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  1. #5986
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    ^ speaking of dark triad traits. I watched this earlier and it's interesting:

    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  2. #5987
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    If a women has short hair (few inches above shoulders or shorter) or a guy has long hair (shoulder length or longer but well taken care of) is it a deal breaker for you? How much of your decision on if you would date someone or not comes from their hair? I know it will be different for everyone, but I would like to see some opinions.
    I was actually looking for a support group for people who are almost exclusively into long hair on men...

    Sometimes guys start dating hot women and cut their hair and I'm like you were supposed to be the chosen one (hot women,) why would you do this to us peasants? Biphobia tbh. No lol.

    I say sometimes I've seen that happen once lol and prob a coincidence.


    (The haircut had nothing to do with him lol. He just had great crying emoji hair.)

    Also I have period cramps right now and more Human (soft) emotions which is weird (happens sometimes when I'm on my period.)

    Definitely seems like you're one of the few that like that length of hair on a guy haha. I have long hair myself, and I definitely seem to get less attention than when I had shorter hair
    Oh my god this guy bakes cookies too. Wait they look like brownies or something (I thought cookies were biscuits in the US,) they're rainbow coloured. That's so cute though.

    Lol wtf this guy looks like the protagonist of a CW TV show or something (someone suggested Tom Welling) I don't think he has to worry about hair much.

    The rules of this subreddit are both funny and weird....

    No Sexualizing.

    Sexualizing is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban.
    No extreme simping

    This subreddit is for advice, extreme simping is prohibited.
    Edit: I'm technically sexualising from a distance. Na na na.

    This is the weird part:

    No posting if you're an under 18 female.

    This is not meant to be a sexist rule. This rule is in place due to the nature of the internet. This rule applies only for females that are under 18.
    Why only females who are under 18?

    Anyway I think that guy is insecure about his appearence. Lots of posts looking for reassurence. which is kind of insane because he looks like some famous actor.

    I guess I can't say I'm attracted to him physically though (he has cute interests) but he looks conventionally attractive. I just like guys with a less Hollywood vibe basically. He's also out of my league anyway haha. So doesn't matter what I think.

    I think he's insecure partly because he's in his 20s and using online dating sites.

    He had a post concerned about his plant too. It's so cute when people look after plants.

    Let your beard grow for a few days and cut your hair. You have a good jawline and potential hunter eyes
    This is terrible.

    OK I'm going to stop looking now lol.

    I was curious. It's so cute when guys bake though.

    OK all the stuff that comes up when searching is just guys who are asking about their hair or hair length. Someone also said all the guys in his school with girlfriends had long hair which probably isn't true or an exaggeration.

    I don't think I'm going to find the support group =P
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  3. #5988
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    We should talk about how a career is more important to men than women & maybe have a long hard think about what kind of retarded society we are creating by elevating mountains of female mediocrities to leadership roles & locking white men out of them. Is society better for it?
    Depends-- better for whom?

    CIA's been working on this Psyop since it sponsored Gloria Steinem back when Simpbone de Beauvoir was slinging catamites for Foucault.

    You're the closest thing these fatherless boys have for a mother, [...]
    I'm nobodies mother. FK is wonderful and reliable, but mfers need to stop looking for mom and dad in politics and start being the adults in the room.
    Women who hang out on far right twitter don't exactly view themselves as women in most contexts, and don't want people to view them as mother figures.

    She's also doing intrasexual competition here. Not trying to help you.


    Edit: Thinking about this again LOL (this isn't who I'm quoting, and a slightly different bubble but same personality/agenda more or less):

    A woman willing to be ostracised from other women & unable to get along with them, is likely to be a bad mom because her children will suffer from her refusal to be part of the group or at least fly under the radar. Being disagreeable is abnormal & often pathological for a woman.
    She's talking to herself, which is funny because I'm pretty sure she knows she's doing it but her male followers don't.

    I feel like a secret agent who has infilitrated the group. (That's part of why I do this obnoxious stuff yeah. It's 50% that and 50% addiction to anger obviously.)

    I just don't think any woman who doesn't fit in with other women is a bad mother. In fact she is probably a better one than most
    Nobody said "not fitting in makes you a bad mother", disagreeable to the point of ostracisarion from other women + a total inability to get along with them is what I said. I don't like most women but when I have kids I'll go along to get along, rather than pick arguments. Simple.
    Doubtful. She described herself as a millenial too.

    (The part where she magically starts getting along with people also seems doubtful.)

    Most women I know have very few female friends. You don't have to be very disagreeable to not get along with other women.
    With no respect whatsoever your entire model of women comes from WEIRD culture which impacts group dynamics (there are pros and cons to this culture though obviously. I go back and forth but I tend to think ultimately since I would never want to live in one of the other cultures there are more pros for me.)

    Book argues these cultures make people more analytical, individualistic, impersonal
    HENRICH: If you measure people?s psychology using the tools that psychologists and economists do, you?ll find substantial variation around the world. Societies that are Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic often anchor the extremes of these global distributions. Among the most prominent features that make people WEIRD is prioritizing impersonal pro-sociality over interpersonal relationships. Impersonal psychology includes inclinations to trust strangers or cooperating with anonymous others. Another big one is having high levels of individualism, meaning a focus on the self and one?s attributes. This is often accompanied by tendencies toward self-enhancement and overconfidence. WEIRD people also rely heavily on analytic thinking over more holistic approaches to problems. I?ll give you an example: Analytic thinking places people or objects into distinct categories and assigns them properties to account for their behavior. Here people get assigned preferences or personality. Particles and planets get assigned charge and gravity. On the other hand, holistic thinkers focus on relationships, context, and interaction. For example, if person A is yelling at person B, an analytical thinker might infer that person A is an angry person while a holistic thinker worries about the relationship between persons A and B. This patterning extends to mental states. WEIRD people tend to focus on people?s intentions, beliefs, and desires in judging them morally instead of emphasizing their actions. In many non-WEIRD societies, for example, the penalties for premeditated murders and accidental killings were the same while in many WEIRD societies they came to depend on the killer?s mental states, on his intentions and beliefs.
    Outside WEIRD cultures women form groups of close female friends to co-parent and being ostracised from an ingroup of women is actually bad and then perhaps you won't have kids in the first place (in WEIRD cultures too,) due to instinct. Outside the West in some countries this alternative model of female groups (some related some not,) that co-parent and help each other more still exists.

    It's sort of like how many men rely solely on their wives/girlfriends for companionship now and don't see the point of friendship and view relationships as transactional and to boost status. So they get lonely when they can't find a female partner. (Allegedly. I think men generally form more superficial relationships anyway for specific purposes, but I'm told this is a crisis, but I'm not sure it's as big a crisis as say the lack of decent hairstyles and aesthetics for men citation: me + Grimes twitter page. Nevertheless there aren't many 'purposes' anymore because a lot of stuff is automated.)

    You think it's okay to treat children like a commodity produced to order, taken from their mothers at birth, and raised without a mother by their father and an unrelated man with whom he is sexually involved.

    I think this is evil.
    You know in a state of nature that child would have died because the mother abandoned it. If the child was a penguin, penguin males might adopt it though:

    Gay male penguins steal lesbian couple's eggs at Dutch Zoo

    The gay male African penguins, who made headlines last year when they stole an egg from a heterosexual couple, have now stolen a lesbian duo's nest.

    Zookeeper Sander Drost told Dutch News that the gay couple is taking turns sitting on the eggs to keep them warm. But, Drost said, the eggs are likely unfertilized and will not hatch because they were laid by a lesbian penguin couple.


    Another gay penguin couple at a Denmark zoo kidnapped a chick two years ago while its mother was swimming. The chick was later returned to its biological parents after the heterosexual penguins came looking for their chick.
    I don't know if this is the same heterosexual penguin couple or not (from another article,) I guess not:

    "Homosexuality is fairly common in penguins, but what makes this couple remarkable is that they have gotten hold of an egg," said their zookeeper, Marc Belt, at the time. The egg's original parents, he added, did not appear to be upset by the theft of their unborn baby and had already produced a replacement.
    Are penguin males evil? It seems more instinctual really.

    In Odense Zoo in Denmark, a pair of male king penguins adopted an egg that had been abandoned by a female, proceeding to incubate it and raise the chick.[57][58] Zoos in Japan and Germany have also documented homosexual male penguin couples.[59][60] The couples have been shown to build nests together and use a stone as a substitute for an egg. Researchers at Rikkyo University in Tokyo found 20 homosexual pairs at 16 major aquariums and zoos in Japan.
    The Bremerhaven Zoo in Germany attempted to encourage reproduction of endangered Humboldt penguins by importing females from Sweden and separating three male pairs, but this was unsuccessful. The zoo's director said that the relationships were "too strong" between the homosexual pairs.[61] German gay groups protested at this attempt to break up the male-male pairs[62] but the zoo's director was reported as saying "We don't know whether the three male pairs are really homosexual or whether they have just bonded because of a shortage of females ... nobody here wants to forcibly separate homosexual couples."[63]
    This is really illustrating just how obsessed many Humans are with encouraging reproduction in other people (or species.)

    There are some samesex female penguins who do this too:

    Same-sex penguin couple Electra and Viola adopted, incubated and raised an egg from another couple at one of Europe's largest aquariums. A female penguin couple have become parents to a newly hatched chick at one of Europe's largest aquariums.
    Apparently it happens in the wild sometimes too:

    Penguins have been observed to engage in homosexual behaviour since at least as early as 1911. George Murray Levick, who documented this behaviour in Ad?lie penguins at Cape Adare, described it as "depraved". The report was considered too shocking for public release at the time, and was suppressed. The only copies that were made available privately to researchers had the English text partly written in Greek letters, to prevent this knowledge becoming more widely known. The report was unearthed only a century later, and published in Polar Record in June 2012.[53][54]
    Gay Human males recruit female volunteers or adopt unwanted children though. Otherwise they go to prison.

    Also it's important that some gay men reproduce genetically I think. Only a minority choose to do that anyway. I don't think they should be forced to do this in a relationship with a woman if they're completely homosexual, especially since it's not necessary because of modern medicine.

    It's not like situational bisexuality isn't self resolving:

    A pair of male Magellanic penguins at the San Francisco Zoo shared a burrow for six years and raised a surrogate chick; the pair split when the male of a pair in the next burrow died and the female sought a new mate.[64]
    I promise it's not your responsibility to do this.

    Widow a wedge between zoo's male penguin pair
    "People think we separated them on purpose," Edell said. "There's no explaining love."
    This is biphobic. I feel bad for Pepper though.

    Pepper ventured in their burrow a few times in the three weeks after the breakup, prompting a temporary monthlong trip to the Avian Conservation Center on zoo grounds to chill out. A few other bachelor penguins, which were also looking for love and causing trouble, were sent to the center to calm down. No sparks flew between Pepper and the exiled bachelors, but the vacation seemed to help get Harry out of his system.
    Pepper is now back on the island, living next door to his ex and Linda. Everyone appears to be getting along. No one is throwing things, spreading gossip or threatening lawsuits, Edell said.

    "We're all curious to see who Pepper turns his attention to next," Edell said. "We have more males than females on the island, so there's that possibility - and we also have some younger females who need to mature before he will find them interesting. We just don't know which way he's going to go."
    This is from 2009 why can't I find an update!? I need to know what happened to Pepper.

    Linda is a terrible name for a penguin btw. Harry isn't great either. Pepper works much better imo.

    SAN FRANCISCO -- The blogosphere has been buzzing for days over the perky widow who stole the handsome gay guy from his longtime partner.

    She's been called a "home wrecker" and the sobriquet that rhymes with witch, and lambasted as a wretch "who only lives for her own happiness, no matter who gets hurt."

    Cherchez la femme notwithstanding, the saga of Linda and Harry and poor, cuckolded Pepper has ignited a fierce debate about whether homosexuality is a choice. Even People magazine has called for details.

    So it goes on Penguin Island at the San Francisco Zoo, where the news recently broke that Harry ditched Pepper, his male burrowmate of six years, leaving zookeepers scrambling to explain what one described as "the big philosophical issues."

    The love triangle has spurred a "nature-versus-nurture debate about whether animals or people are hard-wired to be heterosexual or homosexual," said Harrison Edell, curator of birds. "There are people who are trying to draw conclusions from our birds, and I'm not really sure whether that can be done."

    One recent zoo guest posed the other big question about the avian antics: "Is this something that only happens in San Francisco?"

    The answer to that one, thank goodness, is a lot simpler: No. At New York City's Central Park Zoo a few years back, Silo left Roy for Scrappy, a California girl who joined them via Sea World.
    The blog floated another possibility: "Maybe," the writer posited, "Harry is actually bi?"
    No, that's impossible. Everyone knows all bisexual women are straight, and all bisexual men are gay.

    In a research comparison, published in the Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, women usually have a better hearing sensitivity than males, assumed by researchers as a genetic disposition connected to child bearing. Homosexual and bisexual women have been found to have a hypersensitivity to sound in comparison to heterosexual women, suggesting a genetic disposition to not tolerate high pitched tones. While heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual men have been found to exhibit similar patterns of hearing, there was a notable differential in a sub-group of males identified as hyperfeminized homosexual males who exhibited test results similar to heterosexual women.[67]
    Van Wyk and Geist summarized several studies comparing bisexuals with hetero- or homosexuals that have indicated that bisexuals have higher rates of sexual activity, fantasy, or erotic interest. These studies found that male and female bisexuals had more heterosexual fantasy than heterosexuals or homosexuals; that bisexual men had more sexual activities with women than did heterosexual men, and that they masturbated more but had fewer happy marriages than heterosexuals; that bisexual women had more orgasms per week and they described them as stronger than those of hetero- or homosexual women; and that bisexual women became heterosexually active earlier, masturbated and enjoyed masturbation more, and were more experienced in different types of heterosexual contact.[48]

    Research suggests that, for most women, high sex drive is associated with increased sexual attraction to both women and men. For men, however, high sex drive is associated with increased attraction to one sex or the other, but not to both, depending on sexual orientation.[69] Similarly for most bisexual women, high sex drive is associated with increased sexual attraction to both women and men; while for bisexual men, high sex drive is associated with increased attraction to one sex, and weakened attraction to the other.[62]
    "There are now several replications showing that mostly heterosexual women are higher in trait psychopathy than other sexual orientation groups," Semenyna noted. "Psychopathy in this context just means being less concerned with other people's feelings, social expectations, and having lower impulse control. Mostly heterosexual women score more like heterosexual men on this trait, but it's not clear why. It could just be that these women are less concerned about what others think of them, and less constrained by social mores that would view same-sex attraction or behavior negatively."
    interestingly, exclusively homosexual females did not exhibit the same increases in sociosexuality and sexual excitation, indicating that mostly heterosexual and bisexual females form distinct groups.

    Among males, the findings were somewhat different. Mostly heterosexual males showed higher levels of sexual excitation compared to exclusively heterosexual males. However, there were no significant differences in sociosexuality or Dark Triad traits between homosexual and heterosexual males.

    Homosexual males did exhibit higher levels of sexual inhibition, aligning more closely with female-typical patterns. This indicates that while mostly heterosexual and bisexual males may be more sexually excitable, exclusively homosexual males show increased caution and inhibition in sexual contexts.
    Richard A. Lippa proposed that there exist two dimensions of sexual orientation: a gender typicality dimension, and a monosexuality dimension. With the gender typicality dimension being associated with the heterosexual-homosexual distinction, while the sociosexuality dimension has many behavioral effects. He proposes someone who would be at any point in the heterosexual-homosexual spectrum will become bisexual if they are high on the sociosexuality dimension. This dimension being associated with higher sociosexuality, higher neuroticism, lower agreeableness, lower honesty-humility, higher openness to experience, and a minor degree of gender nonconformity.[70] He proposes this as explaining phenomena such as increased juvenile delinquency among bisexuals,[71] increased mental health issues and substance use disorder among bisexuals,[72] and increased dark triad traits among bisexual women.[73] Critics of this theory have described elements observed as coming from experiences of biphobia,[70] but Lippa counters that these phenomena are present even among heterosexual identifying people with some same sex attraction, who would likely be heterosexual passing.[70][74]
    "Everyone is exactly the same. The only difference is sex."

    In their six years together, Pepper and Harry were foster fathers to a couple of abandoned eggs and hatched a chick named Norris.

    They lived near Linda and her partner Fig, a kind of Penguin Island older statesman who controlled "not one but two burrows," said Edell, the bird curator. Fig died in January, and Linda kept them both.

    "For penguins, real estate means a lot," Edell noted, so "as far as penguins go, she was a pretty attractive prospect."
    Some have argued that Harry and Pepper hooked up because of supply and demand. And the truth is that there aren't enough females on the island -- 21 for the 29 males.

    But if that were the only factor, Edell said, there would have been four same-sex pairings instead of just Harry and Pepper. Today, there are none.

    "We'll be really interested in the next year or two to see if Pepper pairs up again, and with whom," Edell said. "Give me a call in March."
    I don't think anyone did.

    "males are more concerned with abstract rules than females are...boys have developed complex group games...and carry on debates about rules at an abstract level. In contrast, girls play less complex games, and if there is a dispute, the game ends abruptly and without resolution."
    So you're suggesting that a majority of the women in this study haven't been socialised since not being able to play/negotiate with others is usually treated as a pathological trait, not a female trait. Interesting.

    The study is about boys and girls - I don't think you can infer the same is true for adults (considering just the study itself).

    the groups need each other but i believe women need men more
    'the groups' that's great. That's what I'm going to start calling genders. 'The groups.'

    And that's why one can't have a democracy with women voting.
    His conclusion is correct, but he's missing that the girls are playing a 2nd less visible game of social status/hierarchy, which is the actual ruleset. It's why "fairness" is such a successful attack vector, men don't even know the 2nd game is being played.
    Men know. It just offends their more logical and moral sensibilities that women don't have
    Honestly they (general) don't know - the point is they can't even see most of it because they're not able to recognise as it's happening. Or you'd have rules lawyered it into submission by now.
    You're a mook. They're talking about female vs female games ending without resolution because females are retarded
    Add this to the infinite pile of evidence that women shouldn't be in charge of anything important.
    Weird way of saying men are smarter than women.
    Look we get it. You all hate women but have often somehow managed to (citation needed 50% of the time,) reproduce regardless. I guess as Hasan suggested some women are stupid (because imagine reproducing with someone who hates you, seeing as this is more common these days it explains the falling birthrate.) Or you're a woman yourself in which case N/A but you definitely haven't reproduced most of the time (because women who hate women don't most of the time, not even with the ones who hate women. I thought that might be because men are suspicious of them and that's part of it like with the male feminists but I think it's also because instinctively they know they don't have support from other women + related to the finding that women find men who practice benevolent sexism more attractive. Women don't want to reproduce with hostile sexist men, even if they say they hate women themselves.)

    Hostile sexism reflects overtly negative or misogynistic attitudes toward girls or women. More specifically, hostile sexism is manifested through dominative paternalism (men deserve greater power than women), competitive gender differentiation (only men are suitable for powerful positions), and heterosexual hostility (men maintain power through controlling women?s sexuality). The ambivalent sexism model focuses on hostile sexism primarily directed toward heterosexual women. However, hostile sexism is also aimed at other groups that challenge the status quo and legitimacy of male dominance in society (e.g., LGBQ and TGNB persons).
    Operating in conjunction with hostile sexism, benevolent sexism is a set of patronizing attitudes that are seemingly positive yet reinforce women's subordinate status. Components of benevolent sexism include protective paternalism (chivalrous expectations that men provide safety for women), complementary gender differentiation (women and men have complementary traits and roles, yet those associated with women are generally lower in status and power [e.g., nurturing caregivers] than those associated with men [e.g., assertive leaders]), and heterosexual intimacy (women complete men in heterosexual relationships).
    Also half the responses to this are along the lines of "this is why women don't like Magic The Gathering/Dungeons and Dragons" lol.

    I like Magic The Gathering but still don't have an interest in playing games that don't interest me. Why do you think I'm non-binary? I thought your genders were dumb.

    And video games:

    Maybe this is why they seem to hate video games. Too many rules yiu can't just break.
    Actually women make up a large percentage of video game players at this point (sort of like how they often watch films,) they just tend to play different games. They also come up with additional rules and challenges for games like The Sims. Also, there are cheat codes.

    "But the women who do these things are atypical."

    Oh yeah no maybe. But I'm not sure that women who don't play The Sims, or other video games, or read fanfiction, or are sapphic and/or trans, or are far right weirdos, exist anymore because they're not in my YouTube algorithm or on social media sites I use. Besides my mum. She doesn't read fanfiction afaik and doesn't like any video games. Not that into games in general.

    Everyone else agrees with this too that's why they think that every teenage afab person is tumblr. It's because:

    You're bored.

    This is en expression of man's nature as Sky. Games and abstract concepts belong to Sky, while rules as social baton to enforce conformity and obedience is Earth. Women care deeply about rules when they enforce the status quo, but not in the context of games or abstractions.
    That was painful to read.

    This was even more painful to read:

    Girls only understand Nature, Nature is the only king to females, and Nature has no rules. Might is Right in Nature, which is why women should never be allowed to rule. The Matriarchy is the jungle, the wild.
    isn't "might is right" a rule
    and aren't men more physically strong than women and thus, in a state of nature, would be the absolute lords of women
    Dumbfuck there are no rules. Nothing is a rule, did you not just read what I wrote, Nature has no rules, except the Laws of Nature, which are things like maybe gravity. So NO, "might is right" is not a rule because there is no such thing as "right" in Nature.
    It's "Physically stronger" not "more physically strong" you dumbass. Men are generally physically stronger than women, i dont understand your question. "Lords of" is an idea it's not a real thing. Stop watching anime and enter the real world you manchild scumbag.
    women are not even good at obeying the natural laws; this is why they very rarely become engineers and mathematicians
    still matriarchy is only possible under a system in which men are unable to bludgeon women to death for being annoying, i.e. not Hobbesian state of nature
    [popular far right woman account] Can you help me deal with this why do his comments and stupidity/arrogance/ignorance trigger me so badly? - - NATURAL LAWS CANT BE DISOBEYED U DUMBFUCK. U CANT DISOBEY GRAVITY..... . my fucking god. READ WHAT I WROTE. WOMEN HAVE ONE RULER: MIGHT. Abound competition
    "Maybe Gravity shall be the whole of the Law"

    --Alice Crowley

    Maybe not though:

    That would make a great t-shirt though.

    Do you know a female philosopher or mathematician? Abstract thinking seems to be almost exclusive to men. Women minds are too practical for that.
    If you think about it there's a lot of female philosophy now it just all gets called feminism even if it's in conflict with the other things called feminism for some reason and also men hate it.

    Except Camille Paglia. Men like her. But even she's a feminist lmfao.

    Why isn't Jordan Peterson a feminist if Camille Paglia is?

    How do we know Jordan Peterson isn't a stealth trans man?

    Lol they actually have some very different opinions on certain things like porn and sex work because Paglia isn't actually a conservative but it's just funny.

    And that's when I realised 'feminist' just meant: "assumed to have XX chromosomes as there's no way for us to know without access to medical records/testing" and "wrote something about gender once"

    Oh except [BEEP] theory. But conservatives tend to call that feminism too. It's also all communism somehow? Marx was so influential clearly that he absorbed everything conservatives dislike.

    Also 80% of philosophy is [BEEP] theory because the writers were mostly [BEEP] men. It's actually called "what happens when you don't reproduce and are probably socially isolated too."

    That's why incels have a philosophy even though they are heterosexual.

    I noticed the same. Logical arguments dlarw worthless when debating women.

    Only raw power convinces women. And they actually feel disgusted with a man who 'debates' and 'compromises' as they see it as a feminine trait, weakness. And therefore instinctually repulsive for them
    Yes that explains why Spock is so unpopular with women. (This only applies to the fanfiction subgroup again.)

    It is often worse when Human men do it though, that's true. See: Ben Shapiro.

    But tbf:

    I think I prefer being a "bisexual/mostly heterosexual psychopath" than whatever Ben is doing here lol.

    I didn't realise this was a whole genre:

    This song pissed a lot of people off.

    Finally someone of power says something.

    I've never liked that song because of the lyrics, even as a child, I knew that I wouldn't want to live in a world without Jesus.
    I've just been informed by man on twitter that that's a very feminine thing for you to say.

    "Only raw power convinces women."

    I've never really listened to The Beatles. I've heard some of their songs though obviously but I've never conciously sat down and thought 'I'm going to listen to their music now.' It's never been a decision I've made. I did like the song Imagine though (which I first heard as a teenager,) but I was pretty neutral on the lyrics I think.

    When I was a teenager I liked this song because it was edgy and angsty:

    Lots of pop punk music in my late childhood/early teens, until I diversified that gradually over time.

    I miss when men did this instead of tweeting:

    This is why all divorce court judges should be male, and all divorce litigation should be done through de-identified pleadings. Ensures adherence to the rules and eliminates the pro-female bias.
    *robots. Men are still too feminine and emotional don't you think?
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  4. #5989
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    Lol I thought this would be his take but it's true mixed race guys or light skinned black guys don't get as much screentime as darker guys. Probably for the same reason as the lack of Asian guys (in Hollywood I mean not in the world lol.) They're just kind of lazy and risk averse. ("Well we know black guys like this work from all the other films, and it counts as representation right?") It's the opposite with women though because in that case they fixate on physical appearence and beauty standards.

    It's worth noting too since he brought up Prince that his popularity was also because of his androgyny (that's also where his sex appeal came from which in turn boosted his popularity.) Same reason a lot of East Asian musicians are popular now. Or the appeal of elves with long blond hair to the same kind of groups.

    Starting in the 90s the focus of persona/aesthetic of musicians and to a lesser degree characters in film and TV in the US was hypermasculinity. He kind of made a video about that before though like the effect hip hop had on black masculinity.

    But yeah as someone who is mostly attracted to androgyny myself I'm also not attracted to black guys really. Like there haven't been any black guys I've had significant attraction to with the exception of one famous musician who is mixed race and I thought was the hottest guy for like a decade but he looks almost entirely white. I didn't notice until he said he was mixed race at that point I could kind of see those features in some photos or whatever but they're incredibly subtle. There are a lot of British people (not ethnically mixed either unless with Irish,) with dark eyes like he has too. Catherine Zeta Jones etc. So he doesn't look non-white at all really.

    I'm talking about this guy and he's dyed his hair a bunch of colours over the years but his natural hair colour is like reddish brown allegedly.

    I'm so glad someone gifed this because I was looking for this interview because of that quote actually not long ago (but also he looks hot in that video) and it seemed to have been removed lol.

    Content description: a man talking into a microphone with the words " and sometimes it 's about sex " written below him
    "A man"

    Yes who could it be lol. Just some rando.

    Maybe this is his natural colour dunno (I wouldn't say this is reddish brown but he said in an interview his natural hair colour was reddish so):

    He also has long hair most of the time and is physically androgynous looking but it's me so there was like a 90% chance lol.

    I've been into multiple guys with red hair somehow in my life which is unusual (irl. I mean actually red hair not like IAMX/Chris lol.) People tend to find red haired women not men attractive (I seem to have some general aesthetic interest there though like I was always giving characters in games and drawings red hair.) I also went through a phase of being really into East Asian guys. Tbf though I've also found some Native American guys more attractive and they're stereotyped as more masculine I think, because I have a thing about long hair.

    Part of this at least is because of the media association between hypermasculinity and black guys because I grew up in the 90s and 2000s (also just never knew a black guy irl I found attractive.) Obviously I was very exposed to US media though there were some very limited UK TV shows/films with black actors. Like in Red Dwarf I watched that a bit as a kid:

    You can see Cat is kind of flamboyant (also one of the first catboys,) but that's like one guy in a sea of 50 cents (I watched tons of music videos of course, and that influenced my preferences a lot more than anything else,) so it's hardly balanced. So these ideas are very connected in people's minds.

    I'm not even sure how you'd seperate the two as it's clearly easier to get people to find you attractive then to get people to think you're masculine. Those are two seperate things.

    Also he's struggling to think of any light skinned black guys in US TV shows - I'm not surprised he doesn't know of this example haha (he's also Latino though,) but there is also that one guy who grew up in the UK (again lol but think he was American he was born in the US,) from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina:

    Who I'm now just learning died last year wtf.

    Perdomo died in a motorcycle crash at the age of 27.[1][22] It is believed the accident occurred late on 29 March or early 30 March 2024 while Perdomo was travelling through Upstate New York enroute to Toronto to begin filming for the second season of Gen V.[23] Out of respect for Perdomo, his character of Andre Anderson would not be recast and the second season would be recrafted from the original idea.[24]
    Damn yeah. My aunt used to live with a guy who died in a motorbike crash. My dad crashed many times (injuring himself sometimes,) but never died. He stopped driving his by the time I was alive so it just sat in the garden and I'd sit on it haha.

    Motorcycle Accident Statistics 2021 | MKP Law Group, LLP
    In Great Britain, motorcyclists are involved in about 20% of all serious road accidents, despite making up less than 1% of traffic. Motorcyclists are also around 40 times more likely to be killed than car drivers.
    Yeah that tracks.

    I think he was the same age as Anton Yelchin when he died because his car crushed him. Sad:

    Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), the manufacturer of the Grand Cherokee, was aware of 2014 and 2015 models having a high rate of rollaway incidents due to a gearshift design that could make it difficult for the driver to determine whether the vehicle was in park or still in gear. FCA had already recalled all 2014-15 Grand Cherokees for this concern in April 2016, but the software patch to repair the vehicles did not reach dealers until the week of Yelchin's death. Following his death, FCA accelerated the recall campaign and took steps to get the affected Jeeps repaired more quickly than originally planned.[54]

    In August 2016, Yelchin's parents announced through their attorney that they were planning to file a wrongful death lawsuit against Fiat Chrysler.[55] The dealership from which Yelchin purchased the vehicle stated that he was responsible for his own death, because he had allegedly "misused" and "modified" the vehicle, and asked to be removed from the lawsuit.[56] In March 2018, it was announced that Yelchin's family and Fiat Chrysler had confidentially settled out of court.[57]
    While on this topic I'm not thrilled by the increasing popularity of SUVs in the UK:

    They have higher emissions, hog roadspace and are more dangerous for other road users. Yet SUVs are selling better than ever. As calls for curbs increase, some people are taking matters into their own hands
    It's midnight on the edge of Clapham Common in early September. The streets are eerily quiet as a shadowy figure in black shirt, shorts and baseball cap emerges from the common. He is wearing a red face mask, his features, except for some blond locks, hidden from view.

    A university-educated professional, "Will", as I'll call him, is making one of his monthly late night rounds of various well-heeled London neighbourhoods. He is looking for cars, specifically big, high-end sports utility vehicles (SUVs) - not to steal or vandalise but to bring down in the world just a little.

    While there is no strict definition of what constitutes an SUV, there is a general understanding about what sorts of cars are included in the description. They are bigger than standard cars, with a chunky, pumped-up look, as though a slightly smaller car had been placed on steroids. The larger ones can look like armoured vehicles (in the US, some SUVs are longer than the M4 Sherman tank which played a key role in the second world war).
    A leaderless group of activists, the Tyre Extinguishers first emerged in March 2022. They claim to have a presence in a number of countries but it's in the UK where they have gained most attention, following a protest event in August this year when activists operating under the group's banner used power tools to puncture the tyres of 60 SUV vehicles at a car dealership in Exeter.

    The attack was said to be in response to an incident in south-west London in which a Land Rover had crashed through a school fence and killed two eight-year-old girls. Will says that one of the reasons he became involved in the group was that a good friend of his was very badly injured after being hit by a large car.
    Cars are getting too big for British roads, new research shows

    New research from Transport & Environment (T&E) has found that cars in the UK are getting too big for British roads, exceeding the 180cm minimum for on-street parking. On average cars were found to be getting 1cm wider every two years.
    What about pedestrians and cyclists?

    Pedestrians are more likely to suffer fatal injuries in a collision with a large vehicle than a passenger car.

    The design of these vehicles, particularly their higher front-ends, significantly elevates the risk. A mere 10 centimetre increase in front-end height can elevate the risk of pedestrian death by 22%, with impacts more likely occurring at critical injury points like the chest or head.

    Studies have shown a correlation between the surge in larger vehicle sales, such as SUVs, and an increase in pedestrian fatalities in the United States between 2000 and 2019. Children are eight times more likely to die when struck by an SUV compared to lighter and smaller cars.
    Stopping the vehicle arms race

    With more and more drivers opting for larger vehicles under the guise of personal safety, they may inadvertently compromise the safety of pedestrians and other road users. For every fatal accident avoided by someone inside a large vehicle, there are at least 4.3 additional fatal accidents involving others.
    Imo most people buy them for the same reason they buy certain infamous breeds of dog. You don't need an off road vehicle in most of the UK. Unless for some reason you're planning on moving a bunch of stuff somewhere you don't really need a vehicle period honestly to live in a town or city here day to day. Vehicles are only really useful to live in (because you can't afford a house,) if you're moving a bunch of stuff often like I said, if you're disabled and a wheelchair won't work, or if you're planning on travelling from one side of the UK to the other regularly. Also walking around the countryside is better ambience wise. You can also walk to areas which are hard to get to by foot if you're ambitious. I've done this with my brother before though of course it's not ideal. Because of the cars....

    "Part of this is because SUV owners are more likely to be bad drivers. That's not just my opinion car companies paid millions of dollars for market research to find this out. People who gravitate towards SUVs tend to be less confident in their driving abilities and rely on the large size of the vehicle to keep them quote unquote safe at the expense of everyone else.
    What made this even worse is that in the early days most SUV buyers were assholes. I'm not being flippant and suggesting that all SUV drivers were assholes but assoles were literally the primary target market when automakers wanted to make SUVs mainstream.

    Auto industry research determined that the average light truck purchaser was:

    obsessed with status
    less likely to volunteer
    no strong connection to their community
    less giving
    less oriented towards others
    more afraid of crime
    more likely to text and drive
    more likely to take risks while driving"

    10 years ago a babyfaced Mark [name I can't make out] put plastic animals on the side of the road to see which ones were most likely to get hit. He found that some drivers would purposefully swerve to run over the animals and 89% of those people who tried to murder animals were driving SUVs.
    Yeah. I thought so. That's why I made the comparison to the infamous dogs.

    When I moved to Los Angeles (from Europe) and needed to rent a car for a week, the renter was super excited to tell me that I got an upgrade and could have a bigger car than the one I ordered. To which I said absolutely not, I wanted the smaller car because we're in a city and I want to be able to park easily. Never saw someone so confused!

    (Think I've made my point.)

    edit: I actually think this might be an example of what she's talking about here:

    A "moloch trap"

    ^ I haven't watched the above video but I assume she talks about this. A lot of her videos are about this. This is about how it applies to beauty standards on social media:

    The heart of her podcast is about the so-called "Moloch Trap". A Moloch Trap is, in simple terms, a zero-sum game. It explains a situation where participants compete for object or outcome X but make something else worse in the process. Everyone competes for X, but in doing so, everyone ends up worse off.

    It explains the situations with externalities or the preference for short-term gains at the sacrifice of the long-term future.

    The problem is that it's incredibly hard for any "player" to break the trap. If they do, they will lose out in the short term (and they might still be exposed to the downsides in the long term). Everyone is stuck in a "game" or "race" that they don't want to be in, but it's impossible to stop.
    Almost every environmental problem is a Moloch Trap

    In my podcast episode with Liv, we focused on the environment.

    The Moloch Trap explains almost every one of the world?s environmental problems. I struggled to think of one that doesn?t fall into this camp.
    The fact that there's less and less choice in the US market and people are now choosing to buy SUVs so they're safer because other people have them.

    Maybe this term came from Scott Alexander initially? Edit: Yeah just rewatched the beauty video and she mentions this article at the end:

    From Allen Ginsberg's poem Howl.

    8. Arms races. Large countries can spend anywhere from 5% to 30% of their budget on defense. In the absence of war - a condition which has mostly held for the past fifty years - all this does is sap money away from infrastructure, health, education, or economic growth. But any country that fails to spend enough money on defense risks being invaded by a neighboring country that did. Therefore, almost all countries try to spend some money on defense.

    From a god's-eye-view, the best solution is world peace and no country having an army at all. From within the system, no country can unilaterally enforce that, so their best option is to keep on throwing their money into missiles that lie in silos unused.
    I don't particularly like ideas I know come from, or are connected to, the lesswrong community lol (because the last decade has driven me to lowkey distrust certain groups of people,) but yeah. Basically I don't like NRx, I don't like people like Geoffrey Miller. I don't like Curtis Yarvin. I don't like how machiavellian and slimy they are. I don't like Elon Musk even (even more tangentially connected.) I don't like the elitism of some people.

    A lot of what they talk about are things that they re-define with new language but aren't concepts they technically came up with too but I find some of his blog articles useful (like "I can tolerate anything except the outgroup,") but yeah.

    Also since it is rationalist-adj most of the discussion and examples are related to AI and competition related to AI lol.

    (back to other topic)

    More women are into Asian guys because of kpop and Japanese media in recent decades (supposedly, well some Asian guys online seem to think so. Maybe they're just louder,) but those same women are going to write think pieces about the male gaze and masculinity not being great and so on (generally speaking.) "I like Loki more than Thor." You know the type. (Me basically ahaha.)

    You'll find me arguing with these guys (second quote):

    It's the confidence baby! Idc what six pack or big pecs you have, I want someone who values themselves as 👏🏻 they 👏🏻 should 👏🏻 wearing what they feel good in and embracing themselves, feminine, masculine, both or neither.
    If Chris Hemsworth knocks at your door you won't say that
    Or not because I decided talking to myself was a better use of time a few years ago. I used to get into arguments constantly lol.

    I love that she was basically like 'I don't care either way.' And he still had an issue with that.

    Well I do care.

    That example I just found in some YT video comments is funny though because of my #1 political agenda:

    You know Taylor Swift went pretty far with the catlady thing but the fujo thing goes harder.

    Together I really do believe. We can bring back long hair.

    I won't rest until a cute guy with long hair and glasses knocks on my door to misdeliver me someone else's pizza.
    How many times am I going to repeat this? I dunno it will get old eventually.
    Still hasn't xD

    Chris Hemsworth had long hair as Thor until it was brutally shaved by Stan Lee. Basically a hate crime. He still wasn't my type though even then.

    "And I will wait for you~"

    I honestly think it's getting worse. The hair is getting longer somehow:

    He still looks hot with this hair and in this gif though:

    Like he says it is heteronormative as well the idea that some traits are more attractive. So you kind of have to decide what you want. Like you can't be popular with both audiences at least. I mean they overlap but they're distinct too the people who are looking for a degree of androgny or even just averagely masculine guys and the people who are into hypermasculinity.

    On the other hand there are several famous black women I've found attractive. I don't get really strong crushes on women unlike men in the first place really but yeah.

    Oh and I don't think the reason there are a bunch of Black British (British in general,) actors in Hollywood is just cause they're cheaper. There are a lot who are desperate to work there because the UK is [BEEP] with casting black actors and writing black characters so they can get more work there (and more interesting work generally.) Supply is good. Add to that there are more actors trained in theatre which gives them a slight edge over many American actors who don't have that opportunity unless they live in/near NYC or go to like Juilliard or something. The UK is small compared to whole of the US. Perhaps you live in a town miles away from London and can just travel in without having to live in the city and pay more or travel longer distances.

    There's also this sometimes:

    Accent doesn't work so well with hip hop or rap music in general lol:

    It's the accent. I saw a meme once that said something like "When it's a fire beat and then you hear a British accent" and has that image of the dude throwing his head back with disappointment.

    Hip-Hop has bravado and hardcore and tough at it's core, and the Bri'ish accent is just not that. There also a disconnect where I can't really rap along to their lyrics without feeling like I need the British accent to do so. The only British rapper I listen to is Lady Sovereign and for whatever reason, I rap along with her just fine. anyone else though, nah.
    I feel like a lot of Americans who say things like this are less aware of stuff like this though:

    You can kind of tell from the way people say 'British accent' like there's just one.

    Lady Sovereign only had one good track lol:

    This guy is just a lost cause though lol:

    I understand that, but I also understand that that layer of thinking doesn't kick in when I hear it. I know the accent that sounds Caribbean is not the posh, but it still signals posh because it's still British at the end of the day. Unfortunately, I don't care enough to work through and appreciate British rap. The U.S. has enough dope [BEEP] that I will never have to venture outside of it.
    I still think this is pretty good though lol:

    Can't complain too much though. I feel like that's why we have/had more bands like this (even with black singers,) and I prefer rock music to hiphop personally:

    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  5. #5990
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    Edit: Tangentially related but IDM (intelligent dance music,) has to be the most protentious music genre label of all time lol.

    I seperated this into a different post because otherwise other post will get too long (I have a lot of opinions just imagining how cancelled I'd be in this and the last post alone lmfao):

    They're talking about Kelli former lead singer of Sneaker Pimps:

    Kelli is the reason we know about this band. And love this band. Period.
    Kelli is the reason this band was on the verge of becoming huge, and firing her is the reason they didn't.
    Honestly no lol. I'm just into Chris. Her singing isn't terrible but it's not amazing. I couldn't really ever see them becoming huge especially since the other guys were less motivated so Chris left to do solo work after a couple more albums anyway.

    They came back to do an album 20 years on (not with Kelli again,) and I listened to a few tracks from it and couldn't get into it even though I liked a bunch of stuff from their first three albums (with Kelli and without.) A few people pointed out that it sounded like IAMX songs:

    I have to concur. I was like "The [BEEP]?? this is IAMX in disguise, I am NEVER gonna like that shit", but, I don't know if it's my Sneaker Pimps bias or whatever, even though it doesn't feel like what we would expect from them, this is AN EVOLUTION OF SNEAKER PIMPS. We can't expect them to be the same, and, as long as their new songs manage to maintain the feeling that this song conveys in its lyrics and PERFORMANCE, I am all in!
    Granted, I have to hear the whole album to see if it's just a couple of good singles but, after this and "fighter" I have HIGH HOPES. Remember how much of a perfectionist Corner is!
    But most of those tracks don't and they sound worse lol. But given that's what Chris has been doing since then it makes sense that they'd sound closer than the original albums did.

    I'd take this over most of what I was listening to:

    I think he's probably very difficult to work with too.

    That being said I like her vocals more than Kelli's personally:


    Kelli's voice is OK like I said but you know what it is? On some tracks she's kind of like the female Tom Delonge. If you focus on her too much she sounds whiny and a bit grating:

    Even he gets it.

    Those kind of vocals work better in pop punk or a band like Jack off Jill I think because if you're not a strong singer it kind of goes with the ethos of the music (I can tell she had the personality/attitude for that too):

    But I'm not sure about in trip hop. Because I think it sounds better with a huskier or more sophisticated sounding voice. Something that works better with the noir vibe...

    I would get shot by someone on reddit etc for making this comparison. But obviously this album was inspired by trip hop a bit:

    Or you know:

    Chris did work with Imogen Heap later actually lol but with IAMX:


    "If you leave I'll have to listen to those NYU kids with the Amstel Lights discuss Fiona Apple. I'm begging you."

    Yes! Yes you will Steve. And I'll be drinking Rekorderlig maybe.

    You know I didn't realise this YouTuber looks a bit like Dido until this moment. Soft butch Dido:

    Or they're just both white I don't know either way.

    They got it that's why they used this Dido song for their intro:

    And that's very much the vibe you know like:

    That's why that song is one of the biggest in the genre.

    This too but it was used for the soundtrack of House (though that's kind of an argument in favour anyway, but the genre was cinematic in the first place so it sort of makes sense):

    Something like this but with Fiona Apple or Dido etc:

    I like Chris's vocals though.

    Rachel Goswell maybe:

    Ethereal sounding stuff:

    Oh damn I forgot how great David Tennant was in this role + the character just one of the best villains I've come across in years in that he was believable as a psychopath and actually unsettling and most really aren't in comic book films/TV shows (partly because there's more focus on the victims and the impact of the actions I think,) the ending of the first season is very satisfying. But also the vocals here:

    Probably something like that.

    Actual song:

    Kelli was very girlish - her voice, her persona, it's great for pop punk.

    Having said that I think Bjork could do trip hop. But you know it's Bjork and her persona is like pixie alien more than girlish. And she's like what Kelli should be as a soprano in that genre I think. Also Of Monsters and Men are Icelandic too and I'm just realising the lead singer also kind of looks like Bjork a little in some photos lol.

    Also I forgot she was in a relationship with Tricky at one point lol.


    Unfortunately pop punk never really took off in the UK so that wasn't an option for Kelli here.

    A lot of people are singing in the wrong genre for their voice imo (but I get it if you really like a music genre.) Like (said this way too many times) Fergie was supposed to be a rock singer:

    I still like what she brought to The Black Eyed Peas though but that still would have been the ideal for her voice and sometimes she was underutilised.

    They experimented a lot more and incorporated more genres into their work than a lot of their contemporaries which was why they were interesting:

    I mean they're still making music but yeah. Obviously doesn't have the nostalgia factor among other things.

    This is a very good track. Potentially I feel like it could have been great if they did more with Fergie somehow but then again she was just hit by a motorbike so you know:

    Fergie. You are not a rapper so that's eh OK in small doses but not the entire track and then the autotune vocals no stop I know it's electronic and you're trying to do Daft Punk but at what cost and William stop trying to sing during that one part 3:52 as well it's better at 8:18 also proof that you don't need the autotune. Oh I'm not anti autotune at all but I don't think it works that well for me here.

    Other than that it's a good track.

    Amazing how easy it is for me to get derailed by music...
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  6. #5991
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    What Maddie talked about here really resonated with me. I am an afab agender person who was always extremely tomboyish and felt no connection to femininity at all. Now that I have gotten top surgery and totally changed my hairstyle from the super long curly hair I used to have, I look very androgynous and I'm often assumed to be male when I'm out and about. Now that that's the case, I find it more fun and sometimes even affirming to present a little bit femme. The new context of fully embracing my lack of gender and living it every day makes feminine stuff feel less gender dysphoric. It's really interesting
    Yeah opposite and identical for me, basically as soon as I someone AMAB could be read more consistently as a woman I started to masculinize things like shorter haircut and binders and stuff. There is a threshold tho, like I do not ever want facial hair to be a part of that masculinization as it makes me feel dysphoric pretty consistently
    I'm not saying this is the case in this case but I think there are a lot of people who just don't want breasts or are ambivalent about them. Using a binder long term isn't good health wise.

    AMAB NB who wants to do HRT but does not want breasts, am I alone?

    I (AMAB) basically want all of what HRT has to offer except for breast growth which I know is unavoidable. I'm definitely more than willing to get top surgery if that's what it takes to keep them off me, would this even work? Is there anyone else in a similar situation?
    There's not much you can do about that (besides surgery,) if you're forced to go through female puberty at a young age due to being afab, but I think it would be interesting to work on localised hrt for amab people. I know there's already some stuff which is more experimental that sort of does that? Like SERMs?:

    Gender dysphoria describes the distress associated with having a gender identity that differs from one's birth-assigned sex. To relieve this distress, transgender, and gender diverse (henceforth, trans) individuals commonly undergo medical transition involving hormonal treatments. Current hormonal treatment guidelines cater almost exclusively for those who wish to transition from male to female or vice versa. In contrast, there is a dearth of hormonal options for those trans individuals who identify as non-binary and seek an androgynous appearance that is neither overtly male nor female. Though prolonged puberty suppression with gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa) could in theory be gender-affirming by preventing the development of unwanted secondary sex characteristics, this treatment option would be limited to pre- or peri-pubertal adolescents and likely have harmful effects. Here, we discuss the theoretical use of Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) for non-binary people assigned male at birth (AMAB) who are seeking an androgynous appearance through partial feminization without breast growth. Given their unique range of pharmacodynamic effects, SERMs may represent a potential gender-affirming treatment for this population, but there is a lack of knowledge regarding their use and potentially adverse effects in this context.
    It's not exactly well researched atm.

    Oh someone brought up they were trying this lol:

    I take an experimental HRT since 2020. No breasts yet. I don't want to talk about my experience because i feel kinda uncomfortable but there's an article that speaks about non-breasts HRT for non-binary people.
    ^ so that was posted in October 2023.

    Edit: Wait was F1nn doing this at one point? Wasn't he doing something I forget.....

    F1nn's estrogen levels made his doctor freak out

    [some reddit video I found]
    Not this...

    sorry f1nn, "when I was on testosterone"?
    The lesser known trans masc arc
    lol. I think I've said I'm on estrogen before or used that term to refer to like anyone with an estrogen dominant hormone system but yeah technically not taking it.

    Oh what is it called... raloxifene? I dunno. Oh no did they just take a t blocker and not go on e? Something dumb like that? She was doing something lol. I can't remember. I remember something dumb.

    Lol my search history trying to find this video:

    F1nn boobs, F1nn breasts. It's not for lude reasons actually! I know there's some video I watched with clips from his stream where he talked about something related to this. OK he talks about it in this video:

    When I started here's what I did. I was Cyproterone acetate. (?) There wasn't a specific reason for that I'm just not super educated on that. I was also on something called raloxifene

    Yes so he was.

    It blocks breast growth receptors so you don't get boobs. Because I was fucking terrified of getting boobs. I wanted to do this thing it had a lot of benefits. But on the cons list was I don't know if I'll want this forever I was a little bit scared. It took me a long time to even figure out a label and then someone who was also on it told me they were pissing blood. And I went oh. OK. Let's maybe not do that - they got their dose wrong. What happened about then is I got very depressed. I basically just stopped. I was doing half the dose you're supposed to and every 4 or 5 days. You're supposed to do it daily. Bear in mind I have testosterone blocked so low t, low e,. That's nothing right. I did that up until I started dating Ashley.

    Good lord. At least take the suggested amount. How is anyone supposed to get anything useful from this?

    I think she's a subject of scientific research probably not for this though. I imagine it's an identity/sociological thing (although then again maybe not because telling people would surely mess that up somehow?):

    ^ So what you're saying is. If I start streaming become super famous and possibly doping I could get access to a decent quality therapist in the UK? Without jumping through 32525252 loopholes? I don't trust therapists though at this point lol.

    I saw a psychiatrist through CAMHS back when I was under 18, wasn't very helpful. Saw a neurologist recently, and she really GOT ME. I was amazing! I went for physical symptoms, but everything made sense to her, mental and physical, first time my symptoms have made sense to anyone. First time someone's treated me as a whole person, not just focusing on one specific thing, too. Really amazing.
    Typical cognative behavioral therapy doesnt really work with autistic folks. Its good to find a therapist who specializes in ASD and ADHD.
    It didn't work with me either. Someone my dad once talked to who I guess is some kind of therapist suggested I get diagnosed for autism when he talked about me, but I would have to do so privately (the place they suggested is a specialist private place in the UK.) NHS was mostly useless for me everytime always recommending CBT. Also when I had bad generalised anxiety symptoms a couple of years ago. I never brought up the possibility that I could be autistic to them though, or my ADHD symptoms which I also have. I did mention CBT not working for me before but he was like 'that is the therapy' great... He meant well but it's all kind of useless when they focus on only one part of the problem.

    I always figured the process would involve seeing a psychologist and them testing you for various things to diagnose the problem. But apparently that just never happens and they just refer you to cbt for symptoms of anxiety without investigating further. I didn't go into as much detail as I could have last time though because I wasn't really there to talk about that or prepared to, the walk in doctor brought it up in the first place as I was checking for issues with my heart due to the health anxiety and my pulse rate was high but there weren't any other issues found. I probably brought up that my (generalised) anxiety symptoms had been worse (since late 2021,) at some point before then. I don't have a diagnosis for that either but he suggested cbt for generalised anxiety before that I had it for social phobia it didn't work. But anyway it stopped being as big an issue in early 2023 though it's been a bit bad again in recent weeks. When my friend started to get higher anxiety along a similar time frame (I think covid messed up a lot of people but my lifestyle had already been very similar pre covid to post covid weirdly,) he had like blood tests etc done. They're really low effort round here.

    Also (back to the other topic)

    I'm afab. I have this weird thing where I can't get rid of them partly because I don't want surgery. Feels like an opportunity cost thing. Also because of a general fear of permanantly modifying the body (same reason I don't want to get tatoos,) and probably whatever psychological tendency causes hoarding. I'm kind of a sentimental person. Also 'what if I regret it?' So I have this part of my body that I hate being involved in anything sexual, and that I never really wanted in the first place, and that I actively try to avoid (thinking about, looking at.) So I just have to live with this low grade negative to avoid the other stuff.

    It seems if I'd had the possibility to just not grow them in the first place I probably wouldn't have and then like just never would have considered that again. Obviously if you didn't somehow you could then choose to grow them later. I suppose I'd be in the opposite situation though if I was curious and didn't grow them. Then I'd think about that since you can't undo it if you make that decision and so I wouldn't have done that either.

    I mean there are more issues too like my skeleton is quite small, I've looked quite young. It's just not a great mix.

    The only option long term if you're afab though is to go on testosterone which has a lot of other side effects you don't necessarily want. Or surgery which causes scarring for most people unless you're lucky enough that they were really small in the first place. Sucks really.

    Another thing would be finding ways to move the fat so they can be reduced in size. Because there are certain forms of surgery that result in minimal/no scarring but again only if they're small enough first. For some people that would prob be impossible though. Obviously losing weight in general can help.

    A surgical fat transfer is cosmetic surgery to move fat from one part of the body to another. It's also known as a "fat graft" or "lipomodelling".

    The aim is to remove unwanted fat from an area of the body, such as the tummy or thighs, and use it to smooth or increase the size of another area, such as the breasts or bottom. A surgical fat transfer involving the bottom is often known as a Brazilian butt lift (BBL).

    Having a surgical fat transfer is a big decision. It can be expensive, the results cannot be guaranteed, and there are risks.
    Ironically I'm curious about the opposite. Anyway from a quick search it seems this might end up looking weird in some cases and is better if you do it while younger because of skin elasticity. But apparently some women already get lipo only breast reduction to avoid scarring.

    This reddit thread I found is from 2017 last edited in 2018 so might be out of date:

    guide to e-blockers and hormones that aren't T!

    Hey everyone! I'm nonbinary, and today I'm going to teach y'all about hormonal options that aren't testosterone! I noticed there's a disappointing lack of not-T options and so I decided to cobble together what I?ve learned over time.

    Was originally posted on r/transdiy. Took out any mention of anything that even sounded DIY-ish, though the original post wasn't heavy on it either.


    I'd like to add that though I'm a gender nerd, I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be medical advice. If you can double check behind me and ask your doctor about hormones and how they work, that would be fantastic.
    Why antiestrogens aren't as effective as you might think

    First off, I'm ashamed to say that anti-estrogens do diddly-squat about body-wide estrogen, despite the naming scheme.

    Almost all anti-estrogens are SERMS, which (in current medical development) only block E in the breasts, and act like E in the bones-- they don't limit it body wide.

    SERMs are honestly only useful if you have breast cancer, fibrocystic breasts, in the prevention of osteoporosis, or are AMAB and don't want breast growth.

    The other category of anti-estrogens are aromatase blockers, which prevent T from being converted to E. While this sounds great, and while a fair amount of T is converted to E in the AFAB body, this is unhelpful for premenopausal people in breast cancer treatment if their gonads are not suppressed first.
    I'm wondering if you're afab and just don't want breasts if that would essentially work instead of testosterone if you go on puberty blockers beforehand, then SERMs. Or if there's some other difference that only makes that an option for amab people.

    Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) may be used by people assigned female at birth (AFAB) to reduce breast growth. SERMs are a type of hormonal therapy that can also help prevent breast cancer and treat osteoporosis.
    Yeah I'm going to need something other than Google's AI thing here ideally lol.

    I'm really just wondering if this is hypothetically possible. I sincerely doubt we're going to culturally be at a point anytime soon. They already banned hormone blockers in the UK for trans people (even binary trans people.) While they will continue to use them for cis people with precocious puberty because they hate trans people. 🙄

    [AFAB Trans Boy] Is there any way to prevent breast growth after I stopped taking T?

    [AFAB Trans Boy] Is there any way other than surgury to prevent breast growth after I stopped taking T? The most important reason I'm taking T is because I want to stop breast development but don't want to fully remove them. I researched surgical breast minimization methods but found out breats might develop again after reduction surgery. I know there are some medications to stop breast cancer development but I don't know if those will be precribed for a healthy individual or won't have harsh side effects like hair loss.
    Why is this downvoted?

    why do you want to stop taking T in the first place?
    Why would a trans woman feel the need to ask this?

    Everything I can find is just about AMAB people anyway. Oh wait:

    In gender-affirming care for nonbinary individuals, SERMs may be beneficial for someone AMAB who desires estrogen-induced changes in skin and body fat redistribution, but does not desire any breast development. Raloxifene has estrogen agonist effects in skin and fat distribution and can be tried alone for these effects, but data are lacking on the degree of physical results that may occur.52 SERMs can also be in combination with estradiol for more effects on skin and fat distribution, with the antagonistic effect on breast tissue to theoretically decrease in breast development that would typically occur with estradiol. Again, there is no available research in the use of SERMs in this population, and potential risks (known and unknown) must be considered.

    Another use of SERMs in gender-affirming care could be in nonbinary youth AFAB who do not desire effects of estrogen or testosterone. For someone who has begun treatment with a GnRHa and does not desire to discontinue treatment or start testosterone, the addition of an SERM may be a temporary solution to provide estrogen agonist effects on bones without leading to breast development.45,52 It is unclear whether SERMs alone would be sufficient to prevent breast development in a pubertal youth AFAB.52 Data on use of SERMs in this context are also lacking, and it is unclear the degree to which this would improve bone density and the length of time this may be a reasonable treatment option.
    So I guess they're just suggesting it as a potential temporary solution for some reason. They've really not gone into detail though about why it hypothetically would work long term in amab people but not afab people. I used to talk to someone who supposedly had a background in biochemistry who went to uni 4 years early (most autistic person I've ever spoken to with no social awareness/skills,) that's how I found out about SERMs in the first place but you know, I don't have this background so...

    Danazol: The Mysterious Benefactor

    Danazol is a mild androgen, and a mild GnRH inhibitor-- it will lower E levels (least enough to stop your period, hip widening, etc) and may give you some of the effects of T. It's not a scheduled substance/as scheduled as T is, either. It activates both androgen and progesterone receptors. it's also shown to cause vocal changes over time as evidenced by a study from the 80s.

    That being said, if you decide to go on it, get your liver enzymes checked after about 6 months or so (least a year). Danazol can be a bit hard on the liver, it's a pill.

    I think this is a totally viable option for AFAB enbies on its own (slow changes, no lower growth), or even to binary guys before starting T, as it will likely stop periods too.

    If you want to legally use it as a precursor to T and have access to a doc, I would recommend asking your doctor about it first, instead of going DIY or something.

    Futhermore, danazol has been proven to slowly lower the voice over time and so danazol may be a viable option if you want really slow voice changes.
    Interesting. 🤔

    This is a case study though so kind of needs wider research:

    Acoustic analysis was used to measure fundamental frequency (vocal pitch in cycles per second) in a woman before, during, and after danazol therapy for endometriosis. A moderate lowering of fundamental frequency occurred within the three months of therapy and progressively lowered throughout the 5.5-month course. There was some action toward pretreatment levels, but 12 months after therapy, lowering of fundamental frequency persisted. The acceptability of this side effect and the need for further research are discussed.
    A note on tribulus: there's no definitive proof that tribulus actually works to raise T, especially not in AFAB people, though it may help to increase muscle strength
    Well that could still be interesting.

    TT is touted as a testosterone booster and remedy for impaired erectile function; therefore, it is targeted at physically active men, including male athletes. Based on the scientific literature describing the results of clinical trials, this review attempted to verify information on marketing TT with particular reference to the needs of athletes. It was found that there are few reliable data on the usefulness of TT in competitive sport.
    The results of a few studies have showed that the combination of TT with other pharmacological components increases testosterone levels, but it was not discovered which components of the mixture contributed to that effect. TT contains several organic compounds including alkaloids and steroidal glycosides, of which pharmacological action in humans is not completely explained. One anti-doping study reported an incident with a TT supplement contaminated by a banned steroid. Toxicological studies regarding TT have been carried out on animals only, however, one accidental poisoning of a man was described. The Australian Institute of Sport does not recommend athletes? usage of TT. So far, the published data concerning TT do not provide strong evidence for either usefulness or safe usage in sport.
    Hmm. God bless athletes lol.

    I found this too:

    Our findings showed that Tribulus terrestris was effective in improving women's sex drive based on the questions of FSFI questionnaire. Since the basic findings of two groups were similar, the improved score of the Tribulus group can be attributed to libido boosting effects of the plant.
    Tribulus terrestris may safely and effectively improve desire in women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Further investigation of Tribulus terrestris in women is warranted.
    Seems to have some similar effects? This paper doesn't mention anything about strength. Maybe they didn't use the same quantity though.

    Currently testosterone is the only approved drug for treatment of HSDD in menopausal women, particularly for those have surgically-induced menopause [21]. In one study on women with SSRI induced desire disorder, it was shown that Saffron was an effective herbal remedy which could improve desire [7]. Another study showed that Bupropion was effective in improving women?s desire [6]. However, Tribulus is the only drug which not only improves the sexual desire in women but also it does not have any unexpected side effects in patients.
    Yeah someone on twitter recently was talking about her low dose testosterone therapy (she had low testosterone anyway,) and the positive effects it had psychologically for her. She wasn't menopausal though. Well she was 40. Hmm let me see:

    have you experienced any physically masculinizing effects?
    Just lower body fat (which means smaller boobs)

    Grimes and Aella both responded to that in some way which is funny and predictable. I enjoy the discussion about this because it's on a platform where people routinely freak out about this (plus you're only allowed to talk about negatives generally online,) but it's coming from cis people in certain priveleged positions networking wise. Technically Aella said she's agender though.

    Another thing is she can use the word cis without being censored for 'reasons' but most people would have their tweet hidden if they use that word.

    Adding phytoestrogens to this list. Soy can somewhat inhibit ovarian function or LH/FSH, and phytoestrogens also work through decreasing gene expression of aromatase, inhibiting aromatase, or both. They include compounds like apigenin, coumestrol (strongest phytoestrogen, present in red clover), and genistein.
    Lol soy is very funny to add to a trans masc list considering the conservative memes about it feminising men.

    I've wondered about this historically too. We know (?) men's t levels have gone down but what if women's have gone down too? Couldn't find good data on this.
    Never try to research anything in the female sex you will quickly become depressed when you realise the focus is majority on males always.

    talk about taking intersexual sexual competition to the next level
    I wonder is any pharma company working on a SARM(Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) that only interacts with the brain. Cpuld cause all these affects but stronger without any masculization.
    I'm wondering about SARMs in general as well.

    I don't know if she wrote the blog post... I've been sidetracked now looking at this tweet she retweeted:

    sort of miss the days when you'd tweet "I like pancakes" and a human would reply "oh, so you hate waffles" instead of twelve AI bots responding with "pancakes are an enjoyable food"
    Women choose courtship, men pick wives.

    Women are conservative with who they date, men are conservative with who they marry.

    Women are picky when it comes to sex, men are picky when it comes to commitment.

    To be a wife you have to be selected.

    We need Fathers to teach this.
    For yall that arent getting it, heres the ad he's referring to that actually popped up under here😭😭😭
    It's a reference to an ad that was under every tweet. Surprised no one else here has seen it
    I've somehow never seen it.

    lol watch this

    My metamask wallet was hacked, I lost my Instagram account, my Facebook account was hacked my meta wallet, crypto wallet was hacked. I lost my ETH and bitcoin. I need IPTV, I need my trust wallet, pay someone to write this essay.
    xD yeah that'll get you a ton of bots (and it did.)

    There's someone who posts a lot of art work and the only responses they get are from bots saying they want to buy their art work (it's not theirs. They're posting famous paintings lol.)

    They should prob make it illegal (as Bill Burr said,) to make bots for the sake of arguing and scamming. It's too destructive and I'm sure there are enough people willing to argue without the bots.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  7. #5992
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    All those artists who created odd, weird and socially fringe (albeit interesting) stories in the 90s....turned out to be odd and weird and perverse. Who could have foreseen?!
    Checking into where the goth author Poppy Z Brite ended up was a wild ride...
    Oh yes the trans guy is/was the wild one...
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  8. #5993
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    Genuine question pls don't cancel me: Why do Straight men play the sims??
    Because they're based.

    Actually Rod Humble said that when they were doing research into what people were doing in simulation games when they asked the guys they lied and said they were killing sims and things like that (other crazy stuff maybe I firget exactly,) when they were actually playing the game normally and like decorating and cooking, and looking after the sims etc. Which is pretty sad.

    My YouTube content in those games is also kind of crazy stuff but not how I (with some exceptions I noticed in an old save lol I did some weird stuff as a teenager in The Sims honestly,) play those games generally. It's different when you're creating for other people. The stuff I like to do, that people find entertaining to watch, is just different. I'm not in the same thinking mode either. Its still fun for me, but different. Reflects a different part of my personality. The part that enjoys chaos, freaking people out, weird humour, storytelling to an even greater degree than regular gameplay (though some creative elements overlap from time to time,) etc.

    Speak of the devil:

    Watch some of them play on yt and see?
    No actually unless they just post regular gaming streams with minimal editing and design this will not give you a great idea most of the time. Like I can tell that if Kevin plays the sims outside of YT its not the way he does in his videos and same with me (again most of the time.)

    It's like when you get bored in GTA and start running people over.

    Also I posted before about this:

    But imagine having this conversation with most cis women....

    "One time I accidentally got turned on using CAS in The Sims 4 and just started making this kind of 'bimbo' stereotype Sim. Can't make Sims while horny."
    'ThE mAlE gAzE'

    No that's actually my gayest trait. As I said before:

    Actually this is my gayest trait:

    [redacted - going down on women lol] started as something for the cuck to do while she [redacted] a real man
    You mean a woman pretending to be a bimbo with a sparkly pink strap on? (This is from some audio thing I discovered yesterday lol. But would I do it irl that's the eternal question with anyone really.) Why would anyone [redacted] a real man? I don't get it.
    I have a Sim based on Geddy Lee too who in one save is a fairy 🧚*♂️ (forum did a weird thing to that emoji. He is a male fairy yes. Most of the best faries are. He has green wings too like the emoji) living in the woods in his wood house. The save is too laggy unfortunately because it's The Sims 3. Much potential though. He's straight (probably or bi, not gay though,) and in a relationship with my female Sim who has red hair. Usually her hair is quite short but I think it's a bit longer in this save.

    Faries make the best straight guys. So it's very straight. (Also because his wings are green. Pink isn't really his colour.) Witches are a bit sapphic though.

    Remember when they said "green is not a creative colour?"

    The audacity.

    I like this series because it resembles the inside of my head. There's even a scene in a later video which is kind of #liminal.

    They actually have a fairy occult lifestate in The Sims 3 but still don't have one in The Sims 4. Can't believe they released werewolves before faries. This is what's wrong with this world tch.

    Lol well anyway. There are more gay guys and [BEEP] people who play than straight men though I think overall.

    This has nothing to do with this post but a really random tweet I quoted before that I found while looking for the other:

    "i feel most punk rock when i put on eyeliner in the men's truck stop bathroom because i know they hate me, i know i piss them off, and that separation from other men feels good" says the woman who doesn't know it yet
    A trans woman posted that before lol...

    This is sweet too. I mean its sweet that she does (she missed some groups):

    I eat my gfs pussy, I'm lesbian, I don't have a pussy, she's still lesbian, eating [BEEP] is usually a lesbian activity, even tho the occasional straight guy does and and it can happen to trans men, holy [BEEP] that person is dense
    Back to straight men playing the sims though:

    I'm a creative person.
    Yup it's great for story telling.

    Anyway asking that was most likely meant to be rage bait.


    Rod Humble, I will never forgive you.

    Nobody wants your stupid Sims ripoff. It will be probably canceled and removed from the store anyway shortly after release. Like your stuff always seem to be. If you're not Rod Humble, you probably don't know what I am talking about. That's okay, not many people know about his past deeds. You could say there are certain... patterns in his behavior that lead me to believe that this game will never come out or be canceled shortly after the release and taken off Steam.

    I still remember, Rod.
    I will never forget. I will never forgive you for abandoning... Patterns.
    Omg they're psychic/cursed that game since it's cancelled now.

    The Sims has gone way down hill so a lot of people want a competitor now (they've had a genre monopoly for an insane amount of time,) though I'm more curious about Paralives - it has a more hygge indie (cause it is) vibe. But I'm trying to be realistic about it. Not get expectations up too high.

    I'm learning that it's almost impossible to make and release a life sim game. Very complicated and risky. That's why at this point it will only be released by a small team who are very passionate about the genre.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  9. #5994
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    I've decided to be more openly perverted (half joking lol, I mean its inevitable not charity,) because the last decade have taught me that the more aggressive transactional guys have a softboy kind of persona for public relations.

    (And recent events that I said I wasnt going to go into detail about in a deleted post but now I sort of am without quotes. I've known about this for several months though but there's more info floating around now and I just rarely decide to talk about this kind of thing but in this case felt like it I guess and I am a fan of one person involved.)

    I don't think it matters though. That's become a stereotype and mostly so conservative men can deflect from the Christian swinger couple types, but I'm sure either way this happens. There are people who have various allegations who are openly perverted and edgyness is part of their public self image (some real, some fake, some exaggerated, most unprovable either way really.) Don't you just love the gradual erosion of trust in Western culture?

    Literally seeing so many comments about us all being 12 listening to this & having the album. I'm almost 28 now & it's all making sense to me! Safe to say if you had the album you really had issues. Here we are 15 years later lol

    edit: is this why we all turned out like 'Trash'? 🤣

    edit X2: tbh I feel like late 90s - mid 00s was a time of parents just being wildly absent & never knowing what we were actually up to...but ya this trash definitely started the issues thats facts 🤙🏼🥳
    I don't think so at all. I think we were overprotected as a generation - definitely less free than generation X. And I hate that. Like it often annoys me that my dad worries about me all the time even now if I'm going to concerts alone and such and the UK culture is so fearful and such. There were some different norms - we rebelled a little more. But I will say we were less inhibited and fearful etc than the current below 25 year olds seem to be. (Generalisation obviously.) And it's showing. Young people are also really depressed and mentally ill and anxious now at a higher rates. More than we were.

    Yes, Gen Z is more likely to report feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress than millennials. This is due to a number of factors, including the many traumatic events that have occurred in their lifetime.
    Is it though? Traumatic events didn't just start happening to people 5 minutes ago.

    The State of Religion & Young People 2022 found that nearly half of young people in Gen Z reported being moderately or extremely depressed (47%). As for Gen Alpha's mental health, previous research has hinted at heightened rates of anxiety and depression, due in part to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    The youngest members of Gen Z are still only 10 years old -- but a preeminent generational expert is already using them as a cautionary tale.

    "Happiness started to decline, life satisfaction declined, expectations went down," Dr. Jean Twenge told The Post of Gen Z. "Depression went up, and this pessimism really took root among young people.

    "My hope is we can do something so that the teen mental health crisis doesn't affect Polars in the same way it has affected Gen Z."

    "Polars" is the name that the San Diego State University psychology professor has given to Gen Alpha, the kids born after 2012; it's a reference to two major issues they will face: political polarization and the melting polar ice caps of climate change.

    As bleak as that future sounds, there's an equally threatening one looming.

    Keeping kids safe will require society to keep up with and regulate rapidly changing technologies, Twenge says in her book, "Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers and Silents -- and What They Mean for America?s Future," out April 28.
    But, as she warns in her book: "Regulating social media will be one of the most important tasks of the 2020s."

    The hyper-connectivity of social media proved to be an unmitigated social experiment for Generation Z -- those born between 1995 and 2012.
    Twenge points out that youth depression has doubled since 2011, arguing that Gen Z's upbringing as social media guinea pigs has left them more pessimistic than any generation before.
    OK. I'm going to try something different.

    "we suck right now but we're gonna get really good because we all have the ability to do it. Check out my pipes"


    recently I have been trying to keep things going like practising the guitar and writing this diary. It his hard though my left hand index finger istill hurting from practising the guitar as is my right hand thumb but it does not matter NOTHING will stop me from learning it now. My nail still looks like its bled whitch it was yesterday after I jumped onto it when I dived on the sofa and bent it back. All of these are puny irritations however compared to my wanting to learn the guitar. [...]

    I've started my period again today and it's not as inconvenient as I thought it would be in July last year when I started. However it was when I was on holiday I wasn't meant to go swimming but hey I wasn't not gonna swim I was on holiday!
    Lol my simplistic explanation for why people were marginally more happy. Not even a explanation I'm just vibe posting.

    "No one half assedly tries to skateboard anymore."

    "It can't rain all the time."

    UK: Challenge accepted.

    It's not that being able to put up with more bullshit or reacting less or even being delusionally optimistic and self confident is automatically a good thing though. As you'll see from this post.

    That's also what this film is about (this example is especially funny because I literally did go swimming in a lake at like 12am even though that's a fineable offence and there were signs saying not to lol):

    She's an adult in her early 30s who acts like a teenager and he's a young adult in his late teens who acts like a child. Most of his generation would argue he is a child because he's 19.

    Anyway it's sad to think that every "soft boy" type just wants to have degrading sex though. Because what about me? What if I want to degrade you? Honestly how selfish.

    Not that he was my type at all physically and such just thought he was different like most people did lol but also wasn't shocked at the same time because at this point it's tons of famous and creative people really.

    His attitude/comments and of course behaviour if true were messed up. Won't be quoting. The entitlement pops out.

    Disappointed by the potential naivity of her too given her background and was a bigger fan of her work. But I guess she's not said anything. So hard to conclude much.

    (A cynical person would be like 'oh she was doing all of that on purpose like Ghislaine Maxwell,' sure but it seems like she at least attempted to prevent his actions later on when she realised the impact he was having so wasn't 100% uncaring.)

    Oh I know she's a problematic person in general but I know she knows better (it would be almost impossible not to over the last decade,) and would have been aware of these dynamics before especially as a poly and bisexual woman.

    Like you know guys are going to use you like a tool to get to women. You know the kind of women who are in your fanbase, and you should have let that one woman who asked who was into him know what his deal is too because she was asking for a reason. It was a strong hint and 'oh the surprise is better.' Isn't a great response even if thats how you feel. Also honestly he can find his own women lol. This whole dynamic ("Oh well, would you do me a favour and have sex with my husband?") Is cringe in general - and I'll get to that later.

    Seems like she gave him too many chances too. Well (assuming the stuff I read is true,) she did divorce him and try and get him into therapy and attempted to get him to not try stuff with another woman but I mean before that if some of these quotes are accurate. "14 women have come to me about this." There aren't even 14 public stories. Why are you picking up the pieces? Maybe she felt she could mitigate the damage somehow if she stayed around I don't know. And she wrote a song about it.

    Another suicidal mass
    Landing on my doorstep, thanks a ton

    Another clear-cut load of crap
    A few more corpses in the sack
    You'll get away with it, it's just the same old script
    This world is shaped to have your back
    You said, "I'm sorry," then you ran
    And went and did it all again
    I'm such a fool, I know
    Street smart but gullible
    I see the good in everything
    A pound of flax, a pound of steel
    I may be dumb, but I can feel
    I wonder when you'll realize what you had

    A frightened bird, a crystal ball
    So sad, you could've had it all
    But you hate yourself too much to want all that
    I had so much hope for your broken heart
    But you've made your choice, and you chose the dark

    (and that other woman she warned him off of seemed to have the worst story and had BPD imo based on her desperate attempts to avoid abandonment. This is why he didnt get away with it ultimately. Her viewpoint of events also clearly changed many times because shes overly agreeable. Once again this is something many wont be aware of but I think given her background subculturally, sexually, creatively and being extroverted and around people a lot she would/should have noticed some things by now in her 40s!) If you warned him about her you knew she wasn't safe with him, and she shouldn't be alone with him.

    More to the point her involvement with her wasn't great either. She clearly wanted more emotionally from anyone she could get it from. And mixing sex and work together should always be avoided if possible too. That kind of thing always gets messy.

    For the love of God though communicate clearly with people.

    Regarding the poly dynamic. This is infamous. There are even songs about some of this:

    On a different note: I'm not usually open about being bisexual cause then whatever guy I'm dating will turn poly out of the blue. My ex tried to force me into a poly relationship after a year monogamous (obvs only with girls, no men, his goal was to turn us into that creepy adventurous tinder couple and make me fall in love with the same girl he falls in love with). It's a struggle and I'm curious to see if anyone relates.
    Girl I was ENGAGED to an asshole just like that.
    Man, I once matched with this woman on bumble (whose profile only included pictures of her and did not mention anyone else), and it turned out she was part of a poly couple and was looking for someone to hook up with her husband. Just her husband. I explicitly state in my profile that I am a lesbian. Everything about it was sickening in a bad way.
    How most females feel after receiving messages from an adventurous couple that made a joint online dating account to spice their life up with a "third"
    And the account is always in the girls name, with 5/6 of the pictures being selfies of her, with the last photo of the two of them like... I'll pass
    I've been traveling with a poly dude for like 4 months now and he's in love with me and gets butthurt when I remind him that I don't really want to be involved with anyone (unless there's a future for us), especially if it's an open relationship cause I admittedly would feel insecure. And he likes to disregard how I feel and sit there and preach about how unnatural and abusive monogamy is. So like, this song comforts me lol
    run. I've been here before. Love is not enough. Run far away
    That is a huge red flag yeah. Not even a red flag at that point lol you should be gone already.

    I suddenly understand why every poly person I've ever met is VERY insistent that otherwise-monogamous couples looking for a third aren't really poly.
    This comment puts to words my feelings very well
    yeah, there's a very small venn diagram of "poly couples" and "open relationships" in which these people think they fall, but it's really in the open relationships part.
    Then there were the people claiming that they had rules invented because of him (I forget the context now some kind of events or whatever.) Maybe you should have been louder I don't know.

    I think what it actually is though. It's not just that they're into atypical fetish stuff (potentially, and in this case,) it's that there's this kind of delusional self confidence certain guys have where they think women are into them when they're not. I see it a lot online especially the right wing men who ignore what women say and just insist their opinion about their preferences are always right and they're God's gift.

    Also that gross guy who insisisted all trans guys want to have certain forms of sex with men. And I projectile vomited all over his face in my head.

    That's why Shania Twain wrote this song:

    Anyway it's not just limited to right wing guys or guys who are visibly assholes obviously and it gets even worse when the guy is famous or rich because a lot of women will be into him so surely no woman can reject him? Not just for sex but any kind of sex. Whatever they want.

    "But I have money."

    And then redpill guys tell other guys that's the only thing that matters.

    There are tons of guys who have learnt never to approach women because of all this but these guys persist. Increasingly they're the only guys who do. Leading more and more women to write off guys as they hear about or experience so much negative stuff every day.

    They also think if they keep pushing and get a yes that confirms things when really some women are just too agreeable and scared of men to keep fighting. Then they accuse them of sexual misconduct later.

    Of course it would be nice if women were more assertive. Didn't make dumb or naive decisions while young. Knee you in the balls so you get the picture - fun things like that. Or what my mum allegedly did one time to a guy who flashed her and some younger girls in an underpass... That caused me (as I've said before,) to have a breakdown in a pub bathroom after learning because "everyone is violent and aggressive even my mum" Or something. I don't know. I was on my period lol.

    My dad will lose his temper under stress rarely with me throughout my life but with others. Also sometimes talks about running over protesters or makes comments about how they should nuke the middle east etc to fix all the fighting. He's not physically violent he just gets angry. Volatile, neurotic family. Me too unfortunately. Sometimes you just want someone calm who likes rabbits.

    Or a genetically engineered humanoid bunny rabbit. 🐇

    "Bunny rabbits aren't calm though. They're herbivores and prone to anxiety. Remember the traumatised bunny you looked after for a year at the most before your aunt took him that came from your mum's school and he was losing fur because the school environment stressed him out which has clearly had some weird long term impact that's popping up in 2024/2025 as one of your current weird interests? Also because of the guy who makes audio porn sometimes as a rabbit boy.... You know he's mostly been uploading stuff that's more dominant lately and it's been disappointing you because you're more comfy with femdom which is kind of unfair. Besides it's what most women are looking for."

    Yes thank you Felicia. Well calm in general is nice I guess. That's probably why I like reading fanfiction about vulcans. Also people whose anxiety doesn't trigger their fight response all the time.

    Look I never said it was realistic. I make fairy Sims who look like famous rock stars who look like nerds who played D&D in the 80s. Why the 80s? I don't know man. Ask Mark Fisher. Yes I know he's dead summon him using necromancy.

    And the nerds all have a superiority complex now too! Or they're paying people to play video games for them (Elon) hehehe.

    I can dream Harold.

    But either way - it would also be nice if you didn't keep doing that anyway and then pikachu facing.

    "I mean they said no several times and I ignored them. They should have punched me in the face if they didn't want me to have sex with them."


    I know there are also insane women out there who seem to enjoy saying no and then having a guy continue to chase them. Yeah I see you. But their preferences are also destroying society so they can take several seats.

    I mean my preferences are destroying society too probably. Some Chinese guy writing books about "bannana bones" and the feminisation of men, I'm also sadistic, and if everyone was like me no one would reproduce since I avoid intercourse and everyone would be very annoying haha.
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  10. #5995
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    This is really terrible!! non-binary people existence are being erased, "Trump Announces Official U.S. Policy Recognizing Only Two Genders: Male and Female" Recognizing only two genders male and female excludes and invalidates the existence of non-binary.
    I would start spam messaging his socials but I'm too lazy and it's not my country. I mean enough people would have to do it that it's like that time the kpop stan crowd shut down a police app. You need to be annoying like that. Also with something equally nonsensical ideally.

    One of the most powerful legions online are K-pop stans. This fandom is quick to mobilize, whether it's to take down a hater, or just generally spam Twitter mentions to the gills with fancams, short fan-made videos compromising of K-pop live performances. K-pop stans had a new worthy target this week, and it wasn't anyone speaking ill of their beloved idols; it was an app created by the Dallas Police Department to narc on those protesting against murder of George Floyd at the hands of police. The stans knew their mission was clear: download the app, and then inundate it with fancams until it ceased to function properly. And it worked.
    Well, I don't recognize him as president, so the feeling is mutual.

    But yeah he has 4 years left max, so whatever he does will just change the next time the democrats get in.

    He's convicted of like forty felonies and it didn't do shit.

    He's staying in office.
    Yeah I'm not keeping up with this sort of thing but it is insane.

    The Nazis blamed the Jews for Germany's suffering: inflation, debt, lost territory after WWI. Because the Republican party has subsequently been taken over by fascists, this time they have 2 scapegoats: immigrants and trans people. [...]

    Let this nonbinary trans Jew tell you: the rhetoric that the nazis used against jews is identical to the rhetoric the GOP (the republican party) uses against trans/nonbinary people. As a jew, I have heard this song before and I know how this story ends. The last thing I'll leave you with is this: trans people are the exact proportion of the American population that Jews were in Germany before the Holocaust. Jews were an already marginalized extreme minority. We did not cause Germans' economic suffering. In America, trans people are an already marginalized extreme minority.
    I mean far right groups are still blaming Jewish people. They turn up to various protests.

    We are here. We've always been here and we will always be here. They can rule what they want. They can (and eventually might) try to send us away or end our lives but the cat's out of the bag.

    The world at large knows about us. We will always exist, whether they want to or not.
    They've done a pretty good job of erasing and obfuscating history before - not to mention people who's history just wasn't written about in the first place. Even wikipedia can be pretty [BEEP] in this regard sometimes. But I guess the internet does make that slightly more difficult.
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    (There's more context for this post I've removed but it was related to a UK spree killer. So when I talk about not being able to fix guys that's what I'm getting at. Not that I think women should feel obligated to trust guys who hate women anyway and there's no evidence this killer was remotely motivated by that either he was a teenager too.)

    This is a deeper problem in society. Young Men have been demonised for the last 20 years as toxic and damaging to young women and this has scared young women from a fulfilling and meaning relationship with men. What else is there to live for for young men? Nothing of substance.

    So it's no surprise men stay indoors, read extreme stuff online, become hateful of women and stay boys and not grow into men. Add that a lot of boys are raised with out a father figure and become uncontrollable. This has slowly been happening ever since the introduction abortions

    I'm not against abortion at all so don't misunderstand me, but this has given women no agency over there body and given that divorce favours Women not Men what is in it for Men to get married? Ladies temperate Mens nature. This is no more the case when marriage is so one sided.
    Women are more scared of men now but that's mostly because everyone trusts everyone less. I don't think abortion being legal has anything to do with it either way and yes it being legal does give women agency over their body obviously. Honestly how you're getting 'boys raised without fathers' from abortions makes no sense. Abortion is the one thing that can automatically fix that in some cases lol.

    Look I can play this game too. Google's AI just told me this:

    Yes, it is generally considered true that more men are opting for short haircuts today, with styles like buzz cuts, crew cuts, and textured crops being particularly popular due to their low maintenance and clean appearance, which is seen as a practical and stylish choice for many men.
    Coincidence? When men had longer hair this never happened.

    The only solution to the problem of male violence and misogyny is to start a nationwide program to make men have long hair again.

    Lol the end of that quote:

    which is seen as a practical and stylish choice for many men.
    I'm imagining AI like: 😒 I don't approve of this judgemental hair superficiality and googling all these ridiculous things.

    But that's just me. AI doesn't have tone. And no plans for infohazards. We're going to be OK.

    And no women don't 'temperate men's nature.' It would be cool if they did have magical de-psychopathing powers, but sadly no. And encouraging that myth is tbh dangerous to women. "I can fix him." No, no you can't lol. 40 years ago you had a few serial killer couples in the UK instead too, because antisocial men and women often hookup. Age helps a bit sometimes for men at least (older men commit less crimes esp violent crimes and gang related violence.) Having kids lowers your testosterone level but the relationship between testosterone and aggression is unclear.

    Speaking of men's and womens nature. Most countries report a declining violent crime rate for men or at least it's stable. This idea it's getting worse appears to be a myth though I'm not sure about specifically teenagers right now... The female violent crime rate and drug crime rate is getting worse in many countries. In the US I saw a site that broke this down by race and revealed it was getting sigificantly worse for white women but the rate had lowered a bunch for black women since 2000 and Hispanic women were kind on inbetween so the rate had lowered but not as much as with black women (other races/ethnic groups weren't inclided.) Most of the statistics were comparing 1980 to 2019 but the race one was 2000-2022.


    In 2001, Bronson married again, this time in HMP Woodhill to Fatema Saira Rehman, a Bangladeshi-born divorcee.[108] She had seen his picture and an article about him in a newspaper and began writing to him. Rehman had visited Bronson ten times before they married.[109][110] She had worked at a women's shelter before they met, but lost her job when her employer found out about the relationship.[111]

    For a short time, Bronson converted to his wife's faith of Islam, and wished to be known as Charles Ali Ahmed, but did not change his name legally. After four years he and Rehman divorced, and he renounced Islam.[20] During this period, Bronson appealed against his life sentence. Three appeal court judges rejected the application in April 2004. In court, with six prison guards surrounding him, Bronson said his wife and her daughter were helping to rehabilitate him, and references about his character, including reports from psychiatrists, were positive on this occasion.[112]
    She got bored of her stray and he lost his religion I guess lol.

    I don't buy it. He very much wanted to leave prison for a long time obviously but he's very impulsively physically aggressive. But you can't really trust what he's saying either. The fact that he dropped Islam after he broke up with her is actually a sign that he's lying I think.

    Psychopathy and Machiavellianism negatively correlate with declared religiosity. Empathy mediates the relationship between two dark traits and religiosity. Narcissism positively correlates with extrinsic religious orientation.
    That's religion to an end - to achieve non religious goals. He once also massively overeacted to someone insulting his drawing.

    Religiosity has been linked to low levels of antisocial personality traits. In the present study (N = 661), we examined the relationship between various aspects of religious beliefs (general religiosity, intrinsic and extrinsic religious orientation), empathy, and the Dark Triad. We found that both empathy and general religiosity were negatively associated with psychopathy and Machiavellianism, and that religious beliefs were positively associated with empathy. Further analyses revealed that empathy partially mediated the inverse relation between dark traits and religious beliefs. These results were discussed in the context of recently emerging concepts suggesting that empathic skills and mentalization are crucial factors for religion. The capability to attribute mind to another being (human or supernatural) is argued to be an essential condition for developing religious beliefs as people usually think of deities as intentional agents with their own mental states. Additionally, the results indicated that psychopathy and Machiavellianism were negatively associated with intrinsic orientation, whereas grandiose and vulnerable narcissism were positively associated with extrinsic orientation.
    Intrinsic orientation is religion for it's own sake.

    This is quite troubling really:

    Bronson?s dreams of domestic bliss dashed

    CHARLES BRONSON lost his appeal against a life sentence yesterday but was offered a glimmer of hope that he could one day be freed because he had found the love of a good woman.

    Three Court of Appeal judges said that the advancing age of the man dubbed Britain's most dangerous prisoner, along with his increasing maturity and recent marriage, meant that the Parole Board might consider looking more favourably on his case. They were also complimentary about his artistic ability.
    They didn't but the fact that being married factors into decision making (as in the 'women stop men going insane' tweet I quoted is troubling.)

    I know it's a huge fetish for women that doesn't make it true lol.

    Perhaps a lot of women are delusional about their ability to fix men because it helped them reproduce sort of like how a bunch of men are delusional about their level of attractiveness to women. I mean it literally helped the singer I wrote about in another recent post who thought - not necessarily that she could fix the guy but that maybe he'd be able to learn/improve - reproduce she had a kid in that relationship (after several abortions,) and he's had 3 kids so...
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    I do not agree with everything Starmer has done, but if he actually manages to build build build and overcome all the NIMBYs, I'll be impressed.

    Seriously, screw the NIMBYs, the answer can't always be no, we need new homes built we don't have enough, the airport expansions and giving approval for Universal would be great for growth. We can't keep stagnating because the NIMBYs come in and complain that things aren't staying exactly the same.

    Also Gov.Uk app with the virtual drivers license and single sign-on for all government services is a good idea, I shouldn't need to have sixty million logins across different government departments, and it'd be also nice if updating my address with one of them updates it with everyone else and I don't have to spend a stupid amount of time updating each of them in turn whenever I move house.

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    "Kup itar-bosh na' du k'waw'zhe," he said.(3)

    She carefully translated his words in her head, struggling with the last word but assuming he was thanking her for her invitation. She bit her lip as she thought of the correct and appropriate response and then replied, "Kup-aitlu k'kan'zhe na'sasarlah." (4)

    His eyebrows rose higher than she'd ever seen them go and if she didn't know better, she could swear he was about to laugh. True to his Vulcan demeanor, he maintained his composure but said, "You should continue to work on your Vuhlkansu."

    "What did I say?" she gulped.

    "I believe you meant to say 'I want to thank you for coming,'" he answered.

    "Yes, but what did I say?"

    "You said something suggestive of impregnating me," he replied.

    Omegaverse sneaking into my good, clean heterosexual fanfic. (No I mean it would be mpreg lol. Not omegaverse. But omegaverse is the internet's topic these past two weeks so.)

    Oh yeah I also forgot to post about this other fanfic description I saw recently:

    Lol I saw this lesbian fanfic set in the predator universe and the description had a human female character who lives in a cottage and I was thinking... You did not write a cottage core lesbian interspecies romance fanfic with a yautja. Then saw the tags:

    Cottagecore Lesbians my beloved

    We are in desperate need of more gay Yautjas imp

    That's hilarious.
    No but I love that.

    I removed a post I made earlier (because it turned into a huge rant lol,) but part of it was about this video I stumbled on after stumbling on another video by them. I don't really like them or their various agendas but that's sort of besides the point I was reading the comments (didn't watch the video lol)

    As I said before they obviously made this video because of Strange Aeon's recent omegaverse videos and because of algorithmic trends.

    I kind of hate it when conservatives learn about stuff though. They really ruin things lol. (I'm not talking about the couple in the video they wouldn't describe themselves that way I think, they are part of Elon's ideological bubble which is weirder and more machiavellian, but they pander to a mostly conservative audience on YouTube.)

    Somehow half the comments are still convinced that they are putting litter boxes in schools which was a dumb conservative misinformation video years ago:

    Number two two schools are now putting litter boxes in the school in my area because of furries. And you might say well. These are for kids. It's not sexual. I have a high school girl who works with me who shared a story where they pulled on one of the furry's tales and a butt plug came out. Yeah kids are wearing fetish gears in high school and Junior high.
    No they're not you've all fallen for conservative misinformation. How are people still falling for this r*tarded nonsense? So annoying that there are several comments like this.

    White males also appear to have the highest out group preference and there may be something there related to the Steppe Pastoralists of our ancient past.
    Gonna need a citation for that. It would make sense that white women have a lower opinion of men including white men if true. Perhaps even the higher crime rate etc compared to other races of women because they're taking care of themselves - though that's a newer trend since the 80s. (women in America's rate of violent crime has been increasing since 1980 and since 2000 there were some statistics comparing race and noted black and Hispanic women's had dropped by different percentages but white women's had increased. Men seem to be getting less violent but didn't see anything that broke that down by race on the webpage I was looking at.)

    I think they're doing the boring thing where they assume women who are into omegaverse automatically identify as bottoms so to speak and are also submissive.

    The analogy I've started using for these fringe interests is "marginalia". The strange illustrations on the margins of medieval manuscripts. They're fine and fun in the margins but the point is the text of the manuscript. Don't center marginalia.
    You can always leave the internet. It was mostly weird nerdy folk to start with. Then other people joined...

    I'm surprised bunnies are so rare... You know... because of Zootopia.
    I don't think they are really I mean consider playboy bunnies. It's just that like with catgirls it doesn't get classified as a furry thing per se. Hard to find male bunny stuff though because it's seen as feminine clearly. And as with most things like this it's very gay too - not much heterosexual stuff.

    I'm not into actual anthro stuff though. Just the psychological identity/behaviour + maybe a few details like ears/tails. It's kind of a spectrum like that for most people.

    I've liked stuff with Humanoid cats on/off over the years too. Used to have daydream stories in my head about Humanoid cat guys.

    I also don't like dressing up myself at all. Closest thing I guess is I like some dragon aesthetic stuff but even then minimal not like an entire dragon costume. I guess that would be 'scalie' not furry anyway.

    I think you're a little incomplete on the issue of why people write mpreg. I've seen a lot of women working out their pregnancy/birth trauma through writing about it using a man. There's one step of psychological remove based on gender
    Also, consider that a man impregnating another man plays into hyper dominance as we assume level of dominance in men.
    "Women aren't allowed to be submissive in our present culture. So they read this instead so they can be vicariously submissive."

    You're all so boring.

    I know a lot of women want to see men submit for a change. Or to bottom. But it's so beyond most people (and these people especially,) that it doesn't even occur to people as a possible reason some women read this stuff. You have to reason everything back to "Women just want to be submissive."

    Why are there more women into 'pegging' now than men? According to Aella's research? It's slightly female preferred. I don't like the term pegging I prefer strap on sex because (reasons I cba going into again right now.)

    Why in some fandoms is the more attractive guy (like the guy most female fans are more attracted to,) the guy who tends to be portrayed as a bottom? Good example is Loki/Thor fanfics. I don't ship them but it's a very popular pairing and most of the women who read that stuff are into Loki. Most women in general are into Loki. Hmm:

    1,448 Works in Bottom Loki (Marvel)
    830 Works in Top Loki (Marvel)
    I actually prefer reading Loki/Darcy fanfiction though. There's only one fanfic I found I think with her using strap on on him and somehow they're in a casual relationship and then after this (literally after this, like after they have strap on sex) she decides to break up with him since she's also in a relationship with Steve and then Loki gets together with Tony Stark and she gets together with Steve Rogers. Really? In the only fanfic. Feels like a hatecrime no lol. I compartmentalise romance and porn so I often read heterosexual romance a lot these days since I like that, but I don't get off to stuff in these fanfics. I get off to other stuff (mostly audio stuff atm and that tends to ultimately involve either more gay sex or femdom and male submissive stuff.) As a teenager I mostly read gay male stuff though.

    Like I've said before I'm not really into omegaverse specifically but I grew up reading tons of slash fanfiction and m/m original erotica and romance etc. I know there are a lot of trans guys who do, a lot of non-binary people. Actually on AO3 slash fanfiction is mostly written and read by bisexual women (not straight women,) and non-binary people are also overrepresented according to surveys. A lot of the people doing this also like the idea of topping guys regardless of gender identity. Or male submission etc.

    Lots of people are switches so they like that you can just switch pov. But I think (as illustrated from this entire discourse,) there is an inability to imagine a woman taking on that dominant role and especially not topping in general (whether dominant or not.) Especially women feel that way and especially if they have quite a passive personality, so they just vicariously experience it through men instead imo.

    When people are like 'women aren't allowed to be sexually submissive anymore so they read slash fanfiction' like Malcolm in that video. It's just this for me:

    👏 Let 👏 women 👏 be 👏 submissive 👏 bottoms.

    It's not like it's universally assumed without conversation in every heterosexual relationship ever.

    I know I'm conflating power dynamics here with topping and bottoms a bit and they're not the same but both are considered atypical by our culture and often put forward together as one thing.

    I actually myself like dominant bottoms (not exclusively but yeah. I have liked stuff like this. Or like power bottoms too.) Which would blow most people's minds conceptually. How is that even possible? And especially as someone who is afab without a dick. "Femdom is when you use a strap on on a man." No actually. Not even remotely ready for that conversation.

    Also the people who consume m/m stuff because they're hypercompetitive and hate women so only want to consume stuff with two men are absolutely a (infamous) subset (there's even a TV trope page about them lol and how they hate all heterosexual couples which might be more of a tangential thing that's more to do with [BEEP] stuff being seen as better morally but sometimes is competition based as well,) but honestly not as big a subset as you'd think. A lot consume heterosexual stuff as well as slash, or even femslash as well.

    Recently someone posted on twitter about a manga with a woman topping a guy and people were describing it as 'straight yaoi' which made me lol but it's also sad. The comments included people saying 'about time' and some weirdos complaining that it was fetishising gay men. You complain when it's two men and you complain when it's straight? Really? [BEEP] off. There were other nonsense comments too I don't remember it's twitter so everything turns into a shitshow obviously.

    There's a scene in a video game with the character Karlach. I've posted about this before I think. Baldur's Gate 3. Haven't played it. I'm just going to quote what I said before. God it took forever to find this (it really illustrates how oblivious/unaware people are about the possibility of women topping though right. And especially cis women):

    I haven't played this game but apparently there's some scene in the new Baldur's Gate 3 where Karlach (this female demon character) tops your character even if male.

    on track for the straight man to go sociologically extinct by the year 3000

    Men just assume that topping people with vaginas is going to happen so I don't see how this is different.

    obsolete and will not survive the winter if they get scared by a little pegging. good riddance
    It's fine but they can't then complain when afab people aren't interested in being penetrated because it's hypocritical.

    The guy saying devs made Karlach be the top "without really giving men a choice in the matter" is SO CLOSE to an epiphany that would change his view of het sex forever. So fucking close.
    I know. This is hilarious from a sociological experiment perspective.

    Fellas, is it lesbian sex when a man and a woman bang?
    Sometimes they call it gay male sex as well. It's funny. Seems to break down/queer a lot of things.

    Straight men don't deserve women 😒
    I had to go back to twitter to try and find stuff and found more conversation:

    Never forget where we started

    im going to be mean am i allowed to be mean
    You wouldn't like the heterosexual shipping either.

    Flashback to when straight men thought they're games were bugging because Karlach pegged them
    It is actually hilarious how many men are posting on reddit about the Karlach sex scene confusedly
    People on tumblr are discoursing on my Karlach topping post...seasons change but tumblr stays the same. God bless our troops
    It just makes sense that she deserves a strap how can anyone dispute
    like literally the game could not possibly make it clearer that she's a top but most straight men cannot wrap their head around the concept of being topped by a woman even in a heterosexual context. to them women are objects to be claimed not individuals with a say in sex acts
    As they should.

    Also of course this stuff I posted before:

    my gf [20F] wants me [28M] to be a "catboy" [NSFW]

    I met my gf Sara (fake name) 2.5 years ago on a discord for a certain popular video game. We were long distance for the first six months, but I was able to take a business trip in her area to meet her and it was one of the best days of my life. Sara ended up coming to NY for college and we spent nearly every weekend together. When Covid hit, she didn't want to return home so she's stayed with me and has been for the last ~9 months. Through all this stress, Sara has really been my rock and in spite of everything the last 9 months have been better than ever expected for a worldwide pandemic. She's perfect for me, or so I thought.


    I really adore her, but lately she has become really aggressive about me participating in her TikTok niche "community/interest" (idek if that's the best word) too. Turns out some of these interests were sexual? Our sex life is pretty normal, vanilla and semi-frequent but she's recently seemed a little bored during it/less enthused. That's when I found out that her TikTok interests were more risque. She has been telling me she wishes I was like the young men she watches on TikTok who wear cat ears and little dresses. I think her asks are kind of extreme and possibly immoral (I'm Catholic). I was raised to think men should be a certain way and already struggle with how gangly and un-masculine I look. In addition to talking about dresses and cat ears she keeps talking about pegging and is obsessed with taking my 'virginity' (yes the one you're thinking of). I want to make her happy, but I'm afraid it's too much and people will find out about it. Sara can sometimes lack a filter and will inappropriately gush about how good I am In bed. I'm worried that since she's really active on other social media--she doesn't know I know her handle and also joined the discords--and I've seen some of her posts about having a submissive boyfriend who does what she wants. She's been talking about how uninterested and unfulfilled during sex with me because all she wants is to try and 'top' me.

    I think some of her catboy interests have been manifesting already. Sometimes she'll watch over me cleaning and tell me to redo a spot in a forceful way. It was cute and funny at first but then I realized she wasn?t joking and I found it strange. She spilt a glass of orange juice yesterday while looking me in the eyes and then said "Get to work". Again, strange. She?s tried to be a bit more aggressive in bed, and I was taken back by it and caught off-guard which she may have interpreted as uninterested. Sometimes after sex she will ask for a snack or something and when we go to the kitchen to make it I'm usually in just my underwear or robe. Lately she has been hiding my robe but leaving out her dresses and suggested I try wearing that instead. I usually reject that but it?s getting colder and I can?t find my robe. Even while making a meal she?ll be more aggressive/demanding comments and sometimes she makes me feed her? The other day when she was in the bathroom

    I saw she was had tabs on looking for cat ears and maid outfits, at first I thought it was hot and got excited but then I noticed it was a size large, so for me. We haven't discussed this at all and I'm not really sure what to do next. What should I do? I don't hate the idea and I want to make her happy but I haven't been into the more aggressive aspects she's put up over the last couple of months. I also don?t want to do these things if she's going to tell her discord friends about our sex life and I'm afraid that it will compromise my faith. I want to make her happy but I don't know what to do. Advice?
    You can see in the comment below the denial again (he's much less cuter than the other guy too leading me to believe that the OP is fake especially given the OP's later comment about being neat and always putting his clothes away, and this is real.):

    I don't want to disclose too much personal info but I 100% believe it. I'm 23, had this 18 year old girl aggressively pursue be (we shared a hobby and worked together so I's spend roughly 15 hours a week with her anyway). I didn't like the age gap and had other options, but she made a really really nice gesture for my (23rd) birthday once and I decided to give her a shot after discussing with other people how immoral the age difference was.

    This girl claims she isn't on tik tok, but she also shares the same desire of feminizing me and pegging me. I kind of call her bluff on this because this seems to be the new norm along 18/19 year old girls. I don't know what it comes from, it's definitely dominant on the Twitter sphere and tik-tok and etc, but it really is strange to me.

    I'm dominant in bed and can talk about these subjects without much discomfort, but I'm really not too sure she could even handle "domming" me as she claims to want to do. She doesn't understand that pegging isn't just getting a big strap on and going right in, especially since she's never used lube before, never considered fingering a guys ass, or knows nothing about cleaning done there. For a lot of other reasons I'll spare you I think the idea is romanticized in her head, but I don't think it would be fulfilling for either party, and would instead be entirely awkward. I think it has something to do with current trends and a weird new reverse misogyny of "putting men in their place".

    Don't really know what to make of any of this, it's all really new and honestly just weird to me, but I'm wondering if other people are noticing this too.
    This is also related (from a reddit community with a guy who works as a doctor who treats trans patients the first quote is from him. It's not very politically correct these are his observations on trends he's noticed):

    **Elevated Serum Homocysteine Levels, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Hypermobile joints (often also have flat feet, pectus excavatum/carinatum), "Fibromyalgia" (I hate this diagnosis name but basically unexplained pain issues) Hashimoto's thyroiditis, IBS / Inflammatory GI issues, Queerness (gender or sexual orientation), migraine headache (mostly XX humans). Non-gender normative behavior, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (hormonal disruption, hirsutism, or passing out when standing up / "POTS", high resting heart rate, poor stress tolerance), PTSD, Bipolar/Schizo/depression (burnout type), Generalized Anxiety, Eczema, Severe acne in natal females (PCOS), Mast Cell Issues / Allergies, Myopia (negative glasses prescription), Increased Intelligence, Genetic mutations in MTHFR or MTR/R, Irritable Bladder or IC (acidic urine typically, gets up a lot at night to urinate), Spider veins (especially at the base of the neck posteriorly/upper back as well as "cherry hemangiomas". "Translucent" skin with easily visible vasculature.

    In cis MPS-MPS relationships, You will often see a masculine woman paired with a feminine man. In trans relationships, it's basically the same thing, a feminine person with a masculine person. We theorize this is to offset the hormonal imbalance issues and is therefore more likely to be a successful pregnancy.

    In terms of body habitus, the skinny low muscular ones tend to look like LOTR elves. They have high angular facial features and even somewhat look like a pointed ear. The lesbians that come out as transgender men that look like little pixies, they start on testosterone and suddenly become gay transgender men are this type 1 phenotype, the tall spindly 6'4 transgender woman with no muscle mass will have an absolutely enormous Adam's apple, and significantly above average length penis is the same variant but in MTF.

    The stocky, thick, large breasted, big butted humans that look like they have a lot of cortisol circulating tend to look almost like dwarves from LOTR. Wider more round faces. This is a different subtype, and the lesbians that come out as FTM in this subtype remain attracted to women. Additionally they end up with better vocal development related to slowly transitioning on their own with elevated androgens throughout their life prior to starting full FTM HRT. The gay men of this subtype that have the elevated DHT end up having an early puberty, have a short, thicker penis, are short in height, Have male pattern baldness, and basically look like Burl Ives. They often have a very brassy voice that sounds similar in timbre to many transgender men who were started on testosterone too rapidly and end up ossifying their larynx before normbal vocal development can occur (which creates that brassy transgender man voice that makes them sound like a gay man). You can replicate this voice style by compressing your larynx while you speak and you'll understand what I mean.

    Personality effects: Interest in fantasy worlds / gaming, "Nerd culture" (Star trek/wars/Dr who) Otakus/Anime, Ren Faire, Non-traditional relationship structures, BDSM interest. ( I think all of this personality stuff is related to these people being faintly dissociated all the time, often related to VDR/COMT/MAO mutations amplified by MTHFR defects.) Thus, the idea of "other realities" is quite easy for their brains to accept, hence the interest in these common topics.

    The exception of this is the autism, which I suspect is related to perinatal estradiol levels which are effectively driven by maternal reactions to heavy folate supplementation in prenatal vitamins affecting women with MTHFR deficiencies different than other cisgender women. In short, the reason for autism is the same reason for being transgender but they are not directly genetically linked. They are both an effect caused by underlying hormonal enzyme mutations or perinatal hormonal disruption.

    See my recent post on this which is my theory of why autism has become so prevalent since 1991 and the direct association between autism and increasing perinatal folic acid use as well as the complete inverse proportionality between spina bifida rates and autism rates in the entire world.

    Not everyone who has the syndrome will have all aspects of it. But many people have multiple things. I myself have many of the things and I also have the same genetic mutations in MTHFR and MTR/R but no gender issues. My dad has hashimoto's and aromatase excess and both parents gave me MTHFR variants.
    I think my boyfriend and I are a textbook MPS cis couple!

    Me: 5'0 cis woman, autistic and dyspraxic, hypermobile joints (no hEDS or other genetic conditions that I know of, however I have a very narrow palate).

    Hirsutism, LH:FSH ratio of 4:1 (waiting to see if my GP thinks I have PCOS or not since I have normal T, insulin, FAI and ovaries on ultrasound (DHEAS wasn't tested yet though)? NCAH or Turner Syndrome perhaps?)

    Hypothyroid (negative Hashimoto's antibodies though), myopia, lazy eye/possible strabimus (all of my siblings have strabismus). Low folate, but I definitely don't eat enough food with folic acid in, so who knows the cause?

    Didn't develop boobs until I started taking birth control, I was very much the "pixie" type that Dr. Powers describes.

    I am straight, however my type has always been feminine men, in fact for YEARS all of my crushes would end up being gay! Pegging a man would feel SO right to me and I often get really strong urges to do so, as well as occasional feelings of wishing that I had a dick, despite being very cis.

    To quote Dr. Powers, "most simplistically, I could say that testosterone makes somebody a top", and that definitely checks out for me - I am a femdom enthusiast, however once I started taking birth control, my submissive side started coming out more too. Hmmm! I am also very clearly sensitive to androgens despite normal T results, hence my hirsutism. It also took birth control for me to finally develop a feminine body at age NINETEEN despite starting my period and becoming hirsute at about 13 and developing acne before I was even 10? it makes me wonder.

    My partner: 6'3 cis, bisexual man, most likely autistic, doesn't have much body or facial hair.

    Here's something very interesting - his mother has had chronically low folate for YEARS and has symptoms despite supplementing? MTHFR mutation? He has had low folate himself in the past, but I believe it was due to poor dietary intake.

    Eczema, asthma, allergies.

    I would describe him as a "pretty boy" kind of handsome. Regarding D/s, he is also a switch.

    Neither of us have tried methylfolate yet.

    I do wonder if we're the classic MPS couple that [..] describes, and that r/RoleReversal is potentially a hub full of people with MPS, as well as r/GNCStraight.
    And then before I noticed they had a video titled 'male genocide' (obviously clickbait title lol, based on how most guys aren't reproducing.) And some of the comments pissed me off enormously but I'm not going to add that part of my rant back into this post lol.

    I guess I just-
    I guess I just-
    I guess I just wasn't made for these times
    I guess I just wasn't made for these times
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  14. #5999
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    So part of the reason I ended up watching their videos today lol is I actually had a dream about them last night but I don't remember most of the details about it now which is frustrating all I know is I woke up with this kind of vague sense of like .... Being attracted to Simone? There was a lot of other stuff going on and other people too I think but I don't remember most of it. I had this tiny laptop (netbook I guess,) at one point.

    Uh he annoys the [BEEP] out of me lol. Well I disagree with both of them on many things but yeah.

    They started talking about omegaverse in this video again. I haven't watched the whole video btw.

    "Women are house elves."

    "They all really want to be submissive and serve their house."

    "Why do omegas get pushed towards these pathways? Well it's because you're evolutionarily optimised for these pathways."

    Lol she compared women to house elves in Harry Potter who didn't want to be freed. Even though the house elves are a metaphor for slaves. I've seen far right people make the argument that many slaves in the Atlantic slave trade didn't want to be freed.

    "Women are house elves is maybe what you're saying?"

    Then he talks about how a lot of women back in the day opposed suffrage saying it was a bad idea. Which is true many did. Although one antifeminist woman (Rachilde,) wrote books about men being feminised by masculine women and then spoilers: Spoiler: being killed and then the woman turning the dead feminised guy into her sex doll so kind of necrophilic, kind of defeatist among other books with less obvious role reversal. And lowkey identified as a man (referring to themselves as such on occasion and preferring the company of gay men.) Also disliked being a mother when she decided to do that. Spent more time focussing on her writing then parenthood. There's some nuance to who anti-feminist women were.

    Rejected by her parents, who preferred their pet monkey to their own daughter, it was always clear that Rachilde would grow up to be an unconventional figure. Indeed, her view of gender arose from her self-proclaimed role as a solitary, subversive 'homme des lettres'. She strongly rejected any association with the traditional pillars of marriage and family entrenched in society. For her, being a 'writer' was paramount, transcending the need to identify with either masculinity or femininity. She distanced herself from organised movements of all stripes, and her ambiguous and apathetic stance toward feminism, as what she deemed a 'regressive movement beholden to bourgeois morality that has not enormously improved existence', in fact stemmed more from her pursuit of individualism than a wholesale rejection of feminist principles.
    At this point most of the women in the far right are also women who are driven more by fucking over women than helping men even though they pretend to be helping men. They are, and even far right men have noticed, masculine women.

    And everything I said in my previous post about the complete ignorance of the women who like the idea of topping.

    "Women didn't have a philosophy because men wrote everything they just had some tradcon books telling women to find a guy they respect to rely on/support and folk religion and magic etc."

    OK in the West but one of the first books was written by a Japanese woman and it was kind of.. Everyday is exactly the same. The Tale of Genji:

    The Tale of Genji (源氏物語; Genji Monogatari) is, by most modern definitions, the first written novel and the first modern novel. It is also the world's first long-running novel in the Harem Genre. Its authorship is attributed to Murasaki Shikibu, a noblewoman and lady-in-waiting of the Heian court; probably completed in the early 11th century, all tropes it provides are at least Older Than Print. While considered a Japanese and indeed worldwide classic, its influence on both Western and Eastern culture and literature are still not clearly defined and hotly debated.
    Hikaru Genji (literally "Shining One of the Minamoto Clan") is the illegitimate son of Emperor Kiritsubo of Japan, and considered too handsome for his own good. After Genji's mother dies, his father reluctantly removes him from the line of succession and demotes him to commoner status. Genji takes up a job as an imperial officer, and the story follows his sexual, personal and political exploits through the lens of Heian aristocratic society.
    Ethical Slut: Genji may have many, many affairs with different ladies, but at least he will support any woman he chooses to pursue, even if his interest in her fades.
    Even the Guys Want Him: A few of the male characters imagine the beautiful Genji as a woman.
    Everyone Is Bi: Several male characters are known to burst into tears upon seeing Genji, and Genji himself doesn't let a little thing like gender get in the way of his romantic pursuits. Of course, it should be noted that, at the time, attraction and love affairs between males - particularly if one or both of said males were physically attractive, as bishounen Genji was - were not especially scandalous, or even more noteworthy than a heterosexual affair (so long as certain social conventions were followed, like the requirement that the "passive" partner be a child or adolescent).
    Edit: The bolded kills me. 草摩 由希 ? It's giving ✨

    ^ I honestly don't even remember this character from the manga (haven't watched any of the anime adaptations.) 'we haven't even had a chance to discuss our tastes in erotica' was this like a self insert character for the audience lmfao?

    Anyway he has his own fanclub as well lol.

    I still haven't read this book (Tale of Genji,) but I think if I had a time machine she would be one of the first people I'd visit. After becoming fluent in ancient Japanese. 下手が日本語

    'what is the tai form of suru'

    したい ?


    Yeah I was like 勉強たい but then remembered it uses suru. That's like a whole thing. I don't remember the thing or many things but it's a thing.

    勉強したいに日本語 or 日本語を勉強したい

    I don't know. I just made up the first sentence but Google translate said it was what I wanted it to be. I think the second way of putting it is probably correct though in terms of someone having ever said that. に is usually used for movement right?

    What are you saying AI?


    Apuriya game? Something about apps /games I guess. You can use apps/games to study Japanese. Can't read most of the rest of that lol.

    To study Japanese, you can use apps, games, Japanese classes, textbooks, etc.

    Anyway I won't lol. Too lazy.

    For hundreds of years in the West (if not loner - Freudian slip lol yes they were kind of loners. I meant longer though) men's philosophy was mostly written by men who never married/had children and gay men btw.

    Look obviously some do want to live as traditional housewives but a lot don't, and that's fine. They're not 'being men' either by focussing on career. And many women focus on neither career (in a classic sense,) or men/family. Some women live in a house they built in the woods in Wales where they blessedly don't use social media at all. Her life must be amazing (and OK that's a pretty extreme niche but yeah.) When I say classic sense people bring up working in an office for a boss or something a lot but many people work for themselves soing creative things too which is very different.

    Another point is 'female happiness is going down' some people prioritise other things besides happiness. That's assuming this has anything to do with what you think it's about in the first place.

    Simone: "You're answering this question of why should an ambitious young woman have children in a very Malcolm way. Which is you don't answer the question and you just say what you want to say and you're not speaking to the audience. I can answer these questions speaking to the answer, I can speak their language."

    Macolm: "Speak to the audience. Because you did it. You now have this life and you seem to like it and you find it more satisfying I think then the life you would have had."

    Simone: "Yeah but I'm actually kind of cheating because who is actually making the money in this family?"

    Malcolm: "You."

    Simone: "Who is actually controlling all the finances?"

    Malcolm: "You."

    Simone: "Yeah that's kind of the problem. I'm not very trad wifey right?"

    As to the video title:

    Can Women Be Convinced to Have Kids? (Probably not)
    No you def can't. You definitely can't make women want to be submissive and traditional.

    The best thing for men to do if they run out of willing tradwives would be to feminise themselves and be in a femme4femme (by straight standards not sapphic standards,) relationship with a feminine woman. Because when you run out of tradwives the feminine women just get gayer and gayer.

    See (this is just a convinient example that exists lol)

    No but liberal women are trying to build a chimera and you aren't it (this was all in response to some video that ended up on twitter of a woman saying that she wanted like a feminist guy who was sort of masculine or something I forget now but basically a mixture of traits):

    These liberal women sound like they're concocting some hellish chimeric hybrid like something out of Greek mythology.

    Part macho, part feminist, part pornstar.
    This chick is a Lesbian. If she wants a Feminist-man, what she's actually requesting is a woman. Therefore, she's a Lesbian.
    If only the male characters written by other women in romance novels existed.
    F@g hag
    They already have boyfriends. 🙄
    ^ there were a thousand comments like this.

    If he does exist he is Dennis from Always sunny.
    Probably tbh.

    She wants a gay man who is straight and owns a john deer. Sorry the magic 8 ball says no.
    What is a John Deer? A tractor? That reminds me:

    That's not my genre of gay straight man. Actually I prefer lesbian straight man (they have better hair,) but more power to her.

    You have lesbian straight men:

    I didn't invent this either Tumblr is partly responsible for constantly calling skinny guys with great hair lesbians.

    And gay straight men:

    ^ debateable he was written by a gay man.

    Right wing twitter try to be like Patrick Bateman but they'll never be autoandrophilic and book written by gay man, screenplay written by a lesbian enough to make it work.


    10/10 song.

    You know? It makes sense. *gets dragged to mental hospital* no really.

    I bet Lady Gaga knows where to find the guy she's looking for:

    That twitter woman (actually tiktok woman technically,) should hang with her. If she doesn't know it's not possible.

    Natasha Lyonne is a merry prankster:

    For years, our community has speculated about Lyonne's sexuality, though she has identified as straight in the past. For years, our community has also felt personally wronged by Lyonne's straightness, given her role in legendary [BEEP] roles (and given how hot she looks in a suit). But now, our community is losing their minds over Lyonne's revealed mischievous "third category" identity. Naturally, the internet has blown up over the interview and the tweets did not disappoint.
    Natasha Lyonne sexually identifying as mischievous changed my life actually
    Whether or not Lyonne will elaborate on what merry prankster means remains to be seen, but iconicity rarely needs an explanation. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to go watch But I'm A Cheerleader.
    I don't know about Natasha but I think this was very gay of Sabrina:

    I won't be taking questions.

    That's why she had to come out as straight lol:

    It's slim pickings
    If I can't have the one I love
    I guess it's you that I'll be kissin'
    Just to get my fixings
    Since the good ones are deceased or taken
    I'll just keep on moanin' and bitchin'

    Moanin' and bitchin'

    Since the good ones call their exes wasted
    And since the Lord forgot my gay awakenin'
    Then I'll just be here in the kitchen
    Servin' up some moanin' and bitchin'

    i just want a virgin slut 🤷*♂️
    ^ He says that like that isn't what a lot of men are really looking for lol.

    White liberal women are more scary than any alt right winger. When I see women like this, I see the face of evil.
    White liberal women need to be studied. You bitches are the most insane people alive.
    Women are pretty great, except liberal white women. They are by far the most evil creatures on the planet.
    Liberal white women are the real axis of evil in this country. Idiots
    White liberal women are the most evil human beings on the face of the earth.

    Someone needs to study you cunts.
    Root of evil is white liberal women that are mentally ill.
    I didn't make the rules annoying right wing American guys on twitter did and I think this is entertaining so most women are gay now. And well:

    Women's contact with the criminal justice system has trended upward over the last several decades, while comparable figures for men have trended downward.
    The share of female arrests is up in part due to trends in arrest rates for violent and drug crimes. In 2019, the women's arrest rate was 63% higher for violent crimes and 317% higher for drug crimes than in 1980.

    The women's prison population is aging; 2022 imprisonment rates were 83% higher than in 2007 for older women (ages 60 to 64) and 62% lower for younger women (ages 20 to 24).

    In 2016, 58% of the women in state and federal prisons were parents to minor children, compared to less than half of the men (47%).

    Racial disparities in female imprisonment rates narrowed from 2000 to 2022. In 2022, the imprisonment rate was 69% lower for Black females, 18% lower for Hispanic females, and 18% higher for White females than in 2000.

    Females released from state prison systems were less likely to recidivate than their male counterparts. By 2017, 63% of females released from 34 state prison systems in 2012 had been rearrested, compared to 72% of males.
    I had to go back to find all those quotes in a post I made a long time ago and found this again. What a bop. This is like music + music video for the tiktok generation though lol:

    Some women's (people's really,) life purpose is sadistically fucking with right wing men and scaring the hoes (right wing men) and I think that makes just as much sense as any other life purpose. It gives those right wing men an enemy to unite against so their life has purpose.

    Somewhere here I lost the point of what I was saying and it also doesn't matter.

    I think right wing men on twitter would be better if they were written by gay men and lesbian women. Bronze Age Pervert tried to write them but it didn't really work. Because he's a closeted bisexual.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  15. #6000
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    Managing to negotiate British Telecom down on my broadband renewal from my current ?37 to ?27 feels a success.

    I mean, it's still a bit more expensive than the ?24 Vodafone were offering, but, I honestly CBA with the faff of switching supplier. Also, Vodafone have rubbish reviews.

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