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  1. #4231
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    Jordan Peterson doesn't really listen to himself lol. So recently Michael Knowles tweeted this insane thing:

    Trump is calling to outlaw transgender ideology' not just for little kids, not just in classrooms or certain federal programs' at every level. This is an *excellent* development, and other potential 2024 candidates should follow suit! ������������������
    And Jordan Peterson retweeted it saying 'I agree.' Much authoritarianism. He said once [paraphrasing] that when you buy a painting you let a bit of the artist/art into yourself. He's got a lot of Soviet paintings/propaganda in his home lol.

    Meanwhile here are some other quotes from things he's said in videos in the past about creativity:

    I mean the reason there are non creative people is creative people often die. They're out doing like screwy things. They attract attention from people they shouldn't attract attention from like the authorities. You know creative people are revolutionary well tyrants don't really like revolutionaries. There's lots of reasons not to be creative even now like creative people - it's hard to monetise your creativity. Artists have a hell of a time surviving. Creativity is a double edged blessing for sure.
    Let's look at it from an evolutionary perspective it's a hell of a lot easier to not be decked out in bright colours when the predators come along. You want to stay camouflaged against the herd like a zebra. You don't want to stand out.
    Open people have to be creative. They have to be because otherwise they die. They don't have any vitality and so they're cursed with the necessity of putting their foot out into the unknown and making sense of it and then they're also cursed with the necessity of trying to make a living while they're doing that which they can't because it's almost impossible to monetise creative action.


    It's either France of Spain that's the most visited country in the world. It's one of those two I think there's more tourists in France than people most of the time. And part of the reason for that is it's just so damn beautiful. You just can't stand it. And you think. What's the economic value of that? It's absolutely incalculable and what's interesting too is that you build that beauty in and the further you get away from it in time the more valuable it becomes. Instead of decaying it has exactly the opposite effect it's value magnifies. And one of the things I'm deeply ashamed of as a Canadian is that our sense of beauty is so underdeveloped it's so primitive it's not even primitive that's the wrong word I don't know what it is. It's second rate. It's terror too because people are afraid of beauty.

    The conservatives really have a problem with this in particular because conservative people tend not to be creative by temperament. And it's a mystery to me because they should be concerned with economic development and beauty is so unbelievably crucial to economic development it just yells out at you you know. So. Anyway so that's what artists are doing.


    It opens your eyes to the domain of the transcendent. That's the right way of thinking about it. A real piece of art is a window into the transcendent. That's what it is and you need that in your life because you're finite and limited and bounded by your ignorance and lack of knowing and unless you can make a connection to the transcendent then you don't have the strength to prevail.
    You look at these magnificent cathedrals that our civilisation built over the centuries. [...] They'd start building a cathedral and 'oh we'll be done in about 300 years' imagine the vision that it took to invest in something like that. We look at quarterly reports we can't think 300 years into the future to build something of that kind of remarkable [lol the video cuts off as he continues to talk about Cathedrals that's somewhat amusing. He's a fan of those.]
    Quote someone talking to Jordan Peterson
    So give us an example of how to crush creativity.
    Quit daydreaming. That's the same thing as saying quit being creative. That's the same thing. Quit daydreaming. It's like quit using your imagination. Yeah well schools do that all the time. Stop daydreaming and and you know pay attention to your work. It's like well what if my work is daydreaming well then we're gonna punish you because you're going to be a good worker in a factory. Oh yeah those disappeared 100 years ago. I guess we haven't noticed yet. Oh well too bad for us and our children right and our future for that matter because it's unbelievably bone headed. Once the system gets established it tends to persist and so that's how it is but it's pretty sad so.
    When the trans teenagers came after me when I opposed bill c-16 in Canada on compelled speech grounds I spent quite a bit of time watching them. Now I already kind of knew about that fluid identity crowd. So when I was at Harvard piercing and tattooing started to become a cultural rage. And I was interested in well who's doing this. Because I knew it was a practice limited to criminal subtypes and outcasts for a long time. So for example if you worked in the circus you were likely to be tattooed. And you know you toured round the circus and that was a kind of carny life and it was an outsider life and if you were a prisoner same thing. But then all of a sudden it started to make it's inroads into the popular culture. So we studied a group of early adopters of tatooing and piercing from the perspective of personality like who are these people? And they were all highly creative people. And creativity is a trait and all people aren't creative that's wrong. In fact most people aren't creative at all. [...] The tatooed types they were high in creativity and a lot of these people who are fluid in their identity are actually high in trait openness and they do have fluid identities. [...] OK well you see people the blue haired crowd. Well they're the same people who were doing tatooing and piercing and they are literally often the same people because they have piercings. It's like well they have mutable identities. They're not stable in their identities. That's they're- they're creative. Creative people by definition aren't stable in their identities that's what makes them creative.
    I listen to him though lol. I laugh in the face of people who are like 'EvErY OnE WhO DiSlIkEs PeTeRsOn has never listened to him.'

    In a study of people in the United States who thought themselves to be members of a third gender, Ingrid M. Sell found that they typically felt different from the age of 5.[22] Because of both peer and parental pressure, those growing up with the most ambiguous appearances had the most troubled childhoods and difficulties later in life. Sell also discovered similarities between the third genders of the East and those of the West. Nearly half of those interviewed were healers or in the medical profession. Many of them, again like their Eastern counterparts, were artistic, and several were able to make a living from their artistic abilities. The capacity to mediate between men and women was a common skill, and third genders were oftentimes thought to possess an unusually wide perspective and the ability to understand both sides.[22] A notable result of Sell's study is that 93% of the third genders interviewed, again like their Eastern counterparts, reported 'paranormal-type abilities.'[23]
    Well (I said this before but it's still funny to me.) I wrote the word chaos everywhere as a teenager and next to some plants I was doodling in a notebook. 10+ years later a wild Jordan Peterson appeared. Nobody's combined all the times he says chaos into a single video lol missed opportunity. Lol I mean if you listen to him for 2 minutes he'll use the word chaos so don't really need to link an example but this one has a Slaanesh image in so and Tzeentch who is second best, and the other chaos Gods who are of less interest. One is getting in the way of my Isha/Slaanesh ship concept and the other is just chaos war god and I'm not masc enough for that one to interest me particularly. But. Not sure if he even used the word chaos in the video lol oh well.

    Alan Moore also spoke about that though when you write you often experience these coincidences. It's more of a creativity thing than a gender thing.

    Aristophanes, [not that one lol,] a comic playwright, tells a story of creation in which 'original human nature' includes a third sex. this sex 'was a distinct kind, with a bodily shape and a name of its own, constituted by the union of the male and the female: but now only the word 'androgynous' is preserved.
    I Am GoInG To ReMoVe ThE GenDeR 'IdEoLoGy.'

    OK. Good luck again. Doesn't really seem in his interest given how often he's lamented about how society crushes creativity. 'No not like that.' most recently they're freaking out about Sam Smith's music video. It's not something that resonates with me either but I don't consider that to be the point. Again not everything is for me/you.

    You have your 300 year cathedrals well we've been working on this 'project' for thousands of years now lol collectively. It's not completed yet technologically. We don't even have access to artificial wombs yet.

    Same. I am a conservative 26yr old, and her music just speaks to me. Can't explain it.
    i'm extremely left wing and what people would call a terf these days (i don't believe men are women just because they say they 'feel' like one). ethel's music is superb though, they're very talented. they really are reaching across demographics haha
    Makes you miss 'I'm a metal head but' really lol. But they like it because she's syncretising her Southern Baptist upbringing into her work. King Princess uses religious/conservative themes in her work too. But it's also very [BEEP] and she's from NYC and that's also very present, and not the right tone for that kind of audience imo.

    Of course Ethel Cain has stuff like that too like the lyrics here are all about a guy but then whoever is in the video with her is either afab/trans masc or transfem or you know otherwise someone who has been on estrogen. That's part of why I like the video haha (I'm pretending they're non-binary tho. I'm sure that's not the point people don't usually share my headcanonons lol) Vibes. But again it's the overall image that people are paying attention to. King Princess is purposefully trying to be a little transgressive and they can't abide that lol (+centring lesbians.)

    Oh man this song (it's pretty good,)

    reminds me of The Cranberries song Dreams Lol this is me with other people's music. But someone else has always beat me to the mashup lol what.

    I focus on Jordan Peterson the most of the popular North American bigots because the others are quite boring besides their bigotry imo. I've not stumbled on anything about them that's of any real interest to me. Matt Walsh won't even let himself watch anime for instance. Like this really (why is CJ so often relatable? And they're non-binary. Terrifying,) except I'm not a Christian I stopped being Christian when I was like 11? I dunno. Gradually grew out of it and my immediate family didn't encourage that (extended family mostly Catholic, primary school here encourages Christianity you have to have mandatory worship or something in school, but we're the groomers lol.) So my interest mostly came from the symbolism which I have mirroring views about lol.
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  2. #4232
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    Today is officially a month since my girlfriend of 14 years and I separated. I'm still not sure if I made the right choice.

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    House sale completed today., after 7 months.

    I am a homeowner. (Well, flatowner.)

  4. #4234
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    Quote Doseone View Post
    Today is officially a month since my girlfriend of 14 years and I separated. I'm still not sure if I made the right choice.
    That's a long time to date someone, and lifechanging to end - What led to you breaking up?

  5. #4235
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    Quote Heelsbythebridge View Post
    That's a long time to date someone, and lifechanging to end - What led to you breaking up?
    Basically she met a guy online. But there were other reasons as well. I was her caregiver as she's disabled. I was working 24/7 and was getting massive burnout, especially since I have severe depression. It was getting too hard for me and her disease is progressing, so things we're only going to get worse. We just had to go out separate ways. But yeah, it was life-changing as I had to move back to my home state as well. We pretty much spent every day together for all of the time that we were together.

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    Oh... well that's ungrateful of her, to say the least. Why are you having second guesses? That sounds like a situation most people would feel relieved to be leaving.

  7. #4237
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    Doja Cat reveals to Variety that she wants to explore punk:

    'I want to explore punk. But not pop-punk. I want to explore more of a raw, unfiltered, hardcore punk sort of thing.'
    🤔 Are we talking hardcore punk like Bad Religion and Minor Threat or like early Distillers?

    or 'hardcore' and 'punk'

    Hoping for horror punk tbh (if not something new that hopefully ends up good):

    I knew I picked the best/worst time to jump on this train.

    In the responses to the tweet people are bringing up this which isn't hardcore punk so really this could go in any direction:

    Oooou that means she?s coming for sounds like this then a lot of Rico Nasty influences.

    That's pop punk-adj heavy rap with quite a bit of autotune. 'I want to explore more of a raw, unfiltered,' doesn't meet the requirements there. Also Lil Wayne and the autotune are ruining 3/4 the track tbh. Just to be honest. (His vocals pick up for a short time towards the end where he decides to sing, but even then the autotune is ruining it.) And apparently it was his track lol. I listen to the Monster verse without the rest:

    For a while I didn't realise there was more to that track lol because uploads were just her verse cut.

    Fun fact : Kayne actually was thinking about removing Nicki?s verse because he thought she had the best verse .
    As I say.

    Doja covered Hole before though so I'm thinking she's going to end up going down a similar route to the 90s alt-rock/punk/riot grrrl crossover bands. This would be good too though

    Also Rico Nasty isn't hardcore punk either but prob more what she meant + they're friends. Her music is like experimental and alt hip-hop mostly.

    trap metal (close enough but when I think trap metal I think of this which is heavier):

    Fairy trap:

    Lol that's just a genre Zheani came up with for her music. (Rico Nasty is calling that Sugar Trap.) I think it's mostly like hyperpop. And honestly hyperpop (the comments on this video are hilarious lol,) is kind of like someone took nightcore and thought 'but what if we made original songs?' Skrillex and his consequences. Also at what cost Cher This 4s4ki track is one of the only things I've stumbled on and liked. Zheani's parts I don't care for. the 100 Gecs song isn't that bad lol I'm mostly shitposting but the genre is still a noisy chaotic autotuned mess. And supposedly it started in the UK haha but yeah I listened to early Charlie XCX and while I see vague similarities I suppose it's still pretty different to the other hyperpop stuff and some of her other older music is witch house.

    To be uncharitable I'm old so a lot of new music to me is like poor man's Grimes which is often poor man's Bjork (I like some of Grimes music though.) And then some zoomers have the audacity to say Grimes ripped off trans women's aesthetic. Where did you think they got it from? When me and Grimes were young trans women in media were Chandler's dad on Friends. Grimes got her aesthetic the same place every other zoomer girl (incl. trans women,) seems to have. Anime, Japanese Street Fashion trends, and 2000s pop punk/numetal/cyberpunk aesthetics also probably kpop factors in for them. Doing it in 2012. Some weebs in anime club died for you. Literally in many cases because they're trans men and women now because anime makes you trans and that means you spiritually die I heard. And by anime club I mean art school and by you I mean catgirls. (This video is so funny actually because that's exactly how I feel about eyeliner lol. Clearly it's a torture instrument.) I was wearing 'programmer socks' in the early 2000s before you learnt to code. And there were those toe sock versions too designed by some sadist. Show some respect for your geriatric elders in their 30s. Get off my lawn lol. Also talk about like reducing everyone to one aesthetic. Ethel Cain is thee trans woman aesthetic imo. And this is the internet so everything I say is clearly fact so. Especially the I don't like Monday girl's glasses. I'm going to steal this from her no I'm not lol. It's a look though.

    Funnily enough Grimes got her stage name by filling in grimes as the genre for her music on myspace before realising the British genre already existed. and that's fucking hilarious when Grimes was like. Also with Zheani I prefer this track:

    and some of her recent work like:

    But yeah anyway so that's why I say it could go in literally any direction these days.
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  8. #4238
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    Quote Heelsbythebridge View Post
    Oh... well that's ungrateful of her, to say the least. Why are you having second guesses? That sounds like a situation most people would feel relieved to be leaving.
    I guess because she's all I've known. She's the only person I've been able to fully open up to. I'm wondering if maybe we could have worked things out. We're not even talking anymore. I don't know; it's just hard for me to let her go.

  9. #4239
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    Dave Rubin on Fox News: I played Sim City once in the late 90s. They're coming for our entertainment.

    I'm sorry whose entertainment? Sim City isn't The Sims the former is a city building simulator you haven't played for over two decades, the latter is a series of life simulation games. Why do they cart this guy out lol? Basically he's their token gay. He's such a spineless grifter. And it's kind of pathetic because all the conservatives around him openly tell him they won't tolerate him or his marriage to his husband and freaked out when he had kids by surrogacy but he still caters to them. Very sad.

    Meanwhile Dan Hopkins programmer on the first Sims game back in 1998:

    Obviously this doesn't account for asexuality or trans people but for it's time these notes are surprisingly progressive. Like think about how most media treated bisexuality in the 90s/early 2000s for example:

    It was really bad.

    More recent comments from Dan Hopkins:

    This is an interesting anecdote lol about SimCopter:

    The game gained controversy when it was discovered that designer Jacques Servin inserted an Easter egg that generated shirtless men in Speedo trunks who hugged and kissed each other and appear in great numbers on certain dates, such as Friday the 13th. The egg was caught shortly after release and removed from future copies of the game. He cited his actions as a response to the intolerable working conditions he allegedly suffered at Maxis, particularly working 60-hour weeks and being denied time off.[1][2] He also reported that he added the "studs", as he called them, after a heterosexual programmer programmed "bimbo" female characters into the game, and that he wanted to highlight the "implicit heterosexuality" of many games.[3][4] Although he had initially planned for the characters to appear only occasionally, the random number generator he had created malfunctioned, leading them to appear frequently.[4] Servin was fired as a result, with Maxis reporting that his dismissal was due only to his addition of unauthorized content.[4] This caused a member of AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), a gay AIDS organization, to call for a boycott of all of Maxis' products, a measure which Servin rejected.[5] Some months later, a group named RTMark announced its existence and claimed responsibility for the Easter egg being inserted into the game, along with 16 other acts of "creative subversion."[3] Servin stated that he had received a money order of $5,000 from RTMark for the prank.[3] It was revealed later on that Servin was a cofounder of RTMark.[6]
    Jacques Severn is the "homosexual programmer at Maxis" who was responsible for the easter egg. The term he used for the buff dudes in speedos was "himbos" (male bimbos).

    Jacques was actually dismissed for inserting unapproved content into the game, not because there was a bug in the code, nor because he was gay.

    One consequence of the bug was that it delayed the release of SimCopter so it missed the Christmas season, which lost Maxis a lot of money.

    The people at Maxis were not anti-gay or close minded or homophobic bigots, like Brendan Eich and his ilk who want to cancel gay marriages because they hate the idea of treating gays equally and don't believe in human rights for everyone regardless of sexual preference, or I would not have hired on there in January 1997 to work on The Sims.

    It might have gone a lot differently (and been better QA'ed, tested, and debugged) if Jacques had told Will and others about his objections to the unbalanced bimbos, and his ideas about including gay characters, which I know because that's what I did on The Sims, and my suggestions made it into the game. (Will loves weird easter eggs! In fact SimCopter even had some officially sanctioned cannibalistic behaviors, which is more controversial and illegal than himbos.)

    After EA bought Maxis, I made a point of bringing up the "SimCopter fiasco" in my reviews of the early Sims design documents (before it was called The Sims). The original implementation was Heterosexist and Monosexist, but that was only because it was rapidly prototyped by straight people who didn't think things through, but who were fortunately open to constructive criticism, not because anybody involved was homophobic and actively anti-gay like Brendan Eich.

    And that is exactly why game development teams (and all other teams) need to be inclusive (but not include bigots), and open to all different points of view (that aren't hateful). Because people without particular life experiences and outlooks simply aren't aware of everyone else's perspective, and don't take them into consideration by default, so they need to be reminded, not because they're bigots who would do something as crass and hateful as donating money to a campaign to cancel gay marriages, and then hypocritically whine about cancel culture themselves.
    I think it happens if you kill somebody, and after a while other characters will eventually kneel down by them and eat their corpse.
    It's just something dark and funny I remember hearing Will mention in passing once, but I never saw it documented anywhere or tried it out myself. Maybe he was joking, but that's just the kind of easter egg he would lay.

    Determining if it's true would be a fun software archeology task! You could disassemble the behavior tree code (it used a predecessor to the SimAntics visual programming language in The Sims, which is well documented online), or you could just go around killing people and watching what happened.

    And as you probably discovered, the easiest way to kill someone was with your helicopter blades. And then the game rewards you by paying you to bring their mangled bodies to the hospital.

    That was especially problematic when the himbo easter egg was active, since there were so many hundreds of himbos swarming around your helicopter, it was practically impossible not to slaughter many of them.

    SimCopter Swarming Himbos:
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    Quote Doseone View Post
    I guess because she's all I've known. She's the only person I've been able to fully open up to. I'm wondering if maybe we could have worked things out. We're not even talking anymore. I don't know; it's just hard for me to let her go.
    Yeah it's understandable, it was a long time. You sound like a really kind and loving person.


    I felt unbearably sleepy throughout most of Friday while at work despite drinking multiple cups of coffee, and it wasn't until the next day that I realized I had been using decaf by accident. Guess the caffeine really does something because there was no placebo effect.

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    The pain comes in waves. He doesn't belong there, he belongs here with us. We waited a decade for him.

    I'm going to cry, this didn't just fucking happen. [BEEP] this piece of [BEEP] organization

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    It's extremely irritating when people don't respond to my IMs at work, or take forever to. Like they're either intentionally ignoring me or not at their desk (we are all WFH so I have no idea). It is so rude. I always make sure to be readily available and respond quickly.

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    Quote Heelsbythebridge View Post
    It's extremely irritating when people don't respond to my IMs at work, or take forever to. Like they're either intentionally ignoring me or not at their desk (we are all WFH so I have no idea). It is so rude. I always make sure to be readily available and respond quickly.
    I have a coworker who pretty much admitted to doing this today. I can never reach her via text in an emergency, so I outright asked her what the best way to reach her is. Her response was, "I take it easy when I have scheduled planning time."

    Sure, she's entitled to her planning time. But emergencies happen, and she's the only one who doesn't have a class at that time. I pretty much never get planning because there is literally something scheduled during my planning every single time, but I would never make myself intentionally unreachable to get out of helping my coworkers when they need me.
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    Exactly! That is what IM is for, and when it's during working hours, it's a perfectly reasonable expectation that someone would be available to respond in a timely fashion. Especially in cases of WFH where I can't just go find them in person for an answer.

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    I love how the internet has just randomly decided Grimes is non-binary/queer because several years ago she posted a tweet saying she didn't want to be considered a 'female musician' (talking about how people pigeon hole female artist's work,) or something like that. Even way back in 2015~ I remember someone on another forum was like 'Grimes is non-binary' and I was like really? But there's not much evidence. She also doesn't like being called mum and mentioned at least one of her kids calls her by her first name instinctively actually which is interesting. I'd be surprised if she wasn't neurodivergent, but I don't think she's addressed whether she's non-binary or not but gets included in lists etc lol and everyone was talking about how it's terrible that she's with Elon because he's transphobic. I also don't think she's said anything about her sexuality but could be wrong.

    As a fellow NB/Queer mom, I'd be beyond joyful to see that side of your life but good on you being careful in sharing that! I identify a lot with many of your musings, especially with parenting and expression💕 Thank you for including us in anything, as it isn't owed to us. ❤️
    Even terfs are saying 'she already came out as non-binary' (I found some tweets where they were speculating 'which female artists are going to come out next' a bunch of them said she already had. Never even did lol.) Lol terfs have steamrolled past 'trans people are pushing gender stereotypes and hate gender non-conformity' to 'we hate people with this personality/aesthetic/vibe and they're all non-binary.' They think Halsey is non-binary too because they use she/they pronouns (and the other stuff,) but she never came out as non-binary again. congrats you've been capitalism'd. If she did it would actually be because she has a song dedicated to he's just like me fr Gosling (Lol it's a coincidence I'm pretty sure. Sounds like it should be on the Drive soundtrack though) (No I'm joking. The internet invents the most random memes though. Capitalism is so powerful it got full grown adults interested In a Barbie film. 10/10 watching it gradually unfold. And his career started with a 'chick flick.' Almost have to admire the craft. And the bisexual lighting of it all.)

    This is mostly an aesthetic thing though because she's a bit of a weeb, hair dyed different colours over the years, wants vampire teeth/elf ear surgery, and thinks Sephiroth/Griffith etc are style icons lol and you know old photos lol. Like the same thing that inspires people to say she copies 'trans women's aesthetic' I guess. Also because her new album concept was supposed to be about lesbian AI, and then Kill vs Maim is about genderfluid vampire Al Pacino.

    Lol I guess the elf/pixie thing is kind of like trans women with catgirls or something? And the hilarious thing is a very long time ago (like when I was in late teens/early 20s 12-13 years ago) I wanted elf ears haha. At this point it's just become a fairly popular thing for femme people though I think.

    I'm still thinking about this lmfao whyyyy? This is a fairly famous doctor saying this:

    I mean are there other verifiable physical things you've found in afab people who are non binary or trans? You mentioned several things in your lecture that pertained to trans women like this. Genetic conditions etc.
    I mean, we all kind of subconsciously know this right? How many pre-HRT FTMs do you see that look like fucking Barbie? Almost zero. The overwhelming majority of them fall into two categories. What I call "pixie" type transgender men, who are about 4'10 to 5'3 and never really weigh more than 125 lb. They show up with short cropped hair and sort of have the look of an effeminate teenage boy. They often look younger than their stated age. They are usually attracted more to women with some degree of bisexual leaning, and after starting HRT, they generally become gay trans men. I often state that they were gay before and they are gay after. They rarely have abnormal androgens.

    The other subset tends to be the stocky masc trans man. They come in like "Helga", a very muscular or thick bodied and masculine-looking person right at baseline. They often have a hairy upper lip or some degree of hirsutism and acne. They look like they have been on testosterone for a while already. They are usually attracted exclusively to women and previously identified as masculine presenting lesbians. They transition and tend to stay attracted only to women.

    Not everybody falls in these two categories, but I'd say that this catches about 80% of my patients.

    It is very interesting to me that if somebody is masculinized before starting HRT, their sexuality tends to stay the same. But if they look feminine and not masculinize before HRT, they flip in their gender of attraction.

    Except pansexuals, they just get more pansexual.
    Grimes has that neotenic look too I guess. But she's actually 5'5" so falls outside that height window. I don't fall outside that height window. She was real for that 'it's officially the biggest midget in the game. I dunno'

    'They don't come in like Barbie they come in like Ken they're broke, they've got no house. They've got no dick. They're going through some stuff.'
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

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