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  1. #5371
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    I hate missing stuff I can't get back and also things I never really had.

    Also feeling Human emotions lol.

    I hope maybe one day AI or something will make it easier to find online communities that are active with people similar to you. Instead of everything potentially getting worse like it has done over time from my point of view. But even then probably would be too hard for me to really connect and feel comfortable.

    I have done before but I feel like at this point it probably won't happen again with the internet the way it is now and since joining discord servers and being active in those intimidates me (I did for a few years all related to a certain discussion topic, but left all of those because the topic and many people were causing too many issues emotionally. Though it was nice to have some place where I could be open, and where it didn't feel like a virtual shopping mall.) In the past I always just stumbled on stuff now and then, but it's pretty obvious that's not going to happen again.

    You know what's kind of funny? Loneliness is an 'epidemic' now. Like obesity and drug addiction which are surely side effects of other issues but are described like diseases.
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  2. #5372
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    glad someone caught it lmaoo
    No I had no idea lol.

    (Shoe did a similar thing in her video but replaced man with aspergers with woman with bipolar.)

    I like how the twitter clip is just clipped so it says this:

    women stop, stop, stop thinking that you need your woman to align with you completely. Cause you know who's going to align with you completely? A man. A man with aspergers
    I hadn't seen the original clip so it just sounds like he's talking to women.

    What if I am a man with undiagnosed autism though?

    It's fine I still don't align with anyone.

    Still implying the level of polarisation now is normal, but it isn't.

    It's the job of the man to mold a woman into whatever he wants, which includes political opinion.
    Managed to find yourself a 6 year old to marry yet?
    Show me a woman who has a mental age that is past 6 years old.
    You sound weird as fuck
    Socially shaming someone for having views that go against the concensus isn't an argument.
    It's not an argument, it's an opinion.

    I think it's usually a performance designed to destroy you because you have a pedophilic-adj sexuality and your sexuality controls you.



    "Oh my God Grimes you can't just ask people why they're buff."

    "It's really sad that he falls in love with these people who are really mean to him," Kimbal said, in an excerpt from the book published by The Times. "They're beautiful, no question, but they have a very dark side and Elon knows they are toxic." Grimes, whose real name is Claire Boucher, also said Musk is attracted to "chaotic evil", while discussing his relationship with Heard.
    Grimes And Elon Musk Are Suing Each Other
    Grimes is suing Elon Musk to establish a "parental relationship" with one of their three children, according to the New York Post.
    No respect though she was supposed to turn him into a catgirl.


    she literally cucked musk with a trans woman what else do you want her to do
    That was hilarious but it didn't happen I think they just hung out. Also I'm bored and I think I'd be more entertained if he was a catgirl.

    If everyone is going to have terrible opinions I disagree with it's the least that could happen.

    That wasn't a response to the catgirl question lol, it was some comment I stumbled on in some reddit thread but thought it fit in there.

    He's a billionaire he has a pick of women
    Not really. They'll leave him for other women.
    Watch Shivon leave Elon for a woman not trying to be mean but I would probably be like dam he sure knows how to choose them
    They'll leave him for other women??
    I get it. I really do. But it's cope lol. Also her social circle in general is kind of questionable and the wider sphere is very limited in viewpoint and disappointing.


    Hentai is important

    legit love hentai. have a fake twitter and insta just to look at nice illustrations beautiful naked blue hair girls. Illustations of things always better than real things
    That's cool for you.
    You should leave Elon Musk before he does to you what he did to his ex-wife.
    Has he pressured you to bleach your hair blonde yet?
    Of course this happened and he does do this with all his ex's (her hair was black when they got together I think,) though I also think there's a lot of figures with long white hair in anime she admires and finds attractive + for some reason white/pale hair suddenly became popular recently in certain music circles I noticed.

    (I found these tweets actually because I remembered her tweeting about hentai and I read some description of the has the sexual revolution failed 'debate' which she was part of and I still haven't watched but it sounds like half the people there share so many opinions anyway. Like 4/5 of them cite Paglia as their hero. Anyway so she was talking about porn and how she doesn't like it but thinks it could be better cinematographically/musically/artistically which feels like an attempt at some form of diplomacy not that she's wrong about that. But yeah I think I've made it clear that reactionary feminism is one of my least favourite things really. Also not a fan of Louise Perry.)

    Perry admitted the movement had its upsides for women, but it?s been very hard on men, and we should all listen to our grandmothers now to get back to "normal." Khachiyan, who found it necessary to vape during the discussion, proclaimed she was ?a mother trying to keep her child out of the clutches of rabid ideologues, while making sure not to indoctrinate him too far in the opposite direction." "Still, it would be hypocritical for me to blame the sexual revolution for everything," she continued. "Instead I?d like to blame liberals." All cited Paglia as their feminist hero except for Grimes, who appeared wholly unprepared for the rest of the panel's canned talking points on second-wave feminism, intersectionality and sex-positivity. (As a result, the Canadian singer-songwriter came off as the only sincere voice of the bunch.)

    According to the "Shinigami Eyes" hitmaker, she feared the growing influence of A.I. girlfriends would negatively affect the future of the female species. "Women could be obsolete in five years," the Canadian singer claimed, adding, "I hope living women still have a chance!"

    Her fears also extended to the pornography industry and how the digital world has made it "a lot easier to access" for everyone to access sexual content. Although she noted the cons of porn, the 4-time Juno Award Winner stated the industry could improve its performances.
    This is so boring Grimes. Your album concept with the AI lesbian relationship was way more fun imo.

    "I wouldn't want my kids to see it. I think it harms relationships. But we can be making better porn. Why are the scripts so bad? Why is the music so bad? Why isn't there beautiful cinematic porn?" Grimes asked the audience before veering off to parenthood and sexual relationships.

    "There are no classes about how to be a good father or mother in any school that I am aware of. Conversely, I know many people who experience satisfaction from unconventional sex lives," the 35-year-old claimed. "The sexual revolution is good if we can get to the finish line."
    I'll have to watch it but it will annoy me and it seems like she was the opposition and there was no real opposition. If you want to keep it to your weird highly connected IDW-adj ingroup you could also include Aella at least.

    It's so much easier -- and lazy -- to write dystopias than utopias. It's probably for this reason that the only Black Mirror episode I truly enjoyed was San Junipero.
    Wait that's the episode someone said reminded them of Steven Wilson and Aviv Geffen but genderswapped that I wanted to watch because of the woman with the glasses but then I probably won't especially since I haven't watched any of Black Mirror.

    OK but if you don't like porn and AI waifus can you stop culture war shitposting and shipping yourself with women:

    We trained an AI version of me and she fell in love with our friend who trained her! ❤️*🩹 I think we might be in a technological singularity y'all 🧚🏻*♀️@CybrMagazine

    Dude what IS this? And i'm not just talking about the "intermission"s. WHAT IN THE HELL, is this? i think i will just sit and cry.
    I don't know what's happening in that video lol I wanted to see if anyone had made a music video for Skin. Opening audio kind of ironic though.

    Also what even is the opening from? I need to know who just decided to randomly add that phaser effect. I guess the YouTube channel and not the original interview? Probably. You got bored while editing this and started fucking around didn't you? I've done this.

    You know it doesn't matter her music is really hit and miss for me. Some of it is really interesting and like experimental Coil Japanese video game music Dead Can Dance Kate Bush and some of it's more meh. I do think she was one of the most interesting musicians of the 2010s though.

    Also these are really cool (from the 18th century):

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  3. #5373
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    My brother was telling me about this yesterday and I'm going to need to see a live action reenactment of this:

    We had a long discussion about a bunch of his life history because... I think it started because something I said reminded him of this lol:

    Because I was talking about how (at least conceptually,) reincarnation seemed in a way a worse threat than hell because although the Christian hell is really bad like eternal pain it's vague but the horrors of like nature and certain insects especially their lives are really horrifying. Like all the parasitic creatures and fungi that prey on insects etc.

    Or maybe we'd already been talking about him before then I can't remember now. Yeah maybe.
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  4. #5374
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Because I was talking about how (at least conceptually,) reincarnation seemed in a way a worse threat than hell because although the Christian hell is really bad like eternal pain it's vague but the horrors of like nature and certain insects especially their lives are really horrifying. Like all the parasitic creatures and fungi that prey on insects etc.
    The eternal conscious torment version of hell is the worst imo. That is the main reason why I stopped believing. A good/loving God wouldn't create a hell like that. There are other interpretations, like annihilationism and universalism that make more sense. I think a popular view of hell in evangelical Christianity is "separation from God" whatever that means. I personally think hell was made up to keep people in line before we had a proper judicial system.

    But yeah, reincarnation can be quite scary. My beliefs (advaita vedanta) are that we actually have been everything, are everything and will be everything including all conscious beings. So we are (as consciousness) all of the animals suffering right now. I think we'll remember all of these lives eventually. We're in temporary ignorance right now, giving the illusion of separation. We're essentially simulating reality through different bodies and minds. I know it sounds crazy, but it makes perfect sense to me. lol.

    Speaking of hell, today is Thanksgiving. I just know I'm going to embarrass myself somehow.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  5. #5375
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    Quote Doseone View Post
    The eternal conscious torment version of hell is the worst imo. That is the main reason why I stopped believing. A good/loving God wouldn't create a hell like that. There are other interpretations, like annihilationism and universalism that make more sense. I think a popular view of hell in evangelical Christianity is "separation from God" whatever that means. I personally think hell was made up to keep people in line before we had a proper judicial system.

    But yeah, reincarnation can be quite scary. My beliefs (advaita vedanta) are that we actually have been everything, are everything and will be everything including all conscious beings. So we are (as consciousness) all of the animals suffering right now. I think we'll remember all of these lives eventually. We're in temporary ignorance right now, giving the illusion of separation. We're essentially simulating reality through different bodies and minds. I know it sounds crazy, but it makes perfect sense to me. lol.

    Speaking of hell, today is Thanksgiving. I just know I'm going to embarrass myself somehow.
    Yeah hell is definitely a very messed up concept and not a great thing to teach kids. In Christianity there are so many rules, most people don't follow a bunch of them (so clearly they don't really take it seriously they pick and choose,) and then supposedly God is forgiving? But in a way that always seemed arbitrary to me. So you don't really know what he'll forgive and what he won't. But he'll only forgive things when you're alive after that it's just eternal punishment with no possibility of redemption or learning lol? Yeah not really my cup of tea as a belief system.

    It seems some Christians view hell as a more metaphorical mind state though rather than a place you go when you die. Jordan Peterson seems to do that, but I think that's fairly idiosyncratic and not how most Christians think.

    But yeah now and then I think about what it would be like to be eg: one of those snails where parasitic worms invade their eyestalks and then make the snail appear like a caterpillar, and then 'mindcontrols' the snail to go out into the open so they get eaten by a bird so they can breed in the bird's gut. There are creatures that have fucked up life cycles like that. I prefer being Human despite all the issues.

    Humans have an insane amount of control over the planet and can only communicate (with minimal exceptions,) with other Humans so it's useful. Also I think being less self aware or thinking in very different ways freaks me out a bit? What would I do if I couldn't neurotically worry about everything and get annoyed at social media posts lol? Obviously I wouldn't know any different though if I was in that situation. I always thought if I could shapeshift I would be reluctant to transform into various animals especially insects though, as I'd be worried about getting stuck that way (I think this occured to me because of reading the book Equal Rites as a kid although it involved an eagle.) I haven't seen any of The Fly films but the concept when reading the plot freaked me out. I'm not freaked out by all hybrid stuff though I feel like spider-Human hybrids are aesthetically cool sometimes if they're more Human like psychologically like Mordred from The Dark Tower series (which I haven't read either lol just know about the character.) Also 80%-90% Human 20% cat is a cute combination. (I dunno but subtle cat traits but mostly Human.)

    But yeah lots of parasites will alter animal's behaviours like toxoplasma gondii:

    T. gondii-infected rats have a decreased aversion to cat urine while infection in mice lowers general anxiety, increases explorative behaviors and increases a loss of aversion to predators in general.[7][10] Because cats are one of the only hosts within which T. gondii can sexually reproduce, such behavioral manipulations are thought to be evolutionary adaptations that increase the parasite's reproductive success since rodents that do not avoid cat habitations will more likely become cat prey.
    This can affect Humans too but apparently the evidence is mixed as to whether it actually causes mental health issues or makes Humans like cats more. Some research also showed a correlation between that and starting a business and just lower risk aversion so higher rates of suicide and car accidents, but then there's research that suggests it doesn't really have an effect on Human behaviour. I think it's subtle anyway. People probably assume most mentally ill women who adopt cats are influenced by this but I don't think that's necessarily true since mentally ill people often look for substitutes for Human interaction and relationships and use all kinds of things could be cats, drugs, video games etc.

    It's not as big of a deal though since we're pretty far up the food chain and cats aren't Human predators. Sometimes they'll eat you when you're already dead lol. Since adult cats still meow like kittens to get attention from Humans mostly, and also look really neotenous, I think it would be difficult to separate when Humans just like cats because they're cute and baby-like vs because of the parasite as well.

    Most of these sorts of parasites evolve to manipulate the prey of the animals they reproduce in. There are worse parasites that Humans have to deal with involving eyes.

    So I always thought if a God existed they would have to be very sadistic (this planet is insane,) or completely lacking in control and apathetic. Or they're apathetic and testing certain things (like a simulation or some kind of experiment.) Certainly not loving or empathetic in a Human sense.

    But yeah I don't really have any strong beliefs about this myself besides thinking some things seem unlikely. I was always less interested in whether specific Gods were real though as whether I agreed with them lol. Like I wouldn't worship the Christian God because I don't like those rules.

    We don't celebrate thanksgiving here in the UK but I find family gatherings really anxiety inducing too. Luckily I don't have to see most of my extended family now just my immediate family + my grandma at Christmas (plus on occasion at other times if I'm helping my mum with something.) I usually visit her with my mum and have managed to avoid most of my cousins + aunts and uncles (her family is pretty large, some of my cousins also have kids now,) over the last several years. Also managed to avoid other family on my dad's side (and some of them live on the other side of the country so I've only seen them a few times in my life anyway.) I guess it's kind of sad though and I was really close to one of my cousins as a kid, but my anxiety is worse around extended family members now than it is complete strangers. I also feel like they want to know more about my life which I don't want to talk about now as I'm a failure basically. I guess one of her brother's is similar to me and my brother though and also quite avoidant so he'd get it.
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  6. #5376
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    I think this is probably in the top 50 albums of the 2010s (not that I listen to lots of albums these days because I don't tend to buy albums unless it's a musician I really like):

    My personal criteria isn't based on sales obviously. I don't find that an interesting criteria.

    Going to try and make a 2010s playlist on YouTube over time. In general not as big a fan of music I heard then so should be interesting.

    Going to probably be 50% electronic musicians who don't even have wikipedia articles lol. Fame was more spread out during that and the current decade. Lots of people wandering around with YouTube channels with several thousand followers, not many people getting into mainstream news articles or meeting criteria of wikipedia articles (shoeonhead has like over a million subscribers and has been mentioned by like Matt Walsh might meet criteria now? Not sure but still no wikipedia article lol. Unlike most other YouTubers in her genre + level of fame. So you get stuff like that happening a lot. Oh wait she finally has one nevermind, must be very recent.)

    Still thinking about that Crywank tweet too lol:

    This year I've had about five music journalists reach out wanting to cover Crywank only to reach out shortly afterwards to apologise because their editor told them no 👻
    I dunno if that's true or not but LOL.
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    How much do they need to zoom in on her face lol?

    That lady is so weird asking a kid if they have a boyfriend.
    She was 18 and I don't know if they would now (because it forces people to out themselves,) maybe they still would but I think they'd think about it more now. They used to back in the 90s. Reminds me of this lol I was watching a few months ago:

    It's awkward to watch because she obviously wasn't out then and was talking about a scene she had to play where she's kissing Drew Barrymore. They ask so many personal questions like when she says her friends are mostly guys she wants to know why (because there has to be a reason lol,) and then later asks if she has a boyfriend then asks her if it's hard to meet boys.

    I wonder if he's wearing contacts his eyes look purple.

    I think some of these greentext stories are kind of sus and made up because lots of people lie on 4chan especially about these kind of controversial topics, but on the other hand Discord servers can be insane especially any that are related to heterodox beliefs as they can and often do attract psychopaths, so there are probably people doing this. I talked to many controversial people and sometimes fucked up people in my time in discord servers including a guy who started a movement trying to get incels to transition (He got banned from those later I think.) He had tons of alt accounts too on reddit etc. He became so infamous that there's an incel wiki page about him. I don't think he was trying to blackmail people, but he was definitely trying to convince people. I think he either created or popularised the term 'transmaxxing.' That guy also had many other fucked up beliefs (you know I'm not even gonna quote the ones that have been listed on the wiki. You can imagine.) He was trying to form a religion or cult or something as well basically.

    Also (not related to that guy but found this other guy while looking up his wiki page:

    Fschmidt is a friend of caamib's who has been active on, Reddit, and other forums. He is ethnically Jewish and has a Mexican wife. Like his friend Caamib, he rejects the Blackpill and claims that women don't care much about a potential mates looks, but seek out "evil morons", through a process of fisherian runaway selection that favors a female dysgenic preference for these traits in modern Western society as opposed to a supposed preference for beta and coalpha providers in third-world countries.
    Think this might be the dumbest theory in that sphere I've seen yet. Half the guys that argue these things though do not believe or care about this topic. They come up with something they think they can trick some audience into believing that will hurt them the most. They also like to rope in minority groups who are demonised because it's edgy. Because they are sadistic and psychopathic.

    His political views are those of an extreme reactionary without the focus on racial issues common to the so called alt-right. He supports an Islamic conquest of the west and the killing of "members of modern culture" and attends Islamic mosques to supposedly aid them in those goals.

    He claims to have created a matchmaking service called Single Sushi that has helped at least two incels ascend by getting mail order brides, including "a former mod of r/incels". He had since discontinued the service, claiming it's a waste of time to help the new-wave incels, as they are morons.
    Also it's a fetish many people have (I mean I get it because I have similar though not identical sexual interests obviously, as do a lot of people on tumblr,) so I could see some psychopaths doing this potentially. In general you should always be careful what you share with people online. Especially always assume that any photos you post could be used to blackmail you and don't share them if it's something you wouldn't want people to see. The really [BEEP] thing is like at one point on Discord I was in a server with a bunch of people some trans, some not, some people on hrt but not socially trans etc. And there was this guy who was incredibly autistic like really socially unaware but also really into anime femboys and being a femboy. He would just ask us questions about everything and very oblivious about a lot of stuff. He was obviously intelligent in his niche area because he'd started university years earlier than most people but just really socially unaware - had no concept of various social norms or who things would be perceived etc. Lots of people like that out there who would be very easy to manipulate unfortunately.

    Reading about this on knowyourmeme:

    Reiko's "Trap Harem" refers to a controversy surrounding allegations that an /r9k/ poster on 4chan associated with the Discord handle Reiko#3333 convinced various young men to take hormone therapy pills and become "traps". According to the allegations, Reiko forced several /r9k/ users into his "harem" by persuading them to share nude pictures of themselves after they had taken the hormone therapy pills to prove they were taking the drug. These were subsequently used to dox and blackmail the victims, although this was never confirmed.

    Reiko's campaign dates back to at least March 13th, 2018. It involves spamming /r9k/ encouragement for the men on the board to begin taking hormone therapy and become traps to relieve their sexual frustration, along with a link to a Discord chat run by Reiko and others, which he also encourages the users to join. A thread on /r/drama[1] links to several screenshots[2] of messages from the Discord in which Reiko brags about convincing users to consider hormone therapy and getting users to join his Discord (examples shown below).

    The plot led mods of the board to ban trap posting, but Reiko and others found a way to circumvent the ban.[3] On April 7th, YouTuber Esoteric Poster 1388 posted a video outlining the developing drama, gaining over 22,000 views (shown below).
    I'm sure this prob came up when I was on Discord cause it happened when I was in a bunch of servers with femboys and trans people who were familiar with 4chan, but don't remember now. As I say there have been multiple people doing this kind of thing.

    Edit: So I had a look and I can't find any mention of his name in any discord I was in (though I was in one other briefly out of morbid curiosity I think, which I left,) which is weird because I vaguely recognise his profile pic like from screenshots or something? But maybe I stumbled on them elsewhere or someone might have spoken about that without using his name in text I dunno now. I was only aware of the other guy though because he actually came into at least one maybe two servers I was in. I dunno if he was banned multiple times or what I thought he was banned while I was there but I stopped posting entirely in early 2020 and looks like he was banned in 2021 so maybe he came back and got banned again. He must have had multiple accounts or something cause if I search that name there's only like a link he posted to some manifesto and then the guy whose server that was just responding straight after 'banned' with 5 thumbs up LOL. Maybe it was the other related server he was banned from though. I can see discussion about him being banned there before. The moderation in the other server was much more lax but not infinitely so.

    Yeah the thing where they're talking about how they're going to 'save everyone from being virgins' by converting them, they're basically just trying to justify what they're doing amongst themselves and that one person Haruka is obviously annoyed that they couldn't transition young and are now trying to live vicariously through this fantasy where 60% of men will just transition at young ages and pass because they can't. Then they start talking about how they could get /pol/ users to transition as well over time. I completely understand where these grandiose fantasies come from and then when you're online on most websites like 4chan and twitter there's a level of empathy that's removed even relative to say forums, but you have to have some self control.

    Also I like how Haruka is trying to create all these supposed ethical reasons for what they're doing and Reiko is just like 'nah man it's just my ultimate sexual fantasy to lock a cute boy up in my basement and turn him into my girlfriend you get me?'

    Oh my God the guy who thinks he's a wizard. It's just like a even more fucked up version of the early 2000s [BEEP] afab fanfic circle cults (for lack of a better description,) and you know it could be. We don't really know their real gender/sex because it's all anonymous and it is basically what tumblrites and prob some tiktok users now spend most of their time doing albeit usually with famous guys and fictional characters. There are varying degrees of it like the mild end is the babygirlification thing. But I know some guys are into this too I've spoken to some people who were definitely guys plus it feels subtly different. Edit: Also seems like that reiko guy was in an interview with his voice talking at one point.

    I should probably have watched the whole video before posting this but yeah seems there was some 'rich neet girl' funding them who had lots of money in crypto. From the video:

    "On the one hand I'm thrilled that no everyone has access to money when this is what this sick freak did with her cash as opposed to literally anything else. However I also have to appreciate the James Bond villain endeavour she undertook to finance trolling on an industrial scale."

    This might be a lie too.

    I just noticed he's using Death Note music in the background of his video lol (or music that strongly resembles it.) Of course. A lot of these people have Light Yagami vibes.

    Imagine explaining any of this to somebody alive in 1890.
    Oh well they knew about that. Or some did. Nothing new under the sun and all that. There was a book:

    Noblewoman Raoule de Venerande becomes bored with her life and her usual suitors. She begins a relationship with an underprivileged florist named Jacques Silvert, paying him for his favors. Through a process of escalating humiliation, she transforms her lover from a weakly androgynous figure into a feminized one.
    ^ and it gets more fucked up than that but spoilers.

    Rachilde was often flexible with biographical information; her account of writing Monsieur V?nus is no exception. According to Maurice Barr?s, she wrote the book when she was still a virgin, not yet twenty years old (that is, before 1880). Rachilde variously reported writing it while in hysterical paralysis after the poet Catulle Mend?s rejected her amorous overtures; writing it as catharsis for memories of her mother's abuse of her father; and writing it simply to create a scandal and make a name for herself.[3][4]

    Whatever the circumstances in which it was written, the book was first released in 1884 by Belgian publisher Auguste Brancart with the dedication, "We dedicate this book to physical beauty," and a warning that any woman might secretly harbor the same desires as the depraved heroine of Monsieur Venus. As was common at the time, the novel was serialized prior to its publication in one volume.[5][4]
    It's just the author had to leave the country to avoid prosecution I think yeah:

    The Belgian authorities were aggressive in pursuing legal action against Monsieur Venus. A trial was held on charges of pornography. The author of the book was found guilty in absentia; the court ordered fines and two years of prison time. Belgian officials confiscated and destroyed every copy of the book they could find. While there is little question that the book qualified as obscene under existing statutes, Brancart the publisher was already on their radar for a number of reasons, a situation that likely contributed to the speed and thoroughness of their response. For her part, Rachilde simply avoided returning to Belgium and thereby escaped her sentence. French authorities began to monitor her, however, so Brancart hid most of her personal copies of the book, though no further legal action was taken against her.[2][4]
    ironically enough the 1890s were a decade referred to as the Age of Decadence in which a principle fear was the emasculation of men. Subsequently a lot of horror stories such as Dracula tended to revolve around men finding themselves in the place of damsels. That said, stuff has change so much this video is basically the equivalent of horror to us now.
    Yeah exactly.

    Damn they really turned their fetish into an ideology 💀
    that just describes the entirety of modern political discourse desu
    Obviously lol. They went a bit further than some people are willing to and were weirder about it but most of the culture war fighting between left and right on social media can be summed up in this video:

    Oh yeah and of course he then contacted him after he made that video so there's now another interview with the Reiko guy but prob can't trust anything:

    [video - removed cause ultimately he wants attention lol.]

    Wtf lol. There's some woman as well who joined their conversation I think she said she's trans I dunno. This is such a weird conversation. Reiko is now claiming he's engaged to an Albanian woman 'with an actual [BEEP]' and is not into the 'trap' stuff sexually but was annoyed at r9k becoming more incel over time and wanted to troll the board.

    This is so surreal to listen to. Usually Internet personalities like this never want to casually chat about what they've done
    It is but a lot do will do this actually and I've heard other strange internet figures do this sort of thing before, since they tend to be narcissistic.

    It's ironic Reiko hates egocentric people while completely fitting the definition. I wonder if he realizes
    Yes lol.

    This guy is really unpleasant to listen to like an obvious psychopath/narcissist and trying to make out he's better than other people who he sees as beneath him. I'm glad people who he refers to as 'normies' who post things he think are cringe and simping for women are apparently impersonating him and it's annoying him lol.

    At the end of the video he's just basically bragging about his 'success' at doing what he did and how you can just troll in a community that is drawn to be outraged and sooner or later you'll attract actual predators or 'groomers' who will push your idea into reality. So telling people that it's a great 'blueprint.' Unfortunately he isn't wrong and that's also why horror fiction can be quite effective at doing something similar. Like when certain ideas become edgy you get the different tiers of 'dark personalities' who are drawn to it from like the kind of personality type who's just maybe into weird [BEEP] and is kind of alternative/goth to full blown psychopathic killers. Then things can spiral out of control. It makes it difficult especially online to manage people's sadistic impulses. People are also just assholes online.

    Also he seems to think he's better because he's not into it sexually? 'I was just trolling. I'm not a real degenerate' yeah well I am and I'm looking down on you right now.

    "Lol I'm not a sexual sadist. My enjoyment is just narcissism and pure childlike sadistic enjoyment at pissing people off."

    Gtfo out of here lol.

    Sociopathy and autism in one package.
    With internalised homophobia sprinkled in
    I can't really imagine going through the effort of like creating detailed sexual fantasies like he did when you're not even into it. It's like the raceplay accounts that follow far right people around to bait them on twitter. They're obviously into it sexually. Well now I don't know maybe they're not but they post so much porn on their account. And I understand the impulse to troll people who are bigoted as well because I've had that but like when I think about doing it - like the way F1nn responded to Andrew Tate this:

    And I try not to go insane with it that's mostly why I post my random thoughts here. I'm sure I've tweeted some bs before though. Also generally enjoy the Chinese governments overreaction to anything involving danmei comics and kpop guys and anything that's like 'male feminisation' I mean it's bad but it shows you have power over them so you're kind of winning. And just because Western bigots are always like 'this doesn't happen anywhere else' uh yeah it does. But yeah it's always at least tangentially related to my own preferences/interests. It's not just arbitrary trolling.

    'Oh yeah I want a cute boy to lock up in my basement and turn into my girlfriend [long detailed fantasy he wrote this is a summary]' #nohomo I'm so clever.

    OK. If you say so.

    You can also tell he doesn't have any self awareness at all. This personality type is most of what's wrong with the internet.

    Also lol yeah this is how my YouTube suggestions work right now. Start off with Jodie Foster lesbian video end up with 4chan femboy blackmail cult documentary. Actually haven't watched most of it so prob shouldn't have embedded it. (finished now lol.)

    Also the greentext story where someone is claiming to be 11 and talking about their sister I hope that's some memory from the past because the thought of 11 year olds on 4chan while prob true (I got online when I was 11 not 4chan though obviously,) is horrifying really. It's such a black hole overall. The reiko guy also apparently started browsing 4chan when he was 10.
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    Just stumbled on this again lol. I prefer the music in the version that's uploaded on twitter but could only find this version on YouTube:

    The body language for the millennial one (well 1990 one,) is so on point with the eyes and everything.

    Also yeah he looks like Bender from The Breakfast Club.

    Lol if you're going to post photos claiming they're from the Dublin riots on twitter you might want to, you know, make sure they don't have an NYPD vehicle in the fucking photo lol:

    awful, just awful, this is NOT the city i grew up in, get these fascists off our streets #DublinRiots
    You're right that's not even the country you grew up in.

    So I'm guessing this is just going to increasingly be the norm on both sides now. At least right wingers will have to stop pretending they're above riots now + white nationalists who try to claim that's just something black people do.
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    We should all aspire to be more like Jason.
    Straight up, honest truth he spoke there. World needs a LOT more of it.
    This response was psychopathic. It worries me that many people responding don't see that and no the world doesn't need more of that.

    Sad to see people in the replies acting like the guy is some kind of based chad or whatever, she seemed really nice, if you weren't attracted just unmatch or ghost, that's all
    I'm guessing most of the followers on that account are misogynists and psychopaths, perhaps both occasionally too. Many such cases.

    It’s like you idiots forgot she's on tinder. Yes he’s rude but who gives a shit. Women do this all the time to guys on dating apps and no one cares, some men find this funny because it’s ironic. Demonise going on tinder in the first place and [BEEP] like this won’t happen.
    Well I've never used it, so I have no idea if psychopathy is the norm there or not. Would explain a lot. Still psychopathy though. Still not healthy.

    He didn’t swipe on accident
    He did it so he could say that
    I think so yeah.

    You know I've never had intercourse with anyone and I read the responses to this on that twitter page and just think 'I'm so glad I never will' haha.

    I didn't need more reasons guys. It was already just a turn off and something I didn't like the idea of.

    (Before I even read the following comment lol.)

    LOL, not according to new research that shows each seminal contact is stored by the womens body genetically somehow and it changes their brain chemistry.
    What did I just say?

    Guys on twitter are really good at being unattractive. They should win awards.

    A key that opens many locks is a valuable key.
    A lock that opens to any key is worthless.
    The average key in this scenario is a chauvinistic, misogynistic sexual predator and that's backed up by research. So I'll take the lock that opens to any key over the key that opens many locks so to speak. They have more desirable personalities on average.

    I'm going to let everyone I see doing this know they're trash from now on lol. Not just so they know they're trash but so other people see as well and stop fucking them ideally. More people need to talk specifically about how fuckboys are psychopaths and how their personalities are worse than sociosexually unrestricted women.

    You should have listened to BAP but you didn't and now you'll all pay.

    BAP quotes:

    In the end, agitation over sexual morality is an entry-point for morons, moralistic spinsters, and purity-spiraling closet cases who seek to demonize and control male sexual instinct more than femael.
    You know how PR of modern state fools you? You think we live in hedonistic 1960's (?) orgy but reality is asexuality, onanism, anxiety and calculation. Our situation is OBSCURE: similar to strange times of past, like "oligandria" in ancient Greece...
    Pretty gril will start sex0rz at 16 or earlier 14 or etc; leaves home at 18. If not married then by 28, if you count ten guys per year that's well over 100; that’s less than one per month. Not quite orgies in public bathrooms behavior. Even one every two weeks, what's so strange?

    Note for pedants: this isn't an endorsement or to excuse their own rationalizations but you’re fooling yourself if think getting that high a number is very difficult or something a normal pretty gril, who gets hit on by Chads nonstop, would have to be aberrant to do.
    Some claim I'm not aware of "evolutionary biology" and I apparently don't know that femaels are by nature "designed" to be less promiscuous than males. So then my model for how pedestrian a high body count is for a woman is wrong because I didn't know this great secret. False:

    First of all you're wrong that "evolutionary biology" has revealed such a nature for women. The studies--which I and my frends probably posted on forums in 2010-11, and which you probably didn't read--are contradictory and based on unreliable evidence like self-reported surveys.

    It's true that femael biology is constrained by the fact of pregnancy, and that the formula "sperm are cheap, eggs are expensive" makes some basic sense. But it's not a given that women's desires are optimized to work in this rational economic calculation


    It was in fact HARSH human law and not evolution that led to the coming of monogamy, and that law was directed as much to the women as the men, or sometimes more so. Monogamy is relatively rare among mankind. It may well be the best system, but it's not guaranteed by "evolution"

    Second you are wrong on men's desires. Men don't want sex once or less than once a month, or even every two weeks. When they can they would like it every day or at least a few times a week. In fact one wife isn't enough for a vigorous, healthy man.

    The fact that one wife isn't enough to satisfy a virile and healthy man is also why monogamous societies have always allowed themselves the hypocrisy of prostitution. As Schopenhauer says in these passages, polygamy always exists anyway, whether you like it or no
    ^ these numbers are completely off. But yeah he wants to have lots of casual sex (at least in theory, he's also gotten off to male statues and has to invent weird stories about cities burning etc while having sex with women to distract himself from the 'too-biological and otherwise vile matter-of-fact act of copulation,' so a lot of what he says might be based on himself) and he's well educated:

    Alamariu was born in Romania in 1980 and immigrated to the U.S. with his family at the age of 10.[4] He attended Newton South High School near Boston, majored in mathematics at MIT, and studied philosophy as a graduate student at Columbia University.[4] He graduated with a Ph.D. in political science at Yale, with a 2015 dissertation titled "The Problem of Tyranny and Philosophy in the Thought of Plato and Nietzsche".[4] At the universities he attended, he was active in criticizing the perceived left-wing bias of academia.[4]
    so evidently not entirely retarded and isn't fighting against his own interests (again in theory) haha.

    I don’t believe that men are complaining about sex being too widely available; no historical precedent. I also don’t believe women are defending female promiscuity when historically and by nature limiting the supply of sex is the primary interest of the femael cartel.

    This fake debate about body count is being carried out based on false premises on both sides. "It’s really about something else"
    ^ he's so confused lol bless. It's not rocket science either. You already answered this before:

    In the end, agitation over sexual morality is an entry-point for morons, moralistic spinsters, and purity-spiraling closet cases who seek to demonize and control male sexual instinct more than femael.
    1. Straight guys have different long term vs short term preferences so they insult promiscuous women either when they want to settle down or when they can't get casual sex. You might realise/remember the importance of this point more if you weren't getting off to male statues, posting photos of men on twitter, 'men are the more aesthetic sex' thinking about setting fire to cities and other stuff that honestly sounds like gay autoandrophilia while having sex with women, and *checks notes* closet case. Possibly not but have to realise the irony.

    2. Some people don't like hypocrites so they attack promiscuous men

    3. it turns out research and social media showed the promiscuous men are often sexist and have weird conservative views about women and are kind of rape-y so none of that's going to be tolerated but it's really cute that they delusionally seem to think they can get away with acting like the worst people ever and not ultimately be destroyed and lose access to easy sex lol.

    Sucks to be them and I barely gave a [BEEP] until they became so fucking annoying honestly.

    This is part of why I said. You may find femael with low body count. But this maybe because she's a frigid harridan, or uses sex in a calculating and utilitarian way. I don't like femoid rationalization hamster. But hot gril who isn't frigid will have racked up a number of Chads

    By contrast if a gril doesn't enjoy sex0rz, is much worse. She can ruin your life. I know at least 3-4 smart men whose lives are basically ruined or made very difficult because of such wife, and has nothing to do with promiscuity. This too can end in bad divorce, or worse.

    In general the concern over femael body count obscures dangers that are far more frequent, and worse. Online, they can send a pinko "trad wife" or dysfunctional virgin virago, and by touching on this or similar emotional point, can manipulate men into self-doxing or worse.

    In real life, they are masters at deception and emotional manipulation, and on this one point can deceive as well as endlessly trigger many things if they perceive sensitivity on it. And again, a far more frequent danger is the frigid harridan and calculating monster.
    I wish but really I just never wanted to have sex with anyone, it didn't give me superpowers.

    My machinations lay undetected for years, for I'm a master of deception:

    Also regarding the bolded this is a guy with a Ph.D. from Yale and he majored in mathematics at MIT.

    What even is America?

    The femynysts on here who defend "high body count" aren't having any sexorz and it’s absurd when people mention Dworkin of all yentas in this context. The few among them who do have done so only mechanically out of principle, not out of either hope of romance or joy of lust
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  10. #5380
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    So I always thought if a God existed they would have to be very sadistic (this planet is insane,) or completely lacking in control and apathetic. Or they're apathetic and testing certain things (like a simulation or some kind of experiment.) Certainly not loving or empathetic in a Human sense.

    But yeah I don't really have any strong beliefs about this myself besides thinking some things seem unlikely. I was always less interested in whether specific Gods were real though as whether I agreed with them lol. Like I wouldn't worship the Christian God because I don't like those rules.

    We don't celebrate thanksgiving here in the UK but I find family gatherings really anxiety inducing too. Luckily I don't have to see most of my extended family now just my immediate family + my grandma at Christmas (plus on occasion at other times if I'm helping my mum with something.) I usually visit her with my mum and have managed to avoid most of my cousins + aunts and uncles (her family is pretty large, some of my cousins also have kids now,) over the last several years. Also managed to avoid other family on my dad's side (and some of them live on the other side of the country so I've only seen them a few times in my life anyway.) I guess it's kind of sad though and I was really close to one of my cousins as a kid, but my anxiety is worse around extended family members now than it is complete strangers. I also feel like they want to know more about my life which I don't want to talk about now as I'm a failure basically. I guess one of her brother's is similar to me and my brother though and also quite avoidant so he'd get it.
    The way I deal with that is that eternity would be very boring. So after a few trillion years of pure bliss, you start to wonder what it would be like to be an animal getting eaten alive. You/they would be gaining knowledge and there is value in that. And then we just say [BEEP] it and create fucked up universes for the lolz. I don't know. lol. I think you're right, this world doesn't seem like it was designed to be this way by a good being. Another thought I've had is that God/consciousness creates this world because the good outweighs the bad. Certain music only exists in this universe. Certain relationships only exist in this universe, etc. Maybe not every being is conscious and only those with good lives are. I have more thoughts, but that's the general idea. Maybe this world (it hasn't finished yet) is the best possible world.

    Thanksgiving went okay. It was actually kind of cool to see my cousin after all these years. We used to be really close until we drifted apart in our teenage years. I had a lot of anxiety at first, because I had to meet my sister's boyfriend for the first time. I managed to hang out in my room for a while. My aunt also brought beer, so I drank a few making things easier. I'm still kind of lit. lol. But yeah, I get more anxious around family because you have to give an account for yourself. I'm pretty much a social failure. I managed to be in a meaningful relationship for 14 years where I was able to function in society, but I'm pretty much back to where I was before (no friends, no social skills, etc).
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  11. #5381
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    Quote Doseone View Post
    The way I deal with that is that eternity would be very boring. So after a few trillion years of pure bliss, you start to wonder what it would be like to be an animal getting eaten alive. You/they would be gaining knowledge and there is value in that. And then we just say [BEEP] it and create fucked up universes for the lolz. I don't know. lol. I think you're right, this world doesn't seem like it was designed to be this way by a good being. Another thought I've had is that God/consciousness creates this world because the good outweighs the bad. Certain music only exists in this universe. Certain relationships only exist in this universe, etc. Maybe not every being is conscious and only those with good lives are. I have more thoughts, but that's the general idea. Maybe this world (it hasn't finished yet) is the best possible world.

    Thanksgiving went okay. It was actually kind of cool to see my cousin after all these years. We used to be really close until we drifted apart in our teenage years. I had a lot of anxiety at first, because I had to meet my sister's boyfriend for the first time. I managed to hang out in my room for a while. My aunt also brought beer, so I drank a few making things easier. I'm still kind of lit. lol. But yeah, I get more anxious around family because you have to give an account for yourself. I'm pretty much a social failure. I managed to be in a meaningful relationship for 14 years where I was able to function in society, but I'm pretty much back to where I was before (no friends, no social skills, etc).
    Yeah I mean I don't think Earth is finished since evolution is an ongoing process, although I tend to think of that as being chaotic as well lol, and changes aren't always positive. But then I can only see things from my own subjective perspective as well so I'm applying my own morality to it. Like for a being that thinks pain and suffering is great, pain and suffering would be a positive thing. Like the cenobites lol.

    That's good it went well. Sometimes I find I'm more anxious before doing things (although other times I'm more anxious during so it's a mixed bag for me lol.) I stopped dating when I was 20? That's when I broke up with my second ex. We're still friends though. 14 years is a long time. The longest relationship I've been in is only about 9 months? But it's hard to say when we were officially in a relationship vs dating. 7-9 months.

    I was more functional when I was in relationships but that's more because I was at university at the time and so my life had a lot more structure (even then I wasn't super organised. I'm terrible at planning and motivating myself, might have undiagnosed ADHD it's a life long issue.) I almost met up with someone online when I was in my mid 20s but we didn't in the end and eventually stopped talking, and I think it's at least partly because we both weren't really happy with where our lives were at. I always felt like I should fix the other parts of my life before trying to date again but then I never really managed to do that, and also don't like the idea of modern dating now either with dating sites/apps etc but uh I could write an essay about that lol so I'll just say that.
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    It's ironic that the interviewer is constantly trying to push her into a politically female role, while criticising feminine expression.

    Over the course of her 52-years-and-counting career, her roles have included a child prostitute, an FBI agent, a feral woman in the woods, a scientist who communicates with aliens, a mother searching for her missing child and, perhaps most notoriously, a woman whose husband can only communicate via a beaver puppet, so you can't really say there is a typical Jodie Foster role. There is, however, a typical Foster expression. Think of Foster on screen and it's likely that you picture her staring furiously ahead, her lips thin, every nerve radiating rigid control. And given Foster's own life, that seems apt.
    "Being in your 50s [Foster is 55] is a transitional period for actors - you're not old enough to play the old characters and not young enough to play the young ones, so I felt like, OK, this is my time to direct" she says.

    Doesn't she find that frustrating? Actors don't go through that transition, only actresses. "Mmm, I don't know if that's not the case with men," she says. Really? "It's just what happens it's normal. There are just not that many roles for this age. But I anticipated it and I feel like I made hay in my younger years and I can express myself by directing. But once in a while something original comes along that isn't just another franchise," she says.
    Hollywood has long had a horror of women not looking sexy on screen, yet in her career Foster has never worn a slinky dress for no reason or done an action movie in absurdly high heels. Her most famous movie outfit is probably the brown blazer, jeans and belt she wore in The Silence of the Lambs. Hotel Artemis inadvertently emphasises how rare this is for a female actor, because while Foster is running through the hotel?s corridors with her grey hair and fake wrinkles, the only other actress in the movie, Sofia Boutella, is, for no obvious reason, wearing a skimpy ballgown and minxy makeup. Doesn't that kind of nonsense bug Foster?
    If you're a female criminal then dressing in a feminine way to manipulate people makes logical sense. It gives you an advantage that the majority of men don't have.

    It's also more what roles people are willing to do, how assertive they are when negotiating things, and how flexible and intelligent they come across I think. Like Cate Blanchett and Tilda Swinton have a lot of different roles which aren't all stereotypical. So it's not impossible but it depends on your personality. Like Aubrey just convinced someone to let her play a male character lol:

    I watched the first season of this (or most of it? Can't remember how much,) didn't finish the show. It was pretty good though but I stop watching almost anything. It sounds like a fun character to play though:

    "No, no, I think Sofia's dress is part of her character," she says. She's playing an international assassin! "Well, in the original script she was at an art event beforehand, so there was a reason for it," she says, still determinedly not taking a stance. But come on: you've never worn anything like that in any of your films. "No, but Sofia?s career and mine are very different. She came up in the fantasy realm, whereas mine was a bit more grounded in reality. So there are different references," she says.

    Foster famously avoids making political statements and repeatedly during our chat she slips away from any potentially controversial comments like a cat in the night. When I ask how it has been living in the US under Trump, she says, "We're living in a very strange time globally," which is certainly true, but not exactly a response. I ask if the #MeToo movement ? which, in many ways, The Accused anticipated more than 30 years ago ? has changed Hollywood. "There has been a new consciousness. It will be interesting to look back on this time historically," she replies. Whoa there, Jodie, coming on pretty strong, ain'tcha?
    Clearly, Foster has opinions, but her lifelong refusal to share them is another sign of her self-control. As she said at the Golden Globes, she will not play the celebrity game of doing what's expected of her if she doesn't want to. Unexpected proof of that has been her friendship with Mel Gibson, and her casting of him in The Beaver, which she directed, long after he became persona non grata in Hollywood after multiple racism, antisemitism and sexism scandals.
    Yes that kind of answers the question.

    If they don't want to play stereotypically feminine characters, don't play those characters. So I was wondering while reading if they were going to address this...

    Haha (The Guardian is not impressed with your comment Mark):

    This is still a fun movie even if you don't like gangster flicks, great work by the costume and set designers, definitely captured that speakeasy vibe. Jodie Foster absolutely nails it playing a floozy chanteuse, a shame she never got to play a more mature version of this character, she would have been great as she had the attitude and the body language down pat. I would have loved to have seen her do the kind of roles Joan Blondell did so well back in the 1930s too as she had the comic chops for it. Does anyone else agree with me? Thanks for making this clip available.
    It is impressive though because that's not natural for her:

    Actually, in the "Bugsy Malone: After they were famous" documentary, Jodie Foster says that she was a tomboy during her childhood so learning the choreography of Tallulah took ages
    And it would work in reverse too. If someone is a really good actor I think they should be able to do that because that proves they can act lol. Being good at acting means you can play very different roles that aren't similar to yourself.

    Like Stephanie Beatriz is amazing at that:

    But not everyone is and a lot of people just play the same character repeatedly or some variant of themselves. I like reading people's comments when they realise Stephanie is completely different from Rosa lol it's funny.

    So they mention it later:

    Her talent was immediately apparent, most obviously as the child prostitute in Taxi Driver, for which she got her first Oscar nomination. Robert De Niro was so struck by her skill that he took her under his wing during filming; she credits him with teaching her about the "craft of acting".

    She almost never played the kind of cutesy roles associated with child actors. Instead, she took on tough characters: the singer and moll in Bugsy Malone; the mysterious loner in The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane.
    Yeah I mean it's a weird musical because it's basically a bunch of kids playing adults lol. I haven't seen that since I was in secondary school (like 11/12 or something.) I guess because my school had a performance of that and then I watched it at some point around that time probably.

    After studying at Yale, where she was stalked first by John Hinckley Jr, who tried to assassinate President Reagan, and then by Edward Richardson, who said Hinckley ordered him in a dream to finish what he started, she continued in this vein in adulthood.
    Such an insane life lol. Like imagine this happening with two guys? And in such a short space of time. What are the odds? I think some people just attract unstable people.

    I guess I had issues with two guys who have a certain personality type but like a different unstable personality type not psychotic specifically, but it makes sense because I'm also mentally ill lol. I just remember in uni when I broke up with my ex this woman I knew was commenting on how weird it was that these guys kept getting really unstable (my ex after I broke up with him, and another guy who I just went on a date with,) but you know in those cases alcohol was also involved (which never helps.) I think it also happens if you seem closed off or distant and have an avoidant attachment style because I was trying to figure out my sexuality then too.

    And then also online later. I also attracted multiple girls/women with a similar psychopathic personality type offline and on but nope. I will avoid trauma dumping this time lol. I've had some really negative experiences with people honestly. I feel like it's not so weird in my case. I come from a working class town so that means there are more people with negative personality traits and I'm also mentally ill and have problematic personality traits + I'm not assertive irl (I am online which created different issues like getting into trouble with mods while trying to defend myself over and over again.) So it makes sense. I've also had some positive interactions with people too though.

    She seems very different and assertive so it's interesting that she's also had these experiences and she was also in uni when that happened.

    But yeah luckily I haven't been stalked afaik irl. I'm super paranoid these days too. I share a lot of stuff here which isn't a good idea but I guess I just cba making a blog elsewhere or something (I got used to posting on forums so now it's just comfortable,) but I won't share anything significant anywhere else anymore. I don't share much of anything with my YouTube audience.

    I also wonder if part of the reason she doesn't discuss her political opinions is also because of the stalkers. I doubt it's the main reason (I think that's a personal principle for her,) but it might factor in. Also it's just sensible really because of the parasocial thing. It's a concept that has entirely disappeared in the modern era with social media where the point often is to foster a parasocial relationship and so it just ends terribly. Especially for anyone who has mental health issues and isn't the best person in various ways themselves.

    People don't care though that's the messed up thing. I mean most people. Obviously there are controversial political figures who are going to be disliked and disagreed with because they keep saying bullshit or they're scamming people etc but that's not what I'm talking about.

    There are people whose content is entirely uncontroversial like they have some gaming channel or something and there's some subset of people - probably mostly women - who just hate the person for some reason. Sometimes they create an entire subreddit or community to talk about this person negatively. They have nothing on them but they search extensively, collectively, to try and find reasons to hate them and then retroactively use anything they find as justification. I watched this happen with someone who makes similar content to me in real time. They had nothing on her to start with. But she made a video about a condition she had, and then she started a vlogging channel and I think she'd mentioned that she has BPD at some point. So they started digging more into her personal life (and she also shared a bunch of stuff on the vlogging channel,) and then she was doxxed and they found her ex's reddit account and so on. But this particular case blew my mind because I can't emphasise enough how mundane the content this person was making.

    But yeah there are entire websites and reddits devoted to this kind of thing. And there's the whole 'lolcow' thing. They tear anyone who has any weakness apart. There's lots of guys doing this too and preying on other men. Sometimes people imply it's just a female thing and I don't want to do that because like my post yesterday about the femboy thing with the guy who was trolling on r9k because he doesn't like the people there. I removed the follow up interview from my post (mostly because it's obvious he wants attention.) But he spent a lot of time bragging in it about his supposed Albanian wife, and how he's not a loser essentially. And he dislikes these incel guys not because they can be dicks, misogynistic etc, and vulnerable narcissists (with all the negative [BEEP] that comes with that,) he doesn't like them because they're vulnerable. and expressing weakness. And then has the audacity to claim he's somehow superior. He also implied he dislikes e-girls but said not as much as the 'simps that follow them' obviously they're in a position of power and he's a narcissist lol.

    Oh my god. It's just a horror show. Basically just this video:

    Anyway going back to that article.

    She has never played "the girlfriend" or "the wife" "Right," she says emphatically when I say this to her instead always going for complicated, challenging characters. "I was never interested in a career for a career's sake. I just wanted to tell the stories I find interesting and I wasn't very good playing the girlfriend, so, nope, I never did that. I just worked when I found something that moved me," she says.
    Presumably that wasn't too often, given the scarcity of interesting roles for women. How many times does a script turn up with a female FBI agent chasing a serial killer with the help of a cannibal? "It's true, I probably worked less than others, but I'd rather be more discerning. The industry has changed a lot recently, with the end of the studio system, the rise of superheroes and streaming. But the only thing I trust is the quality of stories, and I decided I would focus on that. Some of my movies haven't worked, but at least I held to the same principle. That's why I'm not the richest actor, or the most successful. But I think I've had the longest career," she says.
    Foster made the firm choice not to put her own children on the stage. She had two sons, Charlie, 20, and Kit, 16, while she was with her former partner, Cydney Bernard (Foster is now married to the photographer Alexandra Hedison), and she says keeping them out of the spotlight was ?a conscious decision?. ?I know the perils of having a parent involved in your art form are too great. My older son is getting more interested in acting now, and I?m glad he discovered it late. My younger son is really shy and I can promise you he will never be an actor,? she says proudly.
    I think a lot of child actors end up really fucked up. There seem to be ways to avoid that happening but you see it happen a lot. It's going to be really bad in the future with all the kids who grow up with the attention of social media.

    Just thinking about justpearlythings and how she exposed her 13 year old sister to her YouTube audience of men who mostly hate women who don't agree with every word they say, and the comments she got. It's 9 minutes into this video:

    Like what the [BEEP] are you doing? I watched it before and thought 'that was dumb and she sucks' because she does but people are actually insane now. Not even just her the fact this didn't occur to her seems common. People don't even consider that they're famous now because often nothing materially changes due to the way fame works now + people's lifestyles. And I know how this feels to some extent because I have thousands of followers which is insane - even that amount is insane to consider - but it doesn't feel like it when you just sit in your room or whatever. I mean she's more active irl - and goes on TV shows like Piers Morgan - so I think there's less of an excuse there. She's not exactly a typical YouTuber in that sense.

    Her audience is definitely more insane than the average. This is such an insane world we're living in lol. Like 20 years ago this would have been inconceivable. "And in 20 years a woman who is grifting for money has fostered an audience of almost 2 million people who are mostly bitter men who also often have psychopathic personality traits and empathy deficiencies and she's going to expose her younger sister to that audience." Like my generation were like warned not to meet people online irl and [BEEP] like that. "Avoid pedophiles." Etc. Now it's like "no you should be exposed to all of the psycho men on the planet simultaneously."

    Some guy will make a YouTube channel full of videos parodying some female YouTuber - which I think is maybe a bit much personally (but I still haven't watched his videos) - but she basically steals other people's content while barely reacting to it and is somehow one of the most popular YouTube channels on the platform and YouTube gives her shout outs so I can see why people are annoyed and frustrated by the ongoing issue of capitalism (not exclusive to YouTube of course,) where it promotes anything if it can get attention and $$$ regardless of effort put in or quality, and then instead of messaging you that woman will take a photo of herself outside your house later and then post that for her millions of followers. Either because she's a psychopath or because she delusionally didn't even consider for a moment the impact of doing that.

    Fantastic times.

    Peal's sister seemed to have a kind of detached attitude so maybe she'll be OK. Plus younger kids are unfortunately growing up with exposure to that level of hared. Most of them clearly aren't OK mentally because the statistics show they're not OK (especially teen girls,) but maybe over time people will just become desensitised to mass hatred or something. Like Humans will have to evolve to stop caring which might have other issues depending on how that selection process works. Some people who learn to turn off caring what other people think also don't care about other people's feelings at all. And we often socially promote people with this personality type eg: Katie Hopkins and Milo Yiannopoulos. I think a lot of men especially think this is a good thing. Like everyone should just be a complete asshole. I don't agree.
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  13. #5383
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    I bought a book for the first time in probably a decade so we'll see if I actually read it. To emphasise how long it's been I kind of like the smell of the book because it makes me nostalgic for a time in my life when I went into book shops haha.

    The book is Steven Wilson's memoir Limited Edition of One. I bought it because I wanted to read the short story he wrote that his album The Harmony Codex was inspired by which I heard was in this book. The rest of it might be interesting too though potentially (hopefully lol.)

    Something that's occurred to me while reading the blurb of the book:

    Porcupine Tree began as teenage fiction before unintentionally evolving into a reality that encompassed Grammy-nominated records and sell-out shows around the world, before he set out for an even more successful solo career.
    is that a lot of his work seems to start off as fiction or with a story. I had heard that before about Porcupine Tree's origins how he came up with a fictional band so he was kind of larping as a band until he was actually making music and then later recruited other people so became an actual band haha.

    Steven Wilson began Porcupine Tree as a joke. He and his friend Malcolm Stocks came up with the idea of a super-cult, hyper-unknown prog/psychedelic rock band called The Porcupine Tree and invented a rather in-depth backstory for this fictional act. Wilson (primarily) and Stocks put together a significant number of recordings for this group, and in 1989, Wilson released some of this music on the cassette Tarquin's Seaweed Farm.

    After Tarquin's Seaweed Farm received some positive critical reception, Wilson released the EP Love, Death & Mussolini. This EP's release was extremely limited, and physical copies of it remain highly-sought-after collectors' items.

    By the time of the release of Porcupine Tree’s second full-length album, 1991’s The Nostalgia Factory (which included the entirety of Love, Death & Mussolini), founding member Malcolm Stocks had left the project, though Wilson continued the charade of being an underground '70s prog legend.

    All three of these early releases are rough around the edges and overstuffed with some unimpressive filler, but the basic DNA for the band we came to know is there. When I first started writing this piece, I wanted to discuss these early releases beyond these brief blurbs, as they're often ignored in the context of Porcupine Tree's discography. On the Sunday of Life is usually regarded as their first proper album. And after listening to these three releases, I’m inclined to agree with the standard view. These early releases are more like demos, and almost everything which appears on On the Sunday of Life was drawn from this early output.
    It's interesting.

    On the Sunday of Life was released in 1992. This album, as mentioned above, is a compilation of material released on both Tarquin's Seaweed Farm and The Nostalgia Factory, though more polished. The major differentiator is that this was the first Porcupine Tree album to be released on a label.

    On the Sunday of Life is unquestionably the weakest of Porcupine Tree's major releases. It's cosmic, psychedelic rock with proggy leanings, but there are a lot of lackluster moments. This 75-minute album is laden with brief, ambient interludes, and the longer works often get lost in their own weirdness. The music is sparse and simplistic; it sounds like something produced by one musician who isn't particularly confident in his instrumental skills. Many of the moments feel as if Steven Wilson is trying to be daring, but it comes off as muddled and dissonant.

    Did you not hear Nine Cats and Linton Samuel Dawson?

    It's quirky.

    I like this track a lot:

    I like this a lot because it sounds like art nouveau in music form (to me anyway):

    This is also pretty good:

    I like it more than The Incident I think at least personally but these days I kind of like a lot of the psychedelic music from that era more than the metal era.

    That's not to say On the Sunday of Life doesn’t have good music on it. "Radioactive Toy" was Porcupine Tree's first true classic. It’s a haunting, slow-building piece that is well-served by its stark simplicity; and "Footprints" hints at this act's more sinister future tones. "Linton Samuel Dawson", despite Steven Wilson's helium-infused vocals, is a damn catchy bit of poppy psych rock that can’t help but worm its way into your brain. "This Long Distance" feels like a bridge between dark '80s synthpop and more modern-sounding prog rock, with its soaring guitar line and plinking synth undercarriage.
    But I love that. Like OK. A lot of his music is quite dark and depressing and I know he likes making music like that and listening to it (he's spoken about that a bunch including during shows in the past,) and I also have always liked music that is more dark or angry etc. However. I also like whimsical stuff and think it's important sometimes. Plus everything is dark and ironic now.

    You'll notice I'm not reading the book I'm now reading that website with the review/listening to music/writing this post/thinking about eating. Looking at this gif:

    And now I'm watching this:

    Icky, is your plan to crack Finns egg or are you happy with the cis+ and cross dressing?
    That's such a creepy question honestly.

    Well if you think about it. If you're just straight you've got half the options right so whoever you're into. But if you can make them trans you then have every option. So if I like women I can date a guy and start going like 'you ever watch Keffals?' [...] 'Hey honey have you heard of Contraptions?'
    My brain has the same idea mostly with guys (well famous musicians.) Well even when I don't have that idea Tumblr will or the musician will post genderswapped photos of themselves onto twitter perhaps, and then I'm into it so. I'm not accepting complete responsibility for that. And Loki is a genderfluid fictional character.

    I tried to get my friend when we were in a relationship to wear eyeliner since I had some I was using for a Halloween costume, he didn't want to though lol. I never usually wear makeup so I get why someone wouldn't want to. I wasn't trying to turn him into a woman, this was before I started doing that in my head with musicians too. I always liked guys who wore makeup and had long hair etc though.

    In reality though if I was trying to find a relationship I just wouldn't pursue that if I wasn't into them already. (I'm definitely going to die alone though lol. Realistically.)
    The impulse is pure
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    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
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  14. #5384
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    Lol yep except bold of him to think I get around to watching half the YouTube videos I open in new tabs. The fact that so many people relate to that is actually a problem for YouTube though since at the end of the day they make money from the ads that pop up when you watch videos - ideally all the way through if they're lengthy.

    I actually watched this video after writing the rest of this post but what I actually did was hover over half of it and then he got to the part with the scene with Phoebe and I was like NO YOU ARE NOT BLAMING YOUR DISLIKE OF WESTERN SOCIETY ON PHOEBE AND DAVID.

    They were really cute together (the writers kind of ruined that though.) Oh then he goes on to rant about the rest of them lol. As I said before I liked the scene where Chandler was given the hypnosis tape and starts acting like a woman that was pretty hot when I watched it a few years ago even though I'm not into him. Can't believe he didn't include that clip in his rant. I could make his video better than he could probably (since I generally like anything he'd hate,) though I haven't re-watched it in a few years now. The only male character who really annoyed me was Ross.

    Basically most TV shows I grew up with the "good men" are portrayed as weak, feminine and docile while the physically strong, macho and assertive male characters ended up to be the abusive bad guys. What do you think Hollywood is trying to tell the young generation of men? Today we have slogans like toxic masculinity as well being thrown around but never toxic femininity. What does that tell you?
    Like Andrew Tate now? That's great you don't even need fictional characters anymore just point to him lol.

    I don't see this pattern all the time? Like Thor is a hero and Loki is the villain. I'm afraid to say that girls still prefer the villain when he's a 'twink' though. I think Batman might have an edge on Joker except when Jared Leto plays him. But Riddler had tons of fangirls too. Even though Rob Patterson was Batman and they really love him, then again they also really love Paul Dano and both got a lot of attention and were shipped together. I want someone to force Andrew Tate to read slash fanfiction on camera. Maybe involving Batman, because I know he likes Batman.

    "We have such sights to show you."

    Also I just realised Andrew Tate is suggesting Frasier is masculine? That show is really queercoded lol but OK. Maybe Home Improvement.

    As much as I think some of Taylor's fans are a bit unhinged online, and some of them have lost touch with reality a bit (some gaylors especially,) I kind of love how pissed off she makes guys like this. Very entertaining. Reminds me of the reaction to Justin Bieber although that guy actually is a dick. But still the extreme reactions and usually not because he was a dick it was because women were obsessed with him and he was seen as unmasculine. And also 'women like this a lot, so it's terrible.'

    Also is he complaining about a concert DVD half way through this video? Lots of musicians and bands sell those.

    "Oh no they're expressing strong emotions at a concert."

    Just say you hate feminine people and leave. Honestly I'm going to say it - it's so. Incredibly. Gay. "These women and their feminine behaviours and feminine interests grrrr. They should be talking about all the depressing things happening in the world that they have no control over. They were supposed to be in my cult not Taylor's boooo."

    cult leaders women like are women, androgynous goddesses, whatever the [BEEP] Dionysus was doing, bisexual men who are former musicians and look like some weird Satanic Jesus, Jesus (the original twink,) famous male musicians you take the piss out of because they're unmasculine or androgynous, strange old bald men with crazy eyes, Loki from the MCU, possibly the original Loki too, a [BEEP] woman who later transitions into a trans guy, a [BEEP] woman. None of the other cult leaders matter because I didn't pay attention to them. They didn't pop up in the lyrics of a System of a Down, Alkaline Trio or Porcupine Tree song. Or a Strange Aeons video. So pick one of those categories I guess.

    "You do not see men acting in a mass scale this way."

    Most of these female pop artists have a lot of obsessive gay male fans. Oh he actually acknowledges that but 'muh sex differences.' As I said you hate feminine people. That being said you're right straight guys just have a riot over a football game instead. "But they're not masculine either they're feminine. Watching sports is feminine as of 2022~ on twitter."

    Conservatives in 2050: "I'm the only masculine man left alive. Where have all the masculine men gone?

    Do you really not see what happened there? No one noticed? OK. You defined it out of existence.

    Things that aren't masculine in 2020's: watching sports, playing video games, Andrew Tate, Harry Styles, femboys, being a nerd, working in an office, enjoying history, eating bananas, some heavy rock music genres like emo, screamo, pop music, kpop, liking cats, ANTIFA, gymbros, fratbros, a stay at home dad, guys who like pegging, silicon valley, Jewish men, white guys, East Asian guys, short guys, guys with small dicks, guys who like drinks that are seen as feminine (anything fruity, cocktails, pumpkin spice latte, other fancy types of coffee I dunno I don't drink coffee or keep track of all the drinks,) programmers, guys with soft features, slim guys, instagram users, tumblr users, r9k, guys who wear seatbelts, unemployed guys, guys who brush their teeth, Jordan Peterson, guys who wear masks during pandemics, guys who wear masks in general now (because it's perceived to be related to the covid pandemic.) A massive long list of other things I can't be bothered to think of/list.

    He also seems to think Taylor Swift is super degenerate or something when her aesthetic is actually pretty conservative actually lol. Funny. He just doesn't like that she has a lot of ex boyfriends. Lol he even used the word basic as an insult. This is what I imagine the inside of his is like when looking at Taylor Swift and her fans LOL:

    Oh no he said that Taylor Swift is the manifestation of every white woman between the ages of 18-25 and I'm 32 and also non-binary but I wanted to make a point about how Steven Wilson is my Taylor Swift because I'm so funny (I'm doing it anyway):


    Telling my kids this is Taylor Swift.

    And then because someone commented this:

    To reciprocate Taylor Swift has just recorded Raider ll. Happy New Year Everyone!
    I made this:

    Because I'm not a swiftie, I'm worse (tm.) And it's blocked in Russia lmfao. And the volume is too low and all the other issues but it wasn't a serious attempt. I should try to make a better version of this seriously though.

    Honestly it sounds more like 'what if Raider II was merged with Linton Samuel Dawson, and also poor/weird editing choices and some Taylor Swift songs'

    Helium voice.

    But I mean in the war between swifties and redpill guys and conservative men I'm gonna go with the swifties.

    "It's all about infecting the minds of young girls. It's very subtle like a frog in a pot waiting to boil. You really don't notice it until it's too late."

    Yeah but tbf growing up I mostly listened to music like:

    Oh I see your point a bit. Except about the subtle part. Tbf I also listened to Good Charlotte when I was 11 (kinda cringe lol,) and still don't really care about cars and money and I find it difficult to fake emotions so not sure how often I've fake laughed:

    So it's a bit hit and miss. Also I guess the point of that song is to critique that mentality lol so nevermind. I don't get all the girls:

    Wait didn't he date Taylor Swift at some point? Feel like I remember reading that once. Yeah she likes British guys a lot.

    There was this whole era of music where people were just talking about how they were players constantly lol men and women (we're very much past that era now for the most part,) that mostly overlapped with my young adulthood though and yeah didn't really influence my behaviour either. That was a more laid back/fun time compared to now though. I've spoken about that before though.

    Trying to find the funniest song I listened to before turning 18 lol. I'm scrolling through a 2000s playlist I dunno.

    I loved this song so much when I was like 13 it was 2edgy5me still haven't become spree killer though:

    Of course this song is critiquing this mentality too but I didn't get that when I was 13 I was just like 'woo yeah I hate stuff. I'm angry. Violence woo.'

    At the end of his videos he has an image of Trump who is basically Taylor Swift for alt-right guys. His followers are just as obsessive. So that's also ironic. He keeps bringing up the Israel-Hamas war in this video I'm not even sure he has a video on it. Most of his videos are predictably about women. I went and looked and no every video since that one is about women except one video about The Heaven's Gate Cult lol! So yeah he does like cults. Very current and relevant. Then there's something about Vaush and Ben Shapiro which I think was how I found his channel initially. Perhaps he talks about something more important in that but it seems extremely unlikely. Most of his other videos going back 4 months are also about women all from that one show I often see people talking about but don't know the name of some online show where they get in these women and they often have weird stories that men hate and have a lot of casual sex and then his audience are commenting like 'your videos are like a deprogramming course' oh yeah he's not cherry picking at all, but he's criticising Taylor Swift fans. Amazing.

    He has a bunch of really bad videos and I don't have the energy to go into all the issues with them lol. But it's basically a red pill kind of channel where he cherry picks tiktoks etc and then whenever a woman disagrees with him he calls them brainwashed or lying about their own preferences. Even within the genre of this content it's just really low quality and he's making no decent points. Just regurgitating generic redpill talking points. Also an excessive focus on materialism and some women's materialistic preferences as is par for the course for Americans.

    There was this one woman who posted a tiktok and he included a clip of that in one of his videos. She was complaining about her ex who she was providing for and brought a car for him but he didn't learn to drive, and the crux of the story was after she did all these things for him he would still complain to her about how she was spending money etc. Really it just seems like the kind of complaints you hear from men when they have shitty girlfriends who are never satisfied but instead of realising that he decided to talk about how this was the fault of feminism because guys who want to be provided for have issues and are looking for a mum (and yeah this sort of thing is true in a bunch of cases these days but not all,) and women hate being providers but the providing part didn't seem to really the main part of her complaint. And I don't think all women do hate doing that.

    Then in the comments someone was like 'She's only buying him a car because he's a Chad. Women ignore all the average men who earn decent salaries they're just invisible to them. A 5'8" guy wouldn't be living with her for free and she definitely wouldn't be buying him a car.' And he liked that comment which sort of derailed the point of half of the videos I watched from him. Because if these guys are just invisible, then clearly it's not the most important thing.

    There are people who are into role reversal but that often presents it's own issues (not really the ones he outlines generally more like stuff below):

    I'm very very sad and conflicted while typing this out. I am perfectly OK with a role reversed relationship. But I'm really, really sad because my boyfriend had been doing a really part time job but it wasn't enough whatsoever. So he got a new job and it's a very tough job. I work in a factory and I don't want him to work in a factory because I know how they are and I feel like it'll be a lot on him. I wouldn't have cared if he got just a better part time job. We don't need that much money. If he made just $800 a month honestly that would be OK because I make the rest. That's enough for a very part time job. He doesn't do the chores tho, I do, and I work the most that's why I wanted him to do the chores. I don't want him out in that environment, I want him home. I want him to do the chores and maybe do like 20 hours a week. Not bad stuff. I feel sad knowing he starts this job soon
    From the looks of it, to play video games. He has a philosophy that the world will be ending soon so he wants to spend his time doing what he loves instead of work because he doesn't want to waste what little time he thinks he has left at a job hating life. But I told him it just doesn't work like that. He is an adult now, and has to choose. Will he work and contribute 50/50 towards bills, or will he take care of all of the things at home and I take care of us financially? His ideal life isn't an option unless he somehow strikes it rich with a sugar mama that has maids but unfortunately I am not like that lol I wish I was.
    I hate how many women fall into the trap of working full time, doing all the chores, and all the emotional labor. It isn't RR. It's just a normal relationship.
    So that's not role reversal and you see the issue lol. Actually I see this issue brought up by women a lot where they work full time and do all the housework. Tbf I don't know if they communicated about this before or if she talked to him about having an interest in role reversal in the first place.

    I don't know what he could be overwhelmed by. His bills are paid, he never goes hungry, I give him money when he asks. If he needs it I give it, he has never gone without for our whole relationship. He isn't in school, and he works like 15 hours a week max, it's just the hourly rate is really low. There are many places with much higher hourly rates doing essentially the same thing. I just don't want him to go into working extremely long shifts multiple days a week, regardless of how good the pay is. He is rather healthy and doesn't have doctors appointments, but I do as I have several chronic illnesses I'm managing. His priorities rn are gaming if I'm to be totally honest, games are why they don't get done.
    I mean the problem is obvious really you want to take on a masculine role, he wants to take on a masculine role + has some weird doomer mentality that lots of people have now about the world but apparently he hasn't given up entirely since he still wants to work.

    But yeah I've seen women on that sub complain before about guys having various expectations but then they post about stuff they don't want to do and so they're like eg: 'OK you don't have to present in a feminine way but you have to reverse something.' Oh I just stumbled on an example thread lol from a couple of months ago:

    Shout out to the guys who don't conform to the femboy thirst traps always peddled on here

    Shout out to the guys who don't conform to the femboy thirst traps always peddled on here

    Chubby guys, buff guys, hairy guys, guys with strong facial features, non-white guys, dudes who have no interest in pegging, men who don't want to be house husbands, etc.

    I know both men and women feel pressured into tiny boxes by all facets of society. I just imagine it's extra frustrating when it's a niche community that in theory reflects a fairly profound aspect of selfhood... but still doesn't seem to see you. The male representation in particular in rr circles has always seemed incredibly one note.

    Everyone here is a fully fleshed out human being, and I'm glad you're more than just a caricature of what some people from the opposite sex might find attractive at a very cursory glance.
    Personally, in my experience, this femboy Renaissance is relatively recent as it is a direct backlash against a pervasive type of dude in the sub who was just a shy nerdy guy who wanted a girl to give him cuddles but never do anything significant in return. These guys were also vocally anti fem amd anti pegging. Which sure if you don't like those things personally that's fine but these guys legit warred against them and labeled them as femdom and kink and not RR. A lot of us, mostly women, felt unheard and ignored.

    I agree with the sentiment of this post but it's all a two way street.
    I don't browse this subreddit that often but I often found this kind of back and forth when I did occasionally browse and it was kind of boring and you just feel like you're being lectured. Plus I'm non-binary anyway and not into presenting super masc like I'm not muscular and I don't have short hair though thoughts about that are mixed anyway.

    The problem is though that there's not really a clear goal for the purpose of the subreddit besides the vague notion of not conforming to gender roles. A lot of guys on that subreddit want to feel validated and attractive to other people and so most of the issues are stemming from them not feeling that way or fitting into what people are posting there. Sometimes it gets confusing. Like there are some average guys who want to feel attractive but don't. Or masculine guys. I feel like they came to the worst place looking for validation? Also I guess the nerd guy could try Tumblr. Biker guy could presumably try leaving his house and casually talking about his bike or something.

    Meanwhile my 6ft tall bald and hairy, liking my masculine traits and being a tough biker but at the same time wishing I was more feminine and smol, like a pastel boy. Hate my life.
    It's very nice to see some kind of acknowledgement for us guys that just want to be ourselves. (for context) I am a femboy enjoyer, and have dabbled in wearing fem clothes (haha) but I found that in trying to find myself, I'm just a nerd and I don't like trying to change myself to fit in or feel desired by others even when it works, but it genuinely feels like there's no community that makes people like us feel wanted in any aspect unlike femboys, tomboys, mommydoms, muscular women, plus sized women, etc.
    I mean I get it if you have a certain ideal body image and feel bad you don't, but if they just want women to find them attractive it's the wrong place. But then I think they want to be submissive sometimes too and that's why they're on that subreddit but there are lots of femdom subreddits and content surely some of the guys are masculine, and women who are into femdom are sometimes into masculine guys (I've come across one before online.) Probably just because they were looking for something more gentle that also isn't exclusively a sexual subreddit/thing.

    It's also sort of sad how many people think cuddling should be some special thing:

    Me looking like a hobo redneck as I tear apart an engine but just desperately want to be cuddled.
    Lots of issues with the pegging thing from people:

    For guys who pegging is a huge turn off, myself included, it feels literally inescapable. I can imagine people getting upset because it becomes an immense social pressure. It feels like everywhere you go where women lead pegging is normal/necessary and it CAN be alienating, even though it isn't necessarily.

    I think men are entitled to have fantasies they enjoy, that's what media is for. I feel like there's a ton of places for pegging and it just seems to keep spreading.

    I find it easier to just ignore the parts I don't like and focus on me, it's not the biggest bother, but I can SEE the issue.
    Nope not in audio stuff I consume. It seems to very much be the minority.

    This also bothers some women on the subreddit as they see the focus on pegging and the dislike of female genitals as misogyny. I found a thread where a guy went there to post about his sexuality because he was wondering if it was normal that he was attracted to women but found vaginas gross and unappealing so most of his fantasies were about being pegged or topping guys because he was bisexual but I guess romantically more attracted to women. Obviously there is a general kind of phallocentric cultural norm where vaginas are seen as weird and alien and dicks more appealing or just visible that a bunch of people internalise (I don't know if there's any data on that, that's just the impression a lot of people seem to have come to collectively.) So there's some conflict over that and complaining about porn, but then other people agreed and then one person had the opposite preference:

    As a bi-curious woman, personally think genitals in general are gross. Although I'm slightly more grossed out by female genitalia for some reason, but a lot of ppl think I'm being misogynistic when I say that. [...]
    i go to the inverse. i am bi, but i thought for a while i was a lesbian because i didnt like dick. well, i kinda do, but it was a built up process in order for me to do anything with my boyfriend. it's an exception, because i find 99% of dicks gross and ugly and just would never touch, while the same doesn't go for vaginas. while I've never (and probably won't because I'm monogamous) got a girl naked, i always knew I'd be way more comfortable and wt ease, mostly because i already knew the basis of how it is (I'm neurodivergent as well)
    Hey, I'm into men and don't give a damn about penises. You're probably not as weird as you think. When you think about it, genitals look kinda weird and not especially interesting. But that's ok!
    This woman wrote a lot more and got downvoted a lot lol:

    We all get the message that sex = man sticks his penis into a [BEEP] and moves it until he ejaculates. For the younger/porn & porn culture raised generation, pia has become the second thing that's sex, pegging/strap ons the third (and have replaced oral, genital-genital rubbing, manual as being seen as sex, and often even in being done at all, esp on/with vulvas). It strikes me that you too have internalized that. Eg it is really striking to me you so are put off by female genitals and centre the penis and penetration to the extent that you can only envision pegging with women
    I have heard this is why a lot of straight women prefer watching lesbian porn though tbh.

    I mean, it's a common socially accepted idea that vaginas are gross, icky, or unappealing. Many women internalize this idea so much to the point where it becomes a huge barrier to enjoying sex, because they're taught that most men will think their genitalia are gross.

    It also really doesn't help that porn mostly focuses on the visual of dicks, things being done to dicks, everything is about dicks. Little to no focus on the vulva, labia, or clit. I can't help but think a lot of guys are influenced by porn since they are very young, hence why they see vaginas as unappealing and focus so much on dicks instead.
    This post is actually sad to see and the amount of women and men agreeing is even sadder
    It's weird how undesirable the female body is in this sub

    The female body is disrespected in this sub. The misogyny is rampant here. This is a role reversal sub. I understand that some people have preferences but this is getting out of hand. No one is talking about how they desire female body in their totality. How they want to please a woman... Theres either something about pegging or women finding pleasure in neglecting themselves. The hell? If I am engaging with a man, my intention is to fuck, with the penis inside my vagina. This can be role reversal too. This is maddening.
    Bi woman here and I'm the same. Just the thought of giving oral to a woman is uncomfortable.
    I like vaginas but don't get boobs.. just don't get em...
    Not sure what it has to do with RR, but I'll reply anyways since I have something to say. I feel the same as you do. I'm transgender (male to female) and have never seen the appeal of a vagina. In fact I find them to be a bit icky. Granted I have yet to have the opportunity to sexually interact with someone who owns one, but in concept I'm not into it. Despite this, I am also bi (or some flavor of, point is I like chicks and dudes). It is perfectly valid to be into a gender and not be into a stereotypically associated organ.
    My guy is like this. Not fond of that part, and not into overly sexual stuff. They like my parts because they love me. They are also autistic, go figure.
    ^ I think that preference is fairly common for trans women from what I've read. I also suspect it's more common for autistic guys and I guess the OP did too since he brought that up. There are a bunch of bisexual women I've noticed who like masculinity but are more into vaginas and also a bunch who like women but are more into dicks. I also think a bunch of people on that subreddit are neurodivergent.

    One of the women who got particularly upset decided to make a thread about it:

    This sub has come so far, that now it is in the septic tank. As always, the expanse of freedom is at the expense of women and afab. Our bodies constantly shitted on, told that our desire to be the top/dominant must mean that we must attach some plastic apparatus to fulfill that goal, instead of using our natural body. And after that post about the lack of desire for female genitalia, I have no choice but to start seeing this sub as a whipping post designed to disrespect the female body.

    If there's a post about breeding, guess what, it's some bullshit about a woman wearing a plastic sex toy breeding some twink. [...]

    The kicker is, this ain't the only community doing it. This mindset is prevalent in the femdom community, even. In a place where femdom should be more female centered, isn't, and still, the woman must indulge in sex without her sexual needs being met; her desire must be just there enough to play but not so much that she actually might want to [BEEP] her sub with her gasps pussy.


    And don't think I think of women as some innocent victim. Some of this is perpetrated by us. I understand completely that some people may have body dysmorphia and sexual preferences, but this is too damn much. I think for some women, masculinity and dominance in a female body is, simply, unimaginable.

    [there was more but it's long and this is already pretty graphic lol.]
    Though I was never super active there more just curious and looking for places outside of general norms the total lack of agreement on anything and the wide range of preferences that conflict put me off among other things. Also as someone into many of the things she's yelling about lol. Kind of sad it's harder to find references to breeding stuff on a r/gwa actually lol.... When I first heard a guy saying that it was really hot but then almost impossible to find there's only a few audios literally.

    So although I get where she's coming from (and will expand on that more in a bit,) I'm also like please get some perspective mam.

    Also she might really like r/gwa most of it I find has piv sex with submissive guys. I feel like there's way more than general pegging stuff.

    She got downvoted a bit for that too I think.

    The [BEEP] are you on about? I?ve never seen any of this in this sub
    There were also a lot of women disagreeing with her and her idea that it equals dominance which some other people in the comments kept bringing up as well and that's an annoying thing I see a lot people conflating the two. I also see far more guys posting on the subreddit about not being into pegging so I don't really know what she's talking about regarding that subreddit and to the extent it happens it is probably mostly the women there not wanting to bottom.

    One woman wrote a really intense post about how much she likes guy's asses lol and then wrote this in really large font:

    it's disheartening that just because I have a [BEEP] people think I want to use it / need to use it to feel pleasure, [...]
    Then she said regardless of whether she was dominant or submissive the idea of bottoming disgusted her too much.

    I also think as someone who prefers the idea of topping it's just assumed you're broken if you're afab. (I wouldn't say 100% exclusively necessarily but I dunno in practice because I didn't really enjoy doing anything with my first ex that much, and didn't want to do most things with either of them.) I like lots of different stuff when it comes to audio porn + fiction with women and men... Actually this post is already tmi shouldn't go into too much detail it's complicated anyway I'm not necessarily always self inserting. Just hypothetical really as well, as I can't see myself having another relationship at this stage... I think a lot of stuff applies with both men and women though in fantasy but there are some things I like more with women and some things have varied over the years as well. Most of what people post online is just fantasy anyway.

    When women talk about how they prefer strap on sex they're generally told 'remember you can still be dominant and have sex with your [BEEP]' every time even when they say it's not a domination/submission thing that's still assumed. One person who said that on another subreddit I stumbled on recently I think also expressed they'd prefer to have a dick and they were male inside their head but didn't want to transition. I think there's going to be more people like that on a role reversal sub too... I would be interested in actual data about preferences though because I haven't stumbled on anything and I see a lot of things online.

    I see what they're getting at but I also wonder if it's just an idea people internalise from feminist ideology. I remember years ago there was a woman who repeatedly went around to different subreddits posting about how it sucked that society preferred dicks to vaginas. She had a big complex about it. Someone in the comments of this thread also posted something that was removed by a moderator but she responded to it with '[BEEP] I don't have gender trauma' but it's something worth considering too (ironically.) I don't feel like outside of certain bubbles it's really the norm for guys not to be into piv and into vaginas. I dunno about oral sex. I see more mixed things about that but still lots of guys into it. Also seems like lots of submissive guys are into oral so I don't know. I do know a lot of guys are into dicks though to some extent. Just as a body part.

    Ultimately I think she should listen to more audio porn because when I've seen people complain about pegging in femdom in the past it's usually been guys and they've usually been talking about visual porn created for men. Maybe I should watch more visual porn lol but I'm lazy about finding good stuff and picky about guy's appearance whereas way more male voices are attractive and I can just imagine it's some guy I find attractive while looking at photos + gifs.

    But yeah there's this ongoing massive divide (not just on this subreddit but I suppose it comes out there too,) where one side is like 'you know you can just be dominant and masculine while bottoming right?' (even though it isn't a D/s subreddit and that's I think emphasised in the rules,) and this guy saying 'Like I feel like at times with some posts that this group has gone so far RR they?ve accidentally rediscovered traditional roles' pegging is of course super trad lol. I never see people insisting guys into that are gay. /s And general complaints about all the pegging posts/content. And the other side is like 'I don't necessarily even like being dominant I like power bottoms. I just don't want to bottom.' 'I'm disgusted by bottoming.' 'I don't want power, I want [BEEP]' that was an actual quote lol (clearly the follow up to Halsey's album if I can't have love I want power), etc.

    what a lot of us don't want to do is PIV/vaginal things, and not to use the clit (pleasure), and the women who are stones and really don't even want to feel their clit is because of their own issue / dysphoria, not because of a norm of only pleasing a man
    ^ some woman started arguing with her about how you can get pleasure from using your [BEEP] too. People are going to talk about their preferences if the majority doesn't align with yours it's not their job to cater to you really. I mean how would they do that? Just stop posting? Or lie lol?

    No. Just a very loud minority. I highly doubt the majority of women in this sub are stone butches lol

    And that's another thing. Clit isn't the only thing that gives women pleasure. It may be the main contributor for orgasms but not pleasure. This includes the [BEEP] too, for plenty of women.

    The thing is that I believe a lot of these bisexual and femboy types are equating submissiveness with receiving penetration. Not the kind of submissiveness being the giver of pleasure or the one doing whatever it takes to please their woman, whatever that may be. Which would be the RR version of submissive. I have yet to see posts about pleasing women sexually here. None.

    No matter how much of an RR mindset we have, this doesn't exist outside a vacuum.
    OK well I (god this is ironic,) don't think it's women's responsibility lol to fix this hypothetical assumption you think femboys have by going against their own preferences to not have penetrative sex (again much irony.)

    "No you don't get it you have to put aside your own preferences because if you really try you can get pleasure from piv and I don't like bisexual femboys because a bunch of them prefer to bottom and we have to fix that."

    OK now go and lecture feminine gay men and tell them they should top. Please post the results too. I'd love to see their responses to you trying to do that.

    Also having read a bunch of posts from bisexual guys online the general trend I've noticed is that of the ones who like bottoming at all, they usually prefer to have sex with a cis guy or a trans woman eg: someone with a real dick. Then with women they prefer to top. So you're already talking about a minority I would think who are into pegging. Maybe that number is higher among femboys I dunno. I don't think there's research on this unsurprisingly. I'd imagine it's a small percentage though really among any guys.

    No. Just a very loud minority. I highly doubt the majority of women in this sub are stone butches lol
    I think this is part of what's driving some of OP's anger as well. The stone butch posters also happen to be far and away the most prolific posters and commenters, which if you're not paying attention to usernames makes their mindset seem way more common here than it actually is. That also drives a cycle where people who aren't into pegging see this groundswell of pegging content, think the sub has changed, leave, and thus the percentage of pegging-exclusive people here increases despite their raw numbers staying the same.
    Then they both just started discussing how male subs often aren't into doing anything like giving oral or desiring women much but I'm not sure that's entirely true cause again I've come across many guys who are into giving oral online over the years some of them submissive:

    that's a reason why i don't like subs, most of them don't do nothing/don't take action, it feels like they don't desire u. and most of men here are subs Coming from femdom and kinks, that's the reason of what u are saying. it seems like they think normative women are like a toy or something like that, they have very trad ideas in their heads. some even have misogynistic kinks, of just being "used" and they basically are like an object, they just want "things to be done to them"
    and that's basically the reverse of the dynamic between a lot of men and women but they're calling this trad ironically when men do it. It's not trad you dislike it because you think some forms of sexuality are inherently degrading and politically problematic which is probably not a great way of viewing sexual interests - even more so when it's not even a woman. And this is another reason I never liked this sub lol because I'd see so many boring political takes lol.

    "Why are there no tops/Doms/dommes?"

    I solved the puzzle guys.

    Also women are much more sexually desired and men less so culturally, online etc that's kind of the norm. Women also feel worse expressing attraction towards men again because that's not the norm - especially when they do it in non-conforming ways they will be attacked for it like I was scrolling through the Rush tag on Tumblr and some guy was complaining about his favourite drummer being sexualised by people who want to [BEEP] him in the [BEEP] and I know most of the people posting that stuff are women and sometimes trans masc cause firstly it's tumblr and also looking through bios before. Men in general also complain about anything feminising. I guess at least one of them acknowledged that lol in another comment.

    Also some men and even women dating women complain about women just lying there and not doing anything. Plus there's the whole 'pillow princess' thing which some people complain about (but is ultimately another preference,) there's literally a term for it lol:

    pillow princess (plural pillow princesses) (slang) A person (typically a woman) who wants to receive sexual pleasure but is not interested in giving it.
    so def not exclusive to straight/bisexual men. In the lesbian community that also makes you a bottom. So the people they're talking about have basically just adopted common sapphic rules. But again there are lots of guys into oral from what I've seen. Perhaps they don't go around begging to suck someone's clit no I honestly don't see many women doing that outside of porn with guy's dicks.... Consider audio porn.

    Ultimately this just became a thing where they complain about guy's preferences and I guess that's annoying if you're not into that. I don't even know if this just pertains to this subreddit either seemed to just descend into general complaining.

    Sad thing is I think it ultimately pushes some people like this into trans spaces even if that's not part of their identity and just have that sexual preference.

    Also tangentially related I'm getting tired of people using the word feminine or feminised for guys when they just mean immature and/or apathetic and/or mentally ill and/or directionless or something like that.

    Wow that turned into a really long post lol. I stumbled on so much stuff.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  15. #5385
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Yeah I mean I don't think Earth is finished since evolution is an ongoing process, although I tend to think of that as being chaotic as well lol, and changes aren't always positive. But then I can only see things from my own subjective perspective as well so I'm applying my own morality to it. Like for a being that thinks pain and suffering is great, pain and suffering would be a positive thing. Like the cenobites lol.

    That's good it went well. Sometimes I find I'm more anxious before doing things (although other times I'm more anxious during so it's a mixed bag for me lol.) I stopped dating when I was 20? That's when I broke up with my second ex. We're still friends though. 14 years is a long time. The longest relationship I've been in is only about 9 months? But it's hard to say when we were officially in a relationship vs dating. 7-9 months.

    I was more functional when I was in relationships but that's more because I was at university at the time and so my life had a lot more structure (even then I wasn't super organised. I'm terrible at planning and motivating myself, might have undiagnosed ADHD it's a life long issue.) I almost met up with someone online when I was in my mid 20s but we didn't in the end and eventually stopped talking, and I think it's at least partly because we both weren't really happy with where our lives were at. I always felt like I should fix the other parts of my life before trying to date again but then I never really managed to do that, and also don't like the idea of modern dating now either with dating sites/apps etc but uh I could write an essay about that lol so I'll just say that.
    Even though it went okay, I'm still glad it's over. lol. Now for Christmas, I'm supposed to go over to my aunt's house. I don't know if I'll go. Thanksgiving was at my house, so I didn't really have a choice. I had to say "hi" to everyone and sit around. I would have stayed in my room the whole time, but to me, that is worse as people would be asking where I was. Luckily, I didn't freeze up/have any awkward silences.

    I think I'm done with with relationships. I got to experience what in my opinion was a great one. I don't really see the point in another one. But I guess humans get lonely. Who knows what could happen in the future. I don't think I could do dating sites. lol. I met my ex on a forum. All of the cards just fell right.

    I only like/know a few Donovan songs, but his new video is directed by David Lynch, so I had to watch.

    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

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