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  1. #4381
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    Quote Heelsbythebridge View Post
    Beer is disgusting

    Gimme wine
    I like the taste of some beers. I like Yuengling. But yeah, some are disgusting.

  2. #4382
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    It would be a lot easier if barbiturates were easier to obtain

  3. #4383
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    dating men as a trans woman is fun bc you find someone that?s really chill and into you and doesn?t make a big deal out of it and then u have to play the game of are u just comfortable in ur sexuality and masculinity or are u a trans woman too that doesn?t know it yet

    for me 9/10 it?s been the latter me when literally 3 of my ex boyfriends are girls now
    a poor doll was posting about how happy she was about finally having the life she wanted, a kid, a husband, etc. the next day her 'husband' came out as trans to her
    This is kind of funny to me (I mean it's sad for her, but I'm mostly a cynic anyway,) because I've researched sexuality enough to know a lot of straight trans women attract people who eventually transition due to how their sexuality works. There's a high rate of autogynpehilia among people attracted to trans women for some reason... (50%~ I think.) Leads to dysphoria. I guess it must apply to both sexes because I don't have an identical sexuality but it's fairly similar and I've had agp sex dreams before. Not turned on by it while awake though so it's fairly mild. I'd really like to know why because it's kind of fascinating but at any rate because most people aren't aware of this or think the theory is transphobic so they keep posting things lamenting why their partners are always coming out as trans later and to me it's like yeah, water is wet. I'd recommend trans men. Even if they're AGP they'll probably have too much dypshoria to stay female/feminine. Gigi knows lol.

    this has happened to me 4 times. luckily i am not straight
    I think the opposite stereotype is supposed to apply to trans men or trans masc people but I'm not that genre of and never dated women. That makes sense I guess because I'm non-binary anyway. Also nevermind the only people responding who are trans men or afab non-binary have the same story anyway with people they dated coming out as trans woman lol.

    I think I've only been attracted to one person who came out as trans later (I still don't know if they're a trans woman or non-binary because this info was second hand, probably a trans woman? Statistically speaking,) but they didn't reciprocate though. They started dating someone who my ex + friend said looked like me that kind of sucked but I already knew my personality was the problem before then because they had a conversation about me with someone else publicly on facebook lol and why they don't find me attractive. (both of their comments contributed to my huge complex about seeming young actually. I mean it was already a point of insecurity before then and I hated being short.) The other person was inquiring 'why is everyone on this course a lesbian' then called me and someone else out by name. I'm not though and at that point wasn't interested in any women I knew/was only into guys. Also I wish I my sexuality was as simple as that. 🤣

    Oh my god there's a tweet wonder if I can find it:

    im bisexual which means i like feminine men and doja cat
    Not quite though. But I found this after I'd recently discovered Doja Cat so it was funny/kind of true. I'm over that now though because she's not really the kind of person I'd form a romantic crush on. The more common version of this is like '*insert famous/fictional guy here* and all women.'

    Also someone who had a crush on me came out as a trans woman years later but I wasn't into her.

    This all happened because I studied a games art degree so one of these people was on my course and one was a programmer, and game devs and programmers are often trans. I'm actually surprised I didn't meet more trans people really. Only one person was out and transitioning when I was actually at uni. My friend is a bit like this about it quite confusing for him:

    We also broke up because I was greysexual and I thought 'well he should probably have sex with someone' but then he was sexually apathetic too and mostly chill not strongly emotionally invested which was ideal for me at the time especially after my first relationship and he hasn't really had any relationships since anyway just dates that didn't go anywhere.

    *think piece about millenials.*
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  4. #4384
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    I often see people talk about getting referred to as sir/madam etc in shops and I thought that just never happened in the UK but I have since seen people talk about it so either it only happens in certain areas with particularly possibly a higher class distinction or it's an age/respect thing. Given that I seem kind of young/anxious to a lot of people (and I don't pass as male so don't get sir,) I think they might automatically not refer to me as madam/maam etc, so I just get nothing lol. I'm always wearing casual clothing too. I also think maybe they just use sir in the UK but none of the female gendered terms because a lot of women dislike them too. This suits me though. The lack of customer service here suits me too. But it gets brought up a lot by people in discussions.

    Similarly, masc lesbians have what trans masc people want (getting called sir by customer service workers)
    I mean there's mixed views about whether it happens/how much and this first comment in a thread I just found is something I'd already considered:

    I think calling someone "ma'am" in the UK is seen as an insult as it implies old age.
    I'm called sir incredibly often in the UK...
    Because of course there are very many areas of British and American social behaviour that are characterised by large degrees of overlap. So why doesn't it obtain here?

    The OP is right, in the UK people typically only use these titles as required by their job ("could you complete this form sir?", ?ceramics are in the basement madam?) and it would seem an olde-worlde courtesy or an affectation to ask "is this seat taken sir?" on the bus or "I'm sorry madam but do you know the time?"

    What makes it seem the odder, perhaps, is that the UK is stereotypically the more formal society. My speculative suggestion is that Americans' (likely misplaced) faith in social mobility makes them happier to volunteer their Sirs and Ma'ams whereas chippy Brits are giving away no more than they have to.
    Most of the formality is an American stereotype not the reality but there is a coldness at times and I actually think assuming that someone would want to be referred to as sir/madam is presumptuous in some way. But yeah there's definitely a class component to it as well.

    This was funny:

    I am disgusted with the people here in the UK. British people and in particular English people have very little to zero manners here. I have been living in the UK for several years now, coming from a much more polite country I was shocked to see how rude people were here. I was addressed a few times with madam or ma'am here, when it should be the norm. Addressing a middle-aged lady as myself with ma'am does not implies any insult or that I am ''old''. It is a form of RESPECT. You address a person with sir or madam as a sign of respect and politeness. Teach this to your kids people. It is not an insult.Someone wrote here that ''Ma'am
    😎 Naah. And you know in some areas people actually call people duck. Love that lol. 🦆 Quack. It's actually not related to ducks though originally but the word duke I think.

    "The word 'duck' is used as a term of endearment from at least Shakespeare's time," Paul told Nottinghamshire Live . "It appears in A Midsummer Night's Dream (1600) and other contemporary sources.

    "With some variations in date, we also get 'chuck', and 'hen' (now obsolete in English). Calling someone after a kind of bird is also early - 'goose' and 'cuckoo' are usually fond ways of talking about silly people.

    "All this suggests that the origin of 'Ey up mi duck' is medieval, and was originally an endearment using the bird name."

    But that doesn't explain why it's used more widely in this part of the country than elsewhere.

    "The fact that this is a particularly East Midlands usage suggests that there are conditions here which contributed to its survival," added Paul.


    There is a suggestion that people might have previously called each other 'duke' - in the same way that people today might say 'boss' or 'chief' - and that this became adulterated to 'duck'.
    Replace either with "cunt", work for me.
    I feel like that's more common in Australia, and you probably won't get away with that with someone you don't know either way lol. Give it another 10 years though because now that 'looking/serving [BEEP]' or whatever has become a common thing it's only a matter of time.

    Also ftr searching 'Looking [BEEP]' on twitter now was very funny the first five tweets that came up were like:

    'yuta serving [BEEP] for a photoshoot with numero tokyo while simultaneously looking so cute that i wish that he has the best life ever' (some Japanese actor/musician I guess based in South Korea,) 'I love having a beard, but I love looking [BEEP] even more' (someone from RuPaul's drag race,) a woman and her selfie, and this post about some Alan Moore thing!? From a comic book archivist's account:

    Just learned about Alan Moore's pitch for a story called Twilight of the Superheroes And I'm grateful this proposal was shot down because the plans that Rasputin looking [BEEP] had for the story seemed absolutely vile and dumb

    You what? (The bolded.)

    Also this aint coincidence lol. This has 'twitter knows what I've been looking at/reading recently' written all over it.

    It's crazy since Alan Moore hates when they make superheroes edgy. It's like being mad at a pandemic when you were deliberately patient zero.
    I don't know if that's exactly it but in fairness he was trying to do something very different and then my 19 year old [BEEP] was like *Photoshopped image of me to look like the Joker as a Facebook avatar and cringy facebook banner based on Rorschach* and now we're here:

    He was like 'this was not my intent. I must disown my entire back catalogue and every film made about my work.' :')

    'I'm definitely done with comics,' he says. 'I haven't written one for getting on for five years. I will always love and adore the comics medium but the comics industry and all of the stuff attached to it just became unbearable.'

    And he now looks with dismay on the way the superhero genre in which he once worked has eaten the culture. 'Hundreds of thousands of adults [are] lining up to see characters and situations that had been created to entertain the 12-year-old boys and it was always boys of 50 years ago. I didn't really think that superheroes were adult fare. I think that this was a misunderstanding born of what happened in the 1980 to which I must put my hand up to a considerable share of the blame, though it was not intentional when things like Watchmen were first appearing. There were an awful lot of headlines saying 'Comics Have Grown Up'. I tend to think that, no, comics hadn't grown up. There were a few titles that were more adult than people were used to. But the majority of comics titles were pretty much the same as they'd ever been. It wasn't comics growing up. I think it was more comics meeting the emotional age of the audience coming the other way.'

    He thinks that's not just infantile but dangerous. 'I said round about 2011 that I thought that it had serious and worrying implications for the future if millions of adults were queueing up to see Batman movies. Because that kind of infantilisation that urge towards simpler times, simpler realities that can very often be a precursor to fascism.' He points out that when Trump was elected in 2016, and 'when we ourselves took a bit of a strange detour in our politics', many of the biggest films were superhero movies.

    Superman, the creation of working-class Jewish kids, was originally 'very much a New Deal American' but he got co-opted, just as 'the early spiky, anarchic Mickey Mouse was very quickly modified into a suburbanite who wears short-sleeve shirts and has two nephews'.

    Moore is at least cautiously cheered that another of his creations, the Guy Fawkes mask drawn by David Lloyd for V for Vendetta, has been adopted as a symbol of resistance: 'I can't endorse everything that people who take that mask as an icon might do in the future, of course. But I'm heartened to see that it has been adopted by protest movements so widely across the world. Because we do need protest movements now, probably more than we've ever done before.'
    (I actually never really identified with The Joker that was just an aesthetic thing I was doing at the time, and unlike with Rorschach I think it would be very difficult to do so in the actual comics because more than any other character he's pure symbolism. Also he needs to stay away from Harley so. She's better with Poison Ivy and if she wants 'the d' she can get it from Deadpool. He can transcend universes. Break the 5th/6th/7th walls. You see why we need to ban comics?)

    Also around this time I photoshopped myself to have the mad hatter's top hat from the Alice in Wonderland film because I thought that was a cool hat. I also really liked Sheogorath's outfit in Oblivion a bit before that, and became temporarily obsessed with the character Grave Robber from Repo The Genetic Opera 'oh a mentally unhinged eccentric male character it's free virtual cosplay real estate,' - actually tbf Grave Robber was the normal one in Repo given the universe because the characters were all batshit insane and it's a cyberpunk dystopia where Paris Hilton adopts goth aesthetics.
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  5. #4385
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    I don't want to pay $15 to vote but somehow consistently for months now Contrapoints has had a bunch of interesting topics in her poll for patreon videos and always one of the less interesting topics from my pov gets picked for discussion so I haven't subscribed yet.

    Like I don't need to hear about the anti-LGBT bills because I read about this all the time and many people talk about it, but Quentin Crisp is really interesting so that would be cool. Also Camille Paglia, Magnus Hirschfeld, autogynephilia (mostly curious if she's changed her view at all since her video on it since I disagree with her take on this topic,) and I'd also like to know what she thinks about anti-shipping discourse lol. Maybe Oscar Wilde too and I'm also interested in The Lavender Menace + Michigan Womyn's music festival topics. Really most of them. But like, would be cool to talk about a few of these in a single video really.

    And I feel like the LGBT+ bill option is going to win.... Or CPAC 2023 or true Crime because I have 0 interest in that even examining the phenomenon of watching True Crime and what that means for society that everyone is obsessed is kind of something I'm meh about for now. I mean I've thought about it before and now I'm done lol. I just want the 'hysteria' in general (about grooming and violence,) to be reduced. I mean unless it's like an hour discussion on Ethel Cain and Skynd lol.

    An hour long discussion on the juxtaposition of demonic low and high pitched vocals in music and game design lol.

    Last month parasocial relationships won (how? What more can be said by anyone about this. We all get it.) I'd prefer most of the other topics to that lol especially Camille Paglia, psychedelic experiences, anti-shipping, autogynephilia (again.) and New atheism won before that c̶i̶s̶h̶e̶t̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶,̶ ̶n̶o̶r̶m̶i̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶u̶c̶k̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶2̶0̶0̶0̶s̶ ̶r̶e̶l̶i̶g̶i̶o̶u̶s̶ ̶c̶u̶l̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶r̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶a̶v̶o̶i̶d̶ ̶v̶o̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶I̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶p̶i̶c̶s̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶.̶ ̶o̶b̶v̶i̶o̶u̶s̶l̶y̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶e̶r̶e̶s̶t̶s̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶i̶m̶p̶o̶r̶t̶a̶n̶t̶

    But tbf she also apparently talked about Snapewives and Werner Herzog last time:

    My February Tangent on parasocial relationships is live on Patreon, with subtangents on Liberace, Stan Twitter, ASMR girlfriends, Werner Herzog, Snapewives. The full video is more than an hour long and is available for $2+ patrons now
    Werner Herzog is hilarious though.

    'Overwhelming and collective murder.'

    This video gets deleted from YouTube a lot and I was trying to find it the other day but really couldn't for some reason but then got suggested this wonder if they made it private then unprivated (this is a reupload anyway.)

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  6. #4386
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    James Reimer coming out as homophobic is one of the most disappointing reveals I can remember. Everyone loved him, always a smile on his face... I remember him as an up-and-comer who dragged the Toronto Maple Leafs into the playoffs in one of their most beleaguered years.

    I know statistically there is a good portion of pro athletes who are misogynist, racist, homophobic, Trump supporters, whatever.... but most try to keep a lid on it publicly.

    Is this better, that people are just openly honest? We all want some kind of messiah or hero to look up to. But that [BEEP] ain't real. I don't dislike Reimer or think he's a bad guy... we all have our prejudices and "bad takes" on things. You're just not supposed to say it out loud or act on it.

  7. #4387
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    But speaking of anti-LGBT bills this is the dumbest analysis I've come across yet:

    Note: I don't cast blame on trans people for this. Tennessee is a very conservative, Republican state, and their views of trans people (and LGB people) are THEIR prejudices, not on any outside reality.

    That said, blocks of trans people have backstabbing their allies in stopping this legislation with wild abandon recently.
    -Saying JR Rowling is causing "trans genocide" for minor remarks and "transphobic" for clapping back at trans activists who attacked her.
    A LARGE group of trans activists have declared war on JK Rowing, including attacking ANYONE who plays that new Hogwarts Legacy game as promoting "trans genocide".
    -Its tearing the alliances between feminists and the LGBTQ+ community to shreds. And dividing the LGBTQ+ community.
    Two people I follow who have abandoned identifying as non-binary in the past few weeks because of the anti-Rowling hysteria. They just don't identify now.
    Quote someone else responding to idiot
    The ppl I’m referring to are openly saying being trans is a mental illness. They are supporting anti-trans legislation. They aren’t just upset over “jkr hysteria.”
    Yes you're right. Trans people's anger at JK.Rowling is the reason evangelical Christians in Tennessee are trying to make it possible for people to refuse to hand out marriage licenses to samesex, interfaith and interracial couples. It's not because Obama legalised gay marriage everywhere in the US in 2015 which most deeply conservative states didn't agree with, and then they decided together to actively work on breaking apart the LGBT+ community by separating trans people and have been actively funding faux feminist groups and individuals transatlantically to that effect for years (and this video is actually by a lesbian feminist who doesn't support trans people and yet still isn't ignorant to this):

    Then back in 2014 or so /pol/ psychopaths on 4chan decided they were going to commit to attempting to get as many trans people as possible to commit suicide. Their rhetoric is so violent etc I can't post screenshots here. Some admitted that though they'd previously focussed on 'feminazis' they felt they'd have more success in their psychopathic aims if targeting trans people and so should aim for that instead. Also admitting to making troll accounts for the purpose of trying to turn feminists against trans women because 'women are meaner than men when it comes to personal attacks and if we can turn them against trans women it would be really brutal.' As I say they're psychopaths so.

    But no you're right. It's all because of this debate over a video game you see. If only everyone could play Hogwarts Legacy and nobody had any thoughts about funding JK Rowling. Then everything would be fine and we'd all just get along.

    How is it that the most virulently anti-trans activists in the UK are able to fly over to different countries and harass trans people and trans politicians? Well they're not living in poverty then. No they must be quite rich and/or someone is funding them.

    Oh no the groups that are considered the weirdest/most low status/least integrated/most attention seeking/most evil/most degenerate and so on among the LGBT community bisexual and trans people have a much higher rate of poverty (bisexual people especially women, and trans people are also the group that terfs and LGB alliance go after the most, yeah the irony I know. They're really more like the LG alliance but that's copyright as an electronic company so *ba dum tish*):

    When researchers separated the L, G, B and T, however, they found cisgender (or non-transgender) gay men and lesbians reported similar levels of poverty to their heterosexual counterparts, while bisexual women and transgender people (of all sexual orientations) had a poverty rate of almost 30 percent.

    The study found gay men had the lowest rates of poverty at 12 percent, followed by cisgender lesbians at 18 percent. These percentages were statistically indistinguishable from the poverty rates of their heterosexual male and female counterparts at 13 and 18 percent respectively. Overall, for gay and straight people, women face higher rates of poverty than men. Bisexual men reported a poverty rate of almost 20 percent, significantly less than their bi women counterparts.

    Bianca Wilson, one of the study’s authors, said researchers have some hypotheses for why poverty levels are elevated in these communities, including that they could be due to “experiences of discrimination, maybe the impact of minority stress, the impact of mental health concerns that come from experiencing discrimination. However, how that explains the particularly high rate among bisexual women is not clear.”

    Robyn Ochs, a bisexual activist, said it doesn’t surprise her that bisexual people report higher levels of poverty, because it’s “pretty typical, historically, for bisexual people’s experience to be lumped in with gay and lesbian experience.”

    “Bisexual people have a much harder time finding community and safe space,” Ochs explained, “even when there’s an established LGBTQ community, it’s often not fully inclusive of bisexual-identified people.”
    They're not even trying over here now though (to not seem like the far right) lol remember the time:

    So fucked lol.
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  8. #4388
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    Why are they called the Canadiens? Quebec is the last place a team should be called that

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    We live our lives on emotion

    Without thinking... what's your visceral reaction?

    Put money aside. In desperation... in that moment what's going to make you cry? What you'll throw your life away for? Remember and shape your identity around? Is there anything in your life that matters that much?

    Remember this feeling... bottle it up

    Build it and they will come

    We were all just waiting

  10. #4390
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    Hold onto what makes you feel

    Some of us only ever live a few moments in a century

  11. #4391
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    May the bridges you burn light the way forward

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    Naan is the superior bread.

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    Everyday, do something positive that makes you believe you're worth being alive. Justify your existence and usefulness to others. This can take many forms. And it will build.

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    Now I got my chess bullet rating up to 1300. I have no idea how Magnus Carlsen is 2882. I think he's even higher on in bullet.

  15. #4395
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    *something about Nazis*

    *Kellie-Jay Keen/Posie Parker/GC Marilyn Monroe event*

    Oh say no more.

    I can't not think of these birds everytime fascists/nationalists come around:

    The ruff has three male forms, which differ in mating behaviour and in appearance: the typical territorial males which have a dark neck ruff, satellite males which have a white neck ruff, and the very rare cryptic males known as "faeders" which have female-like plumage. The behaviour and appearance of each individual male remain constant through its adult life, and are determined by a simple genetic polymorphism.
    The territorial males, about 84% of the total, have strongly coloured black or chestnut ruffs and stake out and occupy small mating territories in the lek. They actively court females and display a high degree of aggression towards other resident males;[20] 5?20 territorial males each hold an area of the lek about 1 m (1.1 yd) across, usually with bare soil in the centre. They perform an elaborate display that includes wing fluttering, jumping, standing upright, crouching with ruff erect, or lunging at rivals.[10] They are typically silent even when displaying, although a soft gue-gue-gue may occasionally be given.[20]
    Faeders seem popular to both the males and the females. Why would that be? The function of the homosexual copulations could be to attract females to the lek, which would be the equivalent of the dance of the dominant male and the satellite. David Lank hypothesised that faeders are not sneakers who steal copulations but that they imitate females to cuckold males. In Vancouverthey indeed actively tried to direct males away from the receptive females.
    The most exciting achievement of the faeders is that in the Vancouver colony they fathered as many as 29 chicks! We now know for sure that faeders can reproduce. Last year, the offspring of the faeders reached adulthood and the males amongst them are partly faeders! Normal males did not produce any faeders. This supports the idea that a specific gene or a set of genes is coding for male type. As yet we do not understand why faeders are so popular by the females.
    I've been informed this happens because of anime so my guess is bird anime. It's a serious cultural problem afflicting birds everywhere. Not just bird anime either ever notice how many Japanese anime and video games have characters with bird wings/bird features?

    In another deleted point, when Sephiroth's true body is first seen in the Northern Cave, it would have the contours of a female.
    And in the final game he has a bird wing!? They're turning the fricking birds gay! The angels in Christianity were a long con too.

    I haven't seen this at this point I'm just looking through a list of anime characters with wings so I can continue this shitpost:

    T̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶r̶a̶c̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶m̶s̶ ̶q̶u̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶h̶o̶t̶ Probably a huge asshole haha. It's like the crazy/hot graph for women but for androgynous fictional characters.

    A cloud of smoke, the playing of his own theme song, and Kurama knows how to make an entrance. As a tengu who has descended the mountain to attend a human school and be a singer, he's got some really gorgeous wings that he knows how to take advantage of.
    How is he 28 year old pop star and student? And crow yokai lol. Oh anime trying to merge all the genres.

    Why did I read Twilight as a young adult and not whatever this is? Robbed frankly. (I mean I read Fruits Basket and other stuff with hot bishouen characters so it wasn't a complete waste but still.) Actually I think I've seen this guy somewhere before I'm getting dejavu.

    Oh yeah anyway.

    In Humans it's not a sexual strategy I enjoy but I definitely think it is one and frankly these guys are more up front about their sexual insecurities and such like 'black men stealing their women' and so on. They also think that they're being brainwashed to find trans women attractive over cis women. This can all be found on the dailystormer website. (Edit: No I'm never going to be over those articles it's still fucking hilarious.) They're way more conscious of this stuff then most people which is very entertaining. Also they hate Jewish people because they envy them for their success lol.

    I like that I read Anne Rice's work which is more adult years earlier when I was 13 lol. I liked the character Julien bit of a fuckboy but he was a bisexual witch so. We have to stan that when we're 13ish. Reading/writing my homoerotic stories and fanfics making everyone gay in my head 'you were groomed' [BEEP] I don't care lol. I watched all your cutesy heteronormative Disney films as well. Actually they're not Jordan Peterson lol, fascists hate Disney too. For some reason I thought maybe Walt Disney was Jewish but I guess they hate it for some other reason. That's why you can't win with fascists. Also tbf I think in hindsight Sleeping Beauty is kind of a lesbian film (the original cottagecore,) and Aurora is the hottest Disney character. Probably. Off the top of my head. (edit: not that weird pink redesign where they make her look indistinguishable from Barbie I mean like the film original film. Probably the art nouveau influence.) 'Groomed' again what can I say. Should have made the prince hotter or something. Also everyone who disagrees with my opinion about Aurora thinks Maleficent is the hottest character in Sleeping Beauty. Say what you want about anime but at least there are fuckable guys.

    Now I know what you're thinking who is the hottest character in The Little Mermaid? Well it's a trick question the hottest character is actually Ursula's sister Morgana who shows up in the sequel. That's not to say she's as hot as Aurora or that I find her particularly hot but if someone put a gun to my head. (But I'm going off memory from a long time ago again.) Can you imagine if a fascist was stuck with me but couldn't kill me?

    *Evil laugh*

    Just going on and on like a dark/light side Jordan Peterson. They hate him too. They really do just hate everyone that's their thing. They don't even like white people deep down because so many white people don't think the way they want them to.

    edit: Apparently Aurora's design was partly based on Aubrey Hepburn. I'm reading her Wikipedia article now. Her fascist dad sounded great:

    In the mid-1930s, Hepburn's parents recruited and collected donations for the British Union of Fascists (B.U.F).[21] Her mother met Adolf Hitler and wrote favourable articles about him for the B.U.F.[22] Joseph left the family abruptly in 1935 after a "scene" in Brussels when Adriaantje (as she was known in the family) was six; later she often spoke of the effect on a child of being "dumped" as "children need two parents".[23] Joseph left the family and moved to London, where he became more deeply involved in Fascist activity and never visited his daughter abroad.[24] Hepburn later professed that her father's departure was "the most traumatic event of my life".[8][25] That same year, her mother moved with Hepburn to her family's estate in Arnhem; her half-brothers Alex and Ian (then 15 and 11) were sent to The Hague to live with relatives. Joseph wanted her to be educated in England,[26] so in 1937, Hepburn was sent to live in Kent, England, where she, known as Audrey Ruston or "Little Audrey", was educated at a small private school in Elham.[27][28] Hepburn's parents officially divorced in 1938.[29] In the 1960s, Hepburn renewed contact with her father after locating him in Dublin through the Red Cross; although he remained emotionally detached, Hepburn supported him financially until his death.[30]
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

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