I also think there's a potential explanation involving defensiveness like 'if someone like Edward stumbles on this it would be bad.'

    Like he should never have lived with those people because he can't handle it.

    The lead witches are likely to be prominent, articulate, and influential advocates of maladaptive, anti-traditional ideologies, especially combining this advocacy with an provocative and bizarre appearance and other markers of mutation. These are the necromancers of today. They aim to dissuade us from passing on our genes. They aim to dissuade us from investing energy in our extended genotype, our ethnic group. They aim to persuade us that life has no meaning. They aim to do us harm.
    Yeah that's not a real thing.

    Thus, there may be a degree to which Marin and Ohisalo are spiteful mutants. However, Finland's Millennial Ministers would appear to be very much the Head Girl type: socially skilled, conformist (though this may be less true of Li Andersson due to her relative extremism), and feminine, both in their looks and their worldviews. They can perhaps be said to have been inspired by people such as Andrea Dworkin, who are closer to the witch stereotype.
    Like you know the members of Throbbing Gristle included a cisgender woman, a non-binary individual who started a project with one of their partners to get tons of plastic surgery to look as similar to each other as possible (he takes issue with tattoos and plastic surgery in general of course,) and a homosexual man right? Then only one member was a cisgender straight guy afaik. They influenced I think a lot of really great music despite being problematic individuals with very unstable lives. Or at least some members were. I'm not going into a biography lol but the info is out there.

    I take issue with the idea that people who explore stuff like this creatively can't influence great art/music as well. But then that's somewhat subjective I suppose. I think Steven Wilson is talented, works with talented people too though. Same for Nine Inch Nails. Pretty good no?

    Well not if the only music you consider good is like old school classical composers and anything more experimental than that doesn't appeal at all (I've met these people, they're not on his wavelength necessarily it's just personal preference. I think arguing that everything else is crap is bonkers personally.)

    I just don't know how he and other male writers of the 'we're being emasculated boo' crowd haven't also realised a lot of the actual shamans (like he actually used that very word in his book lol,) and people occupying these roles in various cultures are and were third gender, homosexual etc people in those communties. Even Bronze Age Pervert (not to equate these two because they seem ideologically different but still,) seems very confused:

    Many shamans practice transvestism among various peoples--fools interpret this as "gay rights," not seeing the cultic understanding of femininity. The Pythia was a woman, and the ancient Germans always consulted women before great decisions, because they could provide a different and more direct view of things. The modern lords of lies have alienated women from this by promoting the hyper-conscious, talky, neurotic-obsessive persona among urban slave women. That is a parody of the worst kind of men. Oracles in nature are already rare enough, and how many have been lost to us because they were misled by the snakes who seduced her into thinking she should ape the snappy, chatty self-consciousness of the midget homosexual and "comedian"? They know how powerless we are without knowledge of the future; they keep this for themselves.
    But this is a man who is trying to find the 'gay underworld.' So I feel like that could go without saying.

    Also it's mostly that he and others ignore women online who say 'weird things.' Because in spite of everything they do still exist sort of. Either they ignore them or they're not saying what people want to hear. Either/or. But that was a myth as well right:

    Cassandra or Kassandra (/kəˈs?ndrə/;[2] Ancient Greek: Κασσάνδρα, pronounced [kas:ndra], also Greek: Κασσάνδρα, and sometimes referred to as Alexandra)[3] in Greek mythology was a Trojan priestess dedicated to the god Apollo and fated by him to utter true prophecies but never to be believed. In modern usage her name is employed as a rhetorical device to indicate a person whose accurate prophecies, generally of impending disaster, are not believed.
    I was also tbh wondering what the distinction supposedly was between evil geniuses (people like Nietzsche who he also doesn't like,) and 'witches' and apparently there isn't much of one (he views witches as a subgroup or something):

    In this chapter, we will examine in detail just such a person. She appears as a manifestations of the psychological type associated with the "anti-genius" or "evil genius."
    And he thinks basically everyone creative is evil now. So that's convinient or something:

    In sum, modern creatives are highly likely to be amateur or professional, intentional or accidental destroyers of the Good - in their net effect if not wholly. [...] In sum, most modern creatives inflict either more, or less, harmful outcomes overall; and the more effective their creativity, the greater the harm they inflict.
    And he thinks Andrea Dworkin is an example of a witch. I haven't read her work. I don't tend to agree with radical feminists overall though. I think they have a 'piece of the puzzle' but I also take issue with a bunch of their views. Also don't agree with him obviously.

    There's this kind of feeling I get that's like:

    "You have to prove that you're worthy of existence."

    Also this is somewhat addressed here (which I know I've also posted before. Very repetitive I know.):

    This is why you have to be disagreeable btw if you're not conscientious. If you care about other people's opinions much at all it's going to be a huge distraction and you just fall into social commentary/justfying your existence mode. Not that I think I personally could be a genius or anything like that (by any definition lol.) That's not what I'm saying. I could be slightly more productive though or rather if I was it would be useful. Some people do like my YT content and I could create more stuff and be less lazy that would be good - for them. Or not because 'everyone is evil' lol. But I don't really know how to work with my brain/personality. It's been a problem and a huge struggle for literally my entire life.

    I also keep seeing people arguing points like 'this is just how men feel. They can't exist without justification.' But I'm not a cisgender man and this horrible viewpoint they have is extended to others anyway. If anything I think a lot of their rhetoric is against trans and homosexual people and people who are genetically female if they don't toe the line.

    He points out how there are few 'female geniuses.' Despite feminists' attempt to unearth them. (But says there are some moreso in literature.) Well if you could just stop burning witches and calling people evil for 5 minutes maybe people would find something else to do besides yell at you?

    These days my whole life is just that one scene from the first Thor film where Loki's like:

    over and over.

    Except I'm not a prince and all that lol.

    Also it's so narcissistic of me to even give a [BEEP] about all this but like. This narrative is so rude and over the top of them lol.

    And now my very existence feels like some form of protest.

    Why can't I just be like a cat? Cats don't have to be geniuses to justify their existence. Oh right conservative men typically hate cats too. :')

    It's actually because they hate women and associate cats with being effeminate, and if they admit cats are cool they'll have to feel bad for the one's they hurt as children.
    I know this is liberal brainworms but I swear this viewpoint is onto something... Sometimes.

    It's not just that they're feminine of course. It's that they exhibit a kind of stereotypically dark feminine set of personality traits. Probably why they're associated archetypally with witches in fact.

    There are associated personality types:

    Research has shown a link between some personality traits and the type of domesticated animal owned. A 2010 study at the University of Texas found that those who identified as "dog people" tended to be more social and outgoing, whereas "cat people" tended to be more neurotic and "open", meaning creative, philosophical, or nontraditional.[4] In a 2014 study at Carroll University, Wisconsin, by Denise Guastello, of the 600 people surveyed those who said they were dog lovers were found to be more energetic and outgoing, and tended to follow rules closely. On the other hand, cat lovers were more introverted, open-minded and sensitive. Cat people also tended to be non-conformists, as well as scoring higher on intelligence tests than dog lovers.[5] Guastello, a professor of psychology, stated the reasons behind these personality differences stem from the pet owners themselves and the particular environment they prefer.[5] This is supported by the study completed by the psychology department at the University of Texas as it stated that the two species have "real and perceived differences" meaning that they display their own personalities that would be best suited to particular people.[4]

    In the US, red states have the highest rate of dog ownership, while residents of blue states are more likely to keep a cat as a pet.[6]
    That being said he actually seems to like cats (and thinking about it he does have HP Lovecraft vibes, but without the cool fiction.) He included a memorial to his cat in some video about 'the types of men who are attracted to masculine women' however from the looks of it this video has since been removed. Most of the videos on his channel haven't been and they're very controversial so I know it's not that. He has another tweet about including his cat in another video on the cat's birthday the year before. All the twitter responses are cutesy stuff like this:

    Margaret can spot a spiteful mutant from a mile away, she's judging us already
    Margaret is the real mastermind behind JH. Ed is merely an actor reading out her script
    He insults women who have cats though in tweets.

    This must be why I was 'sent here.'

    Sort of like how Jordan Peterson has communist paintings all over his house.


    Also when I read this kind of thing (about 'evil geniuses') I just hear over and over "I am only comfortable with what makes me feel comfortable." I like watching sitcoms because they make me feel comfortable but now and then you have to read 55543534535 words that piss you off way too often and also listen to Coil tracks. Or you don't have to but someone has to.

    And... I think part of this possibly is that he feels excluded and rejected himself by society which is why he probably moved to Finland and he has to justify why he's 'good,' and why he deserves to exist. Like it's possible he views himself as a 'good genius.' Or if not that he's at least helping them (whoever they are. Where/who are the people you think you're protecting Edward? Cause honestly it's not even clear to me. Jane Austen I guess. She's dead bruh. I thought you didn't like necromancy lol? It's OK someone brought her back unfortunately there were many zombies):

    As you might expect. Necromancy and it's complications.

    Edward what art do you like? I can't picture it. He said Emily Dickinson was a genius so I guess he likes her poetry, and also seems to like Jane Austen's work because he said she was a genius (not evil genius lol.)

    So he left his home country to move to Finland and marry a Finnish woman, while ranting about ethnocentrism being destroyed by 'masculinised women.' It's all very ironic. But I don't think very conservative people shouldn't exist in some fundamental sense. I skimread stuff so I don't know if he comes to some conclusion 'solution' I don't think he does. It does seem like he thinks some people are witchy innately and others have just been influenced 'corrupted' in that direction.

    Also I don't know that he'd view himself as conservative anyway. Because conservatives are doing this weird thing now where they pretend to be 'the new punk.' While demonising anything creative (think people like Ben Shapiro.) Also because most people would classify this guy as being far right anyway not conservative and also because his particular school of thought is a bit all over the place. Things are very incoherent now in general.


    Also I don't think it's either/or I really like pre-raphaelite paintings (though thinking about it I'm sure they were considered Satanic or evil or something at one point. There's certainly an abundance of red heads in old paintings...) They also painted Lilith - very controversial figure. Much witchy vibes. Very talented though a lot of these painters. Beautiful paintings.

    "In essence, and in opposition to the past 'cohesion geniuses' of religion, philosophy, literature, music, and art that we mentioned earlier; modern "evil geniuses" have used their creativity to undermine rather than strengthen social cohesion; to argue or demonstrate that there is no such thing as truth, or that the false is true; to assert that life has no meaning, to assert that forms of immorality should be praised as virtuous, and to reject beauty in favour of originality or even to try to promote ugliness as beauty. In other words, they used their genius to reverse the values of the past and promote a dark, nihilistic and despairing Void of a life."
    Although I think this is an uncharitable view of what a lot of people are doing and I think you have to play around with darkness to some degree (because Humans aren't angels Edward,) but there is a certain balance that works well but I've spoken about this before. I also think really great artists can probably do multiple styles and 'emotional styles.'

    This is about poisonous mushrooms technically lol:

    It's eerie/eldritch sounding more than 'messed up' (like Throbbing Gristle.) I guess.

    But what interests me is that just in spite of the fact I'm not super into their music they've inspired tons of music I really like which is interesting. It's like what people say about the Velvet Underground album The Velvet Underground & Nico:

    In 1982, English musician Brian Eno quipped that while the album only sold approximately 30,000 copies in its first five years, "everyone who bought one of those 30,000 copies started a band"
    As I say I prefer the music created by a bunch of the spin off projects that came from Throbbing Gristle (the band members) then Throbbing Gristle overall but I also haven't sat down and listened to all their work just a bunch of tracks. I've talked about Coil a lot but this is pretty great too:

    Also speaking of video games. I watched this interview recently:

    I had no idea there was a video game based on Steven Wilson's music video Drive Home. (Somehow.) Also the way he talks about video games is so interesting because he has very minimal exposure (or did at the time of this interview):

    Quote Steven Wilson
    My idea of computer games was like grand theft auto you know burning, raping, looting, shooting you know all that stuff. And I thought there's not a game here. But I was assured there was this new wave of much more sophisticated you know 'mature' for want of a better word and very beautiful role playing games so at that point I said sure if you want to go ahead and try and I gave them a bunch of instrumental music and the simple answer to your question is for the next 2 years I was not involved.
    Quote interviewer
    What were you expecting to see?
    Quote Steven Wilson
    I don't really know because I don't know. I don't even think I had a preconception because I literally had no parameters or reference point at all. So I didn't know what I was going to see. So I went up there with Jess and we watched- I mean I didn't play the game but we watched somebody else play the game and I found it incredibly moving. I didn't- I mean it's my song, I knew the story already, I knew the characters. I mean the story's slightly changed obviously for the sake of the game it's slightly different. I was really moved and in a way that I would have been moved by a movie experience and to me it felt like I'd watched a movie.

    Obviously there's - the person playing the game can influence the game but I was watching someone else play the game so in a sense I was watching them in the movie and it has an incredibly powerful emotional kick to the end of the story. Which is actually different they changed the end of the story. [...]
    It's a really heartbreaking end in a good way you know people who are used to my music they're used to that 'heart breaking' they've created a new kind of twist to the ending. It's really powerful and the animation itself is stunning.
    Quote interviewer
    Yeah I've seen it. I mean it looks unlike any other game I've seen in terms of artstyle and general direction it has a kind of painterly approach to it. It just looks so beautiful.
    Quote Steven Wilson
    Yes It reminds me more of some animated videos I've seen. You know some of the stuff that comes out of Japan for example Studio Ghibli stuff and The Red Turtle and those kind of things and it's got that very cinematic and like you say painterly quality to it.

    It's almost like you are inside a painting the whole time. I don't know what kind of market there is for that kind of game I don't think they do either because they've never done anything quite like it either but it's getting amazing reviews as I understand and a lot of attention partly I think because it is so different.

    But as we know from the music industry just because something is really different and fresh and good it doesn't necessarily mean it will find an audience. Sometimes quite the opposite in fact but fingers crossed.
    I guess the media pushes that impression because of all the discourse but there's an extremely large variety of games especially now - although I don't play new games often now - but even back in the 90s you had role playing games with really great stories like Final Fantasy VII. Dunno if he's investigated more since this interview since it's from 2017 but kind of sad for him that he didn't know that for so long. There's lots of artistic games too. Especially obviously since the 2010s.

    Personally I enjoy GTA (or the one game I played,) and Saints Row II and stuff like that but if you're looking for something not like that there's a lot of other games. Also I know someone who has worked on a GTA game lol (though not involved with the story.) I don't know that he'd be impressed by the implication of his statement haha.

    Also I'm actually envious about this as someone who studied games art at uni lol. I'm mostly over my failures with that now (I mean I'm doing something tangentially related to video games with some of my YouTube stuff and if I ever stopped being lazy I could probably spend more time working on modding projects as well, and you know more stuff in general) but yeah that would have been awesome to work on as a fan of his music.

    You know the guy below interviewed Steven Wilson a year ago and made this video more recently that's another thing to consider about how young people 'prefer video games to music.' I was mostly just thinking about how amazing a lot of video game soundtracks are anyway lol:

    I mean it's not the same though obviously as like back in the 2000s where even I spent time learning the guitar for a while and music became my main coping mechanism but you know I wouldn't say video games distract from music exactly because it's like film soundtracks there's music in every game.

    I actually went off on a tangent in one video because the sound cut out or I had some audio issues so I just put Sims 1 music over that part and then in text started talking about my opinions about this Sims 1 soundtrack improvised piano pieces and how they're improved and how this track reminds me of some music The Sixth Station music in Spirited Away:

    And someone in the comment section I vaguely remember started talking about it and was like 'I thought the same thing.' I don't get a lot of opportunities to ramble about my special interests in my videos. Because my channel is in a super specific niche... Lol....
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    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  4. #5584
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    ideal gf is jodie foster in contact tbh

    She retweeted that 2 years later in 2017 lol:

    happy 20 years of jodie foster's CONTACT looks
    Yeah I just randomly considered something similar a week or so ago when I randomly remembered the film. I haven't seen it since I was a kid or young teen though (I forget the exact age I was when I watched it.) Kind of thinking about rewatching it because I remember it being good but don't remember most of the film but then it might ruin the weird nostalgia feelings I have.


    Oh you know what she reminds me of the character from uh that film. I can't even remember the name. :') Which I watched because I saw some gifs of that character:

    Why is this a theme?

    Also think I've posted about this before at some point when rambling about glasses or something.

    Such a millenial film too lol Adam Driver is in it too I think.

    Sumner is the daughter of actress Trudie Styler and rock musician Sting.
    Oh OK. I do not remember that. That's really weird lol. I mean it shouldn't be but it is.

    Lol I always forget Sting is English too. Like there's a song but it was written about Quentin Crisp so:

    I just always forget like with Duran Duran.

    She doesn't really look like that character though. Also the entire film is in black and white so that probably effects things.

    Also I've just realised now one of Sting's other kids Eliot Sumner is a non-binary musician who I think I remember people talking about or something and then looked up their wikipedia page or something briefly and didn't notice that lol. Although I might be mixing them up with someone else because there are a bunch. Just a vague memory. I dunno I think I did because the photo is really familiar:

    Oh yeah they do look/sound similar lol. (I mean their voice is distinct but there's a vague similarity) Very obvious to me in this case:


    Well this has been an illuminating 'everyone is related to Sting' time lol.

    Actually I wanted to find a gif of this image of Jodie Foster that I found while searching:

    I also kind of want to find a gif/more images of her in that red shirt because I like her hair.

    #Oh I forgot about him
    #listen it?s a really great movie
    #also Matthew McConaughey is there

    Lol the two types of tumblr posters:

    #admit it #matthew mcconaughey #is so insanely pretty as #palmer joss #he could convert me to christianity just saying #as in he would make me see god #sorry that was inappropriate #lmao #i was trying to keep my calm during the whole film #because it is NOT about him #but djchfuffufu #anyway #contact #contact 1997 #i can't believe i paid 4? #but uhh #jodie foster #is so stunning #cinephile
    What is the context for this? I was wondering why they kept popping up in this tag lol:

    Lol that can't be it. That would be so funny that it's almost worth how unprofessional that would be.

    *scrolls through tumblr some more*

    How Do You Hide Something? In Plain Sight Through Fictional Hollywood Productions! In The Jodie Foster Film "CONTACT", This Tall, Blonde, Pail Skin Character Was Used As A Character That Planned To Sabatoge The NASA Mission. Why Would HOLLYWOOD Create This Look To Use As A Character? So You Would Not Believe Anyone If You Were Told About The Tall Whites Present @ Nellis AFB. Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction! Research "The Eisenhower Treaty".
    The three type of tumblr post- lol no. Actually this kind of old school conspiracy thing isn't that common there. People tend to invent their own insane lore.

    lol OK. I suppose something like that would have to be in this tag somewhere if not because aliens than because Jodie Foster. Also they shouldn't have cancelled People of Earth that show had potential and that one guy was almost attractive because I like elves and aliens and alien elves (vulcans sometimes):

    One of the best things about this TV show was all the people taking it seriously in YT comments lol:

    As real as it gets! Not surprised it only lasted 2 seasons.
    I feel like there were issues so they should just reboot it later because the concept is solid. I guess a bunch of the cast/other people went onto work on Resident Alien though. I can't rermember if I'm up to date with that show or not.. I was watching it but like did I watch all the episodes that are out? Can't rememeber no- oh I found a gif:

    Posting this apparently.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  5. #5585
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    This is clearly the theme of the month for me, and the year, and my life lol. Harry Potter and it's consequences (for millennials.) In hindsight I prefer Equal Rites because it dissociated the terms wizard and witch from gender which I think is important because they are different aesthetics.

    She didn't stop until she was good and lost but the anger still burned brightly. She had been angry before, but never like this; normally anger was like the red flame you got when the forge was first lit, all glow and sparks, but this anger was different--it had the bellows behind it, and had narrowed to the tiny blue-white
    flame that cuts iron.

    It made her body tingle. She had to do something about it or burst.

    Why was it that when she heard Granny ramble on about witchcraft she longed for the cutting magic of wizardry, but whenever she heard Treatle speak in his high-pitched voice she would fight to the death for witchcraft? She?d be both, or none at all. And the more they intended to stop her, the more she wanted it. She'd be a witch and a wizard too. And she would show them
    Also because Terry Pratchett was great at animistic writing:

    There are storms that are frankly theatrical, all sheet lightning and metallic thunder rolls. There are storms that are tropical and sultry, and incline to hot winds and fireballs. But this was a storm of the Circle Sea plains, and its main ambition was to hit the ground with as much rain as possible. It was the kind of storm that suggests that the whole sky has swallowed a diuretic. The thunder and lightning hung around in the background, supplying a sort of chorus, but the rain was the star of the show. It tap-danced across the land.

    She stepped carefully to one side and ran her hands over the ancient stones. It had to be done carefully, so as not to frighten it--and now she could feel the mind in the stones, slow and simple, but still mind. It pulsed around her; she could feel the little sparkles deep in the rock


    She was almost there. She could feel the weight of herself, the ponderousness of her body, the distant memories of the dawn of time when rock was molten and free. For the first time in her life she knew what it was like to have balconies.
    I haven't read most of his work but I still miss him.

    It's a little ironic too because JK Rowling sees herself as a witch but Edward Dutton mentions her in his book on witches haha. But he generally thinks 'witches' support trans people and so she's helping his side:

    Currently, the "woke" thing to do is to campaign for the rights of transgender people. There are some self-identified feminists, however, who don't exactly "go with the flow" and oppose the idea that a male can become a female. Indeed, they say, transsexuals bring into question or even demean female identity. Such feminists, who count J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, among their number, have been labeled "Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists" (TERFs) by their detractors.479 Perhaps we can hear echoes of the many suffragettes who were attracted to the Right a century earlier. Regardless, there is now a clear intersection between feminism and transsexuality, which will reveal both conflicts and common cause.

    It could be argued that some transsexuals have some of the traits that would cause one to be accused of witchcraft. Most obviously, they question the very fact of biological sex, a stance that implicitly undermines patriarchy. There is also evidence that transsexuals are high in mutational load. [...] As we will see below, they also implicitly undermine central adaptive religious ideas, such as the importance of truth, they (on average) tend to be anti-social, and they (indirectly) harm children, to the extent that they create an environment where it is acceptable to encourage children to regard themselves a transgender and to have their puberty blocked.
    I wouldn't label her a terf btw because I've never seen her as a feminist. She was never really involved in feminism afaik until this debate no more than any woman anyway. I guess I labelled her a milquetoast liberal and I'd go with that because I don't find her very interesting in terms of ideas she shares. She's anti-trans and a liberal that's about it.

    Your nemesis has to be similar to you in thinking or certain other traits but on the 'opposing side' of some issue like a mirror so for me that would be Jordan Peterson (we have very similar ways of thinking symbolically.) But presently I am focussing I guess on some Lovecraftian cat guy (Edward,) but I haven't figured him out yet and really I just go where the stimulating ideas take me and where I stumble because I'm lazy. I've pretty much consumed everything Jordan Peterson has said at this point. Also if someone pisses you off consuming everything they've said helps but if they piss you off too much it won't work and it also doesn't work if they have nothing interesting to say like a Tim Pool (maybe he does have something though it's not like I put in effort lol.)

    Dead as dead can be
    My doctor tells me
    But I just can't believe him
    Ever the optimistic one
    I'm sure of your ability to become
    My perfect enemy

    She doesn't have what it takes though because our personalities are too different lol and she's too mainstream and normal I think. She knows lol:

    The thing is though I'm not really that angry about most people most of the time. Like I get pissed off for an hour or something and then just whatever. I think about things a lot but I'm not angry all the time about it and mostly I just find contemplating things fun or at least interesting. Like this is basically a game except some people genuinely want to make you disappear lol.

    I went back to that Strange Aeons (why is everything in this post referencing Lovecraft?) video because I assumed by now people would be trolling in the comments but nothing really there but oh my God some of the cringe:

    4chan is a Tumblr sexyman and Tumblr is 4chan's manic pixie dream girl
    for 4channers, it's a rare chance for actual intimacy; for tumblr users, it's an enemies to lovers arc
    Edit: Oh no there's an actual wikipedia page (not some wikia a wikipedia page) for tumblr sexyman you've all gone too far now:

    Tumblr sexymen vary greatly, although they generally are evil or have some sort of quirk that separates them from "normal" characters. They are typically a popular subject of fan art and shipping, with fan art often depicting them in the form of skinny white men, even if the character was not originally human.[1] Isaiah Colbert from Kotaku described Tumblr sexymen as typically having "a bean sprout physique" and "a theater kid's bravado",[2] while Ty Galiz-Rowe from Gayming Magazine said that they are "usually tall, white looking, dress well, and have a dark or evil side to them".[3]
    I'm not counting myself in this because I started on livejournal and also I overlap with this demographic (and like skinny white guys,) but wasn't part of the onceler thing etc lol. Don't get Sans' appeal either. Loki is sometimes considered part of this and I was part of that fandom.

    Also lol at 'gayming magazine' being a source for discussion.

    I thought after these first two comments this particular comment thread couldn't get worse. And then it did:

    this has the same energy as "She was fearless and crazier than him, she was his queen, and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen."
    Never do that again. I haven't even seen Suicide Squad and that line is so bad. It's My Immortal fanfic teir writing. (As I say I haven't watched that film so I don't know if it's going to be bad-good one day like The Room and the fanfic My Immortal.)

    Am I therefore a centrist if I think some people are actually lizards and slurs are cool?
    I think that just makes you Alex Jones lol.

    Anyway it's unclear what he means by the 'right' above (which he's capitalised.) I can't tell if he means political or some definition of 'right' like 'correct' or 'good.' Probably the latter? Doesn't seem like he was a huge fan of the suffragettes:

    The campaign for female suffrage was an overwhelmingly middle-class activity. Thus, we would expect the unattractive females to be left over, though there may also have been attractive females who chose not to marry for political reasons. These would be the females who were high in mutational load and, as discussed, we would expect this to extend to their adopting ways of thinking that would have been previously maladaptive.
    It has been noted that Charlotte Bronte was: "a spinster (she married in her late thirties, in the last year of her life). She was physically unattractive, socially obscure, and financially insecure. Unlike [Jane] Austen, she had little sense of humor."410 This is how spinsters tended to be portrayed in Victorian fiction, because they were associated with these characteristics by people in general.411 Spinsters were regarded as having "proved too physically unattractive or too psychologically strong-willed to capture a man."412
    He has a real 'thing' for Jane Austen haha.

    Members of the WSPU specifically wanted power for people such as themselves, implying they were high in Dark Triad traits such as Machiavellianism and Narcissism, which relates to a sense of entitlement. The latter has been shown to be associated with testosterone and thus with masculinization.416 The WSPU were wantonly violent, bombing theaters, banks, museums, and public buildings, sending letter bombs, sometimes causing serious injury, and risk to life.417 This kind of aggression is associated with testosterone.
    So Edward is the equivalent of HP Lovecraft btw in the modern era including previously owning a cat and even at one point tweeting something about cats that referenced H.P Lovecraft and what he named his cat:

    The first cat I ever met in Finland, in 2003, was called [slur.] Belonged to a 20 yr old milk maid. The second cat I met was Cartman. The third was Massimo. Named after a character from Bold and the Beautiful. #[slur]
    But as I said without the creative fiction so I have lower regard for him because I'm not aware of him having created anything and I don't count these books as being enough or creative. It's the mirror of feminism basically. He rants about his peers. In spite of that he managed to get a wife and has kids or a kid. This seems anomalous which is why he has an elevated opinion of himself and contempt for others who are similar to him (like 'spinsters.' and 'witches') after all how did he even end up living in a house full of witches in the first place and why was he friends with a wiccan woman who was studying history if he wasn't adj to them himself?


    Lol just using these emojis now everytime I notice his similarities to the people he takes issue with oh and it's very much the same with Peterson which is why I equate them and probably even moreso with Peterson because as he frequently points out he has a feminine personality structure but spends most of his time complaining about toxic femininity and female antisocial behaviour etc. I don't mind that so much because I think culture downplays it but actually I think Peterson downplays it too. It's not just that women engage in 'female typical antisocial behaviour' (gossip, reputation destruction etc,) they are also more physically aggressive than people notice/comment on - this shows up in research - and have become more so statistically in recent decades globally. But I don't see one sex being worse than the other although there are personality traits I personally dislike.

    I think weird outliers end up in these situations like he was living in a house full of witches lol and all his evangelical friends who he lived with after he couldn't handle the witch house were also female. I'm genetically female but studied a degree that was mostly men and so lived in a house with 5 guys in my second year. Two of them asked me to dye their hair lol. Clearly I infected them with my witchiness.

    So anyway he wrote his book on feminists and witches in 2021 (so I am aproximately 3 years late, as I usually am haha. I've noticed this before,) but it feels weirdly timeless. Because in a way it is.

    Part of me thinks that cultures get the art they deserve tbh. Just like they get the leaders they deserve.

    Since the 80s you get a lot of this:

    "Doesn't matter if we all die."

    I'm still so glad I recorded him saying this (from a concert I went to lol):

    He's definitely moved in a less 'that kind of thing' direction recently with his work but still it's an element of it. I like this too.

    You get other stuff now and then too, but you got a lot of blues music during the depression era and paintings and music like this during the dark ages (I guess using the term loosely this is 15th century):

    Music printed on the butt of one of the tortured souls in the 15th Century Hieronymus Bosch painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" , Played on (What else?) Lute, Harp, and Hurdy-Gurdy by James Spalink. The melody is based on the transcription by Amelia Hamrick. The intro and outro employ the "Devil's Interval", and the last couple of measures are conjecture on my part. You could say that I just "pulled them out of my"-well, you know.....
    Because what's more hopeless than the prospect of being tortured for all eternity?

    Charlton avers that, in a sense, accepting postmodernism, and especially transgender ideology, can be seen as a rejection of God's Creation--or of objective reality, to put it another way--in favor of an alternative reality in which Man is God. If she decides he's a man that morning, then he's a man. And if he?s the Empress of China the next morning, then who are you to question her? As Charlton puts it:

    The trans-agenda should be seen as a perfectly rational step towards the kind of Alternative Reality (AR) that the demonic powers need to be successful in the context of God?s creation. It is part of a world picture that has been building-up over several generations; which has denied God, Creation and Reality?and asserted that this world is humanly constructed (?socially? constructed). The ?Reality? in the phrase itself assumes that reality is man-made, at will. The appeal of the Alternative Reality is the promise of freedom and pleasure?since, if the AR really were equivalent to created-reality, then in principle we might make reality any way we pleased, without constraint. For instance; people could choose to be men or women, and swap back and forth at whim! Differences between sexes, classes, races, nations, and individual people could be made or abolished!498
    Well. Don't threaten me with a good time.

    Can you imagine if I generally ever read a book from start to finish in the correct order? I pretty much gave up on doing that years ago lol (with a few exceptions.)

    I'm also like 5 years away from not writing a book about some far right guy called 'when I was a lesbian witch'

    "There's no writing," Bret Easton Ellis declared recently of millennials. "They don't care about literature. None of them read books."
    A month or so ago, I was interviewing novelist Bret Easton Ellis when he posed a question: "Where's the great millennial novel?" As we Gen Xers are wont to do with important matters, we fumbled around with the idea for a bit before shrugging and giving up. But Ellis's concern has stuck with me.
    Go away American Psycho man.

    Oh I already kind of did something similar as a teenager but only completed two chapers lol (lesbian part was unrelated just the symbolic pattern.) Reoccuring theme/pattern again. Very cringe:

    [name] is the prince of [place] emotionless, detached, and a skilled fighter. He's the perfect image of a prince. [elf character] is a playful, Mischievous elf who works with magic. [prince] is supposed to hate magic, but can he? When magic is a part of him?
    The elf character had long red hair, and I think the prince had long black hair.

    The universe is so funny.

    When the forum was down I wrote some [BEEP] about this (you can also see the influence of Harry Potter a bit lol):

    His older brother [name] had been teasing him again he was stronger and more muscular than [name]
    So when they were kids the prince's older brother was keeping him up in a tree because he was scared of heights. Not sure how he was physically doing that lol but yeah that was the plot and the prince accidentally cast a spell on him to escape and then the prince's brother told their dad the king and he reacted with disgust and disapointment because he was a witch.

    So his mother the queen convinced the king that he didn't cast the spell and it was actually someone else who did and magic was also against the law so all the magical beings were kept segregated in a different part of the city.
    And after that the king also ordered that all the books about magic should be burnt.

    So in response to that the prince became a powerful fighter and basically adopted his family's bigotry against magic.

    And now that I'm thinking about it it's also a lot like the MCU dynamic between Loki, Thor and Odin, and Frigga. A little different (in the MCU Frigga taught Loki magic instead of it being innate,) but very similar. But that's what I said right everyone has the same ideas over and over.

    So the red haired elf is kind of a trickster as well. There were some other characters and all the characters are kind of like me but also kind of not. Like his sister who worked with metal and electricity a lot and developed bright copper hair and eyes because of that instead of her natural brown + red hair that she started out with. And she's very short for an elf (like me lol,) but in spite of that manages to scare the people around her but doesn't scare him. He irritates her because he keeps touching her things.

    Then he visits his friend another male character who works as an alchemist (has colourful tinted glasses obviously,) knocks over a bookshelf somehow which causes that character to break a vial they were holding.
    He kind of just acts like he owns every space he's in, touching stuff without permission etc. He's pretty chaotic and irritates every character actually lol.

    The part that cracks me up the most is the repeated emphasis on how the prince is like 'not too muscular.' And things like that.

    It was muscular but not overly so, he wasn't huge and beefy, he was lean.
    Oh my God we get the point. But I still do this.

    And you also see my ongoing obsession with flowers especially when I was a teenager:

    the man in front of him had just ran into him, causing a large amount of flower petals, crushed on impact, and an unidentifiable sticky substance to cover him. The petals, in various shades of turqioise, teal and mauve where sticking to his skin, hair and clothes, and he couldn't shake them off


    "I only came up here to buy some flowers I needed, but you make me feel like staying up here longer. Still I have work to do, I'm sure I'll" He twirled a strand of his long red hair around his finger, "See you around..."
    It breaks suspension of disbelief because the prince just lets him go with a warning that he's not supposed to be in that part of the city.

    Also vaguely Persephone/Hades vibes again but again before even learning about that story.

    Also this kind of 'everything everywhere all at once' thing is pretty common for my brain.

    And it doesn't slow down most of the time either hence this post. It's kind of a nightmare.
    I don't know if I'll keep this part in because cringe and I've already removed it from a previous post and then the forum roll back removed another post where I mentioned this (so seems like fate at this point lol,) but I stumbled on this terrible quality thing I made in 2011 lol called Fear over the past month or so:

    I've kept this small since although it's cartoonish it's a bit... Dark. Also because posting my art work is cringe (and that should help? I dunno.) It's very teenage but I was 20 which makes it worse.

    It seems obviously inspired by Coraline. I didn't watch that film but it came out in 2009 and I probably saw photos etc. There's a button sewn into her skin with blood. The other buttons are supposed to be coming out of a bubble blower I think.

    You have the x's which I liked (still not impressed Elon ?_?) to put all over the place in different images and thread/stitching stuff again (sometimes the x's aren't part of stitching but in this case they are.) Also zombie/corpse bride aesthetics again like some other stuff I created.

    I think the text on the Fear image says: 'she closed her eyes because the darkness no long scared her as much as the scene before her own eyes these monsters were of another kind' then says fear repeatedly and then 'spiralling out of control' and the letters of control kind of disappear all over the place. Cringe lol.

    I dunno what's up with the female and male symbols lol I'm pretty sure I was just messing around with random things unconciously but it seems now weirdly prophetic for the whole trans bathroom panic thing that happened in the following years.

    Also there's all the dead leaves lol (because some kind of nature thing has to apper somewhere apparently,) and this is kind of like the Broken City thing I did and some similar stuff where you have like barbed wire/bloody metal spikes etc. [Edit me writing now: I created that in 2016. I wasn't thinking with that one either just doing the visual equivalent of free writing. So ended up with like this neon/colourful background with turquoise bars that looked kind of like a platform video game with like some bloody flesh that had x's sewn into it (reocuring theme again,) and metal spikes etc. It's very cartoonish again but I guess I won't post it lol. It's not good quality either but I sort of appreciate the ideas in hindsight and that incorporation of like creepy themes and video games which have been a big influence on my life etc.]

    This wasn't for uni but I think I made an animatic based on the character with Nine Inch Nails music from Ghosts I?IV lol for uni. It wasn't very good. There was another character too with long red hair inspired by elf aesthetics and art noveau and such. I can't remember the plot of that now though or if I still have it on an external harddrive somewhere. It was creepy/surreal obviously.

    The biggest issue is I'm not good at painting (especially people) lol. Definitely not good enough to create the kind of thing I obviously was trying to here.

    This aesthetic and the jewlery kind of inspired what I did with the Loki + AI photoshop thing I made as well.
    ^ I've mentioned this 3523525252 but I have a aesthetic fixation with red hair and have done since I was a child.

    The quality is so bad not talented lol (as I keep saying.) But I kind of like how I can look back at certain things I wrote/painted etc and think 'oh this has become a cultural discussion point now.' Or 'oh this reflects on things about myself now.' Like it's more meaningful than a diary looking back because it's subconcious (same with freewriting pretty interesting results.) I can kind of place it into a wider personal narrative story/whatever. Just coincidentally of course because Humans are always thinking the same things over and over again with slight variations forever like as a species they come up with the same themes and symbols. It's fun when you're not aware or you just ignore that for a while lol.

    The problem is as I create less now I can do this less. I still write ideas down which I can look back later but if you don't actually do anything with the ideas it's not as good. Well I have YouTube stuff from the last couple of years but now I've stopped creating again in recent months.

    And I do this with other people's work as well obviously (like in my other post pointing out the Psychic TV lyrics and 4chan and Tumblr's interest in frogs also the gender aspect of boys becoming girls etc.) This is also obviously something Jordan Peterson likes to do and has done for a long time. Though we have very different political opinions and sometimes interpretations of things again. In fact:

    'Like a transsexual btw'

    Which is why I say we have a similar thought process.

    Subclinical psychosis.

    Speaking of that I need to ✨ manifest ✨ some cheap TOOL concert tickets with a decent seat not too far or close to the stage.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  6. #5586
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    So I had a bunch of those packing peanut things that are like made of starch from a package my friend sent me for my birthday and I hadn't gotten rid of the box yet and was asking if my mum wanted them because she collects various random things for craft purposes. So I was in the process of getting rid of them (my mum didn't want them,) and my brother was like 'you know if you pour water on them they disolve and it's interesting' so since I don't like just throwing certain things away anyway due to low-key hoarding/animistic tendencies (*and my brother has the same thing and was foolishly bonding with them earlier, so this is obviously what he was doing too.) I didn't just want to get rid of them and I decided to try what he was talking about and put them all into this old dish bowl it got all slimy, kind of sticky not the best texture but oh well kind of fun.

    Before this he'd smushed a bunch of them together into some kind of weird personal sigil and I gave him that back but he was like 'nah just put it in' so we did the water experiment thing and then we poured it out in the bottom of the garden to avoid putting it down the toilet (though it probably would have been fine.) It was dark outside so I pointed out this has Halloween vibes and made some joke about offering it to the tree at the bottom like some kind of magic ritual.

    When we came back into the house my brother commented on the moon. Not really relevant just adds to the vibe.

    So then I was walking into the kitchen and I noticed the TV was on and I was joking that the TV had turned itself on only it actually had lol and I didn't realise either that or my mum turned it on and forgot because she was doing stuff in the kitchen which is just as likely but she insisted she didn't (also the TV is kind of broken anyway and a bunch of stuff stopped working a while ago although my brother found a way to fix that recently apparently, and also the colour is broken so everything is blue tinted.) Then some alarm went off and my mum didn't seem to know what that was about either and said my brother was pranking her.

    So my brother was like 'this is your fault because you destroyed my protective sigil'

    and I said: 'I offered it back to you'

    and he was like 'I know my own hubris.'

    So that happened.

    *It's like this:

    Our lives are interwoven with artefacts of our own creation. While these artefacts are (objectively speaking) inanimate, research on anthropomorphism suggests that we sometimes perceive them to have a mind. For people who hoard this tendency to anthropomorphize their possessions is particularly heightened. Hoarding is characterized by difficulty discarding possessions of little to no apparent value, excessive acquisition of objects, and levels of clutter in the home that cause functional impairment and distress. While it is clear that strong emotional reactions to discarding objects play a role in the development and maintenance of hoarding, it is less clear what the nature of these emotions are. The heightened anthropomorphism associated with hoarding suggests that some of these emotions may be social in nature. People who hoard may find it difficult to part with possessions because they have empathy and concern for their objects.
    Lol related thing from a Bronze Age Pervert article I read recently actually (as a counterpoint I dunno):

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    I now mention a third variety of 'neopaganism,' which is one that I myself hold dear, but which is hardly ever mentioned in these fights. Maybe because so few have access to it and because it?s not easily propagandized one way or the other. And the people who do have access to it are often too shy to talk about it, for good reason. I'll try not to be too indiscreet.

    You could call this an innocent apprehension of the hidden demons and gods inside nature and things. Maybe it is the precursor, this feeling, to the artistic revival of paganism, I don't know. But it is an innate sensation, a natural animism. I tried briefly to discuss it in book. I have had images appear to me in daydreams since I was small boy, that were very vivid and specific. I know others who have had the same. Then also a sensation of spirits inhabiting animals and inanimate objects too, with a reverence for some, and a pity when others are mistreated -- Houellebecq mentions his pity for a line of coats. This is not a sensation informed by any rational doxy or theoretical or theological belief. And I've always firmly rejected any such interpretations of these events because I found they didn't fit. So to such sensibility it is very offensive or stupid when people try to actually go to forest and pretend they worship Wotan or Hermes or whoever…nor have I seen those old gods or any other such specifically that I can name. Those gods are dead or asleep. If you want to see what this feeling is like, watch some of David Lynch. I believe that is what this natural, innocent and innate paganism looks like in our time, when presented na?vely: he simply shows the demons and acknowledges them, doesn't pretend to know who they are, what they want, or even how to worship or assuage them. And they look terrifying and surreal for us, and not at all like what you'd expect.

    I have seen some things like this since I was small boy, and have felt the presence of one in particular. I feel that he will make a great show one day and erupt into the world.
    It's actually connected to autism though and loneliness:

    Theory of mind (ToM) is defined as the process of taking another's perspective. Anthropomorphism can be seen as the extension of ToM to non-human entities. This review examines the literature concerning ToM and anthropomorphism in relation to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), specifically addressing the questions of how and why those on the spectrum both show an increased interest for anthropomorphism and may even show improved ToM abilities when judging the mental states of anthropomorphic characters. This review highlights that while individuals with ASD traditionally show deficits on a wide range of ToM tests, such as recognizing facial emotions, such ToM deficits may be ameliorated if the stimuli presented is cartoon or animal-like rather than in human form. Individuals with ASD show a greater interest in anthropomorphic characters and process the features of these characters using methods typically reserved for human stimuli. Personal accounts of individuals with ASD also suggest they may identify more closely with animals than other humans. It is shown how the social motivations hypothesized to underlie the anthropomorphizing of non-human targets may lead those on the spectrum to seek social connections and therefore gain ToM experience and expertise amongst unlikely sources.

    Atherton defines anthropomorphism as the attribution of human-like qualities, emotions, or behaviors to non-human entities, such as animals or objects (1:58 ). Examples of anthropomorphism are seen throughout history in our deities and legends, who often assume human characteristics. The speaker explains the importance of anthropomorphism in religion, connection, and socialization. She explains that wanting to understand something that isn't human drives us to anthropomorphize and highlights that anthropomorphism is frequently related to loneliness (5:00). Atherton touches on the presence of anthropomorphism in childhood media and notes its increasing use in contemporary care work and technology (6:25).
    The speaker summarizes the presentation, highlighting that evidence suggests autistic people anthropomorphize at least to the same degree as their non-autistic peers and that anthropomorphism may play a role in the way autistic people conceptualize or engage in ToM and perspective-taking (39:50). She presents a diagram of the Social Motivation Theory and suggests that we flip the narrative. Instead of saying autistic people have decreased human/social motivation or recognition, we can say they have increased non-human attention to faces and understand non-humans much more (41:30).
    Most objectophiles are also autistic it seems or display similar traits. Of course I suspect other forms of neurodivergence might correlate with this too not just ASD but people just talk about that more. Synaesthesia overlaps with that as well.

    I guess I find it interesting that for a lot of people it's not that they treat every object that way and there are some common types eg: both me and my brother were kind of reluctant to just throw the packing peanuts away. It might be because I chucked a bunch of them on his head as a joke before though and then he started talking about how they were made etc which led to the emotional bond.

    Likewise I have an on/off fixation with electricity pylons (talked about this before.) For me this is mostly an aesthetic thing, and possibly because as a young kid we were shown these creepy safety videos where kids would get electrocuted by them leading to the ongoing fascination. Also some music videos use this kind of aesthetic:

    This video is fan made but same kind of thing:

    I'm reading this now lol I had no idea:

    Definitely not a sell-out record (if you believe in that sort of thing), but the factory-based imagery shows them in the preparatory stage towards selling something. An interview with Aural Innovations (partially transcribed in Rich Wilson's Time Flies: The Story of Porcupine Tree) had band leader Steven Wilson admitting that "it's completely at odds with the music", but the manner at which they arrived at the cover came out of frustration he felt at times over the music industry and that many in the industry viewed what musicians created as product as opposed to art. Wilson had initially wanted a photo of an electricity pylon in the desert to be the cover, but management told him the idea was 'bland and cliched'.

    In the desert too! That's two cool aesthetics for the price of one!

    But I sort of see their point. Like, if I'm into it it's not that 'out there.' A university lecturer once said I needed to diversify my influences or something like that. I mean we had to create a thing where we talked about all our creative influences with images etc included. And so for me that was mostly urban decay, various music albums, dragons and fantasy art this painting by Enayla/Linda Bergkvist:

    industrial stuff like this power plant photo I took I think I may have included, old farming equipment, LoTR she was like 'nope' lol.

    I dunno if his solo album music videos on the first two albums feature electricity pylons at all I can't really remember (like official videos,) but like Lasse Hoile has aesthetic overlaps with some stuff like this so wouldn't surprise me.

    Some of my interest likely also comes from Patrick Wolf song lyrics like this:

    Wind in the wires
    It's the sigh of wild electricity
    I'm on the edge of a cliff
    Comfort and security

    But here comes a gale
    A crippling anger
    Sea birds are blown
    Into the rocks
    Grace is lost to thunder

    He uh, looked exactly like that painting back then:

    Well minus the green tinge to his skintone lol. And because of that I used that painting as the basis for a lot of fantasies at the time crossed with Poison Ivy.

    I also like how they have this kind of dystopian otherwordly vibe. It reminds me of the music sound at the beginning of this video which sounds like metal moving to me (as with most things it makes sense in my head lol):

    As a teenager I had this character who had magical abilities tied to electricity and metallurgy. This is terribly written but gets the point across I guess lol:

    His sister's unnatural copper eyes stared furiously at him. They were the result of messing with electricity and metal too much in magic, something had gone wrong. Her hair which was also a metallic copper was a result of this too. Her eyes had been brown before, and her hair had been a slightly less bright shade of copper, a realistic shade.
    I imagine this character changed a lot in my imagination and different things but at that point she was an unusually short elf (based on the fact that I'm a midget most likely.)

    I feel like this has a similar kind of industrial-like sound:

    Also there are some really interesting tracks from that album:

    So a few years ago I was posting some photos and gifs I made from videos I recorded of pylons and other stuff online mostly taken around sunset, and I talked about my interest in pylons aesthetically and this other guy started talking to me about this and was quite excited because he'd never come across someone else who felt that way about pylons but he was also more interested in how they were made etc so sent me a video about that (and that aspect interests me less because I'm more psychologically feminine.) Then started asking me about fans but I wasn't interested in those. I used to really like circuit boards as a teenager though. Right now I like vending machines and cacti.

    This isn't sexual for me at all (I mean the interest in objects specifically lol,) but that's interesting too - like for objectophiles it goes even further.

    Oh yeah I forgot Porcupine Tree have a song called Synaesthesia too lol.

    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  7. #5587
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Your nemesis has to be similar to you in thinking or certain other traits but on the 'opposing side' of some issue like a mirror so for me that would be Jordan Peterson (we have very similar ways of thinking symbolically.) But presently I am focussing I guess on some Lovecraftian cat guy (Edward,) but I haven't figured him out yet and really I just go where the stimulating ideas take me and where I stumble because I'm lazy. I've pretty much consumed everything Jordan Peterson has said at this point. Also if someone pisses you off consuming everything they've said helps but if they piss you off too much it won't work and it also doesn't work if they have nothing interesting to say like a Tim Pool (maybe he does have something though it's not like I put in effort lol.)
    Ended up reading some things about Tim Pool after this as some kind of personal challenge lol since I've only heard two things he's said really one very recently that I posted about and then lost that post (cba going into that again lol,) and the other was some dumb comment he made a while back where he said he thought everyone should have access to nuclear weapons lol. He seems to say banal but edgy stuff a lot like weak bait.

    "I do think it's crazy that I'm about to be 34 and I have no family cause my dad had two kids by the time he was 27 and I'm like man. You know what the problem is though? It's definitely not me I think it's everybody else." - Tim Pool.

    That's an actual quote I just found lol. I'm not even paraphrasing. He's not even joking (might be grifting though lol.) More context:

    "So one relationship I was in was a woman had a career and so we never saw each other and she's like 'I'm not giving up my career' and I was like 'well I'm certainly not.' Some other women are like I wanna go adventure and do my thing and I'm like I'm all about freedom and liberty so you do your thing I guess and the only option I really have is to be like no you must be the wife and that's not me so I haven't found-"
    Then the woman he's talking to says this:

    "So you've got to find someone who wants to start a family and be a stay at home mother"
    But that's a problem too:

    "Here's the challenge with that. My perspective, personality, what I find attractive are all based on liberal urban sensibilities and so most of the women in that space are going to be fiercely independent careerists and not necessarily compatible. So over the past several years I've been increasingly succesful I have no problem and no concerns about starting a family whenever I need to but most of the women that I have been with are like 'can't career' and so there have been some who are like nearly 40 and I'm like *then he makes an uh uh sound*"
    I think he overestimates his own attractiveness and also doesn't understand how to appeal to women who are looking for long term relationships:

    "I had a very normal teen and twenties and everything. Dating, hooking up, partying and I skateboarded all the time and I was arrogant and cocky just this awful person and the ladies loved it, I'm exaggerating a little bit but they kind of did."
    Someone interjects in this reaction video I'm watching "That's why I'm not dating anyone right now and it's all feminism's fault."

    "Now I'm in my 30s and I can go on dating apps and I can be like yep, yep, you got it and these other guys who are like 26 have no experience because guys like me have dominated the dating apps the entire time. So when they're 30 they've never dated before."
    Someone pointed out that his job is online so he can technically work from anywhere which is true. There's no reason unlike with most people that he would even have to leave his house. He has one of the most flexible jobs in the world so I don't really see why career would need to get in the way if he didn't want it to and if her career got in the way then I assume she just didn't want to see him or he dates the female equivant of Elon Musk and those guys never have succesful relationships themselves. I think when people really like each other they'll find ways to make it work, and if they don't they don't bother.

    Also his wording: "I have no problem starting a family whenever I need to"

    So you don't want to? Very mixed messages. You know you don't have to right? Maybe... He wants someone to just kind of force him into it or something? Well that was my parents dynamic (at least my dad framed it that way, he didn't want to get married in his early 20s that was my mum's idea, he didn't want to have kids - they had me and my brother much later when they were in their early 30s - that was my mum's idea) and their relationship did not work well. My dad also hated his job though overall and complained about it all the time (he's retired now though.) He seemed to like the travelling parts though at least a bit. My brother thinks this is why we have issues with working normal jobs and worrying about being trapped that way but most of my mum's family has had issues with working too especially her younger sister and brothers, so I don't think it's really just that.

    I found a discussion where someone brought up Ben Shapiro who is a great example because he's a very similar kind of guy physically and somewhat personality wise and with a similar career:

    To put this in perspective Ben Shapiro is married to a doctor lol, [insulting Tim Pool] Ben married up, I mean can you even [the rest of this post is just more insults about both of them]
    I think the comparison is interesting though because there are several obvious simlarities but also notable cultural differences between Tim Pool and Shapiro's background, what they prioritise/value etc.

    I haven't looked into Ben Shapiro that much either but I'd be surprised if he practices what he preaches on a personal level. For example he will talk about the importance of gender roles etc but he married a doctor and brings it up often in conversation because I think he prioritises intelligence. It's possible his content is a coping mechanism for his ego ideal too.

    if I remember right this doesn't embed:

    Yup lol. It's a clip from Daria where she's in therapy:

    "Mum's resentful that she has to work so hard which obscures her guilt about actually wanting to work so hard, dad's guilty about being less driven then mum so he hides behind a smokescreen of cluelessness. Quin wears superficiality like a suit of armour cause she's afraid of looking inside and finding absolutely nothing and I'm so defended that I actively work to make people dislike me so I won't feel bad when they do. Can I go now?"

    I would assume their personal relationship involves various forms of compromise that a lot of people - Tim Pool included - are unwilling to go with. Wouldn't matter if Tim Pool were to find a tradwife type like that woman suggested because he doesn't seem to want that either from his reaction to her suggestion.

    In Iran they found in one study I looked at that marital success correlates with androgynous and feminine gender roles. I quoted this before recently but yeah:

    Participants with gender role conflicts had lower marital satisfaction scores. Also, those who had feminine and androgynous gender roles had higher marital satisfaction. Having an androgynous gender role is a predictor of better marital satisfaction, which has been shown in several studies. Diaz and Bui (32) indicated that because individuals with androgynous gender role are unified and can resolve gender stereotypes and are not restricted to one gender, they are more flexible and adaptable to different circumstances. In our study, individuals with a feminine gender role had higher marital satisfaction compared to those who had undifferentiated and masculine gender roles. Their scores also were a little higher than people with androgynous gender role, but the difference was not statistically significant. This is an interesting result which needs future consideration.
    This is purely anecdotal but I found this married couple who were I think were British-Pakistani and British Indian couple I believe (edit: No Bangladesh) on instagram well someone on reddit was posting about them and then I investigated further. I wrote my thoughts about that at the time I discovered the post. Basically I cba digging up the images from that thread of the thread now I'd have to reupload them anyway but a bunch of guys were insulting this guy on social media for baking his wife a cake for her birthday. I had a lot of feelings lol also this is 80% unserious joking:

    Oh no you are not coming for guys who bake. I will pick you up somehow (I'll find a way. I'll hire a forklift.) and throw you in the trash. And I mean the trash. I am going to pick you up by any means necessary and chuck you into a skip - in fact my first guitar came from a skip it had a broken nut but still good times so not a skip because skips are too good for you.

    Tbh I meant dumpster anyway and Google told me the word for that in UK English was skip but skip to me just means one of those large things you stick building stuff/bricks/other crap into (google image search agrees with me,) not like those bins that you find behind a shop/restaurant etc I feel like we don't have a word for that exactly. One of those cases where a word exists in US English but not UK. Bin can mean all kinds of things for example.

    The important thing is though. I'm going to throw you into the trash.


    You do not get between me and cake.

    It's personal now. I've never liked you macho bros but now you've gone too far.

    It's not the 1970s anymore so cuties no longer have super long hair. But I will not stand for this.

    You ruin everything all the time.

    I'm declaring war on you. Oh wait I've already been at war with you all for like a decade.

    I'm going to rap and force you to listen to that cringe.

    Lol 'watpad girls' Is that a type of girl now?

    I'm not sure you are in a position to speculate about his sex life Greek statue avatar #3525252 statistically speaking your dick probably got damaged over the past few thousand years.
    I go on a bit more but it's not really relevant lol plus I don't have access to the images from that thread and I cba digging up the thread so it doesn't make sense without quotes but I think all of this fits in so I'm including it:

    Also I found this on reddit and looked up the account and found an instagram + tiktok and not surprising they're from the UK or live there and have tiktoks in I want to say Pakistan?
    Oh yeah her husband is Bengali and she's Pakistani. It explains some of the comments.

    I thought it especially funny that one guy was commenting how the "wattpad girls" would find it cute but not men as if how straight guys feel about another straight guy's romantic gesture to a woman is more important than how the woman in question feels.
    It actually is for more important to them because they are focussed more on that kind of competition with other guys. Their only options are like finding some way to get lots of money (which most can't,) and making other guys feel bad. I don't think they have any other way to compete (and they're too insecure due to their upbringing,) so they don't.

    I think watpad is like ao3 for gen z but with more real person fics or something. I ended up on that site years ago reading some fanfic but it was quite bad and I think the audience/writers are slightly younger (though may depend on fandom,) like more likely to be teenagers than university age or in some cases older.

    I assume it's basically the same as saying Tumblr etc though, implies they're nerdy and/or artsy etc. I don't know if most of them have the money to date the women they want to date 10/10 blond instagram types or some South Asian Muslim trad girl who is equally attractive, but they're going to be dating very different women if at all anyway.

    It's weird now that everyone lives online though. People just refer to websites as though they're cultures which they kind of are.

    And it seems like he also read biographies about wattpad girls
    I'm old so I could be missing something but I feel like he shouldn't even know about that site lol.

    As a teen my friends and I were attacked in the street "for being gay". How did these geniuses arrive at this conclusion?? We were wearing coats / jackets. In February. In the north of England. Dressing appropriately for climate and comfort is , apparently, irrefutable proof of homosexuality!!
    This country is broken.

    But this is bringing back vague memories actually. I think I was criticised at one point for wearing a hood while it was raining. That was by the psycho (tm) though. I think that was less a universal thing and more just her trying to find ways to [BEEP] with me.

    those dorks don't realize that most of the things they say are "gay" if a man does are actually attractive af to women. for me, any guy becomes more attractive if he cooks, has cats, likes children, dresses up, talks about his feelings and is brave enough to cry
    The cooking and cat thing are especially cute. But also, I really don't get their issue with cooking. I mean in this case I guess because it's baking but they also have issues with guys cooking generally from what I've seen this same group. It was very unusual when I was at uni and this guy cooked for me so I found that nice. Oh I forgot he also made heart cookies not for me though. He wasn't perfect either because he was the snobbish guy I was talking about but those guys are actually attractive these guys are annoying and not attractive.
    There's this other couple who I'm reminded of. I was reminded of their channel a few months ago by someone else on reddit but I'd mostly forgotten about them for years before then. I used to watch their content a very long time ago. But comparible/decent example that fits into this. They have a lot of cats and have been together for 14 years but didn't want kids. Again it's similar gender roles I think:

    He's really into cats and cooks, she has a background in the US airforce actually I think lol but otherwise seems very feminine. Now they both make content for YouTube together.

    This couple have been together for 15 years but they don't want kids from what I remember. This time it's a trans woman and a cis woman who met through the visual kei community a long time ago (or like I guess they saw each other online but then also had Japanese class together,) but you can tell they have androgynous gender roles from their videos:

    The comment at 13:39 in this video is amazing lol. Edit: I just noticed the 'I'm a virgo' bit as well hahahaha. Oh man I love it when people do this it reminds me of this reddit comment I found recently I can't remember what the topic was now but they were ranting about someone with full sincerity and then half way through they said something like 'also he's a gemini and we have enough issues without him giving us a bad name.' (Might not have been gemini but it was some star sign.) I wish I saved that comment lol because it was perfect just the flow of the comment. It was just really serious and then just star sign stuff.

    This is one of my favourite things feminine people do though.

    They're basically like "trans women who are attracted to men should transistion that makes sense because they're living their best life but she only transistioned to keep the attention of her wife because straight women are into 'real gay men and straight trans women' and don't like macho men so straight guys want that attention but it's pointless and damaging health for someone who is attracted to women to do it. I'm a gay guy and I've noticed so many straight guys doing this."

    My mind is exploding from the combination of logic here but I do get how they got there in terms of sexology etc like obviously straight trans women are more feminine personality wise on average but the idea that people should only transistion because they have a more feminine personality is ridiculous you might as well argue every androgynous or masculine cis lesbian should transistion then which tbf they probably also believe.

    They're both bisexual as well lol afaik, but that's being erased again.

    Also no trans women are transistioning for that reason lol. It wouldn't be effective imo either (especially at that age,) as most people who are into trans women are also into androgynous guys anyway... Mostly bisexual or have a specific preference. A lot of people don't like that but yeah.

    Secondly that is not the reason why lol. 'Women like gay men because they don't chase them.' Uh no lol. In fact a lot of women online complain that men aren't approaching them now. But yes bisexual and non-binary people (specifically the psychology he's referencing isn't unviersal, and Enya has said she identifies as cis-ish and is bisexual so kind of the type to some degree it's kind of a spectrum so,) tend to like androgynous people and also often like topping guys etc when afab, and you won't date us because you're gay. So we have to find people who will. Some end up dating lesbian cis women, some date trans guys, some date trans women etc. It can be very difficult especially trying to find androgynous amab people past a certain age. See the YouTuber ofherbsandalters who is a genderfluid trans guy or myself. They made a video about this and also talked in other videos I think about their past relationships back when at some point they dated a bisexual guy who left him for another guy:

    I guess even amab genderfluid bisexual people are similar. He's in a relationship with a trans woman he's dated other trans women and cis lesbian women and a guy once:

    ^ I find it very interesting that his dad freaked out over the idea that he might want they/them pronouns but finding out he was on hrt didn't matter at all. I haven't even bothered coming out to anyone besides my brother. Well I came out to my friend but pretty sure he forgets and then I have pronouns in my YouTube bios because it's a community that generally is understanding (I don't mean YT as a whole lol I mean my audience/the genre bubble etc,) and people do talk about me a bunch in comments etc that I have to read so useful.

    Edit: Oh my God he's right about the fake pocket shit. Women's clothing is always pulling [BEEP] like this and also tiny pockets in trousers. Personally I don't care about having small wrists never really thought about that before but I've had a lot of issues with my height throughout my life (tbf I was also picked on a bit for being short though,) and one thing I always feel envious about is how tall people can wear long coats. I try not to think about this too deeply most of the time though as it's not something I can change. There are a bunch of pros to being short though like if you wanted to live in a microhome (and I don't but they interest me,) you'd have more space but it sucks during concerts unless you get close to the stage and one of the best kisses I had wasn't irl it was in a dream I had with some guy my brain made up who was shorter than me which isn't likely to be possible irl... Probably wouldn't translate into real life though anyway since I think I generally enjoy kissing in dreams but didn't really irl when I was dating. So it's less that he happened to be shorter I think and more that I think I generally enjoy stuff more in dreams.

    As for passing which he brings up in the video I'm fairly certain he could pass as a woman if he wanted to now and he does in photos when dressing more femininely. The reason he wouldn't pass is his voice and mannerisms.

    This kind of argument while incredibly idiosyncratic (because the information you need to have to develop that worldview is highly inaccessible and rare for someone to find,) is actually very annoying. You won't date us and now nobody should? They all have to be macho? Which is conviniently most cisgender gay men and straight trans women's preference from stereotypes and what I've noticed anecdotally and what Contrapoints has noticed and what even 4chan has fucking noticed lol:

    Very convinient. Not him though because he's based:

    If you are masculine or attracted to masculine people though that's cool/fine. I'm just very done online with certain types of people lol.

    Edit: It just seems very egotistical. How can you be this full of yourself? Like women like 'actual feminine gay men and straight trans women' uh no actually I don't think they generally do. The kind of androgyny that women are attracted to tends to differ on average. And trans women who are attracted to women have existed for a very long time. So it's not new and the stupid divide thing has existed in other ancient cultures:

    Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani stated that all mukhannathun must make an effort to cease their feminine behavior, but if this proved impossible, they were not worthy of punishment. Those who made no effort to become less "effeminate", or seemed to "take pleasure in (his effeminacy)", were worthy of blame.
    Nowhere in the early material, however, is it implied that these mukhannathan were sexually interested in males. Ibn Habib in the ninth century and al-Tabariini in the tenth make this distinction explicitly, thereby suggesting that by their own time assumptions had changed and mukhannathan were expected to be homosexually inclined.
    it is not entirely clear, then, to what extent the mukhannathan were punished for their breaking of gender rules in itself, and to what extent such measures were taken rather because of the perceived damage to social institutions from their activities as matchmakers and their corresponding access to women
    This is the actually the dictionary definition of unbased:

    If the mukhannathiin, or rather a few of them who took advantage of their unique social position, endangered the social fabric by breaking down appropriate barriers between men and women and inciting passions with music and with intimate descriptions of respectable ladies to perfect strangers, perhaps this would be considered reason enough for banishment.
    Other ḥadith also mention the punishment of banishment, both in connection with Umm Salama's servant and a man who worked as a musician. Muhammad described the musician as a mukhannath and threatened to banish him if he did not end his unacceptable career.[1]
    Although they were subject to periodic persecution by the state, such measures were not based on any conclusions about their own sexual status-they were not assumed to be homosexual, although a few were-but on their activities as musicians and go-betweens, which were seen as corrupting the morals of society and especially of women

    Also trans women don't transistion just to attract women in the first place lol. I can't stress enough how dumb doing that would be in fact Contrapoints specifically talked on instagram about how difficult it was for her to find partners after transistioning at one point because before she transistioned and presented as an androgynous guy women would basically just drift into her life and approach her. So after transistioning she switched to dating guys for a bit but then fell in love with a trans woman who she was friends with who rejected her and after that she came out as a lesbian. Now I think she's in a relationship with a cis lesbian woman.

    Also this comment:

    can't wait for your relationship to end because she secretly doesnt love that you transistioned and will eventually leave you because she wants an actual man not you
    "It's just being mean but also what are you actually saying here? You can't wait for the 15 year releationship to end because you secretly don't love that I've transistioned because you want a real man."

    "You know twinks in lingerie they're considered very real men."

    "What are you calling your sweet wife?"

    "You have a very clear type and it's not a SUV driving Vin Diesel type with huge toxic masculinity vibes going for them."

    "Like no matter what I want in this life it will never be a real man."
    ^ It's very funny to me but that's because I've paid close attention to relevant information. It's just in general a stupid thing to say as they've been together so long and it's not like she was super masc before she transistioned I think when they were in their early 20s, now obviously in 30s, and before she transistioned she was presenting as an androgynous guy. Actually they have a video with old photos:

    I don't remember now which video they talked about the visual kei/how they met stuff now lol. It doesn't matter anyway.

    Paul Dano is another example of a guy who's been in a relationship for a long time, and Geddy Lee. Both these latter examples did have kids.

    obviously nobody knows all the details of their relationships but yeah. It's what I've noticed.

    Tim Pool is actually at an advantage in finding a long term monogamous relationship I think because he has very soft features that aren't threatning although I guess being bald and hiding it isn't helping but otherwise. So he should be able to find someone for a long term relationship or he could have done if not for his content, preferences and so on.

    It's like someone installed the wrong operating system on his hardware which I can relate to in various ways (obviously I'm non-binary,) so I'm not completely without sympathy. He's a male to male transsexual if you will:

    He identifies as a fuckboy.

    I mean he's only 38 now and so as a guy he still has a bunch of time.

    Also actually now that I've brought up all these things I guess I might as well bring up the ironic other thing I heard Tim Pool say besides the nuclear thing:

    Tim Pool says women only identify as LGBTQ because they hang out with "low T feminist males" and would immediately become straight if they met a "ripped chad bro."

    Reaction videos all specify lesbians but he's really talking about bisexuals.

    Actual quotes:

    weak low t feminists. Men who don't get up, don't exercise, don't improve themselves,"
    "but then they meet a big ripped chad bro who's like I'll pay the bill. And she's like oh swoon."
    This was pretty much my take lol:

    Ah yes the two types of men depressed feminists vs gym bro who pays for everything.

    Even more cartoonish than my own worldview lol.
    "I'm wondering I should say. If this young woman she looks like she's in her 20s has only ever been around sneaky fucker types. Male feminists, low t weak men lacking passion and ambition, men who don't get up, don't exercise, don't improve themselves and she thought this is what men are interesting. Perhaps one of the big reasons that many women are claiming to be LGBTQ is that they're not feeling strong attraction to males because they're not actually encountering real masculinity for which they would be attracted to.

    You know that video that's in like gmod and it's a comedic Harry Potter thing where Hagrid keeps trying to convince Harry he's a wizard. I don't think I can post it lol. It goes to some weird places and he's like 'FOR FUCKS SAKE HAGRID YOU'RE A WIZARD LISTEN TO ME' that's what it feels like. This is a 'clean' edit but doubt it's much better lol:

    [nah but it's funny because I have a dumb sense of humour lol. You can find it on YouTube anyway if you type in 'you're a wizard harry gmod' should be first result.]

    And I just realised the Harry character in that has a beanie hat too lol. (Neither of them look like Harry or Hagrid.)

    And the sneaky fucker theory really makes no sense for reasons I've gone into too many times already and I cba doing it again now lol. I can be bothered to repeat a lot of stuff clearly lol just not that atm.

    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  8. #5588
    Otherside's Avatar
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    Watching the Doordash takes on twitter is funny.

    - Doordash is not a human right. Food is a human right, but a delivery of a restaurant-quality meal by someone being paid peanuts to do so is not a human right.

    - Why are you complaining that you're broke when you're paying out daily for a restaurant meal on Doordash.

    - It's very bizarre how saying you don't have the human right to a daily Doordash is "end stage capitalism." I mean, I will admit that these food delivery services model is probably the epitomy of capitalism, and the costs of delivery are kept low by employing a migrant worker isn't in any position to work elsewhere or complain about how little he is being paid because of his immigration status. It's comical how not long ago, the "end stage capitalim" was the gig economy exploiting these people.

    - You're not going to starve to death because you can't do a daily Doordash.

    - Honestly, all of this "disabled people would starve to death without a daily Doordash." Disabled people didn't starve to death without Doordash. They used pre-prepared meals that could be microwaved they utilised meals on wheels services, they got groceries deliveries. It really isn't surprising that it is not-disabled Gen Z making this argument.

  9. #5589
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    It's giving 'this is my voice 200 years on T' lmao
    Lol this basically never happens to me and I also don't get colds that often in general but I kind of liked it one time I got a cold over the last few years (can't remember when it happened exactly now,) and my voice got a bit lower.

    Also because of the accent he sounds like Ozzy a bit at 4:30 into the video lol.

    I wish there was some way to just change that whenever you want as with everything really lol.... I need access to advanced alien technology.

    Also the appeal to screaming/growl vocals for me. Although I like high and low pitched screams/growls. One of my most unrealistic dreams would be like to be the lead singer of a metal band also then you can mess with aesthetics/costumes a lot as well which seems fun. On that note I imagine horror movie villain actor would be a lot of fun too.

    Also the best genre for motivational music:

    Edit: Nothing to do with this post (well maybe tangentially related haha,) but I just noticed something about this quote from my post the other day:

    Thus, there may be a degree to which Marin and Ohisalo are spiteful mutants. However, Finland's Millennial Ministers would appear to be very much the Head Girl type: socially skilled, conformist (though this may be less true of Li Andersson due to her relative extremism), and feminine, both in their looks and their worldviews. They can perhaps be said to have been inspired by people such as Andrea Dworkin, who are closer to the witch stereotype.
    I just realised who this is lol. It was that politician well the former prime minister I guess who everyone was freaking out about a while back on twitter lol.

    LOL 12/13 year old me was right about that country being based.

    Of course 12/13 year old me liked Finland because of Habbo Hotel and The Rasmus mostly but still.

    Edward's just annoyed that he didn't stay in the witch house with the lesbian couple while he had the chance because his evangelical Christian female friends convinced him to leave.

    I decided to see what he'd tweeted about her lol.

    Do you think the wig was necessary?

    Why fragile Narcissist Sanna Marin could only ever become the Prime Minister of Finland...

    edit: I'm not complaining I just think he should have put on some makeup or something as well. I love it when right wingers, anti-trans people etc 'ironically' do this kind of thing. (And they do this a weird amount for some reason. I think they're just looking for an excuse tbh.) It makes me feel like I have power over them.

    Edward you're English you don't have to live there.

    The Nero of this civilizational cycle's winter appears to be Finnish Prime Ministerette Sanna Marin.
    Sure she's not the Caligula instead of the Nero?
    You're just making her sound more and more of an edgy badass. This is not really how you want to be doing things.

    This is his most recent tweet:

    It's really frightening when you discover, over a period of a few months, that two people who you were friends with at university 22 years ago, and who were way more based than you were, are now super-Woke and have pronouns in their bios.
    But are they witches now Edward?

    This has become too entertaining lol.

    A lot of the responses are even funnier:

    Someone who's condemned to being spiritually homosexual, can seldom out manoeuvre their fate.
    similar experience here.

    it's the wives. they've been cucked by their AWFL? [American White Female Liberal?]

    nice people to interact with, but TERRIBLE political opinions
    'Am I getting the ingroup acronym right?' 'I'm such an original thinker unlike these woke folk'

    You've got to stop using cucked to mean femdom it's spiritually the opposite of femdom.

    These guys sure do know some cool people:

    Unironically yes.
    When I was 16 a friend of mine randomly greeted my first Girlfriend with a roman salute and "HH".

    Now he has green hair, takes drugs, cyberpunk clothes and is with Antifa.

    I still don’t do roman salutes but I am ideological more right-wing than 99% Normies.
    Most of my friends 22 years ago were either goths (generally Left of center) and hackers (centrists). Almost all of the goths have gone full woke and a good portion of the hackers. My alma mater was leftist when I graduated in '12, but had some very good proffs, now full on woke.
    mate my childhood friend married a [slur for trans person]
    That's nothing. One of my old mates now wears a dress & Larps as a woman! I wonder what his young daughter thinks of it all.
    A very close and dear friend of mine from Uni recently expressed an interest in crossdressing and admitted to me that he's allowed his girlfriend to "peg" him. How the passage of time changes people can be frightening thing.
    A friend of mine used to make irreverent racist jokes in front of black people to specifically mock political correctness (calling people [slur] and the like). Now he is non-binary, and claims that anyone who is not anti-racist is a racist.
    That doesn't mean they're not racist/immature now but let's pretend they're not.

    We need to stop filling each other with anecdotal despair. We get it!
    No, no please continue. Especially about your friends who want to get 'pegged'

    This is pretty funny too:

    You think that's frightening? I have to look at my face in the mirror when I shave. That's frightening.
    I'd say this guy wins but he has some competition in the responses here.

    'who were way more based than you were,

    are now super-Woke and have pronouns in their bios.'

    Horseshoe. Probably many skeletons involved.
    Horshoe theory is crap but regardless sticking some pronouns in an online bio doesn't really say much anyway.

    Anyway this actually explains things:

    I mean the graph she makes at 20:06 minutes in lol. Conservative to edgy and cishet to queer.
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    My eye issue is still around a bit, but I am finally off the steroid drops for the first time in a month.
    Knowing I had an infection that could have been disaster, the doctor and his assistant said I did the right thing in seeing them when i did.
    Gaining back most of the weight I lost over the winter was not good.

  11. #5591
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    I thought the universe 25 experiments were interesting 7+ years ago when I first heard about them but it seems like a shaky foundation to build entire belief systems upon.

    I also think they attribute way too much to 'nihilism.' (Not just in this video.)

    If people who are not contributing much are aggressive towards others it's generally reactive and because other's look down on them with contempt for being on benefits etc and those people respond with aggression to the contempt. The need for justification is a reaction to the contempt imo. Sometimes envy is involved too. Most people aren't using nihilism to justify being on benefits lol...

    "It's not constructive to live off the state so the only value hierarchy that can justify this behaviour pattern is nihilism."

    That's ridiculous. A lot of people on benefits are disabled or lacking skills/intelligence/conscientiousness. The justification most people go with though is something like they have a disability mental or physical or they're being oppressed - sometimes generationally because of some trait. Again where is nihilism coming into it for most people?

    Mice aren't Humans and don't need meaning so using them as the basis for a discussion about nihilism and hopelessness is also a bit ridiculous tbh.

    The Mouse Utopia is kind of the Nietzsche of experiments though lol. Gets used a lot by people to further arguments in favour of various ideological beliefs.

    The group of people who hate conservative religious groups (like say Mormons and the Amish who I think they bring up,) the most are not people who are like drop outs or the multi generational underclass or people who tend to be on benefits. In fact a lot of very relgious people are on benefits in my country - Muslim people predominantly. It's people who are generally economically productive and middle class who show the most contempt for people who live traditional lives. They're attempt to bundle a bunch of things together in a way that doesn't work.

    Actual leftism isn't nihilistic since there are pretty clear economic goals. People can call themselves whatever though just like how everything is 'woke.'

    Take a shot everytime they say nihilism.

    That guy they're interviewing's take on music doesn't make much sense but that might be because they say he's 22. Music didn't just 'crash' creatively in 2016 there's been a decades long decline in pop music which has been reported on by researchers. Technology kind of made the way people consume and discover music different which has also had an impact to the point of their being at least for now no defining sound for the current or previous decade (and increasing genres based on nostalgia for previous decades from the 2000s onwards.) Also increasingly less diverse pop music over time because more and more pop music is being made by the same few people (just like everything it becomes a monopoly.) And the idea that everything is being repeated over and over is something Mark Fisher was writing about in the early 2010s before he committed suicide. Like 'hauntology.'

    [W]hen cultural innovation has stalled and even gone backwards, [...] one function of hauntology is to keep insisting that there are futures beyond postmodernity's terminal time. When the present has given up on the future, we must listen for the relics of the future in the unactivated potentials of the past.[23]
    Yeah one of the few guys I've ever run into where I feel they are genuinely and significantly smarter than me. 22…wtf is this guy going to be at 35? Where is there to go?
    He seems mature for his age but I don't think he's saying anything original in most of this video really.

    Lol this part of the video where Simone is talking:

    I think that a lot of why the pronatalist movement is so difficult to like quantify or contact is the conclusion that most of them have come to is we really, really, really need to hide and be careful and not let anyone know who we are, what we're building or what our movement or community is like unless they are 100 percent definitely a trusted insider that we're gonna network with in the future and I think htat's a core part of what is going to enable these groups to move forward in a way that the like more normal pronatalist mice or rats could not.
    OK look I'm not in your ingroup and I'm watching your videos. There are articles about you in mainstream centre-left publications like The Guardian both your ideology and you specifically despite the fact that you only have 10k YouTube subscribers - but I'm not surprised because your connections are clearly attatched to the power structure. Everyone knows about pronatalism. Elon Musk is part of the ideology. You are the opposite of hidden and discrete lol.

    Guy being interviewed:

    Their secret base is gonna be in Newark, New Jersey so you guys can keep tabs on that and look nowhere else.
    In the video I say there are three things you need to do to survive mouse utopia the first is that you need to have a sense that the antinatalist people can't take over the government because if they take over the government they can kill anyone who's trying to survive and have children and that really worries me because if you look at mouse utopia that's what happens. And if the government is killing anyone who has children in America the entire American nation that's the only way they can die.
    This is an insane level of fearmongering.

    Is there a YouTube outside the expanded Thiel Network? Help.

    Yeah it still exists for now.

    Well, it's time to unsubscribe.
    They say a lot of crap so I really wonder what specifically made this video the last straw lol.
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  12. #5592
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    ^ Speaking of hauntology in music.

    What's with Paramore trying to be all 70s and groovy? They go from emo pop punk to like disco dressing hippies and music?
    Lol I was just thinking I like the aesthetics of their new music videos. I think it's inspired by the 60s though. Never been super into their music. I liked a few of the tracks on their first two albums though and some other random tracks are OK-ish. The band lineup besides Hayley has also changed a bunch I think. But it's funny because when I was a teen I got my hair cut like her once and was into pop punk etc and now I'm more into like 60s, 70s, desert, psychedelic aesthetics now and a similar age.

    But this video is really making me think of the 90s:

    Like this maybe:

    I think they're asking why they are using 70s styles in their music, attire, and imagery. What is it about the 70s that they found so endearing to inspire them to use it in their music?
    I don't think it's the 70s it's more the 60s. But everyone is inspired by those decades repeatedly and especially since about 2019 like:

    I miss Ethel Cain's tumblr account.

    Wait what? I just saw the thumbnail of this video as an image on google images lol:

    big day for annoying people (me)
    I appreciate that they fused these videos together but it's not working musically for me.

    Should have used this video and maybe the music:

    But no we don't really need more pop punk/emo stuff.

    16 is a lot different than 34 buddy
    Yeah they were very young I think Zac must have 14 when they formed he's like a year older than me lol.

    What's up with fans always wanting a band to sound 1 specific way and only that way?
    I think it's even worse when that genre is 2000s pop punk type stuff. It was hardly groundbreaking and experimental. I mean I like it for the nostalgia and was a big fan as a teenager. But even Green Day have branched out a bit over the years:

    And this fixation is how you get Machine Gun Kelly - emo girl. Everytime I think about it I dislike it a little more.

    You guys know exactly what OP means but cant accept someone criticising the bands change in style.
    I don't really get it in this case because Paramore changed their sound years ago anyway. I don't think this stuff is amazing either and I think it's safe to say they probably never will make something I think is more than a 6/10 and that includes their old stuff that I liked back in the day like this:

    But I think they should keep experimenting.

    Lol where's that band that sounds exactly like The Network/Green Day? Lol yeah found it:

    I never remember the actual band name so they are the 'fake Network band' now lol. No they're called Viva Death.

    Lol this started autoplaying and I almost wondered if it was some Crade of Filth track I hadn't heard:

    Just cause they use Doug Bradley's voice on a bunch of tracks and it's kind of similar.

    I was watching this interview recently it's actually from the 90s but the recording quality is bad and in black and white lol:

    "Hello I'm Nick I'm the drummer for Cradle of Filth and that's it"

    "Nothing else you would like to tell about your past?"



    It's also quite nostalgic.
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  13. #5593
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    I remember seeing this video when I was in my early teens living at my parents house in Toronto Canada I never heard of this band called Rush ,but I was absolutely mesmerized by them and the music and the kimono?s ..I was glued to the TV until my dad came in and started yelling "why are you watching these devil worshippers with the long hair". I was sent to my room as punishment but I was hooked on this band called RUSH!! Im 52 and still hooked.
    devil worshipers? i thought only the usa was afflicted with such superstition and ignorance sorry you had to go through that
    Of course not I was accused of this in the 2000s in the UK.

    If Rush are devil worshippers, I wonder what your dad would've thought of Slayer...
    Yes the bar is set very low and has been for a while now.

    I wanted to see if I could find any quotes of things said or what I thought at the time since I think I did write some stuff about that period in a diary I kept for a short while irl but too lazy to dig that up so decided to look through my old livejournal too (though don't expect I'll find much as I didn't tend to write down about stuff happening in school especially with any detail.)

    While looking I actually found a review of Twilight lol from 2009. So I was 18. I still haven't watched the rest of that Contrapoints Twilight video.

    I've read all of the Twilight books to date, since I'm a vampire and romance fan anyway, plus I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I wouldn't say I'm a hater, but I'm not really a fan either. There were things that appealed to me, I think the authour has some talent in writing, but meh some things got to me. There may be some minor spoilers below here. May seem a little cryptic in areas because of this if you're reading this and haven't read the books.

    This almost-rant about the things I didn't like got a bit out of control, the main point of this was to post a link to this forum post I stumbled upon. So it's probably best to just scroll down to the link.

    Many of the characters lacked a decent personalty, Bella was pretty pathetic in my opinion, and basically lived for Edward throughout most of the series. Edward wasn't much better. Jacob was probably the best character, nothing amazing but a darn sight better than Edward and Bella put together. It was cheesy too, but I guess given the genre (teen, vampire, romance) this couldn't really be helped. Also Vampires sparkle in daylight - this just didn't do it for me. The constant refernces to Edwards beauty were a bit to much, than grew to be tiresome, and finally actually began to piss me off. I had to wonder whether the adjectives were shoved in their to make up for her lack of plot.

    I may be slightly biased however, because I like a bit of a build up when reading about fictional relationships, more than was provided by the books. It was kind of a small build up and then wham we're gonna be in love for eternity blah blah blah; and it wasn't the good kind of that like Romeo and Juliet, it was lacking something in between to get them from point A to B in love, if that makes sense. I'll admit that it's more interesting to read about unperfect relationships, for me it all goes downhill if things stay perfect for too long. Seeing as the stories lacked decent plot and were largely just teen supernatural romances, the relationship was the main focus too. There was a rather lovely hicup I suppose in the second book, but ultimatly it wasn't really even that, more just both characters being moronic. Besides Bella's state in this book seems way over the top given the time periods of their relationship and that ruins it a little.

    Also I had worked out, one of the bigger plot twists of the last book some time before it happened. So that interesting twist was taken away from me, but this was my fault, and it still prooved to be interesting. Won't say what because I promised minor spoilers.

    Ignoring the fact that this is on a forum called Twilight sucks, and therefor some stories may be slightly exagirated, I think this still goes to show that some people are stupidly hardcore over what they like. Note the keyword stupidly.

    The link basically goes to a list of people who have been insulted, and sometimes physically hurt by hardcore twilight fans, usually after saying they don't like the series. Some of them involve children, Which could explain the lack of control, but really children shouldn't be behaving like this anyway. No one should. It's pretty damn scary actually
    ^ that forum is dead now lol. Proboards is also very nostalgic. I do vaguely remember one of the posts though where a girl supposedly chucked a shuriken at her sister because she didn't like the books lol or something like that.

    Also I don't remember what the plot twist I figured out was now lol.

    It's an ironic criticism because a lot of my writing a bit before that when I was 16 (there are a few posts with stuff there too lol) is very purple and like a worse version of the same thing with elves etc:

    It was happening though; he watched him as he stood there the waves of his hair crashing around his shoulders
    There?s something about your eyelids that I find entrancing. When they slide shut over your eyes, it almost saddens me at first, like the curtains covering the stage after a particularly beautiful and emotionally packed performance. However the sadness is just a spark that quickly fades, because your eyelids are always interesting to look at, and granted they?re not as breath hitchingly beautiful as your eyes, but they?re a pretty good curtain design. They always flutter gently, and with whatever colour and pattern you chose to powder them with that evening, they look awfully like butterfly wings.
    Oh it gets much worse than these snippets too and all the angsty stuff.

    Also saw this post about Lullaby by The Cure when I was first listening to that song. I don't remember learning to play that at all lol what:

    I am now obsessed with the song Lullaby by the amazing band The Cure. I heard it on the radio a long while back but recently re-checked it out and I'm even more in love with it!

    I have a pretty obbsessive nature at the moment huh?

    I learnt how to play the intro which is also part of the chorus music I think (since the song doesn't have a lyrical chorus it's kind of harder to tell.) I got the tabs for it off of the net and have been practising it on my guitar along with some other songs this afternoon.

    Now I really have to get on with homework, I must say that in like every entry. I have done some but there's still a lot to do. I'll be suprised if I get it all finished at this rate.
    This post is also kind of funny:

    My friend's dating the guy I like now. I didn't tell her I liked him so I know it's entirely my fault. It's happened before but for some reason this time it really effected me. I really liked him. The guys I like never seem to like me. Heh this entry sounds so sad really, like one of those teen romance novels or something. Oh well it comes from being a sixteen year old girl I guess.

    I should feel happy about my results, I passed DT and I was sure I was going to fail, I did so badly in the written exam, I didn't even finish. I am happy but for some reason I can't really feel it now. I just feel empty and disgusted at myself for feeling this way. This should be so much more important than that guy.
    Yeah it's almost like you're 16 lol.

    Also there was this whole period around when I was 15 (seemed to stop after 15,) where I would just use the word twas and add 'le' in front of random words for no reason lol....

    Anime and manga art work is le best.
    I no longer think this either because everyone online ruined it in the 2010s.

    Jocks vs nerds:

    I got sun burnt on sports day, the stupid teachers didn't let anyone sit in the shade unless they'd started showing signs of 'sun burn' but by that time it's clearly to late. Seriously the PE teachers at our school may be as thick as two planks but I expected kind of better from the maths and science teachers that happened to be there. Still it can't be helped, some teachers are clearly from out of space. The other annoying thing was that half of the people were only doing a few things and we all had to stay out all day anyway! I swear the last hour of the day should have been optional at least!
    Not sure why I said I expected better from a maths or science teachers two of my worst teachers were my high school maths teacher (from year 8-11) and the science teacher I had for physics modules during GCSE science lol. I'm pretty sure the latter was investigated by the school at one point because everyone in my class got such a low grade they found it suspicious. And he wouldn't really teach just sat there doing crossword puzzles or whatever in some newspaper. My maths teacher couldn't really control a class, didn't really care because she knew we were a low set. (There were 4 and we were second from lowest.) At one point she said it's likely we're all bad at science too because they correlate, but I actually wasn't that bad lol I was better at science than I was at maths (2nd from top technically there were two sets that they said were both top when it came to science which is weird because they didn't do that for maths or English and it was kind of obvious to me that the other one was technically the better one because it had most of the gifted and talented program kids in lol. So like nice try lol but no.) Also one time she just went off no a homophobic rant during class.

    And then there's porn I wrote about Green Day from before I decided not to write real person fanfics. I had some weird aesthetic thing about ductape at the time so that's included also glitter and marshmallows.

    I find it kind of funny that my livejournal is like a parent's worst nightmare lol. And everything was inspiration for porn/romance stuff.

    A friend in needs a friend indeed,
    A friend with weed is better,
    A friend with breasts and all the rest,
    A friend who's dressed in leather,

    A friend in needs a friend indeed,
    A friend who'll tease is better ,
    Our thoughts compressed,
    Which makes us blessed,
    And makes for stormy weather,

    I think this song would be perfect for a Green day slash song fic. I was listening to it on Kerrang the other day and I know I tend to realate pratically everything to slash now but I thought it just fitted, Well it would if you didn't use the third line down but I think I could maybe find a way of making that line work, when I can be bothered to write this idea I have...
    that song is flagged 18+ now because of 'suicidal themes' even just the song without the video which is weird.

    WTF youtube. I'm not suicidal, I'm just nostalgic for the late 90s.
    Wow, it comes with a warning now. I remember when it was on my television in the living room during my youth ^_^
    So we're all here for the same reason lol.

    Anyway that fic idea didn't work out because someone else had the same idea at the same time:

    Next time I get an idea for a fic' I'm going to write it down straight away! I started writing the Placebo Pure Morning song fic' that I said I may write and then I found out that someone else had wrote a song fic about it, and they posted the same day I started writing it! (though I couldn't continue yesterday because my dad came in half way through writing it and that would have been embarrising.) I hate it when things like this happen...
    There's lots of complaining about school work lol.

    Year ten sucks, still. I have a MASSIVE amount of homework and it's really put me off going to Uni 'cos they get even more work than we do and I'm already finding it hard to cope, one peice of Science coursework has no results in it, the other is missing everything but the results and introduction. Oh and I have two peices of English coursework to do at the moment and Jack the Ripper Coursework that's due in next week and I've done very little of it mainly because I think I'm doing it wrong. I am not looking foward to what we're doing next in art because I'm not going to have any time.
    I actually got an A* on that Jack the Ripper paper because history was one of the few subjects I got decent grades in. Obviously because I got to write about serial killers lol no.

    I'm seventeen now, that kind of freaks me out. Normally I don't think about this, in fact I think this is the first time I've thought about my age so much. Time's ticking and I'm kind of left thinking at the moment:

    What the [BEEP] happened to my youth?
    You're 17 lol.

    Of course I still have life left to live, it's probably quite sad that I'm moaning about my lack of life at this age. The thing is though I can't see it changing. I realise that I only have myself to blame.
    It will get better for a few years and then worse for a decade+ unless you count music concerts and a small amount of success on YouTube.

    Of course I noticed before now, although before now it wasn't so bad. Since I've started college though my life has gotten more boring and unlife like. I'm ready to be born now. Can I start living yet?
    By college I mean sixth form btw. We don't call uni college in the UK.

    I don't suppose studing courses I'm beginning to hate helps. Esp' IT. So school kind of killed me, and now I'm being reborn... As a Zombie? Oh the joy of that.

    It's like a birth but it is in reverse
    Never gets better always gets worse

    Oh look there's a post about the singularity haha. I think this is actually related to what I was saying about in my other post lol:

    While doing some random research today on things like the anti-web (I was extremly bored) I found a couple of interesting wikipedia pages on the possible future of humanity:

    If things do get ridiculously out of control like is proposed in those wikipedia pages... It's pretty scary. As if the world doesn't have enough problems. I hope people take all this into account before going crazy with new ineventions in AI. Someone predicted that he would seriosuly doubt the singularity would take place before 05, but - and here's the really scary thing if he turns out to be right - he also doubted that it would take place before 2030. That's pretty near by for some major techology explosion. I doubt this will actually happen during the time period he's predicted but even so... It's a scary thought...

    It does seem like some humans want to play god, and I hope they know where to draw the line, because I'm not sure anyone right now is capable of dealing, or programming safely, a superhuman creation...

    Anyway... I think I'm going to go do something more lighthearted now. I really should tell myself to stop reading articles and things like this. Gah.
    Now that worrying about this has become popular I don't care at all lol. Grimes sacrificed herself to save us:

    One of the characters from the music video for "Flesh Without Blood" is named Rococo Basilisk, a reference to the thought experiment Roko's basilisk and the Rococo art movement.[6] Grimes said that the character was "doomed to be eternally tortured by an artificial intelligence, but she's also kind of like Marie Antoinette."[7]

    "Anton died so we could live."

    "Like Jesus."

    "Ah fuck."

    'It's like we're the Beatles and now we just need Yoko.'

    'That's the worst exampleyou could have used'

    This show was kind of like what The Big Bang Theory was trying and failing to do. (Well tbf it's not clear what The Big Bang Theory was trying to do.) It's a lot more realistic though.

    Edit: Coincidentally the character Carla wasn't on the show long and I've heard she left because she had issues with TJ Miller who was also on the show and the other cast and crew members enabling his behaviour (but I don't know if that's actually why she wasn't on the show long, or if she just brought that up later on. HBO claimed to be ignorant) and there was a bunch of controversy about one of the other actors on the show the one who is obviously based on Zuckerberg Thomas Middleditch. He was accused of sexual harassment by some women in an LA goth club (places like that and BDSM clubs in LA seem to have tons of issues going by stuff Kat Blaque has been saying for years so doesn't surprise me.) That club also closed entirely because it wasn't the only complaint. He also went into too much info about his open marriage which was kind of a stupid thing to do (don't Hollywood famous people have press advisers anymore?) Because it was obvious from his comments in the interview that his former wife wasn't that into it and of course she filed for divorce a couple of years later.

    MIDDLEDITCH: Personally, that's one of the trickier elements of it all, because Mollie doesn't get that and yet she has to witness it. I'm like, "Come on, what about this chick who's obviously really into me?" And Mollie will say, "Yeah, she's into you. Where do I fit in?" That question comes up. There's a lot of negotiation, and adding fame sometimes makes it easier and sometimes complicates things.
    According to the magazine, the documents cite Middleditch's September 2019 interview with Playboy as a reason for the steep settlement. In the bombshell interview, Middleditch claimed the former pair were swingers.
    No shocking. You don't say lol.

    "I don't know how much I can say, because I don't want my wife to be mad at me. Only after I got married was I like, 'Mollie, I'm sorry, but we have to get nontraditional here.' To her credit, instead of saying 'F--k you, I'm out,' she was like, 'Let's figure this out,'" he said. "To be honest, swinging has saved our marriage. We have different speeds, and we argue over it constantly, but it?s better than feeling unheard and alone and that you have to scurry in the shadows."

    Middleditch said he thought his urges to sleep with other people would end once he got married, but they didn't. Once he and Gates agreed to be "part of the lifestyle," he said it sometimes was tricky because he's a celebrity and has women throwing themselves at him fairly regularly.
    'To her credit' instead of saying [BEEP] you I'm out she dragged it out a bit more before the inevetible end point because she didn't like the power dynamic and is now getting 2.6 million from the divorce. 😐

    I think it's generally shitty to try and take a bunch of someone's money in the divorce like that and they also weren't married long and didn't have kids. But I can also understand why that would piss her off. I don't know if they got together before he was famous but I'd imagine that would make it worse. (I mean they got married in 2015 when he was already on Silicon Valley but I don't know when they got together.)

    Also that thing about assuming his urge to have sex with other people going away seems naive. It does have some impact but only on sociosexually restricted people and even then not absolute I assume:

    Individuals who are partnered typically have lower testosterone levels than individuals who are single. However, this was found to apply solely to individuals who have a restricted sociosexuality. Partnered, unrestricted men and women's testosterone levels are more similar to the levels of single men and women.[31]
    When I read Middleditch's Playboy interview and he was being extremely weird about poly/open relationships, I knew [BEEP] was gonna roll downhill from there. It immediately set off alarm bells. Most people marry under the expectation of a monogamous contract. So when the other person is like: "oops jk I want an open relationship and by the way I already have someone lined up and also you can't date anyone unless they are a gender that isn't threatening to me" I just roll my eyes. You broke the contract. That transition is just not doable for the most part.
    Lol yeah it's the bolded part that always tickles me.

    So can she bang dudes?
    No. A friend saw him at a show once talking about open relationships - not his own, just as a concept - and he said that he couldn?t stand the thought of any man touching his wife. I think when he says they swing "as a unit" he means that his wife is present (maybe just to an extent) when he's with other women.
    This person was right they only lasted a year after that:

    I give this marriage 18 more months tops. Even if she is fully on board - which she clearly isn't - the way he spoke about the relationship here and how people, after reading this, will perceive her participation is enough to shut it down.
    And yeah I think Alice the actress who played Carla had a really unpleasant time with these guys because she continued to tweet after those allegations too:

    "Tried to warn you all about Middleditch but noooooo," Wetterlund tweeted on Sunday, "not everyone's favorite tinyman who looks like he lives in a clock!"
    I don't get the clock thing. And browsing Tumblr as you can see below didn't help with the clock thing.

    "Only after I got married was I like, 'Mollie, I'm sorry, but we have to get nontraditional here,'" the actor said. "Personally, [fame] is one of the trickier elements of it all, because Mollie doesn't get that and yet she has to witness it."

    Said Wetterlund, "The shocker here for me was that he HAS female fans?!?"
    Not at all surprising Tumblr can work with almost any skinny white guy but I don't think he's really the 'attractive one' on the show. I am looking now and they do ship Richard (his character) and Jared together and Dinesh and Gilfoyle which isn't overly surprising. Also looking on ao3 at fanfics:

    635 Works in Jared Dunn/Richard Hendricks
    299 fanfics with Dinesh and Gilfoyle.

    I bet there's less for Gilfoyle and Jared right? Yeah 31 fanfics. Richard's character annoyed me and it's funny because I know Jared is written in a way that's supposed to be annoying but comparitively he's less so. There's just something about Richard's vibes that annoyed me specifically even though most of the chracters are kind of dicks. So that's interesting in hindsight.


    Who is your LEAST favorite character and why is it Richard?
    That thread was also before all this irl shit.

    And yeah I was thinking Tumblr would do some combination of these shenanigans:

    Im a pretty normal person if you ignore the fact that i would let gilfoyle , that fucked up neckbeard redditor hacker nerd guy from sillicon valley , abseloutely [oh no we can't be posting this this is very redacted. A lot of detail.]

    #it is conserning honestly#i know he probably doesnt know how to suck dick ok . i could teach him . i could fix him actually ( im insane )
    #jared dunn#silicon valley#character of all time#ultimate babygirl
    #donald jared dunn u are The character of all time#richard is an idiot OUTTA MY WAY GAY BOY IMMA GET IT
    for some reason my brain is making me think about jarrich again and the DEVOTION jared had for richard is making me go insane. how do you literally uproot your entire life for a man you just met just because you think that his dream is something worth fighting for. how do you spend YEARS being fiercely loyal to everything he stands for even if it leaves u in the dirt - to the point where it leads to codependency and eventually everything falling apart. and how do u expect ME to watch all of that and be normal about it... i hate silicon valley as a show and just generally now because of the cast and several other reasons but i don't think i will ever fully get over jared dunn as a character GOD
    That's why I think it's a terrible pairing.

    Jared and Gilfoyle are both almost but not quite attractive. Then if you put them together as one person:

    Exactly. Somehow it would be the hottest guy of 2023. (Not an official thing I just decided he was attractive in 2023.)

    Also as a pairing Gilfoyle could teach him about self respect or something. And that's hot.

    just felt an intense pang of emotion about jarrich btw. it's like they are a curse that will be in me forever. it occasionally rises to deal me 1d4 psychic damage before ducking back under the waves.
    I really do just love the tags people put on their posts lol:

    #richard if u fumbled that you fumbled life#anyways whoops haha hes mine now YOU HAD UR CHANCE CODE BOY‼‼#*insert cartoony evil laughter as I drive away in my silly [BEEP] car before i drive into a brick wall and fucking die*#<- what did i even mean when I typed all that just now#im going insane#silicon valley#silicon valley hbo#jared dunn#zach woods#if jareds real name is donald does that mean he can be referred to by "donnie"?#DONNIE DARKO REFERENCE?? 🤯🤯🤯🤯#okay ill stop im sorry
    Then they just start talking about Donnie Darko. But it is a fucking great film so I don't blame them.

    silicon valley hbo has solidified my belief that if you put me in room with tech guys i could talk them into being gay in some form
    I have a folder of Martin Starr edits but I have no where to put them. No-one on tiktok appreciates him, so here u go. and ur welcome
    Lol I love that.

    My favorite character is undoubtedly Gilfoyle.

    I am a christian, so Gilfoyle's beliefs makes me go EWWW, but he's such a cute boy :') I want to take him home, hug him, pray for him and watch as he codes for 20 hours straight. Everytime he showed up on screen I was like "I love you and i will protect you 🥺", even though everytime he brought up his satanism I was like "what the hell, bro? cmon man, let's find Jesus"

    I was bothered by the swearing and the bunch of +18 jokes, but the concepts of tech and business where always there to amuse me. And I really fell in love with all the characters. I could see how flawed they where, but it was really human and awesome.
    I feel we are very different people lol.

    Gilfoyle doesn't need to find Jesus you need to find Satan 🥰😍🤩🤩🥰😍🤩😍🥰😍😍😍

    Satan is zaddy
    this was so outrageous yk what i'm going to do? i'm gonna pray for you. receive all of my love and affection trough prayer, stranger from the internet (≖⌣≖)
    don't you fucking dare pray for me I'm an atheist but you know what I'm going to do? I'm gonna sacrifice a goat in your name. Recieve all of my sins and sacrilege through sacrifice, stranger from the internet (too lazy for emoticon)
    it is declared a war of politeness here. Terrible actions of yours, I make known here that I'll be so lovely in prayer that the children of your children will feel the echoing of God's love. And if you don't have kids anyone even slightly related to you will be affected. I won't let even your family and friends out.
    I'm aroace and children are gross so that's off the table and my close family is atheist as well lol don't worry I'll sacrifice even more goats to help you find Satan, you will be saved from God <333
    What is Zaddy though? I can't tell when people are/aren't shitposting anymore lol.

    Which one though lol? But it is Gilfoyle.

    He is so gender it's insane
    I think it's the contacts mostly.

    okay wait none of the silicon valley guys were textually [BEEP] right. like it's just a collective hallucination
    Everything on this website is a collective hallucination yes. Although there was the whole codegay thing:

    "You people really will take any long white man and say yeah. He should fuck." - Strange Aeons.

    Of this cast this would only really apply to Jared build wise but still.

    Tumblr is so entertaining to me lol. I am avoiding quoting some of the more crazy 18+ stuff though lol.

    I also don't feel exactly the same about this anymore:

    I look at crumbling, decaying buildings, and I get a feeling of love, a pulling an unexplainable pulling feeling that spreads through my chest, and it's slightly painful, but mostly exciting and warming.

    I like graffitti clad walls, especially colorful graffitti, not so much someone's name scrawled with black marker pen.

    I like smashed windows, and rusting metal, abandoned moth eaten sofa's, and walls with plants, moss and ivy growing in them. I like cracks.

    I like peeling paint, scattered leaves and I find grimy toilet stalls, the kind you walk into, turn your nose up at, and promptly leave, inspiring.

    I don't know why, it's definatly odd. I love seeing photo's of all these things, I like taking photo's of these things.

    I sometimes like the idea of living in a crumbling old building, but of course that's stupid. It would probably be unsafe, and unheigenic right?
    Related (I wrote the above post about a decade before he made this documentary):

    i think about this often thank you
    Same lol.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  14. #5594
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    I get freaked out whenever I get a bunch of notifications on that account but I guess a couple of people reblogged those gifs I posted a while back that were slightly more popular than usual so bunch of likes etc. Mostly paranoid because of negative experiences online in the past not specifically on that site though I know some people are aware of that account.

    Also unrelated but this is funny:

    Helen I thought trans people were the ones 'perpetuating gender stereotypes'

    Helen what do you mean you transparently also have ulterior motives?

    Also the cover artist is on tumblr or something:

    Anyone who thinks the cover fucks hard it is made by @samanthamash one of the most lovely brilliant artist I have the fortune to experience in this lifetime and [BEEP] yes her cover art FUCKS HARD
    I find it very funny that the initial tumblr post was like 'Helen Joyce REEE' and then the first reblog I read was 'check out the cover artist.' This is the difference between Tumblr and twitter LOL. People were asking too:

    just wanna say how unbelievably dope the cover is
    I'm ambivalent about this particular discussion too like 'were women in the past hunters or not?' I don't really care because that's a prehistroric gender war. I'm trying to find ways to procrastinate while I should be trying to find ways to make money online. In the 21st century. I just find it funny/annoying in equal measure when conservatives pretend they're like spiritual lesbian radicals or something to try and 'win' but they're just normie heterosexual women. They don't find you doing this stuff funny btw they just find you annoying:

    That's TER"F"s for you, the anti-feminist feminism appropriators.
    Although I am not a feminist, I would appreciate it greatly if people stopped calling conservative women feminists as it muddies discourse even further. By design in some cases I think because those women want the street cred + protection associated with feminism. Like 'if I argue my points from a feminist perspective no one can criticise me.'

    My issue with feminists is that they sometimes try to force normie women who want to have kids and live traditional lives to not do that and display contempt for women who do. There's also often a lot of infantalisation of women and paternalistic thinking going on in the excessive focus on women being fragile, needing protection etc in different contexts (these are conservative ideas too actually,) and my issues with conservative women is they'll do the opposite and try and force everyone to live their trad lifestyle, if they continue to refuse or are otherwise non-conforming they're evil and satanic and selfish and so on. I have mixed feelings about that too obviously as I've incorporated that into my identity over the years but I think it's telling that I don't remember starting out that way. Initially I just found the 'evil things' (goth aesthetics mostly,) cool and actually used to find people thinking I'm evil etc annoying. But eventually you read the point where you're like:

    'Actually putting spiders all over my face and freaking people out is fun.' Don't watch this if spiders or arachnids bother you:

    Me and my brother made that song right after Ocean Eyes.
    Really that old? Cause that production made me think of things like Portishead and 90s UK dark electronic music
    It's kind of terrifying right? I sort of just like love making stuff that people get freaked out by I put a fucking spider in my mouth so.
    Also obviously now need to go off topic (there isn't really a topic for this post though lol) but yeah trip-hop was probably the most interesting genre of the 90s and early 2000s that mostly went ignored globally I think? At least mainstream-wise. But some TV shows in the US adopted tracks. I don't want to say it went completely ignored but like proportionally.

    Cause they used old film tracks and stuff sometimes it had this kind of Noir sound. Then there were obviously post-punk and industrial etc influences too:

    ^ this is great.

    This is one of the best tracks ever but I've spoken about this before lol:

    Also this is stretching the genre a bit and his music is mostly folktronica but yeah:

    I mean technically I discovered IAMX in the early 2010s via my interest in Patrick Wolf in the 2000s otherwise I wouldn't have paid attention and Chris' other project Sneaker Pimps was definitely trip hop.

    I didn't make this connection but this song is very similar to Hunting for Witches too and also the lyrical similarities because he doesn't use the word witches lol but everything is rhyming with it:

    There's also the tower symbolism again. Obviously this is related to 9/11 but also 9/11 was influenced by the symbolism in the first place:

    1990's, optimistic as a teen
    But now it's terror, airplanes crash into towers

    Forced to count the hours
    Since two towers
    Fell to fiction those higher powers
    Putting gods to war
    Who keeps score?
    Ignorance is still adored
    And through these hard times
    We'll work harder, harder
    Give me hard times
    I'll work harder, harder

    But this is part of 'Post-punk revival' and I don't think Patrick Wolf liked that album as much as the first two. But more than his last album probably. From interviews I read. He was under a lot of pressure to make his music sound more mainstream which was kind of obvious to me at the time. This is also the direction Steven Wilson has gone in on his latest album:

    "Two siblings, Harmony (the albums namesake) and Jamie, travel on the underground to a London highrise skyscraper, get caught in the crossfire of a terrorist attack, proceed to move up a never ending staircase. Rest of the story is sorta a David Lynch dreamlike sequence to whether what can be determined as real and a bit of sci-fi/possible extraterrestrial involvement gets introduced."
    Also I had a dream not long after listening to songs from that album which was interesting. It was a very Monty Python dream too lol thinking about it (like the Meaning of Life where the office buildings are pirate ships that are fighting. My memory of this is vague but something like that haven't seen it since childhood.) I made a post about the dream before...

    I had this weird nightmare where I was in the countryside of some town (not my town seemed to be a fictional one,) up on some hill and then something (invisible) started throwing sky scrapers around in the distance.

    The dream actually started (I think,) with me having control of some kind of cinematic camera type thing (like something from a video game lol,) and moving down inside some tower that stretched underground into this kind of dungeon. So the top was above ground with windows but then it went quite a bit underground and there were what looked like furnaces as you went down but when I looked closer it wasn't fire but electrical lights. Some guy was enthusiastically talking about the tower but I can't remember what he was saying.

    The skyscraper bit was really scary in the dream so I was with some other people including members of my family and we were running away and I remember thinking in the dream 'run horizontally don't run vertically like that stupid prometheus film' it haunts my nightmares apparently. 😂

    Honestly I love how there's almost always some stupid thing like this in my dreams even when they're nightmares.

    But the skyscraper never got that close to us in the end even though it moved pretty far.

    Then found this area while running away which was suddenly urban where a bunch of people were sitting around because something had clearly happened nearby. I think maybe there was some kind of war going on involving insane technology but then I woke up which was fortunate for my emotions but not really fortunate for the potential story. There's also sadly a lot of other parts of the dream and conversations I just don't remember now.

    The tower I was looking inside was like some old tower though not a skyscraper. I was supposed to be going there to the old tower or somewhere near by because I had to do something for my mum which I think involved pressing this button but the reason why wasn't really something that made much sense and is kind of vague now (I think pressing the button would submit some university project or something she had to submit,) and some other stuff was happening then too then that I forgot. This was just before some invisible thing started chucking skyscrapers around.
    My dream recall isn't so good these days which is unfortunate. I often lose a bunch of detail etc after waking up.

    I'm gradually mentally compiling all tower symbolic stuff I guess.

    (I should really write all my dreams out somewhere besides this forum because the search function for threads isn't good so I have to manually search.)

    *Me searching*

    I had a dream that I was at some kind of concert thing at Kurt Cobain's old school I think the landscape was very loosely based on my primary school but then the building itself was this really old and impressive architecture that looked nothing like it. I wish I could kind of post a screenshot from my brain because it was really cool.
    [... other dream stuff]
    No not that dream...

    Also found this review again I posted about while searching for the dream lol:

    Imagine a band that incorporates the dullest moments of prog rock with the least inspiring aspects of grunge and the most emasculated elements of hard rock. Imagine they have a really really boring singer who looks a tiny bit like Kurt Cobain if Kurt Cobain discovered he really loved programming in C++

    Then, imagine that this band's fanbase consists entirely of middle age men and humorless geeks, who truthfully don't have any real affinity with music because they are emotionally underdeveloped,but feel the need to listen to prog rock to win the approval of their fellow mouth breathers. It sounds suitably complex, and these people can only assess music in terms of 'is it difficult to play'.

    Just imagine.

    I'm personally less interested in the objective story than the surrealist/liminal aspect.

    I also still think it's funny that I'm 33 (32 when I was reading this review) and I'm non-binary. I also discovered their music when I was in my early 20s. I'm kind of a geek though and I did study programming at one point. I know there's another person on reddit who posted onthe IAMX subreddit and we communicated once about something and later I saw them posting on the Porcupine Tree subreddit. But in general year the majority of people I've seen at Steven Wilson's concerts and the one Porcupine Tree concert I went to have always been middle aged men who are like my dad's age or something. I expect that has changed a bit over the last decade and will continue to since he's been making less prog rock music.

    Also (regarding the other thing I was talking about,) I know it's idealistic and I realise that people who aren't heterosexual, cisgender and gender conforming don't have this luxury, but ideally you wouldn't have to use the past to justify the present.

    helen "trans people are perpetuating gender steriotypes" joyce is now upset that the scientific american is writing about how women were hunters too back in the day, not just mothers and caretakers. feminist win!
    I mean if I get into a debate about this I will point out historical examples of people like me when people argue 'this is new,' I also find it interesting on a personal level to read accounts but there is also something pretty radical about just saying 'I don't care I'm here now bitch.'

    Didn't any of you read The Witching Hour by Anne Rice?

    I don't blame you for not reading it lol it's extremely long. Pretty sure I wouldn't manage it today especially in book form. Also thinking about it I really mean the entire series of three books and I definitely only skimread parts of the 2nd and 3rd book. I mean I remember key plot points so I think I read a lot of it but not as thoroughly. The plot line is interesting but it's long.

    Anyway part of the subtext I think is that evolution is an ongoing process a̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶Spoiler: g̶e̶t̶ ̶r̶i̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶r̶a̶p̶i̶s̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶b̶a̶b̶i̶e̶s̶.̶

    I think artists were cooler anyway.

    This is more entertaining science here you see. I feel like what they're doing here could be funny if it was tweaked a bit because the positions don't make much sense (at least without further context):

    Like why wouldn't chef + witch = bartender and alchemist that would make more sense I think and why are music conductors seemingly reproducing asexually? I mean I get how a sorcerer and witch could they have magicial abilities. Do music conductors have magical abilties? That might explain some things.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  15. #5595
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    Guess I will be talking more about the Tumblr post. Cause I noticed some blog that was linked and actually do want to rant about the politicisation of evo-psych a bit. Also what I said the other day lol:

    And the sneaky fucker theory really makes no sense for reasons I've gone into too many times already and I cba doing it again now lol. I can be bothered to repeat a lot of stuff clearly lol just not that atm.
    I can be bothered again.

    @the-grey-tribe I thought I sensed some deja vu!
    Is that a rationalist-adj blog? Or is the title a coincidence?

    a primitive culture of savage robots
    The blog's description isn't helping.

    the "women weren't really gathers a lot of the time, they hunted a lot too" findings kind of undermine a lot of evo psych speculation that tries to do misogyny in naturalistic terms. i mean, to no one's great surprise, evo psych turns out to be a lot of making stuff up that feels right and is capable of being phrased in terms of selection pressure without any anthropological support
    Quote The Grey Tribe blog
    net zero information
    Apparently the paper is bogus though.
    'Net zero information' I don't know what that means unless it's some kind of play on 'net zero emissions.' Is this one of those times where someone has invented ingroup language for a term that sometimes already had another term? Otherwise I have no idea what that means and google isn't helping.

    OK let's look at this person's tweet that the third person linked when saying it was bogus. Yeah I recognise this guy below from twitter. He does surveys on related topics (not quoting the whole of the thread though as some is sort of repeating similar points and not really relevant):

    This is the kind of paper where people will read the headline and believe it means hunter-gatherers don't have gender roles or a gendered division of labor. However, the paper doesn't claim that or try to demonstrate that. 🧵

    [some screenshot of someone on twitter with blue hair saying evolutionary psychology is dying with a screenshot of an article about a paper]

    For example, the Hadza are included as a culture where women hunt. However, men hunt most of the time. Almost exclusively.

    It's the case in most of the cultures included that is what you will see: men do most of the hunting while a smaller number of women occasionally hunt.
    That's not what his tweet thread is saying either lol. He's saying people are misusing and misintepreting the paper's findings not that the paper's findings are bogus.

    Indeed, no one in anthropology or evolutionary psychology has ever claimed that women literally never hunt.

    But saying "women hunt" is kind of like saying "women join the SEALs" for some of these groups.
    Someone in response to this tweet thread was like 'consider the source' because the person who tweeted that has blue hair but they didn't create the paper they were commenting on the paper. You morons lol.

    That being said people absolutely use evo-psych to make similar claims to what he's saying people in these careers don't or more often to push certain cultural norms and agendas. Some of them are evolutionary psychologists themselves like Geoffrey Miller who is also a pronatalist. And some people aren't evolutionary psychogists like Jordan Peterson or Tim fucking Pool - he's not even a psychologist in general lol (he's not even like, why is he even... He reached peak nonsense when he was talking about nuclear weapons anyway lol.) But I believe he's brought up the 'sneaky fucker' thing (while discussing bisexual women lol,) which I'll go into in a bit.

    So this often leaves non-conforming people as collateral damage essentially. Because gender roles mean punishing people or commenting/criticising/physically assaulting/sexually harassing and/or assaulting people (because that too is used as a form of gender policing sometimes weirdly in some cultures more than others,) who do not fit gender norms.

    They also use evo-psych to make arguments about why women in the modern era should reproduce and should choose family formation over career or any other alternative because it's not either/or (and if you're a real weirdo you might not have a choice lol, but that position is even more controversial and outsider. Let's talk about how people become homeless,) and they argue that women should be housewives etc when they are actually not doing that at an increasing rate and that is conservative's problem because they are worried about the birth rate. Or pronatalists are worried about the birth rate and conservatives jump on that when convinient as an excuse to perpetuate gender norms which they absolutely love doing. It's like their kink literally lol. It's funny because it's true. That's why they argue the positions they do (most of the time anyway.) Because of their reproductive role preferences. And if they're going to use data this way and their own preferences then I can also use this data this way:

    Also Aella is hotter than you. Speaking of preferences.

    Unless you're a somewhat physically androgynous right wing guy (ex-libeterian most likely, or even ex-liberal,) who conservatives think is a fifth column trying to undermine them and they post about how you sound like a cheerleader etc and how they think you're not that masculine and your bdsm writer progressive fiance is corrupting you. Because I like corruption and androgyny so it almost works if nothing else than for entertainment. But there's never enough evidence. I always have to do most of the work myself - and I can. Because I have a background in fandom but I probably shouldn't have to.

    Even then you're all competing with hot androgynous musicians and failing. And that one guy I found on twitter who was off puttingly narcissistic, socially liberal but capitalistic (actually he hated social conservatives and thought he was better than them which was part of the off putting aspect but then simultaneously had some traditional views about gender that he himself didn't fit into so incoherent again basically. Somewhat of a political outlier,) and gave the impression that he was very slowly being taken over by some kind of internal feminine force incorporating classical English and French paintings (among others,) some pre-raphelite paintings - just like Peterson has recently started talking about like a female sex goddess that gets people to do her bidding. That helps a lot thanks Jordan. But again he didn't play into that enough or in quite the right way because he wasn't doing it on purpose/creating a kink website/twitter page. But very close he accidentally touched on something there. So kudos for that.

    I mean I'm still going to follow that guy on/off probably because it's like a desert out here - and not the good kind with cacti and aesthetic photography and alien music festivals - the bad kind where creepio went more insane in episode 4:

    But yeah.

    The pronatalists also end up arguing for restrictive and conservative cultural norms in order to increase the birth rate so they both reach the same point but through different starting points - one group argues in favour of these things due to their reproductive strategy the other because of their fear of a low birth rate nationally when women are allowed choice + being 'overrun by my outgroup.' Sometimes both groups overlap. Consider Simone and Malcolm Collins who are 'pronatalists' and have a video addressing the birth rate with this description that they uploaded in the last day. This description was created by an AI I think? (I think they generate all their video descriptions using AI):

    In this eye-opening episode, Malcolm and Simone dive deep into the startling data behind America's plummeting fertility rates. Analyzing a graph synthesized from multiple studies, they uncover a little-known fact: the lion's share of the fertility decline is occurring among women under the age of 24.

    The couple explores the implications of this finding, discussing how the normalization of contraception, declining teen pregnancies, and a lack of understanding about peak fertility windows have contributed to the current crisis. They also touch on the cultural shift towards delayed marriage and childbearing, and how this has led many women to miss their biological window for conception.
    This couple (Simone and Malcolm) are also weird and not exactly conservative since they gave all their female children male or neutral names because they think they'll be taken less seriously unless they do (in what context though if their priority is having tons of children and their children having tons of children?) They also seem to dislike feminine personalities and modern day femininity according to things they've said in videos. Simone doesn't get on with neurotypical or 'hormonally normal' women who she considers more feminine. Other things I won't go into.. They're terrified that they're going to be overun basically eventually by 'economically unproductive, technophobic, xenophobic people' but they also admit that despite everything they can't outbreed that group so I think they're hoping AI will help them or something (I don't know tbh it really hasn't become clear yet.)

    This is misleading because as I said just yesterday lol it doesn't apply to people with an unrestricted sociosexual orientation:

    (I just found this screenshot and it looks like it's a thread, so maybe they cover this in a later tweet but as it stands that screenshot's misleading.)

    And also stop telling guys like Thomas Middleditch that this will happen. He was convinced marriage would 'fix him' and he looked like a nerd (and played one on TV,) so women didn't instinctively avoid him for marriage and look where he ended up.

    I do have to hand it to them - it takes a lot to inspire me to defend gymbros. I almost want to congratulate them lol.

    I know they're kind of trolls but they seem to be somewhat serious so.

    So they get discussions like this in their comments:

    I've been saying for years that the increased educational requirements of our society are going to cause problems. As people require more education to survive, eventually you get to the point where something's gotta give. Consider a circumstance where everyone needed to be in school until they were 40.
    It's not even that. It's that women should not be encouraged over men to achieve these things. Men should be given the duty of tackling these tasks, but instead our gynocentric society is pushing women harder and harder, to be men, and taking opportunities away from their would be husbands. Anyone who understands numbers, knows that if you have a quota system for putting women into programs, you're taking spots away from their would be husbands.
    This instinctively feels true, except a lot of countries/cultures that don't have the same level of credentialism as the US have seen huge drop offs in birth rates.

    Even in the UK high school is done at 16 years old and college is done by 19 years old. And their birth rate is 1.5 compared to 1.6 in the United States. African birth rates are half what they were 30 years ago, and they do not have any more credentialism than we do. Latin America, as a whole, has lower birth rates than the United States with far less university degrees granted each year.
    The bolded isn't really true because basically everyone continues with education after 16 even though most schools don't have sixth forms, sixth form or equivalent college qualifications goes on till 18 unless this is a recent change (might be, don't pay close attention,) university finishes at 21 (undergraduate degrees are 3 years here not 4 years unless you have a work placement or something as part of the degree.)

    I did go to someone's wedding who was a student on my degree course after my second year of uni (I think she was maybe a year older than me so she was probably 21 or so when getting married? I dunno she was born in 1990 I think but I can't remember the months and everything. I feel like I remember her being in the 1989-1990 school year and I was in 1990-1991,) and she had a kid not long after we graduated though she also got held back a year before then so graduated after me but it was within a couple of years or so of when I graduated so I'm sure she was under 25 and her husband was like in the year below us studying the same thing but they met before starting uni and I'm pretty sure he was younger than me. Probably like 18 months to 2 years younger than her (but like I said I forget the ages now,) so this whole story is very atypical probably in the West and I guess by gen z twitter standards she'd probably be considered a pedophile or something because of the age gap.

    It's an interesting point over all though.

    Also people in the comments who want to destigmatise teen pregnancy and think there should be routes to it being considered either normal or praiseworthy.

    They met on reddit. And Malcolm proposed on reddit:

    We already knew that this couple were terminally online: they first made headlines 10 years ago, when Malcolm proposed to Simone through Reddit "advice animal" memes and DeviantArt commissions.
    Something about body pillows:

    Simone made a dakimakura--a style of body pillow usually printed with a sexy anime lady--for Malcolm, with an anime-style version of herself on it.
    Did I mention Malcolm is really into anime? Also MLP:

    Notopoulos also pointed out that Malcolm is a brony (a fan of My Little Pony), but he's not just any run of the mill My Little Pony enjoyer--he's specifically into Fallout Equestria, a fanfiction crossover book between the Fallout video game franchise and My Little Pony, and has written about his love of the fic on Medium.
    They have 3 kids but want more and seem really desperate to have at least 8 but started late. They're in their late 30s now. And also Simone had anorexia when younger which I think caused some issues. I can see based on that why they're very pro technology. I'm not convinced that in a conservative culture they would have been reproducing any younger, maybe not at all. Especially Simone actually. She seemed convinced that 'if I was young now I would have been trans' (as in medically transistioned,) in a recent video. Most of the time that's complete nonsense. But I'd assume based on her personality that if she grew up in any previous Western culture or perhaps a future one there's a strong chance she would have become a nun and died without giving birth. Or got burnt as a witch when the other women got annoyed with her not-like-the-other-girls thing. Instead she met some guy on reddit and had 3 kids so not so bad.

    edit: Unlike some of their audience they're not specifically advocating for teen pregnancy (which isn't really surprising as they're 'slow life strategists' and you can only go against your instincts so much):

    Really if we were looking at this graph properly and people planned properly we'd see a much bigger spike in the 30 something range of people having kids because they will have frozen eggs, they will have planned adequately and that's what's going on. It feels wrong to encourage really young pregnancy when people just don't feel ready yet but.
    I don't think she's considering how expensive this technology is... It costs thousands. But if a country was serious about fertility rates they could offer young women the opportunity to do that for free. Or give you a loan like they do with student loans. You only start paying it back if you earn over a certain amount a year so you only pay for your eggs if they work or something. Some companies offer this too but it's obviously better if you're going to do that to do it as young as possible.

    Here's what I think is happening here's the gist of what's cuasing fertility collapse from this graph. It's that people are two things one thing is that there's just fewer teen pregnancies. It used to be that some communities were able to motivate high fertility for their population through utilising people with lower amounts of self control. A great example of this is some cultural groups historically were known for their high fertility rate because they banned condoms and they banned abortions, and so when people had sex they had babies and that caused these groups to have higher fertility rates. These are the groups that have their fertility rates collapsing the fastest. In part I think it's because their community is using condoms. I think they're just so normalised now across the world that they are playing a pretty big role here. They tell their kids don't use condoms but their kids are still doing it. I think that the lack of teen sex which has also declined dramatically in the past 10 or so years - people who aren't aware of this it's just dropped like a brick is also leading to this. So the communities that sort of cheese their fertility rates by getting people who did not plan to have kids to have kids this strategy isn't functioning and I was never OK with this stategy to begin with.
    Right? Seems non consensual. It reminds me of the fertility conference and natalism conference and again at the conservative conference somebody mentioned banning condoms to get fertility rates up and I'm like but we don't want those kids. We don't want kids who are being had accidentally by people who don't want them and don't feel ready to raise them. So what we have to do is up the pressures which appear to be constant throughout this period. These middle aged parents are not falling in terms of their fertility rates right? So the pressure for people who wanted to have kids to have kids seems you know just as big now in the US as it was in the 1990s.

    What I suspect is happening overall is people are just pushing back when they plan to have kids. Like women specifically by about 8 years. I think on average they're pushing back when they would have had kids if it was 20 years ago by about 8 years in terms of their planning and a lot of them and this is something we see that I doubt we see historically as much because we keep seeing these among out friend groups a lot of them just then aren't having kids because they hit the end of their biological window.
    Women with ADHD do still get pregnant earlier I think. I think related issues run in my family just not really pregnancy related which is a weird and terrible combination probably (from a 'passing your genes on pov' anyway) Like gambling and other addictions sure and some other weird things but nobody really has/had kids young even while marrying young in my parent's case. Well not sure about my grandparents off the top of my head.

    I'm even more of an outlier though because I never really liked the idea of being pregnant much (or more relevantly - being a bottom in a sexual encounter, so that makes accidental pregnancies pretty hard lol) and would prefer to get someone else pregnant but it's impossible. Or well it's not impossible technically now with surrogacy or if I had a female partner who was OK with carrying my kids but there's a lot of other obstacles in the way anyway - economically, personality/mental health wise, sexuality wise. And most of my crushes are/were on guys although I do sometimes imagine they're sort of women this is part of the 'sexuality wise' I'm kind of the worst of both worlds in so many ways.

    Also I don't pay taxes because I don't earn enough to do so in my country lol (gosh I wonder why,) so I think this frees me from my 'reproductive obligations' to pronatalists (Not conservatives or ethnonationalists though because I'm genetically female and white respectively.) This actually makes pronatalists the most irritating group to their outgroup members though because this presumably means they are going to badger and fixate on women who are focussed on their career and highly succesful - a group who are least likely to want kids - to have kids lol.

    The conversation then shifts to the importance of targeting productive, taxpaying individuals in any pronatalist policy. Malcolm and Simone discuss the pitfalls of simply increasing population without considering the economic and social impact of those additional citizens. They also touch on the role of immigration in bolstering a nation's productive workforce.
    So (after that insanely long edited in tangent. Actually removed most of it later) these two groups the progressive left and gender conservatives are also just talking past each other essentially here. Because likewise very few people who are 'woke (tm)' would claim that women were mostly involved in hunting. I doubt most people believe that really. Not least because women are and were strongly disincentivised in any culture from taking on masculine roles within cultures - even if they want to - because cultures want to encourage everyone who has a womb to reproduce and to focus on reproduction.

    This is why I agree with Shulamith Firestone in one respect - at least at the point she had this opinion that the creation of artificial wombs is necessary for Humanity to move past this. (Perhaps she changed this opinion later I don't know. I feel like I read someone who is anti-this technology etc suggest she did change her mind or something but I've not read her writing because I don't want to but this point sounds good.) However this group of women who are calling themselves feminists, sometimes 'reactionary feminists' like Louise Perry like Mary Harrington - I think Helen Joyce is another of the type often are actively against research into artificial wombs and surrogacy and this is built into their protest against trans people. Because they are female chauvinists who want to limit the female reproductive role to females and perpetuate this ridiculous war we're in right now between pronatalist and conservative culture on one side and gender progressives on the other and I guess antinatalists technically the antinatalists trascend the core of this debate though imo.

    Their motivation(s) are largely unrelated to this debate but I suppose if you wanted to jumble it all together there is a form of antinatalism that is an extreme reaction probably in the opposite side of the gender war. Like 'no women should reproduce because of this gender war' I'm sure someone has that opinion but most antinatalists have a variety of other underlying motivations related to certain philosophical beliefs about suffering etc. Or environmentalism.

    The most annoying and frequent thing I've noticed people do with evo-psych is use the 'sneaky fucker' theory to explain certain sexual political things that they assume are happening in the modern day. Which makes very little sense at least how they're using it. Because firstly the general idea is that dominant males drive off other males who have to sneakily copulate without taking into account female choice which I don't think often exists in a lot of other species in the first place. And in a lot of these species (orangutans,) there's only a single dominant male maybe a couple in a group that's clearly not how Humans work. Even 'red pill guys' wouldn't think there's a single guy who gets 100% of the women.

    A lower-cost alternative mating strategy, useful to bachelors without a harem, is kleptogyny (from Greek klepto- "stealing" and -gyny "female"), popularly known as the "sneaky fucker strategy", where a male sneaks in to mate while the harem owner is distracted: in the case of red deer, when the harem stag is involved in a fight with another older stag.[16][17] The strategy is also recorded in the elephant seal.[18]
    So this is common for harem species I think:

    A harem is an animal group consisting of one or two males, a number of females, and their offspring. The dominant male drives off other males and maintains the unity of the group. If present, the second male is subservient to the dominant male. As juvenile males grow, they leave the group and roam as solitary individuals or join bachelor herds. Females in the group may be inter-related. The dominant male mates with the females as they become sexually active and drives off competitors, until he is displaced by another male. In some species, incoming males that achieve dominant status may commit infanticide.
    Harems can prove energetically costly for both males and females. Males spend substantial amounts of energy engaging in battles to invade a harem, or to keep hold of a harem once dominance has been established.[9] Such energy expenditure can result in reduced reproductive success such as in the case of red deer.[9] This is especially true when there is high turnover rates of dominant males, as frequent intense fighting can result in great expenditure of energy.[9] High turnover rate of dominant males can also be energetically costly for the females as their offspring are frequently killed in harems where infanticide occurs. Harems can also negatively affect females if there is intra-harem competition among females for resources.[15]
    Humans have harems but most reproduction and socialising isn't really happening in this way. Because female Humans exercise choice. So they can - and usually do - end relationships. This can be violent but usually isn't. Partly because of the state but also because when males behave badly in lawless environments male family members intervene, other friends and relatives, but also women do find ways to get revenge sometimes for very little. I can go into a lot of detail too because special interests with female antisocial behaviour and almost did but I won't lol.

    The 'bachelor herd' thing is kind of interesting:

    A bachelor herd is a herd of (usually) juvenile male animals who are still sexually immature or 'harem'-forming animals who have been thrown out of their parent groups but not yet formed a new family group. It may also refer to a group of males who are not currently territorial or mating with females.[1][2]

    Examples include seals, dolphins, lions, and many herbivores such as deer, horses, and elephants. Bachelor herds are thought to provide useful protection for social animals against more established herd competition or aggressive, dominant males. Males in bachelor herds are sometimes closely related to each other. Some animals, for example New Zealand fur seals, live in a bachelor herd all year except for the mating season, when there is a substantial increase in aggression and competition.[3]

    In many species, males and females move in separate groups, often coming together at mating time, or to fight for territory or mating partners. In many species it is common for males to leave or be driven from the group as they mature, and they may wander as lone animals or form a bachelor group for the time being. This arrangement may be long term and stable, or short term until they find a new group to join.
    If you tried to apply it to Humans you could consider subcultures work kind of similarly? You get low status outgroups that often appeal to neurodivergent people or people who are mentally ill or people who are gender non-conforming, homosexual etc - or otherwise deviating from the norm socially speaking and sometimes these groups are sort of gendered but most of them aren't in an absolute sense and women enter subcultural groups that are stereotypically masculine themselves if they think it's cool or whatever. A lot of music based subcultures haven't had a very clear sex association in the past they might be associated with gender non-conforming people though. Goth is one that started off more neutral and became associated with women more later I think? Because of the aesthetics but there are still male goths. Then consider various nerdy groups that are often made up of mostly men but women will come into these groups if they have related interests etc. I feel like that wouldn't happen in other species really.

    And in people who discuss this theory there's an attempt to equate this strategy with the one below so I will bring it up too.

    And then secondly in some species there are multiple stragies among males where there are territorial males, and one bird species (Ruffs) there are territorial males that make up about 84%, 'satellite males' (16% ) and also 'faeders' who are an androgynous morph who they didn't notice for a long time (make up about 1% ) and imitate females to reproduce and aren't hiding anything and everyone knows they're male and they're also more sexually succesful in that species. There's a high level of polyandry.

    They're rare so most females will breed with other males but the females seem to prefer the males who look female and not only that but they're also supposedly drawn in by the homoerotic mating and the males of that species also attempt to copulative with the female mimic birds more often (possibly because they know that,) than with females and sometimes the female mimic birds actually top the other males so they're obviously aware too because the female birds in that species don't top males because they haven't invented strap ons yet no lol:

    This cryptic male, or "faeder" (Old English "father") obtains access to mating territories together with the females, and "steals" matings when the females crouch to solicit copulation.[11] The faeder moults into the prenuptial male plumage with striped feathers, but does not go on to develop the ornamental feathers of the more common males. As described above, this stage is thought to show the original male breeding plumage, before other male types evolved. A faeder can be distinguished in the hand by its wing length, which is intermediate between those of displaying males and females.[39] Despite their feminine appearance, the faeders migrate with the larger lekking males and spend the winter with them.[40] The faeders are sometimes mounted by independent or satellite males, but are as often "on top" in homosexual mountings as the ruffed males, suggesting that their true identity is known by the other males. Females never mount males.[11] Females often seem to prefer mating with faeders to copulation with the more common males, and those males also copulate with faeders (and vice versa) relatively more often than with females. The homosexual copulations may attract females to the lek, like the presence of satellite males.[41]
    But maybe though, but probably not lol. Female mice will sometimes display male mounting behaviour even though they don't have strap ons so I think that bird species are 'just like that.' Or maybe it's other physiological stuff I haven't personally watched them have sex so I wouldn't know how they do it lol.

    And of course Humans are a lot more complicated psychologically speaking and have also spread out across the entire planet in different environments (and consider for example the differences between bonobos and chimpanzees who are very genetically similar but were seperated by a river or something like that lol.) So this idea that there are only two reproductive roles for the entire species seems pretty unlikely to me and most people will accept that there are definitely deviations when it comes to sociosexal orientation (preference for casual sex vs commitment,) cause that's very clear but people are less accepting of the idea that there are differences in other gendered behaviour which is odd. Very odd.

    I know one Harvard evo-psychologist discussed men's distaste for feminine men potentially coming from men looking for men who would make decent allies during war time starting at early ages which I think is probably one of the reasons why there's conflict about that but there are others. That's one explanatio n for why it's controversial but of course the sociosexual orientation conflict is also huge culturally but people don't deny it exists. That's the thing.

    But yeah so the 'sneaky fucker' argument gets brought up so often right now in reference to predatory guys who are pretending to be male feminists (hypothetically this is portrayed as a wide spread problem too.) Often taken even further out of context to be applied to all feminine men in videos/tweets/other online discussions etc. Drives me up the wall. Because that's not even how it works in other species.

    I don't think this is a good analogy. I also think it ignores that many people can be predatory to varying degrees in different environments/contexts. Also includes women.

    Oh and there's another argument right wing men will bring up which is 'women are sexually bonded to the state.' Or something like that. Which sounds like a harem again. I also take issue with this idea at least if you take it literally this is easy to disprove as most women didn't join 'Trumps harem' just because he won the election. And women don't support the winners of every election. Trump's harem is pretty gay if you will. Did I just find a way to make this gay? Yes it's my gift/curse. And obviously the sex part is spread out more than that because the leader of various states isn't getting sexual access to most women (or men,) lol. There are some who advertise that they would be into that but as a general rule. In fact poltiical leaders are a lot less popular than high status musicians are. Taylor Swift arguably has more influence over American women. But I think right wingers know that and that's why they hate her.

    But they also believe that the state in most Western countries doesn't have power there's the 'deep state' or something like that and they have no idea who that is except most have decided they promote wokeness (tm,) or other liberal ideas. Certainly the billionaires are promoting a variety of different and conflicting viewpoints.

    I think it's going to be aliens. I'm a big fan of aliens and elves and other fantasy races but I don't really like the power dynamics implied by this because I have to be on top or at least equal. So I'm 50/50 on this conspiracy as a 80/20 sexual switch (maybe. In a fantasy context. Not sure sex is for me irl but also lived as a hermit for long periods and possibly not hot enough to attract ideal partner with long hair also culture is working against me by disuading men from having long hair so I will be forming an extremist group soon like everyone else is. There is one pro-long hair propaganda fact that I always forget how to find but I know I read before lol also some other pro-long hair propaganda facts,) and will get back to this topic later probably. Ideally not. But a some point I'll probably have more thoughts and also feel like contemplating this further.

    I guess I'll get back to this topic when they figure out who has all of the control/power.

    *dies before that happens*
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

Made with <3
Anxiety Space is not a replacement for a fully qualified doctor.