So im creating a zombie killing playlist since i just bought black ops 2 and need suggestions on good songs you think would be good
So im creating a zombie killing playlist since i just bought black ops 2 and need suggestions on good songs you think would be good
Life is full of up and downs, I'm here for the ride
Gonna be hard to find zombie KILLING music. It would be for me anyways because the only music i know of about zombies talks about them killing people. But here's a couple anyways..
Cannibal Corpse - Pit of Zombies
Deceased - Fearless Undead Machines (entire album is about zombies, great music)
Mortician - Zombie Apocalypse
Songs you can crank out whilst beheading zombies? Search for 'Whacked out' by Knut (anything by them), 'vater unser' by Combichrist, 'Nayeli' by Time To Burn (anything by them)