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  1. #5386
    Doseone's Avatar Metacognizant
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    I hate Ben Shapiro, but this should be interesting. I used to listen to this podcast every week. I was obsessed with theism vs. atheism debates from like 2012-2015; I even listened/watched more than I listened to music back then. I got bored with it, but I will watch a video if it has good guests. I really like Alex O'Connor. I wouldn't consider myself an atheist (I define God differently than traditional theists - more like panentheism. I think God is ultimately impersonal). I think the topic of whether religion is good for society or not is a false dichotomy as it can be argued to be both good and bad.

    I was also thinking about how my dad mentioned prayer and how he said "you have to believe" in order for prayer to work. Who prays and doesn't believe? It's implicit in praying that you believe.

    Also, I went to the casino yesterday with my dad and had a sudden realization about how absurd reality is and couldn't stop smiling. lol.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  2. #5387
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Sometimes I get nostalgic not so much for a place or people though that can be connected but more the emotions I had at the time.

    Was just thinking about this time I walked around this abandoned hospital and it felt creepy even though it objectively wasn't - it wasn't that decayed yet or anything lol. There was this one place we went into which used to be where people with heart conditions worked out that was subjectively creepy because I have a weird thing about hearts dating back to childhood (like when I went into the Millenium Dome with the giant heart and it freaked me out so much I had a mini trauma reaction for like two weeks.) But objectively again not creepy.

    But at the time I was experiencing new things again regularly and life was exciting. I was so much happier because of that. That's part of why people are happier as kids I think. They experience more things, they experience more new things etc. Lower threshold for novelty and excitement.

    I also had a dream where (among other things, bunch of stuff happened in this dream during parts of it I was wandering around London and train tracks etc. My brother was also there during parts of the dream but not this part.) I was sitting with some people I know from the internet in some kind of computer room/library and someone my brain made up was there at this point as well. The internet people's appearance was either vague or invented in one case but that was kind of addressed in the dream and a topic of conversation I think at one point. (One of the internet people's appearance was also more feminine and they were white - they actually are white.) So then at one point the topic came up that they were asked out by a woman and I was like 'that basically never happens' and they were like 'right?' And I feel like that part of the conversation was about appearance and how they had more success when they made themselves look more conventionally attractive in a specific way? I kind of wish I could remember more of the conversation because there was a bunch of stuff and it seemed more interesting but I've forgotten most of it already. Then the person my brain invented entirely was a South Asian guy (so like Indian, Pakistani etc.)

    I'm keeping note of the races and ethnicities of people my brain invents after reading that tweet lol where the guy said that even though he's lived in Japan for years everyone he sees is white. He's right wing, kind of a race nationalist - the kind of guy who gets triggered when white women date black guys at least (hypocrite,) and so on.

    I thought that was interesting though since I rarely remember the race of people in my dreams but when I have noticed a lot of them are East Asian looking (like Chinese, Japanese etc,) and male or they're South East Asian looking (so basically like East Asian but with darker skin is what I mean but of course there's variation like how Italians can be blond but you don't thing of a blond person when you think Italian,) like the dream with the guy with long hair who I was escaping some kind of apocalypse camp with and he was shorter than me somehow (I'm really short, 5'2") and we had a really great kiss that was way better than any I've had irl. Most of my dream kisses are good unlike real life. Quite depressing lol. Maybe I just need to find a short South East Asian guy, probably not though lol. I'm thinking that's not the problem.

    Plus following my romantic dreams is how I ended up dating my first ex and that didn't work. He was a redhead not that it matters. But another group I seem disproportionately attracted to irl and sometimes famous people but like they often dye their hair and sometimes irl it turns out they have red headed family members, kind of creepy. One guy I think probably just dyed his hair red but no my ex actually had naturally red hair. And like one time we were walking in a park together and these kids just started harassing him because of his hair. This is the only time I've ever seen something like that happen with strangers in public and I used to hang out with people of various races man but then Luton is really diverse. I also tend to make fictional characters and video game avatars with red hair lol. I don't have red hair.

    Literally like this video lol I was confused:

    I think guys probably get more overt racist [BEEP] too (not subtle,) and [BEEP] from strangers in general than woman do, unless you're an Islamic woman wearing a burka etc.

    The UK is racist though obviously just it tends to be more subtle, and most racist people have issues with Islamic people specifically. They separate people based on ethnicity more than race. They don't as often have an issue with Indian people from what I've seen but dislike Pakistani people more (who are at the bottom of the class ladder and more likely to be Muslims, Indian people tend to be at the top and are more likely to be Hindu or at least not Muslims,) but racism also happens as well but there's less of a black vs white war here than in the US. Or that was true until we started adopting all of the US political issues and talking points even police gun control when most of the police here don't have guns. Thanks American internet. Makes a lot of sense /s

    Anyway I always put the Asian people down to the fact that they make up a majority of the planet lol! Sort of makes sense but tbh I think the Japanese guys were just because I was really into Japan (there was also a period where I was watching lots of Korean and Japanese dramas and music videos.) I mean in one dream I was showing two Japanese students specifically around a university, and there was some Japanese language in the dream. That was a really aesthetically cool and interesting dream actually lots of orange themed stuff, there were these bone samurai on horseback and David Bowie popped up too. I wrote that all down years ago but too lazy to dig it up. This was before David Bowie died I was annoyed at him in the dream because he couldn't bring the Japanese students back to life and so I had to do it myself.

    There was another dream though where I helped IAMX get back to his tour bus because he was lost and I was supposed to have sex with IAMX with a strap on (because Janine Gezang didn't want to - touring musician/social media manager who he's always with, don't know nature of their relationship irl my subconscious does though but I don't and I also don't care,) but then I was like 'are you sure you wouldn't rather have sex with him?' Gesturing to a cis guy, and the cis guy my brain had invented was East Asian again.

    I find it very amusing that 'Chad (tm)' is a generic East Asian guy in that dream yes. Because that's not the internet's Chad.

    My brain likes to cockblock me in creative ways, happened multiple times with IAMX in dreams over the years too lol. One time I was supposed to have a threesome with him and Janine and some guys broke in and trapped him in a room somehow and tied him to a chair. I saw this later because I went back into the house to try and save him so I saw through the door of the room before I woke up.

    I think.... My memory of this is so vague that maybe I didn't even dream it but I think I did have sex with IAMX once as Steven Wilson a really long time ago in a dream. The only time it worked with him haha. I'm not usually myself in dreams either if I see myself in third person or in a mirror. One time I caught sight of myself in a wing mirror of a car and I was Louise Post from the band Veruca Salt specifically her aesthetic in this video (it's the woman with the black hair):

    I was watching this music video a bunch at the time lol. But most of my dreams are in first person so I don't notice/have to retain a consistent body.

    I want mainstream music that's like this but better if you know what I mean (I don't. I don't know what I mean. Which is kind of frustrating):

    'Isn't that kind of just 'hyperpop' type stuff and Skynd though?'

    Yeah but it's still not there yet you know?

    This is closer maybe I dunno:

    "There's too much distortion."

    I'm not sure which songs illustrate this best *links entire album again*:

    He also invented hyperpop LOL (no he didn't but yeah there are similarities especially with his early work and his current work to a lesser degree):

    But he messes around with vocal pitch a bunch:

    ^ telling my kids this was Grimes.

    All the lyrics are like freewriting:

    You must listen very carefully to what I have to say
    There isn't much time, because you-know-who has consumed all the instruments

    For many eons now, I have been trapped on this planet
    He is keeping me here against my will
    And sometimes, when I press my ear up very close to the concrete
    I can hear his daughters sobbing with laughter

    Either I am blind, or I have been in darkness ever since the sun exploded 14 centuries ago
    A few hours ago, he-who-keeps-me-here visited me, saying
    "God, why do the millions worship you instead of I?
    Am I not more powerful, more forgiving, and truly compassionate?"

    A black liquid was seeping uncontrollably from my mouth
    And all I could do was babble incomprehensibly about a dream I had many moons ago
    In it, a clock ticked constantly, maddening my senses
    That was all, but it lasted for many days
    Until each tick seemed like fragments of glass piercing my scales

    He-who-keeps-me-here tells me that one day I will return to Earth
    And then, I will seek my revenge

    And then I invented psychedelic/acid/space rock etc again. This is why nobody makes music anymore lol.

    Need to combine all that with this:

    And this:

    And this:

    folk kind of music:

    And... This (aggrotech/helektro) type stuff:

    ^ the intro kind of Hellraiser vibe especially.

    I like the part where it's like "Everyone." Sampled some film I think? But I can't think what.

    And this:

    Psychedelic/aggrotech/Coil (just Coil's music lol)/medieval surreal horror ethereal music. Like Werner Herzog hanging out with fairies in the jungle of overwhelming and collective murder. With 90s jungle (the music genre this time hilarious)/playstation/techno sounds. With the creepy sounds of my old oven.

    But that already exists and that's what most people are prob trying to do. (Minus the creepy sounds of my old oven. Cause they don't have recordings of that but they have similar recordings so nothing matters.)

    My brain:

    Going to combine all that with like UK drill music.

    (this isn't a comment on the above musicians specifically.)

    UK drill is a subgenre of drill music and road rap that originated in the South London district of Brixton from 2012 onwards.[1][2][3] While being sonically distinct from Chicago drill music,[4] it embraces its aesthetic and melds it with road rap, a British style of gangsta rap that became popular in the years prior to the existence of drill.[2][3][5] UK drill lyrical content tends to be truculent, depicting the harsh realism of their lifestyles.[6][1] The explicit lyricism has stimulated discussion about whether the subgenre is a factor in an increase in knife crime in London.[6][7][8] Gang affiliation and socioeconomically-deprived backgrounds are not uncommon amongst UK drill artists.[1]
    Get stabbed while walking around in London or even here. And as I lay there bleeding out I'll just think to myself 'I've infiltrated your group. This is actually the ultimate form of your emasculation. I have sacrificed myself so the others will swarm on you like a pack of fairies and you'll have to run further away.' But I'll have to say that really loudly so the quote gets into newspapers. And then people on Tumblr will make babygirl photoshops of the killers.

    And then I'll start singing this song to them while I'm dying:

    Start playing it on my phone, turn up the volume to max.

    "You made the mistake of thinking my murder was about you. It isn't. I'm the main character bitch. Subverting the serial/spree killer narrative."

    And they'll be confused partly from the grandiose Jesus/cult leader fantasy and partly because tragically there's a 30-70% chance they've never heard any of Black Sabbath's music. And they'll start stabbing me more.

    "Why won't you die?"

    If I have enough time I'll start playing Alice too like a nod to The Lovely Bones. This is turning into a full blown musical. As it should.

    Making a playlist in case I get stabbed to death. Very inconsiderate of them not to listen to it first. That's really the worst part. So fucking rude.

    Quote some tweet on twitter
    I wonder how the makers of American psycho would feel about Patrick Bateman becoming a sigma male viral badass who young men make continual memes and inspirational videos about.
    Quote Tumblr post
    Why yes fellow tumblr user, that serial killer that definitely has multiple mental illnesses and would immediately kill you if you ever met IS babygirl coded, you're absolutely correct
    If I was being killed I'd hope that I'd start monologuing about music at least. I want them to be really confused as I'm dying. The ultimate power move is creeping out your killer.

    Quote Tumblr post
    Imagine railing the [BEEP] out of Patrick Bateman after catching him flirting with one of his co-workers. Just railing him till he's a sobbing mess, begging for release knowing you won't give it to him until you've finished first.
    Quote some right wing twitter guy
    Total horror. But the movie's Bateman is different in subtle ways from the book. The director was a feminist and she basically blew it and created an icon. That tends to happen with lefties because they can never understand us, though we get them.
    That was his response to the question of 'how would the writers and directors of American Psycho react if they knew guys were creating sigma male memes about them online.'

    But this underestimates the ability that demographic have for subversion.

    Quote that same right wing twitter guy lol
    40K is real and clearly this country is under the sway of Slaanesh. Just worshipping one's own degeneracy with no higher end.
    The problem is that white Tumblr find it hard to work with nothing and also generally drift towards doing this with people they're attracted to (but not exclusively,) so there's an imbalance for now.

    (Was trying to find a way to describe the demographic typed woman but woman doesn't work, it's Tumblr but it's not exclusively Tumblr... [BEEP] doesn't work either. White nerds lol. That's how Andrew Tate puts it 'losers' and 'nerds' LOL.

    (As an aside he's absolutely terrible at cultural analysis if he thinks this started with Friends regardless of what his position on this is. Obviously this tendency predates that and actually goes back thousands of years if you pay attention. Also I don't think he watched the show because everyone kissed everyone and multiple people hooked up with each other, that was kind of a running subtextual joke. Western culture is also really neurotic about gender and sexuality so a lot of the jokes were also 'lol this male character is gay/feminine' having rewatched it a few years ago I'd say about 30-40% of the jokes are. One time they even did the opposite of the joke:

    I didn't really see this so much as endorsing this at the time though more just commentary which comedy is.

    But the important part of Friends is Phoebe.

    I think Phoebe and Chandler should have had more scenes together because they rarely did and that would be interesting. Ross was like a reddit atheist before that existed and Phoebe is kooky and spiritual so a lot of their scenes involved arguing about that and she's also somewhat sadistic and it comes across here:

    I kind of relate to her character except I'm way more neurotic. Kind of like if you combined Phoebe with Ross and Chandler but they're all created to basically appeal to as many people as possible by being fairly genetic like astrology. It's also quite dated now in a lot of ways. As sitcoms go I relate to April Ludgate more and characters like Abed from Community, and they're all more millennial with the apathy and obsessiveness and particular brand of social awkwardness so that makes more sense.

    (also note Joey's expression at 0:59 in the video lol.)

    Phoebe mostly only got on with the women and Joey lol. (And I'd say she mostly got on with Joey actually because they have the least tension overall I think.) The point of sitcoms also isn't 'these characters would be friends irl' cause obviously they wouldn't, it's taking archetypes that people often resemble irl and contrasting them with each other. Then there's often but not always a moral message. If you want something that subverts the genre It's Always Sunny does that reasonably well but not entirely since you know the creators political opinions irl. It's hilarious anyway though.

    I also just don't think he watches sitcoms because I can't think of any with trans people in off the top of my head (gay and bisexual characters sure trans no. It would piss too many different people off for different reasons.) You can do it if it's some niche LGBT+ culture YouTube series lol (even this character is genderfluid I think):

    In fact Chandler's dad is ambiguously trans in Friends but they're conflating multiple things together so it doesn't really read like any trans person you'd really come across. Like they merged cross dressing culture (mostly middle aged straight guys,) with gay/drag culture (not the same thing,) and trans culture (like a visible culture with stereotypes not trans people themselves,) didn't even exist back then. Now you obviously have multiple cultural stereotypes like the femme gay culture-adj straight trans woman, the straight trans woman who just passes and usually transitioned young and blends into female culture entirely, the lesbian trans woman who is a programmer with knee socks drinks monster energy drinks and overlaps with femboy culture (shoeonhead lol no it's an ongoing joke,) the person assumed to be afab with dyed hair who likes yaoi or homoerotica, doesn't medically transaction if older younger people sometimes do, might hang out on tumblr probably some connection to goth subculture if they're older and from the UK (ofherbsandalters youtuber,) the stealth trans guy who nobody ever sees, the trans guy with a mullet who collects rats and lizards (overlaps with lesbian culture,) etc. Grimes I guess lol everyone either assumes she's non-binary or 'stealing trans girl culture' she was doing that character/aesthetic before though:

    And it's also kinda like Dorian Electra who she's worked with.

    It's just because everything comes from Tumblr, 4chan and anime and Tumblr and 4chan are basically the same thing except when they're not. It's the same thing but they're enemies lol. Narcissism of small differences.

    But anyway in modern sitcoms some of the characters are much more masculine than they were in the 90s like Ron Swanson even some of the gay characters like Holt from Brooklyn 99, so his view of comedy is ironic lol. (He might argue that these guys aren't masculine but he also doesn't have a coherent definition of masculinity himself since his includes Seinfeld and Frasier from Frasier.)

    Then he contrasts twitter with real life. Yeah but you're not on the streets now (not that you ever really were, he's done some [BEEP] but he's a bit of a larper. Especially when he says Frasier was a g hahahaha.) you're in our realm lol.

    He actually isn't though that's why he keeps talking about The Matrix etc.

    I could be convinced by people arguing he's a psyop (haven't really seen anyone do that surprisingly) just cause Tate is such a character and like a perfect example of everything women hate about 'masculinity' lol.

    It's so funny that he spent a lot of time in my hometown. I've said this so many times but it's true. Cause it obviously influenced us in many ways I hadn't considered before about 3 years ago actually. He also spent some time in Chicago I believe which also shows. It's not even in your face necessarily it's subtle. Sometimes it kind of is though and someone is getting stabbed to death near your back garden, people you know getting beaten up, mugged, robbed etc, recycling bins replaced with weapon disposal bins, brother goes outside ends up chasing after some guy who's robbing some store who he ultimately felt pretty bad for cause he was obviously an addict, people just collapsed for some reason on the ground sometimes here and there, people who are prob on meth, but like I'm pretty removed from it for now thankfully. I don't know anyone anymore so.

    A lot of people online don't really know about my background so they've formed interesting opinions on me and people like me especially because I'm liberal and non-binary. People who are far more sheltered and protected form these opinions a lot of the time haha. I don't want to exaggerate either as an individual I've been very lucky just think it's funny that many of the people who do this do this.

    But then some don't lol. Especially the English upper middle class I think don't. Like some people lump us in with the 'underclass criminal types.' And that's happening more and more now so. They realised their rhetoric before was a bit unrepresentative I think. Plus all fascism goes back to the idea of undesirable people as being subhuman and dysgenic etc. So that's where you get the 'Spiteful Mutants Edward Dutton' type rhetoric. There's a level of like Marxian class analysis in there I think (though I'm not that familiar with it and don't want to pretend I am,) but essentially it seems like they've adopted the distinction of like the Lumpenproletariat and the proletariat:

    Generally unemployable people who make no positive contribution to an economy. Sometimes described as the bottom layer of a capitalist society. May include criminal and mentally unstable people. Some activists consider them "most radical" because they are "most exploited," but they are un-organizable and more likely to act as paid agents than to have any progressive role in class struggle.
    essentially parasitical group was largely the remains of older, obsolete stages of social development, and that it could not normally play a progressive role in history. Indeed, because it acted only out of socially ignorant self-interest, the lumpenproletariat was easily bribed by reactionary forces and could be used to combat the true proletariat in its efforts to bring about the end of bourgeois society. Without a clear class-consciousness, the lumpenproletariat could not play a positive role in society. Instead, it exploited society for its own ends, and was in turn exploited as a tool of destruction and reaction.
    But then the far right (or some of the far right,) treat this as a genetic thing. Like so:

    Spiteful Mutants: Evolution, Sexuality, Religion, and Politics in the 21st Century

    Every zombie movie has a terrifying underlying message. The enemy isn't supernatural or an alien from another planet. "The enemy is . . . us!" The "undead" -- mutated humans, grotesque versions of their previous selves -- are destroying everything in their path and bringing about the downfall of civilization. Even worse, they are contagious, gradually absorbing the few survivors left into the hoard.

    In Spiteful Mutants, evolutionary psychologist Edward Dutton argues that we are experiencing a "zombie apocalypse" of our own. The critical threat to civilization is not so much enemies abroad as it is nihilistic and self-destructive tendencies within our own populations. Dutton examines such salient social phenomena through a Darwinian lens: from BLM to QAnon; from those seeking sexual transformation to the Incels who don't have sex at all; from atheists to those with a religious zeal for "social justice." All these phenomena can best be understood as genetic results of the Industrial Revolution.

    Human evolution is an ongoing process. The question of who we, as a species, will become is a matter of who is being selected for in a particular ecology. Before industrialization, child mortality was the crucible of evolution: those who were physically and mentally sick -- that is, who possessed high levels of genetic mutation -- rarely survived into adulthood. The Industrial Revolution, and resultant medical advances, brought about the collapse of child mortality, allowing the explosive growth of people who are highly mutated in body and mind, and who would not have otherwise survived. These mutants, walking among us, are "spiteful" in the sense that they actively affect the functioning of the group. They generate polarization and chaos, depravity and dysphoria, and even the gradual collapse of fertility. A new specter is haunting the industrialized world, the specter of Spiteful Mutants, a menace of our own making.
    Witches, Feminism, and the Fall of the West

    The archetype of the "witch" is burnt deep into the European psyche, recurring again and again in folklore and fairytales. But is she merely the stuff of fantasy? Roald Dahl warned that witches don't always don black hats and ride on broom sticks. They "dress in ordinary clothes, and look very much like ordinary women. . . . That is why they are so hard to catch."

    In Witches, Feminism and the Fall of the West, Edward Dutton examines the history of witches and witch-hunting in light of evolutionary psychology. Throughout the centuries, witches were ostracized across Europe and often condemned and executed for sorcery and harming children. They generally adhered to a type: witches were low-status, anti-social, and childless, and their very presence was viewed as poisonous to the community. Dutton demonstrates that witches did, in their way, represent a maladaptive mentality and behavior, which undermined Europe's patriarchal system. When times got tough-that is, when Europe got poorer or colder-the witches were persecuted with a vengeance.

    Today, the evolutionary situation has been turned on its head. The intense selection pressures of the past have been overcome by the Industrial Revolution and its technological marvels. Modern witches survive and thrive in the postmodern West, still possessed by the motivations and dispositions of their sisters of yore. "Sorcery" (nihilism and self-hatred) is no longer taboo but has become a high-status ideology. Roald Dahl was all-too correct. Witches do exist, and they mean to do us harm.
    They use the symbolism of vampires and zombies a lot. It's not a coincidence that [BEEP] people tend to identify with vampires (not so much zombies,) although the original vampires were supposed to symbolise decaying capitalism and the elites and their predatory behaviour in general. And vampires are still symbolically used that way like demonic pedophile elites, but also for the 'bottom of society' which I find very interesting. Perhaps because the top and bottom of society has many sociopaths and psychopaths if you consider certain models of how businesses work but I went into that (and most of this) before.

    I like this Coil song a lot (which I think touches on this):

    Amber rain is beautiful but wrong
    Caught between the weak and being strong
    It seems, these days the weaker ones survive
    What an awful way to find out you're alive

    I kind of reject the notion of this as a fixed class or genetic effect per se as I feel like a lot of my generation are like this but our parents weren't. (I don't think such dramatic changes happen in single generations.) Even when they were fucked up they were still somewhat functional but there's the technological impact for millenials and gen z. I think of culture as a game people agree to play and then they drop out when they're not satisfied with the rules, rewards, or some other factors.

    But anyway subversion is a slave morality in Nietzschean terms I guess. But I don't really accept that far right lens because I don't really see violence as being superior in some objective sense and the very concept of slave morality implies some objective framework that I also don't think objectively exists. And this is where Jordan Peterson breaks through the wall like that 'Oh yeah drink guy' whatever that's from. Kool aid? And says 'you bloody postmodernists')

    That's why symbolically speaking Korn and Slaanesh hate each other though right.

    LOL Korn.

    I like how they almost invented chainsaws but this track invented it more:

    I meant Khorne.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  3. #5388
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    I dream of a day where I have a job that doesn't make me want to hang myself, or make me wish the day were over as soon as I wake up.

  4. #5389
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post

    All the lyrics are like freewriting:

    You must listen very carefully to what I have to say
    There isn't much time, because you-know-who has consumed all the instruments

    For many eons now, I have been trapped on this planet
    He is keeping me here against my will
    And sometimes, when I press my ear up very close to the concrete
    I can hear his daughters sobbing with laughter

    Either I am blind, or I have been in darkness ever since the sun exploded 14 centuries ago
    A few hours ago, he-who-keeps-me-here visited me, saying
    "God, why do the millions worship you instead of I?
    Am I not more powerful, more forgiving, and truly compassionate?"

    A black liquid was seeping uncontrollably from my mouth
    And all I could do was babble incomprehensibly about a dream I had many moons ago
    In it, a clock ticked constantly, maddening my senses
    That was all, but it lasted for many days
    Until each tick seemed like fragments of glass piercing my scales

    He-who-keeps-me-here tells me that one day I will return to Earth
    And then, I will seek my revenge

    ^ telling my kids this was Grimes.
    I like how the character has scales. Also the part with glass. I found I got kind of similar results years ago like the examples below but there's less of a coherent story because this is pure free writing:

    There once was a cat named Lily that flew by all the windows of the town and splintered the window panes with blood curdling screams that never disapeared. And after everyone had left the chaos that emerged from the trees twisted them into statues that fell into your mouth. And I can't hide this empty wonder as trees melt softly into a cage that sits on top of hills. And spires that light the darkness that crawls into the mist and shadow, fighting with demons and glass.
    bleach vultures circle round the toilet bowl
    moth serpent growing up the tree bark
    flickering sunset serendipitous light
    fractal cold ice glass sword fight

    vibrating tendrils of ash
    salt dragon skeleton sinks into the moss banks
    water flows through my fingers as
    fire bleaches the bones
    I think it's also a kind of interesting insight into how your mind might be if you were schizophrenic as well. Someone else mentioned that before in a thread I made, they said it was hard to stop.

    Because I made a thread about this once and people posted themselves doing this. Something interesting I noticed is that people tended to post surreal horror or just surreal stuff or just violent horrific stuff in general. Some political stuff in there too and some people just couldn't exactly do it and were having an awkward conversation about how they couldn't do it and the self conscious part of their mind was conversing with them as they wrote. Especially if they were trying to post it for that thread since it's visible. Someone actually asked if there was a condition where you can't do that sort of thing lol. I think that's just called being 100% sane. I feel like being able to do this sort of thing in the first place taps into schizophrenic-adj and dissociative thought patterns.

    Also cats pop up tons in my freewriting (not linking all the examples) and that's why I find his early work so interesting obviously he has a song called Nine Cats too lol:

    It's like what ends up happening when you do dmt. Lots of elves and cats and reptiles right? A lot of it is also just like Alice in Wonderland but I can't tell if that's because that is also drawing from that (probably that it's drawing from that.)

    But you know what the most horrifying/creepy thing about this is? So to create this post I looked back on an old thread where I'd posted a bunch and one post includes stuff from back in 2010 and 2011. But I didn't catch this I guess when I copied and pasted it into that thread:

    I was looking for something and found this on my hard drive from 2011 saved as free writing, really ****ing weird lol (I have no idea what sog is supposed to mean or if that was some typo) also grammar, punctuation etc has just gone out of the window entirely with all of these:
    Also before I go on lots of this stuff is really cringe

    Wait scattered pages dancing around your feet chewed bone of this sog is nothing really going to happen and this is never going to work because you aren't a cat feeling your way through piles of wondering people and failures of humanity and detonate yourself into the oblivion of stardust and castles that fall at your feet in rubble holes of creation and decadence gym class was never the same after Lucy took that gun to her head, I can't believe you never told her how you felt there's never going to be another opportunity and I never went the same way as you did, but I care too and whether or not you understand my point of view is irrelevant from the overall point of madness and decay inside your mind that is broken and lost among the wastelands of this city forests that have fallen to the corruption of man, swirling vortexes of hatred and anguish tempered with marshmallow stubble

    I never wanted it to be this way, but you just wouldn't understand there were too many people in this crowded little town and I couldn't stand you, running away from everything time and time again, through open door ways, tripping over your lies.

    I came here alone, and I'll leave alone into the nether with my pet rat his name is Bob and he has a purple coat of fine fur, needles the porcupine said that everyone will pay.
    Tripping over your falsehoods, falling into your trap

    Nothing would give me a greater sense of achievement then to have your head on my wall, my pike will taste your blood tonight.

    Rhythmic pulsing sensations

    Swamp rats

    Lucid feelings that come to mind when I think on it.

    Caught between a feeling of lucidity and
    This was before I discovered Porcupine Tree existed as a band since I found them in either 2013 or 2014. That's so fucking trippy. Oh my God. This isn't the only time this has happened to me though (like with all the chaos references about a decade before Jordan Peterson.) It's creepy. Humans are so weird.

    I'll have to double check that that particular part is from 2011. To me that's weirder than the other stuff about the cats, and the reptiles because those are just like universals in Human consciousness (hate that word, so hard to spell) and different cultures but where do the porcupines come from? That's a bit more idiosyncratic I think. You could also call that a coincidence but that's boring haha.

    Lemons pop up a lot too (in my personal memes and in everyone else's):

    I want to say kids cartoons just get weirder and weirder as time goes on but that's not really true.

    I know this is a Beyonce album but this is funnier. 'Kimberly use your key I'm lemonading.'

    I blame this honestly:

    This is an early version of Hacker by Death Grips:

    Got the DNA of Gothic lemons
    I can tell they're doing the same thing because of the spiral staircase and the snake symbolism etc.

    I remember talking to someone who couldn't get into their music and I think their music is interesting but yeah I haven't listened to most of their work but the interesting part for me was just what they did with the lyrics etc.

    I think this is the reason why most conspiracy theorists think that Hollywood etc is full of like transgender reptile demons LOL. Cause those are popular themes that pop up over and over.

    I'm also really into trees obviously. That goes back to all my weird hybrid trees (robotic trees, meat trees etc,) and other tree and plant people stories from when I was a teenager in the 2000s.

    The tilted house was a small house in the centre of the forest. During the winter the trees surrounding it were dead and bare and gave the area an even more austere appareance.
    It was an experience she'd never had before. Just sitting there, drinking coffee at 2am in the city centre, as though neither of them had commitments or any reason at all to wake up before noon the next day. They talked about a multitude of things; mostly science. How carbon based stars were essentially diamonds and

    The sky looked like a velvet blanket
    This parts really cringe (I think when doing this it's like 70% cringe + nonsense and then 30% hmm maybe this is usable and sometimes it's like 90/10):

    Sliding over rocks and into your arms, jagged little incandescent mirages that flicker across the surface, superfluously shining in the moonlit breeze . Stringing words together in such a fashion that they could be mistaken for meaningful aberrations and I can't find this wonderful feeling anymore it's so incomparable to anything I've ever felt before that I ran through these hills, tumbling over thicket and these little orange flowers that bloomed in the garish sunlight, and I couldn't help but feel that this was all one big mistake, the pills weren't supposed to do this, Alice wasn't supposed to tumble through the looking glass, I wasn't supposed to feel this way.
    Someone once told me that there were two kinds of monster, the shadows that fall into your windswept vision and the ones that form in the apertures inside of your heart.
    Actually I don't think he wrote a lot of those lyrics like I think at one point he hired someone? and also worked with a friend writing some or something? I've heard many different things. Which may also be an attempt at deliberately creating confusion/mystery. But some other people are credited on early work. I want to talk to those people I guess lol. Like he says here he didn't write them and someone had transcribed them wrong online. I don't think so though I think there are just different versions of the song from what I've noticed like the one he's performing here differs from the studio recording I've heard:

    Alan Duffy is credited on a lot of those tracks alongside Steven Wilson also John Marshall on one track. I think Alan Duffy wrote the lyrics though. There aren't any trains so it is a but suspicious no lol. He does have a lot of lyrics about trains though. Serial killers and trains. Also aliens tbh (but it's vague and people bring that one up less.)
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    I hate Ben Shapiro, but this should be interesting. I used to listen to this podcast every week. I was obsessed with theism vs. atheism debates from like 2012-2015; I even listened/watched more than I listened to music back then. I got bored with it, but I will watch a video if it has good guests. I really like Alex O'Connor. I wouldn't consider myself an atheist (I define God differently than traditional theists - more like panentheism. I think God is ultimately impersonal). I think the topic of whether religion is good for society or not is a false dichotomy as it can be argued to be both good and bad.

    I was also thinking about how my dad mentioned prayer and how he said "you have to believe" in order for prayer to work. Who prays and doesn't believe? It's implicit in praying that you believe.

    Also, I went to the casino yesterday with my dad and had a sudden realization about how absurd reality is and couldn't stop smiling. lol.
    I'm very into culture war figures/debates (not so much religious vs atheist debates specifically though,) but weirdly I can't actually listen to much of Ben Shapiro. I've listened to some of his rants about music and a few other things, and also thought the whole Barbie review arc recently was amusing, but he just kind of bores me for the most part. I spend a lot of time reading/watching stuff I disagree with and stuff that annoys me too but he's just kind of boring to the point where I could never even be bothered to watch most of his videos. Same with Steven Crowder and a lot of other mainstream right wing speakers.

    This might just be because I don't listen to Ben Shapiro much but he seems to take things very literally and have this kind of hyper rational approach but like it's a fetishisation of rationality almost. He's a bit authoritarian too about some subjects I've seen him bring up. It's kind of amusing in small doses (like some of his comments about music and lyrics etc,) but also I imagine irritating on an ongoing basis.

    Also I feel like this is a difficult thing for two individual people to debate. Ben Shapiro is Jewish so he's only going to be arguing from that pov, though I guess you could argue that's fine because the Abrahamic religions are the most popular anyway, especially in Western countries. So it might be representative of a lot of religious people.

    There are certain psychological phenomenon that seem to persist regardless of culture and stated beliefs though. So from my pov polytheism just got absorbed by politics, fantasy role playing games (like warhammer 40k, Elder Scrolls etc,) and comic book culture. It's also kind of like the concept of American Gods. Lol this is funny 'No I was not technically inspired by all these other British writers' because British people are all the same and know each other (tm) (not really though there are actually several different British people):

    The Discworld novel Small Gods explores a similar origin of deities (thoughtform). While Gaiman says that he did not read the book by Terry Pratchett, he thought they shared a worldview due to their same geographic origins and, more importantly, their daily phone conversations. He had also sought advice from Pratchett on resolving plot elements of American Gods.[10]

    According to Gaiman, American Gods is not based on Diana Wynne Jones's 1975 novel Eight Days of Luke, "although they bear an odd relationship, like second cousins once removed or something". When working on the structure of a story linking gods and days of the week, he realised that this idea had already been used in Eight Days of Luke. He abandoned the story, but later used the idea when writing American Gods to depict Wednesday and Shadow meeting on the god's namesake day.[11]
    Anyway yeah it didn't really go anywhere even though most Western people are technically no longer polytheistic. So debating whether it's good or bad seems kind of pointless because it seems to be something the Human mind just does automatically. Or at least a lot of people's minds do. Suppressing that is probably counterproductive, so I think you need ways to integrate certain tendencies in a healthy way I dunno. I don't even know what that would look like or if it's possible and people don't agree on anything anyway lol.

    But was thinking about what she said during part of this video where she talks about her past and then brings up cryptozoology basically and thinking that seemed fun and wanting a 'safe' way to integrate that kind of thought process I guess:

    Obviously this is tangential though to that debate which is probably more about monotheism. I find the personality research around conspiracy thinking and spirituality (which is different to religious groups in some research.) Kind of interesting. Not looked into it extensively though.
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    Lol 'drink water' reminds me of this:

    The water thing is to help avoid a hangover because alcohol dehydrates you not to stop you choking. I basically never sleep on my back but I had that on mind when I got really drunk (but I only got really drunk once.) It didn't happen though (I threw up in the street etc,) but I was really ill for like a week and it didn't help that the whole thing ended up overlapping with my period.

    "Smoking cigarettes is bad for your skin and lungs etc and also I nearly died days ago choking on alcohol."


    That sums up the British millennial attitude perfectly worrying about second hand smoke while binge drinking when we were young.

    Only he's weirdly gen z and most of them don't drink from what I've heard. And they all vape or whatever. I mean I guess he's a 'zillenial' and also these terms are all still nonsense lol but yeah.

    Pretty sure I'm going to be a zillenial when they finish whatever they're doing lol:

    The exact date range of this micro-generation is not specifically defined. Avery Hartmans, writing for Business Insider citing a study on U.S. consumers, defines a Zillennial as anyone born between 1990 and 2000.[17][18] Boston University sociologist Deborah Carr defines zillennials as those born "roughly" between 1992 and 2002.[19] Authors Hannah Ubl, Lisa Walden, and Debra Arbit define the cuspers as those born between 1992 and 1998, as does Mary Everett, writing for PopSugar[7] and Vogue.[20] A WGSN case study on the cohort similarly notes this date range.[3] Others have defined zillennials as those born from 1993 to 1998, including Deon Smit (HR Future),[13] Maisy Farren (Vice),[21] Lindsay Dogson (Business Insider Mexico),[22] and MetLife.[23] Ketchum defines GenZennials as those born from 1992 to 2000.[14] Fullscreen defines the cusp group as those born from approximately 1993 to 1999 in their research.[10] Author Mary Donahue defines the cuspers as those born from 1995 to 2000.[24]
    But they changed the definition of millenial a bunch of times already and gen x is so small in range it's like 1967-1980 or something so I guess it makes more sense.

    I also think there's a case to be made that my uni experience (I was born in 1991 so started uni in 2009,) was like the last one before social media + online dating really took over completely (which to me is the defining factor of gen z) and even then it was the early days of Facebook and you couldn't go out without people taking photos and uploading them to Facebook. So it was hugely influential but people were communicating without apps still and dating people they met irl and Facebook was people you knew irl at least in a distant way.

    But like literally after I graduated that was over. So yeah 1994 and later is very gen z coded. And people in that in-between period found it difficult to adapt imo because if they didn't meet someone in uni they were kind of screwed (and also most of gen z are very mentally ill as well.) And that also goes a long way in explaining weird millenials and the first wave of incels were mostly people in my age range too I think. And then there's this lol:

    Which I guess is technically the liberal millennial musical number lol? It's funny because it came out during lockdown and he's in his 30s but yeah. I guess that's usually how it goes. Green Day created American Idiot in their 30s.

    There's also the thing where approximately my generation especially of university students invented like the knee sock thing and the trans programmer/early femboy stereotype but not really while at uni. There was one trans woman when I was at uni but everyone else mostly was closeted and came out later. But the building blocks were there and people had started talking about that stuff online. It was also more socially acceptable in the US. There are also some older millennials incl. some in the UK who are now in their late 30s but they were often people who went to uni late or were otherwise involved in fandom culture or something like that so in a bit of a time loop. Also this video still cracks me up:

    I guess that's quintessentially zillenial. Also Tina from Bob's Burgers even though she's trapped eternally in kid mode like a Simpsons character. Also aside from one reference in one episode there's no mention of smart phones on this show it's stuck in some weird hauntological time loop where they try to make the time period as vague as possible. Bob and Linda also fit into this kind of ambiguous thing where it seems like Linda was in high school in the 80s but Bob is really into 70s music etc.

    Tina also embodies a common millennial quirk. She's dysfunctionally ambivalent--in the whole length of the parking lot, she can't make up her mind which way to turn to avoid a collision--but, even in inaction, seldom tongue-tied. "Time for the charm bomb to explode," she says, awkwardly flipping her hair, in a widely shared screencap. She's also a decidedly moral person: After she crashes the car, she won't let her dad leave without writing a note for the owner of the other car.
    Going to start using that. 'Dysfunctionally ambivalent.' That scene is great:

    There's a lot of music on the show now which I think annoys a lot of people. I don't mind it though.

    They made an album too lol from that episode where Gene and Bob go to that fake 70s band show with the lasers:

    Parts of this are obviously based on 2112 lol:

    Fun facts about Christmas lights song lol:

    "Twinkly lights shine
    If one them goes out, then none of them light
    Or at least thet's how it used to be
    Now the LEDs work a little bit differently
    But you know what I mean"

    "FINALLY a song about light bulbs"

    Oh yeah this was cute too (I'm re-watching this show atm):

    "Music's a lot harder to do when you're not good at it. We know that now."

    So many quotable lines lol.

    Also I discovered this song through the show lol:

    Are millennials gender rebels or returning to tradition?

    I think reddit has decided I'm a 'core millenial' lol.

    1995, 1996, and 1997 started kindergartner between 2000-2003. 2000s childhood.

    1980, 1981 and 1982 started kindergarten in 1985-1987. 80s childhood.

    1989, 1990, 1991 started kindergarten between 1994-1996 90s childhood.

    Early, core, and late millennials all have a different frame of reference for their childhoods-adolescence because they spent their childhood in 3 different decades.
    Also just realised 1992 - 1994 mysteriously vanished here (along with most of the 80s.) Lol my brother and lots of kids I hung out with as a kid and one of my ex boyfriends maybe doesn't exist. I can't remember if my first ex was born in 1989 or 1988 now tbh. Might have been late 1988. 0r 1989. I could find out very quickly but I have a phobia of Facebook now lol.

    Yeah, kids today even use the same toys as we used back in the day. My sister used Tamagotchi in 2005 and 2006 and now my neighbour's granddaughter who's 8 even have Tamagotchi. It's more advanced one but still. Even clothing trends are repeated like chokers that girls used to wear around 2004. Overally I think that a lot of younger Gen Z and Alpha take inspirations from our childhood, in the early to mid 2000s especially. 90s things aren't that popular for them like 2000s things are.
    Do they know I had a tamagotchi in 1998 which is around when they first became popular lol? (The person posting this was born in 1997 according to their flair.) They were actually banned at my school.

    Me with my mum as a kid:

    Lol not really though I was never that entitled. But she did try to look after my cat one for a while (I had a couple of others later too which she didn't look after,) and she was working lol so they always died. They were actually a really bad invention for kids because obviously you can't have them at school/work. Also we never had actual cats or dogs as pets when I was growing up just fish mostly and then we looked after a rabbit for a year or less when I was in high school that was never really ours. Also looked after some gerbils at one point that I retconned into being our pets in memory but apparently they weren't lol. You have cat cafes now in London which were adopted from Japan because most people can't have pets in rented accomodation and also can't fit pets into their lifestyle (or kids hence you know. Nobody having kids.)

    This is just like Pokemon where a bunch of people are arguing now over which Pokemon generation you grew up with first that defines you when it's just been the same Japanese game repackaged over and over again for two+ decades now. Here's how it works: you love the first 1-2 generations you grow up with, third is still fun, by the fourth you're losing interest unless you're really hardcore about it. You forget the details of every Pokemon game after that that you bothered buying and stop buying them after 5-6 gens. They also reboot old Pokemon games too early to maximise/exploit nostalgia imo. I was still a kid when fire red and leaf green came out which were the first reboots I think. I played red when I was like 7/8 or so and fire red when I was 13. Everything and nothing is changing simultaneously.

    I'm never going to be a zoomer though. I refuse. The label is stupid.

    Also I only watched like the first half of that video before where he talks about how he almost died but the way F1nn's audience on twitch are constantly trying to get him to say he's trans or come out as trans is deeply uncomfortable to me because he already has all that knowledge and is of an age where it's more socially acceptable so if he wants to he can and if he's not there's a good reason for it.

    Also I say this as someone who has a feminisation fetish so that's how you know it's bad lol. Some of them seem relentless.

    I also note the incredibly weird dynamic with social media audiences where if you don't say you're trans transphobes mostly ignore you and other people try to encourage you to transition, and when you do say you're trans you get lots of really negative transphobic comments especially if you make content outside certain bubbles and you get noticed by certain websites which tend to tear people apart for expressing vulnerability as I've said before (not just trans people.) Some of the [BEEP] I read in people's comments sections really bums me out at times.

    If you haven't medically transitioned and you have a sizeable audience and make a video talking about something related to gender - especially if you give them even an inch by pandering to transphobes concerns - you just see a bunch of comments like 'everyone who medically transitions regrets it.' which isn't even true based on research. Coupled with - (if you're a trans guy or afab in general) 'you don't look like a guy' or 'I think you look better as a girl' ??? comments calling you a narcissist, delusional, every negative thing you can imagine really. Worse I think for older trans people on YouTube who are older than 35 and people whose content isn't generally about that topic but make one or two videos, but will happen regardless I think.
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    [BEEP] I need a drink

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    Why do all social norms go out the window when trans people are involved? Like why would it ever be OK to ask someone about their genitals in that setting?

    I thought this video was going to be all about the title but I guess that's just one clip in the video or something. Also I'm realising now that the video screenshot said 'would you date a trans girl' not 'would you date a trans guy' and tbh that interests me less. I feel like we get the answer to the question constantly in research, in guys giving unsolicited opinions often, in people asking that question all the time. Then there's the whole comphet thing where women in general value themselves based on whether guys find them attractive even if they're not attracted to guys. I don't think there's any research on guys who find trans guys attractive though. Or on women's sexual interest in anyone. Or on female sexuality in general there's a shortage of research on that, on trans guys, on non-binary people in general, and on genetic female people in general so...

    I haven't finished watching it yet but the first clip is insane.

    Actually if someone did that I'd try to make them as uncomfortable as possible and just pretend I was on my period (if I wasn't,) and then go into graphic details about my period because that doesn't make me uncomfortable but it would make them uncomfortable. They'd learn.

    In fact I think another trans guy did that haha there was that 'period prince' guy who created a song about periods and everyone was freaking out about him (including that one Danish transphobic trans guy who just makes content complaining about other trans people because he wants to suck up to cis people and get $$$ from them.) I kind of get it though.

    I imagine his brain is like this (like this slow as well):

    "No I don't have feelings 'cause feelings are gay."

    This is literally gen z humour in a nutshell
    ComicallyLargeOpinion s Well if this is Gen Z humor (which it's not, because when this came out most of Gen Z was still shitting diapers) I wish they would show it, since it seems to me the only things they find funny is goofies dancing around to other people's music on tiktok
    the majority of people who genuinely like content based around nothing but tiktok dances are the generation below, very late gen z and millennials. This sort of irony is exactly what a lot of people who partake in gen z meme culture find funny. Hence why i replied to a comment saying 'this man was twelve years ahead of his time'. Now if you had read that before getting defensive you'd know the age of gen z is irrelevant and you'd actually understand what i was saying.
    Yeah I get what they're talking about there's a subset of late gen z with a similar comedic style like her:

    Not the tiktok stuff obviously. I don't know why they bring up millenials though since millenials are less likely to be on tiktok (I'm not on that site,) and that guy is a older millennial I assume and it was popular at the time.

    Also nothing is really new and a lot of the ironic stuff gen z like is just like stuff that was mostly created from 2008-2013ish like this:

    And this lol:

    I like that a lot since I have a degree in games art (modelling, texturing etc,) and I'm not good at animation either (animation was part of it but not the main part.)

    Now you have surreal entertainment making ironically bad + surreal animation:

    I'm mad that I didn't think to make this channel first honestly because it's exactly my kind of humour as well.

    Also Ben Shapiro actually posted a video reacting to this video and he was really confused and like 'wtf' and that's living the dream:

    I want to confuse everyone who annoys me.

    I mean I make surreal gaming content but it's not the same.

    Uh yeah so watching more of that other video... The thing about women like that woman responding to Dylan Mulvaney is they just start talking about their experiences with childbirth etc as though every cis woman has gone through that experience in the first place are you not allowed to talk about being a woman unless you've given birth? Multiple times in her case?

    It's like some weird form of bragging really. and that's their one move lol 'well I had kids.' 'I can give birth.' OK? But most female people have throughout history. Historically speaking most women reproduced, less so for men. Technically it would make more sense to brag about not having kids as a female person (which people do as well lol,) because that's historically novel (and it also pisses off conservatives who think you are destroying civilisation. Which is somewhat amusing because you have something they want but they still keep talking [BEEP] about you anyway because they're so bad at what they do. They even admit this lol 'we're not good at selling a vision to young people, we can't appeal to them' lol.) Or better still be the modern day Mozart and then don't talk about that because bragging is kind of cringe.

    They also can't stand the fact that she's getting attention which tbh is mostly coming from conservatives in the first place. I'd never heard of Dylan until they all started reacting to her content.
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    I'm very into culture war figures/debates (not so much religious vs atheist debates specifically though,) but weirdly I can't actually listen to much of Ben Shapiro. I've listened to some of his rants about music and a few other things, and also thought the whole Barbie review arc recently was amusing, but he just kind of bores me for the most part. I spend a lot of time reading/watching stuff I disagree with and stuff that annoys me too but he's just kind of boring to the point where I could never even be bothered to watch most of his videos. Same with Steven Crowder and a lot of other mainstream right wing speakers.

    This might just be because I don't listen to Ben Shapiro much but he seems to take things very literally and have this kind of hyper rational approach but like it's a fetishisation of rationality almost. He's a bit authoritarian too about some subjects I've seen him bring up. It's kind of amusing in small doses (like some of his comments about music and lyrics etc,) but also I imagine irritating on an ongoing basis.

    Also I feel like this is a difficult thing for two individual people to debate. Ben Shapiro is Jewish so he's only going to be arguing from that pov, though I guess you could argue that's fine because the Abrahamic religions are the most popular anyway, especially in Western countries. So it might be representative of a lot of religious people.

    There are certain psychological phenomenon that seem to persist regardless of culture and stated beliefs though. So from my pov polytheism just got absorbed by politics, fantasy role playing games (like warhammer 40k, Elder Scrolls etc,) and comic book culture. It's also kind of like the concept of American Gods. Lol this is funny 'No I was not technically inspired by all these other British writers' because British people are all the same and know each other (tm) (not really though there are actually several different British people):

    Anyway yeah it didn't really go anywhere even though most Western people are technically no longer polytheistic. So debating whether it's good or bad seems kind of pointless because it seems to be something the Human mind just does automatically. Or at least a lot of people's minds do. Suppressing that is probably counterproductive, so I think you need ways to integrate certain tendencies in a healthy way I dunno. I don't even know what that would look like or if it's possible and people don't agree on anything anyway lol.
    LOL, yeah, I remember Ben Shapiro saying something about how rap/hip hop wasn't music. xD

    Those debates are actually what got me to change my beliefs (which I think is probably rare unless you're already agnostic). I used to consider myself Christian/Catholic, and then slowly became less and less orthodox, until I was basically agnostic. I still consider myself agnostic/fallibilist with respect to religion. I have my personal beliefs, but I'm open to being wrong. From watching/listening to those I've heard pretty much every argument for and against the existence of God. What I learned is that neither side is convincing and I can come up with better arguments myself. lol (Though, that's probably not fair as I learned a lot about Christian history, etc.) I personally thought the Q & A's were more interesting as a lot of these debates were held on college campuses. People would bring up a lot of good points whereas the debaters themselves tend to repeat the same points.

    It would be interesting to see more Eastern vs. Western debates on spirituality. Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Daoism, and Sikhism. But yeah, people in the West tend to associate religion/God with traditional Christianity and they're knowledge of other religions in lacking. People have probably heard of Ganesha, but they've never heard of Brahman/Atman. They just assume that Hindu gods are on par with Greek deities hence mythological.
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    The last few days I keep having these dreams where I want to stay longer in London or go to London but something is getting in the way. I get that it's supposed to be symbolic and I've had similar dreams before with wanting to take photos of things but my camera being out of batteries and wanting to go swimming but something gets in the way. It's a weird choice though.

    The swimming thing makes more sense because that's actually been something that's happened to me irl and I really love swimming. The London thing doesn't really atm maybe it's because there was a period when I was missing London during the pandemic? But I visited London last month so it's not a burning desire. Also I think food was involved in both these dreams (don't remember that part of my other dream that well, and the subject changed later anyway I didn't wake up then,) but definitely my last one involved food. I wanted to get some pizza from London in my last dream (lol like go all the way to London for this pizza from some stall not even like a restaurant or something,) which again is a weird choice. I'm not super into pizza in general but I do get dominos now and then and don't need to go to London for that.

    Edit: Also according to some people I live in London. 😐

    Lol that's probably why actually the fact it costs me like ?30+ (pounds) for a travel card. (If you don't buy off peak it goes up to more than 40 pounds I think.)

    When you live 30 miles away and a concert ticket is cheaper than transport lol. Or at least around the same price. I should prob start walking around London more instead of using the underground.

    There was a video where someone walked from the airport here to London and I can't find it now but it's understandable lol.
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  11. #5396
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    LOL, yeah, I remember Ben Shapiro saying something about how rap/hip hop wasn't music. xD

    Those debates are actually what got me to change my beliefs (which I think is probably rare unless you're already agnostic). I used to consider myself Christian/Catholic, and then slowly became less and less orthodox, until I was basically agnostic. I still consider myself agnostic/fallibilist with respect to religion. I have my personal beliefs, but I'm open to being wrong. From watching/listening to those I've heard pretty much every argument for and against the existence of God. What I learned is that neither side is convincing and I can come up with better arguments myself. lol (Though, that's probably not fair as I learned a lot about Christian history, etc.) I personally thought the Q & A's were more interesting as a lot of these debates were held on college campuses. People would bring up a lot of good points whereas the debaters themselves tend to repeat the same points.

    It would be interesting to see more Eastern vs. Western debates on spirituality. Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Daoism, and Sikhism. But yeah, people in the West tend to associate religion/God with traditional Christianity and they're knowledge of other religions in lacking. People have probably heard of Ganesha, but they've never heard of Brahman/Atman. They just assume that Hindu gods are on par with Greek deities hence mythological.
    Yeah I imagine that's rare. I don't think most people watch debates to challenge their beliefs tbh. I can't think of any debates off the top of my head that really did that for me but sometimes I discover new info about something and change my mind.

    I also don't remember ever going to a debate irl or even having that option. Universities in the US seem to have a lot more cultural and political stuff going on (or people just assume they do and complain about that a lot,) but I was never really aware of that happening when I was at uni. Any talks and such we went to were related to the degree subject I was studying so we had famous video game developers and other film and animation people come in a few times I think. (Like Peter Molyneux and Double Negative they worked on a lot of stuff like Inception, Interstellar, Blade Runner 2049 but this was before that film.) So that was cool but not really the same thing lol.

    The only political thing I can remember noticing was this one protest at another nearby uni when I was at uni that some people were taking part in about student loans because I had someone added who went to that uni on Facebook and I think talked about it? But my memory is so vague that maybe that didn't happen. There was even an election going on when I was at uni in my first year, but I wasn't signed up to vote and was distracted at the time so didn't, and barely anyone talked about it on Facebook from what I remember lol (maybe nobody did? I think someone might have spoken about the 2012 US election on Facebook actually.)

    That stuff does happen here I'm sure and there are some universities that are well known for being very involved in certain topics (Goldsmiths university is seen as very left wing,) there are also like Oxford Union debates which are really popular online but that's unrelated to the university student union and independent afaik but it confuses me because I watched a debate with Katie Hopkins once where she addressed everyone there as though they were Oxford uni students. I guess most of the people there are students but not exclusively.

    But the uni I went to wasn't really like that, especially at that time period. So no debates and that might be for the best since I imagine it would have been a huge distraction and my workload was already really insane and I was trying to juggle that with having a social life and occasionally playing video games lol. Also every module on my degree was chosen for us and related to the degree subject (except for this one business module we had to do. Which was basically just an advert for this guy's book lol which we all ended up pirating because it was only available for an insane amount of money on Amazon.) I prefer what I've heard about the US system because it seems like you get more choice and can experiment more.

    I considered myself a Christian as a child but then just kind of grew out of the beliefs gradually as I aged. There wasn't really a specific thing that contributed to that I just kind of drifted away from it and thought most of those beliefs didn't make much sense especially if you took it literally alongside science. So I suppose I was already disregarding a bunch of stuff anyway and then just dropped the rest. As I aged and became more alternative a lot of religious people and the beliefs themselves contradicted who I was as a person and also my own personal values so that contributed to me drifting more away from it too. I was interested in wicca and neo-paganism as a teenager and young adult, but more in a cultural and aesthetic sense than a religious sense.
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    False accusers have always been a thing just like real victims not being believed.
    you are correct but what has changes is the way men are just guilty in the court of public opinion with nothing but an accusation and hes ruined for years if not life.
    No that hasn't changed either. The difference is what's considered harassment has changed so women put up with less now before saying anything and you also see it happening with famous people who have a huge following but would have gotten away with things in the past, and that now gets lots of attention on social media.

    But the response to hearing something like that always would have been avoidance because that's how women especially instinctively respond. They don't know if someone's lying so it just makes more sense to avoid men if they have a bad reputation + women tend to be risk averse.

    Men also do the same thing now really like MGTOW etc so it's more of a general cultural thing imo where nobody trusts (or likes,) each other.

    i was a generally speaking . But here is the thing, 9 times out of 10 when guys say they were falsely accused they are lying or delusional. It may be some misunderstanding or crossed signal because the guy did not prioritize clear consent, did not weigh power dynamics or substances that were involved. Rarely is a random guy pulled off the street and accused out of the blue. Anything outside of clear sober consent is a bad idea.
    It depends on what they're being accused of but that's what I was saying. There are cases where people straight up lie but far more often now they're telling the truth it's just that more things are seen as inappropriate now + more women want to talk about their negative feelings instead of just putting up with stuff that bothers them. Like you used to be able to get away with groping random women without them saying anything (I've been groped before by people and haven't told anyone else about it irl but I'm posting about it now lol though nobody knows who they are.) Now especially if that person is famous people will talk about them doing that on social media etc.

    And that's another thing actually just because women are venting or complaining online doesn't mean there's a serious issue all the time. Or that that's something you can fix. Unfortunately I don't know if a lot of women are self aware enough to realise that. It seems not. Your discomfort isn't necessarily a ginormous cultural issue that we have to control and do something about immediately. Since the end result of this political and cultural agitation seems to be women losing freedom, I'm not a huge fan.

    I was responding to the comment earlier that false accusers should face charges and that's what defamation laws are for. I agree with you that false accusers are dangerous people but unlike this woman, I dont want to go back to a time when women are fearful to report sexual harassment and rape. We'll always have to deal with criminals and liars.
    It won't solve the cultural issue you're talking about between men and women because I don't think most women lie (well about this anyway,) especially in court. Actually perjury is a crime but if you can't prove whether someone has raped you (and you rarely can,) then it's also going to be hard to prove someone is lying about being raped. Slander is also a civil offence but it doesn't really act as a strong deterrent.

    But like I say the problem isn't really criminal most of the time, most guys aren't going to prison and sometimes they're not even being accused of a crime just of being creepy. Not that that never happens but I don't think false imprisonment is a problem most guys will ever have to deal with - so the wider issue is a social thing. Like when women upload videos of some guy talking to them and it's just an awkward conversation but he's not touching them or doing anything inappropriate he's just socially awkward. They post it on social media and it always seems to attract a really large audience and then it creates a culture where even if that guy never sees it a bunch of other guys will and think 'oh no this is probably how women feel when I talk to them.'

    What's strange is that I always hear this is diminishingly rare, but I hear about it all the time, I know people it's happened to, everyone I know knows people it's happened to. I strongly suspect it's not nearly as rare as they're trying to portray.
    I don't know anyone this has ever happened to honestly. I don't think I've even met someone who was accused of rape or even sexual harassment fake or not. If I did I didn't know about it. I think in some environments this happens a lot more like actual rape and also false accusations.

    Oh wait it happened to me technically LOL. But other than me no. Not really though but like a girl I grew up with accused me of perving on girls in the female changing rooms (which I wasn't doing and I wasn't into any girls in my school back then. In hindsight I feel like there were moments with some girls where I had complicated feelings but not really and I wasn't doing that in the changing rooms nor had any urge to do that it never crossed my mind,) and she tried to claim that's why I was socially anxious etc. But afaik she didn't tell anyone else about it cause I didn't hear about this from anyone else. I think maybe this one other girl she hung out with may have been there during some of these moments where she'd claim this. But my memory is bad so I can't say for sure and don't remember everything from this time of my life well now. At one point she ran her foot up my leg to try and 'prove it' which is ironic.

    But yeah so I was thinking back through people I knew and then was like 'I even grew up with a girl who was quite psychopathic and I don't remember her accusi- oh wait. That's right. She accused me.' But yeah. She didn't really spread that around. And if she did nobody brought that up to me and it had no obvious impact.

    There was a teacher who was very touchy feely when I was in school and just with girls as far as I remember and everyone assumed he was some kind of pervert because of that I don't know if he realised how that came across to people, but that was just something students assumed and talked about because of his behaviour and it made people uncomfortable.

    There was some situation that happened with that girl I knew too where the librarian (not the teacher I'm talking about,) was making her and some other people we knew CD's with their names on it or something like that I can't fully remember. I think maybe they were paying him for that and then I remember them getting into trouble and having to talk to other teachers about whatever was going on and they were actually pulled out of like assembly or something and one of those teachers seemed pretty annoyed (but again my memory is really shit.) I remember her implying to me that either he had some less than pure intentions or that other people assumed he did. But I didn't really know the details of that cause I wasn't paying him for those CD's, and I also don't remember fully.

    And that was like it for school. As far as I remember again my memory is shit. Also one girl was killed by her ex in my sixth form I think we can conclude he's a real problem on account of the whole unaliving thing that occured.

    See lol (this is what I meant when I said guys do this):

    False accusations aren't limited to strangers. Anyone who's gone through a relationship with a woman knows the person you marry or date isn't the same person you break up with. Lies & slander & character assassination are common weapons women use against each other let alone boyfriends & husbands. It's an age old teaching hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, for a reason. Common place for women to claim their ex was abusive, go into the details and you'll find if they were actually abusive they omit their own abuse and never reported it. 70% of domestic abuse is initiated by women not men with same percentage for non reciprocal abuse. Same with children, lesbians, infanticide, it's all women majority doing it.
    Same kind of attitude. And they always have issues with lesbians. (Which is a bit ironic when you think about it.) It's actually the historical norm in writing to demonise women and see women as evil. It shows up more than the reverse probably because most women's writing didn't really get as popular so it seems one sided that way. I think women disliked men just as much back then though, and since the 20th and 21st centuries women have been a lot more vocal online and in feminist academia etc. So the negativity seems kind of weird and new because of that. Leads some people to misleadingly believe women used to be happier I think. They probably complained less.

    Also (many such cases):

    "I'm only happy when it rains"

    Good job you live in Scotland then, I hate how much it rains in the UK and I don't even live in the part of the UK with the most rain lol. Oh wait no she doesn't I had to check lol since famous musicians move around a lot obviously.

    Manson was married to Scottish artist Eddie Farrell from 1996 to 2003. In 2008, Manson became engaged to record producer and Garbage sound engineer Billy Bush.[149] They were married at a Los Angeles courthouse in May 2010.[150][151] They continue to reside in Los Angeles, while Manson maintains a second home in the Edinburgh suburb of Joppa.[6]
    How dare you live somewhere so sunny.

    While browsing the role reversal subreddit a week or so ago, I discovered a post talking about a book that kind of addresses this topic called The Tragedy of Heterosexuality but I haven't read the book just going by this post, and I'm skeptical of theories that overly emphasise social stuff in the way this book seems to be doing anyway:

    Lately I have been mulling over some of the concepts in Jane Ward's The Tragedy of Heterosexuality which is a great book filled with many observations that are relevant to RR, and one of those is Ward's description of the cultural movement and ideology that she broadly terms "heterosexual repair." The basic gist being that once upon a time male/female romantic relationships were actually not given anywhere near the primacy they enjoy today, in fact it was commonly understood that the most significant relationships, both platonic and erotic, one could experience were with the members of one's own sex. There were many historical developments which led to the decline of this paradigm and the rise of the heterosexual couple as the new basic unit of society, many to do with nascent forms of eugenics and hand-wringing about the "wrong" sort of people reproducing too much, but suffice it to say that some time in the last two centuries redressing the dire state of relations between the sexes was taken up as a crusade by various authorities from doctors to sexologists to lawmakers.

    And despite having less than pure motivations it was probably for the best that somebody did something, because at the time there was almost nothing that men and women admired or related to in the other, body or mind. This was famously the era of hilarious ignorance and mystification over women's anatomy, but the medical establishment were also alarmed to observe that most women also regarded their husband's naked bodies with something between terror and confusion, and saw their participation in sex as an onerous duty at best. This all needed to change if people of good breeding were to get breeding, so the first heterosexual repair industries emerged, churning out commodities designed to help straight men and women find each others' personalities bearable and bodies fuckable. Initially the lion's share of these were aimed at women, such as douches filled with caustic chemicals, or instructional pamphlets on how to practice good housewifery, like 'don't expect your husband to acknowledge your existence when he gets home after leaving you alone, with no other adults, for twelve consecutive hours.'

    But heterosexual repair evolved and expanded rapidly over the decades to cater to both sexes with modern Seduction/PUA culture being the most recent addition purporting to fix men?s particular frustrations with heterosexual courtship. It's more gender neutral, liberal, and 'woo-woo' counterpart can be found in the many offshoots and derivatives of Deida inspired divine feminine/masculine coaching, itself an evolution of the aughts complementarian craze brought on by bestsellers like Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, and Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. One of the main ways in which these movements fall short, at least in my eyes, is that they attempt to fix heterosexuality without challenging any of its fundamental assumptions about the essential nature of gendered difference. Indeed the argument could be made that the ideological function of heterosexual repair is to make patriarchal gender roles palatable, even erotic, without doing anything that might threaten their status as presumably natural and transhistorical structures. 'Men and Women may be equals, but they're still (essentially) different after all.'
    For a while, the only alternative tendency to oppose heterosexual repair was "queering" heterosexuality, to which, I would argue, role reversal is an analogous movement. Both actively destabilize gendered assumptions about how men and women and enbies must understand and relate to one another and themselves. They reject heterosexual culture as such, and attempt to create a gender sandbox in which men and women can enjoy the freedom of expression and creativity in romance and sex which [BEEP] people have long secreted for themselves. However, as Ward points out, queering heterosexuality failed, not just due to "cringe," but because ultimately straight people by and large proved to be too...straight. Whether due to practicality, familiarity, or who knows what else, they were loathe to part with their culture, with their predetermined roles and affects.

    And this is something I see reproducing itself within this very subreddit now and again. People who come to a community that is overtly about flouting, deconstructing and inverting gender roles, just to post about relationship tropes and dynamics which would not be out of place in Fleischer Brothers cartoon and then get weirdly combative when called out on it. Or to spread "positivity" in support of things that, in the outside world, are completely normal for their gender, even compulsory, such as the routine "That's right, I'm a man who's masculine! Deal with it!" or "Aren't I so weird for disliking pegging?" posts without the barest hint of self-awareness. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with these sentiments as they're just stating preferences, but they are ubiquitous in the culture at large, and counter-counter-culture is just that: culture. Mainstream. Vanilla.
    Thought that seemed kind of irritating too.

    Though perhaps the most curious are the people who interpret rr itself as an extension of heterosexual repair; who insist that the only way that they will be able to experience a relationship where men are allowed to be emotionally vulnerable, or women will not have to take care of 90% of household chores(though these are less common and vastly more sympathetic) in their lifetimes is if an obscure subculture with no clout whatsoever uses the power of memes to invent an egalitarian heterosexuality in a fashion that, like all hr, completely bypasses the need to challenge patriarchy. Even if it were vastly more popular, rr like "queering straightness" before it, is by its very nature an attempt to subvert and undermine heterosexual culture, and therefore cannot readily reform or replace it. Instead it should in my view be primarily a resource for gender nonconforming people interested in m/f relationships to learn about the unique joys and challenges of practicing this unusual dynamic, not a space to rehabilitate hetero-fatalists.
    That is pretty funny.

    This all of course begs the question, if heterosexual repair doesn't work, and role-reversal can't replace it, where are the hetero-fatalists, the men who are threatened by genderbending but still want cuddles, and so on supposed to go? Don't they have legitimate reasons for being disillusioned with traditional heterosexual romance? I don't have a definitive answer obviously, but there may be some promise in a concept Ward offers in the last chapter of her book called "deep heterosexuality." Although heavily derived from the ideas of [BEEP] thinkers, deep heterosexuality does not attempt to fix straight culture by exhorting straights to indulge in gendered taboos that they "surely must want to, deep, deep down" but instead by resolving its underlying contradictions. Ward devotes an entire chapter to the concept, so I won't make this post any longer explicating it, but the goal is getting straight, gender-conforming men and women to realize a version of heterosexuality where fucking the opposite sex goes hand in hand with humanizing them, to not just passively identify as straight by default, but to intentionally and passionately explore their straightness in much the same way gay people had to discover and create their own orientation. Its one idea anyway, I'd be interested to hear of other alternatives.
    It's a bit excessive as an explanation for the issues on that one subreddit I think there are other simpler and more accurate issues namely that there's not strict outline of what counts as role reversal in the first place so you get people arguing over their preferences not being catered to on the subreddit. Also lots of men going there looking for validation in sometimes the worst place... Posted about that before though.

    But heteropesimism which this book seems to be addressing is a problem and probably not going away.

    Do men and women like each other? No I don't think a lot of them do.

    The end?

    They don't have much in common after all on a group level. (Especially in rich and egalitarian countries somehow the personality differences are even greater according to research.) They get together to reproduce. Also some people have a sex drive and want sex.

    That's sad I guess. Some people apparently think that's so important we have to force people together and control all women and force them into marriage at young ages or something.
    Don't you think it's better in that case that we just die out as a species? Is it worth reproducing if people are so unhappy? But it doesn't matter because this isn't about some ideal in the first place it's usually about your sexual fetish lol. I hope you get a sex robot some day.

    I'm ambivalent about it at this point in my life but it's interesting academically. Probably because I'm non-binary and only interested in androgynous people. It's more academic now because the concept of dating someone I dislike has never once crossed my mind as something I'd be interested in. There's no debate there lol. Someone like Andrew Tate could say you know 'genderfluid people don't exist, I can't be friends with someone with a vagina.' And it's whatever now. That's how he thinks and those are his preferences but we're barely the same species lol. It's like listening to an alien and I'm sure he feels the same way when he talks about 'genderfluid/non-binary losers on twitter.' Like he says at the end of the video it's simple you're incompatible with someone that's that the end:

    Likewise when reactionary feminists complain about their boyfriends not doing housework because they want to be masculine and play video games so 'we have to go back to trad roles.' I don't care. Being single is fine. I'm not doing anything that goes against my values/preferences ever again. I don't even care if that makes me a narcissist. I've dealt with an abusive girl growing up who had too much control in my life so I even understand why guys would want to avoid relationships.

    There's very much a vibe from these people like: These are the gender rules, you have to play this game. Everyone has to play this game. No I don't care lol.

    And you know that. You know people don't care 'they're so selfish' and that really pisses you off lol.

    Actually it's kind of hilarious when you think about it. Like there are issues people are having in their personal relationships as basic as 'he won't clean up or do x, y, z because he's playing video games' and because they presumably can't just be single or can't find a guy who isn't like this it turns into this huge cultural movement and then everyone must play along and every woman should be a stay at home mum and 'listen to their grandma.'

    Always the video games lol. 'Men don't have anything aggressive to be doing now.' Is how reactionary feminists frame it. Honestly because they're reactionary and so bring up war etc I lowkey get the vibe that it's like 'you prefer playing video games to doing the housework so why don't you just go fight in a war and die?' I know this sounds insane but that's kind of the vibe I get reading some things they've written. But a lot of guys like the idea of fighting in wars anyway so. You know:

    But I guess the video game thing is an issue for a lot of women now in relationships I see it come up a lot in different places.

    It's just. If I date someone. We're both going to be playing video games and nobody is going to be cleaning or cooking. With the average guy like that anyway. Because I hate doing both and what happens in most relationships is someone eventually hits a point where things are so messy that it bothers them and they have to clean. And my impression is that a lot of women crack first but if someone is dating me I won't crack. It's not good but I can pretty much put up with insane amounts of mess. In this scenario I'd be cleaning more because I need to use something so it needs washing up (in that case I'll just wash up what I need to use,) or because other people care and it's bothering them, if they don't present me with a standard or some system that we agree on I just wouldn't give a shit.

    Break up with the guy, make him date me. I'll be his 'girlfriend' and he'll be so horrified by someone who is like me that he'll be like 'oh man I have to change' or at least he'll appreciate feminine women more. Because I do not perform either the male or female gender role lol. That won't actually happen I think. I just break up with guys historically not the other way around but yeah lol. Also I guess it's more complicated for them because these women are usually married, sometimes have kids. Imagine having kids. Surreal lol.

    My second ex who I'm still friends with is a more functional and conscientious (it's one of those words I hate lol,) person than me in most ways (so he's sometimes criticised me for my laziness or other things but not in this area, other areas of life. Like when I got really drunk one time, and just my lack of motivation towards work/lack of focus.) First guy was prob like the kind of guys they rant about sort of. He was a gamer and lazy in some ways worse than me in others not. One time he forgot he had food in the oven (this was after we broke up but we lived together with some other guys.) And so he burnt some chicken nuggets so they were basically charcoal (you have to leave them a long time before they get to that state too,) and he let some potatoes sit in a cupboard until they started sprouting all over the cupboard. He still didn't get as messy as I have though at my worst. Another guy I lived with freaked out more about the oven incident than I did actually and then another guy I lived with (not either of those guys, there were so many guys. 5 guys in this house lol. Part of the reason we need more genders is so you don't have to invent fake names. Nobody has ever thought about this advantage. 'The genderfluid person, and the woman, and the man, and the bigender person, and the agender person' so much more convenient because I don't think people remember fake names or names of people they don't know/care about. I'm onto something here.) He was more feminine in some ways (that was the guy I saved from a spider one time had a crush on him never would have worked etc,) and more neat and seemed to like cooking, so he wasn't impressed by this side of him either lol. He was the first person to tell me that you're supposed to wash up glass stuff first. My parents never really taught me or my brother much about most things in life btw (I'm not really complaining but just a statement of fact.) While I was at uni my dad jokingly said to me 'I'm teaching your brother how to cook so we don't make the same mistake as with you' Lol thanks. Yeah. I don't think he really did though but he was doing something at that time I guess.

    If you want someone to come up with a creative way to break Sims games, or kill Sims then I'm your guy.

    Uh I was on twitter and this trans woman I think posted something about having a fantasy where she would just start talking about Sylvia Plath to some guy while he sits around playing video games. And she also kept talking about trans guys. And I was like my moment has come. Someone with insanely low standards. (Actually tbh this generally works better if you're a trans guy or gnc woman because there are people specifically into the novelty of 'oh it's an afab person and they're doing this male stereotype.' This would annoy a lot of binary trans guys but I don't really care in this context.) Also I feel like the idea was that guys don't generally care about eg: Sylvia Plath, but I have lots of female typical interests like that and I've looked into Sylvia Plath a bunch anyway. But yeah I'm not her type still since she likes trans guys who have transitioned of course, and also I guess butch afab people who haven't, and I think one time suggested she was sort of into Kristen Stewart and I don't think I have that vibe or body structure. Also I think she just said a lot of stuff to try and get attention from trans guys because she had an idealistic relationship type in mind of dating another trans person but trans guys don't hit on or approach women most of the time online like cis guys do (even with trans women,) and this was annoying for her. And that circle of twitter would often talk about how most trans guys are gay. But now I'm going into an entire essay.

    I'm really just the worst of all possible worlds. To an almost comical degree. I will write a book. "The tragedy of bisexualish/asexualish-whatever my sexuality is" only joking imagine finishing a book.

    I also can't listen to Louise Perry I get an allergic reaction. So I didn't watch the video I just started reading the comments haha. That's a problem too.

    Edit: So I did start watching the video and she seems to be arguing that it's a choice between patronising 'chivalry' or being assaulted. Like she's happy for guys to hold the door open for her or hold her bags if it means not being assaulted. I don't see why these things are necessary though. Like she thinks that men will assault women if they're not allowed to hold their bags and open doors for them etc? Pretty sure the guys who do that are often sexual sadists or have poor impulse control etc.

    She seems to think women are being told to go back to random guys houses and to take risks. This isn't really the message I got though or that I'm even getting now in left wing circles. There's constant talk about how women aren't safe walking around outside at night and are being raped. Even to the point about fear mongering more about female violence over male violence in situations where men are more likely to be attacked eg: by strangers while walking around at night.

    I think most women are risk averse instinctively so if you give them the freedom to choose they won't do most things that put themselves at risk. If anything they are often too risk averse in a lot of situations. I think this is partly neurological, and partly a side effect of low testosterone levels. And everyone's testosterone levels are lower now which is also why we live in the most risk averse culture that's probably ever existed. Then you suggest we tell girls to be even more risk averse on top of that. Hmm.

    She makes some really retarded points but it's not that she's retarded and that fact comes across very much in her smug body language. She just twists everything to try and get the end result she wants.

    Yeah I can't stand any of these people honestly (if that wasn't obvious,) and I'm lower on the class ladder than any of the women doing this.

    I've spoken about this a few times lol but obviously my mum as a young adult I think or maybe late teens, was with a group of younger girls and she assaulted a guy when he flashed them in an underpass. This in itself is very unusual statistically speaking. So I moved from one extreme reaction to another over the years about this anecdote (since as I said before hearing about this initially upset me though it's difficult to really say why fully as I sometimes don't understand emotional reactions I have. I think it's because my dad shared that info with me and it reminded me of things I disliked about my dad like how he'd get angry and talk about violently attacking people and groups who have annoyed him, and I was very anti-violence etc, though I also have this tendency to get very angry and sometimes have such thoughts,) I think part of the reason for that is that it's kind of a [BEEP] you to their ideology haha.

    My dad has been beaten up by strangers before in my life time this happened once, and two of my brother's friends in high school were mugged. Obviously my mum had that experience in my town decades ago but she would walk back home from work all the time still does walk alone at night, but I suppose they'd argue 'well she's older now so not a target.' I've never had anything happen to me in public while walking around at night alone. A few times homeless people have come up to me asking for money in Derby that's it, doesn't happen here cause there's never been homeless people when walking back from the train station and other areas at night. There are some I've seen there during the day over the years but they obviously don't sleep there. Which is kind of weird because it's empty at night I dunno if there's some security that come round periodically possibly. I don't linger around there to know. Once I walked through London in the early hours of the morning while it was still dark alone.

    Also 'text me when you get home' she brings that up as 'advice you give to girls' this isn't advice that helps in any practical way. It's merely to reassure you about your own anxiety and emotions over a genetic female person you care about being potentially at risk. Anxiety and emotions that you have because you value genetic female life over male. Something that's very obvious when you consider the greater risk that anyone who looks genetically male has while in public that just gets ignored. 'Oh well they can defend themselves though because guys are physically stronger.' Really? Why are so many men and teenage boys killed then?

    If I hear a story about a woman being killed in the UK, I know it's going to be a woman being killed by her ex most of the time. Even in public it's still often somebody's fucking ex:

    Teen dies after being stabbed in neck 'protecting her friend' from lovelorn ex-boyfriend
    If I hear a story about someone being stabbed to death in public in my town I assume it's going to be a teenage boy most of the time. It certainly was in the incident near where I live. And when the two teenage boys decided to have a fight with machetes in the shopping centre. And you know most cases. I don't think this is the worst town in the UK in terms of violence but it's got to be up there it has all the markers of a town that would have a high rate of violence.

    My dad is like this. I mentioned that I went to a concert in London and he was like 'you didn't tell me' we don't live together and I told him last time I wouldn't tell him because he worries excessively before hand (I didn't tell him last time for this reason but my brother did so this time I didn't tell my brother and my brother was like 'yeah they didn't tell me either until the night before and I knew why.' Yes Sherlock lol.) It was insane last time he was looking up my journey and this and that. When I got a coach trip back he found some way to track the coach. He worries even more than my mum. And I know this is ungrateful and I should appreciate this because some people's parents don't care at all. This makes me feel guilty for feeling this way (so now I get to feel two negative emotions.) But it's very uncomfortable for me. I'm not a very functional person so I don't get many opportunities to feel in control and like a normal adult, and throughout my life I've been infantilised by many people for being small and 'cute.' I don't like this.

    My mum sometimes asks me to text her when I get back or if I need anything which I entertain because she's not excessive about this, and doesn't express it in the same way, and also because she's female. I don't like it when men do this if that wasn't obvious (well I don't know if I'd dislike it if a feminine guy did it who I was dating. I feel like the fact that I'm OK with my mum doing it suggests there are other social dynamic reasons, but still my dad worries too much.) He's tried to reason with me before lol by pointing out his mum would do this with him, and that it's not a gender thing (which I didn't bring up myself, which is telling in itself that his mind went there because it probably is!) Because he worries about my brother but it's hard to prove because my brother doesn't often go out alone. But I don't think he does worry to the same extent when my brother eg travels alone sometimes to live with his friend now and then and helps him out. Also he didn't worry when I was living in Derby and going out all the time. I did all kinds of things he never knew about. Or he didn't tell me if he did worry. I think he was going through some stuff in life back then too.

    And as someone with an anxiety disorder who isn't keen to give into the hysteria of my culture it's important to set some boundaries. That's what I'm saying it's like I'm already an anxious person. You're making [BEEP] worse for me.

    You can look at the situations and environments where most violent crime happens. You can look at info about the perpetrators - all that info is out there for anyone who wants to look. But people decide for themselves what amount of risk they're willing to put up with.


    In 2008, records held by the US Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and Office of Justice Programs indicated that arrests for violent crime in the US had decreased since the early 1990s in both children and adults.[160][161][162] This decrease occurred contemporaneously with increasing sales of violent video games and increases in graphically violent content in those games.[163][164]
    Does it matter what you're wearing? Probably not most of the time because if he's not your boyfriend who has some issue with you it's your ex and he wants to kill you because he's your ex.

    Oh I brought up Sylvia Plath before so this is funny (she was upper middle class obviously,) but she has some quotes that always remind me of this ideology:

    Quote Sylvia Plath
    Being born a woman is my awful tragedy. From the moment I was conceived I was doomed to sprout breasts and ovaries rather than penis and scrotum; to have my whole circle of action, thought and feeling rigidly circumscribed by my inescapable feminity. Yes, my consuming desire to mingle with road crews, sailors and soldiers, bar room regulars--to be a part of a scene, anonymous, listening, recording--all is spoiled by the fact that I am a girl, a female always supposedly in danger of assault and battery. My consuming interest in men and their lives is often misconstrued as a desire to seduce them, or as an invitation to intimacy. Yet, God, I want to talk to everybody I can as deeply as I can. I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night...
    Quote Sylvia Plath
    I am afraid of getting older. I am afraid of getting married. Spare me from cooking three meals a day -- spare me from the relentless cage of routine and rote. I want to be free... I want, I want to think, to be omniscient.
    I said this before but I became interested in her because a few years ago I read part of one of her poems that I think someone posted on twitter or something, and I just kind of projected a sort of sapphic story onto it:

    If the moon smiled, she would resemble you.
    You leave the same impression
    Of something beautiful, but annihilating.

    From the poem 'The Rival.' It didn't really make sense for me to do that although I often have over the years more so with male rivals, and I didn't know much about her at the time except that she wrote a book about her life which I hadn't read (still haven't read the whole thing only certain quotes/sections,) and that she was mentally ill and committed suicide.

    It was unusual at the time I think, for portraying sapphic characters:

    Quote The Bell Jar
    As my vision cleared, I saw a shape rise from the bed. Then somebody gave a low giggle. The shape adjusted its hair, and two pale, pebble eyes regarded me through the gloom. DeeDee lay back on the pillows, bare-legged under her green wool dressing gown, and watched me with a little mocking smile. A cigarette glowed between the fingers of her right hand.

    "I just wanted..." I said.

    "I know," said DeeDee. "The music."

    "Hello, Esther," Joan said then, and her cornhusk voice made me want to puke.

    "Wait for me, Esther, I'll come play the bottom part with you."

    Now Joan said stoutly, "I never really liked Buddy Willard. He thought he knew everything. He thought he knew everything about women..."

    I looked at Joan. In spite of the creepy feeling, and in spite of my old, ingrained dislike, Joan fascinated me. It was like observing a Martian, or a particularly warty toad.
    Her thoughts were not my thoughts, nor her feelings my feelings, but we were close enough so that her thoughts and feelings seemed a wry, black image of my own. Sometimes I wondered if I had made Joan up. Other times I wondered if she would continue to pop in at every crisis of my life to remind me of what I had been, and what I had been through, and carry on her own separate but similar crisis under my nose.

    "I don't see what women see in other women," I'd told Doctor Nolan in my interview that noon. "What does a woman see in a woman that she can't see in a man?"

    Doctor Nokn paused. Then she said, "Tenderness."

    That shut me up.

    "I like you," Joan was saying. "I like you better than Buddy."

    And as she stretched out on my bed with a silly smile, I remembered a minor scandal at our college dormitory when a fat, matronly-breasted senior, homely as a grandmother and a pious Religion major, and a tall, gawky freshman with a history of being deserted at an early hour in all sorts of ingenious ways by her blind dates, started seeing too much of each other. They were always together, and once somebody had come upon them embracing, the story went, in the fat girl's room.

    "But what were they doing?" I had asked. Whenever I thought about men and men, and women and women, I could never really imagine what they would be actually doing.

    "Oh," the spy had said, "Milly was sitting on the chair and Theodora was lying on the bed, and Milly was stroking Theodora's hair."

    I was disappointed. I had thought I would have some revelation of specific evil. I wondered if all women did with other women was lie and hug.

    Of course, the famous woman poet at my college lived with another woman -- a stumpy old Classical scholar with a cropped Dutch cut. And when I had told the poet I might well get married and have a pack of children someday, she stared at me in horror.

    "But what about your career?" she had cried.

    My head ached. Why did I attract these weird old women? There was the famous poet, and Philomena Guinea, and Jay Cee, and the Christian Scientist lady and lord knows who, and they all wanted to adopt me in some way, and, for the price of their care and influence, have me resemble them.

    "I like you."

    "That's tough, Joan," I said, picking up my book. "Because I don't like you. You make me puke, if you want to know."

    And I walked out of the room, leaving Joan lying, lumpy as an old horse, across my bed.
    I don't think she was sapphic probably or there's no clear evidence so it doesn't matter (I know people like to speculate on this a lot,) but I thought it was weird how her rival Assia Wevill killed herself in the exact same way she did after her death and also tried to turn into her.

    That's also part of why I'm intrigued by Grimes yeah. But in her case it was also more things she said about gender and not wanting to be infantilised (she said that years ago dunno if she still feels that way,) which I related to. She seems like a complicated figure because she has that history and says these things but at the same time seems to argue conservative talking points as well or pander to that. She doesn't like porn but she likes watching hentai with blue haired women hm. Things like that.

    I'm still loling hard at 'reactionary feminism' btw. Oh you took an ideology I disliked (feminism,) and merged it with an ideology I hate? (reactionism.) Wow. Amazing.

    It's not the most annoying combination imaginable at all.

    Also as an aside (not an aside more like a major fucking issue I have with this entire circle of conservative commentator.) I don't see how things like pro sports are better than gaming if you put aside the physical health benefits. And you can exercise and play games in that case (or exercise and do anything.)

    Joe Rogan is in trouble with the gaming community. In last week's episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, one of the most popular podcasts in the world, Rogan drew a comparison between taking up jiu-jitsu as a hobby and taking up gaming. Speaking as an accomplished martial artist and MMA commentator, he suggested that while jiu-jitsu might offer a person physical fitness, excitement, confidence, and new career opportunities, gaming offers nothing but a dead-end:
    This is stupid because people make careers off of video games now.

    It?s no secret that self-described ?gamers? are disproportionately young and male. And looking down the list of last year?s most popular games, it?s striking to see how many provide a vivid simulation of hyper-masculinity, allowing the player to pretend to be a soldier, gunslinger, warrior, gangster, or heavily armed survivor in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. All fantasy scenarios that provide violence, peril, and (apparently) immense satisfaction for the young male brain.
    And to bring up Grimes I very much share her viewpoint actually:

    "Is it necessary?'

    People can present however they want and if they like having muscles and being really big that's fine - and obviously that in itself I know is a form of competition that most men take part in like women using makeup - that's fine but I don't think this is superior which you're all trying to argue. I don't think it's necessary. And when you take part in pro sports that's a form of competition that you do for fun and/or money but it's not necessary. And if someone instead wants to compete in a video game for fun and/or money there is no difference besides again the physical benefits of getting exercise. It's a form of entertainment.

    Andrew Tate put his brother down for playing video games and Andrew himself was a professional boxer, and that didn't stop Tristan Tate from tagging along with his brother and afaik not being known for doing anything himself - he's famous because he worked with his brother not really as an individual in his own right. And it also didn't stop Andrew from creating a camwork business where they both tricked numerous women into sleeping with them by lying and pretending they wanted a relationship when they didn't, and Andrew allegedly raped multiple women and they were both engaged in Human trafficking.

    But that's the thing right they can't stand the idea of guys not doing anything. She made that clear in one interview lol with Jordan Peterson. Where she was very clearly worried about men having sex robots and then just not feeling motivated to do things. Because men have to work for the sake of it. And that's why they need women as well because if women don't do what they say and play a certain role that is appealing to men + act as cheerleaders than a lot of men won't work any more than they have to, to stay alive.

    Feminists often make the mistake of dismissing this problem, suggesting that we should simply reject masculinity in all its forms, both positive and negative, and offer nothing in its place. But in his comments last week, Rogan offered up one solution, and a far more realistic one, in the form of martial arts -- a fake (that is, ritualised) form of violence, but not a fake form of fitness, since the discipline, progress, and sense of purpose offered by this kind of physical challenge is absolutely real.
    I don't think it's that much of a problem. You're telling me it's a problem. Unless it's bothering the men in that situation it's not a problem. And if it is I don't think taking part in pro sports is necessarily going to help (it's replacing one existentially pointless pass time with another. If it does help it's only because it's viewed as being higher status.) Also the problem with this advice is the kind of stereotypical guy who might be into video games wouldn't necessarily be able to compete at that instead. Maybe in fact they are genetically unlikely to succeed in sports and so instead play fucking video games. Maybe they're really small and don't build muscles easily, and can't compete with other guys and they realised that in school - like most kids do when they're forced to do PE and they just want to play a video game-Lol actually. There's a part of a documentary where Steven Wilson is walking around his old school and he points out at one point how boys in his school tended to either be into sports or music yes I have. I have actually found a way to talk about Steven Wilson in this post. Yes. It's sometime in the first 10 minutes:

    The Insurgentes documentary / road-movie Lasse Hoile made in 2008-9 about the recording of my first solo album has now been remastered and can be viewed here. It?s a snapshot of where I was at that time in my life - having recently turned 40, this period was about taking some new creative paths, and both my solo career and work remixing classic albums began around this time. We had a lot of fun doing the film but it was not the happiest time for me in my personal life (which definitely comes across), plus not everyone got what we thought was surreal and funny. So I think it created an impression of me as a rather dour and over-serious individual that for some people is - understandably perhaps - still their overriding impression of me! Still I'm proud of what we did, and I believe it remains quite unique in the pantheon of music documentaries.
    This is what happens when you had a crush on someone who later comes out as non-binary who never liked you back. You don't realise it at the time, mostly because you weren't hung up on them for a long time and got over that crush quickly and then they were kind of a dick later on, but it still sets in motion a series of events that culminate in this post. Actually that wasn't the catalyst we have to go much further back. Don't find computers cool as a kid, start playing video games, and then around the age of 10 watch a demo disc about game developers with long hair and decide to try and fail to be a game developer. Clearly my problems would be fixed if I became a bodybuilder. "No you were supposed to be a stay at home mum!" There was no reality where that was ever going to happen lol. I've had social anxiety and was a weirdo from day 1.

    Anyway I think video games have replaced music. As this guy says (critically because he's sad that people aren't making music now):

    And then Andrew Tate and 'reactionary feminists' and Joe Rogan and Sneako call them losers and soy boys etc. Even though Sneako doesn't look that masculine and has a history that involves modelling and various other things that aren't masculine and seems the opposite of masculine because he's incredibly insecure about his masculinity. That kid is lost lol but anyway.

    Maybe if you keep harassing the short guy that doesn't build muscles easily and just wants to play a video game and they can't compete at physical sports and it makes their self esteem even worse. And now they can't play video games because you told them that was bad. Now they feel even more shit. Maybe they'll kill themselves. Did you consider that possibility?

    Instead of trying to make money from playing video games. Which nobody tells you is an option they try to discourage you but you can make money from video games either playing competitively, or just making content about the games you play, or modding games - you can get money off creating mods. There's a lot of things you can do with video games. Not that money should be the fucking be all and end all of your fucking hobbies - this culture is so fucking sick. But if you're not doing anything and you're unemployed and want to dig yourself out of that hole and it's the only thing you can do than that is an option you can try.

    Also I think 'positive masculinity' would be things like creating music and art and solving scientific problems or other problems. Obviously creating art and music could also be seen as a feminine thing or an androgynous thing - creativity is arguably an androgynous activity because the people who engage in that behaviour are on average more androgynous it seems from research but not always. There's also masculine people who do and an association with masculinity and creativity as well. And STEM fields are very masculine obviously. Not everyone can do that or wants to but it's an option that's there.

    So again it's not that there aren't lots of things that guys could do. They could learn to play an instrument instead of playing a video game too - it's that they prefer to spend their time - or at least their free time - playing video games. I don't see the problem with that. You think it's a problem because it's not attractive to women and because you think they should be doing something you find more productive to society or that they should be pursuing relationships instead of playing video games.

    So that we can reproduce this madness where we tell girls that they exist to reproduce future generations and shame them when they don't, and men have to work all the time and never have fun. Unless that fun involves building muscles. Wow that sounds great.

    Anyway. If we're playing the 'let's manipulate men into being attractive game.' People keep reblogging this post. Everytime I go back to that website:

    And I'm very biased haha.

    The "crisis in masculinity" seems to be more a fantasy of feminists than a reality. It actually reveals more about the worldview of a certain kind of feminist than reflecting a "crisis" among young men, especially in light of the research which shows that young women are the ones currently suffering from anxiety and depression more than their male counterparts, mental problems that seem to be growing in parallel with men abandoning their traditional gender roles, eschewing marriage in favour of video games.
    Yeah and there's a part of me that still thinks it's a huge insult to the concept of feminism to call them feminists + these women call themselves reactionary feminists anyway which seems like an oxymoron to me. But I never really identified as one in the first place.

    Also the neuroticism is just what happens when estrogen imo. But you can have a research paper saying anything you want. There's even one that suggests white women (specifically white women weirdly) are less happy with children.

    What they want to happen is for women to act as cheerleaders for masculinity and they don't really do that unless you're a famous musician. I don't make the rules. You don't even have to be male you can be Taylor Swift. Apparently. That's why guys hate her so much haha. No but it's so funny:

    When guys do this. It's not that big a deal it's just Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is to them what reactionary feminism is to me. I don't have a problem with people who want to live traditional lifestyles either especially women it's cute whatever. But just like:


    Also that Peter Griffin clip in that guy's video where the girl is talking excitedly about her doll. I've seen that meme before but never watched the whole clip before. It's so sad though. I feel bad for girls who like girly stuff. Cause that is how society treats people with feminine interests. Then when they're adults they get shamed for not being feminine by these same kind of guys and they're just like "it doesn't compute. They were only supposed to be feminine in a way that specifically appeals to me~" OK. Oh well I guess the same thing probably happens with masculine people.

    Him: "Our culture is so sick that instead of focussing on the cruel and unrelenting nature of war, we are for some reason talking about Taylor Swift's boyfriend."

    That's sad too.

    God I hope this is my last rant about this topic lol. I have like 4 topics I just rant about but this one really bugs me. (Actually this post became about a couple of different things because
    I kept editing it.)

    I have to go out too later I think. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. But I don't want to.

    Edit: The case against the case against the sexual revolution.

    Some desires are bad

    Our culture is loathe to call any sexual desire "bad." All desires are to be accommodated and accepted and even celebrated (as long as there is legitimate consent). But Perry uses a gruesome example to present a counterpoint: say that a man purchased a whole, skinned chicken from the grocery store, used it for sexual gratification, then cooked it and ate it. Wouldn?t 99% of us find that utterly repugnant? There is no consent involved, nor no person harmed, but if there is any semblance of conscience and decency within us, we are going to say, "ewwww."
    This is just amazing. It's almost a perfect illustration of how our worldviews differ because that situation doesn't bother me at all and honestly it doesn't even really disgust me personally. I don't really care.

    Ethically speaking I think Humans shouldn't kill animals unless they have to, and there are environmental arguments against the meat industry as it is now too. But in a world where they often do kill and eat animals - most people do or have done at some point in their life I still do consume animal products. I don't think doing something sexual with the dead chicken is that bad.

    You could make a case that it might be a problem from a disease perspective. Which is reasonable I think that's the only decent argument against that behaviour I think personally in a world with animal consumption. I'm not really digging the weird double standard here basically.

    So I know veganism is common among educated people so I had to investigate and...

    I'm a middle-class millennial and intermittent vegan, yet I find Extinction Rebellion insufferable
    Oph. Intermittent Louise? I'm not impressed. That's quite the serial killer behaviour.

    Perry cites a famous slogan used during the May 1968 protests in Paris: "It is forbidden to forbid." But pedophilia and child pornography reveal the moral depravity of such a slogan. Perry describes demeaning and degrading acts committed against women in porn (such as choking and spitting) that have become popularized due to porn. We can objectively say that degrading someone or putting their life in danger is reprehensible, even if one or both parties get excited by it.
    Not a reasonable comparison at all if you have a moral system that prioritises Humans over chickens. And very few Humans do prioritise chickens over Humans or view them the same way instinctively. You have to rationalise why you shouldn't kill animals which is why veganism is somewhat related to intelligence afaik, you also need decent impulse control and probably other traits correlate too. And also if you care about harm. The already dead chicken isn't really going to give a [BEEP] it's already fucking dead. I could be wrong but I don't think the chicken's family is going to care either.

    The issue with choking as I see it is that it puts you at risk of dying. As for degrading stuff that's very subjective. I don't think we should be enforcing ideas universally of what is or isn't degrading - nor can you really you're just shaming people for not thinking like you. I'm not going to stop sexualising male feminisation~ and I know people won't stop finding that degrading.

    Here's her point: If some desires are bad and harmful, then some form of sexual repression is essential (as opposed to unhealthy). "The radical desires of sexual liberals do not work in a world in which human sexuality is not always beautiful but often wicked and repulsive."
    It's OK to just sit there and feel disgusted sometimes and just sit with your disgust without trying to argue that it should be objective and universal truth that it's bad because you feel... Bad about being disgusted? What's the motivation there? It must be something like that.

    Like I'm... I wouldn't say disgusted (not very anyway it's not like the emotion I get when looking at mold growing on food. Ew. That bothers me more than chicken necrophilia man - there's a band name idea there somewhere,) but I don't like raceplay. It touches too close to political issues that annoy me personally and I'm not keen on how it fits into the stereotype of certain men online I guess like they're being cucked by black guys and they have all this insecurity about black men. And even though I like feminisation I'm also not keen on the whole dynamic (which overlaps with race play) of like 'and now you've been feminised no women want to have sex with you and your wife is going to leave you.' It's gratuitous nonsense from my pov. It's not my cup of tea but obviously many people are into it - many of those people into raceplay are right wing in fact potentially:


    (Though they're probably more into it as doms statistically.)

    And that's fine. You do you.

    Maybe I should listen to them though I don't know. Are the authoritarian right telling me they can't control themselves? Like are you telling on yourselves is that what's happening with this whole ideology? Or is it just your supposed sexual interest in 24/7 power dynamics?

    I just don't know. I'm a huge asshole for doing this. All of the most demonised and in some cases illegal fetishes were in their quadrant in that study and I think there are many predatory people who larp as being left wing or who are actually left wing but if you're gonna do this then I'll stop when they do.

    Perry's conclusion: "We should treat our sexual partners with dignity. We should not regard other people as merely body parts to be enjoyed. We should aspire to love and mutuality in all of our sexual relationships?We should prioritize virtue over desire. We should not assume that any given feeling we discover in our hearts (or our loins) ought to be acted upon?Some degree of sexual repression is good and necessary. The world would be a better place if such men were more ashamed of their desires and acted on that shame by mastering themselves."
    Also women are more into BDSM statistically.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  13. #5398
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Perry's conclusion: "We should treat our sexual partners with dignity. We should not regard other people as merely body parts to be enjoyed. We should aspire to love and mutuality in all of our sexual relationships?We should prioritize virtue over desire. We should not assume that any given feeling we discover in our hearts (or our loins) ought to be acted upon?Some degree of sexual repression is good and necessary. The world would be a better place if such men were more ashamed of their desires and acted on that shame by mastering themselves."
    Also women are more into BDSM statistically.
    Perry also points out that "You can do terrible and lasting harm to a 'consenting adult' who is begging you for more." This is why, for believers, two consenting adults aren't enough. We can consent to degrading harmful things. We need a consenting God to ensure that what we're doing is healthy (Perry doesn't make this connection; I do).
    The pill and legalized abortion made extra-marital sex much less risky and much more popular. In addition, divorce became much easier and lost its stigma, but it has also created a host of unexpected problems. Perry cites many who regret their divorces years later (I'm sure these women weren't in abusive or adulterous relationships), and who tell her they wouldn't have gotten a divorce if it hadn't lost its stigma.
    Honestly what the [BEEP] does that mean? And also can women like own their [BEEP] already? They also mention women who created porn and were fine with that or even enjoyed it, but then later regretted it for some reason (sometimes something to do with converting to Christianity lol,) yes the porn will exist forever when it's out there. You should obviously think about that before doing it. This is getting really cringe and old. If you regret a decision you made it's not other people's responsibility to shame and police everyone just so you don't make a decision you might regret. Hell you might regret the decision you were shamed into making anyway and then complain about that instead!

    She seems to be modelling herself as a sort of Jordon Peterson for women, in that she gives clear rules for women to live by. those are:
    Wait a few months before sleeping with a man
    Depending on what you mean by sleeping with I never bothered. I think it was probably a few months in my first relationship before I did anything sexual. I don't remember or care how many at this point.

    Don't sleep with a man if you think he wouldn't make a good father (even if you have no intention of settling down with him)
    Again as I said. But this is a weird requirement for casual sex.

    Don't get drunk or high in the presence of men, even men you know (yeah I know, yikes)
    I did this and don't regret it lol.


    I mean the week long hangover/possible alcohol poisoning probably wasn't the best outcome/plan but still don't regret it.

    "Never trust any men ever. Also get married and build loving and intimate relationships where you have to trust men."

    The maths aint mathing Louise. As usual.

    Don't consume or make porn
    Being a dominatrix is probably pretty fun tbh but I don't have the self confidence for that.

    My girlsona is a dominatrix.

    Get married
    I probably won't.

    I consider myself a left wing feminist, but I still agreed with a lot of it. I also disagreed with a lot of it. My biggest gripe with the book is that for a book titled "a case against the sexual revolution" she has basically nothing to say to men, or to the LGBT community. It's entirely about straight women.
    Good I think it might kill her or something. Though I've seen some quotes floating around that address men.

    No I am not a TERF myself. I also don't feel we can or should throw out an unrelated book on this basis.
    FWIW, I don't think it's entirely unrelated. Perry clearly centers women's identities around reproduction, motherhood, and "traditional" morals and she proselytizes, so I see a big overlap between that and her TERFdom.

    It also seems to me that her rules basically boil down to "passively live your life afraid of becoming pregnant or being abused by men", which does not seem healthy. I think that her arguments will appeal to people with high fear and need for security/safety who do not feel confident in asserting themselves. And I agree with [someone's username] -- that there are relatable things (which probably appeal to the feeling of being unsafe) is typical of entry-level content from extremism pipelines.

    Louise Perry is apparently not just a TERF, but apparently also a FDS ("Female Dating Strategy") fan. Make of that what you will. I personally really doubt that someone who aligns with toxic communities is able to write a book free of that toxicity.
    No it isn't a coincidence many academic terfs were ex Christians or even nuns who just recreated their puritan Christian beliefs as 'radical feminism.

    I read it. My takeaway was that she uses "I'm a feminist" as a cover for thoughts, beliefs, and opinions that are actually anti-feminist.

    There are reasons conservatives like and recommend this book.
    Her views are conservative and reactionary but there are parts of feminism that echo conservative ideology tbh.

    "I see trad people, walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're trad."

    she has basically nothing to say . . . to the LGBT community
    That's not a bug, that's a feature. Both sides of this argument rely on the same fundamental assumption, which is that women's existence is defined by their relation to men. Whether you encourage women to embrace their status as sexual prizes for men or encourage women to resist it through some arcane checklist of do's and don'ts, you're squarely rooted in a heteronormative, patriarchal viewpoint either way.
    Personally I think if she ever had to face the reality of statistics about bisexual women she'd actually have an aneurysm so she can never do that. More on that in a moment lol.

    Perry agrees: "The mainstreaming of BDSM has, firstly, served to protect the interests of men who want to beat up women and avoid being punished for it, and secondly, it has made a lot of money for the porn industry and for manufacturers of tacky leatherette clothing. In other words, BDSM is good for abusive men and good for capital."
    Specifically women have often been found to be more masochistic than men. Which I imagine is a problem for her. They also fantasise about being dominated more than men fantasise about dominating:

    Men (59.6% ) reported fantasizing about dominating someone significantly more than women (46.7% ).
    Women (64.6% ) reported fantasizing about being dominated significantly more than men (53.5% ).

    I love that this is one of the few mainstream studies I've stumbled on that has bothered to separate non-binary people (although it says trans and non-binary which is more vague and it's also a small sample size, but it's a start.)

    Of the 1795 undergraduate students sampled, 13% reported often engaging in rough sex, of which 42% were men and 53% women. Another 37% sometimes engaged in rough sex, of which 40% were men and 53% women. When asked how much they liked rough sex, 33% of the men and 43% of the women responded "very much" (57% of the trans and non-binary), and 51% of men and 42% of women responded "somewhat" (36% of trans and non-binary).
    Surprisingly, women seem to be more fond of rough sex than men. However, men tend to initiate rough sex more often (57% ) than women (38% ) -- 48% for trans and non-binary.
    Bisexual women reported greater rough sex frequency and enjoyment (54.1% indicated enjoying it "very much"). Implications for sexuality research and education are discussed.
    When stratifying by sexual identity within gender groups, frequency of rough sex was found to be highest among bisexually identified individuals (28.9% of bisexual men and 20.2% of bisexual women engaging in rough sex "often"), though these results were not statistically significant among men possibly due to smaller sample sizes of gay and bisexual men (Table 4). More heterosexual men reported initiating rough sex (58.6% ) while more gay and bisexual men reported that their partner initiated the rough sex (69.5% gay men; 68.9% bisexual men). Among women, only 35.5% of heterosexual women reported initiating rough sex, while 43.6% of lesbian women and 51.6% of bisexual women reported initiating rough sex with their partner.
    Interesting. That's actually closer to the rate that straight men initiate compared to straight women. More evidence that sexuality is often more useful than sex differences when it comes to this kind of thing.

    No statistically significant differences were observed with respect to how much respondents who had engaged in rough sex liked it between sexual identity groups among men, while among women, over 90% of bisexual women with rough sex experience indicated that they liked it very much or somewhat.
    Yeah I mean I think they find similar things with sociosexual orientation men don't tend to differ much between sexuality groups but bisexual women are notably different there too.

    We were struck that our participants most often identified choking as rough sex considering that most students in Burch and Salmon (2019) did not endorse choking as rough sex, nor did the student participants in Ryan and Mohr (2005) offer choking as an example of playful force or aggression in relation to sex. Choking was also not included in the operationalization of rough sex by Vogels and O?Sullivan (2019), though it has been included in other studies examining connections between pornography use and sexual behaviors (e.g., Bridges, Sun, Ezzell, & Johnson, 2016; Herbenick et al., 2020; Sun, Wright, & Steffen, 2017; Wright et al., 2015, 2016
    Participants' meanings of rough sex appeared to be multidimensional; Cluster 1 mostly included behaviors that prior researchers (e.g., Vogels & O?Sullivan, 2019) and the students in the Burch and Salmon (2019) study considered rough sex?that is, hair pulling, being pinned down, hard thrusting, spanking, throwing someone onto a bed, and tearing clothes off. Behaviors in Cluster 2 included some behaviors common to prior definitions of rough sex (e.g., biting, being tied up, scratching) but also included behaviors that may be considered sexual assault (i.e., making someone have sex), that have commonly been described by adolescents and adults as scary (e.g., choking, being pinned down, punching, slapping) (Herbenick et al., 2019), that have been described by other researchers as "more violent" (Burch & Salmon, 2019), and/or that appear to be increasingly part of sexual assault allegations (e.g., Moore & Kahn, 2019). We included "making someone have sex" in the series of rough sex items even though we considered it a description of force and assault; yet prior research had included such items, and we wanted to see how our student participants conceptualized it. Although it was the behavior that the fewest respondents selected as an example of rough sex, it was still selected by 17.4% of our sample (N = 830)
    Given students' diverse meanings of rough sex, our findings have important implications for college health professionals and sex therapists, who can support people in learning how to communicate about their specific sexual likes and dislikes to minimize ambiguity.
    It looks like they did ask them for specifics about gender and sexuality so not sure why they lumped them together in that summary I was reading:

    Participants were asked, "What is your gender and/or sex?" (man, woman, transgender woman, transgender man, gender non-binary/non-conforming, prefer to describe). They were also asked their sexual identity (heterosexual or straight, gay or lesbian, bisexual, asexual, something else); relationship status, partner gender (same as own gender, above), among other demographic variables (see Table 1). Additional demographic variables included student classification (race/ethnicity and international student status) and year in school. Students who selected American Indian (n = 6) or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (n = 2) as their student classification were merged with those who reported two or more races to form an "other" group due to small sample sizes.
    stereotypical patterns for initiation only held true for heterosexual men and women and lesbians:

    Consistent with traditional gender ideas about initiating any kind of sex, the men in our study more often reported that they initiated rough sex while women more often reported partner initiation. A closer examination by sexual identity shows that these patterns only hold for lesbians, heterosexual women, and heterosexual men. Gay and bisexual men more often described that their partner initiated rough sex. Bisexual women and TGNB participants were more evenly balanced in terms of indicating they or their partner initiated rough sex. Our findings with heterosexual women and men are consistent with heteronormative sexual scripts that position men as sexual initiators. Our findings for TGNB individuals and sexual minoritized individuals perhaps reflect greater experience challenging traditional gender norms and creating sexual lives on their own terms, though subsequent research focused on such populations and their sexual pleasure and creativity would provide greater insight
    lol 'creativity.' I guess you could call it that.

    We also found that TGNB participants reported more frequent engagement in rough sex and greater liking of rough sex, although most people of all genders surveyed reported liking rough sex ?somewhat? or "very much" and very few (< 2% ) reporting not liking it at all. Heterosexual women generally reported liking rough sex, but less so than others. That said, we specifically asked these questions of people who engage in rough sex with their current partner(s) rather than all participants with lifetime experience of rough sex, some of whom may have stopped if they didn?t like it or lost opportunities to engage in rough sex if their partner does not like rough sex. If we had asked these same questions of all people who had ever experienced rough sex, we would have likely had more people report that they didn?t like rough sex, or only liked it a little. Similarly, we did not ask people without rough sex experience how much they believe they would like it,
    In this random sample of undergraduate students at a U.S. university, we found that participants? conceptualizations of rough sex were multidimensional, with one cluster more reflective of past operationalizations of rough sex and a second cluster that included some behaviors that other studies have described as scary, violent, or as assault. Further, we found that most participants in our sample had engaged
    in what they described as rough sex but that men generally identified fewer of the behaviors we assessed as rough sex. Of those individuals who had engaged in rough sex with their current partner(s), most liked it somewhat or very much, though heterosexual women less often reported liking it.
    Progressive gender segregation??

    Seeing more and more support for women only gyms, women only parking spaces, girl only schools, even women only workplaces. I'm also seeing more women lauding the conduct of men who basically avoid interacting with women in public they don't know.

    Are we coming full circle on the topic of gender segregation? Will religious people get the last laugh? A lot women exacerbated by sexual assault and discrimination seem to be arriving at similar conclusions and even finding common cause with religious conservatives.
    I'm engaging in non-binary gender segregation by rarely leaving the house.
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  14. #5399
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    1. misgendering here is unnecessarily cruel
    2. Idk how to say this without everyone getting mad but a) trans sexuality is very distinct, vore is a disproportionately trans interest and b) interest in misogynistic fetishes is more of a female thing, really quite womanly of her

    Hunter Schafer, trans star in the new Hunger Games movie, said the following in [her] journal which [she] posted on Instagram:

    "My gender was so influenced by a need to be used by men"

    "My sexual orientation was not gay, it was not straight, it was an attraction, is an attraction, always to misogyny."

    "Not feeling femme enough w/o being a victim of r*pe"

    "The idea of being eaten used to arouse me" he goes on to say men eat women, and both men and women fetishize rape.

    He has since deleted this ig post.
    I saw that before ages ago. It was very controversial.

    This kind of thing annoys me too (not specifically her post but the general mentality,) but mostly because it just makes me annoyed that I'm not a masculine cis guy (but not really it's like some kind of non existent archetype, and honestly I think very inspired by porn. Am I going to post this video again? I guess I am lol...)

    I think about it multiple times a week apparently.

    Actually their notes don't address the most annoying part for me of the mentality I'm talking about but it's the idea of womanhood and femininity requiring male validation to be real etc. There's something existentially annoying about it too. I have this issue every time I encounter people with this sexuality. Actually it's mostly trans women specifically or transfemme people where it bothers me. There are many cis guys where I probably wouldn't care. Unless I was attracted to them I guess. Not that I'm attracted to most trans women. I've come across cis women like this too (that's where the term comphet comes from I guess? Or some parts of that.) But I guess I think they're more of a minority and/or I don't care.

    I'm not saying this is a reasonable reaction, I just have a bunch of weird emotional reactions to things. It's really weird. My brain does a lot of things that I just don't understand. Probably undiagnosed autism as I've said before. I don't think most people have such difficulty figuring out why they have certain emotional reactions etc or what those emotions are.. I don't think they're that disconnected from them either. Maybe it's sort of alexithymia too? I dunno.

    Part of this also came from talking to someone on discord who had these views and she was in a long term relationship with an afab non-binary person but constantly misgendered them and it was just all fucking annoying honestly. We were all mentally ill in that server and/or had autism.

    Many years ago when I was in my mid 20s I wrote down a story concept where an alien came to Earth and was in a Human body (there was a reason for this but I forget and cba digging up the notes,) and had to understand the Human emotions they were feeling etc. I guess it's sort of like Resident Alien except my story concept wasn't comedic like that. But, I think that's kind of how I feel sometimes. And then also Humans are often aliens. Sometimes I feel more Human though.

    Anyway I think Contrapoints has sort of touched on this in some videos though. (Not the alien thing lol the 'comp het' needing men to validate femaleness/femininity thing.)

    I've seen other women on here post similar-ish things -- the general theory seems to be that some of us read male desire/passion as more "authentic" (and in porn, it usually is), in addition to the comphet of it all (wanting male validation, etc). There's some part of me that can never fully "believe" female desire in the same way, because in my head women are less likely to lose control in the way that men do and less likely to think with their proverbial (or literal) dicks. The idea of a man being sort of mindlessly turned on is hot to me; it's hot to imagine a woman that way, too, but it's a lot more difficult to picture -- even if I'm watching real/amateur lesbian porn, it's hard not to feel like some parts are fake or staged.
    I think that's common. I found another way around this which is pretty much just being into mindcontrol fetish fiction (though I'm not really reading that much atm.) That way with both men and women they can pretty much just be into anything in that scenario. All of the stuff I read with women involved them being essentially made to really enjoy sex more than anything else (there was a bunch of other kinks etc but that was an underlying theme with a lot of it.) Just getting distracted by reddit posts now lol.... I wanted to find an example of the 'comphet thing' to post but got bored/decided it didn't matter.

    Another thing is just femdom stuff I guess.

    Also interesting that there's supposedly some correlation with vore and trans people dunno if she just means trans women or trans people in general. I'm not into vore at all.

    I often wanna be like yes, trans people tend to be aroused by different things than cis people, and what the [BEEP] is wrong with that? This shouldn't be something you bring up as a gotcha; if anything it's very strong evidence against social contagion theory
    Can you post some examples though? I know a bunch from prior research with trans guys (like mostly being into feminine guys if they're not into women, but these days that's just the 'female gaze' lol) but I imagine they'll differ from what she found in her surveys.

    Ice-cold take- this is probably the exact psychological adaptation you would expect if men had been mistreating women throughout history

    Women end up kinda liking it
    How else are they to cope? It's not like they've been able to fight back
    People have got to stop posting this take lol (no this isn't anywhere near the first time I've heard this.) It's like a form of conversion therapy to turn people off men honestly lol. Not even that... Depending on my mood it triggers some kind of violent reaction lol.

    maybe the age of consent should be lower for boys than for girls
    i have extremely bad news regarding how this would play out in practice

    i guess even more explicitly this sort of experience very probably has a different expected effect on boys when the adult is female vs when the adult is male
    ok, let's lower the age of consent when the older partner is a milf
    Maybe we don't make laws based on straight mens projected desires?

    What if you limit it to straight relationships only.
    If feel like gay men would still be very 😡
    Life is full of contradicting values
    Straight men are cancelled because of the last 5 minutes of twitter. You get a 24 hour time out.

    The premise posted by Aella was based on the results of this poll she posted:

    What's your gender? || If you press the button, you get to magically change your past in the following way: You're 15 years old, you meet an attractive 30-year-old of your preferred gender, who finds you attractive and has really good sex with you. Would you press that button?

    64.5% man | yes
    22.6% man | no
    3.4% woman | yes
    9.4% woman | no
    I find the concept difficult to imagine. This is like a universe where I can enjoy sex? Then obviously I would prefer to have enjoyable sex than to be whatever the [BEEP] is going on with my sexuality now sure. I almost feel like if you take this literally then the answer is obviously yes because part of the question is really good sex. Not 'awkward sex that you develop some kind of psychological complex over.' Though that seems likely to happen in many cases.

    I was writing porn about 30+ year old men in bands anyway when I was 13+ but the idea of having sex wasn't something I considered at all. None of my sexual fantasies back then involved me and most of the porn I read/wrote was gay male too back then so not something that could be recreated irl.

    Told ya, the responses would vary based on gender🙃
    Wow! That result surprised me !!
    Still 2 days to go... But is the psychology of underage relations so seriously gender skewed????
    It's not how a lot of them would have acted if they went back in time honestly and if you replace attractive with 'famous musician/actor they found hot at the time' but they're going to answer based on what they think is sensible as an adult + social desirability bias.

    Nowadays teenagers would say no to that too because it's a very different culture. From around the 60s to the 2000s many teenage girls had sex with famous male musicians or tried to (some underage teenagers,) and then from the 2010s onwards lots of stories about this came out and people had a very different attitude about it.

    Also - this isn't quite the same thing because the age gap is smaller - but when I was 16 during the summer before I started sixth form I was into this guy who was about 20/21 and a university student. We hung out with in this club that was in a pub/bar place where people played card games + miniature wargames and my friend started dating him for a couple of weeks but then she broke up with him. She'd moved to a different town at that point anyway. That was also seen as socially inappropriate by adults at the time eg: my dad when he heard that he was a uni student despite being legal. But teenagers weren't necessarily listening to their parents back then. I dunno if her own parents cared and/or if they encouraged her to break up with him. She didn't seem upset about it (he seemed more bothered than she was actually,) and tbh she dated a lot of guys back then. During secondary school from the age of 11-16 I think at least 7 I'm aware of (not including the awkward cinema guy incident.) One of those guys came out as gay and he also went to that card game place haha (but they dated many years before then.)

    This question is sick. However, no 30yo woman would have sex with a 15yo boy. Whereas 30yo men have sex with 15yo girls all of the time.
    There's an unfortunate number of female school teachers doing exactly this tbh and there's a double standard about it.

    damn women are stupid. truth is women are:

    1) lying and already did/doing this in reality

    2) salty because they couldn't keep mature lover

    3) not doing this because feminism stigma wants mature attractive men for old hags

    4) keeping sex expensive for mature men

    A lot of teen girls did this or similar, probably not doing it now though based on what I see online. I think it's a different culture. Also it's weird to be insulting older (cis) women's sexual appeal and a trans woman honestly...

    Nevermind her entire profile is just tweets about how the age of consent is transphobic and things like that. Just another day on twitter.

    As a 15 year old 30 year olds looked ancient and decrepit
    twinkdeath is so much more brutal than the wall, wow

    Some guys are most attractive in their 30s but they are famous, don't cut their hair, and have vampire aging and crop tops. Some combination of these. + other things I won't say. Cause I'm removing 10% of the objectification. But only 10% lol.

    An open marriage couple once told me.

    There are 2 people with high body counts.

    "Epic conquest" and "impossible standard"

    He then said his wife was on an epic conquest lol.

    I said I have the impossible standard.
    The heart breaker cuts you off first, on a conquest for something.

    The impossible standard is never quite satisfied with their partner.

    Both are at risk of high body counts, especially with the concept of replace, not repair being universal in our culture.
    I don't think these are entirely mutually exclusive. I also could see that with high standards if you're not lazy. I'm lazy and too dysfunctional to date + social anxiety. So I gave up after 2. Otherwise I might have just continued to have a bunch of no doubt failed relationships. There's definitely some alternate reality where I did that.

    Lol reminds me of the weird 23 year old woman who was looking for a sperm donor essentially but then was just going to be celibate after that and wasn't looking for a husband (or a dad for her kids I guess,) "I see where this is going I'm skipping to the end." LOL. Oh man.
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  15. #5400
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    A male who identifies as "female" has been arrested on charges of murdering a female who identifies as a "male" in Porsgrunn, Norway.

    Reporting on the case has prompted confusion after both police and media claimed that a woman murdered a man.
    Was she hot though?

    My response to this is just edgelordism now. (I mean that's the crux of their ideology genetic female victimhood. Irritating. Also it strikes me that debating anything else might be pointless when they have this fundamental worldview that genetic females are worth more than genetic males and so on. Since that's their central belief all other beliefs will have to conform to that regardless.)

    And on and on it goes, the corruption of data and the public record to give the impression that women commit way more male pattern crimes than they actually do.
    They commit more than anyone ever talks about (besides the occasional MRA who is more likely to exaggerate in the opposite direction for obvious reasons,) and they get away with a bunch too because people think it doesn't matter because they have less physical strength and because men don't report them as often.

    By the way trans guys in prison have the same violent crime rate as cis men. When you think about it this could have gone either way:

    So I guess we can all just fight over what we're calling our gender now (technically I'm non-binary but I don't want to be in the same group as terfs so I'm a trans guy now) are trans women men? Are trans men trans women? Who gets to own violence? Why are men people who are violent?

    The genders are (very scientific):

    trans women

    trans man (I wrote man instead of men but that's because there's only one.)

    cis straight women

    lesbians (lesbians overlaps with cis straight women as a gender)

    cis straight men

    gay men


    non-binary + trans person (vague overlaps with bisexuals yeah I'm basing most of this on the sexuality paper I posted about yesterday lol)

    terfs (overlaps with cis straight women.)

    Fundamentalist Christians


    This one reddit thread from before gender critical got banned is always going to stick in my mind since she was trying to document types of afab trans people essentially and form some kind of stereotypical model and then ultimately seemed to argue that 'predatory trans guys' were 'male socialised' (there's lots of terf jargon and acronyms and I cba translating but TIF basically means afab/genetic female + trans):

    While we classify TIMs as AGP and HSTS, I've noticed that there is a lack of consistent TIF typology. So, I went ahead and made one. My sources: almost a year of undercover activity on trans forums (3 different characters, 2 TIFs, 1 TIM), 5 real life run-ins with TIFs (all types), a talk with a female victim of a predatory one, a predatory TIF in my extended family. Warning: upsetting issues ahead - rape, fetishism, violence, mental illness
    ^ very normal. She created three 'types' which she claims can overlap:


    Motivated by societal distress caused by being female. Lesbians, tomboys and/or rape victims. The most known and arguably common type. Most of detransitioners come from this group.

    Sexuality: Either homosexual ("straight" for them) or so obliterated by trauma so as to be completely non-existent ("asexual"). If not asexual, then either masochists/submissive, or "vanilla" (not perverted).

    ID: Most are "men", but there is a significant minority of those who ID as sexless (agender, nonbinary, neutrois etc.). They don't really want to become men, as much as they want to stop being women.

    Detransition rate: Very high. Feminism empowers non-conformists, lesbians, and victims, and so serves as a safe place for them to go. Furthermore, the general society views "I just wanted to be accepted" as an acceptable feminine motivation. The one exception are those who are 10+ years into it, didn’t get any nasty side effects from procedures, and have a partner and a job. They'll stick with the devil they know.

    Common mental disorders: Anorexia, dysmorphia, anxiety, depression, autism.

    Interests: Vary a lot. Plenty of quiet, bookish types. Often some sort of stereotypically masculine sport. Not that many of them are otherkin or furries, but plenty are therians. They often shun stereotypically feminine hobbies they genuinely enjoy and push themselves into things men in their lives do.

    Transition: Baggy clothes, short haircuts, binding breasts. Normal male or unisex names. Hormones. Mastectomy and hysterectomy are common, but phallus is usually not constructed. They mumble something about “not good enough yet”, but it’s actually because they want to desex themselves and find penises disgusting.

    "Goals": Either a normal, respectable dude, or a sexless being.

    How to approach: Gentle conversation is the best. Affirm that loving women is okay, that any "masculine" interest is cool, that she didn’t deserve her assault/trauma – without calling her a woman outright. She has a lot of baggage attached to that word. Slowly build a friendly relationship, gently bring up side effects of hormones and surgeries. Once you see doubt, direct her towards detransitioners.


    Motivated by desire to be special and shallow aesthetics of the gender-special movement. Often there is a mild autoandrophilic element (caused by too much yaoi).

    Sexuality: Straight (or "uwu gay boys"). Some of them identify as bisexual, but it's hard to determine if it's genuine bisexuality or attraction to manly men and she/her "femboys". Fetish-wise, into a lot of weird stuff. Furries, tentacles, latex, transformation, this sort of thing, often as a switch (both the doer and the target of the act). Sometimes come across as pedophilic, due to inappropriate conduct around children, sharing NSFW information with them etc. This, however, usually comes from the "sex positive" ideology, rather than genuine pedophilia (this is more of a "predatory" thing).

    ID: Actually, a minority of them are "men" (I’d say 20-30% ). A lot of them call themselves half man, half woman (bigender, genderqueer etc.) or "genderfluid".

    Detransition rate: Complicated. Young and "out" only on tumblr? Will go away. 25+ and a head of a LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ organisation? Not likely to back down. With every IRL thing done in the trans direction (coming out, hormones, surgeries, legal stuff, joining organisations), the chance of detransition drops significantly.

    Common mental disorders: Narcissism, borderline, schizotypal, maladaptive daydreaming, sometimes a mild form of psychosis.

    Interests: Cartoons, especially anime, drawing, making jewellery (with various obscure flags, to sell on Etsy). Lots of them are otherkin – the more special, the better (fairies, dragons, deities etc.), furries are also well-represented among them. Some of them are self-proclaimed witches or "spiritual" types. Overall they have a very poor relationship with reality.

    Transition: Loads of flag patches, colourful hair, either binding without packing or packing without binding (uwu androgyny). Batshit insane names, often neopronouns. Further transition varies, from all the way to "my body is a boy’s body because it belongs to a boy!" Often get tattoos and piercings.

    "Goals": Feminine bottom gay boy, handsome-but-still-pretty top yaoi boy with a hairless body of a Greek god, or a sparkling hermaphroditic alien who is adored by everyone.

    How to approach: Don't feed her delusions. Don't give her undue attention. Allow her to talk about her gender fluctuations and kin memories, and just go "mhm". No "omg, you're so valid", but no "you’re fucking crazy". Include her in women-only spaces and events, keep her away from [BEEP] spaces/websites. Practical activities, like horse riding or camping are great ideas. The younger she is, the easier for her it will be to shake it off.
    ^ Honestly the way she wrote the goals part still cracks me up. But once again I think jreg did it better with the 'posthuman abomination vibes'

    So she then describes the third type which you can see from the bolded includes that line about 'not socialising fully as female because they lack empathy and enjoy hurting people':


    A complicated, mostly invisible type. Born with psychopathic traits, which causes them to not socialise as female fully (as they lack empathy, enjoy hurting others etc.) and therefore relate to male culture strongly.

    Sexuality: Orientation wise, all over the scale, mostly in the middle. Usually call themselves bisexual or "pansexual", very often "aromantic" (incapable of feeling love). Sadist/dominant, with fetishes like rape, impregnation (with them in the male role), mutilation, cannibalism etc. Often pedos or into bestiality. Two huge elements in this type's sexuality are what I’d call autohybristophilia – attraction to the image of oneself as a male killer/rapist – and corruption fetish – the fantasy of destroying someone, body and mind, and "remaking" them - they enjoy the thrill of exposing children to fetishes or "cracking eggs."

    ID: Almost all "men".

    Detransition rate: Zero, or at least very low. I've never met one that had any regret or doubt, and I've never met a detransitioner who used to be this type. They seem to more self-assured that the other types, have less interest in fitting in, women usually find their company repulsive or dangerous, mainstream society doesn't find "it got me off" a feminine motivation...

    Common mental disorders: Psychopathy, various paraphilias.

    Interests: There is always some strong interest in the grotesque/macabre, horror, gore etc. They like people getting hurt, and watch horror films or even real-life gore like most dudes watch porn. Some are otherkin (usually something vague like "monsterkin", in stark contrast to kweer ones, who have entire characters), but they are less active in the community. Other interests vary wildly, they usually don't obsessively hide "girly" interests like self-hating ones do.

    Transition: Normal male fashion, packing (stuffing underwear) with or without binding. Names might be normal or batshit insane, they are usually less anal about pronouns, whatever they use. Go all the way – hormones, all surgeries etc. Very common of them to take up weightlifting and get tattoos. A lot of them use special huge strapons that transfer sensation or even ejaculate (anatomic autoandrophilia) instead of or before surgery.

    "Goals": The potential to hurt outweights aesthetics. Typically the "ideal body" has huge muscles and a big penis, but it might be very ugly or even nonhuman. Worth mentioning, this is not the same as a revenge fantasy some women (including self-hating TIFs) indulge in. That is "I don’t have power, but if I could hurt the people who hurt me, I'd have power at least over that situation", this is "I like hurting people, and if I had power, I'd hurt them even more/without consequences".

    How to approach: sigh Tell me if you know. I'd argue it's better not to aproach them - you'll get laughed at at best, pulled into a weird mind game at worst. Stay away from them in real life. Out of 3 I met face to face, two were sex offenders and one beat me up. If one is your child - if she's really young, you might teach her empathy and emotional regulation, otherwise you're probably out of luck.


    It's possible for one to be two or all types at once. It's possible for one to pretend to be the other for various reasons. It's possible for a non-trans woman to have some traits of one or more type (if she's at risk of transition and/or a TRA ally).
    That second bolded part cracked me up because these are not clinical types or acknowledged by the trans community in any way.

    Obviously I do fit parts of these especially 2 and 3. But they made it so black/white. I'm only 10-20% evil. (I was going to break that down but I'm pretty sure I posted this before at some point and yeah I'm not into anything illegal and many parts don't fit eg: I like corruption as a fetish but do not like the whole 'egg cracking' thing people do online, but I cba going through it all + who cares anyway.)

    It's kind of fucked but I think this is probably a stage terfs have to move through to see afab people as people. After that I don't know. It's all kind of a lost cause because even with men they are eternally stuck in placing people into a baby/predator dichotomy (this is something Jordan Peterson whines about a lot but it's ironic because it's the standard way women are viewed historically.) And that is itself similar to the madonna/whore complex and the angel/monster dichotomy like:

    In the work, Gilbert and Gubar examine the notion that women writers of the nineteenth century were confined in their writing to make their female characters either embody the "angel" or the "monster", a struggle which they argue stemmed from male writers' tendencies to categorize female characters as either pure, angelic women or rebellious, unkempt madwomen. In their argument Gilbert and Gubar point to Virginia Woolf, who says women writers must "kill the aesthetic ideal through which they themselves have been 'killed' into art".[1][2] While it may be easy to construe that feminist writers embody the "madwoman" or "monster", Gilbert and Gubar stress the importance of killing off both figures because neither accurately represents women or women writers. Instead, Gilbert and Gubar urge female writers to strive for autonomous self-definition beyond this dichotomy, which they see as imposed by a reductionist patriarchal view of women's roles.
    It's also widespread among Humans I think anyway. This sort of binary categorical thinking.

    Violence is in general associated with men, but this is all kind of complicated by the fact that people who defy categories especially relating to gender and sexuality are also generally seen as villains and monsters. And this is widespread in fiction as well.

    Also because of transphobes I still don't know if that reporting is correct because their reporting is normally wrong. They thought that trans guy who shot up a school was a trans woman for ages. Then the few who figured it out switched to talking about how testosterone gives you hulk rage + powers even though there was no evidence he was on testosterone and it wasn't clear from photos.

    Norwegian police report 'woman' charged with killing 'man' after trans male murders trans female | Human Events
    Still a very confusing title from transphobes. But I think the initial quoted interpretation may be correct.

    I like how they only talk about trans women who commit crimes because they have a weird kind of sexist worldview where trans women are the root of all evil, followed by cis men, and everyone born with a [BEEP] is perfect and angelic.

    Also Jordan Peterson apparently took this literally instead of being blatant sarcasm based on their constant complaints about trans women competing against cis women:

    I actually do have a biological advantage at video games it's true. (I know they're talking about trans women it's still true.) Gamer is actually a nationality now. So I'm ethnically gamer.

    what is the word for an ideology that believes that being born with a dick makes you better at literally everything?
    I'm going to challenge Jordan Peterson to a game of Tekken. I will win by merely button mashing with Hwoarang. (With any character probably but Hwoarang became one of my favourites to play starting in childhood.)

    Oh my god. I love that there's like a video of him in every game (or at least game series) at this point:

    ^ that one is actually AI.

    This is always going to be my favourite:

    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

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