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  1. #5956
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Lol that's my height.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  2. #5957
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Situating transmasculinity and trans manhood, codifying it and giving it tropes, is still a struggle. Part of this struggle is that I have grown to understand my own conceptions of trans manhood as specifically influenced by being autistic: a faggotard identity. In some ways, I have more in common with autistic trans women wracked by the same neuroses as me, than I do-
    Lol wtf is this from? I find it very difficult to find people I relate to too though. The trans community on most websites is mostly transfemme and obviously I haven't transistioned medically. Then there are the trans guys who are basically straight cis guys so I don't relate to that crowd either.

    Since I'm non-binary anyway and also don't relate to most of that culture or people I've come across I just piece together whatever but feel wrong everywhere basically.

    Oh right there's a link at the bottom of the tweet...

    I like that I didn't even stumble on this via a trans guy but via a trans woman I follow who seems to have a particular interest in transmasc 'culture.'

    It's not even unique to a particular country as I have heard similar things from trans guys in non Western countries. They really don't tend to get together, create any kind of culture, have much of a support network etc lol.

    I can tell in like 5 seconds that this guy is part of that weird uh... I don't know what to label it honestly. Accelerationist potentially. Neo-gothic. CCRU fans. The writing style is very familiar lol.

    Man is dying. And from his ashes, rises man.

    As testosterone levels drop in cisgender men, a group unseals their vials thick with testosterone serum. They ready their needles, insert them into flesh, hack their bodies with androgens. The Y chromosome is in decay. This should herald the eventual end of manhood, accelerating towards its own demise. But something is brewing in the depths, a manhood swallowed by unknown currents. The last knife in the throat of masculinity is its corrupt mirror. From the deathbed of manhood, trans men arrive.
    The trouble with discussing transmasculine identity, is that first we must situate transmasculinity. What frameworks does it operate within? What does society know about it? How do we define it? Binary cisgender identities have been codified, with both manhood and womanhood having their own tropes and ideas
    I struggle with the fact that my body encourages people to treat me in ways that feel very wrong most of the time. That's without even getting into pronouns or whatever which everyone is always going to forget anyway but the other thing is also dysphoria inducing often. I think my brother gets closest.

    There have been attempts - TERFs sometimes try to push straight trans men as butch lesbians who collapse under internalized misogyny, and gay trans men as fujoshi who dug too deeply into their yaoi fetish. This carries with it obvious parallels to Blanchard's typology on trans women: the self-loathing butches are the androphiles (homosexual in their assigned sex, traditionally perform their identified gender, painted as "the good ones" when a transphobe needs to defend themselves from accusations of transphobia, destroying something beautiful); the fujoshi are the autogynephiles (perverted, mentally ill and/or autistic, forceful, invading gay spaces, amoral). This is not a good framework for understanding transmasculinity, for two reasons. Firstly, Blanchard's typology is bunk, with little scientific basis and more to do with weaponizing hatred against trans women - this is not a good foundation on which to build a codifying system. Secondly, this treats trans men as a derivative of trans women, merely a tacked-on appendix to transsexuality, incapable of standing on its own.
    It's a bit limiting but I think a lot of people have that cultural background and I enjoy being edgy so. Obviously I'd rather be the latter than the former if it's a choice between just those two. The former is infantilised more.

    I'm also finding it amusingly ironic that gay trans men are often portrayed as more masculine than straight trans men. In the sense they are seen as aggressive perverts or psychopaths (I guess sexuality is less specific for the psychopath thing some terf actually invented her own typology where it was like traumatised butch lesbians, schizotypal creative types who want to be androgynous gods more often non-binary and are into otherkin stuff etc and then the psychopaths who are into gore, sadism and domination etc, and often want to be as physically strong as possible but she said she thought some fit into multiple categories.) But superficially more feminine in terms of aesthetic and body language. As opposed to poor smol bean traumatised butch lesbians.

    Yeah that's what I was thinking lol. The style of writing is similar:

    Perhaps, though, this is the reality of transmasculinity: nothing but a mirror image of transgender womanhood. This would explain why "transsexual" is essentially synonymous with "trans woman". Even in her foundational gender accelerationist Blackpaper, n1x presents such concepts as passing and altering the body with hormones as being the domain of a trans woman - does the omission of trans men in this context imply that we are not truly involved in passing or body alteration? Or does it suggest that a trans man doing this is just imitating a trans woman? The theory of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria passed around by parents who wish to discourage transition, while not exclusively dealing with transmasculine subjects, tends to be weaponized against young transmasculine people, painting our gender and transition as a delusion brought on by social contagion. This framework, too, suggests that the true dysphorics, the true transsexuals, are trans women; and that trans men are the result of women wanting a piece of the pie deluding themselves into a fake identity to emulate trans women.

    So this seems to be the answer: the framework for transmasculine identity is that of existing as a shadow. It is banishment from any existing framework, giving trans men two options: either pass and assimilate so seamlessly that you uphold cis manhood in your attempts to achieve it, or be swept away and disposed of so you don't pose a threat. The former kind of trans men make up the large subset of self-described "truscum" and "transmedicalist" trans men, who view themselves as nothing but cis men embarrassingly born without a penis. These types often pass easily and transition young, and are very stereotypically masculine. The latter are, by definition, unseen. The closest thing to a figure of this type is the "Tumblr SJW" stereotype, who are more often depicted as AFAB nonbinary people than trans men. This may account for the proliferation of transmasculine people who, despite initially identifying as trans men and having relatively binary transitions, later proclaim themselves to be nonbinary in an attempt to distance themselves from patriarchy; the type of transmasculine people who scorn men and manhood while pursuing transition actively and presenting as male for simplicity. (Note that this is not to say that AFAB nonbinary people who transition do not exist; it is simply an observation on previously-identified trans men that declare themselves not men for clearly political reasons.) This is actually not necessary to circumvent patriarchy - on the contrary, it only reinforces manhood as concrete, oppressive, and cis. This framework, however, is collapsing. As more and more trans men assert ourselves and our manhood, it becomes more difficult to deny alternative ways of being a man. Patriarchy and manhood cannot maintain themselves without adapting to the loss of chromosomal and reproductive markers of manhood, leaving trans masculinity as the only way out. The realization of the shadow is assured; you cannot declare something imaginary forever.
    This is accurate. I guess it's complicated though by the existence of trans men who are also non-binary or genderfluid like one YouTuber I follow from the beginning and don't transistion medically but then not transistioning always complicates that in the first place. I don't really read him as a cis woman though but most people do. Again I think it's probably partly (as mentioned) because he's autistic though (also has ADHD,) and alternative in various ways the average cis woman just has a different vibe to me anyway.

    It's interesting though that I'm sometimes capable of doing this and most people clearly aren't.

    Also he's more relatable to me in some ways even though we've had very different lives because he's older and part of the reason I don't relate to a lot of trans people is both age and location as I'm from the UK. So superficially people would lump him with 'tumblr sjw' but he seems culturally distinct to me.

    Half way through reading this at this point and I'd probably appreciate this more if there weren't such obvious refrences to Nick Land lol, and then by extention Nyx Land. Like below. It is pretty fun in a 'oh this subculture exists aren't the 2020s weird?' Way. Also I'd maybe like it it was more esoteric (but that might happen later, Edit: It does lol but it really is mostly genderswapped Nyx) and half of this so far wasn't talking about trans politics - typoligical stuff etc. I've not quoted all of it either.

    For reference:

    "Neo China arrives from the Future"

    This is pretty good:

    The neo-phallus cannot deny culpability under lack of control of erections, because the rod or the pump make them ever-present or deliberate. It cannot ejaculate; it cannot release fluid; it is castration as a part of the creation of the phallus itself. This is a chosen castration, affirming the purpose of the phallus as neither reproductive, nor status-based (as many are unsatisfied with the aesthetic results of phalloplasty) - this is a phallus for its own sake. For pleasure?s sake. There is no need to fear castration when castration is part of the (literal) package. Without surgery, the trans man exists with both 0 and 1. This is a symbol of manhood reduced to desire, both of libido and a self-assured, self-constructed gender. This is the phallus stripped of man?s failings.

    This is necromanhood.

    From the jaws of manhood's decline, trans men clutch it, and transform it. A traditional manhood of old will not make it out alive; only an undead masculinity can escape. If the Y chromosome dies, undead man is XX. If men attempt to run from castration, the undead man does not attempt to decelerate and embraces his castration. From the trans men who stubbornly refuse to denounce the feminine, to the hyper-masculine who will surpass even cis men in the traditional subjects of masculinity, the corpse of man is being revived by those it sought to use.

    Transmasculine time sorcery is just one element of undead masculinity, as is the literal castration of the symbolic phallus. It also exists as the other side of trans womanhood: whereas a trans woman will accelerate the process of abandoning manhood and corrupts its ideals of masculinity, reproduction, and the phallus; a trans man disrupts the order and flow of masculinity by moving "up" in a way that should - if patriarchy was functional and not threatened by collapse - be impossible. Every threat to gender posed by a trans woman is mirrored from the other side by a trans man. If a cis man cannot move forward into manhood as masculinity is corrupted by biology and denied by trans women, he also cannot move backwards, as trans men retroactively reshape manhood and revel in its castration. The only option is to die, and then to be revived. Masculinity becomes undead to maintain itself - an undeadness possessed by trans men.
    If Man wishes to survive, he must synthesize testosterone. This may aromatize into estrogen. Is the risk of gynecomastia worth it? What will this do to libido? What is a man without fertility and sons to pass on his name? The trans man laughs - he knows these risks are pointless, and he has already adapted. Trans manhood arrives from the future. As cis men contend with the "unknown", trans men have already lived it.
    Lol it's giving jreg male to male transsexual:

    Vampiric transmasculinity is a joke or theory (you decide) born from discussions with [...] on the subject of these transsexual vampires. The main idea is that a trans vampire's bite would stimulate endocrine function, allowing the vampire to get hormones alongside whatever nutrition blood provides. What is interesting is that, while a bitten cis woman would not experience much abnormal from an estrogen-stimulating bite, a transmasculine vampire's target would likely be feminized. An excess of testosterone in the body is aromatized, a process which transforms it into estrogen. This may result in some form of feminization, like minor breast development. (This is what happens to Big Bob in Fight Club.) In the context of trans vampires, this means the targeted cis man goes through feminization, while the transmasculine vampire benefits from his dose of testosterone. On a broader scale, this is the future of manhood: trans men achieving masculinity as cis men lose it, in an almost vampiric exchange.
    I swear this is trans masc and non-binary people's biggest fetish aside from feminising themselves.

    Edit: I knew it lol:

    If forcefem jokes are so evil to trans men, why do I, a trans man, keep trying to forcefem my cis husband? Checkmate, transmisandry truthers
    Actually this both sounds potentially sarcastic and I have no context for this post.

    Also reminding me of radfemhitler's tweet (this still cracks me up I'm glad I copied and saved most of it somewhere before she deleted her account after that mass shooter supposedly name dropped her. The actual tweet was longer though.)

    Did you know that men are capable of two different types of orgasms? All men are bisexual and the proof is in the prostate.

    Penile orgasms are accompanied by an erection and the release of semen as well as a corresponding drop in testosterone. Fleeting and much weaker in intensity, the penile orgasm is for procreative purposes, in other words, for sex with women.

    But prostate orgasms are full body orgasms that utilize the contraction of three times as many muscle groups, they're actually much more akin to the orgasms that women experience rather than Penile orgasms.
    The alphas of the tribes would naturally start to fight the betas. The only way to get around this impulse was to continually lower the T of the alphas while preserving the T of the betas so that all the men on the tribe would be on a similar level and able to cooperate and bond with one another.

    This redistribution of T is achieved through male-male sexual relations. The alpha, experiencing a penile orgasm would be weakened by the act, while the beta, experiencing a prostate orgasm would feel energized from the act as a woman does while his T levels were preserved. They are now on the same level hormonally.
    Bro, I usually vibe with you but this is just lowkey your fetish

    She kind of did a funny role reversal thing but eg this is part of an actual post by someone who was questioning if they're autoandrophilic on reddit I came across a couple of months ago:

    I think I am an AAP

    I am into hardcore gay porn and I imagine I am the dominant man, I imagine I [BEEP] another man's masculinity out of him, so I become more masculine and he become more feminine.
    I love how they just immediately launched into that.
    This is where manhood will go: to the fujoshi and the butch-forsakers and the ones who did not see "tomboy" as enough. They suck the last androgens from men's blood. You've met your Carmilla, and here is Dracula. Is it any wonder that those fujoshi loved vampire and demon-pact love stories before reaching for their own masculinity? They are not merely transitioning into men, but into vampires. This corrupted manhood will soon be all that is left. The corruption becomes real. The parasite replaces its host system.

    If we are to establish a framework for trans manhood, we must base it on something. Playing off of cis man as The Joker - such a topical figure in cis masculinity?s last death throes - we can establish a related entity, much like cis woman as Eve and trans woman as Lilith.

    Consider a court jester.
    It doesn't really work for me but clowns were inspied by demons aesthetically and presumably... Some of the entities people see on hallucinogens 'machine elves' etc.

    This headcannon makes more sense to me though:

    Samael (Hebrew: סַמָּאֵל, Sammāʾēl, "Venom/Poison of God";[1] Arabic: سمسمائيل, Samsama'il or سمائل, Samail; alternatively Smal, Smil, Samil, or Samiel)[2][3][4] is an archangel in Talmudic and post-Talmudic tradition; a figure who is the accuser or adversary (Satan in the Book of Job), seducer, and destroying angel (in the Book of Exodus).

    Although many of his functions resemble the Christian notion of Satan, to the point of being sometimes identified as a fallen angel,[5][6][7]: 257?60  he is not necessarily evil, since his functions are also regarded as resulting in good, such as destroying sinners.[3]
    In the Kabbalistic work Treatise on the Left Emanation, Samael is part of the qlippoth, prince of all demons, and spouse of Lilith.[6] The two are said to parallel Adam and Eve, being emanated together from the Throne of Glory as a counterpart. Asmodeus is also mentioned to be subservient to Samael and married to a younger, lesser Lilith.[22] According to the treatise, God castrated Samael in order not to fill the world with their demonic offspring, this being the reason why Lilith seeks to fornicate with men.[6]

    In the Zohar, one of Kabbalah's principal works, Samael is described as a leader of the divine forces of destruction, part of the qlippoth. He is mentioned again as the serpent's rider,[8] and is described as having mated with Eisheth Zenunim, Na'amah, and Agrat bat Mahlat, all being "angels" of sacred prostitution.[23] Notably, the same work later calls him Azazel,[8] which might be a case of mistaken identity, as Azazel may be himself in Zoharistic lore a combination of the angels Ouza and Azrael.[24]

    1. Castrated

    2. Opposed to Yahweh so reads like a masculine outsider.

    Also the weird 'demon' Lasher from Anne Rice's Witching Hour books before he's born because of the invisibility and voyeurism is something I identify with a lot since I don't feel like I'm really participating in life most of the time. But that character was very fucked up.

    The mechanism of these clown-androgens is more than a mere costume change. Transmasculinity is, among other things, a process. As with any process, there must be something to move it along. In the case of trans people, one of the pieces of movement is often hormone replacement therapy. For trans men and other transmasculine individuals, this is testosterone, most often taken as a subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, though gels and patches also exist. This is all well and good - but why clowns? Why pick The Joker as our analogue figure? What do pierrots have to do with testosterone? The answer comes back to trans manhood as an imitation or mockery of cis manhood, manifesting the metaphorical court jester and situating him within the realm of the physical.
    Wasn't Nyx's take pretty much that the 'acephalus' was mocking men too? Like this:

    The Acephallus is the anti-phallus or castrated phallus, the decapitated phallus, the Crown of the Tree of Life thrown asunder. Superficially, a hermaphroditic mixing of feminine and masculine attributes, but more accurately described as a feminine imitation of masculinity. A mockery, even. In figures such as Baphomet which are often treated as symbolic or synonymous with Satan and the Left-Hand Path, there famously is a mixing of male and female attributes.[9] But the supposed hermaphrodism of Baphomet et. al. is merely an ignorant and archaic understanding of both gender and Satanism. As has already been at length drawn out, the vampire queen Lilith gives birth only to monsters and demons; she rejects the primordial male creative energies and can only therefore birth [BEEP] imitations of God. Baphomet, therefore, is all woman; her appearance is inconsequential to this fact.

    The Acephallus is a rejection of the reproduction of God through heterosexual human reproduction. The Acephallus reproduces itself by reproducing the void, in a lesbian and also virus-like fashion. "Let a thousand sexes bloom" -- but of all the mutations of the virus, woman is the strain that it begins and ends with. Woman, the occulted non-gender, the zero -- her time has come.
    Back to the other thing:

    And so by becoming man, the trans man destroys masculinity, forces it to revive as something new. Our manhood (being-man) comes without manhood (a penis). It is birthed not from heterosexual reproduction, but self-ravaging.
    By consciously removing the feminine and forsaking what is considered beautiful, a trans man is, in the eyes of a cis man, assaulting himself (especially when said trans man uses his masculinized body for sexual pleasure).
    Man is dead, Man is dying, and Trans Man will gleefully desecrate the corpse. We piss on Man's grave, squatted or with stand-to-pee devices. We unearth the body and become it. Trans Man communes with corpses and self-ravages until a necrophilic masculinity emerges, castrated on arrival but with desire to spare, bolstered by the testosterone that Cis Man is rapidly losing.

    The only way for man to make it is to die. Necromanhood is already dead.
    Oh there are a bunch of appends with more text. Maybe I'll read those more later...

    The original, prototypal text that would become Necromanhood was written on November 5th, 2019. It was a scrawled-together series of ideas that mostly came from casual conversations with a certain arachnid friend.
    Lol. He has a pet spider or?

    Despite being in need of polishing and added nuance, I find myself oddly hesitant to edit Necromanhood itself. Much of it, I believe, still stands; perhaps my stance on transmasculinity hasn't actually changed very much.

    A large part of my hesitation is the bizarre optimism underlying the paper. In the almost 4 years since I wrote it, I have become much more jaded and cynical, especially when it comes to manhood and transmasculinity. Necromanhood, at its core, has hope for the subversive potential of trans men; meanwhile, I find myself increasingly alienated from other trans men and transmasculine people, and frustrated with my own patriarchal tendencies. All of this should make me want to revise the paper more, shouldn't it? Instead, I find myself endeared to this almost naive optimism. It's something I struggle to find now, and erasing a work laden with it feels wrong. Hope is not inherently a bad thing - as my friend moves more towards numogrammatics that support the lemurs and communion with angels against death cults and self-destruction, that need for hope against the forces of annihilation feels more vital than ever, and less contradictory with accelerationist philosophies than expected.
    The origins relating to Nyx's Blackpaper are readily apparent here. I start the paper entirely built around the thesis of cis men losing testosterone and feminizing. It's slightly jarring to see a meme theory of sorts positioned so centrally and seriously, but the reality of it doesn't matter in the face of belief. I won't dwell on this much.
    Yeah it did come across.

    My proposed transmasculine iconography drawing from The Joker or Tyler Durden definitely exemplifies this: I latched onto figures who are just as emblematic of mental illness as they are of maleness. Is trans manhood a schizophrenic manhood? Probably.
    Seemed like he associated both of those with cis men more? But personally I probably relate to Patrick Bateman more when it comes to those edgelord characters. Not much but more. I mean there's part of the film where he just starts monologuing about music which always pops into my head because I do this a lot lol... The ending is relateable in the sense that I think it speaks to something dark and generational that resonates with a lot of people at their worst. He's also very avoidant.

    A minor note, but "femboy" as a label is so much more complex now, and almost the opposite of what I describe here. It's become synonymous with femininity and female bodies with a phallus, much like "trap" before it. This has the double effect of being basically another slur for trans women, and becoming inaccessible to trans men. The effects are insidious all around: self-loathing trans women and girls who internalize transmisogyny and deny their transition under the guise of being "femboys" (even vilifying trans women and accusing them of denying gender nonconformity, or being groomers), and trans men and boys are chased out of spaces under the reification of "boy = penis," which is both transmisogynistic and crunches down upon trans manhood. I believe this is part of the trend of so many trans men who were proud or excited to be GNC men now identifying as "nonbinary lesbians" (despite previous attraction to men) or "female-aligned enbies." This is most likely a patriarchal autoimmune response, attempting to attack the virus against maleness that is transness, reifying genital essentialism with "woke" terminology and accusing those who point out the transphobia of being bigoted against nonbinary people.

    (It is my position that the nonbinary TME rejection of manhood is a force of the AOE.)
    No idea what AOE means. I mean not Age Of Empires I assume LOL.

    Area of effect? Nothing I can come up with makes sense lol. He has a link to his account on another site and has 'AOE don't interract' in his bio and still no idea.

    Progressive spaces and culture are fairly misandric and allergic to and distrustful of masculinity anyway so obviously this impacts people even if they do identify as closer to female. But this entire page is really doing a similar thing in a more edgy and ironic way. That's why I always say Satan is a very symbolic representation of trans men because the resentment and outsider status is very apparent in not all but most. The rest just blend into cis masculinity - mostly stealth but sometimes not.

    Rowan Mayfair and the other female witches within the story are directly threatened by Lasher, the evil spirit that has haunted the Mayfair family for centuries. Even though it could be argued that a spirit has no biological sex and thus, it might not qualify to be a source of a tyrannical, patriarchal force, Lasher insists in asserting his status as male. In a conversation with Julien Mayfair10, he proclaims:

    "And you?" I asked. "Are you male or female, or simply a neuter thing?"
    "Don't you know?" it asked.
    "I wouldn?t ask if I did," I answered.
    "Male!" it said. "Male, male, male, male!" (Lasher, 284)

    Women [are] threatened by a powerful, impulsive, tyrannical male. One or more male characters has the power, as king, lord of the manor, father, or guardian, to demand that one or more of the female characters do something intolerable. [?] In modern gothic novels and films, there is frequently the threat of physical violation. (Harris, 2015: website)
    This character is considered patriarchal btw like in this paper 'Disempowering the witch: A patriarchal portrait of the witch in Anne Rice's The Lives of the Mayfair Witches.' I mean he's tyrannical and manipulating and controlling the genetics of an entire family as a masculine presence even if for a very long while he doesn't actively do anything due to not having a body. I guess he occupies a somewhat similar position as Satan in The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (though I didn't follow that show and also don't remember his character super well.) It's not really a representation of Satan that resonates with me either since I like to headcannon him as more [BEEP] and androgynous but I kind of appreciate the neutrality they manage with Satanism on the show. It's just kind of the religion of witches and not treated as evil within the world.

    It's a super long book but I should re-read the Witching Hour book one day. Maybe.

    If anything, I see currents in trans manhood that I am opposed to-conformance to normie maleness, or a tenderqueer-feminist obsession with proximity to femaleness that ends in transmisogyny and co-opting women's spaces under the guise of "oh I'm AFAB"-as counter to the subversive potential of trans manhood, i.e. Necromanhood. You cannot [BEEP] manhood from inside like a gender chestburster if you either decide that manhood is fine, or refuse to associate with it. I do address this at the end of this section, but am much too kind in my language. Frankly, trans men could benefit from less bootlicking, and being more faggy.

    Trans manhood is more complex and fucked up than the original Necromanhood gave it credit for. There are contradictions, traitors, and cultural antibodies against it. This complexity, however, is a site for disruption. Breaking yourself to pieces and building yourself up again is fundamental necromancy. Necromanhood is still a force, a dance with the undead that punches holes in the illusion of a predestined reality of Man. Paraphrasing, Necromanhood has a place for you.

    It's just that nobody ever said it would be easy.
    Trying to find this person's twitter account or something and think I have but he has 11 followers and hasn't posted since 2022 lol. Oh well. I need to be on that site as less as possible anyway but always looking for interesting people to follow. He's on another site that I think Nyx and other people are on but you have to request access to that so I've never bothered. 98% of interesting people have left twitter now though, it's only really good for the mildly surreal experience of seeing people do this (they sound like some particular kind of weird robot):

    In 2020 my white wife was intensely pressured by her white friends to be woke, not vote Trump. A white girl she knew from high school and hadn't seen in years even sent her menacing DMs for 'being silent' about Floyd on insta. White women went nuts for woke, and men won't forget.
    What race of women does not go nuts for woke? Should I just spam videos of [redacted] Asian women ranting about white people to save all of you from killing your bloodlines and becoming passport bros?
    If you spend anytime in academia since 2012, it is clear the demographic driving the woke bus are generally upper middle class WASP women and the men unsuccessfully trying to [BEEP] them. All the trans shit, all the immigration shit, all the voter ID is racist shit. WASP women.

    Anglo Saxon men are so weak, every single one I know is so fucking [BEEP] whipped by their wife it's insane, I barely consider them real men. It is WASP men's fault. They're too weak, too feminine, too brittle to act as a bulwark against the neurosis of their women.
    "My white wife" still cracks me up.

    The degree to which they attempt to erase autonomy from women knows no bounds and can be very irritating but this is particuarly nonsense since in order to do that to his wife he even used other women for that project. But the overall thing is also just hilarious and I think there were other amusing responses too but these are all I had copied from before.

    More of the same:

    Because they usually come from a Republican family where their Dads usually vote Republican and has an influence over them. If you look at what issues they care about, they're pretty liberal.
    I think they have to deny autonomy though because if they didn't they'd become gynocidal given their overall beliefs and personality. Right wing men like this have been selected (evolutionarily speaking,) for benevolent sexism too. Probably because those kind of guys died out without that. They only extend it to ingroup women though obviously which is why they generally differentiate between 'liberal women with dyed hair' or whatever. Some portion of this group they consider brain washed if they find them attractive.

    There's plenty of hostile sexism too and those guys generally are never dating women or probably have a completely contrary way of talking to their wife/girlfriend and just keep it online.

    And for larping as I said:

    End result after tweaking (this is one of my drag personas along with 'liberal white woman (tm)'):

    [sheogorath video]
    It's so interesting that you people seem to have no clue how utterly ridiculous you sound. Just bonkers. You want to talk about a mind virus, the right wing/incel/weirdo echo chamber has thoroughly torched your brains. It’s just bizarre. Hope your wife comes to her senses soon.
    Oh no. I'm enjoying it.

    GIMP is for image editing and making posters. MediBang is for drawing. Photoshop is for when you're 14 years old and your school provides you the license so you decide to just [BEEP] around and learn something
    Nah I just pirated that [BEEP] lol. But I did use licensed versions of it at uni and probably before at some point? Maybe sixth form. Don't think my high school had it but can't remember.

    His website is like some old one from the 2000s which is nostalgic and cool.

    Oh so he has a page on 'faggotard' identity as well lol (well a couple of pages?):

    The faggotard is
      highly medicated
       often shut-in
        not afraid of the light, just afraid of you

    Messy and disoriented
      Poorly coordinated
    Unfinished poetry and code
      Gay and comorbid
    Mad as in both angry and insane. [BEEP] as in strange and gay and [BEEP] you.

    Being a faggotard is not simply being autistic (or ADHD, or schizophrenic) and transgender (or gay, or bisexual). It is what comes out of being denied and rebuked by society. It's embracing the fear you cause and experience, reclaiming it, and finding solace in it. The faggotard characterizes themselves (not "is characterized by" - self-identification is key) as:

    But ultimately, just trying to live
    Strange, occult, esoteric, bizarre, odd, queer, mysterious, ill-fitting, eccentric, alien
    Operating on an entirely different wavelength

    Some write accelerationist theory-fiction and code calendars in alternate numerical systems. Some have an encyclopedic knowledge of glam rock and seek to embody its aesthetics and ethos. Some become Magic the Gathering judges, sell cards, or write meta. Some animate and study theatre, looking for a place in animatronics and puppetry. Some try to find the best medium to articulate an idea of living inside a nuclear reactor or giant machine complex. Some study clownery and liken themselves to court jesters.

    In general, the faggotard is multimedia and multidisciplinary. Experiencing life outside of binaries and in tune with a multi-layered sensory (un)reality, it only makes sense. Often we are dissatisfied with just being programmers, or artists, or writers, or philosophers, or mathematicians, or sales associates, or camp staff. We cannot sit still. Everything exists as a spider web of connections, and claiming one medium or role can never satisfy. Sometimes, though, it is not a choice.
    This [BEEP]'s not for sale.
    It's not [BEEP] Eye or Love on the Spectrum.
    It's going for an aimless walk
    (You've been reading the situationists, haven't you?)
    Omg. Not exactly but I was reading about this over the past year or so lol:

    Psychogeography is the exploration of urban environments that emphasizes interpersonal connections to places and arbitrary routes. It was developed by members of the Letterist International and Situationist International, which were revolutionary groups influenced by Marxist and anarchist theory as well as the attitudes and methods of Dadaists and Surrealists.[1][2][3]

    In 1955, Guy Debord defined psychogeography as "the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals."[4] One of the key tactics for exploring psychogeography is the loosely defined urban walking practice known as the d?rive. As a practice and theory, psychogeography has influenced a broad set of cultural actors, including artists, activists and academics.[2][3][5]
    and this:

    The derive (French: [de.ʁiv], "drift") is an unplanned journey through a landscape, usually urban, in which participants stop focusing on their everyday relations to their social environment.[1] Developed by members of the Letterist International, it was first publicly theorized in Guy Debord's "Theory of the Derive" (1956).[2][3] Debord defines the derive as "a mode of experimental behaviour linked to the conditions of urban society: a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances."[4]

    The derive's goals include studying the terrain of the city (psychogeography) and emotional disorientation, both of which lead to the potential creation of Situations.
    I think because of an app I was looking into... I've forgotten what it was called again.


    Given people discuss CCRU and related stuff on YouTube (and that is getting money via ads.) I guess it is kind of for sale potentially. Also some of those other people who are probably getting money somehow off creative things. Also other adj communities who must be getting money.


    Where the purpose is that there is no purpose
    (Your inspirations are too obvious.)
    Abandoning trying to fit in, hoping only to make it
    outside (Land is a fascist, y'know)
    How many energy drinks until I know what I'm doing? When do all the threads - machines, rituals, performance, monsters, robots, gender, love, friendship, aesthetics, subculture, music,
    despair, websites, horror, camp, moths - come together into something coherent? Maybe tying everything into an incoherent singularity is what being a faggotard is.
    Think of this place as a laboratory. Or a theatre. Or a sewer. Same thing, really. It is my operating theatre. Here you will find my field notes, research fragments, power sources, and viscera.

    It is a gory affair, and honestly, I wouldn't recommend following me. You do know what artistic underground masked men with trauma are like, right? Haven't you seen The Phantom of the Opera? Read V for Vendetta? Watched Saw? Played Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma? Repo! The Genetic Opera? Literally any Batman media???

    Spoiler alert, but these men tend to be horrible people. Murder, torture, and not just normal stabbing or anything, it's always really elaborate and dramatic and over-engineered. Murder/torture isn't enough, they have to cause a revolution and change the world, or make artwork and opera out of it. And sure, you might feel bad for them, because they're actually quite traumatized and society was cruel to them and they've faced things like being shown in a circus or their wife dying or terminal illness or their parents being murdered or being experimented on or being stuck in a time loop or whatever. And it's true, society is cruel and they've been through a lot. The points they raise are generally correct, the problem is that their solution is to do torture-murder-art about it. Also like half of them are grooming women.

    I'm exactly like that, but I haven't done literal murder, and I have a vagina. For now. So it's probably best not to follow me.
    Graverobber was my favourite Repo character (I mean predictable most people's really,) and tbh he seemed very peripheral as the narrator. The editing on this is terrible but it's the only clip on YouTube I think that has 'zydrate comes in a little glass vial' which is important:

    This musical is both terrible and great at the same time.

    Also I try to only follow weird people with 2000s looking websites but then fail for obvious reasons and end up scouring social media.

    So I met up with my friend for the first time since 2017 and decided to show him Leake Street Arches (the graffiti tunnel in London.) The graffiti that was there at the time and the ambience was less cool then the first time I stumbled on it completely by accident without knowing it was there at all. Man that was a cool moment I'm glad I didn't know. There's a theatre/alternative art space thing there? The Vaults. I've seen images of on google maps and seems cool but you have to buy tickets in advance that are like ?25 (pounds) but the thing that was on at that time was about serial killers which of course LOL. Feel like that fits into this post somehow.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  3. #5958
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Men have to understand that women are just wired this way and act accordingly.

    Millennial Hollywood incel media where the quirky girl makes the first move has done incalculable cultural damage.
    I'll drop every hint possible but I physically cannot make the first move. I've literally tried but my feminine soul stops me.
    women are already quite vulnerable, why should we go even further and make the first move? dropping very obvious hints is the furthest I usually dare to go... men are strong, courageous and capable of making the first move, are they not?
    Look I have social anxiety disorder and still have somehow managed to not be this pathetic. At the very least stop blaming it on being a woman. Nonsense.

    Edit:I mean wtf does she think sapphic women do? They've also been socialised to make themselves small and not cause offence and put others' needs above their own. But women who get what they want (including straight women,) are disregarding this nonsense and doing what they want.

    You can see this later in this post. Much more extreme examples too - this woman I can tell has no desire to [BEEP] a guy in the [BEEP] or be sexually dominant and is simply talking about getting on a date with a guy.

    Lol in a world where women are attempting to turn their boyfriend's into crossdressing catboys (but not Grimes unfortunately eh she got him to change his avatars to anime stuff when he said he's not that into it around 2018 and one time he joked about being a catgirl while posting an image of a foxgirl so I guess I'm too harsh on her. Its important research into the potential of cis male flexibility,) you can ask a guy out for coffee or something and still be feminine to guys who arent complete psychos in the tradwife movement like Lauren Southern's ex husband who you should avoid anyway. Don't worry. You can even do it in a cute voice.

    You are not adapting and I get it's hard as I said I have social anxiety disorder but that is your problem. If you can't ask guys out that you like this is your problem.

    We're constantly told that women are more adaptable, sexually fluid etc. Unlike men and that's why men can't do domestic tasks, hate kids, and just play video games.

    This is used to argue how women are endlessly malleable to dismiss female preferences - its used to argue things that prioritise male preferences and desire for control over women. Those same guys will argue 'women are just wired to be submissive' when it suits them.

    Stop playing into this.

    Consider weaponising it to your own advantage.

    Also this film and the actors in particular are like the blueprint of what he's talking about lol (the first quote I mean about the quirky girl movies):

    This exact energy too. I haven't been in this exact conversation but it feels familiar enough that I feel like I have.

    "Do you have any interest in having sex with me?"

    All his roles are so entertaining.

    Modern day hints are women looking at you for more than 3 seconds.

    If men dropped hints they would be postcards that read "Hello miss I find you hot. I would like to take you on dates, figure out if your worthy of being my wife, marry you, and procreate copiously"
    I just stopped at I find you attractive personally. Still in cringe ways sometimes and one time multiple times.... More cringe. Nothing could come of those two cases I'm thinking of. Less sexually aggressive though.

    Not sure how you meant this, but "worthy of being my wife" rubs me the wrong way. A husband and wife find each other because it is their God-given vocation to love and cherish one another. None of us are worthy of anything. Anything we receive in this life, is a blessing from God. We are all sinners undeserving of God's grace, but he gives it to us freely.<3
    Jfc, this is so gay. No wonder there’s a fertility crisis.
    Lol. It made me cringe too ftr.

    Only weak and desperate men approach women.

    Once you make the first move, you communicate covertly that she's more valuable than you, and from that point, the man--whether he realises it or not--starts playing a losing game.

    Value attracts. Attract, don't chase.
    I think it doesn't matter if the woman has been very attracted for a while but if she's never really thought about you it will be ruined by doing that yeah so no point in that case. I mean maybe in the past but I don't think it really fits the zeitgeist presently. Consequently it does make more sense for women to approach men but they don't tend to, and generally have increased anxiety about it and lower self confidence.

    Lots of people complaining that this never works. There are a minority of attractive guys who will get approached by women. Obviously most men can't rely on that though.

    This happened to me plenty of times, I can relate.
    for all of human history men have chased women. that's how the world works. if you think women should chase men you are a fa**ot!
    Women are rarely attracted to most men and so often find it offputting when men approach them (this goes doubly for younger women these days it seems,) I get this because I've never been attracted to a guy who approached me first. Either I let them know I was attracted to them or other people intervened one time. Obviously those relationships didn't work out but the cases where the guy approached me and expressed interest first I wasn't into at all.

    So, obviously the person who is less attracted to other people should approach people first yeah. But this won't happen because lots of women find approaching other people too uncomfortable. If they are conventionally attractive they won't have to try that potentially because presumably they'll get approached sooner or later by someone they're attracted to. I still think you can sometimes get better options if you do though since guys don't exactly want to approach women especially these days (which is what these tradfem types are complaining about I guess.)

    I suppose a lot of women who are more traditional also expect that because expressing any trad gender roles is important to them.

    It's hard to say because it might just be that every guy who approached me (and there haven't been that many) just wasn't my type. But as an avoidant person I definitely relate to the idea that when someone expresses strong interest or especially sexual intent to me, especially if it's someone I wasn't into beforehand or they've come out of nowhere, I won't give them a chance.

    So this will only potentially apply about 20% of the time I guess (I think that's an estimate of how many people in the population have that attachment style of course that's not an estimate of women with it.) The people responding like "this is the dumbest thing I've ever read" clearly hasn't met anyone like that.

    OK 25% maybe:

    Avoidant attachment is common. Some estimate that about 50% of people have a secure attachment style, 20% anxious attachment style, 25% avoidant attachment style, and 5% fearful/ambivalent/disorganized attachment style. That means about 1 in 4 people you meet might have an avoidant attachment style.
    I cba finding something to quote but especially in the case of dismissive avoidants (because there are fearful and dismissive avoidants,) they tend to value independence a lot and so instinctively look down on people as weak for expressing any kind of desperation, attatchment anxiety or maybe emotional requirements of the avoidant person. Avoidants also will avoid opening up or expressing vulnerability. (It's not healthy/ideal no it's just a common attatchment styles because of poor parenting + possibly genetics.)

    This other guy has written a long essay lol (I'm not quoting all of it here just a significant chunk):

    How does the bible, for example, portray women? As horny animals, basically, who have nothing on their mind other than seducing good and virtuous men. The Bible even contains pretty straight forward instruction on how to seduce a man: Feed him, get him drunk, then when he lies down, you dash for the crotch! All yours baby. (Genesis 19:32) The bible is full of stories of (usually wicked) women using various seduction techniques to lure and entice men. Men do not ever "seduce" in the bible. At most, they rape.
    I haven't read the whole of the bible but that seems like an oddly pornographic thing to be in it.... Wouldn't put it past it though after all there was the 'get thee behind me Satan' thing.

    I don't think I'd go to the bible for sex advice anyway.

    You can corrupt/sexualise anything though.

    The idea of the bible being a self help guide for sexually submissive guys is very amusing to me though. New headcannon acquired. Not really new I guess.

    "There's no one more thin and vulnerable than Jesus Christ. And he's bleeding too - that's very clever of them." - Simon Amstell.

    To our modern sensibilities, we can rationalize such things as it being archaic and misogynist or whatever, because modern Evolutionary Psychology tells us that it's men who are the sex obsessed braindead idiots, and women are gentle angels who do not want to get intimate with anyone except for their true love (i.e. hypergamy, the highest status guy they can get their hands on) Now if that’s not science, I don’t know what science is!
    Oh sure that stereotype changed sometime around the 1800s I think?

    The concept of the "receptive" female and the "proactive" male stems from Charles Darwin himself. In his book, 1871s "The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex", he presents male-female relations as universally one of female receptiveness, and male proactiveness. He emphasizes that men stand in competition with each other, where basically the biggest monkey then claims the most beautiful wife (or wives), whereas women do not compete at all because they want to invest all of their energy into their offspring and let the men do the selection, based on health and fertility.
    Maybe it started there yeah not sure entirely.

    Of course, the view of women as horny animals, constantly and actively trying seduce men, is not just incidental, but essentially universal before darwin. It is the view in Islam, where "denying a wife sex" is considered a punishment. It is the view of ancient greece, where in comedic plays such as Lysistrata where the idea of women withholding sex is held as comically absurd, and in the play "Thesmophoriazusae" (take THAT, spell checker) discusses how women use seduction to gain political power. And a cursory glance at even vedic and chinese texts see "seduction" as something that a woman does, not a man.
    I don't think that's what that was getting at. Women have often withheld sex to punish men. Also arguably a lot of the way men wrote about women as incredibly horny femme fatals was wish fulfilment and projection.

    The anomaly is the modern west

    Globally and historically speaking, it seems to be our modern west, who is the outlier, who believes that men are the sexually proactive ones.

    Figuring out definitely whether our modern culture has got it wrong, or the ancient texts, has led me to a lot of field testing, and I can say with absolute certainty: The bible was right on this one. Women are obsessed with sex in ways men can't even fathom. And seduction, the mating dance, is 100% led by the woman.

    So why am I telling you all of this? To tell you that not only is the way most people think about the human courtship behavior is wrong, I am also telling you why people believe in this wrong thing, specifically, where this belief comes from. We've subscribed to Darwins view of sexually passive women, and in doing so, have completely lost track how the human mating dance actually works.

    If your brainspace is very crowded and you can only remember one thing, this should be it:


    I know that's what the pick-up artists tell you, or maybe your dad or your mom or your friendzoned ladyfriends, but you have to stop this. Do not hit on women. Do not approach them. Let them approach you. In the human mating dance, initiating contact is the job of the woman. Hammer this into your brain.

    Conversely, if you are a woman looking for "seduction advice", that's going to be a different article. I'm not a woman and I have very little practical experience seducing men. Which is part of the reason why I've been hesitant for 15 years to write this.

    But to put it simple: Women are the proactive gender when it comes to the mating dance. Women do the approaching. Women do the initiations, women do the escalations. The job of a man in the context of the mating dance is to reject or reciprocate.

    It is women who are built to do the contact initiation. They are small, cute, have childlike voices, not threatening. People like being approached by a woman. Contrastingly, being approached by a man, means being approached by a 8 tall foot human bulldozer, bred for millions of years of evolution to be the most efficient killer around. That is a physical threat! At least from the perspective of the average woman.
    It makes sense to me but not for the reasons given. Women aren't really that horny or into most men but that's why they should approach guys. I mean if you're not that into guys I think it's just easier if you get into a sadistic predator state of mind to have some interest in men. Not sure how much control there is about that though especially when your sex drive is lower... But, as I said, a lot of traditional women will judge men as less masculine if they don't approach them and be turned off and even more women are too anxious and so will just avoid bothering even if men approaching them turns them off. It seems somewhat related to attatchment style too.

    And there’s more evidence to back up that women are the ones supposed to initiate contact. Sociologists who filmed test subjects in a party setting recorded who approached whom. They found that women approaching men had orders of magnitude better success rates than vice versa, had much better chances of going home with a man they successfully approached than vice versa. Interestingly though, when interviewed in the debrief, a significant portion of the newly formed couples would still argue that it was the man who initiated contact, despite video evidence to the contrary. This is how deeply ingrained this faulty expectation of the male initiating contact is. Even when it literally happens to them, they don't see it, and defer to the cultural expectation of the initiating man.
    Yeah. That is stupid.

    So what happens when, instead, a male is initiating contact with a woman? An "Ick" reaction. Because this is a violation of the mating dance. That's the biological instinct telling you somethings wrong. Women describe guys who hit on a lot of women as "creepy" for that reason. They are creepy and icky because they are doing the mating dance wrong. If you are one of those guys who uses the "Shotgun approach", all you've achieved is giving a lot of chicks the ick.
    The fact that people are incredibly polarised about this and that it shifts over time culturally suggests that people have more than one mating strategy and attatchment patterns as I've said.

    But I think the real reason that's a turn off is it suggests the guy is only looking for sex and most women are looking for guys who will commit/help with kids/have high standards (makes them seem higher status) etc. A lot of guys overdo this and come off as arrogant instead though (see: Pride and Prejudice) so it's a fine line.


    Men initiating/escalating aggressively leads to the woman feeling under attack rather than aroused. Luckily, a slew of laws and cultural attitudes in the west prevent this for the most part, so men are actually quite unlikely to make this mistake these days. The #1 mistake is you hiding in the basement, not exposing yourself to women who might take a liking to you and approach you.

    Women remaining passive however is the most common mistake. When it comes to the game of seduction, men are the prey, women are the hunters. As a woman on the prowl, you should never be passive. Wear gaudy clothes. Chat up people. Touch them if they might be comfortable with it. Escalate softly for both to remain inside their comfort zone.

    Conversely, stop shaming other women for being sexually aggressive. They're women, they don't have much else going on! Have you seen womens magazines? They're all gossip about who else has sex, how to get sex, how to dress to get sex, and who has sex the most. Don't subject them to reading this trite crap, just let them have sex instead.
    This did happen with me but tbf I never really felt like escalating anything to the point of anything sexual most of the time. I think you have to consider what kind of dynamic you will end up with if you do that though.

    This is great (but not so much for him and not so much for most guys):

    "...she hides my robe and leaves her dresses but it's getting colder and I can't find my robe..."

    Is this robe the only item of clothing you possess?
    im very neat and tidy and put all my clothes away immediately
    Just adorable.

    From a distance that really worked for me. I've re-read this many times now. More Context:

    my gf [20F] wants me [28M] to be a "catboy" [NSFW]

    I met my gf Sara (fake name) 2.5 years ago on a discord for a certain popular video game. We were long distance for the first six months, but I was able to take a business trip in her area to meet her and it was one of the best days of my life. Sara ended up coming to NY for college and we spent nearly every weekend together. When Covid hit, she didn't want to return home so she's stayed with me and has been for the last ~9 months. Through all this stress, Sara has really been my rock and in spite of everything the last 9 months have been better than ever expected for a worldwide pandemic. She's perfect for me, or so I thought.


    I really adore her, but lately she has become really aggressive about me participating in her TikTok niche "community/interest" (idek if that's the best word) too. Turns out some of these interests were sexual? Our sex life is pretty normal, vanilla and semi-frequent but she's recently seemed a little bored during it/less enthused. That's when I found out that her TikTok interests were more risque. She has been telling me she wishes I was like the young men she watches on TikTok who wear cat ears and little dresses. I think her asks are kind of extreme and possibly immoral (I'm Catholic). I was raised to think men should be a certain way and already struggle with how gangly and un-masculine I look. In addition to talking about dresses and cat ears she keeps talking about pegging and is obsessed with taking my 'virginity' (yes the one you're thinking of). I want to make her happy, but I'm afraid it's too much and people will find out about it. Sara can sometimes lack a filter and will inappropriately gush about how good I am In bed. I'm worried that since she's really active on other social media--she doesn't know I know her handle and also joined the discords--and I've seen some of her posts about having a submissive boyfriend who does what she wants. She's been talking about how uninterested and unfulfilled during sex with me because all she wants is to try and 'top' me.

    I think some of her catboy interests have been manifesting already. Sometimes she'll watch over me cleaning and tell me to redo a spot in a forceful way. It was cute and funny at first but then I realized she wasn?t joking and I found it strange. She spilt a glass of orange juice yesterday while looking me in the eyes and then said "Get to work". Again, strange. She?s tried to be a bit more aggressive in bed, and I was taken back by it and caught off-guard which she may have interpreted as uninterested. Sometimes after sex she will ask for a snack or something and when we go to the kitchen to make it I'm usually in just my underwear or robe. Lately she has been hiding my robe but leaving out her dresses and suggested I try wearing that instead. I usually reject that but it?s getting colder and I can?t find my robe. Even while making a meal she?ll be more aggressive/demanding comments and sometimes she makes me feed her? The other day when she was in the bathroom

    I saw she was had tabs on looking for cat ears and maid outfits, at first I thought it was hot and got excited but then I noticed it was a size large, so for me. We haven't discussed this at all and I'm not really sure what to do next. What should I do? I don't hate the idea and I want to make her happy but I haven't been into the more aggressive aspects she's put up over the last couple of months. I also don?t want to do these things if she's going to tell her discord friends about our sex life and I'm afraid that it will compromise my faith. I want to make her happy but I don't know what to do. Advice?
    I said this before but she shouldn't really do this without some kind of conversation because it's basically soft bdsm.

    This next quote by someone else in the same thread kind of annoyed me I mean because there's a thing some guy's will do where they're not into something and so they have to insist that the woman isn't either because the woman must be into what they are into.

    It's not just guys who do this but as guys tend to be more dominant and most people aren't very introspective. So this group will do this with full sincerity and belief in this and you can do it with some self awareness about it too if you're more dominant and treat it like a game where you know deep down you are incompatible (coping as the kids say ) but yeah they don't. They convince themselves. This is also how guys misread situations and think women are into them when they're not as well.

    As they can't fulfil this particular wish irl these women instead write copious amounts of fiction. Usually about gay men.

    (oh he said he believes this because people were saying it was fake but she doesn't seem that fake to me except in the sense that she had the self confidence to do that but the interests are pretty common in certain circles):

    I don't want to disclose too much personal info but I 100% believe it. I'm 23, had this 18 year old girl aggressively pursue be (we shared a hobby and worked together so I's spend roughly 15 hours a week with her anyway). I didn't like the age gap and had other options, but she made a really really nice gesture for my (23rd) birthday once and I decided to give her a shot after discussing with other people how immoral the age difference was.

    This girl claims she isn't on tik tok, but she also shares the same desire of feminizing me and pegging me. I kind of call her bluff on this because this seems to be the new norm along 18/19 year old girls. I don't know what it comes from, it's definitely dominant on the Twitter sphere and tik-tok and etc, but it really is strange to me.

    I'm dominant in bed and can talk about these subjects without much discomfort, but I'm really not too sure she could even handle "domming" me as she claims to want to do. She doesn't understand that pegging isn't just getting a big strap on and going right in, especially since she's never used lube before, never considered fingering a guys ass, or knows nothing about cleaning done there. For a lot of other reasons I'll spare you I think the idea is romanticized in her head, but I don't think it would be fulfilling for either party, and would instead be entirely awkward. I think it has something to do with current trends and a weird new reverse misogyny of "putting men in their place".

    Don't really know what to make of any of this, it's all really new and honestly just weird to me, but I'm wondering if other people are noticing this too.
    So I guess it depends on how normie and vanilla you are. The guy who wrote that twitter thread saying you shouldn't shame women for being sexually aggressive wrote a other thread aimed at women that was a lot more removed from my own experiences and was basically just like 'be aggressive but also normie sexuality wise.' And try to seduce every man you see. With a focus on piv. Then argued other women will hate you for that but 'you should just share the guide with them'

    2 problems here:

    1. Some women dont want to do piv, bottom during sex etc. Maybe they're quote sadistic. Most men aren't going to appreciate the kind of stuff they're into

    And contrariwise some women are highly massochistic which puts some men off who don't want to have aggressive sex with choking (on the other hand some guy's have started doing that without asking and just assuming which is insane seeing as you can die. More insane than the catboy thing I quoted. This is why everyone is obsessed with consent now.)

    2. Men also judge women for being promiscuous or overly sexual when it comes to long term relationships unfortunately. So that's a risk too and also why its better to make guys wait to screen out those guys.

    Most women are not just looking for sex and those magazines he talks about are usually focused on relationships really.

    I like discussing sex (well moreso niche fetishes,) and sexology but I've found that to be a minority thing more associated with some (dont shoot me,) [BEEP] people (regardless of gender,) and I have little desire to engage in it irl anyway due to my lack of attraction to most people, incompatibility, risk aversion (stds etc,) too much effort etc. Also current living arrangements.

    A lot of women, especially young women are annoyed by how sexual media is and how often it comes up. Bisexual women have a greater interest in sex (not just the behaviour but arousal, sexual motivation etc,) but pointing that out (research shows this ) is considered biphobic. I get it though you don't want guys to approach and harass you in response to learning that most of the time

    Women read tons and tons of romance books where the characters end up in long term relationships or are soul mates etc.

    So like I say he's projecting a bit. Though he gives accurate advice for getting vanilla sex from guys who aren't too shy (so put off by aggression themselves often,) but you know relationships are more complicated. As is having minority sexual/romantic preferences
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  4. #5959
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    So its flooding in the UK again. That's not weird it happens here all the time. But it's interesting how far reaching the effect of that assassin in America who shot the health insurance CEO is. And bleak really. Like violence is constantly demonstrated to be the only way to get people's attention and make people think...

    Although a cynical view would be "the only way to get people to virtue signal and change nothing."

    The CEO of an insurance company in Thurmaston, Leicestershire, has been telling our BBC colleagues about the impact of floodwaters at his business, which resulted in staff being sent home.

    "Never seen anything like it in 10 years," Troy Stevens tells 5 Live Breakfast .

    "Arriving to work yesterday was literally like a river coming down the road, in to the car park, flowing through the doors of our office."

    "We've probably not got a lot of sympathy being an insurance firm going through something like this, but it's put us in the mindset of anybody needing to make a claim in the future."
    I don't know what form of insurance it is and I've never insured anything (as far as I remember. Technically maybe post I've sent or something) so have no idea how making a claim works in the UK. He's still obviously referencing that event and the response to it though.
    Because he's a CEO.

    I guess there is some irony here since they're going to have to make a claim now.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  5. #5960
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Some people were discussing antisemitic graffiti in Australia and questioning why that kind of thing keeps happening in Australia (I don't know if it's more common there personally, or what they mean exactly since stuff like that seems to happen everywhere. I don't pay tons of attention to Australia though.)

    I had a lot of thoughts because I keep running into two sentiments from people like: 'why is x group targeted by so many people?' And also 'It's weird that diverse areas are so racist.' But neither are really weird. (People tend to prefer people who are similar to them so in a diverse community there will be more opportunities for clashes of course.) I don't know if people are genuinely confused or if they're just kind of expressing confusion as a way to say 'this is bad.'

    Well I grew up in Sydney and moved to Cali as a teen (forever ago) since my father is originally from San Francisco. Australian cities are very multicultural and as such there is plenty of racism which blows my mind since most kids are exposed to a rich and diverse set of cultures and taught to appreciate the diversity (at least that was my experience).

    Per capita, Australia has one of the highest Jewish populations but, Jewish culture is no way near as mainstream as it is in the US.

    To answer your question I think Jews just been kinda flying under the radar in Australia until recently and it's makes me feel ill to see these headlines. Note also that Australians in general, seem to have a kind of inferiority complex where they want to shine brighter on the world stage. So when it becomes fashionable, acceptable and even celebrated to be a hater and an antisemite (oops sorry 'antizionist') I am not surprised by this image.

    I am glad I am in the US let's just put it that way :/
    It's usually the most multicultural environments where people have the most issues with other groups. And it goes in every direction too even within specific races. Many people have a simplistic view of this and tend to only think of tensions between white people and certain minority groups - that's absolutely a thing my dad is fairly racist - but it's actually very common (as one example) for Hindu and Muslim people to be attacking each other over here (in the UK I mean.) Eg this event in 2022 (but not limited to this, this just became a noticeable enough incident to gain media attention):

    In August and September 2022, Leicester, England, saw a period of religious and ethnic tension between predominately British Hindus and British Muslims of South Asian origin. The unrest saw rioting, protest marches, sloganeering and ethnic violence between the two populations. It was also preceded by social media campaigning, misinformation and hate propaganda. Muslim apprehensions of what they alleged as "Hindutva fascism" entering their neighbourhoods was evidently the main driver behind the unrest.[1][2] Community leaders and analysts point to the Indian celebrations following the India?Pakistan 2022 Asia Cup match on 28 August as a catalyst, which saw a reaction from Pakistani fans.[5]
    Like most British cities, Leicester has significant and growing South Asian British populations. Leicester is known for its ethnic diversity, and is one of three cities in England where the White British population are a minority. Since the end of the Second World War, the city has seen successive waves of migration, with immigrants from the Indian sub-continent arriving in the 1960s, followed by South Asians arriving from Kenya and Uganda in the early 1970s.[6] By 2021, Leicester's population was 33% Muslim and 25% Hindu.[7]
    Britain's Muslim press tended to describe the BJP as "fascist" to varying degrees,[15][16][17] a language actively adopted by Leicester Muslims.
    I mean it is a far right government.

    The British party politics is seen to have caused polarisation between the two communities, with Muslims siding with the Labour Party and Hindus siding with the Conservative Party. The 2019 general election was not only a "Brexit and NHS election", but also a "Kashmir election" according to The Guardian columnist Sunny Hundal. This was a reference to the Modi Government's decisive action in the complete integration of Kashmir into India in 2019, and the corresponding backlash in Pakistan. These developments had reactions in British Hindu and Muslim communities.[21] Rutgers University's Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), which has investigated the online trends between 2019 and 2022, noted a wide dispersion of anti-Hindu and anti-India slurs and tropes during this period.[22]
    At least one major incident of communitarian violence has been reported from May, where it was alleged that a Muslim man was surrounded by around 25?30 masked men, and beaten with bats and poles to such an extent that he was hospitalised. The incident was reported to the police, but the Muslim community felt that the police were failing to act, with the result that the perpetrators were still at large and continuing to harass the Muslim community. The Muslim community labelled these perpetrators "Hindutva RSS thugs" and believed that they were from among the recent arrivals from India.[29][30][note 3] According to Majid Freeman, a self described "former aid worker and a key social media influencer", who has been previously known to make false allegations of Quran burning[32] and for supporting the terrorist group ISIL[33] on online forums, "Muslims had made their presence known in the streets" by August and the "troublemakers had disappeared".[34]
    A bunch of localised gang violence too (an ongoing issue,) where mostly teenagers and young adult men just act in a very territorial way. Part of that is economic - selling drugs etc - and part of that is just the problem of undiluted 'masculinity.' I suppose it's also boredom. One plus point is they mostly just attack each other so if you're not part of one of these minority groups + in a gang you're generally safe.

    Many Muslim people notably have issues with Jewish people too but there are basically people of all backgrounds who join in with that for both different and similar reasons (the similar reason is generally envy but sometimes other weird things get packaged in too like religious conflict that doesn't always apply.)

    I grew up in a very diverse town (actually one of the three minority-majority areas mentioned above but it's not a city it's a town,) and it's become more so over the years. When you walk around you can find people speaking in a variety of different languages and not often English. Sometimes it's hard to communicate with people because they don't speak English well or because of their accents (I've had this issue,) and it also interferes with working environments too sometimes as well. My mum struggled to communicate with certain people she worked with. This bothers people especially in jobs where it creates risks.

    I didn't notice many problems growing up really but there have been a lot of background issues over the past few decades that escalated and kind of peaked in the 2010s.

    These areas usually have higher rates of poverty too and people are more neurotic and prone to emotional volatility. Lots of mental health issues. Lots of resentful people. Lots of people with [BEEP] lives etc.

    I think people who don't live in an area like that often exaggerate things in one way or the other. Like politically correct people who treat it as taboo to even discuss, but also the people who think people can't live there without getting raped and stabbed is also nonsense. Tbf locals will lean into that too to be edgy or because they're bitter.

    There's a huge class problem in the UK of course too.

    I learning stuff about judaism and I never got why people hate jews so much it seem like there just history punching bag
    Well I don't know if this has always been the case but for a long time Jewish people have tended to be very succesful as a group in whichever country they live in. They've also spread out a lot more than most groups globally. Which leads to them being targeted more because there's nothing low status racist people from a majority group hate more than minority groups being more succesful than them.

    Jewish people tend to annoy anti-semitic white people because they look white but don't tend to identify as white so they can't like vicariously 'win' any competitions through Jewish people's success. Seeing as they fully identify with being white and all of their identity points were put into that category. I've paid a lot of attention to them on social media and they often complain 'they don't see themselves as white' 'they're not white.' So I know this bothers them.

    On top of that most of those white people are conservative and have weird ideas about Jewish people pushing liberalism, feminism, LGBT+ rights (you know cool stuff,) etc because of their success/influence. Because they hate Western culture and they blame Jewish people for Western culture which is liberalish. Some of those guys want to live in a culture like fundametalist Islam which is a bit awkward because obviously.

    It goes without saying that Jewish people are not the only group blamed for this most of these guys just blame white liberal women (tm,) but the anti-semitic minority who are like 'stop blaming white women it's really the Jews' they do it for the same reason they've just headcannoned different villains.

    I've said white people but that part isn't that important they're just the most obvious/highlighted by media. There are plenty of black men who are conservative and have all the same issues with Jewish people.

    Other groups basically have an issue with Israel that they end up projecting onto or taking out on Jewish people sometimes - those people are more likely left wing. There's a component of class frustration and envy again as well. They don't however give a [BEEP] about all the 'oh no degeneracy' crap that the right wing anti-semitic people do. Due to a higher tolerance for chaos.

    The left identifies with low status groups unless the group includes white men.

    Edit: Sorry that needs further clarification. They don't like conservative/patriarchal white men even if they're low status/poor (non patriarchal white guys are generally OK) but this varies a lot depending on what subset of the left you're talking about anyway. Some people have no opinions about race and gender at all. Generally though, they ignore other groups displaying this behaviour because they don't see them as a big enough threat yet or they're not personally impacted by that behaviour.

    I will say in terms of democrats vs republicans in the US there's a lot of criticism of black guys (which is why they're not voting democrat as much these days haha,) from black women (who vote democrat more than any other group i think.) Which goes to show it depends on context a lot.

    I need to quote this hilarious twitter convo. It was brought up in a Hasan Abi video. I mentioned this before but deleted the post:

    "perfect Bushwick party at 11pm on Sunday is joints being passed around a room of only white guys and Asian girls."

    "Nb erasure once again"

    "Arghh I'm sorry I should have written white femmes"

    THAT'S the part you see an issue with??

    So as I said before lol:

    Honestly if you're going down that route you might wonder about why everyone is a white guy and Asian woman in the first place. Her response makes it even worse lol like all non-binary people are femme to you? And she had to emphasise white again. No Asian or masc non-binary people allowed. No Asian men. No other races in general.
    That basically became a copypasta I think too.

    Another layer to this is people sometimes use nb to mean non-black.

    I love that just wtf. It has a surreal AI like quality to it like someone asked a not so great AI to pretend to be progressive hahaha. This is all I know about Bushwick btw:

    Bitches be in Bushwick, they all live in Bushwick
    They all love Bushwick but I say "fuck that shit"

    Yes as usual my knowledge comes from music.

    I'm just reading the responses now because I found the og tweet lol:

    This is not a party this is a hostage situation
    the dream of scott pilgrim is still alive
    i'm glad hipsters are finally being overtly racist instead of hiding it
    I am in your walls
    Imagine gentrifying an entire city just to have the most annoying parties humanly possible
    Another highlight from that video was Elon Musk tweeting this:

    "Super rich ex wives who hate their former spouse" should filed be listed among "reasons that Western civilization died."

    A bunch of Muslim people have some weird ongoing religious issue with Jewish people I'm far from an expert on so can't really comment on that, but most Western Muslims are very low status (the groups that immigrate to the UK from Pakistan and Bangladesh tend to be at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder,) so I'm sure envy plays into it too in some sense.

    Now we get to one of the kookiest groups. The Evangelicals (Christans) 'support' Israel because it's important to their doomsday cult story...

    My understanding might be wrong but essentially they seem to support Israel because during the 'end times' (tm) when Satan attempts to take God's throne and everything is in chaos they believe Jesus will return and everyone will either convert to being Christians or perish and Jesus will rule Israel.

    There's just one small problem:

    No not that problem. Jewish people don't follow/believe in Jesus lol...

    This video has the same effect on me as seeing an American who just acts like a cowboy. It's such a stereotype it just seems fake like a scene from a comedy film:

    So I'm not going to watch the whole of this video but let me just skim some quick quotes from skipping through.

    "Give them the determination and resources to utterly destroy the enemies that have risen up against the kingdom of God."

    "Socialist teachers unions are brainwashing your children with the madness that they can become a transsexual person."

    I love how people can't talk about anything without transsexuals (tm) making an appearence.

    Transsexual only refers to transgender people (identity) who medically transistion I guess. Because most people who go on hrt but identify as cis still don't call themselves transsexual ime. I guess a few do. Non-binary people don't necessarily call themselves transsexual either even if they go on hrt. Transsexual is used in a kind of isolationist sense by transmed people a lot and reduces a psychological/neurological phenomenon to a medical decision. So some people avoid it for that reason and also because it has the word sexual in and went out of fashion in the past. It's also kind of a spectrum eg you can go on a small amount:

    A short thread on how testosterone therapy dramatically improved my quality of life as a 40 yo cis woman. I've been slacking on blogging about this for a while -- if this post gets 1k+ likes I'll write it. 🧵

    I started TRT 9 months ago because my sex drive had tanked and other stuff wasn't helping. I had no expectations around other benefits, though a pamphlet I read while waiting to see the doctor made me realize I had other signs of low T, which blood tests confirmed.

    Testosterone reversed a lot of cognitive decline I'd chalked up to aging--and I do mean reversed. I feel sharper now than I did at 30 & much more confident. My memory is much better, anxiety is much lower. Brain fog is gone. I have an extra 30-60 minutes of high productivity/day.

    It also increased my nightly sleep by ~1h, the majority of that REM/deep sleep. It gave me the energy I needed to start exercising regularly, which I?d tried and failed to do many times. I now get 3-5h of real exercise/week, vs. 0 for ~the last decade.

    As a result, while staying the same weight, I've lost 6% body fat in 9 months and my heart health is much, much better. I was in incredibly bad shape before; being regularly physically active feels like a miracle.

    Side effects have been mild -- irritability is the biggest one, and I've had to learn to adjust my reactions to compensate. But I would accept pretty severe side effects for the benefits -- it would need to be worse than smoking to not be worth it, I think.

    It's apparently the norm for women's testosterone to plummet in their late 30s/early 40s, and I have friends who are going through the same cognitive arc. One started TRT a month ago, and though it's early, she seems pretty happy with it, too.
    Kind of envious honestly. In the UK they don't bother to check for anything physiological if you see them about anything that might appear psychological. Well I know other people have had other experiences where they present with anxiety issues and get tested for various hormonal stuff etc (like my male friend,) but that's not been my experience which is very annoying.

    Also Grimes and Aella responded to/retweeted that. That whole social circle of like tech-adj women want to go on testosterone.

    This was hilariously wrong:

    hormone optimization goes crazy.

    the ratio of experiential impact to risk is wild. and you can just do things, no one is stopping you from experimenting
    I feel like there's an entire medical establishment set up to stop people experimenting?
    Yes. I'd like to live in that world but it's not the one I live in. Often have to go with the grey/black market or jump through many loopholes.

    "Israel is God's prophetic clock. When the Jewish people are in Israel the clock is running. When the Jewish people are out of Israel the clock is stopped."

    Then he quotes this (talking about Jewish people):

    For your are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the Earth.
    Then he turns into a comedian:

    "Headlines will be screaming millions are missing. Christians have disappeared from the Earth. There will be an instant economic crash. Why? Because all the Christians are gone. We're the only ones paying taxes these days."

    Edit: Is it 2063 when this is happening? I'm gonna be like "damn it the Vulcans came and took all the Christians and I'm stuck here. I'm never going to have a space elf romance now."

    If I'm still alive which is probably banking on a lot.

    "Hello America choose you this day whom you will serve either Jesus Christ the prince of peace or the coming antichrist."

    "You will either be a servant to Jesus Christ or a slave to sin and Satan."

    Well you can make an argument that they're the same entity via the character of Lucifer. They're both called morning star like Venus and Inanna/Ishtar (probably many others.) So... Awkward...

    "Iran is the head of the snake in the middle east."

    There are five different crowns you can get when you go to heaven.

    This is wild lol. Like Runescape party hats?

    "You can look at that person's crown and tell what they did and how well they did it just like a military uniform."

    "On one day the bible says God will release the angels over the Earth to kill 1/3rd of the Earth's population. That's one day."

    Then he goes on a bit about all the ways God is going to torture people while being the good guy. And China are apparently involved now:

    "Then We come to the place of Armaggedon where China marches up the Euphrates river. with an army of 200 men and from the West comes the Anti-Christ who will lead the armies of Europe and probably the United States right there there will be the most bloody battle ever recorded in the history of the world. The battle field of armeggedon is about 200 miles in length."

    Oh good Europe's involved now too.

    I feel fairly sure China wasn't in the bible. I don't think 200 men is going to cut it lol.

    These are people who are coming against Israel and God is going to wipe them out. Then there will be a thousand years of perfect peace. No presidental elections, no fake news, none of all this nonsense we go through with. There's going to be one king, one leader. I will be Jesus Christ son of God. There will be one law - it will be his law.

    "Your child can play in a [can't make it out] nest that's what we would call rattle snakes. Your child can play with poisonous snakes you have no worry because the child will not be hurt. That is what you call total peace.

    Oh that's what peace is lol. When snakes don't attack you anymore. Just think all of this elaborate nonsense was created just to make snakes peaceful.

    (They obviously think the cucumbers are snakes.)

    Snakes are venomous, not poisonous btw.

    After 1000 years Satan is released and he goes into the world and to deceive many. Why? Because there are people born who never had the opportunity to choose or reject Jesus and Satan is going get them to follow him in one last battle against God's chosen Jesus Christ. He gets wiped out and cast into hell. And that's when eternity beings.

    Jesus can always reject his father
    but he cannot escape his mother's blood.
    He'll scream and try to wash it off of his fingers
    but he'll never escape what he's made up of.

    I can't speak for DMT, but I did a peyote ceremony with the Navajo in 2014. Just like McKenna says about DMT, i literally felt like I was pushed through a membrane of sorts into a rave like dimension. A machine elf greeted me singing and welcoming me exactly as people describe them. Everything felt right, so I thought in my head what's your name not knowing this thing could read my mind and it said "Baphomet". At first the phrase meant nothing to me, but a soon as I realized what was said I very quickly thought of Christ and was launched violently Into an infinite black ocean of some kind. I was drowning in a pitch black ocean with no sky above the surface only unspeakable lengths of what looked like ropes with bugs crawling on them in the air. This was a devastating experience
    Archons (Greek: ἄρχων, romanized: ?rchōn, plural: ἄρχοντες, ?rchontes), in Gnosticism and religions closely related to it, are the builders of the physical universe. Among the Archontics, Ophites, Sethians and in the writings of Nag Hammadi library, the archons are rulers, each related to one of seven planets; they prevent souls from leaving the material realm. The political connotation of their name reflects rejection of the governmental system, as flawed without chance of true salvation.[1] In Manichaeism, the archons are the rulers of a realm within the "Kingdom of Darkness", who together make up the Prince of Darkness. In The Hypostasis of the Archons, the physical appearance of Archons is described as hermaphroditic, with their faces being those of beasts.[2][3][4]
    According to a Gnostic text called the Reality of the Rulers, the archons "have bodies that are both female and male, and faces that are the faces of beasts."[2] Thus, they're not truly male nor female, nor human nor animal. The ancients found this kind of boundary-crossing to be deeply threatening, and this description of the archons implied that they were forces of chaos, so "mixed up" as to be "the farthest that a created being could be from God."[3]
    Your brain doesn't like rigid belief systems generally when on hallucinogens. As funny as that anecdote is I don't think it actually had anything to do with Jesus but more the fact that the belief system is rigid.

    This seems cooler:

    Well I got in contact with some elves/pixies/faeries/spirits (hard to say what they were exactly) in my 2nd ceremony. They seemed to be 2D light creatures with robotic body parts, some had vehicles for bodies. They were very friendly at first, they were making objects out of ideas/language/light and they wanted me to give them something. I didn't know what they wanted and they started to get annoyed. Eventually, I understood they wanted me to show them what I know. So I gave them philosophical ideas that I had read but then they eventually wanted me to give them something original, one of my ideas and I had no ideas of my own or at least that's what I had thought and communicated with them. They became angry and went inside my body and eventually came out with this object and told me "this, this is your inner wisdom, your original work" They gave me back this object but took everything else.

    I was very confused by the situation, I thought I was just mugged and had lost something really important.

    I later understood how necessary this step was in my journey. I could no longer lean on the words, opinions, ideas of other people. There is infinitely more value in understanding than there is in memorizing other people's work.
    Tbh though, people talk about the 'machine elves' too much. The weird emotionally cold mantid creatures that perform surgery on you and try to steal your emotions etc seem weirder in some ways. I would like to know if the stories about aliens came from doing this drug (and similar drugs,) or if the stories about aliens have influenced what people see while doing these drugs like chicken/egg:

    I've seen them a few times. Most notably the first time I used dmt. I was expecting machines, elves, the usual stuff you hear Terrance McKenna describe.

    instead as I blasted through the tunnel of light I found myself having the sensation of being wheeled through a hallway (I was laying flat on my couch) into some sort of operating room where I was "scanned" with a colorful beam of energy that went straight into my forehead. From what I could tell there were shadow figures looking down on me and the mantids were in the background overseeing everything and had a shimmering iridexcent quality to them. I wasn't afraid, it wasn't "good" or "bad" in terms of feeling. Honestly they seemed pretty chill and more curious than anything. No other experiences with preying mantises other than thinking they were cool looking bugs as a kid.

    Sounds nuts but that's DMT for you. Note I don't think I was actually interdimensionally abducted by aliens but it lines up with a lot of others experience.
    i had the mantis / lizard entity scan me in a operating room. there was 1 major mantis in front of me and then several around me which were morphing in and out of each other. after the scan I believe I was given the floor to pour out my trauma. I felt so at peace and filled with love after my trip. I had so much clarity of what I needed to do to grow as a person. I had to calm myself from being [BEEP] faced scared during the trip as I did not expect it to happen at all lol but thats what you get when you smoke dmt
    Someone was asking about this quote recently (which I guess is from the bible?):

    [5] Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. [6] That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. [7] Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
    My personal interpretation would be something like water is... I mean this isn't mine I can already think of several works which have similar ideas. You know like in the Constantine movie where she asks 'so water and hell?' and he responds 'water is the universal conduit that lubricates the transistion between one plane and another.' And then the A Perfect Circle song Passive starts playing lol. No that's just that one music video cause the song is used in the movie:

    But yeah anyway my personal interpretation is that water is fluid and the sea also kind of represents the underworld. Also water can exist as a solid, liquid and gas

    Water can also exist as all three states at the same time, which is called the Triple Point of Water. This happens at a temperature just above freezing (0.1?C) and a pressure of 0.006 atmospheres.
    Nick Land wrote this short story about mermaids once (this isn't the whole thing) it kind of stuck with me:

    Why were mermaids so horrible? She felt the answer through powerful but indistinct intuition. Fluid boundaries were essential to it. A rocky sea-shore at twilight was darkly suggestive enough. It whispered of mermaids without needing to show them. Ambiguous transformations thrashed the coast of sleep.
    "Do mermaids scare you, too, mommy?"
    She'd wanted to say 'no' of course, but the word caught in her throat. She'd actually coughed - almost choked. "I don't think about them much," she'd managed, eventually. "They are kind of creepy, I guess."
    "Super-creepy," Katy said.
    "Why is that, do you think?" It was, perhaps, an incautious question, but Claudia couldn't help herself.
    "The join is the scariest part."
    "Where fish begins?"
    "Or girl," Katy said.
    "Imagine being able to swim so well, though," Claudia suggested, with unconvincing cheerfulness.
    "That makes it worse, because you might want it."
    I think this is probably a bit of a more common interpretation of the water thing which I find a bit mundane hahaha:

    Some commentators suggest that "water" is a reference to the amniotic fluid that signals the onset of physical birth, and they therefore believe Jesus was describing two distinct births in verse 5 -- physical birth ("water"), and spiritual birth ("the Spirit")..
    Yeah anyway I got distracted but the idea is that everyone has to believe in/follow Jesus or perish which ultimately includes Jewish people ironically.

    Part of the reason it's mostly men though is that men aren't considered to have inherit worth so if they don't succeed economically as the best in whatever dumb economic competition is happening they feel a great deal of resentment. But women sometimes go along with it too as a kind of benevolent sexism fetish or something. White nationalism makes them the centre of attention so they might like that. Or because they are overly masculine but low status in the same way.

    It's pretty but the people are crass and rather ignorant and very fucking racist.... The way they talked about aboriginals, horrid.. That was at least my experience.
    The sky news channel in Australia is very conservative leaning for some weird reason. It's not as much in the UK (or wasn't whenever I last paid attention.)

    Yeah so there you go:

    The channel was originally a joint venture between British broadcaster BSkyB (thus making it a spin-off of the Sky News channel in the United Kingdom), Seven Media Group, and Nine Entertainment Co., as Australian News Channel Pty Ltd. The company was acquired by News Corp Australia in 2016.[5] With the subsequent sale of Murdoch's remaining shares in Sky UK to Comcast,[6] Sky News Australia no longer has any direct ties to its UK counterpart, but continues to use the Sky News branding under license from Comcast. The channel is currently exploring options to rebrand into an Australian channel of the American Fox News brand once the current legacy branding agreement comes to an end in 2026.[7]

    Especially since the acquisition of the channel by News Corp Australia, Sky News Australia has faced scrutiny from the press over its increased focus on opinion programming. Comparisons were drawn to Rupert Murdoch's American news channel Fox News, and there have been accusations that the channel's opinion programming has promoted misinformation and conspiracy theories.[8][9]
    The bolded is important.

    I was mostly wondering about the descrepency in content some years ago because every Australian video that was suggested on YT or whereever was like the usual Fox news kinda thing and I don't really remember what was on British sky stuff but it wasn't that lol.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  6. #5961
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    Twitter has been amusing the last few days, so -

    - King Charles can't "dissolve parliament" and "call an election." Second he tries that he gets slapped right back down and parliament and it will be the end of the monarchy not long after.
    - Andrew Tate can't "run for Prime Minister" because you can't "run for Prime Minister." You win by way of your party getting 325+ seats. He'd have to stand as an MP and given that he is a) currently resident in Romania and b) facing criminal charges that mean he's likely to spend more than a year in prison, so he's likely going to be completely barred from being an MP to begin with by the next election. If he's not still in prison come next election.
    -- Even if he does run, his party is not getting 325+ seats, period, a new party is not going to get 325+ seats, those are the numbers that the big two Labour and Conservative get.
    - Keir Starmer won an election with a massive majority less than a year ago, hence he is prime minister. I'm sorry that some people don't seem to understand that there preferred candidate lost, but that how's elections here work, the party with 325+ seats wins and there leader becomes Prime Minister. Starmer has 412. Much as I don't agree with everything Starmer is doing, he has a mandate, he is going nowhere soon.
    - Tommy Robinson is not going to become Prime Minister either - he is flat out barred from running as an MP because he is a) currently bankrupt due to gambling debts/being sued/unpaid taxes, and b) his very, very extensive criminal history over the years ranging from assault to mortgage fraud to attempting to enter the US illegally.
    -- Generally the "peaceful protests" he organises are a bunch of football hooligans travelling into London, getting drunk and snorting coke, starting fights with the police, and then urinating over the city because they can't hold it in. And then wondering why they are being arrested, because generally, if you pick fights with the police, you will get arrested. But, to be fair, might have been too drunk to remember the fighting the police part.

  7. #5962
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    There's a thread about the audience of Sky News Australia. A lot of people seem to think it's mostly right wing Americans watching but some people mentioned their Australian parents too and uh once again I'm confused by how they find this surprising lol:

    My father who used to be a super chilled out, progressive Buddhist who lost his job during covid and became extremely disenfranchised does 😭 He wouldn't even turn it off for his grandsons first Christmas morning. It's a nightmare, he's turned into an absolute cooker
    Christ and he used to be a Buddhist? How does someone go from Buddhism to cookerism? Wild
    Oh it's really not that weird at all for there to be people like this who turn into right wing cranks. Just look at Russel Brand. The Nazi's themselves decided to use the swastika which was a symbol often used in buddhism and Hinduism. Also Savitri Devi created a fusion religion of Nazism with Hinduism:

    Savitri was a proponent of a synthesis of Hinduism and Nazism, proclaiming Adolf Hitler to have been an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu.[5] She depicted Hitler as a sacrifice for humanity that would lead to the end of the worst World Age, the Kali Yuga, which she believed was induced by the Jews, whom she saw as the powers of evil.[3]
    There's a tangentially related phenomenon which is sometimes called 'granola fascism'

    Granola Nazis and the Folkish Movement

    At the heart of the Granola Nazis are a racist neo-pagan group known as the Folkish Movement. A small group, the Folkish Movement have a significant large influence on white supremacist mythology and conspiracy discourses. Their styles, myths and language now circulate online in a wider white supremacist 'digital traditionalism' - the broader adaptation of a 'granola' or 'crunchy' style associated with hippies, nature, or organic farming to convey a white supremacist, anti-modern politics as online counterculture. These groups, especially after COVID-19, are building connections to broader far-right environmentalist, health and wellness movements, thus increasing their online presence. This section provides an introduction to the different groups within the Folkish Movement operating online today, the Granola Nazis whose styles and ideals support the broader movement of digital traditionalism.

    "Folkish" refers to white supremacist pagans as opposed to other members of the cultic milieu like neo-druids, Wiccans, or "universalist" pagans. The Folkish or neo-volkish Movement is where northern European naturalist religions merge to become the spiritual basis for white male supremacism. Folkish, also called Odinist, Asatru, Wotanist, heathen or pagan, creates a white religion from Nordic or Germanic tribal culture and blends these with German volkish racial ideology, Norse mythology and Nazi mysticism to create a pan-Aryan religion.
    This isn't what Ronald Jenkees meant when he said Stay Crunchy:

    Or maybe it is. I mean I don't know his life. He has 3-4 songs I listened to in my early 20s so they're in my brain playlist:

    All my fun is disorganised.

    This music is a lot better than fascism.

    I've posted about the femboy nazis before too. That goes back even further than the current internet memes. Like this guy:

    Let's talk about Elisar von Kupffer. Who is he? What's he famous for?

    So Elisar von Kupffer is a- It's funny. I'm actually looking for the right noun, right? I don't know whether to call him an artist or religious leader, an activist, a fascist. He's all the above.

    But he's a man who lives between 1872 and 1942. He's born in what is now present-day Estonia, as part of the class of Baltic German overlords there, and throughout the course of his life, he assembles the first ever anthology of gay literature, which is called The Love of Favourites and Friendly Love in World Literature, which is published in Berlin in 1900.3 He creates a new religion called Klarismus or Clearism, which combines medievalist and Christian iconography with ideas about that kind of universal, transcendent spiritual androgyny that he gets out of readings and misreadings of Persian literature and of the classical era. He creates a series of artistic works culminating in the 30-metre cyclorama painting called The Clear World of the Blessed,4 which depicts the Claristic utopia in which many naked androgynes - all of which bear either his face, the face of his life partner Eduard von Mayer, or the face of a favourite local model, "Gino" Luigi Taricco - are depicted.

    His work throughout his entire career is informed by a biological racism that understands human cultural output as being rooted entirely in climate and race, which are understood to be linked. For this reason, for example, he settles in Italian Switzerland because he understands it as being a bisexual climate: there's the Mediterranean homosexual climate and race type, and in the German Alpine, heterosexual climate and race type.5 And so, he's found in Ticino6 a bisexual climate. That's maybe a more humorous example of this biological determinism. But this also leads him to subscribe to antisemitic conspiracy theories, to be described by Nazi officials as a devoted hater of the Jews, and to several attempts to collaborate with Nazi politicians in order to secure state support and funding for this artwork and for this religious project. He fails, but not for lack of trying, including several extremely warm letters written to Adolf Hitler at the end of Kupffer's life, where he really praises Hitler, his political project and identifies them as political allies.7

    So Kupffer is a really complex, controversial and strange figure. I hope very much that this article is being published alongside some images of his artwork as well, because you really do need to see this art to believe it. It is, I like to joke, mercifully inimitable. It's really something.
    Some people kind of become fascistic when they do aphetamines that's another thing especially if they're quite creative/fluid in personality.

    Also the first fascist movement in Britain was founded by a gender non-conforming alcoholic woman:

    Rotha Beryl Lintorn Lintorn-Orman (born Rotha Beryl Lintorn Orman, 7 February 1895 - 10 March 1935) was a British political activist and World War I veteran who founded the British Fascisti, the first avowedly fascist movement to appear in British politics.
    Lintorn-Orman was essentially a Tory by inclination but was driven by a strong anti-communism and attached herself to fascism largely because of her admiration for Benito Mussolini and what she saw as his action-based style of politics.
    Lintorn-Orman was among the few girls seeking entry into scouting organizations; along with her friend Nesta Maude, in 1908, Lintorn-Orman had registered as a Scout troop, using initials rather than forenames.
    Lintorn-Orman died of an alcohol-related illness at the age of 40 on 10 March 1935 at Santa Brigida, Las Palmas, in the Canary Islands. By then her organisation was all but defunct. She was buried at the English Cemetery in Las Palmas.

    She drifted without much direction, began drinking heavily, and began to abuse drugs. Eventually, she moved to a dairy farm in Somerset, but she missed active duty with a physical pain and kept her connection to those years by cropping her hair daringly short, wearing shirts and ties, and displaying her medals proudly on the peaked lapels of her jackets. Contemporaries found her androgyny highly odd; the phrase mannish woman was used frequently. Not that Lintorn-Orman much cared about the judgments of the mainstream. To her, civilian life seemed agonizingly dull, both predictable and aimless; a continuous, stretchless yawn.  For five years she waited for a beginning or an end. 
    Reminds me of her:

    "Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex."
    -- Valerie Solanas, SCUM Manifesto

    I prefer 'corrupting' the male sex myself. Destroying is a bit much.

    You've heard of shower thoughts now get ready for... Garden thoughts:

    It was Mussolini who offered the chance for reinvention. In October 1922, he was invited to form a government by King Victor Emmanuel III, effectively ending Italy's experiment with democracy. Seven months later Lintorn-Orman formed her own fascist movement, inspired not just by Il Duce's audacity but an unusual epiphany. As she always told it, she was digging her garden in the spring of 1923 when the realization hit her that Britain was being ruined by foreigners and communists who could only be stopped by the decisive actions of brave patriots prepared to descry the shibboleths of liberal democracy. On the spot, she began the British Fascisti, an ultraconservative paramilitary organization that saw itself as a sort of middle-England minutemen.
    It's a hell of a thing to just think about while you're doing some gardening (I feel like she failed the assignment.)

    This is less cool than both Poison Ivy, and the androgynous humanoid plant elves I had many sexual fantasies/wrote about as a teenager who were loosely based on Poison Ivy.

    I bet that's why I'm so well adjusted now.

    I like cacti now - not sexually. Ouch.

    The British Fascisti afforded Lintorn-Orman some control over a world in which she felt a powerless misfit, punished by the fact of her sex and her unconventionality. Indeed, she was one of a number of British women who came to this early incarnation of fascism in part because of a sense of self that could be neither expunged nor accepted by polite society. .
    Astrology could have saved her. (not really hence this entire post. But she is kind of boring occult wise.)

    Valerie Arkell-Smith, born in the same year as Lintorn-Orman, also served in the war, signing up for the Voluntary Aid Detachment in 1914. In 1926, she joined the National Fascisti, a splinter group of Lintorn-Orman's organization, but did so as a man. Arkell-Smith, as she was, had been a mother of two young children until 1923, the year she left the man she was living with and married Elfrida Haward under the new identity of Colonel Victor Barker. In its invective against complacent elites, and its veneration of the unthinkable and the unspeakable, this radical new creed--yet to accrete the horrors of the thirties and forties--offered the hope of refuge to at least some of those on the fringes
    You mean he was a trans guy right?

    Victor Barker, born Lillias Irma Valerie Barker (27 August 1895 - 18 February 1960) and called Valerie Arkell-Smith after marriage and who also went by the pseudonyms John Hill and Geoffrey Norton, was a transgender man who is notable for having married a woman. He was an officer of the National Fascisti, as well as a bankrupt and a convicted criminal.
    In Female Masculinity (1998), Jack Halberstam writes that Barker represented "the beginning of the emergence of a transsexual identity."[14]
    Not really.

    The fascism-lite approach meant that within a couple of years of its founding, the British Fascists began to be outflanked by other fascist organizations, especially the one run by Arthur Leese, an ideological anti-Semite who lambasted just about every other British extremist for not being adequately exercised about the international Jewish conspiracy. [...] Trenchantly xenophobic though she may have been, Lintorn-Orman could never out-fascist a thoroughbred crackpot like Leese, who explicitly advocated [..]
    Leese had been an early member of the BF, but quickly became disillusioned with its tepidness; "conservatism with knobs on," to use his words. He was also one of its many members who criticized Lintorn-Orman for being chaotic, vacillating, and divisive. From the testimony of other members, it does seem that she had a rare ability to rub people the wrong way, and was the sort of impassioned politico who could start a stand-up row alone in the confession booth. But the same could easily be said of Leese, and in a man they may well have been qualities he admired. What probably underpinned his dislike of Lintorn-Orman was her commitment to protecting female participation in the leadership of the organization she created and bankrolled. The BF had female-only paramilitary units, and to encourage the involvement of mothers it created the Fascist Children's Club. At one of the club's Christmas parties, Lintorn-Orman dressed up as Father Christmas, dispensed presents, and bounced toddlers on her knee. The BF also had several women on its executive committee who ensured their voices were heard. Around the time of the General Strike in 1926, a proposal was tabled to integrate the BF with another far-right group in order to combine resources and to more effectively act against the trade unions. But Lintorn-Orman and the other women at the top of the BF voted it down. They were determined not to lose the BF's independence and with it a place of prominence for women in the nation?s burgeoning fascist movement.
    I see these same kind of gender arguments from the far right on social media.

    None of which is to say that she should be raised up as a feminist pathbreaker. As the historian Julie Gottlieb has argued, her cause was to earn women the right to serve the state, rather than to secure full civil and voting rights. It may be that Lintorn-Orman, a woman frequently referred to as a "fascist feminist," falls short of either designation, although several other women of her generation could lay claim to both. Mary Richardson, a suffragette best remembered for defacing Velasquez's Rokeby Venus during a "Votes for Women" protest in 1914, became one of Mosley's Blackshirts in the thirties, as did her friend, the Hitlerian fanatic Mary Allen, who traveled Europe investigating the workings of fascist regimes.
    Of course you did.

    It's important to note she didn't just deface it she stabbed it several times.

    If a writer came up with that I would think it was a great example of symbolism or something.

    Oh this happened at the Victoria and Albert museum. Edit: Oh no the national gallery I think the other museum was worried about attacks too though so some link I was reading mentioned that. I actually went there again recently. In the theatre and peformance section they had a bunch of PJ Harvey stuff (among other stuff) like notes from one of her albums and a dress she wore for the cover art of White Chalk. Oh one of them there are a few.

    and (I've said this before) there's a cactus on the piano (also this is another one of those dresses):

    (I know that's not her piano lol but yeah.)

    Twenty years earlier, Allen and her lesbian partner had overseen Britain's first division of female police officers, and before that had been active members of Emmeline Pankhurst's Women's Social and Political Union. "I was first attracted to the Blackshirts," she explained, "because I saw in them the courage, the action, the loyalty, the gift of service, the ability to serve which I had known in the suffragette movement." She also admired the fascists' use of political violence, something the suffragettes had employed to protect themselves against assaults from men. Seeing that "the Blackshirts were attacked for no visible cause or reason," Allen wrote of her decision to join the party, "I admired them the more when they hit back, and hit hard."
    But fascists generally love war. After all:

    War is to man what maternity is to a woman. - Mussolini

    I'm non-binary.

    Found some other site talking about her and a few others:

    Mary Sophia Allen--easily my least favorite of these lesbian fascists--was another militant suffragette whose feminist politics, beyond the vote, were entirely limited to extinguishing prostitution and so-called "white slavery" (work that is a direct antecedent of the contemporary anti-trafficking movement). Following enthusiastic participation in WWI, Allen returned home and began LARPing as a police officer, wearing a Metropolitan Police uniform and engaging in aggressive unpaid surveillance of communists. During the 1930s she met Mussolini and Hitler (with whom she discussed the issue of "women police"), and in 1939 joined Oswald Moseley's British Union of Fascists. Known as Robert to friends, Allen's life is documented in a three-volume autobiography, The Pioneering Policewoman, A Woman at the Crossroads, and Lady in Blue.
    Was she the one who stabbed the painting? Oh no I see that was her friend.

    LARPing as a police officer xD

    "I have tried to destroy the picture of the most beautiful woman in mythological history as a protest against the Government for destroying Mrs. Pankhurst, who is the most beautiful character in modern history. Justice is an element of beauty as much as colour and outline on canvas [?]"
    I won't pretend there haven't been times in my life when I, too, might have been tempted to commit aesthetic terrorism on behalf of a woman I considered to be "the most beautiful character in modern history." But that's only part of the story: Richardson later explained, in radio interviews decades after the event, that she couldn't stand that men "gawped" at the painting and that she "thought it sensuous."
    No shit.

    But to me, Richardson's attack evokes a quite different political tradition. Examining the damage, it's hard not to notice that every single one of her blows landed directly on Venus' body:
    Looking at this image, I think about the argument, commonly made by SWERFs, that sex work, porn, and even the visual presence of nude women in general is a kind of symbolic violence against civilian women--indeed, that it is the primary form of violence sex work engenders.
    In a book that features the word "lesbian" only once (in a footnote), it is hard not to read the extremely vague phrase "her preference for women in uniform"--which could refer to transmasculine inclinations, lesbian eroticism, or a general fervor for patriotic conformity--as deliberate obscuration. Nonetheless, the image conjured is as clear and painful as it needs to be: a person whose existence was so restricted and whose choices were so misguided that one of the few places they felt able to express their gender identity was a Fascist Children's Club Christmas party.
    Despite an insightful and still-expanding body of thought on the question, I still think we haven't fully resolved why UK feminism is so transphobic and (at times) so fascistic. Personally I suspect that the answer partly lies in a distinctly British aversion to pleasure, freedom, and self-actualization. The commitment to misery, to being a "bloody difficult woman," is one of the main affective drives of the stubborn British insistence on an anti-trans and anti-sex work position even as the rest of the world moves on. At the same time, the historical roots of fascistic feminism are still, it seems, underexplored. As much as the "gender critical" movement is primarily driven by straight women, the involvement of lesbians is a sad reality, and TERF ideology is significantly grounded in a misguided saviour complex regarding butch/lesbian identities. Recuperating lesbian fascism might seem like a weird impulse, but it's a history that, in all its bitterness, might help us better understand this sinister landscape we're in.
    'The rest of the world' seems like an overstatement. Maybe the rest of the West (outside of the more conservative US states.)

    *I just want to add quickly that in talking about "lesbian fascism," I don't want to definitively claim these figures were lesbian rather than trans. Part of what I'm trying to show is that the nonconsensual imposition of the category of womanhood--which seems to have been unwanted in at least some of these figures' lives--appears to have been one of the driving forces behind their turn toward fascist ideology. Although they may have called themselves women (it's striking that the words "woman" or "lady" appear in the title of every single volume of Allen?s autobiography), there is no doubt that Lintorn-Orman and Allen also occupy a complex position within trans history.
    I don't think what they wrote really has enough evidence to suggest that's what they were tying to show or that they did. At most they just revealed a bunch of them were ambiguously [BEEP] (which is obvious from everything else written about these figures.) It's certainly possible because tons of fascists are repressing something. Even then though, there was a trans guy in their party anyway.

    It's notable that Gluck who was Jewish, and like Lintorn-Orman also from a wealthy family, and lived in the UK during a similar period of time (they were born in the same year,) managed to find other stuff to do:

    Gluck (born Hannah Gluckstein; 13 August 1895 -- 10 January 1978) was a British painter, who rejected any forename or honorific (such as "Miss" or "Mr"), also using the names Peter and Hig. Gluck joined the Lamorna artists' colony near Penzance, and was noted for portraits and floral paintings, as well as a new design of picture-frame. Gluck's relationships with a number of women included one with Nesta Obermer: the artist's joint self-portrait with Obermer (Medallion) is viewed as an iconic lesbian statement.
    In the artistic community of Lamorna, Gluck began to adopt a masculine appearance and to defy fashion and gender norms.[1] In 1916, Alfred Munnings painted Gluck smoking a pipe.[1] Gluck insisted on being known only by that mononym, "no prefix, suffix, or quotes",[6] and when an art society of which Gluck was vice president identified Gluck as "Miss Gluck" on its letterhead, Gluck resigned. In 1923 Romaine Brooks painted Gluck as Peter, a Young English Girl.[1] Gluck identified with no artistic school or movement and showed work only in solo exhibitions.
    In the 1950s, Gluck became dissatisfied with the paints available for artists and began a "paint war" to improve their quality. Gluck felt that some paints were grainy in consistency, or looked 'dead' on the canvas. Gluck also said that some paints changed their apparent colour according to the direction of the brushstroke, and that some took too long to dry.

    Ultimately, Gluck persuaded the British Standards Institution to create a new standard for oil paints. However, the campaign consumed Gluck's time and energy to the exclusion of painting for more than a decade. During this time, Gluck and Edith acquired their second home at Dolphin Cottage, in Lamorna.[12]
    "You have two wolves inside of you." Etc.

    The story of the Two Wolves is a memetic legend of unknown origin, commonly attributed to Cherokee or other indigenous American peoples in popular retelling. The legend is usually framed as a grandfather or elder passing wisdom to a young listener; the elder describes a battle between two wolves within one?s self, using the battle as a metaphor for inner conflict. When the listener asks which wolf wins, the grandfather answers "whichever one you feed".

    While many variations of the story exist (replacing wolves with dogs, changing the nature of the conflict, etc.) the usual conflict uses imagery of white versus black and good versus evil. As its origins cannot be credibly traced to authentic indigenous sources, the "Two Wolves" story is considered an example of fakelore.
    You've heard of fakenews now get ready for fakelore. It's still true though.

    "Other Ron" is one of my favourite characters on the show lol and it's made even better by how he just kind of exists and that pisses off Ron. He should have had more scenes.

    You can tell the actor is amused during the part where he brings up astrological signs too lol.

    This is also why I shitpost that Jesus and Satan are the same character.

    I watched this film or parts of it I think as a child and this is 100% the only thing I remember and it's stuck in my head ever since:

    I don't even remember what it's about:

    Kelly's Heroes is a 1970 World War II comedy drama heist film, directed by Brian G. Hutton, about a motley crew of American GIs who go AWOL in order to rob a French bank, located behind German lines, of its stored Nazi gold bars.

    The film stars Clint Eastwood and Telly Savalas, and co-stars Don Rickles, Carroll O'Connor, and Donald Sutherland providing the comic absurdity, with secondary, comedic roles by Harry Dean Stanton, Gavin MacLeod, Karl-Otto Alberty, and Stuart Margolin. The screenplay was written by British film and television writer Troy Kennedy Martin. The film was a US-Yugoslav co-production, filmed mainly in the Croatian village of Vi?inada on the Istria peninsula.
    OK. Makes sense.

    I'm also talking about fascism a lot here because it's the most common example. Also many buddhists are conservative etc as well in the first place though he said his dad was progressive.

    Though it sounds like that guy's dad's story is more boring than that and more because he became unemployed.

    All unemployed people suffer from anomie of some kind (same with most self employed people at least if they work online,) and also external judgement but when you suddenly lose your job you don't have any antibodies at all because you were previously following the rules/mainstream ideology/life plan etc and you were never forced to gradually build an identity seperate to that. The timing of it being during covid which was a particularly insane moment on social media would have made it worse. Obviously personality factors in too.

    It's funny because I started a YouTube channel during covid (nothing to do with politics,) which was one of the few positive developments I'd had since I left uni.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

Made with <3
Anxiety Space is not a replacement for a fully qualified doctor.