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  1. #4111
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    Quote CloudMaker View Post
    Elon musk is my latest hero
    Might actually join twitter now
    It will either go very well, or very badly. Jury is still out.

    But I think he will have staff retention and actually getting staff problems. I think he has gotten used to having staff who want to work somewhere groundbreaking (either making electric cars or building stuff to go to space), and that doesn't really work when it'd a social media platform.

    By all accounts, those still working there are those who will be told to leave the United States if they quit.

  2. #4112
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    It will either go very well, or very badly. Jury is still out.

    But I think he will have staff retention and actually getting staff problems. I think he has gotten used to having staff who want to work somewhere groundbreaking (either making electric cars or building stuff to go to space), and that doesn't really work when it'd a social media platform.

    By all accounts, those still working there are those who will be told to leave the United States if they quit.
    I think black rock will sabotage it
    Free speech goes against what they seem to want
    Black rock has their hands in every major company on the planet. They can influence them to abandon twitter and kill it.
    Includes removing it from Google and apple app stores

  3. #4113
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    I've been watching The sitcom The Middle recently which started in 2009 (same year as Modern Family.) So it's a sitcom about a lower middle class family in Indiana. There are three kids Axel (the oldest,) Sue and Brick (the youngest.)

    There's this one character on the show who is obviously supposed to be gay. He's introduced pretty early on in the show. At the beginning he was 13 years old I think and he's introduced as Sue's boyfriend and later friend, and there are a number of jokes made about him being obviously gay by Sue's parents in the early seasons especially while she's dating him - because he's stereotypically gay - gender non-conforming basically. They kind of drag this out for several seasons as the two older Heck kids have multiple heterosexual relationships and even Brick the youngest who it's implied has some kind of diagnosable quirkyness/awkwardness (he goes to social skills training at school too, has a bunch of ticks and is obsessed with fonts and books, as with all sitcoms they don't give him a label though,) has had a couple of awkward relationships with girls by the time he's 13.

    Now that Sue's in college and they're college aged and both 18+ it seems like they've decided to have him come out (though still not explicitly so maybe there's going to be another plot twist I don't think so though based on the tone/music of the scene.) It feels... Quite unrealistic. I grew up during section 28 in the UK and there were still two out gay guys in secondary school in my year (before age 16.) girls/women often don't come out till later but ime (probably different now,) guys often come out relatively early. Not really given an opportunity not to. Often as bisexual first.

    Wolf reflects that as a teenager, he was bullied at school in Wimbledon for his perceived eccentricity and effeminacy.[5] He stated: "Wimbledon is my trauma area".[26] At the time, he was unsure whether he was gay or bisexual. Mentors at school treated him with disdain when he came to them for support on the issue. The bullying problem was only rectified after his mother changed schools. Wolf comments, "With gay or bi people, I think education still wonders if it's a nature-versus-nurture thing. If you were black, they'd know they couldn't change you, and racist bullying would never be condoned, but if someone is quite feminine or knows they might be gay at 13, they think they can change you with a bit of rugby".[5]
    Was listening to this. His music is not musically something I can enjoy the same way now but it's 'the only thing that stops me hating the UK 2000s edition.' Obviously influenced by Kate Bush. Not really aware of anyone younger/more recent like this now. I guess AURORA. Someone brought up a point that has honestly crossed my mind many times but I don't think is posed to conservatives often or well they don't care/get it. Paraphrasing: 'Why isn't stuff that happened on the British isles in British museums? Surely there's more to Britain than war and colonisation? There's a reason why young Brits don't give a [BEEP] about anything British.' That's why people found this so insulting imo. The UK is fairly good at music though. Listening to this song (which was part of the soundtrack to The Middle, but I think I heard it somewhere before that,) was the first time I cried listening to music in a couple of years or so (not while watching the show I had to look it up later,) and I thought this time they might be American but they're from Leeds. I guess they sound like Alt-j who are also British, but there's a bunch of American music like this too like Manchester (not UK lol) Orchestra. This wasn't ground zero for the glasses I think, and She holds a smile like someone would hold a crying child. The glove compartment is inaccurately named. I mean they did invent hipsters right at this point we've left hipster and moved into 'theatre kid' so. They're running through the North Pacific woodland I'm counting this Wow it's genuinely impossible for me not to do this damn oh well.

    I mean the show is lighthearted enough, so they couldn't make some tortured adolescence work with the tone of the show.

    I think it's difference if you're afab. Except for a minority of really masculine people afab people are usually read as straight and cis ime but if you're a cis guy then as Nick Fuentes says it's gay to date women because gay people date girls all the time and being an asexual incel is the most straight thing you can do (man I hate it when the clip isn't on YouTube and I have to settle for Hasan reacting to it. But he's right I've seen stand up comedians do this bit but a lot better than his incredibly awkward delivery. However nobody can know what Nick's thinking or by extension his chat who were agreeing with him. Because of the post-irony. I do find the idea that he meme'd himself into asceticism because he felt heterosexuality was weak or feminine amusing though, but really it's sad.)(Could go off on a huge tangent here lol but won't. 'The simulation' has been weird lately.)

    I noticed on Modern Family that Mitchel also didn't come out till he was in uni (obviously he's much older by the start of the show but that's his back story.) It feels like they're really not comfortable having teenagers or children express romantic or sexual interest in the same sex and it leads to these awkward and mostly unrealistic portrayals especially when compared to heterosexual peers. I think it might be because the writers are older than me and writing teenagers who are younger than me (so theoretically even more open minded or so sarcastic you'll never know like Nick Fuentes.) But also they're writing these shows to cater to a diverse audience including many people who get freaked out by the idea of anyone under the age of 18 being made aware gay people even exist. Perhaps also because the reality often reveals the education system to be fairly close to the prison system.

    This video is kind of related to this actually. She compared The Bisexual TV show (no that's the name of the show lol,) with some others floating around and said the only other TV shows she can think of that exhibit a similar vibe are Feel Good and Fleabag. Fleabag is actually the only British TV show I've watched in years lol. Actually I think this might be why I finally decided to watch it hahaha. (There were a couple of clips though I saw before watching it don't remember which ones. So many great lines) but like she says it wasn't really brought up that the main character was bisexual until the second season I think, which was only created because the first really blew up and as much as I like both seasons (the second fits in nicely with my general heretical ways,) that's kind of obvious. The first works in a self contained way.

    I think all the shows she's talking about are British but there's a reason I thought Heartstopper was American. We don't really get happy/feel good shows here much that's why I tend to prefer watching US shows for escapism, but there are limits to what mainstream US TV can achieve obviously and I'm not really watching the best of it generally since I'm most often watching stuff I don't have to pay attention to while doing other stuff.

    On a completely (although in some ways not) unrelated note. This guy who was part of the group who stormed the US capitol had to have been on drugs right
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  4. #4114
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    So, there's this guy in Ireland whose paid 100k+, and he's suing his employer because he's bored, because apparently he has nothing to do and just gets to sit there reading the newspaper.

    I don't get it myself. Paid that amount to do nothing? The dream.

    I'm going to need to get a job at this company.

  5. #4115
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    OK so coincidentally there's this (American) guy on twitter who is very 'anti-woke' and conservative in many ways (pronatalist etc,) and transphobic, but has a bunch of the same interests as me and aesthetic preferences. It's unusual because especially on twitter people usually come in these package deal stereotype boxes. I just saw him mention he likes Fleabag lol... And he also likes IAMX and art noveau art. I think that's because these things are kind of white bourgeoisie though (the British aspect of both IAMX and Fleabag is not coincidence either.) Very much confirms what the YouTuber Verilybitchy said about how people outside the obvious demographic (queer women,) were lured into watching Fleabag though.

    But I also think it's for the same reason Curtis Yarvin (and I know he's part of that ideological milieu,) wrote that mega cringe Machiavellian 'dark elf'* substack post where he patronises the traditional right:

    Naturally, being traitors and all, these dark elves keep a low profile. But culturally, they are still totally elves and into, like, “art films” and stuff. Any attack on elves in general weakens and demoralizes this important fifth column. What are they useful for, these dark elves? See below.
    Before this revolution, hobbits and dark elves should have nothing to do with other. The goal of the dark elves is to win the culture war—but not with hobbit power. In fact, the less a dark elf smells like a hobbit, the better. Just let us take care of it.

    The dark elves cannot win by using the coercive power of the hobbit peasant armies; and they have no coercive power of their own. Their only form of power is subversive. They fight by subverting and seducing their enemies, the high elves.
    It is 'cute' that Yarvin thinks a principled person will budge on most of the values right wingers want them to budge on. Also he thinks they're being subtle? Well maybe to a less online person who's actually part of the upper middle class for real. Which is all they need really (because they do control everything.)

    And the context of the tweet was similar in an amusing way too because it was part of a discussion on Phoebe Waller-Bridge playing Indiana Jones and many men are outraged by the idea that it was even a good TV show.

    Fleabag is dirt, couldn't make it through the first episode.the Woke aren't funny, they're annoying
    Then since this is Elon Musk's twitter we have a blatantly racist + slutshaming tweet involving her that I won't quote from a Pepe guy and then he actually responded to this guy asking about the slur (sweet summer child tbh, but surely he must be more familiar with the far right than me?) Then Pepe guy responded again:

    The greater point is that you called her an actor, not an actress, displaying your assimilation to the Left's language, and no conservative should be encouraging men to watch a clearly hyperfeminized show where a woman displays her degeneracy as a comedy.
    Actually ironically she's very much gender non-conforming.

    I'm sorry but I love these dynamics. It's so fascinating psychologically. I'm like a really unintelligent Wittgenstein and this is my mathematics. (if you know you know, but no it's not sexual in this specific context.)

    That's why this schizoposter is amusing too tbh, even though the execution could be a bit better (I haven't finished watching this video lol it was uploaded 10 hours ago and I just got suggested it by YouTube):

    Yeah I think this comment was the point but it took quite a long time to get there lol:

    The original Secret History was much better. Justinian was a demon who walked around headless at night, Theodora was a dancer (codeword for sex worker), Belisarius was in an open marriage with his wife. Non of the original cast are even mentioned, nor is there an analogy between the old and new cast. The story and setting are completely disconnected from the original. Why even make this book a sequel if it has nothing to do with the original? But I guess they need that brand™ recognition. All in all, very disappointing.
    If you're going to post-irony post why would you not make video connecting Evola and kpop:

    Pepeposter will never understand.

    *Someone really needs to sample Jordan Peterson talking about anonymous troll demons in a song. Probably something similar to witch house. But also maybe not because he seems to believe this too much emotionally.

    Or like Clams Casino ft Imogen Heap ft Jordan Peterson. I guess this track would make more sense though.

    Witch house works especially well though not just aesthetically/soundwise but because it's a mostly anonymous genre.

    I think probably the most amusing thing about Jordan Peterson's troll demon thing is that right wing people online (or at least anti-left people,) automatically assume he's not talking about left wing people, when he's made a few comments about this ramping up in severity over time and I'm fairly sure it's bipartisan and if anything more critical of anonymous left wing accounts who are just as likely to fit his profile of edgy/demonic naming conventions etc. In fact he first started talking about this after he got suspended for deadnaming Elliot Page. And I know a lot of trans/non-binary accounts on twitter who are left wing have these demonic/edgy aesthetics and some are anonymous. Of course he's now arguing with the far right a bunch because Elon let them back on but still his initial point was very much not specifically talking about right wingers lol. I dunno it's just funny. Also I don't know why all these reaction videos are in like some kind of scenic and/or motivational style? 'We will spiritually touch grass now.'

    I mean I fit into the profile of what he's talking about really. They took it very personally because many felt betrayed but I mostly just thought he was a knock-off Camille Paglia who kind of needs some help (probably shouldn't be on social media or should just start an anonymous account that gets less attention himself,) content went down hill intellectually over time (not implying it was ever great in the first place. I can see why he appeals to lost boys,) as he became a talking head and finally started working for The Daily Wire. And being called a demon always makes me laugh. Same energy as that one guy on telegram who was complaining about demon transsexuals hacking the site.

    Some people who actually agree with him on gender like the uploader of this video (I don't of course,) and certain other topics realised this a long time ago

    The part where he talks about how some people are very unconstrained but real life stops them with violence etc is honestly lol I mean he just tweets so much and always very angry. The thing is though he's never been clear who/what he's talking about like at one point he complained about people responding to his tweets with just 'lol, lmao, bro and bruh' that's not 'going off' and I'm sure as a famous person he must get a lot worse (even I've gotten worse,) very confusing.

    But yes his anti anonymous thing really isn't practical at all especially for countries where you're likely to be killed for certain things.
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  6. #4116
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    I'm trying to figure out if the world is really this boring or if my brain is just severely broken. I get almost no joy out of anything. Music is one of the only things keeping me going.

  7. #4117
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    Flew Ryanair recently, having been seduced by the prospect of ?20 return to Portugal. Thought it couldn't be much different to other budget air (Wizz, Easyjet, Velindre.)

    But oh my god. The amount of advertising on that thing. Amount of times they really, really tried to sell me duty-free perfume. Leg room was fairly limited, even for me. Thought spirit was bad that one time I flew with them. But this was spirit on steroids. Then the fact it flies into London Stanstead, which is about as a London airport as London Paris Airport would be. So bloody chaotic that airport. Egates seemed to not work. Not helped by the fact by a bunch of Brazillians ended up in that queue and nobody thought to say "You're in the wrong queue, thats why its not working." Took me 2 and a half hours to get through passport control.

    But I have holiday days leftover that I've got to use by March and that ?25 return to Italy one weekend is looking very tempting.

  8. #4118
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    Some men were insisting on twitter that no women would be attracted to guys in dresses/feminine clothes. I noticed when looking closer one of the people who argued otherwise and said their ex wore their dresses and underwear etc had a profile pic of themselves dressed as Alice from the Madness Returns (it's just a great chorus though,) and someone said 'if that's you on your profile I'm not surprised.' Which is funny because years ago I dressed up as her for Halloween (the only time I ever did,) and then since I bought eyeliner for that outfit (and poked myself in the eyeball with it,) I asked my ex to wear some but he adamantly refused lol. She's a cosplayer though and her outfit is a lot better than the cheap thing I put together. I dunno if it was their profile pic they meant though they also have a bunch of other recent photos posted. People are also insisting that's why they broke up and that her ex was gay and that they're both stupid etc.

    It occurs to me now that he might have been hitting on her and not insulting her but I looked on his page and recent stuff is all anti male femininity type shit. He's just retweeting criticism of black mums with gender non-conforming kids. Imagine the audacity of being this guy(tm) (I could stop here,) but then still trying that. But like I say I don't know his intent.

    This is in a much larger backlash to a tweet where a mum said they allowed their son to wear a dress because he wanted to and then a young boy asked why he was wearing a dress so she said because he wanted to and then the boy accepted that apparently (it was meant to be a positive thing but then there was insane backlash to it.) People asking 'where is the father' Do they need that father? Feels like we're never going to move past this culturally.

    One guy responded saying 'I'd be fine with that I also wear dresses' and one of these guys responded 'that's fine though because you're gay.' Another layer of stupidity. How do these people even? That's why this exists academically though lol.

    Another person who was well meaning responded to the question addressed to women with:

    Gay people are part of society like it or not.
    It's not the current point of discussion though. And a few other people started having conversations about gay people.

    Some guy posted a photo of himself in a dress (in a very masculine pose, with large muscles,) got some compliments on his physique and then tons of insulting responses. Someone said 'the fact only women and gay people like this says it all.'

    I also like that someone with a Riddler pfp was responding to a bunch of these people over the past two days. It's a thing now.

    'Why are all the young women identifying as LGBT+ now?' Is probably also something such people wonder about. As they respond to a woman (not the cosplayer someone else,) saying she didn't care if her date wore a dress with 'that's so gay.'

    They're more effective than 'groomers' or whatever they panic about lol. Quite a few of the comments are ridiculous sounding though:

    Your son did not ask for a dress you conniving witch.

    Don?t do this to your son, respect him, respect his balls & be a better human being.
    respect his balls lol. They don't seem to realise witches, demons etc are just aesthetically cool when they say these things.


    I say this too much but honestly the funniest thing I read recently was this tweet where this cis bisexual (?) guy was complaining about how he can't find good slash fanfiction anymore because in his words 'all the yaoi girls have transitioned so all the characters are trans men.' He put trans men in scare quotes. I don't really read slash anymore but I read it almost exclusively as a teenager and on/off throughout my 20s, but trans men were non existent essentially in fanfic back in the day. I honestly don't think it's common now either. I don't know what fandoms he's into though. I keep trying to find fanfics with Loki as a woman or genderfluid or just shapeshifting in the fic etc, and it's really rare despite it being canon. Slash fanfics with two cis gay characters are the overwhelming majority of fanfics in a lot of fandoms lol. Sucks if you're trying to find femslash.

    But so he posts stuff like this:

    trans men exist and are valid and do not belong in gay communities
    wait, is bear a gay term? wait, are top and bottom gay terms? wait, is kink gay culture? YES. F*** YOU FOR STEALING OUR SHIT
    and now he's like 'you have to make me more content though' lol.

    You come into my house? [redacted meme. If you know you know. No it's not a Godfather reference. Well not directly. It's not just the film quote I mean.]

    APRIL �������� [tons of crying face emojis]
    i want my gay vampire romance nowwwww ��[I dunno that cute pleading? eye Emoji they're all question marks now]
    Some steam game I guess.

    Tbh most of his tweets are trollish though or inconsistent like tweeting about how he likes trans men because he really x7 likes the idea of getting a dude pregnant but also can't stay with someone if they come out as trans, but also it's 'cool and cyberpunk' for trans kids to DIY hrt and phalloplasties (but also tweets contradicting that.) He's a Kinsey 5 but supposedly becomes 0 when around gay men (actually tbf I think he said that because he was retweeting a thread where they asked gay men if they'd date bi men and a lot won't.) When the gay men rejected you and everyone on grindr is ugly or trans (apparently,) so now you're stuck reading 'yaoi girl fanfics.' (Also I remember when yaoi and slash were very separate genres but now people just use these terms interchangeably lol. Yaoi is different stylistically and really only refers to anime/manga and Japanese fanworks. Also called BL and it's mostly original works. I mean Western m/m fiction that's original written by similar demographics exists, but doesn't get called slash. I read a lot of that too.)

    and... Some weird thing about him coming to understand trans people as the 'ordained priesthood' of the androgynous form of the creative deity, which he sees as blasphemy because he's devoted to the masculine form but 'it's interesting.'
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  9. #4119
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    Quote Doseone View Post
    I'm trying to figure out if the world is really this boring or if my brain is just severely broken. I get almost no joy out of anything. Music is one of the only things keeping me going.
    What music do you like?

  10. #4120
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    Quote Total Eclipse View Post
    What music do you like?
    Lots. Right now I've been listening to The Beatles discography.

    Random thought: if I were God I would create the best possible world and live the best possible life over and over again for eternity.

  11. #4121
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    Why is my hometown trending? What did Andrew Tate/Islamists/fascists do now? Did Lauren Southern come all the way to visit the town only to get chucked out of the country for saying Allah is gay again? (Probably was more to it then that but cracks me up. Imagine paying thousands on air travel etc.)

    Oh the king came to visit yesterday. Didn't even notice. Nobody in my family brought it up. Still doing a pretty great job ignoring the royals. (sunglasses emoji) I'll pay attention when the king is visiting.


    Name a place in Britain simply not worth visiting.

    And me. We're not a great bunch. There are actually cooler people lol. If I look through the Wikipedia list list we've got
    Nicola Roberts (murderer) and Charles Bronson (prisoner - that's what he's known for lol he's a famous prisoner) '"most violent prisoner in Britain" and "Britain's most notorious prisoner".' But no there's like some post-punk band (there has to be right?) Many famous sports people I have no interest in. David Renwick wrote One Foot in the Grave (never watched that.) Stacey Dooley initially got big in the world of documentaries for making one about the town lmfao. Too small to be Gotham, too [BEEP] to avoid people having a machete fight in the shopping centre in the middle of the day. Luton 'It's not Detroit.' 'Buy a house for the price of a VCR' damn Cleveland sounds better. Housing in Luton is expensive because of it's proximity to London and everywhere in the UK being expensive at baseline.

    There's some nice countryside though. That's the bad thing about the US if you live somewhere shit, you're ages away from somewhere not shit. But with big cities you get this 'scenes' etc. If the airport closed Luton would be fucked because they employ tons of people and fund most things the council can't afford.

    Luton's post-war and more recent industrial decline has been compared to that of similar towns in northern England.[73]
    That basically sums it up. Half of children in Luton live in poverty.

    I don't think Andrew Tate was born here though, he was raised here but has a really weird accent so something's going on there. 'He grew up in Goshen, Indiana and Chicago, later moving to Luton, England as a child' makes sense. Everyone remembers him being from Luton though which is hilarious. He was also born in DC I think so he's missing NYC and Detroit but basically he grew up in Gotham. If you put them all together that's just Gotham lol. I'm guessing he grew up in Goshen, Indiana and not Goshen (Egyptian place mentioned in the bible,) Indiana (the state.) So in my head he grew up in Pawnee. (Gotham. I don't know if Randy Quaid was crazy when this episode was released but if not it's aged very well.) and April rejected Andrew Tate and he's never been the same since (rightfully so.)

    The show was filmed in Southern California. The exterior of the Pawnee government building, and several of the hallway scenes, were shot at Pasadena City Hall.
    They didn't do a terrible job but I hate it when they do that tbh.

    The first five seasons of The X-Files were filmed in Vancouver. It was chosen, originally, when the producers could not find a good forest near Los Angeles to film The Pilot episode.
    And that's a big part of why it and The Lone Gunmen are aesthetically better.

    Wikipedia - Tommy Robinson (activist) bit rich lmfao.

    The post-punk band (so excited that I still found ways to fit music into this post. This song is punk though):

    This sounds like Rozz Williams in parts or vice versa:

    At a certain point they all started doing the I'm a very spooky skeleton/vampire lord voice haha. (part of the line between punk and post-punk.) I love it though. Remember when Ministry did this with the fake English accent? Well I don't because I'm too young but I'm not letting people forget.

    Back when Ministry were British.
    Al regrets using the fake British accent. That’s why, after Twitch, he never “did it agayne.”
    :') (It's very funny. But also good song.)

    Man charged over egg thrown at King Charles during visit to Luton
    Well if Grimes didn't actually throw a snowball at the queen, I guess this is the best we can do. This is a joke don't lock me in prison.
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    I have some DMT that my sister sent me a few months ago, but I'm too afraid to try it. Lol. One of these days.

  13. #4123
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    ^ DMT sounds cool but I'm also worried about doing it due to mental health issues + a cousin with schizophrenia. (The insanity of the post below I decided to write kind of makes this sentence more ironic.)


    Jordan Peterson is just tweeting over and over about 'troll demons' now. Like this really is his new war.

    No more cowardly anonymous troll demons. Or at least far fewer of them. $8 a month should be more than most of them can afford

    @jordanbpeterson, don't transgender people have really high rates of suicide? (this article says 40% have attempted it. How do you reconcile your aggressive language against transgender acceptance with that?
    Gender dysphoria is comorbid with major depression/anxiety. That is what produces the suicidality, insofar as it genuinely exists. But what would I know, compared to you? I'm merely a professional clinical psychologist/researcher, while you're a cowardly anonymous troll demon.
    By failing to separate the anonymous cowardly troll demons from real people in the comments section
    and other SM platforms are enabling sadistic Machiavellian psychopaths and narcissists
    Most anonymous accounts are counterproductive. And I never said they should be banned. I merely said that the anonymous accounts should be separated from the real people.
    The correlation is so large that anyone posting anonymously has to ask themselves seriously: narcissist with psychopathic features, or hero? And there are damn few heroes.
    ah yes the two genders... narcissist with psychopathic features and hero
    The binary Christian morality thinking has really polluted his mind.

    Then he got pissed off at Elmo. Elmo. (After some article tweet which I think satirically? Said Elmo was dead.)

    And not a moment too soon. I've always detested that whiny infantilized puppet.

    Tbh I thought he was joking about his comment about Elmo, but given his general rage and fixations especially of late it's possible he was serious. Also apparently there's evidence of his dislike for Elmo going back years. I didn't think it was possible to have a bigger complex about infantalisation than I had either, but I'm always proven wrong online.

    Poor Elmo. Then again Elmo can take care of himself. He's a creepypasta (anonymous troll demon) now. Just like Garfield.

    Jordan just has to embrace the fact that he's demon kermit like this young chap. Just like Wednesday Adams/Samara/creepy horror film characters. Or other stuff I got referred to when I was young in a way that was usually supposed to be insulting but some people felt was an amusing juxtaposition. There's kind of been an explosion of characters like that since eg: Louise Belcher who obviously also has the same complex about being called a baby, 'Lol it's so funny that she's small/cute but what if she was going to kill us all?'

    A reddit post I just found while trying to find an image of demonic Garfield:

    Theory on how Garfield is a demon/ freak of nature
    so, Calico cats, which are orange, black, and white are that way because of Barr Body, basically turning off one of their X chromosomes causing the distinct color of them. Garfield is a calico cat but is male since only females can be calico, so therefore Garfield shouldn?t even be alive, but somehow he is
    Male calico cats exist in real life, but they're quite rare, and are usually infertile.
    Yes, yes. Jordan Peterson never had this experience probably because he was raised as male and not as a female or cat or elmo.

    yin and yang cute/demon

    Really though he should be entering his Sheogoroth/wizard stage soon. The jyggalag order thing isn't really working anymore.

    Uh I do think this is why he hates 'anonymous troll demons' and Peter Pan etc. His entire body of work is hating youthful masculinity (I mean besides the occasional weird comment about women/feminists and genderfluid people.) He also sees children as monsters. Having an aneurysm over Kate Bush (I haven't seen him acknowledge her existence unlike Frozen, just this song is lol):

    Running into her arms
    At the school gates
    She whispers that I'm a poor kid
    And Granny takes me on her knee
    She tells me I'm too sensitive
    She makes me sad
    She makes me feel like an old man
    She makes me feel like an old man

    They took the game right out of it
    They took the game right out of it
    When I am a man
    I will be an astronaut
    And find Peter Pan
    Jordan Peterson: 'reprehensible propaganda Jordan Peterson is right about Frozen here though. I haven't seen Frozen but Sleeping Beauty is like a lesbian Brokeback Mountain and so anti-Sleeping Beauty is just homophobic really. He makes a good point. Also Aurora is bae. I hear Elsa is a [BEEP] icon too. It's the ice magic I suppose lol. I prefer fire of course.
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  14. #4124
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Why is my hometown trending? What did Andrew Tate/Islamists/fascists do now? Did Lauren Southern come all the way to visit the town only to get chucked out of the country for saying Allah is gay again? (Probably was more to it then that but cracks me up. Imagine paying thousands on air travel etc.)

    Oh the king came to visit yesterday. Didn't even notice. Nobody in my family brought it up. Still doing a pretty great job ignoring the royals. (sunglasses emoji) I'll pay attention when the king is visiting.


    And me. We're not a great bunch. There are actually cooler people lol. If I look through the Wikipedia list list we've got
    Nicola Roberts (murderer) and Charles Bronson (prisoner - that's what he's known for lol he's a famous prisoner) '"most violent prisoner in Britain" and "Britain's most notorious prisoner".' But no there's like some post-punk band (there has to be right?) Many famous sports people I have no interest in. David Renwick wrote One Foot in the Grave (never watched that.) Stacey Dooley initially got big in the world of documentaries for making one about the town lmfao. Too small to be Gotham, too [BEEP] to avoid people having a machete fight in the shopping centre in the middle of the day. Luton 'It's not Detroit.' 'Buy a house for the price of a VCR' damn Cleveland sounds better. Housing in Luton is expensive because of it's proximity to London and everywhere in the UK being expensive at baseline.

    There's some nice countryside though. That's the bad thing about the US if you live somewhere shit, you're ages away from somewhere not shit. But with big cities you get this 'scenes' etc. If the airport closed Luton would be fucked because they employ tons of people and fund most things the council can't afford.

    That basically sums it up. Half of children in Luton live in poverty.

    I don't think Andrew Tate was born here though, he was raised here but has a really weird accent so something's going on there. 'He grew up in Goshen, Indiana and Chicago, later moving to Luton, England as a child' makes sense. Everyone remembers him being from Luton though which is hilarious. He was also born in DC I think so he's missing NYC and Detroit but basically he grew up in Gotham. If you put them all together that's just Gotham lol. I'm guessing he grew up in Goshen, Indiana and not Goshen (Egyptian place mentioned in the bible,) Indiana (the state.) So in my head he grew up in Pawnee. (Gotham. I don't know if Randy Quaid was crazy when this episode was released but if not it's aged very well.) and April rejected Andrew Tate and he's never been the same since (rightfully so.)

    They didn't do a terrible job but I hate it when they do that tbh.

    And that's a big part of why it and The Lone Gunmen are aesthetically better.
    Luton is...definatley something. I used to live about 20 minutes away and I only really go because of the airport.

    The plumber a few months back was like "I live in Luton town centre and I want to move away, crazy people. What is it like in your town?"

    Wikipedia - Tommy Robinson (activist) bit rich lmfao.
    Oh, that guy. Steven Yaxely-mortage-fraud-illegally-enter-US (oh, the irony) -assault-conviction-Lennon?

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    Yeah I think he moved away from Luton tbh years ago but will always come up if you search about the town because of his infamy.

    The town centre wouldn't be a good place to live, quite depressing overall. Tbf though I haven't personally had too many weird experiences in Luton compared to other places (but certainly a bunch of people I know/have known have been robbed/mugged/physically assaulted and other stuff. My dad's neighbour had her house broken into and then her car stolen on separate occasions. And someone was trying to break into our back garden one time but my mum saw him and chased him off then we put up wire etc on the fence. Some guy my brother went to school with shot someone during a drug deal and is doing time for murder. My brother seemed to think he was a psychopath.) The worst thing for me (well I'm thinking of non school experiences because school was also a nightmare mostly because of this one girl with psychopathic traits,) is overhearing someone getting stabbed (probably to death) near my back garden (I didn't know that's what was happening at the time I just heard yelling which isn't that rare here, found out later,) and then I was walking through the town centre with my brother once and this weird guy who was probably on meth or something (very weird body language,) kind of ducked into this entry way to some closed building or something that was off the path so I thought 'great is he going to attack us when we pass?' Because there was nothing there but it seemed he just looked around a moment and then headed back out and walked off so maybe looking for somewhere to do some drugs or something.

    In Derby when I was living near the centre some guy who was drunk in the day just started complaining to me about something (I don't really remember the details now was trying to get somewhere,) there was this shortcut I'd take past this old abandoned railway warehouse that I think was set on fire later and I'm sure people used the area to do drugs. Kind of interesting inside from what I remember there was somehow an abandoned car inside. Found some more recent pictures here but most of this graffiti wasn't there when I lived in the area. And there was other weird stuff going on a bunch of times there too.

    On a train back from Blackpool a few years ago this drunk woman (during the day again,) sat next to me and started talking and it was awkward, she also spilt her drink. Most uncomfortable encounters I've had have been with people who are on drugs or drunk. A few people who are probably mentally ill or have other cognitive disabilities too.
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