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  1. #5611
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    So Jordan Peterson is talking yet again for the 4342342342 time about Beauty and the Beast and how women like werewolves, vampires, surgeons, pirates and billionaires and he's doing the really annoying thing he always does where he acts like romance fiction is the same as porn. It's not 'female porn' women often consume porn including written porn that's very different from romance novels.

    I am the beast. I like the calm, delicate librarian type intellectual men. Who wants to be beautiful?
    Oh wow I never even made that connection lol. I mostly find him talking about this irritating because he always brings up the same few examples including Beauty and the Beast and it's very tired and not really representative of the diversity of female fantasies you see in the actual porn they're consuming these days (and actual porn not romance fiction which he conflates constantly,) but I wasn't really thinking about any part of it applying to me because he constantly emphasises the beast character and specific and limited romance archetypes but yeah I have some weird thing about librarians or bookish guys in fantasy for some reason. I also sometimes like stuff with stereotypical nerds in. In actual porn on occasion too yeah.

    I think the closest thing to this I get is like eg: this audio thing of a soldier being brainwashed to be feminised and stop fighting because I find feminisation hot in general. It's a woman talking but she does voice impressions of the guy during parts which also works for me. It doesn't really seem to matter much how the guy starts off though in the corruption stuff I like and I consume a lot of stuff with women in as well. I think he would disaprove of the stuff with the guys though even though the stuff with women I consume has similar themes most of the time (less so in audio because I like listening to femdoms as well,) but it could be framed as a more extreme form of what he's saying technically.

    What's wrong Jordan? I thought you liked Beauty and the Beast. 😏

    He has issues with evil queens that try to emasculate men though (something he brought up in another video.) That's another archetypal thing.

    Also Jordan what does it mean when you listen to an audio of an evil queen giving her step daughter potions to turn her into a tmi: Spoiler: big breasted bimbo from the waist up after the prince who was pursuing the pinterest (LOL the pinterest, the princess,) killed her father and then she'd also given her potions to Spoiler: give her a huge dick and then the queen has sex with the princess and the queen is like "It's so big" "maybe you'll do what your father couldn't and give me an heir." "Maybe we could be co-queens" Etc.

    How would you describe this in archetypal Jungian terms?

    *takes out notepad*

    What does this mean Jordan?

    No really what does this mean I head you were really into Freud and she should have said more I'm confused.

    Unrelated tweet but very funny:

    I don't find him attractive as Edward but he looks almost attractive as Batman when genderswapped.

    But not as much as genderswapped AI Riddler. These images are too big to embed so cba.

    omg I love her:

    Prominently featuring The Riddler along with the interference of The Penguin and Falcone, The Batman showed the detective side of Bruce Wayne. Well, the Russian Doll star Natasha Lyonne has been fan-cast as the next Riddler and she agrees with the people?s tweets!
    I'm not sure how she would play that role though so it would be interesting.

    I wanted a clip of her talking about the evil queen from Snow White or something like she did in the full video lol but no one has really clipped any of those thoughts. This is still relevant though because of 'do I want mummy or to be the mummy' except I dislike the word mummy in sexual contexts right now in spite of it's ubiquity. I don't think it even came up in that one step mum audio lol ironically. That audio file is from 2018 though and perhaps that was before the current hype not sure.

    Jordan why don't you talk about the femdoms? What do you have against Shakespeares sister it was the best part of the song:

    Edit: I mean she was very drunk apparently while filming this video.

    Why if nature is female did I fantasise about essentially male versions of Poison Ivy/plant-elf a lot as a teenager? Also some nymph audio file with a guy recently that I found who had plant-powers. Also a femboy audio where they were playing some kind of water nymph.

    Also a guy who was living in the forest and was a bunny Humanoid but that's reaching with the symbolism slightly.

    Why did Kaczynski run off to live in the forest and invented a bunny god after he decided not to go through with a gender transistion? He felt such immense shame he couldn't even talk about his sexual urges with those therapists.

    Why is Hannibal really gay?

    What does this represent (Hannibal quote):

    She could see that he was small, sleek; in his hands and arms she saw wiry strength like her own.
    Why do trans women often have vore fetishes? (allgedly.)

    Why are witches hot?

    *poke* *poke* *poke*

    Why don't you talk about sexually submissive guys ever? Do you think they're all worthy of contempt because some might be psychopaths? Why don't you have a coherent definition of strength? Why do you think weakness is automatically bad? Why do you cry in public if you believe that?

    Technically this is what he wants. He wants a genetic female person to make him stronger. Also I'm testing his ideas 2 for 1 bargain:

    A lot of right wing men including Edward Dutton come to the conclusion that feminists and masculine women specifically and bisexual women really have some desire for rapists and have more rape fantasies as part of a 'fast life strategy' whereas other women who are pro-patriarchy (and they use this word it's not that they dismiss it conceptually,) also are attracted to caring traits (as though that's mutually exclusive,) and Jordan Peterson isn't stupid enough to say that kind of thing in public he just says that he thinks feminists might have a desire for tyrants. Based on so much nonsense. A lot of feminists don't like Islamists but OK we'll suspend disbelief and pretend they do even though the mutual enemy thing makes more sense +people really don't care about things going on in other countries as a general rule unless they're either told by mass media that it's important or they have a specific hyper focus where it becomes relevant to them. So of course they're not protesting non stop about Saudi Arabia. There's no journalism I'm aware of about any social movements going on there. They will sometimes talk about stuff when there is in other countries (also academic feminists have a tendency to co-opt and/or critique stuff that's sexual in nature if it seems to mess around with gender in some way like the nisu subculture.) So yeah already a weird conclusion to come to. Nah it's because they want to date tyrants lol.

    Homophobic rape is a form of gender policing used globally so I could say I think that's why their minds go there. I'm not being charitable towards eg: The man who wrote a book about burning witches and how feminists were modern day witches but we don't burn them now and people aren't dying because of modern medicine. Bear in mind he's a cat guy (I don't mean he larps as a cat-Human hybrid lol I mean he's owned a cat and posted about her and included her in videos and then did some funeral video thing when his cat died.) so he is what he hates from a personality pov.

    Another problem:

    They will never address the results in this video.

    Jordan what does this dream you described mean (he probably explained what he thought when he wrote about it in his book which I haven't read. I've just only ever read the quote lol):

    "I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer's disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist?s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, "isn?t it soft?" I looked at her ruined face and said, "yes, Grandma, it's soft."
    This is why I can't listen to him talk about what women want.

    He's not alone btw. There's not a single person who talks about female sexual sadism afaik and he also avoids discussing things that don't fit into the usual paradigm most of the time.

    It doesn't matter anymore though hopefully one day he'll talk about something else other than that one Google thing so boring. I'm browsing Tumblr.

    J̶o̶r̶d̶a̶n̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶

    I didn't make this lol to be clear it was some prog rock anon confessions blog.

    Oh I've just stumbled on the post this guy who was complaining ages back must have been complaining about lol. The one about Neil Peart. Not posting lol.

    But yeah half the posts on this prog rock confessions blog are fairly graphic.

    I don't know why this photo is hot but it is:

    we rlly went from sex drugs and rock n' roll to onlyfans fentanyl and soulless tiktok pop punk
    Shh I'm trying to vibe.

    I was once at this party and there was this guy who was there and he was super drunk and was talking a lot about what is "real punk" and what you must know in order to "not be a poser" so I showed him a picture of rush and said "do you know them? Super hardcore. Swear to god if you don?t know them you ARE a poser." He got kind of scared and asked if they were Chicago based I just said "yeah, you gotta check them out." Most fun ive had in the last 3 months easily. Shout out to the guy who was super drunk and didn?t know who rush were.
    Now I miss drinking with people damn it.

    But that's hilarious.

    You have the kind of penis autism that causes delusions. You see women where there are no women. Get help.
    I want this on a t-shirt.

    What even was the context for that?

    Also are there other kinds?

    I think, in a way, everyone has penis autism.
    Heritage post
    It's not that old yet but might become one.

    Only meets one of the criteria atm lol:

    rules for submitting posts

    must predate 2018
    must be sufficiently cursed/evoke some kind of negative emotion

    you can submit posts any way you want (asks/submissions/private messages), and i?ll decide if it?s cursed enough to appear on the blog

    You really can't get this combination of words that comes to the most insane conclusions anywhere else. I'm serious I have NEVER seen nor heard the words "penis" and "autism" in the same sentence much less right next to each other.
    i so desperately want to know what anon thinks penis autism means. did anon coin the term? did they coin it specifically for this ask? much to think about
    I know.

    out of context this just sounds like the dude is informing you that you're horny and seeing women everywhere because of hallucinatory autism
    It makes a lot of sense for Tumblr in general because half the website seems to be imagining various famous men as women and vice versa at any one time, but I think this is related to someone defending Ethel Cain a while back or something but it still doesn't make sense.

    I was suggested this based on my likes:

    tumblr really is the most insane website. I saw someone sexualising the execution of janosik
    I- excuse me?

    Juraj Janosik (first name also Juro or Jurko, Slovak pronunciation: [ˈjuraj ˈjaːnɔʃiːk]; baptised 25 January 1688, died 17 March 1713) was a Slovak highwayman. Janosik has been the main character of many Slovak novels, poems, and films. According to the legend, he robbed nobles and gave the loot to the poor, a deed often attributed to the famous Robin Hood. The legend is known in neighboring Poland (under the name Jerzy Janoszik also Janosik, Janiczek or Janicek[1]) and the Czech Republic as well as Slovakia. The actual robber had little to do with the modern legend, whose content partly reflects the ubiquitous folk myths of a hero taking from the rich and giving to the poor.
    J̶o̶r̶d̶a̶n̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶

    #tumblr is tumblr#not even surprised
    Oh that's Alucard from Castlevania:

    That's a vampire so we've come full circle.

    Yeah I dig these:

    omg I love these:

    I am shopping now.


    Original Price: ?141.20 '

    I am not buying them now </3

    There's also the weird tax thing with Etsy too though. I think I'd have to contact the seller or something. Last time I bought something I ended up having to pay money to the post office.

    This is the insanely expensive cardigan episode all over again.

    They would match too. Tumblr y?

    Maybe I could make my own. That way I could add moons and cacti and aliens and desert stuff and psychadelic themes and PS1 logos and other stuff too. Not all on one pair I guess lol

    Now I remember why I don't go to tumblr lol I never see anything I like anywhere else so this doesn't happen anywhere else.

    But all the hot photos and funny stuff is on Tumblr. I mean don't get me wrong I enjoy being annoyed 24/7 on twitter but.

    Where else are you going to get:

    reblog to give a strawberry to the person you reblogged this from
    Except I want a strawberry now.

    I love the opening of this song:

    It sounds like it could have been on an earlier album like-

    it ranks towards the bottom of IA for me.

    but I guess it's probably the most beautiful song about fucking a corpse that's ever been written.
    I knew there would be something lol since it's post 2000 (and hell maybe even before there might be.) Fucking Steven. I'm surprised he's not on Tumblr.

    I'd never looked up the meaning of this one before lol.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  2. #5612
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    I'm still skimreading a bunch of Edward Dutton's books. About half way through this post is the part I actually wanted to talk about regarding conservative's view of music and art but naturally got distracted by some other things I was reading again while looking up quotes so. (Yes there are only really three-four topics I care about lol sexology + gender, creativity + music + art, psychology, politics and the overlap between these. Edit: and mythology =P Oh I also kind of like microhomes I'm just not that invested in the topic atm. Vending machines sort of but not with the same intensity. Video games and arcades but not playing video games as often these days besides if I go to an arcade + The Sims games and Runescape. Runescape cause nostalgia/habit etc not because I think it's an objectively good game especially now.)

    Edward Dutton has two viewpoints that are at odds with each other (well a lot of his ideas contradict actually but these two are pretty central maybe.) One is "we need more geniuses" according to his criteria of what a genius is and that our culture and genetics are selecting against them. He argues that we're becoming less intelligent because more people are surviving early childhood since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution who would have previously died. The other is this is sort of good that we don't have eugenics because we can't have too many geniuses because they don't function well due to having lopsided abilities and focus (an example he uses is Sheldon Cooper but he has brought up examples of like Einstein getting lost often and not being able to drive etc despite obviously being an amazing physicist.) And also that this is associated with a lot of other mutations. I guess less stability overall. He actually argues against the idea that 'elites' are pushing eugenics by pointing out this couldn't work:

    Quote Edward Dutton, Spiteful Mutants
    In the end, post-industrial civilization has followed, and continues to follow, the precise same pattern as all other civilizations, and it has all the markers of being in "Winter," after which all previous civilizations met their ends. Fourthly, even if "the elite" is pursuing a secret eugenics policy, it wouldn?t work. As we discussed, very high intelligence correlates with autism and thus low empathy) low empathy; the non-empathic mind excels at systematizing, which better allows you to solve problems. It also correlates with being hyper-sensitive to stimuli and even with asthma, because those who can take in more information, and be more sensitive to their world, will better make sense of it. Breeding for super-high intelligence would thus eventually create a society full of people with serious psychological problems. Worse still, as people become more intelligent, their intelligence becomes narrower in focus, meaning that a superintelligent person often has trouble looking after himself, and he is low in other weak correlates of IQ, social skills being a good example. These high-IQ autistic people are rather like Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory: he is brilliant with computers but can never find his keys. A society full of people like this would fall apart and, low in instinct, such people would likely not breed much anyway. Societies can?t function without the hoi polloi.
    It might just be that his ideas have changed overtime. Or he thinks there's some kind of goldilocks ratio. I'm just not sure anything he's written really provides a vision (even hypothesised,) for how to achieve a culture where both of these things are being encouraged eg: genius + high fertility, stability and low genetic mutation.

    Maybe he just wants to go back to pre-industrial revolution and that's it. Like that's the ideal he's pushing.

    Another issue he has with current culture is that high IQ women are not reproducing (but this clearly isn't just because of careers when given the choice they don't regardless):

    Quote Edward Dutton, Spiteful Mutants
    Having looked at sexually maladaptive males, we now turn to females. The key predictors of not passing on your genes are being left-wing but, also, having a high IQ, something which is associated with being highly educated. This negative association between IQ and fertility is more pronounced among women than it is among men. This is because intelligent women will increasingly dedicate all of their 20s--and even the first half of their 30s--to their careers, limiting their fertility due to menopause.

    Intelligence doesn't simply predict reduced fertility among women. The more intelligent a woman is, the more likely she is to have no children at all. Moreover, the more intelligent a woman is, the more likely she is to simply
    not want to have them. In other words, the stereotypical female Social Justice Warrior--the extreme left-wing university graduate--does not desire children and will tend not to have children. She has been inculcated with
    a fitness-damaging way of seeing the world. It becomes difficult even if they do want children. [...]

    Consistent with this, it has been found that more intelligent people express a preference to remain childless when they are young, but only more intelligent women actually do so. This is the case even when controlling for
    factors that might limit female fertility, such as education and earnings (and the consequent trading of fertility for a career). This implies that females are more maladapted than males in a non-patriarchal environment. Only those strongly genetically inclined to breed will, thus, overcome this. Additionally, working, and competing with, males in a work environment is a severe evolutionary mismatch for both men and women.
    At this point if this is true and you believe it's true and his criteria for intelligence is even accurate and so on the question obviously becomes:

    Is authoritarianism or maybe some reversion to a previous era better than intelligent women not reproducing?

    Since they don't when given the choice and when not pressured as much. Even without careers.

    I think also authoritarianism is very easy. Instead of trying to encourage results in other ways. Using 'soft power' I suppose. And also well they prefer to remain childless when younger not necessarily forever. So using technology to increase the Human lifespan and to increase the reproductive lifespan of women would make a lot of sense. Some of that already exists in some form. Like In vitro fertilisation (IVF,) and In Vitro Gametogenesis (IVG.) It's just not been perfected enough yet or passed through all of the ethical and moral and legal and even economic hoops that have to be addressed before things become widely adopted. Also maybe artificial wombs because there are a bunch of women who turn to surrogacy either for every child or some of their children.

    Obviously natural impregnation is still better compared to IVF currently so that's essentially what you'd have to work on as well. Like reducing birth defects and increased risks associated with that and other methods. Even c-sections come with certain issues for immune systems - increased risk of asthma, allergies and diabetes I guess it's hard to know if women who are more likely to have a c-section in the first place are at an increased risk for having kids with those issues like even if they had them naturally it would happen. Maybe.

    Changing the culture and technology back to pre-industrial society would probably be easier in a sense but no it wouldn't really. It's just not going to happen. If it did it wouldn't be ideal in any sense. The least industrialised nations globally are also the least popular. You can't sell 'let's go back to pre-industrial society' to most people.

    Especially women. Which I think... Was sort of the point of the gender accelerationist blackpaper. They won't pick you over the future.

    As humanity on nearly every front definitively proves that it is not fit for the future, and that women will find their own exit while the masculine languishes in resentment, the Thalassal upswelling of gender acceleration births from its slimy womb the only daughters that trans women will ever bear: AI.
    But imo it's hard to say what percentage of women. But it's not controversial to say that a lot of women don't want to live in pre-industrial society. Of course people who don't reproduce will disappear regardless except in the sense of AI:

    Quote Grimes AI
    U know in the future we will all be post gender / alien hybrids so if u think about it I'm really ahead of my time. The future is here and I am it. So don't cancel me for being a trailblazer.
    I think extremist trans women of this type (the author of the blackpaper not the Grimes AI thing lol to clarify,) are ironically more pro-female than most afab people are though:

    The Acephallus is a rejection of the reproduction of God through heterosexual human reproduction. The Acephallus reproduces itself by reproducing the void, in a lesbian and also virus-like fashion. "Let a thousand sexes bloom" -- but of all the mutations of the virus, woman is the strain that it begins and ends with. Woman, the occulted non-gender, the zero -- her time has come.
    She wrote it to be descriptive and predictive more than 'this is how things should be.' But still...

    I mean most people in our culture according to research have a pro-female bias (men and women,) but this is sort of on top of that. I think a lot more afab people adopt androgynous ideals in general compared to the binary amab people seem encouraged into (partly for safety.) That's why there are more afab non-binary people and bisexual people and so on.

    But this is all like weird philosophical occult woo type thinking in general. Also this weird sort of drive to define clusters of things like technology as masculine vs feminine. Nyx - a trans woman - who wrote the gender accelerationist blackpaper is simply moving around points into categories in slightly different positions to Camille Paglia, and right wing writers and the whole Dionysian and Apollonian thing is doing the same thing.

    The Apollonian and the Dionysian are philosophical and literary concepts represented by a duality between the figures of Apollo and Dionysus from Greek mythology. Its popularization is widely attributed to the work The Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzsche, though the terms had already been in use prior to this,[1] such as in the writings of poet Friedrich Holderlin, historian Johann Joachim Winckelmann, and others. The word Dionysian occurs as early as 1608 in Edward Topsell's zoological treatise The History of Serpents.[2] The concept has since been widely invoked and discussed within Western philosophy and literature.

    In Greek mythology, Apollo and Dionysus are both sons of Zeus. Apollo, son of Leto, is the god of the sun, art, music, poetry, plague and disease, of rational thinking and order, and appeals to logic, prudence and purity and stands for reason. Dionysus, son of Semele, is the god of wine, dance and pleasure, of irrationality and chaos, representing passion, emotions and instincts. The ancient Greeks did not consider the two gods to be opposites or rivals, although they were often entwined by nature.
    No since Christianity most thinkers force everything into a binary.

    Portraying Western culture as a struggle between phallic sky-religion ("Sky Cult") on the one hand and chthonic earth-religion ("Earth Cult") on the other, Paglia draws on the Greco-Roman polarity between the Apollonian and Dionysian.
    "What if Satan and Yahweh but Greek mythology."

    Writers who adopt this model seem to also dismiss Plato:

    "First you must learn what human nature was in the beginning and what has happened to it since, because long ago our nature was not what it is now, but very different.

    There were three kinds of human beings, that's my first point--not two as there are now, male and female. In addition to these, there was a third, a combination of those two; its name survives, though the kind itself has vanished. At that time, you see, the word 'androgynous' really meant something: a form made up of male and female elements, though now there's nothing but the word, and that's used as an insult. My second point is that the shape of each human being was completely round, with back and sides in a circle; they had four hands each, as many legs as hands, and two faces, exactly alike, on a rounded neck. Between the two faces, which were on opposite sides, was one head with four ears. There were two sets of sexual organs, and everything else was the way you'd imagine it from what I've told you. They walked upright, as we do now, whatever direction they wanted. And whenever they set out to run fast, they thrust out all their eight limbs, the ones they had then, and spun rapidly, the way gymnasts do cartwheels, by bringing their legs around straight.

    "Now here is why there were three kinds, and why they were as I described them: the male kind was originally an offspring of the sun, the female of the earth, and the one that combined both genders was an offspring of the moon, because the moon shares in both. They were spherical, and so was their motion, because they were like their parents in the sky.

    "In strength and power, therefore, they were terrible, and they had great ambitions. They made an attempt on the gods, and Homer's story about Ephialtes and Otus was originally about them: how they tried to make an ascent to heaven so as to attack the gods. Then Zeus and the other gods met in council to discuss what to do, and they were sorely perplexed. They couldn't wipe out the human race with thunderbolts and kill them all off, as they had the giants, because that would wipe out the worship they receive, along with the sacrifices we humans give them. On the other hand, they couldn't let them run riot. At last, after great effort, Zeus had an idea.
    For someone who claims to be an 'alien being in gender terms,' she never really thinks that way in her writing and doesn't pick up on that in symbolism (such as China's rabbit gods.) I do notice this myself:

    Paglia argues that Christianity did not destroy paganism, which flourishes in art, eroticism, astrology, and popular culture
    But like I was thinking 'what's with the rabbits in erotic content? Are there rabbit gods? Oh I see they're associated with homosexuality and androgyny Lol.'

    OK their focus is on the West but still. Plato is the West.

    I also don't think androgyny = female automatically in a binary sense. Someone was reviewing her work and concepts she uses on YouTube and mentioned Inanna/Ishtar when discussing mother goddesses and she was never a mother goddess. I think that's been emphasised by people. She was a goddess of war and love and was androgynous. I've seen her described as a fertility goddess in a way which is similar to Dionysus. Dionysus is male.

    Ishtar, called the Queen of Heaven by the people of ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), was the most important female deity in their pantheon. She shared many aspects with an earlier Sumerian goddess, Inanna (or Inana); the name Ishtar comes from the Semitic language of the Akkadians and is used for the goddess from about 2300 B.C.E. on. A multifaceted goddess, Ishtar takes three paramount forms. She is the goddess of love and sexuality, and thus, fertility; she is responsible for all life, but she is never a Mother goddess. As the goddess of war, she is often shown winged and bearing arms. Her third aspect is celestial; she is the planet Venus, the morning and evening star.

    Perhaps the most well known myth of Ishtar/Inanna tells of how she chose a young shepherd Dumuzi (later called Tammuz), as her lover; they later became joined through the ritual called "Sacred Marriage." Shortly after, Dumuzi died. In one version, he is killed by raiders and mourned by his wife, sister, and mother. In another, Ishtar/Inanna travels to the underworld and once there must sacrifice Dumuzi, offering him as her replacement, in order to leave. For half the year, he returns to the world, while his sister takes his place in the underworld, thus becoming the dying and reborn god of agricultural fertility.
    I think elements of her character went on to inspire Persephone and Aphrodite in Greek mythology. The war part was removed. Alice in Wonderland is a bit similar too. It's also similar to the Hero's journey. There's been lots of discussion about this I think:

    Ishtar was always portrayed as a Goddess of love and war throughout the cultures. I see many pagans focus on Aphrodite as a Goddess of Love & Beauty. Her animal associations are mainly a dove and swan. Interestingly, she was worshipped in her war aspect in Sparta. I love Greek mythology, although not as much as the Mesopotamian myth, but I'm confused about the story of her being originated as Ishtar. Aphrodite is depicted as a mother, while Ishtar never had a child?
    To machismo Attic Greeks who embraced gods of reason and wisdom, an effeminate war goddess capable of turning man's rational minds off to love & lust at the drop of a hat was very terrifying indeed. They'd prefer their young to grow up worshipping reasonable Athena or chaste Artemis not the goddess of wild love & prostitutes.
    Anyway a similar concept pops up again in Warhammer 40k with Slaanesh. Nurgle seems to be largely inspired by Nergal who is also part of that pantheon:

    He was primarily associated with war, death, and disease, and has been described as the "god of inflicted death".[4] He reigned over Kur, the Mesopotamian underworld, depending on the myth either on behalf of his parents Enlil and Ninlil, or in later periods as a result of his marriage with the goddess Ereshkigal. Originally either Mammitum, a goddess possibly connected to frost, or Laṣ, sometimes assumed to be a minor medicine goddess, were regarded as his wife, though other traditions existed, too.
    I don't know if there's another war god that resembles Khorne in that pantheon the Greek pantheon just has Ares, but in 40K Khorne and Slaanesh are at odds with each other which I think represents the current political climate well tbh. Tzeentch seems like another contemporary one that I think emphasises progress, change, machiavellian tendencies.

    Khorne most despises Slaanesh, whose earthly decadence and sensual lusts are at odds with the Blood God's martial pride and desire for indiscriminate slaughter; the Dark Prince finds Khorne's artless brutality dull, and takes a perverse delight in agitating him.
    Khorne is more like Ares not Apollo and afaik Apollo and Dionysus weren't seen as opposites in Greek mythology.

    Apollo[a] is one of the Olympian deities in classical Greek and Roman religion and Greek and Roman mythology. Apollo has been recognized as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more.
    In ancient Greek religion and myth, Dionysus (/daɪ.əˈnaɪsəs/; Ancient Greek: Διόνυσος Dionysos) is the god of wine-making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre.[3][4
    This is a blog post I just found:

    Apollo, the god of the sun and wisdom, as well as poetry and music, would be the equivalent of the Chinese yang (ie, the bright, masculine sun).

    Dionysus, the god of wine, intoxication, ecstasy, passion and instinct, would be the equivalent of the Chinese yin (ie, the dark, feminine moon).
    These don't seem like opposites either lol. It doesn't translate to our time now at all lol.

    Then there's this:

    The Apollonian and Dionysian concepts comprise a dichotomy that serves as the basis of Paglia's theory of art and culture. For Paglia, the Apollonian is light and structured while the Dionysian is dark and chthonic (she prefers Chthonic to Dionysian throughout the book, arguing that the latter concept has become all but synonymous with hedonism and is inadequate for her purposes, declaring that "the Dionysian is no picnic"). The Chthonic is associated with females, wild/chaotic nature, and unconstrained sex/procreation. In contrast, the Apollonian is associated with males, clarity, celibacy and/or homosexuality, rationality/reason, and solidity, along with the goal of oriented progress: "Everything great in western civilization comes from struggle against our origins".[14]

    You can make a case that half the things she listed are more feminine and/or associated with women by different people in different contexts and at different times.

    The moon isn't even cthonic so I don't know what that blog post is doing. Dionysus is not associated with the moon afaik Selene is. Interestingly Helios Selene's twin brother is actually the personification of the sun but Apollo is also associated with the sun.

    Selene and Artemis were also associated with Hecate and all three were regarded as moon and lunar goddesses, but only Selene was regarded as the personification of the Moon itself.
    I've mentioned this before but Patrick Wolf uses Lycanthropy as a metaphor for gender transgression on his first album. He also mentions Selene in one song on the album called Wolf Song.

    the moon, let it guide you, when selene comes, we'll all know how to fight
    Dear fenrir, my saviour, come and eat the ones, we know who taste the best

    Selene in the Underworld film series is a vampire who hunts lycans. But Selene isn't associated with werewolves or vampires in greek mythology.

    So as you can see anyone can do this and project whatever they want onto these symbols.

    It was intended to please no one and to offend everyone. - Camille Paglia[3] [...]

    By Paglia's own account, the ancestor of Sexual Personae was a book on aviator Amelia Earhart that she began to write in high school.
    So what you're saying is you're Louise from Bob's Burgers?

    It's not a coincidenece that Paglia is into astrology. And I'm not fully in agreement with it. Everything Humans think is not necessarily correct and all that and there certainly isn't agreement as you can see. It's just it's become so widely popular - especially among people with power and influence - that you end up having to engage with it.

    Also sometimes it's fun and obviously people like categorising things in this way.

    A lot of stuff I come across reminds me of this one political video someone made lol which I don't agree with fully but is an interesting way of categorising right and left wing people psychologically based on some old highly criticised political chart which was a triangle. So it's seperated into three groups actually not two:

    Which gets extra points because it's almost impossible especially in our current culture not to think in binaries. He is however, ultimately reverting the three points back into a binary of left vs right so. Not too many extra points (and then all the other issues lol.)

    So I think his argument (not just his but in the video,) is that the modern left are descendents of Christianity who are rebelling and that the West needs to go back to that or find a replacement religion so it has a superordinate goal. I think in this one sense I'm a bit too Nietzschean to think that's a good idea. You're supposed to be building your own God(s.) Now I need to shoot myself for doing the thing lol:

    Is "Nietzschean" the new "ontological"? Just a word to pepper in at random?
    I mean you also need to find just enough people for the social aspects that are important maybe. Obviously that can be difficult in certain locations. Maybe something equivalent to religion is important but maybe you don't nationalise it and maybe you teach people (if possible) to be able to create that for themselves I mean Kaczynski still wanted to force civilisation to become pre-industrial - his whole ideology was rooted in that - so I guess his ability to create Gods didn't help him when living alone in the forest but you know 'living alone in the forest.' And I know personality etc is genetic so I'm not saying that's necessarily going to even be possible.

    Quote Edward Dutton, Spiteful Mutants
    Intelligence is associated with the "effortful control" that permits you to force yourself to believe something; in other words, you are better able to come up with ways to convince yourself of the veracity of it. The women who are likely to reject feminism are those who are, for genetic reasons, highly religious and patriarchal, precisely the kind of females who predominated under conditions of harsh Darwinian selection. They are more inclined to breed, and, indeed, they do. And, as discussed, traditional religiosity is associated with genetic health. Thus, "feminism," for females, is a new crucible of evolution. It recreates Darwinian pressures and removes genetically unhealthy females. In a quite ironic way, it is a return to nature.
    What part of this trend is actually new? Or what part of it is really that significant? When have native Europeans ever not been a minority on the planet?

    Quote Edward Dutton, Spiteful Mutants
    We will thus treat highly controversial topics with rationality and objectivity--and also sympathy. Zombies are not "evil" on a personal level; they are, in fact, "innocent" of their crimes. They have been infected with mind viruses and mutations, and, outside their control, enlisted in a nihilistic campaign. Condemning leftists and sexual deviants might purge pent-up frustration and revulsion, but it also overlooks a key component of their mindset, at least in many cases. We must remember that the most extreme sexual deviant and most obnoxious SJW could genuinely believe that what they are engaging in is "right" and "moral"--and, in turn, that traditional mores and morals are "evil," "harmful," and "Fascist."
    Quote Edward Dutton, Spiteful Mutants
    with the collapse of restrictions on female sexuality also meaning that these females either have fleeting relationships with promiscuous higher status males or turn to lesbianism in their absence, so strong is their revulsion for lower-status men.
    I assume he's suggesting high status women are more attractive than low status men but this doesn't entirely explain the increasing tendency to imagine even high status men are women. I mean famous rock star:

    He's a man so why does he have to be your "weird nerdy lesbian girlfriend?"

    (Oh I don't disagree with them problematically. It helps for some reason if I imagine some of these guys are simultaneously female and male. I disagree ethically, but not emotionally lol.)

    This is not the best example to go with as he's from the 70s, has incredibly niche appeal romantically/sexually, and even on Tumblr someone responded to this by implying that photo is a jumpscare.

    But you know the 'babygirlification' phenomenon is much larger.

    And not just in the West! As I've said 35453535 times.

    "I think nisu is like cosmetic surgery for male idols," Rachel, a 21-year-old college student, told The China Project. She was introduced to nisu three years ago and has been in love with it ever since. "Have you seen these photoshopped pictures of men with long hair? They make the men much more appealing by giving them beautiful feminine features."
    This is interesting because sometimes people don't get it at first until they find someone specifically attractive:

    When FiFi, a 21-year-old female college student, first joined a fandom at a younger age, she had a difficult time understanding why male idols were written as women in some works of fanfiction, she told The China Project. "Perhaps that's because back then I had a very fixed understanding of gender. I thought these fans were a bit crazy," she said.

    Her mindset changed when she became a fan of Zheng Yunlong 郑云龙, a Chinese singer who shot to fame after appearing in the 2018 HunanTV reality show Super Vocal. FiFi cites two main reasons why she became Zheng's nisu fan.

    "First, he possesses feminine traits that sometimes are more obvious than his masculine traits. Second, his fans are really good at discovering these feminine traits and creating works based on them," she said.
    "The point is that although he looks like a man, he is actually a woman," Ava explained. "This gives you a pleasant surprise. And it is fun because it is so different from how this person presents himself as an idol."
    I imagine part of the reason it's 'fun' is also just because (and this is especially true in China and many other parts of the world,) it's actually just forbidden.

    By most world governments, by most men, and also there's the implication that if a guy is feminine that means he's attracted to men and so you're not allowed to date him if you're a woman. Or that trans women are only attracted to men. Like that Russian guy who trolls people on chat dressed as an e-girl they're always saying 'you're gay,' 'how do you have a girlfriend?' 'How is that possible?' 'But you're feminine so how are you not attracted to men?' And so on when he actually engages them in longer conversations. So women are expected to be attracted to and date masculine men. Even if they don't want to. You're essentially obligated in fact and that's how it always felt to me.

    This must make trans lesbians (or something adj to that,) a reasonably appealing fetish for women. And I use this word because that's how others frame this including trans women when the women are straight or even bisexual. But well when the attraction is directed at men it's also misdirected anyway. I'm not saying attraction to trans women is necessarily a fetish even though people think that too. Some people think all non reproductive sex is a fetish.

    This but unironically. Or rather this was happening before she even said anything:

    So I'm trying to stay positive. Maybe everyone hates trans lesbians now, but just you wait. We all know how trends work.

    In 10 years being a trans lesbian will be the coolest, hippest, chicest thing imaginable, and all the people who talk [BEEP] now will forget they ever said a word. That's right, even the straight trans girls will be making out with each other just for the clout, like, "We can be lesbians too! We're edgy!" Oh it's gonna be Madonna and Britney at the 2003 VMAs all over again, mark my words. And among cis lesbians, oh, it will actually be a sign of prestige to have a trap waifu.

    I can dream, right?

    One you've tasted one forbidden fruit, why stop there?
    Tbh though. She's in a relationship with a cis lesbian woman or was but generally that's going to be unlikely. I mean statistically speaking most people into trans women (or men really,) are bisexual. Lesbians seem to be more likely to date a trans person than straight women are though (again in research I've seen,) but people in general were more willing to date trans masculine people which surprised me possibly due to personal bias but also it really doesn't reflect most things I see online. There's porn with trans women in everywhere.... (I guess that's just a fantasy though maybe):

    Across a sample of heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and trans individuals, 87.5% indicated that they would not consider dating a trans person, with cisgender heterosexual men and women being most likely to exclude trans persons from their potential dating pool. Individuals identifying as bisexual, queer, trans, or non-binary were most likely to indicate a willingness to date a trans person. However, even among those willing to date trans persons, a pattern of masculine privileging and transfeminine exclusion appeared, such that participants were disproportionately willing to date trans men, but not trans women, even if doing so was counter to their self-identified sexual and gender identity (e.g., a lesbian dating a trans man but not a trans woman). The results are discussed within the context of the implications for trans persons seeking romantic relationships and the pervasiveness of cisgenderism and transmisogyny.
    I have this quote but I dunno where it's from. I'm pretty sure it's talking about that study though lol (but the percentages aren't mentioned in the abstract and I'm too lazy to pirate the paper again in the Tor browser with sci-hub.)

    A 2019 study that asked 958 participants which gender identities they would be interested in dating found that 96.7% of heterosexual men, 98.2% of heterosexual women, 88.5% of gay men, 71.2% of lesbian women, and 48.3% of bisexual, queer, and non-binary participants reported that they would not be interested in dating a transgender person, and the remainder would be interested.[8]
    ^ I still feel like that's a really clunky way of phrasing it. Like why didn't they just write out the percentages of people who would be interested instead of saying 'these groups wouldn't be interested and the remainder of people would.' Maybe it's just me but it's a weird way of summarising the results. I also still don't get why they lumped non-binary which is a gender identity in with bisexual and [BEEP]???? Were all the non-binary people bisexual so it's the same percentage? Why was it all the same percentage? Did they round up/down? So many questions still and I can't find the website by googling this quote now lol. Should have saved the link somewhere.

    I think that attractive trans women can find cis lesbian partners but when they reach a certain level of physical femininity or androgyny there's a seperate thing. So tangential to that there's definitely been an ongoing fight between like femme4femme and other groups like that reddit thread I was quoting from the other day. And both sides think the other side has it easier in dating and accuse the other of being heteronormative and political lesbians hahaha. Something similar happens in gay male spaces too but I think most of the fem guys end up dating straight and bisexual men in the end.

    Literally every time I see a fem lesbian talking about butches online they're always complaining about how they act too much like men or how they like "feminine energy." Even the masculine women that they do praise are literally just normal looking women with a wolfcut meanwhile I look like Mr Clean. I got way more attention from women when I looked feminine than I do now looking very butch and obviously queer. I feel like I can't escape the suffocating pressure to be feminine even within my own community. I don't want to sound like an incel but it's so frustrating. There's nowhere I belong. I'm weaker than the weakest man on earth but women seem to view me as an asexual being and a threat at the same time.
    Imo? Its the antimasculinity that's been allowed to run rampant in [BEEP] spaces, especially online and among younger queers.
    It honestly really bothers me. I've extra noticed it since coming out as a transmasc butch, but it's been around for a while. Kinda getting sick of it. Idk how we went from "patriarchy is a system that hurts us all- even the people who can glean some privilege from it are at its mercy" to "men and masculinity is evil and every individual man is a predatory and being masculine is bad and being feminine is good!" At least in online spaces?

    I'm gonna choose to blame the TERFs.
    I can't agree because most TERF's hero-worship butch women and have issues with feminine expression but I find how people come to these conclusions interesting.

    I think there's a general rise in conservative values, in society pushing gender roles, that one of the many consequences of is [BEEP] women having more internalized homophobia.

    That's not to say if you're femme for femme it's internalized homophobia, but I think there's something about butches that forces people to confront notions about gender and sexuality.
    You could make the same case in reverse couldn't you? Like butch/femme is 'recreating heterosexual gender roles' or something.

    That's why these arguments are dumb/funny to me.

    Oh lol someone did:

    this is why im butch4butch lol

    i don't really like dating fems as a butch because the dynamic of the relationship usually just recreates heterosexuality and i cannot stand that. other people in this thread have expressed this but with other mascs it feels less stunted by gender roles inherited from cisheteropatriarchy. i want to be engaged with as an equal, you know? and i also want to be incomprehensible to cishets lol but thats secondary.

    i'm sure fems4fems have a consciousness of this too and make the same decision for the same reason. the thing is just that there seem to be way more fems than there are butches, and that's in an already small community.
    I've seen femme4femme people argue this too.

    There's also this idea too of a woman who is usually feminine and only has casual sex with feminine women and won't commit:

    really depends on where you live and imo if you're trans/nonbinary or not. like i can tell you that i'm not ugly but there aren't any femmes or feminine sapphics jonesing to date me here. my state has about 700,000 people overall and most of the sapphics live in a different city and are primarily polyamorous and ~fluid~ and prefer to seriously date men but only hook up with women.
    I mean yeah, if you live in an area without a lot of [BEEP] people you're gonna have a hard time dating in general lol, that doesn't feel super relevant to the post?

    Also pretty sus to rag on women who are poly and/or bi
    i mean?it is though?? plenty of us live in places where feminine4feminine is the norm both online and offline

    EDIT: lmao ok 😭 idgaf if they?re bi or poly; i date bi women too. if you can?t see how it?s problematic for bi women to be willing to date men but only [BEEP] women that?s a you problem
    The having relationships with men and casual sex with women thing is something I've come across anecdotally a bunch. I guess this is sort of how my sexuality works generally too except I'm not trying to have sex or relationships with anyone now lol. I don't think it's impossible either it's just that I haven't been in environments which have leant themselves to this happening for me. I was sort of obsessed with an older girl when I was 13 but I can't say if that was romantic or not. It wasn't sexual because at that age in real life I wasn't sexually into anyone.

    I'm right there with you. that or i date someone who didn't expect me to be that butch. i had one girlfriend who told outright that i'm like a man and she doesn?t like lesbians who are like men. just because i'm butch?

    From, a Paul Bunyan butch
    ^ This is another interesting thing I was seeing. It's rude to frame it this way 'you're like a man' but I kind of get the sentiment. Gender roles and energy can be very important (they are for me,) and you don't necessarily notice right away. I don't think it's more ironic because she was more masculine either if anything from a stereotypical historical pov butch women are often more into femme women. That's kind of changed over the last few decades but still.

    Also a large chunk of the thread were disagreeing and saying they had no issues finding partners btw and that it's a very online take. I agree really I think in general in [BEEP] female spaces butch women are a lot more popular but then again like I also think maybe this vibe is more popular which is less butch than she's saying and more androgynous:

    You have to have the right combination of energy and presentation though not just one or the other... It's very complicated. Also involves leaving the house. 🧑*🔬

    When Grimes hooked up with Elon in 2018 I kind of shitposted about her plan being to turn him into a catgirl. Obviously this was a joke and I don't even like catgirls really as an aesthetic I think catboys are cute though. I've read some fanfics like that before and other things over the years (I read a doujinshi where L was a catboy in the 2000s once lol, also some Loki fanfics in the 2010s, also some audio stuff with catboys,) it's more of a personality thing really, but there's like a layer of truth there about myself. He's boring to me and so she has to 'fix him.'

    The choice to hook up with him didn't make a ton of sense to me and to a lot of people. I think it was probably one of the weirdest pairings of the last few decades - on both sides like why is Elon choosing to date this quirky tumblr aesthetic musician instead of some completely unknown conventionally attractive woman - the kind of people billionaires generally date? Although I think it can essentially be explained by the fact that he's building a harem and she has always had a special interest in space, and they had overlapping social circles because of the California rationalist-adj thing. And of course they always had an open relationship and she keeps calling him bro and her best friend and things like that. Clearly one of the romances of all time lol.

    Bear in mind this is the richest guy on the planet, one of the most famous guys on the planet so that should theoretically be 'high status' and the media responded by circulating a rumour that they'd broken up and she'd gotten together with Chelsea Manning - a famous high status trans woman. This has never been confirmed and I personally don't think it's true. Also Chelsea Manning specifically doesn't want to discuss her private life in general. They were however hanging out together a bunch around the time Grimes appeared on Hasan's show and I think the media just decided to exaggerate that because they knew it would be an entertaining story.

    Then Grimes' weird album design (well I've spoken about this tons of times but you know it's also a lesbian romance with a twist):

    Grimes' new album will be a "space opera" about a lesbian AI being
    But why is it entertaining? Well that story is way more interesting than the reality of Elon Musk. Who is boring to a lot of people. Don't get me wrong I know he has tons of fans, and I'm sure he has tons of female fans. But within the circle you're talking about repeatedly 'sjw women' he's boring and some also find him annoying morally and politically but as we know - that's not as bad as being boring.

    It's also worth noting that Elon has kind of become the popular face of "anti-woke mind virus" political discussion online since he bought twitter and has been focussing on that so much. Which is seemingly in contrast with some of Grimes' subconcious preferences.

    This tendency is obviously a minority and demonised and discouraged so it never becomes widely prevalant but it's been noticeably increasing for a few decades now from my observations. Not only increasing in popularity but also increasing in degree. Like it went from being more about guys being pesudo-homosexual and a bit more feminine (eg: the 2000s emo subculture, yaoi/fujoshi content, visual kei, but also earlier subcultures like glamrock, goth, and even whatever Byron was doing, really this probably goes back to some degree to the beginning of time though since it's obviously just a strategy that works) to 'guys are my girlfriend/wife' some time around a decade ago.

    I think some of the language change is also political though:

    "In 2018 and 2019, most nisu fans rejected the description that they were 'feminizing' male idols," Chow told The China Project. "But in 2021, following the ban on 'sissy men' on Chinese television, they embraced the label of 'feminization' because of the belief that femininity should not be seen as inferior."
    "So you're annoyed at this? We will go even further."

    I suppose you could argue there's the illusion of having everything in the same person.

    So if you're attracted by status, intelligence, talent, commitment, women, men, certain types of sex incl. male and/or female homosexuality... I mean male homosexuality has this cultural image (in some cultures more than others,) of being a sexual ideal. A lot of people even some lesbians like Camille Paglia and Judith Butler (it might be worth noting though that both of those examples are transgender and/or non-binary, and Contrapoints who brought up similar thoughts is a trans woman) find themselves idealising the sexual openness etc and 'fun' that they see in gay male culture. Then on the other hand lesbian relationships tend to be idealised for being hyper monogamous and very commitment driven and romantic. Sappho writing poetry in ancient Greece or something. Sometimes you get gay men online complaining that they can't find commited relationships because so many people are drawn towards casual sex.

    "Oh they're famous? And they're a lesbian? And they're a woman? And they're a gay man?"

    "So I can have a monogamous hyper romanticised commited relationship with this person who is into gay male sex and being penetrated and they're kind of my lesbian girlfriend but also I'm their boyfriend in a sense, so it's like gay in both ways and also maybe straight as well in a role reversal sense or 'normal' sense and they're a very succesful and possibly also talented and edgy/controversial famous man?"

    In fictional contexts more than real life the target can also be kind of criminal obviously or some kind of villain (actual hybristophilia is rare because most women find the behaviour irl a turn off.) This is the part men focus on the most possibly because it's easier to recreate and the least ego-dystonic.

    A lot of people who read slash fanfiction on ao3 are actually bisexual women or non-binary.

    I think 30% of gen z women identify as LGBT+ I'm assuming most of them are bisexual or pansexual or something equivalent to that.

    Much to think about.

    So this is what I actually wanted to talk about when I started this post lol but I got distracted by some of his discussion about sexuality again....

    Quote Edward Dutton, Spiteful Mutants
    Males are, anyway, preoccupied, if not overwhelmed, by highly realistic porn. The kind of males that will get through this abusive environment will be those that are highly resistant to absorbing left-wing ideas about feminism, because they are genetically highly traditionally religious. They will also be those who are not prone to mental illness and the resultant dysphoria, and those who have a genetic strong desire to have children. In other words, only males who are strongly adaptive, for genetic reasons, and thus cannot be pushed awry in this manufactured hellscape, will end up passing on their genes.

    In this narrow sense, feminism is effectively eugenic, though its overall effect is massively dysgenic, due to it persuading intelligent women to heavily limit their fertility. Regardless, feminism, and all that goes with it, will have dramatic demographic consequences in the West. Future polities will have a dramatically different character than the ones in which feminism flourished.
    Since I've never wanted to die or been overly suicidal no amount of mental health issues, alienation, crappy life circumstances, and contempt from others would ever make me want to be like these people.

    And there's one really significant (to me) reason why that shows up in all their writing.

    And this remains true no matter how intelligent or articulate they are.

    It won't jump out at you probably so I will explain after I've finished quoting relevant things lol:

    Quote Edward Dutton, Spiterful Mutants
    In 1800, the child mortality rate was about 50 percent; it has now fallen to 1 percent, as we noted earlier. Industrialization heralded better medicine, inoculations against formerly killer childhood diseases, cheaper food, and, eventually, much healthier living conditions. As a consequence, the intensity of Darwinian selection was heavily weakened. Until around 1800, the high child mortality meant that mutations that caused, for example, a poor immune system were purged from the population every generation. This resulted in the population being strongly adapted to the ecology and having a very low mutational load.
    Quote Edward Dutton, Spiteful Mutants
    By the year 1800, up to approximately 90 percent of people born in European countries did not pass on their genes. Child mortality stood at around 50 percent and another 40 percent of people, those that survived childhood, either didn?t marry or witnessed all their children die young. The Industrial Revolution, which began around 1800, radically changed this situation, as we have discussed.
    Quote Edward Dutton, The Genius Famine
    At any rate, in England and later elsewhere in Europe, and from the Middle Ages onwards, there was a tremendous concentration of major, world-historical geniuses, and of major breakthroughs; which came thick and fast; and interacted in a synergistic fashion to trigger first an Agricultural (or Agrarian), then an Industrial Revolution accelerating from about 1700 and taking off about 1800. The result was a tremendous increase in agricultural efficiency and production, and the advent of a new form of social organization based on steam, iron and steel, machines, and transportation - which taken altogether reduced mortality rates, especially child mortality, and enabled rapid and massive population growth.

    Our assumption ? defended earlier in this book ? is that breakthroughs require geniuses, even when the identity of these geniuses is not known or uncertain; as is often the case in agriculture.
    Quote comment on blog by Bruce Charlton
    What the left calls "creativity" is actually just personal expression against traditional norms, or attention-seeking by victim groups. It's disruptive, which is the point. "Since 1800" is a good marker since around then is when modern leftism got rolling.
    Quote comment on blog by Bruce Charlton
    Force them to worship and experience the atmosphere of worship, force them to adhere to a strict code of personal behaviour and morality and you allow them to buffer up the parts of themselves that are naturally deficient. Their left-hand path tendencies are mellowed.
    Quote comment on blog by Bruce Charlton
    I dont know if you have commented on this Dr. Charlton, but one aspect of true geniuses seems to me to be their strong sense of good and evil. This would unfortunately tend to lead them astray if it is not within the frame of something greater than oneself, it just turns into an even worse form of harm based liberal morality, or more likely enters into the realm of (Nietzschean) nihilism as these individuals are not generally very empathetic; as you have previously commented.
    Quote technically a blog comment but quoting some paper by Edward Dutton
    Those inspired by other gods or by Satan are, in contrast, autistic (Mark 9:25) and even left-handed (Matt 25: 41)
    The paper this is quoting is called:

    'The Mutant Says in His Heart, "There Is No God": the Rejection of Collective Religiosity Centred Around the Worship of Moral Gods Is Associated with High Mutational Load"

    Quote Edward Dutton, The Genius Famine
    There are a number of reasons to think that intelligence is in decline, and this has become more-and-more evident from the middle of the twentieth century until it is now difficult to deny since there are very few acknowledged geniuses at all, and some fields without any. This is despite a much larger population, and much better facilities and opportunities.

    It is not just the number of geniuses that have declined but their quality - so, for example, in the late 1800s-early 1900s there was Clark Maxwell, Einstein, Rutherford, Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Planck, Bohr, Dirac and so on and so forth - but a hundred years later there are only a few elderly geniuses left. In biology/ biochemistry, which had its golden era as recently as the middle twentieth century, there are now only a handful of elderly greats left-over from those days - such as American James Watson, the co-discoverer of DNA, and Sidney Brenner, the South African experimental geneticist.
    Quote Edward Dutton, The Genius Famine
    The same picture can be seen even more starkly in classical music - the nineteenth century had Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Debussy, Berlioz, Weber, Verdi, Wagner, Mahler, Brahms the list just goes on and on. In the early twentieth century there were a few leftovers in Schoenberg, Stravinsky and Richard Strauss and then? nothing.
    Quote Edward Dutton, The Genius Famine
    This can be seen most obviously in fields where, by the evaluative standards of a century ago, there are no living geniuses at all. For example classical music, fine art, and poetry (in English).
    So he (not only he,) focusses only on classical music and does not really appreciate most things that have been created since 1800. This seems to be very common among conservative personalities. They are unable to appreciate most art, music etc. They can only appreciate stuff based on an objective criteria of skill and ability so they can only appreciate music and art that might be described as 'the very best' or music and art that is from a safe time because I actually don't think in some cases, especially when it comes to visual art, the paintings and periods they select are always the best quality wise.

    Quote Edward Dutton, The Genius Famine
    Working more recently, British psychologist Daniel Nettle's review of the psychological literature has shown that certain personality traits - in particular Openness-Intellect and Neuroticism - are associated with being creative, quite independent of being a highly successful creative - and indeed most personality psychologists nowadays regard Openness as the characteristic trait of a creative person.[30]

    So which is the best way of conceptualizing the personality of a creative person? Is it the eccentricity and originality and semi-craziness of Psychoticism, or the novelty-generation; and clever, fashionable fertility of Openness?

    This is a topic to which we will return, but in brief we favour the older concept of Psychoticism as a better description of creativity ? and we have derived the Endogenous personality from Eysenck?s analysis of the genius. However, we have departed from Eysenck by emphasizing that the high Endogenicity variable is rooted in group adaptiveness, and not in individual pathology. Also, we focus on a brain specialized by an innate inner-ness of orientation as the basis of the personality trait cluster; whereas Eysenck explained higher Psychoticism in terms of a broader field of associations.

    Our reason for our preference and emphasis for rejecting the currently dominant explanation of creativity by Openness and our advocacy of a development of the older idea of Psychoticism; is that Openness and Psychoticism (Endogenous personality) are at opposite ends of the General Factor Personality dimension: Openness is pro-social and Psychoticism/ Endogenous is a-social.

    In other words, Openness type creativity is a response from a conscientious and empathic person to social demands or needs; while Psychoticism/ Endogenous creativity comes from the inner and innate drive of someone substantially indifferent to current societal self-awareness, knowledge and roles.

    As such, we would suggest that ?creative? is not what you 'do' but what you 'are.'
    Worse still, 'originality' - rather than consequence - has become the test of genius. The fact that something is 'original' - meaning novel, makes it praise-worthy. In fact, originality has now become indistinguishable from mere changes of fashion.

    In previous eras, there was not a special status given to novelty as an aspect of high quality work ? but since about 1800 in the West there has been: greatness is supposedly mostly a matter of being innovative. Yet while great geniuses may innovate this is not the rule, for instance Gluck and J.C. Bach were greater innovators, but much lesser composers than, J.S. Bach and Mozart; Constable and Gainsborough were less original, but higher quality, painters than Francis Bacon or Lucien Freud.
    So that's not actually the definition most people go with and certainly not for genius (he conflates genius with creativity which is a problem I think.) It's originality + usefulness. People will often praise novelty but I don't think everyone deep down thinks something that's original + unskilled/not useful in current time period is on the same level as original + skilled/useful in current time period.

    So you see what I'm doing in this post where I'm rambling about rabbit gods and such and then mention the film Perdue Dans New York and there was that review as well so I can create my own meaning for the film where it's a sapphic romance involving time travel based on older Chinese rabbit Gods and symbolism? Because they use a device called a 'moon goddess' just like the moon goddess with the rabbit in Chinese mythology etc? And the director has other films that are generally sapphic with vampires I didn't know a lot of this info as I was doing it which is a creepy side effect but yeah lol it's like an unconcious set of info that's just there that you can tap into based on picking stuff up and forgetting and the fact that Humans think in similar ways throughout time:

    I deleted a post or part of a post? Talking about my research into rabbit gods recently before... I told you it's the insanity lol. I'm definitely going to regret this again later I imagine. But yeah I can actually bend this narrative even more than is obvious:

    So I wasn't researching rabbit gods because of this film I was just doing that anyway because I guess... There was a porn audio I liked with a rabbit guy in (and certain conservatives would be thrilled because I know how much they love when people connect sex and transcendental themes) and then I remembered some romance story online I read as a teenager with a vampire who had a harem with a rabbit guy in who I think was his favourite and then I thought about all the music videos I'd been watching lately that had people wearing white face masks and in one of them created by The Birthday Massacre there was a woman with rabbit ears fighting with the dolls wearing white face masks and they both end up headless in the end. Which reminded me of the Jazz Emu video where he ends up headless also with white face masks.

    But The Birthday Massacre have a lot of rabbit symbolism on their album art work etc. A lot of musicians were inspired by Alice in Wonderland in the early 2000s and in general even before then so there's a lot of rabbit symbolism in a lot of the music I listened to and in other music. Another female artist who was inspired by feminism and gay culture - it says on her wikipedia page she was inspired by those things and is bisexual herself and she's created a lot of rabbit art work on top of her old band (Jack off Jill,) having rabbit themed songs and also other songs that kind of sound like they were inspired by Alice in Wonderland all on their second album and their first album is called 'sexless demons and scars.'

    The YouTube music video 'I'm God.' It's a fanmade video but the music is by Clams Casino (sampling Imogen Heap.) I'd liked this track for a while aesthetically there are two women wearing white face masks that tbh make them seem quite androgynous and I kind of projected a sapphic relationship onto the video but it actually contains clips of a film I haven't watched called Perdues dans New York (1989) created by a director who mostly makes lesbian films including vampires but in this case this film did not include lesbians ironically lol and some reviewer I stumbled on actually said that was a reason not to watch it amusingly but it is also about time travel:

    Dear God, I've sat through some bollocks in my time but Perdue Dans New York takes the biscuit. It's a pretentious, arty, plotless, amateurish collection of largely random ideas which is as boring as it is incomprehensible. The best thing you can say about it is that's it's only 52 minutes long.

    Of course, if you're a big fan of Jean Rollin and his somewhat, erm, distinctive approach to film-making (Requiem for a Vampire, Lips of Blood etc), this rarity will be high on your must-see list and nothing I can say will dissuade you, especially as two ultra-rare early Rollin shorts are included as extras on the UK disc. But I should warn you: there's only one vampire and no lesbians.
    This is a basic description of the film:

    Two girls discover a magical wooden device, called a Moon Goddess, which allows them to travel through time and space. They imagine they are grown up and see New York City. Meeting again with their memories as old women, after a dreamlike journey of self-discovery, they return to their days of youth.
    The moon goddess part is also relevant to some stuff I read about rabbit Gods later btw.

    He hadn't anticipated someone being insane enough to 'get it.'

    Actually Ted Kaczynski invented a grandfather rabbit God while living in the woods that was entirely unrelated to what I will talk about soon (even though he previously was considering transistioning into a woman before he decided to go live in the woods.... The creepyness continues.)

    "This is kind of personal," he begins by saying, and I ask if he wants me to turn off the tape. He says "no, I can tell you about it. While I was living in the woods I sort of invented some gods for myself" and he laughs. "Not that I believed in these things intellectually, but they were ideas that sort of corresponded with some of the feelings I had. I think the first one I invented was Grandfather Rabbit. You know the snowshoe rabbits were my main source of meat during the winters. I had spent a lot of time learning what they do and following their tracks all around before I could get close enough to shoot them. Sometimes you would track a rabbit around and around and then the tracks disappear. You can?t figure out where that rabbit went and lose the trail. I invented a myth for myself, that this was the Grandfather Rabbit, the grandfather who was responsible for the existence of all other rabbits. He was able to disappear, that is why you couldn't catch him and why you would never see him... Every time I shot a snowshoe rabbit, I would always say 'thank you Grandfather Rabbit.' After a while I acquired an urge to draw snowshoe rabbits. I sort of got involved with them to the extent that they would occupy a great deal of my thought. I actually did have a wooden object that, among other things, I carved a snowshoe rabbit in. I planned to do a better one, just for the snowshoe rabbits, but I never did get it done. There was another one that I sometimes called the Will 'o the Wisp, or the wings of the morning. That's when you go out in to the hills in the morning and you just feel drawn to go on and on and on and on, then you are following the wisp. That was another god that I invented for myself."

    How the Rabbit Became an Emblem for Both Gay Men and Chinese Nationalists

    The 'Ballad of Mulan' (circa 400-600), which recounts the story of a young woman disguising herself as a man to take her father's place in the army, concludes with a musing on the difficulties of telling the sex of rabbits:

    The male hare wildly kicks its feet,

    The female hare has shifty eyes,

    But when a pair of hares run side by side,

    Who can tell a buck from doe? [1]

    The difficulty of distinguishing the gender of rabbits (and hares, for distinction between the two species was not clearly made in the Chinese language) has led some ancient Chinese to believe that rabbits are androgynous. They become pregnant, some thought, by sucking on their fur and gazing at the moon. The Chinese name for rabbit, tu 兔, is said to derive from the idea that rabbits spit out (tu 吐) their young.
    By Han Yu's time, the rabbit had been firmly woven into the myth of Chang'e 嫦娥, a female mortal who, after consuming her husband's elixir of longevity, flew to the moon and became its guardian spirit. In some accounts of the story, a 'jade rabbit? 玉兔 -- named for its pure white fur -- was the original inhabitant of the moon; in other versions, it joined the goddess' company out of sympathy for her loneliness. [4]
    In the spoken dialect of Qing dynasty (1644-1911) Beijing, 'rabbit' became a slur for catamites, male actors (particularly those impersonating women on stage) and more generally, male prostitutes. (Interestingly, the same association between rabbits and homosexuals existed in ancient Rome. [6]) According to one elaborate theory, the association between rabbits and homosexuals came from the fact that, as previously mentioned, rabbit correspond to mao 卯, the fourth of the twelve 'earthly branches'. The mortise and tenon joints commonly used in traditional Chinese architecture, meanwhile, are called sun mao 榫卯. Apparently, the practice of inserting one a piece of wood into a hole in another piece of wood became euphemism for anal sex. [7] A simpler explanation could be that the rabbit was still widely perceived as androgynous, and therefore a suitable metaphor for men who were in some way 'feminine'. In modern-day speech, some still use the phrase 'son of a rabbit' 兔崽子 as an insult.
    Oh and on top of all of this I stick random stuff or used to on my bedroom wall that I like aesthetically and some of my own art work and other random crap. I've actually just noticed now that I have some Japanese cardboard thing with some rabbits peaking out of a bunch of moons and also a plastic thing of the same design. I can't remember where they're from? Probably some food packaging thing from many years ago. says Hangatsu in Kana on one which means half moon. I can't read the kanji though. The kanji for half moon and moon in general isn't there. I dunno I think it's probably an unrelated food company brand anyway. But yeah why wouldn't that be on my wall?
    This is a little psychotic obviously, but it's really fun. I can't do it all the time have to be in the right mood/mental state. I don't think they can do this even a little bit.

    If you wanted to make a religion/cult out of this you could do something like connect Plato's Other Half idea with Donnie Darko which has the prescence of both Time Travel and a rabbit (Frank,) the Chinese rabbit Gods, that film I mentioned with the moon goddess time travel device. So Plato said that there were originally 3 types of Humans and these Humans challenged the Gods so the Gods had to seperate Humanity so they focus on chasing their other half and in the process destroyed the androgynous aspect. So time travel is necessary to return to a state of androgyny. The Sims social bunnies inspired by Donnie Darko also have three types - pink, blue and yellow so clearly that represents the '3 kinds of Humans.' Throw in some aliens ideally cause they're popular these days and a charismatic bald guy or something badabing badaboom lol.

    So the guy reviewing the film was like 'this is a load of incomprehensible crap' and through random research and connecting things in a schizotypal manner I can draw meaning from the music video and the synopsis of the film (still haven't watched the film lol.) I can do this with anything according to my own personal interests etc and I've been able to get subtextual meaning from various works from a young age which drew me to fanfiction because they do the same thing. Obviously these aren't objective meanings and to many people these meanings are boring. This is one of the problems people have with postmodernism it's all very subjective, and perhaps if you're not able to do that it's boring. Not everyone wants to go into the woods and invent their own religions and perhaps it's not useful from a group cohesion/fertility pov either.

    I think this is why rabbits are often associated with moons btw:

    The Moon rabbit or Moon hare is a mythical figure in East Asian and indigenous American folklore, based on pareidolic interpretations that identify the dark markings on the near side of the Moon as a rabbit or hare.
    Pops up in some Mayan mythology with a different story.

    Also this video kind of addresses these two modes of thinking too:

    This video too which I still haven't watched in it's entirety lol:

    But I'm starting to think this is like trying to explain language to someone with severe language deprivation. Supposedly after the age of about 5-10 you can't become a native speaker in a language.

    Language deprivation is associated with the lack of linguistic stimuli that are necessary for the language acquisition processes in an individual. Research has shown that early exposure to a first language will predict future language outcomes.[1] Experiments involving language deprivation are very scarce due to the ethical controversy associated with it. Roger Shattuck, an American writer, called language deprivation research "The Forbidden Experiment" because it required the deprivation of a normal human.[2] Similarly, experiments were performed by depriving animals of social stimuli to examine psychosis. Although there has been no formal experimentation on this topic, there are several cases of language deprivation. The combined research on these cases has furthered the research in the critical period hypothesis and sensitive period in language acquisition.
    But there are anecdotal cases of people learning to communicate to some degree after being deprived of communication and this seems a bit more severe than that. It's not just that they are unable but that it provokes feelings of irritation, fear etc.

    I was reading Tori Amos' wikipedia page the other day:

    Amos is the third child of Mary Ellen (nee Copeland) and Edison McKinley Amos.[12] She was born on August 22, 1963[13] at the Old Catawba Hospital in Newton, North Carolina, during a trip from their Georgetown home in Washington, D.C.,[14] and was named Myra Ellen Amos.[7]

    When she was two years old, her family relocated to Baltimore, Maryland, where her father had moved his Methodist ministry from its original base in Washington, D.C. Her older brother and sister took piano lessons, but Tori did not need them. From the time she could reach the piano, she taught herself[15] to play: when she was two, she could reproduce pieces of music she had only heard once,[16] and, by the age of three, she was composing her own songs. She has described seeing music as structures of light since early childhood, an experience consistent with chromesthesia:

    The song appears as light filament once I've cracked it. As long as I've been doing this, which is more than thirty-five years, I've never seen the same light creature in my life. Obviously similar chord progressions follow similar light patterns, but try to imagine the best kaleidoscope ever--after the initial excitement, you start to focus on each element's stunning original detail. For instance, the sound of the words with the sound of the chord progression combined with the rhythm manifests itself in a unique expression of the architecture of color-and-light. ... I started visiting this world when I was three, listening to a piece by Bala Bartok; I visited a configuration that day that wasn't on this earth. ... It was euphoric.[17]

    At five, she became the youngest student ever admitted to the preparatory division of the Peabody Institute.[18][19] She studied classical piano at Peabody from 1968 to 1974.[18] In 1974, when she was eleven, her scholarship was discontinued, and she was asked to leave. Amos has asserted that she lost the scholarship because of her interest in rock and popular music, coupled with her dislike for reading from sheet music.[20][16][21]
    chromesthesia sounds really cool too.

    He's making two claims really one is that genius is less common and the other is that genius has been reduced in degree. He suggests that 'genius' is completely absent from classical music and then ignores the rest of music but if he extends this in a 'only classical music matters' type way this is clearly incorrect. It's also very weird to break down science into different subdisciplines as he does but then just have art as one subject which has deteriorated in quality entirely. Firstly not true - photo realistic art exists and nobody cares because we have photography - so it is not useful and it doesn't inspire an emotional reaction. I think I remember the first time I saw a photorealistic painting (or at least, the first time I knew I was looking at one,) I don't remember what it was called now or even what the painting was of but I have this memory and was very impressed and that's about all you can get from it and once you've seen it that's done imo because it does nothing a photograph can't do.

    Art can be impressive and involve a lot of skill and talent but a lot of things besides art are impressive in that way or have the potential to be. But art (in the wider sense not just visual art - so architecture, music, writing etc) can also inspire areas of your brain that seem to overlap with religious/spiritual experience. I think he should be able to appreciate this because he's studied a theology degree and spent a lot of time with Christians during his time at uni and possibly elsewhere. He spends a lot of time talking about the importance of being religious for civilisations but I think it might be more a means to an end. Like extrinsic religious belief.

    He argues atheists are genetically damaged. I don't know if he is an atheist or not though because of the way he talks about religion it makes it actually very hard to know without him saying the words 'I believe in x.' Which is interesting because it tells me that he's not getting the thing that some people get from music, art etc from religion instead. Or he doesn't view this as important enough to bring up at all.

    Then he limits music to classical music. It's pretentious in the worst way.

    This can be seen most obviously in fields where, by the evaluative standards of a century ago, there are no living geniuses at all. For example classical music, fine art, and poetry (in English).
    Have you listened to any other genres?

    Yeah we all like Moonlight Sonata and mainstream pop music is deteriorating in quality, and I think people's enjoyment of stuff decreases with age too but. You have to go back 200 years? Imagine that.

    Fur Elise is like one of the first things everyone learns to play on piano in any kind of music class so that reduces the magic a bit 20+ years later. Oh yeah I said what I said.

    You don't like this?

    edit: OK I can't believe I didn't include this (I didn't include lots of stuff but I do need to include these two Mike Oldfield tracks I think. Especially the first one I think this is at least equally as important as Fur Elise):

    You don't like this?

    You don't like this?

    You don't like this?

    You don't like this:

    You don't like this?

    You don't like this?

    You don't like this:

    You don't like this?

    You don't like this:


    You don't like this:

    You don't like this:


    Also I bet he doesn't appreciate video games lol.

    You don't like this?

    You don't like this?

    You don't like this?

    You don't like this?

    Even considering ability/quality Geddy Lee is doing several things at once a lot of the time and you're like 'nah be Beethoven'

    I mean clearly I could go on forever.

    You don't appreciate the significance of this track and the film quote it might be based on (I think I remember reading it was based on it anyway):

    Oh yeah this comment:

    This may be completely untrue but:

    In the movie, The Lives of Others (2006), one of the characters mentions a Lenin quote:
    If I keep listening to Beethoven's Appassionata, I won't be able to finish the revolution.

    He then goes on to say something like: "Can anyone who has heard this music really be bad?"

    I suspect Kaki King was inspired but this movie.
    Georg Dreyman: You know what Lenin said about Beethoven's Appassionata, 'If I keep listening to it, I won't finish the revolution.' Can anyone who has heard this music, I mean truly heard it, really be a bad person?
    That spoke to me because I noticed for some years before listening to this track that I would get into intense online arguments with people who had similar music tastes to me.

    I could get stuck on the borderline genocidal beliefs that are common in these circles - oh and I do. But....

    You can't appreciate music.


    And I feel pity for you.

    I think what saddens me the most is that when/if creativity dies out there might not be anyone left to appreciate it anyway.

    I never really processed the fact that there are people who really don't like basically any art or music and then essentially build ideologies around trying to explain why they can't. So much of their ideology is built around the fact that they're not schizotypal enough to eg: do what I'm doing in that post I quoted but most people can do it to some extent they can enjoy stuff because of their imagination and emotions. Conservatives just seem to feel nothing, annoyance or fear in response to a lot of creative endeavours.

    So... It is like being colour blind.

    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  3. #5613
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    ^ I can't keep editing that post forever so yeah I just discovered this lol from the Dionysian and Apollonian wiki page:

    "Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres", a song by Canadian rock band Rush based in part on the concept.
    I've not actually listened to these songs before.

    "Cygnus X-1" is a two-part song series by Canadian progressive rock band Rush. The first part, "Book I: The Voyage", is the last song on the 1977 album A Farewell to Kings, and the second part, "Book II: Hemispheres", is the first song on the following album, 1978's Hemispheres. Book I is ten minutes and twenty-five seconds long (10:25), and Book II is eighteen minutes and seven seconds (18:07).
    A black hole, known as Cygnus X-1 (a real-life X-ray source believed to be an actual black hole), lies in the constellation Cygnus. An explorer aboard the spaceship Rocinante journeys toward the black hole, believing there may be something beyond it. As he moves closer, it becomes increasingly difficult to control the ship and he is eventually drawn in by the pull of gravity. The final words of Book I describe his ordeal: "Sound and fury drown my heart/Every nerve is torn apart."

    The explorer re-enters the story midway through Book II, left a wandering soul due to the destruction of his body. He has emerged into Olympus, where he witnesses the gods Apollo and Dionysus caught in the struggle between Mind and Heart. Prior to his arrival, the logical thinkers are led by Apollo and the emotional people are ruled by Dionysus. Apollo shows his followers how to build cities and explore the depths of science and knowledge, but a lack of emotional attachment to each other allows Dionysus to lure many of them into the wild forests, where he provides love. Dionysus' followers do not store any food for the winter and are caught unprepared. A conflict breaks out as the two different ways of life clash, leading to the world splintering into hemispheres, each with a deeply unhealthy society.

    When the explorer reflects on what he sees, he becomes tormented in the lack of balance of the people who insist on one extreme or the other and the violence that has ensued. His silent scream is felt by the warriors and causes them to rethink their struggle and unite. Wanting someone to keep them in check to avoid a repeat of their conflict, the gods recognize the explorer as a nascent new god and name him Cygnus, the God of Balance. The final words of Book II describe a harmonious society where emotion - "the truth of love" - and logic - "the love of truth" - coexist and feed each other "in a single perfect sphere."

    Although the storyline revolves around a science fiction world, it uses Greek mythology to explain the double meaning. "Cygnus X-1" is primarily about the discovery of two conflicting ways of life, and two vastly different ways in which the human mind thinks (logic and emotion are separated into separate sides, or hemispheres, of the brain). The balance point (Cygnus) allows the mind to think with some logic and emotion at the same time, allowing people to be analytical, but not unemotional.

    The name of the spaceship Rocinante is derived from the name of the title character's horse in the novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.
    I wasn't expecting this outcome. Mostly because I know a lot of the lyrics of their songs are based on Ayn Rand's writing since Neil Peart was very inspired by her (I think changed his mind later on,) but then I forgot of course this was written well before the 2000s.

    Some time during the 2000s most Randians and other right wing libetarians decided to lean into right wing social values. Such that basically the entire an-cap subreddit now is right wing social values the few times I went searching there.

    Wait what?

    Cygnus is a god of balance, who is represented by a white swan or an androgynous-looking elven woman. Human scholars trace Cygnus to the extinct Olympian pantheon, while elves believe that Cygnus was a product of an older, elven pantheon.

    Humans believe Cygnus to be an ascended mortal who mediated the dispute between the Gods of Love and Reason, Dionysus and Apollo, over the fate of mankind. The reason for her 'neuter' gender is to preserve the gender balance of the ruling circle of Olympian deities; with Dionysus taking the position of Hathor, Cygnus could not be either male or female without disrupting the cosmic balance.

    Elves believe in a different myth, that Cygnus was an elf who spoke to the Lord of the Wild Hunt when he was outcast from heaven by the elven gods, for the crime of bringing death into paradise (in the form of a hunted stag brought to the feast of creation). Cygnus returned to heaven with the Lord and argued for his return. The elves conceded the importance of death, but still forbade the Lord from ever returning to heaven. In thanks, the Lord made a solemn oath to Cygnus that she would not die as men and women do, and became immortal and genderless.
    What is this? Willowdale? This wiki is not helpful with descriptions.

    Related to this maybe:

    The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is a fantasy role-playing game (RPG) that was published in 2009 by Paizo Publishing. The first edition extends and modifies the System Reference Document (SRD) based on the revised 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) published by Wizards of the Coast under the Open Game License (OGL) and is intended to be backward-compatible with that edition.
    Seems to be connected to Dungeons and Dragons.

    I mean this was obviously inspired by the Rush song lol.

    The Pathfinders are a group of adventurers based out of Willowdale who formed in Mirtul 2112.
    This has to be on purpose right?

    I love that song.

    Also reminds me of Guthix from Runescape. RIP. Now all the Gods are back and fighting again.

    The assassination of Guthix was a plot that led to a large battle between several gods' factions, an event which eventually marked the end of the Fifth Age. All factions had different goals, but all of them were trying to act in favour of their own god. This conflict made up one of the most dramatic events since the God Wars, with different gods' generals battling each other valiantly once more, while also forming temporary alliances, some of which would only last minutes.

    The battles ended in a victory for the non-Guthixian sides, most notably the Zarosians, with the slaying of Guthix in Zaros' name and the nullification of his Edicts, allowing the banished gods to set foot on the planet again. Guthix's death marked the beginning of the Sixth Age.
    The Edicts of Guthix, first alluded to in Darkness of Hallowvale, were a series of decrees that Guthix created for the world after the God Wars of the Third Age.

    In the Fourth Age, it was believed that there was "balance" in Gielinor between the god of order, Saradomin, and the god of chaos, Zamorak. It was also believed that if either god were to upset this balance by attempting to attack the other, another God War would begin. If the Edicts were violated, a select group of Guthixians would re-awaken Guthix, causing him to remake the world without mercy for beast or man, destroying Gielinor as known by its modern inhabitants in the process. This was clarified in the Origin Of Gielinor and The World Wakes, as the Edict of Guthix was made to ban all higher tier gods from the world to avoid them from causing any more destruction to it, and it could not be broken, unless Guthix were to die.

    Though Saradomin and Zamorak were the main deities battling each other by the time Guthix awoke from his slumber, the Edicts also affected Bandos, Armadyl, Marimbo, V, Tumeken and Elidinis, though the rest of the Menaphite Pantheon and the other minor deities were allowed to remain because of their lesser powers and influence. Seren never left, but instead turned herself to crystal and shattered, which left her pieces across the forest. It was long thought that Zaros was not bound by the Edicts but as stated, it was proven that even he was bound.
    This also seems to be what's happening to our culture. I guess.

    Guthix was my favourite and who I was aligned with, but I liked Zamorak to some degree aesthetically (Satan,) because he's edgy. Saradomin I didn't like at all.

    Well no obviously Brassica prime is my favourite but of the big 3:

    I believe in one of the recent quests, it is mentioned that demigods, mahjarrat, and "that cabbage thing" would actually be able to stay.
    Was this actually the case? im pretty sure this was said in an earlier quest, not twilight of the gods. Because i know for a fact that Brassica originally was in the category of gods meant to be banished, But guthix made an exception for him, not only because his powers were kind of vital to the food ecosystem of Gilenor, but because in the time Guthix has known him, hes basically been like plastic man. No Aspirations to be anything other then comic relief.
    Brassica out there playing the long con until every other god is gone and everything is DELICIOUS!
    Yeah, that is from the Memories of Guthix I think. So either Death is wrong or something got redconned. Or weird Cabbage related business is afoot. I wouldn't put it past the lord of all deliciousness.
    Of course who would get rid of Brassica Prime?

    Guthix arrived to Gielinor, the Elder Gods' last creation, as the last surviving member of a race called the Naragi. They were a peaceful race, whose realm was torn apart by a cataclysmic war of an older generation of gods. Near the end of the war, Guthix used an Elder Weapon to stab the god Skargaroth, killing him and making Guthix a god, a being he had despised for his whole life. He abandoned his destroyed world and found Gielinor, where the Stone of Jas was located. He shaped the world as we know it today and brought peaceful creatures (such as Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, Fairies, Elves, Sheep, and Cabbages) that would never bring a war to Gielinor. After he saw the world was faring well without him, he retreated into a cave and slept annoyed by how the inhabitants of the planet started to worship him. He fell asleep and hoped to be forgotten by the world.
    See he brought cabbages.

    Brassica is one of the most mysterious deities, with nearly nothing known about his past prior to the Fifth Age. Some of his followers believe him to be a product of the Anima Mundi, in a similar fashion to Vorago, and thus tied to Gielinor's well-being, although there is no evidence to support this claim.[10]

    Although Saradomin claimed that all current gods participated in the Gielinorian God Wars, it is likely Brassica did not, for he was not affected by the Edicts of Guthix when they ended, suggesting that Guthix may have thought favourably of him, or that he did not perceive him as a threat.[11]

    He often stayed by Seren's shattered pieces, chatting on about things such as the many ways a cabbage can be delicious. Due to her broken state, she could not respond, but Brassica Prime mistook her silence for interest, much to her chagrin. However, in the present day, Seren states that she views him with favour and friendliness, as does Armadyl, owing to his whimsy and insanity.
    That's definitely something I would do. 😀

    Brassica Prime is crazy though I probably wouldn't trust him.

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  4. #5614
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    I hate this country.

    I can't even say what I'm thinking legally lol.

    You realise that if amab people want to pass which is something your retarded cisheteronormative culture requires in the first place to blend into female spaces, the sooner they transistion medically the better right?

    The whole idea of "your brain doesn’t finish maturing until 25" is also bunk. It’s a weird line of outdated pop-sci that seems to be mutating within the bioessentialist current on the right these days.
    Of course it's crap.

    Also watch as they expect people to have fucking children. Why would anyone do that when they're controlled by the state and have no freedom?

    Hey I wonder if this principle of "you're not an adult until you're 25" could be weaponised in any other way. Maybe under-25s aren't ready to vote. Maybe they're not ready to face trial by jury.
    The UK is a ridculous nanny state so I wouldn't put it past them but I mostly think they want to be transphobic. They're probably not going to discourage women from being brood mares for the state for example but we'll see. I definitely think that they would try and push for removing the right to have abortions till a later age but this current government aren't quite there. It's something I'd expect from Northern Ireland like the DUP and I expect to see it from some US states in the following decades too.

    Conservatives know young people hate them, maybe they want to take away the voting rights of young adults?
    Almost as soon as I was able to vote they got into power and haven't left since. They really need to [BEEP] off.

    My favourite part is how you can die in a war at age 16 but cross sex hormones is too far. No that's the line.

    "I can tolerate death in favour of the state, but if you potentially ruin your reproductive capacity to breed us more slaves that's no good."

    Being shot dead in a war: 18 is fine
    Surgery with zero fatalities: whoa whoa whoa buster, wait until you’re 25!
    Oh no lol 16 is fine. You don't need to be an adult to join the British army. It's the only country in Europe which recruits minors.

    Well that's disturbing.

    It means all their troops are now child soldiers.
    These comments are funny because that's already a thing with minors. That's why the UK is a complete joke.

    Implying it doesn't take several years to even get seen in the first place lol....

    Rice, 68, who has four grandchildren, had been told she needed a knee replacement for an injury caused by osteoarthritis but – like millions of NHS patients – faced a gruelling wait.

    At a clinic in Kaunas, Lithuania’s second largest city, the operation was arranged within weeks and cost €6,800 (?5,967) – around half the cost in the UK. The price included a pre-travel consultation, return flights, airport transfers, two nights in an en suite hospital room, pre-surgery check-ups and post operative physio.

    "I thought, 'Just look at your choices. You can stay here and be in this kind of pain for another couple of years or you can take a decision'," Rice says.
    This is the most gaslighting bullshit I've ever seen. The NHS has a 10+ year waiting list to access adult transition services. Who the hell is being rushed after waiting a decade to access care?

    They don't want trans people to exist.
    Yes basically.
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    So I've only recently discovered this channel and the content doesn't really interest me that much but I ended up watching a video where he was interviewing Richard Dawkins the other day and so I started to get suggested his videos after that. I ended up clicking on this one which is a Q&A video.

    I clicked on it because of onlyfans in the title because I thought 'lol wouldn't if be funny if the onlyfans thing was about himself?' Not thinking for a second it would be and then... It was lol. Well someone was asking him when he's going to make an onlyfans. He then answered this by saying that onlyfans had reached out to him twice before to make an account. I don't know if that's a joke like do they just reach out to random people? Also... I guess you could put non pornographic content up there (I haven't really looked into it.) But almost everyone who uses that site uses it for sexual stuff.

    I assume if he made one he wouldn't post sexual stuff? It's just very weird lol because he's the last kind of person I would imagine would end up doing sex work online essentially because that's what it is and it's a weird question to just ask as well given the general content on this channel and vibe.

    It feels like you've gone to a philosophy talk at Oxford uni (I assumed he would have been a student there and I looked it up and he was a student there and studied philosophy and theology hahah,) and then people are asking the the guy talking when he's going to post porn online. Cause the question wasn't even 'have you considered doing this?' It was just 'only fans when?'


    Oh wait he clarifies that they stopped emailing him to get him to make an account after they brought back porn on the site after they briefly banned it before. 'So I'm trying to not take that personally.'

    It's just a really weird time period at the moment because you'll have people ask questions like that in the most removed online contexts but then at the same time there's the huge sex-negative social media culture where people complain about everything all the time.

    Famous Journalist Storms Out of Interview | "I Actively Dislike You"

    That's Christopher Hitchen's brother btw. I think I watched an interview with him in years ago but I forgot the subject now... Maybe it was with Owen Jones? Yeah it was lol for The Guardian.

    I haven't watched the whole of that interview but yeah I think he has very strong opinions about drugs.

    Ironically, Peter Hitchens succeeded at proving that you can have a complete mental health breakdown WITHOUT marijuana.
    I don't know why he agreed to talk to him in the first place lol. He told him he wanted to talk about drug decriminilisation.

    Lol when Alex looks at the camera after he says 'you're obsessed with drugs'

    Anyway I guess that explains this comment on his Q&A video I was confused lol:

    If this is about drugs, I don't want to watch this video. Im sick of the subject and sick of the people that promote it.
    At least no one will ever ask him about drugs again lol.

    I think Alex should have moved on when he got annoyed before but at the same time he didn't actually tell him he didn't want to talk about it and he'd already dismissed one of the other topics he'd wanted to talk about so that basically left drugs and God.

    Also he was mostly mad that he disagreed with him really. He would know this because he's from the UK and has done interviews before but the kind of interview style you sometimes see in the US where they just kind of listen and agree with everything - Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin - without pushing back at all isn't really common here especially if you're a controverisal figure or discuss political topics. And this wasn't even that aggressive lol I mean compare to this:

    "So you're saying women are unhappy dominating men?"

    "I didn't say they were unhappy dominating men I said it was a bad longterm solution."

    I mean it's not necessary to dominate men they record themselves being submissive and upload it to the internet so I can just be lazy about it now while I'm engaging in 18+ activities. 😏

    "Harmless that's a terrible virtue it's like a rabbit *disgusted voice.*"

    =O don't you be insulting rabbits now. I am building a mythology. Also rabbits aren't harmless at all lol.

    Jordan has a similar personality type too.

    Does Ben Shapiro storming out of BBC interview show that British journalists do a better job than their American counterparts in getting under someone's skin?
    Lol didn't even know that happened.

    Oh wait no I think I did watch this before it seems familiar lol.

    47:40 I just skipped to near the end and thought that he was having an interview with a chair called Peter who had been lured there under false pretences.
    That would explain all the drug talk.

    Someone should make that as a parody video like it's just Alex arguing with a chair that he's halucinated is Peter Hitchens while he's doing a bunch of drugs and the chair is like 'you're obsessed with drugs'

    Imagine he'd gotten Hitchens to sit back down after 20 minutes of arguing."So... God. ...Do you think he'd have decriminalised drugs?"

    I love how he grabbed the pillow and gently threw it back in the chair. English fury!
    I thought he was about to start a pillow fight. Too bad. That would have been the best video of the year.
    That should be part of the halucination video too like the pillow just starts hitting Alex in the face.
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  6. #5616
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    So this post was initially about two things. But then because I'm still trying to understand 45643545 people's ideas everything else happened. Due to all of the editing this post probably makes no sense now too.

    But uh I think I make a really great case here for why 'just because I'm not on testosterone doesn't mean I'm OK.' Hahaha.

    Quoting a thread title from Contrapoint's subreddit discussing Rishi Sunak's comments about how people shouldn't transistion until after 25 because brains are still developing:

    "But think of the children!" What is a child in TERF Island?
    No it isn't 'terf island' and I'm going to need Americans to stop calling it that.

    There are [BEEP] all radical feminists here for starters. Even JK Rowling is not a radical feminist. Rad fems necessarily lack status due to never being mothers and are mostly queer, outcasts etc.The academic feminists were a weird incoherent amalgamation of things - more succesful - but still mostly childless. They certainly don't end up in government.


    "It is behind our robust and clear guidance to schools," the spokesperson continued. "It is categorical that social transitioning is not a neutral act and no one should be forced to use preferred pronouns or accept contested beliefs as fact." Since beginning his term as prime minister in 2022, Rishi Sunak has been recorded mocking trans people and his government has taken steps to rescind rights for trans people, especially in healthcare.
    As well as establishing separate pathways for pre-pubescent and teenage patients, the Cass Report also urges clinicians to exercise "extreme caution" in prescribing feminising or masculinising hormones from age 16 above, saying there needs to be a "clear clinical rationale" for the decision.
    I had the chance to start HRT at 16, after I had become sure that I wanted it, and I put it off until I was 18 anyway. All because people around me kept telling me that I might regret it later and that I should wait. Listening to that was the biggest regret of my transition.

    I wasn't quite young enough to avoid the changes of 1st puberty even if I had started HRT when I first had the chance. But there are certain things, particularly height, that won't be affected by hormones after a certain age.

    At least in my case, this was the consequence of a choice I made. Being literally forced to wait would have destroyed me mentally, and being forced to wait until my mid 20s would have killed me.
    I strongly disagree that we should make it as hard as possible for adults with low testosterone levels who are already risk averse to go on testosterone. Evidently they don't:

    And I can't stress enough how most of our lives aren't amazing despite having not done so. In some cases we might be worse off. As I'm part of an invisible minority though no one really thinks about that. Just as long as you don't change your body they don't give a fucking shit. "What happened to the kids who grew up during section 28?"

    This is what teenagers and young adults were doing 300 years ago:

    William Cormac first moved to London to get away from his wife's family, and he began dressing Anne as a boy and calling her "Andy". When Cormac's wife discovered William had taken in his illegitimate daughter and was bringing the child up to be a lawyer's clerk and dressing her as a boy, she stopped giving him an allowance.[11] Cormac then moved to the Province of Carolina, taking along Anne and her mother Mary Brennan. At first, the family had a rough start in their new home; Cormac attempted to establish himself as a lawyer in Charles Town but did not do well. However, his knowledge of the law and ability to buy and sell goods soon financed a townhouse and eventually a plantation just outside the town. Bonny's mother died when Anne was young.[12]

    It is recorded that Bonny was considered a "good catch" but may have had a fiery temper; she supposedly stabbed a servant girl with a knife.[9] She married a poor sailor and small-time pirate named James Bonny.[13] James hoped to win possession of his father-in-law's estate, but Bonny was disowned by her father. Anne's father did not approve of James Bonny as a husband for his daughter, and he threw Anne out of his house.[14]

    There is a story that Bonny set fire to her father's plantation in retaliation, but no evidence exists in support. However, it is known that sometime between 1714 and 1718, she and James Bonny moved to Nassau, on New Providence Island, known as a sanctuary for English pirates called the Republic of Pirates.[15] Many inhabitants received a King's Pardon or otherwise evaded the law. It is also recorded that, after the arrival of Governor Woodes Rogers in the summer of 1718, James Bonny became an informant for the governor.[16] James Bonny would report to Governor Rogers about the pirates in the area, which resulted in a multitude of these pirates being arrested. Anne disliked the work her husband did for Governor Rogers.

    While in the Bahamas, Bonny began mingling with pirates in the taverns. She met John "Calico Jack" Rackham, and he became her lover. Rackham subsequently offered money to her husband James if he would divorce her, but her husband refused and threatened to beat Rackham. She and Rackham escaped the island together, and she became a member of his crew. She disguised herself as a man on the ship, and only Rackham and Mary Read were aware that she was a woman[14] until it became clear that she was pregnant. Rackham then landed her in Cuba where she gave birth to a son.[11] She then rejoined Rackham and continued the pirate life, having divorced her husband and married Rackham while at sea.[citation needed] Bonny, Rackham, and Read stole the ship William, then at anchor in Nassau harbor, and put out to sea.[17] Rackham and the two women recruited a new crew. Their crew spent years in Jamaica and the surrounding area.[18] Bonny took part in combat alongside the men, and Governor Rogers named her in a "Wanted Pirates" circular published in The Boston News-Letter.[16]

    When Bonny told Read that she was a woman because she was attracted to her, Read revealed that she too was a woman. To abate the jealousy of Rackham, who suspected romantic involvement between the two, Bonny told him that Read was a woman.[19] Speculation over the relationship between Bonny and Read led to images depicting the two in battle together.[20]
    Edit: This didn't occur to me until just now (and I only first read about these people a month ago or so lol,) but actually there was also a pirate vibe to his first two albums:

    The motorway won't take a horse
    The wanderer has found a course to follow
    The traveller unpacked his bags for the last time
    The troubadour cut off his hand and now he wants mine

    Oh no, not me.

    The circus girl fell off her horse and now she's paralysed
    The hitchiker was bound and gagged, raped on the roadside
    The libertine is locked in jail
    The pirate sunk and broke his sail

    But I still have to go
    I've got to go, so here i go
    I'm going to run the risk of being free

    song about Penzance:

    It's also giving emo (I use that term in an ironic sense because it's introspective moreso than the musical genre that wasn't really a genre anyway,) Adam and the Ants a bit:

    The biggest themes in his early albums were restlessness/nomadic urges though I think and the search for belonging. Also the uh:

    I am the tragedy
    And a heroine
    I am lost
    And I am rescuing
    The storm is come
    And I am following
    My name is Tristan
    And I am alive

    Forever young
    I come from God knows where
    And now I'm here
    Without a hope or care
    Yeah, I am trouble
    And I am troubled too
    My name is Tristan
    And I am alive

    You were my husband, my wife, my heroine
    Now this is our final December
    Now I'm deep in a forest
    Losing all thought of spring
    And nothing can help me remember

    I was once a boy.
    'Til I cut my penis off
    And I grew a hairy skull
    Of stubborn fire

    Then I was a girl.
    'Til I sewed my hole up
    And I grew a hairy heart
    Of dark desire

    There's no answer. just surrender
    Send all your barriers into the fire

    Let no foot. mark your ground
    Let no hand hold you down.

    Rishi Sunak:

    "You can't refer to yourself as a heroine you're male no. What's that about cutting your dick off? I don't like that no."

    I love how he was completely ignored outside of niche creative circles too. Like he never became that famous and so nobody ever freaked out about this like Twilight or Throbbing Gristle or Lady Gaga etc lol. And in fairness Lady Gaga didn't start the rumour about her having a dick:

    "Oh that sounds fun."

    "No that was supposed to be an insult what are you doing? No."

    They complain about this too lol. "You can't say anything because *they* (tm) just absorb everything and get ideas."

    Mary's mother had married a sailor, with whom she had a son.[3] The husband then disappeared at sea. His mother then began to send her financial support for the boy.[4]

    She soon became pregnant again by another man, hiding the shameful second pregnancy. Her son died, then she gave birth to a girl, Mary. To hide the shame, her mother passed young Mary off as her first and only child, the boy, to continue receiving support from the boy's grandmother. The grandmother was fooled, and they lived on her money as long as possible.[5]

    At age 13, dressed as a boy, Read found work as a foot-boy, and, then, employment on a ship.[4] She later joined the British military, and the crew of a British man-of-war. She later quit this and moved into Flanders where she carried arms in a regiment of foot as a cadet and served bravely but could not receive a commission because promotion in those days was mostly by purchase. Mary moved on to a regiment of horse [6] which was allied with Dutch forces against the French (this could have been during the Nine Years War or during the War of the Spanish Succession). Read, in male disguise, proved herself through battle, but fell in love with a Flemish soldier. When they married, she used their military commission and gifts from intrigued brethren in arms to acquire an inn named "De drie hoefijzers" ("The Three Horseshoes") near Breda Castle in the Netherlands.

    Upon her husband's early death, Read resumed male dress and military service in the Netherlands. With peace, there was no room for advancement, so she quit and boarded a ship bound for the West Indies.[7] The ship that she boarded happened to be boarded by a pirate ship. Being disguised as a British male helped her, as the British crew members took her in.
    That was just the UK obviously:

    Huang Bamei[3] (Chinese: 黃八妹; pinyin: Huang Bamei; 1906 ? 4 May 1982), also known as Huang P'ei-mei[4][5] or Huang P'emei,[2] was a Chinese pirate leader who served as a naval commander in the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937?1945) [...]

    Born near Shanghai into a poor peasant family, Huang was a criminal from an early age, assisting her father in transporting and selling smuggled salt. She began her piracy career in 1931, raiding along the coasts of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Though she was arrested and sentenced to death in 1933, Huang was released from prison through the intervention of her family and their contacts among the authorities. After the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937, Huang was among the local gang leaders recruited by the National Revolutionary Army for guerrilla warfare purposes. Her loyalties throughout the war were suspect, frequently shifting between China, Japan, and various local groups as the balance of power in the war changed. From 1940 onwards she was more reliably fighting for the Chinese army. Her participation most often amounted to pirate attacks and raids, though she also participated in battles and was in contact with the United States Office of Strategic Services.
    There are certain repeating patterns even though not all info in every case is verifiable. Like below in the 20th century:

    Huang's family was involved in smuggling and piracy. From an early age she assisted her father in transporting and selling illegally acquired smuggled salt. Her family were also businesspeople; Huang's mother owned a dram shop at which her father operated a gambling table. Huang was reportedly strong from an early age. She had started practicing with guns as early as at the age of twelve and had mastered using two guns simultaneously at the age of fifteen.[3]

    There exist several unverified stories of Huang's exploits in her childhood and youth. One such story is that Huang while still a child was to be married off to a member of the Wu family. The Wus eventually broke the marriage agreement on account of Huang's "rough character" and her nature to "attack and confront". There are also stories that exaggerate her tough character, such as a tale claiming that she was once faced with two pirate ships while at sea and defeated their crews. Additionally, there are many unverified local legends concerning sexual affairs with influential figures she was in known to have been in contact with, such as Shi Lianyuan, a salt merchant in Pinghu, and Xu Ashu, leader of the local Lake Tai gang.[3]
    Which I think was the point of this episode:

    "It's not fair. Everyone thinks Phoebe is this scary spider. And, yeah, maybe she's a little dangerous, but not much. She's just trying to live her life. But that doesn't make her weird or bad. Does it? I mean, does it?"

    Are we still talking about Phoebe? I can't tell. Louise, are we possibly talking about you now?

    What? I don't know. Maybe.

    Oh, honey. Come here. Come on. You know all that so-called dangerous stuff? That's a part of who you are. But don't let anyone make you feel like it's all you are. You're also thoughtful and kind and imaginative. Part of the big, crazy mix that makes Louise Louise.

    Your mom's right. You are a little bit of a risk taker, maybe, compared to some, but it's one of the things that makes you interesting. And it's not like it's hurting anyone.

    I mean, you know, every once in a while, but probably not on purpose. That much.

    Right. But, Louise, you're adventurous, and in another time, you might have been a-a, uh, a pirate. Uh, a nice pirate. Or a fun bootlegger.

    Ooh, bootlegger.

    Anyway, we're all glad you are who you are.

    Well, that's... Thanks, guys. I like the pirate part. That was a nice touch.

    "We're traditionalists"

    Oh, so you're a big fan of piracy and the time Valerie Solanas shot Andy Warhol and wrote that manifesto? (I mean she grew up in the 1950s.) And so on.

    "No but if we keep trying we can socialise the non-conforming kids so they act exactly like heterosexual cisgender people and they'll settle down have have kids and-"

    No there will always be something new that you'll take issue with. You're not going to like when people start creating animal-Human hybrids. Well we'll be dead but you know.

    Oh sure this is probably some kind of fallacious argument 'people can't just be running around like pirates' no shit, but there's still a point here. Teenagers couldn't be less impulsive now. Especially the group you're talking about.

    I've brought this up before but this becomes a battle ground for several different groups of people when it comes to headcannons about fictional characters. It's not two sides at all:

    And this is realistically how people view nonconforming afab people too as they grow up:

    I know it isn't cannon but louise seems 100% non binary to me. I've always just seen her as a ball of chaos rather than a girl honestly
    Still love that 'high IQ' comment lol of course he brought that up:

    Louise is just not a girly girl. A lot of girls who grow into goal-oriented young women. Don't waste their time with makeup and nail polish.
    shes also not cis
    she's showing interest in boys and one wealthy old man. Louise is a eccentric heterosexual girl with a high IQ.
    Keep your narrative off my comments.
    lol goal oriented women can also do makeup and nail polish
    yes, how ever gole oriented young women don't obsess over makeup nail polish what labels are on clothes ect..

    personally I prefer the natural look... Sexiest? The point I was making is that. One can start to tell what type of adult a child will grow into by what they think is important. In this episode I think Louise learned she has to keep her card game hobby and check. Millie, replace the wands with designer shoes. That's the adult Millie and she will have maxed out credit cards.
    She's shown interest in very few boys and ew, no, she didn't actually like Mr. Fish, she just knew he had money. At her age she doesn't realise the downsides of marrying purely for money yet and he'll most likely be dead before she grows up. It's a one-time gag joke in the show that never gets mentioned again.

    I don't think you realise how many people are actually gay/bi/trans etc. as kids and don't express that because they don't think they're allowed to. I only ever made one comment to my own parent that would have them think I liked both girls and boys, and realised it myself at 20 after 2 decades of lying to myself and not questioning enough amongst the confusion of being on the ace spectrum (I never had attraction to the way people look, I'm personality only).

    You can't definitively say Louise is a straight girl the same way we don't know for sure she's gay or trans.

    So I'd really appreciate not making comments like 'keep your narrative off my comments' when you're being a hypocrite and inserting your own made up narrative. You quite desperately want a character to be like you, as do other people, and I get that, but the only people who know for sure their sexualities and gender when it's not been publicly announced are the team. Anything else is speculation. If you were honest about that I wouldn't have even responded in the first place. Well, maybe to point out saying she's interested in an old man is creepy, especially given that she isn't...
    took you long enough! More to my point.. Just because Louise is not into girly stuff. It doesn't mean she's gay or trans ect. She comes from a stable household and has a good relationship with her father. So she is most likely going to have "personal standards". Something a lot of the alternative lifestyle people have a complet lack of. Due to bad relationships with parents and in a lot of cases no relationship with their father. Kids need a good example of what a grown man and women are supposed to be. Louise has that, yes the Bleacher's are struggling but they have a stable household.... Louise LGBT can't picture it.

    Is it possible you're lying to your self now. Not wen you were a kid. How stable is your life? Your reply reads like the rambling and elaboration of a bad liar.
    This is a big pet peeve. There's this idea - always pushed by straight women though not all straight women - that if someone afab isn't trans they should become more feminine with age and not doing so is bad:

    From what I personally gather, Louise just seems like a major tomboy. She still does display girly traits despite her not noticing them, such as wearing PINK bunny ears of all things, she mostly wears dresses/skirts despite her boyish personality, her bedroom is still pretty girly, and there's her secret love of boybands.

    I'm cis and I wasn't too different from her when I was little. I was a huge tomboy too. Though unlike her, I would've loved to participate in the pixie promenade at her age. However, funny enough I HATED boybands at her age. I LOVED rock and thought NSYNC, Britney Spears, and Spice Girls were lame and way too "girly" when I was a kid.

    That is the interesting part of growing up though, because even straight cis people can become more in touch with their femininity or masculinity as they grow up. Now, I can admit that those bands had some pretty amazing songs. Perhaps Louise will be one of those girls who'll connect with her femininity when she's older and not view it as weak or lame just like I and many tomboys eventually did. I think there's this misconception that femininity and "girliness" is synonymous to fragility, so we're kind of ashamed of it when young, but realize it's beauty and strength when older.

    Heck, look at Ellie from "Up." She was a filthy little tomboy whose only clear sign of femininity was a bow in her hair, but as a woman she clearly became cleaner and much more feminine.
    i was thinking about this the other day!! louise honestly isn't a girl (i think that's why i always relate to her tbh). i don't know what she is exactly, maybe non binary, maybe trans man, maybe gender-fluid, maybe genderqueer.
    she's awesome and is just my favorite character, i relate so hard all the time w her
    That text at the last second. Can't girls just be tomboys anymore? "Just us boys", she was clearly not meant to be taken literally
    yeah i just kinda put that in there for fun? the text did say idc what you say, so
    i don't even think she's trans, i think of her as agender. girls can still be tomboys, never said she wasn't a tomboy, but the fact that i don't think she's cis is called a headcanon- just cause it's real to me doesn't mean it has to be real to you 🫶
    transmasc icon
    I personally headcanon Louise as a trans boy-- a lot of you may argue that this conflicts with some lines in the show, but you know what? I'm trans and I see myself in this character so that's all that matters.
    I headcanon her as a Demi-girl or non-binary
    That would be kinda cool, but I sincerly hope this won't be the case. I think it'd be weird to imply that girls who don't act stereotypically girly are automatically trans. In reality, as this video states, there is no right or wrong way to express your gender identity. That being said I still think that trans rights are human rights, just for the record.
    if by kid you mean younger than a teenager than you cannot be trans nor should anyone infer that you are. Trans is a drastic step in altering yourself and so should only be seriously considered and discussed when one is a teenager and than solidified when they are of adult age. Children should not be saying they are trans because they are simply to young and all these "adults" that say otherwise are just advocating for child abuse it's what I believe and no one can change my mind on that
    I mean she is cis... there is the episode where she mentions wanting to be the first woman presidnt and also she definitely is romantically into boys; her liking boo boo from the boy band and also kissing rudy
    For the record I'm non-binary and when I was like 6 or so I would have probably been into the fairy princess stuff. Just like Tina lol. I was very into mermaids anyway and other girly stuff. I also liked the spice girls as a child lol. Louise is 9 though so I'd moved on from Spice girls by then but still liked other pop groups not boy bands specifically and I don't think Louise likes that group she just likes Booboo. Also, I liked Beetlejuice a lot when I was 7/8 or so which my aunt found weird because she'd only seen the film 'ew why do you like that character?' Essentially lol. I turned one of my dolls into him. So I mean that was like a 'baby goth' thing I guess culturally speaking. Before I got into the music genre or any other related aesthetics or knew they existed. I got into rock more at age 10/11 though I liked stuff before then probably that my dad listened to but that was when I started to listen to my own music and got into pop punk and then other rock and metal genres over time. And aside from my affinity with spiders and insecurity about seeming young throughout my life (and also general liking of edgy stuff.) Tina seems the most relatable to me especially when I was her age. I mean she's more of a nerd, risk averse/anxious/neurotic, and into fanfiction etc lol. This is very me:

    This episode where she just develops a Blade Runner fantasy as a cope also very me:

    Though saying that Louise's parts in this song where she's just like 'or not' 'this is great' etc are hilarious.

    She's very repressed and rule abiding up to a point but just has these moments where she snaps:

    It's also a very millenial thing stereotypically speaking. Probably because it started in 2010 but you can tell a lot of the 'stories' involve complaints people have about millenials, and issues millenials had growing up etc. Of course some stuff is just timeless as well.

    She also was written as a male character to start with lol and the really weird thing is the voice actor didn't change his voice! I assumed when I read that he would have done:

    The fact that Tina was supposed to be a boy then they changed her but kept the voice is hysterical.
    Of course you then get "But you were gender conforming and showed no/few signs. You can't be trans/non-binary"

    The important thing to remember is you're not allowed to be trans or non-binary.

    I sympathise with the people who find it annoying when people are like desperately looking for representation in media. I don't think people should state stuff as facts when it's not specified but on the other hand a lot of people are alienated and have no real life community. So of course they're going to look for characters. On top of that when there are LGBT+ characters or really any minority characters people get annoyed. Like Jordan Peterson's subreddit freaking out about a black Juliet.

    Half of them were complaining because she's black the other half because they don't find the actress attractive. In a stage play in the UK where most people complaining are American men. Kind of accidentally proving why it works too. Tom Holland is in this play as well and very few people were talking about how he didn't really look like a Romeo (and tbh he doesn't. It's a play about Italians for a start and he looks very Northern European.) This is the actual Romeo lol:

    from The Sims 2.

    Titania Summerdream is the hottest Sim in that hood though, mostly just because of people's makeovers though rather than her original look. She has red hair again Maxis clearly shared my aesthetic preference...

    I didn't even know about this play and just stumbled on the fighting which is sad! I think nobody outside of theatre fans would have known if they weren't bothered that the actress was black and not attractive to them, or if it didn't also star Tom Holland. Most people don't keep up with West End casting.

    I think my favourite part of the thread was the OP's comments later on in response to other's comments:

    Not unusual, but certainly not what the Founding Fathers intended. It used to be illegal and our culture was in better shape.
    OP I don't know how to tell you this but... British people don't give a [BEEP] about what your founding fathers intended lol.

    So this guy brings up Murica again:

    You must be joking, no American would accept a trans Juliet, even less in ancient Shakespearean times.
    Your country is younger than this play lol.

    So I think the context was several people pointed out that the original actor was a man because back then women didn't perform in plays as it was considered degrading or something. Because being a creative person is bad most likely.

    I've never really looked into it but yeah:

    These restrictions on women may be related to some of the negative views of acting in general, summarized in Puritan writer William Prynne's declaration that "popular stage-playes are sinfull, heathenish, lewde, ungodly spectacles, and most pernicious corruptions." According to many anti-theatricalists, plays were "sinfull" because they promoted pleasure and encouraged people to watch an "ungodly spectacle" rather than working or attending church. For women in particular, it was generally deemed indecent to participate in and make money from such public performances.
    Often times people argue that women were barred from things purely down to sexism but at least half the time the things they're being barred from are associated with men who are deemed corrupted or feminine. The fashion industry is also full of men and it's seen as bad to be interested in fashion now. Conservatives even dislike Barbie now which, I must confess surprised even me.

    Was it this song by a non-binary person or Stevie the Steven Wilson Barbie doll someone on Tumblr made? Or? Really it's because she's a girlboss lol.

    Still can't believe this song didn't appear in the film and it wasn't a surreal horror film. I assume I actually still haven't watched it lol. Ben Shapiro's review was entertaining enough for me.

    The end result of the culture war sure does bother them (all kinds of people for different reasons,) a lot too lol:

    Straus is "emotionally lesbian," she says, but "culturally" a gay man: "Not really a woman, I've never been a woman. I'm a drag queen."
    "My mom was really incredible about the [BEEP] men that she surrounded me with," she says. "I felt so connected to the humor and the lack of gender that these men embodied who lived through the '80s. It was all about ball. It was all about drag" -- in New York's underground [BEEP] subcultures. "Everyone calls each other girl. Those things felt like home to me."
    At Avenues, a private school in Manhattan, Straus tried oral sex with boys ("I wasn't a hit -- they were like, 'Please stop,.") dressed super*feminine, "felt the most gender-dysphoric ever"
    'I came to terms with the fact that I am fully allowed to be both, in that I am so confident now in being feminine, but in this way that there's humility to it knowing that I could never wake up and put on a dress and walk outside,' she says. 'And yet, I can get on a set and turn it out. It's like using my body as a prop. Clothing is armour. Make-up is armour. It's everything. I really have figured out my own juj, and now I feel like I act the most feminine as far as my personality. And yet, my physical appearance is very in-between.'
    'It's a mindfuck to think about a female-presenting person who has said they don't feel like a woman, who then dresses as a woman as part of their artform, knowing fully the whole time that that is a character. That's a hard concept,' she explains. 'I'm not asking the world to be like, "Yas!" I mean, that's why I don't have 15 fucking Grammys. That's why people aren't streaming my music. I get that that's hard. But I'm asking people to have some fun.'
    "So you have to be feminine."

    "OK well I'm pretty feminine in a lot of way-"

    "No not like that!"

    "You have to call yourself a woman!"

    "OK well I'm a woman and I'm a man."

    ">:[ be a straight cisgender woman !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    [BEEP] I'm going to be the most masculine transsexual man ever if you keep on this way. Just to spite you.

    No I like androgyny too much lol.

    I still haven't watched any David Lynch but since people compared my videos to him and they keep comparing cool surreal stuff to him I feel like this is a big compliment for her:

    Hanging out with King Princess can feel like entering a time warp. At 21, she has the lush, broken voice of a hard-living lounge singer in a David Lynch film,
    Also I'm not saying this is definitely the case but part of me thinks the end result of your agitating combined with a lack of knowlege about sexuality etc is essentially the emasculation of all men which most don't like. Because of how categories work. You can't have it both ways:

    For the Western feminists, the issue of androgyny has always been an important concern of feminists. The concept of androgyny as a feminist value and personality ideal was first proposed by the British female writer Virginia Woolf in her A Room of One's Own in 1919.
    You have a significant number of bisexual women and non-binary people who want men to be feminine or they like the idea of them being attracted to men etc, participating in certain sex acts... They post about this online, write fanfics etc, fanart. This confuses men a lot when it comes to women who aren't 'like that.' So there's a never ending fight between people who aren't into masculine men, and masculine men who insist all women are. That's one way our culture is making things difficult.

    Then you have the fight between androgynous people and masculine men. Because both side perceives the other as having control:

    Then you have feminine women insisting that tomboys will just grow out of it and become feminine straight women as adults when even putting aside whether they are trans or non-binary or cisgender most will be queer. Deal with it/cope.

    Also even if they are exclusively attracted to men not everyone does 'grow out of it' there are (rarely) straight adult women who are masculine or androgynous at least and some people become more androgynous later on than they were as children. Most of the people I see arguing points like 'lots of tomboys grow up to be feminine straight women' (never decoupling these two ideas,) are the first people to complain like 'why can't you be a masculine woman?'

    Louise as a character isn't even 'very tomboyish.' And neither is anyone who was considered a tomboy during the Avril era which is definitely what she's describing because I can tell from the groups/ages that she's a millenial. And yet you still assume it's desireable for her to 'grow out of it'

    You make absolutely 0 room.

    Speaking of Avril.

    Chainsaw guitar, I'm going to need that.
    And this comment I left 10 years ago is still accurate.

    edit: Also Camille Paglia someone said:

    What I don't understand is how Camille Paglia eulogises the age when the sexes (or is it 'gender'; I can never sure) occupied separate domains and never mingled (except perhaps for 'procreation', and the satisfaction of the sexual need of men) and when women have very little personal freedom, when it was that self same age where nonconformists (LGBTQIA) like Paglia, herself, would have been persecuted, perhaps to extinction.

    I am terribly confused.
    It's incredibly hard to understand her so I can't say that I do with certainty because she's often so incoherent and all over the place (I doubt she always agrees with herself either for this reason.) For example take this quote I just found:

    She approved -- of all things -- of the Women's March. "I think it's important that women rediscover solidarity with themselves," she said. "It really wasn't about feminism. It's really not about Trump. It's not about any of that. It was all of a sudden, Oh, wow, to be with all the women."

    Still, the [BEEP] hats: She buried her face in her hands as she discussed them. "I was horrified, horrified by the pink [BEEP] hats," she said; the pink [BEEP] hats were "a major embarrassment to contemporary feminism."

    "I want dignity and authority for women," she said. "My code is Amazonism. I want weapons."
    On the other hand she's often talked about the importance of penises and made a film about that and talked about how feminists are uncomfortable with penises. Yet it's clear that nothing makes people more uncomfortable than cunts. They can't even say the word in America.

    I'm not going to rule out that she just simultaneously has two conflicting and contradictory viewpoints that she's trying to balance like personalities.

    I think partly she is bitter though because of how she was treated by women when she was younger - in fact she's spoken about that on a few occasions. They all wanted to start families and she was like 'why don't you finish x project you're working on?' And they were like 'we're not like you.' After researching more she went from believing gender was socially constructed to believing it was biological. So she was disenchanted. (Clearly she hasn't given up on this entirely though hence 'we need more weapons at women's marches.')

    She has in a bunch of ways developed a viewpoint on culture very similar to many men where she's annoyed by how the culture demonises masculinity which is why she has so many male fans on the other hand there are men who also strongly disagree with her enough to write long essays (and not just feminist men either.) She also has conservative anti-feminist women who comment like 'I'm not a feminist but if I was I'd be like you.' (Actual comment I just read on a youtube video lol.)

    But people tend to ignore where she differs like eg: she tells women to be like gay men and in general idealised gay men. If she's going to be stuck with women, ultimately she wants them to be more masculine and more feminine in different ways. And conservatives ignore that part lol. In this sense she's quite similar to a lot of younger and even older non-binary people as I mean even Judith Butler had a lot of gay male role models too I recently learnt.

    There's also this:

    "I would go to a faculty meeting and be aware that everyone hated me. The men were appalled by a strong, loud woman . [T]he men at the college were terrified because they are eunuchs, and I threatened every one of them." Her interactions even became physical: in one case Paglia left an obnoxious male student sprawled on the cafeteria floor. After several such incidents, Bennington reportedly asked her to leave, but with legal intervention she managed to stay on until 1979. After Bennington College she landed a low-paying faculty position as professor of humanities at the Philadelphia College of Performing Arts (now the University of the Arts).
    Her opinions on trans people and pronouns and androgyny leading to the end of civilisation just seems like self hate to me. At least if she's blaming androgynous people.

    She doesn't get along with lesbians and has never had a lot of sex she kind of worships women from a distance:

    As a graduate student at Yale, she was the only person who was openly gay. "I had no sex life," she says, "but I was writing a dissertation on sex." The dissertation turned into Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson, a 700-page study of Western culture which argued that "civilisation" was all about sex. It was rejected by seven publishers, but when it was finally published, when Paglia was 43, and teaching in the art faculty of the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, it made her an international star.
    It's beginning to sound, I say, as if most of the sex in her life has been in her books. Has it? "Yes." And does she wish she'd had more? "Yes, I do." But surely, I say, suddenly feeling protective, it isn't too late? "Well," she says, "I was always cautious. I was also cautious about drugs and I'm glad I was, because my generation destroyed itself on psychedelic drugs. If my work looks odd, or sui generis, it's because people whose work should have been a context for my work lost the capacity to write."
    But Paglia grew up in the 50s. So it was a completely different world for her at the same time very little has changed. She envied gay men because she saw lesbian life as being boring and domestic and she lived an incredibly risk averse life. This is amusingly (terribly,) a viewpoint Contrapoints now struggles with after going on estrogen and coming out as a lesbian.

    There are gay men ftr who will often argue the complete opposite and be unhappy they can't find commitment. What I've mostly learnt is that no group is really content in an absolute sense. Content people are content and it's because of their personality.

    When she says this she's really talking as much about herself:

    What women have to realize is their own dominance as a sex. That women's sexual powers are enormous. All cultures have seen it. Men know it. Women know it. The only people who don't know it are feminists. Desensualized, desexualized, neurotic women. I wouldn't have said this twenty years ago because I was a militant feminist myself. But as the years have gone on, I began to see more and more that the perverse, neurotic psychodramas projected by these women is coming from their own problems with sex.
    I mean she's more comfortable with porn of course. I don't know if she's gone in a more conservative direction on that topic or not cause a lot of people have and she's changed some of her other viewpoints. Gen Z increasingly consume porn and don't have sex. Don't really want it. I don't think that's because of porn at all personally.

    "That's why sex with men is so hot. You get the best sex from men. Actually, if you pretend you're not so dominant. It's so easy to make men wilt - if feminists don't realise that, they are stupid. What I see is a worldwide conspiracy by women to protect men from the knowledge of their own limitations. Men are very, very simple beings. They just want approval and attention. You pat them on the head and they go and conquer the North Pole. But they are desperate. They are exiles from the world of intimacy Their confidence is utterly frail . They need daily maintenance".

    Professor Camille Paglia is shrieking this at me and having ignored the male photographer in the room, acknowledges him for the first time. "The life of men is one of anxiety" she continues. She never stops talking. I catch his eye. He fiddles with his equipment.
    Pretend being the operative word here. But honestly it's unclear whether she's speaking from experience. I found the experience limited as it was since I wasn't willing to have intercourse - quite dissociative. I was just playing a role. I guess she was too but for me it wasn't a fun role. Not going into that again lol. Like her I prefer to view people from a distance:

    "My romantic life," she says "is non-existent. Except," she adds, in the way that maybe only she could add, "that, for the past four years, I've had a kind of cult for a Brazilian superstar." The "superstar" is the singer Daniela Mercury. Paglia went to Brazil to give a lecture and fell in love with the music, and the star. Mercury is happily married, and the relationship is platonic. And, says Paglia, "voyeuristic". Fans post phone footage of their idol on the web, so she can, she says, "follow exactly what she's doing every day".

    So many people have issues with Lady Gaga lol but I disagree and it's ironic because she told women to be more like drag queens! And no most drag queens I've come across aren't sexual really in the same way... Maybe she meant some other aesthetic.

    Musically I think people dislike her because she was popular and they only listened to her most popular music. I'm not saying she's the best artist ever but she gets disproportinate criticism and she has some pretty decent music tracks. Also it sounds like she formed this opinion in 2008 or something based on Poker Face and then just never updated it. But no in many of her videos she wasn't trying to be sexual and that's fine imo.

    Imo she doesn't like her because it reminds her of the things she dislikes about herself. Consider this video lol:

    She was getting criticised for 'being sexual' constantly at the same time that Paglia had this issue lol which is also ironic.

    Paglia also takes literally Gaga's recent line - that she doesn't have sex very often because she fears losing creativity through her [BEEP] - which surely was just a witty way of saying that men can be a distraction when you're totally focused on your work.
    Paglia liked to describe herself as 'the first rock n roll intellectual' lololol.

    Also despite my not finding her generally sexually appealing the Paparazzi video when she's making out with guys on the sofa was kind of hot. Or I thought so many years ago. I don't know why people can't appreciate multiple styles?

    Like Paglia you can't just be like. 'Didn't find this sexual. It's automatically bad.'

    intriguingly I've just found this comment about her in drag as a guy from a straight guy:

    But to be honest, i think she makes a much hotter dude than female (and I must precise that yes, I'm straight):
    MA Norse Religion, writer living in the Arctic
    OK then. The internet is a weird place lol. Where people live in the arctic and announce they find Lady Gaga attractive as a man :') not that I'm one to talk but yeah.

    A couple of moments aside I think at least she was a lot less defensively aggressive than many pop stars around now. I don't even know if she'd agree because of the visuals but to me the Thot [BEEP] music video for example lol. I don't think it's bad though - because that's how people are feeling.

    I was wondering what she thought about Shakira haha:

    And if this isn't sexy, so what? Paglia herself admits that audiences still have "tigresses" who include "Beyonce, Shakira, Rihanna, Lily Allen, Nelly Furtado." Gaga is doing something different.
    I'm really confused about why she included Lily Allen in that list. Like one of these people are not like the others in terms of energy lol. (Also tbh surprised she likes Beyonce even though many of her music videos especially early on fit what I think she's saying.) Otherwise makes a lot of sense.

    This song is just sadism lol.

    I feel like she wanted to include someone who was unambigulously white and she has a certain image that is like working class in some videos. It's worth noting she's been accused of faking that but then class and money aren't synonymous her mum is from a catholic working class background and gave birth to her at age 17 but both her parents were famous so she obviously wouldn't have grown up poor.

    Was it the dress with the training shoes? I bet it was the dress with the training shoes.

    Paglia explain!

    The song 22 is a bit like this Amy Winehouse track thematically:

    In her book, Sexual Personae, Camille Paglia mapped out western culture as one long battleground between chaos and untrammelled desire. Rock stars, she wrote, are the great Dionysian heroes of our age, acting out our wildest desires and darkest dramas on our behalf so that we do not have to.
    More voyeurism.

    Paglia: Men suffer from sexual anxiety their whole lives. The domination by women is a crushing burden. I understand the stalker. I understand how John Hinckley became obsessed with Jodie Foster. It was similar to the way I was toward beautiful women. I saw Catherine Deneuve in a department store and followed her and spied on her.
    I get that but I don't think you have to be attracted to women to understand that. Many women are obsessed with for example - rock stars. There were women who stalked Prince. Don't even get me started on kpop fangirls... I think that's why Sarah McLachlan wrote Posession:

    This was a gutsy song for McLachlan to release because her stalker was still out there. "Instead of running and hiding I chose to face it, head on, and to try and put myself into the shoes of the stalker," she told iTunes Originals. "We've all been obsessed to greater or lesser degrees about someone or something and by putting myself into those shoes I could find a place for it and put it away and not let it take over my life."
    Jodie Foster is overpraised, too. I thought she was good in Silence of the Lambs and The Accused, but she's getting on my nerves.

    You know she did look attractive in some images I saw from The Accused but given the subject matter I wasn't about to watch it lol. And I hadn't watched it. I also really liked her when I was a kid when she was playing Tallulah. I was a bit younger than she was at the time. My school had a stage performance of that play so we had to watch it. I also like her in contact because she has long hair and glasses.

    She doesn't like Meryl Streep so basically she has issues with WASP women (she specifically said she does, but she means a certain aesthetic.) I think her performance works for women in The Devil Wear's Prada because of her dynamic with Anne Hathaway.

    She called Taylor Swift nazi barbie at one point because she reminds her of girls who excluded her which is what I meant when I said she's bitter.

    'I left the catholic church 25 years ago because I couldn't stand the dogma. I hate all dogmas'[i]. This didn't prevent Paglia from worshiping Catholic culture and declaring that in another epoch she would have been a nun. Paglia is a feminist 'nun' -- and a transgender lesbian, who happens to be pro-pornography!
    Not mutually exclusive a lot of nuns were lesbians and it makes perfect sense. Back in the 60s some psychopthearpists did some weird psychology experiment on a bunch of nuns and found a bunch of them left and everyone remaining just became a 'radical lesbian nun.'

    Like this part makes perfect sense to me.

    She argued this too at one point which clearly not lol it frequently blurs categories in a way that makes most people uncomfortable:

    Bisexuality is out best hope of escape from the animosities and false polarities of the current sex wars. Whether or not we can put it into practice, bisexuality is a great pagan ideal. (p. 94)

    The real revolution will come when we are free of the false dichotomy of gay/straight and when bisexual responsiveness is accepted as the universal norm. (p. 105)
    Not to mention all the insane stuff these days you read online. Technically people are more bisexual but there's just increasing animosity it seems. Or the animosity is more visible than at any other point in my life.

    I was a lesbian before gay lib. I was openly lesbian in college, I went to college in '64 to '68, and the gay lib thing broke out in '69. At Yale graduate school, I was the only open lesbian from '68 to '72. The only one. And I took the career price for that. I shoved my lesbianism down people's throats when I wasn't getting any pleasure from it; I couldn't find anyone to be with! There is the irony, I took all the negatives without any of the positives! I tried. I tried to pick up women, I tried. In 1969 I traveled Europe with the handbook, the gay guide to Europe. I went from place to place, every city, and I thought, "What is the problem here?" All the gay men are finding contacts everywhere! You can't avoid it! Bus terminals, toilets, diners, everywhere! Finally I had to conclude, after so many decades of frustration, that lesbians are not looking for sex. It's not about sex. They think it's about sex. It's about mommy! It's about mommy is what it's about!
    Fucking Freudians. But she must be onto something because that word and daddy is everywhere in a sexual context. Not my cup of tea but at this point I pretty much have to roll with it with some things because so many submissive guys like using that word.

    You have discussed the issue of imagery -- what are your thoughts about the Playboy bunny costume?

    Feminists of that period were irate about it -- they felt that it reduced women to animals. It is true it's animal imagery, but a bunny is a child's toy, for heaven's sake!

    I think you could criticize the bunny image that Hefner created by saying it makes a woman juvenile and infantilizes her. But the type of animal here is a kind of key to Hefner's sensibility because a bunny is utterly harmless.
    Hefner's women may have been uncomplex as personalities, but they were always warm and genuine. I never found them particularly erotic. I much preferred the Penthouse style of women, who were more femme fatales. Hefner's bunnies were a major departure from female mythology, where women were often portrayed as animals of prey -- tigresses and leopards. Woman as cozy, cuddly bunny is a perfectly legitimate modality of eroticism. Hefner was good-natured but rather abashed, diffident, and shy. So he recreated the image of women in palatable and manageable form. I don't see anything misogynist in that. What I see is a frank acknowledgment of Hefner's fear of women's actual power.
    Yeah maybe. I don't have a specific thing for bunny guy's historically. Probably more cat guys (not a huge thing either but there were like several works and fantasies I created that involved that weirdly before catgirls were popular,) but I did like one thing with a bunny guy in recently and the concept of being hyper sexual and cute was appealing. On the other hand a large part of the audio was about bunny stereotypes and the listener was some hunter that got stuck in their own trap and the two alternated roles throughout. I talk in third person because I didn't exactly self insert into it.

    All you have to do is look at the long history of the gay male world, beginning in classical Athens. No gay man has ever said when gazing at a beautiful young man with a perfect body, "I am making him passive beneath my gaze." That would be stupid beyond belief. Every gay man knows that youth and beauty are supreme principles that deserve our admiration and veneration. When we worship beauty, we are worshipping life itself.
    I don't think she's aware of gay men who have said things like this (there's a point where she overidealises gay men or did.) Also by bot he means bottom but points out he uses that word somewhat loosely. He's trying to describe a sexuality/personality type.

    And now, let's also think of the 'classic homosexual top' It is obvious that his homosexuality doesn't so much involve an idealization of maleness at all. He often likes younger and 'pretty' males, whose youthful flexibility and compliance set the very particular stage for his own male dominance to be 'truly' expressed at last.
    This kind of homosexual top isn't too consciously aware of the gay tragedies playing out in the lives of 'true homosexuals', of aging and loneliness, and always being second- best to a real man's real wife. He never fantasized as a little boy about Captain Kirk, Lee Majors and Rock Hudson. Basically, this type is in fact pretty cold-hearted which tragically, tends to make him all the more irresistable to the gay bot.

    He has no existential crisis to solve, and isn't focused on dealing with being a different species in a cruel, unwelcoming world. He isn't doubting about anything and has an opportunistic outlook on Life, simply enjoying his fuck-pleasures in a childish way that is unwelcoming of depth, problems and painful philosophizing. We needn't be surprised that the bot, who always seeks love precisely where it can never be found, will readily fall head over heels in love with this type who is necessarily an egotist and sometimes, a malignant narcissist?
    Perhaps a reader would like to point out that not all tops are into pretty boys. [...]

    In fact, the [feminine gay guy] dramatized sexuality interferes with the top's real desire, of base, animal, saucy male/male virile sex. So his preference is for more manly types, who actually love getting fucked. [...]

    The gay bottom in such relationships usually seeks sexual highs in an addiction-pattern, and significantly lacks the 'romantic dimension' that comes in when opposites attract. Sex turns into an entire lifestyle on a daily basis, and issues of identity are largely ignored, considered irrelevant No 'androgynous', 'hermaphroditic', or otherwise atypical male qualities are apparent. The psychic life of such bots is mainly organized in ways similar to those of his sexual mate, and of most 'normal' males. The biggest difference is really that he is more hedonistic, and usually becomes a slave of his own pleasures, which itself may have feminizing effects [...]

    The point is that technically, he might be a 'gay bottom', but his homosexuality doesn't define all that much more than his sex-life. He isn't a very 'different species' And so we're not talking about these types either. Let's try to keep a general vision in mind of a 'classic gay bottom', who doesn't feel like other males from an early age, and who indeed did become something of a 'personage', the prototypical gay man who dreams of the strong arms of an alpha-male just like a young girl would. Are we on the same page? I think everyone gets the general picture. We're trying to capture a ballpark idea of an essential, core homosexual phenomenon, that involves fundamental attraction to maximum maleness and masculinity, and a sensed absence of it in oneself
    He used the word daddy multiple times (actually 46 times.) It reminded me of Solanas writing about women now and then like her 'daddy's girl' thing (there are obvious differences but also reading some of this it's like: "oh my god it's her ghost wtf" lol I'm not quoting the more obvious example that sounds like her though):

    the thing is, because Big Daddy is a psychologically undeveloped owned human resource, his need to uphold the illusion of his own power and dominance becomes all the more acute and excruciating. He can now only find proof and confirmation of it in the bottom's submissiveness
    [...] even more crucially, he is submitting to a destroyed form of maleness, stripped of all ACTUAL power and creativity.

    It is so obvious that the classic homosexual (the receptive gay man) has simply abdicated from wanting to be a dominant male,
    When he talks about how a lot of gay men engage in casual sex it doesn't seem at first like he's complaining about this (honestly I can't tell,) but then he complains about the lack of affection between men and at one point being neglected in favour of men's wives.

    He also has an issue with surrogacy unsurprisingly.

    (Of course, what the classic gay man is really looking for is a real alpha-male, and this quest is inherently bound to fail, because a REAL alpha-male would pick a REAL girl).
    The implication is, that the classic gay man finds in the typical dominant alpha-male precisely the incarnation of everything that once horrified him most, in the depths of his being The alpha-male stands for everything the gay adolescent once viscerally refused. But because the higher forces he had locked off from society couldn't be expressed, and had since sexualized in his Psyche, the lonely gay man in a cold human world has no option left but to cave in to the now fiercely burning desire; he is now compelled to find peace and fulfillment copulating with the very incarnation of the form of programmed malehood that destroyed his own adolescence
    But honestly nothing has really left me more viscerally horrified than reading accounts online from men who dislike their attraction to men. But moreso autogynephilic men who hate themselves (who have labelled themselves that.) I don't think that has to be such a huge deal conceptually especially how it manifests for most people but there's a very toxic culture around this - and really everything sexual and the way other people judge things. Part of the reason it bothers me though is envy because in the latter case a bunch of them believe that having sex with men proves their own femininity like an inverse of what this guy is talking about and they're not actually attracted to those guys which is fine for them if they're on the same page (except for again the horror some of them have. I found their horror weirdly upsetting to read about.) And of course I dislike the implications in terms of values - femininity doesn't require sex with men. But sexually it made me feel pretty castrated as well because I'm not an archetype of cisgender masculinity but then I also wouldn't want to be because firstly I have no interest in hyper masculine aesthetics and also I want to be attractive to people romantically. But yeah the whole thing is very complicated and kind of a mindfuck. Which is also why I wouldn't be interested in dating someone who purely frames themselves using that lens. It's just very bleak.

    I've not really done a good job explaining what I'm talking about here lol. This is difficult to break down though. Also the general mentality is shared by some lesbian women too who post about this online not just men. Like they claim to not be attracted to men but want their attention anyway and things like that.

    Anyway though the primary focus for me is more other's 'femininity' also androgyny and his general idea that it is purely sexual isn't the case for me as I'm romantically attracted to men and have a lot of romantic daydreams. Though it didn't really work out for me irl during my brief attempts and sometimes I fantasise about men as women but I didn't always do that even when they were very androgynous in my writing/fantasies etc. So I don't think that's in any way necessary.

    Oh I'm not a 'REAL alpha-male' of course either lol.

    I sort of thought... He should consider dating gay trans men but I don't think they'd typically be masculine enough for lots of these guys. But they definitely often have romantic fantasies about men and historically at least specifically feminine gay men lol this popped up in research. I said years ago when listening to Quentin Crisp (who this guy referenced,) that 'God' has a funny (sadistic,) sense of humour. Also his life was quite tragic:

    The homosexual world is a world of spinsters. Most homosexuals over the age of twenty-five will play, on the physical level, an active, passive or unspecified role with the same or a different partner from night to night or even from hour to hour, but emotionally they search perpetually for a real man who desires passionately (as opposed to making do with) another man. This being, if he exists, is so rare that one might as well enter a monastery on reaching puberty. The less drastic alternative is to live a real sex life in a dream world. This can best be done in the dark with strangers."
    The ... problem that confronts homosexuals is that they set out to win the love of a "real" man. If they succeed, they fail. A man who "goes with" other men is not what they would call a real man. The conundrum is incapable of resolution, but that does not make homosexuals give it up.
    In an interview with CBC in 1977, upon being queried about whether he desired to be a woman, Crisp stated: "Well, I suppose when I was a child, when I lived almost entirely in a dreamworld, I suppose I thought of myself as a woman. But, later on, you realise that you have to live in the real world, and that you are not a woman. You are only in some senses 'effeminate,' or 'feminine,' and you must learn to make this compromise - to live in a world where, statistically, you are a man, whatever you may think about yourself."[18]

    "Having labelled myself homosexual and having been labelled as such by the wider world, I have effectively lived a 'gay' life for most of my years. Consequently, I can relate to gay men because I have more or less been one for so long in spite of my actual fate being that of a woman trapped in a man's body. I refer to myself as homosexual without thinking because of how I have lived my life. If you are reading this and are gay, think of me as one of your own even though you now know the truth. If it's confusing for you, think how confusing it has been for me these past ninety years."

    "The only thing in my life I have wanted and didn't get was to be a woman. It will be my life's biggest regret. If the operation had been available and cheap when I was young, say when I was twenty-five or twenty-six, I would have jumped at the chance. My life would have been much simpler as a result. I would have told nobody. Instead, I would have gone to live in a distant town and run a knitting wool shop and no one would ever have known my secret. I would have joined the real world and it would have been wonderful."[19]
    There are definitely cis gay guys who don't fit what he's talking about at all too that I've come across. I'm aware of all the groups he's talking about and other's have written about that before but there are people who don't fit into that. But again none of them are that masculine (and I only have examples from the UK.) But whenever people discuss these things it becomes a bit unclear what they want. Although he did list some examples so yeah... None of the gay guys I'm thinking about are that masculine.

    I prefered Spock :P especially around the age of 22. But that was like the new Spock not the og Spock. The original series was so dated that I could never get into that.

    Ultimately he came to this conclusion:

    The gay man is in potential the most subversive creature there is to the evil stringpullers controlling the cattle-farm. MUCH MORE subversive than the most powerful alpha-male. This is precisely why the social engineers are managing this issue so obsessively
    I skimread this though and there's so much to unpack and a lot of it is a kind of a response to conservative's view of how male homosexuality develops when they argue things like 'we can't be close anymore because of homosexuality' combined with some stuff that's as I said more Solanas-like. And of course trauma from school again (that's a reasonably universal experience among people who are non-conforming really.) And some amount of respectability politics essentially. He's worried about the conflation of homosexuality with pedophilia etc. There's transvestigation and conspiracy thinking. There's a whole bit on Dawkins for no obvious reason in this text that was supposed to be about his own homosexuality he's not a fan of him probably for very different reasons to me lol. I think quite a bunch of this is religious. Saying that Christianity is a Satanic program ??? that's a little ironic (starting to remind me of some crazy gnostic guy I was in a discord chat with once I can't get into that lol I was also being an edgelord though so I regret that a bit now because some people take the idea of you being evil very seriously and I see it as a game,) also uses the word evil a bunch. Antisemitism in places.

    He has an issue with [BEEP] theory of course, with Judith Butler and is frustrated that nobody knows why anyone is gay among other things. The sentiment re understanding and people's theories not being very good is one I sympathise with though. Also because of the confusion I've had in trying to figure myself out. With what feels like no community/script etc like the mindfuck thing I was eluding to before because there's no map... Some of it really was like being an alien.

    It seems he thinks masculinity = repression as he suggests this with both straight men and Judith Butler - he's particuarly not a fan of Judith Butler's entire aesthetic. But it's an incoherent complicated mess again.

    Oddly he thinks Leslie Feinberg was genetically male and she wasn't... Possibly for the same reason he assumes others who aren't trans are trans.

    Was wondering if he then brought up Paglia and he has. He also doesn't like rock stars.

    Overly moralising while criticising others of doing the same.

    The conspiracy stuff is actually really strong like I think he just believes most conspiracy theories. He goes into this in some paragraph.

    I don't believe the idea he comes up with about homosexuality as an identity in the West leading to the existence of the personality + sexuality he discusses though as it exists in other cultures everywhere without that label...

    But the stuff he brings up about not being able to find a partner does echo Quentin Crisp who was less schizophrenic so (and he brings him up though I think prob to disagree with him like everyone.) The rest isn't technically relevant. But it's just a lot.

    I don't know if Contrapoints ever got this far. Her video The Hunger is touching on some of this and she's familiar with Paglia so she's gotten pretty far down this rabbit hole + has def been on 4chan so it's possible. It's just the abyss.

    And Bronze Age Pervert adopted his writing (not Quentin Crisp I mean the weird 4chan guy,) and Paglia's mixed together somewhat arguing points that I'm not really seeing in his writing or like his writing is more conflicted, and then BAP decided to promote radical body building + youth.

    I don't care for that physique/aesthetic and in a big way it's my primary problem with his ideology hahahaha. No there are a few other issues I have.

    Wake me up when it's the 70s again though. Also wake Paglia up apparently lol. (She likes David Bowie.)

    I still don't even know what it is about this photo that's doing it for me besides it being new but even then like what? it's not the most attractive one I think:

    It's always certain people doing this though. Plenty of people are most likely content if they find partners and have certain personality traits. I think Jordan Peterson is clear evidence that following the normie conservative path doesn't necessarily help. Someone on reddit dug up this photo of him age 14 too:

    And tbf. He doesn't seem happy to me or content. Of course that's not everyone's goal in life.

    It seems to be the same thing regardless of the other details of gender, sex, sexuality etc. I think a lot of philosophers were that way throughout history too.

    That's a horrifying thought really isn't it:

    You want to believe that if you change your life in some specific way it will have some impact. It's not at all clear to me though.

    And lol I decided to search this quote and one of the top google results I clicked on was a blog post by someone who related to the Loki quote and had a general feeling of restlessness and 'wanderlust' as I read on a bit after attributing it to their being an INTJ on the MBTI (which is not a great personality test,) they brought up that they are a Christian woman. I get it internet but I'm not converting lol. I've been told that as a genetic female everything in my life is a phase and I already finished the Christian one decades ago.

    Alternatively just go for a really long walk lol.

    "Oh right touch grass."

    I mean it doesn't solve everything though.

    Going back to Paglia lol:

    Interviewer: You're not taking the emergence of the radical lesbian sex movement into account.

    That's not true. What I'm saying, though, is sex-positive lesbianism has to lead to bisexuality. There is no sex-positive lesbianism that excludes response to men. I believe women are naturally bisexual. My vision is of a universal bisexuality for women. This lesbian feminism, now twenty years on line, is a disaster. Part of women?s power is their power over men.
    In spite of that she always called herself a lesbian. I think there was a brief period where she didn't but almost always and recently she calls herself a lesbian.

    Also like (I was trying to find what she said about Jodie Foster and just ran into a bunch of other unrelated quotes lol. This happens to me all the time with everyone):

    OK well I can't find it now but she definitely said at some point that she wanted Jodie Foster to come out as bisexual because she assumed the reason she was vague about it is because she'd had relationships with men as well and so didn't want to be boxed in. This was ages before she'd come out at all in general. I think there were rumours so.

    The statement follows Gaga, in 2009, answering the question 'are you bisexual?' from Barbara Walters by saying: "I do like women. I've only been in love with men, I've never been in love with a woman. That's really what the song ['Poker Face'] was all about. Why when I was with my boyfriend was I fantasising about women?"

    She later added: "I''ve certainly had sexual relationships with women, yes."
    She also said at one point though in an interview that she wasn't sure she'd been in love with a man either.

    In 2013, she also told Attitude: "I am bisexual, I?ve said it before I?ll say it again, I don't need to - I'm sorry if this is a bit vulgar- I don't need to eat [BEEP] in front of people for the whole world to take me seriously."

    Nevertheless, in 2017 Gaga told that year's class of RuPaul?s Drag Race queens on an episode of Untucked: "I'm not a gay woman, you know? And [it's] that touchy sort of subject where -- can you stand up for people that you are not necessarily fully part of that community in a way that you can understand what you all go through?"
    So it's funny.

    She got what she wanted. (More or less.)

    Oh I'm sure bisexual women in general fit her ideals more if you look at research but Lady Gaga really didn't if you look up quotes lol. She was a lot more restricted and not super into casual sex with men at least and said she didn't like sex until a certain point.. Reminds me of Paris Hilton (and she also hung out with [BEEP] women a bunch at one point.)

    Lady Gaga revealed that she pushed for a sex scene with Salma Hayek in House of Gucci--but the scene was eventually cut from the film.
    You can't say she hasn't tried sometimes.

    And yeah Tumblr seems to be full of people with various pronouns and genders talking about how they want Geddy Lee to be their girlfriend or about how he was obviously in a gay relationship with Alex Lifeson, and the women in China feminising male idols...

    Men and the Chinese government seem incredibly threatened by this.

    I'm just saying some things may have gotten out of hand (because people don't want to be lumped together.) And it probably started here:

    Quote Plato
    There were three kinds of human beings, that's my first point--not two as there are now, male and female. In addition to these, there was a third, a combination of those two; its name survives, though the kind itself has vanished. At that time, you see, the word 'androgynous' really meant something: a form made up of male and female elements, though now there's nothing but the word, and that's used as an insult.
    I'm not going to stop clearly though and at the same time nobody's going to be OK with this no matter what so [BEEP] it lol.

    Back to reddit:

    It's NEVER about the kids. When they say "I just dont want small children to be transed", thats a dog whistle, they don't give a [BEEP] about the kids, they care about the "deviants"
    What's actually happening is we have a government that is beholden to the current economic system but desperately trying to appeal to ethnonationalists - it won't work even they're not that blind. They can't stop immigration and their party never has. In fact frequently it has increased under the conservative government.

    The UK is essentially incapable of being self sufficient because it relies on borderline slavery and life in this country encourages a kind of apathy and lack of motivation in general among people raised here not to mention the increasing mental health issues. We also import a lot of things. Current lifestyles can't be maintained outside of this system or in national isolation. The individual is increasingly a hermit but the nation state is the opposite. We're not going to turn into old school Japan. The ethno nationalist hyper trad simple living folk are kidding themselves. Few find their ascetic xenophobic hobbitry ideals appealing.

    So people don't have the motivation or in many cases skillset to work these jobs. Interviews are also intimidating for the increasingly anxious and autistic. There are at least millions like her:

    They don't want to get yelled at while working in customer service jobs (an increasing amount of jobs require good social skills too and dealing with the public,) and they don't want to be judged by employers who might remind them of past trauma involving either their own parents, or experiences in the education system. Eg: I have a memory of being very young and being yelled at for drawing instead of doing some assigned task. I used to draw tons of little people compulsively which I now see as symbolic. Many of them had tiny brief cases and things like that too. My mum compared this to L. S. Lowry and my drawings weren't as good of course but the same neurotic awareness of our culture was there at such a young age.

    This memory of being yelled at for drawing could be fake - its blurry and I would have been about 4 or 5 but I don't think the emotions and what it represents are fake either way. At an older age something that definitely wasn't fake but similar happened where I was messing around with a piano at the school my mum worked at and the music teacher told me to either play better or stop playing.


    that's the soul of the UK.

    'UK teenagers would rather grow up to be YouTubers than go to space'

    'A third of teenagers in the US want to be Youtubers'

    That sort of thing.

    Faced with the soul sucking reality of modern life people will adopt high risk/high reward strategies to escape. Like attempting creative solutions (which was often repressed and poorly educated in the first place,) or stuff people might describe as psychopathic - criminal behaviour, general parasitism, and sex work which people like Jordan Peterson seem to view as psychopathic as well. Writing erotica is also a form of sex work btw. The best selling novel was erotica so nothing to turn your nose up at. Welcome to reality you snob.

    For someone from a developing country merely getting to live here is a huge goal they're willing to sacrifice their life for. People are actually dyin/risking death to get to Europe and then again to get to the UK because it's better than where they come from. So you can also find people with a strong work ethic and skillset who are willing to move of course. These are largely two different groups though lots want to come here whether they have skills and work ethic or not.

    It's often noted by people like Bill Kristol that within a generation or two - if they stay here instead of sending money abroad to families there - children of immigrant families will be the same as the native population in Western cultures or at least the lower classes where they end up a lot of the time. Eg: if in the UK they lose this survival drive and instead live off the government, live off family, do odd jobs in a precarious underemployed lifestyle with periods of unemployment - freeters in Japan etc, live a criminal lifestyle, try to get into entertainment and do sex work - online if they can so they can avoid being around other Humans due to the frequent neurotic personalities that occur in developed countries. But of course irl sex work is less safe but still preferable to many women historically and now if you ask when compared to working in a factory every day for the rest of their life.

    You can replace immigrants with AI - and they will in time - but not with the British (or American) population imo.

    Work won't 'set you free.' A significant chunk of the country is mentally ill and 1 in 4 experience mental health issues at some point in their lives. Recent generations increasingly don't want to do boring shitty and stressful work for low pay like their parents who hated life - they want to play Minecraft for low pay. Or do onlyfans etc.

    So to distract from that problem the government needs a scapegoat and [BEEP] people have often been their favourite choice over the past 100 years. Besides we earn very little as a group if you discount gay men now, and lesbian women decades ago but these days results are more mixed and lesbian women are earning fewer degrees. Bisexual and trans people are the least 'economically productive.' In the US. And after all 1 in 3 UK employers won't hire someone they know is trans in the first place.

    Some of this might be genetic but the same people who dislike this reality are often the same people complaining about low fertility rates and wanting to ban abortion. ???

    At least some of these assholes are consistent and think they're God's chosen one's and think that the 'hordes' (they frame it that way,) of economically unviable people who don't manage to make it in their high risk/high reward life paths should die out. Its all very Dickensian still. Because there are only three traits that are important in a Human to those people:

    1. Being economically productive

    2. Not being technophobic

    3. Not being tribalistic and thinking your religion etc is the only right one and wanting to kill everyone else or something.

    Yeah they fear the third is going to happen. Most ideological beliefs stem from a fear of others after all. Another thing that's increasing in Western countries.

    The pronatalists are worried people who fit those 3 traits (and they think they cluster though personally I'm only 1 out of 3,) are overbreeding and they don't want them to reproduce and want to force the uninterested but intelligent and economically productive couples who live with their cats to have kids instead.

    Doesn't apply in this case perhaps because they're LGBT+

    They do seem kind of like relationship goals honestly in edited youtube videos at least. I don't feel any anger towards them it gives me a sense of hope about the universe because others like me have ended up in pretty [BEEP] life situations even when moderately succesful.

    Like that one genderfluid trans guy from the UK who didn't medically transition and struggles with ADHD, autism an eating disorder, past drug use and issues with that etc + online harassment and unable to find a partner due to sexual preferences and one ex who he was in love with left him for a guy and I dont know all the details there but I think that was a big negative point in his life.
    Not that he seems miserable given the circumstances he's definitely the kind of person who is able to tolerate a lot on a deep level but 'the circumstances' are considerable is what I'm saying lol. He was lucky to get a YT audience too of course and has also published gay male vampire books and some other book (or is working on something,) and I think released some music? Bunch of creative stuff.

    Oh I know this couple has struggled with mental health issues too (the number on social media who do or have at some point is huge in general,) and we even have similarly sized Youtube channels in terms of subscribers and my videos get more views but still lol. It's irrelevant. I imagine the universe where I wasn't crazy and from a shithole town and was more attractive and started dating some visual kei or otherwise androgynous local musician whose photos I found online like she did and had a wife and cats now and had published a gay male romance book (as I used to write that stuff as a teen,) instead of whatever this is. Failing to motivate myself to make YouTube videos the only thing I had any success at (tiny amount at that.)

    Because yeah the cisgender wife in that couple seems like a high functioning version of me with the same sexuality lol. I don't remember the details of her book but it's m/m romance again. She describes herself as cis-ish too. So I feel like she's borderline between a woman and non-binary from some things she's said in recent videos.

    This is very aesthetic lol it's like a Patrick Wolf song:

    This isn't my aesthetic now but there was a point where I would have been like =O Patrick Wolf vibes.

    I wrote some shity poetry about lighthouses in my early 20s too lol.

    Back then I also wanted like a pair of glittery turquoise converses (I guess some styles of shoes don't change.) Because he had this t-shirt that was like sparkly and turquoise and I was like 'what if that but shoes.'

    But I never found a pair and I don't know if they exist and skniny androgynous guys continue to taunt me this way:

    It's a conspiracy.

    The stupid thing is I never just found a pair of basic turquoise converse knock offs and just you know painted glitter on them. Not hard.

    My thing about red haired people and always playing red haired characters in games started before this though ftr. (Pretty sure it started with Poison Ivy lol.) I only got into his music at 15/16. I had other influences in life as well lol.

    It's not a coincidence that I was suggested their videos either of course. It's one of the creepy things about social media. Even if you don't envy the Instagram normies it will find someone who is like you in some fundamental sense but better. It's very good at that. Well either that or the perfect thing to piss you off lol - that's twitters game though.

    Tumblr is the 'look at this amazing cardigan/shoes they are at least 100 pounds and you know you don't need them but they're so cool' platform lol. 'If you stopped being lazy and were more talented you could buy some cheap knock off converses and do this yourself~'

    Which is just rude lol. We all know since the failed custom My Little Pony project as a teenager (this was like the long furby thing before long furbies I guess,) and the time you bought knitting needles and a bunch of stuff that it's not going to happen. You haven't even painted anything in real life for over a decade. At least I made a home made phone case once out of a sock I guess.

    Also they want anyone from that class who already has kids to have more. Even though they all start in their 30s even many arguing this that started in their 30s.

    The visible contempt from people like this pronatalists leads to resentment that further justifies and amplifies these trends.

    'the child not embraced. By the village will burn it down to feel its warmth' and all that.

    My friend recently expressed confusion about a case of a woman in her 20s being euthanised in The Netherlands 'didn't know that was happening/legal' but it's far from the first case of this type. I was shocked he didn't know. When it makes headlines it's a white woman in her 20s.

    'Terf island' rather understates the global problem.

    The worst thing is that I wrote this post instead of reading Star Trek fanfiction which would have been a much better use of my time. I'll get past the first paragraph without falling to sleep or something else one day I guess.

    Lol I just checked skype and my friend had messaged me this (entirely unrelated to our last conversation and everything this was obviously just on his mind):

    Do you ever think about what happens if we have a generation of people who just don't wanna be doctors

    Or any other key professional

    Also speaking of YouTube and money I get sent these tax forms once a year now that have no explanation or cover letter it's just something to do with the US tax system. I didn't fill them in last year because I actually couldn't answer some questions they asked and my research on what if anything I needed to do didn't really go anywhere. I also already filled in something online which was supposed to stop this.

    It's a 1042 S form.

    Just found a YouTube video now talking about this:

    Just came across this video after looking at the documents once again. I kept going back to them because I had fears that I was supposed to do something with them but I've now heard from 2 sources (including you) that I don't need to do anything with them and that I can rest and file them away! Thank you for easing my mind. I thought I was going to get into trouble for not doing anything :)
    Hi Sheila, I was struggling to understand working of 1042-S form for two years, thanks a lot for helping!!
    Hi Sheila , just found you we are Neighbours In believe Ime in Geordie land , Do we not have to fill anything in online to say we are exempt ! , the last time it came up in the YT studio to apply online for a tax treaty for being in the Uk ! I filled it in last year as my earnings go to my accountant ! I wasnt sure if what I filled in online last year covers now ! just confused , thanks for your Info ;)
    You do not have to fill anything in online, i recieved a letter from the US and having looked up all info on it we in the UK do not have to fill in anything, my letter i will just hang onto just in case the HMRC want to see it, the UK have a tax treaty with the US so we do not pay any tax to them, you fill in the forms online when you are first monetised and that is it. You don't have to do anything else..
    thankyou , I was 1st monetised in 2018 but I only filled the form online last year when I got a notification from Google Adsense , so maybe that was it ;)
    There are lots of reddit threads over the past couple of years this has been happening too like:

    I've earned money but I owe IRS $0 in money. I don't even know if I need to send it in, or where to even send it. Everything is so fucking vague.
    Tbh I'm not going to send any thing back tbh, becuse I know I'm not owing anything. Yeah It is confusing, There's not even a head note explaining what's what.
    So it's not just me I didn't send anything last year but it's still confusing why do they keep sending mail? They don't make it clear what I'm supposed to do at all. Should probably complain at some point.

    it's just an information return for them to tell you what you earned and what was withheld (which may be $0 if you filled out a form earlier saying that your country has a tax treaty with the US). you may not need to do anything with it other than keep it for your records.
    They don't say that though what they say is:

    Generally, every non resident alien individual, nonresident alien fiduciary, and foreign corporation with U.S income, including income that is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States, must file a U.S. income tax return. However, no return is required to be filed by a nonresident alien individual, nonresident alien fiduciary, or foreign corporation if such person was not engaged in a trade or buisness in the United States at any time during the tax year and if the tax liability of such person was fully satisfied by the withholding of U.S. tax at the source. Corporations file form 1120-F; all others file form 1040-NR.
    Alien lol. So weird how they use that word.

    So does engaging in buisness mean geographically? But it doesn't necessarily because you said nonresident 'aliens' have to pay tax too.

    Then they suggest going to the IRS website but I did that last year and it did not help in the slightest from what I remember.

    It very much felt like this:

    They seem to be wasting paper.

    I do find the idea that I might have to pay tax to a foreign country but not the country I live in pretty funny not going to lie.

    Also all this time and I've only just realised there's a way on this forum to disable text being turned into emoticons. That would have helped me before lol. There are a bunch of things that end up getting turned into different emoticons.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
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  7. #5617
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    If you grew up like me with images of fin de siecle/interwar Paris, with the famous cafes, with its networks of artists&thinkers, with this image of a life constantly immersed in culture, you were probably just as heartbroken to discover that this doesn't exist in Europe anymore.
    Well not really because I grew up in Europe, mostly in the post internet era, so I never had the impression that it did. At least not in the same way.

    But I bought a pretty looking book a couple of months ago:

    Christian women tend to use "I will pray for you" as a way to tell you to go [BEEP] yourself.
    Yup, that's it.
    Ever wonder where the woke learned to use acceptance and tolerance as a weapon?
    It's not an ideological thing you know. It's just passive aggression lol.

    Not everything is some great skill that was taught.

    Next up how the Communists taught throwing shade:


    "Shade is I don't tell you your ugly but I don't have to tell you because you know your ugly and that's shade."

    "Girls just leave scars in your psyche that you find later like a genocide or an atrocity."

    He says boys and girls but he means feminine and masculine:

    Actually I think this clip from Bob's Burgers is the funniest representation (the first clip everything else she does pretty much is masculine lol ironically):

    Louise: "When I was young and naive I would have said arson - but I'm gonna go with voodoo."

    Bob: "I like arson"

    Louise: "No seriously dad voodoo"

    Bob: "No"

    Louise: "I have a book. No I have a book. I'll go get it."

    You can disincentivise the behaviour but it's still instinctive.

    It's not legally disincentivised (which some complain about,) but it is socially. This song is a bop:

    Also it does suck the worst encounters I've had have been with psychopathic women. So I'm being edgy but I'm not downplaying it lol.

    If the political right had any ability to attract feminine people whatsoever (the 'Christian women' could be seen as right wing since they're typically conservative but that's like centre right and most of the far right disown them anyway because they're feminine,) they could utilise this too.

    Many shamans practice transvestism among various peoples--fools interpret this as "gay rights," not seeing the cultic understanding of femininity. The Pythia was a woman, and the ancient Germans always consulted women before great decisions, because they could provide a different and more direct view of things. The modern lords of lies have alienated women from this by promoting the hyper-conscious, talky, neurotic-obsessive persona among urban slave women. That is a parody of the worst kind of men. Oracles in nature are already rare enough, and how many have been lost to us because they were misled by the snakes who seduced her into thinking she should ape the snappy, chatty self-consciousness of the midget homosexual and "comedian"? They know how powerless we are without knowledge of the future; they keep this for themselves.
    BAP remains unimpressed.

    This is actually the right wing response to this situation it seems now lol:

    Well good luck with that.

    I don't know maybe he's just a fan of pointing out the obvious to ignorant people.

    But I do find him to be an extreme hypocrite because he argues that men need to be dangerous and then learn to control that, and that physical violence is not necessarily bad but constantly moralises about feminine aggression. Like it's an evolved tendency that people use or can use when they're not physically capable and you're like "no that's universally bad." "Only use masculine aggression or I guess find someone else to protect you."

    OK Jordan. As I said:

    "Good luck with that."

    from what I've read witches don't like patriarchy we established that hundreds of years ago in Europe at least.

    And he's a Freudian so he believes that what gets repressed gets sexualised. I'm not sure that theory has explanatory value when considering the results of Aella's research. I can think of some fetishes where that seems to be what's going on eg: ageplay and other disgust oriented fetishes being popular for the authoritarian right. But then others where it doesn't make much sense eg: group sex and male submission being very liberal-left wing fetishes. Then again maybe political values are formed later based on what people personally found to be repressed in their own lives at earlier points in time. In general though I feel there are too many holes in these assumptions. Like people come to conclusions that powerful business guys are really into femdom (which might be wishful thinking tbh lol. People don't talk about this but the character Christian Grey had a personal history of being sexually submissive too - it didn't go well and an abusive history in general I think if I'm remembering correctly. That was his back story which I don't think was a coincidence.) But there's not real evidence supporting that.

    That being said Aella's research found that authoritarian left wing people were more into sexual sadism. Though I suppose the question is are they into other people being sadistic or being sadistic. It could be made clearer.

    She's not doing a good job of masking her body language when she asks that question at all lol. So 0 points for Helen Lewis.

    Jordan Peterson on how skipping a grade effected him: "It made it difficult for me to participate in sports. So I didn't really do anything that was fundamentally aggressive until I was in graduate school. [..] I think it might have encouraged me to do two other things, which was, I probably hung around with rougher kids than I might have otherwise as partly as a compensation, I suppose for being smart and academically able and also small. So I probably exaggerated my roughness and it made me more verbally capable of defending myself. But other than that I don't think it had much of an effect. I thnk I've pretty much left all of that behind."

    Oh yeah I'm feminine, small and paying attention. 😀

    (He hasn't left any of that behind of course he spends most of his time talking about the importance of boys not being discouraged from physical aggression. He even said he disliked school and spends a lot of time criticising the education system. Not that I think that's a bad thing it really doesn't work imo either.)

    But that segment of the right are more succesful because they have women like Louise Perry and they use feminine aggression. They just want to weaken their opponents so they moralise (which is a feminine form of aggression too.) They know that the left is weaker re: physical violence (though not as much as you'd think,) and so they want to disuade from the use of such tactics. But as you go further right wing they have nothing. It's just violence (which is illegal and makes it easy for feds to play around anyway,) circle jerk discussions, and trying and failing to attract feminine people.

    And I think upper middle class English women are very good at this. Which I think is something Paglia picked up on and that's why she doesn't trust WASPs (or anyone who resembles one in appearence and/or behaviour,) though she could chill out about Taylor Swift a bit lol:

    Yeah Rihanna is important for one specific reason:

    Also good lord stop just talking about mainstream artists then. He said a musician working today he didn't say massive pop star working today. There are plenty of others you could talk about.

    Camille Paglia has written a scathing critique of Taylor Swift, referring to the singer as an "obnoxious Nazi Barbie" whose "twinkly persona is such a scary flashback to the fascist blondes who ruled the social scene during my youth".
    "Swift herself should retire that obnoxious Nazi Barbie routine of wheeling out friends and celebrities as performance props," Paglia argues.
    "Girl squads ought to be about mentoring, exchanging advice and experience and launching exciting and innovative joint projects," she continues. "Women need to study the immensely productive dynamic of male bonding in history."
    You're expecting a bit much I think from a normie US pop star. It's not what they're selling and that's fine. Other women do this:

    I knew about Ethel Cain already by that point though she is a much less popular artist comparitively but clearly a lot of the audience there did too lol... But I didn't know about Marissa Paternoster before she worked with Garbage. Also didn't know about Janelle Monae before she worked with Grimes. Dirty Computer (released in 2018) was a great album too.

    I think mainstream pop artists function more like football clubs so fanbases can indirectly compete with each other it's a whole other thing. To some extent that kind of thing will happen with Florence and Ethel too. Shirley Manson is part of a band that is mostly men so I think she's a bit more safe from that kind of crap. But men do it too though with bands like Rush you see it all the time in comments.

    Despite the passage of time since second-wave feminism erupted in the late 1960s, we've somehow been thrown back to the demure girly-girl days of the white-bread 1950s. It feels positively nightmarish to survivors like me of that rigidly conformist and man-pleasing era, when girls had to be simple, peppy, cheerful and modest. Doris Day, Debbie Reynolds and Sandra Dee formed the national template ? that trinity of blond oppressors!
    This is confusing because they hate her and they also hate Barbie. Outside of a few ethno-nationalists who were confused I'm not sure she was ever popular with straight men.

    Presently right wing men are big fans of Sydney Sweeney. Well at least on twitter.

    Also this was a response to that Christian women tweet:

    No, you project your own insecurity. Sure, you're right sometimes, but your self-righteousness convinces you of 100% accuracy.
    Oh no she's definitely right in this case especially online when they just throw that out at you half way through an argument. I don't even like Pearl but this was amusing.

    I mean I took it as her discussing behaviour she'd encountered on social media and in that context it's highly accurate. But obviously at some point someone might literally want to pray for someone else.

    "No Christian women aren't bad. They're nice not like those evil woke witches."

    Are they though? You're just misogynists really who are scared of feminine aggression.

    Actually so I said before upper middle class English women are good at this and basically there is actually a national component to it. Like consider this chart:

    Americans are probably the most direct communicators on Earth.

    The guy who was confused had a Trump avatar and he might actually be genuinely confused by indirect communication. To me that just seems obvious.

    They're telling you I don't want to hear what you saying and not trying to comprehend it so"I'll pray for you".

    Most women use the Bible as a way for her personal control. She will live a sinning life but soon as she wants to be holy today none of that matters.
    I think that's a more charitable way of putting it yeah. Depending on the person it can range from that to [BEEP] off.

    The control thing is one difference between extrinsic and intrinsic religious belief. Extrinsic religious beliefs (religion for entertainment or to get status, wealth, control etc basically any secondary motive,) is typically used by people with more psychopathic and/or narcissistic personality traits.

    I don't really need it for instrinsic purposes I don't think, since I have music. So mostly any appeal it has to me is extrinsic (being somewhat evil and all.) I don't imagine that's always true though. But certainly any one online who spends a lot of time preaching and has a popular social media account is sus.

    I think it's very boring/outdated now and they should pick a more entertaining system or better still invent their own.

    Absolute chaos.

    No, I don't know.

    Also I suppose it's very effective and has been for thousands of years. But still. Entertainment/creativity...
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  8. #5618
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    "To rampage around is an extroverted thing. Nobody cares about the beast who hides in the back of his cave."

    How dare you call me out like this.

    Actually I've literally come across porn of that. Like I was listening to something by this guy whose audios I like and I found one where he was playing a tentacle monster who is a virgin (I bring this up because it was emphasised and an integral part of it,) and hoards all this gold from ships he attacked and this female adventurer had come into the cave so he was going to kill her like all the men who had come in but then she seduces him instead. I feel like this might mess with a lot of his archetypes (perhaps just subtly,) and he doesn't like that because he's a pasta without sauce kinda guy. I remember his reaction to Frozen lol.

    Something like: "No you're not supposed to [BEEP] the dragon."

    "You just don't understand. You just don't understand."

    And yes of course I have read an erotica series about a Humanoid dragon before. I mean he was a dragon and could shapeshift into a Humanoid dragon form. It was pretty good. I didn't use it for porn though like it wasn't used for 'certain activities.' It was unfinished too unfortunately. I first read it as a teenager but I re-read it a couple of times over the years I think some time in my 20s too. I was mostly reading m/m fiction during this time and the story was heterosexual but you know I'll make an exception for dragons- no lol.

    I'm attracted to introverts but it didn't work out. One of my ex's (it feels weird calling him that because we're friends and talk all the time,) is an extreme introvert. That's not why it didn't work out but it probably was a tiny issue and might have become a bigger one if we were in a relationship longer. I live like an extreme introvert but I wouldn't say it's innate in uni I always wanted to be around people at one point (probably because I'd just moved though,) and enjoyed clubbing and going to parties a lot so I'm kind of ambiverted and just adjust.

    I also don't think I'm disagreeable. Let me check out the results I found while looking through my old livejournal account a month ago from back when I was a teenager...


    You have low agreeableness.
    Your self interest comes first, and others come later, if at all.
    In general, you feel that people are not to be trusted.
    And you're skeptical that anyone else really feels differently.
    Yeah I don't know I think this is just edgelord stuff. In practice I'm very agreeable irl because of the social anxiety people have definitely taken advantage before. I'm a lot more disagreeable online though or have been in the past, and I'm not insanely cynical though I have moments and I would say I have an avoidant attachment style. My conscientiousness was also medium back then despite all the posts about not being able to focus and not wanting to do homework etc, but generally I score low.


    You have medium extroversion.
    You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party.
    Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences.
    But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time."

    That's it, he becomes an ultra puritanistic way
    I think you're a bit late he's been doing this for a long time now lol.

    If a guy is put off when you say no it may not be because he's a psychopath who's offended but because he's respectful of your decision. If you tell a guy no and he ignores that rejection and continues to pursue you, then you know he's the sort of psychopath who doesn't respect you and will feel nothing but contempt for you once he's satiated his sexual desire.
    Yes he's lowkey suggesting that men do one of the most annoying things imagineable. To what end I don't know. Also the kind of women who want you to continue pursuing them after they've said no are likely to be looking for validation and possibly mentally ill. Not that you shouldn't date mentally ill people. Especially if you're a slim musician with long hair.

    The only reasonable explanation is he's talking purely about having sex. Like if you're dating someone and you say no to sex.

    The immediate disgust and shame and contempt thing says a lot about how he thinks. I get this because there are people or fetish interests I'm not into much unless aroused or whatever but I don't feel contempt. I also think it's possible for some people to be friends sometimes and have sex especially if they're the same sex. Probably depends on cultural upbringing etc too and if you're actually restricted but having casual sex for some reason.

    I don't think outside certain fetishes or sexual interests that are only present while very aroused and things like that shame is even how most guys would feel. Because there are many cultural bubbles which encourage having sex and getting higher numbers and competing over it. I mean when I was at uni I felt ashamed that I hadn't had sex before - and many of the people I was hanging out with then were older too to varying degrees which makes it stupid - so kind of lied about having kissed guys before (I felt like lying about sex was too big of a lie lol. I'm pretty sure I lied to my partners about that too. Even though they were both virgins afaik.) Meanwhile, you're generally going to feel better about having sex if you're a guy especially because of male intrasex competition.

    There are certain subcultures where it's a norm and encouraged too like the goth community but moreso in the past. There's a YouTuber in the UK who talked about that and how nobody would want to come across as inexperienced back then even when it came to hardcore fetishes and also how this could have potentially led to alleged abuse at the time (because there were allegations about various musicians etc in alternative subcultures you know.) I'm not sure to what extent his being a trans guy impacted his personal feelings though. This was in the 90s mostly.

    Since the late 1970s, the UK goth scene refused "traditional standards of sexual propriety" and accepted and celebrated "unusual, bizarre or deviant sexual practices".[96] In the 2000s, many members "claim overlapping memberships in the queer, polyamorous, bondage-discipline/sadomasochism, and pagan communities".[97]

    Though sexual empowerment is not unique to women in the goth scene, it remains an important part of many goth women's experience: The scene's "celebration of active sexuality" enables goth women to "resist mainstream notions of passive femininity". They have an "active sexuality" approach which creates "gender egalitarianism" within the scene, as it "allows them to engage in sexual play with multiple partners while sidestepping most of the stigma and dangers that women who engage in such behavior" outside the scene frequently incur, while continuing to "see themselves as strong".[98]
    In parts of that community your self esteem and values come from being edgy (more true for 'mall goths' I think,) and willing to do messed up stuff sexually without caring which is probably part of the overall 'dark/edgy' thing. It's supposed to make you seem tough but there's a limit but pushing the boundaries of mainstream culture for sure.

    At the same time there's a lot of asexual people especially now and introspective people that are very restricted in both attitudes and behaviour (whereas I think in the past even people who don't engage in stuff would be more open in terms of attitude - because they'd share the value system,) and the interaction between these groups causes a lot of issues. There's an overlap that's significant with the BDSM community too but not everyone's into it. People make a lot of assumptions and that causes issues. This has probably gotten worse with the whole e-girl thing that isn't even part of that subculture. Nobody differentiates really between different alternative cultures since there's a lot of overlap in clothing styles and such. When I was in secondary school people called me a goth and then started to call me an emo when that took off with no change to my style. I didn't really identify with either label as such I was just broadly alternative and listened to like a variety of music from different genres. I also never had any connection a real life scene as such besides travelling to Camden so. It was all online.

    I personally didn't feel any pressure online within that subculture it was more about do whatever you want and that's where your strength comes from. In spite of that I still had that value system though obviously. I think related to how I've never wanted to seem young, and also often had issues with being short etc.

    If your sense of self esteem comes from self control (and that's considered a masculine value for a lot of people,) and you have the idea that having casual sex is losing control then I can see how you might be ashamed though. So again it depends on your personal values + cultural norms again.

    I do think this probably describes the men in one study they did who are sociosexually unrestricted who are more sexist. Though I forget exactly but I'm pretty sure there were things that impacted the sexism etc so it's more complicated.

    The idea that women who want to have casual sex should care if a guy wants to leave immediately is pretty dumb and he's just assuming that's 100% of women. The problem is if they're going to engage in other antisocial behaviour or not.

    What if I have to engage in casual sex because that is the norm where I live?
    I'd love to build a familiy, find someone I trust and so on, but that is impossible to find.
    The only thing that remains is casual sex.
    No one has to engage in casual sex. I find it very easy to avoid lol.

    Are you in a sex cult?

    Why don't incels join cults? ('incels are a cult' yeah I know but I mean a traditional cult. Lol traditional cult.)

    Is that why there are incels because there are less irl cults? Are there less irl cults or is that just a meme?

    Just don't have sex until you're in a relationship that's lasted about 3 months.

    Comments on some other video about the 4B movement lol:

    I'm totally ok with this. It may be beneficial for toxic women to avoid spreading their negativity to children. Let their generation go childless.
    This has been happening for decades, it's just a different presentation of women being sexist. I wouldn't lean too hard into the idea it's a trick to get women to turn gay, though I'm sure there are some who will look to capitalize on that.
    That's entertaining. There isn't a conspiracy that's just a probable natural end result of women not dating men. Most women are bisexual on a fundamental level (not necessarily a psychological preference but physiologically bisexual,) so if they decide to avoid dating men then some of them will end up dating women instead - being Human and driven to find partners and all that. Like what happens in prison.

    It's not even 'turning gay' that would be like if a guy didn't date women for years and then he finally dated a woman and you said he's 'turning straight.'

    The interesting thing is the men who have sex with men only while in prison. Bisexual men are a lot rarer so I'd wonder how that works neurologically/sexologically and all that (unless the guys who do that are just the ones who happen to be more sexually fluid.) Obviously there are trans women in men's prisons sometimes - and that's a little different since men find feminine trans women and other feminine men sexually arousing to some degree in at least one study I read. But like if they're reasonably masculine guys. It happens less often than in women's prisons but still interesting.

    Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) individuals are disproportionately incarcerated, mistreated and sexually victimized in U.S. jails and prisons, researchers say.
    Oh yeah that's a good point I thought that would be the case. Kind of a chicken/egg situation going on there at least with labels. But I'm talking about physiological sexuality not psychology + labels anyway.

    Lol this news article I just stumbled on:

    Just the proportion of women in prisons and jails identifying as lesbian and bisexual is eight times greater than the 3.4 percent of U.S. women overall who identify as lesbian or bisexual, they found.

    "The high rate was so shocking, I had to check it three times to make sure we weren't making any mistakes," said lead study author Ilan Meyer, the Williams Distinguished Senior Scholar for Public Policy at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law.
    Why would that be shocking to experts? I don't find this shocking. Are you not reading research on personality, prison sexuality and sexuality in general or?

    I would also - as a general rule - suggest not lumping bisexual and lesbian women together in research.

    I mean this is a little old but it's 2016 so not that old...

    'This is shocking'

    No this was shocking in 1992:

    That's not true. What I'm saying, though, is sex-positive lesbianism has to lead to bisexuality. There is no sex-positive lesbianism that excludes response to men. I believe women are naturally bisexual. My vision is of a universal bisexuality for women. This lesbian feminism, now twenty years on line, is a disaster. Part of women's power is their power over men.
    That's a very interesting reason to try dating men.

    "But lesbians don't like me," she notes, in part because she insists that most women are bisexual, that the role of hormones accounts for an inevitable attraction between the sexes. Lately Paglia has been going out with men. But, she asks, "what man is going to take me seriously? I'm not a nurturer. Men have flashes of ego and confidence followed by relapses. They have to be stroked, and I don't have that patience." There is also the age problem. Recently she dated men around her age, 44, but found them over the hill sexually. She would prefer younger men, but her pride restrains her.
    I was a lesbian before gay lib. I was openly lesbian in college, I went to college in '64 to '68, and the gay lib thing broke out in '69. At Yale graduate school, I was the only open lesbian from '68 to ?72. The only one. And I took the career price for that. I shoved my lesbianism down people?s throats when I wasn?t getting any pleasure from it; I couldn?t find anyone to be with! There is the irony, I took all the negatives without any of the positives! I tried. I tried to pick up women, I tried. In 1969 I traveled Europe with the handbook, the gay guide to Europe. I went from place to place, every city, and I thought, ?What is the problem here?? All the gay men are finding contacts everywhere! You can?t avoid it! Bus terminals, toilets, diners, everywhere! Finally I had to conclude, after so many decades of frustration, that lesbians are not looking for sex. It's not about sex. They think it's about sex. It's about mommy! It's about mommy is what it?s about!
    bisexual because she couldn't find anyone to sleep with. She screamed this at the photographer too . "Women don't want sex. They want to get together and talk about their mothers and play volleyball and cuddle, cuddle, cuddle".
    Lol I can hear this in her voice.

    I looked up photos of her when she was younger and I don't think it would have been too hard for her to find a relationship but she wanted casual sex which is more difficult generally. Probably easier to have casual sex if you're very feminine and conventionally attractive. That's my hypothesis based on very little. Who I'd rather have casual sex with lol (I doubt I would even then. Probably could make out or something. It's hard to picture you know. I'd make out with 2000s Paris Hilton. I like the fake stupid thing she does for media attention it's more hot because it's fake. And then most people don't notice it's fake which is even better. Most people have noticed now I think. It's stupid even hypothetically you know no one like that would make out with me.) And also the time period since basically no one was trying to have sex with women back then obviously. If she was born in the 80s or early 90s I think it would have been really easy.

    I feel like she'd be dangerous if she had longer hair and glasses. Faceapp. No I'm too lazy to bother.

    I think faceapp has gotten better at picking up on facial sex differences now. There was a point around 2018 where I could upload photos with short hair and 50% of the time it would guess that I'm a guy and show me what my female self looked like. Which was basically airbrushed me with longer hair LOL. Kinda had this uncanny effect where it made me look like some cousin or something. But yeah my facial features are very soft and feminine looking so it had to be mostly based on hair. Later with the same photos it guessed female.

    Also it's probably hard to have sex with someone who is screaming at you. Unless you're into that sort of thing. I've never seen her chilled out.

    I find the idea of her desperate quest to get laid very entertaining. They should make a TV show: 'No Sex in the City.' So maybe there is a conspiracy but it was pretty much just Camille Paglia lol. Oh it worked she met her ex-partner Alison Maddex in 1993.

    Anyway I'm asleep man this is incredibly old/boring news. It's been known. Just stop already.

    Like here's some ideas:

    1. Women are more sexually fluid so they will be more likely to identify as being bisexual while in prison due to having relationships in prison + engaging in samesex sexual behaviour in prison.

    2. Masculine antisocial behaviour is more likely to be legally punished so lesbians being on average more masculine psychologically according to research likely increases the rate of lesbian women in prison. Some studies also find bisexual women are more psychologically masculinised as well.

    3. In the US almost 30% of bisexual women are living in poverty and people living in poverty are more likely to be involved in criminal activity.

    4. LGBT+ people are more likely to be homeless, especially when young.

    5. Bisexual women have elevated rates of antisocial personality traits.

    Why on Earth would you expect the rate not to be elevated?

    A longitudinal study published in Pediatrics found that youth who reported identifying as LGB or having same-sex attractions were more likely to be stopped by police, to be expelled from school, or to be arrested and convicted as juveniles and adults.
    For example, compared with their heterosexual classmates and peers, LGBTQ youths are more likely to experience bullying at school (Mitchum and Moodie?Mills 2014), more likely to experience rejection or victimization perpetrated by their parents/caregivers (often resulting in youths? running away from home) [Friedman et al. 2011], more likely to face homelessness (Burwick et al. 2014), twice as likely to be arrested and detained for status offenses and other nonviolent offenses (Irvine 2010), and at higher risk for illicit drug use (Heck et al. 2014)
    When grouped together, almost 22 percent of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people reported earning less than the federal poverty level of $12,490 per year for a single-person household. The cisgender straight community, on the other hand, reported a poverty rate of almost 16 percent.

    When researchers separated the L, G, B and T, however, they found cisgender (or non-transgender) gay men and lesbians reported similar levels of poverty to their heterosexual counterparts, while bisexual women and transgender people (of all sexual orientations) had a poverty rate of almost 30 percent.
    Two studies examined the connection between women's sexual orientation, their sociosexuality (i.e. willingness , attitudes, and desires associated with uncommitted sexual behaviour), and Dark Triad traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy.) Both studies found that moderately bisexual women reported less-restricted sociosexuality, as well as higher levels of Dark Triad traits??particularly psychopathy.
    "My specific interest in the overlap between sexual orientation, Dark Triad traits (psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism), and sociosexuality sprang from two key findings. First, bisexual women report elevated sociosexuality (i.e., greater comfort with, desire for, and engagement in uncommitted sexual activity) compared to both heterosexual or lesbian women. Second, bisexual women report slightly lower levels of two personality traits--honesty/humility, and conscientiousness--than other sexual orientation groups."
    The only significant findings in within-sex comparisons showed that self-identified bisexual women scored higher on all Dark Triad traits than heterosexual women. The findings support the gender shift hypothesis of same-sex sexual attraction in bisexual women, but not in lesbians nor in men. The finding that bisexuals are the sexual orientation group with the most pronounced Dark Triad profiles is opposite to what would be predicted by the prosociality hypothesis of same-sex sexual attraction. The life history and minority stress implications of these findings are discussed as alternative hypotheses to the gender shift hypothesis.
    What's going to be really amusing/interesting is whether Jordan Peterson will eventually point out the link between personality research and sexuality while arguing that casual sex and having elevated psychopathic traits is bad and somehow simultaneously arguing that masculinity is good (men have lower levels of conscientiousness and are probably more psychopathic than women even when controlling for how that behaviour gets expressed.) I'm really wondering how he's going to make all these things work together. He can't obviously one of these arguments is going to have to go.

    Also will you discuss the possibility that if afab people go on testosterone it might help them if they're low in conscientiousness to earn more money?

    No, I didn't think we'd be having these conversations.

    Ohh you should also play with:

    "If bisexual women are higher in 'dark triad' traits and women are mostly sexually fluid does that mean all women can just be turned magically into psychopaths like sleeper cells?"


    No? Too edgy5me?


    It's funny because I consider myself part of that group broadly (although there might be some personality differences but there's a lot of overlap between non-binary people and bisexuals,) but just don't care about being evil according to other people anymore.

    Results of this study suggest that lesbian women may benefit from "outing" themselves to employers when applying for traditionally masculine jobs in order to exploit the benefits of the stereotypes attributed to them.
    That's interesting.

    Edit: I don't know what to make of YouTube's algorhythms man and the shorts it suggests me. Like it's gotten so creepy. What are you saying?

    I mean you're right but what are you saying and how dare you.

    Anyway let's see if this person is a guy this time.

    Oh it's Silverchair. Yeah I've heard of that band before but never listened to or saw them before.

    Makes sense I guess. I've been continously watching:

    ^ I need to make some gifs of this video when I can be bothered.

    And also some other live videos.

    Yes their music seems fine and maybe there are some particular songs that stand out (that I haven't heard yet,) but I feel like since I've listened to Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Bush, Local H, Seether etc already I don't exactly need this.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  9. #5619
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    I wonder if there's like a post graduate degree in game theology. There's 'buffy studies' so I feel like there must be or should be lol. That would be so fun though. There's also quite a bit of material at this point like you could study the Gods in Warhammer 40k, Warcraft/World of Warcraft, Runescape, Elder Scrolls (Aedra and Daedra,) etc.

    Like completely useless practically but fun.

    Across the years and gaming systems--Christians have engaged the realm of video games. They've played, discussed, and developed games, but they haven't always had formal training in the theology of video games.

    Now, more than a dozen Christian colleges offer video game majors, minors, and concentrations, giving students called to game design the chance to learn in settings that integrate their faith.

    Messiah University students in the mobile application and game design concentration are "bringing a Christian perspective to bear on the digital world they will be helping to create." Abilene Christian University students learn from Christian instructors in the field of digital entertainment technology and are challenged to "change the game" as they dream and create.
    Oh no. That is incredibly boring/one sided and not what I meant. Video games (and other games,) are overwhelmingly polytheistic paganism anyway. So it's interesting to analyse what that represents and why.

    "Through video games, we could bring people into our Christian community," said rising senior Aiden Arrendondo, who will be part of the program's third graduating class next spring. He considers the idea of using video games to spread the gospel to be a "really cool, unique thing" that holds promise. "We haven't tapped into yet, but we're striving for it," he says.
    I think I liked it better when you hated games (and many still do,) Lol.

    So all the top Google results for 'video game theology degree' is just talking about 'biblical' stuff and Christianity.

    What part of "now we're stuck with 35235435252 often subpar superhero movies because people desperately want to reinvent Paganism to escape the Abrahamic religions" did you not understand?

    That's my (probably optimistic,) hypothesis for the popularity of a genre aimed at 10 year old boys being popular with everyone in the span of a single generation. There are of course other potential explanations that I also find compelling like 'millennials were overprotected and infantalised growing up so we still enjoy childish things as adults.' And I guess that hero generational archetype thing some people talk about which that would fit into. Also Alan Moore's viewpoint:

    "I said round about 2011 that I thought that it had serious and worrying implications for the future if millions of adults were queueing up to see 'Batman' movies," Moore said. "Because that kind of infantilization- that urge towards simpler times, simpler realities - that can very often be a precursor to fascism."

    He continued: "Hundreds of thousands of adults lining up to see characters and situations that had been created to entertain the 12-year-old boys--and it was always boys--of 50 years ago. I didn't really think that superheroes were adult fare. I think that this was a misunderstanding born of what happened in the 1980s--to which I must put my hand up to a considerable share of the blame, though it was not intentional--when things like 'Watchmen' were first appearing. There were an awful lot of headlines saying 'Comics Have Grown Up'."

    Moore gets plenty of credit for turning comic books into an art form adults, but he?s not sure that?s what they actually are.

    "I tend to think that, no, comics hadn?t grown up," he said. "There were a few titles that were more adult than people were used to. But the majority of comics titles were pretty much the same as they'd ever been. It wasn't comics growing up. I think it was more comics meeting the emotional age of the audience coming the other way."

    While Moore is proud of the work that he?s done in comic books, his distaste for everything that surrounds them prompted him to move on to other kinds of writing.

    "I will always love and adore the comics medium but the comics industry and all of the stuff attached to it just became unbearable."
    Now he's focussing on other writing projects which I think are more about trying to reinvigorate spaces irl. There's a term I'm looking for that I've forgotten again and I even posted about it sometime over the past month this is going to annoy me.... Psychogeography!

    Psychogeography is the exploration of urban environments that emphasizes interpersonal connections to places and arbitrary routes. It was developed by members of the Letterist International and Situationist International, which were revolutionary groups influenced by Marxist and anarchist theory as well as the attitudes and methods of Dadaists and Surrealists.[1][2][3]
    But also with a specific occult focus.

    Some guy was writing about this while referencing Alan Moore too:

    An Occult Psychogeography of Hawksmoor's London Churches

    There was a time when I used to hate London. I thought of it as a compound of tourist hotspots, rude locals and (admittedly quite useful) airports. Back then, I didn't have much interest in graphic novels, either. My opinion on both has since reversed, and it's in no small part due to the incomparable work of speculative historical fiction that is From Hell; written by Alan Moore, and brought vividly to life through the artwork of Eddie Campbell.
    (Or at least he discussed related ideas in one interview I watched last year. Oh yeah no he's definitely into that. He didn't bring that term up in the interview I watched but there are other older ones from 2010~ where he discusses that)

    lan Moore spoke with at length about Unearthing, psychogeography, Second Life, the latest news in the long-running Watchmen ...
    But it's behind a paywall that pops up after a couple of seconds so I can't read it >:[

    I was thinking about this because I woke up thinking about video game morality again.

    Basically unlike most forms of media where people are initially skeptical but then over time mostly just stop caring or at the very least 'move on' people have been pretty consistently against video games for my entire life now. 30+ years. Different groups of people you could argue (not really though, I think they have the same personality type regardless of their stated intent and ideology.)

    Video games have become like porn in that way.

    I don't play as many games now as I used to but I've played enough over the years that I noticed some interesting things about myself (and that's really a reason more people should play games.)

    Like so, when I play video games most of the time I don't care about theft. I'll steal stuff without feeling bad at all emotionally. Part of this is that no one ever seems that bothered by stealing, they will sometimes attack you but you don't really see any negative side effects like 'oh no they're dying now because they didn't have enough money.' And so on. The consequences are removed and abstract.

    When it comes to violence and people dying in games though I feel a lot more bad about it. I will generally try to avoid killing people in games if I can and I also have a kind of neurotic urge to save everyone if possible if I'm supposed to try and lead someone somewhere and save them. Sometimes reloading the game over and over to do this. I feel like this dates back to when I was a kid and playing Abe's Oddysee. That game traumatised me lol.

    If it's in a self defence sense I tend not to think about it as much but I don't enjoy it if they's screaming 'stop,' or I'm torturing them etc. In order to play 'bad characters' I basically have to start acting. I can play some games more or less as myself you see but when I play those games I have to sort of switch to role playing mode and so it is like acting.

    There's also the thing where if I'm playing a game I just massacre a bunch of people randomly like in GTA (I think a lot of people do this,) and then reload the game. This makes me think that on some deep level part of me would be OK with this if death wasn't permanant. When I'm angry and have violent thoughts I'm also more likely to think about stuff that isn't actual murder too.

    Also while playing Tomb Raider as a kid I found the elderly butler who follows you around very disconcerting as a child. He was always making these sounds of discomfort I think and just seemed too old to be working. Like 'why aren't you retired?' At some point I definitely locked him in the freezer which I think everyone did. But this was more of a way to test the boundaries of things.

    I've also noticed that some games feel more realistic than others and I feel worse with some games than others. The Sims seems to encourage sadism in some respects or at least acknowledge it's a sadistic game in a meta sense. But I also found it interesting that while secretly observing people playing simulation games for product research this one guy Rod Humble found that guys would lie about doing sadistic things while playing the simulation game (I assume one of The Sims games though it might be his more recent project like that new game I forget the name of, or something else,) when they were actually just eg: decorating bathrooms or cooking or doing other mundane life stuff.

    I find this genre of game interesting because people assume that when people play life simultation games they're playing as themselves in a straight-forward wish fulfilment sense. I think they can bring out stuff that's repressed in people as well that they might not be conscious of. Like you'll get relatively passive and feminine people (obviously it's The Sims,) and they're like. Why did I do *insert crazy evil thing here*

    And there are eugenics based challenges for The Sims (not in game of course but that players have come up with in online communities,) that are actually popular. Like you start with a very weird looking Sim and then try to genetically breed that our over several+ generations. Which is quite fun to play. I guess at some point I told my brother about one of these challenges and he actually remembered this. Years later he brought that up 'oh are you doing this?' (I wasn't.) And I was like 'Oh you remembered this?' And he was like 'yeah! Cause wtf is that?'

    And it's funny because if The Sims ever released something like that they'd be cancelled. Tbh it's probably not even OK in the community now I can picture someone posting about this and someone else taking issue with it now but like definitely in the 2000s on livejournal and other websites/forums this was a popular challenge. That liberal women who are like pro-homosexuality and all of that like the most progressive people of the time online would do and post about with screenshots. Creating stories.

    Tbf there's a reverse version of the challenge too where you try to make the weirdest looking Sims from Sims that start out very conventionally attractive.

    But there's also a performative element especially if you make content for YouTube (with any game that you're playing there's a difference between what you do with other people and what you do when you're alone.) Most of that content ends up being more sadistic or crazy at times and chaotic.

    There's also the God style of playing where you're just managing other people's lives. Or creating character's. I'm usually not playing as myself directly with those games but testing out scenarios and creating hypothetical stories.

    Even when playing alone though I found old screenshots from my own game in the 2000s. And there was a point where I just had this child Sim who had very few nice points and so when they were robbed I decided to lock this guy up in either a basement or a secret room they had in the building and she killed him and then resurrected the burglar as a zombie slave. Which is a lot. Also the child had Emily the Strange custom content bedding/goth clothes and everything hahahaha. It was the most teenage thing. But I still do crazy [BEEP] for YouTube.

    One time while playing Skyrim just after it had come out back in 2011 my mum was visiting me and I was playing it at one point while she was visiting. I was doing the Molag Bal daedric quest I think which I don't remember now because it's been a decade since I've played Skyrim now aprox. Plus I only played that quest once I think? But I think it involves torturing an innocent person and so my mum who isn't a big fan of violence can't really tolerate it in films etc. Very squeamish, hates horror etc. Very empathatic while watching stuff. She was like 'OH NO' and she kept telling me to stop. 'Like why are you doing that?'

    It was the kind of thing that makes me uncomfortable in games but I can do it. Plus I was playing an evil character at the time. I thought that was an interesting generational difference. I don't think my mum ever had any edgelord qualities per se. But she is capable of violence that's the funny thing irl. Not for personal enjoyment but there's a story....

    But I think my relationship with theft in games is very similar to my relationship with theft irl. Like I'll pirate films, TV shows, research papers, books sometimes - generally if the book is very famous and non-fiction I'll pirate it, or if the author is someone I strongly ideologically disagree with. I mean I'm not going to give people money for eg: writing a book that says that under ideal circumstances people like me would be burnt alive and that was the 'solution' people came up with centuries ago. I'm not paying you lol.

    And there's this discussion about American society with George Carlin in where at one point he just staright up says that he doesn't care about theft lol. I thought this was so interesting because he's just so honest (and this is a big difference in morality between the left and the right I think):

    Video is potato quality but cba finding a better version.

    "I have no problem with theft. May I be honest? I have no problem with theft."

    I know he was kind of being edgy in his delivery and there's a deeper reason why that doesn't get explained. But still it's defining that the group that often gets referred to as the political left does not really care about objects as much over people. Especially at this time though the labels left/right are applied to a bunch of different things and change slightly over time and it's all a complicated mess.

    There's a kind of broader thing where some people want to save everybody and some people are thinking in more social Darwinistic terms and think the weak should die (not necessarily literally depending on context.) The extreme of left wing thought is sometimes said to be according to the political triangle:

    "competition is cruel it divides people into winners and losers by creating a totalitarian monopoly we can end cruelty."

    But I'm not sure that's quite it.

    My favourite Daedric God is Sheogorath. There are others I kind of like too but he's the one that kind of sticks in my head even after years of not playing. Of course he's very flamboyant and one of the best expansion packs in the series is centred around him this is sort of an obvious choice and he's probably a lot of people's favourite for this reason. He's interesting too because he's kind of like Slaanesh from Warhammer 40k but desexualised.

    He'll come out with these aggressive statements sometimes when annoyed but they're always simultaneously fun. Like:

    "I'll rip out your intestines [...] and skip rope with them."

    Everything is always fun or creative even when he's mad.

    He also (due to being mad) mixes emotions together in an interesting way like he's so happy he's going to commit violence:

    "A new arrival! A shame about my Gatekeeper. I'm so happy, I could just tear out your intestines and strangle you with them. I suppose an introduction is in order. I'm Sheogorath, Prince of Madness. And other things. I'm not talking about them. You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them! But, perhaps now's not the time. You've made it this far. Farther than anyone else. Well done! Take this trinket of mine. Perhaps it will serve you well. Or look lovely on your corpse."
    Slaanesh also has a lot of creative followers and is a chaos God associated with perfection and obsession etc. He's not anti violence either notably but he dislikes Khorne because he's kind of a war and anger god and kills for the sake of killing or purely in anger. Basically there's no playfulness or creativity associated with it. Khorne thinks Slaanesh is a 'sissy degenerate' more-or-less. This is once again a pretty good look at another dimension of the current political schism.

    Sheogorath is considered the god of the arts and the reason why with inspiration most artists also become somewhat unhinged from reality. But in addition to his status as patron god of the arts, Sheogorath is also god of madness and is very quick to remind anyone who denies creativity of what he is really capable of.

    The Hunger is a violent Lesser Daedra associated with Boethiah. It has paralyzing powers and is known to even disintegrate armor.[23]

    The Hunger also appears in the Dementia part of the Shivering Isles, the realm of Sheogorath. The reason for it being found in the Shivering Isles could allude to Sheogorath's chaotic nature, thus having another Daedric Prince's lesser Daedra could be normal to him.[24]
    The Dunmer also tend to worship daedra unlike other races which often avoid them entirely and worship Aedra instead, (though orcs often worship Malacath I think,) but they seperate them into 'good' and 'bad':

    The House of Troubles (also known as the Bad Daedra, Rebel Daedra, Adversaries,[1] and Testing Gods)[2] is the Dunmer (and before that, Velothi) term for four of the Daedra Lords: Mehrunes Dagon, Sheogorath, Malacath and Molag Bal. These Princes are the Bad Daedra as introduced to the Chimer by the teachings of Saint Veloth. Rebels whose purpose it is to test the resolve and faith of mortals, they are also known as the Four Corners of the House of Troubles.[3] Ancient, alien temples dedicated to their worship can be found across Morrowind.[4]

    The Four Corners are known as enemy gods to the Dunmer. Molag Bal is a primary source of obstacles for the Dunmer people and their Chimer predecessors. He attempts to upset the Houses' bloodlines or ruin Dunmeri "purity".[2] In the days of old Resdayn, Molag Bal was not worshipped so much as he was placated.[5] Malacath tests the Dunmer for strength, Sheogorath tests for mental weakness and tempts Great Houses to treachery, while Mehrunes Dagon represents the dangerous terrain of Morrowind.[2]
    I like how they all test something except Dagon who just represents 'Morrowind' lol. But he is the prince of destruction and associated with natural disasters.

    The Three Good Daedra is the Dunmer (and before that, Velothi) term for three of the Daedric Princes: Azura, Boethiah, Mephala. These Princes are worshipped by the Dunmer as their ancestors. They are contrasted with the Bad Daedra, who are believed to test the Dunmer people's resolve and faith.[1][2] To their worshippers, they were known as the Three Sisters.[3]

    The Tribunal replaced worship of the Good Daedra among the settled Dunmer following their apotheosis at the Battle of Red Mountain, and the three Good Daedra were thereafter known to the Tribunal Temple as the Anticipations of the three Tribunes.[4] The Ashlander tribes refused to worship the Tribunal and remained true to their worship of the Good Daedra. House Indoril still honored the Good Daedra.[5] The Clockwork Apostles however despised them for their fear of wisdom and order, calling them the False Princes and "the Anti-Gears that turn counter to the Nameless Will".[6]
    Sheogorath is interesting though because he was created from Jyggalag the prince of order. This is spoilers though for the shivering isles questline:

    After the events of the last Greymarch, Sheogorath and Jyggalag are no longer the same Daedric Prince; however, they are still connected in other ways. It is said that the Daedra fear wisdom and order, and for his similarities to Jyggalag's principles, they feared Sotha Sil above all others.

    I thought that was interesting considering the black/white times we live in atm.

    It is kind of lame that Jordan Peterson has descended into total puritanical moralism because The Daily Wire gave him a job.

    I always knew that would be his eventual fate but nevertheless.

    What we now call the left online is of course very boring (most of the time,) too and now we're going to be stuck in this abyss of grey sludge.

    The only interesting 'left wing' thinker on YouTube that I've stumbled on is Contrapoints and really she's just vaguely liberal. Some of her thoughts are interesting because they're not directly political. Her background is in philosophy and she has an interest in gender and sexuality which I do too. To many people this would be boring though because those topics don't interest them in the first place.

    From a kind of 'ideas' perspective there aren't really many interesting people who are in any way visible. That probably makes sense though. You're supposed to dig around I guess.

    That tweet I quoted days ago:

    If you grew up like me with images of fin de siecle/interwar Paris, with the famous cafes, with its networks of artists&thinkers, with this image of a life constantly immersed in culture, you were probably just as heartbroken to discover that this doesn't exist in Europe anymore.
    Stuff like this does still exist btw. It exists to some extent in my town even (I say even but actually as I said before 'that makes sense.' Large urban area, quite criminal etc.) But most stuff has moved online and a lot of people are too socially anxious and closed off now myself included. It's not necessarily going to be as interesting as 'cool historical period that's written about in hindsight.' Really depends on the culture/people obviously. I think it's kind of cliche but if access was easy/obvious it probably wouldn't be interesting in the first place.

    One thing though is if you're looking for something that's not connected to local government etc (which of course you are,) that's usually going to be more difficult.

    The Arts Lab was an alternative arts centre, founded in 1967 by Jim Haynes at 182 Drury Lane, London. Although only active for two years, it was influential in inspiring many similar centres in the UK, continental Europe and Australia, including the expanded Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London, the Milky Way/Melkweg in Amsterdam (where Jack Henry Moore was one of the founders),[1] the Entrepot in Paris and the Yellow House Artist Collective founded by Martin Sharp in Sydney.
    The Lab contained a 'soft floor' cinema in the basement designed and run by David Curtis. In the entrance there was a gallery space co-curated by Biddy Peppin (Curtis's partner) and Pamela Zoline. In a separate (but connected) warehouse was the theatre, designed by Jack Henry Moore, who initially co-directed the activities there. Both the cinema and theatre were constructed by David Jeffrey, whose partner, Philippa James, was closely involved in the Lab's day-to-day running. Upstairs, the space in front initially housed a film workshop put together by Malcolm Le Grice and students from St. Martin's School of Art and the London School of Film Technique, and subsequently a restaurant run by Susan Miles.[2] Haynes lived in the back above the storage and dressing rooms. A number of other people lived in various corners of the building, and the all-night cinema was often seen as a cheap crash-pad.[3] Such amenities made it perfect for live events and "happenings", and helped establish it as a centre of the London counterculture.
    Yoko Ono and John Lennon's first joint artwork Build Around was exhibited at the Drury Lane Arts Lab in May 1968.[6]

    David Bowie, who used to rehearse (and perform mime) at the Drury Lane Arts Lab, co-founded a Beckenham Arts Lab, which organised a one-day free festival, but was disillusioned by the lack of interest of other performers/artists taking an active role in the continuation of the centre.[7]

    Dave Cousins of The Strawbs organized the Hounslow Arts Lab.[8]

    Wheeler Winston Dixon worked at the Arts Lab in the summer of 1968, writing for the Lab's newsletter, as well as making and screening his own films.

    The Havering Arts Lab, run by future Stuckism founder Charles Thomson (at the time aged 16) resulted in the headline "Sex Orgy Tale--Group Banned" in the local newspaper.[9]

    The Bath Arts Workshop which was founded in 1969 by ex Drury Lane workers continues to this day (2014) as parent body for the Natural Theatre Company.

    The Worthing Workshop, an Arts Lab formed in 1968,[10] included Leo Sayer,[11] Brian James of The Damned, Billy Idol and Steamhammer,[12] whose guitarist, Martin Quittenton, went on to co-write Rod Stewart's UK number one hits "You Wear It Well"[13] and "Maggie May".[14]

    Alan Moore, writer of comic books including Watchmen and V for Vendetta, regarded as "one of the most important British writers of the last fifty years".[15] was involved with many activities,[16] including poetry, in the Northampton Arts Lab.[17]
    It's a recurring pattern in people's complaints "where did the underworld (tm) go?":

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    The phenomenon of "homosexuality" in the modern world reaches up to the most profound of political and social problem: it was always the ghost world, the underworld left over that the engineers of our time couldn't manage or account for in the erection of the Leviathan. This underworld included far more than the gays of that time, of course: that?s the point. But the gays formed a kind of "bulk population" that allowed an easy bridge between this world and ours. They made it far more permeable to others as well: if you had girlfriend, maybe artsy girlfriend, she had ghey friend; you could go with them to lounge of this half-world, and there would be there?maybe two social contacts removed?there would?one of them. But now that this world has disappeared, you have no easy way of even knowing where to start.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    The space of night that gays created for themselves, in which such types could at least feel they had new opportunity to expand and act, was nuked in the 1980's with AIDS first of all, and then at the same time with the "gay rights" and "gay identity" movement, through which they came "into the open," and became the worst and most merciless enforcers of the global slave state. But enough about them: you must understand! I use this as illustrative and true example of what happens to all higher types in our time. The vast majority don?t become gay, but the plight of the gay is the most simple and therefore instructive example of this.
    The right wing are more cynical so they tend to have much higher standards as I mentioned before with Edward Dutton (he felt not much had been created worthwhile in 200 years!)

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    To escape the subjection of our time, you can't really look to science or art any longer: you have forgotten their purpose. They've been defanged and almost all participation in these today amounts to a kind of cargo-cultism. Who can even think of a true scientist or artist among us? I think there is maybe a century since one existed. Just see how Cellini crafted his Perseus, in what frame of mind he was, and how foreign this is from our "artist" diddlers. Paglia says the artist is an obsessive, with a mind close to that of a stalker or serial killer, and she is right: look at monomania of Newton, or character of people like Balzac or Baudelaire. Violent Spergs and obsessives. Our diddlers are diddlers because they lack all intensity and all faith in themselves and what they do. They?re not even nihilists, they lack all conviction in nihilism too: they just lack intensity, they?re pissed dry. This is why in this book I don't promote for you the life of the scientist, or artist, or writer, because in our age these degenerate to hobbies and ways to pass the time, and there?s no value in this. People who promote these things, without really having a reason to, are just doing this to make you harmless and to advertise to others in media or elsewhere that, they too, are harmless.
    I disagree with the bolded part obviously. Also don't think creativity is dead entirely if it was you wouldn't have the stuff below. The talent/ability/skillset is sort of muted (sometimes.)

    I'm just a child, but I'm not above violence
    My mama raised me better than that

    It is a concept album that draws on the artist's personal life as the daughter of a deacon, but creates a narrative "centered around the character Ethel Cain, who runs away from home only to meet a gruesome end at the hands of a cannibalistic psychopath."[20
    The boundary between predator and prey are blurred several times though. Firstly by the fact that she's singing all the parts but also lyrically in places I think.

    I've killed before and I'll kill again
    Take the noose off, wrap it tight around my hand
    They say, "Heaven hath no fury like a woman scorned"
    And baby, Hell don't scare me, I've been times before

    This isn't from that album I just found this looking up lyrics from a subreddit (bit graphic):

    There comes a point in every girl's life where she just wants to go fucking feral

    Spoiler: Take a man between her hands and rip that motherfucker's limbs from him
    And every time I let you [BEEP] me, I think about how easy it would be to take your life away from you
    Which I?d never do, unless you force me to

    Spoiler: There comes a point in every man's life where he gets the need to destroy
    Some sickness in his guts that started growing when he was just a little boy
    And all the times you bruised my throat and pulled my hair until it broke and held me down and fucked me 'til I was on the brink of death
    'Cause when you fuck, you [BEEP] until there's nothing left

    It's a bit like Pornography by The Cure as well.

    Spoiler: One more day like today and I'll kill you
    A desire for flesh and real blood
    And I'll watch you drown in the shower
    Push my life through your open eyes

    Part of the reason I find censoring myself annoying is I know that multiple generations of teenagers have been listening to this anyway... From about the age of 14-16 onwards. I know they're going to find things like this if they want to, and I know they're going to imagine their own things in a similar way. If they're 5 then that can be psychologically precocious but it happens.

    On Friday, I picked up my 7-year-old son from his after school program, expecting to see him playing with Legos or tumbling around on the grass with a football in hand. Instead I found him chatting with friends-already something different than the usual status quo. I greeted him. We hugged. Went through the usual dialogue?
    There on paper were images of an elaborate forest scene--tons of green trees. And among the trees were images of people with swords and bows and arrows all fighting. And there is red crayon scribbles here and there for added effect.

    Where are my son's precious drawings of families holding hands, of surfers riding waves, of snowboarders sliding down mountains? Of dirt bike riders heading up hills?

    He was so excited to show me. Big smiles. So proud.

    I didn't want to crush his spirit with immediate criticism. I complimented his drawing and the detail.

    Then I expressed that the blood really bothered me and could make other people feel uncomfortable so that in the future I didn?t want him to use red crayon.

    He was hurt. Immediately got defensive and asked if his drawing was bad.

    I didn't want to shame him.
    I didn't want to make him feel he did anything wrong.

    I mean did he?
    I think I've seen a lot of movies like "The Sixth Sense" that show these mentally disturbed kids drawing violent images. I think I've been educated by the feminist and liberal professors that say drawings of violent images are linked to violent behavior and internal angst and that male aggression is bad. Very very bad.
    You're still repressed until you let of of the idea of 'male aggression' btw.

    I immediately clarified that I thought he was a great artist. But that the blood is just scary. I asked him where he got the idea for the picture and he talked about some movies we've let him see. Owen and I don't have a problem with some violence in movies for our kids. We are stricter about sex and definitely dark, satanic themes, drugs, or gore. But we allow him to watch shoot-em-up movies. And I still feel that it is okay, provided we talk to him about each film and how it compares to the real world and right vs wrong.
    OK so I've never identified as a feminist but I have this sense - probably similar to Paglia - where I feel a need to defend a territory in a sense because there should be room for a form of feminism that isn't just bullshit conservatism. Please don't project your conservative mentality onto feminism and then blame feminism for your conservative mentality. Thanks.

    That goth trans guy on YouTube from the UK I keep talking about lol. He mentioned in one post about writing a bunch of graphic violent poetry and other dark writing in I think sixth form and then being called out for doing that and questioned about his mental health etc because of the writing. I cba trying to find that video to quote from it though. The whole thing is prob too graphic to post here I dunno. At that point you're like 16-18. I had a somewhat similar experience in university though either the first or second year where most people are aged between 18-20ish. I don't remember fully but this guy came in to make us split into teams based on MBTI which is a relatively bs pseudoscientific personality test in the first place lol. And so there were two groups in particular (one group I was in,) that just descended into chaos for the group activity we had to do with like violent and crazy drawings and fucking about. The next week our lecturerer said this guy who was some kind of psychologist was 'concerned.' LOL. Then one guy in the other group made a video game where you shoot babies.

    There's this sense that eventually you will be allowed to express 'that' creatively but in a way you never are. I understand why it's controversial but yeah.

    The lyrics to the Ethel Cain song get a lot more violent and edgy lol well edgier because it combines sex. Also I think this might be one of her old songs that she doesn't want circulating or something. I'm not sure I just noticed she removed some and people were talking about that at one point like it's a shame because she had this great song I forgot the name of that sounded like Lady Gaga but darker and funny. I'm not sure which ones though I think the ones uploaded under a previous name yeah but this is under Ethel Cain think it's from the last EP she released before creating the 2022 album.

    Parts of the lyrics remind me of a gay vampire thing I imagined once as a teen with mpreg must have been about 14 then. I think she was a teenager when she wrote some of these lyrics.

    I'm going to listen to it in a bit cause it is on YouTube. This is the top comment:

    How in the world did this song get mixed into my worship music playlist?. literally Aramaic pray/music playlist.. I like how you turned your honesty into a dark song though. Its like a cursed Taylor Swift song.
    No this is cursed Taylor Swift I made earlier but I'm still waiting:

    Both for myself to just make a better version of this with volume that's actually set correctly, and/or for Taylor to do this. Also it's partially blocked for copyright reasons in Russia and I think a couple of other countries but it doesn't matter because this video is unlisted lol.

    this song should've been in the barbie movie
    Something like that is what I wanted the Barbie film to be unironically. I wanted it to be some kind of surreal horror film.

    It's very what if Beyonce was x-rated with serial killer vibes.

    And I saw her downtown and asked her out, went to her house and we fucked in her bed
    She?s sweeter than you?ll ever be when I give her kisses between her legs
    You don?t deserve such pretty things when you all you do is shoot to kill
    She?ll love me and I?ll love her better than you could, I promise you I will

    That makes it so much better.

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    What past ages understood by leisure is very different from what we understand. Should robots relieve mankind of labor, there won?t be any flowering of the intellect or the arts or sciences. It's not enough not be free from work, because the retired and the NEET's are like this, as well as most academics and many others, but all do nothing that's worthwhile. They've been reduced to a constrained and dependent state, and this is the problem. Constrained and dependent people don't have real thoughts: for same reason that nations without manufacturing don't really understand anymore what "innovation" and invention was for in the first place. So our science and technology too is just more diddling. Cervantes completed Don Quixote while in jail, Spinoza was a lens-grinder, Diogenes was homeless, and many other great things were done by people who were poorer or in direr straits materially than people today. And yet one can't deny that the life of the average American is that of an overworked, over-stressed slave: but the rest that would come from relieving him of that would be just that, simple rest, if it doesn?t also come with manliness and sovereignty.
    I was saying that more or less years before he published that book lol in some conversation on another forum like it wouldn't be enough. It was just intuitive to me based on my own life. I just don't attribute this to the same things he does (not entirely anyway. I think maybe there are two kinds of creativity the kind that is like channeling the transcendental and the kind that is sadistic or channeling that and both can potentially lead to pretty cool creations imo but some people - Edward Dutton - disagree lol.)

    I think using the term 'manliness' is wrong because I don't think that warriors are creative. I don't even think he makes a good case for it historically as he brings up several as he puts it 'trap emperors' and other related figures like Nero, Caligula, Elagabalus (people like this have a tendency to be assasinated in their time.) Serial killers aren't warriors either. They're violent creatives. Violence is not unique to masculinity or warriors. I'm sure a lot of these stories were insults or fabricated but they follow this theme for a reason:

    The painting measures 132.7 ? 214.4 centimetres (52.2 ? 84.4 in). It shows a group of Roman diners at a banquet, being swamped by drifts of pink rose petals falling from a false ceiling above. The youthful Roman emperor Elagabalus, wearing a golden silk robe and tiara, watches the spectacle from a platform behind them,[1][2] with other garlanded guests. A woman plays the double pipes beside a marble pillar in the background, wearing the leopard skin of a maenad, with a bronze statue of Dionysus, based on the Ludovisi Dionysus, in front of a view of distant hills.

    The painting depicts a (probably invented) episode in the life of the Roman emperor Elagabalus, also known as Heliogabalus, taken from the Augustan History. Although the Latin refers to "violets and other flowers", Alma-Tadema depicts Elagabalus smothering his unsuspecting guests with rose petals released from a false ceiling. The original reference is this:

    Oppressit in tricliniis versatilibus parasitos suos violis et floribus, sic ut animam aliqui efflaverint, cum erepere ad summum non possent.[3]

    In a banqueting-room with a reversible ceiling he once buried his guests in violets and other flowers, so that some were actually smothered to death, being unable to crawl out to the top.[4]
    That painting is how I found out about him I think lol.

    I thought: "If I wanted to kill a group of people. This is exactly how I'd do it."

    Something very pretty and feminine.

    I think pretty much all his opinions about men/women masculinity/femininity and the way he and a few other thinkers personally apply gender to this topic are wrong.

    The main way he goes wrong is conflating warriors, pirates, people with charisma and so on into the same group:

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Women will love you if you are a warrior. And they will help, through the entirely retarded mechanism of democracy, to elect men of glamor and charisma who are our only immediate hope against the machine that runs our garbage world
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    But you would be a sperg to think that this problem can be solved by taking away women's voting power, "forcing" them into the home, or some such thing. The presence of women in public life is a spear with two tips, and can be turned on the enemy with some ease. [..]

    The enemy who "freed" them has made use of a great weapon: he has increased his power immensely and introduced a war into the house and life of every man. But this enemy also made a gamble and I believe, ultimately, a mistake?because women more than others will set their bodies on fire with passion for a savior and be willing to abandon the fear and love of comfort on which the modern state depends?them more than others, out of a wild and stupid enthusiasm.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    How was it possible for women to become "free" at some point in the 19th century?how did this agitation come about? [..]

    The answer to all this is a little bit more unpleasant. It's only because women lost all respect for the males of the time that there could be any pretext like feminism or "women's suffrage" in the first place. The loss of respect in general marks the modern age since 1800 or so: the loss of respect in authority, for example, that came when industrialists and bankers replaced the warrior nobility. As "decadent" as the latter had become, this class had never really lost its grace of manner, its beauty and magnificence and glamor: this made the common man more eager to submit, or to accept such leadership.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    But where the Pythia had submitted to the solar and boyish manliness of Apollo, such a conquest of the power from under the earth never took place in Africa, nor in many other places
    If you don't understand that women are 'bisexual' and I mean really understand that and the implications you're never going to get anywhere imo.

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    No?great civilizations and cultures were never founded nor kept alive by "betas." The nerdoids who have taken over much of the right have brainwashed you to this view, but it's wrong. Women never loved the shopkeeper, the timid merchant with the nasal voice, and no, not even the clockmaker or craftsman. They have always loved the knight, the sailor in love with wild ideas of the sea, the adventurer and pirate.
    A lot of women who later became feminists would have been pirates in the 17th century and didn't respect men - not all of them because a lot of women who were incorporated into feminism didn't identify as such int he first place and also many non-conforming genetic female people who were creative and into witchy [BEEP] and - honestly I'm only talking about Rachilde let's just say Rachilde lol. Had a weird relationship to gender too in statements she made. Bisexual too. Some of those people also explicitly didn't consider themselves to be feminists.

    Nevertheless there are and were elements of feminism and feminist thinking that come from that personality cluster.

    The kind of women who enjoy 'patriarchy' are not the kind of women who become pirates and end up having sex with pirates and so on. If they felt disrespected themselves they wouldn't have tolereated it in the past either and would find ways to get revenge on you.

    It's worth noting that no great civilisations were ever kept alive by pirates either at least regarding leadership. Very temperamental/volatile. You don't really get pirate kings for the same reason you don't get witch kings. Although witch king sounds badass.

    Nerds are cute and there's a bunch of porn centreing them. So I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    You really can't take these kind of black/white views I think when discussing what appeals to women actually because they're obviously focussed on safety and have to manage that, and you're not going to remove that desire for safety from most women.

    I've also thought a lot about Ishtar/Inanna but BAP only ever goes as far back as ancient Greece (which he's obsessed with.) Lol:

    And he is a huge nerd! That's the funniest part of it.

    This is genius btw:

    Yeah so she's a goddess of both war and love/sexuality prostitution etc. But not motherhood (that's been emphasised by some historians as I've said before.) This concept disappeared later and Aphrodite was only a goddess of love, sex, beauty etc. I don't think there's really a part of me that finds the idea of war and the stereotypical destructive masculinity of it appealing. Of course you can make it more abstract I guess group based competition etc. Then maybe but there's a certain kind of masculine warrior aesthetic like Ares, Khorne etc that has no appeal for me whatsoever. Either sexually or in an imitative sense.

    I even had some kind of fantasy daydream story before I started looking into these figures years ago featuring a kind of incubus sex demon and a demon who was more war like in this way and the sexual competition between them and a woman but I don't want to go into all that again it's a huge tangent. She was never picking the warrior demon though he coerced her by threatning the other guy who had to 'figure it out that she wasn't really interested in him.'

    So yes, I found it interesting that Ishtar/Inanna was a goddess of war. I can see the appeal to violence and other dark urges but only when creative and not like that archetype. But then I thought about it and it's combined with sex, love etc too so maybe it's making the same symbolic point anyway.

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Our enemy has so much spread: he is everywhere. He's in your home even, and he's inside you.
    This mentality I generally find weird/dumb. If you view part of yourself as an enemy that's wrong and you haven't integrated the different parts of yourself properly.

    That's my opinion/personal lens though. I think creativity is necessarily androgynous too. That's not me arguing for 'gay rights' (as he argues,) either it's true even if when you ignore modern identity labels and sexological phenomenon. So you will never reach it by radical seperation of 'manliness' and his idea of female oracles seperated from masculinity and such. Not possible imo.


    The first lines of the Iliad make this clear: you do have a "soul" of sorts apart from your body it just isn't you. It's a shade. It's completely homosexual.
    Everytime I'm looking for a quote I stumble on some 'hilarious out of context line.'

    I feel like I've developed over the years a very idiosyncratic reason for finding people like Jordan Peterson wrong/annoying lol.
    The impulse is pure
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    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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    Everybody got to deviate
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  10. #5620
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    ^ I'm going to take credit for this tweet and the responses to it that I just was suggested while looking up BAP stuff (kind of a weird coincidence. Twitter is totally spying on me. Or it's AI thinks like me or something weird.) Even though I'm only ever talking about Warhammer 40k and not Warhammer the timing is still hilarious:

    My condolences to the Warhammer community.

    I welcome you to the hobbies of haute cuisine, weightlifting, and composing vaguely threatening letters to modern art museums.
    What happen to Warhammer wat
    Maybe plastic and awful new figurines, terrible artworks or incel community, I don't know?
    Well I'm just acutely hearing a lot about "something" and idk what it is. Troons?
    Don't bother, you will know when the time comes.
    [BEEP] does that mean man
    It means why bother, you will know soon or later.
    They put girls in it
    I'm not part of this community btw. I'm purely interested in the chaos gods because some of their back stories remind me of other things happening culturally + story ideas I came up with in the past, and the time in 2010 when I photoshopped a Tyranid pink and glittery to troll my ex-boyfriend when we were still together. I also did this to Chuck Norris once. And something similar to my brother (but that was more clownish not pink.)

    They wouldn't really be able to complain about my involvement though. Slaanesh has been a character for a long time.

    I prefered playing magic the gathering though because your game is wack and overpriced (just like magic the gathering but probably moreso.) Unless I decide to play it one day and enjoy it in which case I take that back.


    Yugioh will never troon out.
    Oh no. That was taken over decades ago my man.

    I was playing yugioh when I was 16~ with another female friend and a gay guy who wasn't that masculine and read tarot cards, and a bunch of other people (everyone else was a straight guy lol.) And there was lots of gay fanfiction written by women too. I read and wrote some about the show Yugioh GX (didn't post stuff I wrote online.) That actually is slightly ego dystonic it was an absolutely terrible show lol.

    Wait is this him or something? Was that why I was suggested it?

    People think it's him anyway so that would probably be why algorithmically speaking.

    Oh no wait they think they're both working for the CIA (or joking about that,) OK. Need to read more slowly. Either way lol.

    Honestly I'm still not 100% convinced it's not just Camille Paglia messing around. Even though he's been doxxed. I'm not convinced. She disappeared in like 2019 publically again too lol.

    This twitter rabbit hole is hilarious just the weird responses people are throwing at each other. The guy who tweeted about warhammer re-tweeted this:

    This is what happens when boys are taught to treat women equally. All they do is turn hoes into the bros they never had.

    Men only want one thing

    [image saying 'pov your boyfriend has a hobby so now you have a hobby]
    will you shut up man?
    I'm going to fucking kill you, you don't talk to him like that
    The I'm going to kill you part killed me though. It's like surreal comedy.

    "By the bros they never had you mean the 98% of any 'male hobby' group that's made up by heterosexual men?"

    I think you have high standards again.

    I've been watching the TV show Happy Endings recently (only just finished season 1,) which is definitely a bit dated now but there's a gay male character on the show who is very deliberately 'not a stereotypal gay (tm)' like it's emphasised constantly. Yeah we get it, you're not stereotypical jeez lol. But there's another character who has an interesting episode where she wants a stereotypical gay best friend (as opposed to the real gay friend she has,) and then she evetually gets annoyed with him because he's stealing her thunder so he points out in the end that she's the 'stereotypical gay guy' in the group.

    For once someone has conviniently put all the relevant clips into one video for me lol:

    "You don't need a gay husband. Because you're my gay husband."

    So far my favourite character was the homeless artist that just happened to be living in Max and the other guy whose name I've forgotten's ceiling lmfao. But unfortunately that was just a one episode thing. I was hoping he'd just stay there as a running gag.

    Anyway you should worry more about the me that's turning you into the girlfriend I never had. (I do mean sexually a major pet peeve of mine is people using the term girlfriend platonically. Maybe that's unfair I don't know. No one says 'boyfriend' when they're talking about their male platonic friends.)

    No I agree and I'm barely gay in a female sense:

    Part of me takes the opposite very annoying view though so I can't complain. Like people can't differentiate between the two because they're just romantically attracted to all close female friends. LOL.

    My mom (baby boomer) has always done this. She still calls her platonic friends "girlfriends" and all of my female friends growing up were my "girlfriends" but none of my male friends were "boyfriends"!

    I guess that's one way to get a girlfriend?

    There's also the issue of being older (I'm in my mid-30s) and still calling our partners "girls" but I don't know if there's a better term. A lot of people use "partner" but I also use that for co-workers. 💀
    That's the spirit.

    I don't understand why they don't just refer to their female friends as friends. They don't call their male friends boyfriends, they just call them friends.
    They do treat them differently. I think a lot of women have female soul mates, but they often don't really value male friendships the same way. They even get jealous. I had this experience with my close friend in high school because she was best friends with another girl so there were some points where she clearly expressed jealousy.

    Something like this:

    In summary, our results point to striking gender differences in intimate friendship strategies: women prefer close dyadic bonds (with evolutionary origins in either pairbonding or social insurance purposes, or both), whereas men use their bonding capacity to build multimale groups (in effect, clubs).
    There are really obvious differences when you consider extreme ends of attraction imo but if you mostly meet people you're not that attracted to or might become less attracted to after interacting (less idealised,) it can be confusing. Also I developed romantic attraction to someone I liked platonically before once.

    I think it's easier to differentiate between sexual arousal and platonic attraction than romantic attraction and platonic attraction (but clearly a lot of people disagree about the arousal thing based on research trends.) But I don't necessarily want to actually have sex with everyone I find arousing at some point. That's the thing.

    You are totally safe doing those boring things though. I have no interest in any of that stuff - weightlifting and writing negative reviews of museums. Except maybe the food that's risky I wouldn't suggest doing that. I mean I hate cooking but I like eating so it's a constant internal war you know. Plus cooking is stereotypically feminine anyway if you're worried about that. My straight male friend keeps telling me about these kind of nice recipes he's cooking and it's only a matter of time before I decide to make spicy sausage carbonara - not so spicy because I'm very spiritually and literally white. I love Italian food. This is not really haute cuisine but I'm from Luton so you understand.

    It's very important that you turn yourself into this 'masculine' husk that no woman wants to imitate or fuck. Like the parthenon as Contrapoints said - she said she'd [BEEP] it I suppose. No she did she said that. This was actually part of a video.

    But I wouldn't.

    I like art nouveau.

    I've yet to find a building I want to have sex with (perhaps I should say that 'arouses me in that way.' Since sex irl is a bit complicated for me anyway.) There's still time though.

    Just found this lol on reddit:

    I Had a realization while asking my trans brother about being gender envious of buildings?
    He then posts a screenshot with texts where he's asking him because some people sometimes I guess think trans people might know everything about this subject:

    calling on you to explain this one to me lol
    Oh I have no idea lol
    Now I'm analyzing my own views on gender.
    Like I know I'm masc but I want to be more masc
    Do I get gender envy from masc objects?
    Like what?? The Parthenon?
    Oh [BEEP] I do have gender envy of the parthenon
    Then the comments lol:

    So your brother was born a woman and now he what? Envies cock shaped buildings? I'm just trying to follow this.
    My brother was born in the wrong body, yes. He does not experience gender envy from buildings, I do. I'm a cis-man but I've been trying to present more masculine recently. Because of the TikTok, I was trying to think of masculine structures and remembered a joke Natalie made about The Parthenon. Does that answer your question?
    No one says this anymore btw. This is all on Contrapoints subreddit too. No one says 'born a woman' either lol.

    Anyway I think I'm going to stick with what I said. The building wasn't that important to my point anyway. I tend to go with 'brick walls.'

    I also think this kind of projected animism has nothing directly to do with gender.

    I like circuitboards and electricity pylons.

    Sounds like you could have some fun with this though.

    I will now argue that this decision was phobic against non-binary people because I like these things:

    Definitely not a sell-out record (if you believe in that sort of thing), but the factory-based imagery shows them in the preparatory stage towards selling something. An interview with Aural Innovations (partially transcribed in Rich Wilson's Time Flies: The Story of Porcupine Tree) had band leader Steven Wilson admitting that "it's completely at odds with the music", but the manner at which they arrived at the cover came out of frustration he felt at times over the music industry and that many in the industry viewed what musicians created as product as opposed to art. Wilson had initially wanted a photo of an electricity pylon in the desert to be the cover, but management told him the idea was 'bland and cliched'.
    Also I can't believe they stopped this from happening it combines two of my favourite aesthetics over the past couples of decades. Although my interest in deserts has largely centred around cacti (to the point where I only like deserts with cacti,) but still.

    There's a woman who fell in love with the eiffel tower too, and she thought of the eiffel tower as a woman. The eiffel tower looks like an electricity pylon to me. So I'm also going to argue that this is homophobic.

    'Steven Wilson isn't a woman though.'

    Good point that's the only flaw in my logic. Tumblr sometimes headcannon him as a woman in comics etc though and at any rate if a woman can find female electicity pylons attractive it's still homophobic because I've never come across a guy who was sexually or romantically into electricity pylons or the eiffal tower so far. Cars yes eiffal tower/electricity pylons no.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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    Everybody got to deviate
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  11. #5621
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    I'm reading more posts on sapphic subreddits now after that one I found before. I feel like this one I found is just coming from a place of insecurity in a way. She says she's tired of straight women on dating apps but at no point do any of the women she brings up really say they're straight. I guess there are people who are looking for friendship but generally if it's awkward it's because a lot of people don't know how to flirt etc (personally I have no idea so. I'm pretty much an alien researching the Human species):

    I am so tired of straight women on dating apps
    I joined Hinge maybe three months ago and DEADASS straight women keep liking me. I honestly don't know why considering my profile is open about my lesbianism and my searching for a life partner status. I sometimes accept thinking they might be closeted or curious but when I flirt with them it's like "haha thanks gorg 💕" and clearly awkward.
    That just makes me think she spends a lot of time with drag queens.

    Curious people are rarely going to be looking for a life partner even if they're open to it.

    She's not mentioned her saying anything that suggested she found her predatory but brought that up a bunch so I think it's just insecurity. Also this girl kept talking about fictional men she found attractive with her which obviously isn't a good thing to do with a lesbian woman (seems like a dumb thing to do on a dating app in general,) maybe you can get away with that with other bisexuals or if you're in a long term relationship where you can talk about stuff like that.

    Sigh anyway I'm supposed to go for a meal with this girl soon and on the one hand I think she's cool and would be a good friend but on the other I already feel like?jaded and confused and a little sad. Do you know how HARD it is to find a high femme bottom who loves nerdy things when that's almost exclusively your preference and she's exactly that but may just be super heterosexual? Great 💀 I have seen a lot of sapphics on Reddit say "omg I don't get why other sapphics fall for straight women I never find them attractive" and I don't relate AT ALL. If anything I feel like my type is so high femme that I almost exclusively get attracted to straight women because high femmes aren't that common in [BEEP] spaces from my experience and straight women more frequently present that way. Anyway this just feels like yet another lesson in "your type is rare and you'll never find it in a woman who can love you back 💕💕 or maybe she lives in Canada and you'll never meet her! Enjoy!"
    I only have romantic crushes on women from Canada who I can't meet haha. Woman technically.

    Actually women being straight would take a lot of the pressure off for me because I don't have to worry about offending her because I've never dated a woman and don't know if I want to lol. + I'm non-binary so works even better. I didn't worry about this with men even though it didn't work at all though. So technically women are getting special treatment if I don't [BEEP] them around as I try to find a comfortable relationship style with a Human being.

    None of this would be a problem if they just revealed where the aliens are at in area 52.

    It's the only explanation for my entire existence.

    I honestly can't understand her at all rn because I've flirted with her and I'm texting her 25 times a day (which she does in return) and if she's straight and STILL wants to meet up like?.HOW? HOW????? Are straight women this oblivious??? Do they think friends text 25 times at 2 am and say things like "that's so cute of you 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕" and are on gay preferences for dating apps???????

    I would only use the 🥺 emoji if I find someone cute in a romantic way. Have I used that one before when talking about people? I don't know if I have let me look through posts. Maybe not...? I feel like I used something similar once.

    This one is definitely romantic: 🥰 Oh no this maybe: 😩

    I get it though I basically assume anything from a woman is platonic and lovehearts aren't necessarily romantic.

    What a time to be alive lol.

    I actually rarely use emojis when talking to/with people though lol it feels too awkward. There are only a limited bunch I will use. I used to use a few text ones back in the day too. Also with emoticons in general there are a lot that are too.. Not subtle enough so I dislike them. I also have to copy and paste the actual emojis from some website lol to use them on this forum and don't know how to use them on my phone because I am mentally old.

    I also have a lot of trauma with "straight" women where like a solid 50% of my woman friends who have identified that way have tried to [BEEP] me at some point but then threw me away and I just feel so like tired. It got to a point where I stopped being friends with hetero identifying women lmao because it was THAT bad.
    That seems more realistic. I just wouldn't call them straight in the same way guys who do that to women aren't gay.

    Also as someone almost exclusively into high femmes who are borderline pillow princesses, who are RARE and SPECIAL ANGELS, the "is this a straight person" confusion is so constant when courting if they aren't open, I am so tired
    They are probably going to be straight or 'straight' most of the time yeah.

    It seems common these days so I'm not sure how to interpret it! Like I was seeing a bisexual woman for a short while who mentioned her guy crushes A LOT and she was definitely bi so like maybe it's normal now? I don't know because I'm only attracted to women 😭

    I've also told this other woman 500 times about my woman celebrity crushes so if she's straight she's a real champ for sitting through that AND my wlw anime recommendations lmfao
    I love talking about guys I find attractive (clearly,) I thought I wouldn't do that with a woman in a dating context if that was me but I did do it with my first ex-boyfriend when discussing a fictional character at one point and he did get a bit jealous. So never mind. Who knows what I'd do lol.

    I mean famous/fictional guys. I wouldn't do it with people we both know or something.

    I've also told this other woman 500 times about my woman celebrity crushes so if she's straight she's a real champ for sitting through that AND my wlw anime recommendations lmfao
    She probably didn't care.

    I think because there's so many more out bi women than lesbians now, there's just many that have little experience with women/sapphic communities and don't know how to act lol. I strongly doubt when these women are with men, they talk to them about all the other men they find attractive!! I find it different when talking about women that are attractive bc it's something both parties can appreciate, ya know?
    On occasion yeah. My friend talks to me about female characters and actresses he finds attractive and I've obviously done this with him before with guys but tend to forget. I don't see him as a go to person to do that with though.

    Some people complain that women don't find men attractive because they never talk about it. Even Contrapoints brought this up in some video about straight women and 'why don't they talk about men?' So I feel like this is probably rare. I think bisexual women do find men more attractive than straight women according to research and might talk about it more. Like on average they basically have a higher sex drive and are more attracted to both according to research papers:

    Moreover, bisexuals reported higher sexual desire and arousal for women than heterosexuals and lesbians, while lesbians reported lower sexual arousal and desire with men than the other groups [12, 13].
    I've thought about it and I think this might explain some things. Like the 'straight' women that one redditor is apparently surrounded by. Though it does seem insane to me that it was 50% of straight women she's known have tried to get with her sexually. That's some kind of weird social bubble lol. I mean the part where they were only into sex is as I said 'realistic' but the percentages is very odd. She must be an 'artist' or something.

    Little is known about non-monosexual women's sexual arousal and desire. Typically, bisexual women have been excluded from research on sexual arousal and desire, whereas mostly heterosexual and mostly lesbian women have been placed into monosexual categories.
    Oh cool they should seperate them more yeah. I just found this paper but there are numerous others exploring what I've said anyway. Actually a lot of other things I've read suggest bisexual women are more into women and men but this one actaully found something a bit different:

    It has been speculated that men?s sexual arousal patterns may be related to sexual inhibition (Bailey, Rieger, & Rosen- thal, 2011; Rosenthal, Sylva, Safron, & Bailey, 2012). In short, in contrast to gay men, bisexual men maynot beaverse to sexual stimuli featuring women. Findings from the current study do notsupport the sexual inhibitionhypothesis forwomen. In order for this theory to be confirmed, one would expect (1) lesbians to rate men higher on the negative dimension of the SADI, and (2) heterosexuals to rate women higher on the negative dimension of the SADI.
    In the current study, the only observed difference on the negative dimension of the SADI was between bisexuals and heterosexuals for sexual contact with men, suggesting that bisexual women may feel more aversion during sex with men than heterosexual women do. Rather that arguing that bisexuals may be bisexual due to a lack of sexual inhibition, this finding instead raises the possibility that bisexual women define themselves as such because they are more averse to sex with men than heterosexuals are. In sum, male and female bisexuality may be driven by different mechanisms. It is noteworthy that in the current study, bisexual women reported higher sexual arousal and desire but also more aversion. Future studies should further explore which mechanisms may be related to both high positive and high negative sexual arousal.
    This is very interesting.

    For instance, Chivers et al. (2004) found that heterosexual women's subjective sexual arousal was higher to erotic films featuring female?male intercourse than to female?female intercourse. However, in another study, they reported higher arousal to female than to male stimuli, indicating lack of category-specificity (Chivers et al., 2007). It is still unclear why heterosexual women would report greater subjective arousal to female than to male stimuli
    This is going to crack me up forever. It's just so completely unintuitive it's hilarious.

    Of the total sample, 34 (8.8 %) women reported not masturbating. In terms of frequency of masturbation there were no significant differences between the sexual orientation groups. However, there was a trend toward bisexuals and mostly heterosexuals reporting more frequent masturbation than heterosexuals (p = .082 and p = .086, respectively).
    The findings of this study indicate that a substantial percentage of women defines themselves as mostly heterosexual, bisexual, or as mostly lesbian, and that these women's subjective sexual arousal and desire in partnered sexual activities differ from those of heterosexual and lesbian women, further validating mostly heterosexual and mostly lesbian as distinct sexual orientations (Savin-Williams & Vrangalova, 2012, 2013).
    It varies but there have definitely been periods where I was above average according to statistics I've read also above average when compared to men.

    Heterosexual women did not report lower sexual arousal and desire toward women than lesbian women did, except for on the motivational dimension.

    This is self report too. There's lots of studies too on neurological and genital arousal which are controversial because they're not taking women's opinions into account but this is self report...

    Although our findings are not directly comparable to those from physiological studies due to methodological differences, results suggest that for heterosexual women, sexual arousal and desire may be a poor predictor of self-reported sexual orientation (Bailey, 2009).
    I get that though I think. I don't want to have sex with everyone I'm turned on by. Possibly none of them - from a distance it's impossible to test out.

    These findings raise important questions about the meaning of female sexual orientation. If heterosexual women are not less aroused by sex with women than lesbians are, then why do they not define themselves as lesbians? Diamond (2003b) has argued that romantic love and sexual desire may be independent.
    Yes obviously.

    I was going to say this. I read comments on TT and the straight women commenting on WLW TT are fishing for attention. I don't get it, men can give them that for free so I don't understand why they want to flirt and get sapphic?s attention.
    I have no idea what TT is but too easy probably.

    Most people prefer attention from women because they often have higher standards.

    Wait that's short for tiktok? Weird.

    [...] my most recent match on her that lead to a date was a woman who kept misgendering me (calling me him?I'm a futch at most (like I don?t even present masc) and use she/her) and referred to me as her alpha 💕😭
    It was a legit omegaverse thing 😭 she was very into it which is fine but like pushing it onto someone you've LITERALLY JUST MET is so weird. She referred to her bed as her nest for mating too which was like?She also exclusively talked about celebs who are men as her crushes and even though she was openly bisexual, seemed really averse to other women and praising them and it was just very confusing tbh. Like I don?t want to hear for the 10th time today about Kai from Exo actually! I support your hyperfixation but can we talk about women a tiny bit? Why are you angry at that? Etc
    Noooo, she sounds like my type. I love all that omegaverse stuff, but I can't imagine taking it quite that seriously. lol. Also, I love EXO, so at least she has good taste.
    Yeah I think that's just a dating app thing. My straight male friend had similar experiences where with minimal exceptions the only people who were approaching him when he bothered were either asexual or into super specific fetishes. He also dated me before all that when I was questioning if I was asexual and we didn't do anything sexual so not had the best run honestly lmao. (Of course I'm also sexually into male feminisation. One time I suggested he put on eyeliner not as a 'thing' but I just had some from a Halloween costume and he was not into the idea so doubt we could have ever explored that anyway.)

    Also autistic women are more likely to be [BEEP] so that might explain the fixations and I suppose people just don't bother masking anymore.
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    That's not a particuarly flattering screenshot but yeah I love that aesthetic lol. It was funny that she adopted that look like a month or two after I got into it.

    The whole look is giving 70's hippie energy and I'm LIVING for it.
    70s lesbian as well, which is approps :)
    I think that's what she was going for.

    She looks like female version of Jeffrey Dahmer here 🤔
    OK they ruined it.

    There's always someone who points this out.

    This is why we can't have nice things.

    I do wish she did drag again. Her looks were phenomenal & it actually kept my intrigue through the videos. I?m honestly not over Baltimore Maryland even though that was 4 years ago. But maybe Nat downsized her stuff when she moved so she doesn?t have that stuff anymore.

    I do think her l8est videos r a lot more fitting with the pedestrian aesthetics. It just makes more sense that some1 who looks like tumblr 2 have an analysis on twilight. But, ugh, the drag was so stimulating!! My bad taste hasn?t progressed since 2020s contrapoints.
    Yeah this reminds me I still need to finish watching that Twilight video. I got about 10 minutes in lol.

    I'm pretty sure she stopped doing it because of the 'deleted tweet thing.' It doesn't really make sense because it's not like she owned flamboyant costumes but whatever it obviously bugs her that her ex's channel is aesthetically similar so I assume she's not going to go back to that now.

    I don't think her style in that video was really 'Tumblr.' Technically Tumblr's aesthetic is pretty much one of these (I don't know if Funkyfrogbait is on tumblr but it's a tumblr aesthetic anyway with the frogs and the glasses and the mullet and everything):

    This is from 4 minutes in:

    "He came before Satan, he came before Loki, he came before Apollo he was my first ever spouse."

    Not Apollo man. That one got ruined by Bronze Age Pervert for me. I had no interest but after reading Bronze Age Mindset it's a no from me lol.

    "Some even say that pop culture pagans are being deceived by trickster spirits that are siphoning their energy."

    Well it sounds like they're marrying some of them.

    I haven't watched this video lol. This is a hilarious topic:

    And that photo with the cardigan that I still want... I can't post that one person's photo again lol even though their entire aesthetic is cool.

    Still want those shoes too


    Also unlike rainbows frogs and mushrooms are still legal in Russia:

    The court heard that crack Russian investigators determined each earring depicted a frog sitting under a mushroom. While the mushroom was found to be using approved colors of red and white, the frog was emblazoned with bars of the seven colors used in the Pride flag and was, therefore, illegal extremist propaganda.
    If this wasn't a serious Human rights issue it would be hilarious.

    Oh I forgot I never posted about the dream I had on... I think the 1st of April lol. It concerned rainbows among other things (this was before I read about the frog earing news story I think too lol.)

    Oh OK it was the 2nd of April (I'm saving my dreams in a wordpad file now since writing it down supposedly helps with dream recall and I don't remember them very often now):

    2nd April 2024:

    Had a dream it started with me being on my PC and my brother kept coming into my room and I tried to get him to leave. At one point he tried to jokily steal this stuffed duck I have called Quackers. Then I took some yellow balloons that had ended up in my room that belonged to him and I kept them and then later they floated out and my brother said they chose to return to him or something.

    Then (in a different dream maybe,) I was in this seaside town I think Brighton though it didn't look like Brighton at all with this young woman who was racially ambiguous with light brown/tan skin who I guess I'd met up with online. It was irl but also somehow the sims simultaneously. So she showed me this small caravan/tiny house like build she'd built which was some kind of weird shop and living space. But inside it was only selling plates of food that looked like Sims custom content food. I think this was inspired by some tweets I found of homeless people building like shed type stuff to live in in Portland. Although this house didn't look anything like those (and I have a general interest in tiny houses anyway,) and it was white and larger and there were also some like light green triangle shaped things hanging down - I dunno what those things are called. Oh bunting banners OK. Yeah like those going from the top near the door to some poll outside.

    She complained that it wasn't as easy to find replacement builds for lots in the sims 2 as in the sims 4 (cause in the sims 4 you can use the gallery to find modified stuff) then she showed me the shower space which was outside of the build sort of and explained how it worked and this was weird I don't remember the explanation fully I'm sure it defied real world science. So it was collecting rain drops to convert into steam for the shower.

    Then she went to show me the bedroom but it wasn't part of this build so she went over to this dumpster and jumped into it and there was a massive drop but a bunch of stuff had broken her fall though prob would have still hurt it didnt seem to hurt her. I asked my brother who was definitely there at this point if he thought that would be survivable and he said the problem is if you miss landing on that stuff and hit the ground.

    And I looked and realised and thought there's a chance I might miss it so just looked down and didn't risk it but it wasn't a bedroom just some weird basement under ground.

    So I asked her how she built it below the dumpster like how did she remove the ground but she didn't really explain.

    So we kept walking around along the beach side not on the sand but above on the street overlooking the beach and I was worried about what the latest time at night I could leave to get a train back and the conversation was a bit awkward at one point she complained about us talking about the sims because it was her job and I said that yeah I make videos too and have drifted away from it recently.

    Then we ran into a couple of girls she knew both white. (I'm pointing out these things because I want to remember as much detail as possible to encourage future dream recall and because people tend to assume people are white when reading at least in the West,) inside this indoor bit leading to a shopping area and they started talking but she didn't introduce me or my brother so it was awkward.

    Eventually she pointed to my top and said I was a 'lesbo' because it was written on it and I was like no it isn't looking at my shirt which was this old rainbow sleeveless top that I actually do own irl but havent worn in a long time lol and I pointed out it didn't say that and there was no text. After a moment I got up the courage to tell them all I'm non-binary which I hadn't wanted to do and she said 'finally' like she'd been waiting.

    Then we all sat on some outside chairs I don't remember the conversation here.

    I've forgotten parts but I think my brother disappeared at one point but then came back later. I also tried to call my brother and accidentally kept video calling lots of people I didn't want to in my contacts which was anxiety inducing hanging up before they answered

    We ended up waiting outside this old gift shop looking place while the other 3 did something and I noticed this red old plastic biscuit box that had our mums name on a label stuck on it and I pointed that out to my brother I then tried to sneakily take a picture with my smart phone backwards camera. This is my first smartphone dream lol I usually have other cameras and they run out of batteries. I also have only been using a smart phone camera instead of other cameras for the past year. But I couldn't get a picture with the label in anyway because of the angle.

    At some point the old small gift shop that was selling random stuff including a recorder (like the musical instrument lol,) with wood interior had morphed into some kind of office space that was all white with large windows. The box was still there on a desk.

    The girls came back and we left.

    A bit later we were pondering going into the sea. It was the evening and I wasn't sure if I'd brought my swim stuff. But I wanted to because I always want to go swimming lol.

    I hadn't planned on going in because we'd met up late in the day. For some reason this guy had appeared and was then driving us all along the sand which was slightly wet in this large dirt bike thing and I decided to get off but just ended up clinging to the side for a bit or something.

    At another point in the dream me, my brother and the first girl were walking around and there were people ice-skating I said this was weird - multiple small outdoor rinks because it was spring and they were all really wet more water than ice so I said I'd like to ice skate but not in these conditions and the girl I was with agreed.

    There was also some part maybe when we were sitting when a TV screen was showing Germaine Greer's Wikipedia page only it said she didn't like masculine or androgynous people and I thought that's rich considering she's quite masculine.

    There was also an arcade and I can't remember if we went in there or not.
    Not being able to take photos or record stuff I want to, and not being able to swim when I want to are recurring themes in a lot of dreams I have. A lot of the rest of the dream seemed to be inspired by TV shows I'd recently watched + video games I'd played + other long term insecurities.

    I also can't remember if this was before or after I read about Edward Dutton's university friend who came out as trans while they were at uni, and was later killed about a decade later while working as a prostitute in Brighton. I think it might have actually been before... But not 100% sure. It was around the same time anyway. That was pretty upsetting to read about (he brought it up in one of his books as an 'example',) and I also think was kind of a big part of his 'origin story.' And why he's fixated on this idea of 'mutants.'

    I've been to Brighton a bunch of times though and I've had various other dreams that take place in seaside towns so that's not really unusual as a setting anyway.

    At this point my YT suggestions are shorts of skinny (sometimes anorexic,) androgynous people singing and/or playing the guitar live and transfemme people who like to talk about knives (F1nn, Ethel Cain.) Oh and Jordan Peterson of course.

    Streamed for an hour , no shirt just a bra , showed her sharp things and answered questions all of this wile she wasn?t supposed to cus her manager would be mad at her . Never change Mother Cain
    I REMEMBER HER SAYING THATTTT' i hope my manager isnt watching rn' 😬
    I should watch that maybe.

    Oh yeah and Vlad's stuff or stuff related to Vlad (I mean I have a bunch of suggestions but it gets less funny the more I include lol.)

    The JP stuff is literaly stuff that's titled like this lol:

    He says a lot of fucked up [BEEP] but I'd be surprised if he said "3% of the population is evil." at this stage. Like that exact sentence. He does believe this I think but I don't think he's said this exact sentence. I could be wrong though but he also doesn't say it in this video.

    He actually argues that both anonymous trolls and popular visible users of social media are largely psychopaths. Vaguely describes large groups of people in an irresponsible manner a lot of the time too by not giving clear examples of the type of people he's talking about. I thought he'd lost his licence since I swear I remember him complaining about it but it seems not yet?:

    Peterson has said that The College of Psychologists of Ontario has threatened to pull his practicing license unless he goes through social media sensitivity training
    Why would this yoyo care anyway when he has a bunch of suckers that hang on his every word that he can leech off us until his dying day?

    The lack of a license might be a good thing because he can then be totally unaccountable and play the victim of government persecution card to the hilt.
    I mean it would make sense though no? What he's doing is pretty irresponsible. Not everyone is entitled to practice psychology in some official manner in the same way not everyone is entitled to be a surgeon.

    Everything he said would of course have to apply to him too as a massive social media figure who spends a lot of time moralising etc.

    Among the statements he is in trouble for, is that he suggested that someone saying the earth is over its carrying capacity of humans, can leave the population at any time. In the video, his daughter says that anyone who thinks he was suggesting suicide has the brain of a beetle. He replies that she has insulted beetles.

    As the person he replied to is not an astronaut with the ability to leave the planet, physically, it is unclear to me what Peterson could have possibly been hinting at other than leaving the population by dying. This in particular strikes me as a very interesting hill for a psychologist to be willing to die on, willing to sacrifice his license for it: a suicide joke aimed at presumably some sort of climate activist. Anything I'm missing on this, or any other possible explanations? Peterson and his daughter failed to offer any other possible explanations while deriding people for drawing the conclusion that appears obvious to me, which leads me to...
    Uh honestly that's not even the worst of it. Definitely redefining psychopathy to mean basically anyone he dislikes or disagrees with ideologically is a serious problem.

    Also he obviously meant suicide and he's clarified this in a discussion with one person but I can't remember who now just remember the conversation (perhaps it was the Helen Lewish interview I forget.) The other person assumed he meant he was saying they should go into space when he said there's an easy solution and they started saying 'Elon Musk hasn't managed to colonise Mars yet' or something like that, and he clarified he didn't mean space when he said they could leave. I think it's kind of weak of him to just pretend he wasn't saying that when he's brought this up in numerous interviews over the years.

    Also he went off the deep end of religious ideology arguing that it's necessary for societies to be religious and specifically arguing for Abrahamic religions.

    This unholy axis of Iranian thugs and Marxist psychopaths is an enemy of Muslims too.
    Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are vital barriers to the spread of toxic narratives seizing both the West and the East.
    Reading through this subreddit about 'gurus' now:

    I want it known that I've been a Brand hater for years and saw through this [BEEP] from the start.

    I hate this guy and want credit for the lonely years 😁
    Many years ago (probably in the late 2000s/early 2010s?) I disliked him for no real reason. I don't even know why it was some kind of instinctive thing maybe and it's hard to remember that time or why he bugged me. Eventually I think I stopped caring and then after many years he went off the deep end into conspiracy grifting etc and now he's converted to Christianity (boring.)

    None of what he's doing now is weird really because of his personality type. I also don't expect the views he has now to be the ones he has 10-20 years from now.

    I suppose you could be disapointed that he hasn't just started his own cult.
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    They do sound quite a bit like Sting but most of the comments are pointing this out and I imagine that must get annoying.

    I like their music but I like it in the way I like YONAKA where it's good. I like it more than most modern pop music. But it's missing something that makes it amazing for me.

    Also honestly aside from their voice and a few things overall I'd compare them more to YONAKA actually.

    There's some kind of overall like 2010s British rock music vibe that's similar. Although the last YONAKA song above came out last year.

    So I guess comparing them to their dad while obvious is a bit lazy.

    The magic of her fathers voice in an other dimension.
    his *
    Eliot Sumner prefers gender-neutral pronouns, but was born a woman.
    That's a dude.
    nope. Look up older articles; they all refer to her as Sting's daughter.
    All that matters is who he is now
    Oh my God.

    1. It's really not hard to Google.

    2. If all that matters is 'who [they] are now' then they prefer gender neutral pronouns.

    Eliot looks suspiciously male. Fitting for the gender distortion movement.

    At a certain point of masculinity no one will believe you are afab anyway.

    Anyway it probably helps to like:

    I thought she was he
    If she womanizes herself she does have a girly face. And i dare to say shes pretty. But she has the hair of a skate punk dude and the same shorts and shoes any skater would use. Id love to see her dressed and her hair done like a proper woman
    'womanizes' sounds funny lol.

    Did you sleep through the 90s and early 2000s? It's a very important aesthetic for afab people who want long hair but don't go on testosterone lol. Thank you skate punk/grunge dudes.

    The labcoat is still very aesthetic:

    Even though this is Radiohead (and also Beck, so many songs like this in the 90s lol) and what I said before about all the other bands I've already heard this is pretty good yeah:

    Everyone looks like this.

    They didn't always look like this but they still did sometimes:

    Seether must have named themselves after that song after they changed their name from Saron Gas. I'm pretty sure they must have done since they were making the same kind of music.

    This is probably going to grow on me a bit:

    It's mostly just nostalgia though.

    I can guarantee it has nothing to do with their appearence it's their body language and to some extent eyebrow/facial structure but mostly body language it's the primary thing people use to gender people. I'm more feminine and presented in very similar ways over the years and nobody has ever thought I was a guy. A lesbian a few times, and also got roped into a makeover etc, but not a guy.

    Or Americans are bad at this but either way.

    He was doing that kind of thing before you see (with the emo thing cause 2000s):

    He's so masculine behaviourally that he still looks like a guy when presenting like an emo girl in the thumbnail. Which is why I say it's sort of pointless and mostly about body language.
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    I'm very easy to trigger yeah lol.

    Women bands rocked it in the 90s... Veruca Salt, Hole, Garbage, Fiona Apple, Juliana Hatfield, Cranberries, Letters to Cleo, Lucius Jackson. Miss those days
    Some of those are bands and some of them are solo artists and most of the bands contain men as well sometimes mostly men. So they're not 'women bands.'

    Saying that this is also a stupid point:

    Nah, they really didn't. The playing and songwriting just wasn't up to scratch. The Japanese women of today are playing and writing at a far higher level than those you named, and some are up there with the best of the male bands, as Riot Grrrl should have been if they hadn't been so focused on riding on the 'we're women with guitars' gimmick.
    Yet they're all household names. Unlike the bands you didn't bother to name.
    Lol are the Japanese women in the room with us now?

    I can think of a few Japanese female musicians - generally solo artists not part of bands - one came out as non-binary though. This is ever by the way not recent. I can't think of anyone 'new' off the top of my head. There seem to be very few famous Japanese female musicians compared to male musicians. I'd imagine most who exist work in classical music which I'm less familiar with or video game soundtrack music and that kind of thing.

    A while back I would listen to lots of indie bands from Japan and almost everyone I was finding was male. There's the bassist in バックドロップシンデレラ who's female. They are tbf probably my favourite Japanese band at least one of my favourites:

    I think calling them a female band might be a stretch lol.

    I'm glad they started adding the romaji version of their name to the end of video titles etc: BackDrop Cinderella. I don't think they did before and it makes them easier to find universally if you can't read kana or in my case too lazy to switch my typing mode to kana on my PC.

    Actually I guess that's not romaji technically cause if you wrote out the sounds it would be bakkudoroppushinderera but yeah that's no good for most people lol. That was something I found awkward personally as a native English speaker when I was trying to teach myself Japanese for a while. Gairaigo (loan words,) and wasei eigo or stuff like that. Because English cultural norms frown on pronouncing English in a Japanese accent because it's considered offensive and taking the piss but there are quite a few and if you're speaking Japanese it also becomes very unnatural to say certain words like ka-me-ra (camera,) in an English accent. Also potentially you won't be understood.

    With band names it's more confusing though because were they going for English and then just trying to make it readable for their predominatly Japanese audience or?

    Another reason the situation is sort of unique is there are lots of dialects of English but like I won't switch to American English lol or an American English accent/pronunciation of words like aluminium at most in text online I just stick translations in brackets if I feel like it. I also feel like people who move to the US from the UK or vice versa don't tend to either but maybe after a lot of years. Lol kind of just mutually don't care. I mean there are practical uses though like if you're talking about eg: a sidewalk if you call it the path or something people would be like 'why are you talkig about a video game?' Actually I think pavement is the technical UK English word but I think I say path as well. But now I'm not sure because I'm thinking about it lol. Obviously there are paths in parks which are seperate from the grass but also I think sometimes for the thing that's next to roads.

    Path or Pavement?

    I got into a debate the other day with my family. I mentioned a man who was walking across the pavement, and my family were surprised and said I was acting 'posh'. They are incessant that the space a person walks next to the road is called a path. When I think of 'path' I imagine a winding and thin concrete path (usually in the countryside or around nature).

    While a 'pavement' reminds me of urban areas, especially towns and cities. My family are aware with the term pavement but say it is very formal and they would say path.

    Which would you use? Which one is correct?

    Thanks for reading.
    Never heard anyone call the pavement a "path". Doesn?t matter what class you are, it's unheard of to call it anything other than the pavement here in Kent. Paths are the public footpaths you use when crossing fields and woods.
    Maybe I'm weird because I use both completely interchangeably.
    I think most people call it pavement.

    I would call it a pavement personally, but one thing that makes me wonder is when the council are doing roadworks they usually put signs up saying "footway closed", I mean what is all that about?
    What even is English?

    eh i mean i guess it depends where you?re from, im from merseyside and i agree with your parents lmao, but obviously everyone else in the replies disagrees 🤷
    I think they are interchangable but I'm not sure if I just forgot how I speak lmao. And I'm from the south... Maybe some generational thing since there were many Irish immigrants to Luton and Merseyside. Also weirdly I have cousins who grew up in Liverpool but that's a coincidence. Going to do a survey on people in my family no lol. "Hey with the exception of one time when I was a kid we're only ever in the same place during funerals + one of you I haven't seen since childhood - I heard you're very schizophrenic and so mostly insitutionalised. I'm crazy myself in a mostly undiagnosed way besides the 'social phobia,' but what do you call that strip of thing next to the road?"

    At this point I can safely say that nobody here says sidewalk though lol.


    Visual kei again mostly if not exclusively male. But I can think of way more North American and European female musicians who were making music in the 90s. He must be thinking of people who are very underground or again in like classical music or working in soundtrack music which is a bit like comparing apples to oranges anway. Like if someone brought up 90s male rock musicians it would be weird for someone to come along - not that they wouldn't - and then start arguing that they're not classical musicians. No I definitely think a lot of right wing men spend an inordinate amount of time doing that. 'Why aren't you Mozart?' Etc.

    And tellingly he mentions no names. I will for him lol:

    This isn't rock music obviously:

    Probably her most famous track because it's on the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack. I've also listened to this track:

    Which is interesting.

    There's this band I forgot about:

    And this band I forgot about:

    ^ sounds like some math rock to me. Which is a genre I'm not very familiar with:

    Think 'is emo' would have made more sense here.

    I've always said mathrock is just emo in odd meter, but indie works, too.

    I like this which I think counts as part of that genre who knows:

    Anyway I don't think most of that bands music is like that since the genres listed on wikipedia are just rock and surf rock.

    GO!GO!7188 (Go Go Nana Ichi Hachi Hachi), also known simply as Gogo, was a Japanese rock band with influences spanning from surf rock to punk rock to enka.
    They broke up in 2012. Two female members and a male drummer I think. For some reason there are many bands with that combination. Probably not but it stands out to me.

    I mean they're also all related I think lol so there's that.

    That bass line is so good. Some might say it is too simplistic, but it still hits, and gets you ready for the ride. That's a sign of good songwriting.
    Bass lines are very simple wtf are you talking about?
    Well sometimes it's the most significant part of a song:

    Rarely though. It's a very underrated instrument. Well at least outside goth rock lol.

    And this musician I forgot about:

    BABYMETAL also exist but are more metal and very clearly a gimmick band (it's the easiest way to get ultra famous so I don't really blame them,) so unless he's a hypocrite that wouldn't work. I think this band are quite interesting or at least this song:

    Satomi Matsuzaki is Japanese but they were formed in San Francisco.

    I think most of the alt rock bands with women in in the 90s (which these people were talking about,) that were popular were pretty decent for the genre they were playing in. Most of the popular music back then was the same alt rock sound anyway. It's not very diverse.

    Outside of that genre there were some more interesting musicians too like Bjork. The Cranberries were great. This is is clearly one of the best songs of the 90s (purposefully not linking Zombie lol: 'The music video for "Zombie" made the Cranberries the first Irish band to reach one billion views on YouTube.'):

    Was your point that The Cranberries aren't good?

    Because you can have that opinion but it's wrong lol.

    The bands the first commenter listed weren't even riot grrrl lol. Just went off on a tangent and for what it's worth Jack off Jill who is tangentially linked were great and their second album is still one of my favourites. I feel like a lot of these musicians were not good people lol or well they had lots of issues always at each other's throats - male and female musicians of this period + genre(s) and I can see why guys would be wary of the female musicians like that insinctively but musically this is great.

    I think they should re-release the album with this photo as the album cover (the original album cover was great though.) I still don't know why this upload exists lol or who this person is (not part of the band):

    Also when you type surgery into YT without the band name. Oh god what have I done lol. Blood everywhere.

    Most women in music who get anywhere are songwriters and singers so there's also that and this also goes for Japan afaik.

    I think if you wanted to make a point of comparison comparing them to rock musicians from the 60s and 70s would have made more sense. But obviously this is extremely dumb/annoying.

    Or even like decent guitarists:

    He's not doing these musicians any favours either because if no one knows who they are (which is the only explanation,) then not mentioning anyone is completely useless.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  15. #5625
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    Unintelligent people online think that just because they see something a lot that makes it common. You can convince people of almost anything this way especially if they don't look up statistics themselves. Like there's a news story right now about a conventionally attractive blond white woman who was 23 and posing as a 14 year old on tiktok etc dancing and then molested a 14 year old boy.

    There are comments like this:

    Usual suspects, why is it always attractive yt women doing this.
    There's also a stereotype about white women having sex with dogs or other animals which again is not a common thing.

    Reminds me of the intro to this TV show:

    "white guys have the record for creepy crimes."

    Most crimes in the US will be committed by white people because they make up the majority of the population in the US. But the reason they focus more on white serial killers is because the victims are usually white women so it gets more attention.

    Also the media likes to fixate on attractive - especially blond white women so I see that in many of these cases but they're far from the only people committing statutory rape or the only people being murdered.

    Eg: 'missing white women syndrome.'

    Missing white woman syndrome is a term used by social scientists[1][2][3] and media commentators to denote disproportionate media coverage, especially on television,[4] of missing-person cases toward white females compared to those males or females of colour. The syndrome also encompasses disproportionate media attention to females who are young, attractive, white, and upper middle class.[5][6][7] Although the term was coined in the context of missing-person cases, it is sometimes used of coverage of other violent crimes. The phenomenon has been highlighted in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and other predominantly white countries, as well as South Africa.[8][9]
    The racial demographics regarding serial killers are often subject to debate. In the United States, the majority of reported and investigated serial killers are white males, from a lower-to-middle-class background, usually in their late 20s to early 30s.[5][16] However, there are African American, Asian, and Hispanic (of any race) serial killers as well, and, according to the FBI, based on percentages of the U.S. population, whites are not more likely than other races to be serial killers.[16] Criminal profiler Pat Brown says serial killers are usually reported as white because serial killers usually target victims of their own race, and argues the media typically focuses on "All-American" white and pretty female victims who were the targets of white male offenders; that crimes among minority offenders in urban communities, where crime rates are higher, are under-investigated; and that minority serial killers likely exist at the same ratios as white serial killers for the population. She believes that the myth that serial killers are always white might have become "truth" in some research fields due to the over-reporting of white serial killers in the media.[110]

    Yup, the rumors are true. I am knocked up big time. To protect the privacy of my family and loved ones, a lot of information has purposefully been omitted from this announcement. Please understand :3 Anyways, very excited to exploit this child for views, and I'm so excited you're gonna help me do it. Love you all!
    The fact theres still like a 50% chance this is a psyop is making me go insane
    i've been gaslight so much by this channel i don?t believe a single thing i see on it
    I genuinely can't tell if something is a bit or not please help
    theres videos of her on BFT and hypothetical nonsense from literal days ago where she does not have a belly. she is not pregnant it is okay u can rest
    I don't know what BFT even is.

    Because of her cynical dark sense of humour it makes it seem fake. Eg:

    I also kind of assumed she was a lesbian but possibly bisexual. I feel like there was a reason why but can't remember now.

    But regardless she clearly falls into several statistical groups where on average they don't have kids until a late age but to me I think it could have been fake until the part at about 2 minutes in where it gets too emotional and she talks about fertility issues.

    can't wait in 18 years for her to reveal its been a bit this whole time
    I honestly believe doing an 18 year old bit about having a baby would be the more Caroline thing to do than actually having a baby.
    That would be insane yeah.

    Oh my god it's literally like this:

    Nah I think she is going down a path of being a trad wife lol. Which isn't a bad thing, I'm a conservative myself
    Literally feminism kind of goes down the drain once a woman becomes pregnant, because everything gets set to default mother instincts. Besides a trad mother can only mean good things for that child.
    Gross. It's one thing to be pregnant but I draw the line at becoming boring.

    I said what I said like if you are that way naturally fine but imagine being funny and edgy and then just turning into the tradwife aesthetic. It's an entire lifestyle I associate with that term.

    Also didn't she say in the video she was comitting to the bit of having a relationship with a woman she doesn't really like? Or maybe that was a generic example for other people.

    There are BFT and Hypothetical Nonsense videos posted as recently as 3 days ago where she isn't pregnant at all. Even if they were filmed a month ago, she's too far along. So I'm 99% sure this is a bit. A very convincing bit.
    I was watching a BFT instergram live and she wasn't pregnant. It's a bit
    I feel like that video if fake is kind of offensive to women who actually do suffer from fertility issues. But then if she found out early enough she could have had an abortion without surgical intervention no? And she did based on those video clips she showed where she wasn't showing at all.


    Oh speaking of becoming boring I was on twitter and Grimes was posting about having some giant spider mech thing or something on twitter and one of the responses was like:

    Even @Grimezsz needs a break from AI once in a while. What better place than in the cockpit of a giant mech suit? We got some quality nerd time in at the @BandaiNamcoUS
    preview event for #ARMOREDCOREVI preview event in LA in July. Bring the whole family for your next session C!

    Oh my god. I hope its clear her kids are more inportant!!! We all we see what they will tell us when tgey are 20 yesrs old! I hope not the same like Elon older kids !!!
    A mother of 3 little kids !!!!
    Because THIS IS ONLY IMAGINATION !!! Her kids are REAL !!
    I think this is why people become antinatalists. Go hound Elon instead he's the boring one who wanted a harem of intelligent women without realising the personality type. Didn't Elon highjack one of their kids so she had to sue him anyway lol?


    Now if you want to make a generalisation about white women and parenting you might have a leg to stand on because according to at least one research paper white women with kids are less happy but black women and white men are neutral and black men more happy. Of course this is just one study and I'm sure you can find some that argue the opposite. I'm sure it also depends on lifestyle and numerous other factors.

    Lower levels of happiness among Blacks compared with Whites are well documented, as are lower levels of happiness among parents compared with nonparents. Yet it remains unclear whether the parenting happiness gap is larger among Blacks compared with Whites. Drawing on the General Social Survey (2010?2018), the authors investigate this question. The authors find that White mothers reported less happiness compared with their White female nonparent counterparts, but contrary to research highlighting the profound challenges of parenting for Black women, a parental happiness gap among Black women was not observed. Among Black men, parents reported a much higher probability of being very happy than their nonparent counterparts, whereas White fathers' happiness was no different from that of their male counterparts without children. These findings are discussed in view of stereotypes about Black mothers and fathers, their resilience to stressors such as racism and discrimination, and emerging research on the salience of fatherhood for Black men.
    But, as often happens in psychology, although some research provided simple findings--in this case, "having children makes you unhappy"--other efforts arrived at more complicated conclusions. For one, the happiness hit is worse for some people than for others. One study finds that fathers ages 26 to 62 actually get a happiness boost, while young or single parents suffer the greatest loss. And crucially, there are geographic differences. A 2016 paper looking at the happiness levels of people with and without children in 22 countries found that the extent to which children make you happy is influenced by whether your country has child-care policies such as paid parental leave. Parents from Norway and Hungary, for instance, are happier than childless couples in those countries--but parents from Australia and Great Britain are less happy than their childless peers. The country with the greatest happiness drop after you have children? The United States.
    I would actually investigate anything that might be unique to Anglosphere cultures in this instance. You will probably want to think outside the box a bit too.

    I think this is useful though:

    Perhaps you are WEIRD, raised in a society that is Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic (WEIRD). If so, you're likely rather psychologically peculiar. Unlike much of the world today, and most people who have ever lived, we WEIRD people are highly individualistic, self-obsessed, control-oriented, non-conformist and analytical. We focus on ourselves--our attributes, accomplishments and aspirations--over our relationships and social roles. We aim to be 'ourselves' across contexts and see inconsistencies in others as hypocrisy rather than flexibility. Though, like everyone else, we are inclined to go along with our peers and authority figures, we are less willing to conform to others when this conflicts with our own beliefs, observations and preferences. We see ourselves as unique individuals, not as nodes in a social network that stretches out through space and back in time. When acting, we prefer a sense of control and the feeling of making our own choices.
    You can see how this would conflict with the concept of motherhood which is treated as symbiotic and would be off putting to people who think in these ways. It's easier to retain a sense of individuality alongside being a father I think. We don't have neutral parenting roles either and obviously that would be considered experimental.

    Paradoxically, and despite our strong individualism and self-obsession, WEIRD people tend to stick to impartial rules or principles and can be quite trusting, honest, fair and cooperative toward strangers or anonymous others. In fact, relative to most populations, we WEIRD people show relatively less favoritism toward our friends, families, co-ethnics and local communities over strangers. We think nepotism is wrong, and fetishize abstract principles over context, practicality and expediency.
    Personally I fit some of these traits but not others. I'm pathologically unmotivated/lazy lol:

    WEIRD people are also particularly patient and often hardworking. Through potent self-regulation, we can defer gratification--in financial rewards, pleasure or security--well into the future in exchange for discomfort and uncertainty in the present. In fact, sometimes, WEIRD people take pleasure in hard work and find the experience purifying.
    Emotionally, WEIRD people are often pervaded by guilt as they fail to live up to their culturally-inspired, but largely self-imposed, standards and aspirations. In most non-WEIRD societies, shame--not guilt--dominates people's lives. People experience shame when they, their relatives or even their friends fail to live up to the standards imposed on them by their communities. Non-WEIRD populations might, for example, 'lose face' in front of the judging eyes of others when their daughter elopes with a stranger. Meanwhile, WEIRD people might feel guilty for taking a nap instead of hitting the gym even though this isn't an obligation, and no one will know. Guilt depends on one's own standards and self-evaluation while shame depends on societal standards and public evaluation
    Yeah but I think I experience shame as well? They're not just my standards in many cases. Though I also have idiosyncratic values too.

    When relational bonds became fewer and weaker, individuals needed to forge mutually beneficial relationships, often with strangers. To accomplish this, they had to distinguish themselves from the crowd by cultivating their own distinct set of attributes, achievements, and dispositions--individualism.

    Success in these individual-centered, proto-WEIRD worlds grew to favor the cultivation of greater independence, less deference to authority, more guilt, stronger use of intentions in moral judgments, and more concern with personal achievement. Success became less bound by tradition, elder authority, and general conformity. WEIRD individuals have to "sell themselves" based on their personal attributes, specialized abilities, and dispositional virtues, not primarily on their friendships, lineages, or family alliances.

    Americans stand out relative to other Westerners on phenomena that are associated with independent self- concepts and individualism. A number of analyses, using a diverse range of methods, reveal that Americans are, on average, the most individualistic people in the world (e.g., Hofstede 1980; Lipset 1996; Morling & Lamoreaux 2008; Oyserman et al. 2002). The observation that the United States is especially individualistic is not new and dates at least as far back as de Toqueville (1835). The unusually individualistic nature of Americans may be caused by, or reflect, an ideology that particularly stresses the importance of freedom and self-sufficiency, as well as various practices in education and childrearing that may help to inculcate this sense of autonomy. American parents, for example, were the only ones in a survey of 100 societies who created a separate room for their baby to sleep (Burton & Whiting 1961; also see Lewis 1995), reflecting that from the time they are born, Americans are raised in an environment that emphasizes their independence (on the unusual nature of American childrearing, see Lancy 2008; Rogoff 2003). 13
    Children make some happy and others miserable; the rest fall somewhere in between--it depends, among other factors, on how old you are, whether you are a mother or a father, and where you live. But a deep puzzle remains: Many people would have had happier lives and marriages had they chosen not to have kids--yet they still describe parenthood as the "best thing they?ve ever done." Why don't we regret having children more?
    I think a lot of people regret things they don't do more than things they do.

    People who are very concerned about the fertility rate will obviously point out that caring about being happy is hedonistic and bad (if not evil,) and sure not everyone prioritses this. Also I don't think any part of our culture really prepares people for either finding long term relationships or having kids whether they want them, are ambivalent or don't want them but really this should be instinctive anyway.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

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