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  1. #4861
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    The 90's were by far the best time in human history to be a teen.
    And the 80s were the worst! Freakin Flock of Seagulls, Culture Club, and their ilk!
    yup lmao i can listen to 70s music, hell even 60s....the 80s music is where i draw the line lol
    Weird lol. (I just don't think I've ever seen a bunch of people just write off the whole of the 80s lol.) There's lots of good 80s music.

    I was born in the early 2000s, I will forever be jealous of my parents bc they were born in 83. I grew up on this type of music, my dad would even sing Pearl Jam as a lullaby to me as a baby. To this day it is all I want to listen to, new "alternative" will never compare to the 90s.
    I was born in 1991 so my dad listened to a lot of 70s music from when he was a teenager/young adult (Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Hawkwind, Black Sabbath etc,) and 90s music. (Red Hot Chilli Peppers, REM, Alanis Morissette, Nirvana.) It's weird to have been in the late 2000s/2010s and in the exact same position lol. Even my dad started listening to my Evanescence CD's while I was away at uni lol...

    I liked their first 2 albums but seeing Evanescence live in Birmingham in 2011 was actually one of my least favourite concert experiences tbh.

    Also I like alt rock but I think Deftones are a more interesting and versatile 90s band.

    They did a trip hop cover of their own metal song lol:

    Like if you told me this was Massive Attack I'd believe you lol.

    Also trip hop is prob better than alt rock too imo as an experimental/creative genre.

    This song is great for the same reason I love The Cure:

    Oh and Deftones are great live. I still think about the screaming vocals on Hexagram live.

    And Tool and Nine Inch Nails are great obviously. (Deftones and Nine Inch Nails both formed in 1988 but they're really 90s bands.)
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  2. #4862
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post

    Also trip hop is prob better than alt rock too imo as an experimental/creative genre.
    Oh that reminds me I forgot to 'look this up/bookmark this later.' I made a note lol:

    Luckily she has a really intuitive name lol (and this video has like 68 million views.) I just typed in 'spoon lady.' Lol.

    These guys are interesting too:

    The impulse is pure
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    Signals get crossed
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  3. #4863
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    Can an omniscient being actually know that it's omniscient? How would it know if at least one of it's beliefs were false (like maybe the world is an illusion)? It seems like there is no way to know for sure, even if the being was indeed omniscient. But if it can't know for sure that it's omniscient then it's not omniscient.

    edit: I'm not sure I worded that correctly. Imagine that there is a being that knew everything up until now. How does it know that it's "knowledge" will continue to be accurate, or that it's not being deceived or deluded. It seems like there is no way to know. It would just assume that it's knowledge is perfect.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  4. #4864
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    how is what humans create no longer nature if humans are natural and our evolution to this point is in accordance with the natural laws?

    is it possible for humans to do anything that isn't inherently natural? if "natural" means unaltered from its projected course this is a deterministic distinction. how can we then draw a distinction to what humans create as somehow not deterministic in origin?

    I've always said this.

    You know how it goes: Humans bad, nature good. Therefore humans aren't natural. We must be "something else".
    It really does feel like an anti-Human argument.

    i get that nature's pretty and all but also it's kinda horrible and maybe we *should* destroy it? there's so much suffering in nature; it's a temple made out of agony and violence and worshipping there feels a lil weird. not saying 'burn it all', but maybe artifice is better?

    i'm not a negative utilitarian, i think existing is usually better than not existing. but you know what's even better? is if the existing things *aren't* ran down in the plains and then their bowls consumed while they're still aware and bleating in pain
    Reminds me of this video lol:

    But yeah 'appeal to nature' arguments are weak for this reason.

    sure, a lot of 'natural' living is peaceful, like gathering herbs in the woods and relaxing in the sunshine, but im just sayin that lil rush of adrenaline you got from the twig snapping at night didn't happen cause earlier humans *weren't* killed and eaten by bears or whatever
    Also I was actually walking through the woods a few days ago as it was gradually getting dark. Like a really stereotypical bunch of woods 40-50 minutes from my home that looks like a film set. There's a clearing right in the middle that looks like an ideal location for Satanic/magic rituals and I actually did have the 'steps on twigs birds fly away' experience haha. I found that funny though because it's like living in a film.
    The impulse is pure
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  5. #4865
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Also I like alt rock but I think Deftones are a more interesting and versatile 90s band.
    Oh and Chino's side project with Shaun Lopez was pretty good too.

    Though I don't like it as much as actual witch house and similar genres (they were obviously borrowing from it aesthetically lol) because it's usually more experimental/interesting:

    This track is more like hypnagogic pop but whatever lol:

    But the Planet Earth About To Be Recycled track is not my favourite track about the Heaven's Gate cult. Because there are several actually yeah lol. But you know cults are interesting. I think Porcupine Tree must have done it first. Actually I heard this one live because they played that at the concert I went to (this is someone else's recording):

    It's kind of weird for years I watched this live recording from much earlier and now I've heard it live in person (though it's possible I've heard it before as well and forgotten I'm not 100% sure. I don't think so though but I've been to 4 Steven Wilson concerts and he does also play Porcupine Tree tracks):

    I think Drab Majesty's second album was named as a reference to the Heaven's Gate cult. But also this track (it's less obvious than the other tracks above and doesn't sample the weird cult video like the other two. Actually there is a short clip right at the end I forgot about though)

    39 by design
    Did they beam you up into the lights in the sky?
    If you could take a polaroid of your life
    Would you cry?
    Would you make them stare into the whites of your eyes?
    Eternal point of view

    And when you came to turn the hands on the sands of time
    You really wanted to die
    And then you showed them all you fell
    It was so hard to break the spell
    You just wanted to die
    Can't count your blessings saying goodbye

    There are probably more.

    My PC is haunted by the memory of one of my phones (recently bought a new one.) My old one I plugged in a while ago to back up some stuff and now and then it will pop up with a message from Windows saying it's been unplugged. That was weeks ago. I should probably reset my PC at some point though I often put it on sleep mode. Which is a terrible idea I know.
    The impulse is pure
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    Signals get crossed
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    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  6. #4866
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    But the Planet Earth About To Be Recycled track is not my favourite track about the Heaven's Gate cult. Because there are several actually yeah lol. But you know cults are interesting. I think Porcupine Tree must have done it first. Actually I heard this one live because they played that at the concert I went to (this is someone else's recording):
    There is a cool line from Cage in this ICP cypher about Heaven's Gate:

    "Because I wasn't wrapped tightly at Heaven's Gate in black Nike's"
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  7. #4867
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    This is like three posts in one because I was looking at a bunch of stuff.

    This really is a sad indictment of the US police force (Danish police just completely confused by the terror of black Americans visiting the country):

    Also this is really not reassuring to hear:

    So someone brought this up in a YouTube comment and I went looking for a clip but couldn't find one on YouTube only a reupload of a tiktok posted on twitter. Increasingly frustrating problem because it's important to be able to share these things as widely as possible.

    But basically Gidon Lev, who is a holocaust survivor said this:

    As a holocaust survivor I have given this a lot of thought. To me there is no question that the transgender society is going through genocide. The question is what are we going to do about it?
    Some background info:

    Gidon Lev entered the Nazi concentration camp of Theresienstadt as number 885. He was six years old. Today, Gidon is 88 years old and is committed to sharing his testimony widely so that we may learn the lessons of the Holocaust today.
    The widespread support for Posie Parker/Kellie Jay Keen isn't a good sign because her ultimate stated goal is to eradicate all trans people from public life and to stop all trans people medically transitioning.

    People talk exactly the same way today. Increasingly obsessed with population growth. The group(s) that talk like this don't have complete control of the state in any Western country yet though. They probably have the most influence in America based on the abortion situation:

    Fuller and Owen found that the Nazis provided varied justifications for their targeting of [BEEP] people and that they often conflated trans issues with homosexuality.[3] They noted that in a document outlining the division of labor in the Reich office for the Combatting of Homosexuality and Abortion, "transvesites" were listed as a responsibility of the organization, separately from "all manifestations of homosexuality" and "combating of all enemies of positive population growth", suggesting trans identity was conceived of as a distinct issue and threat by the Nazis. They noted that as part of the 1933 mass incarceration of gay men in Fuhlsbuttel concentration camp, Hamburg city administration told the chief of police to "pay particular attention to transvestites and to deliver them to the concentration camps if necessary."[3]

    They further argued that transmasculine and transfeminine individuals faced inconsistent treatment. Masculine presentations from those assigned female at birth were stigmatized: the National Socialist Women's League published a book in 1934 which warned gender ambiguity represented "signs of degeneration emanating from an alien race ... inimical to reproduction and for this reason damaging to the Volk. Healthy races do not artificially blur sexual differences" and Himmler complained in 1937 about the "nauseat[ing] catastrophe that was masculinizing ['young girls and women'] so that, over time, the difference between the sexes, the polarity, is blurred. From there, the path to homosexuality is not too far off." Fuller and Owen noted an inconsistency in individual accounts of transmasculine people. One was forcibly detransitioned, another was detained in Lichtenburg concentration and released 10 months later with a permit from the Gestapo to wear men's clothing, and another was allowed to dress as a man without a permit following a medical examination and a promise that they had never engaged in homosexual relations.[3]
    Himmler apparently hadn't heard of femmes.

    The Rome Statute, a 1998 treaty that established the International Criminal Court and codified investigations into genocide, outlines a definition of gender-based persecution. This definition, however, only "refers to the two sexes, male and female."[34] Valerie Oosterveld attributed this definition to conservative political pressure from states like Azerbaijan, the Holy See, and some nongovernmental organizations in the lead-up to the treaty's adoption.[35] While this definition has not yet been litigated at the ICC, it is likely that it would be used to exclude transgender people from international legal protections.[34]
    I mean on this same wikipedia page there's an undebatable example that falls outside of male and female:

    In the mid-1960s in South Sulawesi, an Islamic militia (Ansor) and an Islamic purification movement (led by Kahar Muzakkar) stigmatized, persecuted, and murdered many among the bissu, a transgender social group. The bissu were seen as objectionable under Islam and, in 1966, an Islamic "Operation Repent" targeted nonconforming Indonesian genders. Bissu rituals were violently suppressed, bissu heads were shorn, and bissu were ordered to conform to male gender roles or die. To demonstrate this coercive threat, a bissu leader was decapitated.[9][10][11]
    That wikipedia article doesn't go into extensive detail so I started looking through one of the source books:

    The adoption of Islam in South Sulawesi in the early 1600s posed a number of dilemmas for bissu and the belief system that surrounded them (Peletz, 2006: 316). For instance, the epic La Galigo, which legitimized the central role of bissu within the Bugis noble courts, was devalued as a source of authority and bissu claims of divine status, sanctified within La Galigo, were thus challenged. In the last few decades in particular, Islam has provided a basis and justification for anti-bissu sentiment. Heather Sutherland (pers. comm. 2000) comments that there was a great deal of resentment towards bissu when Islamic support reached a peak in the area in the 1950s and 1960s. Indeed, in the 1960s, Ansor, an Islamic militia group, targeted and killed many bissu (Wendy Miller, pers. comm. 2000). This time period also witnessed the rising influence of the staunchly Islamic Kahar Muzakkar movement (Harvey, 1978 ), which was linked to the Darul Islam separatist rebellion that declared South Sulawesi an Islamic state. Kahar Muzakar authorized the violent persecution of bissu and other elements of society deemed against Islam, such as Communists (Boellstorff, 2005b: 39; Lathief, 2003, 2004: 79?82). In 1966, Operasi Toba (Operation Repent) was initiated to stop practices considered un-Islamic and many bissu ceremonies, customs and activities were forcibly stopped and sacred bissu instruments were burnt or thrown into the ocean. Sutherland (pers.comm. 2000) notes that at this time gangs of men surrounded bissu in the street and forcibly shaved their heads.Other bissu were tortured and murdered. Bissu Haji Mappaganti remembers this happening and told me that bissu were generally offered two alternatives: death or leave bissu life and start acting like men. As a warning to heed this threat seriously, the bissu leader of Bon?, Sanro Makgangke, was decapitated and hir head publicly displayed. Mariani said that s/he, along with other surviving bissu, then fled to the hills.
    It's sounding oh-so familiar.

    As with all monotheistic religions Islam suffers from a lack of diversity of viewpoint/opinions. There's only one god and only one set of morals/rules etc.

    Oh look I wrote this before reading the very next paragraph in the book lol:

    Even in the contemporary environment, where bissu services are openly requested, Islamic doctrine is used to denigrate bissu practices. Drawing on the Qur'an, one Islamic ulama I spoke with used the terms 'accursed' (terkutuk) and 'shameful' (aib) to describe bissu activities. For other Muslims, bissu practices are negatively considered animistic (animisme). Another informant, Pak Sultan, revealed:

    In Islam, there's no other deity (dewata), there?s only Allah and the prophet Muhammad. It?s a sin (musyrik) to believe in anything other than the one true God. (Pak Sultan)
    It also has the unfortunate tendency to attract hegemonic males. You see this where men who have otherwise no real interest in or connection to Islam will convert or claim to be Islamic or even just express respect for the religion due to it's image of militancy and hegemonic masculinity. I don't know enough of the religion to suggest whether that's inevitable. (Well I don't think anything is inevitable with fiction. Fanfiction/my brain taught me that. Also Lilith is literally a bible fanfiction OC when you think about it lol.)

    I think Andrew Tate converted to Islam because he described it as 'the last true religion' (basically because he thinks it's the last one people are afraid of offending.) I've also seen him use it to make points about why it's OK for him to have numerous sexual partners but not women and things like that. He can just use it for whatever sexist nonsense he wants to push. Though I think he'd probably adopt anything if it's advantageous to him. He fits the profile of a dark triad/sociosexually unrestricted guy (aka fuckboy):

    Unrestricted sociosexuality is associated with early life experiences with sex, more frequent sexual activity and a greater number of lifetime sex partners. Unrestricted men tend to have greater rape myth acceptance, past sexual aggression and more conservative attitudes about women than restricted men. Unrestricted women tend to have more sexual fantasies involving having power or control over another person and lower levels of sexual conservatism than restricted women.[6]
    Individuals with an intrinsic religious orientation (i.e., religion as an end) tend to be sociosexually restricted, while those with an extrinsic religious orientation (i.e., religion as a means to achieve non-religious goals) tend to be unrestricted.[19]
    He also has some appeal with Muslim men, though he's getting a lot of push back as well (the appeal is mostly with young guys obviously):

    'Sure some things Andrew Tate says are controversial, but many of the things he says are Islamic'

    - Huzaifa, a fan of Tate
    He brought up a podcast where Tate said the following:

    "I don?t think the world has ever been equal. The modern society we live in has been built by men. Let's cut the crap. All the roads you see, all the buildings you see, everything around you men built. All of it. When women come along and say 'Oh we?re just as important,' you are just as important," Tate says in the video.

    "But you do have a completely different role. You fulfilled a different role in society. And I think now if you look at the roles of society, I believe men are still doing their job. But I don't know if women are doing their job. Men are still out here building the modern world. But when they come home now, the girl is like 'Why should I cook for you?'"

    After playing that video twice, Huzaifa stared blankly at the screen. "If you didn?t know that was Andrew Tate who said that, you would have agreed with him, wouldn't you?" he asked.

    "Nowadays you see women going into the workforce and neglecting their home responsibilities. Everyone is so focused on this idea of feminism and men are falling into this trap. We are men. We were put into this world by God as masculine creatures. That is how it should be."
    Mohammad Khan, a 19-year-old from California, has been following Tate for about six months. What first attracted him to the social media star was his bald head, as Khan is also bald. He said "society" often emphasises that men should have a lot of hair on their heads. He said there were now potions and surgeries men were doing just to grow hair on their heads. But Tate? That is a man who is unapologetically bald, according to Khan.
    Oh my God. What is the universe doing these last couple of days. The ongoing theme.

    Anyway have you tried listening to this bald man instead? He's not bald in this video I guess:

    (This song is actually about unrequited love I think.)

    He believes that western Muslim men are currently defining masculinity as how Europeans define it, as how the West defines it or as what their parents define it as. And according to Malik, all of them are wrong.
    "Can you name me a religious leader, a religious motivational speaker, a commentator, that has gone out and condemned feminism? I am asking you," Jamal said.

    "You're silent because we don't have religious leaders condemning feminism. This is odd because there is no concept of feminism in Islam. So everyone should be speaking out against it. Everyone knows this. All the sheikhs know this. But they are just too afraid of being cancelled."
    Really? You mean in the West I assume? The idea of Islamic people in most Muslim majority countries being 'cancelled' for speaking up against feminist values is laughable. If they start speaking out against feminism here they'll be destroyed very quickly. I'm using very aggressive language in this post I am in a mood lol. I assume they're not stupid and know how to be tactical. To put it in insane terms feminists and other progressive groups will only tolerate Islam so long as they can believe that Islam isn't inherently toxic to the 'goddess archetype.' And with the goal of transforming Islam from the inside via Muslim women.

    You can't kill the archetype (and all the others you removed,) because it's embedded into the Human psyche. You didn't even try you just demonised it because you know you can't:

    The role of ʿAnaq in Islamicate traditions can be seen as similar to that of Lilith in Judaeo-Christian traditions, providing a monstrous female near the very beginning of human existence, through whom misogynistic ideology can be conveyed.[6]
    Of course Lilith was barely mentioned in the bible and was actually fleshed out later and by a variety of writers. Lilith as a character most likely was inspired by the word Lilu which as with everything goes back further and is a masculine Akkadian word for a spirit or demon. I've also seen it suggested that Gilgamesh's father was said to be a lilu. But it's disputed as to whether the bible noun Lilith came from that word. There is only one mention of the word in the bible. This is from the Book of Isaiah 34:13?15:

    (11) The desert owl and screech owl will possess it, and the great owl and raven will dwell in it. The LORD will stretch out over Edom a measuring line of chaos and a plumb line of destruction. (12) Her nobles shall be no more, nor shall kings be proclaimed there; all her princes are gone. (13) Her castles shall be overgrown with thorns, her fortresses with thistles and briers. She shall become an abode for jackals and a haunt for ostriches. (14) Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts, satyrs shall call to one another; There shall the Lilith repose, and find for herself a place to rest. (15) There the hoot owl shall nest and lay eggs, hatch them out and gather them in her shadow; There shall the kites assemble, none shall be missing its mate. (16) Look in the book of the LORD and read: No one of these shall be lacking, For the mouth of the LORD has ordered it, and His spirit shall gather them there. (17) It is He who casts the lot for them, and with His hands He marks off their shares of her; They shall possess her forever, and dwell there from generation to generation.
    Not only that but people with all the related temperaments exist (androgynous women, dominant women, sexually unrestricted women, other non-conforming women, [BEEP] people etc) and you know, it's not a great plan:

    Look at what you've wrought:

    Loki as Other: Why Do [BEEP] and Female Viewers Love the Trickster?

    "Feminized Men: Why do women identify with Marvel's baddies?" by plain-flavoured-english

    It became commonly accepted that incubi and succubi were the same demon, changing shape: by taking female form, they were able to collect male sperm and then turn around and impregnate a human woman using their male form -- and the collected sperm. The Malleus Maleficarum states:

    " beget a child is the act of a living body, but devils cannot bestow life upon the bodies they assume; because life formally proceeds only from the soul, and the act of generation is the act of the physical organs which have bodily life... Yet it may be said that these devils assume a body not in order that they may bestow life upon it, but that they may by the means of this body preserve human semen, and pass the semen on to another body."

    Why the baby conceived in this way is not simply a normal baby, no one seems to know; but in the Christian tradition, a baby conceived this way (a cambion) is usually wickedly smart and able to get people to do their bidding. Some texts hold that a cambion does not exhibit breathing or pulse, but appears to be alive -- until they are seven years old, at which time they begin to appear more like normal people. Caliban, from the Tempest, was supposedly a cambion, as was (according to some stories) Merlin.
    ^ from some blog post I just found while googling lol.

    And now everyone who isn't you is collectively against you.

    I know there's billions of people very invested in these monotheistic stories where 'the other' gets reduced to Satan, but I have to say I think the experiment has kind of failed. I was just going to include Tori Amos' cover of Losing my Religion because it's great but actually (I'd not heard this song before):

    Muhammad my friend
    It's time to tell the world
    We both know it was a girl
    Back in Bethlehem
    And on that fateful day
    When she was crucified
    She wore Shiseido Red
    And we drank tea by her side

    Artists are just fantastic. And she has red hair. No matter what you're thinking a bunch of them were already there. He's also a better bald guy.

    "The feminine part of God has been circumcised out of all religions ... God (is) a patriarchal force, a very masculine energy, with the feminine having been subservient, either being the mother, the lover, the virgin, but never the equal, never to have the whole."[17] "Muhammad My Friend", the eighth track on the album, best represents this aspect of the album's theme with the line, "It's time to tell the world/We both know it was a girl back in Bethlehem."
    The whole "we both know it was a girl back in Bethlehem" is part of how Tori says that the female side of God and women in religion have been neglected for a long time. I don't really feel like breaking down every line, especially since most of it is subjective, but you might be confused if you don't know who Pele is: the Hawaiian volcano goddess.[/QUOTE]

    Also lol this article is being suggested on the other article with the Tate fanboys ('and now for the complete opposite'):

    The problem is men: Muslim women speak out against abuse in the US
    Read More ?
    This article on another site contrasts with the above viewpoints (the article was written by a woman of course):

    The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is associated with uplifting women. Contrast this with Andrew Tate, whose brand is associated with men who harm and objectify women. In fact, a sister who is working on publishing a study with a university sent me a message explaining, "I work in social services in England. I?ve come across several young men newly referred to the social services for violent behavioral challenges, and when interviewing and working with each of these young men in the last year we have identified at least 65% of them had consumed Tate?s material." While she recognized this may be correlation rather than causation, she mentioned that the fact so many of them cited him by name is alarming.
    Some related points of interest. Hitler lamenting that he didn't join up with Muslims enough:

    When Adolf Hitler was holed up in the Berlin bunker in the dying days of the second world war, one of his many regrets concerned his failure to mobilise the world's Muslims to his cause: "Just think what we could have done ...  to incite them," he lamented.

    Hitler saw Nazism and Islam as natural allies. Though he considered most of its practitioners to be racially inferior, he admired Islam for its perceived martial qualities and its contrast to effete, "meek" Christianity. Most importantly, he hoped that the Muslim subjects of his enemies -- the British and French empires and the Soviet Union -- might be induced to rise up and wage jihad against their rulers.
    So this idea that Christianity is either more feminine or less militaristic/extreme than Islam has been a common viewpoint among various people and groups I've noticed. Christianity is and has been very problematic but comparatively it has been easier to 'castrate' which is one of the few points in it's favour imo lol. This 'meekness' (empathy for weakness, Nietzsche referred to it as a slave morality too,) is also why it was adopted predominantly by women in the early days though I believe, until it caught on more generally. Although technically women adopt most religious movements first. That's probably why most cult members are women although you also have to consider that movements with more male members/followers often tend to be classified as something other than cult. The language surrounding group categorisation is generally annoyingly vague.

    In speeches, Hitler purportedly made apparently warm references towards Muslim culture such as: "The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France".[9]
    In public and private, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler made warm statements about Islam as a religion and a political ideology, describing it as a more disciplined, militaristic, political, and practical form of religion than Christianity, and commending what they perceived were Muhammad's skill in politics and military leadership. However, the official Nazi racial ideology considered Arabs and North Africans racially inferior to Germans, a sentiment which was echoed in deprecating statements which were made by Hitler and other Nazi leaders.[2] Hitler left no doubt about his disdain for the Arab world, writing in Mein Kampf: "As a volkisch man, who appraises the value of men on a racial basis, I am prevented by mere knowledge of the racial inferiority of these so-called 'oppressed nations' from linking the destiny of my own people with theirs".[6]
    I will say (have said before,) the far right's racism actually holds them back from their other goals most of the time.

    The LGBT+ community and the feminist community and to a lesser extent other liberal groups are very threatening to hegemonic males because they function like atheistic goddess cults. I do have issues with feminism myself but hegemonic males are the group I have the most issues with because they attack genetic male people who go against gender norms. It's a rather idiosyncratic reason to hate them haha. Obviously they want to control me too and that's a close second/maybe joint first reason but the first reason is possibly a bigger part of it.

    I don't want to live in a world full of Andrew Tate's either.

    This rhetoric is also fairly common:

    Leah Owen, a lecturer at Swansea University, has argued that anti-transgender ideologies rely on "discourses of 'toxification'", drawing on research in Genocide Studies and Prevention[42] that proposed "toxification" as a more precise alternative to the traditional fourth stage of genocide, dehumanization. Owen compares Nielsen's concept of toxification, in which groups of people are compared to pathogens or threats and their removal from society is necessitated, to statements from Popes Benedict XVI and Francis, Janice Raymond, Abigail Shrier, and Helen Joyce,[43]: 486?488  arguing that regardless of agreement on other issues, anti-transgender activists consistently seek to reduce or eliminate transgender people's public presence. Nevertheless, she refrains from claiming that the modern anti-gender movement is inciting genocide yet, arguing that it lacks a securitizing urge to mobilize against transgender people.[43]
    I've seen both the argument that trans people themselves are a kind of virus/vampire-like predator beings and that being trans is a form of virus social or psychological that you have to convert people out of (the former belief is more essentialist I guess, the latter leads to conversion therapy.)


    To be fair I somehow read the tweet the same way the person responding did too and was somewhat confused until it clicked what he meant:

    But I can see why he assumed that was some sarcastic response lol.

    If confused me because 'imagine leaving the house' :')
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    Quote Doseone View Post
    There is a cool line from Cage in this ICP cypher about Heaven's Gate:

    "Because I wasn't wrapped tightly at Heaven's Gate in black Nike's"
    Hah you could almost make a compilation album at this point with all the music tracks that reference that one cult.
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    I'll take her if she's looking for someone to fight.

    Have you ever in your life encountered a genuine woman who would stand up before a crowd and incite them to punch people "in the fucking face"? No, I thought not.
    I always assumed Richard Dawkins was a self important pretentious type. But I've realised after twitter that's he's biased, irrational, fucking stupid perhaps. Not just because of this tweet a lot of stuff.

    I don't know a lot about these people except that Ana has tweeted reactionary things before. But yeah there's always the sense with people like this that your existence etc is getting in their way and you should be happy if they're not threatening you with violence or whatever. You're irritating and beneath them basically.

    Outing trans kids to their parents is bad too for the reasons mentioned. I mean in this very post I have Candace Owens threatening her future grandkids.

    My aunt votes democrat and hates Trump. When I finally came out to her recently, she said "two women can't make a baby." That hurt, but it also pissed off my older sister when I told her, and she replied, "Does she also think I'm somehow inferior because I chose to never have a child?!" If you guessed my aunt is a fundamentalist Christian, you win the prize.
    They've managed to pull off in-vitro gametogenesis with mouse cells so they're just trying to do the same with Humans now. It is proving trickier but I doubt it's impossible. The difficult part with mice is getting healthy mice at the end (they've managed this and those mice have also gone on to reproduce I think, but scientists worry about potential hidden issues and also there's a high failure rate even then.) Research is somewhat hampered by laws in certain countries.

    It's the last part that?s the scientific challenge. Certain cell types are very easy to make in the lab: leave pluripotent stem cells in a dish for a few days, and some will spontaneously start to beat like heart muscle. Others will become fat cells. But an egg might be the hardest cell to produce. It?s huge--one of the largest cells in the body. And its biology is unique, too. A woman is born with her full complement of eggs and never makes any more.

    In 2016, a pair of scientists in Japan, Katsuhiko Hayashi and his mentor Mitinori Saitou, were the first to convert skin cells from mice into fertile eggs, entirely outside the body. They reported how, starting with cells from a tail clipping, they'd induced these into stem cells, which they then directed partway along the path to becoming eggs. Then, to finish the task, they incubated these proto-eggs alongside tissue collected from ovaries of mouse fetuses. In effect, they had to construct mini ovaries.

    "It's not a matter of 'Oh, can I make an egg in a petri dish?' It?s a cell that is contingent on its place in the body," says David Albertini, an embryologist at the Bedford Research Foundation. "So it's about creating an artificial structure that can recap the process."

    "We are in the pathway of translating these technologies into the humans," says Mitinori Saitou from Kyoto University, addressing the group via Zoom.

    In fact, Saitou says he's fairly far down that pathway. He's turned human blood cells into iPS cells, and used those iPS cells to create very primitive human eggs. Others have created primitive human sperm this way. Neither the sperm or eggs are developed enough to make embryos or babies. But scientists around the world are intensively working on that.

    "I've been really impressed with all the data that we've seen here and just how quickly this field is evolving," says Dr. Hugh Taylor, a reproductive health specialist at Yale School of Medicine. "It makes me confident that it's not a matter of if this will be available for clinical practice but just a matter of when."

    The work is hampered by the lack of in-depth knowledge about how the primitive forms of egg and sperm cells develop naturally in the embryo?a process that is far from fully worked out in humans. Some of the embryo?s cells begin to differentiate into these primitive sex cells at around 14 days. But in some countries, it is illegal for researchers to even grow human embryos beyond 14 days. "They would send me to jail if I went beyond day 14," says Azim Surani, who is working with precursors to artificial sex cells at the University of Cambridge in the UK.

    The problem, from a research point of view, is that the 14-day rule "comes in just as the embryos start to get interesting," says Surani. Without being able to easily study the critical process of how primitive cells begin forming egg and sperm cells, scientists are limited in their ability to mimic it in the lab.

    Conception's website says its technology would"potentially allow male-male couples to have biological children," but that kind of procedure is even less certain. Hayashi?s team in Japan reported making eggs from male mouse cells--but it?s a very inefficient process. Their development is "severely disturbed" by genes present on the male Y chromosome that inhibit egg formation, although researchers may eventually be able to correct such imbalances with genetic engineering.

    For female-female reproduction, it's the opposite problem. Female cells have two X chromosomes but no copy of the Y chromosome. "If you don't have a Y chromosome you can?t make sperm, because there are genes on the Y chromosome essential for that," says Kyle Orwig, a researcher and sperm biology specialist at the University of Pittsburgh. There do seem to be ways around that barrier; in 2018, Chinese scientists reported constructing mice with two mothers. But that process involved a head-spinning series of laboratory manipulations that were far from natural. "There are extraordinarily complex ways in which you could achieve this in either direction," says Orwig. "I wouldn't discount the possibility in the long term, as there are a lot of smart people out there."

    Fertility doctors are already paying attention to what's coming. Last week at the annual meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, in Baltimore, presentations on artificial gametogenesis and genetic editing dominated the plenary sessions. "It's remarkably explicit," says Ben Hurlbut, a sociologist of science at Arizona State University, who was at the gathering. "They're talking about how in the future we will move reproduction entirely outside the human body."

    Proving it's possible to make eggs in the lab, however, is just a first step--and maybe the easiest one. Even if researchers could generate eggs, they'd then have to prove they were safe to use. "The first thing you would do is science the hell out of that egg," says Henry Greely, a bioethicist and law professor at Stanford University. The next step would be to fertilize manufactured eggs and see if the human embryos that result develop normally in a lab dish.
    Yeah OK but as I said earlier coincidentally wtf does that mean lol? Especially within the wider context of everything else being done. Are they summoning demons from another universe that defy the laws of physics? Just say it's difficult/complicated.
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    Why are we glamourising being burnt our from work and sleep deprivation as a measure of "success"?

    I'm seeing this multiple times now on LinkedIn. Youngish people (and some not so young) who are eager to show off that they're successful by working 17 hour days, 4 hours sleep. And, it's not sustainable. There's no way around the fact that long-term sleep deprivation causes a whole multitude of physical and mental health issues. However succesful you want to be, there's absolutley no getting around the fact that you need 7 or more hours of sleep a night, and yes, we do all have the odd night where that doesn't happen, if you're repeatedly getting a lot less than that, it's not sustainable, you're going to end up ill from it. You become apparently succesful because you only sleep 11-3, but you end up burnt out and unwell.

    There's definatley evidence to show that we had to sleep in shifts back when, and so we evolved that way, people have different circadian rhythms. But those I know who naturally rise at 3am are going to bed earlier, they're not sleeping less.

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    Call out to Neutrogena... most level 1 customer service is abhorrent, but their agents are actually very helpful

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    I was listening to this song earlier:

    And it made me think about songs that have recordings of crowds talking and how those people probably don't know that their voices were used in a song.

    Here's another one:

    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

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    After too many years of misery, I fear we just won't be able to feel happiness again even when the situation calls for it

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    Quote Heelsbythebridge View Post
    After too many years of misery, I fear we just won't be able to feel happiness again even when the situation calls for it
    I feel that. I can't remember the last time that I was happy. Winning the lottery wouldn't even make me happy. I don't think relationships would make me happy either. I'm just in limbo.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

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    This weather is driving me insane. Of course it's par for the course in the UK but I absolutely hate the winter (more every year) I prefer having longer days and I need some break which ideally should happen during the summer.

    The UK: challenge accepted

    It's the clouds/greyness that really gets to me.

    Also started googling the Crow actress and....

    Die, Daisy, Die!

    Daisy Derkins aspires to open a new comic book store, and her efforts are complicated by the appearance of some strange new neighbors. These neighbors are actually shapeshifting lizard people from the center of the Earth who have come to the surface world to create a dating app in order to enslave human women and save their own species from extinction. Time travel, an escaped serial killer, an evil wizard, psychic pterodactyls, and more await our hero Daisy in this jam packed sci-fi/horror/comedy adventure. .
    Where/how can I watch this film lol? Hmm it said it came out in 2013 but there's a Facebook page saying this in 2022:

    Ok so here's the star of our film, Rochelle Davis (THE CROW), with a friendly greeting about the movie and our fundraising efforts! Until a more formal fundraising page is live, donations to the production can be made to director Mark Mackner via Venmo @Mark-Mackner. Generous donations can get you screen time in the movie as well as producer credit. Let's talk! Rochelle Davis will be starring as Daisy Derkins, who just wants to open a comic shop, but is drawn into a plot by reptilian shape shifters from the Earth's core who have eyes on our women! Action and comedy abound in our latest venture into the absurd. Filming this year!
    and the title there is: "Daisy Derkins 4: Die, Daisy, Die"

    Were there 3 other films or just random title change? I am so confused.

    The FOURTH feature film in the super low budget Philly film series that refuses to die! This time,
    Where are the others though?

    They still don't seem to have a fundraising page. Not sure about website either. very low interest atm only 188 followers on FB.

    Shame. I've been playing with the concept of like comic book/nostalgia/new-age stores and combining that with aliens etc (storm area 51 was very influential. I couldn't go ._. so had to make do with livestreams. Oh my god how has it been 4 years ahhhhhh) lately myself.


    Oh OK found one of the others yeah really low budget

    Daisy Derkins and the Dinosaur Apocalypse

    An evil sorcerer teams up with a mad scientist to unleash Dinosaur Hell on Earth, and only Daisy Derkins and a hero from the future can stop them.
    This was the 2013 film I guess:

    A hot young college girl takes a gig dogsitting for the mysterious SILAS KILLINGTON. But hours have gone by, and she hasn't seen the dog. And the news of an escaped serial killer has her on edge. She calls some friends over, but their Ouija board session causes a blackout. Or does it? And why is some freak outside the window singing "I'm in the Mood for Love"? WHAT'S GOING ON HERE???
    Then this in 2019:

    Monster-slaying hero Daisy Derkins ventures into the woods to deal with a carnivorous dinosaur, and runs afoul of a touring punk band, a manic bounty hunter, a trio of voluptuous female criminals, and a family of mutant cannibals along the way.
    Lots of dinosaurs lol.

    I like the new film's synopsis best though the 2019 one had potential. I guess in high budget it would be like Jennifer's body. Tim Meadows cannibal character was one of the best parts of Brooklyn 99:

    He needs more roles. Usually he's playing teachers for some reason.
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